HomeMy WebLinkAboutFisher Road In the Matter of the Laying out of two certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. APPLICATION TO LAY (~T T~O TOWN HIGHWAYS TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT (H~ HIGHWAYS OF THE TO~N (F SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ND STATE OF NEW YORK: The undersigned, inhabitants of said Town of Southold, liable to be assessed for highway taxes therein, hereby apply to you to lay out two highways at New Suffolk, in said Town to be known as "Fisher Road" and "Fred Street", and to run as follows: FISHER RO~D: BEGINNING at a monument on the easterly line or Grathwohl Road 881.61 feet southwesterly and southerly along said Grathwohl Road from a 33-foot public highway known as Elsie Road; from said point of beginning running along land of Robert Fisher, land of George F. Grathwohl and across the southerly end of a proposed 50-foot highway to be known as "Fred Street" south 81 degrees 21' 30" east 396.48 feet; thence along said land of George F. Grathwohl south 8 degrees 38' 30" west 50 feet; thence along said land of George F. Grathwohl and along land of Grace Fisher north 81 degrees 21' 30" west 392.54 feet to a monument on said easterly line of Grath- wohl Road; thence along said easterly line of Grathwohl Road the two courses as follows: (1) north 5 degrees 41' 10" west 32.97 feet; thence (2) north 21 degrees 48' 00" east 18.55 feet to the point of beginning. Said proposed highway being 50 feet in width throughout. FRED STREET: BEGINNING at a monument on the souther- ly line of the 33-foot public highway known as Elsie Road 135 feet easterly along said southerly line from Grathwohl Road; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Elsie Road south 72 degrees 50' 30" east 50 feet; thence through land of Elsie Grathwohl south 17 degrees 09' 30" west 132.65 feet; thence through said land of Elsie Grathwohl and through land of George F. Grathwohl south 23 degrees 27' 00" west 493.76 feet; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl -1 south 8 degrees 38' 30" west 128.50 feet to the northerly line of the proposed 50-foot highway to be known as "Fisher Road"; thence along said north- erly line of "Fisher Road" north 81 degrees 21' 30" west 50 feet to a monument; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl north 8 degrees 38' 30" east 135 feet; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl and through said land of Elsie Grathwohl north 23 degrees 27' 00" east ~9T.51 feet to a monu- ment; thence along land of Blanchard north 17 de- grees 09' 30" east 129.90 feet to the point of beginning. Said proposed highway being 50 feet in width throughout, which two proposed highways will pass through the lands of GEORGE F. GR~THWOHL, also known as GEORGE FREDERICK GR~TH- WOHL, and ELSIE M. GR~THWOHL, also known as ELSIE MAY GR~THWOHL, his wife, who consent to the laying out of said two highways. Hereto annexed and made a part hereof is a certain map showing the course of each of said two proposed high- ways. Dated this 14th day of October, 1960. ~pplicant STATE ~F NE~ YORK I SS .. COUNTY ~ SUFFOLK O~ this l~th day of October, 1960, before me personally came GEORGE F. GR~ONL and ELSIE M. GRATh~0~L, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same· ROBERT F. DART Notary Public, State of New York No. 52-5922700 Qualified in Suffolk County .Commission Expires March 30, [962 -2 - In the Matter of the Laying out of two certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. CONSENT (~ TO~N BOARD TO PROP(~S- ED T~O TO~ HIGHWAYS Upon reading and filing the application of GEORGE F. GRaTHWOHL, also known as GEORGE FREDERIOK GRaTH~OHL, and ELSIE M. GRaTHWOHL, also known as ELSIE MAY GRaTHWOHL, his wife, dated and acknowledged the 14th day of October, 1960, and the dedication and release of said GEORGE F. GRATHWOHL and ELSIE M. GRATHWOHL, his wife, and ANGELA BLANOH~RD, dated the 14th day of October, 1960, and duly acknowledged, dedicating and releasing the necessary lands for two pro- posed town highways, to be knOwn as "Fisher Road" and "Fred Street", to pass through the lands of said GEORGE F. GRaTH- WOHL and ELSIE M. GRATHWOHL, his wife, and described as follows: FISHER ROAD: BEGINNING at a monument on the easterly llne of Grathwohl Road 881.61 feet southwesterly and southerly along said Grathwohl ~oad from a 33-foot public highway known as Elsie Road; from said point of beginning running along land of Robert Fisher, land of George F. Grathwohl and across the southerly end of a proposed 5C-foot highway to be known as "Fred Street" south 81 degrees 21' 30" east 396.48 feet; thence along said land of George F. Grathwohl south 8 degrees38' 30" west 50 feet; thence along said land of George F. Grathwohl and along land of Grace Fisher north 81 degrees 21' 30" west 392.54 feet to a monument on said easterly line of Grath- wohl Road; thence along said easterly line of Grathwohl Road the two courses as follows: (1) north 5 degrees 41 10 west 32.97 feet, thence (2) north 21 degrees 48' O0" east 18.55 feet to the point of beginning. Said proposed highway being 50 feet in width throughout. -1 FRED STREET: BEGINNING at a monument on the souther- ly line of the 33-foot public highway known as Elsie Road 135 feet easterly along said southerly line from Grathwohl Road; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Elsie Road south 72 degrees 50' 30" east 50 feet; thence through land of Elsie Grathwohl south 17 degrees 09' 30" west 132.65 feet; thence through said land of Elsie Grathwohl and through land of George F. Grathwohl south 23 degrees 27' 00" west 493.76 feet; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl south 8 degrees 38' 30" west 128.50 feet to the northerly line of the proposed 50-foot highway to be known as "Fisher Road"; thence along said north- erly line of "Fisher Road" north 81 degrees 21' 30" west 50 feet to a monument; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl north 8 degrees 38' 30" east 135 feet; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl and through said land of Elsie Grathwohl north 23 degrees 27' 00" east 497.51 feet to a monu- ment; thence along land of Blanchard north 17 de- grees 09' 30" east 129.90 feet to the point of beginning. Said proposed highway being 50 feet in width throughout, it is RESOLVED that, in accordance with the provisions of Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York, consent be, and the same hereby is, given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold make an order laying out the aforesaid two town highways, the said two town highways to consist of the lands above-described and described in the said dedication and release and to extend as delineated upon the map -hereto annexed, all in accordance with the provisions of the section and law afore- said, and it is further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be, and he hereby is, directed forthwith to cause such release to be recorded in the ~ffice of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, and, upon its return, to attach it hereto. oF oF COUNTY OF SUFFOLK supervisor -2 In the Matter of the Laying out of two certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. ORDER LAYING OUT TWO HIGHWAYS ON RELFJ~E FROM OWh'ERS Application having been duly made for the laying out of two town highways at New Suffolk, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, to be known as "Fisher Road" and "Fred Street", the lands to be included within said highways being more fully described in said application and hereinafter, and a dedication and release from the owners of the lands through which the highways are proposed to be opened having been given, NOW, TH~atEFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, do hereby determine and order that two town highways shall be, and the same are, laid out in said Town as follows: FISHER RO~D: BEGINNING at a monument on the easterly line of Grathwohl Road 881.61 feet southwesterly and southerly along said Grathwohl Road from a 33-foot public highway known as Elsie Road; from said point of btginning running along land of Robert Fisher, land of George F. Grathwohl and across the southerly end of a proposed 50-foo~ highway to be known as "Fred Street" south 81 degrees 21' 30" east 396.48 feet; thence along said land of George F. Grathwohl south 8 degrees 38' 30" west 50 feeS; thence along said land of George F. Grathwohl and along land of Grace Fisher north 81 degrees 21' 30" west 392.54 feet to a monument on said easterly line of Grath- wohl Road; thence along said easterly line of Grathwohl Road the two courses as follows: (1) north 5 degrees 41' 10" west 32.97 feet; thence (2) north 21 degrees 48 O0 east 18.55 feet to the point of beginning. Said proposed highway being 50 feet in width throughout. -1 FRED STREETs BEGINNING at a monument on the souther- ly 1Xne of the 33-foot public hi~hwa~ known as Elsie Road 135 feet easterly alon~ ss/d southerly line from Grathwohl Road; from ss/d point of beginnin~ running alon~ said southerly line of Elsie Road south 72 de~ees 50' 30" east 50 feet; thence through land of Elsie Orathwohl south 17 degrees 09' 30" west 132.65 feet; thence through sa~d land of Elsie Grathwohl and through land of George F. Grathwohl south 23 de~ees 2?' 00" west 493.?6 feet; thence th~ouF~h ss/d land of George F. Grathwohl South 8 de~ees 38' 30" west 128.50 feet to the northerl~ line of the proposed 50-foot hiEhway to be known as "Fisher Road"; thence alor~ ss/d north; erl¥ line of "Fisher Road" north 81 de~ees 21' 30 west 50 feet to a monument; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl north 8 degrees38' 30" east 135 feet; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl and through ss/d land of Elsie Grathwohl north 23 devisees 2?' 00" east 497.51 feet to a monu- ment; thence alor~ land of Blanoha~d north 17 de- Fees 09' 30" east 129.90 feet to the point of beginnir~. Said proposed highway being 50 feet in width throughout. Dated, -2 - HOME TITLE TY COMPANY PARK 7-A~EER 2-8110 September 29, 1960 Robert F. Dart, Esq. Main Road Cutchogu~, New York Re: ~itle No. S-33167 Dear Sir: Please be advised that we will omit right of way in Liber 4387 cp 275, Liber 4387 cp 270 and Liber 4348 cp 209 and objection "F", upon dedication of Streets by the Grathwolds to the ~own of Southold and recording of said dedication in the County Clerk's Office. EKL:pd P.S. Bankruptcy search shows none. HOME TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, in consideration of the fees, which are due and payable upon the ddivery of this certificate, certifies that the title to the premises described herein, and embraced in the application for insurance numbered az above has been examined by it and that the title thereto, dear of all encumbrances and defects, except as noted below, is insurable at the date hereof, upon a good and valid conveyance or mortgage by SEE FOLLONER This certificate is delivered in reliance on the representations made by the applicant and upon the understanding that neither the applicant nor the party to be insured has any information or intimation of any defects, objections, liens, or encumbrances affecting said premises, except those shown on said application and such as are shown below; and that the Company's liability in any event under this certificate is limited to the issuance of a policy of title insurance in its usual form for $~4~000 * O0 ......... , the amount stated in the application. 1 .......... .~.0 ........... Mortgagem. See Schedule within. 2. Returns on Tax Search. See Schedule within. None of record Rights of present tenants. 4. lle~trietive Covenants, Easement~, Agreements and Con~ents. Zoning ordinances, restrictions and regulations of the city, village or town /n which the premises are situated. Right of Way in ~iber 4387 cp 275, Liber 4387 cp 270 and Liber 4348 cp 209. by Otto W. Van Tuyl and Son, dated July 13, 1960s shows vacant land. No encroachments. Except any changes in premises since date of survey. Original should be guaranteed to Company. NO Iud-men" to come gde~ 6 ...................... s ~, an~ .................. Bmdrrup . See other encumbrances and defects. 7. Other Encumbrances or De~'eel8. See Schedule with/ri. When this title is dosed a policy of tide insurance in this Company's usual form, excepting the facts shown on this certificate and on continuations thereof to date of closing and not properly disposed of, will be issued in accordance with said application upon payment of this Company's fees. If rifle is dosed without the presence of this Company's closer the policy will further except all estates, liens and encumbrances not properly disposed of created or recorded between the date of the last continuation of this certificate and the recording of the instruments creating the insured estate. This certificate shall become null and void upon the delivery of the policy, and after the issuance of said policy no liability for loss or damage will be assumed by the Company other than that arising under said policy. Dated S e p t · 1-1. s 1960 Continued and redated Continued and redated 9:00 AM Approved by E. ~. Manager of Law Department This report of title is iutended for lawyers o~y. Such except~o~ as may be set forth herein may affect ma~ketability of title. Your lawyer should bg con.~lted before takiv~.l any action ba.~ed upon the contents of this reI~ort. The Co~apa#5".~ re1~resentatlve at the claslng here~mier may not act as legal advisor to any of the ~artle$ or draw lelyal4k~.~t~ume~t$ for them. .~uc~. tative is ?ermlttcd to be of asxistance only to a~ atto~ey. It is advisable to have your at~y ~re~e~t at the CERTIFICATION TITDE IN: GEORGE FREDERIC~ GRATHWOHL by deed from OLiver W. Case and wife dated July 24, 1922 and recorded July 24, 1922 in Liber 1044 cp 356. Subject to the inchoate right of dower of wife Elsie May Grathwohl. (as to Parcel One) ELSIE MAY GRATHWOHL by deed from George Frederick Grat~wohl dated August 15, 1932 and recorded August 16, 1932 in Liber 1666 cp ltl. (as to northerly portion of Parcel Two) GEORGE FREDERIC~ GR~THWOHL by deed from Oliver W. Case and wife dated July 24, 1922 and recorded July 2$, 1922 in Liber 1044 cp 356. Subject to the inchoate right of dower of wife Elise May Grathwohl. (as to southerly portion of Parcel Two) Title No. S-33167 MASTER COPY TITLE No. B-33167 DESCRIPTION PARCEL ONE FISHER ROAD ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Oouthold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on ~he easterly line of Grath~ohl Road 881.61 feet southwesterly and southerly along said Grathwohl Road from a 33 foot public highway kno~m as Elsie Road; from said point of beginning running along land of Robert Fisher, land of George F. Grathwohl and across the southerly end of a proposed 50 foot highway to be known as "Fred Street" South 81 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds East 396.48 feet; t~ence along said land of George F. Grathwohl South 8 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds West 50.0 feet; thence along said land of George F. ~rathwohl and along land of Grace Fisher North 81 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds West 392.54 feet to a monument on said easterly line of Grathwohl Road; thence along said easterly line of Grathwohl Road the two courses as follows: (1) North 5 degrees 41 minutes l0 seconds West 32.97 feet; thence (2) North 21 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds East 18.55 feet to the point of BEGINNING. NOT INSURED. { ~rsll~fl]g,l' with all right, title and interest of the party of the first part in and to the For Conveyancing Only. t land lying in the streets and roads in front of and adjoining' said premises. MASTER COPY TITLE No. ~ S-3'3167' PARCE~ TWO DESCRIPTION FRED STREET ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the southerly line of the 33 foot public highway known as Elsie Road 135.0 feet easterly along said southerly line from Grathwohl Road; from said point of beginr, ing running along said southerly line of Elsie Road South 72 degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds East 50.0 feet; thence through land of Elsie Grathwohl South 17 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds West 132.65 feet; thence through said land of Elsie Gr~thwohl and through land of George F. Grathwohl South 23 degrees 27 minutes O0 seconds West 493.76 feet; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl South 8 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconCs West 128.50 feet to the northerly line of the proposed 50 foot highway to be known as "Fisher Road"; thence along said northerly line of "Fisher Road" North 81 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds ~est 50.0 feet to a monument; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl North 8 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds East 135.0 feet; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl and through said land of Elsie Grathwohl North 23 degrees 27 minutes O0 seconds East 497.51 feet to a monument; thence along land of Blanchard North 17 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds East 129.90 feet to the point of BEGINNING. NOT INSURED., For Conveyancing, Only. i~ll~t[~l' with all right, title and interest of the party of the first part in and to the land lying in the streets and roads in front of and adjoining said premises. 44-D-10M-7~0 Home Title Guarant~ Com!~an¥ S-33167 MORTGAGES Mortgagor NONE OF RECORD Mortgagee Amount $ Recorded Prepayment privilege, if any---see below Due Dated L Tax Pd. Interest P Clauses: per cent payable days Int. ; days Inst. days Taxes A. & W. S-33167 TAX SEARCH Asssssm VALUATION 3300/3300 SCHOOL DIST. ~ 15 MAP ASSeSSeD TO George F. Grathwohl N BY Road and E. Grathwot~lBw AS Acam S ~ O. ~ouros and other~ Town of Sou~old BLOCK LOTS E. Grathwohl and ~roKowski ~rathwohl Rd. and others HOW DISPOSED OF R E T U R N S (Someoftheitemsretumedhereonmay~beenpaidbutpaymunt~tofficisllypost~ Receipmforun~ kemssho~dbep~ducedoncloslng.) 1959/60 Town and school taxes $239.51-Total taxes-~aid in full. Assessed value 1300/±300 Nx Road Sx Tuthil± & KruxowsKi Town of Southold Assessed to Elsie M. Grathwohl Ex Ziegler and Horton Wx G. F. Grathwohl School District No. 15 1959/60 Town and school taxes $94.35-Total taxes-Paid in fulL. Water charges, if any, not included. SUFFOLK COUNTY REAL ESTATE TAXES Babylon eTowa Dec. 1 Brookbsven Dec. 1 and May 10 F~st Hampton Dec. 1 Huntington Dec. 1 and May 10 lslip Dec. 1 and May 10 Riverhead Dec. 1 amd May 10 Shelter Island Dec. 1 and May I0 Smithtowa Dec. 1 and May 10 Southampton Dec. 1 Southold Dec. 1 Dec. to Nov. 50 40 Days Dec. to Nov. 50 40&21Days Ik. to Nov, ~0 40 Days 1% per Mon~ Note A 1% per Month~See Notes A and B 1% per Month---~ Note A 1% per Month--See Notes A and B 1% per Month--See Notes A and B 1% ~ Month~See Notes A and B 1% per Month--See Notes A and B 1% per Month---See Notes A and B I% per Montb~See Note A 1% per Month--See Note A VILLAGE REAL ESTATE TAXES FOR INCORPORATED VILLAGES PENALTY:--5% for first month after &,'ace period and ~/2'% for each additional month. Amltyville June I and Dec. I Mar. 1 ~o Feb. 28 50 Days Both Asharoken June 1 June 1 to May 51 30Days Babylon June 1 Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 50 Days BelleTerre June 1 June 1 to May ~1 50Days Bellpoct June 1 June 1 to May 31 30 Days Bright Waters June 1 June 1 to Msy 51 50 Days Deri~gH~ubor June 1 md Dec. 1 June 1 to May 51 50Dayslst~ followhlg year Lloyd Harbor June 1 Sept. 1 to Aug. 51 50 Days Nissequoque June 1 North Haven June 1 Northport Mar. 1 Ocean Beach June I Old Field Mar. 1 Patchogue June 1 Pequot/ June 1 Quogue June 1 Sag Harbor June I Saltaire Aug. 1 Shoreham Aug. I and Feb. 1 Southampton June 1 The Branch June I ~'esthampton Beh. June I June 1 to May ~1 50Days June 1 to May 3l 50Days Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 50 Days June 1 to May 51 45 Days Mcr. 1 to Feb. 28 50 Days Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 ~0 Days June 1 to May 51 30 Days June 1 to May ~1 ~0 Days Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 50 Days June 1 to May 51 5o Dsys Oct. I to Sept. 50 50 Days Both Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 50 Days Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 50 Days Mar. 1 to Feb. 28 50 Days The entire ts~ is a lien on the first due date even though payable in two inSt~llmunt~. "l'bie information is believed to be accurate but is not ~uaranteed, S-331~7 How Dispo~! O! ?. Other Encumbrances or Defects. A. The Company does not insure that the buildings or other erections upon the premises herein comply with State and Municipal laws, regulations and ordinances. Any departmental searches which may be reported herein are furnished for information only. B. The identity of parties at the dosing of this title should be established to the satisfaction of the closer and the affidavit in this certificate filled out, signed and sworn to, C. No title to personal property will be insured nor has any search for chattel mortgages been made. D. Deeds and mortgages must contain the covenant required by the Lien Law as amended by laws of 1942 and such covenant must be absolute and not conditional. The covenant is not required in deeds from referees or other persons appointed by a court for the sole purpose of selling property. E. When the transaction is an assignment of a mortgage or other lien, an estoppel certificate executed by the owner of the fee and by the holders of all subsequent ~mcumbrances must be obtained. When the transaction is a mortgage, the ammmt actually advanced should be reported to the Company. ~,/'~ F. Excepi; aJ.± easements in or over premises. Diber 4387 cp 275 RIGHT OF k~AY IN DEED: from George G. ~rathwohl and Elsie M. Grathwohl, his wife, to Robert P. Fisher, dated October 31, and recorded November 6, 1957 in Liber 4387 cp 275. 1957 Together with a right-of-way over the above mentioned 50 foot private road from the southeasterly corner of the premises above described westerly 196.48 feet to said ~rathwohl Road. The parties of the first part reserve, however, the right to deatcate and convey to the Town of Southold the land Lying within the bounds of said private road for the purpose of ma~ing the same a public road. RIGHT OF WAY IN DEED: from George F. Grathwohl and Elsie M. Grathwohl, ~is wife, to ~race H. Fisher, dated October 31, 1957 and recorded November 6, 1957 in Liber 4387 cp 270. Together with a right of way over the above mentioned 50 foot private road from the northeasterly corner oS the premises westerly 375 feet to said ~rathwohl Road. The parties of the ~irst part reserve, however, the right to dedicate and convey to the Town of Southold the land lying within ~he bounds oS said private road for the purpose of making the same a public road. RIGHT OF WAY IN ~ED: from George F. Grathwohl and Elsie M. Grathwo~l, Bis wife, to William Blanchard and Angela Blanchard, his wife, dated July 26, 1957 and r ecorGed August 21, 1957 in Liber %348 cp 209. Together with a right of way 50 feet wide over said proposed highway from the southeasterly corner of the premises northerly about 130 feet to said un-named public highway. HOME TrlU COMP LAWYER'S CERTIFICATE TITLI~ NO. S-33167 G:aghwohl-Town of Southold SufI'olx FOR SECTION BLO~I~ Town of Sout~old Robert F. Dart, Esq. Main Road Cutchogue, aew York 51 Willough by Street 90-14 - 161 st Street Brooklyn I, New York Jamaica 32, New York TRiangle B-4800 REpublic 9-5500 17 South Broadway White Plains, New York WHite Plains 9-3250 OFFICIOS 370 Old Country Road Mineola, New York Pioneer 2-5000 28 Washington Street East Orange, New Jersey ORange 5-5800 117 East Main Street 180 Fulton Street Riverhead, New York New York 7, New York PArk 7-4455 BEekman 3-1234 214 Main Street Hackensack, New Jersey HUbbard 9-5000 J~tH~H'T.LLq$ CLOSING INFORMATION Closed by ................................................................................................................... Date Closed ............................................................... Title No ........................................................... Closed at office of ..................................................................................... . .............................. Parties Present: Interest in Transaction: Address: The identity of the parties executing and delivering the closing instruments was established by HAVE CONTINUATJON OF SEARCHES BEEN RECEIVED FROM DATE OF CERTIFICATE TO DATE OF CLOSING? STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OFJ ss.: TI?LE No I reside at No. I am the* owner in fee simple of premises and the grantee , being duly sworn, says: described in a certain deed of said premises recorded in the Office of County in Liber of Conveyances, page Said premises have been in ~ possession since 19 ; that ~ possession thereof has been peaceable and undisturbed, and the title thereto has never been disputed, questioned or rejected, nor insurance thereof refused, as far as I know. I know of no facts by reason of which said possession or title might be called in question, or by reason of which any claim to any part of said premises or any interest therein adverse to me might be set it up. There are no judgments against ~et unpaid or unsatisfied of record entered in any court of this state, or of the United States, and said premises are, as far as I know, free from all leases, mortgages, taxes, assessments, water charge and other liens and encumbrances, except Said premises are now occupied by No proceedings in bankruptcy have ever been instituted by or against Re in any court or before any officer of any state, or of the United States, nor l~eitI at any time made an assignment for the benefit of creditors, nor an assigrnnent, now in effect, of the rents of said premises or any part thereof. *I am a citizen of the United States, and am more than 21 years old. I am by occupation · I am married to who is over the age of 21 years and is competent to convey or mortgage real estate. I was married to her on the day of 19 . I have never been married to any other person now living. I have not been known by any other name during the past ten years. *That the charter of said corporation is in full force and effect and no proceeding is pen~!ng for its dissolu- tion or annulment. That all license and franchise taxes due and payable by said corporation have been paid in full. There are no actions pending affecting said premises. That no repairs, alterations or improvements have been made to said premises which have not been completed more than four months prior to the date hereof. There are no facts known to me relating to the title to said premises which have not been set forth in this affidavit. This affidavit is made to induce to accept a of said premises, and to induce Home Title Gtmranty Company ~m to issue its policy of title insurance numbered above covering said premises knowing that they will rely on the statements herein made. Sworn to before me this day of ,19 o o In the Matter off the La.vinE out of two cer- tal.n town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. DEDICATION P~PE~S ROBERT F. DART ATTORNEY AT LAW MAIN ROAD O O GRIFFING, SI~iITH, TA$1rER AND LUI~--DBEI~G December 6, 1960 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk, Town of Southold Main Road SOuthold, New York Re: Dedication of Fisher Road and Fred Street Dear Sir: I enclose herewith Home Title Guaranty Company Policy of Title Insurance ~Policy No. S-33167) insuring the above streets in the name of the Town of Southold in the amount of $2,000. This policy should be fried in your office along with the other documents relative to the dedication of these streets. Yours very truly, Robert W. Tasker RWT:MY Enclosure O O Southold Town Planning Board 50UTHOLD, L. I., N.Y. PLANNINC~ BOARD MEMBERS John V/ickhem, Chairmen Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe Archibald Youn~ ~/illie m U nkelbach · AUgUst 1, 1960 Southold Town Board 8outhold, New York ~entl emen ~ This is to certify that the following action was taken by the Southold Town Planning Board at a regular meeting July 26, 1960~ On Motion of Mr. Unkelbach, seconded by Mr. Moisa, and carried, it was P~$OLVED that the Planning Board recommend to the Town Board that the highway layout of ~eorge F. Grathwohl at ~ew Suffolk, New York, be approved as shown on map of "Proposed Highways to be Known as Fred Street and Fisher Road at New suffolk, New York." Survey by Otto #. Van Tuyl & Son, dated July 15, 1960. Vote of the planning Boards Ayee~- Mr. Wlckham, Mr. Molea~ Mr. C~rebe, Mr. Yotmg, and Mr. Unkelbach. This recommendation is made in accordance with paragraph one of the Town of Southold Highway S~ecificatione. Copy of the survey dated July 13, 1960 attache~ Respectfully submitted, 8outhold Town Planning Board N,Y'.B..TU', Fo~m No IOOC HOblE TITLE GUARANTY CO.ANY PllLI£Y I]F TITLE INSUBANEE Ho/~u Trr~.l~ Guavauaa, v Co~ap.~/,/Y, in consideration of the payment of its charges for the examination of rifle and its premium for insurance, insures the within named insured against all loss or damage not exceeding the amount of insurance stated herein and in addition the costs and expenses of defending the title estate or interest insured, which the insured shall sustain by reason of any defect or defects of title affecting the premises described in Schedule A or affecting the interest of the insured therein as herein set forth, or by reason of unmarketability of the title of the insured to or in the premises, or by reason of liens or incumbrances affecting title at the date hereof, or by reason of any statutory lien for labor or material furnished prior to the date hereof which has now gained or which may hereafter gain priority over the interest insured hereby excepting all loss and damage by reason of the estates, interests, defects, objections, liens, incumbrances and other matters set forth in Schedule B, or by the conditions of this policy hereby incorporated into this contract, the loss and the amount to be ascertained in the manner provided in said conditions and to be payable upon compliance by the insured with the stipulations of said condi- tions, and not otherwise. In Witness Whereof, Ho/~lt Tnr/.u Gu~,ta~,/TV COMPANY has caused this policy to be signed and sealed on its date of issue set forth herein. -Pr~id~t Secretary Name of Insured TOWN OF SOUTHOLD The estate or interest insured by thig policy is FEE SIMPLE Policy No. s-33167 Amo~t of Insurance $2,000.00 Da~e of Issue October 1}% 1960 vested in the insured by means Of . .. InStrument of DEDICATiON,AND RELEASE 0P LAND FOR, HIGHWAY made bY GEORGE F. GRATHWOHL, also known aS. GEORGE FREDERICK GRATHNOHL and ELSIE M. GRATHWOHL, also known as ELSIE MAY GRATHNOHL and ANGELA BLANCHARD, .tothe insured dated October l~, 1960. scm~.nULg A The premises in which the insured has the estate or interest covered by this policy is described on the description sheet annexed. ScI~I~ULE B 8. Any changes in conditions which a survey made subsequent to July 13, 1960 would show. O O PARCEL ONE MASTER COPY TITLE No. DESCRIPTION FISHER ROaD S-33167 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of lanu, situ~.te, lying and being in the To%n of Oouthold, County of Suffolk and State of New YorK, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on Uhe easterly line o1' Grath~ohl Road 881.61 feet southwesterly and southerly along said Grathwohl Road from a 33 foot public highway known as Elsie Road; from s~id point of beginning running along land of Robert Fisher, land of George F. Gratnwonl and across the southerly end of a proposed 50 foot highway to be known as "Fred Street" South 81 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds East 396.48 feet; thence along sai~ land of George F. Grathwohl South 8 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds West 50.0 fe~t; thence along said land of George F. ~rathwohl and along l'and of Grace Fisher North 81 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds West 39~!.5~ feet to a monument on s~id easterly line of Grathwohl Road; thence along said easterly line of Grathwohl Road the two courses as follows: (1) North 5 degrees 41 minutes l0 seconds West 32.97 feet; thence (2) North 21 degrees 48 minutes O0 seconds East 18.55 feet to the point of BEGINNING. PARCEL TWO MASTER COPY DF. SCR[PTION TITLE No. S-33167 FRED STREET ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the To~ of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the southerly line of the 33 foot public highway known as Elsie Road 135.0 feet easterly along said southerly line from Grathwohl Road; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Elsie Road South 72 degrees 50 minutes 30 seconds East 50.0 feet; thence through land of Elsie Grathwohl South 17 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds West 132.65 feet; thence through said land of Elsie Gr,~thwohl and through land of George F. Grath~ohl South 23 degrees 2'7 minutes 00 seconds West 493.76 feet; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl Souuh 8 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconas West 128.50 feet to the northerly line of the proposed 50 foot highway to be kno~,n as "Fisher Road"; thence along said northerly line of "Fisher Road,, North 81 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds ~es~ 50.0 feet to a monument; thence through said land of George F. Gratnwohl North 8 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds East 135.0 feet; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl and through said land of Elsie Grathwohl North 23 degrees 27 minutes O0 seconds East 497.51 feet to a monument; thence along land of Blanchard North 17 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds East 129.90 feet to the point of BEGINNING. SCI~,DULE B (Continued) CONDITIONS OF THIS POLICY Subfogatlmt SaMoa Sedim~ Ten. No W.Iver of Cond~ons IIF TITLE INSURANCE 51 Willoughby Street Brooklyn I, New York TR;angle 5-4800 90-14- 161st Street Jamaica 32, New York REpublic 9-5500 17 South Broadway White Plains, New York WHite Plains %3250 OFFICES 370 oral Count~ Road Mineole, New Yor~ Pioneer 2-5000 28 Washington Street Ea~' Orange, New Jersey ORange 5-5800 117 East Main Street 180 Fulton Street Riverhead, New York New York 7, New York PArk 7-4455 BEekman 3-1234 214 Me;n Street Hackensack, New Jersey HUbbard 9-$000 O O October 17, 1960 Supervisor Town of Southold Southold, New York Re: Title No. S-33167 Grathwohl to Town of Southold Dear Sir: The charges of this company in connection With the above title have been paid, and.upon the dedication of the streets referred to in our above numbered Lawyer,s Certificate, as same is amended by our letter dated September 29, 1960, to Robert F. Dart, Esq., and the recording of said dedication in the Suffolk County Clerk, s Office, our $2,000.00 policy of title insurance, naming the Town of Southold as insured, will issue. Yours very truly, HOME TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY By.. Ge z Vice Pres~ent GS:cl encl. t 4898 65 In the Matter of the Laying out of two certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York· DEDICATION A~D · RELEASE (~ L~NDS · F(~ TWO TOWN HIGHWAYS WHERE~S application has been made to the Town Super- intendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, for the laying out of two certain town highways at New Suffolk, in said Town, to be known as "Fisher Road" and "Fred Street", and to pass through the lands of GEORGE F. GRATHWOHL, also known as GEORGE FREDERICK GRATHWOHL, and ELSIE M. GRATHWOHL, also known as ELSIE MAY GRATHWOHL, his wife, two of the under- signed, NO~, THEREFORE, the said GEORGE F. GRATHWOHL, also known as GEORGE FREDERICK GRATHWOHL, and ELSIE M. GRATH- WOHL, also known as ELSIE MAY GRATHWOHL, owners of the lands to be included within said highways, both residing at New Suffolk Lane (no st. no.), New Suffolk, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and ~NGELA BLANCHARD, surviving wife of WILLIAM BLANCHARD, who died on October 9, 1960, who is seized of a right of way over a portion of one of said proposed highways, residing at No. 56-28 201st Street, Bayside 64, New York, do hereby dedicate, release and convey to the said Town of Southold, for highway purposes, the following described lands, situ- ate, lying and being at New Suffolk, in the Town of Southold County of Suffolk and State of New York, to wit: -1 FISHER ROADs BEGINNING at a monument on the easterly llne or Grathwohl Road 881.61 feet southwesterly and southerly along said Grathwohl Road from a 33-foot public highway known as Elsie Road; from said point of beginning running along land of Robert Fisher, land of George F. Grathwohl and across the southerly end of a proposed 50-foot highway to be known as "Fred Street" south 81 degrees 21' 30" east 396.48 feet; thence along said land of George F. Grathwohl south 8 degrees 38' 30" west 50 feet; thence along said land of George F. Grathwohl and along land of Grace Fisher north 81 degrees 21' 30" west 392.54 feet to a monument on said easterly line of Grath- wohl Road; thence along said easterly line of Grathwohl Road the two courses as follows (1) north 5 degrees 41' 10" west 32.97 feet; thence (2) north 21 degrees 48' 00" east 18.55 feet to the point of beginning. Said proposed highway being 50 feet in width throughout. FRED STREET: BEGINNING at a monument on the souther- ly line of the 33-foot public highway known as Elsie Road 135 feet easterly along said southerly line from Grathwohl Road; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Elsie Road south 72 degrees 50' 30" east 50 feet; thence through land of Elsie Grathwohl south 17 degrees 09' 30" west 132.65 feet; thence through said land of Elsie Grathwohl and through land of George F. Grathwohl south 23 degrees 27' 00" west 493.76 feet; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl south 8 degrees 38' 30" west 128.50 feet to the northerly line of the proposed 50-foot highway to be known as "Fisher Road"; thence along said north- erly line of "Fisher Road" north 81 degrees 21' 30" west 50 feet to a monument; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl north 8 degrees 38' 30" east 135 feet; thence through said land of George F. Grathwohl and through said land of Elsie Grathwohl north 23 degrees 27' 00" east 497.51 feet to a monu- ment; thence along land of Blanchard north 17 de- grees 09' 30" east 129.90 feet to the point of beginning. Said proposed highway being 50 feet in width throughout. ~und the undersigned do certify that the consideration paid to them for this dedication and conveyance was the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar. IN WITNESS WHEREO~, the undersigned have hereunto -2 - II. affixed their hands and seals as of this l~th day of Octo- bet, 1960. 6/ ~ngela Blancnard STATE (~ NEW YORK SS. : C~JNTY OF SUFFOLK 0~ the l~th day of October, 1960, before me personally came GEORGE F. GR~THWOHL and ELSIE M. GRATHWOHL, to me known to be two of the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. ROBERT F. DART Notary Public, State of New York No. 52-5922700 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires March 30, 1962 STATE O~ NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF3U~PoL~I SS.: 0~ the ~_~ day of October, 1960, before me person- ally came ~NGELA BL~NCHARD, to me known to be one of the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the sa~eo ]IECORDED OCT 28 1960 NORMAN lC.. (p Clerk of Suffolk Couflt~ ROBERT F. DART Notary Public, State of New York No. 52-5922700 Qualified in Suffolk County .Commission Expires March 30,1962 -3- G~~, ~o ~o~ as E~IE ~Y G~O~, ~s wife, '~d ~G~.~ B~- /TNTM CF SOUTHGLD DEDIC&TION ~ND RELF~E CF _L~ND~ FOR ~0 TO~N ~xa~Ys The land affected by the instrument lies in Town of Southold, County of ROBERT F'. DART A~roRNEY AT LAW MAIN ~OAD