HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5769Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. ~,~./"J ~T DATE: .. May .21..,....2003 SAMUEL & LAURA MARSHALL ...................... ISSUED TO ................................................................... Pursuant fo the provisions of Chapter 615 of the Laws of the State of New York, 1893; and Chapter ~ of the L~ws of the State of New York 1952; and the Southold Tovm Ordinance en- titled ."REgULATINg, AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS end the REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS:~. and in eccordence with the Resolution of The B6erd adopted at a meeting held on ~.Y. ~1, . 2Q~..., end in' consideration of the sum. of $.....-200-~-00 '-- peid by ..,.G..¢nte, rh~ook A.r~e~ts---'&' Pta~n'er'~" L'LC ......................... : ........... : ......... of ...-~'.~¢-n-te¢-br°°k','"C°n,n.e~et~eU't'"'"'.,N' Y' end subject to the Terms and Conditions I,sted on me reverse side hereof, of Southold Town Trustees authorizes end permits the following: Wetland Permit to constxuct a two story addition to the existing residence, containing a garage, bedroom and full bathroom gutters and leaders for roof nm-off- staked row of haybales during construction. all in accordance with the detailed specif'matlons as presented in the odginefing application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The seid Boerd of Trustees I~ere- by causes ifs Corporate. S.e. al to. be affixed, end these p.resenfs to the sa d Board~as of th~s date. be subscribed by a '.malord¥ ot . ~. . TERidS and CONDITIONS The ptrmlttee c;o~,;e! k- La,_'rz .¥_arah!!! pan' of the coo~tc~i~ for the issuance of Avenue~ Fisher's Island. N. ¥. ~ the Pemgt do~s under-stol and poescr~ to the roi- 1. That the said Board o~ Trustees sad the Town all damab~ m ~'~ fo~ dsmab~ o[ mi~ ~ ai.,~l~ o~ atlon l~omsed pususm to this 1--,~*; 'sad the ssid l~__~e__ ~ ~t ~ ~ ~'~ f~ s'~ of 24 for ~ ~on ~y ~ to ~ ~ st a 1~ s. ~ ~ ~d ~d w~ ~ ~ ~ ~he Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President \ Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 6, 2003 Centerbrook Architects and Planners, LLC 62 Main Street Cemterbrook, Ct. 06409 SCTM#6-1-4.2 Samuel & Laura Marshall Cresent Avenue Fisher's Island, NY Dear Sirs: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during a Regular Meeting, held on May 21, 2003 regarding the above matter WHEREAS, Centerbrook Architects and Planners,LLC on behalf of Samuel & Laura Marshall applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated April 3, 2003 WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on May 21, 2003 at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WltEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standard set forth in Chapter 97-18 of the Southold Town Code. WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general xvelfare of the people of the town. NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approved the application of Centerbrook Architects and Planners LLC on behalf of SAMUEL & LAURA for a Wetland Permit to construct a two story addition to the existing residence, containing a garage, bedroom and full bathroom gutters and leaders for roof mn-off- staked row of haybales during construction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this determination should not be considered a determination made for any other Department or Agency, which may also have an application pending for the same or similar project. Fee must be paid, if applicable and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $5.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule). FEES: None Very truly yours, President, Board of Trustees AJK/cjc cc DEC Building Department 2 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town HaU.. 5309,5 Main Rcad P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Wednesday, April 16, 2003, the following recommendation was made: SAMUEL & LAURA MARSHALL to construct a two-story addition to 'the existing residence, containing a garage, bedroom, and full bathroom. Located: Crescent Ave., Fishers Island. SCTM#6-1-4.2 The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made. J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services February 20, 2002 RECEIVED Iv/AR g 5 2002 ~EhTE?E-%C:~ APCHITECTS Mr. Michael Losasso Centerbrook Architects and Planners Essexr CT 06426 Re: Marshall Property, Crescent Avenue, Fishers Island Dear Mr. Losasso: I am writing you as a follow up to our recent conversation regarding the Marshall property on Fishers Island. As discussed, I am enclosing for your review and files a copy of permit which we had obtained for the previous owner of the site (Sam Gordon) from the offices of the N.Y.S.D.EC. I have also enclosed a copy of a survey of the site which depicts both the Freshwater and Tidal Wetlands Lines. The N.Y.S.D.E.C. has jurisdiction over all areas located within 300' of areas of Tidal Wetlands and jurisdiction over all those areas located within 100' of Freshwater Wetlands. The N.Y.S.D.E.C. has a setback requirement of 75' from Tidal Wetlands for construction activities and no setback requirements from Freshwater Wetlands but tend to attempt to keep all construction activity 100' from the Freshwater Wetlands whenever possible. In answer to your question on the various N.Y.S.D.E.C. regulations they may be easily accessed at the Department's Web Site (VVWW. DEC.State. NY. US) and then click on regulations. The Tidal Wetlands regulations are found under 661 and the Freshwater Wetlands under 663. It also should be noted that the Southold Town Trustees also have jurisdiction over all those areas located within 100' of all wetlands so any activity located within that area will also require an approval from that agency. Phone (631) 653-0607 · Fax (631) 653-3348 121 Jessup Ave *, 2nd Floor · P.O. Box 447 Quogue, New York 11959-0,'147 As always, should you have any additional questions please feel free to contact our office at any time. SiQcerely, £ ,/Glo . Just mew York State I~epartme?~Fof EnvironmentaI.ConservatlD Building 40--SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 (5i6) .751- 1389 Th~mla C. Jorllng CommtSllonsr Samuel L. Gordon 930 Fifth Ave. (14E) New York, NY 10021 May 19, 1992 Dear Mr. Gordon; Permit ~1-4738-00373/00001-0 '' [n confor~nance with the requirements of the State Unt£ora Procedures .[:'.. AcC (Arclcle 70,ECL) and Scs implementing regulations (6NYCRI[~ ~arC 621) · we are enclosing your you are unable to comply with any conditions, please coat,cC us at the : · above addresS. Also enclosed is a permit sign which is to be conspicuously posted at the project site and protected from the weather, Very truly yours, Mark Carrara Sr. Environmental Analyst· MC/rw enclosure 1-6738-00373/0000 I-O NEW i STATE OEPAI~TMENT O[ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERV~4 PERMIT Under the Environmenlal Conservation Law (ECl.) .May 19, 1992 Hay 31, 1995 E]Permi! to Opetate i Arllcla 15, Title 5: ~ Protection ol Water I I Article 15, Title 15: ~ Water Supply I I Article 1§. Title 15: ~ Waler Transport I I Article tS, Title 15: [---'--I Long Island Wells I XXl Article 15. Title 27: , Wild, Scenic and Recreational I I Rivers ~ 6NYCRR 608: Water Quality Certification Article t?, Titles 7, 8: I'------I SPDES I I Arlicle 19: Air Pollution Control Article 23, Title 27: ~ Mined Land Reclamation I I Article 24: ~ Freshwater Wetlands Article 25: ~ Tidal Wetlands Article 27, Title 7; 6NYCRR 360: Solid Waste Management Samuel L. Gordon Article 27, Title 9; 6NYCRR 373: · Hazardous Waste Man,agement -- Article 34: __ C~lstal Erosion Management Article 36: Floodplain Management Articles 1, 3, 17, t9, 27, 37; 6NYCRR 380: Radiation Control Other: TELEPHONE NUMBER ( 213 370-8040 ITEEEPHONE NUMBER (5161 653-0607' 930 Fifth Ave. (14E), New York, Ny 10021 CONTACT PERSON TOR PERMITTED WORK Glenn E. Just/J.M.O. Consulting Gordon Property- Crescent Ave. LOCATION ~F P"OIECTIFACILITY Fishers Island COUNtry TOWN/~uJLK~.~L~[ [ WATI~RCOURSE/WIETLAND NO. [ NYTM COORDINATES Suffolk Southold Construct a single family dwellin~ a deck~ a crushed stone driveway~ and a septic system. Ail work shall be done in accordance, with plans prepared by Richard H. Strouse dated July 30, 1991, last revised February 12, 1992. By acceptance of this permit, the permlttee agrees that the permit Is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all applicable regulations, the General Conditions specllled (See ReYeree Side) and any Special ~CeOndltloos Iqcludpd as part of this permit. puty xeRxonaL Christine J. Costopoulo8I Irony Beook, Page I of 4~ ! other environmentally deletermus materials associated with the project. Any material dredged in the prosecution of the work herein permitted shall be removed evenly, wlthaut leaving large refuse plle~, ridges across the bed of ii waterway or floodplain or deep holes that may have a tendency to cause damage to navigable channels or to the banks o~ a waterway. There shall be rm unreasonable interference with navigation by the wo~ herein authorized. If upon the expiration m revocation of this permit, the project hereby; authorized h~s not been completed, the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and Jn such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore the slt~ to its former condition. No c~lm shall be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. If granted under Article 36, Ibis permit does no ~Jgnlfy Jn any way that the project will he free from floodinlL If granted under 6 NYCRR Part 608. the NYS Department of Environ- mental Conservation hereby certifies that the subject proje;t wltl not contravene effluent limitations pt other limitations o~ Jtanda,ds under Sections 301. 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (PL 9S-217) provided that all of the conditions listed herein are met. All activities authorized by Ibis permit must be in strict conformance with the approved plans submmed by the applicant o~ his agent as pan of the permit appllcaUoh. Richard H.Strouse Such approved plans w~re prepared bY on 2/12/92 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. The permittee shall require that any contractor, project engineer, or other person responsible for the overall supervision of this project reads, understands, and complies with this permit add all its general, special, and supplementary special conditions. 2. The permittee, or authorized representative, shall complete and return the top portion of the enclosed form notifyin9 the Bureau of Environmental Protection of project commencement. Upon completion of the permitted project, complete and return the bottom portion of the form, along with photos, notifying the Bureau of Environmental Protection of project completion. 3. Markers used by this Department to delineate/define the boundary of the wetland or the extent of the permitted structures shall be left in place and shall remain undisturbed for 1 year following completion of the permitted project. 4. Any work, disturbance, and/or storage of construction eguipment and materials shall be confined landward of the area labelled "Not to be Disturbed" shown on the approved plan and/or to upland (non-wetland) areas more than 100 feet landward of the wetland boundary. DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1-6738-00~73/00001-0 PROGRAM/FACILITY NUMBER Page 3 . Of ~ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION SPECIAL CONDITIONS For Article 2/~ ( Freshwater Wetlands 5. A .~m,w fence or other temporary, project-limiting fence shall be erected prior to the commencement of any construction activities along the upland edge of the buffer zone as shown on tile approved plans, i · 6. Prior to commencement of any construction aotlvttiesr a continuous row of straw bales shall be staked end td end along the base of the snow fence (or other temporary, pr(~ject-1]mittng fence) on the ups]ope or project side of the fence./. The bales . '. shall I,r. m:,intained in place until all disturbed;~'r~as are permam.hl Iy vegetated. Trapped sediments shall be r.emoved to ,an · approw~,~ qdand site before the bales themselves~are' removed. 7. An,' ,h.l.~is, excess construction materials, or'excess excavai,:.d materials shall be immediately and completely disposed of c,n .,n ~pproved upland site more than 100 feet. landward of any .reg.~l.,t~-,I wetland o¥ waterbody. The materials in question sl~all be ~:nil,.d~ly stabilized so that they cannot re-enter any regulated wal..r body, wetland, or wetland adjacent area. 8. A]I t il| shall consist of soil, sand and/or gravel that is free of the fol~owin§ substances: asphalt, slag, flyash, broken concret, e, del,olitJon debris, garbage, household refuse, tires~ ' woody materials including tree debris, metal objects. Iutroducl ion of materials toxic to aquatic life is expressly prohibil ed. ~. The driveway must be surfaced with a pervious .m~t,e~i.al. 10. A1 ] than ] OU roof runoff shall be directed to drywellS iocated greater feet landward of the freshwater wetland botth{]ar¥. 11. U~;e of wood treated with pentachlorophenol or creosote is prohibited. Standard pressure treated lumber is treated with CCA and its use ]s permitted. ].2. Dist. lnbed areas shall be seeded and mulched with a mix of duck mi]l,.~ (Echinochloa crus~alli) and wildflowers. Ground coverage ,,I the end of two growing seasons must be at least 95%~ DEC PERMIT NUMBER 1-4738-00373/0000 I-0 FACILITY ID NUMBER Ro~:~. 319 Stony Brook, NY 11794 Henry G. Williams · ;, .-e.. ~ .~ h~s. ~_ . ~, ~ o'. ~.,~-. ~o~o~a~. ~o'. ~'~ ~' ~ ~'~'~'.~ ~ , , ~ I. _ I_..~ I I/; ~ ~,. ~.~ i I, I~,~ Based on the ;nformation you have submitted, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has determined that the ~ parcel Z~ project Create~ than 300' from inventoried tidal ~,etlands. Landward of a substantial man-made structure greater than !00' in length which vas constructed prior to 9/20/77. Landward of t~e 10' above mean sea level elevation contour on a gradual· natural slope. Landward of th~ topographic crest of a bluff, cliff or dune which is greater than !0' in elevation above mean sea level. Listed in Part 661.5 of 6NYCRR (Tidal Wetlands Land Use Regulations) as a use not requiring a permit Or notification letter of approval. Therefore, no permit is required under the Tidal Wetlands Act (Article 25 of the Environmental Conservation La~). Please be advised, however, that no construction, sedimentation or disturbance of, any kind may take place seaward of the I0' contour or topographic cres~ ~:ithou~ a permit, it is },our responsibility to ensure that ail necessary precautions are taken to prevent any sedimentation or other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface or vegetation in this area as a result of your project. Such precautions may include providing adequate ~ork area between the !0' contour or topographic crest and the project (i.e. a !5~ to 2~' wide construction area) or erection of a temporary fence· barrier, or hay bale berm. Please note that any additional work, or modification to the project as described, may require authorization by thi~ Department. Please contact this office if such are contemplated. Please be further advised that this letter does not relieve you of the responsibi':'o' - . · ,~v ~f obtaining any necessary permits or approvals from other agencies. RECEIVED Jttt~ I.~ 1988 Very tru),;.., yours, · .'~?w'~Regional Permit administrator Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~'Wetland Permit Application ~'~ Major Waiver/Amendment/Changes .~-Received Application: *']]~/~3 ~-Received Fee:$ ~I~I~Y~ ...Completed Application ~-/],~/~ -- Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I Type II Unlisted Coordination:(date sent)_ ,,-CAC Referral Sent5 q/('~ O/~- ~'Date of Inspection: q/!'7/{~3 Receipt of CAC Report: Lead Agency Determination: __ Technical Review: ~'~Public Hearing Held: ~l[~$[t~3 Resolution: Minor APR - 3 2uo~ Southold Town Board o! Trustees NameofApplicant Mr. & M_rs. Samuel and Laura Marshall Address 457 Glen Wynne Road, Haverford, PA 1q04] Phone Number:( ) 610-896-4434 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: I000 - 006-1-4.2 Propertytocation: Cresent Avenue, 620 +/- feet to Fox Avenue, Fishers Island, NY 06390 (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: Centerbrook Architects and Planners, LLC (If applicable) Address: 67 Main Street, Centerbrook, CT 06409 Phone: 860-767-0175 ~ard of Trustees Applicatio~ Land Area (in square feet):. Area Zoning: R-80 GENERAL DATA 120,885,26 sf Previous use of property: Intended use of property: Seasonal Residence Same Prior permits/approvalsforsiteimprovements: Agency New York State Health Dept. Ref. #: 91-50-82 NTSDEC Date September 2, 1993 Permit # 1-4738-00373/00001-0 May 19, 1992 __ No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? x No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Pr~ect Description (use attachments if necessary): The Addition of an attached, two story, 1500 GSF wood framed structure containin~ a ~ara~e, bedroom, and full bathroom. ~ard of Trustees appliaati~ WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose oftheproposed operations: Add±tion to an existing seasonal residence. Area of wetlands on lot: 38,/446 square feet Percent coverage of lot: 3 Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: 84 feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: 98 feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No x Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? 30 cubic yards How much material will be filled? 0 cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: 1: 20 +/- Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: material shall be removed from site. feet Excavated Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): The proposed operations are not anticipated effect to the wetlands tidal waters of the town. Board of Trustees Appli. ca n COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: Are wetlands present within 100 feet of the proposed activity? No Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? No Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated?. (cubic yards) How much material will be filled? _(cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) / , - ,.",,~ ~ ~ z.... . ' ~ / / ~' ' / ~ / ~ ,' ~ ~ I - ..,.o~ ~':'~I "~ ..: -~:~/ i ,. ~ /~ .~. ~ II' IPROJECT I.D. NUMBER I 617.21 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I--PROJECT INFORMATION (To be comDle[ec~ by Applicant or Project: sDonsor) SEQ 1. APPLICANT/SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME Centerbrook Architects The Marshall Residence Addition 3. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipality Courtly Suffolk Cresent Avenue, 620+/- feet from Fox Avenue, Fishers Island, NY. 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: [] New [] Expansion [] MoQificanomalleradon ' 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: Two story, wood frame construction, 1500 GSF addition to existing seasonal residence. The addition includes a garage, guest bedroom, and a full bathroom. I.,tiaHy .034 acres URimalel¥ .0 18 acres ~Yes [--~ No II No, describe briefly Town of Southold Board of Trustees, To~n of Southold Building Department 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTIOH HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? [] Yes [] No II yes, list aqe~cy name an(/ permlffapproval Suffolk County Dept. of Health Services NYSDEC: Permit # 1-4738-00373/00001-0 Health Reference # 91-50-82 September 2, 1993 12, AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL c-XISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MOOIFICA?iON? Centerbrook Architects & Planners, ~LC If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this a._~.~essment OVER 1 No a~verse impacts are ant~czpated. The existing septic system is designed to support one additional bedroom; roof run-off will be collected in dry wells; disturbed areas will be restored prior to removal of erosion control systems. ~ The addition is designed to complement the existing residence matching materials, proportions, and finishes. The addition, like the original house, is sited outside of protested environmental areas. -- The addition does not substantially increase the sites use or intensity of use of None. anticipated. The addition will not change the property's use. None anticipated. None anticipated. PART II]--DETE.n, MINAY]CN OF SiGNIFiCANCE ~To 3e comBleteo by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: ,=or each adverse erfec: ~dendfied aco'¢e, oe~ermine wnet~er ~t is substantial, large, :,moo~n[ or othe~lse stgnlfic Each effec: should De ~ssessed ;n :onnectmon ~tn ,ts (al setdng ii.e. urban or rural); (b) 2roOaDdity of occ~g; (c) duration' (where the apBlioa~ is not the owner} (~rlnt o~e~ o[ pr~rt~) ' (m~l~ ~esm) Southol~ Boa=~ of T~ T~tees on ~ ~hal~, ~rd o~' Tru~tee~ A~pl~o~ion Count~ of Suffolk .~taIe of~ew York swo~x TO B~O~ ~'n-ns_ '~l ¢r Cemmi~oe ,~xpims Oecember g, ...: Vlr~l~Ol . ChaRge of gone ' ' "' ' ~pXu~le O~ bhe TO~ ~ gQubhold? .ReX~tLo~h~_~Xudee . ~ne~mhip o~ (uc .~pXof~nt bF) m co~cakiun Aa vhLuh dabe and ni~n ~hm~e indAeuted, and ~e The ~OV~ o~fi~ Or .mpXuyem ~r ~lm u; he~ apuunot' eibLiKg, pa~a~t, or chl&d Am tcheck a&L ~,m~ mppty)t m ~)) iea ~orporabion)~ uo~pocibion)l . ' appli~anbl u~ ', ' ,y .. ,,:~,~,..' ~.,"~.)~ O~WOnXP~ON'OF ~SbA~IONSIIXP · -' ~.. · .... ,,~.:' '.,',,~.' · ~. ~ ~'' ,..., . ~, ~ ~......~?, . · ,..~:~.:,.,~~,~'~ .., CENTERBROOK 1 March 3l, 2003 Board of Trustees - Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Re: Permit Review - The Marshall Residence Addition To Who it May Concern, Our clients, Samuel and Laura Marshall, have authorized Centerbrook Architects and Planners to submit the attached application for wetland permit review b5 the Board of Trustees for a proposed addition to their existing seasonal residence on Fishers Island (S.C.T.M. #1000-01~6-1-4.2). A check for the $200.00 permit review fee is enclosed. The NYSDEC issued Permit #1-4738-( 0373/ 00f 1-( for construction of the original house on May 19, 1992. Copies of this permit have been provided for your reference. Thc existing house and the proposed boundary of the next' addition are not within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. A copy of the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Map, Town of Southold, Suffolk Count?', New York; dated 8,/29./88; sheet 48-F1 of 49 has been provided for your reference. The sepdc system for the original house was designed to accommodate four bedrooms. The Next' York State Health Department issued Permit Reference #: 91-50-82 for the original system. The proposed addidon uSll increase the total number of bedrooms for the residence from three to four. Plumbing connections to the existing system shall occur within the exisdng residence. Please contact me at (86(I) 767-0175, ext. 209 if additional information or clarification is required. Respect f.ully su~bmitted,, Michael \. LoSass~,/MA - Project Manager MVL:kb Architects and Planners. LLC 67 Main Street Post Office Box 955 Centerbrook, CT 06409 0955 Telephone 860.767 0175 Facsirn,le 860.767 ~719 lastname ~centerbrook.corn Wflharn H Grover, FAIA Jefferson B R~ley FAIA Mark S~mon, FAIA Chad FIo/d, FAIA lames C. Childress, FAIA James A. Coan AIA Charles G. Muellec AIA Susan E. Wieth. Sher, Br/ant Lucero. AIA Roger U. Will,ams. AIA ion M. Lay., AIA Edward J. Keagle AIA Daniel I~. Gl/nh. RA Stecen E. T,ezz~, AIA Henp/ D, Airman AIA Meg Lyons AIA Jeff Gotta. RA cc: CBK Project Team Q: 1100-1 [9t) 1139 113O-drft 1139-£orrespondence I 139-B0ard 0I' Trustees-3-31-03.doc CENTERBROOK Architects and Planners P. O. Box 955 Centerbrook, CT 06409 (860) 767-0175 (860) 767-8719 Fax ATTENTION: L?tter of Transmittal Sent via: Board of Trustees - Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 DATE: April 2, 2003 FROM: PROJECT: SUBJECT: Michael V. LoSasso, AIA 1139 Marshall Residence: Wetlands Permit Review COPIES: DATE: DESCRIPTION: 3 04-01-03 Wetlands Permit Application Package WE ARE REQUESTED SENDING: ACTION: See below MESSAGE/COMMENTS: Please find enclosed three copies of the completed forms for our client's submission for wetlands review by the Trustees of Southold. We have included the information specified by the application forms you provided. If you require additional information, Please don't hesitate to contact me at (860) 767-0175, ext. 209. Thank you - Michael COPIES TO: CBK Project Team, File 1139 The Marshalls (610) 896-4434 ITEMS: This document only This document only VIA: Hand Delivered Fax Signed: Michael V. LoSasso, AIA ,, ~;- .~ ~;~,>; 39.n~. ~ ~ ~ ~°~_ ~ 1 .) SUBDIVISION P~N MADE FOR ANNEal ZABOHONSKI; CRESCENT ,.- ~ ~ AVENUE ~ FOX AVENUE, FISHERS IS~ND, NEW YORK; SEPT 1, 1981; ~ ~ ~ SCALE,, 1"=50" By CHANDLER, PALMER, ~ KING, ~ ~, ~r~ .... ~ ~URA B, MARSHALL; CRESCENT AVENUE; FISHERS IS~ND, NEW ...... ~ ...... $'-' '" -- ' % C.AN~LE~, ~AUMgR ~ KINO; NORWICH, CONN. NOTES ~ ~ ~ 1,) THIS SURVEY WAS PREPARED FOR THE PARTIES AND PURPOSE PURPOSED AGREED TO BETWEEN THE CLIENT AND THE SURVEYOR O EXCEEDS THE SCOPE OF THE ENGAGEMENT, o 2,) IT IS A VIO~TION OF THE STATE EDUCATION ~W FOR ANY . . ~N .......... PERSON, UNLESS ACTING UNDER THE DIRECTION Of A LICENSED X / / ~ ELatiOn3.30' TOP OF IRON PIPE ~ND SURV~OR, TO ALTER AN ITEM IN ANY WAY. ~ 3.) ONLY COPIES OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH THE ~ND ~ ~ ~' ~ :::~// " ~ / ARE THE PRODUCT OF THE ~ND SURVEYOR' ~ ~// ~ 4,) COORDINATE DISTANCES ARE MEASURED FROM U.S, COAST AND · GEODETIC SURVEY TRIANGU~TION STATION "PROS" ~ 6.) TOTAL AREA = 2,77~ ACRES, M H 7,) SITE IS LOCATED IN R-80 ZONE. / M/L/CENT MANHOOD DATE; 0 /27/02 SCAt[: 1"=20' OUAll~ CONTROL CERTIFICATION N/F NOW OR FORMERLY 2,0 lO o 2o GROUP R~EWED ~ATE SF SQUARE FEET GRAPHfC SCALE IN FE~ SHEET