HomeMy WebLinkAboutEquestrian Ave, FI To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Tow~ of
Southold, in the County of Suffolk and Stat~ of New York:
The undersigned, inhabitants of the Town of Southold,
liable to be assessed for highway taxes therein, hereby applies
to you to discontinue that portion oC'Eq~estrian Avenue on
Fishers Island, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York,
which lies between the lands of David H. Rees, formerly Noppes,
and the U. S. Military Reservation of Fort H. 0. Wright,
being the last course in the lay out of said Equestrian Avenue,
dated Nay 16~ 1895, and recorded in the records at the Town
Office, liber Y. page 174 and therein described as
"Beginning at a point- 25 feet southerly from the line
fence dividing ~he land of E. M. and Walton Ferguson from the
land of Mrs. M. ~. Hoppes, thence with a deflection of 41 deg-
59' to the left and in a line parallel to and 25.feet distant
from the above described division fence 573.2 feet to an angle
in said fence, the intention being to take one-half of the land
necessary for the roa~ along the last course from each side of
the division fence- The road is laid out 50 feet wide through-
on the ground that said highway has been abandoned and has never
been worked or used as a highway at any time since the date of
its acceptance as a highway by the authorities of the Town of
Dated this ~day of February, 1930.
We, the undersigned, a marJority of the Town Board of the
Town of Southol~, having met at the offioe of
Greenport, in said ~o~, on the ~ ~y ~f ~ 1930,
~n~ consl~ere~ the application o~ David H- Rees ~or the dis-
continu~ce oF a h~ghway at Fishers ~sland,
S~folk Cowry, New York, ~o~ as Equestrian Avenue, do hereby
consent that such highway be discontinued in acc~d~ce
the prayer off the within petition.
Supervisor ·
~l e~ t~e
Superinte~ent of iEbways
In the ~Iatter of the Application
for the discontinuanne of a highway
at Fishers Island, To~ of
Southold~ Suffolk Count7~ New
York, ku~o~ as Equestrian Avenue.
CO~,,:~,T OF T0%%: BOARD.
The United States of America, by William J.
Youngs, the United States At~torney for the Eastern District
of New York, having made petition to the Highway Com-
missioner' o~f the town of Southold, county of Suffolk, New
York, for the discontinuance of so much of the highway
known as Equestrian avenue on Fisher's Island, Suffolk
County, New York, as passes through land about to be
acquired by the United States govermnent for a government
reservations, and the said application having been pre-
sented before this Board under section 80 of the Highway
Law, it is
CONSENT that so much of Equestrian avenue, on Fisher's
Island, Suffolk county, New York, as runs through the
land about to be acquired by the United States government
shall be discontinued as a highway, the said property
being described as follows:
BEGINNING afl a stone monument on the southerly
boundary line of the Linderman property on Fisher's Island,
which point is distant four hundred and eight feek (408~)
in a course S. 46* 58' E. from Long Island Sound; thence
running S. 42o 59' W. ninety-one and seventy-five one-
hundredths feet (91.75') to a stohe monument; thence
S. 18° 18" W. two hundred and sixty-nine and four-tenths
feet (269.4') to a stone monument; thence S. 51° 13'~ W.
one hundred and sixty-two and one-tenth feet (162.1') to
a stone monument~; thence S. 19° 38" W. one hundred and
forty-seven feet (147.§~) to a stone monument; thence S.
l?° 38' El one hundred and twenty-five and eighty-five
one-hundredths feet (12§.85') to a stone monument; thence
S. ~6o 06' W. one hundred and fifty-three~ and seven-tenths
feet (153.?') to a stone monument,; thence S. 18o 33'~ E.
two hundred and forty-one and seventy-seven one-hundredths
feet, (241.??') to a point,; thence S. 54~.$4'' E. three hun-
dred and five feet (305.3) to a stone monument; thence
S. 26o 41' E. ninety-four and fifty-five one-hundredths
feet (94.55') to a point; thence S. 5?o 13'~ E. seventy-
nine and eighteen one-hundredths feet (79,18') to a
point; thence S. 82o 34' E. one hundred and ninety-eight
and twenty-five one-hundredths feet (198.25') to a stone
monument; thence E. 44° 44' E. one hundred and ninety-
five and three-tenths feet (195.3~) to a stone monument.;
thence directly across the said Equestrian avenue in a
northwesterly direction fifty feet (50.0) to a point;
thence S. 44o 44' W. ~o~ne hundred and fifty-seven and
ninetyatwo one-hundredths feet (157.92') to a point;
thence N. 82o $4' W. one hundred and sixty-two and twenty-
six one-l~undredths feet (162.~6') to a point; thence N.
5?o 1~'~o~ 4~poin~; thence N. 26° 41w 1~'. ninety-three and
nine-one-hundredths feet (93.09') to a point; thence N.
54° 04' W. three hundred and one and seventeen one-
hundredths feet (301.17') to a point; thence N. 18o 33'
I~'. one hundred and ninety-nine and ninety-two one-hun-
dredths feet (199.92') to a point; thence I~. 36° 06' E.
one hundred and fifty-three and nineteen one-hundredths
~eet (153.19') to a point; thence N. 17° 38" ~i. one hun-
dred and thirty-four and thirty-one one-hundredths feet
(134.$1') to a point; thence N. 19° 38' E. one hundred and
sixteen feet (116.~) to a point; thence 51o 13'~ E. one
hundred and sixty-two and seventy-six one-hundredths feet
(162.76') to a point; thence N. 18° 18' E. two hundred and
seventy-three and twenty-six one-hundredths feet (273.26')
to a point; thence N. 42o 59' E. seventy and fifty-four ont
hundredths feet (70.54') to a point on the boundary of
Linderman's land; thence in a course N. ~5o 24' W. across
said Equestrian avenue and along said Linderman'e land
fifty-one and four-hundredths feet (51.04') to the
point or place of beginning. ~ _~o_.._ ~...,,~ ~
Paesed and consented to this thirteenth day of
April in the year nineteen hundred and eight.
Rosolution and ~n~itten consent of
the Town Board of the Town of
Southold to discontinue that part
of Equestrian Avenue, Fisher's
Island,as a highway,which runs
through land about to be ac~uirsd
by the lJntied States.
Application having been made upon behalf of
the United State." governme~ for the closing of a portion
of Eque..trian avenue, on Fisher'-- Island, in the town of
Southold, Suffolk County, New York, which avenue runs
through land abeut to be acquired by the United States
government for military purposes, and the Town Board of
the tov~ of Southold, in said Suffolk county, New York,
having given their con..ent in writing a.. provided by
section 80 of the Highway Law,
I, ~ ~- ~ ~ the Commissioner of
Highway." of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk,
State of New York, DO HERF~Y 0RDF~R AND DIRECT that all
that part of Eque..trian avenue herein described be dis-
continued as a highway, to wit:
BEGINNING at a ."tone monument on the ..outherly
boundary line of the Linderman property on Fisher's Island
which point is distant four hundred and eight feet (40~,~)
in a course S. 46° 58' E. from Long Island Sound; thence
running S. 4~° Sg~%V. ninety-one and ..eventy-five one-
hundredth." feet (91.75) to a ."tone monument; thence S.
18° 18' W. two hundred and ..ixty-nine and four-tenths
feet (£69.4') to a stone monument; thence S. 51° lS' W.
one hundred and sixty-two and one-tenth feet (162.1') to
a stone monu~nent; thence S. 19° 58' W. one hundred and
forty-seven feet (147.~) to a ."tone monu~uent; %hence S.
l~° 58' E. one hundred and twenty-five and eighty-five
one-hundredths feet (125.85') to a stone monument; thence
S. $6° 06' W. one hundred and fifty-three and ."even-tenth
feet (155.?') to a stone monument; thence
two hundred and forty-one and ..eventy-..even one-hundredth."
feef~ (£41.7~,7'~) to a point; thence S. 54 4' E. three hun-
dred and five feet (S0&~) to a stone monument; thence
S. 26° 41' E. ninety-four and fifty-five one-hundredths
feet (94.55~') to a point; thence S. 57° lB' E. seventy-
nine and eighteen one-hundredths feet (79.18'~ to a
point; thence S. 82° B4' E. one hundred and ninety-eiEht
and twenty-five one-hundredths feet (198.25') to a stone
monument; thence N. 44° 44' E. one hundred and ninety-
five and three-tenths feet (195.B') to a stone monument;
thence directly across the said Equestrian avenue in a
northwesterly direction fifty feet (50,~) to a point;
thence $. 44° 44' W. one hundred and fifty-seven and
ninety-two one-hundredths feet (157.92') to a point;
thence N. $2e $4' W. one hundred and sixty-two and twenty-
six one-hundredths feet (162.26') to a point; thence N.
5?0 lB' W. fifty-four and thirty-one one-hundredths feet
(54. B1') to a point; thence N. 2d° 41' W. ninety-three
and nine-one-hundredths ~eet (9B.09') to a point; thence N.
54° 04" W. three hundred and one and seventeen one-hun-
dredths feet (S01.1q') to a point; thence N. 18° SB~' W.
one hundred and ninety-nine and ninety-two one-hundredths
feet (199.92) to ~ point; thence N. B8° 08' E. one hundred
and fifty-three ~nd nineteen one-hundredths feet (10B.19~)
to a point; thence No 17° BS' W. one hundred and thirty-
four and thirty-one one-hundredths feet (1~4.$1') to ~
point~; thence N. 19° BS' E. one hundred and sixteen feet
(118.$) to a point; thence ~l° lB' E. one hundred and
sixty-t~o and seventy-six one-hundredths feet (1612.~')
to a point; thence N. 18° 18' E. two hundred and seventy-
three and twenty-six one-hundredths feet (27B.~6') to a
point; thence N.
hundredths feet
420 5i9' E. seventy and fifty-four one-
(~0.~4') to a point on the boundary of
land; thence in a course N. B5° 24' W. across
said Equestrian avenue and along said ~inderman's land
fifty-one and four one-hundredths feet (51.04') to the
Dated, April l~th 1908.
Town of Southold,
Suffolk County, N.Y.
To the Commissioner of Highways of the Town of Southold,
County of Suffolk, New York:-
On behalf of the United States of America, I
hereby apply to you, as Commissioner of Highways of the
Town of Southold, to alter or discontinue so much of the
highway known as Equestrian Avenue, Fisher's Island, Suf-
folk County, Yew York, as passes through the land about
to be acquired by the United States government as a part
of the military reservation at ~isher's Island, New York,
which said portion of said highway is described as fol-
Beginning at a stone monument on the southerly
boundary line of the Linderman property on Fisher's Island
which point is distant four hundred and eight feet (408.~
in a course S. 46° 58' E. from Long Island Sound; thence
running S. 42o 59' W. ninety-one qnd seventy-five one-
hundredths feet (91.75') to a stone monument; thence
S. 18o 18' W. two hundred and sixty-nine and four-tenths
feet (269.4') to a stone monument; thence S. 51o 15' W.
one hundred and sixty-two and one-tenth feet (162.1') to
a stone monument; thence S. 19° 38' W. one hundred and
forty-seven feet (14%$) to a stone monument; thence S.
l?° 38' E. one hundred and twenty-five and eighty-five
one-hundredths feet (12§.85') to a stone monument; thence
S. 56o 06' W. one hundred and fifty-three and seven-tenths
feet (155.7') to a stone monument; thence S. 18° 53' E.
two hundred and forty-one and seventy-seven one-hundredths
feet (241.77') to a point; thence S. 54~04' E. three hun-
dred and five feet (305.$) to a stone monument; thence
S. 26o 41'E. ninety-four and fifty-five one-hundredths
feet (94.55') to a point; thence S. 57o 13' E. seventy-
nine and eighteen one-hundredths feet (~9.18') to a
point; thence S. 82° 34' E. one hundred and ninety-eight
and twenty-five one-hundredths feet (198.2§') to a stone
monument; thence N. 44~ 44' E. one hundred and ninety-
five and three-tenths feet (195.5') to a stone monument;
thence directly across the said Equestrian Avenue in a
northwesterly direction fifty feet (50.~) to a point;
thence S. 440 44' ~.~one hundred and fifty-seven and
ninety-two one-hur~dredths feet (1§~.92') to a point;
thence No 82° 54' W. one hundred snd sixty-two and twenty-
six one-hundredths feet (162.26') to a point; thence N.
5?o 15' W. fifty-four and thirty-one one-hundredths feet
to a point;
(54.51')~ thence N. 26o 41' W. ninety-three and nine-one-
to a point;
hundredths feet (93.09')~ thence N. 54o 04' W. three hun-
dred and one and seventeen one-hundredths feet (501.1?');
to a point;
/thence N. 18o 33' W. one hundred and ninety-nine and
to a point;
ninety-two one-hundredths feet (199.92')/ thence ~. 36~
06' E. one hundred and fifty-three and nineteen one-hun-
to a point;
dredths feet (153.19')~ thence N. 17° 58' W. one hundred
and thirty-four and thirty-one one-hundredths feet (1~4.51
to a point; thence N. 19° 58' E. one hundred and sixteen
feet (ll~) to a point; thence 51* 15' E. one hundred and
sixty-two and seventy-six one-hundredths feet (162.76')
to a point; thence N. 18~ 18' E. two hundred and seventy-
three and twenty-six one-hundredths feet (273.26') to a
point; thence N. 42o 59' E. seventy and fifty-four one-
hundredths feet (70.54') to a point on the boundary of
Linderman's land; thence in a course N. 35~ 24' W. across
said Equestrian Avenue and along said Dinderman's land
fifty-one and four one-hundredths feet (51.04') to the
~in~r pl~e cf b~ginning.
Order of the Commissioner of High-
ways eT the Town of Southold,
g-~ffolk County, N. ¥., to discon-
tinue that part of Equestrian
Avenue, Fisher's Island, as a
highway, which runs through land
about to be acquired by the United
Application by the United States
to the
Commissioner of Highways
of the Town of Southold, Suffolk
County, New York, to discontinue
portion of Equestrian Avenue,
Fisher's Island, Suffolk Co., N.
U. S. Attorney,
Federal Building,
Boro of Brooklyn,