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~ NEWI EXISTING [ NEW FRONT ELEVATION -- 3 , . ' ~ - ' SCALE ~6 = 1-0 . , ~'- NEW [EXISTING SCALE BA~_,K ELEVAT'ION, i 28'-10" , 2" RIGID SLAB INSULATION .... ~ I NEW SLAB °NGRADE :' 1~ 4~ P.C. FLOOR WWM 101 10 GAUGE - 8" 13'4" EXISTII 10'-6" -- 48" CUT THROUGH IN EXISTING FOUNDATION WALL SEE SECTION BI7 ~G SLAB NEW ZIP COLUMN ~i~ 0.2-0 x2.o x NEW ZIP COLUMN ON TOP OF~ EXISTING 8" P.C, WALL ~ EW COLUMN 1'-0" P.C. FOOT NG r NEW SLAB ON GRADE 4" P.C. FLOOR --'~ 4" SLAB WITH 6X6 · · WWM 101 10 GA~GE~/~ FOUNDATION PLAN .C. APRON ..... (2) I 3/4.".,X. EXISTING BREEZEWAY MODIFIED --. ~ g'-10" -- (2) . LVL /. W~40.g~" FJ- 16" OIC HALL ~.H~';w¢o'~¢ '~ ~." ~IEW FINISHED FLOOR . · SEE DETAIL A/6 H.~f~;'~' - ' 3046' r ,. 13'..6" . ,14'.-2~' DRY. WALL FIRST FLOOR PLAN ', Ww E ORKSH 4" P.C. FLOOR %" FIRE RATED - 2 I "', , DRY wALL ON WALL 48" OUT THROUGH IN FOUNDAT ON WAU. SEE SECTION B PAGE 7 ~o'.7- , ' , EW ZiP COLUMN ON TOP ' I: Ir ~ OF EXISTING B" P.D, WALL 'TOR,OGE ' I.~",Xg~"LVL, ~ ~ ' ' r ~ NEON zIP COLUMN I ' ~ , ~t'.0" P.C. FOOTING REMOVE 2X4 pLATFORM STUD · ; -NEW(4)2X4PQST' "" 14! ,- ....... ¢) j %: x ' NEW 1 CAR GARAGE 4" P.O. FLOOR , ,/ ~" FIRE RATED - 2 I:AYER --~ DRy WALL ON,CEILING WALLS FIRE RATED DRY W~ --N~ (4) ~4~OST 2X6 BOXED (3) 2X8 POST TO VALLEY ~ ': BUILT-INS ' ", HALL ,-oFFicE t0.2% V~.NT ~ ~, 12.7%L1~3; : ~11 11' It BATH BATH ,CL¸ POST TO RIDGE HALL STUDIO 10.2% VENT 17.4% LIGHT SECOND:' r X . 12:10 12:10. (2) t ~"X 14" LVL RIDGE ROOF, 12:10 (2) 2XB HEADER II 2~12 RIDGE '2X3 OH F?tATf-16'.' p!C WI R!GID FOAM ,EXISTING 4" P.C FLQOR '; ' LOAD PATH DETAILr A, BREEZEWAY SUBFLOOR :_ JLATION C__L OFFICE "SECTION A ,: ~4" SUBFLOOR GLUED AND~ NAILED BREEZEWAY '. OOFING,.NEWR ' , ,' · '" · J~O~M~BRiDGE 30 ASPHALT SHINGLES '/ ON 17~ FELT CDX pLYWOOD WI'TH PLYGLIPS ' R~Q INSU~ON ' ' N~e P~TF~M STUD W~ W/R-21 INSU~TION BU LT- NS , ~ED SOFFI~H OVER~NG TO,~TCH ~ISTING ' ' '" -~'UsP~PEB' ' '," ' ,' ~ N~ 24" ~6 KNEE WA N~ ~ B~CES AT 16" O~ (2) 1 ~"X9 t~" LVL LOADPATH ~ ~ L r' : (2) 1 ~" X 9Y;* LVL SECTION B NEW (3) t %" X 11%" LVL GIRDER NEWiR~30 INSULATION -- ~- SUBFI~OOR, OLUED AND NAILE, D " "SCALE ~" = I'-0" ~ r (('I ' ~ --~- NEW2X6CJ-16~O/C · ', , NEW R-30,1NSUL~TIGN , NEW2X8 RR 16~ O/C ' ' ~. ~ :(2) 2X8 HEADER i TO MATCH E~,ISTLN~, ,~/ ' . '! NEW2X~-'~6" PLATFORM STUE~WAILL ,' N~ 24" ~6 KNEE WALL -:, ,~ 2X6 BRACE 16" ,. . . ,(2)~ "X9 'L~ , .,,:, RIDGE VENT. NEW(2) I%"XI4"LVLRIOGE , , , , ~ ' IKO CAMBRIDGE 30 ASPHALT SHING~ :// SECTIONO::?'::-"' 'ON 15f/FELT CDX PLYD~)OD WiTH PLYCUPR , ' SKYLIGHT WITH 2X4 WELL & R-21 INSULATION , Ir ' ", ' NEW2X6CJ- 16"O/C T ' · NEW R-30 INSULATION ~ ..... ~''NEW R-21 INSULATION :: .... :, ~ ~- , ~---' ~ NEW2X10RR ,16 O/C etD These codes amto be considered as pa~t of he specflfoaQons for this building '~ , ," e adhered to even if they ere in radon? with .the plan. r , _,, ,~ 'i ~' '3. Provide '~" expansion Jdlnt:matedal betweep all concrete slebe and abutting -*., i ~conCrete or maaonly wafts c~,~urfing in e)dedor or uilh,eathd intedpr ~aS. 4. Concrete on 4" sand or gravel fill mimmum, with 6x6- t0/10wire mesh ~inforcing, Intedor slabe th be p pced on g m stablllzed pbt,/ethylefle vapor baffler, i . 5. Provide crawl SFsce ventilation per tecol code.?equkereen0/., . 6. General contrector to tes~all cop-r-rex (or coppe0,sheet ree~l tprmite shields ~ between a wood surfacee that are exposed th concrate 0r ~ason~ eurfacos, ', 7. Dampptoof extenor undation with ti bitun]tnope coaUn rcode end sm NOTEs [ · ~ :' GENERAL FLOOR pLAN 1 dimensions shall take precedent over,ecate drawings (dO not scale drawings). 2 All intedor wails to ne covered with ½" gyps?m board ~th metal comer Tape. float, end sand (3 coats). , r 3.1Nalle common to garage aim house fo beYS a layer of 5/8". fha rated gYpmum boa~l ' at garage side with 5'-0'' return ~n adjacent walls end ce~lln~,. Manufactured lumber mqums2teyemofSl6" flreratodgypsunt board. · , , ~4: AIl baU~ aed ~oilet ama walls and ceilings adjaceni to'wet amae to have water , resistent gypsum peard, or wall tile set on wonderboa~d Pr equal 3ESIGN LOAD CALCULATIONS ' ' "' MUM UN FORMLY DISTRtBUTEO LIVE LOADS EXTER OR BALCONIES DECKS L ~ * 4 " A'I'I3CS WITHOUT ~TORAGE' ..... ' ,'-~30 ATTICS WITH STORAGE ' : ,' au ROOMS (O3H~R THAN SLEEPING ROOMS i 40 SLEEPING ROOMS , ' ~ ' , ' , , 3Rl'l~ RIA FOR CALCULATION OF DEAD LOAD ACTUAL WEIGHTS OF MAil, RIALS R~FERENCEO, ~TO A3.A. ARCH~CTURAL GRAPHIC STANDARDS, , SE SM,C , , , W{NDSPEED, ' "' , ' , ',, t2orn,ph E)43OSURE CA3EG,OR¥ ' '?{ ~ ' ' *, ' NESE NOTES ARE GENERAL CONSTRUCITON NOTES. ~THEY ARE NOT ' r : , ':'4' ' ~, ,, '[ ;tSPECIFICALLYVVRITTENFOR]'HISPLAN,;THEYARETOEECONSIDESEOAS ' ,' ', : "~', '' ~:'] GENERAL GUIDELINESONL¥'AND SHOULDI~E ~ SCUSSEDWITH YOUR ' '; ' '" I C~ENERALCONTRACTOR BEFORE CONSTRUCTION SEGINS. ' ' , foundations. Anchor ~tnt*shall ~ I~ ~n' 12 'roches ~mem and at nut exceeding 4 feet on center. "" -' ~' 5. The designer ha.; not beeh engaged fo~ c0nstrucliun ~Pelvjliol~and aseumes n°, : , '~ msponaibifityforconstmcaoncoorainattegwiththesep{anSconetmcgon means, me,hair; te~n ques~ =~ ,,~ o~ nor, re~ponsibliltythrurfor" ' : ' 8. ' · * ' '~ ~-quen--s~,,-,~,-~'"'~'¥es. safety :.__, NI beams to have adequate bealdng at each end or aS sdecifiod, r ~ precautions end programs la'connection with the work, There~a~no .... warmnbes for, a', ' 'S J' ' ' ~ e~ecmuuae expressedor thp~, .,. - ed n neuseofthese p{ans i' ,'* · ' g:Allflu'h beal~and'°lst iraersecti°ns tehavegalvanlzedhangem' . · % ", , , i' ;' ': i~ '.~ , ~ ' 'i/10 Typicalextedorwallsandmoftobesbeethedwith%"exton0egmdeplywood,or B. Refer to floor plans, exterior elevati0ns, and ~ndow ~chedute for, types and s[ze~ of wludows A windowstobeAndereenhghPerforme, ncequalityorappmvedequel. -~. Doo~ and window headers to align unless qthe~,v~e noted. ' 8. General contractor is to ensue that masonry aed pmfabriCathd f~replaCe construct[on meets'or exceed? all manufacturer's speclflcat~n$ and applicable ). Genemt contmcterrte consutt and coordinthe"with the owner and the plans for 8]1,. bu It in items such as bookcases, shelving, p,anby, cJoseL% ,otc, 7/16" OSB plywood, group 1. APA rated Plywood to span over ail plates and , headers. ' , ' ~ ' ' · : ' 11:Pmuldalnsulationbaffieaate~veventebelwed~reflam, ' *., ', ,' hl~g teb ctlyi t al! co ectJor~s betwe I17 12 ExteHorfias eco~Te nstalleda nn enmofs, wa , ch mneys projections and penetrations as required by ~p~ntved construction r ~ practices. , ~ , 13, General c0ntmctor to provide edequate attic.vefltl]atipn and roof vents. , 10. provid~ hardwire~ smoke detectors, ~th betthly backup1 bedroom. ~efi~ Wi~ to~l ~de r~uimmen~ as'p~,Se~on R317, N~Yo~ $ ~ ' , 14.'Provide appmp~a~ soffit v~l~on at ove~angs,/: , Rco~en~al ConiSton Code. In~l~ ~n ~noxide de~ ~ , ~ ~ERAL PLU~BING,N~ ,,, , , r, , ~h mC~r ~ mv ~ P a~s ~, . ~ :- ',~ : 2, i~tlpla~/or~ois~am~tdu~gtheins~l/a~pl~bing~msor ' haighte of ~nished flo~(s) above ~al grade. r' NEW CODE '. " A~p~ ~m ~nde~ for Humane Resis~nt Re~lden~al Co~s~lon; SSTD 1~g9 ~- =-.- ~.~ ~-...,~.~-'~., ~u,~ JOlT DESCR P~N ' ,ii 1995SBCH~HWIND~NWO~ , r , 1~SSBCH{GHW~OEDm0~W~DF~~ ' . · ' ,~ ~ .... ';,, . /~.: ~ ~, ROOF R~F, PffCH SP~(fl) ,OFNAILS ' 4'1~ ' ~ , ,[ ~v,E ,, ~ .......... ,~' ~ ~-Z" ROOF,,PiTCH__ -ROOF SPAN, 'J ',~. ,.,' CLIMATIC ANrt ~E~RA~HJ~ OESlC-N cRITERiA · NEATHERI~ ' ,, ';, ,, SSVERE ...... , ,,,, , . ' "':'' =~qe~I*UNEDEpIR '~','"': f'~'~i, '"" ~";' ' .... ,' , .u, t'.'. rERMn.~,,,,,,,~,..., .. ~OOERAi~TOHEAVy~-, !: , ~ECAY ~,~ "'J ' ' - ~LIC~tT~O MOilEr,; ~., ~ ,, ~R ~ GN~ ~ ~HIE~ ~R ~S PER ~u~ ,, ;, , .,. ,, and 1995 SBC High Wind Edifion Wood Frame Constru~on Fa~thnem and C~nectors for Wood Frame Co~atrucUon · fibs of 1x8 or 2x4 Idmber le Iocoted In upper third ef attic appce'and, attach to each pair { 6 'Up ff cor~nectOm ~hall be provided at each mit,er bead,ag ~.SflPla~e~oFou~dafi0nAnchorage' S patetbal beanbh0~edTothefuundeUDn applied QversUbfloor. G ue and screw plywood decklngtoflcor olsts.; :, g. All',Aqndow aod door hcodere to be minimum (2) 2x10 Unless otben~vise ~pecibed: A I ntedor header~ to be (2 2xtO unless otherwisq specified, '~ ,, , 7. provide foil soli~d blcoking under ell beanng walls, ' ~TER/RIDGE/-P-~-.-E-B-w.-_~ ~_ ~ , }' ,' ,. ' , ~ ~GSTUDS , . ., , , ~ - , ': u 'r 5-": : : ~ ' ': , V .' ~ :' , ' ~"' .V ',. "' S~ ~,,..,__~...~., ~ ~ . . .... , E ~P~ ..... , ~S~ ~ -- ~;: ~ ~ ~, ~1~ ., ,~ . ~ ~ .... , . ", , ' ~- , , ...... ; ',' ' ', '" *~OR~*16"~CCO~R~M~. , ,'~, ...... . ' ..... ,,, ,. ,.,,, ,, ,,., , , ..... ,~ . ~,~ ,' ' , P~T ~ ' 2 .FLO0 ~LS~D~ O : ~ ~ ~ ~ , I :~ .:~ '~.~ ~ " ., ..... . , , ,. ,",,,, ~, }. ,.,i, . ~ ' ' .........~n FOOTING , , : , . , , , ~.~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,,.: ~ :~ ~ , .... ..... ~ ,' , ~ ..... ~.. ......... , ., . ,, ,: , , ~ .... , ..... ~ ~ ..~'