HomeMy WebLinkAboutKing La, Orient To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of
Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New Yet'r:
The undersigned, inhabitants of the X'own OF SoUthold,
liable to be assessed For highway taxes therein, hereby apply
to you to discontinue the highway three rods in width running
From the Main Highway through lands of petitioners to ~ardiners
Bay, kno;wn as King Lane at Orient~ To;m o~F Southold, Suffolk
County,tew York, on the ground that said highway is to he
allancloned and in its place the petitioners will grant to the
People of the State of New York land For a portion of a parkway
equal in area to highway herein described as King Lane, which
parkway will be wider and more beneficial to the neighborhood
than the highway which is p~oposed to be discontinued and said
highway proposed to be discontinued and the portion of the
parl~ay to be granted to the People of the State o£ New York by
petitioners will pass through the lands of Howard S. Latham and
C a~r~.$,.~~ his wife, only
%~, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Eoard of the
~ office Df~the Supervisor, at
Town of Southold, havin~ met at the
considered ~I~e application of Howard ~. Lath~ ~cl ~~
Lath~, his wife for the discontinuance of a highway at Orient,
To;~ of Southold, Suffolk Co~ty~ Mew York, ]morro as King
Lane, do hereby consent that ~:uch highway be discontinued in
accordance with the prayer of the within petition.
Superintendent of Highways.
Telephone Worth 1510
Vincent Building
302 Broadway, New York Ctt~
February 19, 1930.
Town Board o£ Southold,
Southold,.~ '?. Y.
Dear Sirs:
This is to certify that Howard S. Lathsm, Orient
Point, has by deed dated February 15, 1930 conveyed to the
People of the State of New York a strip of land approximste-
ly ..880 of an acre.
This conveyance is based on your resolution
dated October 4, 1929 wherein you !provided that you would
relinouish to the said Howard S. Latham upon his ?etition
the o~d road kno%~ as King~ Lane, provided however that
he has dedicated to the State of New York the same amount
of land foot for foot ss contained in the said Kingt L8ne.
There is, therefore, no further objection on
the part of the State to the transfer of King~ Lane to '~
Yours very truly,
App r ai s er
In the ,hatter of the Application
~,OUA~ S. LATH~,r & WIFE
For the tliscontinu~ce of a
Hig]u'~ay at Orie:~t, To~;m of
CON,~ .... OF ~07~