HomeMy WebLinkAboutLP-01/04/2005LAND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes of Regular Meeting held Tuesday, January 4, 2005 Members Present: Members Absent: Also present: Ray Huntington John Sepenoski Michelle Zaloom Eric Keil Fred Lee Ray Blum Craig Arm Bill Edwards, Town Board Liaison Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator Melanie Doroski, Land Preservation Secretary Jim Glover, landowner - 7:30 p.m. appointment Commencement: · The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with five LPC members present. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: · Adoption of minutes from December 7, 2004. MOTION made by Eric Keil, seconded by John Sepenoski, to accept minutes of the December 7, 2004 meeting. Motion carried 5/0. Inquiries: · GLOVER PROPERTY (formerly Scott Phase '1 Farm): SCTM #: 1000-96-5-13 Location: Main Rd, Cutchogue Total Acreage: +23.0882 acres PDR Acreage: +22.9538 acres Zoned: A-C CPF: Yes Appointment with landowner (7:30 p.m.) re: proposed use of property. Melissa Spiro reviewed landowner's request to increase the agricultural production "rectangle" he had proposed at the last LPC meeting held on December 7, 2004, with LPC members. Melissa told LPC that Mr. Claver requested increasing the rectangle area to 300 feet north of the southern most boundary of the property and 425 feet wide in an east/west direction from the westerly property boundary, continuing in a northerly direction for approximately 1200 feet. Members noted that, in addition to discussing the increase to the rectangle area, they wanted to discuss the proposed location for the office trailer and the type of deer fencing with Mr. Claver. Jim Clover met with LPC members at 7:45 p.m. He explained that he had visited the site with Alan Cannell, and that this had brought about his request for an increase to the agricultural production area he had discussed with the LPC at their December 7, 2004 meeting. The LPC decided that they were in favor of allowing the increase to the rectangular area and that Melissa would designate the area on a map for the record. The LPC discussed the location for the proposed office trailer. The LPC and Mr. Claver decided on a mutually agreeable area of 100'x100'. This area was also to be designated on a map by Melissa. The LPC acknowledged the need for deer fencing and agreed to allow deer fencing to be located along the property perimeter and/or internally, for crop protection. LPC noted that all proposed greenhouses were to be located within the described rectangular area, and that any greenhouses to be located outside of such area would need approval by the LPC. LPC noted that since Mr. Clover did not know where, or if, he proposed to construct a barn, that any barn would need approval by the LPC. The LPC also noted that LPC approval for proposed uses only allows the landowner to proceed with pursuing any applicable approvals, and/or permits, from other Town Departments or agencies that are required by Town Code. Melissa's "draft" letter was approved with members revisions and added recommendations and will be sent to Mr. Claver with copies forwarded to the Planning & Building Departments. The Members entered into EXECUTIVE SESSION. Applications: · MILAZZO PROPERTY (open space): SCTM #: Location: Total Parcel Acres: Preserve Acreage: Zoned: CPF: 1000-53-1-9 Pipes Neck Road, Greenport +12.2 acres +10 acres R-80 Yes Update re: status of County Open Space Application. County made an offer to property owner and approached Town for a partnership with the proposed purchase. LPC members not favorable to partnership with this specific project as they felt County's offer too high if landowner still plans on retaining a lot created within this parcel. LPC members would consider a partnership on other properties that the County may be interested in purchasing in this target area. General: · Melissa Spiro's Status Report members but not discussed. [executive session] was distributed to END OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Informational: LPC Attorney Contracts for 2005 - At the Town Board Organization Meeting held earlier this date, Lisa Clare Kombrink, Esq. was reappointed as legal counsel to Land Preservation but limited to farmland acquisitions. Mary C. Wilson, Esq. was appointed as legal counsel to Land Preservation for open space acquisitions. · TNC & PLT Contracts for 2005 - contracts are being prepared. Jim McMahon needs to complete Peconic Land Trust Stewardship contract. · Scheduled Closings: 1/12/05 Dubner North (TPDR) at 12 noon and Drum/Saland (TOS) and 1:30 p.m. · Reese Family has signed contract with Town. Public Hearing scheduled for Tuesday, January 18, 2005, at 8:00 p.m. · Dorset Farms, Inc. Public Hearing scheduled for Tuesday, January 18, 2005, at 8:05 p.m. Contract to be submitted to USDA for final approval of deed language prior to contact execution. Possible closing date beginning of February 2005 · Grippa possible closing date beginning of February 2005 · Ag Forum at Suffolk County Community College Campus in Riverhead will be held on Thursday, January 20th and Friday, January 21st, 2005. · Sanitary Flow Credits - Patricia Finnegan, Southold Town Attorney, has received a number of comments on draft legislation. Next Regular Meeting: The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 25, 2005, Conference Room, at 7:00 p.m. in Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:11 p.m. by the remaining five members. Respectfully submitted by Melanie Doroski, Secretary