HomeMy WebLinkAboutSwamp RoadCERTIFICATE OF ABANDONMENT OF TOWN HIGHWAY I, the undersigned Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, do hereby certify that the certain town highway, hereinafter designated has not been opened or worked for more than six years last past, and that same has been abandoned by the public, and is no longer used as a public highway; to wit, the town highway at Cutchogue, in said town extending northerly from Case Road, known as Swamp Road and bounded as described as follows: Ali that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being at Cutchogue in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point marked by a concrete northerly monument set on the northerly line of Case Road, 200.0 feet easterly along said northerly line from its intersection with the easterly line of Bay Road; running thence north I3 degrees 0l minutes 40 seconds east a distance of 224, 75 feet to a point marked by a concrete monument and land now or formerly of the North Fork Country Club; running thence along land at last mentioned south 89 degrees 42 minutes i0 seconds east a distance of 51. 25 feet to a point marked by a concrete monument running thence south 13 degrees 01 minutes 40 seconds west a distance of 236.05 feet to a point marked by a concrete monument on the northerly line of Case Road (which point is 200.0 feet westerly along said northerly line from its intersection with the westerly line of Meadow Lane); running thence along said northerly line of Case Road north 76 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds west to a concrete monument and the point or place of beginning. ALSO, we the undersigned members of the Town Board of the Town of SouthoId, constituting a majority thereof, do hereby consent to the making and filing of this certificate, and do hereby sign the same. THEREFORE pursuant to Section 205~ of the Highway Law, said highway is declared to be and hereby is discontinued. Dated this~ day offS. 1969 Superwsor /~ustice o/f'tne Peace Justice of~e Peace Councilmen /C ou n c"di't~' en -2- CERTIFICATE OF ABANDONMENT OF SWAMP ROAD AT CUTCHOGUE, NEW YORK