HomeMy WebLinkAboutCalhoun, Jean NAlbert J. Krupski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hail 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APRIL 30~ 1997 J.M.O. Consulting 121 Jessup Ave 2nd Floor Box 447 Quogue, NY 11959-0447 RE: Jean N. Calhoun SCTM9 3-2-7 Dear Mr. Just: The following action was taken by the Southold Town Trustees on Wednesday April 30,1997, at their regular meeting. RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees grants a waiver to construct a swiming pool, pool backwash, decking, retaining wall, and fencing. All work is greater than 75' from M.H.W. As per plans dated 3-25-97. This approval does not constitute approvals from any other agency. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at 765-1892. 3T.RERT J. KRLrPSKI JR. PRESIDENT, BOARD OF TRUSTEES AJK/djh Telephone (516) 765-1801 Town Hall, ,53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TO3~N CONSERVATION .4.DVISORY COUNCIL The following recommendation was adopted at the April 28, Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council: 1997 meeting of the · WR-62 ~ N. CALHOUN 3-2-7 to construct decking, retaining wall and fencing. Fishers Island The Council did not make an inspection r~commendation. swimming pool, pool backwash, and therefore does not have a Environm ntnl Consultin S rvic s March 26, 1997 Mr. Albert Krupski, President Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971-1179 RE: Property of Mrs. Jean N. Calhoun Private road, no $, Fishers Island S.C.T.M.No. 1000-003-2-7 Dear Mr. Krupski: At the present time, we are seeking to obtain a ~iver under Chapter 97 Wetlands and Chapter 37 Coastal Erosion Hazard of the Town Code for this project. The project consists of the construction of a~imming pool, pool · construction activity shall be located ~sater than 75' ~ landward of the Apparent High Water Line and also landward of the Coastal Erosion Hazard Line. For your review and files, we have enclosed copies of the site plan as prepared by Chandler, Palmer & King last dated 3/25/97. Please be advised that the site had been inspected by Trustee King on 3/6/97. As always, should you have any comments or questions regarding this material, please feel free to contact our office. GEJ:arh G en~n E'~u~st'M°st sincer~l.y~ Phone (516) 653-0607 · Fax (516) 653-3348 121 Jessup Ave · 2nd Floor · F~O. Box 447 z~/~/~-~ quo§ue, NewYork II 959-0447 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NEW YORK DISTRICT~ CORPS OF ENGINEERS JACOB K. JAVIT8 FEDERAL BUILDING NEW YORK, N.Y. 10278-0090 January 3, 1996 JAN - 9 Ig9F Eastern Permits Section SUBJECT: Application No. 95-12640-L2 by Robert and Jean Calhoun To Whom It May Concern: The New York District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, has received a request for Department of the Army authorization for the following activity: APPLICANT: Robert and Jean Calhoun 205 Round Hill Road Greenwich, CT 06831 ACTIVITY: Construct an "L"-shaped fixed pier consisting of 6 foot by 180 foot and 8 foot by 46 foot sections, elevated a minimum of 4 feet above the grade of the wetlands. Install an 8 foot by 40 foot float and a 4 foot by 20 foot hinged walk ramp approximately 30 feet landward of the end of the pier. The purpose of the proposed activity is to provide a recreational mooring facility. WATERWAY: Chocomount Cove LOCATION: Fishers Island, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York As this is minor in nature, authorization may be by Letter of Permission. This is in accordance with current Federal Regulation~ governing work in navigable waters of the United States. To accomplish the coordination required, prior to the issuance of a Letter of Permission, your review of the enclosed drawings is requested. Pursuant to Section 307 (c) of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 as amended (16 U.S.C. 1465 (c)), the applicant has certified that the activity complies with and will be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the approved state coastal zone management program. To allow for the timely processing of the subject application, your comments are requested within 20 days of the date of this letter. Enclosures Sincerely, ~ /Ja~es W. Haggerty C~ef, Eastern Permits Section ~ ~oo': ~ ~h~ . ~ -- P~POSED DOCK ~.0 ~.~ zo ~cation Map e ~ ~ ~ :~ ind~at~ ~d ,~ xo .. ~1~ ~/~/9~ ~oV~l~ ~ ',~ ' ~ P~EPA~ED BY: ~ C~I~ N~O.[C. ~ ~~ ~ CHAN~ PALMEN~ KI~ CH~OMOUN~ COV~ ~ FISH~RS IS~ND TOWN OF SOUT~D  COU~Y OF STA~ OF N~ YORK ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ App~IGATIONBY~RO~RT~G~d~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~J~N~ ~OUN DWE~ LING ~TO~ I, ~995 SHE~ ST~P$ ~ #DIA. PILIH~ 188' NOT~- DOCK ~XT~NDS/~' SECT/ON VIS'IV # ~-°010 0 I"IOI~IZ. $¢.41-~"~ I ='"~0~. ~ END VI~IV NOTE- PII. IN~ 7~ ~ Ot~IV~N O~ TO FIo~l~g Sec~n FOR ADJOINING AREA SEE MAP NO.32 ~v.~%o~po~co. G A R D I N E R l,S '~DAR POINT B A Y LIONHEAD PARK ~17.21 NEGATIVE DECLARATION , Notice of D~terminaUon of Non-~lgniflcance SEQR Project Number 1-4738-01113/00001-0 Date June 15, 1995 This notice ia i~ued pumuant to Part 617 of t~e iml~leme~tlng regulatton~ pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quailty Review Ac~ of ~e Environmental ~on Law. The ~epartment of Environmental Conservation' ha~ determined tttat ~e proposed action de,~crtbed below will not trove a significant effect em ~e environment and a Dr'att Environmect;d Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of A, ctJ~m: Jean N. Calhoun SEQR Statu~ Type I [] Unll-,ted [] Cenditlened Negative Denlaratlnm [] Yea tOWN OF SOUTHOLD Construct a single family dwelling, septic system and driveway. (In~udest~tacldm~an'd ~e name of t~e municipalitylc~urrW. Aloca~onmal~ofappropdate sc,~Je i~ alit · commended.) Un-named Road SCTM t000-003-2-7 Fishers Island Albert J. Krupski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President William G. Albertson Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 May 15, 1995 Glenn Just P.O. Box 447 Quogue, NY 11959 RE: Jean Calhoun SCTM #3-2-7 Dear Mr. Just: The above referenced property was inspected on Friday, May 12, and the proposed house location, as per map dated March 16, 199~ is out of our jurisdiction. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Albert J. Krupski,Jr. President, Board of Trustees AJK:jmd cc: Mark Reuschle, Office of Ecology Carol Amara, DEC DEPARTblENT OF HEALTH SERVICES COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE MARY E. HIBBERD. M.D.. M.P.H. COMMISSIONER June 2,1994 Albert K~upski, President Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold 53095 Main Road - P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 RE: Robert B. Calhoun SCTM#: 1000-3-2-~C-- -7 Dear Mr. Krupski: The Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS; "Department") has received your letter dated April 29, 1994, concerning the above-referenced project. The Department has no objection to your designation as lead agency. Based on a review of the subject coordination, the Department offers the following comments. This proposal involves a relocation of the sewage disposal system, therefore, an application to SCDHS Office of Water and Wastewater Management is required. The applicant must comply with the requirements of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code and relevant construction standards for water supply and sewage disposal. Design and flow specifications, subsurface soil conditions, and complete site plan details are essential to the review of this project. These considerations are reviewed completely at the thne of SCDHS application. SCDHS maintains jurisdiction over the final location of sewage disposal and water supply systems. The applicant, therefore, should not undertake the construction of either system without Health Department approval. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAL~ COUNTY CENTER LeuertoAlbert J. KrupskiO June 2,1994 Page 2 Thank you for the opportunity to review this application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Ecology at 852-2078. MJR/amf cc: Vito Minei, P.E. Stephen Costa, P.E. Frank Dowling, SC Planning Sincerely, Mark J. Reuschle Environmental Planner Office of Ecology New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40 - SUNY. Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 F~none (516) 444-0365 Fax # (516) ~.~.~. 0373 May 1, 1995 Robert and Jean Calhoun 206 Round Hill Road Greenwich, CT 06381 Re: '1-4738-01113/00001-0 OUTHOLD Dear Mr. & Mrs. Calhoun: The Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation has reviewed your proposed project and has the following comments. The proposed project is within proximity to known prehistoric archeological sites, including Native American burial sites. It is our recommendation that unless substantiated ground disturbance can be documented, an archeological survey of the property is warranted. Documentation of ground disturbance should include a description, illustration and photographs keyed to the project map. Enclosed is a list of qualified archeologists and a Report Format for Cultural Resource Investigation of which only Stage lA and lB will be required at this time. Depending on the findings of the Stage i investigation, a Stage 2 Evaluation Report may be required at'a later date. Upon receipt of the requested information, the permit process will continue. Very truly yours, Carol A. Amara Environmental Analyst CAA: cg enclosure cc: J.M.O. Consulting Town of Southold J.M.O. Consulting P.O. Box 447 Quogue, N.Y. 11959-0447 516-653-0607 April 18, 1995 Mr. Albert Krupski, President Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, N.Y. 11971-1179 RE: Property of Jean Calhoun Private Road, Fishers Island S.C.T.M.No. 1000-3-2-7 Dear Mr. Krupski: At the present time, we are seeking to obtain a determination of Jurisdiction for this project. The project involves taking an existing single family dwelling, which is currently located in Groton, Connecticut, dismantling it and labeling the sections. The sections will then be loaded into a tractor trailer. Mrs. Calhoun then intends to have the tractor trailer ferried to Fishers Island. Once there, the truck shall be driven to the project site where the house will be unloaded and reconstructed. For the Board's review, I have enclosed a set of the survey/site plan which depicts the project. Kindly note that the house shall be reconstructed at a point 80' from the tidal wetlands boundary. GEj:ar Upon the review of this information, should you or any member of the Board of Trustees have any comments or questions pertaining to this project, please feel free to SEQR Negative Declaration Page 2 Reesona Suppo~lnGThts Determination: (~ee617.6(~ tcrrequirements cfthisdetermination;see617.6(h) forCon~itionedNegative Declaration) The impacts during construction will be temporary and mlnor in nature. [n addition, they w. ill be reduced to non-significant levels through the use of erosion control devices. The project is consistent with surrounding land uses. Since the area is identified on the New Yore State Archaeological Site Hap (New Yore State Office of ?arks, Recreation and Elstorlc ?reservation) as havlng a high potential for containing .a prehistoric site, a Cultural Resources Survey was requ±red. Subsequently, the project was relocated to avoid the prehistoric and archaeological slte identified on the property. No threatened or endangered species were identified at the site. This project is not expected to indupe any subsequent activities, area is currently developed with similar structures. No. long term cumulative impacts will result if constructed in accordance with approved plans and conditions. If C~nditi=~l Negative 13eetaratten, provide on attachment the specific mitigation measures imposed. For Further Information: CAROL A. AMARA, Environmental Analyst Regulatory Services, NYSDEC, SUNY, Building 40, Stony Brook, NY Num~e~. (516) 444-0365 For Ty~a~ I Actions and Conditioned Ne~ethm De~aratl~n~, a C~lay of this Nnttee Sent 11790-2356./ Gammi~lone~', {:)elaartmertt cf ~mnm~ ~n~o~ ~ Wolf RO~. AIb~y, N~ Yo~ 1~1 Appmp~ate R~ion~ Offl~ of ~e DepOnent of ~mnment~ ~nae~atJon Office of the C~ief ~uflve Officer of ~e potitt~l suSPicion in whic~ ~e-a~lon will ~ principally lo~t~. OtBer in~lv~ agencies (If any) ' COASTAL EROSION HAZARD LINE PER COASTAL EROSION HAZARD AREA MAP TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY~ NEW YORK, PHOTO NO 38-B89 83 SHEET 44-FI & 45-FI OF 49 IL --.. Z LLI ? ROOt. / // / ,~o~ :0o COVER FABRIC ANGLE 10' UP SLOPE POST FOR STABILITY AND ~ SELF CLEANING COMPACTED .// ~ ¼ ~ BACKFIL~-~/ U .... ~-~ NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE COOf~21NATE DIDTANCE5 ARE MEASURED FROM U.5. COAST AND ~=O~TIC ~U~VE¥ TRIANGULATION STATION. CHOOO~OUNT 2 2. DITE 15 IN THE TONN OF 50UTHOLD, COUNT'r' OF SUFFOLK, TAX MAP I000, DECTION OOD, BLOCK 2, LOT 2. 51T~ 15 TO ~E SERVICED BY MUNICIPAL HA'PER AND ON 51T~ 5E~,~¢E DIDPODAL 5¥STEM IN COMPLIANCE NITH THE REGUIREi-ENT5 OF THE 50PPOL~ OOLiTe DEPARTHENT OF HEALTH. 4, ~lT~ I~ IN R 120 ZONE % INSTALL 8, MAJNI'AIN A CONTINUOUS LINE OF HAYBALES 8~ SILT FENCE THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION (SEE DETAIL1 DRYWELL (5I FUTURE ELEV, "Pr'P, 20-- 16-- PROPOSED GRAD PATIO CROSS SECTION "A" I I I TEST HOLE DATA OII --8II TOPSOIL 8II 30II SANDh' SUBSOIL 30"- [4' SAND WATER ~ I0' BO 10 0 20 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET AF~='LIOANT REVISIONS DATE DESCRIPTION DATE: DECEMBER 14, 1993 SCALE: 1"=20' SHEET 1 OF1 LO~.AT[ON HAP PLAN CAPACITIES A Lii~ CROSS SECTION 1250./1.500 gALLON NOT TO SCALE ~ (2)-2"x2"XS' STAKES EACH BALE NOT TO BOALE R - 5 1994 ROBERT B. CALHOUN, JR. JEAN N. CALHOUN