HomeMy WebLinkAboutFI Ferry Dist & ST of Conn ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOP~f~ATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.nort hfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 18, 2004 James H. Norman, P.E. Manager of State Design Bureau of Engineering Operations State of Connecticut Department of Transportation 2800 Berlin Turnpike P O Box 317546 Ne~vington, CT 0617546 Dear Mr. Norman: Please accept this letter as confirmation that Southold Town Board Resolution No. 71 of 2003 authorizing Southold Toxvn Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton to sign the Agreement entitled, "Agreement Between the State of Connecticut, the Town of Southold, NY and the Fishers Island Ferry District for the Construction, Inspection and Maintenance requested in conjunction with the New London Ferry Terminal Expansion for the Fishers Island Ferry District utilizing Federal Funds from the Ferry Boat Discretionary Program", State Project No. 094-0212, is valid and remains in effect. Very truly yours, Linda J. Cooper Deputy Town Clerk ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 63095 M~n Road P.O. Box 1179 Sou';hold, New York 1 L971 Ft~x (6311 765-614~, Telephon~ ~6~1) 765-1860 sour holdiown,nor t h fork ne~ OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. ?1 OF 2003 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 4, 2003: RESOLVED ~hat the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes and directs Supervisor Joshua ¥. Horton to sign the Agreement entitled, ~Agreement Between the State of Connecticut, the Town of Soothold, NY and the Fishers Island Ferry District for the Construction, Iaspeetion and Ma/atenancc requested in conjunction with the New London Ferry Terminal Expansion for the Fishers Island Ferry District utilizing Federal Funds from the Ferry Boat Discretionary Program", Slate Project No. 094-0212. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 2800 BERLIN TURNPIKE, P.O. BOX 317546 NEWINGTON, CONNECTICUT 06131-7546 Phone: (860) 594-3272 October 26, 2004 Mr. Reynolds duPont, Jr. Chairman Fishers Island Ferry District P.O Box Drawer H Fishers Island, New York 06390 Dear Mr. duPont: Subject: Project No. 094-212 F.A.P. No. FBD-1094 (103) Fishers Island Ferry District Terminal Expansion - New London Enclosed are three copies of the First Supplemental Agreement between the State of Connecticut, the Fishers Island Ferry District, and the Town of Southold, New York for the Construction, Inspection and Maintenance required in conjunction with the New London Ferry Terminal Expansion for the Fishers Island Ferry District. Please note the following: Your signature and those of two witnesses should be affixed to the three agreements. Please sign your name as it appears on the signatory pages. The signature of Mr. Joshua Y. Horton, Town Supervisor of Southold, New York and those of two witnesses should be affixed to the three agreements. Please have him sign his name as it appears on the signatory pages. 3. The witnesses shall sign in the same order on the three copies. 4. The witnesses' names shall be typed beneath their signatures. An Equal Opportunity Employer Mr. Reynolds duPont, Jr. -2- October 26, 2004 Confirmation that the original council resolution authorizing you, by name and title, to sign these agreements shall be included. For consistency, please see that your name appears in the preamble and signatory pages of these agreements. Confirmation that the ori.qinal council resolution authorizing Mr. Joshua Y. Horton, by name and title, to sign these agreements shall be included. For consistency, please see that his name appears in the preamble and signatory pages of these agreements. Please return the three signed copies of these agreements, as soon as possible, so we may process them for State signatures. A fully executed copy of these agreements will be returned to you upon their completion. Very truly yours, Manager of State Design Bureau of Engineering and Highway Operations Enclosure cc: Mr. Joshua Y. HoC[on, Town of Southold Agreement No. 5.27-01(04) FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT TO THE ORIGINAL AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 19, 2003 BETWEEN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT, THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK AND THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, INSPECTION AND I~L~INTENANCE REQUIRED IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE NEW LONDON FERRY TERMINAL EXPANSION FOR THE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT UTILIZING FEDERAL FUNDS FROM THE FERRY BOAT DISCRETIONARY PROGRAM State Project No. 94-212 Federal Aid Project No. FBD-1094(103) THIS AGREEMENT, concluded at Newington, Connecticut, this day of 2004, by and between the State of Connecticut, Department of Transportation, Stephen E. Korta, B, Commissioner, acting herein by Arthur W. Gmhn., P.E., Chief Engineer, Bureau of Engineering and Highxvay Operations, duly authorized, hereinafter referred to as the State; the Town of Southold, New York, Town Hall, Route 25, Southold, New York 11971-0959, acting herein by Joshua Y. Horton, Town Supervisor, duly authorized, hereinafter referred to as the Town; and the Fishers Island Ferry District, P.O. Box Drawer H, Fishers Island, New York 06390, acting herein by Reynolds duPont, Jr., Chairman, hereunto duly authorized, hereinafter referred to as the Ferry District. WITNESSETH, THAT, WHEREAS, the State, the Town and the Ferry District executed an Agreement, No. 4.04- 01(01), entitled "Agreement Betxveen the State of Connecticut, the Town of Southold, New York and the Fishers Island Ferry District for the Construction, Inspection and Maintenance required in conjunction with the New London Ferry Terminal Expansion for the Fishers Island Ferry, District utilizing Federal Funds from the Ferry Boat Discretionary Program" dated August 19, 2003, hereinafter referred to as the Ohginal Agreement, and WHEREAS, the total cost for the construction phase of the Project, Six Million Three Hundred Fifty-three Thousand One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($6,353,125), and the maximum amount of reimbursement to the Ferry District, Five Million Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($5,002,500), provided for in Article (45) of the Original Agreement have been found to be insufficient to complete all construction activities required for this Project as originally anticipated, and WHEREAS, Article 22 of the Original Agreement states that the Ferry District shall pursue additional funding for this Project from State and Federal sources including the Department of Housing and Urban Development, State of New York and the Ferry Boat DiscretionaE,, Program (under TEA 21), and WHEREAS, an additional Seven Hundred Forty-five Thousand Five Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($745,575) has been made available for this Project due to the transfer of unobligated balances of Federal-aid Highway funds to Section 115 projects pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2004, Public Law 108-199, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Transportation is authorized to enter into this Agreement pursuant to Sections 13a-165 and 13b-4(8) of the General Statutes of Colmecticut as revised. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW YE THAT: THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: That Article (28) of the Original Agreement is hereby deleted and the folloxving lieu thereof: (28) is substituted in Use apportionments made available to the State under the provisions of the Federal Highway Administration Ferry Boat Discretionary Program and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2004, Public Law 108-199, to reimburse the Ferry District for participating Project costs. Eighty percent (80%) of the certified amount expended by the Ferry District, not to exceed the limits set forth in this Agreement under Article (45), and approved by the State as participating Project costs under the temps of this Agreement will be reimbursed by the State. That Article (45) of the Original Agreement is hereby deleted and the following is substituted in lieu thereof: (45) That the total estimated cost for the construction phase of the project is Seven Million Two Hundred Eighty-five Thousand Ninety-four Dollars ($7,285,094), which includes anticipated expenditures of Seven Million One Hundred Eighty- five Thousand Ninety-four Dollars ($7,185,094) for services to be provided by the Ferry District and One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) for services to be provided by the State. The maximum amount of reimbursement to the Ferry District under the terms of this Agreement is Five Million Seven Hundred Forty- eight Thousand Seventy-five Dollars (5,748,075). ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS State Project No. 94-212 Federal Aid Project No. FBD-1094(103) A. Construction (Contract Items) $7,185,094 B. Incidentals to Construction (State Oversight ) $70,000 C. Incidentals to Construction (State Material Testing) $30,000 D. Total Construction Cost (A + B + C) $ 7,285,094 E. Federal Share of Total Construction Cost (80% of D) $5,828,075 Estimated Ferry District Proportionate Share of Total Construction Cost (20% of D) $1,457,019 Maximum Amount of Reimbursement to the Ferry District $5,748,075 Amount to be Deposited by the Ferry District to the State in accordance with this Agreement $20,000 If an officer, employee or appointing authority of the Town or Ferry District takes or threatens to take any personnel action against any employee of the Town or Ferry District in retaliation for such employee's disclosure of information to the Auditors of Public Accounts or the Attorney General under the provisions of this Article, the Town and/or Ferry District shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for each offense up to a maximum of twenty percent (20%) of the value of the contract. Each violation shall be a separate and distinct offense and in the case of a continuing violation each calendar day's continuance of the violation shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct offense. The executive head of the Connecticut Deparunent of Transportation may request the Attomey General to bring a civil action in the superior court for the judicial district of Hartford to seek imposition and recovery of such civil penalty. The Town and Ferry District shall post a notice of the provisions of this Article in a conspicuous place which is readlily available for viewing by the employees of the Town and Ferry District. The State is entitled to receive a copy of records and files related to the performance of the Ferry District under this Agreement, and such records and files shall be subject to the Freedom of Information Act and may be disclosed by the State pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. No request to inspect or copy such records or files shall be valid unless the request is made to the State in accordance with the Freedom of hfformation Act. Any complaint by a person who is denied the right to inspect or copy such records or files shall be brought to the Freedom of Information Commission in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1-205 and 1-206 of the Connecticut General Statutes. That all temps and conditions of the Original Agreement not specifically amended or deleted herein, shall remain in full force and effect: Agreement No. 5.27-01 (04) 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the day and year indicated. WITNESSES: STATE OF CONNECTICUT Department of Transportation Stephen E. Korta, 1I Commissioner Name: By: (Seal) Arthur W. Gmhn, P.E. Chief Engineer Bureau of Engineering and Highway Operations Name: Date: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT By: i~?i °r~li~l t~ulT°nt' Jr' ~57 __---(-f~al) Nade: ~-~3 ' Karla Heath Date: Na .'~o~a~e t~i g ~o r i Name: Ruthanne Woodhull TOWN/~F SOUT/OLD i/Joshua Y. Horton By: )Town Supervisor 4 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Agreement No. 5.27-01 (04) Attorney General State of Com~ecticut Date: ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS I~LkNAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.nort h fork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 17, 2004 Federal Express Attn: Ms Azure Dee Emerle Ocean and Costal Consultants, Inc. 35 Corporate Dr Tmmbull, CT 06611 Dear Ms. Emerle: r.e l:x,, US Airbill Express 8481 3035 5533 Nambe I1'1 ¥ Account Number Sender's Name ELIZABETH NEVII I F- P~one ( ~:~ 1 ) 765-- ! ~00 Co__~penv TOWN OF SOIJTHI]I D Address 53095 ROUTE 25 c~ SDUTHOLD 2 your Internal Billing Reterence State NY ZIP 1 1 Ouestions? Visit our Web site at fedex.corn or call 1.800.G oFedB( 1.8{X] 463.3339. 4a Expm~ Package Sendce 4b Express FreigM Service Packaging FedEx L~d Ex P.~' ~1 Fe~Ex FedEx ~[ O~er Tube Special Handling NO ~ AY~e ....... ~ ye~ ~Hm.D a~ Fe~Ex Locet]en Avmlabl8 ONLY -- D Ice LJ ~r~ce $ ~N 1~45 __~ .k~ ~ Cargo Aircraft Only 8 Sign to Authorize Delivery Witflout a Signature 0287331970 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P.O. Box H FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 www. fiferrv, com Thomas E Doherty Manager 631.788.7463 631.788.5523 Fax mgrfi~rry~'fishersisland.net November 8, 2004 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Reynolds duPont, Jr., Chairman Lillie M. Ahman Dax4d C. Burnham II George J. Esser, Jr. Paul F. Giles VIA EXPRESS MAIL Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Application for Letter of Map Revision Fishers Island Ferry/New London, CT Terminal Project Dear Josh: Enclosed please find the above captioned item which requires your signature in connection with the Letter of Map Revision. Would it be possible for you to sign this and forward it on as soon as possible to: Mr. Keith Neilson Docko, Inc. P.O. Box 42l Mystic, CT 06355 Thank you in advan~.~Lg~ your prompt attention to this matter. Please feel free to contact ~n~estioT~ng~[.~.~d '-~/5~ thiS information. Thomas Doherty ~/ ~2. [~ .~ Manager 1 0 enc TRANSMITTAL LETTER OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 35 CORPORATE DRIVE TRUMBULL, CT 06611 (203)268-5007, FAX(203)268-8821 AEMERLE~OCEAN -COASTAL.COM Attention: Representing: Project: Project Number: Date: Keith Neilson Docko, Inc. PO Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 (860) 572-8939 FIFD 202013.1 November 4, 2004 I am sending you the following: One (1) original Application for a FEMA Letter of Map Revision for Fishers Island Ferry District. As we discussed, please have Charles Brown, Tony Aires, and Josh Horton sign where indicated. Also required is a check for $3,800 made payable to"National Flood Insurance Program" for the application fee. Please send back the original materials to my attention for final processing. I will send each of you a copy for your records upon submittal to FEMA. Additionally, I will swap out the O&M plan and photo with the new editions you will be sending. Best regards, Azure Dee File: Via: From: S:\202013. I\TASK 3\KN 110404 TRANS.DOC Federal Express Priority Overnight Azure Dee Emerle, Engineer FedEx I Ship Manager [ Label 7908 2081 2327 Page 1 of ! From: Ong~n ID: t203)2G8 Ool~ Wing DC;EAN g COASIA[ CONSULIANIS TRUMBULL CT 0~tl SHIP TO: (860)512~919 Keith B Neilson, P.E. Docko Incorporated 14 Holmes St. Mystic, CT 06355 BlU. SENI]ER Ship Date: 04NOV04 Adual Wgl- 1 LB Syslem~ 5604019/INET2000 FIEF 202013.1lADE Iilill ii Illllllllli Delivery Address Bar Code PRIORITY OVERNIGHT FRI Delwer By: TRI~ 7908 2081 2327 Fo..o~0, OSNOW BDL ~ 06355 -CT~JS 00 GONA Shipping Label' Your shipment ~s complete 1. Use tho 'Print' feature from your browser to send this page to your laser or inkier printer. 2. Fold tho printed page along the horizontal line. 3. Place label in shipping pouch and af~x it to your shipment so that the barcode portion of the label can be read and scanned. Warning: Use only the printed original label for shipping. Using a photocopy of this label for shipping purposes is fraudulent and could result in additional billing charges, along with the cancellation of your FedEx account number. Use of this system constitutes your agreement to the service conditions in the current FedEx Service Guido, available on fedex.com. FedEx will not I~ responsible for any claim in excess of $100 per package, whether the result of loss, damage, delay, non-delivery, rnisdelive ~, or misinformation, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additlenal charge, document your actual koss and file a timely claim Limitations found in the current FedEx Service Guide apply. Your right to recover from FedEx for any loss, including intdnsle value of the package, loss of sales, income interest, profit, attorney's foes, costs, arKI other forms of damage whether dkect, incidental, consequential, or special is limited to the greater of $100 or the authoAzed declared value. Recovmy cannot exceed actual documented loss. Maximum for items of exbaordina ry value is $500. e.g. jewelry, https://www.fedex.com/cgi-bin/ship_.it/unity/4AaYr 1DbQqSIhUt3DhTy 1EgXt 11aQq0Ag... 11/4/2004 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P.O. Box H FISHERS ISLAND, NEW YORK 06390 www. fiferry, corn Thomas E Doherty Manager 631.788.7463 631.788.5523 Fax mgrfi fer ry@fishersisland.net November 8, 2004 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Reynolds duPom, Jr., Chairman Lillie M. Ahman Da*4d C. Burnham II George J. Esser, Jr. Paul E Giles VIA EXPRESS MAIL Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Application for Letter of Map Revision Fishers Island Ferry/New London, CT Terminal Project DearJosh: Enclosed please find the above captioned item which requires your signature in connection with the Letter of Map Revision. Would it be possible for you to sign this and forward it on as soon as possible to: Mr. Keith Neilson Docko, Inc. P.O. Box 421 Mystic, CT 06355 Thank you in advance~ YeO~t~oPrOmpt attentioth?st?n~,hoiS mrma~totne~. Please feel free to contact Manager APPLICATION FOR LETTER OF MAP ~VISION FEDE~L EMERGENCY M~AGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSU~CE PROGRAM For FISHERS ISLED FE~Y DIST~CT FOOT of STATE ST~ET NEW LONDON, CT Project No. 202013.1 November 2004 Prepared By: Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. 35 Corporate Drive Tmmbull, CT 06611 Tel (203) 268-5007 Fax (203) 268-8821 TRANSMITTAL LETTER OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 35 CORPORATE DRIVE TRUMBULL, CT 06611 (203)268-5007, FAX(203)268-8821 AEMERLE~OCEAN-COASTAL.COM Attention: Representing: Project: Project Number: Date: Keith Neilson Docko, Inc. PO Box 42 l Mystic, CT 06355 (860) 572-8939 FIFD 202013.1 November 4, 2004 I am sending you the following: One (1) original Application for a FEMA Letter of Map Revision for Fishers Island Ferry District. As we discussed, please have Charles Brown, Tony Aires, and Josh Horton sign where indicated. Also required is a check for $3,800 made payable to "National Flood Insurance Program" for the application fee. Please send back the original materials to my attention for final processing. I will send each of you a copy for your records upon submittal to FEMA. Additionally, I will swap out the O&M plan and photo with the new editions you will be sending. Best regards, File: Via: From: S:\202013.1\TASK 3LKN 110404 TRANS.DOC Federal Express Priority Overnight Azure Dee Emerle, Engineer FedEx [ Ship Manager I Label 7908 2081 2327 Page Iot I From: ongin lEI: (203)26g5097 Dobe V~ng OCEAN & COASTAL CONSULTANTS ~ C~TE O~ SHIP TO: (860)572~138 K~ith B Neilson, P.E. Docko Incorporated 14 Holmes St. Mystic, CT 06355 BIU_ SENDER ! I S~ip Date: O4NOV04 /t~lual W~ 1LB Syslen~: ,~94019/INET2000 REF. 202013.1lADE I!1111111111111111111 Delivery Address Bar Code PRIORITY OVERNIGHT FRI ~e~ver s~ mK~ 7908 2081 232'/ r~°~0, ~NOVO~ BDL ~ O0 GONA IIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllll[llillllll[lil Shipping Label: Your shipment is complete 1. Use the 'Print' feature from your browser to send this page to your laser or inkier prirr~r. 2. Fold the printed page along the horizontal line. 3. Place label in shipping pouch and affix it to your shipment se that the barcode portion of the label can be read and scanned. Wamtog: Use only the printed original labe~ for chlpping. Using a photocopy of this label for shipping purposes Is fraudulent and could result in additional billing charges, along with the cancellation of your FedEx account number. Use of this system cons~tutes your agreement to the service c~nditions in the current FedEx Service Guide, available on fedex.com. FedEx will not he responsible for any claim in excess of $100 per package, whether the result of loss, damage, delay, non-delivery, miscleltve ry, o r misinfo rotation, unless you declare a higher value, pay an additional charge, document your actual loss and file a timely claim. Limitations found in the current FedEx Sewice Guide apply. Your right to recover from FedEX for any loss. including intrinsic vatue of the package, loss of sales, income interest, profit, https://www.fedex.com/cgi-bin/ship_it/unity/4AaYrlDbQq8IhUt3DhTylEgXtlIaQqOAg.. 11/4/2004 OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS~ INC. 35 CORPORATE DR~VE, SUITE 1200 TRUMBULL, CT 06611 PH 203-268-5007 FX 203-268-8821 http://www.ocean-c, oastal.corn November 1, 2004 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL FEMA Region 1 Hazard ID and Risk Assessment Team 99 High Street 6th Floor Boston, MA 02110 Reference: Request for Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) Fishers Island Ferry District New London, Connecticut OCC Project #202013. l Dear LOMR Manager: Ocean and Coastal Consutants, Inc. (OCC) is please to submit for your review, the enclosed request for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) and supporting information in which the Applicant seeks to revise the existing FIRM map for the above referenced site. This request is a follow-up to the Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR), case #02-01-039R, issued on September 30, 2002. The steel sheet pile bulkhead has been built as proposed. As requested in the CLOMR, please find the following items: · Overview and Concurrence Form, MT-2 Form 1 · Coastal Structures Form, MT-2 Form 5 · Certified As-built Plan · Site Plan with Revised Flood Hazard Zones · Annotated Portion of FIRM Number 090100, Panel 0001 C · Operation and Maintenance Plan · Evidence of NFIP Compliance As directed in the CLOMR, CHAMP modeling and wave runup and overtopping calculations have not been provided since the bulkhead was constructed as proposed. Additionally, the $3,800 application fee (copy of check enclosed) has been sent to the "Fee Charge System Administrator" in Merrifield, Virginia, as directed in the CLOMR. We appreciate your expedited review of this application. This LOMR will enable Mr. Tony Alves, the Building Official for the City of New London, to allow the placement of electrical receptacles, fuel oil pumps for the heating system, and other necessary utilities for the building at the CLOMR BFE. Request for Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) Fishers Island Ferry District, New London, CT November 1,2004 Page 2 Please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Azure Dee Emetic or the undersigned at (203) 268-5007, should you require any additional information regarding the proposed change of flood zone designation. Very truly yours, OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Stanley M. White, P.E. President CCi Encl: Reynolds duPont, FIFD Mark Easter, FIFD Joshua Horton, Supervisor, Town of Southold Richard M. Brown, City Manager, City of New London Tony &Ives, Building Official, City of New London Keith Neilson, Docko, Inc. As stated OCEAN AND COAST/M_CONSULTANTS, INC. I I I I I I I I I ! I I !l , I I I Fishers Island Ferry District Application for Letter of Map Revision New London, CT November 2004 TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Transmittal Letter Vicinity Map Flood Insurance Rate Map 090100-000 lC Site Photographs Overview and Concurrence Form (MT-2 Form l) Coastal Structures Form (MT-2 Form 5) Certified As-built Plan Revised Flood Hazard Zones on Existing Site Plan Draxving Annotated FIRM Panel Operation and Maintenance Plan Effective CLOMR Evidence of NFIP Compliance Section Attachment 1 Attachment' 2 Attachment 3 Attachment 4 Attachment 5 Attachment 6 Attachment 7 Attachment 8 Attachment 9 Attachment 10 Attachment l 1 OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Fishers Island Ferry District Application for Letter of Map Revision New London, CT November 2004 I I I I I I I I ATTACHMENT 1 VICINITY MAP APPLICATION FOR LETTER OF MAP REVISION For Fishers Island Ferry District Foot of State Street New London, CT OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. rr .r _~ :%~. k.. /[ ~ L O N D O N 0 2000 4000 SCALE ~E~,~ ~: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT ~s,o~ ~ ~EAN AND COASTAL ~ ORA~ BY:  ~ NEW LONDON. CT ~ SKETCH NO. I ~.m,,.~. I VICINITY MAP ~]~¥ O) SK -- 01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fishers Island Ferry District Application for Letter of Map Revision New London, CT November 2004 ATTACHMENT 2 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP 090100 0001 C APPLICATION FOR LETTER OF MAP REVISION For Fishers Island Ferry District Foot of State Street New London, CT OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Fishers Island Ferry District New London, CT Application for Letter of Map Revision November 2004 ATTACHMENT 3 SITE PHOTOGRAPHS APPLICATION FOR LETTER OF MAP REVISION For Fishers Island Ferry District Foot of State Street New London, CT OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, 1NC. Fishers Island Ferry District New London, CT Application for Letter of Map Revision November 2004 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I ! I ATTACHMENT 4 OVERVIEW AND CONCURRENCE FORM (MT-2 FORM 1) APPLICATION FOR LETTER OF MAP REVISION For Fishers Island Ferry District Foot of State Street New London, CT OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY OVERVIEW & CONCURRENCE FORM Expires September 30. 2005 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE NOTICE Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 1 hour per response. The burden estimate includes he tme for revewng instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing, reviewing, and submitting the form. You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB control number appears in the upper right corner of this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW, Washington DC 20472. Paperwork Reduction Project (3067-0148). Submission of the form is required to obtain or retain benefits under the National Flood Insurance Pro~lram. Please do not send ~'our completed survey/to the aborve address. A. REQUESTED RESPONSE FROM FEMA This request is for a (check one): [] CLOMR: A letter from FEMA commenting on whether a proposed project, if built as proposed, would justify a map revision, or proposed hydrology changes (See 44 CFR Ch. 1, Parts 60, 65 & 72). [] LOMR: A letter from FEMA officially revising the current NFIP map to show the changes to floodplains, regulatory floodway or flood elevations. (See Parts 60 & 65 of the NFIP Regulations.) B. OVERVIEW 1. The NFIP map panel(s) affected for all impacted communities is (are): Community No. Community Name State Map No. I Panel No. Effective Date Ex: 480301 City of Katy I TX I 480301 ] 000SD 02/08/83 480287 Harris County TX 48201C 0220G 09/28/90 090100 Cty of New London CT 090100 0001C 08/19/85 2. Flooding Source: Thames River, New London Harbor 3. Project Name/Identifier: Fishers Island Ferry Distdct 4. FEMA zone designatJons affected: V9(EI. 12), A7(EI. 10) 5, Basis for Request and Type of Revision: a. The basis for this revision request is (check all that apply) (choices: A, AH, AO, Al-A30, A99, AE, AR. V, Vl-V30, VE. B, C, D, )~ [] Physical Change [] Improved Methodology/Data [] Regulatory Floodway Revision [] Other (Attach Description) Note: A photograph and narrative description of the area of concom is not required, but is very helpful dudng review. b. The area of revision encompasses the following types of flooding and structures (check all that apply) Types of Flooding: [] Rivedne [] Coastal [] Alluvial fan [] Lakes Structures: [] Channelization [] Levee/Floedwall [] Dam [] Fill [] Shallow Flooding (e.g., Zones AO and AH) [] Other (Attach Description) [] Bridge/Culvert [] Other, Attach Description I I FEMA Form 81-89, SEPT 02 MT-2 Form I Page 1 of 2 C. REVIEW FEE Has the review fee for the appropdate request category been included? [] Yes Fee amount: [] No. Attach Explanation Pleaee see the FEMA Web site at htt?:llwww, fema.~ovlfhmlfrm.fees.shtm for Fee Amounts and Exam?lions. D. SIGNATURE All documents submitted in support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any raise statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1001. Name: Joshua Horton Company: Supervisor, Town of Southold, NY Mailing Address: Southold Town Hall 53095 Route 25, PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 1197 t Daytime Telephone No.: Fax NO.: (631) 765-1800 (631) 765-1823 E-Mail Address: Joshua. Horton@town.southold.ny.us Date: '" As the communtl .~ that we have received and reviewed this Letter of Map Re, is!e( (LOMR) or conditional Based upon the community's review, we find the completed or proposed project meets or is designed to me~t ~[ '"''" of the community floodplain management requirements, including the requirement that no fill be placed in the regulatory floodway, and that all neces~a~' Federal, State, and local permits have been, or in the case of a conditional LOMR, will be obtained. In addition, we have determined that the land and any existing or proposed structures to be removed from the SFHA are or will be reasonably safe from flooding as defined in 44CFR 65.2(c), and that we have available upon request by FEMA, all analyses and documentation used to make this determination. Telephone No.: (860) 447-5240 Community Official's Name and Title: Antonio AIves, Building Official Name: City of New London Official's Si ature (required): Date: // '- CERTIFICATION BY REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND/OR LAND SURVEYOR This certification is to be signed and sealed by a licensed land surveyor, registered professional engineer, or architect authedzed by law to ceFti~ elevation information. All documents submitted in support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1001. Cert~er's Name: License No.: Expiration Date: Stanley M. White 12042 01/31/05 ' Name: Telephone No.: Fax No.: Ocean and Coastal Consulta, a~s, Inc. (203) 268-5007 (203) 268-8821 s that are appropriate to your revision request are included in your submittal. Required if ... Hydraulics Form (Form 2) New or revised discharges or water-sudace elevations Form (Form 3) Form (Form 4) s Form (Form 5) (Form 6) Date: Channel is modified, addition/revision of bridge/culverts, addition/revision of levee/floodwal[, addition/revision of dam New or revised coastal elevations Addition/revision of coastal structure Flood control measures on alluvial fans 02 Overview & Concurrence Form MT-2 Form 1 Page 2 of 2 Fishers Island Ferry District New London, CT Applieation for Letter of Map Revision November 2004 I ! I ! I ! ! I ! ! ! ! ! I I ! I ATTACHMENT 5 COASTAL STRUCTURES FORM (MT-2 FORM 5) APPLICATION FOR LETTER OF MAP REVISION For Fishers Island Ferry District Foot of State Street New London, CT OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. COASTAL STRUCTURES FORM r~pir,,Sep,e,,~e, 30, ~oo~ PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to average 1 hour per response. The burden estimate includes the hme for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathetieg and maintaining the needed data, and cempleting, reviewing, and submitting the form You are not required to respond to this collection of information unless a valid OMB centrol number appears in the upper right corner of this form. Send comments regarding the accuracy of the burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collections Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, SW, Washington DC 20472, Papervcork Reduction Project (3067-0148). Submission of the form is required to obtain or retain benefits under the National Flood Insurance Program. Please do not send your corapleCed survey to the above address. Flooding Source: Note: Fill out one form for each flooding source studied A. BACKGROUND [] Stone [] Sand 5. The structure is (check one): [] New or proposed 1. Name of structure (if applicable):Steel sheetpile bulkhead 2. Structure location: South and east sides of property 3. Type of structure (check one): [] Levee/Floodwall* [] Anchored Bulkhead [] Revetment [] Breakwater [] Pile supported seawall [] Other: *Note: If the coastal structure is a levee/floodwall, complete Section E of Form 3 (Riverine Structures Form). The remainder of this form does not need to be completed. 4. Material structure is composed of (check all that apply): [] Earthen fill [] Concrete [] Steel [] Other [] Gravity Seawall [] Existing [] Modification of existing structure [] Replacement structure of the same size and design as what was previously at the site Descdbe in detail the existing structure and/or modifications being made to the structure and the purpose of the modifications: If existing, please include date of construction: Copies of certified "as-built" plans [] are [] are not attached. Attach all design analyses that apply, If "as-built" plans are not available for submittal, please explain why and attach a sketch with general structure dimensions including: face slope, height, length, depth, and toe elevation referenced to the appropriate datum (e.g. NGVD 1929, NAVD 1988, etc.). Has a Federal agency with responsibility for the design of coastal flood protection strectures designed or certified that the structures have been adequately designed and constructed to provide protection against the 1%-annual-chance event? [] Yes [] No If Yes, specify the name of the agency and dates of project completion and certification. If Yes, then no other sections of this form need to be completed. FEMA Form 81-89D, SEPT 02 Coastal Structures Form MT-2 Form 5 Page 1 of 4 I I l l I [ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I ! ! ! ! ! B. DESIGN CRITERIA 1. Desion Parameters a. Were physical parameters representing the 1%-annual-chance event or greater used to design the coastal flood protection structure? [] Yes [] No b. The number of design water levels that were evaluated 3(numper) range from the mean Iow water elevation of feet to the 1%-annual-chance stillwater surge elevation of t 0 feet. The critical water level is elevations are referenced to is NGVD t929 (e.9.: NGVD t929, NAVD t988, etc.). Attach an explanation speci~Ting which water levels and associated wave heights and peced$ were analyzed. c. Were breaking wave forces used to design the structure? [] Yes [] No If No, attach an explanation why they ware not used for design. 2. Settlement a. What is the expected settlement rate at the site of ~he structure? No appreciable settlement of structure Please attach a settlement analysis. 3. Freeboard a. Does the structure have 1 foot of freeboard above the height of the 1%-annual chance wave-height elevation or maximum wave runup (whichever is greater)? [] Yes [] No b. Does the structure have freeboard of at least 2 feet above the 1% annual chance stillwater surge elevation? [] Yes [] No 4. Toe Protection Specify the type of toe protection: Riprap stone provided along southern face of bulkhead for scour protection If no toe protection is provided, provide analysis of scour potential and attach an evaluation of structural stability performed with potential scour at the toe. 5. Backfill Protection Will the structure be overtopped during the 1%-annual-chance event? [] Yes [] NO If the structure will be overtopped, attach an explanation of what measures are used to prevent the loss of backfill from rundown over the structure, drainage landward, under or laterally around the ends of the structure, or through seams and drainage openings in the structure. ! 6. Structural Stabilib/- Minimum Water Level a. For coastal revetments, was a geotechnical analysis of potential failure in the landward direction by rotational gravity slip performed for maximum loads associated with minimum seaward water level, no wave action, saturated soil conditions behind the structure, and maximum toe scour? [] Yes [] NO b. For gravity and pile-supperted seawalis, ware engineering analyses of landward sliding, landward overturning, and of foundation adequacy using maximum pressures developed in the sliding and overturning calculations performed? [] Yes [] No c. For anchored bulkheads, ware engineering analyses performed for shear failure, moment failure, and adequacy of tiebacks and deadmen to resist loading under Iow-water conditions? [] Yes [] No -0.9 3feet. The datum that these FEMA Form 81-89D, SEPT 02 Coastal Structures Form MT-2Form5 Page2of4 il ! ii ! I I I Ii Ii I II Il II q B. DESIGN CRITERIA ICONT[NUEDI 7. Structural Stability - Critical Water Level (Note: All structures must be designed to resist the maximum loads associated with the cdtical water level to be credited as providing protection from the 1% annual chance event.) a. For coastal revetments were geotechnical analyses performed investigating the potential failure in the seaward direction by rotational gravity slip or foundation failure due to inadequate bearing strength? [] Yes [] No b. For revetments, were eng,neering analyses of rock, riprap, or armor blocks' stability under wave action or uplift forces on the rock, riprap, or armor blocks performed? [] Yes [] NO c. Are the rocks graded? [] Yes [] NO d. Are soil or geotextile filters being used in the design? [] Yes [] Nc e. For gravity and pile supported seawalls, were engineering analyses of landward sliding, landward overturning, and foundation adequacy performed? [] Yes [] NO f. For anchored bulkheads, were engineering analyses of shear and moment failure performed using "shock" pressures? [] Yes [] NO For all analyses marked 'NO" above for the appropriate type of structure, please attach an explanation why the analyses were not performed. 8. Material Adequacy The design life of the structure given the existing conditions at the structure site is 50 years. 9. i¢e and Impact Aiiqnment a. will the structure be subjected to ice forces? [] Yes [] No If Yes, attach impact analysis and design details for such forces. b. Will the structure be subjected to impact forces from boats, ships, or large debris? [] Yes [] No If Yes. attach impact analysis. 10. Structure Plan Alionrnent The structure is (check one): [] Isolated [] Part of a continuous structure with redundant return walls at frequent intervals. Please provide a map showing the location of the structure and any natural land features that shelter the structure from wave actions. FEMA Form 81-89D, SEPT 02 Coastal Structures Form MT-2Form5 Page3of4 ! ! ! I C. ADVERSE IMPACT EVALUATION 'the structure is new, proposed, or modified, will the structure impact flooding and erosion for areas adjacent to the structure? [] Yes J~l NO If Yes, attach an explanation. D. COMMUNITY AND/OR STATE REVIEW Has the design, maintenance, and impact of the structure been reviewed and approved by the community, and any Federal. State, or local agencies having jurisdiction over flood control and coastal construction activities ~n the area the structure impacts? [] Yes [] No If Yes, attach a list of agencies who have reviewed and approved the project If No. attach an explanation why review and approval by the appropriate community or agency has not been obtained. E. CERTIFICATION AS a Professional Engineer, I certify that the above structures will withstand all hydraulic and wave forces associated with the 1% annual chance flood without significant structural degradation. Afl documents submitted in support of this request are correct to the best of my knowledge. understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 1001. Certifier's Name: Charles C. Brown, P.E. L~cense No.: 14390 Exp. Date: 01/31/2005 Company Name: Gibble Norden Champion Brown Telephone NO.' 8 3 -1 4 Fax. No.: (860) 388-4613 Seal (optional) I I I I I I I I The as-built bulkhead is consistent with the structural stability analysis prepared by Gibble, Norden, Champion and Brown Consulting Engineers, Inc.. dated August 1, 2002, and submitted in support of the Conditional Letter of Map Revision. FEMA Form 81-89D, SEPT 02 Coastal Structures Form MT-2Form5 Page40f4 Fishers Island Ferry District Application for Letter of Map Revision New London, CT November 2004 MT-2 FORM 5 I I I I I ATTACHMENT A. Background 6. As-built Plans Design analyses were provided in the Application for a Conditional Letter of Map Revision. Thc structure has been built in accordance with those specifications. Therefore, thc analyses have not been provided again. B. Design Criteria lb. Design Parameters The following water levels and associated wave heights and periods were used in the design: Water level (feet NGVD) Maximum Wave Height (feet) [ Period (seconds) 100-year storm +10.0 15.61 t 5.62 Mean low water -0.9 12.56 5.62 Critical water level +3.0 15.61 5.62 The structural stability of the bulkhead has been investigated with respect to the design wave forces. It was determined that the wave forces were not the controlling condition in the bulkhead design. Normal live load conditions govern the design of the bulkhead. As such, the bulkhead will resist the forces, associated with the 100-year storm condition. 5. Backfill Protection The entire area upland of the bulkhead will be paved to prevent erosion. Drainage is provided to control surface water on the upland surface. 9. Ice and Impact Alignment Impact of floating objects are incidental to the design. OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. I I Fishers Island Ferry District Application for Letter of Map Revision New London, CT November 2004 i I I ATTACHMENT 6 CERTIFIED AS-BUILT PLAN APPLICATION FOR LETTER OF MAP REVISION EoF Fishers Island Ferry District Foot of State Street New London, CT OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. o~ 0NIddVH ~ £N3H3OVNVH 3oa~os3a £HOlaXdOO t00~ Fishers Island Ferry District New London, CT Application for Letter of Map Revision November 2004 ATTACHMENT 7 REVISED FLOOD HAZARD ZONES ON EXISTING SITE PLAN DRAWING APPLICATION FOR LETTER OF MAP REVISION For Fishers Island Ferry District Foot of State Street New London, CT I OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 0 0 E'069 N-~-- o O o x, 0 0 '069 N~-- Z ~ 0 ~ ~Z~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ Z0 wwo Z ~ Oz ~o< o~ O~ x <z ~0 ~ 2w~o ~W \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ / / 00~'069 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 1 / / ' ' ' -'- , t ~ ~-~ ]3/ ~1~1 . / I ~ ~1~ '"' ' -16 --/~ ~ ~-- ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ I · /~ ~ ~-~ x /i /~1 I ..... ~-~-x ~ b~ .~/ I . X' X % ~ ~k Xl ~ k~x X ~ t ' ,~ / ~~ ~O~o~./o I I I / / / I / I / / / / f / 0 Z 0 0 009'699 N~-~-- Fishers Island Ferry District New London, CT Application for Letter of Map Revision November 2004 ATTACHMENT 8 ANNOTATED FIRM PANEL APPLICATION FOR LETTER OF MAP REVISION For Fishers Island Ferry District Foot of State Street New London, CT OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fishers Island Ferry District Application for Letter of Map Revision New London, CT November 2004 ATTACHMENT 9 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN APPLICATION FOR LETTER OF MAP REVISION For Fishers Island Ferry District Foot of State Street New London, CT OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. Fishers Island Ferry District New London, CT Application for Letter of Map Revision November 2004 ATTACHMENT 10 EFFECTIVE CLOMR APPLICATION FOR LETTER OF MAP REVISION EoF Fishers Island Ferry District Foot of State Street New London, CT I OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 SEP 3 0 ~002 Mr. Richard Bro~ New London City Ivlanager 181 State Street New London, Connecticut 06320 IN REPLY REFER TO: Case Number: 02-01-039R Community Name: City of New London, New London County, Connecticut Community Number: 090100 (104) Dear Mr. Brown: This letter is in reference to a May 17, 2002, letter from Mr. Stanley White, P.E., President, Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc., requesting a conditional Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for the proposed expansion of the Fishers Island Ferry terminal along New London Harbor/Thames River. The proposed project, which will be located approximately 500 feet west of the intersection of Water Street and State Street, will consist of the construction of a continuous steel sheetpile bulkhead, as well as the placement of fill. The area of the proposed project is shown on Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) number 090100, panel 0001 C, dated August 19, 1985. We received the following teclmical data, prepared by Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc., unless otherwise noted, in support of this request: Coastal Hazard Analysis Modeling Program (CHAMP), input and output files, dated August 21, 2002, for 2 transects along the project site; an Automated Coastal Engineering System analysis of the 1% armual chance (100-year) wave conditions at the site; an analysis of wave forces acting on the bulkhead during the 100-year and breaking wave conditions; a structural stability analysis of the proposed bulkhead, prepared by Gibble Norden Champion Brox~m Consulting Engineering, Inc., dated August 1, 2002; design calculations for the temporary wave barrier, dated April I0, 2002, revised August 20, 2002; a certified topographic map, titled Revised Flood Hazard Zones on Proposed Site Plan, dated April 12, 2002, revised August 20, 2002, at a scale of 1 "=30', ~vith a contour interval of I foot, referenced to National Geodetic Vertical Datmm of 1929 (NGVD 29), reflecting the proposed site plan and locations and alignments of transects used in the aforementioned CHAMP modeling, and proposed modifications to the flood hazard zone designations and Base (1% annual chance) Flood Elevations (BFEs); a certified topographic survey, titled Topographic Survey, dated April 4, 2002, at a scale of 1 "=40', with a contour interval of 1 foot and spot elevations, referenced to I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2 NGVD 29, reflecting existing conditions at the project site, prepared by Resource Management and Mapping; and annotated portions of FIRM number 090100, panel 0001 C, dated August 19, 1985, showing the proposed flood hazard zone designations and BFEs. In addition to the aforementioned technical data, we received the following documentation in support of this request: a letter from Mr. Joshua Y. Horton, Super~'isor for the Town of Southold, New York, dated April 30, 2002, acknowledging the proposed increases in the 1% annual chance floodplain and BFEs on the property; a letter from Ms. Azure Dee Emerle, of Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc., dated August 5, 2002, stating that the increased BFEs at the project site are not a result of the proposed bulkhead, but rather more detailed and up-to-date analyses; and completed application/certification for~ns, including community concurrence with the request. We received all data necessary to process this request by August 23, 2002. We have reviewed the submitted data and determined that the proposed project meets the minimum floodplain management criteria of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). If the project is built as proposed, a revision to the FIRM, for your community wSll be warranted. This revision will show a change in the flood hazard zone designations and BFEs both seaward and landward of the proposed bulkhead as follows: a portion of the area currently designated as Zone V9 with a BFE of 12 feet NGVD 29, will be revised to Zone A9 with a BFE of 12 feet NGVD 29; and a portion of the area currently designated as Zone A7 x~,ith a BFE of 10 feet NGVD 29 will be revised to Zone A9 with a BFE of 12 feet NGVD 29. Future revisions to the FIRM, or restudies of the flood hazards in this area, could modify this determination. We based this determination on the 1% annual chance stillwater elevations published in the February 19, 1985, Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for the City of Nexv London, Connecticut. A comprehensive restudy of your community's flood hazards will consider any changes to flood hazard conditions subsequent to the publication of the FIS for the City of New London, Connecticut, and the flood hazards shown in the FIS and FIRM could be increased. Your community must approve all proposed floodplain development, including this proposed project, and ensure that permits required by other Federal agencies and/or State and local agencies have been obtained. State and/or community officials may set standards for construction that are more restrictive than the minimum NFIP standards or may limit development in floodplains, based on knowledge of local conditions and in the interest of safety. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Upon completion of the proposed project, your community should request a revision to the FIRM. The revision request should be submitted to our Regional Office hi Boston, Massachusetts, and include the data listed below. Evidence ofcomplim~ce with NF1P regulations Paragraph 65.4(b), which states that "all requests for changes to effective maps.., must be made in v~Titing by the community's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or an official designated by the CEO. Should the CEO refuse to submit such a request on behalf of another party, we will agree to review the request only if wTitten evidence is provided indicating the CEO or designee has been requested to do so." 2. As-built plans of the project, certified by a registered professional engineer. 3. CHAMP modeling of as-buih conditions, in digital and hard cop3, format. Wave runup and overtopping calculations based on procedures outlined in the U.S. Am~y Corps of Engineers' Shore Protection Manual, dated 1984, and FEMA's documeot, titled Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mappin~ Partners, ,_Appendix D: Guidance for Coastal Floodin~ Analyses and Mapping, dated February 2002. A certified topographic map of thc entire area of revisiou, reflecting the locations of transects used in the aforementioned CHAMP modeling. This map should also include the proposed flood hazard zone boundaries. Please showthis information on a map of suitable scale and topographic definition to provide reasonable accuracy. A copy of the City of New London FIRM number 090100, panel 0001 C, dated August 19, 1985, at FIRM scale of 1"=500', annotated to show the proposed revisions to the flood hazard zone designations and BFEs. The proposed flood hazard zone designations and BFEs must tie-in to the effective flood hazard zone designations and BFEs at the limits of the area of revision. For coastal structures to be recognized as reducing flood hazards, they must be maintained in accordance with an officially adopted operation and maintenance plan. The owner of the bulkhead system must provide a copy of this plan to us when recognition is being sought or when the plan for a previously recognized system is revised in any manner. This plan must document the formal procedure to maintain the bul 'khead and its associated structures and systems. Evidence of compliance with NFIP regulations Paragraph 65.10(d) which states that "all maintenance activities must be under the jurisdiction of a Federal or State agency, an agency created by Federal or State law, or an agency of a community participating in the NFIP that must assume ultimate responsibility for maintenance." If the project is built as proposed, you do not have to resubmit items 3 and 4; otherwise, please resubmit them. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 comprehensive floodplain management criteria, those criteria take precedence over the minimum NFIP requirements. NFIP regulations Section 65.3 states that when a community's BFEs increase or decrease because of physical changes that affect flooding conditions, the community must submit technical or scientific data to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that substantiate these changes. Your community must submit such data as soon as possible, but no later than 6 months after such data become available, so that FEM,~ can base flood insurance premium rates and floodplain management requirements on the most up-to-date and accurate information available. Your conununity must meet the criteria of NFIP regulations Subparagraphs 65.5(a)(4) or 65.6(a)(14), which require that the conm~unity's NFIP permit official or an), community official having authority for floodplain management, provide xwitten assurance that the community has complied with the appropriate minimum floodplain management requirements under NFIP regulations Section 60.3, which includes the requirements that: residential structures built or substantially improved in the 1% annual chance floodplain have their lowest floor elevated to or above the BFE; the participating community has determined that the land and any existing or proposed structures to be removed from the 1% annual chance floodplain are reasonably safe from flooding and that the community has on file, available upon request, all supporting analyses and documentation used to make that determination; the participating community has issued p~mfits for all proposed construction or other proposed development; and all necessary permits have been received from those governmental agencies where approval is required by Federal, State, or local law. We remind you of the elevation and floodproofing requirements contained in NFIP regulations Subparagraphs 60.3(c)(2) through (4). These requirements apply to the construction of new residential and nonresidential structures, as well as to the substantial improvement of existing structures, located within the 1% annual chance floodplain. In accordance with Subparagraphs 65.5(a)(3) and 65.5(a)(4)(i), for a structure to be removed from the 1% annual chance floodplain, the lowest adjacent grade (the lowest ground touching the structure) of the structure must be at or above the BFE, and a completed community acknowledgment form must be submitted, which is FEMA's assurance that all appropriate Federal, State, and local requiremems regarding the fill placement have been met. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I We have enclosed a copy of our application/certification fonns for your reference. Typically, we do not require these forms if the project is completed as proposed. The enclosed document, titled Requirements for Submitting Application/Certification Fom~s to Support Requests for NFIP Map Revisions. describes in detail the circumstances under which the fom~s are required. The NFIP is primarily funded by policyholders, not taxes. We recover costs associated with reviewing and processing requests for revisions to published FISs and FIRMs to mininfize the financial burden on the policyholders. The re{5 for an as-built LOMR request in follow-up to this conditional LOMR is $3,800, which we must receive before we can begin processing. This fee represents the fee schedule which became effective September 1,2002. Please note that the fees are subject to change, and the fee for the follow-up LOMR may change between the date of this letter and the date that the follow-up LOM~R is submitted. If items 3 and 4 listed above must be resubmitted, the processing fee could be higher. Your payment must be a check or money order made payable to the National Flood Insurance Program and should be forwarded to: Federal Emergency Management Agency Fee Charge System Administrator P.O. Box 3173 Merrifield, Virginia 22216 Once we receive the processing fee and the items listed above, complete our reviexv, and verify that the completed project meets all applicable NFIP standards, we will revise 3'our community's FIRM to incorporate the effects of the completed project, as appropriate. Part 65 of the enclosed NFIP regulations further describe;s the data needed to support a request to revise a FIRM. Your compliance with the criteria outlined in the NFIP regulations will streamline our review, allowing us to expeditiously rex. tse your conunumty s FIR/vi. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 If you have an;>' questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Director, Federal Insurance and Mitigation Division of FEMA in Boston, Massachusetts, at (617) 223-9561. or the FEMA Map Assistance Center toll free at 1-877-FEMA MAP (t -877-336-2627). Sincerely, Mark Crowell Project Engineer Hazards Study Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration For: Matthew B. Miller, P.E., Chief Hazards Study Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration Enclosures Mr. Tony Alves, New London Building Official IVlr. Stanley M. White, P.E. Ivlr. Joshua Y. Horton Mr. Reynolds DuPont, Chairman, Fishers Island Ferry District Ms. Azure Dee Emerle State NFIP Coordinator I Fishers Island Ferry District Application for Letter of Map Revision New London, CT November 2004 ATTACHMENT 10 EVIDENCE OF NFIP COMPLIANCE APPLICATION FOR LETTER OF MAP REVISION Fol' Fishers Island Ferry District Foot of State Street New London, CT OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROBERT P. KNAUFF blanagcr- Td~pgoo~ 631.78S.7463 ~": ~"~¢, 2002 F~l~ers lsh,d. N~w Yo~l, 06390 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS n. eyaolJ, ~I~Poat. Ir. Chairman TI, o~, I:. D,,I,,ar. Dewberry & Davis LLC 8401 Arlington Boulevard Fairfax, VA 22031 Re: Fishers Island Ferry District Terminal Foot of State Street New London, CT Conditional Letter of Map Revision Dear Sirs: This letter is submiued with respect to an application of the Town of Southold to amend the Flood Insurance Rate Map designation for the property of the Fishers Island Ferry District's ferry terminal at the Foot of State Street in New London, Connecticut ("Ferry Terminal"). The Town of Southold holds title to the Ferry Terminal property. The Fishers Island FerO' District was created by Special Act of the New York State Legislature to acquire, construct, equip, operate and maintain a public ferry for the transportation for hire of persons and vehicles, and goods, wares and merchandise, to and fi.om Fishers Island. (Chapter 620 of the Laws of 1957, N.Y.S.) This letter will acknowledge that a government agency must assume responsibility for overseeing compliance with the maintenance and operation plans for the proposed modifications to the bulkhead at the Ferry Terminal property. The Fishers Island Ferry District will be responsible for complying with the maintenance and operations plans for the proposed bulkhead modifications. The Fishers Island Ferry District will review inspection reports and take appropriate actions to ensure the bulkhead functions as designed to maintain the revised flood zones of the area. Sincerely, ~ R~ont, Chairm'"'~~ Fishers Island Ferry District Cc: Richard Brown, City Manager, City of New London, CT Joshua Y. Horton, Supervisor, Town of Southold, NY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JOSHUA Y. HORTON SUPER~3SOR OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-1823 Telephone (631) 765-1889 May 8, 2002 Mr. Joseph Marrone, P.E. Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. 35 Corporate Drive Tmmbull, CT 06611 Re: Conditional Letter of Map Revision Fishers Island Ferry District Terminal New London, CT Dear Mr. Marrone: This letter will acknowledge that, based upon the CLOMR application referenced above, a government agency must assume responsibility for overseeing compliance with the maintenance and operation plans of the Fishers Island Ferry District terminal in the City of New London, CT. As the official property owner of the site, the Fishers Island Ferry District is willing to oversee the maintenance progran~ for the Fishers Island Ferry District (FIFD) terminal. The Fishers Island Ferry District will revie~v inspection reports and recommendations made by an engineer hired by the FIFD and coordinate with the Town of Southold to take appropriate actions to ensure the bulkhead functions as designed to maintain the revised flood zones of the area. Sincerely, Supervisor, Town of Southold City of New London, CT Reynold duPont, FWD Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. 181 State Street · New London, CT 06320 · Phone (860) 447-5201 · Fax (860) 447-7971 I I May17,2002 I ! Dexvberry & Davis, LLC 8401 Arlington Boulevard Fairfax, VA 22031 Re: Maintenance Program, Fishers Island Ferry District Terminal New London, CT I I I I I It is our understanding that the Fishers Island Ferry District (FWD) of the Town of Southold, New York has applied to FEMA for a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) based on the proposed expansion of the ferry terminal and construction of a new bulkhead. One condition of the approval of the modification is that the Fishers Island Ferry District develop a maintenance program for the bulkhead. The maintenance program is to be overseen by a government agency. The Toxvn of Southold is willing to oversee the maintenance program for the Fishers Island Ferry District (FIFD) terminal. The To~qa of Southold will reviexv inspection reports and recommendations made by an engineering hired by the FWD. Based on these facts, if maintenance and reconunendations made by an engineer hired by FIFD, are not carried out, the City of New London will notify FEMA that the necessary maintenance/repairs have not been completed. I I I I Sincerely, Richard IVl. Brown City IVlanager cc: Town of Southold, NY Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. FEMA