HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-5811 ·,...........'..:y~.,....,........ .·,.·,.·,.'f. '.'..... . . I.". .". .'. .'. '. '.".'. . .. . ...,. . . . '~~-L....!........~..": TERMS and CONDmONS Leonard Orr 'The Permittee residiog at 300 West End Ave.. New York 10023 N. y~ as pan. of the coosideratioa for the isSu.oœ of die Permit does Þ""". ,t.owI and prescribe to the fol- lowing : t. That the said Baud of Trustees and the Town 01 Soucho1d ate rdeosed from ur¡ and aU damages, or cWms foe daaJascs, of suits arJsiøg directly or iodire<:dy as a result of ur¡ opec- adon performed piau""t to chis permit, and Ihe said 1'-... ¡"'" will, at his or W own ~. defend ur¡ and aU Aich suies"ln!.l·wf by IbI.rd ponies, and the said...· ,¡'r·e -- fa11 JiaIXIit]' wiIh mpca thueto, to the compIeteeulasåoa af the Boud 01 T.- 01 the TOWIi 01 SoaIhoId z. That chis Permit is· w1id fOe . period af 24 mas. which is c:oasideœd to be the estimated time· requited co complete the 100<1< in'lOhed, but iboaJd årcmDsronccs warnor, n>que$t for an exœøsion may be made to the Baud ar a later cIacr. 3. That chis Permir sbouId be retained indeCaoitely, lOr· as loog as Ihe said Permittee wisbcs to . ",.in,./n the sttuaute or. project involved, to provide evidcnœ to ur¡oae cooceroed chat anth- .orizatioa was originally obtaiaed. 4. That Ihe work .involved will be subject to the inspedioa and appronl of the Board or its agents, and noa-clOmpliancewilh. the prOYÏsioos 01 the or1W...ti..g applicatioo, may be CItISe for te\'OCaâon of chis Permit by ~luâOC1 of the said Board. 5. That Ibere will be no untØsoo.b1e intedereoœ wiIh na,.jgation IS a result of the ...-k berdn ...'rborized. . 6. That there ibaU be 00 Interference wiIh the right of the public to pass and repass doag the beach between high and low water marks. . 7. That if future operations of tbe Town af Soutbøld requke tbe remooa1 and/or a1tendoas ia the 1oaâon of the 100<1< berdn ...~e<!, lOr if; in the opIøIoo of the Baud 01 Truscees, the. wade sha11 cause unte2soooble obsttuctlOC1 to free aavigatioo, the said Peønittee will be required, upoa due aotke, to remove lOr alter chis work or project bereia stated without e..J>e"S<t to Ibe TO'IVD . of Sonlbold. .' 8. That the said Board will be notified by the Permittee 01 the ~. Of be 'IVOIk anIh- arized. 9. That the Permittee will obtain aU ocher pennies and cooseais d1at may be nquired lap- pJemeota1 to chis permit which may be subject to revoke upoa failure to obtain same. ~ . . Albert J, Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P ,0. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 22, 2003 Keith B, Neilson, PE Docko, mc, P,O, Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 RE: LEONARD ORR PRIVATE RD., FISHERS ISLAND SCTM#4-7-14 Dear Mr. Neilson: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, October 22,2003 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Docko, Inc, on behalf of LEONARD ORR applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated September 19,2003, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on October 22, 2003, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 97 of the Southold Town Code, 2 . . WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of LEONARD ORR to remove one of two fixed wood pile and timber piers, 80 (+/-) If. X 7' wide, Reconstruct the remaining 80 (+/_) If. X 7' wide fixed wood pile and timber pier and replace an existing float with a new 8'X 20' float waterward ofthe apparent high water line, Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed, Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification, Inspections are required at a fee of$5,OO per inspection, (See attached schedule,) Fees: None Very truly yours, ph.-t' ?- ~ (} Albert J, Krupski, Jr, President, Board of Trustees AJK/lms /\\ ~', /" \\\~{;~ FISHERS ,I / /' \ ~?" ISLAND ¡ I·~ ~ t:::1 1=1 1::=1 (jJ '_ TOVVN OF 1000 0 L-'~7: . )r,---'::fC?~~H,/OLff' ~ _____/ /(\ ", I " (\ \",' ¡'\, ?i \ "< <, ~--L--r~¡'-" / -- -~- '---. \ ) i ~ I __ " / "N/F PROPER1Y . : Ij " \ \ OF IRWIN· / I / )~ ,I. ",--___iL--~'· -''---.,. ,'" )'l,~::i i ~ ..~,,,,,,,,, (' . ft ('......) . -, "~"ì -----T -'" L.fl/.,....· I ;r U /" " ',/ l I " i.; . I I " ~. . '--'~ ..... " " a.' PROJECT: ., .\ ) . I I SITE FIXED PIER RECONSTJ<UCTION . . -' ..' .' PROPER1Y '<'\ <:,'-.- \........, .t / ! OF ORR t·.....·, ..:: ''':;::::-.\ ,,\. ,..... ... . . ¡" '.-....... ,." '\. - - \..-...... '-', I ,._', . .""-........ J ) .-. "........, - -''-'-'~ . - - ....... -'- -.-'-'-'" þ.,..-........ ........ '-' . /.-........ , - -.- '-'-. .' ............... . . N/F PROPERTY OF - .......-.-._. ._./.-. ......./ NATURE CONSERV,"\NCY BLOCK S0~ .......r ISLA-NO '~ ~"-/E~LL P~N SOUND ~ DOCKO. INC. Kert+1 B. Neilson. PE Mystic. CT 06355 860. 572 8939 F,A,)( 860. 572 7569 EMÞJL: docko@snet.net No.TES: 1. ELEVATlo.N DATUM IS: ME.ANLO\\lWATER 4. PRo.JECT PURPo.SE: THIS IS A P!<JVATE Do.CK Fo.R RECREAllo.NAL BOATING. 5. THESE,APPUCATlo.N DRAWNGS REPRESENT.A Co.MRLAllo.N o.F SURVEYS Fo.R PERMrf PURPo.SES. THEY ARE NOT Co.NSTRUC1lo.N Co.NTRACT Do.CUMENTS. 6. ADJo.lNING PROPERlY OWNERS: EAST: Jo.HN AND JE.ANErr IRWIN, III 58 CLlFFDAlE Ro.AD GREEN\\1CH, CT 0.6831 WEST NATIJRE Co.NSERVANCY C/o. NEW yo.RK REGlo.NAL o.FRCE 415 RI'v ER STREErr, Fo.URllO FLo.o.R TROY, NEW yo.RK 12180. 2, TIDE D,,,",TA IS TAKEN PROM 20.0.3 No.AA TIDE TABLES REFERENCE' WATCH HILL POINí. 3. PROJECT DESCRlPTlo.N: REMo.VE ONE o.F TWO. FIXED wo.o.D RLE AND 11MBER PIERS, 80 ,LF BY 7-PT WIDE. RECo.NSTRUCT THE REMAJNING 80. ,LF o.F 7 -PT \\1DE FD<ED Wo.o.D RLE .AND TIMBER PIER AND REPlACE AN EXISTING Fl-OAT WITH A NEW 8 X 20. FLo.,,",T, WATERWARD o.F THE APR"-RENT HIGH WATER LINE, / / GRAPHIC 5C.ALE r = 500 I 500 I 500 PROJECT: 250 o LOCA.TION- ~~E'~~;~ , y..¡;c, _._ _ 1", . ~/.';.'/~KV'~! ";'.' '. rF"¡,,-C' -', 'f'-)rJ';-¡' .- '; " ::"~-I t:' . - , \ . ~ , l \ , . ~ ! \, ~' \ ... _r' , .,.' ,..... - / ~ .. , "'-:...:" " WATERWAY: DATE: ÞPPU'::::,ANT: AGENT t-..e11't1 Ned=", D.;,<::~",lnc 916 2003 1C'53.o..M On_IC.:t"9 " " " " '" " " " " \, LOC..-A. TION r--L-A.P I>EFERENCE C.-r : 12372 GRAl'l-iIC SCALE IN YARDS I 1000 ~EP 1 ...J.....-.-.-.-.-. ~ South old Town Board,ofImstees \ i \ i) ". B..-A.RLEY FIELD COVE 5 . .. - - - - FIXED PIER RECONSTRUCTION FISHERS ISL-AND, TOWN o.F SOUTHOl-O SUFFOLK Co.UNTY, NEW YORK B.ARLEY FIELD CO'v E MAY 77. 2003 LEo.NARD o.R!< SHEET 1 o.F 4 D\VG 0.3-01-1383 \\: - :1 III CONCRETE \, ,J I \ . SEA\VAL~ ~\', ) I I- ý~ß~X "-l / j I" . · :/ I II_ · j¡If" ...... . f / / l . Ð<JSllNG ;j RLE STUB [TYP) '1:) / / " . ,~QG'&. . . 0: /I. ('I '" ...... \ II, "'J' S~~A'j 1.-,0 Ð<JSllNG7-FT",b~\" " 'A¡1~ ~ ,~", -¡. FIXE~~~\ ~NG"" / . -47\ FAl:EOF I.) -10 -15' '\ -47 'SEA\V'Al'L. ../...... \ ..././ "--ALWL ./ ~. >,-5.0 RE~NS OF./ /'/ -1.0' -25 -30' -4.9 V< \ SUPPORTPIL...ES /"'-MH\VL EXISTiNG "\. 5íEP 5 X 15 FLOAT____ '\ " - _ ,OECK EL 5.31 TO BE REPLACED ~ -3.:' SITE PROPERTY OF ORR . ~_. o , " . - " L.A\\'N BEGINNING PIER EL 95'J; . " . . SPAA1lN" MARSH " . " . . " , , , " . ',:ø '4/ ...-:::·r ~~ -14 , "EXISTING Pier< . TO Be ReMoveD , .- .~ . ~y .;i7...... -;:;:;;.- "--ALINL MHWL"C== - -25 SUPPORT PILes ::-':c>- WITH CLAMPS Pr<evIOUS LIMIT OF FixeD Pier< TO Be ReMOveD . -5.5 · -5.5 -37 , -5.3 . -54 . -"...- -2.2 . _47 ,,-54 -2.0 -5.3 < -53 -1.9 . -37 BARLEY FIELD COVE -'- -'- . -19 -53 -17 , -3.0 ~ ~ ~'"~,~ ~ ~ ~~ -23 EX/ST/NC7 C~NDITI~NS GR.APriIC SCALE ,. =.30' I 30 P1<OJECT: FixeD P R Rec~ 3020100 COCA TlON: RSHEKS ISLAND, TO\NN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NE\\/ YORK BARLEY RELD COVE MAY T1. 2003 LEONA,R[) ORR W" TER\V" Y D"TE: APPLICANT: l AGENT: SHEET 2 OF .:.J. DOCKO. INC. Kei"m B. Neilson, PE Mystlc, cr 06355 8605728939 F-">( 860 572 7569 EMAJL-: do-:;ko@snet.net DWG 03-01-1383 Ke,TJ, Ne.I~. Doó-Qlr;c 9162003 10<i.ð AM O~~..28 j.~>I NEW RAIL (TYP) ,h / I I ~' I I I "/ I I I / / I I ',J¡Ý~:,C . ). S~WÞ<-L. ,h / / i ,03 \\.... h / /.l \\. '-)1 II" EXI:l1N~'" , \\~." j/ / -I/¡rJ). RLE STUB (TYP) '-- - ../ _/7? J. ,AL\~'/L-/~ ... MHWL-r /;' I .I. (.I . \ ( " , SPAAl1NA ~\. ). ee "., , ~\ \ L ,\, . ~'-'-' "" -/?Þ'" LAWN SITE PROPERlY OF ORR ._::,_~E"L ·'I>..J....'2f:-:Ü \~ ;ç( /" '. : -~-i f ... .L '"' SPAATI~A / / -10 C c" '"" ,e ';/ . / . "I'(~ .----' // "~. . . ) ~ M~~ ->5 ' "./ ./ , ./ , ,./ ./ -./ -10 . . ././"'- ,,-WL ./ y,:ffl:''i:- BEGINNING PIER EL 9.3 :0 s AH\vL ALONG FACE OF 5EA\V,AU. " . -26 -JJ' . " RECONSTRUCTED 7-FT WIDE FIXED TIMBER PIER -2.5· EXISTING PIER REMOVED - ~ -'. DECK EL 5.3 :0 -25· -30'· LADDERS NEW 8' X 20 FLOAT -3.2 END DECK EL 4.5", -14, ,,, '~ ~ APPROV1-~ ,,' . IJOARD 0;-' '10WN OF §OUTHOLD [:.iT Ictt- o} - - ~':'''2.o . -55/ BA1<L FIEL COV ," NEW PILE MOUNTED,,, , FLOAT RESTRAINT _",pIPE (TYP) 4 ~ . Ü IE ~ IE ~ 'W [E:,~:__ . I , ~, ~_ :-1_5 ~ "~ P N G ICSC,A.L,E ,.= 20 10 0 20 PROJECT: FIXED P R REC~õ~(J¡,1iON LOCATION: FISHERS ISLAND, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK BARLEY FIELD COVE MAY 77, 2003 LEONARD ORR \VATER\VAY: DATE: APPLIC.ANT ,AGENT SHEET 3 OF 4 DOCKO, INC. Keith B. Neilson, PE Mys1ic, CT 06355 860 572 8939 F"0<.' 860 5727569 EMAJL: docko@snetnet DWG 03-01-1383 Keirn Ne.15Q~. D"""".lr'IC 9.·lé '.:.2003 10": '''' ->M o~~ ..3B~....g RECO.NSTRUCTED 7 FT WIDE FIXED PIER END ELEVATIO'N 45 ± NEW PIPE RESTRAJNT (TYP) NEW STRINGER (TYP) NEW SUPPO'RT r PILE (TYP) ! u. NEW SPLiT ---'u.'AHWL3,J'< CLAMP(TYP) -.-.- MHW2.6' --- ..- ---ÄL\\'1- 0.0 ----- - ---- -~--. :W 8' X 20 FLO'AT .¡TINUO'US FLO'ATATIO'N BOTTOM SEDIMENTS: S.AND . - ! ' , END 'v/IEVV SCALE 1·,,10' MAX SLO'PE 7:70' NEW SUPPO'RT PILE (TYP) RECO'NSTRUCTED 7 FT WIDE FIXED PIER ELEVATIO'N 5.3 ± STEP DO'WN BEGINNING ELEVA TIO'N 93 ± LAWN ( BRUSH ) r NEW RAIL (TYP) NEW PIPE RESTr<AINT\ U I (TYP)" NEW LADDER (TYP) _ o· _~ " i ,END EL. 45 ± / , EXISllNG ' , SEAWALL , ' "', , I 1---- I I II EXJSTING ROCKS '/ I . . NEWCRO'SS~! NEW8'X20FLO",T_ BRACING (TYP) wiTh CO'NTINUO'US FLO'ATATiON PRC::>FILE ,AH"v\IL 3.7 'j: !'1fiW~"!: ----""L,',L"-',-" B.JITC"r-1 SEDI1"'1ENTS S"'NC' æ II~ ~ IJ o ... ~~ PROJECT FIXED PIER SQL~~Q!il, T~'Nn FISHERS ISLAND, TOWN OF U1\JI' "1'---IWt,e: SUFFOLK COU . 'I<J~ 10RK-- BARLEY FIELD CO\/E M"Y 77,2003 LEONARD ORR SCALE '·,,20" LOCAllON' .J WATERWAY: DATE: APPLICANT AGENT SHEET 4 OF 4 DOCKO. INC_ KeITh B, Neilson, PE Mystic, CT 06355 860 572 8939 FAX 860 572 7569 Er1ÞJL docko@sner.net D\VG 03-01_1383 KermNeilsor1,Doo..Qlnc 9,'6.200310~3 "'M O,,_.:1-Bdv>g . . Telephone (631) 765-1892 Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the South old Town ConserVation Advisory Council held Tuesday, October 14, 2003, the following recommendation was made: LEONARD ORR to remove one of two fixed wood pile and timber piers, 80 (+/-) If. X 7' wide. Reconstruct the remaining 80 (+/-) If, X 7' wide fixed wood pile and timber pier and replace an existing float with a new 8X 20' float waterward of the apparent high water line. Located: Private Rd., Fishers Island. SCTM#4-7-14 The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made, , . . ,. Docko, Inc. , p,o, Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 (860) 572-8939 Fax: (860) 572-7569, e-mail: docko@snel.net September 15, 2003 Mr. Michael Vissichelli U,S, Army Corps of Engineers Jacob Javits Federal Center, Room 1937 New York, New York 10278-0090 Re: Leon Fixed Pier ~~ï ~ ~C3~ ~ Dear Mr. Vissichelli: On behalf of Mr. Leonard Orr we request a Department of the reconstruction in Barley Field Cove on Fishers Island, New York. following in support of this pennit application: South old Town y Pen1l.itrf¡ We enclose herewith tbe .:. Two prints each of plans titled: Applicant: Date: "Fixed Pier Reconstruction" Barley Field Cove Fishers Island, Town of South old Suffolk County, New York Leonard Orr May 27, 2003 Project: Waterway: Location: .:. Two copies of Corps of Engineers and NYS DEC Application Fonns, Location Map, Tax Assessor's Map, photographs and NYS DOS Federal Consistency Assessment Fonn. I trust that you will find this application package complete and acceptable; please let me know if the need for further infonnation arises. Very truly yours, DI7°¡J¡) lë«N~ilson, ~ KBN:jm Enclosures CC: Leonard Orr NYS DEC: Environmental Pennits Town of Soutbold: Krupski File: 03-01-1383 ORR APPLICAT!ON FOR DE.MENT OF THE AR~IY PERMIT . IO~1ß APPROVAL NO, 0710-003 . 133 CFR 3251 PublIc reponing burJen fur this collection of inFùrmation is estimated tu úveragL' 5 IUluls pèr response, inc!uJing the timc lor reviewing instructions, searching existing data sour¡,;cs, gathenng and maintaining Ihe data needed, and compktiug and n:viewing ¡he ..:ülb:tion ufinfÙrJTUHioJl.. Send comments regarding this burden estimate of any oltu~r aspc.::t orlhis collection of information, including sugge:aions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washingwn Headquarters Service Directorate of of Int'0nl¡ation Operations and Reports, 1215 JeOèrson Davis Highway, Suite Ji04, Arlington, VA 22202-ß02; and to the Office of Management and Budgel, Pupemork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washingwn, DC 20503. Pleas~ 00 NOT RETURN jOur fonn to cithcr dthose addresses. Completed applications must be submiued to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of (he proposed acri\'it}' PRIVACY ACf STATEMENT Aulhority: 33 USC 40 I, Section 10, 1413, Section 404. Principal Purpose: These laws r¡;:quire p~rmits amliorizing activities in, navigable waters oFthe United States the discharge of dredged or fill material into wat¡;:rs of the United States, and the rransportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it into ocean waters. Routine Uses: Information provided on (his limn will be used in cvaluating Ihis app!i..::uiun for a pennit. [)i~closure: Disclosure of requested inFormation is is voluntary, IfinFonnation is not prúviJed, however, the pcmllt appli.:atiún cannot be pr,)cessed nor can a pemlil be issued. One set oforigm31 drawings or good reproducible copies whi..:h show the Joc3tion and dl3racter ofthc prupo,>cJ activity must be attached to this application (,>ee sample Jrawings and Instructions) am! he submitted tú the Di~triet Engineer having jurisdiction or the proposed aclivity. An upplication that is not completed in lùll will be rèlumed. II/EMS 1 [fIRU ~ TO ilE FILLED SF TIlE CORPS) I APPLICATION NO. 2 FIElD OfFICE CODE J. [JATE RECUVm 4.DA TE APP. COMPLETED 1/'£.\/5 8EI.OIV TO ill' Fll.LED ilF API'LlC[Nr j AI'P¡,ICANTS NAME S. AUTllOIUZEfJ AGENT'S NAME & TITLE L.EONARD ORR DOCKO, INC. THOMAS C. L.A W 6. APPUC AN f'S ADDRESS 9, AGENT'S ADDRESS 300 WEST END A VENUE p, O. BOX 421 NEW YORK, NY 10023 MYSTIC. CT 06355 7 APPLICANTS PHONE NO'S W/AREA CODE [0. AGENTS PI lONE NO'S W/AREA CODE it J{¡:"IJeJh.:e ;1. J{t,>idcn.:c b Bu~illess (212) 956-t63:! [,. Business (860) 572,8939 II. STAlE1\IENT OF AUT! IOIUZATlON I hereby authorize, DOCKO, INC. 10 act in my b.:iÌ<J!f as my agent in the processing üf t!lis 3pplication and tu furni~h, upon request, '''PPlcm<''I''[Ultonn~õi~ 0;10; !r/3 APPLICANT'S SIGNATURI::: DATE LEONARD ORR NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ,ð"CTlVITY 12 PJ{OJECl NAME OR TITLE (See mstruclluns) FIXED PIER RECONSTRUCTION IJ NAME or WATERßODY, If KNOW (if:tpplicablc) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (ifapp[icabk) BARL.EY FIEL.D COVE PRIVATE ROAD, FISHERS ISL.AND 15. LOCATION OF PROJECT SUFFOLK NY COUNTY STATE 16. OTIIER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, Ir KNOWN, (See in:.trw.:tions) LAT. .Jlc 16' 37" N, LONG. no 57' 14" W 17. J}[RECTlúNS TO TilE SITE TAKE EAST END ROAD TO L.AST COM~'ION DRIVEWAY, I MILE BEFORE FISHERS ISL.AND GOL.F COURSE. EN(ì FORM 4345, F~b l:1)JTION OF SD> 91 IS OBSOLETE. (Prop,onenr:CECW-OR .. . . . IS. Na(un: of Activity (Description ofprL''J<:d, in.::!uJ~ all fea(urc~) REMOVE ONE OF TWO FIXED wùOD PILE AND TIMBER PIERS, 80 (+1,) l.F X 7-FT WIDE, RECONSTRUCT THE REMAINING 80 (+1-) LF X 7-FT WIDE FIXED WOOD PILE AND TI~mER PIER AND REPLACE AN EXISTING FLOAT WITII A NEW 8' X 20' FLOAT, WATER WARD OF THE APPAREN I HIGII WATER LINE. 19. Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, sc~ ins(r\J THIS IS A PRIVATE DOCK FOR RECREATIONAL BO, USE BLOCKS 20·22 IF LHŒOCEO ANl)¡()I~ l-'ILL !\.1AT[RIAI,IS TO BE UISCIIARGED 2ù. Reason (s) for Discharge N/A 21. Type (5) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Ea¡,;h Type in Cubic Yanh N/A 22. Surlöœ Area in Acres (,I \Vellands or O(II.:r \\'arcrs Filkd (see instructions) N/A 23. Is ."vl} Puniùn oflhe \\'ork Already Complete" Ycs NoX IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, [to.: , Whose Property Adjuins the WaterboJ} (ifnh \I] .:an be entered here, please attach a !>uppkmentalli!>t). WEST: NATURE CONSERVENCY, CIO NY IŒGIONAL OFfCE, 415 RIVER S I FLOOR, TROY, NY 12180 EAST: JOHN AND JANET IRWrN, III, 58 CLlFFDALE ROAD, GREENWICH, C1 voð3 I 2S List ufOlher Certifications or AppwvabJDenials Rc:cci.,.·eJ from oUler Fcderal. Statc or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application AGENCY NYS DEC !'OWN OF SOlJTIIOLD TYPE APPROVAL· IDENT. NUMBER DATE APPI.IED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED ·Would include but is not reslricted to zoning, building and flood plain permits. SIGNA TLIRE OF APPLICANT LEONARD ORR DATE Thc appli..:ation must bc signed by the person who desires to undertake the propo~d activity (applicant) or it may be :,igned by a duly authorized agent ¡fthe statcmelH in block II has becn tilled out and signed. I~ use. Section 1001 proviJ,;s that. Wh~vcr, in any manner within I.hejurisdictioll of any department or lIgene)' ûf!hc Unired States knov.mgly and willfully faJsifics, conceaJs, or covers up any trick, schc:me, or discuises a materiaJ fact or mukes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makcs or uses any labe wriling or document knowing same 10 contain any false, Iktitious or fraudult:n! ~tatcmelHs or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 ur Imprisoned not more than live years or bOlh. ·U,S.GPO: 1994·510-178/820 18 " . . DockoJ Inc. P.O, Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 (860) 572,8939 Fax: (860) 572-7569, e-mail: docko@snet.net September 15,2003 NYS DOS Department of Coastal Resources 4 I State Street, 8th Floor Albany, NY 12231 Re: Leonard Orr, Fishers Island Fixed Pier Reconstruction To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of our client, we submit the attached Federal Consistency Assessment Form for fixed pier reconstruction in Barley Field Cove on Fishers Island, New York. We enclose herewith the following in support of this permit application: .:. Two prints each of plans titled: Project: Waterway: Location: "Fixed Pier Reconstruction" Barley Field Cove Fishers Island, Town of South old Suffolk County, New York Leonard Orr May 27, 2003 Applicant: Date: .:. Two copies of Corps of Engineers, NYS DEC and Town of Southold Application forms, Location Map, Tax Assessor's Map and NYS DOS Coastal Management Federal Consistency Assessment Forms, I trust that you will find this application package complete and acceptable: please let me know if the need for further information arises. Very truly yours, DOCKO,~~ l n LÇ¡¿~~o~ KBN:jm Enclosures CC: Leonard Orr NYS DEC: Regulatory Affairs Town of Southold: Krupski File: 03-01-1383 ORR . 'Uu,..~ ........ Iv......I'IIMUCIIllc:1"4 t"'t(Ul,;iKAM An applicant, seeking a permIt, license, waiver, certification Of similar type of approval from a federal agency which is subject to the New York State Coastal Management Program (CMP, shall complete this assessment form for any proposed activity that will Occur within and/or directly affect the State's CoaStal Area ThiS form IS intended to assist an applicant in certifying that the proposed activity is consistent with New York State's Cfv1P as required by U.S. Department of Commerce regulations (15 CFR 930.57(. It should be compO/eled at the time when the federal application is prepared. The Department of State will use the completed form and accompanying Information in ¡Is review of the applicant's certification of consistency. Federal Consistèncv Asse~c;ment Form . A APPLICANT 1. Name: LEONARD ORR 2. Address' 300 WEST END AVENUE NEW YORK NY 10023 3 Telephone' Area Code (212) 945-4632 B. PROPOSED ACTIVITY 1. Brief description of activity: REMOVE ONE OF 1WO FIXED WOOD PILE AND TIMBER PIERS, 80 (+1-) LF BY 7-FT WIDE RECONSTRUCT THE REMAINING 80 (+1-) LF X 7·FT WIDE FIXED WOOD PILE AND TIMBER PIER AND REPLACE AN EXISTING FLOAT WITH A NEW 8' X 20' FLOAT, WATERWARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH WATER LINE 2. Purpose of activity· THIS IS A PRIVATE DOCK FOR RECREATIONAL BOATING 3. Location of activity· SUFFOLK County FISHERS ISLAND TOWN OF SOUTHOLD City, Town or VIllage PRIVATE ROAD Street or Site Description 4. Type of federal permit I license required. US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS 5. Federal application number, If known· NOT YET KNOWN 6. If a state permit I license was issued or is required for the proposed activity, Identrfy the state agency and provide the application or permit number, If known· C COASTAL ASSESSMENT Check either "YES'" or "NO" for each of the following questions. The numbers foJJowing each question refer to the pOlicies described in the CMP document (see footnote on page 2) which may be affected by the proposed activity. YES NO Will the proposed activity result in any of the following: a large physical change to a site withm the coastal area which WII! require the preparation of an environmental impact statement? (11, 22, 25, 32, 37, 38, 41, 43). b. Physical alteration of more than two acres of land along the shoreline, land under water or coastal waters? (2, 11, 12,20,28,35,44). . . . . .... . . . .. c. Revitalization I redevelopment of a deteriorated or underutiJized wateriront site? (1). d Reduction of existing or potentral public access to or along coastal waters? (19,20). e. Adverse effect upon the commercia! or recreatlona! use of coastal fish resources? (9,10). f. Siting of a facility essential to the exploration, development and production of energy resources in coastal waters or on the Outer Continental Shelf? (29) g. Siting of a facility essential to the generation or transmission of energy? (27). h. Mrning, excavation, or dredging activIties, or the placement of dredged or fiJJ material in coastal waters? (15, 35). Discharge of toxics, hazardous substances or other pOllutants into coastal waters?(B, 15,35) j. Draining of stormwater runoff or sewer overflows into coastal waters? (33) . k Transport, storage, treatment, or disposal of solid wastes or hazardous materials? (36, 39), I. Adverse effect upon land or water uses within the State's small harbors? (4). -L -L -L ---'L ----"- ----"- ----"- X X ----"- ----"- ----"- 2. Will the proposed activity affect or be located in, on, or adjacent to any of the following: a. State desIgnated freshwater or tidal wetland? (44) b. Federally designated flood and I or state designated erosion hazard area? (11, 12, 17) c. State designated significant fish and I or wildlife habitat? (7). d. Stale desIgnated significant scenic resource or area? (26) . e State designated important agricultural lands? (26), f. Beach, dune or barrier Island? (12). g. Major ports of Albany, Buffalo, Ogdensburg, Osweg0 or New York? (3). h State, country, or local park? (19,20) Historic resource listed on the National or Slate Register of Historic PJaces? (23). -L -L X -L -L -L -L -L -L . 3. Will the proposed activity a any of the following: . c. d. e. a. Waterfront site? (2. 21,22). . . . . . . . , , , . b. Provision of new public services or Infrastructure rn undeveloped or sp:::Jrsely populated sections of the coastal area? (5) --:: . Construction or reconstruction of a flood or erosion control struelure? (13, 14, 16), State water quaJity permit or certification? (30, 38, 40) State air quality permit or certification? (41, 43) , ..1L ,............, -'L ---"- ---"- ---"- 4. Win the proposed activity occur within and / or affect an area covered by a State approved Local waterfront revitalization program? (see policies in local program document) ...1L D. ADDITIONAL STEPS 1. If aU of the questions in Section C are answered "NO", then the applicant or agency shall complete Section E and Sub the documentation required by SectIon F. 2. If any of the questions in Section are answered ~YES", then the applicant or agent is advised to consult the CMP, or where appropriate, the local waterfront revitalization program document. The proposed activity must be analyzed in more detail with respect to the applicable state or local coastal policies. In the space provided below or on a separate page (s), the applicant or agent shall: (a) identify, by their policy numbers, which coastal policies are affected by the activity, (b) briefly assess the effects of the activIty upon the policy: and (c) state how the activity is consistent with each policy. Following the completion of this written assessment the applicant or agency shall complete Section E and submit the documentation required by Section F. E. CERTIFICATION The applicant or agent must certify that the proposed activity is consistent with the State's CMP or the approved local waterfront revitalization program, as appropriate. If this certIfication can no! be made, the proposed activity shalt not be undertaken. If this certification can be made. complete thIs Section. "The proposed activity complies with New York State's approved Co<!stal Management Program, or with the applicable approved local waterfront revitalization program, and will be conducted in a manner consistent with such program.~ Applicant f Agent's Name: LEONARD ORR Address: 300 WEST END AVENUE NEW YORK NY 10023 Telephone: Area (212) 956-4632 Applicant I Agent's SIgnature: --- ~¿c ~ Date: 0'{'7{ëv F. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1. The applicant or agent shall submIt the foHowing Gocuments to the New York State Department of State, Division of Coastal Resources and Waterfronl Revitalization, 162 Washington Avenue, A!bany, NY 12231. a. Original signed form. b. Copy of the completed federal agency application. c, Other available information which 'liould support the certification of consistency. 2 The applicant or agent shall also submit a copy of this completed form along with his f her application to the federal agency. 3. Ifthere are any questions regarding the submission of this form, conlacl the Department of State at (518) 474-8000. -These state and local documents are available for inspection at the offices of many federal agencies, Department of Environmental ConservatIon and Department of State regional offices, and the appropriate regional and county planning agencies. Local program documents are also available for inspection at the offices of the appropriate local government. ,2, , . . Docko, Inc. , p.o. Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 (860) 572-8939 Fax: (860) 572-7569, e-mail: docko@snet.net September 15,2003 NYS DEC Environmental Permits Building 40, SUNY Stony Brook, NY 11790-2356 Re: Leonard Orr Fixed Pier Reconstruction To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of Mr. Leonard Orr we request a Tidal Wetlands Permit including Water Quality Certifications, as necessary, for fixed pier reconstruction in Barley Field Cove on Fishers Island, New York, We enclose the following in support of this permit application: .:. Four prints each of plans titled: Project: Waterway: Location: "Fixed Pier Reconstruction" Barley Field Cove Fishers Island, Town of South old Suffolk County, New York Leonard Orr May 27, 2003 Applicant: Date: .:. Four copies of the NYS DEC Joint Application, including the Short Environmental Assessment Form, Tax Assessor's Map, Photographs and Location Map. I trust that you will find this application package complete and acceptable; please let me know if the need for further information arises. Very truly yours, DOCKO, INC, ~¡M)dJ-- Keith B. Neilson, P.E. KBN:jm Enclosures CC: Leonard Orr US ACOE Town of South old: Krupski File: 03-01-1383 ORR JOINT APPLICATION FOR PERMIT *". , I '" . JJ" 95·19-3 (8IOO)pfp ~ New York State United States Army Corps of Engineers 1. Check pennlts applied for: A.ppl,¡:;¡¡Dlelù agenCIes IInd perm,l categones listed in Item 1. Ple .. read aU ,nsll\JcIJons on back Atlach aa( ¡\Jonplmrormatlol'l as nøoded. Please print J&gIbly or Iype. 2, Name of Applicant (Use full name) LEONARD ORR Telephone Number (daytime) (212) 945-4632 NYS Dept. of Environmental ConMlVation o Stream Disturbance (Bed and Banks) o o o o o o o o o o o o o Navigable Waters (Excavation and Fill) Docks, Moonngs or Platforms (Construct or Place) Dams and Impoundment Structures (Construct, Reconstruct or Repair) Freshwater Wetlands Tidal Wetlands Coastal Erosion Control W~d, Scenic and Recreational Rivers 401 Waler Quality Certification Pokable Water Supply Long Island Wells Aquatic Vegetatioo Control AquatIC Insect Control Fish Control NYS OffIce of General Services (State Owned Lands Unaer Water) o Lease, license, Easement or other Real Property Imerest Utility EBSement (pipelines, conduits, cables, etc.) o Docks, Moonngs or Platforms (Construct or Place) Adirondack Pari!; Agency o Freshwater WetJands Permrt o Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers Lake George Paril: Commission o Docks (Construel or Place) o Moonngs (Establish) US Anny Corps of Engineers o o o Section 404 (Waters of the United States) Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act) Naltonwide Permit (5) Identify Number(s) For Ag6ncy Use Only: DEC APPLICATION NUMBER US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Mailing Address 300 WEST END AVENUE Zip Code 10023 Post Office NEW YORK 3, Taxpayer ID <If applicant IS not an individual) 4. Applicant Is alan: (check as many as apply) o Owner 0 Operator 0 Lessee 0 Municipality! Governmental Agency s. If applicant is not the owner, iaentify owner here - otherwise, you may- provide AgenVContact Per¡on information. Owner or Agent/Contact Pen!ion 0 Owner [2] Agent !Contact Person Telephone Number (daytime) KEITH B, NEILSON, P,E, DOCKO, INC, (860) 572-8939 Mailing Address P. 0, BOX 421 Post Office MYSTIC, State CT Zlo Code 06355 6. Project I Facility Location (mark location on map, see instruc¡ion 1a.) Countv: Town!CitvNdlaoe· Tax MaD Section! BlOCk. ILot Number: 1 000,004-7,14 SUFFOLK SOUTHOLD, F,I. Location (Iflcludlfl : SUeet or Road) Teleohone Number fdavtime\ (212) 945-4632 PRIVATE ROAD Post Office Location Coordinates: FISHERS ISLAND 7. Name of Stream or Waterbody (on or near pro;ect site) BARLEY FIELD COVE 8. Name of USGS Quad Map: NEW LONDON, CT·RI-NY NYTM-E NYTM-N 4 9. Project Description and Purpose: (C~tegory of Activity e.g. new constructionfinstallation, maintenance or replacement; Type of Structure or Achvlly a 9 bulkhead, dredging, filhng, dam, dock. takmg of water: Type of Materials and Quantities: Structure and Work Area DimenSIons: Need or Purpose Served) REMOVE ONE OF TWO FIXED WOOD PILE AND TIMBER PIERS, 80 (+/-) LF X 7,FEET WIDE, RECONSTRICT THE REMAINING 80 (+/-) LF X 7-FOOT WIDE FIXED WOOD PILE AND TIMBER PIER AND REPLACE AN EXISTING FLOAT WITH A NEW 8' X 20' FLOAT WATERWARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH WATER LINE, ropose o 11, Will Project Occupy Stata Land?0 D Yos No 1/1/04 5e: 12, Proposed Start Date: 13. Estimated Complellon Date: o Pnvale Public Commercial o 10/1/03 14. Has Work Begun on Project? (If yes, attach D explanation of why worK was started WIthout permit.) Yel) 16. Will this Project Require Additional Faderal, Stale, or Local Pennits? o No 15. list Previous Pennlt I Application Numbers and Dafss: (If Any) o v" o No If Yes, PleaseUst. US ACOE, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 17. If appllcanl Is not the owner, both must sign the application I hereby affirm that information provided on this form and aU attachments submitted herewith is b'ue to the best of my knowledge and belief. Faise statements made herein afe punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Seclion 210 45 of the Penal Law. Further, the applicant accepts full responsLbillty fOf ell damage, dlrecl or Indirect. of whatever nature, and by whomever suffered. arising oul or the project described herem and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits, actions, damages and costs or every name and description resulting from said project. In addition, Federal Law, 18 U.S.C., Section 1001 provides for a fine of nol more than S 10,000 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both where an applicant knowingly and wiUingly falsifies, conceals, or covers up a malerial fad: or knowingly makes or uses a f~I"': fiet' ousl or fraudulen! statement Date tÇ?¡L~ d )Signature of Applican! Title Date 'qL¡¿ '7:fgnature of Owner TiUe . r PROJECT ID NUMBER Ie 617.20 APPENDIX C STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM for UNLISTED ACTIONS Only (To be completed by A plican! or Project Sponsor) . SEQR PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION ,. APPLICANT I SPONSOR LEONARD ORR 2, PROJECT NAME FIXED PIER RECONSTRUCTION 3.PROJECT LOCATION: FISHERS ISLAND, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Municipality SUFFOLK County 4. PRECISE LOCATION: Street Addess and Road Intersections, Prominent landmarks ate - or provide map SITE IS LOCATED ON A PRIVATE ROAD ON NORTHWESTERN MOST SHORE OF BARLEY FIELD COVE 5, IS PROPOSED ACTION: D New D Expansion ø Modification I alteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: REMOVE ONE OF TWO FIXED WOOD PILE AND TIMBER PIERS, 80 (+/-) LF X 7 FEET WIDE. RECONSTRICT THE REMAINING 80 (+/-) LF X 7 FOOT WIDE FIXED WOOD PILE AND TIMBER PIER AND REPLACE AN EXISTING FLOAT WITH A NEW 8' X 20' FLOAT WATERWARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH WATER LINE, 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTEO: Initially 100 +/. acres Ultimately acres 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER RESTRICTIONS? ø Yes D No If no, describe briefly: 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY ø Residential D Industrial D Commercial OF PROJECT? (Choose as many as apply.) DAgriculture D Park I Forest I Open Space D Other (describe) 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (Federal. Slate or Local) 0Yes D No If yes, list agency name and permit I approval: 11. DOES DYes ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR ø No If yes, list agency name and permit' approval: APPROVAL? PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT I APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant 'Sponsor Name L Signalure If the action is a Costal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment . . LEONARD ORR PHOTOGRAPHS I c~':¡;:.-:_ ._"',c ¡ - - - ~,~ 1111. :''''. . r"'r~' :,~--r~~·,:~~~1~JW1~ -.-.- -, -íJ I"~""'~-:'" _'" ' c r '>_,...:,.. -I[;:1-~7' ....f - --,"~- 5~~~':' - ABOVE: THIS PHOTOGRAPH SHOWS THE EASTERLY OF TWO WOOD PIERS, THE PIER TO BE REMOVED. BELOW: THIS PHOTOGRAPH SHOWS THE EASTERLY PIER TO BE REMOVED AND ITS PROXIMITY TO THE TIDAL WETLANDS AND POINT OF ORIGIN AWNG THE EXISTING STONE AND CONCRETE WALL. ~,. , ' ':~~~v.,~r«?"::~:'~b.",~~ :':'. ,;a, .<. ~, ".'~"" ,,', . 'r":'" ' . " :: \:;~'.';."....:",~"~' '.1,1'," ,,~..".:... .: ,,":' . ~ :', , " : , ',"'. ,.,.' " ..... \'. " ,- , \?J' - ..... - ~, . . LEONARD ORR PHOTOGRAPHS . "Uk '>fi". - - . - .~-- -- ~ -=--,~~..- . - '. -,,_.'.< Îd~~; Í""'~.*'-'-"""., '.. >--¡i.¡G.¡¡.1{~· j:¡>""'= . '-' "'rJi~ 1"._ '. _..,:~_..:;' - - ,." ',' .. . '--~.':="-. .. ,"~ - - .' - '_n_ --..-,,--_._-~' . --- ~ , ABOVE: THIS PHOTOGRAPH SHOWS THE WESTERLY OF THE TWO PIERS, THE PIER TO REMAIN AND TO BE REBUILT. DOCK COMPONENTS ARE: UN-TREATED OAK AND FLOAT CAN BE SEEN TO THE WEST OF THE PIER'S END. BELOW: THIS PHOTOGRAPH SHOWS THE SOUTHERLY END OF THE WEST PIER AS VIEWED FROM THE EAST PIER. NOTE THE END OF THE PIER ELEVATION IS APPROXIMATELY ONE FOOT BEWW THE REST OF THE DECKING LEADING BACK TOWARD SHORE AND THE FLOAT IS TIED OFF, WEST OF THE PIER'S END. THE END OF THIS PIER AND FLOAT IS CLEAR OF ALL ADJACENT TIDAL WETLANDS AND PROVIDES ACCESS TO THE DEEPEST WATER. ,r~;'l~¡~tf:'W' .' {~~!:t. , '4"-~' /':! :~}~-" 11-,1. ......øiltz~t:::. - : í· '. _.:..'''._---~;¡- ~ _t .,'r~ ,¡¡;~~íY:¡:~ . . . l ,~ _.~..:::.~:":..:~~:.;::.!'- , . t . . LEONARD ORR PHOTOGRAPHS ~ ~ " . _"~~'u - ~'. ~~ ,-, - --. :.\',' '" ABOVE: THIS PHOTOGRAPH SHOWS THE MID-SECTION OF THE WEST PIER WITH THE FLOAT JUST BARELY VISIBLE AT THE LEFT AND THE TRANSITION TO THE LEVEL FIXED END TO THE RAMPING SECTION LEADING BACK TO SHORE. BELOW: THIS PHOTOGRAPH SHOWS THE LANDFALL OF THE PIER WITH THE ANGLED SECTION LANDING FLUSH WITH THE TOP OF THE CONCRETE WALL INDICATING THE TWO WERE BurL T AS ONE PROJECT. THE PIER CROSSES NO TIDAL WETLANDS. ~. . . .;. ''''-!lJ.'''II. .¡¡'I'I'''..·.·JfOI''''''''''.''''. '''·..'TI?! "4'iJ" " I I ~~ ~_,: t';~,.¡ b ., .. , ¡ '.. /,,~. ~ ......,~'\;i..~ ~' -' __ ""-.. .1 W ~I;, ;~ß ~k¡-~ J' . ~~ ~., J' , '~ --....',. ... "II! '___,,,, \ ~ ' '. '-...-.~"-..,~'~!!! ~. -- \';I"t" ~~\! ' ht ~~. .~, . . . - I \o~\}Q~c-~- £"\(J . - \Z t~-~O\' -------- ¡ - ---- ---- -- /f/"¡ ----- LOCATION MAP " PROJECT: WATERWAY: LOCATION: üFIXED PIER RECONSTRUCTION" BARLEY FIELD COVE FISHERS ISLAND, TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK LEONARD ORR MAY 27, 2003 1 vo':ng. ",,~~L ,~~6_J¡.' ¡, . 1- ' Rack " 1 .'!> ('0 I I ---- -i! '....-- ..- WlcopaSSBt " ,I 'I..&(? , C':;:, ",J,I~I~nd i '0- <1'.,,', I' ..;~ :: <I- +~, _I ,,/ " 'J ~'-"'.;:" ':-~ +:~~/j~ __._r.~~<t_"':~_: ~'_ r.~.L~. > <_,. =-~f-,;; '.-; ~ast Þo.nt tl'tJ> --- '·1 ',. -, ,,-,~\ (,51.01 ~ ~~',ð Q :"'F Sh~"~;:)sjan;--'-:';';\_:'I:' ;~:;l.!,~-' _ \l~í:y--F'o~ é _~c-> , -,'. / coU~try:CIIUb-,-,_.(', ',' "':. ,L" f 1/.oIIJ··') :,-, 'i~'I'- </, >;'Í~~~'~ I,' I', i r I ....1_-7-- I " '1' II," '-00"," I~" (I '-, ~ 1'1 ' ,~ .... ~ _. Pi".. - ~ ,? ' , 1"'- f(-~ Islands .~~-:_ '<, 1\ "'." } ~ II ~ I, fl" Ea~t '\ ,I. j'.!'---'t/'''~'? c:, "1' I ~::>- :,'-!:J(~:;:r:..~'-Y \1 6 ..\~ liarbor"J .,:/ ":\:".....~~::.. ~ ,,,,-- Í\ ~1 ,/" J . 6' I +',':; /'. ,,~'v 1. - I~'-~ .' I' _?',' -----,(.:~', ;'-:,::'. " _ ., I ' L- ",. ~ '¡Foo' ,II .' ~,V I. . . ", .- - -'\, )... I./'L,\ "< Q 0: '> ',~) "'-1 "~:''::.-, / ~}/~ .;.. _I'.:<d' /, -, ' ..." ,. _~.. ." .... -'I 'I ,-, -/ {f;,'/ ";:'-'1 '-' ,'"" . I j'-' ',!" ,'. "f) ",,-,l--~ 'Ji--' r -..,:' />".... -. <,' -, -,.::"~"n_.,¡-!,~,:''Vre¡::k - -J ~~, '~'_'L__I ,£__\.(,---;0, ,..,.::Y.-.--J-<'---j_,-",,-.' ~. ISlarlc:l ;;;'E;0J~r.~(~.~f;l ?p};.;' il/~~~~':::;::-----'i:{{\__~~. ¿.i J4(f'T:,:~. '<?f"'~[Y '---.. ¿ '''-----,,.-- j;~'''';~: :., OJ 1'( 6 . '---1\~~ __<:- ' " -- ~' 5-" . ;::':'" '',.~é{,----;,-"~~rt'.'· I' . "~:l- '. , -~~~--aM I," "" '"''''''-0=';' -. OJ /.'. '1 r" , ',,' 5\ l',-"'N"r>,_'t-, I f,,\ I . ' ..... ", A~.··'" 'IJ ' "'--"\1"\..' '<). (,~.... ';-\h'¿.',".I.t . I ,0<: a!~;;;---'-¡T ~'D':1l) -~ l I ,.,6 __ __ .. - (nnl 1 [ [ '\'' ---.. ',I East Clump I APPLICANT: DATE: " " -l- --- I + " __on " , " ---~- .....--- 6il .ó" -- - ~- " I" 1 I I I I- I " \ ,'5 .Ò " 1 s L ,0 þ.. 1'1 v I" ,90 . 1 - I f, o I L lZ! I I, I ~~IG ~ I i'i I ~ 174' r --,---- c " tn ¡.--- .- , " .,~o ,.0 "~1'..""., ._, .., . ' . ;~...,.~-~ .. ~~!~1I'-' .. l~" .'. 1____.: - ~_.. ',.- ." ',' ,,'-,.' l@'+ ~ .."". ou.[ (. too 2 T AX ASSESSOR' MAP 004, SECTION 7, LOT 14 I!O ,~J~l~<~~::o " ., \ í:' ,1 ' . '-;;' '.....7~:O''!, ~ . 10 '\ - Q3" .~ ". / ,... ~ \, , . " \ PROJECT: WATERWAY: LOCATION: "FIXED PIER RECONSTRUCTION" BARLEY FIELD COVE FISHERS ISLAND, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK LEONARD ORR MAY 27, 2003 ¡LAND SOUND APPLICANT: DATE: '" '" "' R ,.-.--.,,-.,. ~ ;/ (-~~"".."". \~'/~""" " .. \ \\ ~ , " ¡' c ____- ",:~'ð /' '<.((,~ /, 1 'f.Q.'Z. . ... " Ul.fc) ~ ., -------- LAIIC! ç~ J~¡"" ...~~(Jt/!t"./ , 125"(01 . a.l. ....... 11IO.'....·J· / ?/ , ~ ~ u Jj ~/ 'I} t . ... co"E: J> ø ~" / I~;'" '~EHATUFIE~ , ....., \~.J ..' if' eþ.fI\"! r/ ,,0 ~ SEE BEe NO-'SO '. -...-.....----./-........ c::::=::----\. \ ) '-.----/ ~ ..T,cl ~ '\ ..:::...::..,.":...::...,. O<:~~"T~O< ',:' :."""" .'r>GIT_nro...·....oo .UL...._... TU ....oa ~ .,./ .-- - ......"-- )......... u...·. OTKu.ru. ______ .., WI1MI. 10' .oLL.." ...----/ le_OG. 4 ..... .'OC I' mI.'_ L".' .u.. LOCK .----------- ISLAND SOUND Legend ''''o<l'_ '._ K","",g,"",'L__ .K_ ~.,.I.I_....,.... OIo.."L'.' __ W.__ ..'...OI..I..LI_ __.. _. D....D_.'.. D""'<lL'.. ___L___ B'"IMo. ® $c.,... D.,....... '.þ'<lL_ ___,___ ....,... :n 0......... D""'<lU.. .1_, $.....,.,.............. Ill) C....'......... ·..~fI ~ET .¡P nO! ". n'. 'lA,,, n~!.1 ~"~E .., ~~L!"..fHt © COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Real Property Tax Service Agency County Cenler Riverh.ad, L I., New York . r Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice President Henry Smith Anie Foster Ken Poliwoda BOARD OF TOWN TRUST TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only ~ Received Application: .,;' Received Fee: ~OO'" ,.. Completed Application 9/19jö.:l> , Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I ~ Type II Unlisted Coordination: (date sent) ~AC Referral Sent: ~LL2~ ---/ Date of Inspection: lOllS /~ Receipt of CAC Report: Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: ~Pub1ic Hearing Held: /qv~JOJ Resolution: . Town Hall 53095 Main Road P,Q. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765·1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 [õ)11E ~ ~ ~ WI IE Iñì lrù SEP 1 9 2003 lW Southold Town Board of Trustees x Name of Applicant LEONARD ORR Address 300 WEST END AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10023 Phone Number: (212) 945-4632 ,..~ (''-'' ,J> <:-~ \ ~'P Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 004-7-14 Property Location: PRIVATE ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: DOCKO, INC., KEITH B. NEILSON, P.E. (If applicable) Address: P. O. BOX 421, MYSTIC, CT 06355 Phone: Fax: 1 (860) 572-8939 (860) 572-7569 . . . Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet) : 7. 5 ACRES (+ / -) Area Zoning: Previous use of property: Residential Intended use of property: Residential Prior permits / approvals for site improvements: NONE KNOWN Agency Date X No prior permits / approvals for site improvements. Has any permit / approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? x No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): REMOVE ONE OF TWO FIXED WOOD PILE AND TIMBER PIERS, 80 (+/-) LF X 7 FEET WIDE. RECONSTRUCT THE REMAINING 80 (+/-) X 7-FEET WIDE FIXED WOOD PILE AND TIMBER PIER AND REPLACE AN EXISTING FLOAT WITH A NEW 8' X 20' FLOAT WATERWARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH WATER LINE. 2 . . Board of Trustees Application WETLAND / TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purpose of the proposed operations: THIS IS A PRIVATE DOCK FOR RECREATIONAL BOATING, Area of wetlands on lot: 1 ACRE (+/- ) square feet Percent coverage of lot: 10% (+/-) % Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Closest distance edge of wetlands: between o nearest proposed feet structure and upland Does the project involve excavation or filling: NO FILL No Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? How much material will be filled? cubic yards cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: NO CHANGE Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: N/A Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): THERE SHOULD BE NO ADVERSE IMPACT ON THE WETLANDS ADJACENT TO THE PIERS. THE EAST PIER WILL BE REMOVED, THE WEST PIER WILL BE RE-BUILT TO THE SAME DIMENSIONS AND CONFIGURATION AS IT CURRENTLY EXISTS. 3 . . Board of Trustees Application COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: THIS PAGE NOT APPLICABLE Are wetlands present within 75 feet of the proposed activity? No Yes Does the project involve excavation or filling? No Yes If Yes, now much material will be excavated? How much material will be filled? (cubic yards) (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Describe the nature and extent of the environmental reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation project as proposed. (Use attachments if necessary) impacts of the 4 . . NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter of applicant: LEONARD ORR SCTM#1000-004-7-14 YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to request a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: REMOVE ONE OF TWO FIXED WOOD PILE AND TIMBER PIERS, 80 (+/-) LF X 7 FEET WIDE. RECONSTRUCT THE REMAINING 80 (+/-) LF X 7 FT. WIDE FIXED WOOD PILE AND TIMBER PIER AND REPLACE AN EXISTING FLOAT WITH A NEW 8' X 20' FLOAT WATERWARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH WATER LINE. 2. That the property which is the is located adjacent to your follows: subject of Environmental Review property and is described as LOCATED ON PRIVATE ROAD ON BARLEY FIELD COVE. 3. That the property which is subj ect to Environmental Review under Chapters 32, 37, or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765- 1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS NAME: LEONARD ORR MAILING ADDRESS: 300 WEST END AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10023 PHONE #: (212) 956-4632 Ene.: Copy of sketch or plan showing proposal for your convenience. 5 . . Board of Trustees Application County of 3ufLl-k- ¡vrc ,...¡ rÚIl h State of New York LEONARD ORR BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE / SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT (S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S} OR REPRESENTATIVE(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROrERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. ~C/~ Signature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS qH DAY OF 5>('p¡-""",,~ C'l, 20 Of ~, Notary Public RENEE HANERFElD Notary Public, Stale of NeW York No, 03-4868233 Qualified in Kings County Commission Expires Jan. 26, ðuù 7 7 . . Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) I LEONARD ORR residing at (print owner of property) 300 WEST END AVENUE (mailing address) NEW YORK, NY 10023 do hereby authorize DOCKO, INC. (Agent) MYSTIC, CT to apply for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. ~C-L- (Owner's signature) 8 ~ . . Docko. Inc. P.O, Box 421, Mystic, CT 06355 (860) 572-8939 Fax: (860) 572'7569, e,mail: docko@snet.net September 15, 2003 Mr. Albert Krupski, President Southold Board of Trustees P,O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Leon Fixed Pier . ,. liliai'd of TnIIIIII Dear Mr. Krupski: On behalf of Mr. Leonard Orr, we enclose herewith the following in support of his pennit application for a fixed pier reconstruction in Barley Field Cove on Fishers Island, ~ Two prints each of plans titled: Project: Waterway: Location: "Fixed Pier Reconstruction" Barley Field Cove Fishers Island, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York Leonard Orr May 27, 2003 Applicant: Date: '¡.. Two copies of the Southold Board of Trustees pennit application, U,S, ACOE and DEC applications, SEQR-Part I, Tax Assessor's Map, site photographs and location map. ~ Check in the amount of$200,OO payable to the Town of South old, I trust that you will find this application package complete and acceptable; please let me know if the need for further infonnation arises, Very truly yours, DOCKO, INC, 1~~ KBN:jm Enclosures CC: Leonard Orr US ACOE NYS DEC: Environmental Pennits File: 03-01-13830RR