HomeMy WebLinkAboutConklin Rd Extension To the 'form Superintendent of Highways of the
Town of Southold, in the Cotu~ty of Suffolk and State
of New York:
The undersigned~ inhabitants of the Tor~n of Southold,
liable to be assessed -*or highway taxes there~n~ hereby apply
to you to ~isoont~ue the o1~ highway ~o~ as ~onklin Ro~
Extension : The Easterly line begins at a point on the northerl'
line o2 Free~n Street 17.05 Feet westerly f~m the intersection
o2 said Northerly line of Freeman Street with the easterly line
of Co~l~ Ro~ as these highways were laid_ out in 1925; ru~ming
N, 14°02t50" W.-163~87 feet; thence
N. 22°42t10" E.-127e§0 feet; thence
N. 41009~4~e Eo- 8~.16 feet; thence
N, 66°86~40~ Eo-120.84 feet to the Westerly line of
Mary's Road! 'on the ~oun¢l that said~high'~'ay has Been
abandoned and it is proposed to lay out a new highway in its
place, which new highway will ~e ;~er ~d more benefioial
to the residents of the nei~bo~ood then the highway which
is propose~ to be disoont~ued~ and said highway u-ill pass
throu~ the lan~ of 6eorge C. Terry and L. Barron Hill only.
Dated this 24th day
of June, 1929.
WE, the un¢lel, signed, a marJori%y of the Town Board of the
Tovm of Sout'~?old, having met at the office of the Supervisor, at
Oreenport~ in saicl Tovfn on the A~ ~ay o2 June, 1929~ and
co~si~ere~ the application o~ George C. Terry a~ L. Barton
~ill ~or the disconti~uance o~ a highway at ~attltu~k~ To~m o~
Southol~.~ S~folk County, New York~ ~ovax as Conklin Boad
Extension, do hereby consent that such hiB~hway be discontinued
in accordance with the prayer of bhe ~,~ithin petition.
the ~faLter o£ thc
A~plication of
for the dlscontinuande of
thc ,J~ld hi~hv.~ay know'Jrt as
~onklin ~or~ Extens:,.on at
~attituck~ To%;n of Sout~:old~
,~'folk ~o~ty, Neu- York-