HomeMy WebLinkAboutMWR&R State Assist Prog JAMES BUNCHUCK SOLID WASTE COORDINATOR P.O. Box 962 Cutchogue, New York 11935-096~ Tel: (631) 734-7685 Fa~ (631) 734-7976 dsw@ town.southold.ny.us SOUTHOI.n TOWN soLm WASTE DISTRICT October 21, 2004 Sharon Smith Environmental Program Specialist New York State DEC Bureau of Waste Reduction and Recycling Division of Solid and Hazardous Materials 625 Broadway Albany, NY 12233-7253 Dear Ms. Smith: Municipal Waste Reduction & Recycling {MWR&R) State Assistance Program Town of Southold (Yard Waste Compost Facility Project) Project No. 1-MSWSS-106 The enclosures in this package are being submitted in response to your request of Augnst 26, 2003 for additional documentation of the Town's costs and contractual anm~ements with regard to the Compost Facility project. The enclosures contained herein document expenses totaling $3,299,178.48, with the Town seeking $1,649,589.24 in grant monies. The breakdown of these amounts is as follows: Item Total Cost Reimbursement Sought · Property Title Survey $ 6,500.00 $ 3,250.00 · Property Purchase $ 959,641.96 $ 479,820.98 · Environmental Reviews $ 12,879.77 $ 6,439.89 * Engineering (Design) $ 124,163.48 $ 62,081.74 · Construction $2,195,993.27 $1,097,996.63 TOTALS: $3,299,178.48 $1,649,589.24 At the outset, I apologize and ask for your understantYmg concerning thc time elapsed since your request. Accurate accounting of costs had to await substantial completion of the project, which has only recently occurred. In addition, the compost site project coincided with the major work on the Town's landfill closure project, each of which was awarded to the same contractor (Teiry Contracting). (As you may recall f~om our March 2002 meeting concerning this matter, this enabled the Town to utilize extremely competitive unit prices bid under the closure contract for a significant amount of the work required to construct the compost facility). While this contractual connection between the two projects was clearly to the Town's benefit, this and other interrelationships among the jobs made the prOcess of compiling and assigning appropriate costs significantly more time consuming. MWR&R State Assistance Program Town of Southold Yard Waste Compost Facilivj Project # I-MSWSS-106 p. 2 10/21/04 The enclosures herein are itemized below in order of the requests you made in your August 2003 letter: Request 1, re: Purchase agreement and independent appraisal for the property. Enclosures consist of copies of the following (Items (a) - (e) clipped together): 1. (a) Town Board Resolution dated March 13, 2001 authorizing the Supervisor to execute a contract of sale; (b) Residential Contract of Sale in the amount of $990,000 (a "not to exceed" price); (e) Suffolk County Clerk's Office Recording Page; (d) Suffolk County Recording and Endorsement Page; (e) Original Deed dated April 27, 2001 between Francis J. McBride and Southold Solid Waste Management District, recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on 5/14/01, in Liber D00012118 at page 173. (f) Property Appraisal by Given Associates (g) Letter fi-om Given Associates to Town of Southold of October 12, 2004 estimating increase in appraised value from August 2000 to date of property sale in April 2001. Request 2, re: Specifications and site plan for the pro|ect. Enclosures consist of copies of the following (Items a, c, d, e, & fare clipped together): (a) Town Board Resolution dated June 19, 2001 authorizing the Supervisor to execute a contract with H2M Group to provide engineering services for development of the compost facility; Co) H2M Proposal for Professional and Technical Services, adopted as the engineering services Contract for thc project. (ITEMS (c), (d), and (e) below represent documentation of certain engineering costs relating to the compost site that required the expertise of the Landffil Capping Project Engineer (Dvirka & Bartilucci) as they involved activities affecting directly the capping work, but which were undertaten solely in support oftbe compost project. The D&B compost engineering Contract mentioned in Items (c) & (d) refers to a letter agreement (Item (e), enclosed) signed prior to the Town's acquisition of the 17-acre McBride parcel, wbere'm D&B was to develop plans for locating the compost facility in the former borrow pit north of the capped landfill. It is this contract that was utilized to authorize D&B to conduct the work in support oftbe new facility, and which was later superceded by the Town's contract with H2M once the new site was acquired). (c) Town Board Resolution dated October 9, 2001 authorizing an increase in the D&B compost site development contract to pay for engineering costs related to the need to incorporate contaminated soil and loam fi-om the new compost facility into the landfill capping project. (d) Town Board Resolution dated January 15, 2002 anthori~ing an increase in the D&B compost site development contract to pay for engineering costs related to the need to construct a permanent road over the capped landfill to the new compost facility. (e) Letter agreement between D&B and the Town of March 6, 2002 that cou~Lises the contract to provide engineering services to locate a compost facility in the former borrow pit north of the landfill. Mv, rR&R State Assistance Program Town of Southold Yard Waste Compost Facility Project # I-MSWSS406 p. 3 10/21/IM (f) Town Board Resolution dated December 4, 2001, accepting the bid of Ten'y Contracting for construction of thc compost site and authorizing the Supervisor to execute a contract with Terry Contracting. (g) Construction specifications prepared by H2M (bound document titled "Town of Southold Solid Waste District YardWaste Compnsting Facility, Project No. SOHT01-01"); includes Addendum No. I of November 28, 2001 (pink pages inside front cover); note Addendum Item #2, page 2, which identifies the "Landfill Contractor" (also Terry Contracting) as the party responsible for excavation of the eompnst site. Request 3, re: Pa~anent Documentation Enclosures consist of the following: (a) List of all payments made in connection with this application, broken out by Vendor and service rendered, with check #s and corresponding payment application #s for work of Terry Contracting;, [ACTUAL COPIES OF AIJ, CglF, CKS TO BE FORWARDED SEPARATELYI Co) Copies of all payment applications from Terry Contracting listed in 3 (a), which details site work performed for payments sought. Request 4, re: Ag-Bas Eauioment The Town elected to put off upgrading of the Ag-Bag system at this time, and grant funds for the Ag-Bag are no longer being requested. If the Town decides to upgrade the Ag-Bag system at a future time, any request for grant funds under the MWR&R State Assistance Program will be handled as separate, new application. Request 5, re: Attachment to the Certificate as to Title to Proiect Site A new Certificate dated September 27, 2004, signed by Kieran Corcoran, Esq., the current Assistant Town Attorney is enclosed. A copy of the deed is submitted with the enclosures itemized under Request 1, above. Request 6, re: Workforce Account Reimbursement The Town is no longer seeking reimbursement for work by Town staff. Request 7, re: Application Cover Page The signed, dated cover page is included. Sincerely, cc: Town Board Members (letter only) ~ John Cushman, Comptroller (letter only) George Desrnarais, H2M (letter only)