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Main South Rd, Portion of
Order discontinuing a highway with the consent TOwn Boa~d Application having been made to me, town Superintend- ent of Highways for the Town of Southoid,Suffolk County~ New York~ by Harry Adams and by ~thur L. Moore and otherm, abutting property owners, for the disContinus~Ce of that portion of the Main South Road lying between the several properties of the petitioners, and the north side of the state highway west of Moore's Lane near the village of Greenport, and the Southold Town Board at its meeting held At Greenport December 30~ l~2, having consented to grant the application of said petzt_oners~ now therefore in pursuance thereof, it is ~RDEP~D and DET~RMI~TED that so much of the state highway as lies between the northerly line of the said state road and the southerly line of the property of the petitioners is hereby abandoned as s~ighway~ ~ad m~s use for highway purposes is discontinued and closed to the public use~ That portmo_ of the nmgm~ay hereby discontinued is described as follows:~ Description ~ Totem to ~oore Estate, Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of ~oore~s Lane with the northerly line of the old Nain Road leading from Greenport to Southold~ running thence on an extension southerl~~ of the westerly line ~of Lane S. ~o&~ V~. -i0~9~ feet~ mo~e or le~s~ to a point ~&~98 feet northerly ~measured at right angles) from the center line of concrete pavement on said ~Iain Roads thence westerly on a curved line and at all points feet northerly from said center line of concrete a distance of iV2,30 feet~ thence S, V4°46~40~ ~t, dis- taut 24~V5 feet ~o~therly from sai~ cent~:r lmne o_ said ~ . ~ ~' - 30,VV feets oavement, 15,86 zest, thence S~ 8~ 38: W, ~henoe S, 8&© o~~ W~ ~ 4~.~ feet~ thence at a right angle to said center line of said pavement, N~ 15° 13~ 20" 50,54 feet, more o~ less, to the southwesterly corner of land of said V~m. H. H. Noore Estate on the northerly line of said 0id Mai:n Road~ thence along said land of said Moore Estate~ N. 84° 04' E. - ~&,2V fset, ~hence along said laud of said }~oore Estate~ N. 89 38~ E. feet to the poznt of begmnnzng, Contaznzng 21~/1000 an acre by s~veye Description ~ Tov.~ to Adams~ ALL that tract or parcel of land situate West of the VillsEe of Greenport~ Tow~ of Southold~ County of folk and State of New Tork bo~uded and described as follows:d BEGINNING at a point on the Northerly side of the Nain Road which point ~mks the intersection of the North side of the 01d Road and the present State Highway~ and running thence No 8~° O0~ l0~ E~ along the Northerly line ~f the o~d road ~8~ feet to the land of William H~ H. Estate~ thence running S~ ?~o l~~ ~0~ We along the pre~os~ New Road ~8~8~ feet to the point or Dlace of beginn~n~ D~ted this~ day of ~anuary~ 1933, Town of Southold, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD a portion of the Main South Road adjoining lands of Harry Adams and others of Greenport, New York. OR DE R