HomeMy WebLinkAboutOld Mill BridgeTO THE TOWN' BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK: I, the undersigned County Superintendent of Highways of the County of Suffolk, State of New York, hereby certify that the 01d Mill Bridge over Mattituck Harbor, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, having a span of 25 feet or over, which is on a town highway, is in an advanced stage of dis- repair anu would require expenditures of large sums of money to make said bridge safe for the travelling people and such expen- diture would not be in the public interest, and due to the condition of said bridge and due to changed travelling habits said bridge has become useless and is not necessary for public convenience and welfare and I reco~m~end abandonment of same~ Dated: February 8 , 1955, Harry~ T. T~u~h~ll WHEREAS, tho SufFolk Co~mty Superintendent of Higheays has marlo a w~itton roeommondation st&t~n~ that the Old Rill Bridal itR&ttituok Harbor in the Town of SouthoLd, Suffolk Oounty, How York i said brid~e bo~n~ a County brid~o on a Town H~hwq, is in an ad~ vonoed Itqo of dllsFepe~L~ m~d would ~equire expendituFe of la~ge sum~ of money to make sa~d bridge safe for the travollS~ publio and sueh oxponditu~o would not bo in tho publlo in,stoat, and ~HEREAS, tho Suffolk Cownt? Supo~inton~ont of HIsh~ql hu oort~fiod to th~a Boa~d that sa~d bF~o has bosom usoboo and ~, it appeal that s~h ~idge has a sp~ OF 2~ foot ~, t~ To~ Bo~ of tho T~ ~ ~u~old his ~ ~Md that b ab~do~nt of s~d b~l~o ~d be In ~o ~st ~oot OF ~e ~eoLd~ts of tho To~ of 8outhold nd has b7 ~s~ brid~o, iOW, THER~ORE, BE IT RF~OLV~, that this Boa~d finds that tho laid bl-id~o, owXns to ohan~d oonditions~ has bosoms and Is !usoloss and not nos®lilly fo~ the publio oonvonionoo and WOlfOA~, BE IT FURT~R RF~OLVKD, that the ~uffolk County ~uperinton- d~nt of Hlg~xwaTs be and he hereby is ordered and dL~ootod to abandon lush brid~e and to e~oot at and aorols sash end of said !bridse a suitable, lubltantial boatloads to sloss said b~ldse and 'for tho p~evention thereof of fu~thor use and paasap thereon and I the~oto, all in aooo~danoe with the p~ovisiono of the HiShway LaWf and B~ IT FURTHER RF~OLVED, that upon creation of mush luitable devises for tho p~oteotion of the publio, the Count7 Sup~Fintondo] of RishwaTs be autho~lsed to remove said Old Rill B~ld~os