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North Road, part of & Old Main Rd
Order discontinuing a hi~hway with the consent of Town Board. Application haTin6 been made to me. town Supe~i~tendent of Highways for the Town of Southold. ~uffolk County, New York, by Co.mack Feeney for the d/scont£n,,~nce of that portion of the old higlmay being a part of the North Road and the ~outhold Town Board at its -.eetlng held st ~reenport ~tl~ :: 19th. 1~ havi~ consented tc grant the application of said petitioner, now therefore in pursuance thereof, it is (~I~HED and I~'r~£~,D that uid hi6hw~y described Belo~ is he~ aB~dcned aa ~i~h~. and its use for highway pu~oses is discontinued ~d clo~ed to the public use. portion of the hi6hway he~y discontinued i~ described as ~I~IN~ at a point on the northerly boundary of the ~stin~ Middle ~oad. Oo~ty Hoad No. 2~. said point bei~ located on the division line between the lands of Co.ack ~eney. ~uted o~er on the west. and the l~ds of Eva ~gs. reputed owner on the east. r~ni~ thence westerly ~24. ~re or Ies~, feet, 35 feet distant northerly ~d ~allel to the ~o~osed cente= line of ~e proposed improvement to a ~eint on ~e e~stl~ northerly Bo~ of Niddle Hoad; ~nnin~ thence easterly alo~ said north~ly bound~y of the e~sti~ road 680. mo~ or less. feet to a ~oint; ~ni~ thence still easterly and alo~ the northerly bound~y of ~e eflsti~ road 244, more or less, feet to a point on the division li~e be~een the lands of Cormack ~e~ney, reputed owner on the and the la~s of E~a ~, reputed owner on the east; runnt~ thence southerly alon~ said division line 9. ~re or le~s, feet feet or 0.190 acres to the point of beginning; being 8,26? square more or less Dated this 19th. d~y of Fuly t,19~5. To~n Superintendent of Yd~aya ~own ct' ,~outhold. TO THE TOWN SUPERINT~iDENT OF HIGEWAYS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK:- The undersigned an inhabitant of the Town of Sou%hold liable to he assessed for highway taxes hereby applie~ to you to discontinue the old high- way being a part of the North Road~and described as follows:- BEGINNING at a point on the ~ortherly boundary of the existing Middle Road, County Road No. 2?, said point being located on the division line between the lands of ~ormack Feeney, reputed owner on the west, and the lands of Eva Bangs, reputed owner on the east, ~unning thence westerly 924, more or less,feet, $~ feet distant northerly and parallel to the proposed center line of the proposed improvement to a point on the existing northerly boundary of Middle Road; running thence easterly along said northerly boundary of the existing road 680, more or less, feet to a point; 1-~nning thence still easterly and along the northerly boundary of the existing ~oad 244, more or less, feet to a point on the divialon line between the lands of Cormack ~eBney, reputed owner on the west, and the lands of Eva Bangs, ~eputed om~er on the east; lnmning thence southerly along said division line 9, more or less, feet to the point of beginning; being 8,2~? sguare feet or 0.190 acres more or less~ on the grounds that said highway has been abandoned. Dated this 15th day of July, 1935. In the ~atter of the Application -~f- CORMACK FEENEY for the discontinuance of the old highway, being a part of the North Road, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. PETITION; and At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, held in said Town on the~day of July 197~ at 3:0o o'clock. P.M. pRESENT: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia qus~$ce ~Martin Suter . ~usElce Louis M. Demaresu Councilman James H. Rich Jr. Councilman James Homan ' ABS]~w~: Justice Francis T. Doyen In the Matter of the Application of Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc., Mattituck Building Corp., and Gunter Morchel to discontinue a portion of a highway in said Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York We, the undersigned members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, having read the applica- tion of Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc., Mattituck Building Corp. and Gunter Morchel asking for the discontinuance of a portion of a highway in the Town of Southold, as described in said application, and it appearing that Main (State) Road an improved highway has heretofore been constructed in said Town of Southold, which improved highway follows the general direction of the highway, a portion of which is sought to be discontinued and serves generally the same purpose and it appearing that traffic over said highway is limited to the applicants above named, said highway not having been improved or repaired for sOme time and further appearing that there are no other persons or corporations. other than these applicants, owning any premises through which said highway sought to be discontinued passes or to which it is adjacent, and it further appearing that the portion of said highway sought to be discontinued has become unnecessary and useless. NOW, after due deliberation, we, the undersigned, members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, do pursuant to section 171 of the Highway Law of the Sate of New York, hereby consent in writingthat the said portion of the highway sought to be discontinued and described in the application, be discontinued. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: COUNTY OF SUFFPLK IN THE MATTER OF DISCONTINUANCE OF OLD MAIN ROAD, MATTITUCK, NEW YORK BY GUNTER MORC~. APPLICANT ~WH~J~A~.~ by ~application~ dated July~ 1, 1974, Gunter Morchel has pe~Tti0ne~d for the discontmnua~ce o~ a p~rtion of a highway in the Town of Southold, therein described; and W~v~A$, there is attached to said application a written consent to the discontinuance of the said portion of the said highway and a release from ail damages executed by Gunter Morchel the owner of all of the lands taken or affected thereby, and all the lands through which the said portion of the highway sought to be discontinued passes, or to which it is adjacent; and WHEREAS, there is also attached to said application the written consent of a majority of the members of the ~own Board of said Town of Southold; and WHiP. AS, it further appears that an improved highway has heretofore been constructed in the said Town of Southold, County of ~uffolk and State of ~ew York and, W~E~F.A~, it further appears that traffic on said highway a portion of which is sought to be discontinued is generelly listed to the applicant herein, and W~E~EAM, it further appears that the applicant herein is the only person or corporation owning any laud abutting on or adjacent to the portion of said highway sought to be discontinued and that no claim for damages is made , and NOW after due deliberation of the matter it is hereby determined that the portion of the said highway sought to be discontinued has become useless snd it is hereby ORDERED that said portion of said highway hereinafter and as in said application described, be and the same hereby is discontinued. Following is a description of a portion of a highway so discontinued. BEGINNING at the intersection of the southerly line of the Old Main Road with the easterly line of Sigsbee Road; ~-ning thence along the extension northerly of said easterly line, N. 20° 39' 10" W. 53.27 feet to the southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said southerly line, N. 53° 28' E. ~8.52 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed bythe part7~ of the first part to Mattituck Building Corp., E. 57.33 feet; thence along said southerly line of the Old Main Road, S. 70° 18' 10" W. ~6.67 feet to the point of beginning. Dated at the Town of Southold N.Y. the ~ day of July 1975. ! Superintendent ~f Highways the Town of Bouthold, N.Y. STATE OF NEW YORK / SS.: ) On the g day of July 1975, before me personally came Raymond Dean to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same. To the Town Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York Gunter Morchell~he bU :ma~'_.es~ app~ica.ti, gn The ~dersi~ed, ~~ to the To~ ~per~tendent of ~w~s of the To~ of'~uthold, ~folk Oo~ty, New York to discontinue the potion of the hi~- w~ located in said To~ ~d described as follows: Beginmi~ at the intersection of the southerly line of the Old ~in Road with the easterly line of Sigsbee Road; r,,n~ing thence ~ong the e~ension northerly of said easterly line, N. 20° ~9' 10" W. $~.27 feet to the southerly line of the Hain Road; thence ~o~ s~d southerly line, N. ~o 28' E. ~.~2 feet; thence ~o~ l~d conveye~ or about to be conveyed by the p~ty of the first p~t to Hattituok ~ildi~ Corp., S. 20° }9' 10" E. ~7.~ feet; thence ~o~ s~d southerly line of the Old ~n Road, S. ~0° 18' 10" W. ~.6~ feet to the point of begi~i~. The portion of said ~w~ so~ht to be discontinued passes adjacent to l~s o~ed by G~ter Horchel ~d no other person o~ corporation is the o~er of ~ l~d t~ough which s~d portion of the ~w~ passes, or to which it is adjacent, ~d the said G~ter Horchel is the o~er of l~d subject to highw~ t~es on said to~ of ~uthold ~d he does hereby m~e this application p~su~t to Section 171 of the ~w~ ~w of the Sta~e of New York. Dated July 1, 1974 Gunter Morchel Release from Owner on Discontuance of Highwat Ki~OW AT,T, IVJEN BY THES~PRESENTS: That Gunter Morchel residing on the highway referred to in the application attached hereto, in the Town of Southold, ~affolk County, N. Y. owners of lands taken or affected thereby in consideration of the discontinuance of said highway, do hereby consent that such highway be discontinued and does hereby release the Town of ~outhold from all claims to damages by reason of the discontinuance of such highway. Dated: July 1, 1975 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) COUNTY OF 8UFFOTX ) Gumt~r Morchel On the 1st day of July 1975, before me personally came Gunter Horchel to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge that he executed the same. ATTDRNEY AT LAW August 26, 1974 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Albert: I enclose herewith for filing in your office three orders of the Town Superintendent of Highways discontinuing portions of Old Main Road, Mattituck, which have been recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on July 16 in Liber 7675 at page 342, Liber 7675 at page 344 and Liber 7675 at page 346. In order that I may have a record for my files, will you please acknowledge receipt of the orders by signing and returning to me the copy of this letter enclosed for that purpose. Yours~/~yvery truly, ROBERT W. TASKER RWT:kc Enclosures ? ATTDRN~'Y AT LAW Augnst 26. 1974 Hon. Albert W. Richmond Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Dear Albert: I enclose herewith for filing in your office three orders; of the Town :Superintendent of Highways discontinuing portions of ©Id Main Road, :Mattituck, which have been recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on July 16 in Liber 7675 at page 342, Liber 7675 at page 344 and Liber 7675 at page 346~ In order that I may have a record for my files, will yo'~ please acknowledge receipt of the orders by signing and retur:~ing to me the copy of this letter enclosed for that purpose. Yours very truly, ROBYiRT W. TASKER RWT:kc Enclosures TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: COUNTY OF SUFFPLK In the Matter of Discontinuance of Old Main Road, Mattituck, New York By Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. Applicant WEEREAS by application dated July l, 1975 Mattituck Bowling Lanes, luc. Ns~ha~_ petit~ione/ ~or t~_~sc~nt~inua~.ce of a portion of a highway in the Town of Southold, thereTn described, and Wvrm{EAS, there is attached to said application a written consent to the discontinuance of the said portion of the said highway and a release from all damages executed by Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc., the owners of all of the lands taken or affected thereb~ and of all the lands through which the said portion of the highway sought to be discontinued passes or to which it is adjacent; and ~EAS, there is also attached to said application the written consent of a majority of the members of the Town Board of said Town of Southold; and WNE~F. AS, it further appears that an improved highway has heretofore been constructed in the said Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York; and WI{EREAS, it further appears that traffic on said highway a portion of which is sought to be discontinued is generally limite, to the applicants herein; and WEEREAS, it further appears that the applicants herein are the only persons or corporation owning any land abutting on or I adjacent to the portion of said highway sought to be discontinued' and that no claim for damages is made; and NOW, after due deliberation of the matter it is hereby determined that the portion of the said highway sought to be dis-! continued has become useless; and it is hereby ORDERED that said portion of said highway hereinafter and asl in said application described, be and the same hereby is discontinue, Following is a description of a highway so discontinued BEGINNING at a monument at the intersection of the southerly line of the 01d Main Road, with the westerly line of Marlene Lane; from said point of begi~uing ~,-ning along said southerly line, S. 70° 18' 10" W. 191.68 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Mattituck Building Corp. N. 20° 39' 10" W. 66.01 feet to the southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said southerly line, two courses: (1) N. 70° 18' 10" E. 137.27 feet; thence (2) N. 53° 28' E. 56.56 feet to the extension northerly of said westerly line of Marlene Lane; thence along said Westerly line, S. 20° 39' 10" E. 82.~0 feet to the point of beg~nnt:ng. Dated at the Town of Southold N. Y. the ~ day of July 1974 ~'~erzntendent df-~ighways of ~t~he Town of ~outhold, N. Y. STATE OF I~EW YORK / SS. : COUNTY OF SUFFO~,~ ) On the~7~day of July 197~ before me personally to me came Raymond Dean' known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same. ROBERT W. TASTER To the Town Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold County of Suffolk State of New York ~_ Th~ undersigned, $~at~ituc~ Bowling Lanes, Inc., hereby makes application to the Town ~uperin~endent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to discontinue the portion of the highway located in said Town and described as follows: Beginning at a monument at the intersec,tion of the southerly line of the Old Main Road with westerly line of Marlene La~e; from said point of beginning running along said southerly li~e S. 70° 18' 10" W. 191.68 feet; thence along land conveyed or about to be conveyed by the party of the first part to Mattituck Building Corp. S. 20° 39' 10" W. 66.01 feet to the southerly line of the Main Road; thence along said southerly line, two course s: (1) N. 70° 18' 10" E. 137-27 feet; thence (2) N. 53° 28' E. 56.56 feet to the extension northerly of said westerly line of Marlene Lane; thence along said westerly line S. 20° 39' 10" E. 82.40 feet to the point of beginning. The portion of said highway sought to be discontinued passes adjacent to lands owned by the said Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. and no other person or corporation is the owner of any land through which said portion of the highway passes, or to which it is adjacent, and the said Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. is the owner of land subject to highway taxes on said town of Southold, and it does hereby make this application pursuant to Section 171 of the Highway Law of the State of New York. Dated July 1, 1974 Mattituck Bowling Lanes,.Inc ...... President Release from Owner on Discontinuance of Highway KNOW AT~,MENBY T~ES~PRESENTS: That Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc. located on the highway referred to in the application attached hereto, in the Town of Southold, ~uffolk County N. Y., owners of lands taken or affected thereby, in consideration of the discontinuance of said highway, do hereby consent that such highway be discontinued and do hereby release the Town of Southold from all claims to damages by reason of the discontinuance of such highway. Dated: July 1, 1975 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc President On the 1st day of July 1975, before me personally came Doris Harkoff, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that she resides at Wells Road, Mattituck, New York, that she is the President of The Mattituck Bowling Lanes, Inc., the corporation described in aud which executed the foregoing instrument; that she knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal, that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that she signed her name thereto by like order. NOTARY PUBLIC, State of N~w Yor~ No. 52.5712500 In the Eatter of the Aoolication of HELEN B. CASE to discontinue a portion of a hiEhway in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York.