HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-11/18/2004 Hearing e - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 e 25 {/elt--; ,¡(i L '-", ../. .-)(/ _. "1"/ ~ ~. , ,. " TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS STATE OF NEW YORY --------------------------------------------x TOW N SOU THO L D o F Z 0 N I N G BOA R D o F A P PEA L S --------------------------------------------x Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York November 18, 2004 9:30 a.m. Board Members Present : RUTH OLIVA, Chairwoman VINCENT ORLANDO, Vice Chairman GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, Board Member JAMES DINIZIO, Board Member LINDA KOWALSKI, Board Secretary "'/'I-{.Té:::' (LL'/\~'I¡ ~((!1}/1/,lJ ) fl. I/IU'¡jC KIERAN CORCORAN, Assistant Town Attorney I' î COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE 1631) 878-8047 { r'¡1 j , II {I/t' ~ e e . 2 1 2 3 4 5 I'd like to call our CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: November 18th meeting to order. I need a resolution declaring the following have a negative 6 for SEQRA. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: So moved. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: So moved. 7 8 (See minutes for resolution.) 9 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Our first hearing for 10 11 12 the day, Mr. Drumm has an as-built pool that is in the front and side yards but not in the rear yard but it's been there since the '60s. 13 MR. ARNOFF: Good morning, Harvey Arnoff, 206 Roanoke Avenue, Riverhead, New York, on behalf of the applicant. By way of history in 1967 I graduated from 14 15 16 17 18 law school. In the fall of 1967 I was in the United States Army and served in Korea from 1968 to 1969. During that period of time, this pool 19 20 21 went in the ground. I don't pretend to know what the law was then, but, of course, Mr. Goehringer 22 was probably still in the Zoning Board back then. 23 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I was in basic 24 25 training. MR. ARNOFF: That's right, similar time. November 18, 2004 e . . 3 1 2 3 4 In any event, it's kind of interesting but considering the fact that there's a road that doesn't exist alongside this property and if we chose this is a perfect opportunity for an 5 6 abandonment. I just mentioned to my client that 7 8 9 10 11 12 this pool is the only pool I have ever seen that is really in three places -- and I disagree with you, Mrs. Oliva, I think it's in the rear yard, side yard and front yard. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: If you count that paper road, yes. 13 MR. ARNOFF: I'm not entirely sure and 14 15 16 I've been unable to get the records from the town clerk as to whether there were any setback requirements for pools at that time. I don't 17 18 19 20 21 think there were, I also don't think there were any permits issued for pools at that time, and I'm somewhat surprised that the Building Department didn't just give a preexisting nonconforming use to this particular accessory use and be done with it, but we're here, not by any way of complaint because I always like to come before this board. There is an entry in a property record 22 23 24 25 card which I think you should know about if you do November 18, 2004 4 · 1 2 3 4 5 not already and I'd like to put on the record which shows swimming pool check 1972, that's the entry. I asked my client about that entry and quite peculiarly exactly what happened, and he I) said there were no hydrants in the area back then, 7 S the building inspector came down and looked at it and checked it. He didn't write a check. I 9 thought it meant a check. I spoke to one of the 10 11 12 13 · 14 Members and we both thought it meant that he paid something, but he didn't pay anything. It meant 15 16 17 IS that he checked it. They knew the pool was there and it's been there since that time, and I'm just asking for approval from the Board so we can get our COs and these people can get on with their lives. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jerry? BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I met with Mr 19 and Mrs. Drumm, and if anything cries for a yes, this one does. 20 21 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I was at the pool too, 22 it looked like a very nice pool and whole set up 23 there. vincent? 24 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: No question, just a · 25 comment, the dirt road, paper road, I didn't see November IS, 2004 e . . 5 1 2 3 4 e'.'en any inclination of it being open or even a deer path. I don't think that road will ever be 5 committed, dedicated. MR. ARNOFF: At the side and rear of our (; property, there's someone else's property, so it couldn't go through in any event, so in reality there could be an abandonment proceeding, something I'll discuss with my client, I don't know if they'll want to do that anyway. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: Where is the dirt 7 S 9 10 11 12 road? 13 MR. ARNOFF: There is none. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: Theoretically where 14 15 is it? 16 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: That was my only 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 comment. MR. ARNOFF: Sound Drive is the paper street. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: If there was nothing in the code in 1969 and the pool was built regarding this then isn't it preexisting nonconforming? ~1R. ARNOFF: One would think so, however, the Building Department did not, and I don't feel 25 November IS, 2004 · · · 6 1 2 3 4 5 (; 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS like being in a tug of war with them. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: I don't have any questions. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I don't have anything. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Is there anybody in the audience that would like to speak? If not, I'll make a motion closing the hearing and reserving decision until later. (See minutes for resolution.) BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I would like to '.'ote on this today, would that be a problem? BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I have no problem with it. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I will make a 19 motion granted as applied. (See minutes for resolution.) 20 -----------------------------------~-------------- 21 22 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Our next hearing is for Kostas Zachariadis for a high fence around a tennis court on Little Neck Road in Cutchogue. 23 24 Yes. 25 MR. ZACHARIADIS: Good morning. We have November IS, 2004 · · · 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 tennis court we just built, we have a permit for it. Michael Dracko suggests instead of five foot fence to put 10 foot. The reason is for protecting any balls ending up in somebody else's pr·operty. I went to the Building Department to find out if it was fine, they told me I need a variance and here I am. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: You're going to have a nice piece of land down there and beautiful tennis court. Jerry? 12 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: No comment. 13 14 15 Vincent? CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: I want to verify 16 for the record that you're merging these two lots, creating one lot. 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. ZACHARIADIS: Yes, creating one lot, yes. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia? BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: No, I don't have any comment. In fact, more than a year ago we suggested changing the code for tennis courts. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: For a tennis court it's really more advisable to have a 10 foot fence rather than a six foot. November 18, 2004 · · · 8 1 2 3 4 5 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Unless you're good. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Or if you suddenly get neighbors and you don't have any neighbors right now. Jim? 6 It does say here BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 in the legal notice that you're going to merge them, have you merged them yet? MR. ZACHARIADIS: Yes. Actually the original, the seller did it before we did the closing. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: That was back in ¡'1ay? MR. ZACHARIADIS: Yes. BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: Lot 2.5 is the 16 combined lot. 17 18 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: But it says In one of notices -- 19 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: I have it in front 20 21 of me. It was formerly 2.2 and 2.3 and now it's 22 2.5, but the county tax map wasn't showing the new lot number so that's why we advertised it that 23 24 25 way. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: That's fine. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: You could throw November 18, 2004 · · · 9 1 2 that in there. 3 I just wanted BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: No. 4 5 to make sure they were merged. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Is there anybody else 6 in the audience that would like to speak on this application? If not, I'll close the hearing and 7 S reserve decision until later. 9 (See minutes for resolution.) 10 11 12 ------------------------------------------------- CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Next hearing is for Gary Rose for a setback less than 40 feet from the front yard line and less than 15 feet on the single side yard less than 35 feet on both sides. New Suffolk Avenue in Mattituck. Yes, sir, you 13 14 15 16 are? 17 IS MR. ROSE: I'm Gary Rose and my nephew David Sherwood, who is my architect, in case there's any questions. 19 20 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I believe you're going 21 22 to connect the house and the garage? MR. SHERWOOD: It's not going to be 23 connected. It's going to fall short by about 15 24 25 feet. There will be a deck and breezeway that runs behind the garage. November 18, 2004 · · · 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Because you have quite a drop off right behind the house. MR. SHERWOOD: That's correct. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jerry? BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Ruth and Members ·=·f the Board, I've known Gary and I've known this house for 45, almost 50 years I think. And I remember the old couple that lived in it. MR. ROSE: The Knolls. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Right. I have absolutely no objection to this application. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: No questions. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia? 16 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: I just want to make 17 18 one thing clear, we have two drawings from you, if you could for my verification let me know which is which. 19 20 21 22 MR. SHERWOOD: This is the original. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: No questions. 23 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Vincent? 24 25 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: No questions, I just wanced co verify that too, I saw that November 18, 2004 e e . 11 1 2 drawing, it was connected by the roof, just 3 open. 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MR. ROSE: That's correct. It will be a covered breezeway but not connecced. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: They're not increasing any setback? MR. ROSE: No. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: I have no questions. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Anybody else in che audience that would like co speak on this application? If not, I'll make a mocion closing the hearing and reserving decision until lacer. (See minuces for resolution.) 16 ------------------------------------------------- 17 IS 19 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Next hearing is Matthew and Alexandra Ninfo, who would like an accessory apartment on pequash Avenue in 20 Cutchogue. this? Is there someone here to speak to 21 22 23 24 25 MR. NINFO: Hi, I'm Matthew Ninfo and chis is my wife Alexandra. I just note chat we did send a letter notifying our connected neighbors. We have not received a return receipt from one November IS, 2004 . e . 12 1 2 family, that would be the Lefereides, chat's Lot 3 137 220, on the top of the list. I haven't gotten 4 any response as far as it not being deliverable. We just haven'c received a recurn 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS receipt on chat yet. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: We did have one leccer stating if you could move the driveway co the side for che parking instead of in front of che house. Do you have any comments on that? MR. NINFO: I think the diagram I sent out with the cover letter is probably misleading. The driveway is already on the side of the house. We were just trying to illustrate that there was enough space there to park an additional car and also provide space to turn around so thac people would not have to turn out onto the road backwards. 19 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I think she wanted it 20 21 22 more to the rear. Come here, I'll show you. I did receive that letter. MR. NINFO: I did see her suggestions. Actually, I think that would probably because of the grade of che land there that probably wouldn't be practical; also, it wouldn't really facilitate the ability to turn 23 24 25 November 18, 2004 · · · 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S around. It would end up capitalizing a lot more of the space in the driveway to just move the cars behind the house. So I don't really think that's going to accomplish what we're after. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: You feel just with the driveway that you have now will it be sufficienc for people to turn around and go out? 9 Using the front lawn. MR. NINFO: I think 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 she thought we were proposing chat we were going co put a parking lot in front of the house, that's noc my suggescion. My suggescion was to just use that part of the lawn to turn around. As it is, there's only two people in the house that drive cars. There's never more than three cars in che driveway. It's never really been a problem. As far as the appearance of the oucside of the house to other houses in the area, it really 19 doesn't look any different. since the house was built. Ie's been that way 20 21 22 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: You're really proposing more of a studio apartment with a big room and a kitchen and a bachroom? 23 24 25 MR. NINFO: Exactly, that's exaccly what it is. November IS, 2004 . e . 14 1 2 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jerry, do you have any 3 questions? 4 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I have to tell c ~ you, we usually don't see applications like chis. 6 Usually they're two story houses or people are 7 putting additions on to accommodate the apartment S situation. I chink it's I think it's unique. 9 workable. There's no question about it. 10 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? 11 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: No questions. 12 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Vincent? 13 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Just one curiosity 14 question, how did you come before us today? Did 15 you file for a Building Department permic? 16 MR. NINFO: That's sort of how ic 17 happened. It kind of happened backwards. Because 18 we were doing some other things in the house, we were alerted by the Building Department, I'm not sure exactly how we became aware of it. But what 19 20 21 happened was when we became aware that the 22 conversion to living space had never been 23 permitted, even though other pares of that 24 apartmenc had been. So we went and got an as 25 built building permit to get a proper CO for thac November IS, 2004 e . . 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 living space. During the course of that, we discovered thac that area of che house did constitute an accessory apartment. So rather than inspect the building before we had a proper accessory apartment we decided co go ahead and do the permic first and then have the building deparcment inspect the work. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: So the majority of chis was preexisting when you purchased the house? 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 MR. NINFO: Yes. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Just your lawyer didn't pick it up somehow? MR. NINFO: Yes, I don't chink that we knew that consticuted an accessory apartment having never owned a building like that before. It was our understanding that everything there was legal and acceptable. So you can imagine our surprise when we found out that it wasn't. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Yes, no other 20 21 questions. 22 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia? 23 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: What is che cotal 24 square footage of the house without the accessory apartment? 25 November IS, 2004 e e . 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: 2,019, the house is a 1,288, accessory apartmenc's at 731; is thac correct? MR. NINFO: Yes, that sounds righc. I think it works out to exactly 40 percenc of the square footage. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: I don't have any 9 questions. 10 11 12 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: No. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Anybody else in the 13 audience would like to speak co this application? MR. REDA: Hello, my name is Kerri Reda. 14 15 16 17 18 19 I am the Ninfos' neighbor to the south. In speaking with them, chey had said that making this apartment legalized was not something that would be transferable to new owners, and I was checking to see is that accurate or once it's a legal apartment, new owners have a legal aparCmenc? 20 21 22 23 24 25 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: I would think so. BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: Actually under the code, the new owner must apply for a new CO co insure they're a resident. One of the requirements is they must be an owner and a November 18, 2004 . e . 17 1 2 3 4 resident of the building. So if the new owner does not reside chere, they wouldn't be eligible for approval. MS. REDA: Would the new owner be able co 5 6 use ic in any way they needed to? I ha'-,e no objection to how it's being used right now, I'm concerned if their situation should change or if 7 S 9 they are to move and sell the home to someone 10 else, then what might the apartment be used for? will we have ten people in and out of the house and many cars because cheir driveway is right up 11 12 13 against two of the bedrooms In our home. I'm 14 wondering about future use and hopefully the Ninfos will stay my neighbors for the long term. I just wasn't sure if this was something transferable and what happens down the road if the use of the apartment should change. 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: It depends on how it's being used and how it's being owned and resided In. MS. REDA: That's something to deal with 23 down the road? 24 25 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: Yes. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Thank you. Would November 18, 2004 e e . IS 1 2 3 4 5 someone else like to speak on chis? If not, I'll make a motion to close the hea~ing and reserve decision until later. ,See minutes for resolution.) 6 --------------------------------------------- 7 8 9 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Next hearing is Andrew and Ann Monaco. Would you like to explain to us why you need that fence? 10 11 12 13 14 MR. MONACO: Yes. My name is Andrew I<lJonaco. My wife apologizes for not being here, she's taking care of my son, he had a minor operation, so being the good mother thac she is, she's home. 15 It's been a long process. I'm 12 years 16 17 IS older since we bought the property and although we're in the middle of building it right now. They call me the "dead end keeper" because for 12 '¡ears I've been picking up the garbage and the rubble and painting the guardrails down there, and 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 taking pride in the area. What I've nociced since we started building the house about four months ago and there's always been for ten, 12 years, a lot of beach traffic, and fishermen I've gotcen to know a lot of them, they're not che problem. The November 18, 2004 e e . 19 1 2 3 4 5 problem is at night. There's been a vagranc thac's been sleeping in a van at the end of Rocky Point Road, there's also a woman chat's been sleeping down at the beach. During my clean-ups normally on Monday morning after a weekend, I was noticing these little plastic bags and had no idea whac they were until about two weeks ago, my son's school had a drug awareness program through Suffolk County, and evidently these little bags 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 are used to hold cocaine. So between the vagrancs, between the kids parking there at night and drinking beer, and that's kind of come under control because I've approached them down at the beach at night when chey're parked down there and they're buildings fires down at the beach, and I don't have a problem as long as chey clean up, so we've kind of gained a respect between the high school children that go down there and park and 20 all. 21 22 23 24 25 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: That's nice of you to do that. MR. MONACO: I don't mind as long as people keep it clean. And che dumping has stopped since I've started picking, and especially since November IS, 2004 . e . 20 1 2 the house is going up, but the six foot fence and ie's not an incersection type road where you have cars comlng in both directions ac 30, 40, 50 3 4 5 miles per hour. It does dead end about 6 7 three-quarcers of the way down my property and there actually was, about ten years ago when I S first purchased it, a chain link fence that the superintendenc of highways took out when he put ln che drain and moved the guardrail back, and there was an actual six foot chain link fence that came across Rocky Point Road and behind the 3uardrail then came down about halfway behind my property, 9 10 11 12 13 14 ic was a six foot chain link. It was ugly and 15 they had co take it down so I'm glad they 16 17 IS 19 20 did. The point I'm getting at was there was a fence chere at one time that was owned by the town. But to keep it simple, I would like co have the six foot fence and conform to che 25 or 21 30 foot line of vision that the town calls for. I 22 think I put 25 in the application, but I think 23 it's 30. Buc co go from che I thought it was 25. 24 four foot that I'm allowed because it's a corner 25 lot to the six foot back to the bluff, that would November IS, 2004 . e . 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 prevent anybody from walking around and at least chey have to come to the front of the house. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I saw your problem. I'm familiar wich that area, I live in Orient, and we have had a lot of trouble where the road ends. I'm glad you say it's cleaned up a little bit. MR. MONACO: I have for cen years that's why no one's here objecting to it. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: As long as you keep chat corner open. I see 25 foot is go~ng to be 12 open wich no fencing; is that correct? 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 MR. MONACO: That's correct. Then scart with two, three feet to six foot chen ac the end go down again to six to the three to g~ve uniformity to che fence line. Four foot fence, I've got a four foot fence up chere now, and it's okay, we have a lavatory that we keep on site for the men that are working, and they just hop over the fence and use it, which is fine, but six foot I don't think they would be able to do chat and give us some security. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim, do you have any questions? 25 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: No. November IS, 2004 . e . 22 1 2 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia? 3 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: The stretch is going co be 75 feet? 4 5 6 7 It's approximate. MR. MONACO: I scaled it off the survey. But again, what I'm proposing is from the actual bluff line, which is about 46 foot mark, if you have the survey In front of ,'ou, which to the cop step you got the landing, then the top step down to about the 25 foot mark. But if you notice, the 25 feet mark from where I ended, that's from the property line then there's another 12, 13 feet to the edge of the pavement, so if you give me the 25, we're only talking 36, 37 feet of open visibility. S 9 1û 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: I have absolutely no problem. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Vincent? BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Likewise I can respect your privacy. Just a question on the duration of che three feet. You have 25 feet of open, how many feet of three feet? MR. MONACO: The cransition is three co 22 23 24 six on eight. 25 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: One section from November IS, 2004 . e . 23 1 ~ L chree to six then the rest will be six feet? 3 MR. MONACO: Then the rest will be six, 4 then the last section going north will be six to 5 chree, so it doesn't just end abruptly. 6 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jerry? 7 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Based upon your S samples that you have given us, this is a wood 9 fence? 10 MR. MONACO: Yes, I will put up anything 11 that the Board wishes for me. I would like to puc 12 up something nicer than a stockade fence. I was 13 looking ac the PVC type fences which are very 14 pretty, white, they offer the security and they 15 offer the safety I'm looking for, but the problem 16 is that especially I'm constancly cleaning rocks 17 en the beach and graffiti, if they decide to write IS on the fence, which they did across the street, 19 the six foot fence right on the ocher side of che 20 street, it has a bark on it so when they wrice on 21 it's very easy to peel it off or power wash it 22 off. If I could get chat type of stockade fence 23 that if you hit with a power washer or scrape 24 takes some of the bark off you can get rid of the 25 graffiti. November IS, 2004 · · · 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Putting this fencing right on the line it looks like? MR. MONACO: Right. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Whatever you put there it just has to be continuously maintained, certainly if you put it on the property line, people may back into it. So there are issues here it really should be offset just a little bic. 7 8 9 10 11 There should be obstructions in front of it. I'm 12 not mandating it, I'm instructing this to you, if you offset it IS inches on your property and put some bushes or scrub or rosa rugosa in front of 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 ie, you're going to be able to keep the life of chis fence much more than pucting it right on the line. MR. MONACO: I am having a discussion with the highway department on that point. There's like five to five and a half feet between the fence and edge of pavement, and what I've asked them to do and I haven't gotten an answer from them, basically we're talking back and forth is to put small stones and in between ic put bushes and 22 23 ~4 probably the beach gravel that's down there with a type of layment that you put down there so the 25 November IS, 2004 . e . 25 1 2 weeds don't come up. I've been maintaining that 3 4 5 for years, I have no problem. No matter how far I puc ic in, chey're going to bash it in. If I put small rocks every six or seven feet, they're not 6 going co be able to jump over it and hit che fence 7 and wich the planting and all, but I do plan on S 9 10 11 12 13 14 making that pretty with planting. And that was the highway's, who is going to take care of it. I said I will take care of it jusc like I will take care of the eight feet chat the town owns on Aquaview Road also. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I just think you 15 have to understand that not only are we giving you a variance for you, but we're giving for any subsequent owners if you were to sell che 16 17 IS property. So I'm suggesting to the Board, and it's only my suggestion, chat whatever fence you put up, that it be continuously maintained, and I'm sure you don't have an objection to that. 19 20 21 22 23 MR. MONACO: Not at all. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Thank you. Is there anybody else that would like to speak on this 24 application? If not I'll make a motion closing 25 the hearing and reserving decision until later. November 18, 2004 e e . 26 1 2 (See minutes for resolution.) 3 ------------------------------------------------- 4 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Next application is " ~ for Olsen and Villanti on the North Road In Greenport for a proposed dwelling less than 75 feec from che bulkhead. 6 7 s MR. VILLANTI: Good morning, Board, my 9 name is Bryan Villanti. 10 I believe you have the revised survey I 11 had submitted probably a month or two ago. 12 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Yes, we have it. 13 r~R. VILLANTI: I'm looking to construct a 14 one-family home within this footprint that's 15 illustrated on this survey, inclusive of thac 16 footprint would be decks, garages not to exceed 17 chat footprint. I tried to sicuate this house at 18 some point where there would be the greatest 19 setback from the water, and it meets che three 20 other setbacks, the front and the two side yards 21 and the backyard, but I show 50 feet from the 22 bulkhead. 23 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: You're the one that 24 put all chose nice plantings along the road there? 25 MR. VILLANTI: I wasn't the actual one. November IS, 2004 · · · 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S But I plan to improve it, and what I'm looking to really do is try to noc disturb that land as least as possible, and I'm looking into putting a slab foundation, not a basement. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I didn't realize until I looked ac it that that property cut around, I thought it went scraight down to che canal. 9 MR. VILLANTI: It's ilL!! shaped, it's an 10 11 odd lot. But it's a pretty nice lot. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Mr. Orlando? 12 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Are you the adjacent property owner as well? 13 14 15 MR. VILLANTI: No. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: So you got free 16 shrubs from them planting them? MR. VILLANTI: You mean co the west? 17 IS 19 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Yes. I'm curious if you were che homeowner or you owned chat parcel as well? 20 21 22 MR. VILLANTI: No. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: You currently use 23 this now for? 24 25 MR. VILLANTI: I have my boat there. There's a cabana shed wich bath facilities, and November IS, 2004 . e . 28 1 2 3 4 5 there is an existing septic syscem that I think it was back In '98 when that was approved and installed, and it's been used very little. It's only during boating season, and ic has cown water to the property, and there's electric in there. 6 7 8 It's a fully improved loc at this point. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: You stated this 9 footprint 59 by 34, that's everything, it's the deck? 10 11 12 13 14 15 MR. VILLANTI: Correct. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Because I thought that was all house. MR. VILLANTI: No. In reality che house is probably under 2,400 square feet, a two-story, try to keep the footprint of the house as small as possible and going up a second story to accommodate that. 16 17 IS 19 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: How high will che 20 house be to the ridge? MR. VILLANTI: Probably no greater chan 35 feet but more probably like 28 or so. 21 22 23 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jerry? 24 25 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: It's a difficult lot. I can appreciate what you've done. I don't November 18, 2004 . . . 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 have any objections. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia? BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: You do have kind of a cough sicuation wich the flood zone and the drop in elevacion there and really looking aC chis piece of property, I don't see any way chac you could sicuate this house without a variance. I agree with thac. MR. VILLANTI: I would actually like to situate it in a different spot. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: I don't see any way that you can, physically I don't think ie's possible. That's my only comment. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Definitely a hardship, I have no objection co it. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: One other quescion, 19 are there right of ways across your property co access those docks? 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. VILLANTI: No, not at all. Actually, the Fordham Inlet there, you actually own the dirt below the canal because those lots were deeded out parcels of the canals co different landowners. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: They were done back in the '60s. November 18, 2004 · · · 30 1 2 3 4 5 MR. VILLANTI: I think che subdivision of '62. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Those several docks are yours then? 6 MR. VILLANTI: Yes. There's one big floacing dock where the boat is tied up, and then the bulkhead is "L" shaped, I think it's 116, 117 linear feet, I applied to the DEC, I think you have a copy of that letter, and it was a nonjurisdictional because prior to '77 when all that was constructed. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: That's all yours In there? MR. VILLANTI: Correct. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jerry? BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: No other comments. 19 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Anybody else in the 20 21 22 audience would like to speak to this application? If not, I'll make a motion to close the hearing, reserve decision until later. 23 24 25 (See minutes for reso1ution.¡ --------------------------------------------- CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: The next hearing is November 18, 2004 e e . 31 1 2 for Arthur Torell, who wishes to build a new home on Westward Lane in Greenport. MR. TORELL: Good morning, I'm Arthur Torell. This request for a variance is due to me showing an application and drawings and building plans to che Building Department, at which time they told me that the back area, open area, was not enough based on the footprint of the foundation and the size of the lot. This projecc I started in '98 and had applications from the Board of Appeals and the Building Department and Health Department, the DEC, but I had to stop thac project at that time due to some family issues. In 2003 I restarted the project, reapplied to the DEC, the Health Department and at the same time worked with an architect to get my building plans from '98 up to 2003 New York State codes. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 So everything was happening ac the same time. I 20 have a permit from the Health Department dated 21 April 30, 2004. I have a permit from the DEC 22 daced September 13th, but I'm here now to request 23 a variance for the back distance. It should be 50 24 25 feet and at this poinc, I have 37 and a half feet. I must point out that in '98, the house was November IS, 2004 . e . 32 1 2 70 feet -- house and garage were 70 feet long, at 3 chis time it's 67 and a half feet due to some 4 economy and the architect's ingenuity. But also c ~ during this year, working with the DEC to squeeze 6 chis house into that parcel, I was asked to push 7 it, move it, do whatever I could to get the 8 footprint furthest from the wetlands. So thac's 9 why the combination of making the house shorter, 10 but that didn't compensate because che house had 11 to be slid back a little bit and to the north 12 based on what the DEC recommended. 13 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Did you have to go to 14 the Truscees too? 15 MR. TORELL: I did and I have the 16 Trustees' permit. In fact chey just approved a 17 one-year extension which takes me through I think 18 next July. 19 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Mr. Orlando? 20 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Yes, the backyard 21 neighbor there, your backyard neighbor is Suffolk 22 County wetlands; is that correcc? 23 MR. TORELL: Yes, it is. Well, the back 24 neighbor is I think Green Space and it's a 25 de'.'eloper, it's Eastern Shores. To the south or November 18, 2004 33 1 2 left of the property, viewing from the street, chat is the Town of Southold, then behind that is - - e 3 4 5 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Inland Pond Park, e 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 isn't it? MR. TORELL: No. Behind that large parcel, which is like two acres I say where the bog is that is Southold's, behind that is one of those sunken holes wich a fence around ic. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: A sump, a recharge basin? 15 MR. TORELL: Right. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: So in '98 you came before the Zoning Board for a merger of Lot 67 and 16 17 18 68? 19 MR. TORELL: An unmerger, which was approved. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: Then you also came 20 21 22 23 before us for a variance? MR. TORELL: Correct, because the building department said I didn't have enough area on the side yard. I needed 15 feec and only cen, so chat 24 ten foot was granted. e 25 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: What happened to November 18, 2004 · e e 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S the other lot, Mr. Torell? MR. TOR ELL: I still own it. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: So you didn'c have a rear yard setback at that time? MR. TORELL: No one flagged it as an issue during that process. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: But the footprint didn't change? MR. TORELL: The footprint has slid back a liccle bit to the rear yard. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Hence the rear yard 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 setback? MR. TORELL: Yes. The house is shorter but it had to slide back a little bit. 16 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: It was scill less 17 IS 19 20 21 22 chan 50 feet at that time? MR. TORELL: Yes, but at the time in '98 I think I noted to you that there was no measurement on the drawing for some reason, and no one flagged ic as an issue. So I didn't know how far awa~' ic was, but I guess the Building Department looked at it and just visually looked ac it and said it's far enough. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: You'll be residing 23 24 25 November 18, 2004 · · · 35 1 2 in this house? 3 MR. TORELL: Yes. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: No other questions. 4 5 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia? 6 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: No, I'm jusc 7 8 9 10 11 wondering if we shouldn't be amending the prior on this so we can incorporace it, but I guess it doesn'c matter too much. I don'c have any questions. I remember your former application 'Jery well. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: 12 Jim? 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: No quescions. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jerry? BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: All my questions were answered. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Is there anyone in che audience who would like to speak on this application? If not, I'll make a motion to close che hearing and reserve decision until later. (See minutes for resolution.) 20 21 22 ----------------------------------------------- 23 24 25 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Next hearing is Salvatore and Margarec Detrano on Great peconic Bay Boulevard, in Laurel. Is there anyone who November 18, 2004 . e . 36 1 2 would like co speak for a right of way easement? 3 Yes, sir? 4 5 6 7 MR. LEONARD: Robert Leonard for Salvatore and Margaret Detrano. Whac we're basically proposing here, we would like to propose addicions and alcerations to che first and second floor of 8 the exiscing house on the lot. What we're here 9 10 11 12 13 14 asking relief for is additions co the first floor of the house, Due to the size of the existing lot and the location of the residence as it currently sits, any additions and alteracions to the house would require a variance going out to the front or rear of che property. The additions chac we are 15 proposing for the rear of the property, for the rear yard setbacks do not exceed the distance -- the existing setback for the existing deck that is 16 17 18 19 chere now. The additions at the fronc of che house, the bedroom that we're proposing co connect the house to the garage is not proposed to go past the existing front of the house; che other additions and alterations to the fronc comprise cwo bay windows in the living spaces and an open portico at the entrance that will shrink the existing 20 21 22 23 24 25 November IS, 2004 e . . 37 1 2 setback at the front of the house. 3 4 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jerry? BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Mr. Leonard, I 5 met with the applicanc one Saturday afcernoon, and I hadn't been up there in a lictle while and I was amazed to see that drop off the way it does drop off. 6 7 8 9 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Big drop off. 10 11 12 13 14 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: In your parcicular field, is the construction or the reconscruction of this house going to affect that low land area in any way? MR. LEONARD: Absolutely not. The only foundacions we're proposing to install for the house is a crawl space for the master bedroom we're proposing, the rest is going to be at the second floor level resting on columns. We're not going co be going back there doing any massive excavacion other than column foocings. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Did any other 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 agency of chis town or state agency require you to puc any cype of hay bales or anyching down? MR. LEONARD: Of course we always put the 25 hay bales down there whenever we see any type of November 18, 2004 e . . 38 1 ~ L wetlands, but no, we didn't need anything from any 3 other agency. 4 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Vincent? 5 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Your 25 foot and 21 6 feet are all based on the fronc yard and using the 7 easement, correct? 8 MR. LEONARD: Yes. 9 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: The 14' 1", would 10 chat be your easement then? 11 MR. LEONARD: We're using the existing 12 propercy lines, so the 21 foot 21 three-quarters 13 we're proposing on the front would be to the 14 propercy line not the easement, same thing in the 15 rear yard, it's 20 and-a-half feet to the 16 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: To the deck? 17 MR. LEONARD: Yes, to the deck, which is 18 che existing setback now to the existing deck. 19 We're proposing that to the enclosed porch we're 20 looking to put back there. 21 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: So the 14'1" lS 22 your side yard? 23 MR. LEONARD: Yes. And we're not asking 24 for any relief at the side yard. 25 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: And the 20'5" is November 18, 2004 · · · 39 1 2 3 4 your rear yard? MR. LEONARD: Yes, the building departmencs determined the front and rear yards because there really is no road on the site. 5 6 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: No other 7 questions. s CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia? 9 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: No, you just 10 answered my question. 11 12 13 14 15 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: No questions. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jerry, anything further? BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: No. 16 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Is there anybody else 17 18 In the audience chat would like to speak on this application? If not, I'll make a motion to close the hearing and reserve decision until later. (See minutes for resolution.) 19 20 21 22 ----------------------------------------------- CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Next hearing is 23 Kristopher Pilles who wishes co have a waiver of merger on Cedar Drive Wesc, East Marion. MR. PILLES: Good morning. 24 25 November 18, 2004 · · · 40 1 2 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Yes, sir, good 3 morning, how are you? 4 Going through MR. PILLES: Pretty good. 5 this process, I guess chere's four questions I 6 have to address in front of you guys. The firsc 7 being that the variance will not affect the 8 density of the neighborhood. From looking at the 9 tax maps, there's several other similarly sized 10 locs in the neighborhood. With that said, my 11 plans -- obviously chis is a long process going 12 from here, if I gain your approval with the 13 Suffolk County Department of Healch and other 14 agencies. 15 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Let me interrupt you. 16 Do you have Greenport Water there? 17 MR. PILLES: No, I don't. I would have to 18 get a variance after putting in a test well. 19 So from looking at the other properties in 20 the area, I think that the lot just from my 21 opinion should be room for a variance without 22 affeccing the density of che neighborhood. 23 The next question is is it consistent with 24 the size of the lots in the neighborhood. M" , 25 feeling yes, again, from looking at the tax maps. November 18, 2004 . . . 41 1 2 Additionally, not on the tax maps is an exiscence of the private road that runs between Stars Road and Aquaview Drive, which would reduce the size of some of the other lots that are there, making it even smaller than the one I'm proposing to build 3 4 5 6 7 8 on. In regards to economic hardships, realistically, to live on the north fork is 9 10 11 12 expensive. I came inco this property through my father's passing, and I'm in the process of renting the other house in order to pay the 13 mortgage. I don't know, I think that to stay out 14 15 on the north fork I probably need to keep that house rented, use that positive cash flow to pay down the mortgage on building on this lot, and then I can stay here. To address the fourth issue, the lot, che natural details and characters and contours of the 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 slopes of the lot will not be affected. The lot's pretty clear. I wish the lot was a little bigger but I kind of have to work with what I have. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Whac are the dimensions of the lot? 25 MR. PILLES: It's 50 by 120. November IS, 2004 . e . 42 1 2 We did some CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: 3 investigacion and all of these small lots were, 4 5 shall we say, merged or unmerged back in the '60s. These are old lots when we didn't have zoning. It 6 just started and it's one acre zoning, of course, 7 in that area. And we try co make our lots come up 8 co somewhat near at least R40 in one acre zoning. 9 I understand your plight and whac have you, but chese lots were merged back in the '50s and when you purchased it back in '98, I believe it was. They were still merged; were you aware of it? 10 11 12 13 14 15 MR. PILLES: No, I wasn't. In all honesty my father's intention was to be standing here himself. Now ie's fallen on my shoulders. 16 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Let me ask our Board. 17 18 19 20 21 22 Mr. Goehringer? BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I kind of mirror 23 what che Chairwoman is saying. The lot is extremely small, and it doesn't have any utilicy such as public water, and I grew up on a block very similar to this one out here, and I understand whac a 50 foot loc is, and I underscand 24 25 chat there are a couple in che neighborhood. But cercainly the elongation of thac house would serve November 18, 2004 e e e 43 1 ~ L well, if one were so inclined to do so, into 3 building on this property rather than trying co 4 squeeze it on. If you wanted to in che future, 5 even if you agreed, if you felt you had to sell 6 it, I think it's more valuable leaving that lot in 7 its existing condition, and that's my opinion. 8 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Vincent? 9 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: I'm looking at the 10 Town property card when your dad purchased it In 11 '98, I have to ask the assessor, maybe che cown 12 attorney, but it says $80,00 for two parcels. 13 MR. PILLES: That's what he paid at the 14 time. Coming into it from an escate, I had to pay 15 fair market value. 16 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: I had to ask the 17 assessors what it stands for, ic looks like two 18 parcels. Do you concur with chat? 19 TOWN ATTY. CORCORAN: Looks like it's 20 parcels. I suspect that means, were there two 21 other tax map parcels? 22 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: No. Owners were 23 purchased back in che '50s so they merged and even 24 when Mr. pilles boughc them in '98 they were still 25 merged. November 18, 2004 e e . 44 1 2 3 4 5 TOWN ATTY. CORCORAN: Merged by operation of law. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I think I can clear that issue up, if you would like me to. 6 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Go ahead. 7 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: This cown has 8 relied an awful loc on those tax maps. If there 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 was a perforation between those two lots, meaning dotted lines, I suspect thac the assessors would have said the house parcel/parcels if that was the case, but since it's a solid line and maybe you're receiving two tax bills that's the reason they use the plural notwithstanding the fact that zoning exists and they are merged. MR. PILLES: Can I ask a question? My 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 confusion is when these lots were created, the intention was for two building lots, correct? I mean, when the zoning many, many administrations ago. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: One lot was created prior to zoning, Lot 36 was created in 1952, prior co zoning. Both lots have been merged since Lot 36 was purchased in March of '52 and the other was In August '56. What relationship are you co Alice 24 25 November 18, 2004 · · · 45 1 2 3 4 5 and George Blaze? MR. PILLES: None. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: His father purchased it from them. MR. PILLES: Actually, he purchased it 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 from the estate, I believe it was Alice's estate. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia? BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: No. I made the comments I'm going to make. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I think that they 15 were merged in '83, when the merger law came into effect, and, you know, you had been receiving two separate cax bills even after that point. 16 17 IS 19 20 21 MR. PILLES: Still are. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I knew your father, I worked with him a lictle while, and it seems to me there was no intention to merge these lots. Gentleman just purchased a lot next door to him and hoping some day to puc a house on it. That's my opinion, of course, as always I think the Town is remiss that they don'c nocify 22 23 24 people that they do chings. Unless you read the suffolk Times thoroughly every day, every week, 25 November 18, 2004 . . e 46 1 ~ L. then you may miss out. There's no law that says 3 you have to buy the Suffolk Times. 4 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Or the Traveler 5 Watchman. '" CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Is chere anybody else 7 ln the audience that would like to speak on this? 8 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Yes, Pat. 9 MS. MOORE: I don't have any relationship 10 with Mr. Pilles, but I want to put something on 11 the record that I think the Board should keep in 12 mind. We are going right now through several 13 hamlet scudies and the stewardship meecings and so 14 on, and the whole emphasis of it is co cry to 15 create diversity of neighborhoods and provide for 16 alternative or affordable housing, not to say that 17 this lot is necessarily going co be an affordable lot, but it's certainly going to be less expensive chan a one acre, two acre lot anywhere else in the 18 19 20 neighborhood. 21 I know I've had various applications on 22 behalf of clients on Stars Road and I know the 23 Zoning Board has been reluctant co I say 24 "grandfather" the subdivision chat got approved 25 with the Stars Road subdivision that creaced chis November 18, 2004 · · · 47 1 2 property, but maybe it's time to start thinking about the policies and the goals that che Town 3 4 Board has expressed. We are doing all these 5 studies chese moratoriums, a lot of community input is being sought for the purposes of creating 6 7 8 some density. Why are we creating density in 9 ocher areas and creating a whole process when we have these existing preexiscing subdivisions that provide that alternative housing types. Stars Road is an example of it, Maccituck has some examples. Where I live we have a diversity size parcels. Where I live on a half acre, my neighbor a nice man lives in a small cottage on a parcel 10 11 12 13 14 15 that is about the same size. We can create 16 17 18 19 diversity in this community, and we have the zoning controls through setbacks and variances so that the houses that get built on these substandard lots are in conformity with the 20 neighborhood. But to force che merging of 21 properties where zoning has already through history provided for a neighborhood thac is diverse, we should try to keep that in mind or I ask the Board co keep that in mind because we seem to be trying to move forward but going backwards 22 23 24 25 November 18, 2004 e e . 48 1 2 3 4 5 at the same cime. I know you're constantly considering that balancing, and you do a very good job with thac. I know your hearts are in the right place, buc also keep in mind thac Stars Road somewhat middle income homes are available co the public, and I chink you have an applicanc right here who is an example of that. 6 7 8 9 10 11 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: The problem is going to be to get the Board of Health approval? 12 MS. MOORE: That's always a problem, but 13 14 even the Health Deparcment recognizes that in subdivisions that are substandard, if you're the lase guy to be developed, there has to be some flexibility, and chat's what the Board of Review 15 16 17 18 is there for. You can't blame che last guy to be developed to fit the bill for everybody else's 19 sanicary and well. You don't have co be che 20 21 enforcement body for the Health Department. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I realize that, thank 22 you. Yes, sir? 23 24 25 MR. SAKELLIS: I'm a neighbor of this particular lot. My name is George Sakellis. I bought the house a few years back with che idea November IS, 2004 · · · 49 1 2 3 that I will have some peace and quiet, and of course, it doesn't look like it's going to work. 4 This particular lot is very small. It's close to 5 I can't imagine chat out here we're my property. 6 going to have similar city buildings, close to each other, 20 footers and 15 footers, and I think this is ridiculous that we going to allow chis man, which I don't know, to build one house on 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 this particular lot. Many people as you see In che areas spend a lot of money for lots for buildings, and they are not squeezing in between driveways to make the house. This man has been 15 renting the house and che new house that he's going to do, he's going to have to rent ie, 16 there's no way. So if that's what we want co do, 17 18 19 20 21 renc our houses up there, I think it's "very good idea for him to build a nice 20 footer house. I'In 'tery opposed to it and I'm very aggrava ced. appreciate your decision. I CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Thank you very much, 22 sir. Is there anybody else in the audience who 23 would like to speak on this application? (See minutes for resolution.) 24 25 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Ma'am, chair, November 18, 2004 . . . 50 1 2 3 4 5 can we take a five minute recess? CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Make a motion to recess. (See minutes for resolution.) 6 I Of f che record.) 7 8 ------------------------------------------------- CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Our next hearing is 9 for Thomas and Annette Jordan ac 1680 Brigantine Drive in Southold. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mr. Hermann, we had this before us last year, go ahead. MR. HERMANN: For the applicant, Rob Hermann, of En-Consultants, 1319 North Sea Road in Southampton. I was wondering if you would recall the application. At the time it was chen contract "Jendee Gary Gurnes who had filed an application before che Board for 15 feet of relief for a house 19 20 21 22 situated 25 feet from Brigantine. It was cestified to in the record by two of the nearby property owners and also by Member Orlando chat the established setback for this area was 35 feet, and the Chairwoman I believe indicated somewhat 23 24 25 unambiguously that Mr. Gurnes should go back to November 18, 2004 · · · 51 1 2 3 4 5 che drawing board and come back with something chat was in keeping with the 35 feet. Long sCory short because of objections that were also raised to the scope of the Gurnes project by DEC, ultimately the Gurnes contract with che Jordans was terminated, the Jordans decided to pursue the permic approval process themselves and retained En-Consulcants to represent them. What we did was reconfigure and significantly downsize the scope of the project in a way that would conform to the requirements and recommendations of all of the involved agencies. And so since you last saw this application on 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 behalf of the Jordans we were able to obtain approvals from the New York State DEC, from the Town Trustees and also from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. So essentially we 19 are back before this Board wich a house whose 20 footprint has been reduced by roughly 30 percenc 21 22 saying it's been a while, but we essencially wenc back and did what you asked us to do, and could you now look favorably upon the variance 23 24 application which is now just for five feet. If 25 you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer November IS, 2004 · · · 52 1 2 them on behalf of the Jordans. 3 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: We do have a copy of a 4 5 6 7 8 letter in opposition by Mr. Abelli. HI am not a residenc in the immediate area of this application, but I do own a residence and addicional property in Harbor Lights. "In my opinion this proposal is contrary 9 to the best interests of this neighborhood. I ask 10 11 the Board to reject the requesc for a variance. The proposed setback of 35 feec is completely out of character of the setbacks of other homes in che 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 immediate area. The consultants report says thac the average established setback in the area is about 35 feet; this is not so. The setbacks of che two adjoining homes are probably 40 to 50 feet. Those of the homes across che street are probably close to 100 feet. I estimate the 22 average setback of the seven homes in the immediate area is about 70 feec. "If this request is approved, the resulting house would projecc well in fronc of che 23 24 25 other two adjoining houses. The fronc yard would be considerably smaller than those of the other properties in the immediate area. The garage and November 18, 2004 e e . 53 1 2 driveway would be very close to the road, and the 3 driveway probably would noc be able to accommodate 4 5 more than two vehicles at a time. Anything above chat would require vehicles to park in the street 6 which is narrow and curved at thac point. would present safety hazards. "The bottom line unfortunacely lS that That 7 8 9 chis property is not a useable building lot. It 10 never has been. The wetlands in the back require 11 12 13 14 15 pushing a building so close to the road that ic conflicts with neighboring homes that have been in the place for many years. John Abelli." Respectfully submitted, I just wanted to read thac into the 16 record. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. HERMANN: Certainly I would not agree with the gentleman's conclusions. Actually the property immediately adjacent to the subject lot is owned by William Kelly, who was granted a variance by this Board for a 35 foot setback. again, I would reference the minutes from the Board's hearing in January of '03, Member Orlando And quote, "If this meeting is adjourned, you may want to chink about a new house plan because the November 18, 2004 e e . 54 1 2 average setback in this neighborhood is abouc 35 feet." I believe Mr. Kelly also testified, his quote is "The code for a lot less than 40,000 or 20,000 square feet is set at 40. But then there's a seccion in the code that also reads that any plot plan subdivision that's been established afcer 1957 allows it to go back to what the setback was at the time of that. And when I did 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mine" -- this is still Mr. Kelly talking -- "I researched and I found chat 35 feet was what was allowed ac the time that subdivision was done. 11 12 13 Ie's preccy much withouc question 35 feet would be allowed. Anything beyond 35 feet I would 14 15 definitely be opposed co. I have built two houses 16 17 18 19 20 21 on that street, and I've lived on it for 17 years, and incidentally, both houses that I built, I had to deal with the wetlands issues and front yard variances, and I've always referred back to che 35 foot rule and everyone in that neighborhood has as well. There's not one house built in that 22 neighborhood after 1968 when the subdivision was done that's less than 35 feet." 23 24 25 Again, I believe that was the kind of information that this Board relied upon, and, November 18, 2004 . e . 55 1 ~ ¿ Chairwoman, you had indicated again thac che 3 applicant go back and return with a setback that 4 would meet 35 feec. 5 The wetlands in the back do, of course, 6 create che problem that the owners are confronced 7 with and why a 40 foot setback could not be mec. 8 BuC I would say wichout question, the site plan 9 that's before you, if you look at the survey 10 chat's been presented almost the entire parcel 11 between the wetlands themselves and the 42 foot 12 nondisturbance buffer adjacent thereto is 13 preserving almost the entire property. I would 14 also note too, the neighbor Mr. poliwoda who is 15 located across the street and scill is, also 16 objected to the setback at that cime but said he 17 would also withdraw his opposition to a 35 foot 18 setback. So I would say the record is 19 subscancially clear, concrary co the letter you 20 jusc read, that 35 foot setback is the accepted 21 secback in this neighborhood, and most 22 significantly to the people who are located 23 immediacely adjacent to and opposite to the 24 Jordans and, according to you, the person who 25 wrote chat letter is noc. November 18, 2004 · · · 56 1 2 3 4 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Can I ask a question? CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Sure. 5 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: You have to 6 excuse us, I do so many of these, as this Board 7 does, are there any C and Rs that prohibit a 35 foot setback to your knowledge? MR. HERMANN: To my knowledge, no, but I would imagine based on Mr. Kelly's testimony and this Board's having granted the same variance to Mr. Kelly I would assume not. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Just remember, 8 9 1û 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 every piece of property is unique. I don't know what che wetlands configuration lS on his as opposed co this one. I tend to think this has 19 probably got a smaller envelope chan the other one does. But the other question is -- and I'm not suggesting this Board do it unless the Board 20 contends to want that the width of the road is 21 what, actual pavement? 22 MR. HERMANN: The width of the road 23 icself, it's a 5û foot road, is ic not? 24 25 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: It's a 50 foot road? November 18, 20û4 . e . 57 1 2 MR. HERMANN: You mean in theory or 3 4 actuality? CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: In theory, 50 fooc 5 right of way. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: The road is definicely not 50 feet, I was down there last Sacurday. MR. HERMANN: The house will actually be approximately 47 feet from pavement if that's what you're driving at. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: And that's what I'm driving at, and I'm also driving at the fact chat we do have a neighbor that mentioned that the setbacks are much more extensive, and chey are more extensive, I think, on the other of the street than this side of the street, but this Board has in che past and again, I'm not 19 suggesting this, I'm only planting it as a seed that we could ask you to measure the average setbacks on these houses, and I don't know if chis Board still wants to do that. Notwithscanding Mr. Kelly's application, I'm sure that che houses are setback a little more, there's no question 20 21 22 23 24 25 about it, and that's chat. November 18, 2004 e . . 58 1 2 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Thank you, Jerry. 3 Vincent? 4 5 6 7 S 9 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO. No other questions, you've heard my concerns. I'm interested in how you made out with the Trustees last night. MR. HERMANN: I wasn't here on this projecc. The Trustees had actually issued a permit for the larger scope house in the past. So 10 11 12 we had to go back co them and obtain an amended approval again for what I'm calling a much improved and downsized scope, and they had no problem approving that. 13 14 15 16 17 18 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Thank you. Lydia? BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: I think you have caken a very difficult lot and come up with a very workable plan. You did take into consideracion the Board's concerns. It is a five foot variance 1 SI at this stage. And I don't That's what it lS. 20 21 22 see how there's any way that you could construct a house on this loc without a five foot variance, parcicularly, if you look at your proposed house 23 now and you look at what was before us, it's very clear that you have jimmy-rigged the house to conform to environmental constraints and to do the 24 25 November 18, 2004 e e . 59 1 2 3 4 5 best you can with the front yard. that's what you've done. In my opinion MR. HERMANN: Thank you. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? 6 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I agree with Lydia 7 wholeheartedly. The house is modesc and the dimensions of the house are the smallesc you could 8 9 10 11 get a room that would be comfortable. I think you have done a nice job. MR. HERMANN: Thank you. 12 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I think the 35 13 14 15 16 17 18 feet, if you look down that street, is preccy close to the average. I don't think it goes much more than that. I agree with Jerry that the other 19 lot, especially Mr. Kelly's, was further away from the wetlands than this one is. Besides that, this lS I think the minimum amount of house that you could build on chis lot. That's all I have to 20 say. 21 22 23 24 25 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I would agree too. You met what our requirements were last cime, the 35 feet, and you've met that. Is there anybody else in the audience chat would like to speak on chis application? If not I'll make a November 18, 2004 e . e 60 1 2 motion to close the hearing and reserve decision 3 until later. (See minutes for 4 5 6 7 8 resolution. ) ------------------------------------------------- CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Next hearing is Ellen Schultheis. MS. MOORE: Good morning, this application 9 is taking an existing ranch and doing some renovations to it and putting a second scory on 10 11 12 for the family. In designing the renovations they actually took great pains to design, renovate this house in such a way that it would create the 13 14 15 16 17 18 minimal impact on neighbors. So you can see chat the existing garage is remaining as a one-story portion of the house. The new garage that has to 19 be added, actually has been moved over away from the neighbors so as to not increase the degree of nonconformity with respect to che existing setback chac is ac the spot where it would be extended at least 7.6 feet from the property line. The rear yard or where the brick pacio is 20 21 22 23 essentially noc changing because a second story is going over the main portion of the house, and this property is also a corner lot, Illinois Avenue is 24 25 November 18, 2004 e e . 61 1 2 actually, while ie's a road, designated road, it 3 4 5 actually is a right of way, a LIPA right of way. So you can see in some of the photographs chat I gave you, some high tension lines that run along 6 Illinois Avenue. So there's no neighbor on the 7 8 9 10 11 Illinois Avenue side that would have any impact by chis addition. I have the plans. I submitted chem to this Board so you could see the height of the structure. The average, the mean roof height is 12 going to be 26, two and-a-half feet which lS a 13 14 15 16 17 18 normal two-story addicion; we're just convercing a ranch into a two-scory home. I'll try to answer any questions. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Your total lot coverage is going to be almost 30 percent and ours is 20 percent, which does pre sene a problem. 19 MS. MOORE: The problem is that we're 20 taking a ranch with a breezeway and turning chat space into living space. We have to have a garage because otherwise che families are going to have 21 22 23 24 25 nowhere to store their belongings. Essentially the two sisters are going to live together. They're putting one house and living together as a November 18, 2004 . e . 62 1 2 3 4 5 6 one family unit, so the space is needed, they're trying to accommodate the family needs. Ie's kind of a sprawling ranch to begin with and their additions are tucked within the existing footprint. The only new square footage is the 7 8 9 10 11 12 proposed garage. I'd hate to see a family come together without having a garage space. The husband will have a hard time without being able co do his tinkering without a garage. That's a needed item. And if we were to cut back the garage in any way, you're cutting back the living 13 space as well. It's a difficult situation. 14 15 The property is a relatively small property, but it's kind of spacious in that it's a corner lot. You only have neighbors on two sides, 16 17 18 and no one expressed any objection. They liked 19 the idea of having this house renovated and che im'estment put into the neighborhood. We can cut back a litcle bit of the porch, 20 21 22 23 24 if that's somewhere where we could, the architectural design, I think it was a nice design, but they could always go back and do some cut backs, they have a nice, kind of a country porch on che front, they could change that a bit. 25 November 18, 2004 63 e 1 2 3 4 5 That would take some of the square footage off the house. But I hate to see -- the garage is really necessary, particularly where the one family is 6 coming together. round home. This is going to be their year 7 8 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Is there any way you could gee this down to say 25 percenc? I mean I 9 it's a large house now, it's a beautiful spot. 10 It's rather a sprawling house. 3 massive addition here. You're asking for 11 12 MS. MOORE: The problem is that it's going 13 over top of an existing house. So we have liccle e 14 15 16 17 18 flexibility where this garage is going co go. Aside from keeping the garage where it is, ic means that we would have to put in a much larger addition. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: You're putcing on the 19 one-story addition, you're putting a second scary; then you're closing it in between the original garage with other another proposed two-story addition; then the one-story garage is another living space; then you're going to put another garage on? 20 21 22 23 . 24 25 MS. MOORE: Right. We have to have a November IS, 2004 64 1 2 e 3 garage, that's the problem, ie's popping the garage somewhere along in the footprint. 4 5 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: Is there a garage now there, Pat? 6 MS. MOORE: The garage is there now. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: May I interject? MS. MOORE: Go ahead. 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 e 14 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: It's an adorable neighborhood, it's a great place. My reservation is this is putting a benchmark down because I think besides the house across the street, they're all preccy modest to small. If we give 29 percent 15 here, the next one/s going to be 3D, and so on. You understand that, Pat. So we want on put a benchmark down here. That's why I think 25 16 17 18 19 percent is reasonable. I'd like to do chat wich 20 you, give you a number and let you tweak it the best way you like to do it. MS. MOORE: Right. The problem is the setbacks. We don't want to establish cercain setbacks. 21 22 23 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: I don't ha'Je a e 24 25 problem with the preexisting setbacks, chat's fine, that's che way ic was, but if we give 30 the November 18, 2004 65 1 2 next guy's going to want 31. · 3 MS. MOORE: I anticipate that che neighbor 4 5 to the south, there's been a change in ownership chere, and I anticipate they'll be renovating. 6 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Hence the reason 7 8 9 10 11 why we're a little conservative there. MS. MOORE: We can cry to work with 25 percent. The issue is do we have front yard, side 12 yard variances? The family really needs a garage. If we can take some of the house -- in the back there's a little protrusion in the back, I guess we can cue off a little of the back where you see 13 · 14 15 16 17 IS the 11 by 12 on the rear around che brick, right now it's an entranceway, that's an area we could probably cut off, try co reduce some of the 19 20 covered porch, go back to the drawing board with the archicect. We could take out from chere, but I don't know if we can meet the 25 because again, we have the existing structure that's already, kind of the garage on one end with the breezeway kind of the space in between is the common sense area is where you would expand a two-story house. You have existing living space. Why don't we leave the hearing open, calk 21 22 23 24 · 25 November 18, 2004 e e . 66 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 to your architect about how we can modify this in such a way that we preserve the garage. I know it's very important to your husband to have a garage. MS. SCHULTHEIS: I chink the home right now is 23 percent. I'm already over the lot coverage, but without thac room in between che garage and the house. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 MS. MOORE: I think we're over the 25 already. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: We're not cargeting but we know what's going to happen afterwards, the next neighbor comes in. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: It's a 12,000 square foot lot. The plans are humongous. MS. MOORE: If you were in the Village of 18 Greenport where you have 12,000 square foot lots generally you go up to 30 percent because it's a 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 recognition. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: There's no analogy. We're not there, this is where we are. MS. MOORE: I am giving you an analogy of why 30 percent is quite common when you have undersized lots. Two hundred square feet can November 18, 2004 . . e 67 1 2 bring you over a loc coverage. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: Thac's noc what our 3 4 5 code says. MS. MOORE: We'll hold the hearing open. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Massage the house, 6 7 S see what you come up with. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jerry, do you have any 9 comments? 10 11 12 13 14 BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: No. As I said before, I think you have to begin on these large loc coverage issues -- Miss Moore? MS. MOORE: Yes, I'm sorry. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: No problem. To scart putting the garages and I realize this is a relatively flat lot, either under the house or you have to embody the garage within the construction of the house so that you still have the availability of putting the second story over the garage and thereby eliminating some of the lot 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 coverage. MS. MOORE: That would not be a problem, 23 but then we'd have a two-story portion over the garage. Thac was our original design, was make the whole two story over the existing strucCure. 24 25 November 18, 2004 e e . 68 1 ~ L We came ln trying to address the other concerns 3 you always raise with respect to increasing the 4 nonconformity on the horizontal plain because 5 we've got a setback of 5'611 and 7'6'1. We have no 6 problem with that alternative, but then you have 7 to be prepared to grant us a variance for going up 8 over a garage. That was the first choice. 9 (Whereupon, Board Member Goehringer left 10 the hearing.) 11 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: Sometimes you can 12 submit both plans to the Board, they will consider 13 both at the same time. 14 MS. MOORE: I can give you four plans ac 15 once. 16 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Couldn't the garage 17 be subsurface on this one? The lot's a little 18 high. 19 MS. MOORE: I don't know structurally 20 whether the architect was planning to use the 21 existing structure of the existing house in pare 22 of che design. If we're demolishing and starting 23 over that's one thing, but here you have probably 24 a slab under the existing garage. I don't know 25 engineering-wise whether that works. November 18, 2004 . e . 69 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MS. SCHULTHEIS: And the expense of it. How about if we backed up the garage -- five feet of the garage backing that up into che house, help the lot coverage? BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: As I said, it's a benchmark in a small neighborhood, the next person is going to want 26, and it snowballs. MS. MOORE: If you would prefer to see us 10 11 12 13 14 15 put che full two stories over the existing structure and the contiguous portion, the breezeway area, that's structurally where the house would be expanded, so chat area there is a common sense area, within the existing structure. I'm trying to always guess what you would prefer, and I'm sorry, we had that as an initial consideration, and then she goc from me and as well as from other sources, the contracCor, 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 everybody said we think you'd prefer to have the one-story garage pushed out, so we changed it. If '{OU would rather see us come back with the two story scarting within the existing framework of the house, that works for us as well. 23 24 25 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia, do you have any other comments? November 18, 2004 e e . 70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: No. I just chink the loc coverage is too large. MS. MOORE: That would eliminate the lot coverage issue. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I understand your confusion, Pat, because I'm going to a meeting today that will essencially outlaw you from doing that because they want to do this pyramid law thing. To raise chat roof is probably not going to be legal. MS. MOORE: Without variances. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Maybe not even 15 with variances. 16 17 18 MS. MOORE: You better tell them they better have some method of relief. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Well, hold on 19 because this Board in the past has frowned on 20 thac. I don't know how you're getting from this 21 22 Board suddenly put a second story addition 5.6 feet away in lighc of the Walz decision. I don't 23 understand how chey're encouraging you to do 24 25 that. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: No one nodded or November 18, 2004 e e . 71 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S said yes co her suggestion. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: You said come back with the plan. I can see you looking at the Town before you're doing your application, sitting down with these people going no, no, no you don't want co put that second story on, let's ask them co go out. I understand that's how you came to this 9 particular plan, and to me it's kind of confusing co an applicant or people up here to say now, well, we would consider you putting a garage 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 underneath. For the life of me I don't underscand that. Second, when I looked at this application, because chis is mine, I said you have co move che garage. That was my -- MS. MOORE: The proposed garage. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Thirty percent is just too much. We don't grant 30 percent. Thac's my opinion. I gave you two opinions there, I know 21 they kind of conflicc, but as soon as I saw the proposed garage and figured out the lot coverage, it's either that or you start lopping stuff off 22 23 24 25 your house. I don't know which one you want. But I personally don't think we should be considering November 18, 2004 e e e 72 1 2 a two-story addition of 5.6 feet away from chat lot line. Not in light of the fact of whac we've had to do to people for the past three years. MS. MOORE: Another option is maybe stepping back the addition in such a way that even chough it's five feet at its closest point, you 3 4 5 6 7 8 can kind of dormer back some the second story, 9 start it not right over top the existing footprint of che garage but step it back somewhat so you have kind of somewhac of a pyramid law. 10 11 12 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: If you went 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 feet from there you probably wouldn't need a variance, Walz would not kick in or 15 feet. MS. MOORE: 15 feet may be too much. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Did you hear my suggestion to Pat, I suggested a subsurface garage. No one was saying yes, go second, that's why I suggested subsurface. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Actually, we're suggesting you go back to the client and the architect. 23 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Sounds like Jimmy and I are in agreement that che second floor would not be conducive, but subsurface, that house is a 24 25 November 18, 2004 e e . 73 1 2 liccle bit higher, you could get one under chere. MS. MOORE: Kind of a split-level garage. We'll go back to the drawing board and try to design different alternatives and see what we can come up with, we'll try to keep it straight 25 3 4 5 6 7 percent. 8 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: On the grade where the house is higher you can cut into. MS. MOORE: Right, thac may be possible because the height of the mean is actually 26 here, which gives us a chance to move up a bic. 9 10 11 12 13 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: You can keep the single story and have the garage underneath it, and have the workshop and all chat stuff. 14 15 16 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: That's all I have. 17 18 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Is there anybody else in the audience that would like co speak to this application? If not, I'll make a motion keeping this hearing open uncil December 16th. 19 20 21 22 23 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: It will be in the morning at 9:35. (See minutes for resolution.) 24 ----------------------------------------------- 25 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Next hearing is for November IS, 2004 . e . 74 1 2 3 4 5 Thomas DeWolfe about a simple lot line change. MR. DEWOLFE: Good morning, I think you all have copies of the map that show the little increase to the property, and I think you can easily see why I'm seeking the variance for that, and I'm happy to answer any questions you might 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 have. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Vincent? BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Yes, if you could elaborace a little bic, you live in Lot 9? MR. DEWOLFE: Yes, I think so. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Are we creating Lot 10 now, is that what we're trying to do? 15 MR. DEWOLFE: No. 16 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: You're moving a 17 18 line, or is it just a backyard line we're moving here? 19 MR. DEWOLFE: Yes. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Just to kind of square 20 21 22 it off? 23 MR. DEWOLFE: Have you seen the property? BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Yes. You're the 24 25 house co the left, chat house right there we gave a variance to as well? November 18, 2004 e . . 75 1 2 MR. DEWOLFE: My property is south of the ocher property. BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: There are two 3 4 5 houses, in Tremont Lane it was the house next to 6 che wall. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: You're this house, 7 8 you don't own chat house? 9 MR. DEWOLFE: I do not. 10 11 12 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: So we're doing a lot line change in che center? MR. DEWOLFE: It's shaded there. 13 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Just a liccle 14 15 sliver. 16 MR. DEWOLFE: Yes. As you see the old property line is the north wall of what is my 17 18 19 house. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: So your neighbor doesn'c mind you taking some property? 20 MR. DEWOLFE: No. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: That's what I'm 21 22 23 24 25 getting at. The other neighbor doesn'c mind you doing this; he's aware of this, she's aware of chat? MR. DEWOLFE: Yes, we discussed a November 18, 2004 e e e 76 1 2 3 4 5 financial arrangement. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: I can see the reason for -- CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia? 6 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: No problem. 7 8 9 10 11 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: No questions. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Does anyone else wish to speak on this application? If not, I'll make a motion closing the hearing reserving decision until later. (See minutes for resolucion.1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------------------------------------------------~ CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Our next hearing lS for John Reventlow on Stillwater Avenue in Cutchogue, less than 50 feet from the rear loc line. You have a beautiful piece of property. 19 MR. REVENTLOW: It's not used very well. 20 21 Accually, toward the back of che property I have more front property, close to 90 foot of front. The back is where I'm running into the problem. Basically I'm looking to put an addition of a sun room which will extend ouc 16 foot from che house, which will leave roughly 25 foot at the 22 23 24 25 November 18, 2004 . e . 77 1 2 3 4 5 closest point to the back property line. The house is set on an angle to compensate for the property being on an angle itself running parallel to Stillwater. The house itself is actually only 32 foot at the shortest poinc from the propercy line. 6 7 8 I talked to the neighbor right behind me who would be the most affected by this, and he doesn't have a problem with ic. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: That would be 9 10 11 12 Mr. Smith who we granted a variance to several months ago for an addition. MR. REVENTLOW: For privacy we're going to puc additional plantings back there, possibly a fence ac one point, we're going to cry wich shrubbery first, see how that goes. 13 14 15 16 17 18 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? 19 20 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: No questions. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia? 21 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: No. 22 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: vincent? 23 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: No questions. I 24 visited che site, spoke with the owner in front of 25 us right now. I have no problem. We were November 18, 2004 · · · 78 1 ¿ wondering about Mr. Smich and obviously he lS a 3 4 5 6 7 good neighbor. We weren't sure. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Do you have the green cards? MR. REVENTLOW: Yes, I do. I had to send ouc 12. I only received ten of them as of right 8 now. The other two are coming from Souchampcon 9 and Massapequa. 10 11 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: Just mail them in when you can. 12 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Is there anyone in the 13 14 15 audience who wishes to comment on this application? If not, I'll make a motion closing 16 the hearing and reserving decision until later. (See minutes for resolution.) 17 IS ---------------------~------------------------- CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Next applicacion for 19 Risa Arin for the piece of property on Soundview Avenue in peconic for replacemenc of a deck thac was previously there. 20 21 22 23 24 25 MS. ARIN: Basically I'm asking for a variance of six and-a-ha1f feet. I replaced an existing deck, the setbacks are the same. It was quice dilapidated and quite an eyesore. I'm just November IS, 2004 e . . 79 1 2 3 4 5 6 asking for a variance so we can complete it. It's been started as you can see from the photo, and we stopped work immediately when we were alerted we needed the variance and we'd like to finish the construction. 7 8 9 10 11 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I don't have any questions. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia? BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: No. 12 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Vincent? 13 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: I'll ask some 14 questions. How much of this deck was existing? 15 MS. ARIN: There was a dilapidaced wooden portion, a huge cement slab. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Right, I saw that 16 17 18 part. 19 MS. ARIN: I can actually show '"{OU, it's 20 21 22 23 24 25 the only photo I have from the original, it's kind of hard to see, it's from the realtor when we purchased ic back in 2000. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: I saw che cemenc portion. But I didn't see anything under here. This is all, actually this front piece is cement November 18, 2004 e e . 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 and this was the dilapidated wooden portion and there was a little piece in here that was broken up slate. So we kept the setback the same but smoothed it out so this is the straight line now. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: So it's no larger than it was. I saw a sign it could be larger you put some sonic tubes in there. I could see obvious old deck in some parts here. MS. ARIN: There's no old deck left . This was, pieces of this was crushed up slate. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: It was more patio? MS. ARIN: Yes. The secbacks are the same as they were originally. We jusc squared it off. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: So you got a phone call from a neighbor or the neighbor called che Building Department somehow? 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 MS. ARIN: Yes. I come out on the weekends cypically, and I had a note from the building inspector, because I was using the existing setbacks because che deck was falling down, it was becoming a hazard, and I finall:.' had enough money to build a new deck, I went forward with it and because I was using the exiscing 23 24 25 November 18, 2004 · · · 81 1 2 space, I didn't think it was an issue, only to find out ic was. 3 4 5 6 7 8 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: And the person who built it didn't think it needed a variance? MS. ARIN: No, and it was a local contractor. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: It's not uncommon 9 and they protrude out more co the beach chan 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 you. I was just curious as to how you came to be in front of us today. You received a love note? MS. ARIN: Yes. A nice yellow love note in my door. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: You don'c plan on 2xpanding this deck any further than this? MS. ARIN: No. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Rails? MS. ARIN: I've actually been told again with the Building Department that I don'c need rails. It meets the height requirements. I'd prefer not to, 'cause you don't obstruct the view when you're sitting inside if I don't have to have the rails. ~4 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: You're not going co 25 enclose it? November 18, 2004 e . . 82 1 2 MS. ARIN: No, no. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I don't have any 3 4 5 6 further questions. I don't think there's anybody else in the audience left. Is there anyone else in the audience who would like to speak? I make a mocion closing the hearing reserving decision 7 8 until later. (See minutes for resolution.) 9 10 11 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I'll make a motion to adjourn. 12 ¡See minutes for resolution.) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: I'll make a motion co reconvene our meeting on November 18th. (See minutes for resolution.) ------------------------------------------------- CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Our next hearing 1:00 p.m. is for Barry Barth in Mattituck for an approval for a deck. Mr. Barth? MR. BARTH: Hello. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: What would you like co 22 cell us? 23 MR. BARTH: I submitted an applicacion to 24 che Building Department for a deck on my house ac 2040 Cencral Drive in Mattituck. The application 25 November 18, 2004 e e . S3 1 2 to the Building Department was rejected. And I 3 4 5 was told subsequently that I needed a variance because the deck was proposed in front of the 100 foot bluff line setback. So I made the 6 application. I have presented the notification of 7 my neighbors, copies of the drawings of the deck, and amended -- 8 9 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Is this going to be a 10 replacement in-kind/in-place or are you expanding a deck? 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 MR. BARTH: There is a preexisting deck there, and it will replace that deck, and it will excend out I believe slightly less than the existing deck and it might be two feet wider chan the existing deck. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: A bit of a different shape than the existing deck? MR. BARTH: The existing deck was kind of square, this is kind of rectangular. 19 20 21 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Vincent? 22 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: I visited the site, 23 lovely site. Yes, I would agree thac your deck was in need of replacement. There was some 24 25 hesitance on my part to stand on the deck, and I November 18, 2004 e e e 84 1 2 see you're clearing down below, chat was the reason for the steps off the deck? I wasn't quice sure you wanted steps. MR. BARTH: We felc that that eventually might turn into a garden area with some plantings like we did in the front of the house. 3 4 5 6 7 8 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Yes, they had kind of 9 a slope in the front. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: I was wondering why 10 11 you didn't want to just replace the deck as is, and have stairs going right down. You're puccing a little interim deck? 12 13 14 15 MR. BARTH: Ante deck or smaller deck about three, four steps and then eventually steps will go down inco that garden area. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: No other quescions at this time. 16 17 18 19 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia? 20 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: The notice of 21 disapproval says the closest point of the deck is going co be 72 feet; your survey is showing actually 83 feet. What is the closest poinc? In ocher words, what's on the survey shows S3 feet. 22 23 24 25 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: On the closest November 18, 2004 · · · 85 1 2 corner it's 76. 3 4 5 6 7 8 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Lydia, 76-5. On che one corner MR. BARTH: I needed to have that survey amended. BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: It was received on October 29th, so it was probably with a separate 9 one. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: So it's 76? BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: 76-5. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Where is it 76-5 to? The bottom of the steps. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: The bottom of the seeps to the bluff. BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: Not the bottom of che steps, the corner. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: I don't have any 19 other questions, I'm very familiar with the property. 20 21 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? 22 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: No. I noticed 23 thac ic said 72, and I kind of didn't see that 24 25 ei ther. It's 76-5, that's what it is without going any closer? November IS, 2004 . e . 86 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MR. BARTH: No. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: That's all I have. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Is there anyone in the audience that wishes to speak on this? CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Yes? MS. JAKUNSKI: I'm Judy Jakunski, the ocher owner of the property. The ante deck, the reason for that is one, the big deck didn't look like it was suspended into nothing. So that it was a nicer flow with the contour of the natural cerrain. So there would be another seating area down there. Right now the deck che way it lS looks like ic was suspended into nothing. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Transitional? 16 MS. JAKUNSKI: Yes, so it was an easier 17 18 cransition with che property itself. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Anyone else wish co 19 speak on this? If not, I'll make a motion to close che hearing and reserve decision until 20 21 22 23 24 25 later. (See minutes for resolution.) ------------------------------------------------- CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Our next hearing is for Frances Kestler on Main Road in Pacific Street November 18, 2004 e e . 87 1 2 in Mattituck. Hi, Bill. MR. GOGGINS: That's correct. 3 4 5 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: Is that October 27th? 6 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Yes, I was looking at 7 8 9 10 11 12 an old one. MR. GOGGINS. The original one was June 30ch. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: This is October 2Sth. BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: 27th. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: You wish to have an 13 apartment over the doctor's office? MR. GOGGINS: We're gOlng to withdraw che application with the apartment at this time without prejudice for us to renew that application. Dr. Kestler is under a deadline. He needs to be out of his old office in January, and for him to get the apartment finished and have the inspections done, it would probably take too long. So what we would like to do is either adjourn ic for a long period of time at least as to the aparCment application or withdraw it wichout 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 prejudice. I'm not sure what the Board would do in this situation. He intends to apply for it November 18, 2004 e e . 88 1 2 3 4 5 again; however, at this time he jusc doesn'c have che time to gee it done. BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: Procedurally, you would have to submit a new application for the apartmenc separately, if you want us to rule on 6 7 Lhe area variance. S MR. GOGGINS: Okay, so we'll sever che 9 application, withdraw the requesc for an apartment use above the office, and we'll proceed wich the other part of the application. 10 11 12 13 14 15 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: Is there a pre CO for the cottage yet, Bill? MR. GOGGINS: No, there isn't. This was a single-family residence with a cottage for a long 16 cime. Initially, when it was built, the main 17 IS 19 structure was a bar/restaurant in the '20s and the cottage was a single-family residence. And as time went by, the bar/restaurant became a single-family residence and the cottage became a 20 21 22 23 24 25 rental unit. Right now we're in a process of getcing che affidavics to prove the continuous use. Right now we pretty much have it but we have a small gap. We have a concinuum since 1922 but we have a small gap in the '70s which we're trying November 18, 2004 e e . 89 1 2 3 4 5 to cighten up, which we don't have yet. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: The cottage will be the apartment? MR. GOGGINS: No. The cottage is a separate building which we claim is a preexisting nonconforming use. 6 7 8 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: What is before us 9 today? 10 11 12 13 14 15 MR. GOGGINS: We're putting a dental office in the main structure. The property was zoned residential office, so when Dr. Kestler bought it, the intent was to put the dental office in, chen we chought about putting an aparcmenc on top, because that's what it's zoned for. I guess 16 che problem is that the property is less than 40,000 square fooc in bulk area. That's the reason for the application. We also have a simultaneous application for the Planning Board because we're putting in a parking lot which will have an entrance and exit off of Pacific Street. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: What would be the 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 intent for the cottage? MR. GOGGINS: The intent now is to make it 25 November IS, 2004 · e 90 1 2 a residential unit as it has been. If we're 3 unable to prove the nonconforming preexiscing use of it, then I think his intent is to make it office space to keep the use of the property consistenc. 4 5 6 7 8 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Potentially in the fucure there could be two rentals, that cottage and above the office? 9 10 11 Correct, potentially, yes. MR. GOGGINS: BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: Because there's 12 nothing In my notice of disapproval that talks about an area variance. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: When it firsc started ic was for an apartment and conversion of the building co an office. As we went along, we understood that the Building Department was not able to issue a pre CO because they were waiting for more information, and in order to move it along so the office could be occupied with the other buildings, Mr. Goggins submitted an area \rar iance because chere would still be cwo uses on 23 less than 40,000 square feet if a pre CO were issued for the cottage. I'm not sure if the application is complete or not, I would like to 24 e 25 November IS, 2004 e e e 91 1 2 leave that to the Board to decide. 3 I'm a little BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: 4 confused, Mr. Goggins. Let's scart off with this. 5 I can think of at least five dentist's offices or 6 similar professional offices that we have permitted on nonconforming lots and there was no 7 8 area variance required. So that's one thing that 9 I'm confused about. 10 11 We just cook guidance from MR. GOGGINS: the Building Department. said we couldn't do it. The Building Department 12 I said, okay, give us a 13 14 15 notice of disapproval and we'll go to the Zoning Board. I didn't think I needed anything. "Ie're 16 not going outside the footprint and initially they actually gave us approval saying that we didn't need Planning Board approval, we didn't need ZBA, we could just go forward and have a dental office 17 18 19 20 21 22 there. Then something happened, I'm not sure what it was, then six, eight weeks later, we got another document from the Building Departmenc revoking the previous determination saying chat they were revoking what they had said that we 23 24 didn't need. So then we had to reapply again, and 25 at that time that's the time they gave us a nocice November 18, 2004 e e e 92 1 " 2 of disapproval that was dated June 30, 20G4 and 3 chat's what directed us to come co the Zoning 4 Board of Appeals. Then most recently, for some 5 reason, the Building Department decided to amend 6 the nocice of disapproval on October 27, 2004 7 claiming chat we required a special exception from s Souchold Zoning Board of Appeals. It's been 9 confusing to me as well. 10 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: I'm confused 11 because all we have to do is walk out this door 12 and go 300 feec down Main Street either direction 13 and very few of those lots are 40,000 square feet 14 and there are a lot of professional offices there 15 so at what stage did the rules change? 16 MR. GOGGINS: Also when they did the 17 rezoning in 1983 they made this residential 18 office, so it's a permitted use. 19 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I don't see why you 20 need it either. Conversion to che dental office 21 with an accessory aparcment above, which you don't 22 want now anyway. So it's really for a dentist's 23 office, which is allowed. 24 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: I wanted to add one 25 other part. On the disapproval the application November 18, 2004 · · · 93 1 2 that was addressed by the Building Department was 3 noC to address the pre CO for the coccage. They 4 5 6 7 8 haven't gone that far yet, so if the Board doesn't have jurisdiction on this, Mr. Goggins may be back again, if he gets denied for thac. I was trying to save him that trouble. 9 MR. GOGGINS: We never made application for the pre CO on the cottage. We merely said we want to put a dental office. I put in an 10 11 application and said, do I need any approvals from the Building Department or the Planning Board because chat's when they designated che Building Department co be lead agency to determine what requirements you need, whether we need Co go co 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Appeals. And initially they said no, Planning Board approval isn't required. And later they said, gee, you misled us, we didn't know it was a residence and you're converting it to a dental office, and we're revoking what we said before. Then we made the application for the dental office, and it's been a residence and specifically stating ie's been a residence, and that's when 22 23 24 25 they gave us the initial notice of disapproval. I November IS, 2004 e e . 94 1 ~ ¿ guess in the end we need a decision from the 3 Zoning Board of Appeals approving of che use as a 4 dental office. 5 You don't need a CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: 6 special exception for a professional office. 7 MR. GOGGINS: That was my belief also. 8 But you can't fight the Building Department, you 9 just have to accept what they say and move forward 10 and come here because this is our only redressing. 11 The notice of BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: 12 disapproval doesn't say that he needs ic for a 13 dencal office, it just says he needs it because he 14 wanted co puc an apartment above it. If he no 15 longer wants to put an apartment above it, I see 16 no reason we have to make a decision. 17 MR. GOGGINS: What they stated was that 18 pursuant to 100-71 B3 that because it was less 19 than 40,000 square foot that we needed approval 20 for the lot area as well as the special exception 21 for the apartment. 22 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: That's for two 23 uses, which they're actually wrong about too, buc 24 it certainly doesn't apply if you go to an RO 25 district, and you're doing a permitted use, you/re November 18, 2004 e e . 95 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S not putting the apartment, because the apartment does require a special exception. So they interpret it that now you need 80,000 square feet, which is not correct. If you're saying to us today that you no longer wane to go for that special exception, then I see no reason why - - that's not to say you know what happens becween O"ller here and over there - - but I see no reason 9 10 11 12 why you even need co have an application before us to put a dentist's office in. MR. GOGGINS: That was our position it was 13 almost embarrassing for me because I represented 14 15 16 17 18 19 Dr. Kestler when he bought the property and he said can I put a dentist's office here, I researched it and go, of course you can. We bought the property and now we're having all these problems and he's looking at me like I'm an idiot. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: How many uses do you have on the property right now? 20 21 22 MR. GOGGINS: Right now, just one che dentist's office. 23 24 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Is che accessory building being rented? 25 MR. GOGGINS: Not right now. November 18, 2004 e e e 96 1 2 3 4 5 6 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: And che previous owner didn't either? MR. GOGGINS: I don't know, Dr. Kestler says yes. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: Yes, continuously? MR. GOGGINS: Yes. 7 8 9 10 11 12 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: That's what you're trying to prove except for that spot in che '70s. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: So the issue of whether ie's preexisting nonconforming will still have to come back here. Here's what I think lS 13 going co happen: Right now you have one use on there, you shouldn't be here. The minute you want to have two uses on there, they're going to slam you with their interpretation of 100-718, which says you need 40,000 square feet or the following uses are permitted by special exception provided not more than one use shall be allowed for each 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 40,000 square feet. I don't know if they're talking each special exception use. MR. GOGGINS: At that point we're going to have to sit down with them and gee very clear direction as to which way they want to go or how chey're going to proceed. Even with the Planning 23 24 25 November 18, 2004 . e . 97 1 2 3 4 5 Board, I don't think we need Planning Board approval but we're going through that. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: For whac? MR. GOGGINS: Because we're putting in a parking lot. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: Where in che c.::Jde 6 7 8 does that say that's required? 9 MR. GOGGINS: I haven't found ic. 10 11 12 13 14 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: They have a right to require that you go before the Planning Board, just submit a site plan. MR. GOGGINS: Right, which we have done. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: We'll see what 15 happens. 16 17 IS 19 20 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: The previous owner was Richard Reinhart? MR. GOGGINS: And right prior to chat it was the Mileska family for many years. BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: Right now you only 21 22 have one use. It doesn't require our approval, ie's permitted in the district. [VIR. GOGGINS: Can we have decision Chat 23 24 25 scates that? CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Can we make a November 18, 2004 e . . 98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 resolution saying we have no jurisdiction as applied for at this Cime? BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: I'd just say thac che use is a permitted use and doesn't require special exception. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: As to the removal of the accessory apartment. MR. GOGGINS: Can it specifically state chac a dental office is permitted at this site? If we don't have that specific language, they're going co look at us and say we don't know what this means. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: We would need somebody to entertain a motion for that. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I will move it. (See minutes for resolution.) ------------------------------------------------- 19 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Our next hearing lS 20 Orient Fire District. I think first I would like Mr. Reale to come up, if you don't mind. Mr. Reale, would you please tell us why you wane an adjournment or some time to be allowed to entertain or find out more information chan you 21 22 23 24 25 have now? November 18, 2004 e e . 99 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MR. REALE: The members of the Orient Association as members of the community wanted to have an opportunity to work with the fire department to determine what the needs are. The need for the tower is the real crux of the issue here. The association is not opposed to improving 8 9 10 11 the communication facilities, but the question lS the need. And over the pasc year essencially, che association has attempted to get information, some of which has only come through the Freedom of Information request and the idea chat the association has retained one specialist, expert, to work with them and there's another John Turner Communications expert who is willing to work with 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 them co assess the whole picture. The entire communication need picture not just the monopole, but whac are the other needs and how can they be addressed. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: You mean as far as what the fire department needs for their dead 22 spots? 23 MR. REALE: Correct, or whatever their 24 25 needs are, yes. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Have you received any November 18, 2004 . e . 100 1 2 information that was relevant? 3 MR. REALE: We received the Werwerter report, which we got through the Freedom of 4 5 6 7 8 Information request. There has been some informational meetings, but the true information has been limited. In fact, your files on this are excremely limited. Most of what we heard, we all heard all sitting in chis room last go round. It's hard to have an expert analyze that when it's 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 presented in that way. So what we were hoping to do is have the cooperacion of the district with our experts to work together to try to come up with a plan that may, in fact, che conclusion may be you need the cower that big, but no one seems to know the answer right now. There are many, many technical issues that need co be addressed. The association's willing to commit the time to that and commit che people and do it right away. 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 We're not trying co delay this. That's not the intention. On the question of the delay, it came up at the last meeting, che association's done nothing to delay chis, the application was filed almost a year ago. It was changed maybe five or six times, the building inspector had five or six November IS, 2004 e e e 101 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 denials in the file; none of that had to do with che associacion. And they were ready to proceed at the last meeting. We're looking to work together. We're not looking to fight this. We're not looking to stop it. We're looking to work cooperatively with the districc to try to do something to get the best coverage. 9 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: How long a period of 10 11 time do you think you would need? MR. REALE: Two monchs, come back in 12 January. Try to work intently, obviously some of 13 che work has been done, we don't need to reinvent 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 the wheel, the idea is to come and look ac che other issues. Candidly, the association's Vlew lS the approach has been somewhat tainted by the commercial carrier that wanted co do this -- we're not sure if this is crue -- but perhaps the impact has tainted the analysis. Now we're just dealing 21 with the fire district, everyone's got the same goal, thac could be done cleanly and hopefully 22 23 24 25 quickly. We'd be willing to come back here at your first January meeting. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: You would be looking November 18, 2004 . e . 102 1 2 3 4 5 at jusc the fire departmenc's needs or che telecommunications also? MR. REALE: I don't think the communicy is concerned with the profitability of the cell phone 6 companies; they're worried about the emergency serVlces, as is the fire district. 7 8 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Thank you. Mr. Boyd? 9 MR. BOYD: Good afternoon, first off, at 10 11 our last meeting here, I was asked co provide certain cases specifically Nanuet Fire Enqine Company Number 1 versus the Chairman of the Zoninq Board of Appeals at the Town of Clarkstown; secondly County of Monroe versus City of 12 13 14 15 Rochester. I thought that Mr. Ray had presenced 16 17 18 those cases. I'm not sure now that he had. I would like to give you the appropriate number of the copies of each one. I believe he only 19 presenced one copy to the Board. With regard to the application for an adjournment of this hearing, I think ic might be advantageous to take a minute and review the 20 21 22 23 24 25 posicion of the applicant. Orient Fire DisLrict is a policical subdivision of the State of New York. It does not stand on the same ground as an November 18, 2004 e . . 103 1 2 3 4 individual citizen. It is an entity created by the government of che stace. It has ics own geographic area. It has its own taxing authority. 5 Ie is given certain rights and responsibilities. Among those rights are to construct and build edifices and other structures that are necessary to prepare for the public safety in the area. A fire district is governed by a board of 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 commissioners. Board of commissioners come from the community. They must be residents of che district, and they are elected by other residents 13 of the discrict. That is exactly what has 14 15 16 17 18 happened in Orient. The five commissioners there have been elected to manage the affairs of che Orient Fire District for the good of all concerned. The commissioners at their regular monthly meetings, which have gone on for the past two plus years, on the subject of communication at each and every meeting have discussed the communication problems within the Orienc Fire District and the solucions to those problems. 19 20 21 22 23 These meetings are open to the public. The public 24 25 is invited co come, to question what's going on, co give suggestions to the commissioners. With November 18, 2004 e e e 104 1 2 3 4 5 the exception of one meecing, one meeting, not a member of the public has ever shown up to voice their posicion on the communication needs of the Orient Fire District. We have now at the 11th hour in this matter and we're being asked to delay further in the hope -- unspecified -- that there 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 may be some magical solution to provide new communications for the district. This matter has been explored very, very, thoroughly. I hear Mr. Reale mention that there have been several notices of disapproval from the Building Department sort of coming seriatim, but we're as mystified by that as Mr. Goggins was on his prior applicacion. We can't explain the 16 series of disapprovals that have been coming out. We've tried to answer them and co respond to them. What has happened over the past two years that's a ':ery healthy sort of thing, the fire district has 17 18 19 20 21 refined its communicacion plans. When they started on this imprm'emenc project, a large part of it was rooted in the idea of staying in the 46 megahertz band, which is what we're all used to in the fire service, but it's 22 23 24 25 become apparent over the past several years that November 18, 2004 e e . 105 1 2 the 46 megahertz band is doomed to extinction and 3 failure. The manufaccurers are not supporting it, 4 equipment is very, very, hard to find, most fire districts are going either to 450 megahertz or 800 megahertz. Orient has decided to join that and to 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 go there as well. I don't see the point of further delaying chis hearing when we have our expert here to explain in copious detail why we must go to 120 feet. The simple macter is 120 feet is the minimum that we can get away wich for 450 megahertz radio sysCem. When the commissioners initially set forth their parameters for this communications, they wanced to reach the furthest east end of Plum Island because Orient Fire Deparcment being the closest fire department to Plum Island is going to be the first mucual aid responder to that island In case of emergency. And not having communications there could be in a word disastrous 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 for the safety of the people on the island as well 23 as che members of the fire district who have to 24 call in to get instructions and to relay what's going on at a particular time at a fire scene or 25 November IS, 2004 . . . 106 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 in an emergency, and we're not limiting ourselves to emergencies on Plum Island that may have co do with che biological aspects of it. It's very possible to have a boating accident out there. Ie's possible to have an airplane accident. All those things would be far beyond 9 che capabilicy of the Plum Island Fire Departmenc to deal with and would require mucual aid from the 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 mainland. The Orient Fire District is trying to go one step ahead and to provide that. We're troubled by the fact that if this were an application that somehow came before the Zoning Board for the purchase of a new fire engine or a new ambulance, we wouldn't see the cype of questioning that we're getting on building this cower. It would be agreed that the purchase of a fire engine or ambulance are wi chin the expertise of the fire commissioners of the district. They are doing the job chat they have been elected for, doing the job they are mandated to perform. But because in this instance they are creating a cower that is going to be visibly noticeable in the community, we seem to have actracted a great deal of attention that does not appear to be warranted. 24 25 November 18, 2004 e . . 107 1 2 We've done our studies on this. We know what's 3 required in order to give sufficient 4 communicacions to the fire department and to " ~ provide for the safety of the fire fighters and 6 allow chem to respond to emergencies the way they 7 should. s CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Excuse me for 9 interrupting you, but you have given the people in 10 the Orienc Association thac have some expertise 11 all this information exactly what is needed, what 12 the cechnical aspects are? 13 MR. BOYD: Quite frankly, I don't know 14 what's asked for. I get copies of letters from 15 time to time which say they're looking for 16 specific instances of poor communications. I 17 believe those have been supplied. Beyond chat, I 18 don't know whac is being soughc. There's this 19 feeling, a strong feeling among certain segments 20 of the community that if we all work together 21 there must be a better solution. Well, gee, we".~e 22 tried very hard to come to a better solution and I 23 chink we have atcained chat. And I don't know how 24 we're going to improve upon that by setting this 25 thing back for another month or two months of November 18, 2004 e e e 108 1 2 3 4 examination on matters that are particularly and peculiarly within the expertise of the fire district within the commissioner's purview. 5 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Mr. Boyd, you have 6 delayed this hearing at least five or six times over the past year, and yet now when it comes to the 11th hour, you don't want someone else to investigate what they would like to know about. 7 S 9 10 MR. BOYD: The hearing was delayed to try 11 12 and accommodate che coexistence on the tower of commercial uses. It was not delayed as a resulc 13 of the fire department component application. 14 15 16 17 18 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I do not believe chis Board had that information. MR. BOYD: That certainly is the case. It was delayed because new tenants were comlng on to the tower. We went from one tenant to two tenants 19 20 to three tenants, each time thac happened, the idea was to put the hearing off so all of the co-tenants could come in and join in the application at the same time. At the last meeting of this Board you bifurcaced the applications and decided to 21 22 23 24 25 eliminate che commercial aspect. That's fine, we November 18, 2004 e e . 109 1 2 have no problem with that whatsoever, but the fire 3 department porcion of chis thing is going directly 4 ahead. In order for us to have efficienc 450 c ~ megahertz communications, we must get our antenna 6 to a 120 foot level. What happens below chat, is 7 merely support for our antenna at 120 feet. We're 8 crying to produce a Cower here that will be as 9 visually pleasing as can possibly be. 10 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Mr. Boyd, in all due 11 respect, you say you need the 120 foot tower and 12 I'm not disputing you mighc, but I don'c think 13 anyone on this Board has the expertise to know if 14 you really need 120 foot tower. 15 MR. BOYD: That's why we have brought our 16 experts back today to give you that informacion; 17 chat's exactly why we're here. 18 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: Ma'am, Chairman, a 19 point of protocol. We have a request for 20 adjournment and the Board is going to vote on ic 21 shortly. I would like to ask, I have heard you, I 22 would like to ask Mr. Reale some questions, Madam 23 Chairman, may I? 24 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Yes, go ahead. 25 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: What is the November 18, 2004 e . . 110 1 2 3 4 5 information that you are specifically missing at this point that you would like cime to obtain? MR. REALE: Frankly, we don't have very much, there was the Werwerter report that came out that was commissioned by the district that reached a different conclusion about needs and height that 6 7 8 was presented at the last meeting. Whac the 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 specific problems are with communications, they have already acknowledged that the equipment needs to be upgraded, that doesn't necessarily translate into needing more height. The question was whether the equipment upgrades, the repeaters, the new types of equipmenc would necessarily require 16 that you go to 120 feet. chat. No one has analyzed 17 18 Mr. Boyd just acknowledged a couple minutes ago that the delays had to do wich the 19 tenants coming on board. This whole thing has 20 been confused by the commercial aspecc. Clearly 21 everyone seems co acknowledge chat the system 22 23 needs to be acknowledged entirely, che hand-helds, whatever else is employed. Whether that goes together with needing to go up this high has not 24 25 been escablished, and that's really the issue, and November 18, 2004 e e . III 1 2 what the specific problems are, and what the new system will do at any height is something that has not been disclosed. 3 4 5 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: So that's what you 6 would like the adjournment to do, to do an 7 8 individual assessment of your own? MR. REALE: Well, to have experts being 9 paid for or retained by the association co look at the work already done and see if there are any 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 other solutions. We're noc looking to reinvenc che wheel, we're not looking co start over again, or come In with something contrary. The members of the association are part of the same community that the fire commissioners serve. They want che best safety as well. They are concerned abouc the impact. Mr. Boyd mentioned he's mystified why this is not like an ambulance. Thac's why we're in front of this Board. We wouldn't be in front of this Board if it were an ambulance. This cower 21 has an impact on the community. That's why you 22 23 have jurisdiction over it. whac needs co be answered. Those questions are 24 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I guess I can 25 speak. I'm kind of looking at this. I don't November 18, 2004 . e . 112 1 2 believe che fire department even needs co be 3 before this Board for a tower. Lee me just point 4 co you at Greenport School put up lights on the 5 football fields, and not a single permic was 6 issued, not a single notice of disapproval was 7 given or a stop work order by this town, and I 8 believe that was because chat Greenport School 9 District lS a voting entity unco itself, a taxing 10 district that makes decisions. I underscand chat 11 you have questions concerning this, as I do 12 myself. 13 MR. REALE: Can I address the Greenport 14 School District? New York State Education Law 15 specifically provides that all school districts in 1c ~ New York State are special cases. All 17 applications for all construction is exempt from 18 local zoning, it's all approved by the State 19 Education Department, whether you're pucting up 20 lights, a gym, a field, anything, the town has 21 nothing co say to any school district in any town 22 in New York State, that's a special exception. 23 Thac doesn't apply to the fire department. 24 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I was unaware of 25 that. In any case, even if that were the case, November 18, 2004 e e e 113 1 2 I'm wondering why the Zoning Board is being asked to make this decision between people who are in 3 4 5 6 7 8 the same district. In other words, why hasn't this been discussed by the people you elect or to the people that you elect that made this decision? In ocher words, they're representing you, now we're being asked to mediate between the people 9 you elect and you. To me that's a litcle bit 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 confusing. This would be betcer brought to the commissioners. And certainly, if people in thac district didn't like the decision that the commissioners made after much, I'm sure due diligence and all the work that they have done, then they have their remedy for that, of course you know that, and I read the papers a few years ago and a good friend of mine was elected on those issues. I read that report and I'm concerned that 20 two months is a long time. Anything can happen 21 22 becween then. I mentioned the fact that I lost two of my brothers 25, 30 years ago, and I am concerned that you have volunceers here that seem co have made a decision based to the best of their ability to service the community that they were 23 24 25 November 18, 2004 e . . 114 1 2 elected to serve and to delay that any longer to me, my mind, if I were part of that delay and something happened, I'd be feeling precty guilcy. So I'm wondering specifically what you have in mind, what you feel you can discover between now and two months from now that's so important? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 MR. REALE: If I can address one other thing first. I have been involved with this for about a year. I know that members of the association have tried very hard to get information from the commissioners. We're trying to work with them, and we're not trying to be adversarial here, but the answers we have goccen have been akin to what you heard from Mr. Boyd, which is it's peculiarly wichin our own knowledge, we know what we're doing, we're in charge here. We haven't gotten a sharing of what the problems 16 17 18 19 20 21 are. There was a meeting of the Orient Associacion, there must have been 350 people ac 22 this thing a year ago this September that the 23 commissioners were invited to, and it ended up In 24 a speech from Mr. Canuscio that went on for abouc 25 an hour that provided no information. I was November 18, 2004 e e . 115 1 2 personally present at that. There hasn't been 3 a sharing of technical information, we get 4 information, this is what we need to do. " ~ The question on the delay, again, the 6 delay here is occasioned by waiting for the 7 telecommunications company, these private s individuals to decide what they're doing, thac's 9 just been admitted. We're not crying to delay 10 that. We have been crying co get information all 11 that time. So if it was that urgent all along, 12 then they shouldn't be waiting for Mr. Canuscio's 13 team to figure out who's going co be the tenants 14 and how much money they're going to make on chis 15 thing. The effort has always been to try to get 16 che information. 17 We still don't know all the technical 18 stuff. It's not something I know anything abouc. 19 Again, the question has to do with, they're going 20 to have co upgrade the equipment, everyone agrees 21 with that. will the upgrade require you to go up 22 120 feec. Assuming that the upgrade will be done 23 and it's necessary, no one's disputing that, the 24 further question is will that address che 25 problems, do we have co go that high. Werwerter November 18, 2004 e e e 116 1 2 3 4 5 6 said you could go 90 in his report. Ma¡be you do have to go 120 feec. We don't know that. The information has not been shared. All we're asking for is cime to get chat information. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: If I may request, 7 my opinion on the Board, I would like you co put your questions, your requests in a hard copy, 8 9 10 11 12 forward it to Mr. Boyd, a hard copy to us. So next time we get together there's no he said,' she said. We know what che questions are. MS. WAXBURGER: Freddie Waxburger: The 13 meeting ac which Mr. Canuscio spoke he said specifically that it had to be 120 feet to enable him to make back all his money, because if he were building only to 90 feet he wouldn't be able to 14 15 16 17 18 fit on all the carriers. So his point in going up chat high whatever now they're saying about che frequency, he said specifically at that meeting that he needed the height in order to be able 19 20 21 regain his investment in building the tower. What I wanted to say lS all this seems to be -- all this discussion, and Mr. Boyd's quite disingenuous wondering why chere should be all this fuss, is there is a specific law, and it's 22 23 24 25 November 18, 2004 e e . 117 1 2 noc as if the law were written capriciously that 60 foot limit in a residential neighborhood, according to my reading of the law specifically says the ZBA isn't even empowered to give the right to go above was based on a lot of research, a lot of other municipal entities in New York Scate and the preservation and protection of people's propercy values, in the impact on an hiscoric district and as I mentioned last cime, a 3 4 5 \:; 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 tower that was only four-fifths of this proposed tower in height and virtually the same spot almost, was declared a Type 1 ace ion by the Planning Board on the basis of your consultanc's advice. And that was characteristic of these kinds of Cowers allover New York State. So I don't like the disingenuousness about, oh, I can'c lmaglne. I think che main thing here is thac 19 there is no transparency that we have only one-sided analysis, and that one-sided analysis is based clearly on commercial encerprize that came in and actually solicited che fire deparcment. 20 21 22 23 MR. BOYD: Thac's not true. 24 MS. WAXBURGER: It is. Therefore, what 25 we're asking for is an independent analysis so we November IS, 2004 . . . 118 1 2 3 4 actually have two sides presented not just one side. MR. BOYD: May I please respond to some of 5 that? We're not dealing with a commercial application here. We're dealing with che fire districc alone. The 60 foot limit we're talking about has to do with the telecommunications 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 towers. Ie doesn't have to do with the Cower that the fire district may puc up for its own communications use. That's all we're here for. And in that regard I have to agree with Mr. Dinizio completely. We have come before this Board because we 13 14 15 16 17 18 were trying to put the two matters together. We were trying to have the telecommunications tower as well as the fire department tower for ics antennae. I submit to you thac we have absolutely 19 every righc to build a tower to 120 feec Comorrow without any input from this Board or any other 20 21 Board in the Town of Southold. I point to you 22 what's been done by other fire districts in this community and other fire discricts in Suffolk 23 24 County. There are large cowers and numbers of 25 them and chey never get the blessing of the Zoning November 18, 2004 e 119 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Board or Planning Board or anything else so in that regard Mr. Dinizio is 100 percent accurate. TOWN ATTY. CORCORAN: So is it your view, Mr. Boyd, that the Zoning Board does not have jurisdiction over what we're talking about here coday? MR. BOYD: We are here in an actempt ac comity. We are here to try and do this through 9 10 11 12 13 che normal process. I believe we can go ahead and do it on our own without further TOWN ATTY. CORCORAN: Do you have support for that? e 14 . 15 MR. BOYD: Yes, I do. TOWN ATTY. CORCORAN: Would you like to supply it? MR. BOYD: Yes, I will. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I would like to commenc. Usually this Board has always tried to accommodate one of the opposing people of the application for an adjournment for some time to let them do it. And it seems that I hope we have support of the Board to adjourn it until they have such time until they feel chey're comfortable with cheir information. Ie just makes for a better November 18, 2004 e e . 120 1 2 community when both sides agree to it, and being that, Mr. Boyd, it has been postponed so many 3 4 5 times. It's not as if it's a life or death matter tomorrow. 6 MR. BOYD: We don't know that. 7 8 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: None of us know thac. They have asked for an adjournment, at first you said yes then you sent a letter saying no. 9 10 11 MR. BOYD: When did I say yes? BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: Well, he didn' c 12 speak with the client yet. When we had a 13 14 15 16 17 18 conversation in the office the day that I notified you that chere was a postponement being requesced. MR. BOYD: Yes. BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: And you said you had no problem but you had to discuss ic with your client because you understood that the Board mighc make a decision at that next month meeting anyway, and even if there were written testimony 19 20 21 22 submitted, there would be a two-week back and forth. 23 MR. BOYD: I think my written submission 24 to the Board stands for position on that. 25 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I would like to make a November 18, 2004 e e e 121 1 2 3 4 5 6 motion adjourning the hearing until January until such time thac the Orient Association with their experc can at least look into what is really needed, there's an accommodation between the commissioners, the firemen and the community at large of what is really needed in Orienc for better communications for the fire district. 7 8 9 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: Mr. Orlando had 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 asked for written information to be given co the fire district and back and forth; does that still stand? MR. REALE: If we had the adjournment we could do that tomorrow. I would represent to you that we would do that. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: It eliminates they never cold me, he never asked. BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: But the Board doesn't have the information until January, will the Board get copies of everything? MR. REALE: If you would like. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: How about one month? CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: I think with the holidays -- it's you're asking coo much. November 18, 2004 . e . 122 1 2 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I think you're 3 4 5 6 7 asking the fire department coo much because you want to enjoy your holidays. I think you're asking them to postpone it for too long. Listen, if you have to work on Thanksgiving because you want to accomplish something, well then, work on S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Thanksgiving. That's all I can say. I think this has been carried on long enough. We're basically mediating a fight between two people who have their own recourse, which is their district and anybody can find out how far a radio frequency is going to go at what footage in about a day. It doesn't take that long. I can't speak -- and this 19 gentleman has not brought anyching up, not a thing up about anything else except that 120 foot. Now, anybody can take a radio at that frequency and ride the entire streec system of Orient in a day and find out where the dead spots are. This 20 21 22 doesn't take that long. to do thac. It doesn't take an expert 23 So, I think if you want to accommodate these people, a month is enough, holidays notwithstanding. 24 25 BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: I agree, 30 days. November 18, 2004 · · · 123 1 2 BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: December 16th ac 3 1:15 in the afternoon. 4 5 6 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: December 16th, I'll make the motion. Do I have a second? (See minutes for resolucion.) 7 I would like to second the MR. BOYD: 8 request that we do receive specific questions that 9 we can answer. 10 11 12 13 14 15 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Absolutely. MR. BOYD: We can't answer amorphous-cype chings like what are your problems. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I think chose requescs should be within cwo weeks of che hearing. 16 MR. BOYD: I think Mr. Reale can get chem 17 IS 19 20 21 to me more quickly chan that. MR. REALE: Can we clarify all chis while we're here? CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Go ahead, Mr. Reale. MR. REALE: I think that the suggescion of 22 wricten questions is correcc and appropriace and we're noc trying to slow this down and we'll do that, but we need some give-and-take. We need some understanding from the commissioners and the 23 24 25 November 18, 2004 . e . 124 1 ~ ¿ commissioner's experts that they will communicate 3 with our people during this monch period. That's 4 really whac we're looking for. 5 with the technical CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: 6 information that you request? 7 MS. MCNEELEY: My name lS Ellen McNeeley, 8 I'm a member of the Orient Association and have 9 been very involved in this whole issue for some 10 time. 11 Without knowing the power of the proposed 12 equipment, which they haven't told us, it's not 13 possible co plot coverages and function of 14 antennae height. Antennae height is really one of 15 20 or more factors affecting communications and ic 16 can't be taken out of context. It must be studied 17 in more and open detail and any study of this 18 nature is driven by the operational procedures of 19 the entity in a careful identificacion of what 20 communication does not work, and ic needs to be 21 careful because often communications problems are 22 caused by situational factors, poorly charged or 23 low batteries, damaged antennae, improper 24 orientation of the hand unit, eC cetera and this 25 can only be uncovered by a qualified person who November 18, 2004 e e e 125 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 understands the best communications praccice. And whatever Mr. Scheibel has done or is doing is noc in the public domain, no cost have been associated with it, no competitive bidding has been done and there's an unknown impacc on che community. We offered to do such a study for the fire department, and John Turner, who is military command and control communications experc as well has offered to lead that. We have gocten Richard Seuss, who I believe you know, Mr. Dinizio, who is a radio fellow in Greenport who is doing something ,'ery similar from the Greenport Fire Department at this point at 460 megahertz to agree to work with us on this study, and what we would like to do lS co approach the fire department first to study the 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 communications problems in detail in terms of operational issues which impact on it as well as technical issues and to develop a series of specific recommendations to improve communications, to develop an RFP to puc ouc for competitive bidding for the upgrade and John is very experienced in writing granc proposals to see if we can get come federal and scate money to assist in doing this. 21 22 23 24 25 November 18, 2004 126 . 1 2 3 This is not something that necessarily a one month proposition, although, it could be; the 4 technical part of it certainly could be. But the 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 technical part is basically easy in a sense, you either use this equipmenc from this manufacturer or whacever. The measurements of signal propagation may not take thac long Mr. Scheibel and Mr. Dinizio may be correct about that. It's operational and impact and operation lssues and terrain issues, et cetera and che measurement of them which take longer. This we are willing to 13 hire someone to do, and we have concracced someone e 14 15 16 17 IS who I think Mr. Scheibel also knows, and you know, Mr. Dinizio, in order to assist us in doing that and we'll go as far as we have to do in order to get whatever kind of best situation that meets the needs of the fire department. We really want to 19 20 meet che needs of the fire departmenc. We don't 21 22 necessarily feel we have to fly in the face of zoning in order to do it. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: You better call him 23 because the clock is ticking. . 24 25 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Everything you just said it may be correct, ma'am, but che November 18, 2004 . . . 127 1 2 problem is most of what you said is better addressed to the people that you elect, not co the Zoning Board. 3 4 5 6 7 S MS. MCNEELEY: We have attempted to do that over and over. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: We're not here to mediate thac. That's not what we're here to do. 9 We take a look at the zoning and we deal with 10 11 that. How you finance this tower, what equipment you choose co pick, what's best for you in that ~ommunity is all up to you folks because you're all one entity as far as we're concerned, and honestly, I worked in radio frequency for 20 years and I know one thing, if it doesn't work at 90 feet you go to 95; if it doesn'c work at 95, you 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 go to 120. MS. MCNEELEY: Or increase your 19 transmitter power. 20 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Ie's that simple 21 22 23 to me and is honestly what chis gentleman represented to me today, and why I say a month is because all he seems to be concerned with is the 24 technical aspect of it, is where those radio waves 25 will go ac what height, and honestly that can be November IS, 2004 128 1 2 answered In a very short amount of time, and I e 3 read che report from the gentleman you're speaking 4 about. His credentials are impeccable, certainly 5 knows more about it chan I ever will. But it 6 still comes down to you key the mike, you get 7 reception, you key your mike you don'c gee 8 reception, and crees and buildings, contours, 9 they're all along the roads, you jusc drive and 10 key your mike. Where chere's a dead spot, you try 11 to decermine whether or not you can get reception 12 there. More times or not you're probably not 13 going to be able co. . 14 MS. MCNEELEY: There may be other 15 alternatives. 16 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Just this one lady and 17 then close this down. We've made our decision. 18 MS. SPERRY: Glena Sperry, I'm actually a 19 neighbor that has co look at the tower. There's 20 one issue that nobody has addressed and 21 BOARD MEMBER TORTORA: Ma'am, we have 22 adjourned. So that's the issue that when you come ~o L.~ back you can bring them. 24 (Time ended: 2:05p.m.) . 25 November 18, 2004 129 1 2 e 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 C E R T I F I CAT ION I, Florence V. Wiles, Notary Public for the State of New York, do hereby certify: THAT the within transcript is a true record of the testimony given. I further certify that I am not related by blood or marriage, to any of the parties to this action; and THAT I am in no way interested In the outcome of this matter. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 18th day of November, 2004. -, / . A'" I ~/ "Ì1d_¿i {I !J~ l..-'/' Florence V. Wiles November 18, 2004