HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAIN ROAD, CUTCHOGUE 1905The undersigned by an order of the County Court of Suffolk County dated 14. ~ebruery 1905 on the application of William *. Grathwohl, having been appointed commissioners to certify ss to the necessity of laying out and openin~ a high- way in the Town of .qouthold; in s~id_ County of Suffolk, d.~- scribed as follows: The Southerly line thereof to be~in on the %Testerly side of Bay Avenue, so called, ~t a ~point three 8nd t~o-tenths feet Southerly fror_~ the nearest toed stone on said. Avenue, and run thence South~i~ty-t. o degrees and forty nuinutes West two hundred, and thirty-foUr feet, then South sixty-one degrees and forty-five, n~nutes West four and fou2 feet, then south seVenty-three d.egrees ~.rest ninety- four feet, then South eighty-seve~, degrees West six hun&red and ten feet, then South eighty-seven degrees s. nd fifteen No~ minutes West six hundred and forty-one feet, then one degrees and forty-five r~inutes West s~ix hundred and seven~ nine feet, then North sixty-five degrees and fifteen r~inutes West ~ ~ "e ~hun..r .d and two feet, then on a deflection left elev ~effrees a~.i thirty ~inutes two bnndred e. nd forty-five feet, ther. North sixty-nine degrees West three hundred a:-:d sixty- one feet to the Southerly side of the old King's Highway at a point one and seven-tenths feet Easterly of the nearest road bound, stone on said King's Highway, the said High, ray to be of the width of three rods. ~fhich proposed highway crosses the lands of William C. Grathwohl, Herbert ~. Horton, J. Horton, Stuart W. Horton, J. ~urtis Horton, Ellem. E. Morton, George E. Tuthill, Howard E. 0verton, Everall .B. Tuthill, Eugene G. Horton, Henry 0. Morton, Joseph Glover and Edward Beebe, and to assess the damages to be caused thereby, now therefore, we, the said Conm~issioners havi-ng given due notice !of the time and place at which we would meet and all having met at the office of Jesse L. case in said Town of Eouthold, and on March 2, 1905 pursuant to said notice and having taken the constitutional oath of office ~nd on proof of the service and ps,tinE of the notices of the applicant pursuant to ~eetion 85 of the Highway Law, hRvin~ viewed the proposed highwa~ and the lands through which it is proposed to be laid out Rnd opened a~.d h~ving thereafter met pursuant to ~djotu'n- merits duly taken from time to time and having heard all the allegations of the Cormuissioner of Highways and the parties interested therein and the evidence of all the witnesses pro,need, do thereupon oertif~ that in our opinion it is necessary and proper that the highway be laid out an4 opened pursuant to the said ~pplication of~William C. O~oth~ohl, dated the 24~ January 1~05; and we h~ve assessed the damages required to be assessed by reason of laying out and opening said highwa? as follows: To Herbert A. Horton : J. Wells Horton : Mtu~rt W. Horton : $50.00 J. ~urtis Horton : and Ellen E. Morton : as interest may appear : To George E. Tuthill , Howard E. 0verton , Everall B. Tuthil! . Eugene G. Horton , Henry 0. Morton ,, Joseph Glover . Edward Beebe , ~illiam C. Grathwohl $575.00 Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing $75.0o $10.00 Nothing And we do farther certi.ff¢., and report that in our opinion that the probable cost of laTing out and completing the pro- ~osed highway based upou the evidence given before ua in the ~earings will be the aurn of $1845.87. Dated, 7 September, 1905. D. HENRY BROV~, C. S~ EDWARDS, PERCY L. HOUSEL. the Matte~ off the Applioation off : : the l~llg out of · ~lghw~F in the Ta~r~ of .~outhol~ running, from B~ ~e to ~ox's 1.~ ~d the as~$~nt d~ages :ta~ea at ~oldS~zl%h & ~ehOgue~ Jtme 1~, 1905, ALB~TSON ~,ASE, ealled Dy Oc~missioners, sa~s: ! have eemP~ted from ~e in ~ the ~8t~oe ~ the East end Of wa~ betwe~ B~ AVCO ~ the old ~ng'8 ~t~d ~ the East ~d of the ~d AVCo ~d tho old Elng'e ;~w~. The ~s%~o ~ that East ~ %o P~o~o depot is ~5/100 ~le8: ~ln$ of be~nning, that is the Ea~ end of the proposed ~oad, to the ~%oho~e d~ot b~ t~ ~esent road, it ls ~8~/100 ~le8~ the ~st~oe ~ the s~e point of ~te~e depot ~ the PrOPOSed road is ~/100 l~h of the ~sed ~oad itself ls 71/I00 of a ~le. The l~d %~en ~om the ~e~ ~i~s ~ the p~sed tillable land Z2 e~e ~d~ ~ge E+ ~t~ll upl~d 108 ~ rode, salt mea~ ~ ~ he mows ~h~f, ab~t. The o~ers of l~d t~en on the ~o~h side ef the eo~m, na~Iy, H~t A. ?orion, J, Wells H~, J. ~tis ~orton, and their ~%her~ H~ton ~s h~ d~ right th~ln, ~ s~e e~lenee in ~ving ~l~n~s ~d k~w ~he e~ense. ~d ~e ~ ~ e~lmaSe Of ~he ~oet of ~vl~ ~he ~ la ~t %~. ~s ineludee the'b~. ~ eatl~te Of the ~st ~s a~% $~50. to ~t ~h~ on the ~oun& ~ ~o old ~l~ngs ~d In bad shape to ~o, A~ %h~ ~e ~ved It ~uld ooet $1~0. to ~t th~ In ~e. ~ estate is to ~ve the ~l~s ~d eet th~ uP ~d 1%~ 2% w~ld eo~ a~ut $5oo. ~ A. Cas~ q. As a e~ont~ ~d ~l~y~r ~ ~ ~ Is ~n~P~l~ n~ w~k? A. Yes ~. Y~ e~ee In ~vi~ ~l~ngs has not be~ aa 1~ aB e~ others tn ~he blase? A. ~o sir. Q, The h~se ~- lng In ~%hold ~d vielnlt~ has not be~ done ~ ~ has A, I ~e ~ i% done. 2~ Nave F~ ~red ~. 5t~es ~te ~gelF ~ed in that w~k? A. ~ell,no, ~ has ~e s~e. 2. ~, 0o~, -~de ~ the b~ i%~%f, w~d F~ eonsid~ the value of those ~l~ngs as th~ tod~ A. Wel~, that is a p~tt~ t~ ~estion, I don't ~e ~h I ~d %~ as th~ stud. ~t~t the b~ X ~, the h~eX ~d ~b ~ ~ or three s~ate a~% $~00,00 to the ~r ~%~ of the b~ Q. ~at ~ld th~ be wo~h ~o ~ell$ A. Not a ~ea% de~ tm ~11. '% A~t ~a% ~ ~ t~ th~ ~e worth~ A. I don't ~, it d~ ~toge%h~ on h~ ~ F~ would ~e ~o move %h~. Q. ~a% ~e t~ whole ~ness to ~e ~aF. ~. ~a% state of r~ p~ ~ t~0se ~l~ngs in? A. Th~ ~ in f~r shave, ~ s~me re-pai~e? A. Oh, some wou~d haVe to be ~e~aired~ 9. To what extent? A. ! never notieed p~a-tlC,~la~ly. I went doW~ and loo~ed them over to see abOUt the Moving, 9. You ~n't mal~e $ very thorough examination of the~m did you? A, 'NO~ not thorough. I looXed them over to get a general idea of what the~ wera worth, B~ Mr, ~tao~ole-- 9, ~at ef~eot would it have on those ~uild!ngs to move them? A, It wouldn't help the~ an~ ~t you oan't tell what offset it would have, B~ A, 0ass-- Q, You stated the fleet that it wmlld have to ta~e them down, now to put th~m up, what effeot would it have? ~c~Aldn't it ma~e them as ~ood as new to take them d~,£~ an~ ~lt them in some tthe~ plaee? A, ! ~d~'t know, 9, in yc~r estimate it was ~ou~ idea to put them up in good shape, that is as good. as 'the~ are now, A, Yes. Q, What would be the diffe~nee i~ worth of those l~ttildinga as the~ stand tad~ 'and aa you Fropoee in you.~' estimate to put them u~? How mmoh ~e w~uld the~ be worth? A. ! dOn't ~ide~ that the~ wm~Id be worth mu~h more them where the~ are now~ ~he~ need new silling and new foundatic~s, 9, TheF would be an al%ogeth~ · 1t artiele, wouldn't th~ A. No, not exaotly. 'Tho build- ings of co~mee would be in bett~ shape. 9. W~Ald they be worth anTth!ng more? A. They would be P~obably worth more after. 9. ~eli, how muoh mo~e? A. ABout $I§0. mo~e. B~ Mr. StaeXpole-- ~. Wouldn't it east something to Put in ~ew foundations? A. They would have to be Put baoX; I eounte~ that in the extra estimate. ~ERT V. SZM0~S, beir~ duly swo~n, eeye~ I ~ a a~ent~ ~d ~ld~ ~d live in S~t~l~ X h~e ~d ~ e~l~e in moving ~l~s ~d ~ ~ t~ of the ~et of ~ old ~l~s. ~ have been to ~ E. ~%~ll's Dla~ ~d ex,ned the ~l~nge ~ ~e ~ e~ate of the east off ~vl~ the ~l~ngs. i t~ it ~d ~st $~5. to m~e the $~en ~1~8 ~ ~160, tO ~e the foundation al~d i~x the~ up, About $50. would be /'or lng a~d setting up the ffo~dation. The e~ h~els ~d stables ~de off the b~ ~ ~n ~ood ~. ~ ~e set on logit posts ~d w~ld have to be ~ed ~d w~l~'~t be as ~ood as th~ are now, httint ~lls ~der th~ w~ld be ~ extra e~ense ~d wo~'t ~rove their value; it would eo~ $40 or $50 to ~ut sills ~der th~, ~ A. oas~ H~e F~ be~ engaged ext~sivel~ in house m~ing? A. No ~eat ext~t, I have moved some b~l~ngs.' Q. ~at ~ have done that waF has been lnoidental to ~our business, hasn't A. Yes.. q~. House moving has been ~nd of a side t~, h~ It not? A. Yes, a side isle. Q. ~e thee ~ atone f~ tions ~der ~F bull~ ~oept the b~? A, No s~. Thee w~l~'t be ~ fo~datlon to ~t ~der ~y ~l~s exoept the b~. q. If ~.~t, n~ sills in ~mder those wo~l~'t that ~e the ~l~ngs ~eh stronger th~ the~ todd? A. I don't t~nk it would; th~ ~e set in the ~n~. ~ ~. ~ta~polo~ Q. ~ ~ere lsa well in the ~d isn't thee? A. Yes. q, How ~oh would It eo~t to move the well ~d ~g one on the side of the ~11~ ~ A. Oas~ Have ~ou had e~erienee In ~lng welle~ A. Fee, two at S~ ~b~ ~d one at ~s. Tut~ll's, I h~e p~d for th~. Q. ~at w~ld it eost to ~11 up that well ~d ~g one on the side of the hill? A. ~ase hol~ that witness is not ~ali~ed. Q. ~f .?~g a well u~ on the side of the ~11 ~ou would have t~ twiee as deep, woul~'t ~ou? A. Yes, it would have to be deeper. ~. Ab~t what w~ld It oost to ~t the well do~? A. Between $30 and $40, ~. Does ~. ~t~ll use 'at the well at the present time? (B~ George E, times a day and $6§ times a year. to draw wate~ out of a one? Tuth,lll) A. Yes, three Q. Does i~ taMe more ti~e deep ~2 well than out of a shallow Q. You are aa~uainte~ with the' old road and ~now the lo~ation of this proposed road? ~. Yea, T third~ ! do. It has been Pointed ~ ~o m~. Q, ~ ~ t~n~ that the road la a ~ llO neoessl%~? A. I do~% ~ow as it is a ~blle ~t w~ld bene~t a f~. ~ don't kn~ how manF tr~el that W~, ~ A, ~aso : Y~ are ae~nted with the nook of 1~ do~ bel~ there? A. I ~ there ,was three or fo~ h~ses. Q. Haven't ~oh been do~ to ~.~. Bal~ln's ~d seen ~. ~ll~d's and others? A, i don't ~ow h~ ~ h~s th~ are~d~ thee. Q. W~l~'t it aee~odate the people i~ thee when th~ eome to ~t~ho~e? A. Yea, Q, ~ ~ the ~roposed ~ad? A. I h~en't been ~er it. Q. H~ lo~ sinoe ~ h~e be~ d~ 2~ ~ane? A. A ~le of monShs ~o I was ~t w~ do~. ~ h~en't be~ do~ all the w~ In ~v~ or six ~WI~KHAM CASE, being dulF sworn, safe: I live in ~utehogue and k~ow this pr~sed road ~d ~ ~ ~th the old road. I don't t~ t~s road a ~blie ne~essit~. I don't ~sh do~ to Indian ~e~k People don't e~% sea weed this ~ ~ In.an Neck; ~ wood. There is a ve~ good road d~ there n~. ~ad w~ld shorten the ~stsnee lees th~ on.half mile, would be ~ expensive ~ad to ~ld, I t~. It Moos ov~ ~a~w ~stl~, and the t~de ~owe ~er that mead~; the roa~ W~ld have to be ~sed t~ ~r t~e feet to k~ the tide ~o~ng ova. ~t would h~e to be bVl~e~ B~ J. ~.. ~. ~ ~ ~ow how ma~ h~e~ ~e below this road~ i. I ~on'~ ~ow. 2, Haven't ~ou been e~eeting to be called for two,or t~ee week,S A. Ail I ~ ab~t bein~ a Was that F~ Dr~l~ed to ~all me. Q. Yn m~ up F~ ~nd ~ether the road w~ld be use~l or not, ~d you t~e into ~sid~atio~ the ~b~ of ~eo~le who live thee? A, Well, ~ ~dn't t~nk 1% was neeeas~ to ~ h~ m~ people th~ W~e thee. ~, ~'t ~ s~ th~ w~ted to e~ uP h~e - 6---- to church and to Mr, Oee's and to the depot? A, ~o, ther didn't sS7 so. Q. Didn't the~ all say so exert ~u~t H, EGBERT HORTON, being dul7 ~ol-n~ saFs: ! live in Peoonic and know the P~o~osed road and it's loeatior~ ! ~ow the old road that goes d~ to Ee~, Th~ is a good ~ad now ~olng do~ to Yn~ Neck I don't t~< the p~opo~d road is a public neoos~t~ l ~ It would behest th~ ~b~e~ I t~nk it w~ld cost m~ th~ it would benoit. ~ A. Camo ~. H~e y~ ~ a~ ~a~ or knOW the cost cT road ~ng? A. I hsve not. ~ ,~. ~,. Case.. ~. '~ you ~ow how ma~F houses there ~ ~l~ t~at road? A. Y don't, Q. H~ lo~ sines ~ kn~ that :~ w~e to be called here as a ~tness? A. ~s Q, U~ never both~d to ~n over i~ y~r mind h~ m~ there? A. I ~ doin~ It n~ ~d can see the houses just as theF ~tand, ~. ~idn~t ~ou say last w~ that ~ou that it wo~ld be a ~eat ao~o~odstion? A. Yes, to one person. ~Q. ~o? A. ~r. ~lllmrd, ~ A. Case: - Q ~en ~ ~o~e of the cost that was onl~ yo~ ~lnion? A. Yes sir. OEO~GE E, ?UT,~T,, being dul~ ~worn, ! live in Peoonlc ~d this pressed road ~oee ~ l~d and if It is ~t t~o~ It will t~e those ~ll~ that ~e in tho road, I use the ~l~ng~ ~d h~e a 6 or8 ~d ~oep ab~t head of o~ttle ~d 4 ho~e~. I keep hens~ geese and ~eks.; ~ use ~ b~ ~r ~ hay, I ~ the ~1~ :~ ~m ~ h~se with the exertion of a ri~ of there, ~ father ~u~t that right of wa~ and it The place has b~n sold ~ve ~ six t~es in ~ recollection ~d the ~ght of wa~ ha~ b~en ~ven eaoh time. There eh~ trees ~ng along that right Of w~; ~ Of those ehe~ trees ~e worth 210,00 a~ieee ~d some ~e not worth a dolIar. ~even or el~.ht will have to be chopped down; are g;~af%ed fz~t ~d t t~ ~ve o~ s~x off the ~a~ed ones ~11 have to be ~t d~. ~e of the trees ~e ~ot worth ~ ~ th~ the wood ~oept for the ~ade. ~e~ is ~o~h~ %~, a ~lbe~-~Y tree; thee ~s two ~d one ls ~hless ~t the ~%h~ ~s valuable. Th~ ~11 be ~1~% In the ~d~e of the scad. Th~e ~e s~e l~te o~ ~ade t~ees ~d FaVd and I k~ep w~ons unde~ %h~ ~d ~f ~ ~l~n~s ~e moved u~ on the hill I ~11 lose those shade t~ees. ~ destroyed; a~% s~en w~ld h~e to be ~t d~; th~ on the West s~de of %he Fe~d be~re F~ e~e %o the mea~. I consider those t~ees wo~h $~0.00 bee~se th~ ~teet ~l~n~s and ~e shade to ~ wazons. 1%~nk the value of the ~ade trees ls ab~t 650.00. the actual loss of hav2n~ th~ t~en ~. I use t~ well ~ daf t~ee or ~ times a ~ for ~ o~ use ~d for the oat%lc. I% Is ~l~ng good ~)ring wst~. I cmn get wat~ at ~ne feet n~ ~d the ~H it ~ld be 20 f~t, I ~aw water t~ee or fo~ a d~ ~e~ day of the ~e~; I ~ f~ or ~ve ~oket~ each t~e. ~ o~ the mea~ at the WSs$ of ~ ba~ ~d have ~ the ~lde over t~ee fee~; it Is a 1~ meadow. I h~e ~e~ Ov~ the t~rd r~l at ~einE tide; the road w~d have to ~llt ~Eher for the chilean to go to school that way ~d w~d be neeess~ to raise the road able ~he rise of the tide, If the tide c~e over that ~ad it would ~t~t~ si~ d~ ~ ~llied ou$, I don't thl~ that road Is a public I don't want it and have ~ n~er w~ted it. ~ Nr. Q, M~ ma~ acres in y~r f~? A, In the whole ~siness the :u~l~d I t~: betwem~ 40 and 50 acres. Q. How ~ch ~d ~aT for the f~ A, I ~d $3~0,00. Q. H~ long ~o was that? A, That was ~en I b~t at P~tition Sale ab~t ye~s ~o. Q. H~ ~ch is it assessed f~ now? A. $3500.00 Q. ~at do you v~ue it at~ A, I have no value on it. it? Is it ~orth moro than %he assessed value or loss? A, A1Emt the assessed value. Q. When yml bought that right of w~ did yoU got the land or the right to drive over it? A. I bough~ the stri~ of land wtth tho farm and supposed it was for tho lalld ltseIf and v~nen i bought the rest of the farm the first time looked over it and fot~ld I had a right of wa~ to the old bsa*It, How ~any buildings does this road go t~? A. mix build. ing~. Q. Whmt are theM? A, l~agon shed, eo~-n erib, two eo?~ sheds, one hen roost and anothe~ bulldimg I use for a sheep htutae, ~, Do you use eaeh of them? A. Yes. Q. is the ~ol~n el~lb /1~1 of e, ol-n? A. 'Yes. Q. 0ow shed Full of cows? A. X believe them e~e in ~here tonight. Them are all in daily use, O. Do you del~lve any benei~lt frc~n the Eeadow? A. ! d£. Q. DO you mow it? A. Not the whole distance bee~use !ean't get %o it. O. If you had the road ?otl eould get to it? A. No. Q. When ~id you ~ow ~art of it las~? A, Dast season. ~. Now mush? A. Nea~l~ an aere ~ mow, Q. Who else has a right of w~ over thi~ land? A, ~llli~m O~utthers was ~anted the use of the right of way. Mrs. Ew~t owlls tho land now. Q. N~, wohl has a right of way to ~o to Mr. tTutthers hasn't he? suPPose so. Q. What do y~uoonaider the aetna!value of the upland taken from Four farm for this road, an area of 108 s~ua~e rods, that is about §/8 of an aero, what do you eonslder the value of that land? A. Lend is worth $1~0.00 an aero in tha~ loeality. Q. Then B/S of an aero would, be about $100.00. Q. Of the meadow h~w much does it take? A. Al~ut [/2 an aero 66 squarer ods. Q. What is it worth? A, AbOUt as,~ueh as ~ other land to me. Q. ~ don't mean to yoU; I ~ean to anyone? What would 7~u call it worth, 1/2 acre of meadow? A. It ts wox'th c~Aite a little, q. Now much would 7ou give for 10 of meadow like it if I had it to sell? ~catld You give $10.00 an aore$ A. Yes, ~. Would you give ~oro? A. Where ! run my eattle and mow ~ would give ~2~.00 an aere. ~. You eon- sider ~vur ffa~m at the present %Xme worth itt9 assessed v~ue, iff t~s ~ad Is ~t t~m:~ it ~t w~ld oon~de~ the v~ue~ in ~ ~i~on, ~ld it be wo~h to the av~g~e ~rohase~ If the ~oad ~n% thro~h? A. I o~*% ~ that. I don'~ to the av~ ~ehas~, s~eral that has looked ~er 1% ~ve s~d less. ~e m~ s~d he w~ldn't ~ve as ~h ~ $500.00. q. In ~ oDl~on it would ~age it $500,007 A, Yes. Q, ~ Fm~ eo~sid~ that thee ~ld be ~ behest the f~ ~ t~,~ ~ad? A, None ~ ~ A, 0aec- -Q, ~ldn't it be a behest f~ Y~ to be able to go to ~teho~e or to go We~ ~ the n~ road,? A, No s~, X 8h~l~ go ~o~d Davis ~t~ll's stye five times ~t of ~X., ~ ~1 comes ~here. Q. Y~ ~ld rather ~ out of ~ w~ half a ~le~ A. I 8hollld go that w~. Q, H~ o~en. ~. doe~ the tits ~8e to a height of t~ feet? A. ~o or t~ t~es a ye~, ~. H~ do you kn~ t~t $100.00 was paid for the plaoe the ~rmt tl~ I looked into that ~d It was p~d for b~ a no~e for ~80.00 and ~40.00 In ~on~. I dl~'t see mon~ ~ I w~ld~'t ~ whether it ~ns when I b~ht or ~ l~, Wells ~ught It ~t I maw the papers In blaok ~d ~e, I don't F~ where th~ ~e n~. Q~ H~ lo~ a~ ~d y~ see it? A. I e~ldn't ~e~ ~ether It wa~ when ~ b~ it or wt~en Mr, Wells b~t lt. Q, ~e la the West end of that right Of w~? ~ The b~d line between me ~d is ihs We~ line, Q, ~ do those eh~ trees ~and? Thee is six eh~ tr~s to the ~ast of that. Q. H~ m~ of those do ~ e~nt as good ~t trees~ A, P~ as goo& q. Th~ thee are ~ of those ~t trees In the rl~t of w~ A. Yes ~x in the ~t of w~, ~t fo~ i~ood ones. Q. Me, ~t~o~ a ~t of way to ~o into hie b~? A. I ........ 10 ---- Q. Has he a!wa~s used it withm~t amy obJeotlon A. I never said that nobodlr shouldn't ~o thx~n~gh there, I haven't d.lBDuted it, Q, Haven't they used it ever sines you kn~w? A, Yes. They have used the ~ght of way as aa oovenient fo~ ~ to go out to the mt~eet ov~ the hi~ ~ a~ ~gh~, ~, ~ ~ oplnion~ don~t you tI~n~ y~ have as g~d a ~ad to go ~er as ~ou h~e toda~ if the l~d out? A, No ~lr. Q. Woul,~n't it put ~ In just as ahape~ A. ~ road is just as good as ~t is, Q, H~ ~de Q, H~ lo~ ~no~ ~ou pr~fe~od t~ l~e to a ~ghwaU? A. pre~ed It to a hig~ ~er ~noe I ~v~ there. ~. n~ ~old the ~o~ssioner of ~g~ays last ~n%~ that w~ld like to have it? A, t ~'t say that I wanted It I don't waist It todd. Q. ~d ~ saF that ~ w~d l~d If %h~ ~ed %he ~l~nKs? A. I have s~d a good m~ 8%0o4 on the f~ndation I $~d I w~ld ~VS it ~t ti%~ dO it' Q, ~ ~, ~thlll, $~e of the ~%nasses ~l~d ~ s~d that If the road was %~'~iked 1% w~d StoD the ~d m~e a pond? Is that a ~ot? A, I% wm~ld be a ~eat Q. ~ ~ say that about t~ee times a ye~ a~er a East~ly sto~. the~ is a~t t~e feet of water ~er the ~, at those times how ~ ~eh water ls there In ym~r e~ y~d? A, Not ~y ~nee I h~e ~l!ed In the ~ont . I Sand and shells ~d ~lled 1% in. Q. '?hen these ti~es don~$ c~e inta ~ ~o~fard? A. }~et sine~ I ~lled i% in. q. ~eh ~d y~ ~11 in2 ~ I e~t s~ ~t I carted sand ~e~s. Q. How ~eh ~d you ~11 it in? A. About 1 1/2 feet, Q. tf the tide eomes hl~ don't it ~11 the mead~ A, ~o% if the water ~$ o~ it ~n'% ~11 Q, Doesn't the ~eadow grow hl~,,~er in some plaees than othe2~? A. Yes. Q. I If that is so it is on17 on these two or three o~amiona that there is any great elevation over the meadows? A. A hea~r ~asterty tide eo~es up maTO~ 2 1/~ ~ ~ feet, l~ave a bate water? A, Not ~th~t ~a~l~ r~ 1~ ~ld h~e to ~ago ~ aero or two to ea~ o~' the water ~ it comes In at theme extra ~ tides ~ ~t ~ ~tter ~ow? A. Yes. ~e road ~11 go a~ss i%; tho ~n ~%ter ~ms East ~d ~es% and the e~8 ~tter North ~d South, Q. ~'t ~lver$.s be ~la~ed in those A. Th~ w~ld stop the wa%~ ~om ~nning t~ou~ Q. Y~ s~ that %0 ~o ~ ~ the ~I1 ~ ~'~ ~ ~ll would ~ne feet ~gh~? A. YeS. Q, ~ do y~ kn~ it w~d ~t ' A. ~ %he well and the h~se ~e I live. ~. Q, ~d F~ Q, ~ ~ou o~ered to ~ve the la~ tf th~ ~ved the ing~, did ~ou eon~ider the d~a~e that it wm~ld be to ~l~s~ A, ~ ~'t eonsider th~ ~e ~o the ~. Q. ~at has e~zsed ~o~ to eh~e F~ ~lnd.? Y~ ~ that the houses would have to be moved? A. that the~ would put the road tbs bulldin~s wm~ld have to be ! didn't f~lve a thought ~. You considered that A. We!l P~tti~g a the road w~ld go ~er thee? A. ~ ~dB'~. Q. Dl~'t 7~ kn~ the ~ad W~d go ~ t~e ~ow? A. I did~t so. q, ~nere ~dyou t~nk the road was ~g ~t ~ the foyer oeeasion~ A. Y ~'t t~nk it w~ld e~e out at ~1~ ~. ~ ~d ~tou o~er t~ ~ve the l~d? A. I ~'t ~ the ~oad w~ld be ~t t~b. Q, Was 7~ o~er made in ~th? A. No. ~ A. Oa~ q. ~ the ~ad was ~ tal~ng ab~t ~v~ F~ land, ~ ha~'t he~ the ~ ~i~ ~d ~n~t~ ~ ~tl~ th~, had ~? A, ~o, qe Y~ had ~ real idea ~ ~oh ~age it w~Id ~ to F~? A. Yes I ~ ~ ~. ~le .... ~, ~ ~ made %ha~ ~ ~ ~d no idea %h~ ~ld.~ a road? A. No. Q, Y~ s~d %hat Jo~l~ A. Yes. ~ A. ~aso: Q. ~at ~d ~ t~ we were doing there Fou har~ around mo ~eh ~oll the lines of the A, ! didn't know. Q, v~nat did A. You asked me to go to sh~w ~F Mr. ,TtaekPol::: Q. ~All there be water over the road at times? A. Yes. at times. O~ %o ~ve the l~d~ A. I don't ~. 2. ~o ~s A. I ~l~m't tell you. Q. W~ it In the first ~ p~oee~? A. Yes. Q. Be~re }~, ~ase ~d the ~ long ~ w~ld~ s~ A. I ~'t tell. I ~ that %h~ wmzld have a good ~ob %o move the ~l~s. ~. Sta~ol~ ~. Was that ~k ~d~ he,re the was be~m %o 1~ ~% th~s ~d? A. 1%~ so. ~ ~if F~ was aw~$ A. Yes. ~% %h~ ~n~t gO ~e~ I 2. ~ ~s N~ gettl~ the joko on when F~ ~t those X~ %he~. ~d t~ there was ~ot~ng %o be done; ~ was net all a blu~. If ~ ~t the si~s ~ where th~ ~o~ 7~ t~% the ~ad was go~ s~ere, wh~e ~d ~p~se It was ~ln~ to? ~. I ~l<~*t ~. q. ~U ~ it W~ld e~e ~t on the ~'s Ni~ ~d --- 13- Four of Ter to be taken as a joke? A. Y had no idea. @, Did F~i think it w~ ~ t~en a~ a Jo~ A. I ~on't ~n~, Q, ~ Veu mark out ~efore the ~roeeedJn~ were be~? A, ~ und~stood th~ were eo~ing there and ~ m~ked ~.ere ~w~ them to go. ~; A. Case- 0. Didn't ~u ma~e that remark to M~, Fleet and me? ~'t ~ tell Us that if we wOUld ~he e~ense of movi~ ~l~nge.~d ~t th~ in as good as . to the you i lige k~ ~13u~uo and k~ow the looation of propo~.~ad ~d ~m~e Old ~;? I'%~ ~'t se~ ~'~ :'~ that ti~s road lsa ~o nooes~tF; I don't t~ th~e~::~ ~t ~d be maf~o~e~':~ oov~ the e~. It ~'% hell> tho travel as th~ will ~%111 go up. to Davis ~%~ll's store. Q, Don't ~o~t.of the Oeople at the Neck go to Peeol~$? I ~ a ~ ~d have had ~oe in ~l~ng and kn~ s~t~ng of the oost of ~lding f~ee. q. If %~S ~ad le opted, thee is ab~% 1/5 of ~th aides, that is about ~000 ~t %o mos% to fenos it? A. A~u% $~O,00~ to ~ut ~d that wo~d lnolude ~th sides of the ~% for the upland, ~ A, Cas~ Q, ~ene~ ~ere except ~oung ~e H~ton's pe~n~la~ A, No sir, it has all been taken up, Adjourned, WILLIAM U. GRATHWOHL~ fo~ the la~X~ out of ~ HXgh~7 ~n the TOWn off 8outhold, ~ni~ f~ ~y~ Av- e~e to Oox'.a ~, and the aerostar for ~ages ~he~for. TESTIMONY J. L. Oase. 2outhOl~ M~rOh 18th, 1905. AtBE~T$OW OASE~ ~elng duly sworn~ X ~m the m~e~or ~r the ~wn of S~thold a~ X ~ the ~p wh~ ls ~w off~re~ as evidence ~ed tion~r~ ~lbi% A of this ~tou~ a~ that the sam~ ~d ack,ate ~p of ~'~urv~. X h~vo computed the q~nttt~ of land taken fro~ the ~ffe~nt ewers. ~. Wl!li~ C. ~hl; it goes through his doo~d and oreha~ and th~h tillable la~ off his on the Ue~t e~ off which it takes $~a~ ~de. ~rbert A. ~rton a~d B~t~er~ the o~h~ ~, ?he house lot of ~.~rs. M~rtha E~ it doesn't touch, it $~t el. Oars. It t~os off the up,nd of ~rge ~. ~thl~l X~ ~qua~ ~d3~ a~ hie salt ~a~v 66 squa~ ~d8 of which ho ~ws a~out o~h~. ~l~ baOk to ~. Orathwohl'~. tho main house a~ 7 1/2 feet ~ his m~l~ h~ae. ~e old ro~ ~os in onto $rathwohl a distance in lungth Of 139 feet ~$~ideet depth of tho c~ve ls 6 foo~. ~e old ~ad for a 20 FoOt private way. F~m Herren Bros.. the road t~ 5 f~it t~es (apple trees)~ ~ of which are fruit be~ri~: tr~s and the other 2 are sm2]l trees$ I '.~d thirJt they could b r~planted. G~r~e E. Tuthill: the ne~t ~rt of his barn l~ a~ut ZO feet ~= the ~o~h linc of tho ~d; the bu~ldl~s~ etandin~ ~diatel~ In the course of the pro~sed ~lghwa~ bu~ the~ will be lnt~uced by experta. 0 0 It takes Of Mr, ?uthill's lmeadow 66 square rods~ one-half of ~hich he ~ws, th~n ~t tah~a a ~le~e off ~r, ~erton% not ~ted, It ta~e~ woodland Off ~ene ~, ~o~to~ 51 8q~e Olove~, a~ then ~la~ld, ~etly woo~a a~ a little oleare~ the ~est~ we took l~ ~q~rc ro~ of Edwa~ Bc~be. It i~ the[ same chaunter of la~ as ~r. Olovor'a. I ~ the e~pllo~n~ In this 9~1~ a~ llvo at thc ~sst end of tl~la road. end o~ a f~ and ~ at~aye~ ~tcho~e. Phe~ ~e a ~ood ~ny who ~ula ~ benof~te~ ~ and others, In the next lan~ ~t there are houses the~ a~ 1% ~n~ ~wn to the flay ~a in the ~ture the bay will be bull~l~ up fast, The ~lk of o~ travel Is to Pe~nlc st~ ,tlon a~ this Na ~oula bring ue nea~-%o Outcho~e %h~ to Peoonte~ altho~h I ~ees ~he fa~8 oart as ~ch o~ ~y ~ the oth~, ~e i~st potato buy~re are at Cutcho~e station, It lS nearer ow, r the p~posed ~ a~u~ 5 minutes a~lve to OutohO~e station than to PeConio; I don't ~an ~ml~ ~he ~rao or %~ttl~ h~:,~lther, Then in the future, I tl~l~ , there are a good ~ny PeOple w~o ~lll ~lla on InJun ~e~ a~ it will be a conve~enoe and %here ts a ~eat ~eal o~' ca~l~ © -- ~ -- done from In, un NeOko It would cut farms in two if laid out stra~ht across, i havenlt figured out the coat but we have an expert on that, The value of my farm at this point , I think, is about $100.00 an acre. About 45 rods of my farm ~ould border on this road. I think it would raise the value of my property and I think my farm would sell with! for more ~thisroad and would be increased i~ value about $§00.00. Q. 'Don't you consider the improvement of your property by the opening of this road to be greater than the damage?~ A. ,Why certainly, I did before, b~it now I am like the rest, ~think I would like somethir~." HENRY O, HORTO~, being duly 8worn, says: I live about hail way c~wn S~ltnk Lane where t~e new. road would come out and would be benefited about as little as anyone by. it, an~ the only benefit I would derive would be that I could go to thc Creek without trespassing on anyone elsols lands, I m~ht and might not use the road. I own some of the meadow srossed by this rood and consider that the road would be a public benefit sufficient to pay the Town for such costs as it may bring. I am aware that it comneots with the road to Indian Neck and I think it would make a out off. I 'know there is a fishing company that fishes off Indian Neck and it would be a great convenience for them, and I consider the road a p~blis benefit for anyone who lives to the ~est of it on the Main Road. Ther~ is m~re or less travel down to t~ Bay and it shortens it a great deal. ~' t~ My meadow is of no value and I will give it to the Town if they put the road through. I think Outchogue is the nearest statio~ if the new road is run out. The road would be a general ben~ fl~ because in the spring there is a~eal deal of carting from the Bay and it Would shorten the distance on the Main Road. At present we are $bliged to make a circuit away roun. © 0 which increases the distance about Z/4 of a mile, The fish- lng business at Ind~n Neck did altogether fail and was given up but we have a seine there and the majority of the fish we catch we cart ~Xup that road. THEODORE W. HORTON, being duly sworn, says: I live on Bay Avenue below where the proposed road crosses. It would be & public benefit if the road was laid out. It would shorten the distance going towards Outcho~Ue depot. There is a great deal of travel there in the summer time and it would make an attractive road for people to,drive over, and the fishermen would cart a good many of their fish over this road. It would make agreat deal of difference in time and distance, t have a fsl-m down below there. EUGENE G. HOBTON, being duly sworn, says: I llve on this proposed road and consider it a pub- lie benefit as it would shorten the distance going West. It would be an attractive road on which to reside. There is a great deal of travel from Test and there is a big advantage to those who live below who want to go West. People go down there for general farming purposes, carting sea-weed or fish, or oartin~ from the depot. It is not yet a watering place. I own a piece of woodland that this road would cross and I will donate it if the road goes through. MONROE D. BALDWIN, being duly sworn, says: I live down below where the new road would go and I think the road would be a publls benefit. It shortens the distance going West nearly S/4 of a mile. We would be neare~ a Post Office than we are now. It takes off~ a steep grade ~- 5-- and one that is not a~ steep but is harder to 1~I1 ~P~ an~ it would be a oonvenienoe for people West who wish to oome down to the Bey, It would aocommodate those f~om New Suffolk gol~ to Nassau ~lnt. ~ere la a good deal of travel ~om West down this way. There is a fishing co~an~ do~ there and a good~n~ fish would be carted down there. It would be a ~eat aeco~datlon for the people who cart ~sh. O. B. GOLDSMITH, being duly sworn, says: b I am acquainted ~ with the countr~ where the ~ad ~ul~ ~ ~d I thi~ It wo~d be a public benefit if the expense ls not too great, and It wou~ be a convenience for the people~om West who go down to the beach. I~ go~ f~m the ~St to ~ny point down on the ~ecXa gol~ to ~y V Avenue ~ also to Indian Neck L~e. it ~u~ sho~en the distance and be a great convenience especially In s~er t~ as th~ are putting up cottages do~ on Indl~ NeoE and It would be a great oonvenlenoe for grooe~ men a~ others~ who have to go this way. I thl~ that It would ~ quite well travell~ if laid out. People gol~ West wo~d s~elM this ~ad an~ there ~e a great many people who would use the Q. .Have you been do~ and ex,ned the co,se of this ~ad?~ A. Yes. q. ,Did ~ou pay a~ attention to the w~y l~ which it pas~ed through the land off Horton B~s.· ~. ~I began at the beginning ~d went thro~h the eo~e of the proposed road.· ~ Q. 'was your attention called to the line off the ~ad as it passed through ~on's la~?· ~. do ~t ~ow abou~ thlm.~ q. ~ln your opl~on, how does it affeot ~. Oeorge ~thill's land?· A. ~As the co, se .~w, ~t goes thro~h a ~ber of h~s bulldogs that will have to be ~ved.· Q..How ~ you oo~e the d~e ~d the fit?' A. ~I thin~ It wo~d ~ve the p~perty a~er It was laid out, of course, it brl~s th~ on a ~lic highwa2 whloh © 0 -- 6-- of courae, adds to any place, I think it makes property more valuable when it is on a highway,' Q. "In your opinion, what would exoe~d the benefit about $200.00 to $225.00. I Bm ~'qualnted with the value of real estate in that vicinity., is the damage, how do they compare?, A. 'If the road is opened his property will be d~m~ged about $200.00, I think, the damage EDWARD ~. BETTS, beir~g duly sworl~, says; I live at Cutchogue, a~d am of the opinion that the road would be a benefit, It would shorten the distance going to the Bay; they go there a good deal fishing. I SUPl~Se there would be about 4S0 or 500 New York people who go there besides the people who live in the vicinity of Outchogue. People go there to bathe and on picnics. You could go down there without going around Indian Neck. Nassau Point pro- i!prietore permit people roaming around there; gunning slgns are put up; we can Shoot all the ducks we want. The majorit~ of then travel would be from ~est and I thinX the people who live on the road Could tell what the travel would be, I live a mile or ~/4 ; I use the road and generally go on foot. Ye2 can cross the meadow now. O. B. GOLDS~ITH,(recalled) Q. 'l forgot to ask you if you are acquainted with Mr. Olover's land?' A. "X walked throuEh it.' Q, '~11at, in your opinion, should he receive, it takes an acre and ~8 rods.!I, A. ~I think he ought tO have about $70.00 to $75.00.' Q. It ~ ta~es about 1S rods from Mr. Beebo. A. 'I thl~k the road would benefit Mr. Beebo., 'Mr. Glover's land ia worth about $70~0~ $~ $75.00, a little over an aere~ I think about $$0.00 an aero, it is light land and kind of a hedge~, --7'- pu~llo ~nefl% and ~uld ~a~ the Town of Sout~ld, ~ o~ ~ul~ ~e a~ut 15 or ~0 ~hels of ~tat~$ diffe~n~ to ~ I% ~ ~ a ~nve~enoe for ~ople go~ to thc ~ ~ i~ In the s~r, ~R¥ O. HO~TO~, (rooalled) I ~ one o~ ~o ~ososso~ o~ tho ~o~ o~ the la~ of ~rton B~s, It %~ee ~tween 8 an~ 9 feet on 1%hl~ the hl~h~ay ~d ~ an ~dva~age to eounto~t the ~e, A go~ deal of S%~% on the ~laoe ~oes Weo%~ and 1% would bo a ~t-o~ fo~ h~ and a ~od deal of bls t~velll~ ts ~est, l have ~ ~ for bls bulldi~s, B~111~ fi~t vlaoe~ I think the ~tlta a~ ~1 to I ~n't like to see one ~n ha~=~ for the t~ ~v~m~nt of oth~rg, I tht~ I told you %h~t my idea ~S the ~o~ts ~ul~ ~r~ %hah ba~noe the ~s ~t I 0 0 --8-- ~ton*t think he ou&..t to bt.. put to an expense, all. The 1~.~ i~ mo~e than ~de up ~ the ~se~ lo ha~ to tell what he ~ul~ have to ~ay to ~ ~x I am aaquatnted with ~.~r. ~owar~ Over%Oh'S land. ! would be ~ benefit to him %o hav~ the x~d, JOSEPH ObOVEH: It ta~es Quite a little ~loOe of land ~m him b~ I don't val~ that ve~* ~ch; I think It ls wo~h e~Ut $50,00 or ~ha% g~ows where the proposed road would go ie Of no valua- tion in ~; e~e. They gather some hay but of no value, I~ ~ 0 ~80. 0 p,r aore. I thinx that hl~ d~,e .~hould be reckoned at that rate aeeordlng to the land it takes from him. Would no% benefit his land or partleularlM aa.~.~..~.~==~, it, It tames lS square rods Of Beebo; wher~ the land is, I do not thl~ there is any dm~e at all, it is ~Lmp.~y $~rub oa~s~ have been Oommissloner of N~g~ways of the Town off 20uthold for 15 years~ a~d In the eourse Of' tha~ tex~ I have built a good many ro~v aP~ hav~ ~1~o b~en in the buell Of stump pulli~ and road gradtr~. X have ~n over the ~ute O~ th/~ p~posed ~ ~ have Cl~ed with ~g~rd tO p~ble the ~a~ cost~ Off ma~l~ the ~d. Beginning at ~ast end, tI~ elea~d land up to the ~adow all the ~ay ~ ~ane to the ~w is $4 ro~ It ls worth 50 ~ a rod to ~ade the road~ ~42.005 then ~e take the ,leered lmnd on ~he West ends 11 redes $$.50~ we t~e the st~$ ff~ Lane to the ~adow about 60 t~es, $1.00 a~leee, ' 0 0 --9--- ~68,50~ the ~W ~tw~n ~r~e E~ ~th~ll 630 ~e~ eost a~u~ 40~ foot to do ~t~ feet, $~52,001 ~here ~ 2 ~tter~ would ~uble %lle~ the tlli~ would ~% $50,00; ~artln~ and I th~ that as ~o~ am I have ~n people, It ~d ~lve tho people in the neighbo~ ~o th~ Oreek as l~ goes within 6 or ? ~ds o~ the hea~ o~ Or~; ther~ l~ no o~her ~bllo ~ tO ~hl~ o~eke It ibc a ve~ ~at ~enefit to the ~.s~l~ ~y; ~ ~eh an aw~r~e a~ut 1,000,000, fish a ~ a~ a~ut 1/$ would" over thi~ ~ad a~d it ~o~d ~ho~en the haul ~m what we No~:ern fish~ ~o~, I thl~ a mlle~ am~ then the p~ple that are ~ing and '~lldl~ ~%t~ on l~lan Nook wo~d ~ ~tslde Of all the b~eflt$ of all the p~ple who live the~e I ~ interested ina el~b ~use ~o~ the~. ~e~ are ~t ve~ ~for all the p~y hOldere of X~lan Neo~, ~E fish 0 - 10 - Lane there is a share and a half there that would use the road, We catch fish there regularly every year; last year we caught 800,000, UE carry ~,000 in a l~ad; 100 wagon loads go west- I am acquainted the the value of real estate about Gut- chogue, I have bought and sold land. I am acquainted with George E. Tuthill's farm where the road ~es through, I have been over the proposed road as far as his barn, and I think it would be a benefit to Mr. Tuthill to have this road opened, It would benefit it for all the business he has ~est to go to Cutchogue depot 1/2 mile; the nearest church is West and the nearest school house would be the way some of the children go now, across lots; I don't know as there would be such a great difference. The damage is tO the buildings that stand in the road; it takes some land but my experience inJ ~ land where there is a hedge is that for a short distance out from that hedge, we can't grow anything so I think that what the road takes clear of the hedge wou~d be of fUll value, l think that if I owned the property ! should consider that the benefit was more than the d~nage. The b~lldings are in such condition that it is hard to remove them without damaging them. I should think ~. TuthiI1 should have some- for his damages; I think about $200.00 as he is not g~lng to get all the benefits right away and the damages are all now. It necessitates an outlay of money. He has used those buildings for a number of years and some of them are prett~ poor but they might last him as long as he lives. ALBERT B, TUTHILL, being duly sworn, says: I am acquainted with the value of lands in the nel~ !borhood Where the road would run. ! am acquainted with Tuthill's premises; in regard to the buildings, they will have to be moved and ~ think he should he entitled tO - I1 - danages flor moving thc buildings, and the value of the would be greater than the benefit. Et would open his place up to a highway connection but it would require an outlay %hat I don't thinx he would reap the benefit of until later I should he should be awarded about $$00.00 to settle the /bUildings ove~ and above his benefits. Adjourned until ThUrSday, March 30th, 1905~ at ~Oldmmith's }~ll,~Outchogue, L. I.~ . upon the arrival o~ the Amaganset% traxn. : In the ~atter of : · i for the la~lng out of a Bdghwa~ in the Town of Southold~ xqlnning from B~ ~ue to Cox's ~ane~ ~d'th~ ~o~ damages therefor. : : , ~;~ORQB (~Ol~D, being dul.v swo~n~ says: route of the ~o~osed road. I travel the ~o~ cousid~ ~able and I ~ of the ooinion tha~ the road would be a It ~t~ o~ the ~st.~nce to the chatham coneiderW~le for the ~eople In that neighborhood. IT I lived in that hood I w~ld waist the road; It w~ld be convemient ff~r the peo~le to ~o to the Bs~ and to In~ Neek and those ~e the Pleet'~ Nee~ ~d n~e West until ~t ~om~ %0 the village ~ attituek. ~ ~. Btaekpol~Q~ Hew ~eh ~11 i~ out e~ o~oeuing tB~t road? A. Meall~ Y do ~ot ~, but I t~uk e~ siderab!e e~iall~ for the oeoDle who w~t te ~o~ to Q~ Would it ~t o~ an~ for the people who w~ to ooze t~ Peoonic~ A. It would ~horten the ~stanee half ~ ~ll~. Q, ~ere is a g~od road now to ~u~eho~e, i~'t there? A. read outs o~ the ~o~r and opene up so~e land ~hat is desirable for b~l~ug~ }ir, Gl~er'e land ~ns do~ on the road ~ w~; I do not k~ow whether anyone w~d wan~ to ~ld on It or not. By Jesse T,. C~e-~0, Bow ma~7 ~eople go ~o ohu~oh In Pe$onio. A. ~ToBe. ~ ~V, ~t~oknol~ Q, a !~a~% o? that road goes ~os~ %he mesd~ ~d the tide uF, over the ~ea~ow Shout one or 1 i/2 feet. A. I don't reallU kno~ Q. How ~,~a'a~ ~*eoDle liw~ on t~m road? A. I ~- not }~ow, I a~ a poor ¥~atheTtatician. Q. Row :::any ~ouses are there? Ao ! should think about 17 or 18, somewhere along there. BF. &. ~ase-- Q. What is the character of tho la~d that taken from Mr. Glover? A. It is not reef g~od ~and, I don't [[think, rather light, Q. Well, ! would l~e to/h~e F~ oh~ ~aot~ze lt. A. It ~s ~ath~ e~ 80~1, I9 ~t not Yes, ~t I do not ~ow the value off the ~a~w, worth anFt~n~ A. I sho~d not t~k HOWARD TUT~ILL, being duly ~w~l.n, ! reside at Hew ~ufl~lX and of ~ld~th & ~t~ll. I ~ where the road goes in ~d ~omes out. In ~ opinion It would be a good t~ng for the To~ to lay out the ~oad, It would short~ the ~st~ee to ~toho~e mhd that ts .~e~17 where the most of the people go ~d th~ ~t ~st ~f their stu~ in t~s ~reetlon and their tr~elling is in/~s ~reotlon. / ~th & ~$~i have a store at New ~olk ~o~e? A. ~es sir. Q. Then you t~nE in ~our ~einess? A. I had not thought of I hope so. There ~e lots of stores here ~d it w~d shorten the ~stanee a ~eat deal. Those who favor it s~ S/4 o~ a ~le ~d those who oppose it s~ 1/2 ~le. Most ~f the l~d where the ~oad w~ld go ls salt mea~ and is not ~eh value nowdaFs, Y don't know how ~eh mea~w ~t I t~nE ~te a piece. ~. ~w ~gh does the tide rise on the meadow? don't ~ow, It Is necess~ to ~ld the ~ad above where the tide rises, ~d It wo~d only wash ~ere there lsa ~ea ~t thee is no'sea where that would be. ~at I would ~all a sea lS what we see at ~ew ~ffolk ~t on eree~e It is not what I w~ld ealla sea by ~y me~, P~haPs eon~tions m~e it. ~t might rise uP and might not. ! have been over the New Suffolk Road when the water was 6 ~ inches over it. ~her6 is a good road down there now b~ Davis Tuthlll'e 'store. This road cute off the corner. B~ A. Oase-- Q. You are a member of~ the l~lrm of Goldsmith & Tuthlll? A. I haVe said so three times. Q. Have you owned lands in the Vicinity of where this road goes? A. ! think ! have but am not sure. Q. You ~now this locality, don't you? A. Yes, ! have a general idea. q. What do you think is worth? A. It don't seem. to have ant value. want to put you to the trouble of coming here Of mamma ~ course this ie reasonable and right. Now, do you think there is any damage; you have quite a good idea, l think, of how that road crosses the meadows; do y~u think the meadow land Q. I don't as a witness agaX~. it is an7 ds~age to the meadow owners? A. I don't see how. Q. ! will go on to the upland owners. How, do you thinx the upland owners are affected? A. I suppose it would depend on how it outs into them. If it goes between two men it don't hurt them; I am no fax-mar, ! d~n't know.' Q. Are you ao~ualn-~ ted with the East line of the L~gene ~oldsmith property? A. ~o. ~. Then if you are not, that's all. ~MARLES F. EMITN, being d~ly sworn, says: ! reside at ~utchogu&and ~ acquaintedwith the general route of this road. It is mauy years since I have crossed the meadows on foot. It would bo a great convenience to many and well travelled by a good man~ people. People have used i~ in the old days and if opened it would be hand~ to go to Indian Neck and the old fish house. By },~. Stack- pole-- Q. How much would it shorten the distance? A. ~F Judgment but not b~measurement, I should think half a mile. I have no idea of what it would cost to build the road across the meadow.. I could not sa~ how high the water rises on the meadow at hi~tides. HOWARD OVN~TON, being duly sworn safe: ! live in Cutchogue, and the road would cross some of re/ meadow land. ! have not been over the proposed road but ! r. now where it goes in and comes out. In m7 opinion it would be for the benefit of the public to laF out the load. ~t has been used b~ people when the~ go across lots. By 9. Housel-- Q. It takes of Mour land some S~ feet. A. ~ x a~ willing to K~ve that land. By Y~. Stackpole--- Q. Where is the school house? A. Just in baCk off ~ house. 1~ house is on the main road. Q. Would it not be Just as near to the school house now as if the road was la~d out? A. I don't k~ow exactlM where this road is cor~h~ out but ! think it would make about one-half the dii~ference. Q. Do Fou mean that If Mou lived two r~tles awaF it would, be one mile less? A. No, I don't think that. Q. Is the school house about haiti waF l~om Davis T~thill's store to where th. is road comes out? A. It is about one-quarter of a m~le nearer in ~Y Jud~- mont, q. The difference between Davis Tuthill's stere and this road on the main highway is about one-quarter off a m~le and Met this school house is nearer this road then the other? A. It is a little over a quarter oti a ntlle between the mouths oti the ~O,roade, the proposed road and the old road. The school house is a lit'tle nearer this proposed r~ad than it is the store. That would make the school house about half a mile. q. You~ main road has several houses on l~md the ~Vad to Indian Neck has houses, let would this road have houses? A. ! am not acquainted on this road. By Mr. Housel--- Q. Is the sxhool house east or west of Qlover's on the main road? A. The a~hool house is East of ~ox's Lane. By Mr. Staekpolo Q. Wher~ do Mou think the children would prefae to travel, over the road where there are no houses or s. lov~ the main road where the houses are? A. I should think the~ would prefer to travel the new road because it i~ nearer, l don't think it would male much difference, Q, Now suppose the tide was up a foot or two above the new road? A. I d~n't k~ow as it would be, (Mr. Housel) ~t has not yet appeared how high the tide would rise. {Howard Tuthill) ExCuse ms, but the tide in New ~mffolk rises 2 feet and lO inches. (Mr. Housel) Y~u said you didn't know how high. {Howard Tuthill) At high'~lWate~ ma~k, it goes Just to the top of the meadow but a big Easter .goes higher. Mr. Staekpole-- Now high is the road built above the meadow? A. About 1 1/2 feet. ~ust abc,At the height of the turn-pike. ! have bee~ to Oreenport and seen the water all over the road. BARNABAS T. BILLARD~ being d~ly sworn~ sa~s: ! live on Indian Neck and a~ acquainted with the route of the proposed road from Addison ~ase's to Joseph Glover's. X know where it goes and I consider that it is worth while for the Town to lay it out. I thln~ it would be a great public oonvenience, not only to the Public but to mFself. ! do not go to church in Peeonic, I go to Out- chogue. It would save quite a drive and meet of the people do business at Outchogue and the present road is 1/2 to ~/4 of a mile fttrther. I think the new road would be in the neighborhood of 1/2 to 3/4 miles shorter; it would cut off that long drag at ~kunk Lane and hill at Slllecks and the hill at Napes. ~ome of the worst hills are on this road~ It would shorten the distance if you drove to Rlverhead. NOW as is it, I have to go m22 from m~ Place to Davis Tuthlll's and then from Davis Tuthill's to Bridge La~e and i~em Bridge Bane down to George Tuthill's. If this new road was laid out I could go there in about one-quarter Of that time. It comes within a few feet of the meadow. The p$ople cross 6 m~ land now for a short-~Uto They go through my Mops ~ them ~ ~t that has been a ffoo~ath ffo~ 40 ye~s but s~e of ~ nel~bors ~e going to PU% UP the b~s ~ I ~11 ~have to tr~el ~/4 of a ~le ~rther. ~ ~. ~taeEpol~ ~ou live at ln~ ~ee~? A. Uss. Q. Ail the hills t~s w~ ~e u~ ~11 so when ~ou get up here ~ are eonslde~ able higher th~ F~ are at ~ pla~e? A. ~ere ls s~ d~ ~11 ~ades. ~en ~ou ~e ~ng t~s w~ loaded potatoes ~ have he~ loa~ ~ng up, ~t y~ go ~pt~ ~o It don't m~e so ~h ~fference. There ~e a good m~ potatoes r~sed ~d we have to e~t them to ie and lose ~ a ~shel ~ ~ on ae~o~t of these ~lls ~d that w~ld Pa~ o~ taxes if we e~ld o~t th~ to ~ Oho~e. Q. W~ld ~ e~t to ~toho~e ~epot If the new ~ad was open? .A. ~ e~not tell, that is in the ~t~e. Q. ~ some up to Davis Tut~ll's store on the m~n road, how f~ ~ ls Peeo~e d~ot? A. About 1 1/2 ~les. Q. How f~ Out~ho~e depot? A. Well, on the m~n road, I sh~ld about two ~les. 2. Th~ Fou ~ ~ust as near Pe~o~e as ~tcho~e d~ot ~en if ~ have the new road. A. I sh~ld not t~nk there w~ld be ~eh a ~erenee, it w~ld be e~al. ~. How ~ does the tide rise over the meadow? A. I don't ~ow. ~ A. 0a~c Y~ say that t~s proposed ~oad eons ne~ly to s~e meadow l~d of yo~s? A. Yes sir. 2. If it ~d, what w~ld you consider y~ d~ge? ~ld it help ~o~ mead~ as ~eh as the land was ~rth? A. I s~d when they ~rst stated I would not chugs the T~ thing f~ the meadow. I t~nk the behest w~ld be to the d~age. Y t~nE the oonvenlen~e if It comes ~t~n a f~ feet ~d I e~ld get a rl~t of way to ~ l~d w~d De a behest to me. I ~ld get to the mea~ then to use It to some adverse whereas now I m~e no use of it at ! haVe not used it for several years as it was hard to get to it. A frontage on the main highwa~ would be a benefit. ! desire the road because it would be a great benefit but not all for rm~ personal benefit; there isa gTeat deal of highway travel that way and people who ~don't live theTe don't Xnow how muoh travel there is there and I oonsider the rOad a great benefit to everyone and not m~self alone. WE have a good deal of driving to the East of Outohogue; a great deal of the travel that is done West ia done over pri- vate lanes and I don't see why one or two Private individuals should furnish a highway for the publio. ! get m~ mail at Peoonio and always have; it is mere oonvenient there for me and has always been ooming there there; we have a Post Offiee there and the mail is brought to the ~orner, it is not a publlo Post Offiee but there is an arrangement made with the people to bring the mail there. Ail the people down the nook g~t their mail from Peeonie. B~ J; L. Oase--. Q. There is no lieanSed liqUor saloon in Peeonie? A. No si~, there is in ~ut~hog~e, but I don't patronize it, Jlldge. ~S~l ~, ~, being' duly sworn, says: I live in New 8,iffolk and am aequainted with the proposed OOUntry where the road is to run. ! have been on e~eh end of the route. ! thin~ the road would be a benefit to the Tow~ of Southold. It shortens the distanoe to the people who live this way ~nd I suppose it would in~rease the value of property there. Most of the travel is this wa~, but of oourse the~ knorr more about that than t do. l~ would lnorease the value of the property along this road to lam it out. ! did have an interest in some land along the proposed route of this road; it belonged to the firm. ! think we had 5 sores, but it woUldn't vary muoh from $100o00. ! never seen the property and if I thought the road was going through I would~l't sell for less than $500.00, aa I tl~ir~k it would benefit the ~ propert~ b~ opening UP a nice creek coun- try. It opens a shorter road to Indian Neak and the fish house. It is a great eonveienee for people who go there. I have looked over Mr. Tuthill's buildings with regard to lng them. ! have looked over Mr. Tuthill's property with a view of ma~ing an estimate =mw as to moving the buildings; I thi~ at would cost $250.00. This was stated to Mr. Tuthill at the time. (A. Oase)! would like to object to his teat-- imor~ because I don't think it comes in his, lane of talk and the question of damages don't come in. Objection over- ruled. (A. ~ase) Please e~euse me, ! submit to you as a commissioner. I am not asking any questions. R~ ~. Staekpolc ~. You have moved buildings? A. I have moved buildings and have had experience ; Y was Mighwa~ com- missioner a few years. Q. Didn't you trdild the road at New 51xffolk? A. No, I dldll't btzild the road but ! lrallt a path so we could go across, ! don't know how high it is raised across the meadow. ~. Now high is the road raised across the meadow? A. I don't know but I think two feet, it is drag out on the aides and banked uP so you would think it is than it is. Q. Do you Enow h°w many buildings belong to Mr. TUthil! that would have to be moved? A. Six. ~. Are the buildings in good' condition to be moved? A. The bairn is but the others are poor' ~r~ildings; I included moving the bain in m~ estimate. Part of them have no sills and it would be more difficult to move them, but there is a plate or beam there, the~ are fast to somet.hing. ! have moved worse buildings those. The cowshed is nothing b~t air to move; there is a roof and three sides and you could move the three sides roof and leave the other. B~ Mr. stackP~le-' Could you move the posts? A. Mr. Tuthill said we could saw those off. ~ome -- 9-- Of these posts run to the l~late of the ~tlld~ng and go In the ground. ~ Mr. ~taekpole-- 2. How large is the barn? A. I forget how, but I think it Is ma~ be 25 x S2 or 33. have forgotten the sise of it. ! do not know whether the~ is a well Where the road would go. ! didn't contrast to move that. Q. Couldn't you move it? A Oh, yes, it ~Ald be moved . ! havens due well up. 2. A~e there oa~ trees around the yard and sherry trees in the lane this road Wottld take out? A. Yes, there are. Q. You told Mr. T~uthlll that you would ana~e the buildings fOr A. Yes, and I am willing to do it now; Just what I said ! would do. ~ A. ~aae--- Well, what is your ~tlmate of damage to ~r. 2uthill? A. $230.00. 2. Does ~that include the moving the barn? &. Uss. I do not know whether the road touohes the barn or not but that was included in r~ estimate~. A. Well what other buildings are there that had to be moved? A. ~o~n e. rihs, hen houses, oow ahed~ and sow yards, ! guess. 2. What is the value of them altogether? A. About l~ out- side of the ba~n. 2. ! don't think I want to examine you more. B~ Mr. ~,tae~Pole-- You sell lumber, I think? A. I sell lumber but not sueh lumbe~ as that; the~ are not worth more than ,1~ but the~ won't ,tumble down while ! have hold of the~. STUART W. HORTON, being duly sworn, says: (~alled by com- missioners. ) X ~wn lands on the ~outh side where it leaves R~ Aver~me. I know the extent t° which the road comes in, ab~% ~ 1/2 aero. I thine it is worth with what stands on it, at $1~0.00; I thir~ that the $130.00 would be damage over and above the benefit. ~ A. Case--- Q. How is it that you thir~~ yott? damage is $150.007 A. It ~uts in to the land on the Wes~ end and leaves it in bad shape and ~uts into the orchard and --- lO---- ~'t t~s ~d ~ ~ a ~eet~ w~th the v~lla~e of d~'t ~e ~o eehool and h~'t ~ c~1~. q, Z ~he We~t end, ~ve ~ple t~$ ~ t~ ~ t~ee other t~ee, I t~ al~t ~X~ y~ et~t, ~. ~at t~s ~e th~? ~ve apple t:~ ~ on the West end, ~t I d~'t ~egard ~,~ct~ as anF p~i~l~ value. The ~le tr~s ~ ,.~t leas th~ ~50.00 ~ that is che~. I want the ~et of the $150.~0 for the l~nd ~d the shape it leges the l~d. O. ~ ~ch land does it t~ke? ~es it t~e a~ la~d Of A, No ~, ~, ~ell h~ ~ t~d ~ we t~e Of ~ou If this ~ad ~o~ %~ that 18 of the tillable land~ A, 2~ ~% ~a~ to Oeo~e ~ithill off the ~%h side~ A, Yem ~17 ~ tide rises ~ that ~ ~et ~t ~ ~na~ ~ tide dce~'t e~e ~r the ~a~, ~. ~ U~ t~ the tS a ~e necee~t~? A. ~o ~, not to me, I don't it 18 a ~smi%~, It loaves ~ tillable l~d i8 bad eha~ ~Dle place to ~ld ~d l~ple ~t~d ~0 ~ld t~ w~d the ~1~ ~ do ~ value the I~d ~ a~? A, A% the ~ea~, I ~.on't t~: the ~ad la a ~b~o ~s~ty, I In ~lxln~ r~ads. Ue r~sed %hat two f~et, ! %~nk, above la,ge oak t~ee w~l~ be tsk~n do~. Q. ~at in F~ at it, .I don't k~ the value of his f~t trees, A, Oas~eets. ObJe~ilon ov~le~ Q. ~at In y~ trees. 1%~ t~e way: that he wou~d be d~ed aooor~ ~o ~he value of ~ %~ees ~ ~XDS, 00 %0 ~)150.00, Of ~d 1%1~. that it 1~ wo~h ~l~O. O0 ~r %h~.~ trees. ~e told Jeotio~ ~e~l~4, X looked ~er %he ~ad ~d ~ the be 4nme?ed ~1000,00, BY ,r, %. than %h~ were th~. ~. Wall then I ~uppose y~ %~nk %h~ tree's d~a~e~ ~a% should Fou Judge ~A~ he ~o~'% loeo i%~ h~ ~Zill h~a t?~e l~e? l, He 10~ I o~no% s~ h~ ~a~n7 o~k tre~; those oh~ %~es ~ no% '?,bother I tasted th~ or not. 1% t8 ~T a r~on%h ~% n~ t can't ~er~b~. Q, ~a% value --- 14 ~id ,YOU r, la~e on t, he trees? ~o ! don't r,~ember ~at %he 1~ t~h there. ~. ~he h~e where %~e road ~%he ~'o~d ~oes %~h ls ~ath~ 1~. I l~ko~ ov~ the ~1~ ln~ ~t~ a vl~ of ~vin~ %h~ a~oss. It l~ a P~tty h~rd ' ;~600,00, ~, ~a:.~e obje~t~ to oh~a~ter of the t.e~ttmo~;F, ~ %D~nk tha land taken ~d the tr~e:] ~nd other ~all bUil~ ings ~d I t~ the b~ ~d two or t~e oth~ houses ~:,rob~o!y cost ab~% $800.00 on the hullings ~d $200,00 She lsnd lnel~ng the shade, troes. Q. Did you lneludo the inju~ to ~s feelings? ~;r. 9taekPole obJeots. ~Ast~ned. ~ Mr. ~ousel~ ~ ~ou ~e~' to say it would (~800.00 to ~ve the ~i~s? A. It i~ t~s wa~: the ings are o~ ~e ~l~nEm ~d w~ild be pretty ~11 to nieee~ If th~ ~ ~ed. ~t as th~ s~e th~ ~li do for ~everal years. Th~ are all rig~,t a~ th~ stmmd but you ~ove %h~ t% l~ about a~ eh~n to nut ~p n~ ~ a~ %o ~x th~. ~e ~800.00 I ~ed a, the ~e~ ~f n~ ---- 15---- An Insurance OoorO~uly would pay more than $100.00 for that barn, We had a barn insured for $400.00 and when it b~.Umed we got $400.001 Q. How far ia the barn from the road? A. I should thind~ about 20 feet, something like 18 or 20 feet. I think it would be in a pond if you didn't move it. ~ NobodF wOUld like %o have a Darn standing by itself. JOSEPH ~, ALBERTS0N, being duly sworn, says: ! live in 0utohogue and know the route of this pro- posed road and the location of this coim~nnitv. I don't thin~ the road is a Public necessity. It would not save quite half.a mile, about 153 rods I think. ~ J. L. 0ass--- Q. How / rm~ch does that lack of half a mile? A. 1S0 rods is half a m.~le, I think. Q. That would ma~e a whole lmlle S80 rods? A. Yes. Why don't think it is a public necessity? A. you I think the expense is too much for the Town. I est,'mate the expense on my own opinion. Q. Have you been. over the rOUte of the PrOPOSed road? A. ! have looked it over and have not estimated the d~nage except in my own mind. Q. What do you think the damages would be? A. I think they would be between S~000 and $S000; I Just walked over the road and didn't figure how much it would cost to turn-pike it or any~himg ~ike that. Q. How f~r did you go across the meadow? A. went as fa~ as I could and then went back. I saw the other end from where I stood. Q, At what point did you arrive at the e,,-,timate of 2 or $000 dollars? A. I have given you mF answer. Q. You think the road would cost fTom 2 to Z000 doll~ A. I have told you ones, and shan't answer again. Q. up to w~ere you went what did you consider the damages? A. I have answered the question that the whole road would ecs% ~ or Z000 dollars. ~. you scorn to go into details? WILLIAM DAVIDS, being duly sworn, says: I live in ~utchogue and know this proposed road and am acquainted with the oomm~ity and know the houses and the lll~s losatlon. I' know the general business ~one in the eo.~unity. I don't think the roa~ is a neosssity; we have a good road there now. There ~e no buil~n~ on %~s ~roposed ~ad. About h~ lon~ ls the ~o~osed ~ad? A. I t~nk there is m~ to sho~ that,. Q. Taking off those a~ie trees of ~s ~d the d~e to his b~l~ngs, what is yo~ o~lnion of the d~a~e? A. Case objects; that witness is net qu~l~ed. I h~e ~ught and sotd~ l~d In ~Gteho~e ~d kn~ the v~ue of ~ple %~es. ~hey re,ire ~onsiderable time to grew. Q. How long would it t~e ~pple tress to gr~ as l~e as ~hose? A. Oase obj ect~. ~l~d. It w~ld ta~e 2~ to ~ow ~he lar~emt tr~es a~d the smaller ones less, ho~ Mr. ~thlll~ oh~ tree~ and ~ll~n~s are Iooate~ ~. Have M~ hsd e~le~oe i~ movi~ old b~!din~s? A. A little. Q. T~kinR into co~l~er~%io~ the d~e t, ~he lan~ i~ ~ld ~ake, tbs trees it wo~l~ %aka, and the ~l!~ngs of %he d~e? A. ~ 900 %o ~1000,00, A. ~se ack. ts %o th~ deni~! of his notion to s%~k8 out %he EaSt? A. Yes. Q. In ease t~s D~Posed road was put it ~outd. stop ~he soelabitity~ In passing your h~mse? A. ~.d~n't know. Ve~f little c~%!n~ ~oes u~ to depot; I think not more th~ 1/10 goes to ~%oho~e than nephew. ~. Have y~ looked oval. the land.? A. Ye~. Q. As %hose ~eligh%~l ~h~ trees, have y~ been %h~e ~d shales? A. Yes. Q. ~ould it lnj~e the scene~ %ha~ old h~se if ~he eoad ~en% %hr~h? IS i~ no% a %hat %ha% Is a de~k old hole ~o~ the~e ~d %~% ~ ar, F~od~ but MX, ~thill would clea~ it uP? ~'t It gin to ~e ~ e~ima~e; ~ ~d 7ou wa~ ~u~til ~ A, ~ have a e~d ~th t~ e~$~e~ all on ~t ~d ~ot ~ ' it, X e~timat~d the land at $~00.00~ ~;I00 for the the ~e a~out ~.~, ~ pi~ked ~he~ie~ thee a~d the~ m~ed; to ~ve the ba~ ~uld be ~noth~w~'O0', to ~e the ~ h~ and sheep h~el an~ ~ th~ in good aha~e ~her {~300, Th~ le an~h~ little lt~ ~nd that is to ~ in ~ns ~ ~he ba~ end that w~ld ne~ssitate In ~ive~%~, that ~1 gee~ into the ~k n~, ~m~ b~ ~ the ~attle ~ b~ on %he ~Ath ~lde l~ the ~.nt~, %ho~% poe~bly $~0 or $?6 fo~ the ~ng, I 1~ the~ 10 a ~t %~e th~ ~rd~ a g~ea% deal Of pas~e. d~'% t~ it ~d ~a~ the value of ~s ~ea~ ~d ~'~ %~ It ~Uld b~e~% ~a f~ng land, ~ad, I k~ ~e?e ~. ~%hlll lives ~d ~e ~. lives, I h~9 ~J~% ~d ~id l~d ~d kn~ tho v~lue Of l~d and h~e m~ed ~l~ng~ ~d kn~ the ~os% of m. oving old bult~ingz. ~ k3~ow s~eth~n~ of the value of l~d ~d the ~ple t~es, what In 7~ opi~o~ w~d he be ~ed~ A, I .rmu3. d t~nk ab~t Jl..O, O0, ~,As~ing that ~, ~t~ill has ~s l~d ~4 ~ ~h~ trees ~ %~%es ~d %~ln~ ~t~ng into eonsld~tlon~ what %~ would be ~s d~e? A, ~0% less th~ ~,I000,~. ~OVe~ those ~Id~n~ %~ey ~1 ha~ ~ be ~ep~re~, w~ld Oos~ aS ~O~ ~0 ~Id n~ b~lit~ng~ A, ~ase ob~e~t~ to %~l~ng witness ~a% %0 s~. ~J~?~%ion ~st~ned. Q, ~a% do ~u t~ X% ~ld ~ost to move the b~l~ng~? it w~ld cost ~250 to ~ve %h~ ~nd ~'~50 ~re to ~e th~ i% ~14 cos% ~M~O~O0 %o ~e the ~l~ugs and as ~eh mo~ ~ ~o% a o~nter ~t have m~ed ~l~ngs, Q, Ym say f~ movinE th~ and ~0 ~r ~t%lng %h~ in reo~? A, %h~ p~d ~!00,00 ~r the ~ed ~ I think th~ m~% to h~S t~t back, Me b~h% it and paid ~ 1% and ~% to h~e ~e ~'~ back, 1%hir~ he ~% to have SSO0, O0 for the lng %he well. Be ~irl he ~'% wa~% ~o be oi} a e~t~a%ed the p~vate ~d 9t f:tO0, O0 ~d f'200,O0 for %he A. F~ll the l~nd $150e00 ~d %he %m~s ~ ~d T~ value the l~d at per a~e? A, Abot~t $200,00, W~ld F~ p~ ~00,00 ~ a~e fora, iii A, I wouldn't p~ ~t it i~ In ~n% of ~e h~se and ao~ms ~ doo~d; I don't beli~e he wo~d sell fo~ less, I ~'% ~.~e the meadow of wmieh acoount, 0~, Don't you think %he road would fit Mr, Tu%hi!l? A. No, some people would pay more f~r a ~laee ---1.~--- f'It~ ~l. No sir. q. ~mlld y~ like to h~e olosed in ~nt ~' Four house? A. No sir. a g~al t~ng~ .A. Not alw~s, }~ }~r. ~ousel-- road au~ abo~t b~w the houes,~ a~e ~tu~ted and ab~ ~, ow Horton'~ !a~d. I bava jttst for %he -'"~e~,~e lu~'r~d. I think it v,c~14 ~ a ve~ stye ~a~. {~. ~e% ?~o Fou t~nk would be the e~er~ae? I. l f'.o~'~'% know h~ r~h. ~. !~ y~. $,~'~k that }~. Albertso)~'s vi~ ~ ~:. ~ two to ~b~e th~.~U, sa~d ~,ol,~a right~ A. I think it ~,~,,!~ eo~:ff, all of that. --- ~0 What do you think it should be? A. I tDink it would be all of $1000.00. Q. You don't kuow anything about moving ~uild- ~ngs? A. I know the value of land Said could ~.~ake a fair estimate as to the value of the trees. I think it would be $500.00 for damages te the buildings and putting the~ in re-- pair, and $5000.00 fo~ the land and trees, I thinx we would be benefited very slightly by the road. By J. L. Case-- d. Do :ecu think that if I Bad made an agreement to buy the place and this cor~uission should decide the road should be laid emi I should have something taken off if this road went thr~gh? A. Yes, I do. ~y A. case-- Q. Now ~vou state that the drainage to Mr. Tuthill is ~1000.00 in your opinion and you say ~!500.00 for his buildings, how do you foot that up? Mr. Stack- pole objects. Objection sustained. R. E. 9TURGE9, being duly sworn, s~ys: Y live in Eouthold and am a builder by occupation. I Have seen the premises of George E. Tuthill where this high- way would run. By A. Oas~-~ Q. You in your occupation as a builder have ~oved buildinEm? A. Mor~e, yes. Q. What is your estimm~te of the cost of ~oving ~r. Tuthitl's buildings; those that are affected by the ~ and putting them in the sam~.e Shape they are now? A. In order to move the b~ldlngs they would want sor~e repairs; I thought it would cost from ~150.00 to ~;160.00 to move the small buildings and the hovel. They come in the road. ~ believ~ there is ? ~mall buildings besides the hovel. There is one building that would be oheape~ to take down than move. It has a sheaf of straw for a roof; I think a charge of dyn~m~ite would be. the be~t thing for that. Q. What do you estimate the whole thing at? A. I estimated it at $~00.00; it included repairs enough to hold them togeth~ long enough to get the~ on the premises. Q. Did you ex~mine the barn? A. Not am closely. It doesn't include putting in foundation and in ~y e~lmate I thought the sill could be put in for that ,~.one,y ~t it didn't include any foundation except some stone sUgh' as is there at present. That was simply moving them all~.getting them over there in th~ con- dition .th~ ~e at th~os~t~ t~e. Q. In ye estimate ' 7~ e~eo~ed to move ~hose~ ~h~t ~ more d~age th~ was necossa~? A. Yes, but some of them req~re r~palri~ Q. Did ~ou look at the b~n? A. Not p~tieul~ly. where it is it ~ould last a good man7 7e~s but if ~,o~e~ it would be shaken up. AdJ ~urned until ·mnty Oourt, 8uffoll~ ~ounty, .In the M~%ter of the AppLtoat;lon of for the lsFing out of a ,lttghwsy in ~e Town ~ Southold, ~ ~m B~ A~e ~ OoX's ba~, ~dthe as~9~. ?ovn o~ e~ao:~ Ii. ~.1~, ~om~sm~oaer of lt~s, of the 8outl~oXd, OOIAnty of ,quffolk, New lorl~. 9ea~ 8~r:-- Please ;~o ta~e ver~f~ ~e ~Oth~ ~ J~u~ h~m ~rve~ u~n F~, W~i m~9 ap~a~on to ~.~ tO ~ h~d at ~ ~t ~se ~n th~ ~ll~e of R~v~hea~, ~ s~ O~%F, on the l~thday of o'~k M., of that daF, or as ~ ~ 8eo~on 84 of the ~way L~ Date~, 'Jarmtal~! 31st, 1905. Offfloe and Post Offloe address, Jesse L. oase, At~rney for Petitioner, SOUthold, Suffolk Co., N. Y. In the lab,~ ~] th~ Town } Imta4, .I',.r~;R.!'F 14%h, 190§, WAll~m~ ~, Gra%hwohA, WHEREAS, WILLIAM C. GRATHWOHL, of the Town of $o~Athold, in the O~nty of ,~uffolk, lS about to apply~ to the O~unty Judge of the Oounty of Suffolk, p~r~.~ant to Seotion 85 of the Highwa~.~ Law, for the appointment of Oommissioners to determin upon the necessity of layins out a propose4 Highway, and to a~se~a the dama~e~ by reason thereof: ~ow, that_afore we, the said ~illia~ O. Grathwohl, a~ principal, and Eugene G. Horton an~ Theo. ~. ~)rton, of t Town of ,qouthol4 aforesaid, hia aureties, do h~reby, ~xrsu~unt t~ 8aotion 8~ of the Highway Law, jointly and ~everall? under take, that if the Co~aissi_oner~ ap!~inted 4eter:~tne that the proposed Highway is 'not neeemsary, we will pay to the aai~ Oommlsaloners their o(m~pensation at the rate of $4.00 p~r 4ay for ea~.h day neoeeearily spent, ,3xd all costa and expenses neae~earily lno~rre4 in the performanoe of their dA~ty, not exoeeding in the aEgregate the sum of $50.00. Date%, ~%is 24th d~v of Jam%ary, 1905. ~illisr~ O. Grathwohl, (L. i ~.~ene O. Horton, Theo. W. Horton, State of New York, ) ~unt¥ of s~%ffolk, ) SS: Town of southold, ) On this SOth day of Jan~%~ry, 1905, before me, the a~bscriber, personally es/~e ~illiam ~,. Grathwo] $ G. Horton and Theo. W. Horton, of the Town of Southold Suffolk Oounty, New York, personally known to me to be the ~ame persons described in, and who executed .the foregoing und takiug and they eeverally acknowledged to me that they execu- ted the aame. Notary P~blio. ) ~.) ;.) Stat~. of New York, ~,ounty of .quffol~,. Eugene G. Horton and Theo. ~. Horton, the e~etl~e m~ntioned ~d deecribed in the foregoing undert~l~, bel~ d~y serially SWorn, ~ each fer ~mself sa~s, that he is ~ ~ee~e~nd fre~older wit~n the T~ of Em~thold, C~n~ of Suffolk and State of N~ York ~d i~ w~rth $100.00 over and a~ve all debts end liabilities ~!ch he owed or ha~ incurred, ~pt ~ law ~o~ levy and ~e on execution. Eugene G. Horton. Theo. ~abscribed and ~worn to before me thi~ 30th d~y of Jantt~, 1905. Josiah C. oase, ~. Horton. Notary I hereby approve of the foregoirg ~u~dertaking, the m~ffieieney of the s~retiee therein naned. and of Oounty Oourt, Suffolk County. In the ~atter of the Applioa- ion of WILLIAi~ C. GRATHW0HS, 'or the laying out of a Highway n the Town of Southold, running From Bay AVenue to Cox's Lane and .he asses~neut for damages there- ~or. [OTICE of ~0TION for APPOINTMENT of O0~IS $I 0NERS. Attorney for petitioner, southol4, suffolk Co., New York. q tion of WILl, lAN C. (]F(ATLI~,O}!L