HomeMy WebLinkAboutLalli, Karen5tJR'v'E"r' OI= PROPEP-.TY' 51TUATE: Ot~IENT TOY',IN Ot= 50UTHOL~ SUFFOLK. COUNT'C, NY ®~APHIO S~/F: I"= SUR"CEYEE) 10-2q-qq1 AMENOEE) FEE~. 1,6, 2000I / SUFFOLK C, OUNT'¢ TAX / I000- 26- ~ - / N E C. ERTIFIEE) TO, r KAt~JEN LALLI NOTES: TE~T HCL~ 0 6 · MONUMENT FOUND 0 PIPE FOUND : : ..., APJEA = 12~04 SF OR ELEVATIONS REFER TO MSL N6VO FLOOD ZONE PESI~NATION ANNOTATED FROM 'FIRM' MAP~ - PANEL ~6~ OF 1026 - MAY Iqq6 ~{E~TLANDS VIE®ETATION (IF: AN'K) NOT E)ELINtEATF:~, LOC, ATED OR SHOI."~N H'Ft;~JEON . ' .. .t ..., . i Date: Thursday, February 24, 2000 To: From: Southold Trustees Aram Terchunia~ Subject: Application of Karen Lalli - SCTM # 1000-26-3-11 Upon the request of Trustee Krupski, I have investigated the following two items and respectfully submit this information to the Trustees. 1 ) Does the test hole on the survey accurately reflect the water table? The test hole was surveyed and measured by a Licensed Surveyor. mid thus I believe then to be accurate. I4owever, I investigated the location of tile test hole xvith reference to the water table visible in the drain on the corner of Harbor Road and King (Narrow) Street as a rough field check. The water level in the drain is about one foot lower than grate. The road in the viciuity is at elevation +4.3 NGVD and approximately 1/2 foot higher than the top of the grate. The test hole was taken on ali area of the property that has apparently been previously filled (see description a photos below) mid is approximately 2 feet higher than the roadway. These rough measures taken together wonld justify the measurements shown by the surveyor. 2) What is the vegetative assemblage on the property, including species diversity and abundance? Use this infonnatiou to determine if the subject lot is a xvetland. I conducted a second field survey of the property on February, 24~ 2000 between 0900 and 0930 honrs and compared the list of plant species diversity and abundance against the Sonthold Town Code (Section 97-13). I also compared my field resuhs agaiust the NYSDEC xxetlaa~d delineation manual and completed a plant species list and other featm'es narrative. Finally, I surveyed the adjacent property with 100 +/- feet of the subject to determine if similar plant assemblages xvhere present. I have concluded based on the above, that the subject site is not a wetland uuder the Town Code and the application for the proposed single family residence should be approved. The following is a list of plant species and relative abundance on tile subject site from Poison Ix? (Rhus toxicodendrotO Antumn Olive (Elaeagnux umbellatq) Rose Bushes (Rosa sp.?) Wild Chen.'y (PI'IIIIIIS serotina) Eastern Red Cedar fi]unipet~ts virgmiana) Spruce (sp?) Montauk D~sy Bayben'y (A,I),rica pensTh'anica) Mimosa Tree (sp?) Groundsel Bush (Baccharis halhn~fidia) Spike Grass (Distculis ~V~icata) or Red Fscue (Festuca ~bra) Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) UnB~oxw~ Grass (sp?) Virginica Rose (Rosa virgmimta) MulberD' Tree (Monts mtb~zt) Zoxtera grass I took a number of photographs and four plant samples during my field investigation. The first set of photographs (photos I to 6) show the boundaries of the subject site looking along King (Narrow) Street and Harbor Road. These photographs depict a number of upland species, including poison iw, autumn olive, wild cherry, rose bushes, zostera grass, mimosa tree, and a spruce tree (upland indicators) as well as groundsel bush and isolated tufts of salt meadow grass. Because of tile difficulty in reco~mfizing individual plants from these photographs, I took several close up photographs illustrating the specific plants (7 to 10). These photographs shoxv exmnples of wild cherty mixed with groundsel bush and poison ix.5r (photo 7 is taken looking at the southeast corner of the proposed house), xvild cherD~ and groundsel bush intertwined with poison ix? (photo 8 is taken looking at the northeast comer of the proposed hot, se). mixture and inter growth of groundsel bush and poison ix? (photo 9 is taken looking at the northeast corner of the property), and autumn olive intertwined with poison i,~x' and mixed with groundsel bush (photo 10 is looking north along the south central ptSrtion of the parcel). [n addition to the boundary inspection, I conducted a detailed inspection of the interior of the parcel (photos l I to 16 ). The plant assemblage on the interior of the subject property consists primarily of upland species including; poison iw. atttumn olive, wild cherry, mimosa, rose bushes, red cedar, virginica rose. bayben'y, and several upland grasses (the grasses were identified using Magee, 1981 and compared against a sample of Spartina patens taken from the NYS wetland across the street) with one facultative wetlm~ds species (Baccharis halim!/blia). Baccharis halimifolia is found in conjunction with a strong presence ot: a diverse set of upland plant species, and no other facultative wetland species. Although the Baccharis on the subject site appears abundant, it is equaled or exceeded by the presence of poison i~?, which is ubiquitous oil the site. Moreover, there are no stands of consistent facultative wetlands species (photo 11 xvith poison ix5'. switchgrass, and Baccharis). In all cases the baccharis grows in conjunction with the poison ix3' and the other upland species (see photos 12, 13.14 & 15). Tile large number of upland species also indicates good upland species diversity. There is one section of the property fronting Harbor Road, at approximately the center line of the property, where an apparently artificial trench has been dng at some point in the past (photo 16). The artificial natnre of this trench is attributed to its linear configuration, xvhich is not typically fonnd in wetlands, and apparent fill located to the north and south of the trench line. This area is fairly restricted on the subject proper .ty and is roughly parallel to the east side of the proposed house as indicated on the attached site plan. Although Baccharis is present in tiffs area on the site, it intergroxvs with poison ivv with neither species being dominant. Moreover, there is evidence of clumping and debri~ on the site (photos 12 & 13) both around the margins of the site and on the interior of the site. The presence of this debris is a further indication that the area has been significantly disturbed iii the past. I also conducted a field survey of properties within 100 (+',-) feet of the snbject site along Krug Street and Harbor Road. I found numerous situations with a similar plant assemblage, including the following: 1st Property (King Street): TM #1000-26-3-10 In the fl'ont yard there is an assemblage of autumn olive, wild chert'y, m~d Baccharis groxving ill conjunction with upland grasses aronnd a utility pole (photos 17 & 18). This is over 100 feet from the subject site and shows a similar vegetative assemblage. 2nd Property (King Street): TM #1000-26-3-9 Ill the front yard and also adjacent to the garage on this property there is ali assemblage of cedar. Baccharis, xvild cherD~, and autumn olive (photos 19 & 20). These plants are typical o~ound on the subject site as well. 3rd Property (Harbor Road): TM # 1000-26-3-12 In the fl'ont yard and adjacent to a telephone pole is an assemblage of cedar~ Baccharis,? and poison ivy'. 4th Property (King Street parking area): TM #1000-27-4-11 Poi asselnblage of Baccharis, bayben'y, poison ix3,, red cedar, and autumn olive ~o~ving in all areas surrounded by pavement (photos 21 & 22). At the northeast border of the same parking area a similar mixture of species is found in the upland area. A filial comparison was made with wetland to the east on the NYSDEC property on the opposite side of King Street (photos. This wetland provides a strong contrast to the subject site for the following reasons: I. No upland species are present at all. The species consist ofSpartma ahemi/lora, ,$'[~a/'tit~a t~atens. Baccharis halim!fi#ia, and some Phragmites communis. 2. The transitional wetland area, which is immediately adjacent to King Street. also contains no upland species bul rather a mixture of Sl~artma patens and Baccharis halim~fidia. These conditions contrast sharply with the subject site where the upland species are not only present, but they dominate in both species dix ersity and abundance. Taken together, the vegetative survey of the subject property, the vegetative survey of the surrounding properties, and the previous disturbm~ces noted at the site. these factors indicate that the subject property consists primarily of dominant uplea~d species with some areas which could be considered transitional upland. However, the site does not meet criteria under the Town code to be considered a wetland ea~d thus should be considered as an upland. H.& F, Rieger 370 Harbor Road P.O.Box 599 Orient N.Y. 11957 Feb. 18 2000 Board of Trustees, Town of Southold Main Road. Southold N.Y. Re: Karen Lalli Application for permit on property 1000-26-3-11. Dear Trustees, Because of prior commitment I am unable to attend the hearing about the above application by Ms Lalli, taking place Feb. 24 in Sou,hold Town Hall. Although we are direct neighbors across the street from this property we did not receive any notice by mail by the applicant or by Town Hall of Southold. There are basic problems with the proposed location of a cesspool system indicated on the survey copy enclosed, obtained from our neighbor B. Sokobin. "A' It is located in a flood area ( please see photos taken at different times to the year), with wetland vegetation in low laying marshland periodically inundated by high tide waters from the adjacent wetland. "B" Our shallow wells are located on the south site of the proposed location within less than the required 100 feet. "C" The fragile potable water table in our location is of great concern to us. and is our believe that this area cannot support another cesspool system without affecting negatively the quality of our drinking water. Respectfully submitted by H.& F. Rieger Enclosures cc: Department of Health Services Riverhead NY. File # R 10-99-0242 Wednesday, March 22, 2000 Board of Trustees Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179, 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Karen Lalli, Harbor Road & King Street, Orient SCTM #1000-26-3-11 Sent vial Fax (516) 765-t 36~, Regular Mail Dear Trustees: Please be advised that we request to withdraw the above referenced application that is scheduled for the meeting today, March 22, 2000. Sincerely, First Coastal Corporation Aram V. Terchunian President AVTsls cc: K. Lalli 3-21-00SoutholdTrustees.wpa First Coastal Corporation Post Office Box 1212.Westhampton Beach.NY 11978 · Voice: f516} 288-2271 E-Mail: mail~firstcoastal.net FAX: 1516} 288-8949 Website: www.firstcoastal.net Telephone (516) 765-18~2. Town Hall. 5309.5 Main '~oad P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 SOUTHOLD TOWN CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory, Council held Tuesday. Februa~ 15. 2000. the tbllowing recommendation was made: KARE, N LALLI 26-3-11 to construct a new house and deck, total !,996 st, a new septic system, stone dnvev,:ty, and water well. Approx. 375 cy. of clean fill will be spread over rite property grading purposes. Corner of Harbor Rd., & King St., AKA 305 Na[row River Rd.. Orient _ / The CAC aid not make an inspection, therefore ,ho recommendation was made. Board of Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Lauren, 48 Sheppard Lane Smithtown, NY 11787 February 7, 2000 As per our conversation on February 7, there are discrepancies concerning the lot adjacent to us in Orient. Our well is not located in the comer of the property as indicated; it is very close to the Lalli's property line. The cesspools, as pictured would therefore be too close to our well. Our cesspools are accurately located on the sketch. Sincerely, Mr. And Mrs. Jerome DiPane New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Building 40 - SUNY, Stony Brook, ~~0-2356 TOWN OF SOUT -;r",' r. LETTER OF NONJURISDICTION TIDAL WETL~NDS ACT John P. Cahill Commissioner December 16, 1999 Re: 1-4738-02489/00001 Lalli Property Construct a house and Septic system Harbor Rd. & King St. Orient Karen Lalli PO Box 867 32 Mill Rd. Westhampton Beach, NY 11978 Dear Mr. Lalli: Based on the information you have submitted, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has determined that: The property landward of the paved roads greater than 100' in length, and constructed prior to September 9, 1977 as shown on the survey prepared by Robert H. Fox, dated October 29, 1999 is beyond jurisdiction for Article 25. Therefore, in accordance with the current Tidal Wetlands Land Use Regulations (6NYCRR Part 661) no permit is required under the Tidal Wetlands Act . Please be advised, however, that no construction, sedimentation, or disturbance of any kind may take place seaward of the tidal wetlands jurisdictional boundary, as indicated above, without a permit. It is your responsibility to ensure that all necessary precautions are taken to prevent any sedimentation or other alteration or disturbance to the ground surface or vegetation within Tidal Wetlands jurisdiction which may result from your project. Such precautions may include maintaining adequate work area between the tidal wetland jurisdictional boundary and your project (i.e. a 15' to 20' wide construction area) or erecting a temporary fence, barrier, or hay bale berm. Please be further advised that this letter does not relieve you of the responsibility of obtaining any necessary permits or approvals from other agencies. Very truly yours, George W. Hammarth CAF Permit Administrator cc: First Coastal Albe~ J. K~pski. President John Hohapfel, Vice President Jim King Macdn H. Ga~ell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 M~n Road P.O. Box 1179 Southoid. New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Application × Wetland Permit Application Grandfather Permit Application Waiver/Amendment/Changes ~/'Received Application:_~__ ~eceived Fee:$ ~,~ompleted Application_~__ Incomplete SEQRA Classification: Type I .Type II__Unlisted Coordination:(date sent) .'CAC Referral Sent:~ ~'bate of Inspection: __ , Receipt of CAC Report: Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review: ~/Public Hearing Held:~~_ Resolution: Name of Applicant Address P.O. Box 867, 32 Mill Road, WesthamDton Beach, NY 11978 Phone Nu/nber:(631) 288-8585 Suffolk County T~x Map Number: 1000 26-3-11 Property ~ocation: Harbor Road & Kinq Street, Orient, NY (provide LiLCO Pole ~, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: First Coastal Corporation (If applicable) Address: P.O.Box 1212, Westhampton Beach~ NY Phone: 631-288-2271 631-288-8949 oard of Trustees Applicatic Land Area (in square feet Area Zoning: AE GENERAL DATA : 12~504 s.f. or 0.29 acres Previous use of property: N/A Intended use of property: Single Family Residence Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date NYSDEC Letter of No-Jurisdiction 12/16/99 NO prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? × No__ Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): Construct a new house and deck, total 1,996 s.f.~ located as ~hown ~n ~be survey plan. In ~ddltion, a new septic system~ stone driveway, and wmter well will be constructed. mate]v 375 cubic yards of clean fill wil~ be spread property for aradinc PurPoses. Approxi- over the PROJECT NARRATIVE Construct a new house and deck, total 1,996 s.f., located as shown on the survey plan. In addition, a new septic system, stone driveway, and water well will be constructed. Approximately 375 cubic yards of clean fill will be spread over the property for grading purposes. B~d of Trustees Application WETTJ%ND/TIRUSTEE LANDS AIPPLICATION DATA P~rpose of the proposed operations: Construct s~nq~ residence Area of wetlands on lot: 0 square feet Percent coverage of lot: 15.96 % excl. stone driveway Closest distance between nearest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: N/A feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: N/A feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No X Yes. If yes, how much material will be excavated? How much material will be filled? 375 Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: varies feet Proposed slope throughout the area of operations: 5% max. Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Clean fill trucked to site cubic yards cubic yards Statemen~ of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): N/A Appencix T State Environmental Cuaiity ~evmw SHCRT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM ~or UNLI5TE9 ACTIONS Only PAr~T I--~CJECT iNFCRMATICN ;, c ~ ~ '='~ SE,.' ,~un,c::a.tv Southold Count'/ S~/f folk Harbor Road & King Street Orient. NY (See Location Rap) See Attached Project Narrative See attached NYSDEC Non-Jurisdiction / Town of Southold CVER Agent/Permittee Authorization Form P.O. Box 1212 ~pto~ Belch, NY 11~78 ~l~l0 Street Od~ NY 9Cl'M #1000-2(J.3-11 P.O. Box 867, 32 Mill Road Westhampton Beach, NY Tho owmer of t~ p~erty above agrees to a~thDrize First Coasta) Corporabo, to Ict aS agent and to secure information arid permits as needed for the ab(~ve mfeme~d properS, Sworn to before me thn ~:] ,/~ day FIRS:I' Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry. Smith .~a-tie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1S~2 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWNTRUSTEES TOVCNOFSOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AF~ID~V=~. OF POST_TNG being duly swor~ depose and say: That on~the~0~day of~. , ~, I~ ~rsonall~ posted the propert~ known as by placing the Board cf Trustees ¢ ..... : - _ o_z.~ai coster where it can easily be seen, and that Z : ..... '~.~-'~ ..... ~,'- ~, the poster public hear~nc'. ',da~e of ~'~car.Lng no,ed Sworn to before me this 10 day of SANDRA L. SEGELKE Notary Public, State of New York No. 01SE506443.~, Suffolk County Term Expires ( signature ) ~OTICE TO }~JACENT PROPERTY OWNER BC, AP~ OF TRUSTEES, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the matter cf applicant: Karen Lalli SCTM~1000- 26-3-11 YOU ARE HEP~BY Gi%~-~N NOTICE: 1. That it is the in~ention of the undersigned to re_c/uest a Permit from the Board of Trustees to: Construct a single family residence 2. That Review is follows: the property which is the subject of Environmental located adjacent ts your property and is described as N/W corner of Harbor Road and N/E King Street 0.29 acres of residential lot 3, That the project which is subject to EnvironmenTal Review under Chapters 32, 37, or 97 of the Town Code is open to public comment. You may contact the Trustees Office at 765-1892 or in writing. The above referenced proposal is under review of the Board cf Trustees of the Town of Scuthold and does not reference any other agency that might have to review same proposal. OWNERS NAME: Karen Lal%i MAILING ADDRESS: p.o~ Rnw R67 WesthamptoD Beach, NY PHONE %: 631-288-8585 Enc.: Copy ef sketch or plan showing proposal ronvenience. for 'four Date: February, 24th Time: 7:00 PM Location: Meeting Room Towm Hall Main Road Southold, NY 1197'1