HomeMy WebLinkAboutSutton Place & Main St - Grnpt Appllcatloa havlr~ been made to me To~rn Superintendent of Highways for the To~m of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, by ~RN~ST WlDG~NS AND ~IFE, of Greenport, Suffolk Oounty, New York, for the discontinuance of high.ye known as SUTTON PLACE and ~IN STRNET at Oreenport, To~n of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and the Southold Toes Board at Its meeting held at Oreenpo~t on · pPll ~I,Z943 having consented to grant the application of said petitioners, now therefore, in p~rs~ance thereof, it Is ORD//R//D and D~TF~/I//2/~D that said hl~h~a~e described below gr~ hereby abandoned as highways, end the use for high.ay purposes is discontinued and closed to the publlc use. That the highways abandoned &~e described aa follows:- £NO~N AS SUTTON PLACE AND I/AIN STI~T : being portions of certain hl~h- · a~ laid out by o~er, etc. dated ~ lg~3; ~GINNIN~ at a locust ~on~t set the southerly line of ~ DRIVe, one of the hl~s laid out by said order, et a point on sa~d line ~1~.53 feet ~esterly along said line fr~ the easterly line of SOU~ AV~; ~ throe alo~ ~he ~sterly line of said ~IN ST~2~T to ~ dlscont~ued, South ~ 41~ 40e East 1066.16 feet to the northerly line of said S~TON PLACE; thence alon~ said no~herly line of S~TON P~C~, North 63~ 18~ 20~ ~t RO0 feet to said eesterly line of SOUND AVENUE; then~ along said ~sterly line of SOUND AV~UE, South ~ 38' 30~ ~eat ~ feet to the southerly line of said S~TON P~CE; thence along said southerly line of S~TON PL~E, South 63~ 18~ ~e West 266.83 feet to the ~esterly l~e of said ~ ST~T; t~nce alo~ said ~terly line of ~N STREET, No~h ~6o 41~ 40~ ~est 1158.2T feet to said southerly line of S~ND DRIVe; thence alo~ said southerly line of SOlD DRIVe, South ~ 08~ 30~ ~est 78.~0 feet to the ~tnt of be~nl~. Dated this ~ day of Ap~,ll, 1943. Xl~o~m Superlntandant of Hlgh~ 'l'o~n of Southoldo ~, the undersigned, a majority of the Town Boerd of the Town of Southold, having met at the oFf/ce of the Supervisor at Oreenport In said Town on the 2Ist day of April, 1943, and considered the application 0£ BRMEST RI~$ and VIVIAN WIGGINS, his wlfe~ ~or the abandonment of htghwaye known as $~TTON PLACE and MAIN STP~NT, at Greenport, Town of $0uthold, Suffolk County, New York~ do hereby consent that such abandonment and discontinuance be : made In accordance with the prayer of the within petition. Sup rlntendent of HighwaYs. ) )Justices )of the ) Pease. ) TO THE TO~N SUPERINTENDENT OF HIOH~AYS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YO~:- THE for hl~y t~es hereby apply to you to discontinue the hi.ways S~fON PLA~ and ~I~ 8T~T, at GreenpoP~, To~ of Southold, S~lk C~ty, New York, XNOW~ AS SUTTON PLACE AND ~AIN ST~R~T : being portions of certain high- ways laid out by order, etc. dated 1935; BEGINNIN~ at a locust monument set on the southerly line of SOUND DRIVE, one of the highways laid out by sald order, at a point on said line 218.53 feet westerly along said line from the westerly line of SOUND AVENUE; runnlmg thence along the easterly line of said ~A~ STREET to be discontinued, South 26. 41' 40" East 1066.16 feet To the hOrtherly line of said SUTTON PLACE; thence along said northerly line of SUTTON PLACE, North 630 18~ ~Os East ~00 feet to said westerly line of SOUND AVtiNUE; thence along sald westerly llne of SOUND AVENUE, South ~o ~8~ ~0s East 50 feet to the southerly line of said SUTTON PLACE; thence along sald southerly llne of SUTTON PLACE, South 830 18! ~0~ West 266.83 feet to the westerly llne of said MAIN ST~k'T; thence along said westerly line of MAIN STREET, North 280 41~ 40s West 1158.27 feet to said southerly line of SOUND DRIVE; thence along said southerly line of SOUND DRIVE, South 840 08' 30" East 78.30 feet to the point of beginning, on the grounds that said highways have been abandoned~nd are no longer of any Dated this 2Iet day of April, 1943. public use. I~ T~S U~TT~ OF T~ ~PPLIC~TION OF i'o~ ~h® discontinuance of hZ~hemys known as SUTTON PI~C~ and MAIN STREET, G~eapm~t, New YO~ko