which highway passes through the lands
who consents to the abandonment of
Dated November 9, 1914.
The undersigned, an inhabitant of the Town of
Southold, and liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the
Town of Southold, hereby applies to you to discontinue that
part of the highway in said Town known as Mount Beulah
Avenue, bounded and described as follows:
~ On the north by the southerly line of Sound View
Avenue as it existed before it was altered on October 1,
1914; on the east by the' easterly s~de of Mount Beulah
Avenue; on the south by the northerly side of sound View'
Avenue, as altered on the first day of October, 1914; and on
ithe west by the westerly side of Mount Beulah Avenue, as
ishown on a map of proposed alteration of Sound View Avenue,
surveyed by Halsey & Van Tuyl on January 1§, 1914, and July
11, 1914, and filed in theof£ice of the Town Clerk of
Southold,~on the ground that said part of said highway has
been abandoned, and the necessity therefor no longer exists,
of Alfred H. Oosden,
such highway.
OOSDEN, of Southold, Suffolk 0o~ty, New York, for and in
consideration of the sM Of One Dollar ($1.00), receipt
whereof is here~ acknowledged, do hereby consent that that
part of the highw~'knOwn as Mount Beulah Avenue, bonded
on the north by the sout~rly line of Sound View Avenue as
it existed ~fore it was altered on October 1, 1914; on the
east ~ the easterly side of Mo~t Beulah Avenue; on the
south ~ the northerly side of 9ound ~ Avenue, as altered
on .the first day of October, 1914; and on the west by the
westerly side of Mount Beulah Avenue, as shown on a my of
proposed alteration of So~d View ~enue, surveyed ~ Halsey
& Van Tuyl on January 1§, 1914, and July 11, 1914, ~d filed
in the office of the Town Clerk of Southold, which highway
crosses my premises in the TOE of SOuthold, Oo~ty of
Suffolk, be discontinued pursuant tothe application of
Alfred H. Oosden, dated the 9th day of November, 1914, and
! ~ HEREBY ~ELEASE said Town from all d~ages by
reason of discontinuing such part of said highway through
my premises.
IN WITNESS ~EREOF, ! have hereunto set my hand and
seal this~th day of November, 1914.
Ooun~y of~ i SS.
On thi~-e day of November, 1914, before me,
the subscriber, personally appeared Alfred H. Ooeden, .to me
personally known to be the same person described in and who
executed the foregoing consent, and he duly acknowledged to
me that he executed the same.
The undersigned, Town Superintendent of Highwayel
of the Town of ~outhold, having met with the Town Board of
the Town of ~cuthold, hnd having heard the allegations both
in favor of and in opposition to the discontinuance of part
of the highway, known as Mount Beulah Avenue, now, upon the
written application of Alfred H. ~osden, a person liable to
be assessed for highway labor in said Town, which app~icatio~
is hereto annexed, and the written consent of the Town Board
of said Town having been given, as prescribed by law, which
is hereto annexed, and the releases from damages having been
executed bY the owners of the land through which that part
of Mount Beulah Avenue which it is proposed to discontinue
passes, which are hereto annexed, the consideration paid to
any one claimant for such damage, not exceeding One hundred
Dollars, and to all the claimants not exceeding Five Hundred
Dollars, and after due deliberation having been had thereon~
if~fOun~ that that part of Mount'Beulah Avenue which it is
proposed to discontinue has become useless since it was laid
out, on account off the fact that the course of Bound View
Avenue where it is met by Mount Beulah Avenue has been moved
southerly, and that there is no necessity for Mount Beulah
Avenue to extend northerly of Sound View Avenue; and it is
ORDERED AND DETERMINED that that part of the
highway in the Town of 8outhold, known aa Mount Beulah
Avenue, bounded and described as follows: 'On the north
by the southerly line of Bound View Avenue as it existed be-
fore it was altered on October 1, 1914; on the east by the
easterly side of Mount Beulah Avenue; on the south by the
northerly side off 5ound View Avenue, as altered on the first
day of October, 1914; and on the west by the westerly side o~
Mount Beulah Avenue, as shown on a map of proposed altera-
tion of Sound View Avenue, surveyed by Halse~ & Van ?uyl on
January 15, 1914, and July 11, 1914, and filed in the office
of the ?own Olerk of 5outhold,· be discontinued.
Dated this
day of ~ 1914.
TOwn ~uperintendent of Highways
of the Town of Southold.
At a meeting of the Town Board of 8outhold Town
held at ~ in the Town of
Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on the
tg" day of W~-~// 1914.
Justices of the Peace.
GEORGE H. FLEET, ~uperintendant of Highways.
We, the undersigned, having met and considered
the applicationof Alfred H. Oosden todiecontinue a part of
the highway in said Town, known as Mount ~eulah Avenue, as
set forth in his application hereto annexed, dated November
9, 1914, and having heard the allegations in favor of such
proposed discontinuance, and after due deliberation thereon,
hereb~ consent that the Town Superintendent of Highways of
the Town of 8outhold make an order discontinuing that part
of the highway in said Town, known as Mount Beulah Avenue,
bounded and described as follows: 'On the north by the
southerly line of Sound View Avenue as it existed before it
was altered on October 1, 1914; on the east b~ the easterly
side of Mount Beulah Avenue; on the so~th by the northerly
side of Sound View Avenue, as altered on the first day of
October, 1914; and on the west b~ the westerly side of
Mount Beulah Avenue, as shown on a map of proposed alteratioz
of ~ound View Avenue, surveyed by Halsey & Van Tuy~ on Jan-
usry 1§, 1914, and July 11, 1914, and filed in the office of
the Town Olerk of 5outhold.'
Justices of the Peace.
Town Olerk.
Town Superintendent.