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ANNUAL MEETING OF Southold Park District
February 25, 1959 - 8 P.M.
Call of meeting was read by Treasurer John Conrad.
Meeting opened by temporary chairman w. C. Albertson.
Minutes of the last Ann~al meeting were read by Treasurer.
Election of a commissioner for three years in place qf Mr.
Chester Jankowski. was .the first order of businees. Mr.
Walter Gagen and Mr. Earle Linton were appointed Tellers.
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They were sworn in by Mr. Lecgfert;s Edson. Mr . Jankowski
was nominated. There were no other nominations.
TJie,re.were 25 votes for Mr. Cheste;r Jankowski, one vote for
Mr. Gagen. Mr. Jankowski declared elected for three year
At this time Commissioner Nickles took over as chairman.
Mr. Nickles read budget for nex't year which totaled $6,040.00.
. Motion made and seconded to approve budget. There were 25
votes Yes, notvotes .agi:linst budget.
Several of the items on the 1958 Treasurer's report were
brought up by those present. Questions were answered by
Mr. Nickles. Dr. Dorothy Bauer suggested that Park Commission
write to proper authorities about more lighting and better
warning signs at Monument corner.
Mrs. Florence Kramer complimented the Commissioners on howriice
the decorations looked at Triangle at Christmas time.
Mr. Trudenbach reported that the steps at Founders Landing
are in a hazardous condition. They have been undermined by
high tides during the winter.
Discussion about the old Sodum School took place. Mrs. Anne
Currie-Bell gave quite a complete history of the school. "
Said she wo~d like to see it returned to its original site
at Triangle Park.
Chairman Nickles reported building belongs to Mrs..Rose
Gradowski, Peconic. Building appears in fairly good ..shape.
Discussion about restoring to :original condition.
Dr. Claus Robohm made motion that chairman appoint committee
to investigate possibility of purchasing building and the cost
of moving building to Triangle. Committee to report bac~ within
six weeks. Motion seconded ~nd approved.
Mr. Nickles appointed the following committee:
Commissioner W.C. Albertson
Mr~ Stanton Mott
Mrs. Anne Currie-Bell
Mr. Fred Dart
Mrs. Charles Collison
Motion to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting closed at 9:20 P.M.
John Conrad, Treasurer
Southold Park District