HomeMy WebLinkAboutMontauk Ave, Portion ofTO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIG1T~AYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFF0~K AND STATE OF NEW Y0~: The undersigned, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby applies to you to discontinue that portion of Montauk Avenue at Fishers Island, Town of South- old, Suffolk County~ New York, described as follows:- Commencing at a monument on the southerly side of Mon- tauk Avenue, which said point is 745.6§ feet North of a point 388.5V feet West of another monument marking the U. S. Coast & Geodeti~ Survey Triangulation Station "PROS"(which is located on the second highest hill on Fishers Island and is about miles East of the West End of Fishers Island, and l~ s South 13° 2V' 54" E. of North Dumpling Light in Ftsh~rs Island Sqund~; thence, N. 75° 22' 45" E. one hundred, seventy four and 71/100 (174. V1) feet to a monp~nent; thence, Se 73u 07~ 15" Ee one hundred, seventy,seven and 26/100 (177.26) feet ~to a monument ; thence, S. 64° 47' 00" E~, two hundred, seventy-six and 24/100 (276.24) feet to a monument on the North side of Oriental ~ve- nue; thence, Ne 65° 36' 34" E., sixty-five and 64/10~ feet to another monument on the North side of Oriental zv&nue; thence, N. 64° 47~ 00" W.~ a distance of three hundred, twenty- two and ~3/10© (SY~e~) ~$~$I tO a ~M~ll~e~$$ ~1~e~e, N. ~o 0V, 15" W. a distance of one~ hundred, ninety-five and 00/lO0 (19§.00) feet~to a monument;~th$nce, Se 75 22' ~5" W~ one hundred,ninety-two and 51/100 (192.51) feet to the point of be- ginninge on the grounds that s~id highway has been abandoned. And Fishers Island Farms Inc. hereby consents to release said Town of Southold from all dyr~ges in connec~i~ with the discontinuance of said highway and to save the said Town harmless . of claims for damage by others by reason of the discontinuance of said portion of said highway. Dated July ~,~ 1933. PresidSt. ~ WE, the undersigned, Town Board of the Town of Scuthold, of the County of Suffolk, New York, hereby consent that the Town Superintendent of Highways of said Town of Southold make an Order discontinuing the use of the following described property, being that portion of Nontauk Avenue at Fishers Island, Suffolk County, New York, described as follows:- C~mmencing at a monument on the southerly side of Montauk Avenue, which said point is V45.65 feet North of a point 385.§V feet West of another monument marking the 1I. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "PROS" ~ which is located on the second highest hill on Fishers Island and is about lA, miles Eas~ of the West End of Fishers Island, and lies South 13~ 2~' 54" E. of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); thence, N 45" E. one hundred, seventy-four and ~l/100 (l~4. V1) feet to a mon- ument, thence, S. V3 0~ 15 E. one hundred, seve~nty sev_en and 26/100 (1~7.26) feet to a monume~nt; thence, S. 64v 4V~ 00" E., two hundred, seventy-s~x and 24/100 (2~6.24) fee~ to a m_onument on the North side of Oriental Avenue; thence, N. 65 36t 34" E., six- ty-five and 64/100 (65.64) feet to another monument on the North side of Oriental Avenue; thence,N. 64° 4~' 00" W., a distance of three hundred, twenty-two and 43/100 (322.43) feet to a monument; thence,m N. ~3° 0Vt 15" W. a distance of one hundred, ninety-five and 00/100 (195.00) feet to a monument; thence, S. 75° 22~ 45" W. one hundred, ninety-two and 51/100 (192.51) feet to the point of be gninning~ on the ground that said highway has been abandoned for highway purposeSe IN WITNESS WHE~EOF, we have hereto set our hands on ~he day of July, 1933. · Superintendent of Highw~ys. Order discontinuing 'a highway with the consent cfT~wn Boarde Application having been made to m.~, Town Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by Fishers Island Farms Inc. for the discontinuance of a portion of Montauk Avenue at Fi,~shers Island, Suffolk County, New York, and the Southold Town Board at its meeting held at Greenport July ~1933 having consented to grant the application of said petitioner, now therefore in pursuance thereof, it is ORDERED and DETERMINED that the following described portion of Montauk Avenue is hereby abandoned as a highway, and its use for highway purposes is discontinued and closed to the public use. -That portion of the highway hereby discont'!nued is described as follows:- Conmlencing at a monument onthe southerly side of Montauk Avenue, which said point is 745e6§ feet North of a point 388e§~ feet West of anShher monument marking the U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "PROS" (which is located on the second highest hill on Fishers Island and is about l~ miles East of the West End of Fishers Island, and lies SoUth 13~ 2V' 84" E · of North Dumpling Light in Fishers Island Sound); thence, N 750 22t 45" E. one hundred, seventy-four and 71/100 (1V4.71) feet to a monument; thence S. V3° OV'lS" E. one hundred, seven~y-seven.and 26/100 (17V.26) fee~ to a monu~,ent; thence, S. 64 4V~ 00 E., two hund- red, seventy six and 24/100 (2V6.24) feet to a monument on the North side of Oriental Avenue; thence, Ne 68° 36' 34" E. sixty-five and 6~/100 (65.~4) feet to another m~nument on the North side of Ori- ental Avenue; thence, ~. 64° 4~. 00~ W., a distance of three hund- red twenty-two and 43/100 (322.43) feet to a monument; thence, Ne 73o 0V' 18" W. a distance of one hundred, ~inety,five and 00/100 (195.00) feet to a monument; thence, S. V5~ 22~ 45" W. one hundred, ninety-two and 51/100 (192.51) feet to the point of beginning. Town of.Southold. In the ~viatter of the Discontinusnce of a_]~o?'t~ion-. of ~oi~ ~atlk Z~ve~llie~ Fishers Isl~d~ Tov~n of Southo!d~ Suffolkuoanuy, ~ ~ '-, Ne~'~ York PETiTI0i{, CO S~-z, ~ ~,nd ORDER.