HomeMy WebLinkAboutCedar Beach Road - Southold 1912 © in the Town of ~ , County of Suffolk and State of New York, fo value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of Southold, in said county, a strip of land across my premises in said town, for the purposes of a highway, which highway has been surveyed and is described as follows: And I also hereby release said town from all damages by reason of the laying out and opening such highway. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this / ''~ day of ~-~/f' , x9~-.~//~ . On this / day of ~ One Thousand Nine Hundred and ~ ~ before me personally came ~'~~ , to me known and known to me to be the same person .~ described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and -- he 62-11-12 (BI 2000 State of New York, COUNTY OF KINGS, annexed as NO?ARY PUBLIC for the County of ~ and wa~ duly authorized to take said acknowledgment. And further, that [ am well ackuowledged t~~· .~ ,? In Testimony Wl~'eo]'~ I havre hei,~nto set my hand and affixed the sea~l of said Coumy and Corot, this · -- ,..~?:..: -,-...! ..... TOWN OF $OUTHOLD C ' ' ~ Highways IN THE MATTER OF DEDICATION OF I, ROBERT J. KENT, of the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kinge, State of New York, - ...... for value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of South- old, C~unty of Suffolk, a mtrtp of Aand acroes ~y pr~l~ee ~ ~d to~, for the p~poeee of a high~y, aa ~ho~ on a oer~ln ~p entitled 'Plan of the pro~oaed road 1~ B~ View fr~ Main R~d to Old North ~oad, ~ted M~ 18th, 191~,, by Fra~lin F. Overton, ~eyor, ~d ~tch is des- eribed al B~I~X~6 at a Ce~r ~:cst ca the North Road a~ ~y View, 9~ the I~erly s~de of the land of E. H. Bro~, ~d ~11 ~a thence north 6~, 15' ~t/~79 ft., thence ner~ ~9°, 15' ~at 169.~ ft., to the l~d of M~ia ~. B~lg=k, ~d ~11 pals t~ough the several land~ of ~= Br.~, ~9~ ~geeph Rgrke, ~arzay Rorke, Three H. Horke, George L. Rorke, Grace Rorke, Annie E. Van ~ke, Cbarlez E. bert Overton, Joshua Overton, Ellen Rcrke, Samel M. Rcrke, Rorke, Letitta Fealey, Ro- w Ernelt Bcieeeau, Caroline ~en~tne and Zllae A. H. Dayton, and Be in width three rcdl; And TRB ~N~StGN~D further applie~ tc you fgr ~ order for the l~iag ~t of ~other h~gh~y, ~o~e northerly · ide I~11 beg~ at a peiat .~o~e beginn~ I~ll be the which ~hall ~n south $70, 25' ~st 148.5 ft., to the l~d of ~e ~Ad ~aria ~. Ballock a~d e~ll be in w~dth three rode ~d pa~a t~ough the land of ~ilas A. H. ~yt~n. ~D for the laying ~t of ~other hig~, ~Ose westerly eide e~l begin at the southwest corner of the property ef M~y M. ~. ~ton, ~ere the e~e J~ln~ the lead ~ Edwin ~. ~o~, whoee width e~ll be ~ee rods and ~11 run south themce 16°, 13' wear 70~.~ ft.,/~enee 12' Tee_ 13~6 ft., thence~e~4~-~-lO°, 15' 14°, south 320.3 ft., thenee~10°. 9, Bast 99.5 ft., thence ~outh 10°, ~, ~.st ~45 ft., thence south 23°, West 1570 ft., ~lch ~ld proposed aigh~ e~ll pa~s t~rou~h the land~ of &~la J. Halleck, Robert J. Ke~t ~d ~H. AED for the mlterin~ of e certain high~ay V~ew, kno~ as the P,~d to Coder Beach, ~d co. echoing at the end of the last n~ed course, by widening the the width of three rode, thereby t~king 8~ feet esch ~lde off the present highway, ~d who~e northerly side · h~31 run south ?8° East approx~ately 3~2 ft., thence south 88 [~st apprcx~etely ?~6' ft., and by w~denl~ the ~aterly aide thereof, whose westerly ~tde shall run south ~o, 10' WeSt, 803 ft., ~o the Yaln ]iXghw~', run~ing th~'ough ~ay VJe~'., ~)d ~}mll pam~ through the ln~de of ~D I als0 hereby release ea~d Town ~'r~ all ~e~ b~ rea~9~ of the laying cut and ope~ of such high- I1; ~IT~8 ~OF, I have hereunto set ~ ~d 1~12. an~i seal. this day of~--~ 5tate of ltew York,} On th~tt~/3~ 1912, before me personal- ly appeared/~-/~,~ ' to me known and kno~ to me to be the led~vidual de~cribed In and ~o executed tbs foregoing lnet~ent ~nd he acknowledged to me that he executed the In the ~atter of the Application of SILAS A. H. DAYTON, to lay out and alter a Highway in the Town of Southold and of Assessment of Damages therefor. RELF~ASE ~anhattan, ~. y. Fol. PRESEE.T: At a Special Term of the County Court oI' the County of Suffolk, ~/~.~.~ on the ~y off July, 1912, HON. TIMOTHY M, GRIFFING, County Judge: In the Matter of the Application of SILAS A. H. ~YTON, to lay out and ~ter a Highly in the Towh of $outhold and of Assess- ment off Damages therefor. ON READING AND FILING the decision of the Commie- signers, Nathan 0. Petty, Esq., Charles M. Blydenburg, Esq., and Henry H. Preston, Esq., in the above entitled matter, dated the day of Suly, 1912, by welch it pears that the said Commissioners have found that .the lay- ing out and altering of the highway, for which this peti- tion is made, ie necessary, and having assessed the dam- ages of John Joseph Rorke, Barney Rorke, Thomas N. Rorke, George L. Rorke, Grace Rorke, Ellen Rorke, James ~. Rorke, Annie E. Van Dyke, Charles E. Rorke and Letitia Fealey, collectively the sum cZ' Ten (~10.00) Dollars; Robert Over- ton and ~oshua Overton the sum of Fifty (~50.00) Dollars; 2. Ernest Boleseau the sum of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dol- lars, and Edwin H. 'Bro~a~ no damages, with proof of service on Alberteon Case, Esq., attorney for the ~own of South- old, of notice of this application, and a copy of the re- port of the ~aid Commissioners, and ON MOTION of Jokm S. Senkine, Esq., attorney for petitioner, and Alberteon Case, Esq., attorney for the T0m of Southold, it is ORI~li~D~ that t~e deciaion be and the aame ia hereby~ ~cpn~irme~,. ~th ~ ~ - ~ EET ~R ~ 4 ORDERED~ that ti~e decision be rand the marne hereby .c.on~irmed~ with ENTER ORDER, IN TRE i!ATTER CF THE APPLICATION OF DAYTON &C., with the original filed July 13, 1912 @ 11 A. and ,hat it is a iust aad ,me cory of ,nth ori ~i~81 and e/the whole there'. July ,9, 2. Due a?~d t~n~ely se~'v~ee ol~ a eopy ..... of .............. tl~e u:~th.i~ .~_ an, d of the followb~ ~ot~ee is ael~n~itted, Dated, ,k~w I~brlc, ~ 1~ Please take notice that I st~all prescott ..... of which the within is a eopy fo~' settteme?~t to . at_ ir~ the Uo~r~ty Uo~r~ ~o~se ~ the Borough, of City off ~ew ~ork, o~ the .- day of .19 at .. ,~. Dated, dVew 1'o~% City, To Esq. 19 · SILA~ A, H. OAYTON, dttorr~e~ for 170 ]~ R OADV~Ay, Please take reotiee tkat tl~e w~tl~l~ ~s a copy of this day &6ty er~tered c~n~c~ filed ~ ~e o~ee o~ ~he U~e~ o[ ~he Uou~ty of ~ the w~i~ e~tit~e~ action. T~es e~e., Esq., 8/LAS A. H, DAYTON. dttov~ey for. dt~orr~ey fo~' 170 BSO~DW~. N. Y. I, MARIA J. HALLOCK, of the Town of Southold, Coun-! ty of Suffolk, State of New York, .... for value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of SouthJ old, County of Suffolk, a strip of land across my premise~ in said town, for the purposes of a highway, as shown on ~ certain map entitled "Plan of the pro~'osed road in Bay View fr~a M~in Road to 01d North Road, dated May 18th, 1912#, by Franklin F. 0verton, cribed as follows: surveyor, and which is des-I BEGII~NIN6 at a Cedar Po~t View, on the southerly side of and shall run thence north 6~, north ?9°, 15, East 169.4 ft., on the l~orth Road at Ba~ the land of E. H. Brown, 15' East~?9 ft., thence to the land of Maria J. Halleck, and shall pass through the several lands of E. H. Brown, John Joseph Rorke, Barney Rorke, Thomas H. Rorke, George L. Rorke, Grace Rorke, Ellen Rorke, James M. Rorke, Annie ~.. Van Dyke, Charles E. Rorke, Letitia F.ealey, Re-i bert 0verton, ~oshua 0verton, E. Ernest Boisseau, Caroline Jenkins and Silae A. H. Dayton, and be in wid~.h three rodst; And TEE UNZ~R$IGNED further applies to you for an order for the laying out of another highway, whose n:ortherly side shall begin at a point whose beginning shall be the same as the beginning of the last above wmed course and which shall run south 67°, 25' East 148.5 ft., to the land of the said Maria J. Halleck and shall be in width three rods and pass through the land of Silas A. H. Dayton. A~D for the laying out of another highway, whose westerly side shall begin at the southwest corner of the property of Mary M. H. Dayton, where the same Joins the land of Edwin H; Brown, whose width shall be three rods and shall run south thence 16°, 13' West 704.5 ft., thence south 14°, 320.5 ft., south 10°, 12' West 133.6 ft[, thence south 10°, 15' West e thence ~ 10 , 9, East 99.5 ft., thence 23' East 345 ft., thence south 23°, West ft., which said proposed highway shall pass thro~g~ the lands of Maria J. Halleck, Robert J. Kent and~H. Erow~, AND for the altering of a certain highway in Bay View, known as the Road to Cedar Beach, and ccmmenciz~ at the end of the last named course, the width of three rods, thereby each side of the present highway, by widening the same to taking 8~ feet more on and whose northerly side shall run south 78° East approximately 352 ft., thence south 88 East approximately 790 ft., and by widening the remaining portion of said road, by taking a rod from the westerly side thereof, whose westerly side shall run south 21° , 10' West, 805 ft., to the Main Highway, running I through Bay view and shall pass through the lands off Ed- win H. Brown. AND I also hereby release said Town ffr~m all dam- ages by reason of the laying out and opening of such high- IN WITNESS W~REOF, IN TIKE PRESENCE I have hereunto set my hand State of New York,) County' of'~, ) ss. On this '~ ~day oI' E. ay~_lgl2, before me personal- ly appeared ~~~~ , to me kno~ and kno~ to me to be the indiVidual deBcribed ~n and ~o executed the foregoing instr~ent end, he acknowledged to me that~he executed the s~e. In the ~atter of of SILAS A. H. the Application DAYTON, to lay out and alter a i H ghway in the Town of Southold and of Assessment of Damages therefor. RELEASE. JOHN S. JE~fKINS, Atty. for Petitioner, 165 Broadway, ~anhattan, N.Y. I, ~o~n m. HALLOOa, ~ the Town of Southold, County of suffolk, State oI' New York, - for value received, hereby dedic~,.%e ~o the To~u of :~outh- old. County of Suf~'olk, a ~tr~p of land acros~ my premXses tn said to~, for the purposes of a high~, certain map entitled .Plan of the proposed road in Bay View fr~ Nmin Road to 01d ~orth Road, dated ~ay loth, 1912", by Franklin F. Overton, surweyor, and which is des- cribed as follows: BMCINNINC at a Cedar Post on the North Road at ~y V~ew, on the southerly s~de of the land ol' E. R. Bro~, and shall ~n thence north 64 ~ l~' Eaztl379 ft., thence north 790, 1~' P~ast 169.4 ft., to the la~d of }~al]ock, end ~hall pas~ through the several la.ds of E. H. Brown, John Joseph Rorke, ~ruey Rorke, Thomas H. Rorke, Ceorge L. Rorke, 0race Horke, Ellen I~orke, J~es ~ Borke, Annie E. Van ~ke, Charles "~. ?,orke, Let~tl~, ~-e~ley, bert Ovsrton, Joshua Cverton, llns Jenkins ~nd Stlms A. H. rods; And THE ~N~GNED further applies for the laying out of another highway, ~i, i~rnemt ~oissenu, Cato- Dayton, and be in width three to you for an order whose ~orhterly side shall begin mt a point whose beginning shall be the same as the beginning of the last above n~ned course and which shall run south 57°, 25' East 148.5 ft,, to the land of the said ~,arta J. }Iallock and shall be in width three rods and pass through the land of Stlae A. H. Dayton. ~ND for the laying out of another highway, whose westerly side ~11 begin at the southwest corner of the property oi' M~y ~. L. ~yton, where the s~e joins the land of Edwin H. Brown, whose width ~hall be three rods and s~mll run south thence 16o, 1~' West 704.5 ft., thence south 140, 320.5 ft., mouth lO°, 12' West la~.o rt., %h-rice south 10°, 15' West thence ~10°, 9' East 99.5 ft., %nenu~ 23' ~ast 345 ft., thence south 23°, ~est 1378 ft., which said proposed high-#ay s/~al) pa~s through the lands of ~arAa J. Hallock.~ Robert J. Kent and Edwin H. AND for the altering of a certain highway in Bay View, known a~ the Road to Cedar Beach, and c~enclng at the end of the last n~msd course, the width of three rode, thereby each side of the present highway, by widening the same to taking 8z~ feet more on and whose northerly side shall run south 78 o East aoproximately 332 ft., thence south 88° East approximately 790 ft., and by w~dening the remaining portion of said road, by taking a rod from the westerly side thereof, whose westerly side shall run south 21°, 10' '#est, 803 ft., to the ~a~n Hlghw~, ~nn~ng through Bay V~ew and shall pass through the lands of Ed- win H. Bro~. AND I also hereby release sa~d To~ from all d~- ~ee by reason of the l~ng out ~d opening of such high- IE ~.~TB~S ~'~OF,~ I ~ve hereunto set my hand and ~ea]. th~s ~day of~, 1~12. S~te of New York, ) County of ~~)s,. ly appeared ~1~.~ , to me known and kno~ to me to be ~he~ndivt~al described in and who executed the foregoing instr~ent and he acknowle~ed to me that he In the ~atter of the Application of SILAS A. H. DAYTON, to lay out and alter a Highway in the Town of Southold and of Assessment of Damages therefor. RELEASE JOHN S. JENKINS,/~ ..... ~, , Atty. for Petit~e~-' 18§ Broadway, Manhattan, N. Y I, CAROLINE JE~KINS, of the Borough o~' Brook- lyn, County of K~ng~, State of Eew York,- ...... for value received, hereby dedicate to the Town of /South- old, County of /~uffolk, a strip of land across my in said town, for the p~po~es of a hl~h~y, as sho~ on certain map entitled ~lan of the pro~osed road tn Bay View fr~ ~aln ~oad to Old North ~oed, ~ted ~ay 18th, 1~12', by Franklin F. Overton, ~rveyor, ~d which 1~ dee- ertBed ae follow~: B~I~IN6 at a Cedar }:cst on the North Road at ~iew, on the ~outherly side of the land of E. H. ~d shall ~ thence north t4°, 15' ~st1379 ft., thence north ~9°, 15' ~et ~69.4 ft., to the land of ~tarta 3. ~lock, and ~hall pas5 t~ough the several lands of E. H. Brown, ~o~ 3oseph Horke, ~arney ~orke, Thoma~ ~i. Rorke, George L. Horke, 5~ace Rorke, ~llen ~orke, 3~es M. ~orke, A~te i~. Van ~ke, C~rles 9~. [~orke, Letttia Fealey, Ro- bert 0verton, ,~oehua 0verton, E. Ernest Boisseau, Caroline 3enkin~ ~d ~ila~ A. H. ~yton, and be in width t~ee rod~; And T~ UN.SIGNED further applies to you for ~ order for the layl~ ou~ of ~other highly, ~ose northerly · ~e ~s ~e begtnnt~ of the last above ~ed course ~d which shall ~ ~cuth 67°, 25' ~et 148.5 ft., to the of the ~ld Nmrtm 3. H~llock and e~ll be tn width three rode and pa~e t~o~h the lend of Btlae A. H. ~yton. ~D for the laying out of ~other htgh~y, westerly ~tde e~l begin at the southwest corner of the property of U~y ~. H. ~ton, ~ere the ~e joins the land of Edwl~ H. Bro~, whose width shall be t~ee rode and e~ll run ~outh thence 16°, 1~, Wemt ?04.5 ft.,*~henoe south 14°, 520.5 ft., south lO°, 12, West 1~.6 ft., thence south 10°, 15' ~eet ~ o thence ~h 10 , 9' East 99.5 ft., thence 2~' East 345 ft., thence south 2~°, ~eet 1578 ft., which said proposed highway shall uase through, the lands of ~aris. ~. Hallock, Robert J. Kent A~D for the altering cf a certain highway in Bay View, known as the Road to Cedar Beach, and commencing at the end of the last named course, by widening the s~ne to the width of three rods, thereby taking 8-~ feet more on each ~lde of the present highway, and whose north,rly side shall run south ~8c East approximately ~52 ft., thence South 88 East approxiaately 79C ft., and by wi,ie~ing the remaining port,on of said road, by taking a rod from the westerly s~de thereof, whose wemterly side shall run south 21 o, 10' 'l~st, 80~ ft ·, to the Yain )tighwaff, r~nning through Bay View a~d shall pass through the. la,ds of Ed- AND I also hereby release sa~d Town frc~ all dam- age~ by reason of tke la~.tng out and opening of ~uch high- IN WITNESS ~EOF. I have hereunto set my hand State cf Ne~W ~f~rk,~) or~. l~l~! before me~ ly appeared ~~~o me ~o~ and kno~ to me to Be the individual d~cribed 'tn and ~o executed the foregoing tnstr~ent ~dqhe acknowle~ed to me that. s executed the s~e. In the ~atter of the APplication of SILAS A. H. DAYTON, to lay out and alter a Highway in the Town of Southold and of Assessment of DamageB therefor. RELEASE JOHN S. ~ENKINS, Atty. for Petitioner, 1§5 Broadway, Nanhattan, N.Y. 2 COUNTY COURT, COUNTY OF SUF~'0LK. In the ~atter o~' the Application SILAS A. H. DAYTON, .. to lay out and alter a Highway in the Town of Southold and of Assess- : sent of Damages therefor. The undersigned, by an order of the County Court of Suffolk County, dated the 31st day of May, 1912, on application of Silae A. H. Dayton, having been appointed commissioners to certify as to the necessity of laying out and opening and altering a highway in the Town of Southold in sald County, BEGINNING at a Cedar Post on the North Road at Bay View, on the southerly side of and shall run thence north 64°, north 79°, 1§, East 169.4 ft., the land ol' E. H. Brown, 1§' East 1399 ft., thence to the land of Maria J. Hallock, and shall pass through the several lands of E. H. Brown, John Joseph RorXe, Barney Rorke, Thomas H. Rorke, George L. Rorke, Crace Rorke, Ellen Rorke, James M. Rorke, Annie E. Van Dyke, Charles E. Rorke, Letitia ~ealey, Ro- bert 0verton, ~os~ua 0verton, E. Ernest Boisseau, Caroline Jenkins and Silas A. H. Dayton, and be in ~ddth three rods; AND for another h~g~way, w~ose northerly e~de shall begin at a point whose beginning shall be the same as the beginning of the last above named course and which shall o run south 67 , 25' East 148.5 It., %o the land of the said Haria J. Hallock and shall be in v~dth three rods and pass through the land of Silas A. R. Dayton. AND for the laying out of another highway, whose westerly side shall begin at the southwest corner of the property of Mary M. H. Dayton, where the same joins the land of Edwin H. Brown, Waose width shall be three rods and shall run south t~ence 16°, 1~' West 704.5 I't., thence south 14°, 12' West 1~.6 It., thence south l0c, 15' West ~0.~ I't., thence norta l0°. 9' East 99.5 I't., t~ence south l0°, £~' East Z45 I't., thence south ~o, West 1578 ft., which said proposed highway shall pass through the lands ol' [~aria J. Hallock, Joseph N. Halloc~, _Robert J. Kent and Edwin H. Brown, AND for the altering of a certain highway in Bay View, known as the Road to Cedar Beach, and co.n~nencing at the end oi' the last ns~med course, by widening the same to the width oi' thrc~ rods, thereby ta~ing 8-1/4 ~'eet more on each side of the present highway, and whose northerly side shall run south ?80 East approximately ~2 ~'t., thence south 88° East approximately ?90 I't., and by widening the remaining portion of said road, by ta~ing a rod from the westerly side thereoI', whose westerly side shall run south ~1°, 10' West 80'5 ft., to the Eain Highway, running through Bay View and shall pass through the lands of Edwin H. Brown; AND to assess the damages to be caused thereby, NOW, therefore, we the said con~missioners having given due notice of the time and place at ~hich we should meet, and all having met at Belmont Hall, in th~ said Town of Southold, in the Village ol' Southold,, on the ZEnd and on the 29th of June,1912 day of June, 1912, pursuant to such notice,/and having taken the constitutional oath oI' office, and on' proof of the service by the posting of the notices by the applicant, by the affidavit of Wayland Jei'ferson, verified the 21st day of June, 191~, pursuant to Section 195 o~' the Consoli- dated Highways Law, having viewed the proposed highway and alteration andthe lands, through which it is proposed to be laid ou~ and opened and altered, and having heard all the allegations of the parties interested therein and the (2) 8 evidence of all the witnesses produced, DO THEREUPOE CERTIFY, that in our opinion it is necessary and proper that the highway b~ laid out and al- tered pursuant to the said application oI' Silas A. H. Dayton, dated the Vth day ol' June, lgl2, and we have as- sessed the damages required to be assessed by reason of laying out and opening and altering such highway, as fol- lows: The damages ol' John Joseph Rorke, Barney' Ror~e, Thomas H. Rorke, George L. Rorke, Grace Rorke, Ellen Rorke, James M. Rorke, Annie E. Van DyEs, Charles E. Rorke and Let]tia Fealey collectively, the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars; Robert 0verton and Joshua 0verton the sum of Fii'ty ($50.00) Dollars; E. Ernest Boisseau Twenty- ive ($~25.0~0) Dollars; Edwin H. Brown..no day, ages. ~~ Da~ed, ~uiy ~ , 1912. ~ ' / COUNTY COURT, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. In the Matter oI' the Application SILAS A. H. DAYTON, to lay out and alter a Highway in Town o~' Southold and o~' Assess- men% oI' Damages Sh~erel'or. REPORT OF CO~Ii,{ISSIONERS. JOHN S. J~MKINS, Atty. l'o~ petitioner, 165 Broadway, Manhattan, New York. I, SILAS A. R. DAYTOI~', of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State oI' New York, - .... for value reserved, hereby dedicate to the Town of old, Oounty of Suffolk, a strip of land across m~ preml~e~ ~ ~d to~, for the pur,p~see of a h~gh~, as ~ho~ cer~Jn map entitled aPl~ of the proceed road An View rrm ~aln R~d to Old North B~d, ~ted ~,~ 18th, 1912', by Franklie F. Cverton, ~eyor, ~d ~ch ~s des- eribed aa follow~ BECIE~IN6 at a Gear tcst ~ the North ~o~d at V~ew, o~ the s~therly side of the land of E. H. Bro~, ~d shall ~n thence eorth 64'~, 12' ~stl~79 ft., north ~9e, 15' ~st 169.4 ft., to the l~nd of ~a ~1oo~, ~d sh~l pass t~ough the several lands of Bro~, ~o~ Joseph Rorke, ~e2 Rorke, T~ae H. george L. Rorke, Grace Horke, 211eh Rorke, J~es M. Horke, Annie H. Van ~Xe, C~rles E. Horke, Letitia Fealey, bert Overton, Joe~ Overton, 2. ~nest Boieseau, Caroline Jenkins and Sllas A. }l. ~ton, and be In width ~ee rods; And T~ UI~alGNID further applies to you for ~ order for the la~tni ~t of ~other htgh~y, ~ose northerly side s~ll begin at a point ~o~e beginnl~ shall be the s~e as the beginni~ of the last above n~ed course and w~tch shall ~n seuth 67°. 25' East 148.5 ft., to the land of the sa~d tlarta ~. halleck and e~ll be in width three rods and pass t~eugh the land of allas A. it. ~yton. ~D for the laying OUt of ~other htg~, whose westerly side sh~l begin at the southwest corner of the proper~ of M~2 M. Il. ~ton, ~re the S~e Jolas the land of ~dwin ~. Bro~, whose width s~ll be ~ree rods and i~l run south thence 16°, 13' West 704.5 ft., south 14°. 12' ~ve~t 1~5 ft., thence ~ lC~°, 15' 52C,~ ft., thence '~ lC , g, E~et 9g.5 ft., tlience south 1~o, ~, East 345 ft., thence south 23°, West 13~8 ft., which ~td proposed highway shall pass throuEh the la~d~ of ~ia ~. ~lloek, ~obert ~. Kent ~d ~t View, k.o~ an the ~oad to Cedar Beach, ~d c~encin~ at the end of the last ~ed course, by widenin~ the .w~e to the width of t~ee rods, thereby t~In~ 8~ feet note esch side of the pre~ent hl~h~y, ~d whose northerly side .h~ll run south 9~° East approx~ately 552 ft., thence south 88 East approximately 790 ft., and by wident~ the re~inin~ ~ortion of s~td road, by ~ktn~ a rod from the ~eterly side thereof, ~ose westerly side ~hall ~n s~th ~o , 10' West, 803 ft., to the ?al~ High~, running t~ough Bay View ~d shall pa~ through the lands of win H. ~rown. ~em by r~son of the laylug out ~d openin6 of ~ch high- w~. amd ,eel. thAe ~ day o~'~ , 1912. State of )~ew York.) CouNty oi ~-~,~ ) es. On this ~F day c~f /~ay, 1912, before me personal ly appeared ~//~/~.~~ , to me kno~ and kno~ to me to be the indivl~al ~escribed In and ~o executed the fore~oing tnstr~ent and he acknowled6ed to me that he executed the WILLIAM P, S~N~IDER, Clerk of the County ct ~ew York, ~nd a~o Clerk of e Su ~me ~ r s~d un , the same being a ~u~t f Record, DO HER CERTI P u t ~o~ ' men* and he ' owledg~ ~f ~he annexed ~ ~myn*~a thereon wa,Sn' was, a~ ~he time of taking such proof or ae~n~ledgmen~, a Notary Pubhe in an~ the CourtS, of ~ew York, dwelling in ~he saia County, com~ioned and swo~ and d~y au;horized ~o ~ake ~e same And fur;her ~ha~ ~ am wellacquain~ed wi~h ~ha handwri~ng of such. Notary, and var ly believe gha~ ~he Mg~ure ~o ~he said eerfiaea~e of proof or acknowledgment IS genHlne. IN TESTIMOgy WHERE', ~ve he~unt~amxea the I ~aid $~te of ~;ew York.) County ol ~ ~ t~_t~a ~ day of ~a~, 1912, before ae perso.al- ly app~ar~e 0//~ ~./~ ~- , to me kno~ and kno~ ~o me ~o oe the tn~lvi~al ~esaribe~ tn an~ ~o execute4 ~he foregoing tne~r~ent ~d he acknowledged execute4 the In the Natter of the Application of SILAS A. H. DAYTON, to lay out and alter a Highway in the Tow~ of Southold and of Aseeeement of Damages therefor. J0~ S. J~KINS, Atty. for Petitioner, 18 B o way Yol. COUNTY COURT. COUI~T¥ OF SUYFOI.iC. In the ~atter ~ the Application of to lay ~t and alter a ~S~h~y In To~ of ~outhcld and of Asses,- : ment of ~ee therefor. Allowance by COurt- ~ 50.00 2 SUrvey Oeorge Fleet, expert testimony on the trial- - - lB .00 5. oO F. L. Terry, expert testimony the trial ..... Affidavits and acknowledgements- - - 1.00 Serving and posting notices .... 2,00 Dated, ~ew York, July 8th, lg12. SILAS A. H. LV, YTON, the pet~tioner In.the above-en- titled action, being duly sworn, says; that the foregoing disbursements have been made in said action or may be nec- essarily made or laourred therein, and that e~ch ef the persons above na~ed as witnesses attended as ~uc~ witness on the trial of said action the number of days set opposite t~eir na~se; that each of mid persons resided the number. of miles set opposite their na~ee, from the place of said trial; and each cf said persons, as such witness as afore- said, necessarily traveled the number of miles so set op- posite their names, in traveling to, and the earns distance in returning fro~, the eald place of trial; and that the copies of documents or papers as charged herein were actu- ally and necessarily obtained for use. Sworn to before me thle~ : 8th day of July, lg12. ) Fol. COUNTY (30URT, COUi~TY 0]~' In the Matter cf the of 5ILAS ;%, 2. DAYTCE, : to lay out and alter a t{lghway in the To~ of Southold and ~f ;%ssess- : sent of ~m~es therefor. ~0TIC~ ~s RereBy given that the undersigned has ~de application t~ the ~uperA~tendent ~ High.ye of the To~ of 5outhold, County of ~uffol~ for the ~ltert~ of a Btgh~ in ~aid To~ ~I~tlNG at a Cedar Post on the ~orth Road at ~' View. on the southerly std$' of the land of E.H. Bro~, and s~ll run thence north 54o, 15', F~st 1379 ft., thence~ north 79G, 15' ~st 169.4 ft., to the l~d of ~arta 2.~l- lock, and shall pass through the several lands Brown, ~o~ ~oseph Rorke, ~rney Borke, Th~as I1. Borke, George L. Rorke, Crate Rorke, Annie ~ Van .[~ke, Charles Bert Overton, $oshua 0rotten, ~len Rorke, Saunes M. Rorke, Rorke, Letitia Fealey, i~;. 2meet ~oieseau, Caroline Jenkins and 511as ~. t[. ~yten,and he in width three rode; A2~D for another highway, whose northerly side shall ~egin at a point whose Beginning shall ~e the a~e b~t~ning cf the last a~ove n~ed course ~d which ~11 ~n sout~ 6TO, 25' ~s% 148.5 ft., to the land of pass t~ough the land of Stlas A. H. ~4D for the laying out of another high~y, whose ~sterly ~de 5hall Begin at the southwest corner of the property of ~ary ~. H. ~yton, ~ere the s~e Joins the land of Edwin B. Bro~, ~o~e width shall be t~ee rodm ~nd shall ~n south thence 16°. 13' '~/eet 704,~ ft.,thence south 14°, 12' ',~eet 1~3.6 ft., thenee south lO°, 1§' 'Jest ~20.~ ft., thence~lo°, 9' East 99.~ ft., thence south 10°, 2~' ~a~t ~45 ft., thence ~out~ 2~°, West ft., which ~id proposed h~g~way s~ll pas~ through the la, de of Maria ~. Hallock, ~o~eph ~. ~11o~, Robert J. Eent and ~dwi~ H. ~D for the altering of a certain highly lm Bay V~ew, ~o~ as the Road to Cedar Beach, and co~enc~n~ the end of the last n~ed course, ~y ~den~ng the a~e to t~e width of t~ee r~de, thereby taking 8-1/~ feet more on each aide of the present high~y, and ~ose northerly ~ide shall ~n sout~ 78° l~aet approximately 332 ft.,thence remaining port~on of ~atd road, by t~ng a rod ffrom the westerly side thereof, ~o~e westerly ~de ehal~ run south 21°, 10' West, 80~ ft., to the ~fa~ Higbw~y,running through Bay V~ew amd s~ll pass through the lands of Edwin ~D to azee,~ the ~es by reason of l~yi~[f out and altering such High~y, ~D by ~ order of the County Court, deted the 31st day of ~ay, 1~12, Nathan C. Petty, Esq., H~nry H. Preston, ~eq., and Charles ~Z. Blydenburg, ~,eq., were ap- pointed co~ss~oner~ to certify as to t~e necessity of the laying out an~ the alteration of s~d proposed HAg~- way and to assess da~es by reason off l~ying cut and opening and mlterin~ of such AND t~t said Co~uissJoners wJll meet at Belmont Hall, in said To~, Vill~e of Southcld, on the 22nd d~ of June, 1912, at two o'clock in the after- noon, to ex. ins the proposed laying out ~n~ ~lterAn~ of said Highway and to hear the Superintendent of 8.~d i~1. :1 York, June ?th, 1912. ~01o · ~ui'~'oik ~otmtyo take oa t~. 5 6 4 Second h~al, ln~ held at Belmont Q, ~, ~erto~, Yo~ ~ a ~el~nt OF ~ To~n Of ~ap bM you a~ ~ey ~reot ~ ~ best of you~ and ln~on? A, Yea ~r, You undere&~d I ~d not exi~bi t 1. 8 9 3 Qo D~o ~/~r~hall, you are Q, And a $~x payee h. re? Qo Ho~ ion~ l~ave you ~lwd he~ ~c~o~ ~C~,n Q. ~d I ei~w yOU Pe~oner% e~btt o~ ~nd Q. ~o~, ~ you eve~ ~ ~e~ t~at ~d~ /,, V~, Q. ~d ~ you ~ow w~:t ~e KeneV~l r~n4l ~<m of ~h~t ~. ~e~, w~t te tt~ A. ~ ~d. Z~ ~ tn ve~T bad Q. ~he~e are P~ple ~t llv~ ~o~ th*~, are mean beyond MO~P t~ia~ ~li~ ~yO~d Q. Yea, On ~ia P~PO~d ~oad? A. ~ea, ~r~, Q. ~ you kl~ow Of any O~her~ A. Y~ aI~ oot',.a~,,eo OY Q. ~ you ~low ~;~th.~ Y~. Byron live. ~ or A. Yea ni~. T~t u~ere ~, ~i, I oPe~d ~p by L~a ~,d? A. I o~d ~nX i ~ wo~ be ~ai~able ~ ~ people ~ h~ve a ~ad ~h O. in yo~ opinion Im Ita p~r and ~ae~ road? ehould ~lnk i~ 10 11 4 being oalleG ae a wl~ bulidfnf( i~hway~? A. Z ~b..tnk ,0. You have bull~ a n~{ube~. Of hig~ay8 in ~ ~o~+'n~ ghat ~ ~aVO ~e~ b~!~ ~(~r yO~ ~o~i~tor~? ~. 'fO~t e-ttmatln~ ~ ~t Of ~o~on and ~movln~ t~ ~Lt:~pe? Q. Well, have you r~)w an ld~a of abo~t what t~ ~'oad %~-1! Will yOU plea.e s~a~e wi~ you £oum:i 1~ tO be? A, ~0, By 0~ ~lone~ Bly~nb~t~. wl~Alng o~ ~{~ Oe~ Bo~oA ~. TAaL lnolude~ M'~ oon, tl, uot~on of ~hown ~}~ bU~ Wl%~Ut lo~dr~( It? A, Ye~ ~lr. O* ~d ~e tho~o~hly f~i,dl.la~ wl~h dO~ at Bay View along A* l You ~ ~t .me ~le live I{ ~d ~ y~ ~ow whet~ or X$ 10 5 ~n~ down tAeFe? A. Tho~e 2~ not.. o~e~8 a~ ~m w~ ~ nob u~ ~ ~K~Y? q. Of ~e~ ~t Old ~a~e ~ a ~'~ A~ Q, ~ a ~e~at of aisle you neve~ ~ad ~leaee~ will ~ filed. %t %~ · ~0~ ~ad o~t~n~ng ~ w~t ~ oa~ ~ Mo~ ~4 T~'s ex~t l. you ~ll ~e LM~, am ~t~ Z~d ~e t~y ~ At; ~at ~ genii va~o of 1~ modl~, In ~ ~ X t~nM ~* You ~ ~t afl~ 9~d~ A, I hu~ 8~ ~t ~u~l~ le 1T 18 ho~ muot~ ~e wo~4 you ~dn~ d~a~e whloh ml~h~ aoorm to ~e ~n~, ~ ~ l~oPe~'tF O~ ~olng ~he~ In (lo~d line~ llr-~ ~wO plo~ i ~ alt be~o~ Q, 'l'a~n~ ~l~ next l,ie~, ~Ing a~ ~te ~ad out~ It an4 Ao AbOU% Edwin i. BrO~'~, kha~ 1~ ~ only ~ho~ who haV~ Nle~ed, dO yOU Q, NO dab~ge~? A, t40'{, in my Oy!nlOn, 19 Joseph ~. HaZlook. ~e~r~g c,~Lled ye~ ~n h~o~e. you i~ you ~ F~IX~ ~ ~ ~ope~Ly Q', You o~fl ~e ~W ~ ~L ~O~d ~a~ ~M you? A. Yes, a l~t~e. ~ mo~ owns t~ Q. At ~ ~ ~M, ~. H~lO~, have yOU ~ ~lghL Of Q, You l~ nor~ A. ~ Q, YOu ha~ a ~e t~ oa O~ Of yO~ Q, ~d Aa~ you ~Old O~f ~ of ~M~ 9~r~ ~ ~nt 0~.? A. ~ have ~t, ~ ~t~ Q. And ~ ~ l~Ye t~Y A, Yea, A, ~. Jen~ Ss b~l~ a ~u~ now ~ goln~ ~ pul o~ ~, G. ~ you ~w of ~y 0~ n~8 ~? A, 8 will ~8e? A. Yes, ~nd 1,~8~ ~h a lithe, n~ 8t~p off ~oc~md of p~d ~ad~ A, Yen, 9 A. TBa~ le ~ut half ~ eaeb of ~. ~ia~au'eY A. Of ~u~l~? A. Yes ~. A~ X ~. ~ ~u P~rW 2. You ~ q. ~ you II ~8 ~0 10 1"fll YOU ~ave had to u,,Je Y~an~ T, weXlut be%n~ oalle4 ae a Welle~ y~ ~ a ~d~ and ~% s~ ~u ~omr'~ e~t 1 ~d aox ~u you k~w ~t ~ ~n~on of L~ ~ad ~ve noL ~ i~a ~ m~ or yo~ 11~ anda~ ~y a~n~d ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ you ~w w~F ~e lo mu~ ~1 ~ ~ p~ A, ~, A, I ~ ti 11 12 ~, ~ MOU 0'~ any ~o~e~ty ~ ~o ~d~ A, ~, ~, ~ yOU ~w ~o~ Or no~ ~ ~eo~e live A, Yea, ~y ~ ~ In ~e ~ ~ l ~adY A, XL $? S8 S9 ~d h~e ~ ~ ~n ~ ~d~. Q, In ~ o~inion t~ it a ~0~ end ne~es~ ~ad at eno e~ of It ~e ~ ~ ~ e~ ef ~ p~ent Q, ~ ~w ~ ~e next pie~ A, I ~t 4O 4~ 14 out ~t ~ ~ ~d~ mo~ ~ent ~ ~t ~ :_~ O~ ~aO~d by lt? A,. I ~ ~y ~ut? A. You a~ a ~sl~nt I o~w you ~ ~e~nt 45 44 45 Of 8~Uthol4~ A, Yes, Q. X ahow you ~etltlone~'e ~. ~11~ In yo~ o~n~on Xa t~e a ~ee~ an~ proof ~ad? A. I ~hot~d t~n~ ~. Mr. Jen~a~ you a~ A, ~ Q. ~ yOU a~n~d Q. ~1ii you plea~ ~ m~e ~n~ ~e ~d ~ ~ %~? A. Upon ~r leavl~ B~*8 w~ It lo vo~ ~, A~r ~avln8 U~ old ,~d, ~t ~ you ~. How ~ is 1~? A, JUSt ~{~, ~ you ~ ~et~ o~ ~t it is A, IL im no~, 46 4V 48 Ao do you ~aim ar~ d~eat A, I do not, dedioated ! t, 2. W~ did Feu ~dloa~e advantage to that A, I I ~ lit 49 5O 17 X Of'~'el' in ovid~noe ~ ~.elease and. oo~eo~% o£ ~l, as Dayton, Ma2~J~o~ ~e~one3~'a eL~L~t 6, J, H. YOt~S ~eOe~l®d, At B~ ~ew~ A, Ye~, And you e~ ao~nMd ~t~ ~ ~ne~ ~t v~ ~d ~d ~ ~u p~s~t at t~ oalo ~n ~, Jen~ ~$ lot ~xt oaat of ~. Solo~au'~ Ae ~. X8 By eeee~nioner Po LW~ A, W~t ~ad? A, S150, I e~d ~. Welle ~ ~U~X? $l~O, valour t~ ~ ~w MU~ Q, $150,Y A, Yes, ii 55 57 19 ~, ~d you ~ e~n~d ~ ~ ~ ~e~ ~ l~s of m~ of ~, a~ ~u ~t~ A, Yoo 1 ) and tlMn Pie~ Of ~erW about 5/8 of lnk? A*' ~O~t Q, ~d ~xt ~. ~Owt ~loa~ ota~ Xn a'~ ohmic. ~ tim Overton and Be:ts~au Pleo~e. 58 59 6O 9O q, YOU e~ ~n~a ~ ~e a~ket v~ of 1~ and he~ It ~o~s ~ ~e~ of wo~nd ~md out ~ ~. Tee. (~ ~own'e ex~bi~ 1) A. ~t e~Ply in~ano~ e~neXon on t~ eaet ~vee ~ a~onal ~ed ~nt 81 a ~ ~t on ~. in t~' p~nt way COUNTY OOURT, SUP?OLK oOUNTY. In tb~ Natber of the Applioa- tion of MILA8 A. H. DAYTON ~o lay out and alter a highway in the Town of So~u~l%old and the &eees.~nent of damages therefor.