HomeMy WebLinkAboutSC Office of Aging/Res ReprCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK
November 1, 2004
The Honorable Joshua Y. Horton
Town of Southold
53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
._CSE - Residential Repair
IFMS No. SCS EXE 04000008796
Dear Supervisor Horton:
The fully executed agreement referenced above is enclosed for 3'our files.
Also enclosed find the Notice of Rights, which must be posted as part of your compliance xvith
Local Law No. 12-2001, the LMng Wage Law.
Leonor Hunter
Fiscal Administrator I1
cc: Karen McLaughlin
According to the provisions of Local Law #12-2001 (the Living Wage law) enacted
by Suffolk County in July of 2001, a living wage rate has been established. The
Living Wage shall be adjusted each year in proportion to the increase of the area
Consumer Price Index. The increase in the area Consumer Price Index, for 2003,
is 3.2%. Effective July 1, 2004 the Living Wage will increase to $9.29 per hour
with health benefits and $10.58 per hour without health benefits for covered
employees of an agency receiving financial compensation through the County.
The law also mandates that these workers receive at least 12 compensated days off
per year through any combination of sick, vacation or personal leave and includes
paid holidays provided by the employer.
The Suffolk County Department of Labor has been designated as the agency to
administer this law and to this end has established a Living Wage Unit. Further
information concerning the parameters of the Living Wage law may be obtained by
contacting this Unit (631 853-3808) or accessing the Suffolk County web page at
www.co.suffolk.ny.us/labor and following the link to the Living Wage section. All
inquiries will remain confidential.
L&w No. AG006M/0029-06RA IFMS No. SCS EXE 04000008796
Rev. 6125104 No. 001-6777-4980-95285-8796
Community Services for the Elderly - Residential Repair First Amendment
Amendment of Agreement
This is a First Amendment of an Agreement, (Agreement), last dated October 15, 2003,
between the County of Suffolk (County), a municipal corporation of the State of New York,
having its principal office at the County Center, Riverhead, New York 11901, acting through its
duly constituted Office for the Aging (Aging), having its principal office at the H. Lee Dennison
Building - 3rd Floor, 100 Veterans Memorial Highway, Hauppauge, New York (Mailing address:
P.O. Box 6100, Hauppauge, New York 11788-0099), and Town of Southold (Contractor), a New
York municipal corporation, having its principal place of business at 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box
1179, Southold, New York 11971.
The parties hereto desire to make modify the Agreement to extend the term of the CSE
Residential Repair Program from March 31,2004 through March 31, 2005 (the period
April 1,2004 through March 31, 2005 being hereinafter called the "2004 Budget Period") as set
forth herein. Sufficient funding exists in the 2004 Suffolk County Operating Budget.
Term of Agreement: Shall be April 1,2003 through March 31, 2005, with one one-year
extension at the County's option.
Units of Service: 1,050 Units of Residential Repair Service
Total Cost of Agreement: Shall not exceed $ 40,000 (of which $20,000 is for the 2004 Budget
Terms and Conditions: Shall be as set forth in Exhibit A-2004, C-2004 and the Exhibit
entitled "Suffolk County Legislative Requirements Exhibit for
Contracts" revised 5/28/04, attached.
In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this First Amendment of Agreement as of
the latest date written below.
Town o~S~3/uthold
fioshua ~'. I-Jo.oh
Fed. Taxpayer ID #: 11-6001939
Approved as to Legality:
Robert J. Cimino /'~-' 1
Assistant County Attorney
County of Suffolk
Paul Sabatino II
Chief Deputy County Executive
Date: .j O }'~.~
Holly SLl~hodels-Teague ~) Date
Director, Office for the Aging
Recommended: ,-.-~
M'aureen Porta Date
Senior Citizens Programs Administrator
AG 6
AG6 CSE Res Rpr SohJd ext 04
Law No. AG006M/0029-06RA IFMS No. SCS EXE 04000008796
Rev. 6/25/04 No. 00t-6777-4980-95285-8796
Community Services for the Elderly - Residential Repair First Amendment
Exhibit A-2004
Whereas, the County and Contractor have entered into an Agreement (Law No. AG006M/0029-
06R), last dated October 15, 2003, for a term from April 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004 for a CSE
Residential Repair Program for the elderly at a Total Cost of $20,000; and
Whereas, the parties hereto desire to modify the Agreement to extend the term from
March 31, 2004 through March 31, 2005 (at an additional cost of $20,000) and to increase the
Total Cost of the Agreement to $40,000, as set forth below;
Now, Therefore, in consideration of the covenants, promises and consent herein contained, the
parties hereto agree as follows:
1. Term of Aqreement:
The Term of Agreement paragraph on page 1 of the Agreement is amended to read
Apdl 1, 2003 through March 31, 2005 as set forth on the page 1 of this First Amendment of Agreement.
2. Payment of Services:
The Total Cost of Agreement $40,000 is comprised as follows:
(al $20,000 for program year 2003/2004;
(b) $20,000 for program year 2004/2005;
3. Reporting Requirements:
Paragraph 5 of Exhibit B to the Agreement is amended to read as follows, as of
April 1, 2004:
3. Reporting Requirements
A. The Contractor must at a minimum determine and maintain the following
specific type of demographic information for each individual receiving services:
· Name.
· Sex.
· Age.
· Disabled/Frail.
Disabled - Any person who has a physical or mental impairment
which substantially limits one or more major life activities, has a
record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such an
impairment. This includes alcoholism and drug addiction.
Frail - A person with one or more functional deficits in the
following areas: physical functions; mental functions; activities
of daily living (ADL) (eating, bed/chair transfer, dressing,
bathing, toileting and continence); instrumental activities of
daily living (IADL) (meal preparation, housekeeping, shopping,
medications, telephone, travel and money management).
· Live Alone.
· Rural
AG 6 (3/02)
Page 2
AG6 CSE Res Rpr Sohld ext 04
Law No. AG006M/0029-06RA IFMS No. SCS EXE 04000008796
Rev, 6~25~04 No, 00%6777-4980-95285-8796
Community Services for the Elderly - Residential Repair First Amendment
· Low Income - The need resulting from an income level at or below the
poverty threshold, as established by the Bureau of the Census as follows:
Size of Family Unit Poverty Threshold
1 $9,310/year
2 $12,490/year
· Minority - Those individuals belonging to one of the following groups: Native
American/Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Black, and
· Low Income Minority - those minority persons whose income is at or below
the poverty threshold.
B. The Contractor shall submit monthly reports covering program activity and
expenses, containing at least but not limited to the above, to be submitted to Aging by the tenth
day of the month following the period being reported, and any other reports as required by
Aging. Such reports must be on a form specified by Aging and shall comply with all
procedures required by Aging for the proper payment of vouchers and audits.
C. The Contractor shall submit to Aging a calendar of activities thirty days
before such activities/services/tests are scheduled to take place each month.
4. Budget:
The Budget annexed hereto as Exhibit C - 2004, including advance payment schedule, if
any, is made part of the Agreement.
5. Suffolk County Living Wage Law:
The Contractor represents and warrants that it has read and is familiar with the
requirements of Section 6 of Chapter 347 of the Suffolk County Code, the Living Wage Law,
attached hereto as @art of the "Suffolk County Legislative Requirements Exhibit for Contracts" and
made a part hereof.
6. Child Sexual Abuse Reportin.q Policy:
The Contractor agrees to comply with the Suffolk County Child Sexual Abuse Reporting
Policy, Chapter 577, Article IV, of the Suffolk County Code, attached hereto as part of the "Suffolk
County Legislative Requirements Exhibit for Contracts" and made a part hereof, as now in effect or
amended hereafter or of any other Suffolk County Local Law that may become applicable during
the term of this Agreement with regard to child sexual abuse reporting policy.
7. Gratuities:
The Contractor represents and warrants that it has not offered or given any gratuity to any
official, employee or agent of Suffolk County or New York State or of any political party, with the
purpose or intent of secudng an agreement or securing favorable treatment with respect to the
awarding or amending of an agreement or the making of any determinations with respect to the
performance of an agreement, and that he has read and is familiar with the provisions of Local Law No.
32-1980 of Suffolk County (Chapter 386 of the Suffolk County Code).
8. Except as herein amended, all other representations, terms and conditions of said
Agreement, including any and all amendments or budget modifications executed prior to the date
hereof, are hereby ratified and confirmed to be in full force and effect.
--End of Text --
AG 6 (3/02)
Page 3
AG6 CSE Res Rpr Sohld ext 04
Law No. AG006M/0029o06RA IFMS No. SCS EXE 04000008796
Rev. 6~25~04 No. 001-6777-4980-95285-8796
Community Services for the Elderly - Residential Repair First Amendment
Exhibit C-2004
Town of Southold
CSE Residential Repair Program
April 1, 2004 - March 31, 2005
Mechanic I
Mechanic I
Less Anticipated income
last 'rev.' §/28/04
Suffolk County Legislative Requirements Exhibit for Contracts
This exhibit is attached to and is made part of the contract executed with the County.
Suffolk County Living Wage Requirements
"Suffolk County Living Wage Requirements Exhibit As Last Revised by the
Suffolk County Depar[ment of Labor on 5/12/04" (2 pages).
Child Sexual Abuse Reporting Policy
Chapter 577, Article IV, of the Suffolk County Code entitled "Child Sexual Abuse
Reporting Policy" (3 pages).
Chapter 386 of the Suffolk County Code, entitled "Political Parties, Gifts to
Officials Of" (2 pages).
Contractor'sNendor's Public Disclosure Statement Form SCEX 22; rev.
3/30/04 (form consists of three pages; requires signature & notarization)
Note: The Contractor'sNendor's Public Disclosure Statement Form SCEX 22;
rev. 3/30/04, references the following law, which is included with this Exhibit.
Suffolk County Administrative Code Section A5-7 (consists of 3 pages).
S'uffblk County Living Wage Requirements Exhibit
As Last Revised by the Suffolk County Department of Labor on 5/12/04
Suffolk County Living Wage Requirements Exhibit
As Last Revised by the Suffolk County Department of Labor on 5112/04
Pursuant to Section 6 of Chapter 347 of the Suffolk County Local Law No. 12-2001, "A
Local Law to Implement Living Wage Policy for the County of Suffolk" (the "Living Wage
Law"), all RFPs, County contracts and financial assistance agreements subject to the law
shall contain the following two paragraphs or substantially equivalent language:
This Agreement is subject to the Living Wage Law of the County of Suffolk. The law
requires that, unless specific exemptions apply all employers (as defined) under
service contracts and recipients of County financial assistance, (as defined) shall
provide payment of a minimum wage to employees as set forth in the Living Wage
Law. Such rate shall be adjusted annually pursuant to the terms of the Suffolk
County Living Wage Law of the County of Suffolk.
Under the provisions of the Living Wage Law, the County shall have the authority, under
appropriate circumstances, to terminate this Agreement and to seek other remedies as
set forth therein, for violations of this Law.
Suffolk County Local Law No. 18-2002, "A Local Law to Implement Living Wage Policy for the
County of Suffolk" provided for certain amendments to the Living Wage Law.
Forms for Completion and/or Signature (as applicable)
Suffolk County Department of Labor - Living Wage Unit
Notice of Application for County Assistance (Contract)
Form LW-1 (consists of 1 page)
Suffolk County Department of Labor - Living Wage Unit
Certification/Declaration - Subject to Audit
Form LW-38 (consists of I page) (Replaces LW2, LW3 and LW33)
Suffolk County Department of Labor - Living Wage Unit
Request for General Living Wage Exemption
Form LW-4 (consists of 1 page)
Suffolk County Department of Labor- Living Wage Unit
Request for Specific Living Wage Exemption
Form LW-5 (consists of 2 pages)
I of 2 pages
Suffolk ~:o'unty Living Wage Requirements Exhibit
As Last Revised by the Suffolk County Department of Labor on 5/12/04
Note: Pursuant to Section 7 of Local Law No.18- 2002, "A Local Law to
Implement Living Wage Policy for County of Suffolk", all covered employers
subject to the provisions of the Living Wage Law shall submit a completed and
sworn (under penalty of perjury) Certification/Declaration - Subject to Audit Form
LW-38, signed by an authorized representative, as part of an executed contract
with the County of Suffolk. The complete Certification/Declaration - Subject to
Audit Form LW-38 shall be made a part of any executed contract or project
agreement and made available to the public upon request.
To certify Living Wage compliance: Return Forms LW-1 and LW-38.
· To certify non-applicability of Living Wage law: Return Form LW-38.
· To request and document a general living wage exemption: Return Forms LW-1,
LW-38 and LW-4.
· To request and document a specific living wage exemption: Return Forms LW-1,
LW-38 and LW-5.
In the event that there is a change in circumstances, it is the Contractor's
responsibility to submit to the County additional Living Wage forms which
either replace or supplement prior submissions of Living Wage forms.
Living Wage Law Information Fact Sheet, text of the Local Law, Frequently
Asked Questions, Forms, and Rules and Regulations can be found on the Suffolk
County web site at www.co.suffolk.ny.us
Click: Department Directory
Living Wage Law Info
Suffolk County Department of Labor Living Wage Unit Tel. (631) 853-3808
End of Text for Suffolk County Living Wage Requirements Exhibit
As Last Revised by the Suffolk County Department of Labor on 5112104
2 of 2 pages
Child Sexual Abuse Reporting Policy
CHABTER 577, ARTICLE IV, Child Sexual Abuse Reportin§ Policy [Adopted
2002 by Res. No. 543-2002]
577-16. Policy established.
The County of Suffolk hereby establishes a formal child sexual abuse
reporting policy as follows:
A. Each County Department that has a contract or agreement with any individual,
partnership, corporation, joint venture, business organization, or 0[her entity
which receives payments from the County of Suffolk, either directly or as a
conduit for payment from another level of government, shall notify such
individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, business organization, or
other entity that Suffolk County requires full compliance with the reporting and
disclosure provisions of Subsection C of this section, as a condition precedent
to receipt of such pa~ent and continuing receipt of such payment, in those
instances in which an allegation has been made of sexual abuse of a minor by any
employee or member of such contract vendor, including any member of the clergy,
involving any of the fe!!~wing sex offenses:
(1)Rape in the third degree, ~ 130.25 (less than 17 }'ears old) of the New York
Penal Law;
(2)Rape in the second degree, § 130.30 (less than 14 years old)of the New York
Penal Law;
(3)Rape in the first degree, § 130.35 (less than 11 years old) of the New York
Penal Law;
(4)Sodomy in the third degree, § 130.40 (less than 17 }'ears old) of the New
York Penal Law;
(5)Sodomy in the second degree, § 130.45 (less than 14 years old) of the New
York Penal Law;
(6)Sodomy in the first degree, § 130.50 (less than 11 years old) of the New
York Penal Law;
(7)Sexual abuse in the third degree, § 130.55
New York Penal Law;
(8)Sexual abuse in the second degree, § 130.60
New York Penal Law;
(9)Se×ual abuse in the first degree, § 130.65
New York Penal Law;
(10)Aggravated sexual abuse in the third degree, ~ 130.66
old) of the New York Penal Law;
(Il)Aggravated sexual abuse in the second degree, ~ 130.67
old) of the New York Penal Law;
(12)Aggravated sexual abuse in the first degree, ~ 130.70
old) of the New York Penal Law;
(13)Course of sexual conduct against a child in the first degree, § 130.75
(less than 11 years old) of the New York Penal Law; and
(14)Course of sexual conduct against a child in the second degree, § 130.80
(less than 11 years old) of the New York Penal Law;
(15)Sexual misconduct, § 130.20 (sexual intercourse without consent) of the New
York Penal Law;
(16)Forcible touching, § 130.52 (sexual or intimate parts) of the New York Penal Law;
(17)Persistent sexual abuse, § 130.53 (two or more convictions within the past
10 years for less than 17 years old or 14 years old) of the New York Penal Law;
(18)Aggravated sexual abuse in the fourth degree, § 130.65a (less than 17 years
old) of the New York Penal Law;
(19)Female genital mutilation, Section 130.85 (less than 18 years old,
nonmedlcal procedure) of the New York Penal Law;
(20)Facilitating a sex offense with a controlled substance, § 130.90 (without
consent to commit a felony) of the New York Penal Law.
(less than 17 years old} of the
(less than 14 years old) of the
(less than 11 years old) of the
(less than 11 }'ears
(less than 11 years
(less than ll }'ears
B. Definitions. For the purposes of this article, the following terms shall
have the meanings indicated:
@LERGY -- A duly authorized bishop, pastor, rector, priest, rabbi, minisuer, imam,
nun, or a person having authority from, or in accordance with, the rules and
regulations of the governing ecclesiastical body of the denomination or
order, if any, to which the church belongs, or otherwise from the church,
synagogue, or mosque to preside over and direct the spiritual affairs of the
church, synagogue, or mosque, as the case may be.
MINOR -- Anyone under the age of 18 years of age;
C. Ail supervisory, administrative, or management employees of any individual,
partnership, corporation, joint venture, business organization, or other entity
receiving pa~ent from the County of Suffolk, either directly or as a conduit for
payment from another level of government, under agreement or contract with the
County of Suffolk, shall report or cause a report to be made to 911 or the pertinent
village, town, or county Police Department when he/she, or it has reasonable cause
to suspect that a minor coming before them is or has been the victim of sexual
abuse, or when another person or clergy person comes before them and states from
personal knowledge facts, conditions, or circumstances which, if correct, would
render the minor a victim of sexual abuse under any of the following sex offenses,
said reporting to occur within 24 hours after forming the reasonable cause cr first
learning of the allegations: [Amended 8-28-2002 by Res. No. 819-2002]
(1)Rape in the third degree, § 130.25 (less than 17 years old) of the New York
Penal Law;
{2)Rape in the second degree, § 130.30 (less than 14 years old) of the New York
Penal Law;
(3)Rape in the first degree, § 130.35 (less than 11 years old) of the New York
Penal Law;
(4)Sodomy in the ~hird degree, § 130.40 (less than 17 years old) of the New
York Penal Law;
(5)Sodomy in the second degree, ~ 130.45 (less than 14 years old) of the New
York Penal Law;
(6)Sodomy in the first degree, § 130.50 (less than 11 years old) of the New
York Penal Law;
(7)Sexual abuse in the third degree, ~ 130.55 (less than 17 }'ears old) of the
New York Penal Law;
(8)Sexual abuse in the second degree, § 130.60 (less than 14 years old) of the
New York Penal Law;
(9)Sexual abuse in the first degree, § 130.65 (less than 11 years old) of the
New York Penal Law;
(10)Aggravated sexual abuse in the third degree, § 130.66 (less than 11 }'ears
old) of the New York Penal Law;
(Il)Aggravated sexual abuse in the second degree, § 130.67 (less than 11 years
old) of the New York Penal Law;
(12)Aggravated sexual abuse in the first degree, § 130.70 (less than 11 },ears
old) of the New York Penal Law;
(13)Course of sexual conduct against a child in the first degree, § 130.75
(less than 11 years old) of the New York Penal Law; and
(14)Course of sexual conduct against a child in the second degree, § 130.80
(less than 11 years old) of the New York Penal Law;
(15)Sexual misconduct, § 130.20 (sexual intercourse without consent) 0[ the New
York Penal Law;
(16)Forcible touching, § 130.52 (sexual or intimate parts) of the New York
Penal Law;
(17)Persistent sexual abuse, § 130.53 (two or more convictions within the past
10 years for less than 17 years old or 14 years old) of the New York Penal Law;
(18)Aggravated sexual abuse in the fourth degree, § 130.65a (less than 17 years
old} of the New York Penal Law;
(19)Female genital mutilation, § 130.85 (less than 18 },ears old non-medical
procedure) of the New York Penal Law;
(20)Facilitating a sex offense with a controlled substance, § 130.90 (without
consent to commit a felony) of the New York Penal Law;
~;henever a clergy person is required to report under this article, in his or her
capacity as a member of the clergy, he or she shall immediately notify the
person in charge of such church, synagogue, or mosque, or his or her designated
agent, who shall then also become responsible to report or cause reports to be
made to 911 or the pertinent village, town, or county Police Department when he
or she has reasonable ca~se to suspect that a minor coming before them is or has
been the victim of sexual abuse, or when another clergy person comes before them
and states from personal knowledge facts, conditions, or circumstances which, if
correct, would render the minor a victim of sexual abuse. [Amended 8-28-2002 by
Res. No. 819-2002]
E. No information derived from a confession or confidential communication to a
clergyman shall be disclosed pursuant to the requirements of this article if the
confession or confidence is made to the clergyman in his or her professional
capacity as a spiritual advisor, unless the person so confessing or confiding
waives this privilege.
Ail contract vendors covered by this article shall inform all of their employees
in writing as to the disclosure requirements of this article and shall also
inform them that each of them must report any allegations of child abuse covered
in paragraph (A) of the 1st RESOLVED clause of this article to supervisory,
management, or designated administrative personnel of the employer.
577-17. Failure to comply; penalties for offenses.
Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of chis article shall result
in the following:
A. First violation: the contract vendor shall be issued a warning and all
supervisory, administrative, and management employees of such contract vendor
shall be required to attend a child sexual abuse prevention/education workshop
provided by a contract agency approved by the County of Suffolk via duly enacted
resolution, which workshop shall include specific skills for adults to help
prevent childhood sexual abuse; skills that adults can teach children to help
protect themselves from childhood sexual abuse; skills for detecting the signs
of childhood sexual abuse; and how to report allegations of childhood sexual
abuse. The cost of this training shall be paid for by the contract vend~r. In
addition, the contract vendor shall submit a corrective plan of actien to the
Suffolk County Office of Labor Relations.
B. Second violation within a three-year period subsequent to a first violation: the
contract vendor shall be subject to a fine of 10% percent of the contracts that
the pertinent violating individual supervisor, manager, or administrator
oversees, not to exceed $50,000. In addition, the contract vendor shall be put
on probation for three years. An annual review shall be conducted by the Suffolk
County Department of Audit and Control.
C. Third violation within a three-year period subsequent to a first violation: the
termination of the agreements with such individual, partnership, corporation,
joint venture, business organization, or other entity overseen by the pertinent
violating individual supervisor, manager, or administrator and the withholding
of all payments to said individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture,
business organization, or other entity for such agreements regardless of whether
such payments are for past or future 9oods or services. The contract vendor
shall not be eligible for funding from the County for three }'ears from the date
of such termination.
577-18. Authority to issue rules and regulations.
The Suffolk County Department of Law is hereby authorized, empowered, and
directed to issue and promulgate such rules and regulations as shall be deemed
necessary and appropriate to implement the provisions of this article.
§ 386-1.
§ 386-2.
§ 386-3.
§ 386-4.
§ 386-5.
Prohibited acts.
Clause required in all contracts.
Penalties for offenses.
Excepted contributions.
[HISTORY: Adopted by the Suffolk County Legislature 12-9-80 as L.L. No. 32-1980.
Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have meanings indicated:
AGREEMENT -Any written or oral contract or any implied contract, including but not
limited to a contract for the sale of goods or services, a construction contract or a
lease or contract relating to real or personal property. The term "agreement" shall
also include any transaction whereby a person agrees to sell goods or services, or
both, to the county pursuant to a successful bid.
GRATUITY -Any money, benefit, entertainment, gift or any other consideration
OFFICIAL OF A POLITICAL PARTY -A party officer as defined by §1-104,
Subdivision 5, of the Election Law.
PERSON -Any individual, partnership, firm, corporation or other legal entity, as well
as their employees, agents or representatives.
POLITICAL PARTY -A party as defined by § 1-104, Subdivision 3, of the Election
§ 386-2. Prohibited acts.
A. It shall be a crime for any person to offer or give any gratuity to an official of any
political party with the purpose of intent of securing or obtaining an agreement
with the County of Suffolk or securing favorable treatment with respect to the
awarding or amending of such agreement or the making of any determination
with respect to the performance of an agreement.
Page I of 2
B. It shall be a crime for an official of a political party to solicit, receive or accept a
gratuity in connection with securing or obtaining an agreement with the County
of Suffolk or securing favorable treatment with respect to the awarding or
amending of such agreement or the making of a determination with respect to
the performance of such agreement.
§ 386-3. Clause required in all contracts.
In all agreements with the County of Suffolk made after the effective date of this
chapter, there shall be written representation by the person entering the agreement
with the county that he has not offered or given any gratuity to any official,
employee or agent of Suffolk County or New York State or of any political party, with
the purpose or intent of securing an agreement or securing favorable treatment with
respect to the awarding or amending of an agreement or the making of any
determinations with respect to the performance of an agreement, and that such
person has read and is familiar with the provisions of this chapter.
§ 386-4. Penalties for offenses.
Criminal. A violation of §386-2 of this chapter shall be a Class A misdemeanor
and shall be punishable by a sentence of not more than one (1)year in prison or
a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by both such fine and
Civil remedies. A violation of § 386-2 or 386-3 of this chapter shall give the
county the option, among other civil remedies, of either terminating the
agreement or deducting the value of the gratuity from any amount due orto
become due from the county thereunder.
§386-5. Excepted contributions.
This chapter shall not apply to contributions to political parties, committees or
candidates as defined by § 14-100, Subdivision 9, of the Election Law. Such
contributions shall be excluded from and shall not be in violation of this chapter.
Page 2 of 2
Contractor's/Vendor's Public Disclosure
Statement Documents
Suffolk County Form 22
Contractor's/Vendor's Public Disclosure Statement
Pursuant to Section A5-7 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, this Public Disclosure Statement
must be completed by all contractors/vendors that bare a contract with Suffolk County. In the event
contractor/vendor is exempt from completing paragraphs nmnbered I tin'ough 11 below, so indicate at
paragraph number 12 below setting forth the reason for such exemption. Notwithstanding such exempt
status, you must execute this form below before a notary public.
Contractor's/Vendor's Name
Town of Southold
City and State
Contracting Department's Name
Zip Code
Payee Identification or Social Security No.
T3pe of Business__Corporation__Partnership__Sole Proprietorship__Other
Is contractor/vendor entering into or has contractor/vendor entered into a contract with Suffolk
County in excess of $1,000? Yes No.
Has contractor/vendor entered into three or more contracts, including the one for which you are
now completing this roma, with Suffolk County, any three of which, when combined, exceed
$1,0007 Yes No.
Table of Organization. List names and addresses of all principals; that is, all individuals serving
on the Board of Directors or comparable body, names and addresses of all partners, and names
and addresses of all corporate officers. Conspicuously identify any person in this table of
organization who is also an officer or an employee of Suffolk County. (Attach additional sheet if
List all names and addresses of those individual shareholders holding more than five percent
(5%) interest in the contractor/vendor. Conspicuously identify any shareholder who is also an
officer or an employee of Suffolk County. (Attach additional sheet if necessary).
Does contractor/vendor derive 50% or more of its total revenues from its contractual or vendor
relationship with Suffolk County?_ Yes__No.
If you answered yes to 8 above, you must submit with this disclosure statement, a complete
financial statement listing all assets and liabilities as well as a profit and loss statement. These
statements must be certified by a Certified Public Accountant. (Strike this out if not applicable.)
The undersigned shall include this Contractor's/Vendor's Public Disclosure Statement with the
contract. (Describe general nature of the contract.)
Page 1 of 3 Public Disclosure Form
!1. Remedies. The failure to file a verified public disclosure statement as required under local law
shall constitute a material breach of contract. Suffolk County may resort, use or employ any
remedies contained in Article II of the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of New York. In
addition to all legal remedies, Suffolk County shall be entitled, upon a determination that a
breach has occurred, to damages equal to fifteen percent (15%) of the amount of the contract.
12. If you are one of the entities listed below at a) through c) or you qualify under d) below, you are
exempt from completing paragraphs numbered 1 through 11 herein:
7 ;I Hospital
Educational or governmental entities
c) Not-for-profit corporations
d) Contracts providing for foster care, family day-care providers or child protective
Please check to the left side of the appropriate exemption.
13. Verification. This section must be signed by an officer or principal of the contractor/vendor
authorized to sign for the company for the purpose of executing contracts. The undersigned
being swom, affirms under the penalties of perjury, that he/she has read and understood the
foregoing statements and that they are, to his/~r own knowledge, true.
Dated: tfi/~=,9.~/~ Signed: //~-'-W~,"~r~'
Printed Name'ofS{gner: ~OS~tlA ~. le~t°t~r3
Title of Signer: ~40et'~;lf flY' '
Name of Contractor/Vendor:
(Within New York Slate)
COUNTY OF ) ss.:
On the ~.~ day of .,~.-~o r in the ),ear 2004 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared
,Tog #~ ~ }'. ~v o aroW personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence
to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to
me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(les) and that by his/her/their signature(s)
on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed
the instrument.
(signature ~'~ f ~div~kno~vledgement)
NOTARY PUBLIC, Stat~ of New Yod~
No. 4822563, Suffolk Count~
Term Expiree,~) ~'~__ ,,,q I. ~,¢~O 6.
Page 2 of 3 Public Disclosure Form
(Without New York State)
On the day of in the year 2004 before me, the undersigned, personally
appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of
satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument
and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies) and that by
his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the
individual(s) acted, executed the instrument, and that such individual(s) made such appearance before
the undersigned in
(Insert the city or other political subdivision and the state or country or other place the acknowledgement
was taken)
(signature and office of individual taking acknowledgement)
Contractor's/Vendor's Public Disclosure Statement Form (Rev. 3/04)
Page 3 of 3 Public Disclosure Form
C:\Document$ and Settlngs\mvalerie-kemplnski\My DocumentsXLEGAL~Standard Contract clause$\SCEX 22 Discl 5-04.doe
§ A5-7. Contractors and vendors required to submit full disclosure
statement. [Derived from L.L. No. 14-1976, as amended 2-27-1979 by L.L.
No. 6-1979]
A. Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
CONTRACT - Any written agreement between Suffolk County and a
contractor or vendor to do or perform any kind of labor, service, purchase,
construction or public work, unless the contract is for a federally or state-
aided, in whole or in part, program required to be bid pursuant to § 103 of
the New York General Municipal Law. [Amended 6-29-1993 by L.L. No.
NOTE: L.L. No. 28-1993 also provided as follows:
Section 1. Legislative Intent.
This Legislature hereby finds and determines that Suffolk County's comprehensive
Contractor/Vendor Public Disclosure Statement Law currently applies to a broad array of
contracts that exceed one thousand dollars {$1,000.) in value, subject to exemptions for
contractors doing business with the County Department of Social Services; hospitals;
educational, medical, and governmental entities; and not-for-profit corporations.
This Legislature further finds and determines that these exemptions prevent full
disclosure of important information that may be useful to elected county officials in
determining whether or not specific types of contracts are in the public interest, especially
in light of recent trends towards privatization and use of outside consultants on an
increased basis by municipalities.
Therefore, the purpose of this law is to eliminate many of the exemptions from completing
and filing verified public disclosure statements with the County Comptroller available to
certain contractors providing social services or health services contracts.
CONTRACTOR or VENDOR [Amended 12-18-1990 by L.L No. 41-
19902; 6-29-1993 by L.L. No. 28-19933] -
Any proprietorship, partnership or closely held corporation which has a
contract with Suffolk County in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000.) or
which has three (3) or more contracts with Suffolk County, any three (3) of
which, when combined, exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.), except:
(1) Hospitals.
(2) Educational or governmental entities.
Editor's Note: This local law was adopted by the legislature after disapproval by the
Executive on 5-26-1993.
2 Editor's Note: This local law was adopted by the Legislature after disapproval by the
Executive on 12-13-1990. See the note at § A4-12.
3 Editor's Note: This local law was adopted by the Legislature after disapproval by the
Executive on 5-26-1993. See note above.
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(3) Not-for-profit corporations.
(4) Contracts providing for foster care, family day-care providers or child
protective consulting services.
FULL DISCLOSURE CLAUSE - A proviso to be included as a material
part of a contract imposing upon the contractor or vendor a material,
contractual and statutory duty to file a verified public disclosure statement.
contents of which are acknowledged before a notary public, containing
information required under this section.
A full disclosure clause is to be included in ail future contracts between
Suffolk County and a contractor or vendor. Such full disclosure clause
shall constitute a material part of the contract.
C. Notice of the full disclosure clause shall be included and made a pad of the
specifications, if any, which are submitted to interested potential bidders.
Each contractor or vendor shall file a verified public disclosure statement
with the Comptroller of Suffolk County as soon as practicable prior to
being awarded the contract. An updated disclosure statement shall be
filed by the contractor or vendor with the Comptroller by the 31st day of
January in each year of the contract's duration. It shall be the duty of the
Comptroller to accept and file such statements.
No contract shall be awarded to any contractor or vendor, as defined in this
section, unless prior to such award a verified public disclosure statement
is flied with the Comptroller as provided in this section. Any verified public
disclosure statement containing fraudulent information shall constitute, for
all purposes, a failure to file such statement in the first instance.
F. The verified public disclosure statement required by this section shall
(1) A complete list of the names and addresses of those individual
shareholders holding more than five-percent interest in the firm.
(2) The table of organization for the company shall include the names and
addresses of all individuals serving on the board of directors or
comparable body, the names and addresses of all padners and the
names and addresses of all corporate officers. The contractor or
vendor shall conspicuously identify any such person in this table of
organization who is an officer or an employee of Suffolk County.
Page 2 of 3
(3) A complete financial statement listing all assets and liabilities as well
as a profit-and-loss statement, certified by a cedified public
accountant. Such statement shall be the most current available and in
no event shall have been prepared more than six (6) months prior to
the date of the filing of the bid. No financial statement or profit-and-loss
statement shall be required from any contractor or vendor having fifty
percent (50%) or more of their gross revenues from sources other than
the County of Suffolk.
A separate folio for each company shall be maintained alphabetically for
public inspection by the Comptroller.
Remedies. The failure to file a verified public disclosure statement as
required under this section shall constitute a material breach of contract.
Suffolk County may resort, use or employ any remedies contained in
Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of New York. In
addition to all legal remedies, Suffolk County shall be entitled, upon a
determination that a breach has occurred, to damages equal to fifteen
percent (15%) of the amount of the contract.
Under no circumstances shall the county be precluded from invoking any
remedy contained in the preceding section by reason of its failure to
invoke promptly its remedies.
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