HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIRR Cert of LiabilityAGREEMENT or CONTRACT #: Long Island Rail Road CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PRODUCER: Parking, Southotd ADDRESS: Roy H. Reeve Agency Inc. PHONE NUMBER: 13400 Main Road, Mattituck NY 1 INSURED: Town of Southold ADDRESS: ~/Q SQuthg!~Town Hall · . F.U. ~ox ///~ Southold, N Y 11971 PHONE NUMBER: CERTiFICATE HOLDER: AGReeMENT or CONTRACT Name I Description: · 80081167301 : LIZ-1923; 14,300. SQ FT of Land for Unrestricted Mattituck RECEIVED BY MTA ~&IM: Long Island Rail Road / MTA Risk & insurance Management 146-01 Archer Avenue, Dept 1435 Jamaica. New Yort( 11435 At~: M. L. Cugini, Manager Ir~umnce Standards & Enforcement -- COVERAGES POLICY TYPE OF INSURANCE I1-A2-RL- )00022-00 ~ Deducible $ 5~: C~0~ - q]~ ILITY Any Auto [] Owned Autos i-J Hired Autos [] Non-owned Amos GARAGE LIABILITY [] ANY AUTO [] EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY (CheCk if applicable): [] "At[ S~ates" Cove~'ag · Address: (Se~ Note 2) BUILDER'S RISK [] Deductible $ [] Includes Environmental Liabi]it¥ )52 1/6/05 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE American Alternative Insurance Ccm lores I and 2~ ..... EFFECTIVE DATE DATE 1/1/05 /1/06 BODILY INJURY OCC. $ BODILY INJURY AGG. $ PROPERTY DAMAGE OCC. BI & PD COMBINED OCC. $ 1,00C, 000. Bi & pD COMBINED AGG. $ 3,000,0C0. PERSONALINJURYAGG. $ 1,000,000. BODILY INJURY PerPerson) BODILY NJURY S Per Accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ BODILY INJURY & PROPERTY DAMAGE $ COMBINED AUTO ONLY-EA ACCIDENT $ OTHER TH~N EA ACC $ AUTO ONLY: AGG $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ AGGREGATE [] STATUTORY LIMITS EMPLOYER'S LIABILY'rY $ FULL CONTRACT VALUE of OTHER I RAILROAD PROTECTIVE LIABILITY insurance is NOT ACCEPTED on Certificate of Insumnca fo~ms - Provide detailed BINDER and/or poLICY. CERTiFICATE. OF. INSURANCE (Continued) Page 2 National Railroad Passenger Corp. (Ammak) [] New York & Atlan~c Ra;Iway Company [] NJ Transit Rail Opera,OhS, Inc. [] NAMED INSUREDS (See Note 3) iV' all that apply): Coverage: Ali Risk Property, Builders Risk, etc.; [] LOSS PAYEES (See Note 3) I.~ all that al)ply): Coverage: Crime Insurance, Valuable Pal~ers, el.c.; For all URR Agreements: [] Long Island Rail Road (LIRR), Me{rol3ol[~an Transportation Author;ty (MTA) and it's subsidiaries and affiliates [] National Railroad Passenger Corp. (An~ak) [] New York & Atisnbc Railway Company NJ Transd Rail Operabons. Inc. For LIRR Agreements involving MTA Capital Ce~.~r~cfi(m Comesny: [] Capital Construction Company (CCC) NOTE 1: NOTE 2: The subscribing insurance company(s), authorized to do business in the State of New York, certifies that insurance of the kinds and types and for LJmifs of llabiliW herein stated, coverin9 the Agreement/Contract herein designated, has been procured by and furnished on behalf of the Insured and is in full force and effect for the period listed on the front of this Certificate of Insurance. In edd~Jon, the subscribing insurance company(s) certifies that the insurance limits for General Liability Insurance are not amended by deductible clauses of any nature excec)t as has been disclosed to and aDproved by the Long island Rail Road (LIRR); and that coverage is afforded for the insured's obligations under that provision of the Agreement/Contrac~ providinG for ~ndemniflcation of the Indemnified parties, including the Long island Rail Road (LJRR}, named therein. Any exclusion applying to construction or demolition o~eratlons on or within fifty (50) feet of railroad orooerty (stations. yards, tracks, etc.) has been voided. Any employe~ liability exclusion, which may otherwise operate to exclude claims for bodih/injury asserted by an employee of an edd~onal insured, shall be voided. The subscdbing company(s) agrees that no policy referTed to herein shall be changed or canceled until thirty (30) days written notice has been given to the Long Island Rail Road (URR), 146-01 Archer Avenue, Dept 1435, Jamaica, NY 11435 Attention: MTA Manager-Insurance Standards & Enforcement. NOTE 3: All references to Additional Insureds, Named Insureds and Loss Payees include those entities' directors, officers, employees, par~nsm, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates. NOTE 4: This certificate is issued to the Certificate Holder in consideration of the Agreement/Contract entered in~o with the named Insured. it is understood and agreed that the certificate holder relies on the certificate as a basis for continuing such Agreement/Contracts with the named Insured. AUTHORIZED INSUREPJPRODUCER BY ) s.s. COUNTY OF ~a r~o ~-/~-- ) TITLE Jon E. Shearin ,, i~hatum of authedzed Insurer/Producer) ~Vice President/Treasurer 20 o ~, before me personally came , to me known, who being duly sworn, did dap_gsa and say that he/she resides in ~ /- ~ c4~ ~.~-~,, ~- (~. , [nat ne/s~e Ls the --~/"! d.~ /-~- ~ , ~,~ J~''~-/~x~t ~'u~ev'~f the corporation and described in and which executed the foregoing Certificate of Insurance, that he/she is fully authorized to execute the foregoing Certificate of Insurance. (Notary P~blic> --///' LIRR - Revised 4-6-04