HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-11/29/1960MEETING OF NOVEMBER 29, 1960.
TheSouthold Town Board met at the office of the Supervisor, Henry H.
Turbid!, at Greenport, on Tuesday, Now. 29, 1960. The meeting was called
~to corder at 7:30 P.M. with t~e following present: Supervisor Tuthill;
Councilmen Albertson and Demarest; Justice Tuthitl.
At 7:30 P.M. in accordance with the notice published, according to law,
bids were opened for proposal~ to furnish to the Town of Southold police
uniforms. Three bids were submitted: Abe Brown, Levins Men's Shop and
Caleb Smith & Sons. (see below)
Moved~by Councilman Albertson; seconded by Councilman Demarest:
-RESOLVED= That the bids be placed in the hands of the Police Committee
for their.'recommendation and report at a later date.
Vote of Town Board:Ayes-Supervisor Tuthill; Councilmen Albertson and
Demarest; Justice Tuthill.
Following are the bid~ submitted:
Abe Brown Metcalf Woolen Co.
Greenport,' N.Y. Mo. 386-16 or e~ual
Stillwater Woolen Co.
No. 162 or equal
36 trousers
(2 for Chief)
15 sack coats
(1 for Chief)
15 hats ( 1 for
Chief, 1 for Sgt.)
8 shirts
34 ~ $20 each
2 ~ $21 each
14 ~ $44.75 each
1 ~ $47.75
13 ~ $4.00 each
1 ~ $4.50
10~ wool $15.25 each 100~ Wool
wool & Dacron 13.50
34 ~ $19.00 each
2 ~ $20
14 ~ $42.85 each
1 ~ $45.85
13 ~ $4.00 each
2 ~ $4.50
$15.25 each
" wool & dacron 13.50 "
19 Front St.,
Greenpor t, N.Y.
36 trousers
15 Sackeeoats
15 Hats
8 shirts
$19.80 each
3Q0~Park Ave., South
-New york 10, N.Y.
36 trousers $1~.20
15~.sack coats 38.20
15 hats 4.25
8 shirts 15.65
Recess called 7:35 for Hearing on changes of zone on property of
WilliamVictoria and William \~i~. Justice Clark was present at
thi~ hearing. Minutes of hearing were taken by Judith Boken.
Meeting reconvened at 8:25 P.M.
Moved by Justice Tuthill; seconded by Councilman Albertson:
WHEREAS, FRANK PUMILLO by petition verified the 3rd day of October, 1960,
petitioned the Town Board for a change of zone of certain real property
situated in Mattituck, New York, described in said petition from "A"
Residential & Agricultural District to "B" Business District, and
WHEREAS, the said petition was referred to the Planning Board for its
official recommendation and rep ort and
WHERiAS, the Town Board pursuant to due notice thereof held a hearing
on s~aid petition on October 25, 1960, at which time all interested
persons were given an opportunity to be heard,
NOW,.THEREF~RE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Southold Town Building Zone
.Ordinance, including the Southold Town ~uilding Zone Maps, be amended
b;y changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B"
Business District the following described property:
ALL that certain tract or parcel of land situated at Mattituck, in the
Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and more particularly
bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING on the boundary line dividing said premises and land-of Skuro
200 feet southerly from the monument on the southerly side of Main R~ad
marking the boundary line between said lands; running thence southerly
along said land of Skuro and along land now or formerly of Abitz 242%32
feet to a monument and land of Shewell; running thence in an easterly
direction along sa~d land of Shewell 266.3 feet to a monument and land
of Biliunas; running thence in a northerly direction along saidviand
of~Shewell 7~.0 feet to a monument and land of Jackson; running thence
westerly along said land of Jackson 79.~ feet to a .monument; running
thence northerly along said land of Jackson, Beinenger, Hallock and
other land of Pumillo 2~5.9 feet, more or less; running thence in a
westerly direction 225.44 feet to the point or place of beginning.~
Vote of T~wn Board: Ayes- Councilmen Albertson and Tuthill; Justices
Tuthill and Clark. Noes- Supervisor Tuthill.
Moved by Councilman Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark:
WHEREAS, a petition was received from PROCAN INC. and WILLIAM J~ BAXTER
north side of Main Road, Mattituck, New York, requesting a change of
zone of certain property, more fully descri~ed in said petition, frOm
"A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Business District,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk of the ToWn of
Southold be and he is hereby ~irected to transmit this petition to the
Planning Board in accordance with Section 901, Subdivision C of Article
IX of the Building Zone Ordinance of the ,Town of Southold.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Tuthill; CouncilmenAtbertson and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark. ~
Moved by Councilman Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark:
at 623 Maple Street in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York,
has duly applied in writing for permission to lay and maintain-a sewer
pipe under the Town Highway in front of his premises to be lo.¢atedas
hereinafter more particularly described and whereas the Town BOard. of
the Town of Southold has duly consented to the granting Qf said~-'~7
application, ~
NOW, THEREFORE,, this indenture witnesseth, that HAROLD PRICE, the
duly elected and acting Town SuperinteRdent of Highways of the Town of
Southold, Suffolk County, New York, does give and grant unto the said
Anthony J. Fiore, residing at 623 Maple Street, in the Town of
his heirs and assigns, the permission and right to maintain a sewer pipe
not exceeding eight inches in diameter under a certain Town Highway
known as Maple Street, said sewer pipe to enter under said Maple ~treet
at a point approximately four (4) feet westerly of the easterly boundary
line of the premises of the said Anthony J. Fiore and to extend easterly
under the said Maple Avenue for a distance of approximately one hundred
fifty (150) feet to the boundary line of the. Incorporated Village ~f
Greenport, Suffolk County, New York. The permission and right hereby
granted is only upon the condit~ions hereinafter set forth and the said
Anthony J. Fiore, by his acceptance of this permit does for himself,
and for his heirs and assigns, covenant and agree that such conditionS
shall be p~rformed and that this permit ~y be revoked, and the pipe
maintained in such highway removed by the Town Superintendent of High-
ways without notice upon the failure of performance of any such condit-
ions, ~he conditions being the following, to wit:
1. The sewer pipe hereinbefore specified shall be of asbestQs
(transite) material and shall be laid u_nd~r the ground at a depth of~
not less than six (6) feet. The same shall be laid in a manner s~is-
factory to the Town Supt.'of Highways and under his supervision.
2. The sewer pipe permitted to be laid hereunder shall be so laid"
as not to interfere or interrupt public ~travel upon the said highway,
and the applicant shall replaceaall earth removed and leave the sa~d-
highway in all respects in as good a condition as before the laying of
said pipe, and the applicant shall keep the said pipe in repair and main-
tain the traveled portion of the highway and the highway premises free
from any defects which might otherwise be occasioned by the laying of
such pipe.
3. The said Anthony J. Fiore, his heirs and assigns, shall forever
save the Town of Southold harmless from all damages which may accrue
by reason of the laying of said pipe in said highway as aforesaid.
4. The said AnthonY J. Fiore, his heirs and assigns, upon notice by
the Tow~:- 'Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold, shall forthwith make
any repairs required for the protection or preservation of such highway
and rendered necessary by reason of the laying of said pipe as aforesaid.
5. In case the said Anthony J. Fiore, or his heirs and assigns, shall
fail to mare such repairs to the town highway as are required to be
made by the conditions of this permit, the necessary' repairs may be made
without hotice by t~he Town Supt. of HighWays of the Town of Southold,
at the expense of the said Anthony J. F~ore, his heirs.or assigns, and
the cost thereof shall be a lien prior to any other lien upon the land
benefited' by the usee of the h~ghway for the laying of the pipe herein
provided' for.
6. If- t~he highway upon which this permit is issued shall be hereafter
improved by state aid as a state or countY highway, it is agreed that
the applicant shall, before the improvement and at applicant's own
expehse~ remove said sewer pipe and appurtenances which may be placed
under this permit and will relay the same in conformity with the direct-
ions of the engineer in charge of such improvement and in accordance
with the rules and regulations prescribed by the State Supt. of
Public Works.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town Supt. of Highways of the Town of Southold
has hereunto set his hand in duplicate, this 29th day pf November, 1960.
Harold Price
Town Supt. of Highways
Town of SOu~Dld
I, ANTHONY J. FIORE, residing at 623 Maple Street, in the Town of
Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being the applicant 6or the permit
granted by the above indenture, do hereby accept such permit and do
hereby ,covenant and agree to comply with the conditions therein contained.
Dated: November 29, 1960. AnthOny J. Fiore
Anthony J. Fiore
T~eeundersigned, being members of the Town Board of the Town of Southold,
Suffolk County, New York, do hereby consent to the granting of the fore-
going permit.
Dated: November 29, 1960. Henry H. Tuthill
Lester M. Atbertson
Louis M. Demarest
~ ~ Councilman
Ralph W. Tuthill .
Justice of the Peace
Henry A. Clark
Justice of the Peace
Approved: H.F. Bishop P.E.
County Superintendent
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Tuthill; Councilmen Albertson and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and C]~k.
Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Justice Clark:
RESOLVED: That Bond No. 73S-6~0, issued by ~he Aetna Casualty and Surety
Company, Hartford, Conn. on behalf of CHESTER M. DICKERSONmin the sum
of Fifty Thousand Dollars, ($50,000) be and the same is hereby approved
as to its form, manner of execution and sufficiency of sureties therein/
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Tuthill; ouncilmen Albertson and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and clerk.
Moved by Justice Clark; seconded by councilman Albertson:
RESOLVED: That the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board will be
held at the office of Supervisor Henry H. Tuthilt, 16 South Street,
Greenport, N.Y. on Tuesday, December 6, 1960, at 7:30 P.M.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Tuthill; Councilmen Albertson and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark.
Moved by Councilman Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark:
RESOLVED:That a regular monthly meeting of the Town Board will be
held at the office of Supervisor ~enry ~. Tuthill, 16 South Street.,
Greenport, N.Y. on Tuesday,.Dec. 13, 1960, at 1:30 P.M.
Vote of. Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor T~thill; C~ncilmen Albertson and
'Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark.
Moved by Councilman Albertson; seconded by Justice Tuthill:
W~EREAS, WILLIAM DAVIS by petition ~erified the 10th day of September
1960, petitioned the ~o~n Board for a change of zone of certain real
property described in said petition from "A" Residential and Agricult-
ural District ~o "M" Multiple Residence District, and
W~EREAS, the said petition was referred to the Planning Board for its
official recommendation and report and held a-~earing
WI~EREAS, th~ TOWn Board p~rsuant to due notice thereof~ on November
29, 1960, at which time all interested persons were given.an oPp°rtun±ty
to be heard,
NOW, T~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Southold Town Buildin~ zone
Ordinance, including the Building Zone Maps, be amended by chaD~ng
from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M" Multiple Residence
District the following described property:
BEGINNING at the northeasterly corner of land of Willia~A..Davis
on the southerly line of Main Street and westerly line of Fourth
Street, and running thence along the westerly line of Fourth Street,
S. 5 degrees 00' W. 151.97 feet. tothe northeasterly corner of land
now or formerly of Acker; thence N. $5 degrees 42' 30" W. 100.0 feet
to the southeasterly corner of lan~ nOW or formerly of Roache; thence
N. 5 degrees 00' E. 152.03 feet to the southerly line of Main Street;
thence S. ~5 degrees. 40' 30" E. 100.0 feet along the southerly line of
Main Street to the point or pla'ce of beginning.
Dated: November 29, 1960. BY ORDER OF T~E SOUT~OL~ T°WN BOARD.
Vote of Twon Bomrd: Ayes-Supervisor Tuthill; councilmenAlbertsoh-land
Demares~; Justices Tuthill and Clark.
Moved byCouncilman Bemarest; seconded by Justice T~thil!:
3~EREDiS~:WILLIAMVICTORIA by petition verified on the 6th day. of Oct-
ober 1960 petitioned ~he .TOWn Board for a change of zone of certain.~.
real property described in said petition from "A" Residential and
AgriC~ltural District to "M" Multiple Residence District, and
W~EREAS, the said petition was referred to the Planning Board for its
official recommendation and report and
W~EREAS,athe Planning Board has filed its official report ~h the Town
Board, and
W~EREAS, the Town Board pursuant to due notice thereof held a hearing
on said petition on November 29, 1960, at which time all interested
persons were given an opportunity to be hear~,
~OW, T~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the relief demanded in said petit-
ion of Williem Victoria be and the same in all respects is denied.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Tuthi~l; Councilmen Albertson and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark.
Adjournment Was at 9:25 P.M.
Albert W. Richmond
Town Clerk