HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPD-02/16/1960 ~ .271 SOUTHOLD PARK DISTRICT SOUTHOLD,. L.I. .~ALMEETING OFTHESOUTHOLD PARK DISTR.ICT FE'BRUARY 16, 1'60 8 P.M. ,Meeting called to.Grder by CemmissionerJankowski. Call of meeting read by ~reasurer John Conrad~ The first orderef business was te elect a ~ommissiener for three. ;Y:E!aJ:'sinJ?J,~.c~ of. ~.. w;:i,ll;i.amSm;i.th. Mt. JE:>hnKing ~;t}.c:it.Mr,.... PaJ:'kerpic:ker sonapp(;}inted t;ellers. .~. .W;i.ll;i.am Sntf.th mDminatedby.~ . Adams op. , . seS~;t}.Gleq<py ~ :.WLLliam ~bert~?n..>:fteg~larJ.y~ovedan,(jl.. se:C.G>~~(t.t;hat .ne~inatieJ'1s be Cl€!!sed, carried. . 13 votes were cast. 13 fav€!!rable for .Mr. William Smith. !:i;. .S~th <declared elected. ~t!!l~~l1:>'fd9'et\,>,as read. 'l'etalameunt was $7,970.00. Aftei imuch discussiena vete was called for. There were 8 1_. ,:;':!""":'.' ,._>:;,..-"',';'i' ,:.' .':.'.'.'.' . --: f~ver~~le.:}:)ag9t13' 5 against and one blank ballet. 'Budget ~E!q.J.ared .pa1313e~~. . i".'.,.: '!.' ,'.' .' ,-' ',', ,',- ,-. Discu.ssH>n abE>ut Founders Landing Beach being littered with trash during the summer. Lifeguard's job to keep this clean- ed. up..Sugge13ted that a cement platf0rm with a shower be 1:>~H teut:s.tc!1etbe wl1arfhou.se. Discussion on widening bu1k- h~ac:it so SCl.~1:>e \1sed to tie up more b0ats. Also spoke ef '. p~tting*~:def[k.at Founders Landing. Chairman, Jankowski eJ<:p:Lai~eCl,it1').<r1:~hE! taJ<:payers weuld.have tepresent a petiti0n tgthe..CG~issi()>ners to start this. Mx'..W:i,11;i.9l1I AlpertsoJ'1 sPQke about having five ParkConun- issieners .instead of three as at present time. Suggested tJ;1at thi~}:)ebrought up at next annual meeting. Also it 'was suggested that a notice be put in the L. I. Traveler- Mattitu.ck .Watchman as to ju.st what Parks belong to the Pa.rk District. . J:" Motion made and seconded that we have at least two meetings a year, first meeting the second week in February for the electrondf an officer or officers and a second meeting the . second week in August to adopt a budget. This will >g0 into effect in 1961. Motion carried. Suggested that Mr. walter Gagen of the L. 1. T:raveler-Mattituck Watchman be asked to have notice of meetings on front page. Motion made and seconded to adjourn. Carried. John T. Conrad, Treasurer Southold Park District. ;....