HomeMy WebLinkAboutEquestrian Ave Extension And J Do Hereby Release said 'I~own from ali damages by reason oi ~ and opening such highway through my premises. In Witness Whereof J have hereunto set ~e~ 1~and and seat this YaF"~aY of ~,~a~ , x9o/. . State of ~ ~%rk ) ~_~'~ ~ ~.-~_.~ S~k- County ~ ss. came On this /~' --- day of . ~s~.s~,d~ , r9o$, before me personally to me known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing release and acknowledged that he executed the same. ~ GEOrgE ~ MILLER, ~k of t~ ~ in a~ f~ t~ ~nty in t~ ~m~wealth of ~ ~, t~ sa~ bring a ' Law and R~ord, do ~ these whom the and duly hereunto, in his handwriting, sub- time, in and for said County of Allegheny, and sworn, and auther~ized by law of the Common- to all b~ates and elsewhere. signature ~hereto to be his genuine signature. I further certify that the foregoing with the laws of the b~tate of Pennsylvc~nia. IN TESI'IMONY WHE,~E~, I have hereanto set at Pittsburgh, this ................ ~..~ ............. day wealth of to take aff~lavits and acbnowledgments of deeds for lands and real estate in said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. and due faith and credit are, and of right ought to be given, throughout the United And further, that I am acquainted with his handwriting and verily believe the was taken in aeeordw, ee the seal of th~ said Court and mnaUy to me kuown and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing release and acknowledged that he executed the same. 1 9WN OF SOUTHOLD C~ mmissioner~ of Highways IN THE MATTER OI~ RELEASE OF and in consideration of the sum of ~ __ ~ to ~ , in hand paid by ~ as Commissioner~. of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that a highway be and opened across premises, in the said Town of Southold, which has been surveyed and is described, as Dated, this '~O~'~day of mWN OF $OU.T. HOLD missioner of i-hghways IN THE MATTER OF ORDER D~SCRIP,TION OF RO~D OE FIMFJgl~ IB~AI~D L~A]JlI~ FROI~ THE RESIDE-NOES OF~//,,~~, ~TONE and ~IR. WALTON FERGUSO~ Beginning .at ~ IeEe Stone on the ~st side of Equestrian '~enue '( se called) which ~e~e stone is 2~6 ~-10 feet from another mere stone s,tandin~ .[near the c~fiee of the lessrs. Ferguson's .~cl, 179 3-1~ feet distant from a mere sten~ ~t the end of Equestr~a~ '~uue near the lansien House. Thence ~ith ~ .angLe te the left ef 97' 1~'~. fro~ the line of the mere stone at the e~ cf Equestrian 'l~enue and in a course .about~ 83° W 168 ~-lO feet to a mere sto~e · and e~t~uing the sa~e course 60 4-10 feet to .~o'ther me~e ste~e, ~l~ence ~ith .a deflection of 8° 2'. te the right run 159 8-10 f. eet to ~a stake. The~e with a deflection of 2~° 36'. to the ri~_ht, run 117 1-1~ feet to a stake, Then~e:=:ith a deflection o~1v'44~ to the~right 120 9-10 feet to a =take Thene~ ~ith a deflect£on of 5' 4~ijf. tothe right ~4~ 1-10 feet to ,a me~e stone set f~ the line of ,&uother sir. eot. Thence ~ith .a deflection of 15° t6'. to the ~t 48 9-10 feet to another mere stone. ~e~ce with a deflection of 1~° ~'. _ %o the right gBO feet to .a stake drip,eh .about 2 feet from the corner of the =~all ~eranda .at the front entrance of Ir. 3tone"s reside~ce. ~hence with · deflection of Fl* ~'. to the -right .and in a line nearly l~a~allel with the ~,~ cf ~aid Stones h~se t20 f~eet to the north line of said profferS. The s~tion cf ro~ ~u~ far de~rih~ is .a re~ay of a r~ ~h appears on ~l,~s m~e for but m~ ~ome a p~lic high~y. The line he:ein describ~ is ~e ~ou~ and ~t ~ of ~id ro~. ' The co~ti~uat~o~ .f ~id ro~ .as ~aid out ~y the ~es~e o~ ~B.~alton Fer~us~ is describ~ ~s fol,l.o~s. ~ Begin b~k ~t ~ a~ke n~r the ~e~anda of ~r. S~nes ~esidence .~d deflect 3~* ~0'. ~e ~t fr~ the line of ee~ stone 1~ described, run 126 ~-10 feet to a s~ ~r said S~es north line, which s~e is drip, eh forthe cente~ Line of ~ ~e~. ~ence ~ith a deflection of 13' ~'. to the right ~ 6-10 feet to a s~ke. Thence ~ith a deflection of 6' ~0'. ~ the right ~ 6-10 feet to a ~e.- ~nce ~ith .a deftectim~ of 1~' 9'. ~ the right 66 5-10 feet to a a~e. Thence ~ith a deflection of 8' 2~'. ~ the right ~ B-iO feet ~ a ~e. ~ence ~ith a deflection ef 18'19'. ~ the le~t 191 feet ~ .a s~e,~:~' -~e~ce ~ith a deflection cf 1~' ~'. to the left ~6 feet ~ a s~ke. ~e~:~th a deflection ef BF' ~0'. ~ the left ~9 ~lO ~eet to a s~ke n~r ~all. Thence with a deflection of 2~' 6'. ~ the left 72 ~-10 feet to a This ~t co~rse crosses the ~all. ~hence ~ith ~ deflation of 9' l~'. ~e ~ 1~ 9-10 feet ~ .a s~ef~t ~ ~-10 f..~t this 1.~t course crosses · ~o~ ~1 at ~ pcin~ l~ ~.eet ~sterly ~rem its inters~tion ~ith ~all above ~tiee~. T~ce ~ith a deflectie~ ef ~' ~'~ ~ ~e right ~ 9-10 ~eet ~ ~ s~ke. ~ence ~ith ~defl~tion o~ ~5' ~9'~. ~ t~ right ~ ~-10 ~.eet ~ ~ stake, Th~ce ~ith .a deflection of ~' ~'. ~ the right 6~.~-10 feet ~ ~ s~ke. ~ce ~ith a defl~t~o~ of 22'52'. ~ the right 1~ ~ ~eet to'a s~ke. ~hence ~ith a deflection, ors, 2~'. to the right ~5 ~ ~eet to a s~ke, ~hich s~e is ~ feet somberly from a Thence with a deflection of 2~' 4~t~ to the 1~, ,and in a lin~ parallel to-and ~ leet southerly from the wa11~286 8-t0 feetto a stake driw_em in line with the west side of a gate way and ~ feet from the centre of the ~1 at ~a% point. ~enee with a deflection of 4~ 8'~ to ~he right 3~ 9-~0 ~eet to a po~t in the west line of ~roper~y helongin~ ~o J.S.Casey and 15 ~eet southerly ~rom wal~. T~nae with a deflection o~ the right 466.3-i0 i~ ~ a zta ke ia ~e e~t lime of ro~ le~i~ from the ~ansion House ~ Lyles Beach ~d 15 ieet southerly fromthe wall .above mentioned. The descr~iption of the last section ~rom the s~ke near the north li~ of N.r. S~nes propert~ is the centre l~ne of ~e road~ E~r a mo~e particular description ~eference may be had to a plan ~f the same m~e by D~ ~d C~L. Civil Engineers, New ~nden Ct. J~e 18~. At a meeting held by the Commissioner~ of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, on the % ~i?~ day of ~ , x9o[, for the purpose of deliberating on the propriety of ~ ~'~*t-- ;a highway ~1~.~-~1~.~ ~ in said Town, hereinafter described, on the written application of ~-"./~ ~~ ~ ~ )atperso~;Jiable to be assessed for highway labor in said Town, and the written consent of the Town Board of said Town, and' releases from the owners of the land through which the proposed highway is to be opened, having been obtained, the considera- tion of any one claimant not exceeding Smo, and to all the claimants not exeeedlng $5oo, it is ordered and determined that a highway shall be, and the same is hereby laid out in said Town, of which a survey has been made and the description whereof is as follows: ~~ ,¢ And ~ Do Hereby Release said Town from all damages by reason ot ~;~ and opening such highway through my premises. In Witness Whereof J have hereunto set ~hand and seal this ]/ day of , x9°~' State of New York ) Suffolk County~ ss. ~n this /'/ day of ~/~ t9o ], before me personally to me known and known to me to be the same person described in and who executed the foregoing release and acknowledged that he executed the same. ~owr~ ..oF souT.oCb ' mmissioner,~ of Highways IN TH~ MATTi~R OF ~~RELEASE OF:j '~ The undersignedt the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suf- folk, hereby consent that the Commissioner~ of Highways of said Town, make an order ~ ~7-~ ~ the proposed highway, described in the pursuant to Section 8o of the Highway Law. __ Dated, this day of~, ~9o~'. Clerk. Justices of the Peace TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Commissioner of HighWays IN THE MATTEI~ OF CONSENT OF TOWN BOARD To the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of $oubhold in t~e County of Suffolk. The undersigned liable to be assessed for higaWay labor in of $outhold ,hereby ap~ly to you t~o lay out a highway in said ~own commencing at %~e junction ef~ ~',questrian Avenue and Hay Harbor Hoad to property of Mr H.P. Linderman and Mr Geogre H. Battle%% , which prop- osed highway will pass taroug~ or intercept the. lands owned by ~erg~son ; ,'~r ~'al%on ?ericson; Mr. R'P. Llndem~an and I~r Oeor&~ H. Bart- ~ett , v~ho consent to the laying out of such higa.way. Dated this ~ day of ~ to ~ , in hand paid by~ as Commissioner~.. o£ Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk' and State of New York, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Do Hereby Consent, that a highway be ~q~ (~~-- and opened aeross /~ ~ premises, in the said Town of Southold, which has been surveyed and is described, as follows: i' ?Jii~l~iliJJJJ~llllllllllllllllll I _ __ To_%ae.~3o~r~ssioners of Highways .of tae Town of $out~oid ~' ~h~ Go~n~y ~f Suffolk. ~ ~ ~i~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ersi~ed , !i~ble to be ~ssesse~ for ~ig~way l~bo~in ' the t~n of Sout~old ~ereby apply to you to lay out a highway in sai~ %~,, comuenoing at ~questrian Avenue on prope~y of Mrs Mary A'. ~etmore and continuing %menoe in a easterly direction across prope~y land' Rang~ as W.R.Fones lot, to inter.~ection of ~ Avenue ,w~ic[~ proposed ki~way will pass t[~rougfi t~e lands Of Mrs Ma~ A. Wetmore , Mr E.M. Ferguson and Walton .~erguson ,who consent to the laying out of such kid~way. Dated %ais day o f _ Illllllll II .... JJJ~ II IIILI~ III [1, IIIII i]~'~ Jlllll I I I Thence with a deflection of 50° 20' ~ the left I~V 5-~0 fee~ ~ the .e of a ~all and to a wire fence which fence is the east line of the road Thence ~itk a deflection of 51' ~8~ to the left and by and wit~ the line of the wire fence 9~ V-lO f. eet to the end of the fence. Thence with d~l~tion of 1~ ~7~ to the right ~9 1-10 feet to a mere stc~e at the junction of Et~rick Street .and feathulie ~A~enue and ~at ~he sout~ ~est corner of land belonging to Eannie B. ChipmanThe last described line crosses E Ettrick Street to the nortl~ side and forms an an~le of 68~ 90'. with the course of said street The road is to be tO feet wide throughout and the line described is the center line as far as the wire fence, from that point out to Ettrick Street the east linc is described.' For more particular description ~efe~ence is made to the accompanying plan made by Daboll and Crandall Civil Engineers New London, Conn. .., I II _ I I I II IIII III III DE~CR .IPTION OF ~A PROPO~D~ ENTEItBION OF and N~. ~e ~n g' ~m~tr~m Av~e which mere s~n~is~8 feet meste~ly from ,ano~er me~e $~e deflecti~ of 19* 50~. to the ri~t from line between the two me~e s~nes able described run 147 ~f, eet ~ ~a s~ke.' .~heneewi~ a deflation of 54 ' 40~. to the lefM~ ~-10 i~t~ ~a s~ke.% .Thence wi~ ,a deflation ~M[~_ ~' .totl~l_~e~t 609 8-10 feet to .a stake.