HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-01/02/1974-OSOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MINUTES ORGANIZATION MEETING January 2, 1974 The Southold Town Board met at the office of Supervisor Albert?M. Martocchia, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, at 3:00 P.~., Wednesday, January 2, 1974, with the following present: Supervis~ Albert M. Martocchia Councilman James H. Rich, Jr Councilman. James Homan Justice Louis M. Demarest Justice Martin Suter Town Clerk Albert W. Richmond Absent: Justice. Francis T. Doyen Highway Superintendent Raymond C. Dean Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of the Southold Town Board held December 27,. 1973 be hereby approved. _ Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, JustiCe Demarest. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED that the next meeting of the Southold Town Board will be held at 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, January 8, 1974 at the office of Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. On motion of Councilman Rich, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED that the reports of the Supervisor, Town Trustees and Building Inspector for the month of December 1973 be accepted by the Town Board and placed on file. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Justice Demarest, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board accept, with regret, the resignation of N. Rudolph Johnson, who has faithfully served the Town of Southold as a Town Trustee since January 1, 1972. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Homan, seconded by Justice Suter, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board appointWillard Lawrence Town Historian, to hold such position at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise provided by law, and it is further RESOLVED that the salary for this position be set at $1,500.00 per year, ~ffective January 1, 1974, and the same shall be payable in regular semi-monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Homan, seconded by Justice Demarest, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town Law thatthe Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all 6~ficers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same Shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appointed officers or employees be fixed at the following~ amounts, and each of the following appointed officers or employees shall hold such appointed offices or positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless other- ~ise provided for by law: Part-tiem Constable Otis Horn $2,600.00 And be it further RESOLVED ~hat these salaries be effective as of January 1, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regu~r semi-monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED thatthe Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Justice Suter, W~EREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision lfof the Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appointed officers or employees be fixed at the following amounts, and each of the following appointed officers or employees shall hold such appoimted offices or positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless other- wise provided for by law: Part-time Constable Alfred Grebe Jr. $2,600.00 And be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as of January 1, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Homan, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was RESOLVED that Bond No. 73 S-12139 BCA issued by the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company in the name of Otis Horn, Town Constable, Fishers Isladd, New York, in the amount of $4,000.00 be and the same is hereby approved as to its form, manner of execution, and sufficiency of sureties therein. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Justice Suter, it was RESOLVED that Bond No. 73 S-12140 BCA issued by the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company in the name of Francis T. Doyen, Town Justice, Fishers Island, New York, in the amount of $4,000.00 be and the same is h~reby approved as to its form, manner of execution, and sufficiency of sureties therein. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. ~oved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED that Deborah Scott, Gre~aport, New York, be and hereby is appointed to pepresent the Town of Southold in the CAST program. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: SupervIsor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Rich, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salary of the following appointed officer or employee be fi×ed at the following amount, and t~e following appointed officer or employee shall hold such a~pointed office or position at the pleasure of the Tow~ Board unless otherwise provided ~or ~y law: Town Attorney Robert ~. Taster ............ $11,500.00 And be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be ~ffective as of January k, k974, and the same shall be paid in regular semi- monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates ~ith the proper parties as required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Justice Suter, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town Law thatthe Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salary of the follow~ng~appointed officer employee be fixed at the following am6unt, and the following appointed officer or employee shall hold Such appointed office or position at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise provided for by law: Registrar of Vital Statistics, Albert W. Richmond---S2,500200. ~nd be it further RESOLVED that this salary be effective as of January 1, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular semi=monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Just~ice Suter, 'Justice Demarest. Albert W. Richmond, Town Clerk, appointed Judith T~ Boken, Deputy ToTM Clerk an~ Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics, Town of Southold, to have such powers and perform such duties as the Town Clerk and Registrar. Moved by Councilman Homart, seconded by Justice Surer, WHEREAS, Section 22B of the Town Law allows the Town Board of any town having more than one assessor to establish the office of Chairman of the Town Assessors, who in addition to his regular duties shall perform such services in connection with assesment and taxation of property for State, County ahd Town purposes as the Board shall direct, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that Edward ~. Fox be and hereby is designated to hold the office of Chairman of the Board of Assessors until the first day of January next succeeding such designation, at the pleasure of the Town Board, unless otherwise provided for by law, all insccord- ance with Section 22B of the Town Law, and be it further RESOLVED that the compensation for such appointment be fixed at $500.00 per year payable in regular semi-monthly payments. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Rich, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town Law that the Tow~ Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable and that the salaries of the members of the Town Board and elected Town Clerk and an elected Superihtendent of Highways shall not be fixed in an amount in excess of the amounts respectively specified in the notice of hearing on the preliminary budget published pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, JAN 2 t97 65 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the salaries for the following elected town officers shall be as follows: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia $20,000.00 Town Clerk Albert W. Richmond~ $11,300.00 Town Justice Francis T. Doyen $ 5,700.00 Town Justice Martin Suter ................... $12,000.00 Town Justice Louis M. Demarest .............. $12,000.00 Councilman James Homan $ 6,900.00 Councilman James H. Rich,~ Jr. $ 6,900.00 ~eceiver of Taxes George Mellss $ 6,800.00 Superintendent of Highways Raymond C. Dean--S16,100.00 And be it further RESOLVED' that these salaries be effective as of January 1, 1974 and the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Councilman Homan, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision l of the Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appointed officers or employees be fixed at the following amounts, and each of the following appointed officers or employees shall hold such appointed offices or positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise provided for by law: Special Patrolmen: Stanley Krukowski Leonard Green George W. Hand, Jr. Vincent Brown ..................... $2.90 per hour $2.90 per-hour $2.90 per hour $2.90 per hour Wilfred Grathwohl ................. $2.90 per hour Charles Jazombek .................. $2.9Oper hour And be.it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as of January 1, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates w~th the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Homan, seconded by Councilman Rich, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town Law thatthe Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether e~ected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salary of the following appointed officer or employee be fixed at the following amount, and the following appointed officer or employee shall hold such.appointed office or position at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise provided for by Law: Janitor ..... Willie Mae Green .... $40.00 per month. And be it further RESOLVED that this salary be effective as of January 1, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments,, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to ffl~ such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 ofthe Town Law. ~ Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Rich, WHEP~EAS it ~s required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town Law' that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, wh'ethe~ elec'ted o~.'appointed, and determine when the sam~ shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appointed officers or employees be fixed at the following amounts, and each of the following appointed officers or employees shall hold such ~ppointed offices or positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise provided for by law: Radio Operators: Frederick Rackett--$9097.00 + $416. + Longv.$381J--$9894.00 Walter Bondarchuk--$9097.00 + $416. + Longv.$571.--$10,084.0f Claude Kumjian ..... $6220.00 + $416. ~6636.00 And be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as of January 1, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Homan, seconded by Councilman Rich, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision i of the Town 'Law'that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appointed officers or employees be fixed at the following amounts, and each of the following appointed officers or employees shall hold such appointed offices or positions at- the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise provided for by law: Watchmen: Fred Marcel $8897.00 + $416. + Longv. $373.--$9686.0Q_~ Robert C. Reeves .... $7640.00 + $416; ................. $8056.0~ And be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as of January L, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular sem~-monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Rich, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appointed officered, or employees be fixed at the following amounts, and eacb~ef the following appointed officers or employees shall hold such appointed offices or positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless Other- wise provided for by Law: Watchmen - part-time: William Allen -$3.20 per hour Thomas Byrnes-- $3.20 per.hour And be it further RESOLVED that 'these salaries be effective as of January 1, 1974 and the same shall be paid in regular monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Mo~ed by Councilman Homan, seconded by Justice Suter, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision I of the-Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointe~, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore be it RESOLVED that the salaries of ~the following appointed officers or employees be fixed at the following amounts, and each of the following appointed officers .or employees shall hold such appointed offices or positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless other~ise provided for by law: Dog Warden Adam Johnson---$5,536.00-Dog-Warden- $1,964.00-School Crossing Guard $7,500.00 Total And be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as of January 1, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, .Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Councilman Homan, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, tke salaries of all officer-s and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now; therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appointed officer or employee be fixed a.t the following amQunt, and each of the following appointed officers or employees shall hold such appointed offices or positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise provided for by law: Bay Constable William Januick ............ $10,300.00 and be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as of Janu~ry.t, 1974, a~d the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file-such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town LBoard: Ayes: Supervisor Ma~tocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Su~er, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Su:ter, seconded by. Justice Demarest, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the-Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether ~elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appointed officers or employees be fixed at-the following amounts, and each of .the fOllowing appointed officers ~or employees shall hold such positions or offices at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise provided for by law: School Crossing Guards: Paul Berg ............................ $13.35 per day Hugo T. Casola ....................... $13.35 per day Vincent.Brown ........................ $11;30 per day Frank Coyne ........................... $11~30 per day - Theodore Doroski- $11.30 per day Edward Klein. _ $13.35 per day Nicholas Kouros $11.30 per,day Stanley Kowalzyk ..................... $ 6.5-0 per day Pauline Nierodzek .................... $11.30 per day Virginia C. Tabor .................... $11.30 per day A~d befit further REsoLVED %hat 'thes~ salaries be effective as of January 1, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as is required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town'Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Surer, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Demarsst, seconded by Justice Surer, WHEREAS~it is required by Section .27, ~Subdivision~t of the. Town. Law that~the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all office~s and.employees of th.e Town, whether elected or appointed; and determine wren the sa~me shall be payahle~ .new, therefore, be it RESOLVED ~that the~sa, lary of thee. following appointed--officer or employee be fixed at the following amounn, and .the fo.llowin~g appointed officer-or employee .shall hold.such appointed office or positio.n at the pleasur~e o~ the Town Board unless otherwise provided for by law: Ray~ond C~ Dean---Depar. tment of Public Works~-~$2,5.00.O0 And be it further RESOLVED that this salary be effective as. of January 1, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such' certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section~3©, Subdivision 3 of the~Town Law. ~ - Vote of the To%rn. Board: Ayes: ~Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Rich, WHEREAS i~ is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the'Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be ;it RESOLVED that the salaries of the Assessors of the Town of Southeld be and hereby are fixed at the following amounts: Edwin Fickeissen $12,000100 Edward W. Fox ........ $12,000.00 Melville A. Kelsey, Jr. $12,000.00 It is further RESOLVED that the elected officers be paid these salaries in regular semi-monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as required by Section 30, SUbdivision ~ of the Town LaW. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer, Justice De~a~est. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Homan, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, ~nd de~ermine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the ~salaries of the members of the BOard of'AppeaLs of th'e Town of Southold be and they hereby are fixed as follows: Robert W. Gillispie, Jr., Chairman $3,000.00 Fred E. Hulse, Jr. $2,250.00 Robert L. Bergen $2,250.00 Charles Grigonis, Jr. ~2,250.00 Serge Doyen, Jr. $2,250.00 And it is further RESOLVED that the members Of the Board of Appeals and the Chairman of the Board of Appeals be paid these salaries for their respective offices in regular semi-monthly payments and that the appointed officers or employees shall hold such appointed office or position at the pleasure of the Town Board. unless'otherwise provided for by law, and it is further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file certificates with the proper parties as is required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman-~oman~ ~ustice Su~ter, 'Justice Demarest, Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Rich, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable~,~ now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salaries of the members of the Planning Board 6f the Town of Southold be and they hereby are .fixed as follows: John Wickham, Chairman,. $3,000.00 Henry Ray, or ........................... $2,250.00 Frank ~Coyle ........................... $2;250.00 Hen.ry Moisa $2,250.00 Alfred E. Grebe ....................... $2~250.00 And be it further RESOLVED thatthe members of the Planning Board and the Chairman of the Planning Board be paid these salaries for their, respective offices in regular semi-monthly payments, and that the appointed officers or employees shall hold such appointed offices or positions at the pleasure of ~he Town Board unless otherwise provided by law, and it is further RESOLVED thatthe Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the ~proper parties as is required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Justice Demarest, WHEREAS, it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED thatthe salaries of the Board of Town Trustees of the Town of Southold be and hereby are fixed as follows: Alvah B. Goldsmithr-~a~ma~ $1,800.00 Philip G. Horton $1,400.00 -~ Frederic~ E~. Gordon~ --$1~400.00 Douglas M. Robertson ........... $1,400.00 And it ~s further RESOLVED that the members~of~ the Board of Town Trustees and the Chairman of the Town Trustees be paid these s~laries for their respectige offices in sem~-monthly payments, and be it~further RESOLVED thatthe Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor-Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman ~oman, seconded by Councilman Rich, WHEREAS~ it is required by Section 27, Subdivision lof the Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that~the salaries of the following~appointed officers or employees be fixed at the following amounts, and each of the following appointed officers or employees shall held such appointed offices or positions at the pleasure of the~Town~ Board unless, other- wise provided for by law: ~Ho~ard M. Terry, Building Inspector & Multiple. Residence Inspector $~1,615.00 .... +$465 longevity ...... $12,080.00 George Fisher, Building Inspector ......... $ 9,890.00 Edward Hindermann, Building Inspector ....... $ 8,212.00 And be it further RESOLVED~that these salaries be~effective as of January-l, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Marto¢chia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Justice S~ter, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of~ the Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all~officers~and employees-' of~the town,~whether elected or'appointed, and de~ermine when the same~shall be payable, now,-therefore~ be it RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appoihted officers or employees be f%xed at~ the following amounts, and~each' of the follow- ing appointed officers or employees shall hold such appointed offices or positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise provided for by ~law: Edna R. Angell-Sem~etary-Supervisor ........... $t0,616.---+longevity-$531. $11,147.00 'Ethel Grigonis-Cler~-Highway .... L._ ..................... $ 9~.58.00 ~Judy :King-Clerk-Board ~of Assessors ........... '~$~8~.000.00 Jud'ith T2 Boken-Stenographer-Town Clerk ........ $ 8,000.00 Francis Gaddis-Clerk-Police Department ................ $'7,100.00 Sylvia K.~Rouse-Clerk-'Typist-Assessors ................ $ 6~1750.00 Joan L. Richter-Cte'rk-T-ypist-Supervisor~ .............. $' 6,200.00 Mar]o~e McDermott-Stenographer-Bd. of Appeals -$ 5,800.00 Muriel Brush-Stenographer-Planning Board .............. $ 5,800.00 And be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as of January 1, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly. payments, and~be it further RESOLVED that the Town, Clerk be instructed to file such-certificates with .the proper parties as are required~ by~ Section/30, SubdiviSion 3 of the Town. Law. ~ ~' Vote of the Town Board:~ .Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, COUncilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer, Justice Demarest.~ ?~'~ Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Homan, WHEREAS it is required by ,Section 27, Subdivision ,1 of the'i~Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether e'lected-or.,app6znted, and determine when the same-shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salarzes of the followzng appomnted offz~ers or employees be fzxed at the followzng amounts~,and each of t~e fol-towmn appointed officers or employees sha~l~hold such appointed~ffices or positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless Otherwise provided for by law: Justice Clerks: Barbara Dittmann $4.00 per hour Barbara Andrade ............ '$4~,00 per hour And be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as of January 1, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the ~Town Law. Vote of the Town BOard: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Jusgice~Demarest. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman~Rich, WHERF~AS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision l~of the:.Tow~ Law that the Town Board fix, from time to. time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the town, whether.'elected ore. appointed, and determine when the same shall~be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appointed-officers or employees be fixed at the following amounts, and each of the follow- ing.appointed~officers or employees shall.hold such appointed offices or positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherm~ise' provided for by law: Clerks-~ceiver of Taxes. Office Edith Charkow ............... $21.00 per day ~ Carolyn Adams $20.00 per day Jean Rogers ....... ~ ......... $21.00 per day Margaret ~Thompson $20.00 per day And be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as of January 1, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as are required~by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Surer, seconded by Councilman Rich, WHEREAS it is required by Section 27, Subdivision 1 of the Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers and employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salaries of the following appointed officers or employees be fixed at the following amounts, and each of the following appointed officers or employees shall hold such appointed offices or positions at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise provided for by law: Highway employees: Frank Arnold ........ $4.57 .... 4~--Longv.---19¢ .... +20¢---$4.96 per hr. Paul Baker ..... $4.53 .... 6%--Longv.---28¢ .... +20¢---$5.01 per hr. John Bakowski $4.10 .... 5%--Longv.---22~ .... ~20¢---$4.52 per hr. William Bond. +23¢ $4.30 per hr. Ge~ge Capon, gr. +20¢ $4.30 per hr. Milton Folts--(Eoreman) +20¢ $4.40 per hr. Charles Goldsmith---S5.25 .... 6%--Longv.---33~ .... +20¢---$5.78 perhr. Russell Goldsmith +20¢ .................... $4.30 per hr. ~a~l ~Grattan. +20¢ ............ $4.30 per hr. Robert Hubbard +20¢ .... $4.30 per hr. Raymond Jacobs--(Foreman) +20¢ ......... $4.40 per hr. Stanley Januskewicz--(Foreman)--$4.57--5%-Longv.-24¢-+20¢-$5.01 per hr. Jason Klipp +20¢ ....... $4.30 per hr. John Malinauskas ...... $4.10--5%-Longv.--2~¢-~-+20¢ ...... $4.52 per hr. Paul Msllas .+20¢ ..................... $4..20 per hr. Leon,~M.il~en ........ (E) +2~ ..... $4.20 perhr. Arthur Ruroede .................. +20¢ ........... $3.80 per hr. Leo, Sledjeski +20¢--- $4.30 per hr. Frank Slavonik ......... $4.10--4%-Longv.-17¢--+20¢- $4.47 per hr. $4.10--6%-Longv.-26¢--+20¢ ....... $4.56 per hr. Russell Smith Harvey Strange--- Henry Tyler ......... Arnold Wilson- Frank Wisniewski William Witt- Mario Zanghetti--(M) Donald Aanestad--(M) --+20¢--- ~20¢ .~+20¢ ~+20¢ -+20~ -+20¢ -+20¢- $4.30 per hr. $4.30 per hr. $4.3D per hr. $~.30 per hr. $4.45 per hr. $4.13 per hr. $4.'55 per hr. Andrew Kehl--(Foreman)-(M~ .... $4.45--4%-Longv.-19¢--+20¢--$4.48 per hr. Roscoe King -+20¢ $4.30 per hr. Carl Stepnowski--(M)--(E) ....... +20¢ $4.20 per hr. ~reg Tyler---(M) ~20¢ $4.55 per hr. ~Thomas Quillin ~20¢ $4.30 per hr. Fran~ Zinna ..................... +20~ $4.30 per hr. Ray Latham $4.25--5%-Longv.--22¢--+20¢ $4.67 per hr. Henr~ Latham .................... +20¢- $4.10 per hr. John Goodwin ~20¢ $4.10 per hr. Ray.White ....................... +20¢ $4.10 per hr. John Ni~erodzik-- $3.55 per hr. (M) Mechanic (E) Emergency Employment Act And be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as of January 1,, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 38, Subdivision 3 Of the Town Law-. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter,-Justice Demarest.. MoVed by Justice Suter, seconded by Justice Demarest, WHEREAS Section 64 of the Town Law requires the Town Board designate, by resolution, banks in the State in which the SuPervisor or any-other officer of the Town shall deposit~all monies coming into their hands by virtue of their officesi and WHEREAS the Town Board may require any bank, so designated, to deposit with such Board bonds or certificates of the United States, of the State of New York, or-any county, town, city, village~or school district of the State of New York as-security for such funds so deposited but such bond or certificate shall be subject to the approval of the Town-Board and shall bedpp~sited in-such place and held under ~uch conditions as the Town Board may~determine; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thatthe amount of security set forth for each respective bank hereby approved is as follows: Valley Bank of N~w York, Greenport,-N.Y. $415;000~O0.- North Fork Bank & Trust Co., Greenport, Southold, Mattituck, N.Y~ ................. $300,000.0U Security National Bank, Southold, N~Y. $100,000.00 Vote of' the Town Board: 'Ayes:- Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved'by Justice Suter, seconded by Justice Demarest, it was RESOLVED that the Long IDland Taaveler-Mattituck Watch~n, Inc., Southold, New York, a newspaper regularly published in the Town of Southold, which has been entered as a second class mail matter, be and the same is hereby designated, effective as of February t,-t974, as the official paper of the Town of Southold for the publication of atl~ notices~ resolutions, ordinances-and other matter required tobe published, and it is further RESOLVED that The Suffolk Ti~es, Greenport, New York, a newspaper regularly published in the Town of Southold, be designated as an additional newspaper for the publication of such notices, resolutions and ordinance. Vo~e of ~he Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Homart, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Superintendent of Highways be and he hereby is authorized to purchase equipment, to~ls, snow plows and otherimplements and devices without prior approval by the Town Board in amounts not to exceed $15,000.00 during the period from January 1, 1974 to December 31, 1974. Vote of th~ Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homa~, Just'ice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Justice Suter, WHEREAS it is required by S~ction 27, Subdivision~ i of the Town Law that the Town Board fix, from time to time, the salaries of all officers an~-employees of the Town, whether elected or appointed, and determine when the same shall be payable, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the salary of the following appointed officers ~or employees be fixed at the following amount, and the following apppinted efficers or employees shall hold such appointed office or position at the pleasure of the Town Board unless otherwise provided for by law: Police Department: See page And be it further RESOLVED that these salaries be effective as of January 1, 1974, and the same shall be paid in regular semi-monthly payments, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as are required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 ofthe Town 'Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Superviso~ Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Rich, WHEREAS it is required by Section 67, Subdivision 1 of the Social Welfare Law that the Town shall appoint a Social Services Officer er ah~npr~seutheoSup~vTs~;~.~at~¢ ~o~!n~oiactoasesuehiof~c~a~paci'ty ~©~o~HE~RE~aB~©~TR~SOL~fEDstHRttA~bert M. Martocchia, Supervisor, B~S~IE~etheteby is authorized to ac~ as Sogial Service Officer at the pleasure of the Town Board, and he is to serve in such capacity without compensation, and it is further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be instructed to file such certificates with the proper parties as is required by Section 30, Subdivision 3 of the Town Law. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia appointed Justice Louis M. Demarest to act as Deputy Supervisor, i.n his absence, ~b~ the period beginning January 1, 1974 through December 3, 1974, without compensation. Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED that Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia be appointed Civil Defense Coordinator for the Town Of Southold, to serve in such capacity without compensation. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia appointed William Schriever, Orient, New York, as Deputy Civil Defense Coordinator for the Town of Southold, to serve in such capacity ~hout compensation. Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Councilman Homan, i~.was~ . RESOLVED that Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia be designated to represen~ the Town of Southold at th~ annua! meeting of the Association of Towns of the State of New York to be held in New York City, February, ~974, and to cast the vote of the aforesaid Town pursuant to Section 6 of Article III of the Constitution and by-laws of said Association, and be it further RESOLVED that Justice Martin Suter be designated to act as alternate to.cast the vote of said Town at the annual meeting of the Association of Towns in the absence of Supervisor Martocchia. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman 'Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Supervisor Albert M. Martocch~a appointed the following members of the Southold Town Board to the following committees: ~ parks & Beaches Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan Inland Waterways ....... Councilman Homan, Councilman Rich Police ...... Justice Demarest, Justice Suter Taxation & Finance ........... Justice Demarest, Justice Suter Highways ~ustice Demarest, Justice Suter Disposal Area Councilman Rich, ffustice Suter Street Lights Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan Commerce & Industry .... Counci.lman Homan, Justice Demarest Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by..Councilman Rich, it was RESOLVED that any Town officia~l elected or appointed who is required to use his own automobile in the performance of duty be compensated for travel expenses necessarily, and actually incurred in carvying out the duties of his office, at a rate not to exceed twelve ($.12) cents per mile. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. A recess was called at 4:30 P.M. to reconvene at 5:00 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. without transacting any further business. Albert W. Richmond ~ Town Clerk - SOUTHOLD 'TOWN BOARD.MIN~TES- - ' ~ · ~ ~ Meeting Of January 8, 1974' . Th~ So6t~h0'td Town~Bo~rd ~et at-~th~offide of supervis6r AIb~rtM~ Martocchia, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York, at 3:00 Pi~i, Tuesday, JanUary 8, ~1'974, with the f011owing"~resent: Supervisor~Albert~M. Martocchia Councilman James H. Rich, Jr. ' Councilman Ja~es Homan · Ju~ice Mar~in 'Sute~ ..... Justice Louis M. Demar'~st' Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker ~ Supe'ri~tendent Raymond C. Dea~ Town Clerk Albert W. Richmond Absent: Justice Francis-T. Doyen Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Justice Surer, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of January ~2.,' t974~ be-and they hereby- are approved. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by ~cilman Rich, it was RESOLVED that~ the next meeting of the Southold Town Board will be held at-3~00 P.M., Tues~ay~ January 22, 1'974 at the office of Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia, 16'South Street'~ Gr~enport, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice'Demarest. On mo%i0n of~Councilman Rich, seconde~ by Councilman H0msh~. it was RESOLVED-that the reports of Justice'Suter, Police Departmeht and Town Clerk Richmond for the month of December i973; and Buflding Inspector, B6ar~'6f-Appea'ls"and JustiCe Surer fOr~the year i973-be accepted by the Town Board and placed 0n~ file. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. On mo%ion of- Justice Demarest~ seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED that the Town Boa'rd of the Town of Southold be and hereby is against any action by the Suffolk County'Legislature tO'make the S~uthwest Sewer'District a County-wi~e charge. ~ Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Ceuncilman R~ch, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED that Howard M. Terry, Building Inspector, Town of Southold, be and~hereby-is authorized~ to at~end the Eastern~ States Building Inspector's School to be held at ~ew York City in early March ~974, and be it further RE~OLVED that the actual'and necessary~eXpenses to travel, meals and 1od~ing incurred W~ile attending said SchoOl be a legaI,eharge against the Town of Southold. Vote of ~he Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest~ Moved by ~ustice Suter, seconded by Councilman Homan,~it was -~ RESOLVED that two Inspectors from the Building Department, Town Of Southold be authorized to attend Building Inspectors School on June 11, 12, 13, 1974, sponsored by the Office of Local G~ernment at Montour Falls, New York, and be it further RESOLVED that the actual and necessary~ expenses to travel, meals and lodging incurred whi~e attending said school be a legal charge against the Town of Southold. Vo~e of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED that Police Chief Carl Cataldo be and he hereby is authorized to advertise for bids for six marked police cars, with trade-in of five 1973 marked police cars and one 1972 marked police car. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. On motion of Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was RESOLVED that a recess be called at 4:00 P.M., to reconvene at 6:00 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Meeting reconvened at 6~00 P.M. On motion of Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED that General bills in the amount of $10,215.79; Fishers Island Ferry District Bills in the amount of $16,482.51; Highway bills in the amount of $3,963.55; and Special District bills in the amount of $232.67 be and the same a~e ~e~eby ordered paid. V~e of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED that Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia be and he hereby is authorized to enter into a contract for the purchase of the Donahue property at Southold; 22 acres at $4,000.00 per acre. Vote of the T~wn Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchie, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Wetland Appli~a%ion No. 12 was received from Leonard Fischer. The application was not in proper form, and further, the Board feels he should apply to the State of New York f~ a permit. Lawson, Matti~ east side of York, be and character of Vote of the T Moved by Councilman Homan, seconded by Councilman Rich, WHEREAS Freddie Lawson applied to the Town Board for a single trailer relocation permit dated NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application of Freddie .uck, New York, to locate e single trailer on the '~ctory Avenue, north of the Railroad, Mattituck, New .ereby is Denied as it is not in keeping with the .he neighborhood. ~wn Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Council]lan Homan, Justice Surer, Justice Demarest. Moved by Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman ~oman, it was RESOLVED that anD directed and phases of Vote of the T¢ Rich, Council~ Meeting adjoul Supervisor Martocchia be and hereby is authorized ~o advertise for bids for tax extension computation tax bills and books for the Town of Southold. ~wn Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman ~n Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. ned at 6:45 P.M. Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk