HomeMy WebLinkAboutCornell Coop Ext/Trails ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Fax (631) 765-6145
Telephone (631) 765-1800
southoldtown.nor thfork.net
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs
Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to sign Agreement between the To~vn of Southold and
Cornell Cooperative Extension for the "Trails and Habitat Delineation and Flora/Fauna
Identification Program", in the amount of $27,000, as part of the 2004 Stewardship Program,
subject to the approval of the Toxvn Attorney.
Trail maping and flora/fauna identification for the following To~vn Open Space Parcels:
Arshamomaque Preserve
Mill Road Preserve (McGunnigle)
Downs Farm Preserve
Arshamomaque Pond Preserve
Dam Pond Preserve
Damianos Woodlands
Marratooka Lake Preserve
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
THIS AGREElVlENT, entered into this 1st day of January 2004, between the Town of
Southold, with offices at 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY 11971, hereinafter called the
"Town" and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County, with offices at 423 Grilling
Avenue, Riverhead, NY 11901, herein call the "Consultant"
~V[-IEREAS, the Town of Southold desires to engage the consultant to render certain
professional services hereinafter described in connection with an undertaking.
NOW, therefore, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows:
1. Employment of Consultant - The Town hereby agrees to engage the Consultant and the
Consultant hereby agrees to perform the services hereinafter set forth.
2. Scope of Work - The Consultant shall perform and carry out, on a satisfactory and
proper manner the services described in Exhibit A: attached hereto and made part of the
3. Personnel:
A. The Consultant represents that all personnel engaged in the work shall be fully
qualified by reason of training and experience to perform such services set forth herein.
B. None of the--work or services covered by this contract shah be subcontracted
without the prior written approval of the Town.
4. Time of Performance - The services of the Consultant are to commence on January
2, 2004 and shall end on December 31, 2004 or at the completion of the tasks
outline in Exhibit A.
5. Compensation - The Town agrees to pay the Consultant the total sum not to exceed
6. Method of payment - Payment shall be made in accordance with the billing schedule and
upon receipt by the Town of a properly completed voucher form supplied by the Town. It
is expressly understood and agreed that in no event will the total compensation and
reimbursement be paid hereunder exceed the maximum sum of $27,000. for all of the
services required.
7. Monthly Reports and Activity Reports - Monthly actB~ity reports should be submitted
along with monthly vouchers for reimbursement of approved expenditures.
8. Additional Rights and Remedies - This contract shah be goYerned by, subject to, and
construed according to the laws of the State of New York.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract as of the date
hereinabove set forth·
Town of~old
By /]~~ -
/Joshua Y. fiorton, Supervisor
Cornell Cooperative Entension
Trails and Habitat Delineation using GPS/GIS and Flora/Faunal Identification for
the following:
Arshamomaque Pond Preserve, Mill Road Preserve (McGunnigle), Downs Farm
Preserve, Arshamomaque Preserve (Levin), Dam Pond Maritime Reserve,
Damianos Woodland Preserve & Marratooka Lake Preserve.
The project will delineate trails and other important features on the above properties,
identify plant conununities and create a detailed flora and faunal inventory of the
preserves, as per the attached Proposal and Budget, Part 1 & 2.
Trails and Habitat Delineation using GPS/GIS
and Floral/Faunal Identification - Part 1
-Arshamomaque Pond Preserve
-McGunnigle Preserve
-Downs Farm Preserve
Submitted by:
Lome Brousseau
Steve Schott
Christopher Smith
Comell Cooperative Extension
423 Griffing Ave
Riverhead, New York 11901
Prepared for the Town of Southold
June 25, 2004
Comell Cooperative Extension (CCE) will assist the Tow'n of Southold (TOS) in meeting
their goals of educating citizens for the purpose of enjosdng, preserving and enhancing
natural ecosystems. The existing and proposed protected areas are widely beneficial
because they preserve wildlife habitat while providing the opportunity for residents to
become familiar with the beauty of their local natural resources. CCE proposes to fulfill
the following previously identified educational needs as outlined in the Towns
"Stewardship Projects & Community Preservation Program": i) GPS/GIS trails and
habitats and 2) produce an educational inventory of local flora and fauna. This
educational component of Southold's land stewardship initiative would benefit both
residents and tourists interested in exploring the Town's naturai resources. The following
tasks will be performed as part of the educational outreach initiative.
l - Nature Trail Del/neation
A differential global positioning system (GPS; Trimble Explorer) will be employed to
geolocate trails to sub-meter accuracy. The locations of other important features, such as
scenic viexvpoints, rest areas, picnic areas and information kiosks, will also be recorded.
The GPS data xvill subsequently be incorporated into a geographic information system
(GIS). All delineated features xvill be overlain on aerial photographs. The resulting
feature maps will be printed in a large format to be displayed at infom~ation kiosks
located at trail heads. The above information will also be available for downloading on
the Town xvebsite. In addition, digital photographs will be linked to the online material
highlighting particular natural resource features and vistas expected to be encountered on
a trail walk. The above will b'e performed on the following properties: Arshamomaqtle
Pond Preserve, McGunnigle Preserve, and the Doxvns Farm Prese~'e.
2 - Plant Corranunitv Delineation
The boundaries of plant cormnunities or habitats will be delineated through aerial
photo analysis coupled with groundtruthing. Habitats will be classified into one of the
following groups: wetland, grassland, mixed hardwood, and conifer. These delineations
will be digitized and incorporated into the Tm~m ~vebsite as well as on to the large format
aerial printouts displayed at trail head kiosks. This will be performed at the
Arshamomaque Pond Preserve, McGunnigle Preserve, and the Downs Farm Preserve.
3 - Floral Inventor,/
A floral inventory will be conducted listing all predominant species. In addition to
listing scientific and common names, digital pictures will be taken of many specimens
found. The digital photos will be available online for viewing to help people with floral
species identification. The floral inventory will be performed at the Arshamomaque
Pond Preserve, McGunnigle Preserve, and the Downs Farm Preserve. For each site, a
downloadable species inventory as well as a field checklist will be available for interested
4 - Faunal Inventory
A general faanal inventory xvill be conducted listing predominant species that one can
expect to find in Southold preserves. In addition to listing scientific and conunon names,
digital pictures will be taken and/or collected. The digital photos will be available online
for species identification. Species lists and field checklists will be available for
The purpose of the initiative is to produce educational material which can be used by
residents and visitors alike. The materials produced will help people familiarize
themselves with the local floral and faunal species and promote usage of the wonderful
preserves found in Southold. Ultimately, the increased awareness of the wonderful
natural resources within the Town of Southold will help generate interest in preserving
them and promote stewardship.
Trails and Habitat Delineation using GPS/GIS
and Floral/Faunal Identification - Partl
Staff Time
Supplies & Equipment
Trails and Habitat Delineation using GPS/GIS
and Floral/Faunal Identification - Part 2
-Arshamomaque Preserve
-Dam Pond Maritime Reserve
-Damianos Woodland Preserve
-Marratooka Lake Preserve
Submitted by:
Lome Brousseau
Steve Schott
Christopher Smith
Comell Cooperative Extension
423 Grilling Ave
Riverhead, New York 11901
Prepared for the Town of Southold
June 25, 2004
Comell Cooperative Extension (CCE) will assist tile Town of Southold (TOS) in meeting
their goals of educating citizens for the purpose of en. io35ng, prese~w'ing and enhancing
natural ecosystems. The existing and proposed protected areas are widely beneficial
because they preserve wildlife habitat while providing the opportunity for residents to
become familiar with the beauty of their local natural resources. (.'CE proposes to fulfill
the following previously identified educational needs as outlined in the Towns
"Stewardship Projects & Community Preservation Program": 1) GPS/GIS trails and
habitats and 2) produce an educational inventory of local flora and fauna. This
educational component of Southold's land stewardship initiative would benefit both
residents and tourists interested in exploring the Town's natural resources. The following
tasks would be perfon'ned as part of the educational outreach initiative.
1 - Nature Trail Delineation
A differential global positioning system (GPS; Trimble Explorer) will be employed to
geolocate trails to sub-meter accuracy. The locations of other important features, such as
scenic viewpoints, rest areas, picnic areas and infom~ation kiosks, will also be recorded.
The GPS data ~vill subsequently be incorporated into a geographic information system
(GIS). All delineated features will be overlain on aerial photographs. The resulting
feature maps will be printed in a large format to be displayed at information kiosks
located at trail heads. The above information will also be available for downloading on
the Town xvebsite. In addition, digital photographs will be linked to the online material
highlighting particular natural resource features and vistas expected to be encountered on
a trail walk. The above will be completed for the following properties: Arshamomaque
Preserve, Dam Pond Maritime Reserve, Damianos Woodland Preserve, and the
Marratooka Lake Preserve.
2 - Plant Community Delineation
The boundaries of plant communities or habitats will be delineated through aerial
photo analysis coupled with groundtmthing. Habitats ~vill be classified into one of the
folloxving groups: wetland, grassland, mixed hardwood, and conifer. These delineations
will be digitized and incorporated into the Town xvebsite as well as on to the large format
aerial printouts displayed at trail head l~iosks. This will be performed at the
Arshamomaque Preserve, Dam Pond Maritime Reserve, Danfianos Woodland Preserve,
and the Marratooka Lake Preserve.
3 - Floral Inventor,/
A floral inventory will be conducted listh~g all predominant species. In addition to
listing scientific and common names, digital pictures will be taken of all specimens
found. The digital photos will be available online for viewing to help people xvith floral
species identification. The floral inventory will be performed at the Arshamomaque
Preserve, Dmn Pond Maritime Reserve, Damianos Woodland Preserve, and the
Marratooka Lake Preserve. For each site, a downloadable species inventory as well as a
field checklist w'iI1 be available for interested hikers.
4 - Virtual Trail Walk
A virtual trail walk will be conducted for the Dam Pond Maritime Reserve. This
is intended to benefit residents or other interested parties xvho are unable to enjoy the
Towns preserves due to physical limitations. The entire scenic trail will be filmed using
digital video tectmology in a high-quality MiniDV format. It will be narrated by a field
biologist who will identify the predominant floral species as well as faunal species
encountered. The virtual trail walk will be edited and produced onto DVD's which the
Tox~m can distribute or loan as they desire. In addition, if space is not a limiting factor,
the virtual walk will be available for viewing on the interact.
The purpose of the initiative is to produce educational material xvhich can be used by
residents and visitors alike. The materials produced will help people familiarize
themselves with the local floral and faunal species and promote usage of the wonderful
preserves found in Southold. Ultimately, the increased awareness of the wonderful
natural resources within the Town of Southold will help generate interest in presenting
them and promote stewardship.
Trails and Habitat Delineation using GPS/GIS
and Floral/Faunal Identification - Part 2
Staff Time
Supplies & Equipment
$ 1,313
$ 1,875
Telephone (631) 765-1283
Fax (631) 765-9015
Town Hall. 53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 1~[971
Chris Smith, Lorne Brousseau, and Steve Schott
From: Jim McMahon
Trail & Flora/Fauna Contract
September 15, 2004
Please note that I have adjusted the budget for the above to $27,000. We should meet to
look over the tasks and make adjustment, as needed to the proposal.
I propose to fund the Laurel Lake, Part III, plus the items that are not funded in Part 1 &
Part II ($10,000), in the 2005 Budget.
THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 1st day of January 2004, between the Town of
Southold, ~vith offices at 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY 11971, hereinafter called the
"Town" and Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County, with offices at 423 Griffing
Avenue, Riverhead, NY 11901, herein call the "Consultant"
WHEREAS, the Town of Southold desires to engage the consultant to render certain
professional services hereinafter described in connection with an undertaking.
NOW, therefore, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows:
1. Employment of Consultant - The Town hereby agrees to engage the Consultant and the
Consultant hereby agrees to perform the services hereinafter set forth.
2. Scope of Work - The Consultant shall perform and carry out, on a satisfactory and
proper manner the services described in Exhibit A: attached hereto and made part of the
3. Personnel:
A. The Consultant represents that ali personnel engaged in the work shall be fully
qualified by reason of training and experience to perform such services set forth herein.
B. None of the.work or services covered by this contract shall be subcontracted
without the prior ~vritten approval of the Town.
4. Time of Performance - The services of the Consultant are to commence upon execution
of this contract and shall end on December 31, 2004 or at the completion of the tasks
outline in Exhibit A.
5. Compensation - The Town agrees to pay the Consultant the total sum not to exceed
6. M~i~LaLi~Ilgal - Payment shall be made in accordance svith the billing schedule and
upon receipt by the Tmvn of a properly completed voucher form supplied by the Tmvn. It
is expressly understood and agreed that in no event will the total compensation and
reimbursement be paid hereunder exceed the maximum sum of $27,000. for all of the
services required.
7. Monthly Reports and Activity Reports - Monthly activity reports should be submitted
along with monthly vouchers for reimbursement of approved expenditures.
8. Additional RiEhts and Remedies - This contract shall be go¥'erned by, subject to, and
construed according to the laws of the State of New York.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract as of the date
hereinabove set forth.
Town of Southold
lJoshua Y. Horton, Supervisor
Cornell Cooperative Entension
Trails and Habitat Delineation using GPS/GIS and Flora/Faunal Identification for
the following:
Arshamomaque Pond Preserve, Mill Road Preserve (McGunnigle), Downs Farm
Preserve, Arshamomaque Preserve (Levin), Dam Pond Maritime Reserve,
Damianos Woodland Preserve & Marratooka Lake Preserve.
The project xvill delineate trails and other important features on the above properties,
identify plant communities and create a detailed flora and faunal inventory of the
preserves, as per the attached Proposal and Budget, Part 1 & 2.
Trails and Habitat Delineation using GPS/G1S
and Floral/Faunal Identification - Part 1
-Arshamomaque Pond Preserve
-McGunnigle Preserve
-Downs Farm Preserve
Submitted by:
Lome Brousseau
Steve Schott
Christopher Smith
Comell Cooperative Extension
423 Ghffing Ave
Riverhead, New York l 1901
Prepared for the Town of Southold
Jane 25, 2004
Comell Cooperative Extension (CCE) will assist the Town of Southold (TOS) in meeting
their goals of educating citizens for the purpose of enjoying, presen, ing and etgqancing
natural ecosystems. The existing and proposed protected areas are xvidely beneficial
because they preserve wildlife habitat while providing the opportunity for residents to
become familiar with the beauty of their local natural resources. CCE proposes to fulfill
the following previously identified educational needs as outlined in the Towns
"Stewardship Projects & Comnurnity Preservation Program": 1) GPS/GIS trails and
habitats and 2) produce an educational inventory of local flora and fauna. This
educational component of Southold's land stewardship initiative would benefit both
residents and tourists interested in exploring the Town's natural resources. The following
tasks will be performed as part of the educational outreach initiative.
1 - Nature Trail Delineation
A differential global positioning system (GPS; Trimble Explorer) will be employed to
geolocate trails to sub-meter accuracy. The locations of other important features, such as
scenic viewpoints, rest areas, picnic areas and information kiosks, will also be recorded.
The GPS data will subsequently be incorporated into a geographic information system
(GIS). All delineated features will be overlain on aerial photographs. The resulting
feature maps will be printed in a large format to be displayed at information kiosks
located at trail heads. The above information will also be available for downloading on
the Town website. In addition, digital photographs xvill be linked to the online material
highlighting particular natural resource features and vistas expected to be encountered on
a trail walk. The above will b'e performed on the following properties: ArshamomaqUe
Pond Preserve, McGunnigle Preserve, and the Downs Farm Preserve.
2 - Plant Community Delineation
The boundaries of plant communities or habitats will be delineated through aerial
photo analysis coupled with groundtruthing. Habitats will be classified into one of the
following groups: wetland, grassland, mixed hardwood, and conifer. These delineations
will be digitized and incorporated into the Town website as well as on to the large format
aerial printouts displayed at trail head kiosks. This will be performed at the
Arshamomaque Pond Preserve, McGunnigle Preserve, and the Downs Farm Presev,'e.
3 - Floral Inventory
A floral inventory xvill be conducted listing all predonfinant species. In addition to
listing scientific and common names, digital pictures will be taken of many specimens
found. The digital photos xvill be available online for viewing to help people xvith floral
species identification. The floral inventory will be performed at the Arshamomaque
Pond Preserve, McGunnigle Preserve, and the Downs Fam~ Preserve. For each site, a
downloadable species inventory as well as a field checklist will be available for interested
4 Faunal Inventory
A general faunal inventory will be conducted listing predominant species that one can
expect to find in Southold presetw'es. In addition to listing scientific and conmaon names,
digital pictures will be taken and/or collected. The digital photos will be available online
for species identification. Species lists and field checklists will be available for
The purpose of the initiative is to produce educational material which can be used by
residents and visitors alike. The materials produced will help people familiarize
themselves with the local floral and faunal species and promote usage of the wonderful
preserves found in Southold. Ultimately, the increased a~vareness of the xvonderful
natural resources within the Town of Southold xvill help generate interest in preserving
them and promote stewardship.
Trails and Habitat Delineation using GPS/GIS
and Floral/Faunal Identification - Partl
Staff Time
Supplies & Equipment
Trails and Habitat Delineation using GPS/GIS
and Floral/Faunal Identification - Part 2
-Arshamomaque Preserve
-Dam Pond Maritime Reserve
-Damianos Woodland Preserve
-Marratooka Lake Preserve
Submitted by:
Lome Brousscau
Steve Schott
Christopher Smith
Comell Cooperative Extension
423 Griffing Ave
Riverhead, New York 1 1901
Prepared for the Town of Southold
June 25, 2004
Comell Cooperative Extension (CCE) will assist the Town of Southold (TOS) in meeting
their goals of educating citizens for the purpose of enjo34ng, preserving and el~hancing
natural ecosystems. The existing and proposed protected areas are widely beneficial
because they preserve wildlife habitat while providing the opportunity for residents to
become familiar with the beauty of their local natural resources. CCE proposes to fulfill
the following previously identified educational needs as outlined in the Towns
"Stewardship Projects & Community Preservation Program": 1) GPS/GIS trails and
habitats and 2) produce an educational im'entory of local flora and fauna. This
educational component of Southold's land stewardship initiative would benefit both
residents and tourists interested in exploring the Town's natural resources. The following
tasks would be performed as part of the educational outreach initiative.
1 - Nature Trail Delineation
A differential global positioning system (GPS; Trimble Explorer) will be employed to
geolocate trails to sub-meter accuracy. The locations of other important features, such as
scenic viewpoints, rest areas, picnic areas and information kiosks, will also be recorded.
The GPS data will subsequently be incorporated into a geographic information system
(GIS). All delineated features will be overlain on aerial photographs. The resulting
feature maps will be printed in a large format to be displayed at information kiosks
located at trail heads. The above information will also be available for downloading on
the Town website. In addition, digital photographs will be linked to the online material
highlighting particular natural resource features and vistas expected to be encountered on
a trail walk. The above xvill be completed for the following properties: Arshamomaque
Preserve, Dam Pond M,'u:itime Reserve, Damianos Woodland Preserve, and the
Marratooka Lake Preserve.
2 - Plant Community Delineation
The boundaries of plant conununities or habitats will be delineated through aerial
photo analysis coupled with groundtmthing. Habitats will be classified into one of the
following groups: wetland, grassland, mixed hardwood, and conifer. These delineations
will be digitized and incorporated into the Town website as well as on to the large format
aerial printouts displayed at trail head kiosks. This will be performed at the
Arshamomaque Preserve, Dam Pond Maritime Reserve, Damianos Woodland Preserve,
and the Marratooka Lake Preserve.
3 - Floral Inventory
A floral inventory will be conducted listing all predominant species. In addition to
listing scientific and common names, digital pictures will be taken of all specimens
found. The digital photos will be available online for viewing to help people with floral
species identification. The floral inventory will be performed at the Arshamomaque
Preserve, Dam Pond Maritime Reserve, Damianos Woodland Preserve, and the
Marratooka Lake Preserve. For each site, a downloadable species inventory as well as a
field checklist will be available for interested hikers.
4 - Virtual Trail Walk
A virtual trail walk will be conducted for the Dam Pond Mahtime Reserve. This
is intended to benefit residents or other interested parties who are unable to enjoy the
Towns preserves due to physical limitations. The entire scenic trail will be filmed using
digital video technology in a high-quality MiniDV format. It will be narrated by a field
biologist who will identify the predominant floral species as well as faunal species
encountered. The virtual trail walk will be edited and produced onto DVD's which the
Town can distribute or loan as they desire. In addition, if space is not a limiting factor,
the virtual walk xvill be available for viewing on the internet.
The purpose of the initiative is to produce educational material which can be used by
residents and visitors alike. The materials produced will help people familiarize
themselves with the local floral and faunal species and promote usage of the wonderfid
preserves found in Southold. Ultimately, the increased awareness of the wonderful
natural resources within the Town of Southold will help generate interest in preserving
them and promote stewardship.
Trails and Habitat Delineation using GPS/GIS
and Floral/Faunal Identification - Part 2
Staff Time
Supplies & Equipment
$ 1,313
$ 1~875