HomeMy WebLinkAboutMa Tine, Inc 7 housing development Director Jim McMahon comes forward to you and says, I can get $50,000 in grants that will reduce the cost of this house to such and such a level, and it seems pretty good. Unfortunately that money isn't always produced. I think one of the things that the Town Board has got to investigate before it grants any of the affordable housing requests for increased density is how many of those grants actually came through? COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: Every one of them. ALEX WIPF: $50,000? COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: Everyone that applied for grants in the last at least two affordable housing projects, applied for grants, was eligible for grants, got the money for the grants. ALEX WIPF: How much were the grants? JIM MCMAHON: $30,000. ALEX WIPF: $30,000 grants. All of them were gotten. The $50,000 grant will come through on this as well? JIM MCMAHON: This particular application does not request any assistance in grant money. ALEX WIPF: So, there are no grants in this housing development at all? Then I have been misinformed about this. I think the important point to make is that if grant monies are applied for, and they don't come through then it adds to the cost of the house. In addition there are other things to be considered. The asking price for an affordable house is before add-ons are added. It is not uncommon for developers to add, to say if you want particularly windows, if you want particular accessories, it is going to increase the cost of the house. I think that is something that also has to be investigated. How many houses have been sought at the asked for price, or have there been a number of add-ons? These add-ons, the grants that mayor may not come in, and my understanding is that they all didn't come in, but I take you at your word, Jim. Add the cost of the house, and what happens is it pops it out of the rate of people who are seeking affordable housing. Also, the cost of the housing themselves really fits into, not the lowest level of affordable housing, which is where CHI would come in. It fits into that group of people that are right on the edge, and if any increase in cost pops them out of it. I think that we have to check very carefully before you grant this density increase. I have nothing else to say other than I believe you would have to examine the past record of affordable housing projects to see who is actually in those projects, to see if in fact there were people who were qualified for affordable housing. CHI is a much better alternative, and I hope in fact you will consider developing in already established housing, and to see if it works before you grant any density increases and build new housing in open space. Thank you. MELANŒ NORDEN: Many of those of us who live in this neighborhood have been very concerned about the SEQRA Review process. Melanie Norden on McCann Lane, Greenport. Many of us who live in this neighborhood have been concerned about the SEQRA Review process, and the County Planning Commission, and also, the Southold Planning Board, and how the economic, social, environmental factors, and all those things that are to be considered by the Town Board as the lead agency will in fact be considered. The Planning Board has read a report this evening, but though this application has been before the town since last July there still isn't enough information for the Planning Board to conduct a 8 theory review. That is significant to many of us because the Planning Board's not conducting a review, in fact, changes the complexion of the Town Board's vote. In addition, the County Planning Commission not conducting a review changes the complexion of the Town Board vote as well. So, I would like to actually ask the Town Attorney if he could comment a little bit on what the SEQRA Review process is, and how it should unfold, because in point of fact this should all have happened presumably by the time that the application has come to this point. TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: A couple of things, Melanie. Number one; I believe the Board is going to be keeping this hearing open pending a completion of the SEQRA process. That is point number one. So, there will be no vote this evening. MELANŒ NORDEN: I understand that but isn't the SEQRA process, and it's components supposed to be basically completed by the time the public hearing takes place? TOWN ATTORNEY Y AKABOSKI: You can go either way on that. MELANIE NORDEN: Not according to what I have read. TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: What is happening is the SEQRA process being completed additional information was requested by the environmental folks that did the report, and a letter has gone out to the applicants saying we need the additional information. What is going to happen is once the additional information is completed, and the Board will have to render a SEQRA Determination. The SEQRA Determination will then be forwarded as lead agency the SEQRA Determination will then be forwarded to both the Town Planning Board, and the Suffolk County Planning Commission. MELANIE NORDEN: But, why was this not done before this came to a public hearing? TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: As I said, you can do it different ways. See what is going to happen the important point about that, Melanie, is that this Board and the other Boards, excuse me this is one rendering the decision, will not be making a decision prior to SEQRA being completed. One of the important factors of SEQRA, and I think is an opportunity like this, the community to give input. For example, the sump question, which was back and forth a few moments ago, that is one of the benefits of having the folks in the community come forward at a public hearing like this to render that kind of information to help fill out the Board's knowledge, so that when the other Town Planning Board, the Suffolk County Planning Commission, give their advisory opinions they have a full and complete picture. MELANIE NORDEN: I disagree. Actually the Planning Board in point of fact if it were to have done its job as stated in the Town Code it would have analyzed all of these factors, and all of these engineering factors. The sump question has been brought up here repeatedly for months. The very fact that the Planning Board has not been able to address this yet, and needs information from laypeople about a serious engineering issue on property owned by the Town I think is a specious argument. In point of fact all of this information has been given at these meetings for months, and we have written letters repeatedly about this, and it seems that there is something that is very backward in a process, which now says we are at a public hearing, but we don't have all the information. There has been errors in the application. The application, by the way, calls for thirteen lots and not for ten lots, so we are even getting a presentation tonight that is different from the actual application that is before the town, and now we are told that we are at a public hearing, but we don't have any of the information 9 that we kind of needed to have in order to analyze and really have the Town Board perform it's rule as lead agency. That information should have actually been here by tonight so that we could, as community people, rely on the expertise of the Planning Board and the County Planning Commission, and make sure that we know that our Town Board has that information. TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: You are still going to get all that. You are going to get all that information. You are going to get all that. We are not closing the hearing. MELANŒ NORDEN: I understand that, but I think that in point of tàct that information should have been here prior to the public hearing, and it indicates I think both in the Town Code, and in the SEQRA guidelines that information should be conducted and should be available. We have a lot of economic, social, environmental factors, and we have no information tonight that is speaking to those, and we have a Planning Board that hasn't rendered a review. They have only rendered a report, and they basically said we can't make a decision yet. The serious part about that is that, that may in fact change the vote. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you. Are there any other comments on this particular public hearing? DOUG COOPER: Doug Cooper from Mattituck, ladies and gentlemen. In the time that the town is now facing density issue as to how much we wish to grow, and preserving farmland and open space I strongly support high density around the hamlets and in the hamlets. However I don't believe this should be given away for free. I think the Town needs some kind of a TOR Program or at least the owners buy some development rights or other farmland or open space, and extinguish them in the increase in density. I think that is vital for this town and the community as we go towards the future. Thank you. JIM DINIZIO: Jim Dinizio, 39 Sound Road. I live just about five houses away from this development. I have to agree with Melanie 100%, and I think what she is saying that you are unprepared for this meeting. I think that the Planning Board basically stated that, too, that they cannot make a decision because they don't have enough information, and to rely on laypeople, as Melanie said, is not the proper procedure. We are relying on you, and you should rely on your experts. That is what we pay them for out of our taxes. If the Suffolk County Planning and the Planning Board itself can not look at an application after the many applications that they have looked at and make an intelligent decision. That application was not complete. Okay? And that to my mind falls in one direction, the person that is supposed to give you these resolutions complete. So, I ask you that you not hold this hearing open, that you close it right now, or after everybody has commented, and you make a resolution voting it down right now. If they want to come back with an application that is complete, then let them come back with an application that is complete that we all sit around on our 67 Steps Association meetings, discuss intelligently as opposed to being held in the dark whether on purpose or not. We are still in the dark as to how things are going to go there. I have many questions myself. I was depending on the Planning Board to answer them. They have not. So, I ask you to make a resolution tonight, and vote no. Thank you. SUPER VISOR HORTON: Any other comments from the floor? GWEN SCHROEDER: Hi, Gwen Schroeder, North Fork Environmental Council, and I want to second Doug Cooper's comments. That time when the Town is looking at ways to control density and L PLWNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI. JR. Chair¡nan WILLlAl\! J. CREMEnS IŒ~,"ETH L EDW.-\HDS GEORGE [UTCHlE LATHAM. .JR. RICf-L-\RD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Elizabeth A. Neville, South old Town Clerk Victor L'Eplattenier, Senior p,ani7 March 18,2002 From: Date: Re: NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Correspondence Archaeological and Historical Sensitivity fvì...Ii 1\(', INC P.O. Box l1~g Town Hall. 5:3095 State Route 25 Southold. New York 11971~ü95~' Tt::'l~~phone Ifi31'1 76,:::I-19:1R Fax' 6:¡¡, ï65-3136 RECEIVED MAR 1 8 2002 Southold Town Cler.. Attached please find correspondence from Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC, pertaining to five sites, two of which are affordable housing sites currently under review for proposed zoning changes to AHD. This correspondence is being forwarded to you for your attention and any recommendations the Town Board may have regarding these sites. encl. PLA."INING BOARD MEMBERS BE:--:NETT OHL\J\\'S¡". ,In. C:hölrr::\al\ ...n:"l-"2.,-:?:>-- .,p---'-~ .&:i'-~'1I\\fFOL..t ?~ ..:' ~ <b. .~ .,~ ~::2" I'~ \) .\= .. ~ - . , ~ en :.æ r~ '~ ~ N ~\!¡:, ""'.' "' V' ~ J, " ¿. . ..... ,. ~ -~ ~...-' ""'- '''0" . ....~ .y ~_ J'·v~ ~~'l \\'lLLL-\M .J. (BF.Ì\1Eri.:-:ì IŒNNETH L. EDWARDS (;¡':UHC;E HlTCHŒ LXlR\},I. .rf<. HICHArlD CAGGL-\;,W PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Elizabeth A. Neville, Southold Town Clerk Victor L'Eplattenier, Senior Plannÿ March 18,2002 From: Date: Re: NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Correspondence Archaeological and Historical Sensitivity 173 T.4 P.O. Box 11 ~9 1\'\'·:n Hal!, 5.'3095 Statr:> Routp 2.5 Slluthold, ~L''S York .l19¡1-\)u5~ Telephone '631'> 76ñ-191~ Fax I 6:n I ";f)5<3L.ilÌ RECEIVED MAR 1 8 2002 South old Town Clerk Attached please find correspondence from Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC, pertaining to five sites, two of which are affordable housing sites currently under review for proposed zoning changes to AHD. This correspondence is being forwarded to you for your attention and any recommendations the Town Board may have regarding these sites. e.ncl. 'NÇ I IIHr:;-l.c.:-¿¡Qû'::: .L J.. ~];:> \'1=-L',:!'-!!"I .5. nJt""t:! LL.r .).it: '-t¿{ :::>~':::::'IQ r-.<'::'IJ..'.LJ. " " ~A ~:';~~~T~O:EF"~ ~~~R~~~U~~NG ~fn... 57t2 WAJ.. ï Wl-'~"I"''V!AN qðAC' M;::'_ ,,'!LL!; "o'Y , . 7.:7 - 2:'!2;S U (631) '<:27-5':;S~ FAX (631) ~.27-.;;:a2:J np..enCISOI""1DOpe'::Cm FAX COVER SHEET To: Victor LaPlatnea Fax: 765-1823 From: Shana Lacey Date: March 11, 2002 Re: NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Correspondence No. of Pages: 12 (including Cover) Comments: Victor, Attached please find the correspondence from NYS OPRHP with regard to archaeological and historical sensitivity on the following parcels/projects: 1. Zoumas, Bayvìew 2. Forestbrook, Bayview 3. MaTìne, Greenport 4. Skrezic, Peconic 5. Mattituck Housing, Mattituck Please fee! free to call should you have any questions or require any additional information. Sincerely, Shana M~R-12-2002 11:09 NELSON 8 PCiPE,LLP 516 427 5620 ¢J'T O~ . l<J*'''\ ~ ~ !5 ~ New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation ~ ¡; ~ ~ H!s~Qnc Preservation Fi:ld Senlices Bureau ~ NS"fO^,51'AT5:¡; Peebles IslanJ, PO Bùx 189. Waterford. New York 12188-0189 Bernaje-TTe c.as::r¡¡ c::;¡.."'7~,:~S'Orj~'.· 51 B-237-8643 "'larch 6, 2002 Sn<:na \1. L.:i.C~:, ~elsor.. POP".5< \'"orhi;, LLC 572 \\'0]: Wbitm"n Rù"j :\!~I\'iIk New York II c47-2188 De.:;" :"1s. Lac,y. Re: SEORA Zoumas/Bayvicw Subdivision.: SCTM#1000-79-04-J7.14& 17.17 Southold, SufÙ,lk County 02PRIOO I Thank you for r"quesring the comments of the Office ofparh, Recreation and HislOric P'cs~r.·otion (OPRHP) concerning your project's potential impact-effect upon !lÜt"ric a'1CVur prehisturic culru.al resüurc~s· Our staff has reviewed the documenration that )'ou provided On your project. Preimunary comments and/or requests for additional information are noted 011 separate cr...;]osu.cs accompanyir.g this lener. A dctcnnination ofimpactfeffec[ wiJI be: pro\'ided only aftt~ ALL docum~n~ation requirements noted on any endosures have been met. Any q'l1esrions conceming our preliminary comments and/or requ~sts for additional information should be: directed to the appropriate sr2.ff pcrs(!n identified or. c::i.lch enclosure. In case' ,vber. a Stat< agency is involved in this undertaking, it is appropriate for that agency to deter.ninc ",¡¡dler consultation should take place with OPRHP under Section 14.0~ of thc Sew York Sl<'te Parks. Rtcrearion and Historic Prescr-lation Law, In addition, if !.here is any fedtral agenc)- in\'ol\'~mer:.t. Advisory Councti on Historic Preserva.tion's regulations, "Protc:ction of Historic and CulwrJ! Propercies" 36 CFR 800 requires thal agency to iniriate consultadon wirh the 5ratè Histori~ Prcs~r"'ariür. Officer (SHPO). Whee responding, please be sure to refer to the OPRHP Project Review CPR) nUttlber nolod above Sincerely, ~.dI , Pu.:¡pcll¡..i Ruth L. Pierpont Director RLP:bsd Enc¡osur~(s> l.R<'!ª'~=I';:::.í\V\V¡ìí;==:, '- L\J.5;\-~'==U -- .~':-:-' :-'.;:'~ _ _ c"'" :; 1_. ~j ",. !i'Sri~ IÐ.iÐ~ ~ rDò!.. ,,;, ~~>~)Þ An Equal OpportunityfAffirtT'lidve Action Agency ð.................IA...""'I............._ ¡O.02/11 ~ 1'18P-12- 2002 11 : OS tlELsml ' PIJPE, LLP 516 427 5620 P.03/11 5 ARCHEOLOGY COM:\'lENTS 02PRIOOl Based on reported resources, there is an iŒcheo]oglcal ,itè In o. adiaccrH 10 V','-Ir project area. Therefore the Office (1f PJrks. Recreation ,me Hi<ton¿ Pre,er\ ~lic'r. I,OPRHPì recommends that a Phase I drche(Jloglc~1 sur\ey is Wdl1'Ji1t,'d j',)r all pO!1Jon' of the proJect to involve gDund disturbance, lmless substantial prior ground dis(UrbJnc'~ can be documented. If YOll èonsider the project 'Œea to be dis!urb;,d. documenlJ(ion ot' lhe disturbance ",ill need to be reviewed by OPRHP Examples of disrurb;¡lh:~ Include mining acri \'itres and multiple episodes of building construction Md demolition. A Phase ] survey is designed to derennine the presence or absence of archeological sitcs or other cultllraJ resources in the project's dre,l of potential effect. Tk Phase I survey is divided into two progressive units of study including" Phase 1..\ sensitivity asse$sment and imtial project area field in;;pcction, and a Phase 1 B subsurfoce testing program for the project area. The OPRHP can provide standards fOr' conducting cultural resource investigations upon request Cultural resource surveys and survey repons that meet tbese standards' will be accepted and approved by the OPRHP. Our otfice does not conduct wlrur,'¡ resources surveys. A 36 CFR 61 qualified archeologi:;t should be retained to conùuct the Phase 1 survey. Many archeological consulting finns advertise their availability in the :cHow pages. The services of qualified archeologists can also be obtained by contacting local. regional. or statewJde professional archeological organizations. Phase 1 surveys can be expected to vary in CO~l per mile of right-of-way or by the number of acres impacted. We cncourage you to contact a number of consulting finns and compare examples of each finn's work to obtain rhe best product M. Schiffer'; ()3/01,'O~ Documentarian of ground disturbance should indude a description of ;he disturbance with confimting evidence, Confinnation can incJude current photographs and/or older photographs of the project area which illustra¡c ;he disturbance (approx.imate]y keyed to a project area map), past maps or site plans that accurately record previous disturbances, or current sot! borings that verify past disruptions to ¡he land. Agricultural activity is not considered to be substantial ground disturbanëe and many sites have been identified in previouslv cultivated lanel. If you have any questions concerning archeology. please c,,]I Mike Schifferli at (518) 237-8643 ext. 328 L fIEI. <CCiN " PCiPE. LLlo 516 427 5620 P.04/11 MAP-12-2002 11:10 ~ .¡I--~.~~ :i " I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ç HEW YORK STAtE ~ New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation HIs1vric Praservatior Field Services Bureau Peebles Island. PO Be< ~ 89, Water7ord. New York 12188·0189 5'8~23-;--8643 8emê.ce(~" C~S1fC CO!TIm¡;sloner ~lar..-.:h 6. 2002 Shan, M. Laoe}' Netôon. Pope &: \"00rl1i5. LLC 5~2 Walt Whirman Road Md\'ille, New York 1 ¡ 74--" IS, tR3oo~ß~~~' MAr- IJ (¡ ¿UùL 0'L--,., i..f NELION I POPE:tlPl.~ '. Dear ?\'1;;. Lace~r Re: SEaR;>. Ma TinelGreonport North of North Road..' SCTM #1000-35-01·04 Somhold. Suffolk Count) 02PR099S Thank you fur requeSÚng the comments of the Office ofParks Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) conC(ming your proje~r'ô potential irnp.ctlefìect upon historic andio' prehistD'¡o cul~ral re-sourc!:,;-, OUf sr.affhas revicw~d the: doçumcntatiOll rhaL you provided on your projt::cr. PrelíminaT)' cùmmenrs 3ndlor requests .tòr ad.:i¡lional inion-nation are noted on separate; enclosures ,,-ccompanying this lener. A detcrmin.tion of impacl'effecr will be provided only after ALL docurnentaMn n.:quiremenrs J1o[~d on any el!closures have been met. Any que,;tions çonceming our preliminary c.:O~l1ments and/or reqllests for addÙional information should be directed to rile appropriare stJrIpcrsøn idenriikd on each enc}osure. In cases lA'here a sta.J:e agency is involved in this undertaking, it is appropriate Iòr that agency!O determine wberher consuJ¡ari~n should take ploce wiL'> OPRHP under Secrion 14.09 of the New York Srate Parks, Recreation and Historic Prescrv.tion Law. In .ddilion, jfrhere is any federal agency in"oJvement Ad"isory Council on Historic· Preservation' s reguJo¡jons, "Protection of Historic and Cultural Propen:ies" 36 CFR 800 requires lhat agency to initiare consultation with the State Histonc Preservarion Officer (SBPO). \\'!;en :esi'cc.ding, pleosc be su'e to ,efer to tile OPRHP Projecr Rev;ew CPR) nuæber r.ored above. Sincerely. ~ d J, d () . I ~'71 ,n.~.l"pC1lJf- Ruth L. Pierpont D1rector RLP:bsd EncIosl¡re(s) An Equal Opponuniry/Affrrmativ8 ActiQn Agency C~ pr, ' llId on rtlC)',;,gø paøer MSP-12-2002 11:10 r<EL SLJ~1 g POPE, lLP 516 427 5620 P.05/11 ARCHEOLOGY COMMENTS 02PR0998 Based on reported resources, there is an archeologIcal SIle in or adjacent ro your project area. Thcrdore the Office of Parks. ReCrea[IOn and HIsronc Presen O[lim I,OPRHP) recommends that a Phase I archeological surve) is warranted for all pOrtiOn> oi the project [Q IOvo]ve ground disturbance. unless substanlial prior ground disturbance can be documented. If you consider the project area [Q bc disturbed. ciotumenmtion of the disturbance wil1 need to be reviewed by OPRHP Examples of disturbance include mining activities and mu,tip!e episodes of building construclion and demoJition. A Phase 1 survey is designed to detelmine the pres~ncc or absence of archcologicaJ sites or other cultural resources in the projcCI$ area of potentia] efkcL The Phase 1 survey is divided into two progressive units of study including a Phase 1.-\ sensitivity assessment and initial project area field inspection, :iI1d a Pha.,e lB subsurface testing program for the project area. The OPRHP can provId.; standards for conducri~g cultural resource investigations upon request. Cultural resource surveys :iI1d survey reports that meet these standards will be accepted and approved by the OPRHP. Our office does not conductculturaJ resources surveys. A 36 CFR 61 qualified archeologist should be retained to conduct the Phase 1 survey. Many archeological consulting firms advertise their availabiJity in the yeIlow pages. The services of quaJified archeologists can also be obtained by contacting local, regional, or statewide professional archeological organizations. Phase 1 surveys can be expected to vary in cost per mile of right-of-way or by the number of acres impacted. We encourage you to conract <i number of consulting firms and compare examples of each firm's work to obtain the best product. Documentation of ground disturbance should include a description "f the disturbance with confirrning evidence. Confirmation can include current photographs and/or older phorographs of the project area which j lIustrale the disturbance (approximately keyed to a project area map), past map> or site plans that acclIraleJy record previous disturbances, or CUrrent soil borings that verify past disruptions to the land. Agricultural activity is not considered to be substantial ground disturbance :md many sites have been identified in previously cultivated land. M. Schiffcrli 03../01/02 If you have any questions concerning archeology. pkase call Mike Schjfferli at (518) 237-8643 ex! 3281. MpF'-l;~- 2802 11: 11 NEL3iJH ,. PiJPE.LLP :: v:=, ~¡;::n 5620 P.05/il ø,:n"".~ ~,,\ ~ ." ~ ;¡¡ :'s í< ~ ~ I:: ' o NEW 'I'~R ( ST....TE ~ Berrnc.-!!1oô :::a5~I'J C;;,'rIfTil5,S;{1.")d" ¢ New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic PreservaUon Historic Preservation Field Services Bureau Peebles ISland. PO Bcx 189, Waterlord. New York 12188-0189 518·237 -8643 March 6, 2002 Shan. M. Lac"y Nelson Pope & Voorhis. LLC 572 \\' aJ! Whitman Road l\1el"i11e. New Yor).. ] i"4'-::lÍi8 Dear J.\15. Lac~y: Re: SEOR.<\. Skrezlc Change of Zone-'Peconic!CR 48 sen.1 # J 000- 74-04- 14. ¡ SouthoId, Suffolk County 1J2PR0997 Thank you for rcqucsling the comments o/the Office o/Parks. Recreation and Hi,toric Prèservation (OPRHP) concerning your project's potenlial impact/'effect upon historic and/or prehistoric cultura1 resources. OUf statT has re\iewed the documentation that you provided on your projcct. Preliminary commènts and/or reque::;ts for additions} informarion arc noted on separéltt:' em::iosurcs accompanying this lener. A detem1Ìnaûon of impaweffect will be provided only after ALL documenwlUn rcquìrcment5 noted on any enciosures have been met. Any questions conceroing our prdirninCif)' comments andlor roquest' for additIonal infonnation should be directed to rhe appropriare staffp~rson identified (In each encJosure. In cases where a state agency is involvC'J in this undertaking, it is appropriate for [ha1 SgCIlC)' to determine whether consultation should take place wirb OPRHP under Section 14.09 ofrbe -';ew York Sta'" Parks, Recreation and Hi$toric Preservation Law. In addition, if there is any federal agency in"olv<men~ Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's regulations. "Protection of Historic and Cultural Properties" 36 CFR 800 requireslhat agency to initiate consultation with tbe Srate Histonc Preservation Officer (SHPO). When responding, ple"e be sure to r.fer to the OPRHP Project Re,'iew (PR) ~"mb<r noted above. Sincerely, ~S;, Pu-~orJ- Ruth L. Pi<rpont Director RLP;bsd Enclosure(s) An Equal OpportlJnity/AHirmative Action Agency o prilllsCI 01'\ rðCyO;; i:lø põl~' ('>~~,~'-12- 201;:12 1 !" : 11 r-~EI__'=I]~ :;. POPE. I_LP Sit: 42'7 5620 F.Ø'7/11 "\RCHEOLOGY COMl\l£:\TS 02PR0997 Based on reported resources, then: i, an archeologiCl] sIte ¡¡¡ or adlzlèCrH !O :our project area. Therefore the Office of Parks, Recreation and II,stl) ' C Preservation (OPRHP) recommends thaI a Phase I ar~heologlcal survey is warranted ror all pOl1lOns of the project ro involve ground dIsturbance. unless substantia] prior ground disturbance can be documented. If you consider the project area 10 be dIsturbed, documenration of the disturbance wi11 nccd 10 be reviewed by OPRHP, Exampks 01 disturbance include mining activities and multiple episodes of buiJding construction and demolition, A Phase 1 survey is dcsigned to determine the presence or absence of ö.rcheological sites or other cultural resources in the project's area of potential effecl. The P~I,t5e I survey is divided Into two progressive units of study including a Phase 11\ sensitivitj assessment and initial projecr area field inspection, and a Phase] B subsllI,';¡ce testing program for the project area. The OPRHP can provide standards for conducting cultural resource investigations upon request. CulwraJ resource surveys and survey reports that meet these standards will be accepted and approved by the OPRHP, Our officc docs not conduct cu1tural resources surveys. A 36 CFR 61 quaj¡fjed archeologist should be retained to conduct the Phase I survey. Many archeological consulting finns advertise their avaiJability in the yellow pages, The services of qualified archeologists can also be obtained by contacting local, regional. or starewide professional archeological organizations, Phase 1 surveys can be expected to vary in cos1 per mile of righl-of-way or by the number of acres impacted. We encourage you to contact <\ number of consulring finns and compare examples of each firm's work to obtain the best product. Documentation of ground disturbance should include a description of the disturbance with confinning evidence. Contlrmation can include current photographs and/or older photographs of the project area which ilJustrate the disturhance (approximately keyed to a project area map). past maps or site plans rhar accuTarely record previous disturbances, Dr current soil borings that verify past òlsl1lptions to the land, Agricultural activity is not considered ro bc substantial ground disturbance and many sites have been identified in previously cultivated land. If you have any questions concerning archeology, please call r.·hke Schifferli at (518) 237-8643 ext. 3281. M. Schiffer!i 03/01/02 MqP-1?-~~0Ø2 11: 11 "ELSCi" g POPE, LLP S1t:. 4.2'7 5620 P.08/ll i~*'~~~ ~ ill HI i5 :¡¡ ~ !: It - Ò' NEW YORK STATE ! :;ß-¥5f New York State Offic,e of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Historic Preserva.tion Field Services Bureau Pes Dies Island. PO Box 189, Water/ord, New York 12188-0189 518-237'8ô43 6~mdd",!!6 Cas1rc CO(T'l(r>,$S'O''ler J\larch 6. 2002 Shana J\I. Lacey Kohan, Pope & Voorhi, LLC 572 Walt Whitman Road Melville, New York I 1747-2188 Dear Ms. Lacey: Ro: SEOM l\Iattiruck HousingiMauituc' SCTM #1000,122-02-23.1 SouthoJd. Suffolk Counry 02PR0999 Thank you for requesting the comments of ¡he Office of Parks, Recreatiun and Historic Preserva[ion (OPRHP) concerning your project's potential impa.:veffect upon historic and/or prehi:;tur1c cultural resources. Our 'taffhas reviewed the document.rion that you provided on YDur project. Prcliminary cornment~ and/or requests for aóditional information are noted Of! separaTe enc10surtS accompanyil\g rhis letter. A determination of impact/effec! wil] be providod onl, afler ALL documentation requirements noted on any enclosures have been met. Any questions conc~ming our preliminary comments andJor request~ for addition.1 infonnarion should be directed to the apprùpriate staff person identified on each enclosure. Sincerely, ~. PI.L1.(Cif In cases where a state agency is involved in this undertaking. ir is appropriate for that agency to d<termine whcthor consultation should take p]acc with OPRHP under Scction ]4.09 of the New York State Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Law. In addition, if there is any fede,..! agency involvement. Advisory COW1cil on Historic Preservation's regulations, "Prolecrion ofHi~toric and CulturaJ Properties" 36 CFR 800 requires thar agency to initiate consultation with ¡he State Historic Presef\'at;on Officer (SHPO). When responding, please be sure to rcfer to rhe OPRHP Projccl Review rPR) number noted abù\'.. Ruth L. Pierpont Director RLP:bsd Enc1osure(s) An Equal Opportuniry/Affirmative Action Agency o DrlnleG on recYCled ~per II MAR-12-2002 11:12 NELSON .~ FÜFE, LLP 516 427 5620 P.09/11 . . ,\ RCHEOLOG Y COMMENTS 02PR0999 Based on reponed resources. there i, an archeological slle In or adjacem [0 your proj~c[ area Therefore the Office oi Parks, Recrealioll and Hi,roric Presen allon (OPRHP) recommcnds ¡hat a Phase 1 archeological sun'''Y is "-an'unred ior all ponions of the project to involve ground disturbance. Hnles.\ SUbsl3n¡jal pnor ground dislt1rb~nce can bc documented. If Yl)U consider the projccI area [0 be disturbed. documentation of thc disturbance will need 10 he reviewed by OPRHP. E.xamples at' disturbance mêlude mining activities and multiple episodes of budding construction and demolition A Phase 1 survey is designed to determine the prc,enæ or absenœ of archeological sitcs or other cultural resources in the project's area of porential effecl. The Pluse 1 survey is divided into two progressive units of study mcludmg " Phase I A sensj{ vity assessment and initial project area field inspection. and a Phase I B subsurfaœ testing program for the project area. The OPRHP can provide $tanJards for conJucting cultural resource investigations upon reques!. Cultural resource surveys and survey reportS that meet these standards will be accepted and approved by the OPRHP. Our office does not conduct cultural resources surveys. A 36 CFR 61 qualified archeologist should be retained [0 conduct the Phase I survey. Many archc:oJogicaJ consulting firms advertise their availability in the yellow pages. The services of qualified archeologists can also be obtained by contacting local, regional, or statewide professional arche:oJogicalorganizations. Phase I surveys can be expeclec1 to vary in cost pcr mile of right-of-way or by the Dumber of acres impacted. We encourage you to COnIact a number of consuJting firms and compare examples of each firm's work to obrain the best product. Documentation of ground disturbance should include a description of the disturbance with confinníng evidence. Confirmation can inc1udt current photographs andlor older photographs of the project arca which illustrate the disturbance (approximately keyed to a project area map), past maps or "ire plans that accuratel y record previous disturbances, or current soil borings that verify past disruptions to ¡he Jand. Agricultural activity is not considered to be substantial ground disturbance and many sites have been identified in previously cultivated land If you have any ques¡jons concerning archeology. please "aJl Mike Schifferli at (518) 237-8643 eXL 3281. M. Schiff.rh 03/01102 MRR-12-2002 11:12 NELSON :<. PIJPE, LLP 516 427 5620 P. ,:J2.Vl1 .,v-n"-'.... ,p ". f'" i!¡ ¡¡¡ New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation ~ ~ Historic Preservation Field Services Bureau ~ NEW'ORKSTATE ~ Peebles Island. PO Box 189, Waterford. New York 12188·0189 ~ 518-2378543 B-::rr.;:¡o¿fte Cas[!'C Cçmm;ss..:J.'1sr March Ó, 2002 ShanE M. Lacey Nclson, Pope & VoorhIS, LLC j~2 Walt Whitman Road MdviJIe.NewYotk 11747--'188 Dear ì\-1s. Lacey: Rc: SEORA ForestbrookiBayvicw/SCTM #)-)00-79·02-07 Somhold, Suffolk County 02PRIOOO Thank you for requeSting the commel\[S of the Office of Parks. RecreatIOn and Hiswri, Preservation (OPRHP) conceming your project's potential irnpacVeffcct upon hiSturic ondor prehlSwric culrural resources. Our staff has reviewed the documentarion that you provided on your project Preliminary commenrs and/or requests for addilionaI infonnation are noted on separ3t,~ ¡:nclo:::un.:$ accompanying this letter. A determination of impacVeffecI will be providod only aller ALL documentation requirements noted on any endosures have been mCt. Any questions conçemlng our preliminary comm~nt5 and/or requests for addition.l information should be directed to the appropriate staff pcr>on identified on each enclosure. Sincerely, ~,eLra~+ In cases where a state agcm.-y is involved in this undertaking. it is appropriate for tha.t agency to determine whether consultation should take place with OPRHP u.oder Sectiov 14.09 of the New York Sl.te Parl,s, Recreation and Historic Pre.scrvatiotl Law, In addition, íf there is any federtll agency involvem~nt. Advisory Council on Histork Preservation's regulations, "Protection of Hisroric and CulruraJ Properties" 36 CFR 800 requires that agency to initiate consultation with tbe Statc Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). When tesponding, please be sure to refer to the OPRHP Project Review CPR) number noled abovc. Ruth L. Pierpont Director RLP:bsd Enclosure(s) An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative ActiQn Agency o printsd on NCyct8c:1 papelr -- MAP-12-2002 11:13 "ELSON 8. PCiPE.LLP 51D 4¿/ 'Jb¿t:::1 r>.ll/ll ARCHEOLOGY CO'vIl\1ENTS 02PRI000 Based on reponed resources. there is an archeological site in or adjacent to >our proJccr ar¡:a. Therefore Ihe Office of Parks. Recrealion and Hiswric Preservation (OPRHP) recommends thar a Phase I archeologlc:.d survey is warranted for all p01tlons of the project [0 in\oJve ground disturbance, unless substantial pnor ground disturhance can be documented. If you consider the project area to he disturhed. docum"ntarion or rhe disturbance ....ill need [0 he reviewed by OPRHP. Examp1cs of disrurbanœ 1nclud( mining acriviries and multiple episodes of building con;;truction and demolition. A Phase 1 survey is designed to determine the presence or absence of archeological sites or other cultural resources in the project's area of potential effect. The Phase 1 survey is divided into tWo progressive units of study including a Phase 1A sensirivity assessment and initial project arca fieJd inspection, and a Phasc IB subsurface testing program for the project area. The OPRHP can providc standards for conducting cultural resource investigations upon request. Cultural resource surveys and survey reports that meet these standards will be accepted and approved by the OPRHP. OUT office does not conduct cultural resources surveys. A 36 CFR 61 qualified archeoJogjst should be retained [0 conduct the Phase I survey. Many archeological consulting firms advertise their availability in the yellow pages. The services of qualified archeologists can also be obtained by contacting local, regional, or statewide professional archeological organizations. Phase 1 surveys can be expected to 'ary in cost per mile of right-of-way or by the number of acres impacted. We encourage you to contact a number of consulting firms and compare examples of each firm's work to obtain the best product. Documentation of ground disturbance should include ;, description of the distllrbance with confirming evidence. Confirmation can include current photographs and/or older photographs of the project area which illustrate the disturbance (approximately keyed to a project area map), past maps or site plans that accurately rceord previous disturbances, or current soil borings that verify past disruptions to the land. Agricultural activity is not considered to bc substantial ground disturbance and many sites have been identified in previously cultivated land. If you have any questions concerning archeology. please "aU Mike Schifferli at (518) 237-8643 eXL 3281. M. Schifferli 03/0 li02 TOTAL P. 11 . -r-;g 7"A- ߣ: ¡L'8 ¿. .sA (';-·R.",-I) ::T. MAl;';'/>? . ....11ne, Inc. Box 1925 SouIhoId, NY 11m 7GS'-(..2~O S-fi'3 - -7£3/7 j)() U. I.> 200:l. r Sov1l1ot..-þ 1ówp' C Lt:-7I.( .5()J111()t..-/} I v. y. //77/ /Lr;: ,A1'¡J¿¡CA-71()'v -II 31e¡ C.J!A¡A/G (/ cJF 7:::0ØÚ 'f-73fff 35',-1-lj- '9'/2..5 c¡1 11' G-A(Jë~.v ¡J OA 1 Y. Y / I. RECEIVED NOV 1 5 2002 Southold Ton (1,... vv(é 11-//111 /)tf.Aw' OUIl ÆI/LICA/r~.v' Ite Gklll) /IVC-- 711& A80v?.. I F you 1./ AUé A v Y C(V 1£5 Tit) tV 5 ¡J (...(!AJ {f' ¡J ¡../()¡./ e 4 / VC:::Jl't TIlULY YOu;\. s, ~{7.~~ c.µ(L(j T;I/(¿' é. fluJ<..-íAf)O Cot'y To.' V.ALé¡f.¡r! scofiÞ=è "J I Þ1 fV1 c MA H. ò¡./ 1o.5l-f- )I ò/...1ó t/ C 1\114 y Iÿ(fl 51 Avo , ,. . ,1 i ~ '11\\ Ff OL..t :''\- ,1' ~" 6i2. ~, ý'¡~ ~.'" (§ ~',\ = . " '" :a: /i '~ trip ~.~ . ~~)/ .,~~~¡ + ~~~"v ~-=:__'"":':~.>_:_ _,_¡_Llt GREGORY F. YAKAJIOSIU TOWN ATTOHNEY KATHLEEN l\WRRAY ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY l'ATRICIA.-\, FINNEGAN .\SSr.-..; r:\NT T(i\\'N :".TT(' PI'.iFY . .JOSHUA Y. HonTI ¡N Supt:ll'\'i~(}l' Town Hall, S3l1~S Rout.e 25 P.O. Box 1179 Sout.llOld, New York 11971-09S9 Telephone (6311 76S·1939 e~m[LLl' l!j',-g.,y,Ü:ab'li'ì1dl.J.,Ü:r','-TI 1::i)uthOl\d n:; u:,-: kathkl'n IInll raYll) 'II 1\', 11.'southold. II:,' .n.'> 1',.111 i~'Ll t¡nlll·t~.111I.:l'!1 ,\'·-n <;PiltltLrlJ n:, tl'} '] II',', hi (Jl-' "':1-1\1'1 Hill 11 OFF1CE OJ' Tlf!: TOWN ATTOHNEY To: Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk From: Patricia A. Finnegan, Esq. Assistant Town Attorney Date: October 31 , 2002 Re: MaTine, Inc. - Change of Zone Attached is correspondence from Nelson, Pope & Voorhis together with its enclosure, a letter from NYS OPRHP regarding the MaTine Inc. change of zone (AHD) application. Please review and confirm that SEQRA is complete in this matter, so that the application can be reviewed promptly when the moratorium has concluded. Pat PAF/md attachments cc: Supervisor Horton Town Board .' . III NELSON. POPE & VOORHIS. LLC to rJ ,.< U 'J ," i E IJ " _ L CH';RŒS 1 '"..~ORHIS CEP ;'ICP' ,',RTHUR j VOER8ER PE . ".' IC TC'R BERT PE I<~'SEP -l R EPIF~,rJl':'. PE . RC,BERT r~ ~JELSC,fJ JR P E P.liJL~.I H~f~;.' f'LS .TH(,M.',SF L.',r'.IeO PE October 28, 2002 Greg F. Yakaboski, Town Attomey Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 1197 L -0959 Re: MaTine, Inc. Change of Zone SCTM #1000-35-01-04 NP&V #02008 Dear Greg. As you knolV, I forwarded the originaL photographs of the surroundings areas of the above referenced project site to OPRHP for review on October 11. 2002. Attached please find correspondence from OPRHP stating that the residence facing Main Road immediately west of the l\1a Tine parcels appears to meet the criteria for inclusion in the State and National Registers of Historic Places and that it is the OPHRHP opinion that "de\'elopnœllt of th~ Ala Tille property will h(/\'e No Adverse Impact all this or other historic resources prOl'Ùled that a \'~getati\'e bujtá is lIlai11lailled hent'eel¡ the n\'O properties to mitigate potential \'isual impacts to the historic rf!sidl'llce ". Please feel tì'ee to call should you have any questions or require fUI1her assistance in this matter. Sincerely, NELSON, POPE & VOORHIS, LLC Ct J )!c't/ :{\. //~2-C_~_ Shana M. Lacey /~ OCT 3 0 ., ':1 l:¡ ¡Ii : ~ I j i !¡~::'I j cc: Catherine Mesiano. Inc. , l ~ I,'; L r - I' I il .,., L__i or . '-, _.-~-- 572 ~'\!~L..T '.'. HITrv14N ROÄD. MEL-"ILL.E, NY 11747 - 21S8 (631j 427_5665 FAX ¡S31i 427_5620 ',,'~\N'\Jv NELSON POPE COM . . i~~*Cf'€l'TION'''<I'~\ <r -<> ~ ¡\ ~ ~ New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation ~ ~ Historic Preservation Field Se/Vices Bureau it 5 o NEWVORKSTATE % PeEbles Island, PO Box 189, Waterford. rJEw York 12188-0189 518-237-8643 B,=rr,a:Je(¡i: Cds!ro CL'mmISSlon~r Ms. Shana 1vI. Lacey Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC 572 Walt Whitman Road Melville, New York 11747-2188 ,~ October 24, ~IC:; ¡re:--\ ~_\ ~ ~l \71~ IUd) Lnlt~',~Jb\j \-1 ~) '.', -<"V ; '..,'(, '''---) NElSOli & POPE ~ ,- ~ -, Re: SEQRA Ma Tine, Inc.. Greenport T/Southold, Suffolk Co. 02PR00998/ NP& V 02008 Dear Ms. Lacey: The Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) has received the additional documentation you provided on this project. As the state agency responsible for the coordinalion of the State's historic preservation programs, Including the encouragement and assistance of local preservation programs, we offer the following comments. Based on the photographs submiIted by your October 11"" leIter. the late-19'" century residence facing Main Road immediately west of the Ma Tine parcel (SCTM1 000-033-005-015) appears to meet the criteria for inclusion in the State and National Registers of Historic Places. It is the OPRHP opinion, however, that development of the lvIa Tine property will have No Adverse Impact on this or other hisloric resources provided that a vegetalive buffer is maintained between the two properties to mitigate potential visual impacls to the hisloric residence. The previously submitted Phase 1 NB archeological survey by Bernstein et al. for the lvIa Tine property has been reviewed; OPRH P concurs Wllh the conclusion of the Bernstein report that further archeological testing is not warranted. If you have any questions regarding this review, please call me at (518) 237-8643, extension 3283. Please refer to the projecl number (PR) above in any correspondence. SInC ely, - ~I C¿'J ./ -;' '¡'-/f'lt {{(.j .' {¡;. ~Úc I ames Warren . istoric Preservation Program Analyst An Equal Ç)pportunity/Affjrmative Action Agency (} printed on røcy¡:led paper ~ NELSON, PO. & VOORHIS, LLC E r, , I ROt, roo') E ," T .:. L. . P L. .;. rJ r~ I hJ G . c; C' N S U L T I ¡.j G CHl"RLE3 J ,_,::·:::·F,hr; ,~EF ~I::::F. l"FiTt-JIJR -' Y':ÆF18EP, P:;: . '.I~JCE~JT:::' CÜfJ!IELI_' PE. , ·.=r,:.F eEFT PE . J,:,:;¡::PH F F:PIF"ill~ FE' P,:,BEriT:, rIElS-]!I. .If" PE P·~IjL ~,! R -'c:;: P L :: May n 2002 RECEIVED Ms Ruth L. Pierpont. Director NY S Ofîice of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation Peehles Island; Field Service Bureau POSI Office Box 189 Walcrford. 12188-0189 PhO[Lc I 5l8'1 237-86-1.3 FJ.\." 15 t8'¡ 233-9ù49 JUN 2 4 2002 Southold Town Clar.. Re: u2PRtJ998 Phasè I Cultural Resource ASSeSSITIènt MaTine. Inc.. Greenport Town of SoutholcL Suffolk ('oum)' NP&V No 02008 Dear 1\ls. Pierpont: Attached, please find one (1) original of the complelcd Phase r Archival Search and Archaeological Suney for the above referenced sile. This maIter is being forwarded direcIly [0 your office for reI iell. as there is a pending subdl lision application with the Town of Southold. Please note that the repon inloll'ed a detailed Phase 1 documentary sIud)' which conclulled Ihc following: "1VO fÚrrher ...trchaeo!ogiL'al i/1\'t')tiC:llriOIlS (In,:' recoflllJ/('}uit'd" Please reviell this report at your earliest cOill·enience. and fomard a letter indicating your concurrence with the conclusions and recommendations of the professional archaeologist as noted in the reporT Thanh: you f,Jr your assistance. and please feel t'ree to call should you have any questions. ij lE~[E~\WlE Inì ~I MAY 28 ~:;;- ~ TOWN AITORNEY'S OFFICE TOWN OF SOllTHOLD Vcry truly yours. NELSON, POPE & VOORHIS, LLC ., .-->~;-_. Shana .~I. Lace)' V:: Grc~ LLi,,¡DU"i. Lq.. T,>\'. n "r SDLlthDIJ T,j'.lll .-'\[l,"fIlè) ,-,,-=- __"I ,¡-"I r l~rJ HI::.J-~O r·vl':::L.II_~E' I'J'( '17....:J.~-21ES '-'3~ II 4¿-:'-~66~' """'::',., '6:.:' 1.' L .2-7_5E2'~· ,-,elsc:",,::·c,pe ,~Gn- GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY . . JOSHU,A Y. HORTON ~uper\'l:3or Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 11 ~9 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone ,631" 765-1889 e~mail: greg.yakaboskÜg-town.southold. ny. us OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIVED May 20, 2002 JUN 1.l 2002 Chic Voorhis Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC 572 Walt Whitman Road Melville, NY 11747 Southold Town Clerk Re: MaTine, Inc. - Request for Change of Zone SCTM #1000-35-1-4 Dear Chic: I am enclosing the following in regard to MaTine, Inc. - Request for Change of Zone in the Town of Southold: · Copy of letter to Mary Wilson, Asst. Town Attorney from Catherine Messiano dated May 9, 2002 · Copy of letter to John Hurtado from Albert J. Krupski, Jr., President, Board of Trustees dated May 7, 2002 · Spiral-bound Stage I Archeological Survey prepared May 2002 Please review and respond. Thank you. Very truly yours, ß ¡~ 'þ. q '(.~ hlJéi) fc, , ¡ regolt)1f aka oski, Esq. T own ~Jr ey I \'-_/ ~ encs. cc Catherine Mesiano wlo encs. Planning Department wlo encs. . CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. 12 MILL POND LANE EAST MORICHES, NY 11940 631-878-8951 . RECEIVED JUN 11. ZOO2 Southold Town Clerk May 9, 2002 Mary Wilson, Asst.Town Attorney Town of Southold Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: MaTine, Inc. Request for change of Zone Dear Ms. Wilson: In response to your letter of March 26, 2002, enclosed please review the following: 1. Stage I Archeological survey. Please forward to Nelson Pope & Voorhis for their review. 2. Town Trustees letter of non-jurisdiction. 3. The SCWA availability letter is still pending. We will notify you as soon as it becomes available. 4. Rates for affordable housing are mandated by Southold Town and other municipal requirements. Very truly yours, f 1"/·, L / ,/ ,"/ / I J,{/....<-:<~"'L-U ;. :._:','3..{~---/!t'l::~ t.l Cåtherine Mesiano, President Enclosures Cc: Planning Department íÔ) [E [: [E~ w æ ~ !r...\ I U U I MAY 1 3 2002 L._____. TU,'.N f,"TORNFY.' GFFICE 1 ~'~A:I~~.I r':F_-_~()1 !/H.-='! D - Albert J. Krupski, Presiden t James King. Vice~President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson . BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TO\VN OF SOUTHOLD May 7, 2002 Mr. Jolm Hurtado P.O. Box 1925 SOllthold. NY 11971 RE: l\Ia Tine Inc. Subdivision Plan for SCTl\I#35-1-4 Dear Mr. Hurtado: Town Hall . 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone ,631, 765-1892 Fax(631J 765-1366 RECEIVED JUN 11.. 2002 Soulhold Town Clerk The Southold Town Board of Tmstees reviewed the subdivision plan and detennined the proposed subdivision to be out of the Wetland jurisdiction under Chapter 97 of the Town Wetland Code. Howe\er, any acti\ity within 100' of a Wetland line would require pem1its from this office. This detennination is not a detern1ination from any other agency. If you ha\e any fUlther questions. please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ~"1 I~ ï'J--vß.' ~ / Albert J. KI1Ipski, Jr. President, Board of TI1Istees AJK: lms -- " , . . RECEIVED JUlCu..m Soufhold Town Clerk STAGE I ARCHIVAL SEARCH and ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY for SUNSET COURT GREENPORT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 1 , L Prepared by: ; , , l_ David J. Bernstein, Ph.D. Michael J. Lenardi, M.A. Daria E. Menvin, M.A. ! I. The Institute for Long Island Archaeology Department of Anthropology State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, New York 11794-4364 I' [ [ May 2002 \. . - 1 ~rr. .\BSTRMT , This report preseÍlts the results 01' a Stage I urchi\'al search and archaeological sup,e) undenaken tor the Sunset Court properly in Greenport. T U\\n l,f Southold. SuflÖlk County. Ne\\ York. The study was performed in April 2002 by the Institute for long Island Archaeology. State University of New York al Stony Brook. The purpose of this archaeological investigation is to determine if proposed subdivision and residential construction on the 3.8 acre ( 1.5 hectare) pared will ad\'ersely impact prehistoric and/or historic remains. This required archival research and an archaeological survey \\'ith a ground surìaee inspection and subsurtàce testing. .-\rchival research (including a surwy of historic maps and site file ,eard!es) re\'eals that lhe project area witnessed limited discemable human activity in the past. This assessment was contirmed by the surface and subsurface archaeological surveys of the parcel. A total of 55 shovel test pits was excavated in the project area. No prehistoric artifacts or features were encountered. A very light density of late nineteenth through twentieth century Euro-American material was recovered. including three small fragments of whileware and one brick fragment. This material is probably the result of sporadic dumping of household refuse and subsequent dispersal by plo\\ing, and as such, it has \'inually no potential ìor contributing to our understanding of past activities in Greenport. No historic period features were identitied. No lì.mher archaeological investigations are recommended. l I I 11 . . TABLE or CONTENTS ABSTRA.CT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ...............,... . . . . . . . . . . . II LIST OF FIGURES ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IV INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ARCHIVAL RESEARCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 INTRODUCTION AND l\IETHOD ......................................... 5 NATURAL AND CULTURAL HISTORy................................... 5 Environmental Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Prehistoric Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Historic Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 FIELD INSPECTION AND SURFACE SURVEy............................. 19 SUBSURFACE TESTING............................................... 19 Results ..................................................... . . . . 20 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................22 REFERENCES .............................................................. 23 APPENDIX: Shovel Test Pit Excavation Inventory .................................. 26 ,. 1Il F igurc I. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Figure 6. Figure 7. Figure 8. Figure 9. Figure 10. Figure II. LIST OF FIGllIŒS I\lap of long IslanJ sho\\ ing the location l)f the project area .. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . - 1967 USGS topographic map". (jrcenpol'l. XCI\' fork anJ ,'iollllwld. ,\CII' f"rk. 7.5 minute series showing the location of the project area ............ , .. -' Archaeological testing on the Sunset Court property in Greenport . . .....4 looking north near the nonhwest comer of the Sunset Court project area. Note dense volunteer vegetation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ , Clearing near the center of the nonhem edge of the project area (in the vicinity of the proposed road), looking south .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1829 Burr Alias o/lhe Slale o/Xell' fork showing \'ery few buildings along I\!ain Road on the North Fork of Long Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1843 Mather and Smith Geological Mup otLong uml Slatell Islands showing the location of the project area north of Main Road in the hamlet of Stirling. . . . . . 14 1873 Beers Atlus of Long Islulld sho\\ing increasing residential development throughout the Town of Southold .......................... . . . . . . . 15 1904 USGS topographic map, Sheller Island, Nell' fork. T \\0 buildings are ShO\\ll along Main Road south of the project area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1909 Hyde Atlas o(SuOI¡lk COUIll)'. showing the project area as belonging to Emma Tasker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 1930 Dolph and Stewart Allus otSujfolk C"UIllY showing the location of the project area in Greenport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I R IV . . INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a Stage I archin¡l search and archaeological survey wldertaken for the proposed Sunset Court in Greenport, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. The study was conducted by the Institute for Long Island Archaeology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, in April 2002. The project area is located north of Main Road (County Route 48), west of Sound Road, and south of Sutton Place, and is a parcel of approximately 5.54 acres (2.24 hectares)(Figures I and 2). Of this total, roughly 3.8 acres (1.5 hectares) are scheduled to be impacted by subdivision and residential construction. The remaining 1.74 acres to be dedicated to the Town of South old as a natural buffer will not be impacted. and are therefore not included in this survey (Figure 3). The purpose of this archaeological investigation is to detemline if the proposed subdivision and new road and building construction with associated landscaping and utilities installation will adversely impact archaeological remains of prehistoric or historic age. This required archival research and an archaeological survey with subsurtàce testing. The study was perfomled in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the Standards for Cultural Resource Investigations and the Curation of Archaeological Collections issued by the New York Archaeological Council (1995). r- project area d!!?- Figure I. Map of Long Island showing the location of the project area. 2 .. Figure 2. . . . 3' :f.ONG lS¡',O!.p. ~":t:: .. ;ß4Ð:\ i~') , , 4° u SQU.~:< . »:j\,\ ': - 1967 USGS topographic maps, Greenport, New York and Southold, New York, 7.5 minute series (scale I :24,000) showing the location of the project area. 3 I Sutton Place w w w w w W E 150 120 105 90 5 60 45 30 15 0 " I I I I~ I I I I I ~ ¡¡. l .. c. ~ - NO 0 disturbed disturbed 0 0 0 0 - 515 -$- 0 0 - S30 - 545 0 0 -$- - 560 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 575 0 0 0 0 - 590 0 disturbed C/) 0 r:: ::] c.. ::c 0 Q) Mail} R c.. ... mapping datum Oad o sterile shovel test pit (STP) -$- STP with Euro-American cultural material 0 15 30 60 meters I I ~ 0 50 100 200 feet Figure 3. Archaeological testing on the Sunset Court property in Greenport. 4 . . ARCHIVAL RESEARCH INTRODUCTION AND METHOD An evaluation of the natural and cultural history of an area is essential to understanding past land use, as well as determining the likelihood of encountering prehistoric or historic archaeological sites. Human groups locate their settlements in order to best lake advantage of the characteristics of the natural and social landscape. Thus, knowledge ofa region's history and environmental features is crucial in reconstnIcting past behavior and assessing the probability of locating evidence of early activities. A brief history of Greenport and the project area is presented below. The natural history section includes a discussion of the environment and how it has changed over time, and a description of the topography and physical resources of the project area. The culture history includes a discussion of prehistoric and historic settlement patterns and activities. A search of the available published records and site files was undertaken to deternline if any previous studies had documented archaeological remains in, or in the vicinity of, the project area. Pertinent historical records such as maps and descriptive histories were examined to obtain infonnation on past activities in the study parcel. NATURAL AND CULTURAL HISTORY Environmental Setting. The project area is located near the north shore of Long Island, on the Harbor Hill recessional moraine created over 15,000 years ago during the retreat of the Wisconsin ice sheet (Sirkin 1995). As is typical of the North Shore, topography is gently undulating, with an average elevation of six meters (20 feet) above mean sea level. There are no natural surface sources of fresh water within the project area, although there is an extensive area of wetlands on the south side of Main Road (Figure 2). Soils in the project area consist mostly of Haven loam, 0 to 2% slopes (Warner et al. 1975:Sheet 5). The Haven series is characterized by deep, well-drained, medium- to coarse- textured soils with low natural fertility. A typical profile for Haven loam consists of a topsoil 5 layn I AJli.-\ 1 h. 'rizunlo ' dark gra~ ish bl\lll n I,)am te> thr,'" inch", 17.11 ccnlillll'krs J. ['11<: "1'1','1 slIbsllil t 81 h,>ri/e>n I is [ighI IU m"dillm bW\\l1 sandy ["am lu an al c'rage ,[q1th ,'1' III Inch", I ~~ centimeters '¡, "hile the lower suhsoil( 8~) is sIrong (orange I hro\\ n sand [0 19 inches [-IX centimeters). The subslratum (B31 is a light yellow brll\\I110amy sand with gr'n'ell Warner et a1. 1975:71). No cultural material is expected in the B3 soil horizon. In areas "here pkl\\ing has occurred. the topsoil and upper subsoil ha\'e been mixed. fonning a homogeneous medium brown silty or sandy loam layer called the plow zone lAp or pz). Vegetation in the Sunset Court project area consists of dense volunteer growth. dominated by cleciduous trees (red oak. black oak. locust. birch. dogwood. and wild black cherry), with cedar trees and an understory of vines and grasses (Figure -I). Disturbances in the project area include cutting, clearing, and other forms of encroachment along the north and south parcel boundaries (Figures 3 and 5). Disturbed areas have a vcry low potential for the presence of intact archaeological deposits. As is attested to by the numerous prehistoric archaeological sites that have been disco\'ered throughout the North Fork of eastern Long Island (see below), the natural characteristics of the area were attracti\'e to Nati\'e peoples. Resources of the tidal creeks and inlets. Long Island Sound, and the interior uplands were all at hand and supported many hundreds of residents thousands of years before initial European settlement. More interior regions like the project area may ha\'e witnessed special purpose acti\'ities, such as hunting and seasonal nut gathering. [ t, Prehistoric Period. The site files of the New York State Museum (NYSI\I), Oftice of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (OPRHP), Suffolk County Archaeological Association (SCA.A.. Gonzalez and Rutsch 1979). and the Institute for Long Island Archaeology (ILIA) contain information regarding two known prehistoric archaeological sites within one mile (\.6 kilometers) of the project area. The closest known site is OPRHP A 1031 0.000223. which consists of two quartz artifacts (an unmodified flake [produced during stone tool manufacture or resharpening] and the base of a tool) found around a pond less than one mile west of the Sunset Court property. The second site, NYSJ\.I4485. is a shell midden and \'illage site adjacent to ! . , l r. [ 6 Figure 4. Figure 5. . . .......j~ .. -......;.., ~" .", . ',!- , . >1 I \ ~ :'.. ~ " .. .'.f'";"of" .. .", .,. ., . . \ ~>...' - . '. Looking north near the not1hwest corner of the Sunset Court project area. Note dense volunteer vegetation. Clearing near the center oflhe northern edge of the project area (in the \'icinity of the proposed road), looking south. 7 SIirling Basin identiti~d b) Parker \ I ')~¡II appro:-;imatd) dlle mile ,,\uthea,t "t ¡he pwjeL'¡ are,1. Sneral more prehistoric sites ha\'e been repurted in the TI.I\\Il L)!'Sdu¡hL>ld be)l\nd ,1I1e mile ,>I the project area, most along thc south shure of the North cork. The Sunset Court property is loealed within what is considered a generalized Hzone of intense prehistoric activity" (Gonzalez and Rutsch 1979). All of the known prehistoric sites in the GreenpOlt vicinity are adjacent to water. Based on the presence of known prehistoric archaeological sites, along with the relative proximi¡y of favorable environmental characteristic, (e.g., the wetlands on the south side of J\.lain Road), the project area has a moderate 10 high sensitivity for the presence of prehistoric remains. ,- Historic Period. There are no reported historic period archaeological sites within one mile (\.6 kilometers) of the Sunset ('ourt property in Greenport. In addition, there are no listed or eligible State and/or National Register of Historic Places properties within or immedialely adjacent to the project area. Permanent settlement by the English did not occur in eastern Suffolk ('l)Unty until the middle of the seventeenth century. At the time of contact, the North Fork was occupied by thc Manhassets/Corchaugs, speakers of the Mohegan-Pequot-Montauk Algonquian language (Salwen 1978), The lands known to the Indians as Yennecock (present-day Southold, Thompson 1839) were ceded to the Magistrates of New Haven, Connecticut in a series of deeds dating prior to 1640. By the time of European arrival there was little cont1ict as local Native Americans were already weakened by disease and from raids by the mainland Connecticut tribes. While therc was constant fear of attack, there was little actual violence (Bayles 1874:4), and prime land and local power quickly passed to the white settlers. There are no official reservations or settlements recorded for Native Americans on the North Fork after King Phillip's War in 1674. However. records of slave purchases indicate that a number of Native Americans were living in Southold during the late seventeenth century as slaves (Booth 1990; Salwen 1978). A count taken by the Dutch in 1650 shows there were thirty houses in all of Southold. while a 1687 census lists 113 whites and 27 slaves (Wick 1996:49-50). L l. L 8 . . Therc are conllicting reports concerning [he original settlement ofthe T,1\\n of Southold because all to\\11 records prior to 1651 are lost 1I\lunselI1882:1). Ho\\'c\'èr, iI is generally accepted that in 1640 a group of Puritan settlers from New Haven. Connecticut obtained a grant from James Farret to acquire eight square miles of land. By 1665 the town included all lands from Wading River to Plum Island, bounded by Long Island Sound to the north and the Peconic Bay on the south (Munsell 1882:9-10). In the early eighteenth century, the colonists established three major east-west travel routes to connect the small farming communities of Suffolk County. Main Road (County Route 48. just south of the project area) was officially cleared for cart use in 1704 (Bailey 1949), and this road continues to serve as the major overland transportation route along the North Fork. Most of the early settlers of Southold were tànllers, and any goods produced other than those needed tor subsistence were traded to the Connecticut settlements. Clearing lands for agriculture continued throughout the seventeenth and into the eighteenth century. The hamlet of Greenport was settled in 1662 on land granted to Colonel John Youngs. Members of Young's family tÌrst cleared roughly forty acres of woodland along Main Road at a settlement ktlO\\ll as Stirling (in the project area vicinity), while another small cluster of farmsteads called Green Hill was established soon afterward. Greenport today encompasses the area occupied by these two small Colonial period settlements. Greenport, the name officially adopted in 1831, became an important port, in part because it was located on a creek (Stirling Basin/Winter Harbor) that remained unfrozen when other North Fork anchorages froze solid. Prior to the American Revolution, there was active trade from this port to Connecticut. Little changed in the lifeways of the English colonists of Suffolk County until the American Revolution. Early in the cont1ict Long Island attracted British attention because of the island's proximity to the major port of New York Harbor, and also to Connecticut and Rhode Island. In addition, Long Island was used as a major resource for provisioning British troops, and the local agrarian economy was disrupted as the British stripped the region of tood, timber, and herd animals (Luke and Venables 1976). ,> Industry and water-borne trade were interrupted with British occupation of the Town of Southold, but life gradually returned to the earlier pattern after 1781. Following the Revolution 9 ane! intu lhc mic!-nindeemll eelllul'). ¡he sClllemem <If [he N,JI'Ih h1l'k pruceee!ec! ,Iul\ Iy ,111,1 \\,10 conccntralt:d akH1g main tlwf,Jughbr\;..'s ~Lh.:h H::-. r..tain R()~Ld, P\)~l-\\ar grd\\th in (;¡\.'èl1p\)J"t \\ao..; sl,)\\, but Ü¡cilitated by waterborne commerce. By the nineteenth century the community of Greenpon I\as acti\dy cngaged ill the construction ofwhaI'\'es. trade to Ihe West Indies, the de\'elopment of the whaling indllstry. fishing, and oystering. The first store was built in 1828. and in 1844 the Long Island Railroad extended to Greenport, making it possible for passengers to travel from Brooklyn to Boston by way of Greenport via ferry and railroad. By the mid-1840s, 251 \'essels berthed at Greenport were engaged in fishing and coastal shipping (Monsell 19901. The town became the fa\'ored location for the homes of shipwrights, mariners, and merchants. as well as rooming houses for travelers. Many of these nineteenth century houses are still standing. During the second half of the nineteenth century, shipbuilding was one of Greenport's largest industries. The local bays and harbors 1\ ere cunvenient cemers [()r ship construction. with most yards located around Stirling Basin. less than one mile south of the project area. However, the success of the railroad throughout the United States had a major impact on the wooden shipbuilding industry. as railroad cars replaced coastal schooners t()r the transportation of goods and people, Wooden sh.ipbuilding did not last much beyond 1880 in Greenpot1. when only one barkentine was built (Welch 1993: 18). Repercussions of the Civil War were felt throughout Southold. t\lany of the large households of the late eighteenth Ihrough early nineteemh centuty had used slave labor ¡IIall 1975:5 I). and Native Americans and African-Americans were employed as domestics and tield laborers through the mid-nineteenth century. Because the practice of slavery on the North Fork had already ended prior to the Civil War, it was the loss of a young workforce to the military that had a more direct impact on the regional economy. Following the war, many young men left their family tànns. Some were lured to the American west by the Homestead Acts of 1862 and 1864 I Turano 1994: 1 77). Still morc were attracted to the opportunities otlered in the growing cities of America. Back home, one new . local induslry that arose during the nineteenth century was brick making. As cities expanded, the need for cheap. durable building material increased, and the brickyards of the North Fork met 10 . . ¡IWI need. 1\lost oflhc brickyards \\'ere located soulh ofNe\\ York State RL\Ulc 25 bet\\een Southold and Greenport. The railroad, interrupted by tinancial difficulties and the Ci\'il War. resumed regular service to Greenport in the l870s. carrying a stream of summer \'isitors to the North Fork. Hotels and boarding houses initially met the needs of summer guests, while the early twentieth century witnessed the establishment of large country estates on fonner tàrmlands. Generally, these estates were located north of the project area, on Long Island Sound, Despite the int1ux of summer tourism, Southold remained agriculturally based and relatively isolated throughout the nineteenth century. The tàrmsteads that lined 1\!ain Road produced large quantities of potatoes. cauliflower, brussels sprouts, strawberries, dairy products, and eggs. The nature of the local agricultural economy changed in 1980 when the first of a number of vineyards was established. Since then, more vineyards, garden nurseries, orchards, and sod farms have replaced many vegetable fam1s (I\!urphy 1990). Commercial boating, tishing. and shelltishing continue to be the major industries for Greenport. A survey of early nineteenth through mid-twentieth century maps reveals little activity in and adjacent to the Sunset Court property. The 1829 Burr Atlas of the State ufNew York (Figure 6) shows virtually no settlement on Main Road between the cluster of houses at Southold east to Orient (then known as Oyster Pond), although a few scattered fannhouses are knovm to have lined the highway during the early nineteenth century. The 1843 Mather and Smith Geological Map of Long and Staten lslalld~ (Figure 7) clearly illustrates the linear settlement pattern (with houses aligning Main Road) which characterized the Town of Southold from its earliest Euro- American occupation through the late nineteenth century. A tèw houses are shown on the north side of Main Road in the hamlet of Stirling in the project area vicinity, and it is likely that the Sunset Court property was under active cultivation by the mid-nineteenth century. By the time of the 1873 Beers Atlas of Long Island (Figure 8), the railroad was running regularly on the North Fork, more roads had been established, and settlement had increased. Despite a general increase in population, and the development of Greenport as a thriving port .. town, the area around the Sunset Court property remained tàrmland. The 1873 map shows fannhouses to the southwest, northeast, and southeast of the project area. 11 I he 1 gu~ lISGS I')f'0~r:lphic map of S¡dle'!' ¡'¡,/lId Yell ¡'OFIe 115 minulc ocrico: I ¡gurc 'i). the 1909 IlyJe .·ll/LlI o¡'SUIIo/1e ('o/llltll hgurc: 11//. the 11)31) DI)lph and SICII an .lrll'.1 I!I Sulra/Ie ('VUIlI)' I Figurç Ill. and Ihç 1')56 LlSGS ¡opl)gmphic map I Figure 2, all suggeslthaI thc project area rçmained t'<tnnland during most or the t\\entieth ccntury. No buildings are sho\\n within the project arÇa on any ofthçsç sources. Based on the information concerning initial senkment 0 f Greçnpot1 and thç historic map overview. the potential for the presence of significant historic f'çriod archaeological sites \\ithin the Sunset Court property is relatively low to moderate. Expected types or deposits include unmapped outbuilding remains, scattered tield debris. and other remnants of agricultural and domestic activity. " 12 Figure 6. . . project area ~-'-::'::-i:_.;;~~~:~~ .~ ~~..... i/ii. ..,~'., :,~~].. 4 .. '(""~!fIiJF- ~ . ¡:.; ,.' ,;zs' ~,._'"., ';R" . ;.?~,"""'--. .- - - " ........?""''' ~ . .-~..... ,~ / " / 1829 Burr Arias ofrhe Srare of New York showing very few buildings along Main Road on the North Fork of Long Island. 13 Figure 7. ...,fl.. l.!:J '--':""--/ ,/ \ 1843 ]\[ather and Smith Geological Map of Long and Staten Islands showing the location of the project area north of Main Road in the hamlet of Stirling (later incorporated into Greenport). 14 Figure 8. . . o ~'- ....- '. --- - - .. -- f·· tfl) ~ -~¡, It 1873 Beers At/as of Long Is/and showing increasing residential development throughout the Town of Southold. Three farmhouses are illustrated adjacent to the project area at the junction of Main Road and Sound Road in Greenport. 15 Figure 9. 1904 USGS topographic map, Shelter Island. Nell' l'ork (15 minute series). Two buildings are shown along 1\1ain Road south of the project area, which was probably active farm field during the early twentieth century. 16 .1 Figure 10. . . ::TPT.~" , " pr,oject area " .\ " :¡)' '.,\ \\ \, ;·;:<:l , \ I: l\~ "\ \ 1:h " ,. " \ ~ \ "N ";1\ :W'" , \~. \ I I', 'IN \\ \;\ \~;<i, \1\ ~\ ~ ¡!llr-~-- --~ I, .wi ' .-- ,\ 0 ¡ 1<"'\ aCe \ \.1 f] I'] 0 f .I~ i..., ~ I"J \, .." G1"t'7ð , I,.C 'QQ/.p .... , .. . \ ~ . \ '. 't\~ \ , V;~ \ i \,¡ \ \!O $ !f1 t· ~ j.' ,. \ ~_. ifj :~ ~\\u . cI r. f ~ ., , . , , ~\ < '. \ ,e Q . \ .,1 .' . , ,I¡ 1< i I . )....... \. I . ~.. \ ',\ )')1: ). ~ ,!!:K.H...lIöQ'~ -~'_.~_...j<~.~_. , , I " , " .." . -,. ~ , .,. ~ ~---oE AI . ~ . y : ~~;JUliN.hoë~. ' \ . . " . . ·G· ". . .": .. . " , , . . " , ,. . ~. . .".' 9 .; 1909 Hyde Atlas ofSu.tTolk County, showing the project area as belonging to Emma Tasker. No buildings are shown within the Sunset Court property, 17 Figure II. ..A~ ,,~ ~I Os"""./"'" 5_'''''' hW'/Jørl ..... r.;r;¡..~ ,.--:; > /' COþ, . e -' 1930 Dolph and Stewart Atlas oj'Sz!t}òlk COllllty showing the location of the project area in Greenport. 18 . . ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH .-\ two phase survey design was employed to search for archaeological remains in the project area. Similar sUr\'ey designs, used in other areas of Long Island, have proven successful in detecting prehistoric and historic sites (Bemstein et al. 1999; Lightfoot 1986). The initial phase of the survey involved a surface reconnaissance and inspection intended to locate large and easily visible remains. The second phase entailed subsurface testing. FIELD INSPECTION AND SURFACE SURVEY An initial surface reconnaissance was conducted in April 2002. The entire parcel was walked over, with special attention given to examining exposed soil (e.g., cleared areas, dirt paths, and uprooted trees) for artifacts or other surface manifestations of past cultural activity. Vegetation pattems and topographic features which might provide insight into early land use were also noted. Visibility is generally fair throughout the project area due to leaf litter and low vegetation, but very good in cleared areas. No artifacts or features were encountered within the area slated for impact during the surface survey. SUBSURFACE TESTING The second phase of the tìeld survey consisted of the excavation of shovel test pits (STPs) designed to detect the presence of cultural remains buried beneath the ground surface. A mapping datum point (NO/EO) was established near the northeast comer of the project area at a telephone pole, and all shovel test pits are identified by metric coordinates relative to this point (Figure 3). As mentioned in the Introduction, the buffer along the west and south boundaries of the Sunset Court property is not slated for impact, and was therefore excluded from the subsurtàce archaeological survey. The remaining 3.8 acres (1.5 hectares) were tested utilizing a 15 by 15 meter (49 by 49 foot) grid. A tèw shovel test pits were relocated to avoid large trees (e.g., S3/W120, S5/W135, and S95/W90), and small sections along the north and south boundaries of the project area were not tested due to obvious soil disturbance (Figure 3). 19 -'\ LOtal of 55 ~htn'd tl'st pit..; \...~LS èX:Ùl\'i.lh:d, S11I1\ L'l k:-.t pih ha\ è a diank'lL'r dt' approximately -+0 ccntimeters IIi) iuchesl. .\11 ,ho\eI lc'SI 'ih were dul' well inIP Ih" lI.2 suhs,\il. typically OWl' 60 œntimeters 1.2-+ inchesl below Ihe presenI l'round surhtce. Ihe soil from each teslunit \\as screened through a six millimeter (l!-+ inchl wire mesh 10 aid in Ihe ¡dentitïcation and recO\'ery of cultural materials. All cultural material. photographs, and tidd notes produced during this survey are curated at the Institute for Long Island Archaeology at the State Uniwrsity of New York at Stony Brook. Recovered material was brought to the laboratory at the State University of New York at Stony Brook for cleaning, analysis, and curation. In the laboratory. all artitàcts were cleaned, cataloged, and recorded in a computerized tile. Shellfish remains are sorted by species, and quantified by the minimum number of individuals rather than fragment count. llistoric period artitàcts were identitïed and classitïed using a number of standard manuals (e.g.. Noël Hume 1970). Results. The specitic data recorded in the field for each shovel test pit, including infonnation on soil stratigraphy and cultural material, are presented in the .-\ppendix to this report. The general characteristics of the soils found in the project area are discussed in thc Environmental Setting, above. The topsoil layer (referred to in the Appendix as the AO/A I horizon) consists of partially decomposed organic matter and dark brown sandy or silty loam, and extends to an average of four centimeters (1.6 inches) below the ground surtàce. All shovel test pits contained a plow zone (pz) of medium to dark brown silty or sandy loam to an average depth of 33 centimeters (13 inches). The plow zone is underlain by the subsoil (B2 horizon), orange brO\vn silty or sandy loam (occasionally with pebbles and gravel). The BJ substratum of yellow brown silty sand with pebbles and gravel was reached in eleven shovel test pits (Appendix). A very light density of Euro-.-\merican cultural material was recovered during subsurtace testing. Three shovel test pits yielded three small fragments of white ware and one brick fragment (Figure 3: Appendix). None of the ceramic tableware sherds had a maker's mark or other temporally diagnostic feature, and can only be roughly dated to the late nineteenth through 20 . . twcnticth Cèntury. '1 hc singlc picce of shell rcco\'crcJ from STP S9iJ/\\'-+:, is of unccratin agc. Nu hisloric period features werc cnc0unlercd Juring the archaeological sUr\'ey uf Ihe project arca. The Euro-.-"\merican cultural matcrial recO\'ered from sho\'el test pits on thc Sunset Court property is uf\ery light density and low di\ersity. It is probably the result of sporadic clumping of household refuse and subsequent dispersal by plowing, and as such, it has \'it1ually no potential for contributing to our understanding of past activities in Greenport. I' r l: l [ l: 21 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOl\(l\ŒNDA nONS .-\rchival research and archaeological inwstigation of thc Sunsct Court properl) in Greenport. Town of Southold. Suffolk County. New York. suggests that the projcct area witnessed limited discernable human activity in the past. There are no known prehistoric sites within or immediately adjacent to the project area. A survey of historic maps indicates that the property most likely was used as tànn tìelds at least as early as the mid-nineteenth century and through the late twentieth century. While buildings lined Main Road south of the Sunset Court property from an early date, there is no evidence that any structures were ever built within the project area limits. The entire project area slated for impact was imestigared with a surface survey and subsurface archaeological testing. .-\ total of 55 shl1\'el tcst pits was excavated. No prehistoric artitàcts. and no prehistoric or historic period tèatures were encountered. A very light density of late nineteenth through twentieth century Euro-American material was recovered. including three small fragments of whiteware and one brick fragment. This material is probably the result of sporadic dumping of household refuse and subsequent dispersal by plowing. and as such. it has virtually no potential for contributing to our understanding of past activities in Greenp0l1. No historic period features were identified. No fi.trther archaeological investigations arc recommended. n . . REFERENCES Bailey, Paul 1949 LOllg Islalld: A HislOry o{TII'o Great Coumie.1 ,Vassau and SuttÓlk. Lewis Historical Publications, New York. Bayles, Richard M. 1874 Historical and Descriptive Sketches o{Suffolk Coumy, Published by the author, Port Jefferson, New York. Bernstein, David J" Michael J, Lenardi, and Daria ]\'Ierwin 1999 Stage 18 Archaeological Survey of the Kycia Property, Head of the Harbor, Town of Smithtown, Suffolk County, New York. Institute for Long Island Archaeology, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Booth, Antonia 1990 A Brief Account of Southold's History. [n Southo/d TO\I'n 350th Anniversary, 1640- 1990, edited by Peggy Murphy. 350th Anniversary Executive Committee, Southold, New York. Gonzalez. Ellice and Edward Rutsch 1979 Suf}àlk Coumy Cultural Resource Inventory. Published by the SutTolk County Archaeological Association, Stony Brook, New York, Hall, Warren 1975 Pagans, Puritans, Patriots of Yesterday's Southo/d. New Suffolk Historical Council, Cutchogue. New York. Lightfoot, Kent 1986 Regional Surveys in the Eastern United States: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Implementing Subsurface Testing Programs. American Antiquity 51 :484-504. Luke, Myron H. and Robert W. Venables 1976 Long Island in the American Revolulion. New York State American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, Albany. Noël Hume, [vor 1970 A GlIide to Artitùcts of Colollial America. Knopf, New York. I\Ionsell, James I. 1990 History of Greenport. In Southold Town 350th Anniversary, 1640-/990, edited by Peggy Murphy. 350th Anniversary Executive Committee, Southold, New York. 23 Ì\lunselL \\'illiam \\'. IXX~ 1¡¡,r"r)'u/,<"I///ulkCill//I/\·. \"', ¡"rk //,,13-/.\.1:; \\. \\. i\lllIbèll and l,IInlMnl. N.:" York. Ì\ [urphy, Peggy 1990 Fanning: Southold's E\er Ch.mging Heritage. In Sour/wid 1'01111 350rh .,llllliwr.\WT, 16-10-1990. edited by Peggy Murphy. 350th Anniversary Exeeuti\'e Committee. Southold. New York. Parker, Arthur C. 1920 The Archeological Hisrol)' olNcH' } "rk. New York State Ì\[useum Bulletin Numbers ~3 7 and 238, Albany. Salwen, Bert 1978 Indians of Southern New England and Long Island: Early Period. In Ham/hook ofNol'lh American Indian.\', Volume 15, edited by Bmce Trigger, pp. 160-176. Smithsonian Institution. Washington D.C. Sirkin, Les 1995 Eastern Long Is/and Geology \rifh Field Trips. The Book and Taekle Shop, Watch HilL Rhode Island. Turano, Francis J. 1994 Two Hundred Years of Family Fann Households. 1700-1900: The Archaeology of the Terry-Mulford Site, Orient (Oysterponds). New York. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Anthropology. State University of New York at Stony Brook. Warner, J. W. Jr., W. E. Hanna, R..I. Landry, J. P. Wulforst, J. :\. Neely, R. L. Holmes and C. F. Rice 1975 Soil Survey 45Wlòlk COl/llly, NeH' }'ork. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C. Welch, Richard F. 1993 An Island's Trade: Nineteenth-CentlllY Shipbl/ilding all LOllg lslalld. Mystic Seaport l . !\i[useum, Mystic. Connecticut. Wick, Steve 1996 Heaven and Earth. the Last Farmers olthe North Fork. St. Martin's Press, New York. ~4 . . List of Maps Beers. F. W. 1873 Atlas oj'Long Island. ;Veil' York. Beers. Comstock. and Cline, Brooklyn. New York. Burr, David 1829 An Arias of the State of Nell' York. Copy on tile, Map Library, State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dolph and Slewart 1930 Arias ofSl!ffolk County, Ne\!' York. Dolph and Stewart, New York. Hyde, E. Belcher 1909 Arias of Suffolk County, Long Island; North Side-Solmd Shore. E. Belcher Hyde, Brooklyn, New York. l\Iather, W.W. and J. Calvin Smith 1843 Geologicall\!ap of Long and Staten Islands with the Environs of New York. In The Narural Hisrory of Nell' York by W. W. l\Iather, Endicott, New York. United States Geological Survey 1904 Shelter Island, Nell' York. 15 minute series. U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. 1956 Greenport, Nell' York. 7.5 minute series. U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. 1956 Southold, Nell' York. 7.5 minute series. U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. 25 APPENDIX: SHO\'EL TEST PIT EXC.-\. \ATlON IN\£NTOR\ ßasic descripti\e data from shmd test pib e:,,:a\'akd in Ihe Sunset ('oun property arc presented in the following appendix. Excavation. stratigraphic, and a11iÜlctual information are included. Excm·ation inforrmltion includes shO\eI test pit (STP I coordinatcs rclati\'C to project datum. level number, stratigraphic designation (stratum), and starting ¡SO) and ending lED) depths (in centimeters) for each excavated level. ,-\n inventory of the cultural material recovered during the project is found in the final column. Shelltish quantity is expressed as the minimum number of individuals rather than fragment count. Unless indicated otherwise. all ceramic tragments are undecorated vessel body portions. The following abbreviations are used in the appendix: Stratum AO/Al-topsoil B2-subsoil B3-substratum pz-plow zone So ifs bn-brown dk -dark gv-gravel Im-Ioam(y) It-light md-medium ob-orange brown pb-pebbles sd-sand(y) st-silt(y) yb-yellow brown 26 . . APPENDIX: SHOVEL TEST PIT EXCA VA nON INVENTORY STP SD ED Stratum Soils Cultural Material S3/W120 0 32 pz dk bn sd 1m 32 60 82 ob 1m sd "/pb S5/W135 0 30 pz md bn sd 1m 30 62 B2 ob 5d 1m w/pb S15/W135 0 30 pz md bn 5t 1m 30 60 82 ob 5t 1m w/pb S15/W120 0 32 pz md bl! 5d 1m 32 60 82 ob 5d 1m S15/W105 0 37 pz md bl! 5t 1m 37 62 B2 ob 1m 5d w/pb&gv S15/W90 0 40 pz md bl! 5t 1m 40 60 B2 ob 1m sd w/pb&gv S15/W75 0 35 pz md bn 5t 1m 35 60 82 ob 1m 5d w/pb&gv S15/W60 0 36 pz md bl! 5t 1m 36 61 B2 ob 1m 5d w/pb&gv S15/W45 0 35 pz md bn st 1m 35 60 B2 ob st 1m S15/W30 0 36 pz md bn 5t 1m 36 60 B2 ob 1m 5d w/pb&gv S15/W15 0 35 pz md bl! 5t 1m 35 60 B2 ob 5t 1m S30/W135 0 4 AO/AI dk bl! 5t 1m 4 26 pz md bl! 5t 1m 26 60 82 ob 5t 1m S30/W120 0 7 AO/AI dk bl\ 5d 1m 7 35 pz md bl! 1m 5d 35 61 82 ob 1m 5d w/pb S30/W105 0 2 AO/AI dk bl! 5t 1m 2 33 pz md bl! 5t 1m 33 48 82 ob 1m 5d w/pb 48 60 B3 yb st 5d w/pb S30/W90 0 2 AO/AI dk bl! 5t 1m , 33 pz md bn st 1m ~ 33 42 B2 ob sd 1m w/pb , 42 60 B3 yb 5t 5d w/pb&gv S30/W75 0 41 pz md bl! 5t 1m 1 whiteware 41 60 B2 ob 5t 1m w/pb I brick 27 STP SD U) ~tratum "'IùiJ..¡ lullur,'¡ ~Ialerial S30/\\!iir II 'c pz mil bn ;[ 1m J 3' 611 ß-, ob st 1m \\/g\ S30/W45 0 -'4 pz md bn slim I \\ hitt::'\\are 24 60 ß-, ob st 1m Wig\' S30/\\30 () 33 pz md bn;1 1m 33 60 82 üb sd 1m w/pb&g\' S30/W15 0 33 pz md bn sIll'll .J.J 60 82 ,)b sIll'll \\/g\' S45/W135 0 6 AO/AI dk bn sd 1m 6 29 pz dk bn sd 1m 29 62 82 üb sd 1m 545/W 120 0 10 AO/Ai Ilk bn sd 1m 10 .12 pz md bn sd 1m .12 62 82 ob sd 1m S45/WI05 0 13 AO/AI dk bl\ sd 1m 13 .15 pz md bl\ sd 1m 35 61 B2 ,)b sd 1m 545/W90 0 .11 pz md bn sd 1m 31 60 82 ob 5d 1m S45/W75 0 .16 pz md bn sd 1m 36 60 82 md bn sd 1m S45/W60 0 ') pz md bn sd 1m .,- 32 60 82 ob 5d 1m 545/W45 0 30 pz md bn 5d 1m .10 62 82 ob 5d 1m S45/W30 0 29 pz md bn sIll'll 29 60 82 ob 51 1m 545/W15 0 36 pz md bn sIll'll .16 60 82 üb sIll'll 560/W135 0 3 AO/AI dk bl\ slim 3 31 pz md bn sIll'll .11 60 82 ob 51 1m S60/W 120 0 4 .·\O/AI dk bn sIll'll 4 32 pz md bn sIll'll 32 50 82 ob slim \\¡pb 50 60 83 yb sl 5d \\/pb&g\' S60/W 105 0 4 AO/AI dk bn slim 4 .13 pz md bn 51 1m w/pb .' .J.J 60 82 ob 1m sd w/pb&g\ 28 . . . . 5TP SD ED Stratum Soils Cultural t\laterial S60/W90 0 39 pz md bn st 1m 39 52 132 elk ob 5t 1m 52 60 83 yb 5t sel w/pb&g\' 560/W 75 0 27 pz md bn st 1m 27 54 82 dk ob slIm w/pb 54 60 83 yb sl sd w/pb&gv 560/W60 0 26 pz md bn st 1m 26 53 82 dk ob st 1m 53 60 83 yb st sd w/pb&g\' 560/W45 0 29 pz md bn st 1m 29 47 82 dk ob slIm 47 60 83 yb st sd w/pb&gv 5601W30 0 25 pz md bn slIm 1 - 51 82 dk ob sl m w/pb ~) 51 60 83 yb sl sd w/pb 560/W 15 0 2 AOIAI elk bn slim 2 30 pz md bl\ slim I whileware 30 60 82 dk ob sl m w/pb 575/W150 0 3 I pz md bn 1m sd 3 I 60 82 ob 1m sd w/pb&gv 575/W135 0 6 AO/AI dk bl\ 1m sd 6 31 pz md bn 1m sel 31 62 82 ob 1m sd 575/W120 0 3 I pz md bn 1m sd 3 I 60 82 ob 1m sd 575/W105 0 8 AO/AI dk bn sd 1m 8 '1 pz md bn sd 1m J_ 32 65 82 ob sl sd w/pb&gv 575/W90 0 31 pz md bn st 1m 31 61 82 ob sd 1m 575/W75 0 34 pz md bn sd 1m 34 46 82 dk ob sd 1m 46 64 83 yb sd 1m w/pb&gy 575/W60 0 32 pz md bl\ sd 1m 32 60 82 ob sd 1m 575/W45 0 28 pz md bn sd 1m 28 63 82 ob sd 1m 575/W30 0 29 pz mel bl\ sd 1m .- 29 60 82 ob sd 1m 29 \ . STP SD ED Stratulll Soil~ C'ullural ~[arerial S75'W15 II 8 .\0 AI d~ bn "I I III 8 2-\ pz Illd hn sd IIll 2-\ 50 82 lIb sd 1m 50 hiJ B3 yh ,I sd "Ipb&g\' S90/W135 0 ) .-\.0/.\ I ,Ik hn IIll sd 5 p pz Illd hn IIll sd 32 60 82 oh IIll sd S90/W 120 II 6 AOIAI dk bn 1m "I 6 " pz md bn 1m sd -'.;. 32 60 82 Db 1m sd S90lW!05 [) -\ ..'10/.-\.1 dk bn [m sd -\ 3-\ pz md bn 1m sd 34 60 82 ob 1m 5d S951W90 [) 1 AOIAI dk bn slim I 2-\ pz md bn slIm 24 51 82 dk ob 51 1m wlpb 51 60 83 yh sl sd "Ipb&g\ S90lW75 0 2 ..'10/..'11 d~ lm 51 1m 1 39 pz md bn 51 1m 39 60 82 dk ob sl [m wlpb&g\ S90/W60 0 36 pz md bn 51 1m 36 60 82 L)b 51 1m wipb S90/W-\5 [) 37 pz mdbnstlm I hard she II clam 37 60 82 ob slim w/pb&g\' 30 ~ NELSON, PO" & VOORHIS, LLC t:NV RDNMENTl>.L. PLANNING. CONSULTING CHARL[;S J vOORHIS. GEP. AIC¡": . ARTHUR J. KOERBER PE . \}INC[NT G Dr")NNE:LL Y, r.E 'JICT(in BERT PE.· JOSEPII R EPI["'ANIA, PF. . ROBEr~T G NEL50N. JR, r.E P/l.Ul M Rp-.CZ. P L S May 23, 2002 Ms. Ruth L. Pierpont, Director NY.') Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation Peebles Island; Field Service Bureau Post Office Box 189 Waterford,I2188-0189 Phone (SI8) 237·8643 Pax' (S18) 233·9049 RECEIVED JUN 2 4 2002 Southold Town CIerI. Re: 02PR0998 Phase I Cultural Resource Assessment MaTine, Inc., Greenport Town of Southold, Suffolk County NP&V No. 02008 DcaI' Ms. Pierpon!: Attached, please find one (1) OIiginal of the completcd Phase I Archival Search and Archaeological Survey for the above referenced site. This matter is being forwarded directly to YOlll' office for review, as there is a pending subdi vision application with the Town of Southold. Please note that the report involved a detailed Phase 1 documentary study which concluded thc following: "NofllTther archaeological investigations arc recommended" Please review this report at your earliest convenience, and forward a letter indicating your cOnCUtTence with the conclusions and recommendations of the professional archaeologist as noted in the report. Thank you for your assIstance. and please feel free to call should you have any questions. fB) lE ~ lE nw lE rnì Int'" '8-æ02 1li!J TOWN ATTORNEY'S OFFICE TOWN OF SOIJTHOLD Very truly yours, NELSON, POPE & VOORHIS, LLC I ,.-'" .- .--' .~ '/~ c__A__.¡..------ ,. ~~:7 ~/:.',;. : Shana M. Lacey ~: Greg Yabbo,ki, Esq.. Town of Southold Town Attorne)' ~j72 '~"/~L r '/,¡HITtJI,'''i'J nu~[]. r,,1ELvILL.E·, NY 11747-2188 ¡53 II 42~' 56f'.~:'j. F~>< 1631 J 427-5820' N'J'J'N nelE;onpope cor.. · . ~ "~) (éJ.¡ of L-- íD wAf CU¡¿' CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. 12 MILL POND LANE EAST MORICHES, NY 11940 631-878-8951 May 9,2002 Mary Wilson, Asst.Town Attorney Town of Southold Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: MaTine, Inc. Request for change of Zone Dear Ms Wilson: In response to your letter of March 26, 2002, enclosed please review the following: 1. Stage I Archeological survey. Please forward to Nelson Pope & Voorhis for their review. 2. Town Trustees letter of non-jurisdiction 3. The SCWA availability letter is still pending. We will notify you as soon as it becomes available 4. Rates for affordable housing are mandated by Southold Town and other municipal requirements. Very truly yours, .., -; .' _.(~' _!,:" I r..<: /' ,,' ;" , , I .....'~_ ~_.< .-S-r--t/ I Catherine Mesiano, President Enclosures Cc: Planning Department II' '-~f:':!\~.~~~~;:3r..::r:'" 1,{,~:,".~~r'::::"!¡¡¡¡Tl\"il[!:T. ,'! .,; ~·;~~W [Hli ï;'~ MAY 1 3 2UUL . Southold Town Planning brd !:I30'2mn .EIVED . :::U-Ø!"" fð __u -- 11-í Fýr ¡Is -78 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Senior Town Planner Town of Southold 53095 Main Rotul Southold, New York 11971. MAY 6 2002 Via Far 631-765-1823 ~outhold Town CIerI. pfi~ MAY 0 ~ 2002 Southold Town Planning Board Re: Affordable Housing AppliClltion, Greenport, New York Suffolk County Tax Map '1000-035-1-4 Dear Valerie: I recently Iuld a nice clult with Martin Trent of the Suffolk County Health Services Department regarding the 5.7 acre parcel on which the proposed Affordable Housing Development would be built. SpecifiClllly, we discussed in some detail the fWw of water entering the draitulge sumps (mu of which is 10Cllted on Town property) and the course and destination oftlult flow. In addition, we uplored the effect of this tr(ltler!ie of water on any !leptic system!i which might be installed on the property if this application were approved. A significant tJolume of water 1UShes through these sumps from setleral primary neighborhood streets, coursing down from higher gradients to these lower lying points. These sumps proTJÍIÚ excellent dTtlÎnage for the entire 67 Steps neighborhood, although it is not clear where the water goes once it enters the property in question. As the Planning Board indicated in its initial Report regarding this Application, there may be a freshwater wooded wetland on this property. That Iuls yet to be determi1U!d, but the property does indeed abut (within a 100') a large freshwater wooded wetland on the other side of County Road 48. Martin Trent and I discussed the possibility that the coursing of this water might find its way into these wetlands. Apparently the most definitive way to determine the ultimate outcome of this flow is to employ a hydrologist to undertake a thoroughgoing atullysis.. Why is this important? Because the flow of the water may have a direct bearing on whether any septic systems can be located on this site and, if so, how many and where. Barring proper analysis and a complete understanding of the soil's permeability, it is possible that the incorrect placement of septic systems could move toxic affluence right into these fragile freshwater wetlands. I am sure you are aware that the Application currently before the Town Board is riddled with conflicting information, omissions and inaccuracies regarding the number of homes to be built on the site, where they will be located, and whether accessory apartments will be included. MoreotJer, I have reTJiewed tlu? full Environmental Assessment Form submitted with the Application, and find it woefully ltuldequate in addressing these timely concerns. According to Martin Trent, down zoning this property could exceed the allowable Health Deparment density requirements, especially if accessory aparlments are permitted. These aparlments would further strain the capability of the land to support septic systems without damaging ground water and wetlands. . -- ~/ . ~ Town Hall, 5:3095 Route 25 P.O. Box L179 Southold. New York 1I9~1-0959 Fax 16:31,1 765-182:3 Telephone 16:3lì 765-1889 JOSHUA Y. HORTON SUPER\'ISOR OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD J\.ŒMORANDWvr TO: VALERIE SCOPAZ, AlCP, TOWN PLANNER FROM: SUPERVISOR JOSHUA HORTON DATE: APRIL 30, 2002 RE: MATINE CHANGE OF ZONE: STATUS OF APPLICATION Please advise as to status of the above-referenced application for a change of zone (to :\lID). In particular, an update on the environmental/SEQRA components and whether the applicant has submitted all requested infomlation would be helpful. \ - / In addition, it has been raised that an older survey indicated that test wells had already been pertonned on the property yet recently thère was additional test well perfonned. Please clarify this issue as well. Thank you tor your attention to this matter. r' .---.'.... ,. .::~: =,-:~ ¡~'~J6t~~~~J ä~ MAY 0 2 2002 -W Southold Town Planning Board ----.. -----.. ' . . --- /5ubP (l-1q 1;tL c~ t) Hugh Eugene Drumm Evelyn A. Drumm P.O. Box 504 59 Sunset Lane Greenport, New York 11944 August 22, 2001 Southold Town Board P.O. Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Proposed development of Sunset Court at the intersection of Sunset Lane and Sutton Place in Greenport Dear Members of the Board: In 1955 we purchased property and built our home at 59 Sunset Lane in Greenport. At the time when we purchased our property, I was told by the realtor that there was a drainage sump at the South End of Sunset Lane to receive the rainwater from Sunset Lane. This sump is listed as the property of South old Town on an original surveyor's drawing by Otto W. Van Tuyl and Son Licensed Surveyors dated March 31, 1952 for Edna A. Brown and Sam Levine. If the drainage sump is going to become part of an extension of Sunset Lane in the proposed Sunset Court project, the water from the road will not have anywhere to drain and become a ha7Md at the intersection of Sunset Lane and Sutton Pl.ace. Over the course of our 45 years on Sunset Lane, we have never had a problem with water or ice on the road due to the presence of the drainage sump. Evei)'n A. Drumm Please take thís condition into consideration as YOll review the proposed project. Sincerely, Hugh E. Drumm 1~3Ø'2~ . . - Ms. Valnie Scopaz SeniDT Town Planner Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southald, New York 11971 Via Fa:c: 631-765-1823 Re: Affordable Housing Application, Greenport, New YDTk Suffolk Count¡¡ Tax Map # : lIJOO-D35-1-4 ~~-¡!fI] MAY 0 i 2002 Southold Town Planning Board Dear Valerie: I recently Iuld a nice chat with Martin Trent of the Suffolk County Health Seroices Department regarding the 5.7 acre parcel on which the proposed Affordable Housing Development would be built Specifically, we discussed in some detail the flow of water entning the drailUlge sumps (one of which is 10CRted on Town property) and the course and destination of tlult flow. In addition, we uplored the effect of this tra1Jerse of water on any septic systems which might be installed on the property if this Ilpplication were approved. A significant tlolume of water rushes through these sumps from sl!11eral primary neighborhood streets, coursing down from higher gradients to these lower lying points. These sumps prOtlÚÙ acellent drllinage for the entire 67 Steps neighborhood, although it is not clear where the water goes once it enters the property in lfUestion. As the Planning Board indicated in its initial Report regarding this Appliclltion, there may be a frr!shwllter wooded wetland on this property. That Iuls yet to be determined, but the property does indeed abut (within a 100') a large freshwater wooded wetland on the other side of County Road 48. Martin Trent and I discussed the possibility that the coursing of this water might find its way into these wetlands. Apparently the most definitive way to determine the ultimate outcome of this flow is to employ II hydrologist to undertake a thoroughgoing analysis. Why is this important? Because the flow of the water may have a direct bearing on whether any septic systems can be located on this site and, if so, how "lImy and where. Barring proper analysis and a complete understanding of the soil's permeability, it is possible that the incorrect placement of septú: systems could move toric affluence right into these fragile freshwater wetlands. I am sure you are aware that the Application currently before the Town Board is riddled with conflicting information, omissions and inaccuracies regarding the number of homes to be built on the site, where they will be located, and whether accessory apartments will be included. MDTeOTJer, I have rl!11iewed the full Environmental Assessment Form sufnnitted with the Application, and find it woefully inadeqUllte in addressing these timely concerns. According to Martin Trent, down zoning this property could exceed the allowable Health Deparment density requirements, especially if accessory apartments are permitted. These apartments would further strain the capability of the land to support septic systems without damaging ground water and wetlands. .< . ~ .. .f - . As many as thirteen homes hRve been proposed in the Application, ten of which are to be affordable. Thirteen homes with ten accessory apaTtnmlts would mean on average 8-10 residents per dwelling, or 90-100 residents on this property. Such density might indeed over stress the land. I feel it would be prudent for the Town of Southold to employ a hydrologist to investigate these matters in detail. Failing that, the developer, Ma Tine, Inc., could be directed to do so. In addition, flS the SEQRA process unfolds, Martin Trent indicated that Walter Dawydiak of the Health Department's Ecology Dil1ision might be the person to answer questions regarding the relationship between water flow and septic affluence. He further indicated that the Department's Division of Wastewater Ma1l4gement could be approached regarding the feasibility and placement septic systems. Fi1l411y, of particular interest, it made sense to Martin Trent thRt the lay of the land in relation to the gradient, the size of the parcel and the land's unique drai1l4ge features may be the primary reasons why the parcel has never been developed. . Our neighborhood appreciates the effort thRt the Planning Board made in providing a prelimi1l4ry report to the Town Board at the Public Hearing. We hope that many of the prelimi1l4ry questions raised in that report and those I've raised above will be answered as this process unfolds. As you know, the Public Hearing remains open. although the Town Board did indicate at its meeting on Thursday, the 25th, that it would once again publicRlly review this Application on TuesdllY, Muy 7th. I hope that this upcoming meeting will further clarify these concerns both for the public and for the Board members themselves. Thanks again for all your efforts. S~ Victor Brown , . . ;5S/9F g Sllblllissiol'l Wit/wul (( COt~('r LcN('I' .'>f'uder: JoH;.J /-Iv reTAD 0 .'oiubjed: fl']¡:¡/,~J ~ .J.-,Jc Z O,.J E Ci-INJ6Ë ;CEÇìuEST ,fO,'C7.'1U#: 1000- 3ð-/-/{ Dale: 1f!?6 / O;;¿ Co IIItnt'n Is: CoPy ùf L¡¿lTU íL "Fi'~O/f) /ì')¡q'ØILUrL~ ESiÇ. ~O (AYHY j)7ESS/~/JO /LEçvE::'Ti~ ¡-7T0,'7ìj'-JAL /".J'¡¿. ~. .1 ') _ . ) .\ .':"'1..) Ll..:d__ . ·"P..,,1~ ·r._" 1 . ~..'!.,.J , -c< ~- . ~'.- -'~~. . 1 ~ FRDM : l: 11ES IANO [Nc. 4IJar. 27 2002 01:22PM Pi . FA>< r,Ü : 531-8~8-8'J51 JOSHUA Y. HORTON Super'i.·"Ü!or GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY Town Hall. 53095 Route 26 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971·0959 Telephon. 1631) 765-1889 e·maÜ: greg. r.kaboskirgtown .wuthold. ny. u. mar}' wil80n@túwn,southold,ny.us MARY C. WILSON ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 26, 2002 Cathy Messiano Cathy MessiSlM. Inc. 12 Mill Pond Lane. East Moriches, New York 11940 RE: Ma. Tine [m:. request fur change of zone (AHD) Dear Ms. Mt$íano: As agent for the Ma Tine Inc, , [ am writing to you to request some additional infunnation that is necessary ill order to make a full review of the application and to fulfil] the SEQRA requisites. L Apparently, the site lies within one mile of an archaeological site (conf1l1Jled by OPRHP) and II, Stage 1 Cultural ReSQurce Assessment is required. 2. A letter ofnon-jurisdicrion ftom the Town Trustees regarding any w(:tlands. 3. Provide confirmation that there is an available watl;'r supply for the project from the sew A. 4. Indicate the rates fur affordable housing and the mechan.ism(s) to assure rhe homes reIllilin affordable. Thank you for your attention to the above matters. Please contact our office should you have any questions regarding this request Sinc~IY'~l 0 ~~j))k-br-- (/ r Mary ~1s~~ Assistant Town Attorney cc: Supervisor Horton and Town Board -- WILUAl\l.J. CREMERS !ŒNNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE L-\Tf-L-\l\!. .J!{. RICHARD CAGGL-\NO ø'=>" ¡1i~ ~~fFDLk;' .1,",ÿ <2-., y~ ~_t;< Lr~ -~~< U::::J ;....¿, r.', N Q . '.~ \1 en ~/',i r,~ ~. / ~-c~ . ~ r ~?;~~J. + '1-~~l '-<:::'~~-::J_-t.;O- .' PO. H()x 1179 Tuwn Hall. 5309.1) State Routp 25 Southold. New York 11971-0959 Telephone 16;31j 765-1938 Fax (6311765-3136 r I?,L-\NNING BOARD I\1El\IBE. ) HENNSTT OTIL(I\\''sKl. ,Jf~ ('hairnian z PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOLTTHOLD Memorandum To: Joshua Horton. Supervisor and Members of the Town Board From: Valerie Scopaz, AlCP, Town Planner {ð Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman, Planning Board Re: Ma Tine, Inc. Located on the North side of CR 48, approximately 265' west of Sound Road, Greenport, NY SCTM # 1000-035-1-4 Date: March 25, 2002 Proposal: This petition is to change the zone of a 5.53 acre parcel from R-40 Residential to AHD - Affordable Housing Density. It is unclear whether the applicant proposes to construct ten or thirteen homes because the map, the environmental assessment form and the application present conflicting information. The discrepancies have been brought to the attention of the Town Attomey's Office and to the best of our understanding, the applicant's attorney has been asked to resolve them. However, this information was not received by this office in time to be included in this report, which, at the Town Board's request, is being prepared in advance of its March 26, 2002 public hearing. Reauirements: The purpose of the AHD district, as defined in the Southold Town Zoning Code, is "to provide the opportunity within certain areas of the town for the development of /Jigh- density housing for families of moderate income." According to the formula set forth in the Zoning Code in Chapter 100, Article V., the income limits for eligible applicants to purchase one of these homes ranges from $44,100 for a single person to $83,100 for a family of eight people. The recommended ceiling on home prices offered within the AHD district is $168,000 It should be noted that this limit is lower than the maximum sales price for affordable housing pursuant to Suffolk County's guidelines ($237,500). (Source: James McMahon, Community Development Director, March 21. 2002) Tile provisions of the AH D district, as set forth in Chapter 100. Article V require that the subject property lie within one fourth of a mile of the boundaries of the incorporated ,. e¡ e} It - Village of Greenport. The intent of the Zoning Code is that higher density housing be located within or near hamlet centers. This property lies between 1200 and 1300 feet north of the Village's boundary, less than a quarter of a mile. The provisions of the AHD district also require that where the subject property is less than 5 acres in area, the applicant shall agree to reserve at least 40% of the dwelling units or lots for sale or lease to moderate income families. The applicant proposes to reserve 70% of the units for moderate income. Further, the applicant offers to restrict the potential total square footage of the remaining 30 The subject lot is zoned R-40, which would permit the theoretical construction of 4 to 5 dwelling units. If granted, the petition would allow at least a doubling of the allowable density to 10 lots. Environmental Issues: A preliminary review of the materials submitted for this petition indicate that a portion of the property may contain a freshwater wooded wetland, and if so, this portion would lie within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. Further, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation has determined that this site may be archeologically sensitive. The ability of the Suffolk County Water Authority to service the proposed project is not known. Nor is the capability of the soils to handle septic systems as per Suffolk County Department of Health Service standards. The potential impact on traffic of five to six additional homes over what could be built under the current zoning normally would not be expected to be significant. However, due to the existing traffic congestion and hazards found at the nearest intersection, coupled with the unknown impact of the recently upgraded Shady Lady Restaurant and Hotel on the northeast comer of SR 25 and Sound Road, this issue requires more information and analysis. Before an environmental determination is made, referral of this petition to the Board of Trustees for their input is recommended. Also, a Stage 1 Cultural Resource Assessment should be conducted by the applicant and a report submitted to the State and the Town for review. Input of the Suffolk County Water Authority and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services should be obtained as part of the coordinated environmental review of this project pursuant to SEQR. A review of the traffic situation at the intersection of Sound Road and SR 25 should be undertaken. Recommendations: There is insufficient information to render a recommendation. Planning Board will not comment further on this specific application until the above-noted information is submitted and reviewed pursuant to SEQR. Finally, for the past several years, the Planning Board has strongly recommended that the AHD legislation be revised because it does not adequately address the affordable housing issue. Therefore, the Planning Board will not recommend changing any property to this designation until the key deficiencies of the existing legislation are redressed. -- ,- .. .' PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman P.O. Box 1179 Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (6311 765-1938 Fax (6311 765-3136 WILLL-\M .J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD CAGGL-\NO . PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM Date: Elizabeth A. Neville, South old Town Clerk Victor L'Eplattenier, Senior Plannÿ March 18,2002 To: From: Re: NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Correspondence Archaeological and Historical Sensitivity Attached please find correspondence from Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC, pertaining to five sites, two of which are affordable housing sites currently under review for proposed zoning changes to AHD. This correspondence is being forwarded to you for your attention and any recommendations the Town Board may have regarding these sites. encl. L Nt:L~UN 15. t""Ur'I::.,LLr' ~lb 4¿( ~b¿~ ~.~l/ll ~JM NELSON. POPE & VOORHIS. LLé _ ~ t:NV1RONMENTAL . I"l.ANNING . CONSul. T¡NG Af 572 WAi..::- WH!Ï'!V',AN ROAD. MiELVIL.L.6. NY 1 ~7':'7 ~ õõ!'!86 I (631) 427~5SSS FAX (S':;;¡1) C¡27-~6ë:!O ..,pvaNOlsonpCJpe.co~ D' nHr:::-l¿-c::,t:lIO¿ 1. L; 1:::1'::1 . .. . , . . ~,-·~~t~:¡;·:.·.'~~, ¡i \,.__ .' FAX COVER SHEET To: Victor LaPlatnea Fax: 765-1823 From: Shana Lacey Date: March 11, 2002 Re: NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Ilistoric Preservation Correspondence No. of Pages: 12 (including Cover) Comments: Victor, Attached please find the correspondence from NYS OPRHP with regard to archaeological and historical sensitivity on the fonowing parcels/projects: 1. Zoumas, Bayview 2. Forestbrook, Bayview 3. MaTine, Greenport 4. Skrezic, Peconic 5. Mattituck Housing, Mattituck Please feel free to call should you have any questions or require any additional information. Sincerely, Shana 1:'~:2~ Ms. Valerie Scopaz Senior Town Planner Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 p .CEIVED MAY 6 2002 . ::uør:::- ft3 ___ f1-!'Iý / ¡Is -rb Via Faz: 631-765-1823 ~oulhold Town Crerl. p~~~' MAY 0 ~ 2002 Southold Town Planning Soard Re: Affordable Housing Application, Grl!mpOTt, New York Suffølk Count¡¡ Tøx Map It 1000-035-1-4 Dt!Ilr Valerie: I recently Iuld a nice clult with Martin Trent of the Suffolk County Health Seroices Department regørding the 5.7 acre parcel Otr which the proposed Affordable Housing Development would be built Sp«ifically, we disCIISsed in some detail the fWw of water entering the drainage sumps (cme of which is located on Town property) and the COJlTSe and destination of tlult flow. In addition, we aplored the effect of this tra1JeTSe of water on any septic systems which might be installed on the property if this applicatiOtr were I1ppTOf1ed. A significant lIolume of water TllShes through these sumps from sroeral ,mJllary neighborhood streets, COflTSing down from higher gradients to these lower lying points. These sumps pro1lide f!JCCellent drAinage for the entire 67 Steps neighborhood, although it is not clear where the water goes once it enters the property in lfUestion. As tlu! Planning Board indicated in its initiAl Report regarding this Application, there JllaY be a freshwater wooded wetland on this property. That Iuls yet to be determined, but tlu! property does indeed abut (within a 100') a large freshwater wooded wetlAnd on tlu! other side of County Road 48. Martin Trent and I discussed the possibility that the coursing of this wAter might find its way into tlu!se wetlands. Apparently the most definitive way to determine the ultiJllate outcome of this flow is to employ a hydrologist to undertake a thoroughgoing analysts.. Why is this important? Because the flow of tlu! water may Iulve a direct bearing on whether any septic systems can be located on this site and, if so, how Jllany and where. BaTTing proper analysis and a complete understanding of the soil's permeAbility, it is possible that the incorrect placement of septic systems could move toxic affluence right into these fragile freshwater wetlands. I am sure you are aware that the Application currently before the Town Board is riddled with conflicting information, omissions and inaccuracies regarding the number of homes to be built on the site, where they will be located, and whether accessory apartments will be included. Moreoller, I halle rroiewed the full Environmental Assessment Form sUÚ1nitted with the Application, and find it woefully inadequate in addressing these timely concerns. According to Martin Trent, down zoning this property could exceed the allowable Health Deparment density requirements, especially if accessory apArtments are permitted. These apArtments would further strain the capability of the land to support septic systems without damaging ground water and wetlands. ..' . . As many as thirteen homes hAve been proposed in the Applialtion, ten of which are to be affordable. Thirteen homes with ten accessory apartments would mean on average 8-10 residents per dwelling, or 96-100 residents on this property. Sru:h density might indeed over stress the land. I feel it would be prudent for the Town of Southold to employ a hydrologist to investigate these matters in detail. Failing th4t. the developer, Ma Tine, Inc., could be directed to do so. In addition, as the SEQRA process unfolds, Martin Trent indicated that Walter Dawydiak of the Health Department's Ecology Division might be the person to answer questions regørding the rellltionship between water flow and septic affluence. He further indicated th4t the Department's Division of Wastewater Management could be approached regarding the feasibility and pùu:ement septic systems. FiJUllly, of particular interest, it made sense to Martin Trent thAt the Illy of the IIlnd in rellltion to the grødient, the size of the parcel and the IIlnd's unique draiJUlge features may be the primary reasons why the parcel has never been deoelope4. Our neighborhood appreciates the effort thAt the Planning Board made in providing a preliminary report to the Town Board at the Public Hearing. We hope th4t numy of the preliminary questions raised in th4t report and those I've raised above will be answered as this process unfolds. As you know, the Public Hearing remains open, although the Town Board did indicate at its meeting on Thursday, the 25th. thAt it would once again publical'y review this Applialtion on TuesdilY, May 7th. I hope that this upcoming meeting will further clarify these concerns both for the public and for the Board members themselves. TJu¡nks again for all your efforts. Si~ Victor Brown · NELSON, POPE & VOORHIS, LLC E N I R [J N ~.1 E 1', T .0. L . P L to. N N I N G c 0 {'. S LJ L T , N G ,::H"FLE:: J. ,,·~"'AiHrs. ,,~,ëF ",I'=¡:: . -"P;THI)11 J f(uf':;EEH Ft . '.lrlr:::ErlT ::; [<'WJEu:. PE '.I,~Túb 8ERr, PE . J,)SEf"H R E¡:'f-':'~'II':' PE. ¡:,,::'F.[FiT(j ¡jEL,,~rJ JP rOE P"uL ~., R';C.:' f'L ~, Febwary 1. 2002 Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Mam Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Town of Southold Change of Zone Petition, SEQRA. Review Ma Tine Property Dear Ms. Neville: Thank you for contacting NP& V tor services in connection with SEQR review and the implementation of the above referenced project. The following services and fees are proposed: 1. Inspect property and area to determine environmental resources and characteristics. 2. Re\'iew Pan I Environmental Assessment Foml (if available). 3. Prepare Part II EnvIronmental Assessment FOml. 4. Prepare detailed em'ironmental planning review of the subject application. Fee: $750.00 5. Review supplemental intomlation submitted by the applicant in support of the application. 6. Prepare recommended detennination of sigmtìcance (if requested by Town Board). Fee: Time Rates (Budget: $200.00) Please sih'" where provided belo\\' to authorize the completion of these services. Thank you for the opportunity to assIst on this project. Please feel free to call should you ha\'e any questions. Respecrrùii) submined, VOPRHIS LC ~~ lades J. \ø6rhis. CEP. AICP P.'File: 02-**· ACCEPTED AND APPROVED DATE: 2/6/02 (Please sign and return one copy) Joshua Y. Horton, Supervisor Town of Southodl 572 WALT WHITMAI'J ¡::~OAD. MELVILLE. NY 11747-2188 (631) 427·5665 . FAX (631 J 427-5620 . .'V\II. JIJ.nelsor.¡::iope_COIT, . . !\(a Tine @ Greenport EAF Part I Review NP & V #02008 RECEIVED IiP&W' ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REVIEW ;.- ,1 1_,." -", ~- ENVIRONMENT AL AND PLANNING CONSIDERA nONS Soufhold Town Cler.. IVI.-\ TINE @ GREEN PORT Prepared for: Elizabeth A. Neville. Southold Town Clerk Town of Southold Town Board. Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold. New York 11971-0959 Prepared by: Nelson. Pope & Voorhis, LLC 572 Walt Whitman Road Melville. New York 11747 Date: January 25. 2002 The Town of Southold Planning Board has retained Nelson. Pope & Voorhis, LLC (NP&V) for consulting services in review of the above referenced application. The proposed action involves a change of zone from R-40 Residential to AHD Affordable Housing Disttict on a 5.7 acre parcel of land located in Greenport. The change of zone application is a precursor to allow for a 10 lot subdivision of the site, with 7 of the proposed lots offered as "affordable'" lots. The remaining 3 lots will not be included within the affordable housing program. but will be restricted by deed covenant to a maximum livable area of 2.500 sJ. Each lot will be developed with a single family dwelling, sanitary system and associated amenities. A 1.5 acre natural buffer will remain along the western and southern property boundmies to a depth of approximately 60' and 130' respectively. The site is currently vacant. undeveloped land dominated by successional woodland. This document analyzes the site and area resources including topography. soils. water. land use, zoning and transportation and other available information. The site has also been inspected for environmentallplanning constraints. In addition. the full EAF Part I submitted with the application has been corrected and is attached herein. tbI6v NELSON. POPE &. VOORHIS LLC ENVIRONMENTAL . PLANNII'\.G . CONSULTiNG Page I . . l\Ia Tine @ Greenport EAF Part I Re"iew NP& \' #02008 Location and Site Overview The overall project site is located on the north side of North Road (CR 48), approximately 270 feet west of Sound Road in Greenport. Town of Southold, County of Suffolk. The subject property can be more particularly described as SCTM number 1000-35-01-04. The parcel contains a total of approximately 350 feet of frontage on North Road (CR 48) to the south. The easterly extension of the subject property maintains approximately 275 feet of frontage on Sound Road. The site is currently vacant undeveloped woodland. The site does not appear to contain environmentally sensitive features. Additionally. the site does not contain any known historically and ecologically significant resources, although is depicted on the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (NYS OPRHP) Circles and Squares Map as being located within an area containing multiple site sensitivity. This review will discuss the proposed project and its potential impact on the sites environmental resources. Proposed Proiect The proposed action involves a change of zone from R-40 Residential to AHD Affordable Housing District on a 5.7 acre parcel of land located in Greenport. The change of zone application is a precursor to allow for a 10 lot subdivision of the site, with 7 of the proposed lots offered as "affordable" lots. The remaining 3 lots will not be included within the affordable housing program, but will be restricted by deed covenant to a maximum livable area of 2.500 sJ. Each lot will be developed with a single family dwelling. sanitary system and associated amenities. The site is currently vacant. undeveloped land dominated by woodland. The affordable lots will range in size from approximately 15,000 s.f. to 16,000 s.f., with the three remaining non-affordable lots ranging in size from approximately 15,000 s.f. to 15,500 sJ. Two of the affordable lots (lots 1 and 2) will front on Sound Road with the remainder of the lots accessed via Sutton Place to the north through the development of the Town right of way and creation of Sunset Cout1. Sunset Court will tenninate in a cuI de sac in the center of the site and will be dedicated to the Town. A 1.5 acre natural buffer will remain to a depth of approximately 60 feet along the western property boundary and to a depth of approximately 130 feet along the southern propet1y boundary. The applicant has indicated that the typical home will have 3 bedrooms and 2 I, baths with a total livable area of approximately 1,600-2,400 sJ. The homes will be held in fee simple ownership with no cooperative interests proposed. The Town Board has declared itself Lead Agency and finds the action to be an Unlisted Action pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations. FUl1her, the Town Planning Board and Suffolk County Planning Department have been contacted for recommendations and repOt1S and responses have not been recei ved to date. Land Use and Zoning The project site is located in an area that contains J. mix of residential, commercial and undeveloped vacant land. The dominant land use in the general area is residential, and the liM NELSON. POPE &. VOORHiS. LLC EN\lIRONMENTAL . PLANNIN::; . CONSULTING Page 2 l\Ia Tine @ Greenport EAF Part I Review NP&V #02008 proposed application is generally consistent with surrounding uses. The site is currently vacant undeveloped land and approximately 1.5 acres will be preserved as a natural buffer along the western and southern property boundaries following development. Residential uses are located n0l1h. south. east and west of the subject site. in conjunction with some commercial uses and vacant undeveloped land located along the Main Road frontage. . . The subject site is zoned R-40 Residential, which requires a minimum lot size of 40,000 sJ., lot coverage of 20% of the lot area. and a minimum livable floor area of 850 s.f. per dwelling. The proposed project involves a change of zone from R-40 to Affordable Housing District (AHD). For single family dwellings, the minimum lot size within the AHD district is 10,000 sJ., with lot coverage of 20% of the lot area. and a minimum Ii vable floor area of 850 sJ. per dwelling. The proposed lots are between 15,000 and 16,000 sJ. in size; residential development of the resulting lots should not require zoning variances should the change of zone be granted, depending on final building design and layout. The zoning code states that not less than forty percent (40%) of the dwelling units and/or improved lots shall be reserved for sale or lease to moderate income families. A total of 70% of the lots within the proposed subdivision are specified as "'affordable" lots. The applicant should indicated the mechanism for ensuring lots will be affordable and the slae rate schedule. There is a recognized need for affordable housing in the Town of Southold. R-40 zoning is located to the north, south. east and west of the site and is the dominant zoning in the general area. Limited Business (LB) is located farther east of the site and along the nOl1h side of the Main Road frontage, with RO Residential Office located on the south side of Main Road. R-80 is located farther to the east and northeast and AHD zoning is located fat1her to the southwest. With respect to land use. the proposed project is similar to the residential developments in the surrounding area and will consist of comparable lot sizes with those developments to the north and east and Wilh those developed properties to the south. The project is not consistent with the existing residential lots located west of the site that are relatively large in size, particularly as compared to the lot sizes in the sun'ounding area. Although the lot sizes proposed as part of the change of zone are comparable to that in the majority of the surrounding area, the proposed change of zone would result in a higher development intensity than currently designated for the subject propel1y. The land use and zoning impacts of the proposed project are e.xpected to be marginal. Traffic Generation The proposed use would be expected to increase traffic generation upon full establishment of the site as compared to existing conditions. The future development of the land is not anticipated to generate significant additional traffic to the area; however. the proposed project will generate additional traffic as compared to development in accordance with existing site zoning. Two of the proposed lots will have access on Sound Road with the remaining 8 lots to be accessed via Sunset Court, a proposed cul-de-sac extending southward from Sutton Place, thus distributing traffic generation by the project. It is anticipated that the 10 residential lots would result in appro.ximately 80-100 trips a day, with 4 to 8 trips during the peak hour. Due to the location of the site and consideration of area roadways. an increase in trip generation at the site would not be . expected to have a significant impact on the area roadways. The horizontal and vertical road ~c_ ..~, NELSON. POPE &. VOORHIS LLC ENVIRONMENTAL . PLANNING . CONSULTING Page 3 l\Ia Tine @ Greenport EAF Part I Review NP&\' #02008 curvature allows relatively good sight distance. and the creation of 10 additional residential lots would not be expected to have a significant impact with regard to traffic generation. . . Soils and Topography The site is relatively flat throughout, with all existing slopes between approximately 0-10%. The property does not contain any significant landfotms or geological features. The Suffolk County soil survey (Warner, 1975) identifies two soil types on the subject site, which consist of the following: Riverhead sandy loam. 3 to 8% slopes (RdB), and Haven loam. 0 to 2% slopes (HaA). The majotity of the site is dominated by HaA soils, with only a small portion occupied by the RdB soil type. The Haven Loam series is described within the Suffolk County Soil Survey as land which is suitable for development, with good leaching potential. The hazard of erosion hazard is slight on HaA soils. The Riverhead series consists of deep, well-drained moderately coarse textures soils that formed a mantle of sandy loam or fine sandy loam over thick layers of coarse sand and gravel (Warner, 1975). The soil survey lists the erosion hazard for RdB as moderate to slight and the main concerns of management involve controlling runoff and erosion and providing adequate moisture for landscaping/agriculture. The topography and soils on site do not appear to present severe development constraints. Wetlands The site does not contain any NYSDEC designated freshwater wetlands. however the Federal National Wetlands Inventory Map prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service depicts two isolated freshwater wetlands on the subject Sile. Although the Federal map does not necessmily confer any regulatory authority. a site inspection was conducted to verify the presence/absence of freshwater wetland features. The site inspection revealed past some wetland indicators. however it is not expected that this area currently functions as a freshwater wetland. The Board may wish to refer this matter to the Town Trustees for a letter of non-jurisdiction with regard to on-site features. The nearest NYSDEC regulated wetland is located south of the site and on the south side of North Road, and can be more particularly desclibed as NYSDEC designated freshwater wetland GP-16. The NYSDEC regulates those activities within 100 feet of a freshwater wetland boundary. as regulated under Article 24 of the ECL. It appears that the subject propelly is located more than 100 feet north of the regulated wetland and the 130 foot natural buffer proposed along the site's frontage further increases the distance between the proposed development and the regulated wetland. There are no tidal wetlands on or in the vicinity of the site. \Vater Resources Public water is supplied to the general area by the Suffolk County Water Authority, although the site itself is not specifically connected to public water. The nearest water main to the site is a ÑÞ&¥ NELSON POPE & VOORHIS LLC ENVIRONMENTAL . PLANf'.Il1'G . CONSULTING Page 4 l\Ia Tine @ Greenport EAF Part I Re\'iew NP&V #02008 12'" diameter main located on the north side of N0I1h Road (CR 48). A 6" main is located on the east side of Sound Road and on the nOl1h side of Sutton Place. The Brecknock Hall Well Field & Pump Station is located on the n0l1h side of Main Road, across from the Manhasset A venue/Main Road intersection, approximately 800 feet east of the project site. It is estimated that the 10 proposed residential lots will utilize approximately 3,000 gallons of water per day and each lot will be connected to public water. It is recommended that the applicant contact SCW A for a detennination of the availability of Public Water Supply for this project. The proposed project will double the water use on the subject site from approximately 1,500 gpd to 3,000 gpd. . . Sanitary disposal within the proposed subdivision will be managed by on-site underground sewage leaching systems. In 1978, the Long Island Regional Planning Board published the Long Island Comprehensive Waste Treatment Management Plan (208 Study). The 208 Study identified eight (8) hydrogeologic zones in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. These zones were distinguished based upon differences in underlying groundwater flow patterns and water quality. The subject site is located within SCDHS Groundwater Management Zone IV. which according to Article VI of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code, has an allowable flow of 600 gallons per day (gpd) per acre in areas served by public water. Therefore. the allowable nitrogen bearing flow for the overall 5.7 acre site is 3,420 gpd. The sanitary design flow is computed using the SCDHS manual Slalldards for Approml of Plalls alld COllslruclioll for Sewage Disposal Syslems for Olher Than Sillgle Family Residences. The manual establishes the design flow as follows: Sil\g[e familv dwelling 300 gpd x to dwellings 3,000 gpd Therefore, the proposed applications would confonn with AI1icle VI of (he Suffolk County Sanitary Code and would nor be expected (0 adversely affect groundwarer quality provided properly functioning systems are designed and installed. The elevation of groundwater beneath the subject site is approximately 3 feet above mean sea level (ms!) according to the 1999 SCDHS water table map. The topographic elevation on site is approximately 20 feet above msl, based on the USGS topographic map. Therefore, the minimum depth to groundwater is approximately 17 feet. The direction of groundwater tlow is expected to be horizontal and to the north, nOI1heast. The depth to groundwarer on site is not expected to have significant constraints on Ihe location of septic systems within the proposed residential lots as these lots are located at an elevation of approximately 20 feet above msl. A standard. three pool septic system typically requires a minimum depth to groundwater of approximately 9-10 feet to allow adequate depth for leaching. The SCDHS will review plot plans to issue a permit to construct in connection with Building Pennits on individual lots. SUl\!MARY In conclusion. the proposed change of zone would create 10 residential lots, 7 of which would be offered under the affordable housing program. Although the lot sizes proposed as part of the change of zone are comparable to that in the majority of the surrounding area. the proposed change of zone would result in a higher development intensity than cUITently designated for the subject property. The site does not appear to contain significant environmental features that .. would limit residential development. provided adequate drainage and containment of on-site riM NELSON POPE &. VOORHIS LLC ENVIRONMENTAL . PLANNING . CONSULTING Page 5 l\[a Tine @ Greenport EAF Part [ Re\'iew NP & V #02008 runoff are achieved and sanitary systems are properly designed and constructed. The proposed project will increase waste water generation, solid waste generation and water use. in addition to increasing taxes which would be distributed to the various jurisdictions. The number of school aged children generated as a result of the project would be anticipated to be greater than if the site was developed in accordance with zoning and the taxes generated and distributed to the school district as a result of the affordable units would not be anticipated to offset the cost of educating the additional children. which may impact the local school distticts. The site is expected to increase the number of trips entering and exiting the site. although is not anticipated to cause a significant impact to the sUITounding roadways. . . The following recommendations are provided: I. The site lies within one (I" mile of a knOWI\ archaeological site. as indicated by the location of the site on the Circles and Squares Map (area of multiple site sensitivity). We are awaiting confirmation from OPRHP: however. it is expected that a Stage I Cultural Resource Assessmem will be required prior to site disturbance. 2. The applicant should contact the Town Trustees for a letter of I\on-jurisdiction regarding wetlal\ds. 3. The project will increase the need for use of public water supply. The applicant should contact SCWA to determine the availability of water supply for the future project. 4. The applicant should indicate the rates for affordable housing and the mechanism to ensure that seven (7) homes remain affordable il\ perpetuity. The Town Board may consider this infOlmation prior to rendering a SEQR Determination of Significance and zone change decision. If these issues are satisfactorily addressed, a Negative Declaration may be appropriate at the Board's discretion. NP&V would be pleased to further review any additional information and/or provide a recommended Determination of Significance with further input from the Board. ~.;. ..~, NELSON POPE &. VOORHIS LLC EI'NIRONMENTAL . PLANNIN::; . COi"4SUL TING Page 6 617.20 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM . . SEQR 14-16-2 (9/95)-7c Purpose: The full E A..F 15 dèsigned to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may' be sIgnificant. The question of 'w\ hether an action ma\ be significant is not alvvays easy to ans\'·:er Frequent- I~, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unllleasureable. It is a!sa understood that those \t\!ho determine sIgnificance m3\' have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may not be technically expert in environmental anal;,"sis. In addition, many \\rho have knm...!edge in one particular area ma)' not be a.\are of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is Intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible enough to allm\' Introduction of information to fit a project or actIon. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts Part 1: Provides objectIve data and information about a gi\en project and its site. 8',1 identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentia y- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentlally·large. then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE- Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: X Part 1 0 Part 2 OPart 3 Upon revie\-v of the Information recorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate). and any other supporting information, and consIdering both the magnitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: ~~ A The project will not result in an..,. large and important impact(s) and, therefore. is one which will not haH' a significant impact on the environment. therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. o B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action bec.ause t~e mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative de~laration will be prepared,' o C. The project may result in one or more large and Important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration ",ill be prepared. *" A Conditioned Negative Declaration is onlv vaJjd for Unlisted r\ctions MIt T;p,& @ 0Uf<,AjPdlt. r rt:iJ 'Name of Action Town of Southold Name of Lead :\gency TItle of Responsible Officer Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency RECEIVED SIgnature ür Responsible Officer In Lead Agency SigncJ.ture of PreparerfJf different from responsible oifl,:~r'l rWIi 9 t¡jl DatE: Southold Town Clerl L PART 1-PROJECT INFORMATION eepared by Project Sponsor . NOTICE. This document is designed to aSSist in determining \\hether the action propo5~d may ha';e a sIgnificant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E o\rlS'.\ers to these questions \\ilJ bp Con51,:Jén~d as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further \erificatlOn and public reI., iew Prov!ne ~Hl\ additional informatIon yûu beli~ve ....vill be neèded to complete Parts 2 and 3. It IS expected that completion of the full E.~F will be dependent on information currently available ond.,ill not Involve new studies, research or investigation If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, 50 Indicate and specify each instance NAME OF ACTION (Y/" -¡;, 1''''/2.,- LOCATION OF ACTION (InClude Street Address, Mun!cipality and CountYI Sunset Court, Greenport, Suffolk county (SCTM No. 1000-35-01-04) NAME OF APPLICANT/SPONSOR BUSINESS TELEPHO~¡E Mr. John Hurtado, Sr. ADDRESS P.O. Box 1925 CITY/PO Southold NAME OF OWNER (If different) ~I'\M ?j) ZIP CODE 11971 ------' ADDRESS CITY/PO ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Applicant proposes to subdivide a 248,929 s.f. parcel into lots, ranging in size from 15,000 to 16,000 s.f.. Each lot be improved with single family dwelling, sanitary system, driveway and landscaping. (10) will Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, 1 Present land use: DUrban DForest both developed and undeveloped areas Dlndustrial DCommelClal. ~esidential (suburban) DRW,non.farmJ DAgriculture )'1Pther V A(A~ Ih./I...'''ln....} l¡h¡ ) 5.7 2 Total acreage of project area' APPROXIMATE ACREAGE Meado" or Brushland (Non-agricultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.i Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECLi \\' ater Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate type) Lawn and landscaping Haven acres PRE5ENTl Y acres AFTER COMPLETION 5.7 acres acres acres acres acres acres 1 .5 acres acres acres acres acres acres acres 1.00 3.20 acres acre; 3. \Vhat is predominant soil type(sJ on project site? a. Soil drainage: Œ\.\ell drained 100 % of site C] Poorly drained % of site b If an~ agricultural land IS invohed how marl'," acres of sod are classified V\ ithln soil group 1 Land Classification 51 st.'m' N / A acres. (See 1 NYCRR 3"0). -+ ,.i,re rhert: bedrG,~k outcropplng5 on prc'Jeet ~¡tt::'l DYes ~INo (1 \\'h3t is d"è-pth to b""dr.xU 600+ ¡in feet) Loam ui\1oderateJy I'I...A \ld R , \\ell drained % or sitE: thr.)ugh 4 of the N'¡ S 2 J ··',PP""'lrnÒk pdcent,1gc' ot ptOlJCcséd r,'et "te "ith slopes: ~OlCt% ~~ '::::J10-111')0 o --'I:, C15~,',:, or greater ~___ é\) I) 1:- prult'd s\.¡b.,untIJIf'., cvntlgLlOLJ5 to c>r contain a budding, site. Of district, listed on tht: StJtp 'Jf the ~~Jtiofla! RL'1,:lster::. '.It Histone Places? [J'¡b ŒNo .... Is prOject <;ubstcHHrall\- contlguO,JS to 1.I site listed on thE' Register (Jf NJtional ~atural Landmarksi ß Whet" the Jepth ot (he "ater table!.-á-o+" (in feet) IT I @ ::=') e" ~No I) Is Sltt IGca.ted 0\ër a primM\,. principii!. or sole source aquiferi CXì ~s UNo 10 Dc' huntlni:!. tlsfwl'S or shell f!shln~ opportunitlPS presently eXIst In ttlt' pro ~ct area( DIes RlNü 11 DOE'5 pm t'ct :'JltL' contain ::J\ô œlNo an\ SpèCle'i of plant or animal hft~ thar is According to Field inspection identified as threZtk'ned or t:'ncJangered? Identlfv each species 12 ··\re thtp:' a'ly unique or unusual land form'i on the project ~Ite? (i e. chft~, dunes, other geologIca! formations) i_;) e':i ~No Describe 11. j::; the pw¡e( t Dìe, Site presently used bv the iXlNo If yes. eAplaln conHllUllltv or neighborhood as an open space or recreation areal 1-1 Does thf:' present site include 5Ct·nic vle\\'s kno\\ n to be important to the communitv? !:::J"rt.'s [XI No 15 Strearn~, \\ Ithin (lr contiguous to project area _ None it l'Iame of StrèdfTl and name of RI\er to \\hich It IS tributary 1 h Lakes p'Jnds. wdland area':) \\ ltillrl or contiguous to prolect area a Name N/A. N'l.SDEC þeii'C't.I~o. WerUI.vp bP@ b Slle (In acresl 17. h the site served by eXisting public utdlt1(~s( KJ'rö ~Çt. v1'U..\'tf6:S éJC ¡S"- a) If 1es. tloes suttiClent capacJt\' eXIst to allo\\-' connE'ctlonì ~"rf'<; UNo b1 It "r'ES, will imprO',erl1t~nts be necessar\ to allm'.' Lonnectlun? [}J·t'S DNo 1B 15 the ~itt2 located III ..in agric..ulturùJ district n:·rtified pursuant to Agriculture ànd t,,1arkets La\\'. -\rtlcls- 25-AA. Sl"·ct ()n 303 dnd 3Ci-P '~!'ies. ~No IN \"""MooI!:II)'o¥t'è- Vlc'IAlIT"'/ 1() Is the sIte located In or suostantiallv contiguous to a Cntlcal EnvJr(mmental Area designated pursuant to .t..rticle 8 of the ICL. and 6 N\CRR bl71 DYes 1<1 No 20 Has the sIte ever been uSf'd for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? DYe's KJNo B. Project Description 1. Ph\slcal dimensions and sca.le of pro f'ct (fill in dImensions ð5 appropriate) ,1 Totlll contIguous aUf-age ov\ned or controlled by project ')pomor b Prolect acrea.ge to be de'.eloped· 5.7 acres initial I\" c Prolf'ct LÌcrt~Jgf.' lo rE.-mðln undeveloped 1.5 acres. 0.1 5.7 4.2 acres acres uttlmati::l\. d Length ot prown. in miles n/A e If tht:· pro i:'u IS an e·',pùn510n Indicate percent of e\pansion proposed ~.J'Jn1bc·r ot otf-~rrf-:'('t parkln~ spaces P~:lstlng N/A , propùsed 20 g ,','il"':lnllHTJ ',tè-hICtdM trip, gPneratt:d pd hour ~~_ (UpOIl ,--ompldl0n of prolt:(( ~' (If appropriatel o /0 h ! f rt~~ldt:'r1lIJI Inl(IJII" UltIITldt,-.I., Numbr-·r dnd t\ Pi;;- ,jf One farntl"r 1 0 -"- ------ 10 housing UllltS: T\\'o F:Hllil\ 1\1ultipl~· F.lrnli,: Cond')rT1lniurn --------- ---- ---- ----- I Dlrlh:'"t"¡,il-:)I1',, f"¡ fi'f:lj ut I':HšF-S[ priJpc.')O;'-,.-i ;"tru<-turt! 3..Q_'_ __ h(~lght. ___-liL~ ,.I,-hh ___6._Ü~ It::"n,L:tf~ LII1':',:lI f.,-+l fit tr._'.ntJge IIc.ns J ptlbll( rll'Jr,-,ui~l¡fclrt_' prr:, t"( t '.'. ill G'_-'~lIr·", I..' ___-.62.2_ tt 3 , a. If \P~. tor \\·hat intF.'ncl<::d purpo~t: IS thl'.- 51t>~ b('lng rt'cl.1lmedt etr I \'dl be remo.r::d irï:--m the sltei -.._0__ tOlls/cub!c Or\J,:, [~N/\ ~ Landscaping yareh .2 He,\\, much naturôl Iì1Jterul II ë rock ah 2 \'.'111 ulsturbed ,Hea~ L.t:, rF:.~I¿lIJ1l.::,j,' ~es b \Vill topsoil be stoc~, piled tor reclamatlon1 ~y èS CINo c \'/111 upp¡~r su[,sod h~ stod'-.piled for rE'clamòrion? ~Ie" DNa 0..\ Ho\\ many anèS ot ...ew~~tJ.tlûn (trf2eS. shrubs. ground cu\'er~J \vlll be remo\E'd from sitE~7 4.2 acres 5 \Vill any mature tore;;t (ü\er 100 '..ears old) or othêr locallV-lmportant vegetation be removed by this project? D'ès ~No 6 If single phase prolect. :~,rltlcipa.ted period oi construction 12 months, (including demolItIOn). , If multl·pha'éd· N / A a Total number ot phLlsQS antIcipated . (number) b AntIcipated date of commencement phase 1 month c. Approximate completion date of final phase month d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases' DYes \ear. (including demolition) \-'ear. DNo B \ViII blasting occur during construction? DYes 10 ~No 9. Number of jobs generated during construction . .' I 0 atter project IS comp ete __ . 10. Number oi jobs eliminated by this project o 11. \Nill project reqUIre relocatIon of any projects or facilltif's? DYes ŒNo t f 'yes, expl~1in 12 Is surface liquid waste dIsposal involved? D'Yês 4lNo a If yes. mdlcate t", pe of \....aste (sewdgf:', industrial. etc) and amount b. Name ot \vater body Into which effluent V\ill be discharged ".., T Sanitary effluent 13 Is subsurtace liqUId \\'rlste disposal invo!\ed' t:'J\f'S DNo ype 14 \Vill 5wface area of an e\I'itlng \\dter body increase or dt'(rease by proposal? L1'1es ~No Explain 15. 15 project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? DYe') P9No 16. \'ViJl the project gt~nerate solId wa')te' Œ) es DNo ð. If yes. what is the amount pH month 1 .7 tons b. If yes. \\ill an existing solid \....aste facility be used' KJYes LNo c If \es, give name Town of Southold Facility; location (v1:C~OC:aU6 d. Will any wastes not go into a se\\'age disposal system or into a sanitarv landfill? DYes e. If Yes. explain 1.c:L"tLM.t£<; œNo 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid wastel DYes œNo a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tOils/month. b If yes, what is the anticipated site life? __ years. 18 Will project US" herbicides or pesticides? ITYes DNa (Household) 19. Will project roLltinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)! DYes IKINo 7 20 \Vill project produce operatmg nOIse exceeding the local dmbient nOIse le\'els? @Y:;) ftlNo sR 21 \\'iJl project result In an Increase In energy use' [21.)e., DNa Ii "es Indicate t'.'pelsl Heating oil, electricity, gas 22 Ii \\atf'r su.ppl\ is from \\,i::'II~. lndicate pumpinð capacity ~A __ g~l[olìs/minute :.!J T::)tcd .1ntlClpJkd '.\~lter IJ~~ì§/~ per c1dV~-+-;1rOõ1'~lkH15idJ\" (r-1aXlffium)"ßM&Þ 0".) '3oo~d. t"^ \J"'~, @ ~-1- DOt_'''' pro t-:'u ¡n\'ol'.,= LCH'LIi S~a.tl' or Fedëra] fundln~1 If 'r t'~ e\plJln CJl¡h rlNci Ln 4 25. Approvals Required: City. TO\\ n Village 8ol1ra Clt\. Tüwn \'1:lage PIJnnlng Hoard elt',. To.'..n Zoning Güard Cit\. COllnt\ Health DepJrtrnent Other Locòl -\gen( If:', Othèr Regiunal '\~enllt''' StatF \gl-"nrfPs FedçraJ Agencies . ~Yê mNo - ., IXhes CJNo DYe, ~Nú ~Yes DNa DYes ~No llìes ~N() [J Yes ~No DYes rnNo . Tlpe Submittal Date C. h(ì1\G," ~ 'tDkJ I':: Subdivision -~-_. ----- Subdivision sanitary c. Zoning and Planning Information I Does propost->d action im.olvE' a planning or zoning decIsion? XJ) es DNa If 'Ie.'>, indicate decision required ~zaning amendment Dzanlng \·arIJnce Dspecial use pE'rmlt KJsubdi\'ision Onewirevislon of master plan Dresource management plan Dother 2 \Vhdt ,; the lonlng Cldssif,cation(s)of the sltel B.---1-Residence R.- '-IÒ @ \\'hat IS thE.' maximum potentIal development of the site if devf'loped as permitted by the present zoning? ~~ ~single family dwellings ..J \Vhat IS the proposeJ zoning ot the site? .....a.-l R=;:)";"JC;:l1G(. A. \t D ® Osite plan ~ \Vhat i::; the mJ\irnum potential development ot the ~Ite if de\eloped as permitted by the proposed zonlngì (10) Single family dwellings IJ I" the proposed action consistent with the recommended USh in adopted local land US(, plansf \\'hat are the predominant land users) and lonlng classifICations \\nhln a 1'4 mile radius of proposed Residential) ~OM."'Ctt\~Q.\,\!.<n..",,* \o."r\~ \l.-L\O¡Lß¡11.6 fl.-So ~ Is the propl¡')cd artlOll compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses "-·ithln a 1/4 mde' 8 ~ If the proposed action is the subdIvision of land. a \\'hat IS the minimum Jot size proposed? )[lYes DNa actll)n2 how manY' lots are proposed? I~OOO J@~s. f. , ¡gYes 1 0 DNo 11 10 \\1111 propo~ed action require any authorizatlon(s) for the formation ot sewer or water districts? services (recreatIon, education, µOIICE', \,vill the proposed fire protedlonj1 DYes XJNo action create a demand for any community provided I~\ es [JNo 12 a It yes. Ij e\lsting capacity suffIcient to handle projected demand? ¡gNo []{Yes ONo \Vill the proposed action result In the generation ot traffic significantly above present levels? DYes ~ DNo a It 'yes, is the P\istlng road net\\ork adequate to handle the additional traffic? D. Information!!1 Details Attach .1ny additional Information as may be needed to clarify your prolêct If there are or ma\ be any adver5/C' IInpact5 assoclJted '.\ Ith VOllr proposal please dIscuss such impdcts and the measures \\ hleh \ nu propose to rnltlgate or avoid them E. Verification ! certify that thE' Iní..-¡rmauon provided abO\ë \$ true to the best of nn h.no',\If:dg~ "ppl"j""Spons,)r ~,e(f_,Ç1;'r's 1-1.... Bowman/Land Use EcOlogic~l ServlCe!f.>aWc. 10/16/01 ~'Ignòturt __ ___ Tltl~ Pres~dent._ If the action is in the COdstal Area, and you are a state agenq. complete fhe Coastal Assessment Form before procet:dir:..; with this assessment. c ., Part 2-WJECT IMPACTS AND THEIR .NITUDE Responsibility of Lead Agency General Information (Read Carefully) · In completing the form the reviewer should be guided by the question: Have my responses and determinations been reasonable! The reviewer is not expected to be an expert environmental analyst. · The Examples provided are to assist the reviewer by showing types of impacts and wherever possible the threshold of magnitude that would trigger a response in column 2. The examples are generally applicable throughout the State and for most situations. But, for any specific project or site other examples and/or lower thresholds may be appropriate for a Potential Large Impact response, thus requiring e\.'aluation in Part 3. · The impacts of each project, on each site, in each locality, will vary. Therefore, the examples are illustrative and have been offered as guidance. They do not constitute an exhaustive list of impacts and thresholds to answer each question. · The number of examples per question does not indicate the importance of each question. · In identifying impacts, consider long term, short term and cumlative eHects. Instructions (Read carefully) a, Answer each of the 20 questions in PART 2, Answer Yes if there will be any impact. b. Maybe answers should be considered as Yes answers. c. If answering Yes to a question then check the appropriate box (column 1 or 2) to indicate the potential size of the impact. If impact threshold equals or exceeds any exampie provided, check column 2. if impact wili occur but threshold is lower than example, check column 1, d. Identifying that an Impact will be potentially large (column 2) does not mean that it is also necessarily signillcant. Any large impact must be evaluated in PART 3 to determine signifIcance. Identifying an impact In column 2 simply asks that it be looked at further. e, If reviewer has doubt about size of the impact then consider the Impact as potentially large and proceed to PART 3. f, If a potentially large impact checked in coiumn 2 can be mitigated by change(s) in the project to a small to moderate impact, also check the Yes box In column 3. A No response indicates that such a reduction is not possible. This must be explained in Part 3. IMPACT ON LAND 1 Will the proposed action result in a physical change to the project sitel .NO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Any construction on slopes of 15% or greater, (15 foot rise per 100 toot oi lengthj, or where the general slopes in the prolect area exceed 10~'ö . · Construction on land ........here the depth to the water table 15 less than 3 feet. · Construction of paved parking area for 1,000 or more vehicles · Construction on land where bedrock IS exposed or generally IVithln 3 feet of existing ground surface · Construction that .......¡II continue for more than 1 'year or In\oh,e more than one phase or stage. · Excavation for mining purposes that would rernO\..e more than 1.000 tons of natural material (i.e.. rock or sod) per year. II Construction or expansion of a sanitary landfill. II Con5truc~ion in a designated iJoodway. · Other impacts 2 \ViJ there be an effect to any unique or unusual land forms found on the sitel (ie., cliffs, dunes. geological formations, etc.i.NO DYES · Specific land forms: 6 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change 0 0 DYes ~r--.;o ~ 0 UYes uNo LJ 0 0 DYes DNa 0 C DYes DNa 0 [] DYes ONo 0 0 OYes DNo 0 U DYes UNo 0 Û [JYes UNo L '-I l-lYes [j¡\ o 0 D CVes DNa . IMPACT ON WATER 3 Will proposed action affect any water body designated as protected? (Under'l.rticles15, 24, 25 of the Environmental Conservation Law ECL) _NO c:JYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Developable area of site contains a protected \'\Iater bodv. · Dredging more than 100 cubic yards of material from channel of a protected stream · Extension of uti lit\, distribution facilities through a protected \.vater bod\. · Construction in a designated fresh\\·ater or tidal wetlafld. · Other impacts: 4 \Vill proposed action affect an~ non-protected existing or nevI' bod~ of water? .NO ~\'ES Examples that would apply to column 2 · A 10% increase or decrease in the surface area of am body of water or more than a 10 acre increase or decrease. · Construction of a bod\· of water that exceeds 10 acres of surface area · Other impacts: 5. vVilJ Proposed Action affect surface or ground\\ater quality or quantitv? "NO .YES Examples that ",ould applv to column 2 · Proposed Action will require a discharge permit. · Proposed Action requires use of a source of \vater that does not have appro\'al to serve proposed (project1 action · Proposed Action requires water supply from wells with greater than -1-5 gallons per minute pumping capacit\ · Construction or operation causing an~ contamination or a ,,,,atér supply 5vstem. · Proposed Action will ad\ ersely affect ground\vater. · Liquid effluent vvill be conveyed off the site to facilities which presenth do not exist or have inadequate capacit\'. · Proposed Action would use water in excess of 20,000 gallons per dav. · Proposed Action will like!\- cause siltation or other discharge into an existing body of water to the extent that there \\ ill be an obvious visual contrast to natura! conditions. · Proposed Action \vdl require the storage of petroleum or chemical products greater than 1,100 gallons. · Proposed Action will allo\\/ residential uses In areas \vlthout '.'vater and,:or sewer sef\,ices. · Proposed Action locates commercial and,.or industrial uses which may require new or expansion of existing waste treatment and....or storage facilities. · Other Impacts: ?u1lLl<' ,ù.N<'1!12 ~ur,l'1 Iì\,hilA1l" ,'""f"J 6. \^;'d! proposed action a!ter drainage flow or patterns. or surface water runoff? .NO C'YES Examples that would applv to column 2 · Proposed Action would change flood v.,.'ater fla\"'s. 7 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change 0 0 DYes ONo 0 0 L'Yes ONo 0 0 DYes ONo 0 0 Ores ONo ~ 0 Dìes DNo - 0 0 CYes ONo 0 0 Dìes UNo D U Dìes ONo 0 C DYes LNo 0 0 DYes DNo 0 [] DYes "No [] 0 DYes DNo - 0 Lìes DNG -1 D 0 DYes ONo 0 0 L'Yes ONo D 0 [hes ONo 0 0 DYes ONo 0 0 DYes ONo 0 0 DYes DNo U . .Yes ONo 0 0 DYes ONo . · Proposed Action may cause substantial erosion. · Proposed Action is incompatible with existing drainage patterns · Proposed Action wili allow development in a designated floodway. · Other impacts: IMPACT ON AIR 7 Will proposed action affect air quality? .NO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action will induce 1,000 or more vehicle trips in an\' gi\,'en hour. · Proposed Action will result in the incineration of more than 1 ton of refuse per hour. · Emission rate of total contaminants Vv¡I exceed 5 Ibs. per hour or a heat source producing more than 10 million BTU's per hour · Proposed action will allow an increase in the amount of land committed to industrial use. · Proposed action will allow an increase in the density of industriaJ development within existing industrial areas. · Other impact::ì: IMPACT ON PLANTS AND ANIMALS 8 Will Proposed Action affect any threatened or endangered species? .NO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Reduction of one or more species listed on the New) ark or Federa! list. using the site. Qv'er or near site or round on the site. · Removal of any portion of a critIcal or signiricant \\i!dl¡re habitat. · Application of pesticide or herbicide more than tVvice a \lear, other than for agricultural purposes. · Other impacts: 9 Will Proposed Action substantially afiect non-threatened or non-endangered species? .1':0 =YES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action would substantially interfere with an\' resident or migrator,' fish, shellfish or wildlife species. · Proposed Action requires the removal of more than 10 acres of mature forest (over 100 years of age) or other locally Important vegetation. IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES 10. 'o\'ill the Proposed Action affect agricultural land resources? .NO CJYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · The proposed action \\iould sever, cross or limit access to agricultural land (includes cropland, hay fields pasture. vine\ard, orchard, ete J 8 . 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change 0 0 DYes DNa 0 0 DYes DNa 0 0 DYes DNa 0 0 DYes ONo 0 0 DYes ONo 0 r::J DYes DNa 0 0 UYes DNa 0 [] DYes DNa 0 0 DYes DNa 0 D DYes DNo D D []yes DNo [,I I DYes DNa 0 0 DYes DNa 0 0 DYes ONo 0 0 DYes DNa ,-, ,- DYes DNa - 0 0 DYes ONo . · Construction activity would excavate or compact the soil profile of agricultural land. · The proposed action would irreversibly convert more than 10 acres of agricultural land or, if located in an Agricultutal District, more than 2.5 acres of agricultural land. · The proposed action would disrupt or prevent installation of agricultural land management systems (e.g" subsurface drain lines, outlet ditches, strip cropping); or create a need for such measures (e,g. cause a farm field to drain poorly due to increased runofi) · Other impacts: IMPACT ON AESTHETIC RESOURCES 11. Will proposed action affect aesthetic resourcesl .NO DYES (Ii necessary, use the Visual EAF Addendum in Section 617.20, Appendix S.) Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed land uses, or project components obviously different from or in sharp contrast to current surrounding land use patterns, whether man-made or natural. · Proposed land uses, or project components visible to users of aesthetic resources which will eliminate or significantlv reduce their enjoyment of the aesthetic qualities of that resource · Project components that will result in the elimination or significant screening of scenic views known to be important to the area. · Other impacts: IMPACT ON HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12 \Vil[ Proposed Action impact any site or structure of historic, pre- historic or paleontological importance? DNO .YES hamples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action occurring wholly or partially within or substantially contiguous to any facility or site listed on the State or National Register of historic places · Any impact to an archaeological site or fossil bed located within the project site · Proposed Action will occur in an area designated as sensitive for archaeological sites on the NYS Site Inventory. · Other impacts IMPACT ON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 13 Will Proposed ,\ction affect the quantity or quality of existing or future open spaces or recreational opportunities? Examples that \\ould apply to column 2 .NO eYES · The permanent foreclosure of a future recreational opportunity. · A major reduction of an open space important to the communit\'. · Other impacts: 9 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change D D DYes "No D D DYes DNo D D LYes DNo D ~ D,es CNo -, 0 DYes DNo ~ 0 0 D,es DNo 0 0 DYes DNo 0 0 D,es DNa 0 0 DYes ONo 0 0 DYes ONo . 0 .Yes ONo - 0 D,es DNa c.J 0 0 DYes ONo :..J 0 'DYes ONo 0 0 DYes UNo I . IMPACT ON CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREAS 14 \vill Proposed ,A,ction impact the exceptional or unique character- istics of a critIcal environmental area (CEA) established pursuant to subdivision 6 N\CRR 61ì.14(g)' .NO []\ ES List the environmental characteristics that caused the designation of the CE.\ -- -- -- ---- Examples that would applv to column 2 · Proposed .-\cllon to locate within the CE.-\? · Propo~ed ..I"Ulon wi I! result in a reduction in the quantit\' of thè rbource~ · Proposed ..';ct\on v\ill result in a reduction In the quallt\ or the resourc.e? · PrlJposed .I,(llOn will Impact the use, function or en o\ ment ot the re50urce~ · Other Imp6ct5 -- IMPACT ON TRANSPORTATION 15 \\'111 there bè an effect to existing tr3.nsport3.tlon 5\stems? ONO .\ ES Examples th,:H would applv to column :2 · Alteration of pre~ent patterns of mo\·ement of people and.'or gOOl~5. · Proposed .'\ctlon \\ ill result in major traffic problems. · Other Impacts I IMPACT ON ENERGY 16 Will proposed action ariect the commumt., s 'ources or fuel 'or energv 'Lippi" .NO Cì E 5 Ex.amples that would appl.. to cGlumn 2 · Proposed Ä.ctiotl .,\ dl caus~ a ~rt~ater thJ.n 5% increase in the use or any form of energ\ in the municipality · Proposèd Actlün ",·ill requlr.:o the creation or è.\tension of an energ\ transml5::.ion or suppj', 5\S~em to SE'rve more than SU ::;ingle or t\Vo tdrn¡ \ r~sldènce5 or to ~er'.'e 3 major commer"::lal or mdustrial use. · Other Impacts. 10 1 Small to Moderate Impact .2 Potential large Impact 3 Can Impact Be Mitigated By Project Change ~ n DYes []No - [' ~ C', es =:JNo 0 0 '~'TêS DNa [j 0 U\es []No 0 0 [hes UNo . o 1--; L_ - . , L-1 [] [j .\e; Cìes LJYes DNa ---.!No CNo 0 - -, [[ " ~ b ~~':r ~ 0 ~ CNc - I eS [J :, I----...J Y 025 DNa . NOISE AND ODOR IMPACTS 17 \fvill there be objectionable odors, noise, or vibration as a result of the Proposed ,'\ctlonl _NO DYES hamples that would apply to column 2 · Blasting within 1,500 feet of a hospital. school or other sensitive facility · Odors will occur routinelv (more than one hour per dayi · Proposed Action wd! produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels for noise outside of structures · Proposed .\ction will remo\..e natural barriers that would act as a noise screen · Other Impacts_ IMPACT ON PUBLIC HEALTH 18 Will Proposed Action affect public health and safety? .NO DYES hamples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action may cause a risk of explosion or release of hazardous substances (i.e. oil, pesticides, chemicals, radiation, etc.) in the event of accident or upset conditions, or there may be a chronic 10\..... level discharge or emission · Proposed Action may result in the bUrial of '"hazardous wastes" in any form fl.e toxic, poisonous, hIghly reactive, radioactive, irritating, infectious, etc ) · Storage facilities for one million or more gallons of liqulfled natural gas or other flammable liquids. · Proposed action mav result in the exca\ at ion or other disturbance \..-¡thin 2,000 feet of a site used for the disposal of solid or hazardous waste. · Other Impacts IMPACT ON GROWTH AND CHARACTER OF COMMUNITY OR NEIGHBORHOOD 19 Will proposed action affect the character of the existing communltyl DNO .YES Examples that would apply to column 2 · The permanent population of the city, town or village in which the project is located is likelv to grov·. bV more than 5%. · The municipal budget for capital expenditures or operating services vvill increase bv more than 5% per year as a result of this project. · Proposed action will conflict with officially adopted plans or goals. · Proposed action will cause a change in the density of land use. · Proposed Action will replace or eliminate eXIsting facilities, structures or areas of hIstoric importance to the community · Development \....ill create a demand for additional community services [e g schools. police and fire. etc.) · Proposed Action will set an important precedent for future projects. · Proposed Action \vill create or eliminate employment. · Other impacts' sm~~ 2 3 Potential Can Impact Be Moderate large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change 0 0 DYes DNa 0 0 DYes DNa 0 0 DYes DNa 0 0 DYes DNo 0 0 DYes DNo 0 0 UYes DNa 0 0 DYes DNo 0 0 DYes DNo 0 D DYes DNO C 0 DYes DNa 0 D DYes DNa 0 0 DYes DNa 0 0 DYes DNo . D DYes .No L 0 DYes DNo . C .Yes DNa 0 0 eYes DNo 0 0 DYes DNa 0 0 DYes QNo 20 Is there, or is there like!" to be, public contrQversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts? DNO .YE5 If any action in Part 2 Is Identified as a potential large impact or If you cannot determine the magnitude of Impact, proceed to Part 3 11 · ·.4~~ 1'~.¡¿" ~ ~"'. ::::. ;..c.'!, = . en ~ ~ ~ ~'Q.. ~ç:¡,~'i h ~.~ ~ -. ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF \TfAL STATISTICS ~L-\RRL-\GE OFFICER RECORDS ~L-\NAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORl\L-\ TION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax ,631> ~65-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown. northfork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May I, 2002 Melanie Norden 1550 McCann Lane Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Ms. Norden: In response to your letter of April 24, 2002 appealing the Town's decision on the release of the MaTine, Inc. SEQRA Report, please be advised that the Town Board has decided to release the report. This report is seventeen (17) pages at a cost of $.25 per page, the total cost is $4.25. Since the report is being supplied to you, [ will cease any further action on the appeal process. Please contact my office if you have any questions concerning this matter. Thank you. Very truly yours, (Ó'hAfJ.d'.IOi)M/it Ðiz-;g~h~: Nev;l~ Southold Town Clerk cc: To,,",," Attorney ~ . . . ,~_~':é.:::;>:;'::".?....b- ,.·"~\\fFOl.t ""ç,c . ."~.~ t'a ê;.. :,~ <;i:..,,, ¡',rJ..::, -~>-. ,L,t:::) ~;,"" ~ C '1 . en ~ ,~" ::,~ ~7 '~+.. ~~.<:! ""~~Q.l + i:1S ..."e 'Ç::;.... 1-° -Q~;.V;C.. . ELIZABETH A. !'iF'.'TLLE TOWN CLERK '1', 1\', n 1-hd1, fj:Jo9!) Main R( 'ad P.C>. Bux 1179 ~"llth._,lLi. .'\¡"....; Yt,rk ll!)~ 1 Fa..'\": i G:311 ';'6,")--1) 145 Telephon,:, I G:H 7¡ì;)-1,s()() '3,JL! t hc,icltl)wn. noel hfr )rk. nd HECrl:-' [ [L:~.H (J!' \[ 1.-\:.::: l' \'{ 1-::. 1'1\:.'"] f,L-\nIUAGE ' ¡FfkElt HE('O[{J)~, .\I:\N_-\(~E[\IEXT OFFfL'EH FREEDCL\[ OF INFOHf\L-\Tlor-: OFFICErt OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RE: Gregory F. Yakaboski, Town Attorney Mary A. Wilson, Assistant Town ~~ Elizabeth A. Neville, Town ClerlÍ < ~ \ / . ----- Opinion of Robert Freeman, Exec'ùtrviõirector DOS, Committee on Open Government TO: FROM: DATE: 4/29102 GreglMary: Mr. Freeman's opinion is that the Environment Review SEQRA Report on MaTine, Inc. Should be provided under foil with any advisory opinions or recommendations redacted. A similar opinion provided in the past by Mr. Freeman and his reasons for the opinion are attached. Please review and reply immediately. Thank you. cc: Supervisor & Town Board ~.. JL '.~ '-1/30)4)- . ~ ~ ~~-~'Guit¡;i~J~~ ~lM/rwðUzbÃJ)..v Ilb; __--..,L-=~___ ~ -/~. a ';' ifd ~ r¡~-d ~~~.~,~ ~~~-c;r ~ ~ -,fld4.->, ¿J/ Y/30)0~ Yð?~J(~-~ ~ :t= t' II 1/ II) :':Iii'_ \IIJ ¡.rl. F \\ ;: L, -17 -1 l 9::' ";" NYSDO~ COl'; l~I"I:": ~~' L~>: /1' \. - . (Cl....""'- uL' . . STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF STAT!::: COMMITn::r: ON OPEN GOVERNMENT ~ +CJIJ -~ j/J&--L1 :;mmittee Members 41 -::..¡,.; Strc_L '1t,51l~. Nc... Y ,-'" I:::~ l I:: I ~. ~ '':. ~ ~ <; F.u (~ 1 ~I -1 -; 1-- j'j - ',j,' ,~b~ite ..\<.Idr~~~·h!Tp. .... '.'"'''' ~",., !.lie ny u,"',".~,-,['. ~,-.,.:f" . .'. I;n : F.~ro'::, .;. L: lli,",o ~.I,r:O C;~~.-.¡'~c ~:. ~~:'.".~:r:,,~ w~r.I.,C't'9l.:-, W;¡d~S 1\:"',,-,::.·),1 \1i,~~c\I: K p.~~ ~ÜlliCt1J ¡:-..liJ.;t<"r.lr ~'.:iL~1. " S::I,..J..,: C¡¡.-.:'!:: E ';;"~~" April 25, 200 I E·'~·':"Il- ~ Di,cc,,", ¡:,..~¡-.~I r,.:,,,..>J1 l\Is. Anne Ball 15 ì9,\mstadarn Road ScotIa, NY 12301 The staff of the Committee 011 Open Government is authorized to issue advisorY opinions The ensuin" staff advisot'V op¡mon is based solelv upon the information presented Tn vour correspondence. Dear Ms. Ball: I have received your letter of March 23 and the materials attached to it. You have soughl an advisory opinion concerning your efforts in obtaining records from th~ TowTI of Gknville. ~ Your first question is whether the Town may '\vithhold entire records because they fdll under the calegory of inter or intra-agency rccords or are town oftïcials required to rel'iew the records to determine ifany of the information eOnIained in the record falls under 87.2(g)(i), (ii), (iii) or (iv)?" In this regard, the Freedom of Information Law is based upon a presumption of acccss. Stated differently, all records of an agency are available, except to the extent that records or portions thereof fall within one or more grounds for denial appearing in §87(2)(a) through (i) ofÙle Law. It is emphasized that Ùle introductory language of §87(2) refers to the authority to withhold "records or portions thereof' that fall within the scope ofthe exceptions that follow. In my view, the phrase quoted in the preceding sentence evidences a recognition on the part of the Legislature that a single record or report, for example, might include portions that are available under the statute, as well as portions that might justifiably be withheld. That being so, I bclieve that it also impoòes an obligation on an agency to review records sought, in their entirety, to deternline which portions, If any. might properly be withheld or deleted prior to disclosing the remainder. The Court of Appeals. the state's highest court, reiterated its general view of the intent of the Freedom of Information Law most recently in Gould v. New York City Police Department, statmg that: '-, "To ensure maximum access to government records, the 'exemptions are to be narrowly construed, with the burden resting on the agency to demonstrate that the requested material indeed qualifies for exemption' (Malter of Hanig v. Scate of New York Dept. of lv[otor Vehicles, 79 N.Y.2d 106, 109,580 N.Y.S2d 715,588 N.E.2d 750 see, Public Officers Law § 89[ 4][b]). As this Court has stated, '[o]nly _il~ _I "':"1"' \1(1\- 1:':.-" F\',: :'",1'" -l7..t 1~1~7 \JYC; )ll~ l~d\-; . . -J """ 1\1·, Anne B.lil -\pril 25. 2001 p;j::....~ - '2 - where the material requested falls squarely within the ambit of one of these statutory exemptions may d,sclosun, be ",iIhlield' (.\faIl2r of Fmk v Lc-jkowitz, 47 N.Y.2d, 567, 571,419 NY.S.ld 467, 393 N.E.2d 463)" [89 NY2d 267, 275 (1996)] Just as signirîcant, the Court in Gould repeatedly specified that a categorical denial of accesS to records is inconsistent with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Law. In that case, the Police Department contended that complaint follow up reports could be withheld in their entirety on the ground that they fall within the exception regarding intra-agency materials, §87(2)(g). The Court, howevcr, \vTote that: "Petitioners contend that because the complaint follow-up reports contain factual data, the exemption does not justify complete nondisclosure of the reports. Wc agree" (j,¡i. 276). and stated as a general principle that "blanker exemptions for particular types of documents are inimical to FOIL's policy of open government" wL 275). The Court a]so otìèred guidance to agencies and lower courts in determining rights of access and referred to several decisions it had previously rendered, stating that: "...to invoke one ofthe exemptions of section 87(2), the agency must articulate 'particularized and specific justification' for not disclosing requested documents (Matter of Fink\'. Lefkowitz, supra, 47 N. Y.2d, at 571, 419 N.Y.S.2d 467, 393 NE.2d 463). If the court is unable to determine whether withheld documents fall entirely wilhin the scope of the asserted exemption, it should conduct an in camera inspection ofrepresentative documents and order disclosure of all nonexempt, appropriately redacted material (see, Matter afXerox Corp. v. Town of Webster, 65 N.Y.2d 131, 133, 490 N. Y.S. 2d, 488,480 N.E.2d 74; Matter of Farbman & Sons v New York Ciry Health & Hosps Corp. supra, 62 N.Y.2d, at 83, 476 NY.S.2d 69, 464 N.E.2d 437)" (igJ. While § 8 7(2)(g) potentially serves as one of the grounds for denial of access to records, due to its structure, it often requires substantial disclosure. The cited provision permits an agency to withhold records that: "are inter-agency or intra-agency materials which are nor: 1. statistical or factual tabulations or data; 11. instmctions to staff that affect the public; iii.· final agency policy or determinations; or iv. external audits, including but not limited to audits performed by the comptroller and the federal govemment..." '-..., It is noted that the language quoted above contains what in effect is a double negari ve. \\'hile inter- agency or intra-agency materials may be withheld, portions of such materials consisting of statistical or factual information, instructions ro statI that affect the public. final agency policy or .111 :"'111::: \lli\ 1:\::.7 F_-\:\ :"'11'" -l'i-l 19~7 \~T.c;D(]C; ("(I,,"; . . ':J 1 I II ~ ;.1' .-\.nne B211 .·\pri12S.2001 P J.'2"("' ~- Jd~rmin~tions or "xternal audits must be made available, unless a different ground for d~ni3.l could :lpproprratelybe asserted. ConcUTIently, Ihose portions ofinter-agency or intra-ag~ncy materials th"t '1[e ret1ective of opinion, advice. recommendation and the like could in my view be withheld The same kind of analysis would apply with respect to rccords prepared by consultants for agencies. for the Court of Appeals has held that: "Opinions and recommendations prepared by agency persormel may be exempt from disdosure under FOIL as 'predecisional malerials, prepared to assist an agency decision maker*'*in arriving at his decision' (McAu1av v. Board ofEduc., 61 i\D 2d 1048. aft'd 48 NY 2d 659). Such material is exempt 'to protect the deliberarivc process of government by ensuring that persons in an advisory role would be able to express their opinions freely 10 agency decision makers æ[atter of Sea Crest Const. Com. v. Stubing-, 82 AD 2d 546,549). "In connection with their deliberative process, agcncies may at times require opinions and recommendations from outside consultants. It would make little sense to protect the deliberative process when such reports are prepared by agency employees yet deny this protection when reports are prepared for the same purpose by outside conSLlltants retained by agencies. Accordingly, we hold that records may be considered 'intra-agency material' even though prepared by an olltside consultant at the behest of an agency as part of the agency's deliberative process (see, Matter of Sea Crest Constr Corp. v. Stubing. 82 AD 2d 546, 549, SUDra; Matter of 124 Ferry St. Realtv Corp. v. Hennessv. 82 AD2d981, 983)" [Xerox Corporation v. Town of Webster, 65 NY 2d 131,132-133 (1985)]. Based upon the foregoing, records prepared by a consultaDt for an agency may be withheld or must be disclosed based upon the same standards as in cases in which records are prepared by the staff of an agency. It is emphasized that the Court in Xerox specified Ihat the contents of intra- agency matenals determine the extent to which they may be available or withheld, for it was held that: "While the reports in principle may be exempt from disclosure, on this rccord - which contains only the barest description ofthem - we cannot determine whether the decuments in fact fall whelly within the scope ofF OIL's exemption for 'intra-agency materials,' as claimed by respondents. To Ihe extent the reports contain 'statistical or factllal tabulations or data' (pllblic Officers Law section 87[2] [g] [i]. or other material subject to prcduction, they shell1d be redacted and made available to the appellant" (id. at 133). ~ Therefore, a record prepared by a consultant for an agency would be accessible or deniable. in whole Dr in part, depending on its contents. ..l-i ":'-' :":1Iil": ,1M_I": 1.'\ ,'i\ ¡-_-\~'. L'" l71 1~i~7 I"\-<:;D("I<:; COG . . lo'JIII",",; ¡·.L ..\.nm: Bal] ..\pfit 2), 200 l I'oge -..¡ - I note that in Gould. supra, one of the contentions was that cenain reports could be withheld bl:cauoe they were not final and because they related to incidents for which no tïnal deknnir1atlOr1 had been made. The Court rejected that finding and stated that: "...we note that one court has suggested that complaint follow-up reports are exempt [TOm disclosure because they constitute nOnlmal intra-agency material. irrespective of whether the infonnation contained in the reports is 'factual data' (~, Matter ofScon v. Chief lVkdica1 Examiner. 179 AD2d 443, 444, supra [citing Public Officers Law §87[2][g][1l1]) However, under a plain reading of §87(2)(g), the exempIion for intra-agency material does not apply as long as the material falls within anyone of the provision's four enumerated exceptions. Thus, intra-agency docllmenIS that contain 'statistical or factual tabulations or dala' are subject to FOIL disclosure, whether or not cmbodied in a final agency policy or determination (sec. Matter of Farbman & Sons v. New York Citv Health & Hosp. Corp., 62 NY2d 75,83, supra; Matter of MacRae v. Dolce, 130 AD2d 577)..." [Gould et a!. v. New York Citv Police Department, 87 NY2d 267. 276 (1996)]. ~ In short, that the records are "draft" or "non-final" would not represent an end of an analysis of rights of access or an agency's obligation to review the entirety of their contents to determine rights of access, Second, many ofthe records sought were prepared by "advisoI)' commissions" created by the Town, and the question is whether those entities constitute "agencies" as defined by the Freedom ofInforrnation La\v. Each of the commissions in question has only the authority to advise; none has the authority to take final and binding action. In my view, if the commissions were created by resolution, it is likely that they are not agencies. On the other h3.l1d, if a commission was created by local law, for example, and performs a necessary function in the decision-making process, I believe that it would be subject to the Open Meetings Law and that it would constitute an "agency" subject to the Freedom ofInformation Law. On occasion, a regulation promulgated by a slate agency or a local law creates 3J1 advisoI)' body whose advice or opinion must be sought before the decision- maker or decision-making body may act. In that situation, because the advisory body performs a necessary and integral function in the decision-making process, I believe that it would be a "public body" for pUtposes of the Open Meetings Law and an "agency" for purposes of the Freedom of Information Law. If those factors are not present, I point out that several judicial decisions mdicate generally thaI adviso!)' entiIies, other than comminees consisIing solely of members of public bodies, having no power to take final action fall outside the scope of the Open Meetings Law. As stated in those decisions: "it has long been held that the mere giving of advice, even about governmental maners is not itself a governmental funcIion" [Goodson- Todman EnterPrises, Ltd. v. Town Board ofl\Ülan, 542 NYS 2d 373, 374, 151 AD 2d 642 (1989); Poughkeepsie Newspapers v. !\favor's Intergovernmental Task Force, 145 AD 2d 65, 67 (1989); see also New York Public Jnterest '- ......... II I "', 'IIil:': '.(1):'- 1 ~i .,,:... F.\\ ."',1'" -l7-l 19:::-:- [\i''l'SDOS (ù(; ,..j¡'li1t: . . .\1:.,. _-.....nnç~ B:dl .-'.p,tI '5, .'001 PJ~s' ..;; Rest;¡rch Group v. Governor's Advisorv Commission, 507 NYS 2d 7%, aft'd 'With no opin.iùn, 135 AD 2d 11-\9, motion for leave to appeal denied, 71 N'{ 2d 96-\ (1988)]. Relevant to the foregoing is §86(3) of the Freedom of Information Law defines the term "agency" to meaD. "any state or municipal department, board, bureau, division, commission, committee, public authority, public corporation, council, ot1íce or other go\'emmental entity performing a governmental or propridary function for the state or anyone or mor~ rnunicipalities thereof, except the judiciary or the state kgislature," Based on the definition, an" agency" is a governmental entity performing a govenunental function. such as the Town ofGlenville. If the commissions are not pubJic bodies for purposes of the Open Meetings Law bccause they do not perform a governmental function, for the same reason, they would not be agencies for purposes of the freedom of Information Law, If J. corrunission is not an agency, the exception regarding inter-agency and intra-agency matenals would in my view apply to materials that it prepares. 1 note that Xerox, supra, dealt with reports prepared "by outside consultants retained by agen(ies" (id. 133). In such cases, it was found thaI the records prepared by consultants should be treated as if they were prepared by agency staff and should, therefore. be cDnsidered intra-agency materials. However, based on thc intòrmation provided, a commission could not, in my view, be (haracterized as a consultant. As the term "consultam" is ordinarily used and according to an ordinary dictiDnary definitiDn of that term, a consultant is an expert or a person or firm prDviding professional advice or services, As I understand the compDsition of the corrunissiDns. whlIe they may consist of well-respected members of the community who may enjoy expertise in a vanety of areas, their members are not in the business Df preparing recommendations on the Dperation of municipal government for gain or livelihood. Further, in the context ofthe Xerox decision, I believe that a consultant would be person or firm "retained" for compensation by an agency to provide a service. 1I is my understanding that the commissiDns serve voluntarily and without compensation. F or the foregDing reasons, I do not believe that the records prepared by the commissions CDuld be viewed as a consultant's report or wDuld fall within the scope Df §87(2)(g) of the Freedom of Information Law, unless a commissiDn is an "agency" because it performs a necessary function in the de.:ision-making process. Third, you asked whether "records such as retainer agreements, communications anJ Dther records between town board members, employees, and the legal consultants be withheld in Iheir entirery based Dn attorney client privilege or anorney wDrk prDduct?" Here I direct your attention tD §S7(2)(a), which pertains to records that "are specifically exempted from disclDsure by state or federal statute" One such statute, §4503 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules (CPLR), serves as a cDdification of the attorney-client privilege. From my perspective, when a municipal official or body seeks legal advice ÍÌom its attorney and the atIDrney renders legal advice, communications ofthat nature would fall within the coverage of the attomey- ."-1 ~-:+ ~II('::: }!I.,.'; l."\::-,q F\\ ~l'" -17--1 19:.!7 NYSDOS rol. . . . U"II [,1.; Anne Ball .\pnl 75, lOill P:ig::- - 6 - client privilege and would, therefore, be exempt from disclosure under §87(2)(a) oithe Freedom of Iniormation Law. In a discussion of the parameters of the attorney-client relationship and the conditions precedenl to its jrutiation, it has been held that: "In general, 'the privilege applies only if(I) the asserted holder of the privilege is or sought to become a client; (2) the person to whom the communication was made (a) is a member of the bar ofa court, or his subordinate and (b) in connection with this comrnurucation relates to a fact oiwhich the attorney was informed (a) by his cliem (b) viithout the presence of strangers (c) ior the purpose of securing primarily either (i) an opinion on law or (ii) legal services (iii) assistance in some legal proceeding, and not (d) for the purpose of committing a crime or tort; and (4) the privilege has been (a) claimed and (b) not waived by the client'" [People v. Belge, 59 AD 2d 307, 399 NYS 2d 539, 540 (1977)] In my view. a retainer agreement, a contract, would not be subject to the attorney-client privilege and would ordinarily be accessible [see Orange County Publications. Inc. v. County of Orange, 637 NYS2d 596 (1995)]. '- I hope that I have been of assistance. Smcerely, jJy$J t· Robert J. Freeman Executive DIrector RJF:jm cc: Town Board Robert A. Moore '- . .. . Melanie NorciJ!n 1550 Mcûznn Lane Greenport, New York 11944 477-4914 (P) 477-3688 (F) RECEIVED .) 4 '-"', ^PR L "·;'A. April 24, 2002 Southold Town Clerk Ms. Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk Town of Southold T Dwn Hall, 53095 MRin Road SoutMld, New York 11971 Via Fax: 631-765-6145 Dear Ms. Neville: As yau are aware, I filed an Application for Public Access to Records on March 5, 2002, with your Office. I requesœd thR full and entire public record regarding thR Application of Mil Tine, [nc./John Hurtado for a ChD.nge of20ne on SCTM 1000-035-01-4 Greenpart property from R-40 Low Density REsiciJ!ntial District to AHD Affordable Housing District. Your Dffice has been extremely hRlpful and coopnative in providing me with this record. You and Linda Coopcr hD.ve mad£ this process a cordial one. I did, however, also request a capy of thR Nelson, Pope and Voorhies engineering report which tl!£' T Dwn received earlier this year. I requested a capy of this RepDrt both in writing and at a Town Board l1U!eting. 71æ Town Attorney ciJ!niEd my request unciJ!r thR FOIL provisions because he staœd that "reports prepared by cansultants retained by thR TDwn Board or other departments are consiciJ!red intra-agency materials." Our 67 Steps Groups subsequently wroœ to Superoisor Horton appealing this ciJ!cision but received no response. At this time I would like to formally appeal thR Town Attorney's dEcision thraugh your office under the FOIL provisions. As you are aware and as a general matter, the Freedom of Information Law is based upon a presumption of maximum access to public records. Further, the Law ciJ!fines the œrm record to mean: . "any information kept, held, filed, produced, reproduced by, with or for an agency Dr the staœ legislature, in any physical form whatsoever including but nDt limited tD, reports, sÚltem£nts, e:w.minations, memoralll1a, opinions, folders, files, books, manuo.ls, pamphlets, forms, papers, designs. drawings, maps, plwtos, letters, microfilms, compuœr ÚlpeS or discs, rules, regulations or CDciJ!S. " . \ . . . All records of an agency are available, exœpt to the extent that records or portions thereof fall within one or more grounds for denial appearing in pp 87(2)(a) through (1) of the Law TIwugh I do understJ:md that portions of the Nelson, Pope and Voorhies RFport can be consukred "intra-agency matmal," and therefore may be witheld, partions of that rt>part and subsequent correspondence with Nelson, Pupe and Voorhies consisting of statistical or factual infoTrTUltion, instructions to staff that a!fret the public, final agency policy or dEterminations or external audits must be made available, unless a diffrrent grollnd for dEnial am be appropriately asserted by Mr. Yalwboski. Therefore, I would like to request tOOse relevant portions of the REport as indicated above be made available to me at this time. Also, as a matter of course, I am attaching an updated FOIL request with this letter, to cover the period from March 5, 2002 to present. I specifically request that any portion of the public record, and in particular any and all records generating from, filed with, by or about this Application by the Tcrwn Attomq's offiœ, which I haw not yet received I:ry transmitted to me forthwith. Thanking you for your attention to this matter, I remain cc: Supervisor JoshWl Horton, Town of South old Town Board Members, Toum of Southold Robert ¡. Freeman, Executive Director Committee on Open Government New York State Dt>partment of StD.re . ~ ~rra,= ,'~.~<¡'\\HDLq~ ill .:if ~~~- ~ .r'-' -~" ;::, ~. ~ ~- ~ ""' ~ é:'-1;:. "" ~~~ !?",i-~~ . EL1ZABETH A· NEVTI..LE TOWN CLERK Town Hall. 53û96 M..n Ro.d POBox 1179 Southold, New 'York 119ïl F.ø.x (516) 765-1823 Te!epho.ne (516) 765-1808 REGISTR"R OF VITAL STAnb,ICS MARRII\CE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM Uf' INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHaLl) APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC ACCESS TO RECORDS INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete Section I of this form and give to Town Clerk's Office (agency Freedom of Information Officer). One copy will be returned to you in response to your'" request~ or as an interim response. ===~~~===~===:~~====¡¡'ï'·~=~==r.ui~æ:=JJwlÏft=;""=(lß==T~='rJF=.f~ ; SECTION ð ~ ~I f'a..a1..^_. 'Íl *l.UfN(\.6A ~ct-JD~øo( TO: 1"M- D .cfÞd.. 1lNM.,. '" \I U'Jt'U 1'-' (}JliJ.., P'f\o(. . V (Department or Officer. if known. that has the information you are requesting.) RECORD YOU WISH TO INSPECT: (Describe the record sought. I f pos~le, sup Iy date, file title. tdX map r\umber, and any other pertJnen~ information.) 'c.1\1\f¡ W ftc..wdIJ r'fð\'~J ~ ~I¡<:'~!,- ct: !VI", 1) ~ > f;w e CIo.ßJ'I.~ 2"'-<. IlL ~ SC1W\ ~IOOO- 03~ 00- 0 1.00- oo~. 00 0 ...", ·Mr1) l rl-. CeLL4\. . l!ømlY\ Jlt.r~ P8 I'"w i ~t rltf...J : ÞtIJ.~rII.W;'¡'; e,pI~~;", aU CfW"f~ ~ ¡- ,..~ ' ~- ---- P~~fAPPlicant: ~ 0(' c:J.e,tJ fS1) (r\c. OwW\ ~ t I..~,^*- Prir\ted Name: Address: \ ~ t\~4L1 Mailing Address (if different from above) :__ Telephone Number: fI'3\- 41).. 4-q 1"( D~·. -._-- ~ .1:1. 2-c?O'J..... ~~~~==~~==:====~=~~~========,==~=========~====~=======~~=- - ------------ - --------"- ------ [ I APPROVED [ I APPROVED WITH DELAY· ) DENIED· , -....... ~h.t1"eirtJA 0:=___....__ _... . ...r..............._"'"_.... e>orrll=_...- ---- --- - -~ ~--.~._- -~- ----..-- 0:-"""'"'" __._ __......,._.,....._~__. · ~~ ,j-1....~ q¿..';, If ~' ~ " lj==> -;..t.~, ~;. ~l~ '~Q ::t>~~-ó' ~é.¡V GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY l\lARY C. WILSON .\SSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY e JOSHUA Y. HORTON Super\.'i.snr Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1I~9 Southold, New York 1I9~1-0959 Telephone 1631 '¡ ';"65-1689 e-maiL greg.yakaboski,,(! t o\\'n. sou t hold. n y. us mary. wilsol1l,.J_ town.southold.ny.u5 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 26, 2002 Cathy Messiano Cathy Messiano, Inc, 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, New York 11940 RE: Ma Tine Inc. request for change of zone (AHD) Dear Ms. Messiano: RECEIVED APR 2 4 2002 Southold Town Clerk As agent for the Ma Tine Inc. , I am \\Titing to you to request some additional intormation that is necessary in order to make a full review of the application and to fulfill the SEQRA requisites. I. Apparently, the site lies within one mile of an archaeological site (confirmed by OPRHPj and a Stage 1 Cultural Resource Assessment is required. 2. A letter of non-jurisdiction rrom the TO\\11 Trustees regarding any wetlands. 3, Provide confirmation that there is an available water supply for the project trom the sew A. 4. Indicate the rates for affordable housing and the mechanism(s) to assure the homes remain affordable. Thank you for your attention to the above malters. Please contact our office should you have any questions regarding this request. S inccre I. Y.").¡,,, ( Cì. r ,; ~-~r- ,/ I Mary ~lson Assistant Town Attorney cc: Supe\'\ isor Horton and rcn\ 11 I1c,1arll ~ . Iß TA- ~ MEMORANDUM RECEIVED TO: Town Board APR 2 3 2002 FROM: Ed Forrester, Code Enforcement Southold Town Clerk DATE: April 23, 2002 RE: Alleged Land Clearing Violation; Ma-Tine property I responded to a report of illegal land clearing at the above referenced location. Upon arrival, I observed a contractors truck, trailer and bulldozer on Town property adjacent to the subject site. The contractor stated he was clearing a path and area in preparation for test holes to be excavated for proposed Health Department applications. His access over Town Land was denied and he removed his equipment. Land clearing without site plan approval is prohibited under section 100-259 of Town Code. § 100-259 No person shall undertake or carry out land clearing, including grading, clearing, cutting and filling, excavating or tree removal associated therewith, without first having obtained site plan approval. Weeding, gardening, mowing and the selective pruning of vegetation or selective cutting of diseased or dead trees shall not be included herein. Any landowner found guilty of violating this section shall be fined up to five thousand dollars ($5,000.). Site plan approval shall be withheld until and unless a plant restoration plan for that site is approved by the Planning Board. However, Section 1 00-253B does provide for limited clearing for survey work and soil investigations. § 100-253B No regrading, clearing, tree removal or any other work in preparation of future use of a site, except limited clearing needed to undertake survey work or soils investigations, may take place or be permitted to take place until the site plan has been approved by the Planning Board. Preliminary site work of this nature has been permitted, provided access is legally gained. ~ PLANNING BOARD l\IEl\1BERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI. JR. Chairman . -r""-a2 ~"~\\ffDl,f ~ . ~~~'V.~ ::0 ~, c::> . en ;æ: "" '" c::>~. ~ ~QJ + ~~<::s . P.O. Box 1179 Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone 1631) 765-1938 Fax 163 J'¡ 765-3136 WILLIAl\I J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATI-L\l\I, JR. RICHARD CAGGL-\NO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIVED Memorandum MAR 2 6 2002 To: Joshua Horton, Supervisor Southord Town Clerk and Members of the Town Board From: Valerie Scopaz, AICP, Town Planner (;it Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman, Planning Board Re: Ma Tine, Inc. Located on the North side of CR 48, approximately 265' west of Sound Road, Greenport, NY SCTM # 1000-035-1-4 Date: March 25, 2002 Proposal: This petition is to change the zone of a 5.53 acre parcel from R-40 Residential to AHD - Affordable Housing Density. It is unclear whether the applicant proposes to construct ten or thirteen homes because the map, the environmental assessment form and the application present conflicting information. The discrepancies have been brought to the attention of the Town Attorney's Office and to the best of our understanding, the applicant's attorney has been asked to resolve them. However, this information was not received by this office in time to be included in this report, which, at the Town Board's request, is being prepared in advance of its March 26, 2002 public hearing. Requirements: The purpose of the AHD district, as defined in the Southold Town Zoning Code, is "to provide the opportunity within certain areas of the town for the development of high· density housing for families of moderate income." According to the formula set forth in the Zoning Code in Chapter 100, Article V., the income limits for eligible applicants to purchase one of these homes ranges from $44,100 for a single person to $83,100 for a family of eight people. The recommended ceiling on home prices offered within the AHD district is $168,000. It should be noted that this limit is lower than the maximum sales price for affordable housing pursuant to Suffolk County's guidelines ($237,500). (Source: James McMahon, Community Development Director, March 21, 2002) The provisions of the AHD district, as set forth in Chapter 100, Article V require that the subject property lie within one fourth of a mile of the boundaries of the incorporated · ~ Village of Greenport. The intent of the Zoning Code is that higher density housing be located within or near hamlet centers. This property lies between 1200 and 1300 feet north of the Village's boundary, less than a quarter of a mile, The provisions of the AHD district also require that where the subject property is less than 5 acres in area, the applicant shall agree to reserve at least 40% of the dwelling units or lots for sale or lease to moderate income families. The applicant proposes to reserve 70% of the units for moderate income. Further, the applicant offers to -----restrict the-potential total square footage of the remaining 30 The subject lot is zoned R-40, which would permit the theoretical construction of 4 to 5 dwelling units. If granted, the petition would allow at least a doubling of the allowable density to 10 lots. Environmental Issues: A preliminary review of the materials submitted for this petition indicate that a portion of the property may contain a freshwater wooded wetland, and if so, this portion would lie within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. Further, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation has determined that this site may be archeologically sensitive. The ability of the Suffolk County Water Authority to service the proposed project is not known. Nor is the capability of the soils to handle septic systems as per Suffolk County Department of Health Service standards. The potential impact on traffic of five to six additional homes over what could be built under the current zoning normally would not be expected to be significant. However, due to the existing traffic congestion and hazards found at the nearest intersection, coupled with the unknown impact of the recently upgraded Shady Lady Restaurant and Hotel on the northeast corner of SR 25 and Sound Road, this issue requires more information and analysis. Before an environmental determination is made, referral of this petition to the Board of Trustees for their input is recommended. Also, a Stage 1 Cultural Resource Assessment should be conducted by the applicant and a report submitted to the State and the Town for review. Input of the Suffolk County Water Authority and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services should be obtained as part of the coordinated environmental review of this project pursuant to SEQR. A review of the traffic situation at the intersection of Sound Road and SR 25 should be undertaken, Recommendations: There is insufficient information to render a recommendation. Planning Board will not comment further on this specific application until the above-noted information is submitted and reviewed pursuant to SEQR. Finally, for the past several years, the Planning Board has strongly recommended that the AHD legislation be revised because it does not adequately address the affordable housing issue. Therefore, the Planning Board will not recommend changing any property to this designation until the key deficiencies of the existing legislation are redressed. . . PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 26, 2002 5:00 P.M. ON CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF SCTM #1000-035-01-004, MATINE, INC.. FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISTRICT DESIGNATION. Present: Supervisor Joshua Y. Horton Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman William D. Moore Councilman John M. Romanelli Councilman Craig A. Richter Councilman Thomas H. Wickham * * * Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Town Attorney Gregory A. Yakaboski SUPERVISOR HORTON: We at this time will open up the public hearing on changing the zoning district designation of Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-35-01-004, MaTine, Inc., Low Density Residential to Affordable Housing District Designation. This is a public hearing. If there are any concerns of the community members that would like to address the Board. COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: "NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Southold has received a petition to amend the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold by changing the Zoning District designation of SCTM # 1000-035.00-01.00-004.000 from the Low Density Residential (R-40) to the Affordable Housing District (AHD). NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Code of the Town of South old, Suffolk County, New York, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wiII hold a PUBLIC HEARING on the Aforesaid LOCAL LAW at the SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL. 53095 Main Road. South old. New York at 5:00 p.m.. Tuesday, March 26. 2002. The purpose of the Local Law is to Change the Zoning District Designation of SCTM # 1000-035.00-01.00-004.000 from the Low Density Residential (R-40) to the Affordable Housing District Designation. The petitioner for this request is MaTine Inc.. The legal description of the aforesaid property is as follows: All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being near Greenport, in the Town of South old, County of Suffolk, State of New York and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of the North Road which point of beginning is the southwesterly corner of the premises herein described and the southeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of Elizabeth T. Albertson and others; running thence northerly along the easterly line of lands now or fornlerly of Elizabeth T., Albertson and others to the southerly line of lands now or fonnerly of Dorothy Barstow; thence easterly along the southerly line of lands last mentioned and lands now or formerly of Herbert Fordham to the westerly line of Sound Road or A venue; thence southerly along the westerly line of Sound Road to lands now or fornlerly of Whitney; thence westerly and again southerly , , " . 2 . along the aforementioned lands to lands now or formerly of Kszyminski; thence westerly and again southerly along lands last mentioned to the northerly line of the North Road; thence westerly along the northerly line of the North Road to the point or place of the BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by deed dated December 11, 1989 and recorded in the Suffolk county Clerk's Office on April 10, 1990 in Liber 11049 page 59. The Property is approximately 5.7 acres. The Local Law is entitled, "A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF SCTM # 1000-035.00-01.00-004.000 FROM THE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-40) TO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISTRICT (AHD)". Copies of this Local Law are available in the Office of the Town Clerk to any interested persons during regular business hours. Any persons desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear, and has the right to appear, at the time and place above so specified. Any person also has the right to submit written comments to the Southo Id Town Clerk either prior to the Public Hearing or at the Public Hearing. By order of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, Southold, New York. Dated: February 26, 2002. Elizabeth A. Neville, Southold Town Clerk." I have before me several affidavits. An affidavit that the Town Clerk has posted this on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, and in addition I have an affidavit of publication in the Suffolk Times newspaper including all the legal print. I have some correspondence on this including a memorandum from the Town Planning Board, which I should read. To Joshua Horton, Supervisor, Members of the Town Board, from Valerie Scopaz, the Town Planner, and the Chairman of the Planning Board, Bennett Orlowski regarding this proposal dated March 25th. The petition is to change the zone of 5.5 acres parcel from R-40 to MID, Affordable Housing. It is unclear whether the applicant proposes to construct ten or thirteen homes because the map, environmental assessment form, and application present conflicting infom1ation. These discrepancies have been brought to the attention of the Town Attorney's Office, and to the best of our understanding the applicant's attorney has been asked to resolve them. However this inforn1ation has not been received by this office in time to be included in this report, which at the Town Board's request is being prepared in advance of it's March 26th, 2002 public hearing. The purpose of the AHD District is defined in the Southold Town Zoning Code is, quote, to provide the opportunity within certain areas of the town for the development of high density housing for families of moderate income, end quote. According to the formula set forth in the Zoning Code the income limits for eligible applicants to purchase one of these homes ranges from $44,100 for a single person to $83,100 for a family of eight people. The recommended ceiling on home prices offered within the HD District is $168,000 per unit. It should be noted that this limit is lower than the maximum sales price for affordable housing pursuant to Suffolk County guidelines, which is $237,500. The provisions of the AHD District is set forth in the Town Code required that the subject property lie within 1/4'h of a mile of the boundaries of the incorporated Village of Greenport. The intent of the Zoning Code is that higher density housing be located within or near the hamlet centers. This property lies between 1,200 and 1,300 feet north of the Village's boundary, less than a quarter of mile. The provisions of the HD District also require that where the subject property is less than five acres in area the applicant shall agree to reserve at least 40% of the dwelling units, or lots for sale, or leased to moderate-income families. The applicant proposes to reserve 70% of the units for moderate income. Further the applicant offers to restrict the potential total square footage of the remaining thirty units. The subject lot is zoned R-40, which would permit the theoretical construction of four or five dwelling units. If granted the petition would allow at least a doubling of the allowable density to ten units. Environmental issues, the preliminary review of the material submitted for this petition indicate that a portion of the property may contain a fresh water wooded wetland, and if so this portion would lie within the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees. Further New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation has determined this site may be archeological sensitive. . 3 . The ability of the Suffolk County Water Authority to service the proposed project is not known, nor is the capability of the soils to handle septic systems as per Suffolk County Department of Health Services. The potential impact on traffic of five to six additional homes over what could be built under the current zoning normally would not be expected to significant. However, due to the existing traffic congestion and hazards found at the nearest intersection coupled with the unknown impact of the recently upgraded Shady Lady Restaurant and Hotel this issue requires more infonnation and analysis. Before an environmental determination is made referral of this petition to the Board of Trustees for their input is recommended. Also a stage one cultural resource assessment should be conducted by the applicant, and a report submitted to the State and Town for review. Input of the Suffolk County Water Authority and the Suffolk County Department of Health Services should be obtained as part of the coordinated environmental review of this project pursuant to SEQRA. A review of the traffic situation at the intersection of Sound Road, and State Road 25 should be undertaken. Recommendations, there is insufficient information to render a recommendation. The Planning Board will not comment further on this specific application until the above noted information is submitted and reviewed pursuant to SEQRA. Finally, for the past several years the Planning Board has strongly recommended the AHD legislation be revised, because it does not adequately address the affordable housing issue. There for the Planning Board will not recommend changing any property to this designation until the key deficiencies of existing legislation are readdressed. I have several other communications regarding this, which I should read. This is handwritten. I may have a little trouble with it. To the Southold Town Board, subject zoning change to this particular parcel. As a longtime resident of the corner of Sunset Lane and Sutton Place I object very strongly to any zoning change that would destroy the tranquility of this quite residential street. Congestion and occupants of thirteen homes on this small tract of land, 5.7 acres, plus accessory apartments, etc. can lead to nothing but problems for the neighborhood. Traffic congestion from Peconic Landing, ferry traffic, Shady Lady, Rock Ridge on Moore's Lane North, and affordable housing project east of San Simeon on Route 48 should be considered. Myself, and area residents would appreciate a negative vote on the zoning change. Respectively, Kenneth Tyrer. CATHY MESIANO: This request is for a rezoning approval from the Southold Town Board from Low Density Residential R-40 District to Affordable Housing AHD District. The subject property is a 5.7- acre parcel located at 69125 County Road 48, which is the North Road, and Sound Road in Greenport. The parcel is generally level. There are trees. There are no wetlands associated with this parcel. The immediate area is a developed residential neighborhood consisting of Y4 to 1/3-acre plots. The density allowed under the present zoning, R-40, is five conforming lots. The density allowed under the proposed change of zone results in the creation of twenty-four 10,000 square foot lots. It is the intention of the developer to limit the yield to ten lots with no less the 15,000 square feet each, and create a natural buffer approximately 1.7 acres. The proposed buffer is the heavily treed area along the southerly property line at a depth of approximately 166 feet deep along the North Road, sixty feet depth along the westerly lot line. The size of the proposed lots generally exceeds that of the lots in the area. Seven of the lots are to be offered under the provisions of the Town's Affordable Housing Program. The homes proposed will be seven affordable lots will be a mix of approximately 1,200 to 1,400 square expandable caped styled houses, and ranch style homes. The Cape sryle houses consisting of two bedrooms, one and a half baths, full basement, one car garage, an unfinished second floor approximately 600 square feet. You should know that the unfinished second floor provides the opportunity for additional two bedrooms and one bath which for a young couple starting out. The ranch style ranging between 1,200 and 1,400 square feet each having three bedrooms, one and a half to two baths, covered porch, full basement, a one-car garage. The homes will carry price tags of $168,000. This project involves no public funding. The three remaining lots will be marketed for traditional style homes with approximately 1,500 square feet, each having three bedrooms, one and a . 4 . half to two baths, covered porch, full basement, and one car garage. The homes will be held in fee simple ownership. There are no cooperative interests proposed. The subdivision will be created to Town specifications with dedication of the highway, drainage systems upon completion. I have provided the Board, as I mentioned, a packet of sample house plans representative of those proposed low profile ranch and cape style traditional houses. These houses will be of varying designs, but in keeping with the tone of the neighborhood. The need for affordable housing on North Fork has been well documented. The site is well situated to meet the criteria set forth in the Zoning Code for the AHD District, as it is located approximately Y. mile from the boundary of the Village of Greenport. The area in which the property is located consists of lots containing as little as 5,500 square feet to 22,000 feet. The Town's Master Plan provides for the creation of Affordable Housing Districts. We believe this project is consistent with the concepts set forth in the AHD criteria in that the opportunity for the development of high-density housing for families of moderate income will be created. The proposed project fulfills the stated purpose of Article V of the Zoning Code of the Town of Southold and will be consistent with the character of the surrounding area. The subject property is located in a mixed-use area. Although the properties adjacent to the site are zoned R-40, most are non-conforming undersized lots. Within close proximity are R-80, Limited Business (LB), Affordable Housing (AHD) District and Residential Office (RO) uses. The subject property is within walking distance to the Village of Greenport downtown area, houses of worship, and public transportation. The area is serviced by the Suffolk County Water Authority and LIPA. No public sewer system is available. On- site septic systems with be designed to conform to Suffolk County Health Department standards, which call for 20,000 sq. ft. lots in areas serviced by public water. Our proposed yield exceeds the Health Department standards. It is anticipated that the traffic generated by this project will not compromise the safety and capacity of the street system in the area. Two of the proposed lots will front on Sound Road and have direct access. Access to the remainder of the lots will be from Sutton Place to Sunset Court, the proposed cul-de-sac. Catch basins are proposed at the northerly and southerly ends of Sunset Court to manage any runoff generated by the improvement of Sunset Court. The highway improvements will manage the road runoff by these catch basins that will be designed in accordance with appropriate flows of water based on the Town's criteria. Catch basins will be created in accordance with that. The runoff that is presently a problem, or which seems to be a problem based on some of these letters I think is problem that the residents need to discuss with the Town's Highway Department as road runoff is the responsibility of the Town's Highway Department and not the responsibility of subsequent developers. I would also like to respond to the PlaIming Board's statement that they would make no recommendation until the AHD zoning is further clarified. We can only deal with the rules as they exist today, and I don't think that applicants whether it is before this Board, the Planning Board, the Trustees, or the ZBA can be held to a standard, which doesn't yet exist, and we can only deal with the set of rules that exists today. We have applied to this Board based on today's rules and requirements, and we have made every attempt to address all the issues that are presently out there. So, I have no further comments, but if you have questions I will be glad to address them. COUNCILMAN RICHTER: Thank you, ma'am. I have a question. The access off Sutton is that the Town owned property area? CATHY ME SIANO: Yes, there are two parcels. COUNCILMAN RICHTER: I know it very well. I grew up three houses from that area. That was a sump at one time. I have a scar to prove it right up on this eyebrow where I got hit when I was ten with a rock out of that sump. I don't know how it is right now. I haven't been by that in awhile, but that is . 5 . an area for drainage. Now, you had just mentioned they will take drywells, and utilize that same method of drainage in the same area. I know Sunset comes down into that area. CATHY MESIANO: The drainage plan is outlined on the maps that I have submitted to the Board. I have more maps if you would like me to provide you with them, but, yes, drywells will be installed to contain the runoff generated by the improvement of Sunset Court. SUPERVISOR HORTON: One thing that I have noticed that this zone change has been played with is misuse of the road names is Sound Road and Sunset Court and Sutton Place. CATHY MESIANO: Actually Sunset Lane. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Sunset Lane exactly, just to clarify it. I read off of this. Just to clarify that. Greenport is getting very sensitive about that. GARY CHARTERS: Good afternoon. My name is Gary Charters. I live in the hamlet of Greenport within the Town of Southold, and I am presently the President of the Board of Education of the Greenport School District. I have a prepared statement. [come before you on behalf of the Greenport Board of Education to ask for consideration. Recently we have been reading the local newspapers about proposals to increase housing density on vacant land. The proposal we have read about range from rezoning 5.7 acres of land on which five houses could be built to double that amount for ten homes. Although this is a small development several of these changes or the approval of rezoning to allow fifty-four two family houses would have a devastating impact on our school district. For the past decade Greenport has had the highest school tax rate on the North Fork, and we have worked hard to keep it in check by regularly keeping our tax rate increase lower than the inflation rate. In fact, this year we expect little or no increase in our tax rate. However, if you were to approve any upzoning changes in the Greenport District which would cause an increase in the student population it would cause us to expand our facilities to accommodate additional enrollment. This would create a tremendous burden upon those of us currently residing in the Greenport School District. Although they would be added assessed evaluation with the development it would be miniscule when compared with the expense of expanded educational services. We ask that you consider these consequences when you deliberate on any zone changes in the Greenport School District, which would increase housing density above current levels. We would also welcome the opportunity to be infornled of any of these proposals when they are received by the Town, and gladly will provide you feedback after discussing the issues at a regular Greenport School Board meeting. Your consideration is greatly appreciated, and I thank you very much. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you, Gary. GARY CHARTERS: I will give a copy of this to the Town Clerk, and in attempting to keep our budget low I only have one copy. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Any other members of the community like to address the Board? Yes, sir? MAX DOBLER: My name is Max Dobler. I am at 68835 North Road in Greenport, which is the property adjoining the land in question right now. I am also a member of a loose cornnlUnity, a group we are trying to set up called the Sixty-Seven Step Association, which I think the Board knows since you built a beautiful sixty-seven steps going down to that lower beach area. This particular petition that . 6 . I have was submitted last August. At that time, of course, Councilman Wickham and Supervisor Horton was not elected and in office at that time. So, I just want to resubmit this petition signed by all the folks in that community that you see up on that map showing the thoughts and wishes of those people. If you like, I could read it, if you want me to. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Actually if you are going to submit it, sir, I have a pretty good idea of what it is. MAX DOBLER: This pertains, we are not in favor of downzoning because of exactly the thoughts that the School Board in Greenport have voiced, and the drainage problem, also the taxes, which our community is very high in taxes right now, and we certainly would not appreciate a higher tax increase. So, I would like to offer this to you, and give it deep consideration if you will. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you. Joan? JOAN EGAN: Thank you. Hello, everybody. There are a number of things that a developer has not taken into consideration. Joan Egan of East Marion. I don't think I need the microphone. A very important factor for the developer to consider is that the Department of Transportation will widen the road there to make a TWO and TWO on each side. The safety of the children to get all the people who might reside in that development would be humongous. In addition the safety of those people with regard to our Police Force, which must be enlarged for many, many reasons. Incidentally, I thought it used to be the 77 Steps, when I first came out here. No? Am I wrong? SUPERVISOR HORTON: You are wrong, yes. JOAN EGAN: I am? Well, that is the first time today. Now, the widening of the roads, now, in addition you talked, I think I did not hear also about Budget plans for another park in East Marion. The Town of Southold, as you know, I am sure you saw my comments in the paper in regard to another park in East Marion where the East Marion/Orient owns that property, but let's stay with this issue. I think you are creating a horrible, horrible situation and the traffic up there unless you put a sub-police station up on one of those corners there you are going to be in a lot of trouble. Thank you very much. Did everybody hear me~ ALEX WIPF: My name is Alex Wipf. I am President of Save Open Spaces Now 2000, and I am here to speak against the proposed increased density. I would like to make it clear right off the bat that Save Open Spaces Now is not against providing affordable housing to the people in town who need it. What we are against is using new housing to provide, in quotes, affordable housing, because it develops open land, and like everyone else in this town we want to preserve as much open space in farmland as possible. A much better alternative would be the building of accessory apartments in already established buildings. There is going be hopefully a story this week in The Suffolk Times. Gwen can tell you if it is going to be there or not, about an organization, a non-profit organization, called Community Housing Innovations. This is a non-profit organization that is seeking takers for $10,000, $20,000 grants to build accessory apartments in already established housing at affordable rates, and for a period of ten years. We object for a further reason. The past developments that have been built as affordable housing, new developments, don't always end up affordable. As a matter of fact they usually don't end up affordable. The first part of this process is your approvals, this very approval that is being sought by the developer at this point, and I don't know this developer. I am really speaking about past affordable housing developments. The way as I understand it, it works is the community . 7 . housing development Director Jim McMahon comes forward to you and says, I can get $50,000 in grants that will reduce the cost of this house to such and such a level, and it seems pretty good. Unfortunately that money isn't always produced. I think one of the things that the Town Board has got to investigate before it grants any of the affordable housing requests for increased density is how many of those grants actually came through? COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: Every one of them. ALEX WIPF: $50,000~ COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: Everyone that applied for grants in the last at least two affordable housing projects, applied for grants, was eligible for grants, got the money for the grants. ALEX WIPF: How much were the grants? JIM MCMAHON: $30,000. ALEX WIPF: $30,000 grants. All of them were gotten. The $50,000 grant will come through on this as well? JIM MCMAHON: This particular application does not request any assistance in grant money. ALEX WIPF: So, there are no grants in this housing development at all? Then I have been misinformed about this. I think the important point to make is that if grant monies are applied for, and they don't come through then it adds to the cost of the house. In addition there are other things to be considered. The asking price for an affordable house is before add-ons are added. It is not uncommon for developers to add, to say if you want particularly windows, if you want particular accessories, it is going to increase the cost of the house. I think that is something that also has to be investigated. How many houses have been sought at the asked for price, or have there been a number of add-ons~ These add-ons, the grants that mayor may not come in, and my understanding is that they all didn't come in, but I take you at your word, Jim. Add the cost of the house, and what happens is it pops it out of the rate of people who are seeking affordable housing. Also, the cost of the housing themselves really fits into, not the lowest level of affordable housing, which is where CHI would come in. It fits into that group of people that are right on the edge, and if any increase in cost pops them out of it. I think that we have to check very carefully before you grant this density increase. I have nothing else to say other than I believe you would have to examine the past record of affordable housing projects to see who is actually in those projects, to see if in fact there were people who were qualified for affordable housing. CHI is a much better alternative, and I hope in fact you will consider developing in already established housing, and to see if it works before you grant any density increases and build new housing in open space. Thank you. MELANIE NORDEN: Many of those of us who live in this neighborhood have been very concerned about the SEQRA Review process. Melanie Norden on McCann Lane, Greenport. Many of us who live in this neighborhood have been concerned about the SEQRA Review process, and the County Planning Commission, and also, the Southold Planning Board, and how the economic, social, enviromnental factors, and all those things that are to be considered by the Town Board as the lead agency will in fact be considered. The Planning Board has read a report this evening, but though this application has been before the town since last July there still isn't enough information for the Planning Board to conduct a . 8 . theory review. That is significant to many of us because the Planning Board's not conducting a review, in fact, changes the complexion of the Town Board's vote. In addition, the County Planning Commission not conducting a review changes the complexion of the Town Board vote as well. So, I would like to actually ask the Town Attorney if he could comment a little bit on what the SEQRA Review process is, and how it should unfold, because in point of fact this should all have happened presumably by the time that the application has come to this point. TOWN ATTORNEY Y AKABOSK1: A couple of things, Melanie. Number one, I believe the Board is going to be keeping this hearing open pending a completion of the SEQRA process. That is point number one. So, there will be no vote this evening. MELANIE NORDEN: I understand that but isn't the SEQRA process, and it's components supposed to be basically completed by the time the public hearing takes place? TOWN ATTORNEY Y AKABOSK1: You can go either way on that. MELANIE NORDEN: Not according to what I have read. TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSK1: What is happening is the SEQRA process being completed additional information was requested by the environmental folks that did the report, and a letter has gone out to the applicants saying we need the additional information. What is going to happen is once the additional infornlation is completed, and the Board will have to render a SEQRA Determination. The SEQRA Determination will then be forwarded as lead agency the SEQRA Determination will then be forwarded to both the Town Planning Board, and the Suffolk County Planning Commission. MELANæ NORDEN: But, why was this not done before this came to a public hearing~ TOWN ATTORNEY Y AKABOSK1: As I said, you can do it different ways. See what is going to happen the important point about that, Melanie, is that this Board and the other Boards, excuse me this is one rendering the decision, will not be making a decision prior to SEQRA being completed. One of the important factors of SEQRA, and I think is an opportunity like this, the community to give input. For example, the sump question, which was back and forth a few moments ago, that is one of the benefits of having the folks in the community come forward at a public hearing like this to render that kind of information to help fill out the Board's knowledge, so that when the other Town Planning Board, the Suffolk County Planning Commission, give their advisory opinions they have a full and complete picture. MELANIE NORDEN: I disagree. Actually the Planning Board in point of fact if it were to have done its job as stated in the Town Code it would have analyzed all of these factors, and all of these engineering factors. The sump question has been brought up here repeatedly for months. The very fact that the Planning Board has not been able to address this yet, and needs information from laypeople about a serious engineering issue on property owned by the Town I think is a specious argument. In point of fact all of this information has been given at these meetings for months, and we have written letters repeatedly about this, and it seems that there is something that is very backward in a process, which now says we are at a public hearing, but we don't have all the infonnation. There has been errors in the application. The application, by the way, calls for thirteen lots and not for ten lots, so we are even getting a presentation tonight that is different from the actual application that is before the town, and now we are told that we are at a public hearing, but we don't have any of the infornlation . 9 . that we kind of needed to have in order to analyze and really have the Town Board perform it's rule as lead agency. That information should have actually been here by tonight so that we could, as community people, rely on the expertise of the Planning Board and the County Planning Commission, and make sure that we know that our Town Board has that infornlation. TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: You are still going to get all that. You are going to get all that information. You are going to get all that. We are not closing the hearing. MELANIE NORDEN: I understand that, but I think that in point of fact that information should have been here prior to the public hearing, and it indicates I think both in the Town Code, and in the SEQRA guidelines that information should be conducted and should be available. We have a lot of economic, social, environmental factors, and we have no information tonight that is speaking to those, and we have a Planning Board that hasn't rendered a review. They have only rendered a report, and they basically said we can't make a decision yet. The serious part about that is that, that may in fact change the vote. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you. Are there any other comrnents on this particular public hearing? DOUG COOPER: Doug Cooper from Mattituck, ladies and gentlemen. In the time that the town is now facing density issue as to how much we wish to grow, and preserving farmland and open space I strongly support high density around the hamlets and in the hamlets. However I don't believe this should be given away for free. I think the Town needs some kind of a TDR Program or at least the owners buy some development rights or other fannland or open space, and extinguish them in the increase in density. I think that is vital for this town and the community as we go towards the future. Thank you. JIM DINIZIO: Jim Dinizio, 39 Sound Road. I live just about five houses away from this development. I have to agree with Melanie 100%, and I think what she is saying that you are unprepared for this meeting. I think that the Planning Board basically stated that, too, that they cannot make a decision because they don't have enough information, and to rely on laypeople, as Melanie said, is not the proper procedure. We are relying on you, and you should rely on your experts. That is what we pay them for out of our taxes. If the Suffolk County Plmming and the Planning Board itself can not look at an application after the many applications that they have looked at and make an intelligent decision. That application was not complete. Okay? And that to my mind falls in one direction, the person that is supposed to give you these resolutions complete. So, I ask you that you not hold this hearing open, that you close it right now, or after everybody has commented, and you make a resolution voting it down right now. If they want to come back with an application that is complete, then let them come back with an application that is complete that we all sit around on our 67 Steps Association meetings, discuss intelligently as opposed to being held in the dark whether on purpose or not. We are still in the dark as to how things are going to go there. I have many questions myself. I was depending on the Planning Board to answer them. They have not. So, I ask you to make a resolution tonight, and vote no. Thank you. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Any other comments rrom the floor? GWEN SCHROEDER: Hi, Gwen Schroeder, North Fork Environmental Council, and I want to second Doug Cooper's comments. That time when the Town is looking at ways to control density and . 10 . population to give away a downzoning, quote, unquote, without quid pro quo I think is a mistake, and we believe that affordable housing there is a real need for affordable housing in the town, but the Town needs a plan in place before they agree to any downzone. So, we would ask that you deny this request. Thanks. Ijust have some comments for Betty. ELIZABETH MORRISON: My name is Elizabeth Morrison. I have been a resident of Greenport all my life. I moved away for five years after high school to serve in the military, and when I moved back the prices of the houses were completed inflated. There is nothing left for people in our price range. We actually have a mortgage qualified for. We just can't use it because we can't afford anything out here, and if you take a look around you people with unlimited resources are building on the vacant lots anyway. So, I am confident they are going to control what they build. It is not going to be ridiculous and I am sure they are going to do their jobs, but I really think we need this out here. You know, my husband and I are very hard working and I know lots of people who are living with their parents waiting for something to come along when it is just not. This is their only hope. This is the only way we will be able to stay in Greenport, and we would really like to. We love Greenport. That is why we moved back. So, please, think about that. Thank you. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Are there any other comments from the floor in regard to this public hearing? RON PASCALE: My name is Ron Pascale over on 29 Sound Road. I would like to thank the Town Attorney's Office for doing his due diligence in investigating the original application when they put it in on the property on the south side of the North Road. I got a letter in July, and then they turned around, and I got another letter in August completely reversing it. It seems like a developer didn't know where they wanted to put this project. I was born in Greenport 63 years ago, love the area. It seems the mantra of the whole Southold Town this preservation. We are taking an area of 5.7 acres, and dividing it to ten to thirteen lots, which is 350% less land for a particular house. It doesn't make sense. There was talk a few months ago, and a year ago, about increasing the lot size to five acres. That is preservation. Now, you are dividing it down to 350%. You are putting ten to thirteen houses on a small area. You can put four houses on that area. In my mother's back yard ten feet from her bedroom window is a buffer zone. You have a buffer zone on the North Road of sixty feet. On the houses that are along Sound Road you have a buffer of fifteen feet. It is crazy. You have a piece of property here that is rich in wildlife. You are going to destroy it by putting ten to fifteen lots on it. I hunted on Mr. Wickham's property when I was a kid. We went to high school together. Thank God, Southold Town has been doing a job of preservation. Everybody is for affordable housing, but not destroying this piece of property. Put your two houses on there. If you went to the five acre that you are trying to propose a year or so ago. That is 800% less land that you would utilize. It doesn't make sense. Preservation is the mantra of Southold Town. It is the last festoon of a natural resource. Don't throw it away. Thank you very rnuch. PRISCILLA HORAN: My name is Priscilla Horan. I live at 35 Sunset Lane. I wrote a letter. and I would like to just take parts of it, and let people understand something. We are not against affordable homes, and I feel for that young couple. I have tive grown children, so I know what it is like for children to find homes, but they have to look at the whole picture of the area. We have Peconic Landing opening up with 200 and some odd people moving in, plus employees, plus we are going to need fire, we going to need police in that area. We have the Shady Lady opening. We have the development that is east of San Simeon. It is 54 2-family homes. It is just too much in one area. Maybe if Peconic Landing wasn't there. Maybe if that 54 2-family home thing wasn't on the books, then . 11 . maybe we could look at having affordable homes in that area. It is a wonderful neighborhood. I am so thankìùl we moved in there. The people are great. We met each other. We have gone to a lot of meetings, and we have really held together, but with all the projects that are going on in that one area it is just too much. The circle is horrendous during the summertime with just ferry traffic. We have Summit Estates up in East Marion. They have got 34, 35 homes going in there, so you look at this one area that we live in, all of these projects going on. It is too much, just too much. As I say, if the other partial development was not going in I could see it, but not ten, thirteen homes. Put five in there. It will be beautiful. All our wildlife !Tom Peconic Landing has moved down into our area. Where do they go after that? Red foxes are in the neighborhood. We have got deer in the neighborhood. It is wonderful. We have the Audubon Society not too far !Tom us. There is a migratory area for birds. I have two pages of birds that do visit the area. Look at the different projects around us. Weare not against the affordable homes, but not in this area. There is too many things going on, and it is just going to explode. That is all I have to say. Thank you. COUNCILMAN RICHTER: Ms. Horan? I would just like to add to what you made a statement about Peconic Landing having 200 people moving in there. That is an error. There is going to be 200 full time employees, probably 800 people moving in there. So, you are talking about 1,000 people in that area. BETTY SŒBAN: Betty Sieban, 925 McCann Lane in Greenport. Just to expand on Mrs. Horan's statement. I am very much in favor of affordable housing, and for young people. I am sorry I don't remember this gentleman's name, but this was brought up many times before. I think that is a very good answer to the problem expanding on the housing that we already have. Also, to expand on the overuse of the area as far as the traffic goes. I don't know if the people here tonight know but Rock Cove Estates, which will lie between McCann Lane, and Green Hill is about to begin construction as of April 2002. 1 understand that McCann Lane will become the entranceway for this development, and that, again, you are going to have construction on Sutton. Now you are going to have the trucks coming down McCann. It is really putting a terrible burden on this area of residence. I think that everything should be considered as far as the burden. McCann is the direct access to this Rock Cove. That project had been discussed over and over again here, and eventually I guess it got passed. Now, they are about to start it. It just seems like people are really not considering the citizens and we are kind of a problem. Weare going to have this spring and this summer our children, our roads, the noise, it is going to be a terrible thing. We would like the Board to also consider splitting the burden with Green Hill. I want to give Josh a letter in reference to that. I don't really know what the answer is. I wish we had some clout with the County that we could get these developments to egress onto 48, and not thrown into all our developments, and that would solve a large part of the problem. Thank you. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Are there any other comments from the floor in regard to this public hearing? MARIEL DOBLER: Ijust have a question. Will there have to be another public meeting before this is passed if you don't vote on it tonight? SUPERVISOR HORTON: This is a public hearing. The public hearing will be left open. There will be no vote on this, this evening. MARIEL DOBLER: Before you vote, though, will there be another public hearing? . 12 . JUSTICE EVANS: It is being left open. That gives you the opportunity to speak to it again. MARlEL DOBLER: My name is Mariel Dobler, 68835 North Road. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Any other comments from the floor~ ALEX WIPF: Just one question. In the section on affordable housing that the Town has written you mentioned that there should be, or they have chosen to use, that there should be a sewer system and a water supply to affordable housing, but in their petition MaTine has mentioned it is going to be cesspools. How do we go about this? You have to also allow the cesspools to be put into these ten units, or thirteen? COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: The Health Department would regulate. ALEX WIPF: Yet the section for affordable housing of Southold Town states that there should be sewers and water. COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: I don't believe it states that it needs to be, or should be. JIM MCMAHON: Jim McMahon, Town of Southold. In the Code if you are going down to half-acre density you are required by Health Department and our Town Code to have half-acre density. If you going down to less than that or quarter-acre density Suffolk County Health Department requires that you hook up both to public water and public sewer, and we don't any projects currently that are hooked up to sewer because the density is half-acre density. EDNA QUATROCHE: My name is Edna Quatroche. I live on Sutton and Sunset Lane. I believe that the lady mentioned something about the criteria about walking distance to the village. I defy anybody to be able to get out and over the Route 48 nine months of the year. So, if that development should go through and there should be children unless we get a traffic light where there have already been fatalities up there, there is not such thing as walking to the village. We have to get in our car, and it is not too sure we are going to be able to make it. So, that is the only comment I have make about the walking distance. We don't walk around here. We ride. JOAN EGAN: Talking about riding, when are we going to get some buses to pick us up whether we are senior citizens or not, so we can ride on our money, tax money. When is that going to happen? Should I hold my breath, or as my grandmother would say, put my hand on my rear end until I do that I would have an everlasting patch. Let's see that we get the buses running. Thank you. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Any other comments on this public hearing? JOE MCCARTHY: Good evening. My name is Joe McCarthy, and I am a life-long Southold resident, and I own Eastern Breezes Real Estate in Southold. For the record I was the broker of record on this piece as many of you know. I have been on the Affordable Housing Committee, previous Supervisor Cochran's Affordable Housing Committee, and we worked on that for approximately two years trying to come up with different avenues to solve the problem of affordable housing. This is one of the sites that we picked. Obviously it is becoming very problematic. I am not here to say it should be or shouldn't be done. What I would say is, that the people here, and other people in this town would give as much energy to trying to solve the affordable housing issue in Southold Town we would have it , . 13 . licked. I respect them. I respect everybody's right to voice their opinion, but as a real estate broker in this town every single day I get calls from people who are looking for affordable housing. Do you know what I have to tell them? I don't have anything under $300,000 that I can show you. That is the fact of the matter. The fact of the matter is it is going up. Mayor Kapell is here. He knows what is happening with real estate values in Greenport. Newsday had an article recently where they are 50% in the last year. Southold Town 38% in the last year. Twenty, twenty-five percent, everybody is benefiting from that. We don't have the answer yet, but we need to get together and find it, and Supervisor Horton I know that you said you have some issues, and answers as far as the affordable housing process goes for apartments, etc. I don't think apartments are the only issue here to be addressed. I think we need additional building. This might or might not be the site as I said, but we have to get together and we have to come up with some answers. The longer we wait the more the window is shrinking. Property values are going sky high in this town. They are going to continue to go sky high. Available land sites are going to continue to disappear. They are going to be bought, and they are going to be developed, and then the window of opportunity for the builders, who are willing to build $168,000 houses is going to just vanish. It is not going to happen. It is not going to be here. They are out making money on all kinds of other bigger projects. They don't have to do it for $168,000. Anybody that says $168,000 is not an affordable. I got news for you. That is very affordable, but I would ask anybody that has any issues, constructive, or otherwise, or suggestions, to get to Supervisor Horton with this. Let's get a committee going, and try to find some answers here for the problem. Thank you. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Any there any other comments from the floor in regard to this public hearing~ Anybody that hasn't addressed the Town Board? Alex~ ALEX WIPF: Just one final comment in reference to building new. The non-profit organization I mentioned, Community Housing Initiative has actually gone out and bought houses that are not in great shape refurbished them and then sold them back to the public, and I think that would probably be something that would be appropriate. Was it you who spoke? Who spoke up, the young couple, somebody in the back? I am sorry. Please, try to explore this avenue. I don't think we necessarily have to build new. We have an enormous amount of older housing stock that can be refurbished. There is a business here, and it is just being ignored. I have gotten calls from builders. Dave McGahan called me, and he said, that was how he was making his money. He builds new houses as well, but he takes older houses and refurbishes them. The septic systems are in. The water is there. It is a wasted resource unless we seriously consider how we can rebuild older housing. As a matter of fact Pat Acampora said to me, it is exactly what should be done all over the island. There are housing developments that have gotten old that could be refurbished. This incessant need to build new is something that has to be resisted at the Town Board level. I hope that you will listen to Tom Wickham when his Blue Ribbon Commission, and whatever he comes up with in terms with what needs to be built and what doesn't. Thank you. BOB GHOSIO: I am Bob Ghosio. I live on Sunset Land in Greenport, and in deference to Mr. McCarthy's comments while I agree with some of what he said I think that the idea of affordable housing at $168,000 is truly a misnomer. It may be affordable in relationship to the other property values in our town, but it is not affordable to the medium incomes. I think that is where the criteria need to be defined. In relation to this particular project I have to say that ten houses at $168,000, or actually seven house at $168,000, and three at current market value versus only two or three at current market value. It shows me that what the developer is looking to do is maximize profits. By , . 14 . downzoning maximizes his profits leaving it the way it is. If the Board chooses to do that I would be willing to lay odds now that there won't be any houses built. That is it. Thank you. SUPERVISOR HORTON: Any other comments from this public hearing0 (Tape change) CATHY MESIANO: This project is not subject to the approval of any grants from any public agencies. We are not putting forth any hypothetical scenarios that may happen upon which we expect one to make a decision. My first point. On the point of affordable housing, whether we are speaking about this project, or any other project within the Town of South old I think that there is a responsibility to address the needs of people like the young lady that spoke earlier, and sorry I don't have her name. I have appeared before this Board and the other Boards in this town a number of times, and many of the responses that we get are very similar to this. We think this is a wonderful idea, but we think you should do it someplace else, and we think that affordable housing and rentals and subdivisions are all wonderful ideas, but you should do it somewhere else. This is your backyard, and that statement really has to be thought about. Who is going to be members of your volunteer fire departments, your volunteer ambulances? Who is going to be teaching in the public schools? Who is going to be the civil servants that work in Town Hall, especially when residences requirements are imposed on those civil servants. The pay scale on the civil service level is not one that would afford people a very luxurious life style. Everybody needs to be somewhere. We are not suggesting anything that conjure up the image of subsidize Section 8 housing, where you have someone call for more police presence. I really think that people need to step back, and look at what is affordable, re-align what your priorities are, and my last point is that we have a set criteria rules that exist today, and this application was submitted on today's set of rules and criteria. I think it would be inappropriate for this Board to say, well, we want to change our mind, and we will think about your application six, eight, ten months down the line when we decide what we really want to do. We have a set of rules and criteria and I think we have made a good attempt at demonstrating that we are in compliance with the intent of those rules, and this is at least a project that should be thought about. We could go in there, and develop it tomorrow with four houses, and we could do it much more profitably than we could at the present ten lot yield, but for reasons that don't need to be discussed the developer has decided to give this opportunity, give this project a shot, and see how it flies. The Town stands to gain by it. SUPERVISOR HORTON: If there are no comments I won't entertain any rebuttals. We have gone back and forth. People are here to state specific information in regard to how they feel about this proposal. If it is not a rebuttal, Jim. JIM DINIZIO: No, it is not a rebuttal. The very reason that you folks entertained the Affordable Housing Committee was that you were going to split these up into small developments, so that you wouldn't impact the school district. Okay? That was one of the statements made concerning this. Now, I am going to tell you, Mayor Kapell has done a marvelous job with affordable housing within the Village of Greenport. Guess what? I have no control over that. Okay0 Because I don't live within the Village of Greenport. I have control over what you folks do, and I ask you to consider that. Consider when you look at a density map of Southold Town how dark it is around Greenport. It is blue, because of the amount of density that is within the area. It is not blue anywhere else in this town. Now, maybe it is not in my backyard. I don't know. I don't think it is. For me it is not. For me it is taxes. It has always been taxes. It has always been my school district, most of the time when I stand up here, and that is what it is about today. Which is if you increase the density you increase the amount of children in our school, and yes, we are looking for fireman constantly. We are looking for policeman. We are looking for people to do maintenance, but 1 can tell you I can't think of a fireman that is in my , . . 15 . department that can afford a house for $180,000 some odd thousand dollars that works at a job for that. I don't know if there are any in all honesty. I don't believe I could. Now, that was your statement. That was what Mr. McCarthy's committee. That was what it was all about. Spread it out, so that you don't burden the school districts. I have got to point it out to you that is what this meeting is all about. Our schoo! district has enough density right now. We are not saying don't put it in our backyard. We have enough, and we have done enough in this town for affordable housing thanks to Mayor Kapell, and I would ask you to consider that strongly when you consider this application. Thank you. SUPERVISOR HORTON: I move trom this public hearing leaving it open. * * * éì~~~~ZfOY1#u/L. Elizabeth A. Nev~IT~ Southold Town Clerk , () A MESSAGE FOR: í3~ FROM m 19!?IE¿ r-- /J11'1-x:. lJ66¿ ttC-_ DATE3 ;2J1ó L OF..d..£. GR:. é,ÚJ f?th(. C~_n~___~__ TIME? ~ ::,- à..M--' PHONE ______ D URGENT :'RE ¡. (,,)C,E "U~JRtH r , í o TELEPHONED o CAME TO SEE YOU o RETURNED YOUR CÄLL MESSAGE: o PLEASE CALL , o WANTS TO SEEYOU 0 WILLCALLAGAIN /VOTte t. Se.nrl- "Ph t.I.K.4II'.I..I- sk()~ /d /J¿ SIGNED ../~ ~~~ KG; MlfrrNt C rxf- 2- t14r1i.,..I> A)C; T AJ. e.- ~ ff.1 ¡) A). Rd ßI flJ-' L 4/28/02 9: 40 am called Catherine Mesiano and informed her of the change of address /¡e~ 4 . MaTine, Inc. Sunset Court Change of Zone Application ~. ~ .. -.) ¡, !.j, , t TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTH OLD ~o"'~old Town (' :'r~ In The Matter of the Application of MaTine. Inc. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) SS: STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING I, Catherine Mesiano, residing at 12 Mill Pond Lane. East Moriches, NY being duly sworn, depose and say: That on the 18th day of March, 2002, I personally posted the property known as SUNSET COURT. SCTM # 1000-35-1-4 by placing NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING official posters where they can easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the Public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held March 26th, 2002, Dated: Sworn to before me this ~y of'11'7t~~ 2002, / ( CAMILLE LUCI'.i'·:I\;¡ Notary Public, State 0' N8':¡ \'û'" No. 4910722 ~1~.Ii~~~..~'\~l~f O~:~~~fJunty ,\ úŠ l",' .--,,,,-,. 1\ 1 \ l.i . . MaTine, lnc. Sunset Court Chal\ge of Zone Application ~ SCTM #: 1000-35-1-2 1000-35-1-3 1000-35-1-4 1000-35-1-5 1000-35- Hì 1000-35-1-7 1000-35-1-14 1000-35-1-15 1000-35-1-16 1000-35-1-17 1000-35-1-18 1ooO-34-1-ß 1000-34-1-7 1000-33-5-ß 1000-33-5- 1000-33-5-15 1000-33-5-7 1000-35-1-1 . PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE NAME: Marion Saccone Ronald Pascale Catherine E. Tasker Charles V. & W.F. Raynor Antonis & Ellen Natsoulis Sophie Raynor Francis & Jean Bubb Scott Mcintire & Lori Hollander William S. Sinclair III & Jennifer L. Sinclair Lynne Carlson William J. & Evelyn M. Heins Trustees Frances Ferguson William Heaney Andreas Lios & wf 8George E. Cottral Max G. & Mariel Dobler Town of Southold Town of Southold STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ADDRESS: 9 Sutton Place Greenport. NY 11944 79 Bar Beach Rd Port Washington. NY 11050 3509 Brandon Way Missoula, MT 59803 17 Sound Road Greenport,NY 11944 15 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 17 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 2064 Alamanda Dr. #25 Naples, FI 34102 22 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 20 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 18 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 P.O. Box 232 Orient, NY 11957 66230 North Rd Box 589 Greenport, NY 11944 2426 N.E. 14'h SI.#80 Ocala, FI 34470 992 Ailie Road N. Massapequa. NY 11758 315 Sutton Place Box 15 Greenport, NY 11944 456 Seagate Drive Newport, NC 28570 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 CATHERINE MESlANO, residing at 12 Mill Pond Lane, East Moriches, NY being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 18th day of March, 2002, deponent mailed a true copy of the NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the Unites States Post Office at Center Moriches, NY, that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by certified mail. /1,' #/ / ~- [c'"t' ¿,' /Æd~~~ C THERINE MESIANO . '-I*: ( Æ-v'J L / s~~rn to before me this;? /¡, day of ~ 1/ ILV¡, C. '02. , ) . / c---{'--Cv~ ublic CAMILLE LUCARINI Notary Pub,ic, Stale of New Ycrk No. ,~'~,1 ~1722 Quahfil::d;d '-.-'t_.';JJI< County Con-,rn;2c'Gn ""pires \ I I' ú'! c c:; · ~ . , . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ihat the Tu.vn Board of the Town of South old has received a petition 10 amend Ihe Zoning M<lp of the Town of Southold by changing the Zoning District designation ofSCT1\[ # 1000-W5.00-01.00-004.000 from the Lo\\ Density Residential (R-40) to the Affordable Housing District (AHD). NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVE,:'\[ lhat pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Code of the Tü\'.'n of South old, Suffolk County, New York, the Town Board of the Town of South old will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on the Aforesaid LOCAL LAW at the SOUTIIOLD TOWN HALL, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York at 5:00 p.m., Tuesdav, March 26, 2002. The purpose of the Local Law is to Change the Zoning District Designation afSCTJ\-[ # 1000-035.00-01.00- 004.000 from the Low Density Residenlial (R-40) to the Affordable Housing Districl Designation. The peti~ioner for this request is Mal'he Inc.. The legal description of the aforesaid proper~y is as follows: All that certain plot, piece or parcel ofland, \'.-ith the buildings and imprc vements thereon erected, siwale, lying and being near Greenport. in the Town of SOl~ hold, County of Suftülk. Slate of New York and bounded and described as fol:ows: Begitming at a point on the northerly line 0;' the North Road which point of beginning is the southwesterly comer oflhe prernist.s herein described and the southeasterly corner oflands now or formerly of El;,wbeth T. Albertson and others; nnming thence northerly along the easterly line of li.nds now or faffilerly of Elizabeth T., Albertson and others to the southerly line of lands Ih)W or fonnerIy of Dorothy Barstow; thence easterly along the southerly line of lands last mentioned and lands now or formerly of Herbert Fordham to the westerly line oi Sound Road or Avenue; thence southerly along the westerly line ofSoLl11d Road 10 bnds now or fornlerly of Whitney; thence westerly and again southerly along the aforementioned lands to lands now or fOffilerIy ofKszyminski; thence westerly and again southerly along lands last mentioned to the northerly line of the North Road; thence wesI'~rly along the northerly line of the NOl1h Road to the point or place of the fJEGINNIN.1. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same orcmises conveyed by deed daled December II, 1989 and recordetl in the Suftàlk COlh)ty Clerk's Office on April 10, ¡ 990 in Liber 11049 page 59. The Property is approximaHy 5.7 acres. The Local Law is entitled, "A LOCAL LA'·" TO AMEND THE ZONING J\IAP OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY CHANGINC THE ZONING DISTRICT ~ . DESIGNATION OF SCTM # 1000-035.00-01.00-0('+.000 FROM THE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-40) TO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISTRICT (AHD)". Copies of this Local Law are available in the Office (fthe Town Clerk to any interested persons during regular business hours. Any persons desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear, and has the right to appear, at the time and place above so specified. Any person also has the right to submit written comments to the Southold Tovm Clerk either prior to the Public Hearing or at the Public Hearing. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Dated: February 26, 2002 Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk . . MA TINE INC. This request is for a rezoning approval from the Southold Town Board from Low Density Residential (R-40) District To Affordable Housing (AHD) District. The subject property is a 5.7-acre (241,139 sq.ft.) parcel located at 69125 C.R. 48 (North Road) and Sound Road ,Greenport. The parcel is generally level and heavily treed. There are no wetlands associated with this parcel. The immediate area is a developed residential neighborhood consisting of Yo acre to 1/3 acre lots. The density allowed under the present zoning, R-40, is 5 conforming lots. The density allowed under the proposed change of zone would result in the creation of twenty-four 10,000 square foot lots. It is the intention of the developer to limit the yield to 10 lots of no less than 15,000 square feet each and create a natural buffer of 1.7 acres. The proposed buffer is the heavily treed area along the southerly property line at a depth of :!:,166' deep along the North Road and 60' in depth along the westerly lot line. The size of the proposed lots generally exceeds that of the lots in the area. Seven of the lots are to be offered under the provision'3 of the Town of Southold Affordable Housing Program. The homes proposed for the 7 "affordable" lots will be a mix of :!:,1200-1400 square-foot expandable cape style houses and ranch style homes. The cape style consisting of 2 bedrooms, 1 % bathrooms, full basement, one car garage and unfinished second floor of :!:, 600 square feet. (The unfinished second floor provides the opportunity for an additional 2 bedrooms and one bathroom), and the ranch style ranging between :!:,1200-1400 square feet, each having 3 bedrooms, 1/12 baths, covered porch, full basement and one car garage. The affordable homes will carry a price tag of $168.000. The project involves no public funding. . . The three remaining lots will be marketed with traditional style homes .:t1500 square feet, each having 3 bedrooms, 1/12-2 baths, covered porch, full basement and one car garage. The homes will be held in fee simple ownership. There are no cooperative interests proposed. The subdivision will be created to Town specifications with dedication of the highway and drainage systems upon completion. I have provided the Board with a packet of sample house plans representative of those proposed, low profile ranch and cape style traditional homes. The houses will all be of varying designs, but in keeping with the tone of the neighborhood. The need for affordable housing on the North Fork has been well documented. The site is well situated to meet the criteria set forth in the Zoning Code for the AHD District, as it is located approximately Yo mile from the boundary of the Village of Greenport. The area in which the property is located consists of lots containing as little as 5500 square feet to 22,000 square feet. The Town's Master Plan provides for the creation of Affordable Housing Districts. We believe this project is consistent with the concepts set forth in the AHD criteria in that the opportunity for the development of high-density housing for families of moderate income will be created. The proposed project fulfills the stated purpose of Article V of the Zoning Code of the Town of Southold and will be consistent with the character of the surrounding area. The subject property is located in a mixed-use area. Although the properties adjacent to the site are zoned R-40, most are non-conforming undersized lots. Within close proximity are R-80, Limited Business (LB), Affordable Housing (AHD) District and Residential Office (RO) uses. The subject property is within walking distance to the Village of Greenport downtown area, houses of worship, and public transportation. . . The area is serviced by the Suffolk County Water Authority and LlPA. No public sewer system is available. On-site septic systems will be designed to conform to Suffolk County Health Department standards, which call for 20,000 sq.ft. lots in areas serviced by public water. Our proposed yield exceeds the Health I Department standards. It is anticipated that the traffic generated by this project will not compromise the safety and capacity of the street system in the area. Two of the proposed lots will front on Sound Road and have direct access. Access to the remainder of the lots will be from Sutton Place to Sunset Court, the proposed cul-de-sac. Catch basins are proposed at the northerly and southerly ends of Sunset Court to manage any runoff generated by the improvement of Sunset Court. ...-- --- ,... 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Rt. 25 at Love Lane, PO BOX 799, Mattituck, NY 11952 Tel.: 631·298·8880 Fax: 631·298·4649 nfec1@optonline.net www.nfec1.0rg March 26, 2002 Supervisor Joshua Hot1on Members of the Southold Town Board Southold, New York 11971 Dear Supervisor Horton and Members of the Board, On behalf of the Nonh Fork Environnlental Council, I respectfully request that you deny at this time the application ofMa Tine, Inc. for a zone change on a 5.5 acre parcel from R-40 to AHD (Affordable Housing Disttict). This parcel is located in the Hamlet of Greenport on the north side of Route 48. A full environmental review should be conducted before any down-zoning of the property is considered. It is possible that freshwater wetlands are located on the subject property and it the opinion of the NYS Office of Parks and Recreation that the parcel has archeological significance and studies are needed. Issues of increased lraffic on an already burdened infrastructure must be funher investigated and evaluated. The Town, in the form of the Blue Ribbon Commission, is currently considering issues of density, open space and farmland preservation, The proceedings have led the commission to address the question of how many more additional dwelling units the Town can bear before quality oflife is adversely impacted and our rural heritage is lost. Before this question is answered and a comprehensive plan is in place, the Town should not grant any requests for increasing density Sincerely, v7" " K1tÞ.~.~ ? Gwynn Schroeder NFEC Southold Coordinator a non·profit organizatIon for tne preservatIon of land, sea, air and quality of life . ~ printed on tJ recycled paper ~ · R~ J ·.;¿t -<1.2 " d~~ -. March 26, 2002 Dear honorable members of the Southold Town Board. I come before you on behalf of the Greenport Board of Education to ask for consideration. Recently, we have been reading in the local newspapers about proposals to increase housing density of vacant land. The proposals we have read about range from rezoning 5.7 acres of land on which 5 houses could be built, to double that amount for 10 homes. Although this is a small development several of these changes or the approval of a rezoning to allow 54 two-family houses would have a devastating impact on our school district. F or the past decade Greenport has had the highest school tax rate on the North Fork and we have worked hard to keep it in check by regularly keeping our tax rate increase lower than the inflation rate. In fact, this year we expect little or no increase in our school tax rate. However, if you were to approve any upzoning changes in Greenport School District which would cause an increase in the student population it would cause us to expand our facilities to accommodate additional enrollment. This would create a .... . . tremendous burden upon those of us currently residing in Greenport School District. Although there would be added assessed valuation with the new development it would be miniscule when compared with the expense of expanded educational servIces. We ask that you consider these consequences when you deliberate on any zone changes in Greenport School District which would increase housing density above current levels. We would also welcome the opportunity to be informed of any of these proposals when they are received by the town and gladly will provide you feedback after discussing the issues at a regular Greenport School Board meeting. Your consideration is appreciated. Sincerely, </7.··~ ./ .-J Gary M. Charters President Greenport Board of Education \\1LUAl\! J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE L-\Tf-L-\I\I, JR. RICf-L-\RD CAGGIANO . P.O. Box II 79 Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone 1631> ~65-1938 Fax (63 j'¡ 765-3136 , PLANNING BOARD MEl\1BER~ BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. ,., Chairman PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIVED Memorandum MAR 2 6 2002 To: Joshua Horton, Supervisor Southold Town Clerk and Members of the Town Board From: Valerie Scopaz, AICP, Town Planner I'b- Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman, Planning Board Re: Ma Tine, Inc. Located on the North side of CR 48, approximately 265' west of Sound Road, Greenport, NY SCTM # 1000-035-1-4 Date: March 25, 2002 Proposal: This petition is to change the zone of a 5.53 acre parcel from R-40 Residential to AHD - Affordable Housing Density. It is unclear whether the applicant proposes to construct ten or thirteen homes because the map, the environmental assessment form and the application present conflicting information. The discrepancies have been brought to the attention of the Town Attorney's Office and to the best of our understanding, the applicant's attorney has been asked to resolve them. However, this information was not received by this office in time to be included in this report, which, at the Town Board's request, is being prepared in advance of its March 26, 2002 public hearing. Reauirements: The purpose of the AHD district, as defined in the Southold Town Zoning Code, is "to provide the opportunity within certain areas of the town for the development of /Jigh- density housing for families of moderate income." According to the formula set forth in the Zoning Code in Chapter 100, Article V., the income limits for eligible applicants to purchase one of these homes ranges from $44,100 for a single person to $83,100 for a family of eight people. The recommended ceiling on home prices offered within the AHD district is $168,000. It should be noted that this limit is lower than the maximum sales price for affordable housing pursuant to Suffolk County's guidelines ($237,500), (Source: James McMahon, Community Development Director, March 21, 2002) The provisions of the AHD district, as set forth in Chapter 100, Article V. require that the subject property lie within one fourth of a mile of the boundaries of the incorporated To: . The Elected Members o. Southold Town Board Jean Cochan. Supervisor Louisa P. Evans, Justice William D. Moore, Councilman Brian G. Murphy, Councilman Craig A. Richter, Councilman John M. Romanelli, Councilman I\e.-. '8 )::J.'il)OI 7JH¡ 81 R,,-.lbm ;it",d -3 -,;)6-ð.;l' ,7- /,~bli<' ¡'~~n''"'J f· We the undersigned, taxpayers and residents of the unincorporated Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, New York, commend the efforts of the Southold Town Board in attempting to secure affordable housing in Southold Town. A.~ residents of neighboring homes to the proposed Affordable Housing Development on Sutton Place we strongly oppose any and all changes to the zoning code which would increase density and in turn adversely affect our quality of life, property, traffic, fire and res- cue, safety and the environment. We have one of the most dangerous intersections in the Town of Southold and are concerned that any increase in traffic density will hinder public services, including fire and rescue. We believe that our neighborhood's water supply will be compromised and that changes in zoning will compromise surface drainage which can result in significant property damage. We feel that this "spot zoning" change will undermine the preservation of open spaces in our neighborhood and compromise its natural and scenic qualities. Our school taxes are the highest in the Town of Southold and we feel that the addition of 10 to 13 new families will result in even higher taxes. We believe that the officials we elect must recognize and uphold the intent, provisions, and restrictions of the Zoning Code. To make changes to that adopted and agreed upon Code - changes which will adversely affect our quality of life - is a violation of the public trust. ~~i ADDRESS ~~/lt J 9-r< ¡J.ç~,-} (.j- / ( ý vcr /rJ-' ~~. To: . The Elected Members o. Southold Town Board Jean Cachan. Supe~r Louisa P. Evans, Justice William D. Moore, Councilman Brian G. Murphy, Councilman Craig A. Richter, Councilman John M. Romanelli, Councilman . We the undersigned, taxpayers and residents of the unincorporated Village of Greenport, Town of Southold. New York, commend the efforts of the SOl.lthold ToVl.'1l Board in attempting to secure affordable housing in Southold Town. As residents of neighboring homes to the proposed Affordable Housing Development on Sutton Place we strongly oppose any and all changes to the zoning code which would increase density and in turn adversely affect our quality of life, property, traffic, fire and res- cue, safety and the environment. We have one of the most dangerous intersections in the Town of Southold and are concerned that any increase in traffic density will hinder public services, including fire and rescue. We believe that our neighborhood's water supply will be compromised and that changes in -""'" zoning will compromise surface drainage which can result in significant property damage. We feel that this "spot zoning" change will undermine the preservation of open spaces in our neighborhood and compromise its natural and scenic qualities. Our school taxes are the highest in the Town of Southold and we feel that the addition of 10 to ] 3 new families will result in even higher taxes. We believe that the officials we elect must recognize and uphold the iment, provisions, and restrictions of the Zoning Code. To make changes to that adopted and agreed upon Code - changes which will adversely affect our quality of life - is a violation of the public trust. NAME ADDRESS t m47)-4q It.( _dP _ Y71-9'tð~ 1+77~ To: The Elected Members o. Southold Town Board Jean Cochan. Supervisor Louisa P. Evans, Justice William D. Moore, Councilman Brian G. Murphy, Councilman Craig A. Richter, Councilman John M. Romanelli, Councilman . We the undersigned, taxpayers and residents of the unincorporated Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, New York, commend the efforts of the Southold Town Board in attempting to secure affordable housing in Southold Town. As residents of neighboring homes to the proposed Affordable Housing Development on Sutton Place we strongly oppose any and all changes to the zoning code which would increase density and in turn adversely affect our quality of life, property, traffic, fire and res- cue, safety and the environment. We have one of the most dangerous intersections in the Town of Southold and are concerned that any increase in traffic density will hinder public services, including fire and rescue. We believe that our neighborhood's water supply will be compromised and that changes in zoning will compromise surface drainage which can result in significant property damage. We feel that this "spot zoning" change will undermine the preservation of open spaces in our neighborhood and compromise its natural and scenic qualities. Our school taxes are the highest in the Town of Southold and we feel that the addition of 10 to 13 new families will result in even higher taxes. We believe that the officials we elect must recognize and uphold the intent, provisions, and restrictions of the ning C . To make changes to that adopted and agreed upon Code - changes whiclyw' effect our quality of life - is a violation of the public trust. / , NAME " ADDRESS -¡. To: . The Elected Members o. Southold Town Board jean Cochan. Supervisor Louisa P. Evans, justice William D. Moore, Councilman Brian G. Murphy, Councilman Craig A. Richter, Councilman john M. Romanelli, Councilman . We the undersigned, taxpayers and residents of the unincorporated Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, New York, commend the efforts of the Southold Town Board in attempting to secure affordable housing in Southold Town. AJ3 residents of neighboring homes to the proposed Affordable Housing Development on Sutton Place we strongly oppose any and all changes to the zoning code which would increase density and in turn adversely affect our quality of life, property, traffic, fire and res- cue, safety and the environment. We have one of the most dangerous intersections in the Town of Southold and are concerned that any increase in traffic density will hinder public services, including fire and rescue. We believe that our neighborhood's water supply will be compromised and that changes in zoning will compromise surface drainage which can result in significant property damage. We feel that this "spot zoning" change will undermine the preservation of open spaces in our neighborhood and compromise its natural and scenic qualities. Our school taxes are the highest in the Town of Southold and we feel that the addition of 10 to 13 new families will result in even higher taxes. We believe that the officials we elect must recognize and uphold the intent, provisions, and restrictions of the Zoning Code. To make changes to that adopted and agreed upon Code - changes which will adversely affect our quality of life - is a violation of the public trust. > Nl\M.E ADDRESS /~ ~. To: Th'e Elected Members ore Southold Town Board Jean Cochan. Supervisor Louisa P. Evans, Justice William D. Moore, Councilman Brian G. Murphy, Councilman Craig A. Richter, Councilman John M. Romanelli, Councilman . We the undersigned, taxpayers and residents of the unincorporated Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, New York, commend the efforts of the Southold Town Board in attempting to secure affordable housing in Southold Town. As residents of neighboring homes to the proposed Affordable Housing Development on Sutton Place we strongly oppose any and all changes to the zoning code which would increase density and in turn adversely affect our quality of life, property, t'raffic, fire and res- cue, safety and the environment. We have one of the most dangerous intersections in the Town of Southold and are concerned that any increase in traffic density will hinder public services, including fire and rescue. We believe that our neighborhood's water supply will be compromised and that changes in zoning will compromise surface drainage which can result in significant property damage. We feel that this "spot zoning" change will undermine the preservation of open spaces in our neighborhood and compromise its natural and scenic qualities. Our school taxes are the highest in the Town of Southold and we feel that the addition of 10 to 13 new families will result in even higher taxes. We believe that the officials we elect must recognize and uphold the intent, provisions, and restrictions of the Zoning Code. To make changes to that adopted and agreed upon Code - changes which will adversely affect our quality of life - is a violation of the public trust. NAME ADDRESS I(}.. I;¿ ~~ jlf'~7 1('7 c¡y (ýw r/{9Y;Y i \q~/L(- I <¡ <PI- qf-'f. :d' I / tt 4'i ¡¡<If/' 'J 9 '/f" \ 1't4f - 119:;'1 . /t<¡<lt/- ~:::x. , )¡ . Ilq 1- 'f . . We the undersigned, taxpayers and residents of the unincorporated VUlage of Greenport, Town of Southold, New York, commend the efforts of the Southold Town' Board in attempting to secure affordable housing in Southold Town. 1.5 residents of neighboring homes to the proposed Affordable Housing Devdopmem on Sutton Place we strongly oppose any and all changes to the zoning code which would increase density and in turn adversely affect our quality of life, property, traffic, fire and res- cue, safety and the environment. We have one of the most dangerous intersecdons in the Town of Southold and are concerned that any increase in traffic density will hinder public services, Induding fire and rescue. We believe that our neighborhood's water supply wíll be compromised and that changes in zoning w!ll compromise surface drainage which can result In slgnlflcam property damage. We feel that this 'spot zoning" change will undermine the preservation of open spaces in our neighborhood and compromise its natural and scenic qualities. Our school taxes are the highest in the Town of Southold and we feel that the addition of 10 to 13 new families wil1 result in even higher taxes. We believe that the officials we elect must recognize and uphold the intent. provisions, and restrictions of the Zoning Code To make changes to that adopted and agreed upon COOt . changes which will adversely affect our quality of life - is a violation of the public trust. § ~RI!""- r _ ~. . -1"" ' ' 'ì ~ ' . , . , . . SÒ'·~\,' \\. , _._--..~~=?u'j~:;z.~l!~~'¥\ ~;--k-: , //~1 /, / --./'-:, / J d ~ ~ --€'4..1L__ - _/.L.'.. , /' - "'/'v.L.LJL¿-r-=":"_~"./!. __'/L f..J..,þ - h~+-~_=:;__._.l5!~J rc:~_ G.(-Æ~!~Lt.¿;~Ct ___ .{ ,'~;).I-./ -e /CÚ.c:itlr:J-'=--ft- ~--¿z-' '1;.£~7¿ . i / ,tj )¿(I , ¡ L- r /1., 0' -1-.-' /(/ I - .,¿í( - - ---/.4--- tf~ ~-..-- ~ ~;/p /' Æ. ._t!.'2-:z-,,= -~- a _':/'-'~ -. -,-.!!-'~~.I~.4 .~'- v;...{ ..~ž- .. .I¡j-YL ~ ~~};~_--.. .-¡:~ ~~:;-¡~;_~~711¡1~;;~ I. r-- :2 /'0 fl.. IÎ ,- ,/, £ '/ . ,.' ~x..~ -- .-i~:l?. tl.'1'f- '.':£:~J-<L__ ~ )~0, _ .. ~ __117.3-/ _.It_';Z. .z~ --_._-5 ~7J_~ ;.~ _¡u",:Lj~~___ ~~._~ ,(///9 'l 'c/ ,LL - I·.&{?'~_n____f{?~j -.l2.Œo')-~_,":"_._ _:::-. 52.ç..'k1<.\1C..\... ~t Lt5 7 { (/7 I l l1- . -----..4""=--~_._n__._._ __._.,_____ _n'_' __.~_L____._..______L1 .._____.~.. ~ '-' ~!] ,.~~ ,1JJ~c:1.~,,--:,:~ __22_C:U -.i? ~Ä~ (2) j _Cn, tl~'/Cy <Þ To: The Elected Members of twouthOld Town Board Jean Cochan. Supennsor Louisa P. Evans, Justice W\l1lam D. Moore, Councilman Brian G. Murphy, Counçilman Craig A. Richter, Councilman John M. Romanelli, Councilman . We the undersigned, taxpayers and residents of the unincorporated Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, New York, commend the efforts of the Southold Town Board in attempting to secure affordable housing in Southold Town. AI> residents of neighboring homes to the proposed Afford<lble How>ing Development on Sutton Place we strongly oppose any and all changes to the zoning code which would Increase density and in turn adversely affect our quality of life, property, lraffiC. fire and res- cue, safety and the environment. We have one of the most dangerous intersections in the Town of Southold and are concerned that any increase in traffic density will hinder publk services, ¡ncludlng fire and rescue. We believe that our neighborhood's water supply will be compromised and that changes in zoning will compromise surface drainage which C'dn result in significant property damage. We fed that this ·spot zoning" ('hange will undermine the preservanon of open S Y4CCS in our neighborhood and compromise its natural and scenic qualities. Our school taxes are the highest in the Town of Southold and we feel that the additJon of 10 to 13 new families will result in even higher taxes. We believe that the officials we elect must recognize and uphold the intent, provisions, and restrictions of the Zoning Code. To make changes to that adopted and agreed upon Code - changes which wUl adversely affect our quality of life - is a violation of the public trust. ADDRI!5S _!þ.[)(~k. ~_..__ ~/h i"/SCfC ..~~>:- ~~~~-__._.L.....__ .~t;I'f/<f ____ . jl.1.S._1l1._~.k . _ . ~ ._0_S;;..bb.~IL_M__.~~~", /.¿-;_-'--'Z. !t'7'-t'1 -'---.- .________..._._ _._______________ ___no ..___________ n_.___.______.__ .. ___.____ _...._____._____.__m __ _.._.._______._ .____.___._ ___ _.___." .u._n_ ____ __.__.____ ___ ______._.____m.." .._____.__.. ___no _____ .._ _._._.______._~..--._=. ._ _ _..__~._.. -________ "_.-.__.-.. ____0". __.___._. __'" __n.__.___ ..___. __ _<._____. _.,.___~~-__.__. _______ - _~.. .__ ______n. __._"0.__ _ ~_....._.__ .. ._.___ __.._ ___ - --- -.---.-.-. ..- _._,.___ _. _.__.___...____..__..__,._______m....._ _._ __'" _.__u___."..n__n. __._. ____..._____ ----------------..-----------------.- -.--.---.----.. ---- -.-------.-..-------.------.- _... ------------- .----- ---------- - - .---.-.--.-- -_. ----- -----~- - --.-.- -.---..- ._---. _.._---_.~_._=--- ____n____.____ ._u. ",. n_ .----....--- --.- .------.-..-.--.. ._----....,.._._---~-~~- -_.___.__ -.__.__._.___.____ ____.__ _.'_.__n'- _____n.___________. __________._~__ _..___ ___ _____~____ ... To: The Elected Members o. Southold Town Board jean Cochan. Supervisor Louisa P. Evans, justice William D. Moore, Councilman Brian G. Murphy, Councilman Craig A. Richter, Councilman john M. Romanelli, Councilman . . We the undersigned, taxpayers and residents of the unincorporated Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, New York, commend the efforts of the Southold Town Board in attempting to secure affordable housing in Southold Town. As residents of neighboring homes to the proposed Affordable Housing Development on Sutton Place we strongly oppose any and all changes to the zoning code which would increase density and in turn adversely affect our quality of life, property, traffic, fire and res- cue, safety and the environment. We have one of the most dangerous intersections in the Town of Southold and are concerned that any increase in traffic density will hinder public services, including fire and rescue. We believe that our neighborhood's water supply will be compromised and that changes in zoning will compromise surface drainage which can result in significant property damage. We feel that this "spot zoning" change will undermine the preservation of open spaces in our neighborhood and compromise its natural and scenic qualities. Our school taxes are the highest in the Town of Southold and we feel that the addition of 10 to 13 new families will result in even higher taxes. We believe that the officials we elect must recognize and uphold the intent. provisions, and restrictions of the Zoning Code. To make changes to that adopted and agreed upon Code - changes which will adversel, affect our quality of life - is a violation of the public trust. NAME ADDRESS o ~se- - £4 -Æ / . '/"t.-.{ /.?(9--l cf- 8 --.--. -- - To: The Elected Members Ae Southold Town Board Jean Cochan. Supervisor Louisa P. Evans, Justice William D. Moore, Councilman Brian G. Murphy, Councilman Craig A. Richter, Councilman John M. Romanelli, Councilman . We the undersigned, taxpayers and residents of the unincorporated Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, New York, commend the efforts of the Southold Town Board in attempting to secure affordable housing in Southold Town. As residents of neighboring homes to the proposed Affordable Housing Development on Sutton Place we strongly oppose any and all changes to the zoning code which would increase density and in turn adversely affect our quality of life, property, traffic, fire and res- cue, safety and the environment. We have one of the most dangerous intersections in the Town of Southold and are concerned that any increase in traffic density will hinder public services, including fire and rescue. We believe that our neighborhood's water supply will be compromised and that changes in zoning will compromise surface drainage which can result in significant property damage. We feel that this "spot zoning" change will undermine the preservation of open spaces in our neighborhood and compromise its natural and scenic qualities. Our &;hool taXes are the highest in the Town of Southold and we feel that the addition of 10 to 13 new families will result in even higher taxes. We believe that the officials we elect must recognize and uphold the intent, provisions, and restrictions of the Zoning Code. To make changes to that adopted and agreed upon Code - changes which will adversely affect our quality of life - is a violation of the public trust. NAME ADDRESS .~~ t:t: F;:! ~')Zl !Jt::ø / <-2(..,. I 1\/~" -,'1-,,,--:,..),,:;,'1 ..... ^- ~ '--,¡ ''1"; .,,~ ".' A.:l... i /kY'¡·),;.;.r~J7.:'/·- ¡~ ~~~2;::~;/J1 vvf.~:;o (j;j~ ~;:7:Þ:dGP. / ~M',{J~ ~7 ð~~ r ~f!aL~' JÍ(c {'~ -P~" .~ 7D/~~ ~ ~::::.f};¡;z"" ;o;;:;;-~~ -- -- . . -l'f) .____~. _n____. _____ Honorable Josh Horton Supervisor Southold, New York March 11, 2002 rl' ~ ê Ie · í L~I ~ :~ 2l~j SUPERVISORS C'; '.CE - 'WN OF S0UTHOL-D Dear Mr. Horton As a recent home purchaser in Greenport we were very distressed to read about proposals to build a large complex of homes down the block from our home. We live on Sound Road directly up the block from Sutton Place. We understand that Sutton Place will be the road providing access to the houses that are planned on Sound Avenue(route 48). This plan would have an extremely negative effect on the blocks adjacent to Sutton Place. The volume of traffic on this small road would be totally disruptive to the surrounding area. We are all ready disturbed by the noise and traffic on Route 48 due to the Cross Sound Ferry service. Adding to the vehicular traffic in this area would be creating congestion, noise and volume inappropriate to a residential neighborhood. We hope that your leadership will assist in the defeat of this proposal for the preservation of this neighborhood and community. Ideas to add to the much-needed housing stock would be better served through rehabilitating and restoring existing structures not clearing valuable land and adding to the noise and congestion with over-sized projects such as these. Thank you for your consideration of this issue and we look forward to your support of our community. . Sincerely, ~ C J7.. /7 Mary C. Gabriel ~ \\~.-. ¡¡: 7.'. IS. n \.....7 ~--..··I:. ì D u; IIn IC, U . ,'-, I I, I r-~--'----- ---, , ¡ I "1 ; . j "',. Uh" ft··..··" I'.' 1:.1 ~.~'I':;)~ ':"_ \,' ,\ :,~.) . ; " \ i " ' ~ \.. - ~ ,- . - . . TlJ -~D--;-\ iT ;¡;" ¡~ ~ ,-.f í2 r~-~'\ . r------l' Ùl" 5 ~I <",IPER\'~SCìRS Cr,~!=:CE : ,jWr-·J OF ~:nu THOLD II Sound Road, Greenport, NY 11944 631-477-8589 Supervisor Josh Horton Town of South old 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Horton: To date I have not voiced an opinion or taken sides in local affairs; as a newcomer I feel I should listen and learn before I speak. But I am writing now with regard to the proposed Affordable Housing Development on Sutton Place. I am a recent arrival to Greenport. After only a couple of visits here I fell in love with this area: the fannland, the open spaces, the green-ness. Although my house is on a half- acre I found out that the wooded space I see from my windows - a tìve acre lot - is zoned for single family houses on one acre lots, I also found out that the builder of my house was refused permission to build a two-family house. With this in mind I happily invested my savings -- in this house and in Greenport. Less than a year has passed since then and I hear there is a proposal to build thirteen houses with auxiliary apartments on these five acres. Before I go further I would like to make clear that [ believe there is a need tor affordable housing, and meeting that need should be high on the town of Southold's agenda. My objection to this proposed project is that I do not believe it answers that need. I believe that affordable housing should really be affordable; that it should only be sold to qualified tàmilies; and that it should bc affordable for generations to come, not a one-time windfall for a handtì.ll of people. A property that suddenly jumps to market value would be a temptation to sell rather than to hold onto and to pass on to the next generation, leaving us once more with the current situation of housing that is out oCthe reach of locally-born young people trying to start out in life. My next objection is one of practicality. Adding between thirteen and twenty-six more tàmilies to our quiet cul-de-sac will havc an adverse et1ect on the environment, quality of life, and amenities that we now enjoy -- and had a reasonable expectation of continuing to enjoy. A project of this size will surely impact on all aspects of town life - traffic is already a problem at the intersections of Main, Rte 48, and Sound Rd.; two dozen more cars making that turn can only create havoc - as well that of local residents. I shall, of course, attend the meeting on Tuesday night but I am not comfortable speaking in public and wanted to bc sure that my opinion is heard. Thank YOll tor your attention. Yours sincerely, /< r'lll: ':'1- j.l , , -~ ! -'1 -""""x :',r // t\Ia2.gi Travis/Radacinski To whom it may concern:. . ib In regards to the zoning change proposed by "Ma Tine Inc." to AHD from R40 I must register my strong opposition. This neighborhood is already one of the most densely populated areas surrounding Greenport Village. Ten lots with the certain reality of accessory units' on seven of these lots is a serious population explosion for our tiny neighborhood. This wiU turn Sound Road, already a busy street into a dangerous situation. "67" Steps Beach is clogged with tourists' (their cars, feces, and trash) during the summer months. Egress onto Route 48 is problematic at best every day of the year, and only going to get worse with the opening of Shady Lady. This property is directly across the street from me, and I always knew it would be developed... but, I had hoped it would be environmentally sound, and sensitive to the locations' density. Developing over a drainage sump should not be aUowed. Perhaps an environmental impact study should be worked up to get the fuU picture here. Successful urban planning seeks to solve problems in the future by addressing them squarely in the present. Lacking proper buffer zones of any decent size on its' parameters' this development will be nothing short of cluttered for those who can afford to live there. Why not down zone to mobile home lots'" This would be even more profitable for the developers and unnamed toml affiliated cronies in the long run. The good, hard working people of South old Towll deserve affordable housing within their price range now, and in the future. It is in the interest of aU to consider this proposal very carefuUy for it affects those who live here after us. I see nothing good in a legacy lacking in open spaces. I hope that our beautiful beaches and breathtaking sunsets will not be ruined by short-sighted selfish greed. As a tax paying year round local citizen, I ask the TO\\l1 Board to leave this property zoned R40. Sincerely: Jennifer Leroy Warner Sinclair 20 Sound Road Greenport C) ~ f"" r; 11-- ~ I ¿e;-v r~ ~ , ;CD ~,., c4- \)~' J CU"- y~ œ Œ œ Œ ~ \17-~~1 MAR .. I : ',,') II~) \ 12" ¡n¡::f"" .-"'J' . .- _n_" \' ·,-1 \ ~~,_~'~-~_~' __..~._ __,,,_",r_~, i~' I' I I' r- I" 'I I " U~ l MAR ' I ;:002 J i-' ("I I!='ER\"SOf~3 C' F!('E I ,j'v'JI'J (,F SOL;THOLD ------- . {fJ \AI'\í?:" '\ S. .::)..(JIJ" . , r") \ \ \C.IA_" .(J' ·..}l' r~." 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EDWAHDS (;F.OItGE HITCH IE LATIIAlvI, ,TR. ¡¡¡CHARD CAGGIANO {f~' ,v"''\;.'''..~ if '!if ~ I' ,,ª ~~ ú.I :e "" !'>-r c::>~. ~ ~O.¡ + i-~~ . , VHI^'! ,'t, , /':) ~I / / I'LANNING BOA!! . /EMBERS. 1 :]',NN¡·:'!' J' I)HU )\\'8£<.1, ,Ii{ Chn.¡nnan P U. B'J:... 1 i 7~f Town Hall, [):30!=):¡ Sttll¡' L'~i)ut;? 2:, Southold, Nov, ì'tl 'k 11~)71-n95') Telephone ¡,(3;31, 7íj[i~1~);iR Fax tt-i.'31) 7H5-;¡ 1 ;-;n PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECEIVED MAR 1 8 2002 MEMORANDUM ~outhold Town CIerI, From: Elizabeth A. Neville, South old Town Clerk Victor L'Eplattenier, Senior Plannÿ March 18,2002 To: Date: Re: NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Correspondence Archaeological and Historical Sensitivity Attached please find correspondence from Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC, pertaining to five sites, two of which are affordable housing sites currently under review for proposed zoning changes to AHD. This correspondence is being forwarded to you for your attention and any recommendations the Town Board may have regarding these sites. encl. ~G~lif~~~J~ L. . -ICE TC;,;~f".\;-~l)I'_~!í '(.)~r·-, 10\.Vh! ()f" :-,U:Jt_f~:~l?____.. -~. -"- - . ~. -"~~' -.- ---- çJ:.¡J"\Oþ.;.¡.., C!. '<S'" f"*' ~ ~ ~ . ~ NEW 'l'O~ $TATE ~ 8emóCW8 CaSUQ CO.'T1m'~SlonBr . . ,."',( J " ~"' AI,:.! ~., New York State OHice of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Historic Preservatior Field Services Bureau Peebles Island. PO Box 189, Watertord, New York 12188-0189 5'8·2~~~'-a64.3 !--Iarch 6. 2002 Shana M. Lacey ~el'on, Pope & Yoorll!5. LLC 572 Walt WhinlWl Road Melville, New York ¡ 174 7-218~ [R100~G'\§~[b îí!-\r>' IJ (5 ¿¡Jut: ';;;;'),.----. . ~f E'ONa'oÆ~~lY- - Dear !>1s. Lacey: Re: SEORA Ma Tine/Gre~nport North of "orth Roadi SCTM #1000-35-01-04 SOl1thoJd, Suffolk COUl\ty 02PR0998 Thank you [or reques¡ing the COmmCn[5 of the Office of Parks, Recrea.tion and Historic Preservation COPRHP) concerning your project's potential impact/effect upon historic and:or prehistoric culrura1 reSOUrc~S. Our staff has r~viewcd the docurncntatiol1 thal yðU provided on your projècr. Preliminary comments a.nd/or requests for additional information are noted on separate enclosures accompanying this lener. A delcnnination ofimpact/etiect will be provided only after ALL docUmeIllatiOn n;quirements not~d on ,:my euc10sures have becD met. Any questions concerning OUT preliminary ¡;O~J1ments and/or requests for addirional1nformation should be directed to the appropriate sL3.ffpcrscm idenrjfj~d on each enclosure. In case:; where a staœ agency is involved in this undenaking it i.o:¡ appropriate for that agency !o determine whether consultation should take place WiLõ OPRHP under Section 14.09 of rhe New York Sme Parks. Rccreation and Historic Preservation La.w, In addition, if thcr~ is any federal agency inyolvemeIlt, Advisory Council on Histori" Preservation's regulations, "Protection of Historic and Cultural Propenies" 36 CFR 800 requires lhat agcncy to initiate consultation with thc State Historic Preservation Offic", (SHPO). Whe:! respc,;d;ng, please b< sure to refe; to tl1< OPRRP Project Review (PR) nurr.ber r.ote~ abo\'e Sincerely, /7 () . ~9; . r~"fC1'--f Ruth L. Pierpont Director RLP:bsd Enclosure(s) An Equal Opportunity/Affirmathre Action Agency ("~prt ,\ledon fllI:y';;;\CI~patler . . ARCHEOLOGY COM!\lENrS 02PR0998 Based on reported resources,'there is an archcologlCal site in or ddjacenI to ;,Qur pl'oJect area Therefore the Officc of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preser',"""", (OPRHP) recommends that a Phase I archeological survey is warramed for all portion; oi the projeCt to Involve ground disturbance, unless substanlral pnor ground disturbance can be documented. If you consider the project area 10 bc dislurbed, documentation of ¡he disturbance will need to be reviewed by OPRHP. E.xamples of disturbance indud" mining activities and mujtiple episodes of building construction and demolition. A Phase I survey is designed to determine the presence or absence or archeological sites or other cultural resources In Ihc project's area of potential effcct. The Phase 1 survey is divided into two progressive units of stu¿y including a Phase L\ sensitivitY assessment and initial project area field inspection, and a Phase I B subsurface testing program for the project area. The OPRHP can provide standards for conducting cultural resource investi gations upon request. Cu]¡ural resource surveys and survey reports that meet these standards will be accepted and approved by the OPRHP. Our office does not conduct cultural resources surveys. A 36 CFR 61 qualified archeologist should be retained to conduct the Phase I survey Many archeological consulting firms advertise their availability in the yellow pages. The services of qualified archeologists ean also be obtained by contacting local, regional. or statewide professional archeological organizations. Phase I surveys can be expected to vary in cost per mi Ie of right-of-way or by the number of acres impacted. We encourage yOll 10 contact a numb(;[ of consulting firms and compare examples of each firm's work to obtain Ihe best product. Documentation of ground disturbance should include a description of the disturbance with confinning evidence. Confirmation can include current photographs and/or older photographs of thc project area which illustrate the disturbance (approximately keyed to a project area map), past maps or site plans that accurately record previous disturbances, or current soil borings that verify past disruptions 10 the land. Agricultural acti ~'i!y is not considered to be substantial ground disturbance and many sites have been identified in previously cultivated land. If you have any questions concerning archeology. please call Mike Schlfferl1 "t (S 18) 237-8643 ex! 3281. M. Schifkr1i O:,,!(',uo:: . . -rB I tfORAN .J:' ,jun5et Laoe C;reenf'ort. ^!)/ / /,,++ ................ .-.-......... . . .-...,.........-. March 10, 2001 Joshua Horton, Supervisor Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Supervisor Horton, We are writing to express our concerns regarding the request made by MA TINE, Inc. to change the zoning from Low Density Residential District to Affordable Housing District on 5.7 acres that are on the north side of Route ~48 and runs between Sound Road and McCann Lane. Above all, we want to make you aware that we are not against Affordable Housing. We have 5 adult children and know how it is for young people to find a home of their own. What we need for you, the counsel members, and the public to be made aware of is the above-mentioned property is not the proper place for the proposed development. Within in miles, sometimes feet of each other, there are the following projects that are or will be adding to the density of the area. · Peconic Landing · Shady Lady · The possible development of 54 two-family homes by Emanuel Kontokosta on the south side of the Route 48 and east of San Simeon. · The Summit Estates development that is located in East Marion (35 Homes) - WDJ··~:"_:_-_.. . i ., " "llf , I: I . ::~_:uu~ J I~' SI¡ ~ c- . ", . "'1' '~ ; ',- E 'Tr-j'-',.'q , . . Besides density being a problem, the traffic that will be generated by these areas will be an unending nightmare. Add to this the Ferry traffic, both coming and going. At the end of Sunset Lane is a sump area and when it rains the water runs down Sunset into the sump. It is proposed, that this area to be the entrance for the development. Ifthat is approved, what happens to the water flowing down Sunset? What happens to the homeowners' property on the four corners of the sump? There will no doubt be some kind of flooding. The school system here in Greenport is already under a heavy burden. We do pay the highest school taxes in Southold. If these developments go through will there be room in the school or will we need to look at construction of new classrooms? With the development of Peconlc Landing, the habitats of many animals and birds have vanished. Many have found the 5.7 acres to their liking. The list of birds that use this as a migratory station or permanent home is endless. The deer and fox are more abundant in our neighborhood now. What happens when this area is taken away? It is also a natural buffer for those of us who live on Sutton Place and Sunset Lane. It keeps the traffic noise to a minimum. Believe us, we want what is best for our neighborhood and for Greenport. But with the new proposals, what has already been developed, and taking 5.7 acres and turning it into a development of at least 10 homes with the possibility of accessory apartments is not in any estimation the best for our neighborhood. We chose to live the "Remains of our Days" out here on the North Fork because of the openness and the memories of how our communities were like when we were growing up in Nassau before all the developing. Please, don't allow it to happen here. Everyone involved, we are sure, will make the only decision possible: Let the 5.7 acres remain open space. Sincerely, ~ / .-- .....--:~-- , '~., , I" I 11 /ú:ol;¿/?{I{ {i/lzl " wC,(.i&c~ flokZ-A-L- Richard and Priscila Horan , . , . RECEIVED . I'i 'ì 1 C ., .\ ,\I ¡ ;:J 2Ll\.),':: LEGAL NOTIlc:E NOTICE OF PUBLIC ,IEARING ~outhold Town Cler! NOTICE IS HERIŒY GIVEN that the T L ."n Board of the Town of SOllIhold has received a petition to amend tllC Zoning Map 0'.' the To\'.'n of Southold by changing the Zoning District designation ofSCTM # 1000-0.;5.00-01.00-004.000 from the Low Density Residential (R-40) to Ihe Aftèndable Housi,g District (AHD). NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVE1~ that pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Code of the To".-n of South old, Suffolk County, Ne\\' York the Town Board of the Town of South old wi'l hold a PUBLIC HEARING on the , ---. Aforesaid LOCAL LAW at the SOUTHOLD TCWN HALL. 53095 Main Road, Southold. New York at 5:00 p.m., Tuesdav, I\Iar~:h 26,2002. The purpose of the Local Law is to Change the Zoning District Designation L:f SCTl'v! # 1000-035.00-01.00- 004.000 from the Low Density Residential (R-40) I" the Affordable Housing District Designation. The petitioner for this request is MaTme Inc.. The legal description of the aforesaid propeilY is as follows: All that certain plot, piece or parcel ofland, with the buildings and impr,-,vements Ihereon erected, situate, lying and being near Greenport, in the Town of Sol"llOld, County of Suffolk, Stare of New York and bounded and described as follows: BegiIming at a point on the nOI1herly line of ,he North Road which point of beginning is the southwesterly comer of the premis.s herein described and the southeasterly comer oflands now or formerly ofEI'zabeth T. Albertson and others; ru¡ming thence n0l1herly along the easterly line of I"nds now or fom1erly of Elizabeth T., Albertson and others to the southerly line of lands now or formerly of Dorothy Barstow; thence easterly along the southerly line oflands la:.. mentioned and lands now or fonnerly of Herbert Fordham to the westerly line or Sound Road or Avenue; thence southerly along the westerly line of SOlmd Road to 'ands now or fonnerly of Whilney; thence westerly and again southerly along the atòrc::1entioned lands [0 lands now or forn1erly of Kszy1llinski; thence westerly and again :;olltherly along lands last mentioned to the northerly line of the North Road; thence weSI ':rly along the northerly line of the North Road to the point or place of thc BEGINN11\:. i. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the saI11L)!'cmiscs conveyed by deed dated December II, [989 ~tlcl recorcleU in the Suffclk COt.tly Clerk's Office 011 April 10, 1991J in Libel' I 1049 page 59. The Property is "I'proximar .Iy 5.7 acres. The Local Law is entitled, "A LOCAL LA\' TO A.J..!l'ND THE ZONING ~L\l) OF THE TO\VN OF SOm'HOlD BY CHANG INc. THE ZONING DISTRICT - . . . , DESIGNATION OF SCTM # 1000-035.00-01.00-00.f.000 FROM THE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-40) TO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISTRICT (ARD)". Copies of this Local Law arc available in the Office (·¡the Town Clerk to any interested persons dluing regular business hours. Any persons desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear, and has the right to appear, at the time and place above so specified. Any person also has the right to submit written comments to the Southo ld Town Clerk either prior to the Public Hearing or at the Public Hearing. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TO\VN OF SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Dated: February 26, 2002 Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk r LEGAL NOTICE NO'l1CB ŒPWUC...... NO'l1CB IS IBIIY ~... the Town Boan! '" .. 1M of Southold has received a ptdthM.- 10 amend the Zoning Map of the Town of SouthaJd by changing the Zoning ÐiItrict designation of SCTM # IOCIO- 035.00.01.IXJ.OO4.ooo from the Low Dreui1)' Residential (R-4O) to the Affardible H.OU'. iil. wstdit (AHD). N01p:!5 . ... '. ..' .. eo.,. - Yolk, .. __ ..... of Il1o 1Ion of~ wIII_ a M- LIC HEARING on the Aforesaid LOCAL LAW at the SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL. 53095 Main Road. SGUdIold, New York at S:()() p.III.. ~. March 26. 2002. The pu~ of dte Local Law is to Change ... Zoning District Designation of SCTM. 1000-03s.00.01.IxJ.oo4.ooo rrom the Low Density Residential (R-40) to the Affordable Housing District Designation. The petitioner for this request is MaTlne Inc.. The legal description of the aforesaid property is as follows: All that certain plOf, piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate. lying and being near Greeopon. in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk. State of New York and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of the North Road which point of beginning is the southwesterly comer of the premises herein described and the southeasterly comer of lands now or fonnerly of Elizabeth T. Albertson and others; running thence northerly along the easterly tine of lands now or fonner- Iy of Elizabeth T. Albertson and others to the southerly line of lands now or for- merly of Dorothy Barstow; thence east- erly along the southerly line oflands last mentioned and lands now or fonnerly of Herbert Fordham to the westerly line of Sound Road or Avenue; thence souther· Iy along the westerly line of Sound Road to lands now or fonnerly of Whitney; thence westerly and again southerly along the aforementioned lands to lands now or formerly of Kszyminski; thence westerly and again southerly along lands last mentioned to the northerly line of the North Road; thence westerly along the I1OI1herly line of the North Road to the point or place of the BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same pre.øUsc¡.~v.)fM;.by deed d........... ~ ~orded in ilia .............,-~¡œon AprU 10. 1990 ill Lilla' 1l0iI9 page 59. ne.....,.......i ., S.7 acres. 'I1Ie Local Law i. _d. "A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND TIlE ZON- ING MAP OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF SCTM # lOOO-03S.00-01.00- 004.000 FROM TIlE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-40) TO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING DiSTRICT (AHD)"·. Copies of this Local Law are avail- able in the OffICe of the Town Clerk to any interested persons during regular business hours. Any persons desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear. and has the right to appear. at the time and place above so specified. Any per- son also has the right to submit written comments to the Southold Town Clerk either prior to the Public Hearing or at the Public Hearing. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. SOUTHOLD. NEW YORK. Dated: February 26. 2002 Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk 22S4-1TMl4 "" STATE OF NEW YORK) )SS: COUWY OF j)UFFOLK) ~R-,J /?V,If./ WGZ3E¿ of Mattituck, in said county, being dulj "-W' says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFF\ S, a weekly newspaper, pub- lished at Mattituck, . )Wf1 of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of N& . and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printt. JY, has been regularly pub- lished in said Ne\\per once each week for / week¡; successively, commencing on the /'/ day of ß/f'£c..// 2Ot:?¿.,. ~/ d¿d.~ ./ Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this It..{ i.b... day of J1vvLcA 20 DJ- ~Z; ~CUcÁ-Jt LAURA E. BONDARCHUK Notary Public, State of New York No 01 B06067958 Qualified ;1\ Suffolk County ",- My Commission Expires Dec. 24, 2Q,£J> ~ ,- I . . LEGAL NOTICE \'-146 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of South old has received a petition to amend the Zoning Map of the Town of South old by changing the Zoning District designation ofSCTM # 1000-035.00-01.00-004.000 from the Low Density Residential (R-40) to the Affordable Housing District (AHD). NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, the Town Board of the Town of South old will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on the Aforesaid LOCAL LAW at the SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL. 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York at 5:00 p.rn" Tuesdav, March 26.2002. The purpose of the Local Law is to Change the Zoning District Designation ofSCTM # 1000-035.00-01.00- 004.000 from the Low Density Residential (R-40) to the Affordable Housing District Designation. The petitioner for this request is MaTine Inc.. The legal description of the aforesaid property is as follows: All that certain plot, piece or parcel ofland, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being near Greenport, in the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk, State of New York and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of the North Road which point of beginning is the southwesterly corner of the premises herein described and the southeasterly comer of lands now or formerly of Elizabeth T. Albertson and others; running thence northerly along the easterly line of lands now or fornlerly of Elizabeth T., Albertson and others to the southerly line oflands now or fornlerly of Dorothy Barstow; thence easterly along the southerly line oflands last mentioned and lands now or fomlerly of Herbert Fordham to the westerly line of Sound Road or Avenue; thence southerly along the westerly line of Sound Road to lands now or fornlerly of Whitney; thence westerly and again southerly along the aforementioned lands to lands now or formerly of Kszyrninski; thence westerly and again southerly along lands last mentioned to the northerly line of the North Road; thence westerly along the northerly line of the North Road to the point or place of the BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by deed dated December 11,1989 and recorded in the Suffolk county Clerk's Office on April 10. 1990 in Liber 11049 page 59. The Property is approximately 5.7 acres. The Local Law is entitled, "A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT r! I :1 :1 . . 1 ,I DESIGNATION OF SCTM # 1000-035.00-01.00-004.000 FROM THE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-40) TO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISTRICT (AHD)". Copies of this Local Law are available in the Office of the Town Clerk to any interested persons during regular business hours. Any persons desiring to be heard on the proposed amendment should appear, and has the right to appear, at the time and place above so specified. Any person also has the right to submit written comments to the Southold Town Clerk either prior to the Public Hearing or at the Public Hearing. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK. Dated: February 26,2002 Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk I " .1 I II :1 I I II Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Town Attorney Planning Board Catherine Mesiano Ma Tine, Inc. Catherine E. Tasker Abigail Wickham, Esq. Town Clerk Bulletin Board . - . . ST ATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of SOUl hold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the IJ'tU day of ~ ).. , 2002, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a tme copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of South old, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Public Heariug: Change of Zone: Matine, Inc. ~q.Y)¿~e~ Elizabeth A. Neville Soulhold Town Clerk Sworn before me this IJ"'-' day of J'Y\w.L ,2002. J~ýy\~ Notary Public ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Ck¡¡.".·,c· , 'il \'. r.).1.t".Y'-~. 'f-" t Ý ~ / Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone 16311 765-1800 sou t ho Idtown. nort hfor k. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 164 OF 2002 W AS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 26, 2002: WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of South old has received a petition to amend the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold by changing the Zoning District designation of SCTM # 1000-035.00-01.00-004.000 from Ihe Low Density Residential (R-40) to the Affordable Housing District (AHD), NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Code of the Town of South old, Suffolk Counly, New York, the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on the Aforesaid LOCAL LAW at the SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL, 53095 Main Road, Southold, ;'<Oew YorK at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 26, 2002. The purpose of the Local Law is to Change the Zoning District Designation of SCT!\! # 1000-035.00-01.00-004.000 from the Low Density Residential (R-40) to Ihe Affordable Housing District Designation. The petitioner for this request is MaTioe Ioc.. The Property is approximately 5.7 acres located in Greenport, New York. The Local Law is entitled, "A LOCAL LAW TO AI\IEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY CHANGING THE ZONING DIST¡UCT DESIGN!\. TION OF SCTM # 1000-035.00-01.00-004.000 FROM THE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-40) TO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISTRICT (AHD)··. E'g~Q.r)w'¿J.. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town ClerK --- ..- ----- ~ .... , RESOLUTION FEBRUARY 26,2002 \'- 164 WHEREAS the To\\'n Board of the To\\'n of South old has received a petition IO amend the Zoning I\[ap of the Town of South old by changing the Zoning District designation ofSCTl\1 # 1000- 035.00-01.00-00-+.000 from the Lo\\' Dcrlsity Residentral (R--+Olto the Affordable HOUSlllg District (.-liID), NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOL\'ED rhat pur"rant to Secli<Jn 265 of the TO\\ll LII\ and requirements "fthe (,<,de oCthe To\\'n OfSClUthold, Sunülk County. Ne\\' York, the To\\n BUJrJ oCthe [o\\n of Soulhold \\'ill hold a PUBLiC HEARING 011 the Aforesaid LOCAL LAW at the SOUTHOLD TO\\'N IL-\Ll. 53095 I\falll Road. S,'ulhold. New York at 5:00 p.m., Tucsday, !\Iarch 26, 2002. The purpose of the Local La\\ is to Change the ZonIng DIstri,-r DesignatIüI1 01' SCTI\IIi 1 00i'J-035.IJfi-l) l.on-oo-+.uOO tì'ot1l the I.ow Density Residentl:.!l (R--+O J to thL' .\ffordab(' H(nL~ing- District Dc.'.':JibrnatlOn. Tb.: petitioner for this request is J\IaTillc IlIl'.. The' Propèrty is :tppr\-I_\irlla!dy)" ì acrl:'S lUCHcJ m Cirt't'nporl. Nè\\- York. The /'0,'01 LII\' IS CIHilled. "\ I.Ol.\L L\ II' 10 .\I\IEND THL 70NING I\L\P OF TI·IE TOWN OF SOLiTlIOlD BY CIL\NCjING THE ZONING Dbl RICl DE~IGN\TfON OF SCTI\I" ¡OOO- 1t35(1(1-IHJJrJ-Orl-+.ÜüÜ FROI\! THE Lo\\' DENSITY RESIT)[Nl L\L IR--+O) TO THE AFFORDABLE IfOLiSINU DISTRICT I ,\HD )". , ,¡J. Resolution setting a public hearing on March 26. 2002 for the following: Request tor Change of Zone by petitioner Ma Tine, Inc., to amend the Zone Code (including the Zoning Map) for the property identified by SCTM #1000-35-01-04, approximately 5.7 acres located at 69125 County Route 48 in Greenport, New York tÌ'om Low Density Residential (R-40) to Affordable Housing District (AHD). Bottom of resolution should have: The Town Clerk is directed to publish notice of this public hearing in the official newspaper on March 14, 2002. - - ----- . . l REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICANT/CONTRACT VENDEE: SURVEYOR: MA TINE INC. CHRISTINE C. HURTADO, PRES. P.O. BOX 1925 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 CATHERINE E. TASKER 3509 BRANDON WAY MISSOULA, MO 59803 PECONIC SURVEYOR, P.C. JOHN METZGER, L.S. P.O. BPX 909 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 OWNER: ENGINEER: JOSEPH FISCHETTI, P.E. P.O. BOX 616 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 APPLICANT'S ATTORNEY: ABIGAIL WICKHAM, ESQ. P.O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK, NY 11952 CATHERINE MESIANO, INC 12 MILL POND LANE EAST MORICHES, NY 11940 631-878-8951 APPLICANT'S AGENT: SUBJECT PROPERTY: 5.7-ACRE PARCEL 69125 C.R. 48 GREENPORT, NY a/k/a SCTM # 1000-35-1-4. .. ~ ~ CJ 0 ::I: ~ - Ie c::: (þ ca ., 0 ~ c. .- en co o 0 ,ft .. 1- N ~ ~ ~ 1-"- wcQ «s:g I ~ C. Z cþ 0 ...s::: ' ;;; an n:s f/) 1:1 m 0 ,~ ..È CD ~ _ ._ ._ C N ~ - "'" ..... ... ~ .A ._ «S I ... _ ... :;: en .. -;;;- E = ~..... CC w .. CD - .... ~ o "' N" <1> 0 .-, . ~ co c' ... 0 N <= <:: CD ~ ....._ 0 W ~:I: .c ~ ~ I .. 0 Cl)F 0..... "0 Q) ..'ot ..r:. - ... .- cþ ;: I- ;¥ Q ....... 0 en _ """ <1> ...... ~ ~ (.) . W c.a .v-S° ... I =tag g CÞ ca:IE~~ 0 _.. (.) . 0 Z Q 1:1 ..,~ ~ ... _ ... ~>o ... c...-5';CJOO ~ocaE<:: ... ~ .b-õ Z 0 N 0 = 1:1 ", ~ :) IW .s:: ..: ... c( en, ~ I- 0 QJ ~ '5 .. 0 u. 0 Q ~,~ -Š É en U ..r:. 0 WoO .,. :I: ... ~ ~ g- .... .~ ~ ~ Z C! III:: c( .. i5 ,~~ 0 .~ "'C an W.. E >- ~ ", Z ZIW .- co I- C") C):IE Q. tf ~ :ä ~ ~ 0 0 Z 0 0 .~ Q) .;> _" _ ~ I .. e ...s::: E 0 ........ 1.1. ...... 0 III:: 0 0 CL. - «Š . § .=: ~ 0 CC .... L. .., ~ E ~ ... ~ m II1II:: Or-It) -E L... co I a.J ... .. 0 ..r:.::æ: .. ... :-: z .. ,: '& õ Q . u It) I- .:.:. '-' 0 ~ t;; c: ~ ~ ._ m _ - <1> 0 ~ -c 0 Z .. ~ .. E '-8 .,g c( ~ .. A L. _ ..... <:: <1> 0 a ('I) ..... - - A. Q .- a- ~ < U) CJ c( CJ _ :ä ,: - m ::¡ :IE W III:: oð <1> .... ã5 Z .., CJ > -E <1> !->< Oen W~~~~ _ c( III:: W :IE ~~~O c(", A. Q ¡:= ~~... ~ . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTR.-\R OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORl\L~TION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD / TO: ~Southold Town PlaIming Department Southold Town Board Southold Town Attomev Elizabeth A. Neville, S~uthold Town Clerk ~ FROf\'[: DATE: March 5, 2002 RE: Jl5/02 FOIL Request of Melanie Norden . Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 1197/ Fax f6311 765-6145 Telephone 1631) ~65-1800 sout hold town. nort hfork. net Transmitted herewith is a FOIL requesI of f\felanie Norden. Please respond to this office, in \\Tiling, within five (51 business days. Thank you. NOTE: Ms. Norden has received a copy of the application with the Notice to adjacent Property Owners, Assessment Form, and maps/survey so there is no need for you to supply those records. . ".~V."~lIfFOl.t ~~\ :v~ " "'~æ " ,,,',, ~':. (.1' =:t :"'" ::' ..Q ,. ';~, CI'J ~ ,f,' '~~ ~ tr't // ,,0. ~H :. ~ ~'I-.',' ~Q-l + -+-~,~/ __._(,-1 . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK Tú\qt Hal1. 5309.5 Main Road P.O. Box Il~9 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (5161 765-1823 Telpphone 1'516,1 í6'::)-18t!() REGISTRAR OF \'[TAL STATISTICS MARHIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAC;nIENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATION FOR PUBLIC ACCESS TO RECORDS INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete Section I of this form and give to Town Clerk's Office (agency Freedom of I nformation Officer). One copy will be returned to you in response to your request, or as an interim response. ============1i=====~==a;i~tf£=fjw=.nt=;===f'ß==íØlro=lf=.f~ ; ::~~':8..:t ~,.' Jo~J -reNAL. ~<W~I ~~Jø~ø( (Department or Officer, if known, that has the information you are requesting.) RECORD YOU WISH TO INSPECT: (Describe the record sought. If pos~le, sup Iy date, file title, tax map number, and any other pertinen! information.) 'è.I\ ~ W rt~d¡.) r"ðV'olw\J -IlL ~I;<:'~~ ct M,q 1) , ,. e Cl-.b\ 21V..L. tv... Sc.7W\ -#/ooo-03S'. Dl1-0 1.00- 004,000 ..f6 AA~Iri'. Uf\. &fY\I\I\ ~ P8 t'WitLoOt rte.p1Cf ~ ÞA~~ e,p\~ ~t> aU CAW"'~ ~ P(t~/A~~n~~~ rt~ ~- Printed Name:~ 'dr\1-e.. "-fo<cI.e.u Address: ,r~ (ñc.Gw·W\ ~e.. tl~~ ~ 1\C¡c,f«1 Date: 3 œ 2.,0Ó) Mailing Address (if different from above): Telephone Number: (ø'3 k 411- 4-'1 Il( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ ] APPROVED [ ] APPROVED WITH DELA Y* [ ] DENIED* RECEIVED ~{J~ Eliz eth A. Nevill Freedom of Information Officer UARDali, lOOl * If delayed or denied see reverse side for explanation. Southold Town Clerk . J . . Melanie Norden 1550 McCann Lane Greenpor/, Ne... York 11944 631-477-4914 (Phone) 631-477-3688 (FtlX) l'v[arch 5, 2002 Mr. Bennett Orloski. Jr.. Chairman Town of South old Planning Board Town Hall- Route 25 SOli/hold. Nell' York RECEIVED YARSæ02 Dear Afr. Orloski: Sou,hold ToWl! C1urk The 67 Steps Association, an association of property owners some of whose properties ahut the proposed Affordahle Housing prniect in Greenpor/. New York (SCTM # I (}(}(}-n35. (}()- () I. (}(}-(}(}4. ()(}(}), would like to studv the Planning Board's Review on this A HD application prior to the Puhlic Hearing scheduled/or March 26. 2(}(}2 at 5:(}(} p.m. A resolution of the Town Board on Decemher II, 2(}(}1 referred this Application to the PBfor its review. We are not sure on what date you received it hut. as indicated in the Codebook, "within sixty (6(}) days from the date of the Planning Board meeting at which such referral is received, the Planning Board shall report its recommendations to the Town Board." We presume that the sixty days have now expired and the PB's Review is availahle. Our Association trusts that the PB willjì¡lfill its obligations with respect to this AHD application. I-Ve request that you take the review seriousž" and perform your role in a thorough and timelv manner and that your Report he availahlefhr puhlic inspection well hefore March 2f¡, 2()()2. IVe hope that you will give ample consideration to the Town ~Master Plan. the existing and permitted land uses in the area, the relationship of the proposed design and locations of the buildings on the site. traffic circulation, both on and off the site. the adequacy and availability of communitl'facilities and utilities, including public water and public sewer systems, to sen'icc the proposed development, as well as the impact of Rock Ridge, the Shad" Ladv and Peconic Landing on this proposal. As registered voters and tu.-r paFers we reI" on the PB.f{JI" expert guidance in this arena. The PB has been charged with a significant public responsihilitl' - II'C trust that ourfàith in you as clected officials has not heen misplaced I havefiled the ncces.mrj' Freedom of In/(J/"nwtion papers. Please let me know whcn YOllr review is available. sMA",. / I Iovrhµ lYfMJ1If¡1ten . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 sou tholdtown. nort hfork. net REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS IVL".RRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS l\L-\NAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORl\L".TION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 164 OF 2002 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON FEBRUARY 26, 2002: WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of South old has received a petition to amend the Zoning Map of the Town of South old by changing the Zoning District designation ofSCTM # 1000-035.00-01.00-004.000 from the Low Density Residential (R-40) to the Affordable Housing District (AHD), NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 265 of the Town Law and requirements of the Code of the Town of South old, Suffolk County, New York, the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on the Aforesaid LOCAL LAW at the SOUTHOLD TOWN HALL. 53095 Main Road. Southold. New York at 5:00 p.m., Tuesdav, March 26, 2002. The purpose of the Local Law is to Change the Zoning District Designation of SCTM # 1000-035.00-01.00-004.000 from the Low Density Residential (R-40) to the Affordable Housing District Designation, The petitioner for this request is MaTiue Ine.. The Property is approximately 5.7 acres located in Greenport, New York. The Local Law is entitled, "A LOCAL LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION OF SCTM # 1000-035.00-01.00-004.000 FROM THE LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-40) TO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISTRICT (AHD)", pgr~a~~'''... Elizabeth A. Neville Sonthold Town Clerk Date: 02/11/02 Transaction(s): 1 SEOR Review Check#: 1100 Name: Property. Me Tine Greenport Ny Clerk 10: BONNIED Town Of South old ...0 Box 1179 ~hold, NY 11971 . , * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt#: Total Paid: 1100 Subtotal $750.00 $750.00 Internal 10: 49465 . . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF \'1TAL STATISTICS MA,RRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS 1L-\NAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOR1IATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 11 79 Southold. New York 11971 Fax 1631) 765-6145 Telephone ¡'631} 765-1800 sou thold town.nort hfork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 6,2002 Re: Change of Zone Applications of; MaTine,Ine¿/ Mattituck Housing, LLC Catherine Mesiano, President Catherine Mesiano, Inc. Licensed Real ESlate Broker Real Estate Consultant 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, New York 11940 Dear Ms. Mesiano: Please be ad\'ised that there is a SEORA Review fee for consultation work performed by Nelson, Pope, and V oohris in the amount of $750.00 for each of the above applications. Check should be made payable to Southold Town and sent to my office. As soon as the fees are received, the applications will move forward. The next step is for Ihe SEQRA Review Reports to be sent to the Planning Board and Suffolk County Planning Commission. Should you have any questions, I may be reached at 631 765-1800. Very truly yours, rfI/l;'AH-JO n"J)A 'Ei:~~evill~ Southold Town Clerk cc: Southold Town Board Town Attomey G. Weiser C- U....lèk4¿¡ _ · NELSON, POPE & VOORHIS, LLC Er--J ,",ùl',I·1tof¡ .:.., . F'L"-NrJlfIG eLl f¡ =. U L ,''' '-,> "-H~I'"LE~ -' ,'-"_'¡:-"I ,t~ ~I'-'::'· _F·TH'_'P J ~'_'EhL'LJ:- ,-_of" . .1~I-EriT ,', [,,-,rlrJt,LL; 1-'[ ":T,RtFPTf't::.J>,LI-HPE¡:IF~rll':' PE·I-',_'E[¡":I,~rIEL,:,rl Jr PI: I~ ~IIL rJ f..¡':':::: I- L :: rebrLlary 1. 2002 Elizabeth Ne\'ille, Town Clerk To\\n of Somhold TO\\I\ Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, Ne\\ Yurk 11971 Re: Town of Soulhold Change of Zone Petition, SEQRA Review ~IaTllle Property Dear ]\-[s. Neville: Thank you for conlactlllg NP&V for services in connection wilh SEQR review and the implementation of the abow referenced proJect. The following st'ITices and fees are proposed: 1. [nspect propèHY and art'a to detennine environmental resourct:s and characterIstics. -, ReYleW Part I Environmental Assessment Form (if,}\-ailablc). 3. Prepare Part U Environmental Assessment Fom1. .J. Prepare delailed environmental plonnmg review of the subject application. ree: $750.00 5. Re\'iew supplemental information subnutted hy the applicant III support of [he application. 6. Prepare recommended determination of Slgrufieance (if requested by TO\\'l1 Board). Fee: Time Rates (Budget: $200.00) Please Si~~1 where provided helow 10 authorize the completion of these services. Thank you for the opportunity to assist on this project. Please feel free to call should you haw any questions. Respecttì.1lly submitted, P:/File: 02-*** ACCEPTED AND APPRO\'ED BY: D.-HE: (Please sign and retun1 one copy) 572 '.".¡ALT 'J',¡HITMAN ROAD. MELVILLE. NY 11747-2188 [631) 427·5665· FAX (631 J 427-5620. ,f\,1'. N.nelsor.pope.com ~ . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR Of' V\'P.L STATISTICS ¡'L~RR\AGE OFFICER RECORDS ¡'L-\NAGE~lENT OFFICEH f'REEDO~! OF INFOR~L-\TION OFFICER r~" '1~.~ ;; t¡"~ ~t "== ;;.( ~ ~~~ ~B ~.H ~~ · ~1 ~~l . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box II~9 Southold, Ne\\' York 11971 Fax i.6:n 176.5-6145 Telephone \.63 U 765-1800 sou t holdtown. no rt hfork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOLTTHOLD Catherine Mesiano, President Catherine Mesiano, Inc. Licensed Real Estate Broker Real Estate Consultant 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, New York 11940 Dear Ms. Mesiano: January 22, 2001 Re: Change of Zone Applications of: MaTine,Ioe / Mattituek Housing, LLCV Enclosed please find copies of letters received from the Sutfolk County Department of Planning regarding your affordable housing change of zone applications. In addition to the zoning district, the maps must also show the land use, i.e. deli, office, etc. If your surveyor has any questions on the preparation of these maps, he should contact Mr. Gerald Newman of the Suffolk County Department of Planning at 853-5206. Should you have any questions, I may be reached at 631 765-1800. cc: Southold Town Board Town Attorney G. Weiser Very truly yours, ~~v~ Southold Town Clerk . . . . COUN1Y OF SUFFOLK RECEIVED JAN 1 8 2002 -.:">-~~' "f~,,:->';<':'l.-j.';>~~f!>- j¡~~'\",;) ';~\ W-'E!Ii<"ß ~~~;:~'" ~~-~-t;~;¡ ~~~~~;.'~; Southold Town Cler.. ROBERT J G':'FFtIE) SUFFOLK COU~J1Y EXEClITl\ E DEPAR-n-1ENT OF PU'...NNING T~-K:.t" .ê.S ISLES. .ð.ICP [, RECTOR ,:'F FL.....tJNlt~,J January'!, 2002 Town Clerk T o\\n of Southold Re: Application of "l\la Tine, Inc." for a change of zone hom R-40 to ,HID at Greenport in the Town of South old (SCTl\l #1000-35-1-4). Gentlemen: Plcase be acl\'ised that pursuant to Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County .-\dministrative Code. the abo\'e captioned application \\'illnot be re\ie\\ed until Ihe follo\\ing int()lmation is submitted through the otÌÌœs of the municipal rei~rring agency. I. An area map depiding land uses and zoning on and within 200 ft. of premises: Required information relati\'c to the SEQRA process: 3. Recommendations of the Town Planning Board: and 4. A copy of affordable housing criteria as established by the To\\n Board. , Thank you. Very truly yours. Iîwmas Isles Director of Planning Sfs Gerald G. Nc\\'tllan Chief Planner GGN:cc -.-' ',.J G ICCHORtJY',ZÛNING'ZONING'.WQRklt'G\lNC,,,;::ù02\ SO]::; JAN '-~ LCC;" nC)~1 H LEE C.EtJNIS0t~ BLOG - 4TH FL;]OP 100 ',ETERAtJS t-1Et·10RI';l HIi:;H'vV....Y r·lo:.rLIt'IG ':'uC'RESS P 0 BC':-< 03 I oc- H':'U~'P;".Ui:;E tn' I I 7e B-"':"'':J~9 _U , ~ , " ,-' ," - I I, " i"l i C' . ,~.I E,i 85::,-51-;:;·-::; TELEC'.::,pIE:R ·51 ö' 553-4C'44 . f RECEIVED . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK JAN 1 8 2002 ~(i~;r~~~~ ~,;\1ht!" ...' . ,7 .1.~~;,:F. ~,." ..">' ~;->~ Soufhold Town Cler., R.~6ERT,J. G.:.FF¡JE( SUFFOLK CQUt.JTY EXEC UTI ,E TH.:~,r'P3 13LE3 ,~ICP DEPARTt·'ENT OF PLANNING [. PEt::T'~~R (,F pu~r'ltJII '3 January 9, 2002 Town Clerk Town of South old Re: Application of "I\!attituck Housing, LLC' for a change of zone from R-80 to AHD at I\!attituck in the To\\'n of Southold I SCTI\! #1000- 122-2-23.1, Gentlemen: Please be advised that pursuant to Sections ,\ 14-14 to n of (he Suffolk County ..\dministrative Code. the abo\'e captioned application will not be rcviewed until Ihe ¡(¡llowing information is submittcd through the offices ohhe municipal referring agency . 1. A site plan; 2. An area map depicting land uses and zoning on and within 200 ft. of premises: 3. Required infonnation relati ve to the SEQR.-\ process; 4. Recommendations of the To\\'n Plamling Board: and 5. A copy of at1è,rdable housing criteria as established by the T O\m Board. Thank you. Very truly yours. Thomas Isles Director of Planning S/s Gerald G. Newman Chief Planner GGN:cc G 'C CHORNY\ZlJ~jING\ZONING\V\lORKING','~ C\:-002\SD 1:2 J ,;r'J LOC.:.TJ,::·f- rl. LEE [,ErJNIS,.)N BLCG - 4TH FLOOR 10,:) :ETER!\JJS t-1EJ\.10FiIAL HIGHW,'.,y . r·l:'lurJG :'DDRES.s p oJ B0:<. 61 ''J'~ H:'UPP:'UGE. rJY I 17ee-C,)';g . ,,:, I 6, 553-~, 19·:; TELE·:::OPIER '5' 6.653-4044 . . 4Þ ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. NeVI.' York 11971 Fax i631) 765-6145 Telephone 1.6311 765-1800 sou t holdtO\.... n. nort hfork.net REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRL-\GE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORl\L-\.TION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 29, 2002 Re: MaTine Inc.Petition for Change of Zone Melanie Norden 1550 McCann Lane Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Ms. Norden: Thank you for your letter regarding the above petition. Please be advised that my office along with the Town Attorney office, review such petitions for procedural requirements prior to presenting such petitions to the Town Board for consideration. Chapter 100-292 of the Southold Town Code sets forth the notice requirements for the petitioner in relation to adjacent properties. Kindly note that the Town makes every etTort to assist applicants in conforming with the procedural code provisions when filing a petition for a change of zone. Ultimately, the applicant is responsible for following the code provisions and filing a complete change of zone package. Thank you again for your interest in this matter. Very truly yours, 0ð~t4tl~ Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk .' . . ,>(L~.¿ ~'r-;;;;;::¡-:""'¿~ January 29, 2001 Melanie Norden 1550 McCann Lane Greenport, New York 11944 RE: Ma Tine Inc. Petition for Change of Zone Dear Ms. Norden: Thank you for your letter regarding the above petition. Please be advised that my office along with the Town Attorney office, review such petitions for procedural requirements prior the presenting such petitions to the Town Board for consideration. Chapter 100-292 ofthe Southold Town Code sets forth the notice requirements for the petitioner in relation to adjacent properties. Kindly note that the Town makes every effort to assist applicants in conforming with the procedural code provisions when filing a petition for a change of zone. Ultimately, the applicant is responsible for following the code provisions and filing a complete change of zone package. Thank you again for your interest in this matter. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Town Clerk . . . . REGISTRAR OF \'ITAL STATISTICS ~L-\RRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS ~L-\NAGE~!ENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOR~L-\TION OFFICEH ~ ~UfFOL.t ~ ~ , .&".~ '" '~ ~~ :::. =2~, C OJ CI.I a!: ~ ~ ~o'~ ~~.&' '.I ~ i'1J-",ø Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 11 ~9 Southuld, New York 11971 Fax, 631, ,65-6145 Telephune 1631) 765-1800 sou t hold town. nort hfork. net ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Gregory F. Yakaboski, Town Attorney Mary A. Wilson, Assistant Town Attorney FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk RE: Melanie Norden's letter DATE: l/23/02 Gregll\'lary: Per our conversation, I am sending you a copy of the Ms. Norden's letter and the Town AHD ordinance for your opinion on a reply. As I mentioned, I did speak to the NYS Attorney General's Office and they told me that they absolutely do not have any requirements/regulations for notification to adjacent property owners. cc: Supervisor and Town Board . . Melanie Norden 1550 McCann Lane Greenport, New York 11944 631-477-4914 (Ph) 631-477-3688 (.flax) January ì, 2002 RECEIVED Elizabeth M:vIJle, Town Clerk Town of South old 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 JAN 8 ,JOO; Re: Applieallt: Owner: Request for Challge of Zone Mo 1Ïnt~, Inc., ChristÍlle C Hurtado, President CatheJine E. Tasker Southold Town Clerk Dear ~Ms. Neville: On various occasions by telephone I have blVught to your attention that several residentç of the unincorponlted Village o[Grccnport, New York, ill the TOWll of Southold, Ncrv York, who own residential and/or commercial plVperty which abuts, is contiguous/ac!facent to, or is Ùl other ways near to a 5. 7 .'lcre pHrceI 10cHted at 69125 CR. 48, Grecnport, New York(llkH Suffolk County Tax M.'lp II 1000-35-1-4) hHvc conccms regälding the NotificHtion plVcess to nearby/ac!facent pzvperty owncrs undeltHken by the Hbove-refèrenced Hpplicant <11ld0r his/her agent with regc7rd to said AppIicHnt:ç Request For Change of Zone. The (iPplicant; ArH Tine, IllC., has requested a Change of Zone ¡¡-om Low Densi(v ResidentJal R-40 Distnct to either/and/or Hamlet Density (HD) ResIdential DistJict and/or AFfordable Housing District (AHD). l11is plVperty is located ill Greenport, New York, South of the North ROHd (COUllty Route 48); PHst of the plVpertyowned by M¡: Hnd Mrs. M Dobler; and West of Sound Road YOll were mHde aware by several concemed plVperty owneJ:5 that the ¡¡n;t attempt by sHid App/¡ànt 10 notify plVperty owners who would be aFfèeted by this Request [or Zone C/lflnge was inaccurate or othenviçe fàiled to notifÿ everyone ill the applVpriHte manner HS specified 7l1ere were vHnous elTors in th¡:ç first notificHtion Httempt. Presumeablya second attempt to Notify affèeted plVperty owners was made by M;l TillC, Inc., or the Applicants Agent, Cathcrille Mesi<1no, fnc. of EHSt AIOlichcs, NY. According to members ofthe newly f017ned 67 Steps Association, this llOtiWon also ¡[¡iled or W,1S wocfitlly.promised. to wit I. Cé'daÙl property olVners received NO notificéltion at aiL 2. CCl1aÙ] propclty olVners received INCORRECT notification to lÍlcOlTcct üddresiies or to addresses other than those which constitute their legal residences as specified by the addresses on the current Town of South old Tax roll!>: J. Certain property ownel:, received IwtÍfì"cütion in .11] UNTI~fEL Yw,1Y. to wit, they received NOTIFICA TION weeks after the anginal mailing, presullleélbly ill ¿¡ "ONE OFF" méll1l1er wbicb is a viol,1tion oftbe Notification guidelines üs set down by the Stüte of New York and tbose Laws, C'odes, and/or procedures codified by the Town of South old, New York. 4. G.ytain propel~Y owners were not sent tbe notification ccltified m,1i1 or did flat sign a cCl1ified retum receipt. A/oreover, ü discrepancy may have occured Ù] tbe Notification Process, to wit the above-refèn>nccd Applicant has at vadous times applied for TWO diflt-rent types of Change of Zone Requeiits - the first, a Request for a Change o/Zone ¡ivm R -40 to Hamlet DellSity (HD) and the second, a Request mr Zone Cbange liVJn R..40 to Affi.mfélble Housing DistJict. In addition, the Applicant, Ma Tine, Inc., in its lettcr to you dated July 23, 2001, bas indicated tbat be/sbe proposes a "mÚ:ed use" fi.Jr the said refèrenccd propelt}; i.c. TEN oftbe proposed lots would be offèred under the provisions o{the Town of Soutlwid AfTOldable Housing Prognun and the THREE remaining lot, are to be retained by tbe deve/opel: IFthis is indeed the case, it would appear tlmt the developer might need to make TWO applications for [1Jange of Zone and thüt there should Iwve been TWO accurate NotificatioJl processes undelt,1lœll simult¿[f]eously We aI"(' determined that our riglits liS owners of property in the TOWJi of SOli/hold, New York, be stringeJitly sllfeguarded and enforced, par/icular~v by those Ùi elected and/or appointed positions. We expect that all Town Codes, procedures, By-Law.c;, and guidelines regalding such Notification Procedures and/or .my other motters as relates to Zoning changes orproposed Changeii of Use of property be tòllowed FULLY TO THE LETTER OF THE LA J-v. We also expect that this plVcess, and all fùture processes regarding this and al/ other matters which a/Teet our property dgbts w¡/l be supervised, reviewed, appmvcd of: or othelwi'ie CHECKED AND DOUBLE CHECKli"fJ for compliancc and accuracy by the Office o[the Town Clerk, and/or the TOWIl Attomey(s). and/or any and all appropJiate BOaJds and/or Committees of'the Town or Sout/wld which have jUlisdiction or review POWCl:'i in such matft:l:'. The bwdcl1 should not be ours. ,1S property owners, to inJòl71] the Town of Sout/wld, or its vazious Board!>~ Offices, or C'ommittees, oftbe errors, mistakes or omissions m,1de in tbis or any otber matters which affèct Town Resldents. The burdclI sits sqllmdy on tJ.oulders oftht.' TOlvn ofSoutllOend your oJìïcc. IVe request that an explanation regarding our concems be pmlided by YOlll' O/ìícc, or thilt oFt he Town Att0171CY, and presenter/, as soon as possible, [It ¿¡ meeting orthe Town Board, befòre ANY ADDITIONAL AC110N ItS TA10';N ItlY THE TOWNBOARD WITH RESPECT 1V THIS APPLlCA TfON. D' ¡cere/Y, ! OV¡J¿~/- fc lrf~ ~Lfen cc: Greg Yakaboski, Town Attomey Town Sllpelvisor Town Bomd . . T(m'lI OrSOllillUfd PC CodehookJÒ,. Wil/{Io\l S § 100-50. Purpose. The purpos" ,'Ith" .-'\flardable Housing (.-'\HDI District is to pro\id" th" opportunity \\ithin certain areas ofth" town for the de\'dopmcnt ofhigh-densily housing tar Üunili"s of model' cue tnt:Olllè. § 100-51. Delïuitious. For the purpose of this .-\11icle, the 10110\\ ing t"nns. phrases and \\'L)!'ds shall have th" tallowing lneatllngs: CONSUMER PRICE INDEX -- The consumer priœ ind"x as published by the United States Depar1ment of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics, lor the New York I\[etropolitan area. DIRECTOR -- The Dir"C!or olCommunity De\'dopment lor the TO\\'n of South old. MODERA TE-INCO~ IE F.-'\~IIL Y -- .-'\. family \\'hose aggregate annual income. including the total of all current annual income ofdll family members ["xeluding th" "amIllgs of\\'orking Lunily memb"rs und"r :lge I\\'enty-one (211] tì'om anv source whatsoevl'I' at the timc 01 applic:ltion for the purchase or lease of an affordable h"using unit or the purchase of an unimprO\'ed aftardable lot. docs not exceed the income specilïed by resollltion of the Town Board. [Amended 3-23-1993 by LL No. 3-1993: -+--+-1995 by LL. No 5-1995] I\[ODERA TE-INCOI\[E FA~llL Y DWELLING UNIT --.-\ ,l\\clling unit resencd Ie)!' rent or sale to a moderate-income family and tar \\hich the maxinllun monthly rent (exeluding lrtililies) or the maxillHun initial sales price does not exceed thc maximum rent or maximum sales priœ set forth in § IOO-56E h"reof. [n no "\',,nt shall th" purchaser of said dwelling unit be responsibl" for the pay~nent of any utility hookup fees, including those customarily charged tor bringing same from the lot line to the dwelling house. [.-'..mended 12-12-1992 by L.L No. 3-+-1992] I\[ODERATE-INCOI\!E F.-'\I\!lL Y UNII\IPROVED LOT -- .-'\11 llI1improv"d lot rcs"ncd tor sale to a moderate-income family and for which the maximum initial sales price, inclusive ofth" cost of providing public watcr and/or public s,,\\'er service to the lot. do"s not exce"d the maximum sales price Sd torth in § 100-56E hereof. Said "lll1improvetllot" shall mean a vacant parcel oí real property designated:ls a lot on a tïled map. inelusi\'e of all utililics brought to th" prop"rty lin". [Amended 12-22-1992 byL.L. No. 3-+-1992] PERMANENT FIXED ThIPROVEMENT -- An impro\'ement to a lot or a modcrate-income family d\\'elling unit which cannot be remo\'ed \\ithout substantial damage to pæmises or total loss of value of saiel improvem"nts. UTILITIES -- Electric, gas (ifpro\'ided to th" subdi\'ision¡, k1ephone and \\at"r. Cable\'ision TUI\'ll O(Sow/101d PC Codt-,f¡uok rin' tTïndi;!U sh,dl bc' pro\ ilkd \\ ithc>ul ("SI ,.nly I" thc lut linL. [.-\dded I ~.~~ I 'i'ì~ I,,' L.L ['\" .;,)·1 ')')~J § 100-52. Applicability. .\HD Districts shall be established by application to the Tlmn Board, pmsuant ID Ihc' procedures hereinafter' specitied, on parœls of (and located \\'ilhin the tÒllo\\ ing elreelS: .-\. Land within a oJ1e-halt~mile radius of the pOSI oftìcc's IUClIed in the II,uHldS nt' f\LlIlituL'k. Cutehognc, Pecunic and Southold. .. B. Land within a one-fOllrth-mik radius of the post oftiees located in the HamleIs "f East Marion and Oricnt. C. Land within one-tl1Ll11h (1/41 mile of the boundaries of the incorporated \lllage of Greenpon. D. Land in such other arc as as shall be dL'signaIL'd by T,m'1 Buard róolutil)n c1tkr a publi,' Ilearing thereon. upon ten (III) days' notice therèofby publical;,)]) in Ihe oftic'ialto\\'1 ne\\spapers. § 100-53. Use regulations. In the AHD District, nu building or premises shall be used and nL) building ur p'Ln uI a building shall be erected c,r altered which is arranged. intended or designed [(J he used. in whole or III pan. for any use exCèpl the tolllm ing: .-\. Permitted US<èS. ( I) One-family detached dwellings. (2) Two-family dwellings. (3) Multiple dwellings. B. .\ccessory uses. Accessory uses as set tl) 'th in and regulated by ~ IUO-3l Clll. 121. 131, 141. I (>I and (7) Oflhis chapter. § 100-54. Bulk, area and parking regulations. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or alterèd in the AHD District unless the same contonns 10 the tÖlIowing Bulk. .-\rea and Parking Schedule: BULK. AREA AND PARKING SCHEDULE Minimum Sil\gle-Family Two-Family Multiple , . . l TOH'1l of S'OIl¡/W!d PC Codcbookfor WilldcJ\\'s Requirements Dwellings Dwell ings Dwellings Total lot a,'ea (square feet) 10,000 20.000 40,000 Lot width (feet) 80 100 150 Lot depth (feet) 100 140 200 Front yard (feet) 35 35 45 1 side yard (feet) 15 15 20 Both side yards (feet) 25 30 40 Rear yarel (feet) 35 35 45 Livable floor area 850 600 600 (square feet per dwelling) Off· street parking spaces 2 2 2 (per dwelling) Land area (square feet 10,000 10,000 10,000 per dwelling unit) Lot coverage (percent) 20";, 25% 25% Budding height 35 35 35 number of stories 2 12 21/2 2 1/2 § 100-55. Application procedure. A. Application procedure. The prclcedLlre for planning and wning approval of any tÌJture proposed de\clopment in an.-\HD Dislrict shall involve a three-stage revie\\' process as follo\\'s: (1) Appro\al by the T o\\'n Board of a preliminary developmenr concept plan. (2) Approval of the tinal. detailed subdi\'ision plat by the Planning Board* (3) The zoning reclassitication of a speci tic parcel or parcds of bnd for development in accordance \\'i th that p lan* *NOTE: The to\\'n shall, in all instances, process Subsection A(2) and (3) above conculTenrly so as to enable the municipality to utilize a single SEQR.-\ process and conduct a coordinated review of the entire application. B. Application to the To\\'n Board for rezoning approval. Four (4) copies of the application tor the establishment of an AHD District shall be tiled with the To\\'n Clerk, \\'ho shall submit a copy to the Town Board at its next regular scheduled meeting. The application shall contain at least the follo\\'ing infomlation: ( I) The names and addresses of the property o\\'ners and all other persons having an interest in the property: the name and address of the applicant. if not the o\':ner; and the names and addresses of any planners. engineers. architects. surveyors and all other persons or finns engaged or proposed to be engaged to pertòml \\'ork and'or services \\'ith respect to 1 o !(H' /I o(Soll/fwld /-'( . ('UdL'/1l)O!l. ¡¡'I' ¡rflldlil\".\ Ihe project described in the appliealion. 12) If Ihe 'lpplieallI is IlUt Ihe l1\\ller of the propert). \\ riLIell aulh,'ri/cllil'll ,>(' Ilk "\\lkr ," OI\llerS autlwriLing Ihe applicant 10 submilthe applieClliullll1l behctl1' ,>('111(' 'HI Il(·r ,'" O\\'tlcrs. (3) .-\ wrilIen statement describing the nalure oflhe proposed project and h,m it \\'ill hL' designed to fultìll the puqJOses of this Article, including its cOllsistencI \\,¡Ih the T')I\lI 1\laster Plan: an analysis of the site's relationship to adjoining propel1ies and the surrounding neighborhood; the avatlability and adequacy of conllnunity factlilies and utilities, including public \\'ater and public seller "stems. [0 selye the needs oflhe project and the residents therein; the satèty and capacity of the strcet system in thc ,lrL'a in rclation to the anticipated traftìc generated; and such other information as deemed necessary by the To\\'n Board and or the Planning Board to en'lbil' them to prllperl) rel'ie\\, and act upon the application. (-l) .-\ \\ ri!ten statement describing the proposed methud uf 0\\ Ilership. ,\peraliun and Tnaintenancc of all proposèJ C0I11t110n Lltililit:s, ¡IlL'luLling puhlic \\"alcr and S(,\\ \..T facilities. and open land I,Kated \\'ithin Ihe l'ropused del cloplnenl. 15) .\ prdinlinary J~\ clùprncnt cOllcept plan Cor the proposed prüjc('L dra'.\ 11 t~) ~L L" )1l\'(:lliL't1l sealc and including the follo\\'ing intonnalion: (al The Iotal area "I' the property in acres alld square t'eel. (b) A map of existing terrain c:onditions, inclLLding topugrapl1\ \\ ilh cl I ertlc,]l ,'Ulll,'ur inten,tI of no nwre than t\\O 121 fed. identitìcatioll of soil 1I1'eo lincluding \\'etlands), existing drainage features, major rock outcroppings, the extent u1' existing wooded areas and other signi ticant vegetation, and other significant fcalLLn::'s uf the' property. (c) A site location sketch indicating the location of the properly \\'ith respect to neighboring streets and propelties, including the names of all o\\'ners of properly within five hundred (500) feet therefrom. as sho\\'n on the last completed [(1\\ n assessment rol!. SLICh sketch shall also sho\\' Ihe existing zoning of the pmlkrIy and the location of all zoning district boundaries in the slllTounding neighborhulK!. (d) A preliminary site dC\'elopment plan indicating the approximate location, heighI and design of all buildings, the atTangement of parking areas and access dri\'es and thè general nature and location uf all other proposed site imprm emenIS, including recreational facilities, landscaping and screening. the storm drainage system. \\'aler and sewer connections. etc. (e) A plan sho\\'ing the number. type and location of all proposed dwelling units and unimpro\'ed lols to be resened for sale or lease Iü moderate-income families cll1d Il1e -l . . TOWIl (~(SolllllOld PCCodebookfor Willi/OIl's ratio of the same to all proposed d\\elling units and lots in the lk\'elopment. If! A generalized time schedule for the staging and completion of the proposed project. ENIII (6) [Added 11-22-1991 by L.L. No. )4-11)1)2] Fees. NOI\\ilhstanding anything to the contrary. the fees applicable !O AHD zoning application processes shall be as folio\\' s: (a) There shall be no fee for the submission and consideration of a preliminary development concept plan. (b) The fee for change of zone shall bc five hundred dollars ($500.). (c) The subdivision fees shall be assessed in the following manner: fifteen dollars ($15.) for each proposed dwelling unit or five hundred dollars ($500.), whichever is ~'feater. (d) The applicant shall be responsible tix any professional re\iew fees necessarily incurred by Ihe to\\n in condllcting its coordinated review ofthc application. C. RetètTal to Planning Board. Upon Ihc receipt of a propcrly completed applicaIion for thc establislmlcnt of a new AHD District, one (I) copy of the application shall be retèrred to the Planning Board for its review and rcpo11, and one (I) copy shall be retènùi to the Sllffolk COllnty Planning Commission lor its re\iew and recommcndaIion. if reqllired by the provisions oflhe Suffolk CLJllnty Chal1er. Within sixty (601 days from the date of the Planning Board meeting at which slleh refetTal is rccei ved, the Planning Board shall report its reeommendaIions to the Town Board. No action shall be taken by the Town Board until rcceipt oflhe Planning Board n"port or the expiraIion LJfthe Planning Board review period. whichever first ocellrs. Said review petiod lllay be extended by mutual eonsenI ()f the Planning Board and the applicant. D. Planning Board report. The Planning Board, in its report to the Town Board, may recommend either approval of the application for the establishment of the AHD District, with or wilhout modifications, or disapproval of said application. In the e\'ent that the Planning Board recommends disapproval of said application, it shall state in its report the reasons for such disapproval. In preparing its report and recommendations, the Platming Board shall gi\'e consideration 10 the Townl\lastcr Plan, the existing and pennitted land uses in the area, the relationship of the proposed design and location of buildings on the site, tramc cirClllation, both on and oil the sile, the adequacy and availability of community faciliIies and utiliIies. including public water and public sewer systems. to service the proposed development. compliance of the proposed development with the standards and requirements of this Article, the then-ClltTent need tor sltch housing and such othcr factors as may be rebted to the PUlvoses of this Artic Ie. E. TO\\n Board public hearing. Within forty-tiw (45) days ti'om the datc of the To\\n Board's receipt of the Planning Board's rep0l1 and recommendation or the expiration of the Planning 5 rOWI! ofSour/¡uld PC' Cudehook.tiil· fflll,I""" B,),lrd re\'ie\\ period. \\ hiche\'er lirst occurs. tile T,\\\ n Board shall hold a puhllc h('.u·in" ,\n [he m~lller ,JI'òlahhshing an .-\IID Distt'ict on the propert\ des,.,-ih"d inth,' appli,·ctti,\[1. Such hearing shall be: hdd upon the same notice as required by la\\' ti)l' ~unendl11ents I" the T,.\\ n Zuning ~ lap and or Zoning Cude. F. T o\\'n Board aClion. I. I) Within forty-li\'e 1-+)) days after the date of the close of Ihe public hearing, Ihe 1,\\\ n Board shall act either to appro\'e, appro\'e \\'ith modilicatiuns or disappro\c tllC preliminary dewlopment concept plan and the apprO\'al or disapprO\'al of the cstablishmenI of the AHD District applied for. Apprl)\'al or apprl)\'al \\ith nwditications shall be deemed as authorily for the applicant to proceed with the detailed design of the proposed de\'c!opment in accordance with such concepI plan and thè procedures and requirements of this Article. A copy of the To\\'n Board's determination shall be tiled \\'ith the Planning Board and a copy mailed to the applicant. ..\ copy shall also be tiled in the To\\n Clerk's office. If such detennination appro\'es the eSlablishment of" ne\\ AIID DistricI, the To\\n Clerk shall callse thc Ofticial Zoning ~!ap to be amended a"c"rdingl\'. (2) Re\oeatiun: eXlension. r ,-\mended 12-22-19'12 by L.L. No. 3-1-19'121 la) Upon request to the TO\\'I1 Board on nUlice 10 the applicallI and t;Jr good cause shl)\\ n, the èstablishment of an .-\HD District ma\ be rC\'(1kcd eighteen 11 S Il11unths after said To\\n Board appro\'al thereoi'if\\'ork on [he site has not commenced or th,' same is not being prOSccLLtcJ lú conclusion \\ ith reasonable liiligctlcc. (b) The To\\'n Board. upon request of the applicant and upon gU'Jd cause bein,; sh,'\\\n, may. in the exercise of its discretion, extend Ihe abO\e time period. In Ihe C\'Cfl[ (>I the re\'ocation of approval as herein pro\'idcd. the AHD District shall be deemcd re\'Oked. and the zonin,; classitication orthe property affected thereby shall r'('\'ert 10 the zoning classificalion that existed on the property rnunediatcly prior to the establishment of the AHD District thereon, and the Town Clerk shall cause the Oflìcial Zoning !\[ap to be amended accordingly. G. Subdivision plat approval by the Planning Board. [Amended 12-22-1992 by L.L. No. 3-+-1992] (1) No earthwork, site work, land cleating. construction or de\elopment activities shall take place on any property within an AHD District except in accordance \\'ith a site plan appro\'ed by the Plarming Board in accordance \\'ith the pro\'isions of this .-\rticle ,md in accordance with the procedures and standards for site plan approval as set torth III Article XX\' of this chapter. (2) \Vhcrc a proposed de\'elopmcnt im ol\'es Ihe subdi\'isiun or resubdi\ ision of land, no de\'c!opment shall proceed until the Planning Board has gramed tinal subdi\'ision plat apprO\'al in accordance \\'ith the prl1\'isions of Chapter .-\ I (I(¡. Subdi\ision uf Land. ol'the h . . TOI"II of SouthoM PCCodebookfor Wiwlo\l's Town Code. § tOO-56. General regulations and requirements. A. Sewer and water. [n an AHD DistIict, public \Valer supply systems and/or public sewage disposal systems shall be provided to serTe all dwelling units located therein. B. CO\'enants and restrictions, In approving a preliminary development concept plan and/or the establishment of an AHD District, the Town Board shall have the right to require the applicant and/or the owner and all persons having an interest in the premises to execute an agreement, in recordable form, containing such restrictions, covenants, tenns and conditions as it deems necessary to accomplish the intent and purposes of this Article. C. Provision for moderate-income tàmily dwelling units and unimproved lots. (I) On land within an AHD District conlaining Ien (10) acres or less of land, not less than forty percent ¡-IO"o) of the dwelling units aml.'or unimpro\'cd lots localed thcrcin shall be reserved tc)r sale or lease to moderate incomc t[unilies. (2) On land within an ,""HD Disniet containing more than ten (10) acres of land, not less than tiny perCènt (SOu 0) of the dwelling units and/or unimpro\'ed lots therein shall be reserved for sale or lease to moderate income families. D. [,"-mended 5-S-l990 by L. L. No. ()-1990; 12-22-1992 by L.L No. 3-1-1992] Eligibility. [n each .-\RD. the sale or leasc of dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved tì..)r moderate-income hunilies who havc not had any ownership interest in any residence or vacant lot for the past tiw (5) years shall be allocated on a priority basis. in the following order: (1) To eligible applicants who have resided and have had primary full-time employmenl of either spouse, if applicable, within the Town of Southold for a period of at least one (1) year at the time of their application. (2) To eligible applicants who have either residcd or have had primary full-time employment of either spouse, if applicable, within the Town of Southold for a period of at least one (I) year at time of thcir application. (3) To all other eligible applicants. E. Maximum sales price and monthly rent shall be set by resolution of the Town Board, as amended trom time to time. [Amended 3-23-1993 by L.L. No. 3-1993; -1--1-1995 by L.L. No. 5-1995] F. Resale price of dwelling unils and unimproved lots, 7 ¡;'I>'" O(.)'Olll/¡u!d p( . Codchuok {()r lft/It/,)!i'.'. III Dw~lIing units in an AIID District r~s~I'\'~d IÒr mùderalc'-ine\""e ICLlllilic's ma\ Ik rC'sc>!d to Inodcratc-inCOlllL' Üunilic::;. prl)\-lLlcd that the In~l.\il1lLltll resale prlCL' lkl('s !hlt L'\I..'L'I.:d the purehas~ Pliee plus the eùsI ùt'pcl'Inancnt tl'.:cd iml1l'<1\Ctnenls, adjuslèd tur the incrcase in thc cùnsumer pric'~ ind~'.: during th~ p~riod ù!'c)\\ncrship ut'such d\\~lling unit and such illlpro\'clllcnts piLLs reasonable anJ ncccssary resale C_\Ik'IlSl.':::'. (2) Unimprov~d lùts in an AHD District r~s~t'\'~d lor tnod~rat~-incume LUllilic's mal' be resold to moderat~-income f::unili~s, prol'id~d that the ma'.:itnutn resak price dc)e, not nceed the pLtrchase price 01' such 101 adjusted tix the change in the consumer price indö for the period during which such lot was mIned by the resale seller, plus reasonable and necessmy resale e'.:penses. (3) Where an unimproved lot in an AHD District reserved tor moderate-incùlllc Lunilics is improved with a dwelling unit, the lIla'.:illlulll resale price shall be determined in thc manner specified in § IUO-56F( I) hereof (4) Notwithstanding the prol'isiuns of § I 00-56Fll), (2) and 131 hcreol; Ihe Dinxtùr ma) authorize the resale ofa dwelling unit or unimproved lot röet'\'ed tòr mùderalè-inc'\""C I,unilies at a price in excess of the ma'.:imum resak price spec'ilied in § IIHI-)hFill, (2, anJ (3) hereD~~ undèr thè t~)llo\\ ing condilions: lal ThaI the owner of such dwelling unit files an application with the Direell>r rùlucslin:2 appro\'al ùf such resale, setting fùrth in detail the c'akLtlation Ii)!' tllC dctcrminaIiun ,-,I the maximum resale price, the proposed resale pricc and sllch othè[, inflH"Il1,.ttilH1 and documentatiùn as the Director shall request. (b) [Amendcd 12-22-1<)\)2 by L.L. No. 34-1992] ThaI the portion of the rèSale price in excess of the ma'.:imulll allowable resale price shall be divid~d belw'een the resale seller and the Im\11 in the fùllmling proportions: Year of Resale Percentage Percentage After Purchase to OWl\er To Town 1 st 00' 100"7, '0 2ncl 20"7, 80a; 3rcl 400' 600-; .0 41h 60"7, 400; 51h 80"7, 20'-~ 61h 90"; lOL~ 7th or beyûncl lOOe'; O'~ (c) All mùney reeeil'ed by Ihe town pursuant to the prol'isions of the preeçding Suhsectiùn f(4)(b) shall be deposited in separale accounts and shall he exp~nded only lor the pur1Joses 01' this Anicle in sLlch manner as shall be determined by the Town Board. s . . .r . . TOII'II ofSourhold PC Codebookfor rr'illd01\',¡ § 100-57. Administration. A. General duties of Director. (I) The Director shall be responsible for the administration of llwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate-income t~\t1Ülies in all AHD Districts pursuant to the provisions of this Article. (2) The Director shall promulgate and maintain inf0l1llation and documentation of all dwelling units and unimproved lots reser\'Cd tor moderate-income ((unities in all AHD Districts; the number thereof available for sale or lease at al1 times; the sales prices and monlhly rent for such dwelling units and lots: and the names and addresses of eligible families desiring to purchase or lease the same, together with a priorily list of such families. The Director shall maintain such other records and documents as shall be required to properly administer the pro\isions of this .-\rticle. B. Int.:rageney cooperation. (I) Whene\'èr Ihe Town Board appro""s th.: eSlablishmmt of an AH D District, a copy of such detennination shall be tiled \\ith the Building Inspector and thc Director, together \\ ith a copy of any agr.:em.:nts and·or co\ .:nants notuing ther':lo. (2) Whene\·.:r the Planning Board appro\'cs a subdivision plett and,'or a sik plan affecting land within an AHD District, a copy thereof shal1 be filed with the Building Inspector and the Director. togeth.:r \\'ith copies of any agreements and, or covcnants relating thereto. (3) Whenever the Building Inspector shal1 issue a building pennit, a cer1iiicate of occupancy or any oth.:r permit or authorization affecting dwel1ing units and/or unimprmed lots located in an A..HD District and reserved for sak or lease to moderate-income families, a copy thereof shall be filed with the Director. C. Procedure. (1) Whenever the Building Inspector receives an application tor a cer1iticate of occupancy for a dwelling unit or unimproved lot located in an AHD District and r.:served tor sale or lease to moderate-ineom.: famili.:s, th.: Building Inspector shall tile a copy thereof with the Director, who shall infonn the owner and/or person tiling such application of the maximum sales price or monthly rent for such dwelling nnit or lot as well as eligibility requiremenls for families seeking to purchase or lease such dwelling units or lots. (2) No œrtiticate of occupancy may be issued by the Building Inspector until the Director has supplied the Building Inspector \\ith the information provided lor in the preceding subsection and the Building Inspector detennines Ihat Ihe issuance of the certiiicate ot 9 TOH'Il u../}';U[{rllOld PC ('odchookJ(J{ Jf';ndo\\',\ Ihousand dollars I ~5.1 l11).1 B, Second ütlCIlSC and lor any ÜftCIlSC th('rcalÌ~r: by a lillc' 1)1" nüt [èSS than fi\-è thl)lIs~lIld lkdLlr~ I ~5.1)()(J." ~nd not morè than lèn thousand dollars 1<; 11/,11111.1.1 I~)r c',lèh l)ttcnsè. II Re'" ED L ~L , . . . Town of South old PC/CodebookforlVindows Southold T~ I>r6erdte community sewers, water, heat, utilities and other community services to all buildings and structures on the premises; provided, however, that the plans for and the location of the same shall be approved by the Pla¡ming Board. § 100-43, Bulk, area and parking regulations, No building or premises shall be used and no building or pan thereof shall be erected or altered in the Hamlet Density (HD) Residential District unless the same conforms to the Bulk Schedule and Parking Schedule incorporated into this chapter, with the same force and effect as if such regulations were set fonh herein in fullEN(3) ARTICLE V, Affordable Housing (AHD) District [Added 7-1-1986 by L.L. No. 6-1986; amended 11-16-1986 by L.L. No. 14-1986; 1-10-1989 by L.L. No. 1-1989EN(4)] § 100-50. Purpose. The purpose of the Affordable Housing (ARD) District is to provide the opportunity within cenain areas of the town for the development of high-density housing for families of moderale mcome. § 100-51. Definitions. For the purpose of this Article, the following lerms, phrases and words shall have the following tneanIngs: CONSUMER PRICE INDEX -- The consumer price index as published by the United States Depanment of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. for the New York Metropolitan area. DIRECTOR -- The Director of Community Development for the Town of Southold. MODERATE-INCOME FAMILY -- A family whose aggregate annual income, including the total of all ClllTent annual income of all family members [excluding the eamings of working family members under age twenty-one (21)] from any source whatsoever at the time of application for the purchase or lease of an affordable housing unit or the purchase of an unimproved affordable lot, does not exceed the income specified by resolution of the Town Board. [A.mended 3-23-1993 by L.L. No. 3-1993; 4-4-1995 by L.L. No. 5-] 995] MODER.", TE-1NCOl\fE F MIlL Y DWELLING UNIT -- A dwelling unit reserved for rent or sale to a moderate-income family and for which the maximum monthly rent (excluding utilities) 2 . . Town ofSoutho/d PClCodebookfor Windows or the maximum initial sales price does not exceed the maximum rent or maximum sales price set forth in § 100-56E hereof. In no event shall the purchaser of said dwelling unit be responsible for the payment of any utility hookup fees, including those customarily charged for bringing same from the lot line to the dwelling house. [Amended 12-22-1992 by L.L. No. 34-1992] MODERATE-INCOME FAMILY UNI1\1PROVED LOT -- An unimproved lot reserved for sale to a moderate-income family and for which the maximum initial sales price, inclusive of the cost of providing public waler and/or public sewer service to the lot, does not exceed the maximum sales price set forth in § 100-56E hereof. Said "unimproved lot" shall mean a vacant parcel of real property designated as a lot on a filed map, inclusive of all utilities brought to the property line. [Amended 12-22-1992 byL.L. No. 34-1992] PERMANENT FIXED IMPROVEMENT -- An improvement to a lot or a moderate-income family dwelling unit which cannot be removed without substantial damage to premises or total loss of value of said improvements. UTILITIES -- Electric, gas (if provided to the subdivision), telephone and water. Cablevision shall be provided without cOSl only to the lot line. [Added 12-22-1992 by L.L. No. 34-1992] § 100-52. Applicability. AHD Districts shall be established by application to the Town Board, pursuant to the procedures hereinafter specified, on parcels ofland located within the following areas: A. Land within a one-half-mile radius of the post offices localed in the Hamlets of Maltituck, CUlchogne, Peconic and Southold. 8. Land within a one-fourth-mile radius of the post offices located in the Hamlets of East Marion and Orient. C. Land within one-fourth (1/4) mile of the boundaries of the incorporated Village of Greenport. D. Land in such other areas as shall be designated by Town Board resolution after a public hearing thereon, upon ten (10) days' notice thereof by publication in the official town newspapers. § 100-53. Use regulations. In the AHD District, no building or premises shall be used and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any use except the following: A. Pennitted uses. 3 . . Town of South old PC/Codebookfor Windows (I) One-family detached dwellings. (2) Two-family dwellings. (3) Multiple dwellings. 8. Accessory uses. Accessory uses as set f0l1h in and regulated by § 100-31 C(l), (2), (3), (4), (6) and (7) of this chapter. § 100-54. Bulk, area and parking regulations. No building or premises shall be used and no building or part thereof shall be erected or altered in the AHD District unless the same conforms to the following Bulk, Area and Parking Schedule: BULK, AREA AND PARKING SCHEDULE Minimum Single-Family Two-Family Multiple Requirements Dwellings Dwellings Dwellings Total lot area (square feet) 10,000 20,000 40,000 Lot width (feet) 80 100 150 Lot depth (feet) 100 140 200 Front yard (feet) 35 35 45 1 side yard (feet) 15 15 20 Both side yards (feet) 25 30 40 Rear yard (feet) 35 35 45 Livable floor area 850 600 600 (square feet per dwelling) Off· street parking spaces 2 2 2 (per dwelling) Land area (square feet 10,000 10,000 10,000 per dwelling unit) Lot coverage (percent) 20% 25% 25% Building height 35 35 35 Number of stories 21/2 2 1/2 21/2 § 100-55. Application procedure. A. Application procedure. The procedure for platming and zoning approval of any future proposed development in an AHD District shall involve a three-stage review process as follows: (1) Approval by the Town Board of a preliminary development concept plan. (2) Approval of the final, detailed subdivision plat by the Planning Board.* 4 . . Town of South old PC/Codebookfor Windows (3) The zoning reclassification of a specific parcel or parcels of land for development in accordance with that plan.* *NOTE: The town shall, in all instances, process Subsection A(2) and (3) above concurrently so as 10 enable the municipality to utilize a single SEQRA process and conduct a coordinated review of the entire application. S. Application to the Town Board for rezoning approval. Four (4) copies of the application for the establislunent of an AHD District shall be filed with the Town Clerk, who shall submit a copy to the Town Board at its next regular scheduled meeting. The application shall contain at least the following infonnation: (1) The names and addresses of the property owners and all other persons having an interest in the propeny; the name and address of the applicant, if not the owner; and the names and addresses of any planners, engineers, architects, surveyors and all other persons or firms engaged or proposed to be engaged to perform work and/or services with respect to the project described in the application. (2) If the applicant is not the owner of the propeny, written authorization of the owner or owners authorizing the applicant to submit the application on behalf of the owner or owners. (3) A written statement describing the nature of the proposed project and how it will be designed to fulfill the purposes of this Article, including its consistency wilh the Town Master Plan; an analysis of the site's relationship 10 adjoining properties and the surrounding neighborhood; the availability and adequacy of community facilities and utilities, including public water and public sewer systems, to serve the needs of the project and the residents therein; the safety and capacity of the street system in the area in relation to the anticipated traffic generated; and such other infornlation as deemed necessary by the Town Board and/or the Planning Board to enable them to properly review and aCl upon the application. (.:I) A wtitten statement desctibing the proposed method of ownership, operation and maintenance of all proposed common utilities, including public water and sewer facilities, and open land located within Ihe proposed development. (5) A preliminary development concept plan for the proposed project, drawn to a convenient scale and including the following information: (a) The total area of the propeny in acres and square feet. (b) A map of existing terrain conditions, including topography with a venical contour interval of no more than two (2) feet, identification of soil types (including wetlands), existing drainage features, major rock outcroppings, the extent of existing wooded areas and other significant vegetation, and other significant features of the 5 . . Town of South old PC/Codebookfor Windows property. (c) A site location sketch indicating the location of the property with respect to neighboring streets and properties, including the names of all owners of property within five hundred (500) feet therefrom, as shown on the last completed town assessment roll. Such sketch shall also show the existing zoning of the property and the location of all zoning district boundaries in the surrounding neighborhood. (d) A preliminary site development plan indicating the approximate location, height and design of all buildings, the arrangement of parking areas and access drives and the general nature and location of all other proposed site improvements, including recreational facilities, landscaping and screening, the storm drainage system, water and sewer connections, etc. (e) A plan showing the number, type and location of all proposed dwelling units and unimproved lots to be reserved for sale or lease to moderate-income families and the ratio of the same to all proposed dwelling units and lots in the development. (f) A generalized time schedule for the staging and completion of the proposed project.EN1S) (6) [Added 12-22-1992 by L.L. No. 34-1992] Fees. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary. the fees applicable to AHD zoning application processes shall be as follows: (a) There shall be no fee for the submission and consideration of a preliminary development concept plan. (b) The fee for change of zone shall be five hundred dollars ($500.). (c) The subdivision fees shall be assessed in the following manner: fifteen dollars ($15.) for each proposed dwelling unit or five hundred dollars ($500.), whichever is greater. (d) The applicant shall be responsible for any professional review fees necessarily incurred by the town in conducting its coordinated review of the application. C. RefetTal to Planning Board. Upon the receipl of a properly completed application for the establislmlent of a new AHD District, one (I) copy of the application shall be refetTed to the Planning Board for its review and report, and one (I) copy shall be referred to the Suffolk County Platming Commission for its review and recommendation, ifrequired by the provisions of the Suffolk County Charter. Within sixty (60) days from the date of the Plamling Board meeting at which such referral is received, the Planning Board shall report its recommendations to the Town Board. No action shall be taken by the Town Board until receipt of the Planning Board report or the expiration of the Planning Board review period, whichever first occurs. Said review period may be extended by mutual consent of the Planning Board and the applicant. 6 . . Town of South old PCICodebookfor Windows D. Planning Board repon. The Planning Board, in its repon to the Town Board, may recommend either approval of the application for the establishment of the AHD District, with or without modifications, or disapproval of said application. In the event that the Planning Board recommends disapproval of said application. it shall state in its repon the reasons for such disapproval. In preparing its repon and recommendations, the Planning Board shall give consideration to the Town Master Plan. the existing and permitted land uses in the area, the relationship of the proposed design and location of buildings on the site, traffic circulation, both on and off the site, the adequacy and availability of community facilities and utilities, including public water and public sewer systems. to service the proposed development. compliance of the proposed development with the standards and requirements of this Article, the then-current need for such housing and such other factors as may be related to the purposes of this Anicle. E. Town Board public hearing. Within fony-five (45) days from the date of the Town Board's receipt of the Planning Board's repon and recommendation or the expiration of the Platming Board review period, whichever first occurs, the Town Board shall hold a public hearing on the matter of establishing an AHD District on the propeny described in the application. Such hearing shall be held upon the same notice as required by law for amendments to the Town Zoning Map and/or Zoning Code. F. Town Board action. (I) Within fony-five (45) days after the date of the close of the public hearing, the Town Board shall act either to approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the preliminary development concept plan and the approval or disapproval of the establishment of the AHD District applied for. Approval or approval with modifications shall be deemed as authority for the applicant to proceed with the detailed design of the proposed development in accordance with such concept plan and the procedures and requirements of this Anicle. A copy of the Town Board's detetmination shall be filed with the Planning Board and a copy mailed to the applicant. A copy shall also be filed in the Town Clerk's office. If such detennination approves the establishment of a new AHD District. the Town Clerk shall cause the Official Zoning Map to be amended accordingly. (2) Revocation; extension. [Amended 12-22-1992 byL.L. No. 34-1992] (a) Upon request to the Town Board on notice to the applicant and for good cause shown, the establishment of an AHD District may be revoked eighteen (18) months after said Town Board approvallhereofifwork on the sile has not commenced or the same is not being prosecuted to conclusion with reasonable diligence. (b) The Town Board, upon request of the applicant and upon good cause being shown, may, in the exercise of its discretion, extend the above time period. In the event of the revocation of approval as herein provided, the AHD District shall be deemed revoked. and the zoning classification of the propeny affected thereby shall reven to 7 . . Town ofSollthold PC/Codebookfor Windows the zoning classification that existed on the property immediately prior to the establishment of the AHD District thereon, and the Town Clerk shall cause the Official Zoning Map to be amended accordingly. G. Subdivision plat approval by the PlamÜng Board. [Amended 12-22-1992 by L.L. No. 34-1992] (I) No earthwork, site work, land clearing. construction or development activities shall take place on any property within an AHD District except in accordance with a site plan approved by the PlamÜng Board in accordance with the provisions of this Article and in accordance with the procedures and standards for site plan approval as set forth in Article XXV of this chapter. (2) Where a proposed development involves the subdivision or resubdivision ofland, no development shall proceed until the Planning Board has granted final subdivision plat approval in accordance with the provisions of Chapter AI06, Subdivision of Land, of the Town Code. § 100-56. General regulations and requirements. A. Sewer and water. In an AHD District, public water supply systems and/or public sewage disposal systems shall be provided to serve all dwelling units located therein. B. Covenants and restrictions. In approving a preliminary development concept plan and/or the establishment of an AHD District. the Town Board shall have the right to require the applicant and/or the owner and all persons having an interest in the premises to execute an agreement. in recordable form, containing such restrictions, covenants, tern1S and conditions as it deems necessary to accomplish the intent and purposes of this Article. C. Provision for moderate-income family dwelling units and unimproved lots. (l) On land within an AHD District containing ten (10) acres or less ofland, not less than forty percent (40%) of the dwelling units and/or unimproved lots located therein shall be reserved for sale or lease to moderate income families. (2) On land within an AHD District containing more than ten (10) acres ofland, not less than fifty percent (50%) of the dwelling units and/or unimproved lots therein shall be reserved for sale or lease to moderate income families. D. [Amended 5-8-1990 by L.L. No. 9-1990; 12-22-1992 by L.L. No. 34-1992] Eligibility. In each AHD, the sale or lease of dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate-income tàmilies who have not had any ownership interest in any residence or vacant lot for the past five (5) years shall be allocated on a priority basis, in the following 8 . . Town of South old PClCodebookfor Windows order: (I) To eligible applicants who have resided and have had primary full-time employment of either spouse, if applicable, within the Town of South old for a period of at least one (1) year at the time of their application. (2) To eligible applicants who have either resided or have had primary full-time employment of either spouse, if applicable, within the Town of South old for a period of at least one (1) year at time of their applicalion. (3) To all other eligible applicants. E. Maximum sales price and monthly rent shall be set by resolution of the Town Board, as amended from time to time. [Amended 3-23-1993 by L.L. No. 3-1993; 4-4-1995 by L.L. No. 5-1995] F. Resale price of dwelling units and unimproved lots. (I) Dwelling units in an AHD District reserved for moderate-income families may be resold to moderate-income families, provided that the maximum resale price does not exceed the purchase price plus the cost of permanent fixed improvements, adjusted for the increase in the consumer price index during the period of ownership of such dwelling unit and such improvements plus reasonable and necessary resale expenses. (2) Unimproved lots in an MID District reserved for moderate-income families may be resold to moderate-income families, provided that the maximum resale price does not exceed the purchase price of such lot adjusted for the change in the consumer price index for the period during which such lot was owned by the resale seller, plus reasonable and necessary resale expenses. (3) Where an unimproved lot in an AHD District reserved for moderate-income families is improved with a dwelling unit, the maximum resale price shall be detern1ined in the manner specified in § 100-56F(1) hereof. (4) Notwithstanding the provisions of § 100-56F(1), (2) and (3) hereof, the Director may authorize the resale of a dwelling unit or unimproved lot reserved for moderate-income families at a price in excess of the maximum resale price specified in § 100-56F(1), (2) and (3) hereof, under the following conditions: (a) That the owner of such dwelling unit files an application with the Director requesting approval of such resale, setting forth in detail the calculation for the detern1ination of the maximum resale price, the proposed resale price and such other information and documentation as the Director shall request. (b) [Amended 12-22-1992 by L.L. No. 34-1992] That the p0l1ion of the resale price in excess of the maximum allowable resale price shall be divided between the resale 9 . . Town of South old PC/Codebookfor Windows seller and the town in the following proportions: Year of Resale Percentage Percentage After Purchase to Owner To Town 1st 0'" 100% /0 2nd 20% 80% 3rd 40% 60% 4th 60% 40% 5th 80% 20% 6th 90% 10% 7th or beyond 100% 0% (c) All money received by the town pursuant to the provisions of the preceding Subsection F(4)(b) shall be deposited in separate accounts and shall be expended only for the purposes of this Article in such manner as shall be determined by the T own Board. § 100-57. Administration. A. General duties of Director. (1) The Director shall be responsible for the administration of dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate-income families in all AHD Districts pursuant to the provisions of this Article. (2) The Director shall promulgate and maintain information and documentation of all dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate-income families in all AHD Districts; the number thereof available for sale or lease at all times; the sales prices and monthly rent for such dwelling units and lots; and the names and addresses of eligible families desiring to purchase or lease the same, together with a priority list of such families. The Director shall maintain such other records and documents as shall be required to properly administer the provisions of this Article. S. Interagency cooperation. (1) Whenever the Town Board approves the establishment of an AHD District, a copy of such deternlination shall be filed wilh the Building Inspector and the Director, together with a copy of any agreements and/or covenants relating thereto. (2) Whenever the Planning Board approves a subdivision plat and/or a site plan affecting land within an AHD District, a copy thereof shall be filed with the Building Inspector and the Director, together with copies of any agreements and/or covenants relating thereto. 10 . . Town of South old PCICodebookfor Windows (3) Whenever the Building Inspector shall issue a building pennit, a certificate of occupancy or any other permit or authorization affecting dwelling units and/or unimproved lots located in an AHD District and reserved for sale or lease to moderate-income families, a copy thereof shall be filed with the Director. C. Procedure. (I) Whenever the Building Inspector receives an application for a certificate of occupancy for a dwelling unit or unimproved lot located in an AHD District and reserved for sale or lease to moderate-income families, the Building Inspector shall file a copy thereof with the Director, who shall inform the owner and/or person filing such application of the maximum sales price or monthly rent for such dwelling unit or lot as well as eligibility requirements for families seeking to purchase or lease such dwelling units or lots. (2) No certificate of occupancy may be issued by the Building Inspector until the Director has supplied the Building Inspector with the infornlation provided for in the preceding subsection and the Building Inspector determines that the issuance of the certificate of occupancy will not permit a use, occupancy, sale or lease of a dwelling unit or unimproved lot in violation of the provisions of this Article. (3) The Director shall certify the eligibility of all applicants for lease or purchase of dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate-income families. An owner of dwelling units and unimproved lots in an AHD District which are reserved for sale or lease to moderate-income families shall not sell or lease the same to any person who does not possess a certificate of eligibility issued by the Director. A violation of the provisions of this subsection shall constitute grounds for the revocation of a certificate of occupancy. (4) On or before March 31 of each year, the Director shall notify the owner or manager of dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate-income families of the monthly rent, sales price and income eligibility requirements for such units and lots based upon data derived from the preceding year. (5) The owner or manager of dwelling units and unimproved lots reserved for moderate-income families shall certify in writing to the Director, on or before May 31 of each year, that the sale and/or lease of such dwelling units and lots comply with the provisions of this Article and Chapter 100 of the Town Code. (6) When a dwelling unit reserved for lease to moderate-income families is to be rented, the lease for such unit shall not exceed a tenn of two (2) years. (7) An applicant for a certificate of eligibility aggrieved by any deternlination of the Director shall have the right to appeal such determination to the Town Board at its next regularly scheduled work session or to any standing committee of the Town Board designated by resolution to hear such appeals. [Added 12-28-1990 by L.L. No. 31-1990] 11 . . 1 . . Town of South old PCICodebookfor Windows (8) The only covenants and restrictions which may even be placed upon any lot or dwelling unit in an AHD District must be first approved by action of the Town Board. [Added 12-22-1992 by L.L. No. 34-1992] § 100-58. Applicability of other Code provisions. All of the provisions of the Code of the Town of Southold not inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this Article shall be applicable in the AHD District. § 100-59.Penalties for offenses. [Added 12-22-1992 by L.L. No. 34-1992) Any violation of any provision of this Article shall be punishable in the following manner: A. First offense: by a fine of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.) nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.). 8. Second offense and for any offense thereafter: by a fine of not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.) and not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.) for each offense. ARTICLE VI, Resort Residential (RR) District [Added 1-10-1989 by L.L. No. 1-1989EN(6) § 100-60. Purpose. The purpose of the Resort Residential (RR) District is to provide opportunity for resort development in waterfront areas or other appropriate areas where, because of the availability of water and/or sewers, more intense development may occur consistent with the density and character of surrounding lands. § 100-61. Use regulations. In the RR District, no building or premises shall be used and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any use except the following: A. PemÜtted uses. (I) Any pem1Ïtted use set forth in and as regulated by § 100-31A of the Agricultural-Conservation District, except that wineries are excluded. [Amended 12 RECEIVED .UNTY OP' SUFFOLK . JAN 2 4 :JJ2 Soulhold Town Clerk ROBERT J. GAFFNEY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE JOSEPH T. SANSEVERINO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Consortium Municipalities FROM: Joseph T. Sanseverino Community Development Director DATE: . May 16,2001 RE: New 200 I Income Limits Enclosed please find the new HUD income limits for the Community Development Block Grant Program and HOME Program. These income limits are to be used in your housing rehabilitation, public and senior citizen service programs and other direct benefit activities. The income limits are effective as of May 10,2001. Please inform your staff and public service providers of these new income limits. Should you have any questions, please contact me. JTS:rf Enclosure SUFFOLK COUNTY CONSORTIUM FY 2001 INCOME LIMITS FY 2001 Median Family Income I-Person 2-Persons 3-Persons 4-Persons 5- Persons 6-Persons 7- Persons 8-Persons $78,700 $44,100 $50,400 $56,700 $63,000 $68,000 $73,000 $78,100 $83,100 LOCATION H. LEE DENNISON BL.DG... t 1 TH FLOOR too VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY + MAIUNG ADDRESS P.O. BOX 6100 HAUPPAUGE, NY t 1 788~OO99 + (631) 853-5705 TELECOPIER (631 ) 853- 5688 . , . "'"T..,....~ ~,~fFOl.t '}'" ..e?~.(:;:";., :¡i§ ~\;. .,8= :.c.::: '1- 'I '~ en :æ: :,1' ~'ð. ~iì "'- +A.. ~~ i! ~Q./ + "+-~"'Lvy ~"0~~ . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK Tuwn I [all. 5300;') 1.1ain Road P.O. Bl!x 1179 Snuthcild. Nt:',,\, y,)rk lU-Jil Fa...x I G~~ 1) 76,')-61·1;) Telephon.:- 16;H, 765·1,s1)0 s( JUt huldtown. northfork.net REcaSll-L\.H OF \TL\L STATTSTIC'-:; i\L\IUUAL~E UFFICER HE CORDS ~L-\NAGE:\IENT OFFICEH FREC:UO:lI OF INFURl\L-\TIOI\: UFFfrEl{ OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 22,200 ¡ Re: Change of Zone Applications of: MaTine,Inc Mattituck Housing, LLC Catherine Mesiano, President Catherine tvIesiano, Inc. Licensed Real Estate Broker Real Estate Consultant 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, New York 11940 Dear Ms. Mesiano: Enclosed please find copies of letters received from the SutTolk County Department of Planning regarding your atTordable housing change of zone applications. In addition to the zoning district, the maps must also show the land use, i.e. deli, oftice, etc. If your surveyor has any questions on the preparation of these maps, he should contact Mr. Gerald Newman of the Suffolk County Department of Planning at 853-5206. Should you have any questions, [ may be reached at 63 ¡ 765-1800. Very truly yours, ~~\~ Southold TO.....TI Clerk cc: Southold TO.....TI Board TO\\1! Attorney G. Weiser , , RECEIVED . COUN1Y OF SUFFOLK . JAN Q "au"~' I... L '- i.i'~'r:r~,~-:~~ ~.- J!;j.< ~ ,'-;.~. < r' ·~~.~:;,:./;;;,9 ~)N:--1~i;'~ South old Town eler.. R:::8EFn J G-'-FFrIET SLJFFGU<, cOUtJTY D<ECUTI', E DEP....PTf-1ENT OF PLA.Nl'llr'IG T~r,r.T':''':: I::'LEe". ÄICP ['I~E :,T:~,P '~'F PLQ¡tlltl!:-, Januar~ L). 2002 To\\'n Clerk To\\'n of Southold Re: ,\pplication oì "I\la Tine. Inc." for a chan!?e of zone from R··W to .-\HD at Greenpot1 in the TO\m oìSouthold (SCTI\[ #1000-35-1--1). Gcntlemen: Please bc alh'ised that pmsuant Ii' Sections -\ 1-1-1-1 Ii) 23 ,d' the Sut'J(>lk County .\dmini,trati\·c Code, the ab.)\e caption"d ,lpplicalion \\'ill nllt bL' rè\ iC\led until the ¡"llo\\'ing infonnatiün is suhmitted thr~)llgh the ntlìccs pfthc' l11unicipal referring: agenl.:Y. I. An area map depicting land Ll:-ièS and zoning on and \\-ithin ~OCJ ft. of pren1i~ès; Required int,mnalilHl rdali\'c !O thc SH)R.-\ pn,ecss: 3. Rec¡)nllnencbtions df the 10\\11 Planning Board; anJ -I. A copy of alfordable housin!? criteria as e,tahli,hed by the 1'L\\\n Ick>ard. , Thank you. Very truly yours. Thomas Isles Director of Planning ~J ;¡-j S's Gerald G. Ne\\'man Chid Planner . .. ITi GGN:Cê .' t.J '-'1 : II l.:) u ',(~ C t IDR~~'í',Zi)~IIfJG...'::I)rJlrJ\:' ~"¡CiRv.,r JG'· It~(' .c,});: S[, ~.S J;..IJ I_.¡ Li)C¿Tj.-::·tl H LEE DEr¡NI5·.::tl BLC'oJ - 4TIi FL,~,.~ F( 1 (,C) .I::::TEP:'¡-IS r·1Et·10RI4L rlV:iH·.....t.'r . 1,1¿lurL; ¿['[fcE:""', F' ',) E·':'·" -"31 O'J H':'IJPP¿UC;E. rlY 1 I 7ee-'='::J~;::' . -516,6';",,]-51 'dO TELE·~ur~IE:R ,'5 I C' 853-4':',44 ... . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTR.-\R OF VITAL STATISTICS ~L,,"RRL,,"GE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORl\L,,"TION OFFICER . Town Hal!, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax 1631' 765-6145 Telephone 1631,765-1800 sout hold to\'.'n. northfork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall Southold, New York 11971 Gentlemen: January 7, 2002 TransmItted is proposed change of zone petition no.319 of MA TlNJ<: lNC. for a change of zone from R-40 Low Density Residential District to AHD Affordable Housing District on property located at Greenport, New York, SCTM# 1000-35-1-4. Please prepare an otÌÌcial report defining the Planning Board's recommendations with regard to this proposed change of zone and forward same to me. Should you have any questions, please do not hesItate to contact me. Thank you. Enclosure cc: Town Board Town Attorney Very truly yours, ~a~ Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF \"ITAL STATISTICS ~L-\RRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS ~L-\N.""GEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORl\L-\TWN OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax ,.63J'i 765-6145 Telephone (63 I I 765-1800 southoldtown. northfor k. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLO\VING RESOLUTION NO. 837 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 4,2001: WHEREAS a petÜion has been received from Ma Tine, Inc. for a change of zone from R-40, Low Density Residential to AHD Affordable Housing District (AHD) on a certain property located north of Countv Route 48. Greenport. New York and identified as SCTM# 1000-35- 01-04; now therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she herebv is authorized and directed to transmit this petition to the Southold Town Planninl! Board and the Suffolk Countv Department of Planninl! for their recommendations and reports, all in accordance with the Southold Town Code and the Suffolk County Charter. p&¡-Ufa~ /tL Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clcrk . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ~L-\RRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORl\L....TION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 J\!ain Road P.O. Box 11 79 Southold, New York 119n Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631.1 765-1800 southold town. northfork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 838 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 4, 200t: WHEREAS Ma Tine, Inç., has proposed a chanee in zone for the propertv identified as SCTM#tOOO-35-01-04 consistine of approximatelv 5.7 acres located on the north side of CounlY Route. Greenport, New York; and WHEREAS the proposed change of zone is from Low-Density Residential (R-40) to Affordable Housing District (AHD); therefore be it RESOLVED that the TO\m Board of South old hereby declares itselflead agency as there are no other involved agencies, in regard to SEQRA; therefore be it RESOLVED that the TO\m Board of the Town of South old herebv finds this to be an UNLISTED action pursuant to SEORA Rules and RC2ulations. ~...tt.fa2;k ¡/¿. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF YIT.-\L STATISTICS M..lliRL>\GE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORl\L-\TION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 1\Iain Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (6311 765-6145 Telephone \6311 765-1800 sou t hold town. northfork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 839 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 4, 2001: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby engages the professional services of Nelson, Pope & Voorhis to perform the SEQRA review for the proposed change of zone from r-40, low density residential to AHD affordable Housing District (AHD) on a certain property located north of Co un tv Route 48. Greenport. New York and identified as SCTM#1000-35-01-04 11';"/lffa?:;k"..:løl-ú Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631\ 765-6145 Telephone (6311 765-1800 sou tholdtown. nort hfork. net REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS ~L-\NAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM Of' INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 839 Of' 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 4, 2001: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old hereby engages the professional services of Nelson, Pope & Voorhis to perform the SEQRA review for the proposed change of zone from R-40, low density residential to AHD affordable Housing District (AHD) on a certain property located north of Co un tv Route 48. Greenport. New York and identified as SCTM#I000-35-0 1-04 ~I'/I¥l~ ;tI~ Elizabetb A. Neville Soutbold Town Clerk . ~~ ~.~ ~ ~ ==> .... C) . .". ~ 'ð ~ ~ ~J> ....<:::.~ </./ + '\..... . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORl\1.i\TION OFFICER Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 11 í9 Southold, New York U9n Fax 1631ì í65-6145 Telephone (631) í65-1800 sou tholdtown. northfork. net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTH OLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 838 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 4, 2001: WHEREAS Ma Tine, Inc., has proposed a cban2e in zone for tbe property identified as SCTM#1000-35-01-04 consistin2 of approximatelv 5.7 acres located on tbe nortb side of County Route.. Green port, New York; and WHEREAS the proposed change of zone is from Low-Density Residential (R-40) to Affordable Housing District (AHD); therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of South old hereby declares itselflead agency as there are no other involved agencies, in regard to SEQRA; therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of South old berebv finds tbis to be ao UNLISTED actioo pursuRot to SEORA Rules Rod Reeulations. ~~ß.qa?;k-¡t¿- Elizabetb A. Neville Soutbold Town Clerk . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FHEEDOM OF INFORl\L".TION OFFICEH Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (6311765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 sout holdtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTH OLD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 837 OF 2001 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 4, 2001: WHEREAS a petition has been received from Ma Tine, Inc. for a change of zone from R-40, Low Density Residential to AHD Affordable Housing District (AHD) on a certain property located north of Co un tv Route 48, Greenport. New York and identified as SCTM#I000-3S- 01-04: now therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she herebv is authorized and directed to transmit this petition to the Southold Town Planninl! Board and the Suffolk Countv Department of Planninl! for their recommendations and reports, all in accordance with the Southold Town Code and the Suffolk County Charter. ~;~!.rIaQ~:J¿· Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk t , . ~~ i/~.~\. ['" ~R Q -",: en . 0 . 'ð ~ß ~~~'<O_' ~~vŸ . ELIZABETH A. NE\"ILLE TOWN CLERK Town HalL 53095 1\lain Road P.O. Bùx 1179 Southold, New York lUJ';'l FtL'C 16:31,1 76.5-0145 Telephone 1631.1 765-1800 RECISTP.....:-\R OF \"ITAL STATISllCS ~L-'.RRI~\GE OFFICER RECORDS i\L\N.-'.GE~¡ENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFOR~IATION OFFICEH OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 14,2001 Re: Change of Zone Applications of: MaTine, Inc.; Peconic Design & Construction, Inc. Mattituck Housing, LLC Catherine Mesiano, President Catherine Mesiano, Inc. Licensed Real Estate Broker Real Estate Consultant 12 Mill Pond Lane East Moriches, New York 11940 Dear Ms. Mesiano: This is to acknowledge receipt of your three (3) letters inquiring the status of the above three change of zone applications which you submitted to the Town. Please be advised that all of the applications appear to be in order and have been receipted and copies of all distributed to the Town Board. I would like to bring to your attention that the date of December 5'\ that you mention in your letters, for the next Town Board meeting is incorrect. The correct date for the next Town Board Meeting is Tuesday, December 4, 2001 at 4:30 p.m. Your letters asking that these applications be placed on the next Town Board agenda have also been distributed to the Town Board and Town Attorney. Should you have any questions, r may be reached at 631 765-1800. Very truly yours, ~Q~ Elizaoeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk cc: Southold Town Board Town Attorney G. Weiser RECEIVED .AmERINE MESIANO, INe. . Lice/lsed Real Estate Broker Real Estate Consultant ... NOV 1 4": South old Town CI..... November 13,2001 Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Town of South old 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Request for Change of Zone SCTM #1000-35-01-04 5.7 A. n/s North Road Greenport, NY Applicant: MaTine, Inc. Box 1925 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mrs. Neville: I am the agent for MaTine, Inc., the applicant and owner of the above referenced property and have submitted an application for a request for change of zone. Please advise as to the status of the application. I understand that the next Town Board meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2001. I would like to know if there are any deficiencies in the application that would preclude its' being placed on the December 5 agenda. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, f /)" ~.. '1/" , ¿/c/Þßtú- .~ ca;herine Mesiano, President 12 Mill Pond Lane. East Moriches, New York 11940 . 631.878.8951 RECEIVED &.THERlNE MESlANO, INe. . Licellsed Real Estate Broker Real Estate COllsultallt NOI! 1 4 T Southold Town (Iert. November 13, 2001 Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Request for Change of Zone 7.1-A w/s Factory Avenue Mattituck, NY SCTM # 1000-122-2-23.1 Applicant: Mattituck Housing, LLC George Wieser, Secretary P.O. Box 1251 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Dear Mrs. Neville: I am the agent for Mattituck Housing, LLC, the applicant and contract vendee of the above referenced property and have submitted an application for a request for change of zone. Please advise as to the status of the application. I understand that the next Town Board meeting is scheduled for December 5,2001. I would like to know if there are any deficiencies in the application that would preclude its' being placed on the December 5 agenda. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, " /j //), tÞ(/Æ;WM- /> ~'M / Catherine Mesiano, President Enclosures 12 Mill Pond Lane. East Moriches, New York 11940 . 631.878.8951 RECEIVED .ATHERlNE MESIANO, INC. . NO\ 14 Licensed ReaL Estate Broker ReaL Estate Consultant T Southold Town Cleli. November 13. 2001 Elizabeth Neville. Town Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold. NY 11971 RE: Change of Zone 5.58-acre parcel 56995 Main Road Southold, NY SCTM # 1000-63-3-18.1 Applicant: Peconic Design & Construction. Inc. George Wieser, Secretary P.O. Box 1251 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Dear Mrs. Neville: I am the agent for Peconic Design & Construction, Inc., the applicant and owner of the above referenced property and have submitted an application for a request for change of zone. Please advise as to the status of the application. I understand that the next Town Board meeting is scheduled for December 5. 2001. I would like to know if there are any deficiencies in the application that would preclude its' being placed on the December 5 agenda. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, ¿~'0~ C~therine Mesiano, President 12 Mill Pond Lane. East Moriches, New York 11940 . 631.878.8951 , . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTH OLD To: Southold Town Board Town Attorney ~ Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk ~~ MaTine Affordable Housing Change of Zone application From: Re: Date: 10/19/01 The above application was returned to the applicant, Catherine Mesiano on three occasions, due to incomplete application, incorrect description of property and lack of postal receipts on notices to area property owners. As of this date, I believe the application is correct and complete. . - : J . . . RECEIVE ~ 5 2001 RECEIVED C'CI 1 8 South old Town Cieri.. Southold Town CIeri. ~u..k- ~ , ~ Date: 10/19101 Transaction(s): _ Town Of SouttlOlo . P.O Box 1179 uthold, f·¡Y 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Petition - Affordable House Subdivision Fees - Up To & Including 33 Dwellings Cash#: 1029 Name: Ma, Tine Ine Affordable Housing Application Clerk 10: L YNDAB . Receipt#: Total Paid: 1029 Subtotal $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 InternallD: 50801 '. RECEIVED ~ATHERINE MESIANO, INC. . Licensed Real Eslale Broker Real Eslale Consultanl T OCT 1 8 2001 SHtItol' Ton CIeri October 17, 2001 Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Main Road South old, NY 11971 RE: Request for Change of Zone SCTM #1000-35-01-04 5.7 A. n/s North Road Greenport, NY Applicant: MaTine, Inc. Box 1925 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Ms. Neville: Pursuant to your direction, notices were mailed to Debra Scott and Spondakis, Kormos, ano on October 11, 2001. The original certified mail receipts are enclosed. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, , ./ . ¡ ! c~ /}7 /¡~ Catherine Mesiano, President Enclosures 12 Mill Pond Lane. East Moriches, New York 11940 . 631.878.8951 - ----- ..-- - ..--..--.- . . TOIYN BOARD. TOIYN OF sOUTHOLD In the Malter of the Petition of MA TINE, INC., NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS to ,he Town Boord of ,he Town of South old. TO: YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of South old to requeH a change of zone from Low Density Residential R-40 District to Affordable Housinq (AW) District. 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your pfpp_~ cribed as follows: 69" C ' Route 48 Green art NY CTM UOOO-35-1- I 0 Road (Count Route 48); East of Dobler; uT of the Town of Southo1d West of Sound Road and others. ~ '5" .and is des· of North hers; 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: Low Density Residential R-40 District 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request tl1at the above-described property be placed in the followin~ zone district classification: Affordable Housinq. (AHD) District 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above wi!\ be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, southold, New York and you may [hen and there examine the Same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matler by the Town Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to [he date of such huring in the Suffolk Times or in the Long Island Traveler·Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of South old and designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be he.1rd at such hearing. Dated: {iv", 2.3 .. 2001 MA TINE, INC. BY:~P/t·hZz;t Petitioner Christine C. Hurtado, Pres. Contract Vendee of Catherine E. T~sker Post Office Address: P.O. Box 1925 Southold, New York 11971 ;. ~. SCHEDULE A .!..LL chat certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with th,,~ \)u i.ld.i.ngs and :lmprovements t:hereon erected, situar.e, lying and ):."j.nS1 near Greenport, :In the Town of Souchold, County of Suff".'!.k, Slate of New York and bounded and described as follows: <,t~ BEGINNING at a point on the no:r.·r.h<~rly line ot the Noni. lwad ",I1.l.c11 point of beginning is the southwesterly corner of the p~GmiSeB herein described and the southeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of Elizabeth T, Albertson and others; x~nniny thence northerly é\long the easterly line of lands now or tOl-'tllerly oE Elizabeth T. Albertson and others to the southerly line of Ü;!\dø now or formerly of. Dorothy Barstow; thence easterly along the southerly line of lands last mentioned and lands now or tcn;'mm:ly of Herbert Fordham to the westerly line of Sound Road or Avenue; thence southerty along the westerly line of sound .RQad r-.(.~ L\nds now or formerly of Whitney; thence westerly and ag¿¡in f;out:herly along the aforementioned lands to lands now or [ormer·l.:i o' KRzyminski; thence westerly and again southerly along lands last mentioned to the northerly line of the North Road; thence westerly along the northerly line of North Road to the paine or pla~e of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by d(·;ed ,-!atc,d Dècember 11, 1989 and recorded in the Suffolk Couney C.lerk's Office on April 10, 1990 in Liber 11049 Page 59. ~.. . . T13 T~ ,PB ;;z.S"'I 'l". /tic A1..N 1'1 LAW OFFICES WILLIAM WICKHAM ERIC J. BRESSLER ABIGAIL A. WICKHAM LYNNE M. GORDON JANET GEASA WICKHAM, WICKHAM 8 BRESSLER. 10315 MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 11952 P.C. RECEIVED 631-298-8353 TELEFAX NO. 631-298-8565 MELVILLE OFFICE 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD SLJITE III MELVILLE. NEW YORK 11747 631-249-9480 TELEFAX NO_ 631-249-9484 I\!r\',/ \"";1 9 November 8. 2001 Southold Town CI.ri Elizabeth A. Neville. Town Clerk Town ot Southold Post Office Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold. New York 11971 Re: Applicant: Ma Tine, Inc. - Request of Change of Zone Application Premises: Sunset Conrt, Greenport, New York SCTM#lOOO-35-1-4 Dear Ms. Neville: Enclosed is the completed Full Environmental Assessment Form in connection with the change of zone application. Please advise as to the status of the matter. Very truly yours, ¿j . ~ cfédl ¡jtcl¿k~.~ Abigail A. Wickham A_-IW'dmc t!11f.:! 30 shdtnclk cc: C Mesiaflo 14-16·2 (9f95)-7c . . SEaR 617.20 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. II is also understood that those who determine significanŒ may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may not be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive il\ nature, yet flexible enough to allow Introduction of information to fit a project or action. full EAf Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given prOject and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 al\d 3. Part 2: Focuses on idel\tifyil\g the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially- large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If al\Y impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE- Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAf completed for this project: X Part 1 0 Part 2 oPart 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting il\formation, al\d cOl\sidering both the magl\itude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: '~ A. The project will not result il\ any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is ol\e which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. o B. Although the project could have a significant effect 01\ the environment, there willl\ot be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action be<;ause the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative d~~laration will be prepared.' o C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. , A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions -Name of Action Town of Southold Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer RECEIVED Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(lf different from responsible officer) NOV 9 ,_;, Date Southold Town Clerl 1 PART 1-PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining \...hether the action proposed may have a sIgnificant effect on the environment Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions \\111 be r_:onsldt:-n~d as part of the application for approval and ma)o be subject to further verification and public revie\v Provide: ant add¡tl0llill information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It IS expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not Invol;" new studies, research or investigation If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, 50 indicate and specif\- each instance. NAME OF ACTION LOCATION OF ACTION (Include Street Address, Municipality and County) Sunset court, Greenport, Suffolk County (SCTM No. 1000-35-01-04) NAME OF APPLICANT/SPONSOR ! BUSINESS TELEPHONE Mr. John Hurtado, Sr. I ) ADDRESS P.O. Box 1925 CITY/PO I STATE r liP CODE Southold NY 11971 NAME OF OWNER (If different) I BUSINESS TELEPHONE ( ) ADDRESS CITY/PO ~ STATE ~ZlPCODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Applicant proposes to subdivide a 248,929 s. f. parcel into (10) lots, ranging in size from 15,000 to 16,000 s. f. . Each lot wi 11 be improved with single family dwelling, sanitary system, driveway and landscaping. = -j =J ~ I I Please Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, 1 Present land use: DUrban o Forest 2. T atal acreage of project area: APPROXIMATE ACREAGE Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc) Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) \'Vater Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate type) Lawn and landscaping h· d· ·1 Haven Loam 3. \V at IS pre ommant 501 type(s) on project site? a. Soil drainage: Q(\.'Vell drained 100 % of site o Poorly drained % of Site b If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 Land Classification System' N / A acres (See 1 NYCRR 370). 4 Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? DYes ~No a What is depth to bedrock' 600+ _ (in feet) both developed and undeveloped areas Dlndustria' DCommercial ŒResidential (suburban) DAgriculture DOther 5.7 DRural (non·farm) acres. PRESENTL Y AFTER COMPLETION acres acres 5.7 acres 1.5 acres acres ~~__ acres acres acres acres acres acres acres acres 1.00 3.20 acres acres acre.; DModerately well drained % of site through 4 of the NYS 2 ...... , . , . S !\pprOXlnldte percentage or propose.iect site \\'ith slopes Lll0-15% ~_ % 015% or greater ___ % ~O.10% 1 00 .~" 6 15 projE'cl substantially contiguous to. or contain a building, site, or dIstrict. listed on the State or the National Registers .')f Historic Places? 0) £oS rxNo 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed 011 the Register ot National Natural Landmarks? 8 What" the depth of the water table? 50+ (in feet) DYes œNo CJ Is site located over a prlmar\,. principal, or sole source aquifer? CXYes DNo 10 Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportumties presently eXist in the project areal DYes !XI No 11 Does project site contain any species of plant or animal lif~ that is identified as threatened or endangered? DYE's œNo According to Field inspection Identify each species 12 Are there any DYes umque Dr unusual land forms on the project sitel fi.e, cliffs. dunes, other geological formations) ~No Describe 1 J. Is the proiect site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? DYes 5(1 No If yes. explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? DY,",s 5(1 No 15 Streams within or contiguous to project area None d. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes. ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area· a. Name N/A 17. Is the SIte served by existing public utilitiesl ¡gYes DNo a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? b. Size (In acres) ~Yes OOes [JNo DNo 18 Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? DYes IKINo 19 Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL. and & NYCRR &171 DYes IKINo 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastesl DYes KINo B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project ~ponsor ~~ acres. b. Project acreage to be developed. 5.7 acres initially, 4.2 acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped 1. 5 acres. d Length of project, In miles: 0.1 (If appropriate) e If the project is an expansion. indicate percent of expansion proposed ~ Nt^--- %, f. Number of otf-street parking spaces eXisting ~~_; proposed 20 g Maximum vehicular tnps generated per hour 20 (upon completion of protect)? h. If residential· Number dnd type of housing Units: One Family Two Family 10 10 1\'lultlple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately i Dimensions (m feet) of largest proposed structure 30' height; 40 I \\Idth, _~~ length. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project \vill occupy is? ~~ ft ~--- 3 \\'111 dl'::oturbt'd arf~a'i bl:- r('clillfllE'u' d. It \b lor \\hd( mtt'nded pUrp05(' 17:> rht' silt:: tH.'lng rècld¡IllPdl " t·,Hth. d( I \\ ill fw i"enHJ\t·¡J fr,-,¡n tllf! . t,.~ X I·Yt,~. L_:'N( , IN,:\ o tqn~,".. ld)l\ \ ,dd, :1 Ho\\ much naturdl mdteridl Ii t' Landscaping ---- -.---- b \Vill topsoil be stockpiled tor rf'Clanlc1tlon? [XiYes UNo ( Will upper subsoil be stockpiled tor rf'clamatlon? ~1( Ye" [JNo 4 How manv acre" ot vegetation ¡'trees. shrub" ground covers) \-vill be rpmoved from site? 4.2 acres 5. Will any mature fore:;t (over 100 years old) or other local!y-important vegetation be removed by this projecU lJ)cs ¡}5No 6 It smgle phase project. Anticipated period ot construction 12 months. (Including demolitIOn) 7. If multI-phased. N / A a Total number of phases anticipated ~__ (number) b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 _ month ~_~_ year, (including demolition) c Approximate completion date of final phase month _ ')-'edr. d. Is phase 1 functIonally dependent on subsequent phasesl DYes DNo 8. Will blasting occur during construction? DYes ~No 10 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction ; after project is complete o 10. Number of ,obs eliminated by this project o 11 Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? DYes ŒNo If yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste di5posal involved? Dyes ~No a It yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b Name of water body Into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsuriace liquid waste disposal involved' !9Yes DNo Type Sani tary eff luen t 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? DYes ~No Explain 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? DYes ggNo 16. Will the project generate solid waste' ŒYes DNa a. If yes, what is the amount per month 1 '" 7 tons b. Ii yes, will an existing solid waste facility be usedl JOYes L:No If . Town of Southold Facility locatl'on c yes. give name ; d. Wi any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? e. If Yes. explain DYes ~No 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste' a. If yes. what is the anticIpated rate of dlsposall b. If yes, what is the anticipated sIte IIfe' DYes l?JNo tons/month years 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? CXYes DNa (Household) 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? DYes iXlNo 20 Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? K!Yes DNo 22. If yes, indicate type(s) If water supplV IS from wells, indicate pumping capacity N / A Total anticipated water usage per day _~_L~.~~~ gallons/day increase In energy use? ~Yes D No Heating oil, electricity, gas 21 Will project result In an gallons/minute. (Maximum) 23 24 Does project inVOlVE' Local. Stdte or Federal funding' If ).'es. explain ~_ DYes UNo ---- 4 c. Zoning and Planning Information 1 Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? If Yes, indicate decision required: Dzaning amendment Dzaning variance Dspecial use permit XJsubdivision Dnew/revisiofl of master plan Dresource management plan Dather 2 What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? B-1 Residence J What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted bv the present zoning? (10) Single family dwellings B-1 Residence ~ , , . 25, Approvals Required: City. To"n, Village Board City. Town. Village Planning Board Citv, Town Zoning Goard CitV. County Health Department Other Local AgenCies Other Regional Agencies State Agencies Federal AgenCIes . TVP_ Submittal Date [JYes ~No ¡¡¡¡Ves DNa DYes ~No !'<I Yes DNa DYes ȧNo DYes ŒlNo DYes [jQNo DYes rnNo Subdivision Subdivision sanitary XJYes [JNo Dsite plan 5 What is the proposed zoning of the site? What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? (10) Single family dwellings 4 6 15 the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? X]Yes DNo 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a 1/4 mile radius of proposed action? Residential lots are proposed? 16,000 s.L ~Yes 10 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a 1/4 mile? 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how manv DNa 10 a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? XJNo DYes 11 Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, Itre protection)1 ~Yes DNa a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? I](ý es DNa 12 Will the propo,ed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levelsl DYes I9No a If Ves, IS the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffiel DYes DNo D. Informationël Details Attach any additIonal information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adver~e impacts associated with your proposal. please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them E. Verification I certify that the Information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Apphcant/Sponsor ~ef-~~S W:... Bowman/Land Use Ecological Service!f)a:l(~· 10/16/01 Signature ~ Title Pres1dent If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coaslal Assessment Form before procet:diph with this assessment 5 - Re:.iJon~,ibilit~ "f t CMI !\g('I~q OJECT IMPACTS AND THEIR p;I',NITUDE Part 2- Gener.}! Information IRedd l drl·tlilh · In completing the torm tht> re\.'lè\.\'er "houle! b~' gUldE'o bv tl1f' qUf'stlc,n Ha.Vt' 111\' rc"pon-;p:. .¡nd deternlJ1ltltl'Jn- ¡'H"VII reasonable? The re\iewE'r I) not E'\pected t(i b,_" élf1 expert prl\"ronlllental anal\st · ldentiiving that an Impact wi!1 be pott":'rltldlh ItH¡;:t'- \..:.nlurnf! 2) doe,; not lllt.'dll that II. !S <11,0 nE'(E'ssarlh" significant. Anv large impact must be E:Vtlluuted If; 1'.1\1<: 1 3 to determine slgnitlLanu' Identlt)!rIg Li!1 Impact In (olumn .? slmpl\ asks that it be looked at further · The Examples f)fo\,ided are to i:h"ISt the rt-'\ï\.'\H'r by ")howing t\pt:·) ot impact.;; tine! \\her('\PI pos:ilb (' thp thrp·dwld (H magnitude that would trigger d respoll;(> III (olunln 2. "lilt:' ('\dlllples arf' gelleral¡~ applicable throughout thf~ Strltt-' rind tor most situation;., But, tOr any speCltic pro)t'ct or Sltt" other eXdmples and/or lo\\"('r thrf-':-holds Illrl\ hp a.PPIT¡¡dïi!t(> for d Potential l.arge Impa(t respons£', thus reqllllïllg (,\dluc1tron in Part 3 · The Impacts of each project, on f:'ðch site. In each IOLdllt\, \\111 vary rheretore. th(> ~\.ampk'-; Me rllustrati\,€ and have been offered as guidance They do not constitute an l'xhau-:.ti\ e list of Impacts and thresholds to an~\\,~r t'ach qLl(·~tl(H'1 · The number of examples per qUéstlon dop; not indicate the Illlportance of each qut:.'stlOtl · In identifYing Impacts, consider long term, short term and CUI1llatlvP effects Instructions (Read carefully) a Answer each of the 19 questions in PART 2 Answer Yes ii there \vlll be any Impact b. Maybe answers should be con':iidE'red as Yes answers c. If answering Yes to a question thf~n check the appropriate box. (column 1 or 2) to mdicate tht:' putentl¿d ':>IL'~ at the impact If impact threshold equals or exceeds any example provided, check column 2 Ii tmpact vvlll occur but thréshold is lower than example, check column 1 d. If revie\\'er has doubt about size of the Impact then consider the impact as potentIally large and proceed to PART 3 e. If a potentially large impact checked in column 2 can be mitigated by change(s) In the project to ò 51llall to moderate impact, also check the Yes box in column 3 A No response indICates that such d reduction 1<; not pos~ibk' This must be exptainE'd in Part j. IMPACT ON LAND WiJl the proposed action re~Lllt in a physical change to the project site? nNO O~ ES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Any construction on slopes of 15% or greater, (15 foot rise per 100 foot of length), or where the general slopes in the project area exceed 10% · Construction on land where the depth to the water table 15 less than 3 feet · Construction of paved parking area for 1,000 or more vehicles · Construction on land where bedrock is exposed or generally within 3 feet of existing ground surface · Construction that will continue for more than 1 year 01 invoke more than one phase or stage. · Excavation for mining purposes that would remove more than '1.000 tons of natural material (i.e., rock or soilj per year · Construction or expansIOn ot a sallltdfY landfill · Construction 111 a designated flood\\J.\ · Other trnpilct~ ----------------- ----~-- ------------ ------- 2 vvllI there be an effect to any unique 01 unLlsualland torms found on the sitel (t f:' clrtts, dune:', geological tormatrom, de JUNO ClYE5 · Spentic lemd forms _____._ ________ ~- --- ----"-- - -- ---- 6 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change n 0 [lYes LlNo [] [1 Dhs ¡-I No D [J O\es ¡-jNo D [J DYes []No 0 0 LIYh I JNu D D DYes []No D lJ OY'.'5 ~JNo II [] DY(·, I.JNn 1-1 U DYes [lNo U II [.1\ (., -'No ,. . IMPACT ON WATER 3 VVill propo~ed a.ctlOn affect an\, \\'ater body designated as protectedl (UnoPl" Article<; 'J 5, 24, 25 of the Em'!íOnlnentdl COr1~ervatlon Law, ECl) [lNO LlYfS l::~dmple5 Üldt would appl~· to column 2. · Developabl~ aWd of SIte contains a protected \vater body · Dredging mort' thdrl 100 cub ( yards of material from channel of a protected <:.trc..un · h.tf'I1Slûn ot utdltv dIstribution faclllttes through a protected water bod" · lonstrllctlon In [1 designAted freshwater or tidal \\..etland. · Other Impacts: -~--------~--- 4 Will proposed action affect any non-protected existing or new body of "aterl DNO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · A 10% Increase or decrease In the surface area of any body of vvater or mort' thdll d 10 acre increasE' or decrease. · Construction of a body of "vater that exceeds 10 acrE'S of surface area. · Other imparts --- 5 \Vill Proposed Action affect surface or groundwater quality or quantlt\1 DNO DYES Examples that \-vould apply to column 2 · Proposed Action "ill require a discharge permit. · Proposed Action requires use of a source of \vater that does not have approval to serve proposed (project) action · Proposed Action requires water supply from wells with greater than 45 gallons per minute pumping capacity o Construction or operation causing any contamination of a water supply system · Proposed Action will adversely affect groundwater. · Liquid effluent will be conveyed off the site to facilities which presently do not exist or have inadequate ca Jdcity · Proposed Actlnn would use water In excess of 20,000 gallons per day · Proposed A( lit, I will likely cause siltation or other discharge into an existing body of water to the extent that there will be an obvious visual contrast to natural condltiom · Proposed Action will require the storage of petroleum or chemical products greater than 1 100 gallons. · Proposed ActIon will allow residential uses in areas without \\later and/or 5ewer services · Propo~ed ActIon locates commercial and/or industrial uses which may require nf'....... or expansion of existing \va,te treatment and/or storage tacllltles · Othf'r Irnpacts:____~_ --~--- -- ------ b \'\'111 proposed actIOn alter drainage flow or patterns, or surface wdler runoff? ClNO DYES Examples that would <lppl\- to column :! · Proposed Action would change flood watf'r flows 7 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D 0 DYes DNa D D DYes DNo D D DYes ONo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNa D D DYes DNa D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo [J D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNa D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNa D D DYes DNo D 0 DYes DNo · Prop0"tl'd -\(tlün ma'y' caLise substantIa! erosion. · Proposeu Action IS IncompatIble \\.,ith existing drainage patterns · Propo'-'l'd A,ctlon \\ 111 alIO\\ development In J designated flaadway · Otht'·r Impact;" ____ .,______ --------. IMPACT ON AIR 7 Will proposed action affect air qualtty' UNO rJYES hamples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action will mduce 1,000 or more vehicle trips in any given hour · Proposed Action wilt result in the incineration of more than 1 ton of refuse per hour. · Emission rate of total contaminants will exceed 5 Ibs. per hour or a heat source producing more than 10 million BTU s per hour · Propo..ed action \\1111 allow an increase in the amount of land committed to industrial use · Proposed actIon will allo\'.' an Increase In the density of industrial development \\.ithm exi~ting Industrial areas · Other Impacts. IMPACT ON PLANTS AND ANIMALS 8 Will Proposed Action affect any threatened or endangered species' DNO DYES hamples that would apply to column 2 · Reduction of one or ['Hore species listed on the New York or Federal list. using the site, over Or near site or found on the site. .. Removal of any portion of a cntical or significant wildlife habitat · Application of pesticide or herbicide more than twice a year, other than for agricultural purposes · Other Impacts· 9 Will Proposed Action substantially affect non-threatened or non-endangered species' []NO rlYES hamples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action would substantially interfere with any resident or migrator)-, fish, shellfish or wildlife species · Propo:,ed Action reqUires the removal of more than 10 aups of mature forest (over 100 years of age) or other locally Important vegetatIon IMPACT ON AGRICULTURAL LAND RESOURCES 10 \\'Iil the Proposed Action affen agricultural land resources7 UNO UHS b.amples that \\üuld apply to column 2 · lhf_' propo5f'd action would Sf'vpr cross or limit access to agricultural Idnd (mcludp.., Cfopldnd, haytif'lds. pasture, vrneyarcl. orchard, etc J 8 .- Small to Moderate Impact lJ [J [J [J o o [J o [J [] [J [J o [J [J o 11 2 Potential Large Impact o n n II o o o [J o [] o o o o [J [J u Can Im;act B6 ¡ Mitigated By Project Change U\e, I 1\ es Cl)t><; L./\ e, DNu ONo l~JN() llNo l-:hes UNo DYes UNo [lYes [JNo DYes [lNo []Yes UNo [lYes UNo DYes DYes [lYes DYes [JYes Dyes I.J\,·; ONo UNo ONo ONo []NO ONo llNo : .' . · ConstructIon activltv would eX(d\¡dte or compact the soil profile of agricultural land. · The proposed actIon \vould irrever."lbh,' convert more than 10 acres of agricultural land or, If located In an Agricultutal District, more than 2 =) acrt's ot agricultural land · The proposed action would dIsrupt or prevent installation of agricultural land management systems (e.g., subsurface drain lines, outlet ditches, strip cropping); or create a need for such measures (e.g. cause a farm field to dram roorlv due to increased runoff) · Other Impacts ~__ IMPACT ON AESTHETIC RESOURCES 11 Will proposed action affect aesthetic resources? DNO DYES (If necessary, use the VISual EAF Addendum in Section 617.21, Appendix S.) Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed land uses, or project components obviously different from or in sharp contrast to current surrounding land use patterns, whether man,made or natural · Proposed land uses, or project components visible to users of aesthetic resources which will eliminate or significantly reduce their enjoyment of the aesthetic qualities of that resource. · Project components that will result in the elimination ,or significant screening of scenic views known to be important to the area. · Other impacts: IMPACT ON HISTORIC AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 12 Will Proposed Action impact any site or structure of historic, pre- historic or paleontological Importance? DNO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action occurring wholly or partially within or substantially contiguous to Jny facility or site listed on the State or National Register of historic pldL'" · Any impact to UII archaeological site or fossil bed located within the project site. · Proposed Action \-vill occur in an area designated as sensitive for archaeological sites on the NYS Site Inventory. · Other impacts IMPACT ON OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION 13 Will Proposed Action affect the quantity or quality of existing or future open spaces or recreational opportunities? hamples that would apply to column 2 DNO DYES · The permanent foreclosure of él future recreational opportunity. · A major reduction of an o¡:wn space Important to the community. · Other Imparts __ ~_ 9 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change D D D\es DNo D D DYes DNo D D D\es DNa D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNo D D DYes C!No 0 0 DYes DNo IMPACT ON TRANSPORTATION 1-1 \'\:111 there be an effect to f'xi'iting transportation 5\"tf:'m~? DNO Examples that would apply to column 2 · .-\Iteration of present patterns or Illo\·ement at pE'ople and/or goods · Proposed r\ction \vill rbult in meljor trattlc problems · Othr.·r Impact) IMPACT ON ENERGY DYES ~ 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change [] C DYes IINo [J :.J Dy,·, I lNo [J rJ Dy,·s l j ~~o D D OYb !"lNn D D [JYes UNo D D DYes UNo D D Dy,·, DNo D C DYes ONo D D [JYes UNo D D DYes UNo D D DYes DNo [J D lJYe, DNo D D DYes UNo D D Dhs LlNo D D DYes DNII U [] DYt·s IlNl> 15 Wil proposed action Jfteet the cOlllmunity's sources of fuel or energy supply' I'lNO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action '..vill cause a greater than 5% Increase in the use of any form of energy In the municipality · Proposed Action will require the creation or extension of an energy transmission or suppl'f system to serve more than 50 single or two family residences or to serve a major commercial or industrial use. · Other impacts: NOISE AND ODOR IMPACTS 16 \'\'ill there be objectionable odors, noise. or vibration as a result of the Proposed Action' DNO DYES Examples that would apply to column 2 · Blasting within 1,500 feet of a hospital, school or other senSitIve facility. · Odors will occur routinely (more than one hour per day) · Proposed Action will produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels for noise outside of structures · Proposed Action will remove natural barriers that would act as a noise screen · Other impacts: IMPACT ON PUBLIC HEALTH 17 Will Proposed Action affect public health and safety' DNO Examples that would apply to column 2 · Proposed Action may cause a risk of explosion or release ot hazardous substances (i e oil. pesticides, chemicals, radiation, etc ) in the event of accident or upset conditions, or there may be a chromc lovv level discharge or emission. · Proposed Action may result in the bUrial of "hazardous wastes" in any form (i.e toxic. poisonous, highly reactive, radioactive, irritating, infectious, etc ) · Storag€' facilities for one million or more gallons ot IlqUlfied natural gas or other flammable liquids. · Proposed action may r('sult in the f'xcavation or other disturbance within 2,000 feet of a site used for the disposal of solid or hazardou,> waste · Other impact':> DYES ------- ---- 10 ;... f' . IMPACT ON GROWTH AND CHARACTER OF COMMUNITY OR NEIGHBORHOOD 18 Will proposed action affect the character of the existing community? DNO DYES hamples that would apply to column 2 · The permanent population of the City, town or village in which the project is located is likely to grow by more than 5% · The municipal budget for capital expenditures or operating services will increase by more than 5 % per year as a result of this project · Proposed action will conflict with officially adopted plans or goa's · Proposed action will cause a change in the denSity of land use · Proposed Action will replace or eliminate existing facilities, structures or areas of historic importance to the community · Development will create a demand for additIonal community services Ie g. schools, police and fire, etc) · Proposed Action will set an important precedent for future projects · Proposed Action will create or eliminate employment. · Other impacts' 1 2 3 Small to Potential Can Impact Be Moderate Large Mitigated By Impact Impact Project Change D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNa D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNa D D DYes DNa D D DYes DNa D D DYes DNo D D DYes DNa D D DYes DNa 19 Is there. or is there likely to be, public controversy related to potential adverse environmental impacts' DNO DYES If Any Action in Part 2 Is Identified as a Potential Large Impact or If You Cannot Determine the Magnitude of Impact, Proceed to Part 3 Part 3-EVALUATION OF THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPACTS Responsibility of Lead Agency Part 3 must be prepared if one or more impact(s) is considered to be potentially large, even if the impact(s) may be mitigated. Instructions DIScuss the following for each impact identified in Column 2 of Part 2: 1 Briefly descrrbe the impact 2 Describe (if applicable) how the Impact could be mitigated or reduced to a small to moderate impact by project change(s) 3 Based on the ",formation available, decide if it is reasonable to conclude that this impact is important. To answer the question of importance, consider: · The probability of the impact occurring · The duration of the impact · Its irreversibility, including permanently lost resources of value · Whether the impact can or will be controlled · The regional consequence of the impact · Its potential divergence from local needs and goals · Whether known objections to the project relate to this impact. (Continue on attachments) 11 .. . , . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS IvL-'.NAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORIvL-\TION OFFICER Town HaU, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 11 79 Southold. New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone 1631i 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Re: Robert I. Scott, Chairman, Board oMS Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk~ MaTine Change of Zone application To: From: Date: October 4, 200 I Attached please find the notifications to adjacent property owners submitted for the second time for the above application. Please verity from the current records in your office that the notices have in fact been sent out to all of the property owners within the five hundred foot radius to the correct addresses, and notity me in writing of your findings. Thank you. : ,'." , " Robert & Gail Ghosio, Jr. 135 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 . Richard & Priscilla Horan 35 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 . Robert & Charlotte Wissmann 715 Gull Pond Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Donald Reeves 39 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Diane Mitchell 41 Sunset Lane Greenport, New York 11944 Albert & Maryann Dinizio Trust. 44 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 John P. Brady 115 Atlantic Avenue Hempstead, NY 11550 ChristopherButterfield & Stacey Pomara 36 Sunset Lane Greenport, New York 11944 Henry Vanwyck & wf 34 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Vincent & Edna Quatroche 12 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 George & Mary Sabino 50 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 Ann Stanilaus 35 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 Ann Stanilaus 35 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 James & WfDinzio Jr. 39 Sound Avenue Greenport, NY 11944 Mary Gabriel & Adrianne Greenburg 2476 E. 18th St Brooklyn, NY 11235 John H. Pedersen P.O. Box 456 Greenport, NY 11944 Robert & WfKase 6751 2 10th Street Bayside, NY 11364 Cynthia Harmon 170 West End Avenue New York, NY 10023 Carol Mavity 350 Bleeker Street New York, NY 10014 RECEIVED /,:¿.";;J.5 OCT 5 LOQ1 South old Town CierI. ~4-(-2.,1 Sf ð ..,...i'1')(, s ~'Q; .It- I 2',5- 4- - 17 ~ lJe ~O~ .:.1, I/.~\ " ---l- ~~-" 7 or--, "r I 0(' Co tin - ""-11 . ¥() I '~^'^ t~ Il)f.r' I", ~'6 :''J I ..,. -'~"." ¡ :- ~ -",. f.,_.Þ ~'\ ~., ....... (.).,~J \ \J . " '., ~ d )/ ~ I>-::.~v. t. f' "- . \ \. () :.. I \ I --' , .' . David W. Campbell 1121 Main Street Greenport, NY 11944 Nelia C. Purnhagen 1055 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 Maria Regina 785 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 George E. Cottral 315 Sutton Place P.O.Box 15 Greenport, NY 11944 Jean Misuraca 68835 CR 48 Greenport, NY 11944 Timothy Mueller 515 W. 20th St. Second Floor New York, NY 10011-2830 John Voiklis 1150 McCann Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Vicent & Lara Liquori III 39 River Street Sayville, Ny 11782 Alexandros Alexandrou 330 Victor Lane Woodbury, NY 11797 Gregory A&Kristen Rishe 130 Tasker Lane Greenport, NY 11944 . Jordon's Partners & ANO 801 Motor Parkway Hauppauge, NY 11788 Nelia C. Javierre & As Trts. 1055 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 Mary Jane Groll 665 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 Henry Paul 236 North Road P.O. Box S Greenport, NY 11944 Patrica Kohl & Sarah Costello 415 Wiggins Road Greenport, New York 11944 Galantis Realty. LLC 28-19 35th St Astoria, NY 11103 Mike G & Marika M Papas 700 McCann Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Theophanis & WF Karakostas 160-02 Grand Central Pkwy Jarnacia, NY 11432 Henry Hulse 450 Tasker Lane P.O. Box 155 Greenport, NY 11944 Michael & WfKourouklis 70 Tasker Lane P.O.Box 281 Greenport, NY 11944 . Sue Ann Krieling Box 211 236 North Rd. Greenport, NY 11944 Thomas R. Watkins, Sr. 895 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 Andreas Lios & wf 992 Allie Road N. Massapequa, NY 11758 I Eleftherios & Ors Pappas 30-22 34th Street Astoria, NY 11103 Durwood & Patricia Browne Jr. 4 Middleton Road Greenport, NY 11944 John & Victoria Helinski 9 Madison St. Greenport, NY 11944 Bonnie M.Scott 10523 E. 43'd. St. #743 Kansas City, MO 64133 George & Katherine Figetakis 4407 Newtown Road Astoria" NY 11103 Peter A. Verdirame & wf 7 Reid Ave Port Washington, NY 11050 Tyner Loving Trust 31 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Marion Saccone 9 Sutton Place Greenport, N.Y. 11944 Charles V. & W.F. Raynor 17 Sound Road Greenport,NY 11944 Theodore & Maria Petikas 225 Stewart Avenue Bethpage, NY 11714 Joseph D & WF Verity 32 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 Francis & Jean Bubb 2064 Alamanda Dr. #25 Naples, Fl 34102 Lynne Carlson 18 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 B.Moore & M. Kujawski S.Conklin C/O M. Moore 110 Beaver St. Tyron, NC 28782 Harvey 8. Sinuta 755 North Road Greenport, NY 11944 Gerasimow & WF Moulinas 62-11 37th Avenue Woodside, NY 11377 Robert Bruce&Robert Hughes 1221 Main Street Greenport, NY 1 1944 . Ronald Pascale 79 Bar Beach Road Port Washington,NY 11050 Antonis & Ellen Natsoulis 15 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 Steve & WF Manouvelos 3053 Crescent St. Long Island City, NY 11102 Jack and Edwina Skrezec 28 Sound Road Greenport, NY I 1944 Scott McIntire & Lori Hollander 22 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 William J. & Evelyn M. Heins Trustees P.O. Box 232 Orient, NY 11957 Bobbi LaMonte 4321 Hempstead Tpke Bethpage, NY 11714-5798 Jim Realty Co. c/o Kontokosta 43 W. 54th Street New York, NY 10019 Frances Ferguson 66230 North Road P.O. Box 589 Greenport, NY I 1944 Robert W. Bruce 2085A Shipyard Lane East Marion, NY 11939-1246 . CatherineE. Tasker 3509 Brandon Way Missoula, MT 59803 Sophie Raynor 17 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 Stephen M. & Frances A. Dorris 301 E. 38th Street Apt.11D New York, NY 10016 Elise S. Webb 26 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 William S. Sinclair III & Jennifer L. Sinclair 20 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 Charles Jr. and wf 14 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 Bobbi Zorn 4321 Hempstead Turnpike Bethpage, NY 11714-5798 John S. Doroski, Jr. 12 Madison Street Greenport, NY 11944 William Heaney 2426 N.E. 14th St.#80 Ocala, Fl 34470 James R. & Judith W. Woodhull 9 I 5 Shephard Drive Southold, NY 11971 ÞI~¡I IIIliill,",·.I'''':'H''.'''''WJ''''- ' . "r:rr;r::t:f(I Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage ProvIded) ,.,,-,~,-.- (:'.."". ,·..'t·...· Postage $ I'.~ J .: '" . .', --. Certlfiedl=ee Return Receipt Fee :ndol':3ementReC uired) ~estricted DeliveiY Fee :c.dorsementReC ulrad) postmark H.~ -".-, I..~ r'T .:~W Tot,.....-....~".. ,,"1::...<>", !I;, Ronald Pascale 79 Bar Beach Road Port Washington,NY 11050 - =J~ mRmTilfM"if:: ¡¡ iiE " .~ " ~s- ~ RIiI....._.___ ,.. ';ß:lì MAIL RECEIPT coverage provided I 'I ., Ollly· No Instllance _ II ,lial' - _ _ - .c..." ~-\ I"iI~ioUL¡;; \'\1 ~) " postage iii O~14 UNIì IIi: Certified Fee 2~:O 1.50 pOstn'\ar\( ...,. KFOH31.,! ReturnReCEllpt~ [Endorsement R~ Reøb1c:ted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) 3 ~ 9f.¡ E'_ !t. 1Qtal p--........ k Catht:rineE. T as er S..' 3S09 Brandon Way š...' Missoula, MT 59\\03 or PO --:S-I-4-- Clerk: 09/05/01 :C;ERTIFlED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic_Mail Only; No Insurar ....overage Provided) ..... ...D ru .... .---=:I L----~~~~~~+~--·-I-~--------------' .t.1':] ~_____,"----c_.___1 ..:,.. ;.;!~ '" ...D =r «I , JI'c'-1 , ~"';:u,-,, "-2'-'-'1·: Fc"" f----=-·----:-?-~, g ,,;~:~~':;~~~~:;,I;,;!~,:';,',;:~ r-.---~~~----1-.1 - o f---- _n____ ---l ,I..... ,I .~..-, ,j~/Ü) 0',;-,.;,1 nd'o '-,- Te' .-:. .... o o ['- I ~:;~ ~ Marion Saccone 9 Sutton Place Greenport, N. Y. 11944 :;- ...... - ,,--. -~I uuj ul ----- U.s. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage ProvIded) ['- o ...D .~ J u ;:¡ , , lIAurr'AUù[: if,'1 li?GD posta.;¡al$ C"rId,.;;.:! Fce ( , RelLlmHecelptFoi!e I ¡Endorsement Requoredl I 1.50 \ Re:'nnClea Dellv~ri Fae -·1-.. .. '·Fn;.. "7lJ ~Endorsement Ra~iJlreù' C ocr k. of, \J: ,,,). '------I Total Postage & Fees J $ 2. 9~ J D9/D5/C'i \umT I '2d+-----j '" ..D or ., r\ Üi ID: (;940 PG¡;¡mar~ Her" ~ I rs&ñ- "....------ I f::~ ------.--.- ~ -Bi;, ,...- , ¡;[tDW'CR1, 11'( 11 ~;,'; f"o5tage ~ UNIT lD: 0940 C",rIlfledFEid L~~::l- Postmark ~. . H~ra Return RðCelp¡ Fæ \. . (Enaorsement REiqulredl 1050-i Raslricl",dOéH"/er'f'F;g8 I~ IClerk: KFOH3lJ ¡Endorsement ReqUired" ----1 . : ~e'-' "--.---. <-~o;hie Ra~~~r I <)9/05/0~ j luuu: I.' 17 Sound Road t Srr "uU' I ~' Greenport, NY 11944 ..:·ö" ~S -.' -, ( , ëiiý;s .. U.L), l-'ost,¡1 ServIce CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic IlIail Only: No Insurance Coverage Pmllicled) Postage $ 0.34 UNIT lD: 0940 Certified Fee Z~10 1.50 Po._ H... Cler-k: KFOH3V Return ReceIpt Fee (Er1dorsement RequIred) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Totalp,..........--.. ~--- ;enlTc · 3~ 9{¡ 09/05/01 Charles V. & W.F. Raynor 17 Sound Road Greenport,NY 11944 .¡ ji;ø;f) I(POS ;¡iÿ,-štä :;> -- -..)- ~'.'..-..a_".....,..-.__ r u.s. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage provided) ,- ,'{" ."¡ " ?ostage, $ UNn ID ~ 0940 Ü.34 Cer1lf'ed Fee \ . I' . 2.1'; iE"d~'~;:'.;:"~t·~~g:,;.'o': \ 1 "50 l Fleslnctea Oehe" Fee Clerk: KFOH1'J ~Endofsernent Requ·r8,~, I'" -; c!' !rt':;iOC;'01 Totalpo"t;t..e&Fßl!l!iI"" .....~,.'-I <,;,' ,.j Antonis & Ellen Natsoulis 15 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 PostlT",ark ¡-¡"..a- \::,:':; J ["'=-;i¡::S-Ûit: ., ,Q \- ~~ " -¿" .. Jordon's Partners & ANO 801 Motor Parkway Hauppauge. NY 11788 € <j - 2 - I =J .m..j liliiii U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No InsuranCe Coverage Provided) ['- U1 .... .... -.J I~STrCl(,. NY ,111C'2 PIJS1aç.<,- i'5. 0.34 i UNIT lIt: ()~'4Ü CcrtlÍled F&e j 2. . _.. I Rt1!LlrnRect'rIPtF",e ~ IEndor~err'f·nt Requlr~d ~__~~-º---_ Rso.m-:t"d Oell.er, ¡-«c I r-1-.-L.-' ¡/..F,'."lrn., !Er,ûor~err'en¡R6qu¡redi II ~....~r,... r·, n..... CJ Total r- ~ "'~~~ I <I: 3.94 109/05/01 ~ I S.M" Steve & WF ManouveIos [:J f·s¡;,;,¡.- 3053 Crescent St. "po Long Island City. NY 11102 r¡ I '" ...D '" "" Pù511nark t'1ere ru [:J o o --¡ J I j I Ipt'Ur-tIlOII..L .... [:J [:J ['- '":::t..-- I ./ __"J ~ , U.S. postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insu'-ancc:: Coverage ProvIded) " : I , n~ I -~I I 'I .... " r-;:-¡T~ [';C~:c' I, -~:r¡;.- 5-,:;- CJ Tot.:;1 FM.taUD & F:etJ5 ~ ~--'l ~ [':s; William Heaney . I c:J t· s" 2426 N.E. 14th 51.#80 ; ;; .': Ocala. FJ 34470 I D 1'-'" _1'-. 2J-17 ~ - '. --~ --_. - U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT . '~" ---- ------~ , __ - ____ ____ -.I '.... ~MÅ~L R~CEIP; (Domestic Mail On""- ", £ 'y, IVO II1SUrance Cov~rage PrOVided) -'_,,_,_____J ". ,.1""'. '"1,, , , I :L L-, Cl'c'~ -II. ::,':. :.:.:;i) Tob: P.- ,u -"l F ranees Ferguson 66230 Ndrrh Road P.O. Box 589 Gre~nporr. NY 11944 .? ' ~ ~ ~ I 1 L_ g¡::ID,'F'iJ:::?-"~_.,-4IJ44-_ I --r----- P(¡SI.~~¿. I :!' iJ' ._\~, I, '';''IT r I------_~____.JL','I. \ ~D: 09:'¡O C;¡!r'trh'"dF€i; : I Return Ht'-ce':Jrre-ò' r--- -:; ;õ: l' PaS\"li.\rk IËndor5o:;ment R¿>...¡u,rto'CI ) . 1::.,-, ¡ H,¡!fe Rest{ .:',,~o ÙI:"II' ef',. Fe., r- ---"::'~~---J Il:naorse'T'S'r' r=¡f)r~! Irtd f ICL~d': KFOHJ[J I~- fetal'" _L·u ~ '-u_ I It- _.1.'::., Ilrr'll'\~ir J:i. 'JJI Jl r.~e.~~.T \ Stró6f I-~~-~-~ C;/j.·. ~ I .. 3,~'. '-2~ Œ"ti:c·mml.1.;¡'i·{rof> . CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) ;::;1 fTll '"" L...tiJOO!;.¡/)f,.--II'i~ 1!J'?,:' PO;\'.," ,l::-.... C.'.'" ~U",IT I -- J>t I': ID: 0940 Certlfl.;oFf.-€, L -. ¡" I Rr,¡un ReceJI:i1 FE~ ~I .... \f I ,Ë.1J0r1>..rner;[ RelU1'e,:J¡ 1.5C: r ^ -_____ I ne:>rr.c!ed Dell'erv Fec' I ---I ¡En;1or'<>e'rnenrf,ecrl!recli k___~ Cl.¿.r~: KFeJi-ß/J Total Postage & Fees r .IJ: Harvey B. Sinuta 755 Norrh Road Greenport, NY I 1944 'I t:!J ___,__ $ rn .-'1 ---------.---- -- -'Jf~;:;__:"'--o-·..:.-~t.,.,;:;:f-..-----~·- .-------_ U' JJ T <0 -'...- I.~______ ..~.:L.-_____I'_· , I "1' ,I -----::,-:------- 'l' :.. - -- - -- ,i_Ie- ru CJ c:J CJ 'L, j ~r ,"cl-d ____i:.._~___~ ':''''';'r,,:I, ,F"J,.',,-,,-, ,- ... ,,- .. .-<: . .-,. -] .1 .._~ , I11II....n.....II·~ [Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) --- - - ..---.- - -----.- - ---- - - ---.- -, - .-- g I I ~ L-~-~~TFI')JC" I ------__--.! i'~·,·G~-2 L~___~_~,3\.-----1"umT ID: O':."4 ~1 . , _.-I[,-,c'.IFcl"l I - ,,-, I t---- ' ---i "du'n ri,'~· PI ~"'i' I I ,E., ::I::;'";,.>,...."'f.[ 1'1. JU r",:.¡, I ~ Sfl ;;;::~:::,~~~.,::;:,,:,O~"~ [=~__~.oo -~~CI,"rl: !FGHJ'.' TOI<lI Postage & Fees II 5) 334 I,G9/0'.i/()i U' JJ =r c(I P0:'>lr1lJrk h¡;rt' ru c:J c:J c:J ._- I I ......'1 ........J -* CJ ~ \SeN o t'.iiieE Ñ I~_~<~:': c:I 1G..r, CJ I .' 1'-. -U'-S. Postai SerViëë' - - --. CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverag€? ProvidedJ Jim Realty Co. c/o Konrokosta 43 W. 54'" Street New York. NY 10019 2:0- _ '. _ --, d- ~ ¿ --, .n) ~ U) JJ =r c(I ru ,0 ',0 o 0 ru L' fTI 0 1$1 '"" r~; c:J c:J <'- ~ PJSlf1"'ñr;; ti~re 3. ~':4 109/05/01 Gerasimow & WF Moulinas 62-11 37th Avenue Woodside, NY 11377 '" J ,/"".- ~ - 1- J -U.s: i'>õstal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail On(y; No fnsurance Coverage Provided) --- ----- - ------ - - ~I .-'1~ ·1 -·E-w,n,., '¡'~<.C"" .J\~ Ln' 'IJ!'_" I.T ...,,"'1 I P-=';;'I<¡'-Je $ ___ Ü..J4 ¡Ut~IT ID: ')94V (:enlf,i:ü Fð" )1 ;;1-, ..r· PC5tm3.rl<, ---~ L.LI:. Return R¿C8Ip,! Fe., , . r:-r l-'Wiõ ',Er-:lorsðnH:!lltReqUlrea, I 1.£___ PC<5Irlctej,Dél,.It'J"Y,F",,, I ~i''l¡;:,t1::~ KFOH3V :Er':':.7'se,-:IÓ;,I' ,"!i':,~:JfeCI I ____ ~ .- Tota1 Pc- .- ,- I' ct' 3.9'-i 09/05/01 U' JJ =r <0 f1J c:J c::J c:J ---1 ......J , I ....) ... c:J ~ ¡5F.-nrTJ-- c:J - I .....j John S. Doroski. II. 12 Madison Street Greenport, NY 11944 '_...n_____ 1,51''':'1 ¿! ....::¡ I ,,'P...' 8", a r-ë~¡~:~·,_l"ii c:J I I'-þmm ! \- ~ c:'t! -,''-i - .. U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) I'- <0 ru '"" 11I\S3,\r'[IJUA, ill' 117SB Posta\Jd µ C¡or!if,e-dF'ee I ',- R6turn ROC81pt r8i:1 t íEnQQrSement Requirodl Re,sinct¡¡rj Døll'.·ery Fei:! (Endorsement Reql.MI;!Ol i----- Total p"....~..... .II. "'...... ~ <:. f SenfT.:; ~-~t;&e[·A J' úrP08[ ~ 0' I i DII11 ^ I' I ~.~ 1.5(1 P05trnatk Here BŒI[·tŒr-#i fl'}!' J U) .. J $ c(I Pt,;,~ag"" $ UNIT 1Ð: 0940 (¡ "14 ID: ()94~· 0.14 Gp..1,Î'eclF66 ::.19 PO$tmar~ Here I Clerk: KFOH3'i I ( 09/0S/01 ~etu'n R~e.pl Fee \¡;::<ô:iGrst l11enl Requlre-d¡ D· F I RastnCleO ell""", ee íEndvlõ'en1ent RequiredJ I I Tolal Postage &. Fees I, $ 1.50 ~ :' Cler~:: KFOH3~ , IOQ/05/01 3.94 Andreas Lios & \Vf 992 Allie Road N. Massapequa. NY I 1758 -:;~~--S--{p ru c:J c:J c:J 3,94 c:J ru ¡T c:J Bobbi Zorn 4321 Hempstead Turnpike Bethpage, NY 11714-5798 =-l ... 5 -I ::::::~:l g -¿ _II'- 5 ~ ~ - - . , - 2.2-- ..J] a- o .--'! "~~i.'·~.··"'·" ~¡, ..~ .__ .,.-.;;_ _il~;__"_~:':'-___r-t-'~""'__r ,-. U1 ...D '" "" ---I , ru o o o '-'I"¡ ,t.J,I-, "[-'_-L-, P~t~r c\. V ~rdirarn~ & ~f 7 Reid Ave Port Washington. NY ] 1050 o TL,toJlf ru m'S'· 01 rI t ;,¡'~~g ~ g t -c-,~~ - 5r: ['-~, ? 4 . u..". f'OSµ!f::iérlilce" CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail OnlY1 No In , surance Coverc1ge Provided) . t 0 .. "" :4 _! .., ., -,. p-:;" --------¡ , ___J , j I -- ~I r=r L---..SR£f,·';"'8~:T ... ;; ( 1: ~'i¡~; P""~(I~'o<. li~___~]~ :).1.,".'1--,' _~_ . IIi: Dr.!~C' C¿rr,t"c,:! l-t'OÒ' I ¡ Hd¡llr" f;e,:o"ptF",,, 1r------2.-i4--~ ru IE,"a<Jrs~rr.9nt Rf-L L.m,-(J1 '___ 1.50 ¡ I:J Restn'::Wd O"r'.':I) f',.,,," t -------.-1 c:J ,E'1dc.r"to-¡1',¡,-nrR",a"rr¿,j, I I,.., ::) I 1:.J.(>rk: k.FOH~:¡),,; :J Total Post>loe & FaE-¡¡ r;--- ~~----11 . J.L)4 (\Çu(j<':.'(rl ~ I S,c' Michael & WfKouro~kl;;'" ::J t·s;;,;; 70 -:asker Lane P.O.Box 281 ~ '-___~Jfeenp;~, N:~ :: U1 ...D =z- "" roQsrrr..3rx her., -1 ...J ~ U.S. postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic MaU Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) .D "'¡ ~ L rISTgþ'Hì. t{:t: \i11(,~ I P05iaiJ~ ~__ 0.34 ~IjNlT lD: 0'940 Cen:.t¡¡:d Ft!~ I ~ 2.1l I Aaturn HE-C""P' Fe. I l ,Endorsement Req\.lIre.J1 ~ 1.50 I R~5tn(.teGI Deliver\; Fe,; L -1 rl _t.·. \u-'-~H<'J :~n<:!ùrs.em8ntRt!QLHra[jl I",~et"'.. p,rl~, .....'; ,-----1 "Tot"....'_...~M. c~_·· I cr 3.94 '09/05/Cij. rJ .D T " U :J :J :J :::J 1J isañ n :::J George & Katherine Figetakis 4407 Ne\\1own Road Astoria" NY 11103 5!r~ orP ~ :J -C.'it.\ :> ~3- ¿- '''1 Pos(mark H'~ U.S. postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic M;J/I On/y; No IlIsurance Coverage Provided) I;[(CUlf'Of:1. ' " Pos!a<je II $ 0.3; U¡HT LD: 0940 I---~ Certlied Fe.. \ Retl.<lr Re--:.elptF.¡);'! ¡--- ~ IEnoc,1'5emer' RaqlJlred¡ I ~W R95tnctedDel'8ryFoe ~- Irl¡:ãtl" Kfm-r~U ¡Endorsement Requlredl I '-' - , . ' . . To,~po.ta,.&F." !t --::'~09'05/01 , 1 " , '1 n " o " , , , , ~ I Sem TJ J \-§re;;-t: "'I I ()rPOE ~~ John Voiklis 1150 McCann Lane Greenport, NY 11944 'Z ~> -".... L\ - I::::' ?OSlmaf\<. H.~ o ~ I ~ibr'r E:J 'f.___ ¡"'"" r=\ ~i' p, o ~-(,;i. o I, ['- .. U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) ~I ,--:¡ L_ G¡;:F.T#'C'~~T tl~:-'!\", , I Pü~[:k'"'" I ~ r~ ""\t. I' ':'.!¡-T Tr!". C.~C.ìLc(1 -- r---~~--I'-'" ,-- --.~ L.,orl,TI,=".lF<,"'"I I I . ", I f'us¡m.'1rf RdUIt', Recè',pt F"e ¡__~-----1 H-:r", IEn,j~r"",'nel1¡ R'õ'.:¡u,r",(I, I i o:-;r¡ I e.,.-.~!.r,.~~".J.[''-;I~."", F",è !~--~-l"1.....-.-,_. ¡¡",.., '·u ,¡--"a~r;,,,,,-,,,,,t t-,e-:w,r.,.,11 I I\..,,,-_r ~... ,·r J\-!..J, ,------i Tot~1 <>.~<obn" 11. 1=....'1 1 ~ ~. ~~ 10'·) -'05,:0! ru ru U' c-'l U' ...D ,. '" ru o o o 'j - .....\ I 1~::Iä~~ ':..'I";I~Ii :!! ~ -(Domestic Mail Only; No ·'ri'TiT..rllll~'T"'!1rn'1t:r:r. _ . . . - ..- _I ;---~---t--t~r-------'-- --------- --------~ --r--, ______ ,"'-~u_ í"- I ._T,'",Ilc_'-1 -" [iT,:,rf ---~---·-Î ·-·r"" F,c' , F"IL'""o-,,,,C"1 ,,:';.:".';: :.,~[~~~~-:~'-~-~ :. I. " ·.r·'-: fùtdl Post.'!q'" & Fe",,, s:. .' ------, George E. Comal 315 Sutton place P .0.Box 15 Greenport, NY 11944 B i "'j I u_""" I -- 3~; ... I ..J U' ...D ,. "" ru o CJ o CJ ru m fse"; CJ t"f;"t~ ~ ~_o:~ ~~ Gregory A&Kristen Rishe 130 Tasker Lane Greenport, NY 11944 --" , I ,j i I '-1 I ... -- .3~- -+ - u~ U.S. postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) ..., ...D CJ ~., ï I J ru o CJ o 8P.ŒNI'·8n, ii:\ l1')"i ~' PQstage $ (¡ l¿. __ UHH In: 0940 ¡---- C.:>rul,;:-Ó ft:<" I, neturn Re,:eI¡::t F",~ i-----2w: ~. ,.E¡1rjQrserntmt R8qu,rE;d' I 1. su ~ . ,-- R~~tJ!,;t,~d Del,:[71', Fee I 1"1 ~rk' ¡.;¡:-ol·nu \E"lj.:,r,>""nl~r.t Re-qll,rtô-':I¡ I ___~t" .. ..' " TOlaIPo,..--.~.:.h;,"" ., "Ie 1'("~/'r'1r:;!"1' ,/ ........' .~:!Ir.)Ji(.:L \ .. Tyner Loving Trust ,-i 31 Sunset Lane ',.......j Greenport. NY 11944 /......j /- ~ U1 ..J] =z- "" pc,>~......ark Here o ru m SErl:'7.... c:J "š:-f:e"r:i,; ,....'1 o~'"'Oe( a "ë,~"s¡.i ~ I... U.S. postal Servilo" CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT ('Domestic Mail Only: No Insurance Co~'erage Provided) ~ > J-, 4· If 7 ['- =z- '" --" Gf£D~1Jf:1. if, lW,", Postage r $ -----º-.34 ~Uf-n.T In: (1940 Giõ'r1ltiðdFo:'e\ ._';'_. \' ~_ ":'h Rat-Jr'lPP.C<3lpt Fee I ¡Er1dorsemenl Roql<lfE-cl¡ ~~_1. :lJ I RestnCtedOellveryFea ¡ 1,...'- .¡,b L','"r!.'I'.~l) (El1dJrsementRequ1reQ! I, ~l..l~rt'_. 1\ - Total pC! ¡ ct' :,.94 k;:/C\5!Ol ~ ·1 ....j .. U1 ...D '" "" postman.. Here ru o CJ CJ o ~ ¡se.1tTO a (-srrâe"CÃp' ~ ~~~~~~~:. ~~ John & Victoria Helinski 9 Madison St. Greenport, NY 11944 <2 -..- c -.-, :; " c:_ t.- <0 ['- =r '"' ')videdj ::n'~, "'J~<tl .¡--.-~-~,-" -r-,- ---~-----.-._--------.- ------.----_. --". .---.--- . . .n .n 0.- '" __1_' - - --.-" r,,:¡, "dc U :J :J :J " , j.- ",'-r,,, '-'I' : ,= ¡": : ~ f -.,., ''''"rI,-' IT" o '" , ,,", W', -" or '" ru o [:J [:J '....,.".,...""........."..,~ ''''·''~~T:,,''~:::I.1·· _'.,.., ,' - '..' .111.-1...... I I ,.,~"¡;'~",¡'II~~.'!.~"...\~":'..,',4f_, ,," ';.':. . ..,eProvided) , ..JU!CI·'Øi\'œI~~. , >....)J'~.,,~ -1 --~~ - ,",' . n H_.," -- ,-..d" 'I, : L '~~ '- ~ ;..~-, f,".! ---.....~, '. :J ~ CS::-~;-- :J q i ,:<:t;;~ :J r-.~-;,:... 3 i ~,...._. ~;¡:;-._..- CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Prollided' [:J ~rc;, 0" I'f"_-- " .-'I" 0\1,. o I·" r- , ~'~ü!l- - ... -- U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Prollided) '''./ .., ... [:J U' ---.J .-'I U' ...n or .., ru CJ CJ CJ CJ ru ", CJ ..) .-'I [:J , [:J "'j ['- , I ,,¡jJ Total p.¡ _. '.-. '...:.'\1; DurwooJ & Patricia Browne Jr. 4 Middleton Road Greenpon. NY 1 J 944 " , ... ::¡ ,.., , :J L-----8mfi:-",f!{; Cpf(DGr(, , ~ :3...; " I "1 P':";[3,~<' ~ ,.- -j; i'I iT- ~ . _. : --------:..:........r:1--i Ui·~.l \ '_c·n",,,,'} ,-e", I ' :E,·,'~;~,~~;~~~~~'~:'~':L;è\~ C~_= =~_~:: ~~ _~j ~"'lf'.;;r",1 C.~I,'.¿r. Fe': I' i I!:,rld,:¡rs"rr-,em R.-ô'clu""o' ~____ _.__ -----J C1'2(\·'.: ~,F::+ßi} TOlal P..d'..... Ji. 1"".... ! t::: ! .J. '~!4 i aS~!(!5/01. Robert & WfKase 6751 210m Street Bayside, NY 11364 3,~_ il 1U: 0:1(\(1 P':;;i!,na,~ Har", ! S~nt To t·St.;êe·~-· arPOt -, , ..n'j .....n] -- gt- -U.s. Postal :rn'11o!< CERTIFIED MAIL . !.r"u~"~':i""''''1!'frr. . ., I. . ~ L"3fHNr·g':T. n 11°', " I ;--- POH,1ge L 0.J4 J Ui'HT JI¡~ C",,¡,rie(jFeè: r '-------..;;;".~---I R5turr"'~'i!i¡Jt':",,,, I ¡ ¡EndorSement Req'Nedl L___ 1.5[; I Ri;stflcted Deh,erv t',;(' ; ----~ IEnclûrS':'rrJ"nt Fie':¡;,.."edl ¡ Clefl·.: KFO: ¡--._-----~ TQta Postage & Fees : $ -~. CJ4. II' (,.- ¡. t:" ". .. .... / ~.~I, l}..,¡,' ~.n , , P()~1 He r3ë~rT, ¡"S;'O.";' orpC "(:::1,--$ .. Jean Misuraca 68835 CR 48 Grcenport. NY 11944 ....~..,,-,:) , , --' -----. Vicent & Lara Liquori III 39 River Street SayviUe. Ny 11782 ,.,- - I~ - - ? JIIIIIiII en "', ~ IL.-_~~})*",~~:-;. fJ-t-~' í---------------1 , ' I', "It- I j , , . ¡7 I[¡: ,'}::;;",~: .·'··F·...... ':_______tL..-::ti-__i ü;~=, ,:. -,f,r., ~ U' ...n '" "" f ',: 3 f '-T\'-.r~ ru CJ [:J CJ ~--------~t-----1 ~,,,j,~,-~~:~~~,;~"f,~:~'~ ~¿~-:, II~_____-!-~L_J ,:.,~;CI:.;;;'}~;'ë·;¿:~;;, :~___________~ Clé"': <,F'·!':'.' I a- .. .~ '. I ','~, I,":'::, ' '"'6'00 Tol; ." CJ ru rs;,¡ "" [:J , I"s,;;; ....., ij,' P, ~ r-ë.r", ['-I II- U.S. postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT . (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provl(jedJ Patrica KoW & Sarah CosteUo 415 Wiggins Road Greenport. New York 11944 -----------¡ j , , , -----, I , ... , . 1_~-!r.-r-~,111Ü" p""" ~._~-1IJN!T ID: f;~'4.Ü C",n:lf,e,] Faa I I f----"---8---) Fet,lrn Re;;elpt Ffi': ) 0-. ~ " ,:O:r1<:!C.r':;'.'.men¡ ReQlJ,r¡¡dl I 1.51)--1 R~s((,cted Delivo'w¡ Fae r--- I' '-'1-'-!" I'F"H"," .1 t". ''''rr." \i' J (Er;dOrSeme¡1~,..,E'CiU,re::l\r " .--- . . I 4: ---:-:-¡ M ,r.!;" .'Cd TotalÞor' ..:..:.~ '\}:!,"..:-J/ '1 Postmar~ Here -\ , ----1 ..j (ll/2...:-"),.,J Ser.~ T:;. I Eleftherios & Ors Pappas 30-22 34'h Street Astoria, NY 11103 > 'c:- I _"" ~ ' \L ( -St~!J€.r~),~ orPOBo' j -t;iy:š-tå'"¡¡ ~ U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT " ':}"f;¡."'1't:I ~mll.mI71~'r:lrwrrrF-Tüol~-ft'}'I~r:I.¡O:J!J:'m7r.m=J ~, ...n :r' .-'I , I ----i-=._'* 'ì':~~t-,-j:ffl L~~l T------~--- ?;r;.\3;;e 1 $ (\ ~i ¡PeHT ID: 0940 ,____~~LI- . r::.;rt'födF"',,"! -;'---..---J ¡-------6* , R",r,,"·' R6(;E',pl ¡::C-"6 ) j \E~or~~ "E:nt. R"'~lJln:'~: ~_______1.5Ü --1 R..slrh...,¡¡¡j D",II.!,r, F.t:"~.' ( ¡i'l'::'~"I-;· KF(:'\fS~,! (Enacr~Etn""',T ::>'~qLlÚ~,"' r-- ---------ì - .- .. To\,,¡Po!:taos&Fðes i S; 3.~;4 ~(}9!'~5/01 U1 -" or .., Pr.s!mal~ Here n, o [:J o [:J ~ I~::~~ r-=r or P0 i3 CJ' (:;li~-sÙ t::I ['-- Timothy Mueller 515 W. 20m St. Second floor New York, NY 10011-2830 3'"2.·__ 5, 2-0 -I .nn. j I n"ì .. RECEIPT . ~ed) r- I ; I: r- ~ ;¡ CJ ~I ru L__~'fI=-f~-~--+J-1 ,. J.. .-, c ~., '_ . --- " , ~: J ..-'I m U'1 '" 'I ,~c- " ." [, ,J F;.. .J I '. .... r----.--------=...-+'-;-- ,c!_,,~.'~:~f~~_"~;/~~'~l'\."~~.~ liL , __-._..':: -..-__~.."I·"'" -.' i : F.,c;¡,,;¡F:JC>õI,.-' E,'d, ,<;¿,- -.,-,t ~''''-I' ,,_,1, I a- ._ 1.>-:,. f-.,-r, J" Hc",' ~ CJ CJ C] I . ~. '.~ -" ,: CJ r'- --1...D ..-'I 'I CJ r'- JI ..-'I rotall"--- Sam r. Robert & Gail Ghosio, Jr. 135 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 '3 S ..¡ ., '-IQ, - c::J 's'rre€r. t:J CJ ~ -t;r-y,'s, ~ &!I-"1I=m""1mJof' CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (DomestIc Mail Only' No - , Insurance Coverage Provided) ~I .... ¡;¡:¡;Ulf·gf.··' 0,v ~. f.~ 11?~~ I 1 P0SIa.,;¡e ~ (.).1':". lu' T ) I - '-' ¡-J Iü: 0940 I 'EOd;:~~;'~:;;;;,~~: Ë ;~ I "::;:' Restncted Dell.s') F..e ¡Endorsement Re-qLJJre;:JI _ CIeri': K FOH.3!) T"~~' D~~.~..... J!. 1:"...." I ¢. -, _, _ _ _ .1. ~J"f O~ilo5l/Jl I $. Joseph D & WF Veritv s 32 Sound Road - ; Greenport, NY 11944 ___.nO_____n. ..::,~ ~'..) - , \ U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mall Only; No Insurance Coverage Prov;ded) U'1 Ir ..-'I ..--"I A¡;,¡:::~;~r ,-,¡;;.T, :d', ¡ I ~ " . '" .D or ~ Posuga $ UNIT ID: O~)4Ú r' "76. Certlfie-a Foo Postmark H,~ Return Receipt Fea (Endorsement Required) .:;f't 1.1 :::J :::J I: I" T 01 Restncteo D"livery Fee IEndorsamem Aequlri~{ Tolal p--~--- R "'DD" I cr:: Slerk: KFOH.3V o 9/. 1(.... '0" .0; ..J.7-¡ J"lI '.JJj L Elise S. Webb 26 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 Sent r. ==1 .. ·Street.- "PO "I 5 I-t~t;:s -- 3S'- - \~ U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domest;c MaH Only; No Insurance Coverage Prov;ded) L ÐR[[Nfôra, ¡,~ m~~ I P''''ge ~~.... 'F umT Œ: 0940 C",rtrf,ed Fe", I ..-, . - Postmark Return Receipt Fe? I Here (EnoorsenientReqUlreOI~!:"rl '..!'J R¿>slrkted Oeli,er, Fe¿> ..., _ .. IEndolõement Requiredl Ut:'rk. KFOH3V r,.·-' ...~_._-- a ..--- tr' 3. ~i4 I09/05/()1 William S. Sinclair III & Jennifer l L. Sinclair 20 Sound Road f~ Greenport. NY 11944 .. ?..::: ,; J " ==J "'......J ... I. 1(" J - ", . m '" ru . CERTIFIED MAIL RI:CEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insur ! Coverage Provided) _.__ - n__ ._ .__ _.. ~, , .. <L--'"'rrt~--'---l·~.. r,r-,,", . , , _. r' m U'1 '" -',',. -- --- ----=-'·--·1 'o·L.,_,~..J f-- --- ~ I ~ I '" ' OJ" CJ ¡:) CJ IE',J,_ "",,I, Tetill r-__'~"_ . ,,_,. 'I æ I I:: Se-;;¡¡ -l Richard & Priscilla Horan 35 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 d 1/r¡ a 'S1,6et CJ CJ I'-- =i ~ U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic MaH Only; No Insurance Coverage ProvIded) --;,. ? - ~ ..-'I CJ m ~ I .-I :WknIPQRT. t!~, ll~;i¡: Postage Ii ').34 ~urHT ID: O:.~Ü CeT1,iL!:'d Fee I '7, 1 (I PG5¡""-,3r~ Here IEnd~r~~~T1e~te~~~~'~¿1 ~ 1~~,O Restr,cted Dell'o'er, Feé- Cl\":'(k: KFOH3V IEr,dorsement Rec¡u"6o' ~ c::J Tolal Postage & Fees $ 3.9~ 00/05/01 r'- JI ..-'I ..-'I m U'1 '" '"' CJ CJ CJ "33· ') u:u')] I j ,....'..."M_.'.'''''~ $,,, To ~enr Pa.u..Lu gs;,,",~P,L'O'Pë~;fu$, ~ (;;ir,~r( ~ Dr t (\1'-1 _un Ilq'!V U.S. postal Service CERT, IFMlaE,., Don,yM~~:u~~~~~~;ge Provided) (Domes IC , '" ",¡ :::::: L G~m¡füRT. 11'1' Il ;,,~ I $ 'I 11;lIT ID: OC¡40 "_:~:: \,:~ I,' IEf100rsementRdyUredl ' ----1 ru ~'-l"'" """'H"'" c:J R"5¡ncte,jDel~.lõ'rlFee U err. ~,'J .....- o fEnctorsen1entHeQu.reOI _ ¡:) Total n__O___ 0 "~D" I It 3.'0.:.: f~\': /ÜS/:}l t:J F Jack and Edwina Skrezec nJ SentI ~ 28 Sound Road ;:; r::~~ Greenport, NY 11944 ~ Lort;. ~ .:2~ U'1 JI ~ '" Po~trn"rk H,œ :....::\ ~ -- "'c :>~ - - '2... ·U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (DomesUc Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) I -1 ..-'I t:J ru n I .-., . o. '- I . " PeS'fage $ (!.:¿, Ui'JIT ID: CIC:40 Certltlea FEW ., ., Postmar_, Return Rac¿>,pt Fee "' H~, ¡Endorsement R~qUlred\ 1.50 Restnctoo DellvÐry Fee Clet-k: KFO!·ß!J IEndorsement Reql<lred¡ ¡:"..D.. '" , '" -""'-,"".., '" ...D ;r '" ru ¡:) CJ CJ TolalPost8D..,II. Francis &'Jean glibb' ,,1 2064 Alarnanda Dr. #25 Naples, Fl 34102 35'_--,4-- t:J ~ SenrTo ¡:) -Stffi6i.-~pi M orPOBo,K c::J -t~~-:-5"rã-i¡;- t:J r'- .'I~:UI21~.~MM RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only,' No Insurance Coverage ,... .n .D1 1J L_Ä-8-:..~Ä-~~r-+1.~~---- '. --- -------- .- -, T1 n " ~ _: i'. Je- I ~ .. ," ,':" ---- --- ------, l_____~----.i :~:~~,~;::;:~:..~:)~~ 'i----~~~- J¡ i C"" . IH :r"j · 1''0, ~ r ::;J ::;J ::;J ::;J _..-:;f;-." r---~------- Tat,, p{)<;t.~,~...1/. F..Ø" I ¢. "'. ""-' Henry Vanwyck & ",f 34 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 3~.- 4- ~¡s; :J \"5;;, :J :I h;,t¡ -~ U.S. postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage provided) .. 'e_~_ Grleerlf'ORT m, 11~','; , POSTa~e I $ ¡,,< ""'6, l_¡~. T-r ,.. [1' I r ¡-_---"'-....l1---.(...! Ld: .i-.!.'.1J C,",Nlf-d Fee f--- i --M{t---j nSlurf, Rece.¡:..tfee lEndDrsemer,t ReQUired, ) 1 ~rl , R6s!ncteJ D<!I ~("n, Fee ¡--±-] , ¡Endorsement R&:lluredl L---- .,.lerk: KF(lH31) Tote' -. . - \ iT" 3. ~14 109/05/01 15'" ChristopherButterfie1d & Stacey Pomara 36 Sunset Lane Greenport, New York 11944 -;;;" ~~-4..07 P,)s¡mar~. HerR -s¡ré~ -c-,i}: U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) i'IiIIr.1N'".'..IlIf.... --¡ I ........·1 ..I I I CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insu' " ~e coverage Provided) ., l__ __~~l__Ä ~:j)--:-'u, ~.---¡- .__,,-,-,-I,!- I" ':;,-,-'"'' ~ [::;I [::;I [::;I "'-'-'.1,-"-.',,,-,-'" .-Ild II-,-"-j I \- ---- -~~- --, r'-- '"_1_ "idedl··' ._---". 1:0 , u1 ['-- nJ .-'1 I'T1 u1 "" R'~-'r,"_[-õ'-2 ['r-I, .1:,--1--- 1[r;J-,c"','-rl¡¡:;'-P" ! [::;I ['-- ,...D . .-'I , I , , I T"talPc ~~;- ~-Si;~~i,·:4( g'l ~ l::.:::: :' . ..,n . - ------I Vincent & Edna Quatroche 12 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 ~ . (ç é) (7() ") / --', " I I < ::' ? -- , -- U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domesftc Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) rr '" I'- n.J .-'I '" Ul '" f1J ~l J ~ErrgTEPD. ~i, 11~5° I ' P0~r~ge Ii Ü.-;¿' ¡¡¡T;T ",-, ---1-(~~ ID: (;~I~U C&rtlt ed Fe!:' ._, ; _, I' I---- . .,. I :::r Rerum Receipt Fe[ I I g (En(Jo~erne,.,t Reawrt:Jdl ~_-.J..:?~ Restricted Del',.,,,,,( Fe"'¡ --I c:J ,Er1(.Io¡sernept Reqt. rC'.:J'1 ¡-____ ~le(k; KFCHYJ ~ Tot"'D.....ø..."'..I'.....a~ I CI:: --, q~~,.",r:·r -IJ ~'. . -t ,,'~!: \},J/ Jl .-'I L John P. Brady :5 ""& 115 Atlantic Avenue ~ f~;;: He~pstead, NY 11550 ~. ':;:,.- Lj - GI.p U.S. Posta" S~r~i~n-~ CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (DomestIc Mail 0 Iy· N I n . 0 nsurance Coverage Provided) G~'~~pnp'T MY 11064 Post¡¡ga ! $ Cen:of,t';d Fee \ Røturn Rece'pt Fee I (EnCOrS9mÐntReQoJ,fflal I R"",,,,d D,"·"" ,,, ~ (En(']QrSernèntReq~lraol Total Pn..t"nA R. ~...... CI:: 0.34 I IUNIT m: 0940 I I --1 postmark I ~':!"e j,,,rk: KFOH3V 109/05/01 ';, ifj 1.50 3~9~ 3ent1 Albert & Maryann Dinizio Trust. 44 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 ::;::'_4--~S-'1 3trêði ~-ri). 5 a ~. Postal Service , . . MAIL RECEIPT 'f ". ..' : .7V\I......1't'",:-;,~ï'~~~J Gf'FFNF'fIRL NY 11 q64 , PosTage 1$ 0.34 ~Ji~IT ID: Ot:4Q ~ ., c,""","'e ~;. " ....J Aetelm ReCE;lpt Fee clo~emèrltRequlredl 1.5~~ !slncted Detn,er~ Fee I ~ dorsemenl Reqt.lrpJI _--:_ It'r ~: ,~F(lH31) If..'D.........,...t.I:'..a~ I ~ J.Q4 ...?/Ü5/Cl (:I I'- ...D -.-'I I ...u...J [::;I 1:5 :JI'- f'ostmark H·3r'3 Robert & Charlotte Wissmann 715 GuU Pond Lane Greenport. NY 11944 'S.3,- '-1-::;'0 u.u~ :5 It:] ....u...! l"- I œli19li1r.1~ -------------' PG";r",¡¡(~ He,,,. ---I . I 1 , . .":'~"""fmll<W GÞ'E.t:NF'CfÞ'T___t-rr ¡ 11 W6.tt PCdtag~ ~__ ~i,14 ~NIT I[r; (\94D CerMed Fee I ~----f f.-.- .,. '10 I.e. Return Rece,pt FoòE' I -----i P~,".~'i\(k IEndorsem~r,t Ae-""..lPr,", 1 o' J Her~- '< '-' .....:0 " Ae'iõtnctelJ Deli.ery Fi:'e II iEndO~(;mEnt Reo,lIreul IClef/-::: KFCH.}J} ¡---------- Totar "__&___ g c___ cr ï 9[. 1("· Irr: ¡r'l ..... , J:'!v.J!v S8"r.ti .... ", LJ' '" .:r- c:J. t:] c:J. -simer ·t;~Y,-,~ rr .... '" f1J J .... ", LJ' '" .:r- c:J. (:I c:J. (:I I'- ...D .-'I I --' -1 ul ..) ~ Diane Mitchen 41 Sunset Lane Gremport, New York 11944 33- ,.1 -'>2-- u.s. Posta', Servi~-~- - - -. CERTIFIED MAIL RE (Domestic Mail ani' N CEIPT y~. o. ~nsur<'mce Coverage Provided) (ìh.'rrMr;'nh'T. rh' 11'"4' ~ t I - - -J -.... ?ostag.:-..¡; (, ..", -4, ¡-------..!.,.j'f INIT ID: 094i;' CefTof't;nf'e"l - . IE d Return Rece,pt Fe"! r--------~ n or"S6ment RSOI;'rev, I j r.,(! ¡ .Re51r,r;.lS0ùel'VErF! !....~ tEnoor3!:'ment F1 ' eF. I eq,.Nedl ¡-- pei-""k: KFOH}!,J Tota' p--' Ill' j J.94 bSI:J5/0j Donald Reeves 39 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 ~.., ;;~- </ -sf Sent Tc ·simãi::· ~ I __..J P03¡·r,a,k Her", -I u.j J I I !IlIIIIIIIII!I ..' ~." ". :;; 1..:- . ~ .,! .. _ . . .' ,~.}~~ . _IU Il- .... _. . .__ led) -----oj -,~ "t':'.... .L__ .-'"T . ,,,',i'· 'I II' Cl·,c· I,l'." Totr.¡lr.. lheodore & Jvla;ia Pe!~~~'< 215 Stewart Avenue Bethpagò\ NY 11714 <- .-' ~ ~: .- \ - '" 1 I¡"'IJI'~"'''~ S¡'''-r- ;,'';'''' ~ ",-l ~ [', iIIm U.s. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) I ! I_~~ Y·!r:~~~r-t:;J!.4i~--- , ____________-.J :":'"_;'1"0" IL~___~H~:;·.:~L¡ _j 'oj-H; L;: ':.:~'~¡(; , . .,-rr,r'L.f-<õ,, ¡"C.õtrTki,k "', I __~"""'J--__--j ~"" '~_____~h~!L___~ F€"t",~¡~ J 0,,1, ,:",,, I ) '-'l':>(\ . .:¡=-CH)'! ""nrh:;"òlò''-,E'-,r ;:"'1 "r(-o'Jl I -------1.~. .. , , I-=-------~ I, . , Tl'Jté " '.:;.-. ,.".',>"¡C":,;, , $ó"' Stephen M. & F ranees A:Ö(;IT¡;¡ l....... 301 E. 38'h Street Apt.1lD New York, NY 10016 R,,¡,,,,-, IrnJ.::;I~¿'-I'c·r,¡ '-'e,'" CI ru m -JCI ..1~ I~ i5r-ec: I,]' FC t -~ ~¡;- I &,-.----.. U.S. Postal SerVice CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) ~S' - I - : ') . I - :;,Wi,'iW":' 111 :; ".-. ------,-. ÞQ<¡la·,;¡e 1$ '""." i ,,__ I-----.-__-....:...L-'!....:__----¡b·ji In: 0':14':; '-ff- - I I I.-""',,,,o¡-"'E-! '_." I _ A",tum Fie':"'D! r:.;>e r--------o:::T-t~--------t ,1:;:.;(1I)""er,,&n¡ R'.),:¡",r.;!ù, i ,(,;- ¡ R~s!ncle,j DEiIl\"er" F..., r------'~--I ¡En'J()fser"enr Re,lú,rnd', IL. 1'.1..-....(·1.. .. ,,-. I - I, _ ~_;.. C'd.}.! : ~ ------1 ~. '):t I ~)9/¡j.5/C:l Ann Stanilaus 35 Sound Road Greenport, NY I 1944 !_ .~3 - <-i - 7"2.- ~~~~~ RECEIPT (DomestIc Mall Only, No Insurance Coverage Provldedl p·:,st'l".!r¡ t-Jerê Tote.. s;;;¡; --------¡ ..m..J .m.... .1 "j .. Strøei or PO ëii-;:; Br:WIP9::T. 11,1 ¡¡"'I', Postage' $ I I---- O.3~ !I·,··.'.'IT 'I "- 1'"' J.!: 0940 Certi 'eo Fee II ~ _ _ Retum ReceipT Fee j ¿~-1 \f:nclOrsement Required, ¡ "I t.".~ I Res!r¡C:¡fiqDell~eryFee r~y l'EnQ.:Jf5erf1ent Re~LJor", ',-,. , .. u I , ~J.er.-::: KFc.H3V -- \~ - ~ ~f. 94 J 09/05/01 George & Mary Sabino 50 Sutton Place C".1l'eenport, NY 11944 PO'Jtrnar\<. He", To' s;m :>rre 'rP j :'iõ- t- 33 - '1'-7/ ~ ~ t "11; . . C1 Ñ CJ ~, ,', " -, U') -" =r '" I,T" ru C1 CJ CJ . . 1u\~" I>, C1 ru m I--Š;:-;- CI 1\ tary Gabriel & Adrianne Greenburg 2476 E. 18'" St Brooklyn. NY 11235 :, ,~,,-r.;',; ..-"1 ,~, ~_ ClL CJ <'- , ~-, i . ImII.I':I :- ;.- 'I - 74- ~~/¡~i'R~CEIPT . (Domestic Mail Onh,. N, I 'y, 0 nsurance Coverage Provided) .. m CJ¡ CI , c~ ~--~;µH;~4-i-1~-------------¡_____._______--" 1J} :r:;-,71'::'.._, ...n ;-------~:......d~·.l,'~lT 1::: 'Y"~(, :r- dJ h>ot,.rl-'- "'--~I:.~:: ~----,_--~~~I ,E"'J-=rSÔ'¡;~è-I-¡ I E~::~::;;~:";·'c;:;::;:~ ..~--.----_.!..~'~----~ r_________ li'~:"~~-;.: ~T!Y-ç..' , -, 1(1' 1:_,,: John H. Pedersen P.O. Box 456 Greenport, NY 11944 33 LI_ 7r F'~5rn-,ar~ ru CJ CJ CJ He'" Total p- ..^-- r--:---,---c- I ~eN - i________ IS....o:'et ~ -. (".'- I .JI F'05 ¡-i::-.:_;,-S-:: , , ... --, j I 1 i , !MI!IIIIr - -_. U.S. Postal Servlce- CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT --~"-- (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage ProvidedJ -------- <'- ru , :::: L--&R£LI'ror:¡, t'1 Ln,. ---r--------J ?::ro,I:'!:;" 11..:____ (:'. -~"'; _J Ur-J.lT ID: ,',-=-:':'-. ''-'=<'1J!I¿o\JF",;;i 'I 'L-____~4~_J F6tt"" Re~ ",¡:ot Fe" I ..... ~.~ II ,t/,il.:.rsemE-nt f;""~,,,rei]1 ~ :. 5Ü I, f'.;"'s'r,,~t=j DeIJ.er, F>õe ¡----------l.-., .. .: , 'r E ,. " ''-' ·".crr.'f<. _:-',i I naorSE.rn¿o"t,'",qu,rC-( , L___________-----I~-··r'. - '. '" ...D ~. .., P,,,f¡r,_,rk H,"", ru CI CJ CJ C1 ru m CI Total Postage & Fees i ,q; I, 'y:, /;)5,;(~1t -: -,f. ..:>.-,.... James & WfDinzio Jr. 39 Sound Avenue Greenport. NY 11944 If - 7), ...j ~ - - - -- - - .-'! CI CI "" Ñ 0$' CI .-'! C:i[:II[·OnT. w 1 J 0" P"","G---~ O,,'L._J !jIJn ID: 0940 Certd'<;,d ~et'; ! _ 1 Return RCGeljJt Fee ,I ..: ~ 1 '~: J ,Ena()~!>mE-n! ReQUlredl I. ' "^ (\j L-..- 1....¡'.J o AestrICteaOtol,\!€1ryFse I ---------1 C (EndorsernenlReqLJlredi I ,'-\;::..·l·· L'Fr'f¡-;! CI ~ 1"<"'· " " "' tJ Total Po'Stage &. Fees I $------;- 0::¡' -I tlC"r/M: ¡".1 ru .. . -J.' V..j/'~' fT1 I Sent To o ~......... \ Street,,J ,....., "JrPOB, CI r.......... R~ '" .JJ or "" PosTmdr~ f1ere -1 ., I .j .. Ann StaniJaus 35 Sound Road Greenport. NY f 1944 3~- (/ - 72-- --- "_ìJiiIIIII ~ r'- U'1 Ul r> r> ---....;..;~--,"""-.__. - ----- - _J l -'" '" LIJ , r1 LIJ -J] or '" ru <:J <:J <:J tI ru tTl CJ .... <:J tI r'- ,-,--_.,. \'~::~~: d:' Crr,. ::;:J'. F- u.s. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverc1ge provided) ",--,-.--.,"-- U'1 ..D ;r '" ru CJ CJ CJ ft...... CJ ru 'I ~""! T_ ~ ,I -COTr-- Thomas R. Watkins. Sf. 895 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 ~ I - " I , --1 ! ~ ;:-- - - .. U] -J] ;r '" I . _m_, I L Cf:[DI;'·üf·!. iI' 11-" 'I" I PWSlag"I!~~~ur~IT ID: 09;:) C"JrtITeo ¡:ee I r ~ ~ P05¡Il1¡¡r~ ¡--- I-.-...'J - I R(?turll A"'L.o:;IPI Ffil: I Hdre !Eno...f:;S'l en R9-'.:\<.lIled¡ \ 1 ~51~¡ ~ Restricted Del,.er, Fee I 1cle(~: KFOH3l,J ',EnCr)r."err;entReQlJ,redl I -~--l r-_ - - "'"'0"'"1 Tota r j.~!~~ J"J,.,j'~' Nelia C. purnhagen 1055 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 \ t~~:_r_~ !_~~~.E ~ Gir¡;, Sr. I ~ U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT . (Domestic Mall Only: No Insurance Coverage ProvIded) "' > -I --, _..1 I :------....-.1. < - .~ --- -- --- =r .... -J] r' ¡- . ,..,.. ,. I __ IUNl! - Î , , Pastm(!J'", Here :¡".1"1 r<.C'_ nJ CJ o CJ r-,- I' ,I· I' -, -.. U] -J] =r '" ID: 0940 p(,:,~i:.'J\ò ~ (o! .. o ru rTI :s;;,~ CJ Nelia C. Javierre & As Trts. 1055 Sutton Place GreenpOlt, NY 11944 -~--l I mnj I c~ n.nnl CJ o ,..J, r'- Certlh;;dFee 1 I RelLlrn RilC6lptFat: I IEndrJrSell1<3ntReC1Ulred'l Restr¡ctedDeuveri Fe~ rEnaOr!'õementA"r,u.re<:!¡ ru CJ tI CJ ~. ~i3 . 1:"..-. 1.....J'J (;l~(~:.: KfOH3V ·3.YQ I¡H!ü~;/Gl ---I '. ·1 " ...J ~L r> 11:39 I UNIT In: OCJ40 [i'GT ¡WUmL- :I,Y Postagt; ~_. Gertlil6L1Fee "I -:... pos\mar1\ H,~ l-· ~ (' _~~c~~~. D C;r),' '" '0 F.!IIiI\. ~ u.s: PostillServ¡c~ CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic M::.J1l Only; No lnsumnce Coverage Provided) " .... ..... '" r' Total Postage & Fees $ CJ ~ \S~"' David W, Campbell o s 1121 Main Street ~ '~o~~. Greenport, NY 11944 ......... Clr;' ~ ~~ (L U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mall Only; No Insurance Cove-rage provided} LIJ ..lJ =r <0 ru '" '" CJ RetIJrn ¡::¡eca,p~ I'æ l£nlJorsem&nt Re-~,W&11 RðStncteü Dè!l\ó!ry Fe", IEndorsernentReqLared¡ I _lSJ_\ If"·'¡;.t+· KP}!-\'.W I""J.- '.. 1 'I 09 /O5! 61 '-..- '" ~ I, Sent To CJ hrré6t:Ä, H lorPQBc ~~ Total postage & 'føtß \ $ '7 F,,, ..;.:,·t Cf\fCW'Gr:L ;:y l~'>f-4 PI. Qstage I ~ , Cert.tied Fæ I Return Rece'Pl Fee r 2.:: i (E:nüof':lementRequlreo! ~~~~ Restncted Deuvery Fee IEndlJrsement Required) : Clerk: KFOH3V ¡-------¡ Total Pn...t....A"¡:"".. :¡I¢: -¡q' I"c:;-!:".. ..J., 'f '.})Jv..¡/Ul . ¡ i UNIT In: '" .J] ,... ,., \-1 14 0940 Robert W. Bruce 2085A Shipyard Lane East Marion, NY \ 1939-\246 "1 Pœtmark ".'" U ::J ::J :J :J ¡J Sem 1 J Sue Ann Krieling Box 211 236 North Rd. Greenpoft, NY 11944 :; L! - -¡ I 'f .·.....=m..·f;R'J1W CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insumnce Coverage Provided) ¿tMe orPC -Cif;,- ~I r' L- S/JIP"r9' I', ,"V 11'00' .T 'f1 -þ;,,~~; l'..~_ Ü.J. C~Iï IIi: C>940 :- "::ènlf'e,jFG~ :0 I ~J Return ReceIpt Fé'~ 1---------· - - I ,EndorsementR"Iou,reOI I '!:"" 'I-------'~~ Rastncled Der,ver, Fe;;; I IEnuorsenlOntReqwredl I C1erl..· KF!)HJ\) [------j" '. 'J Tota 3.94 '09/05/01 ~ Is,,,' James R. & Judith W, Woodhull J I~.,.¡;.;.~.'.; 915 Shephard Drive Cd" Southold, NY I 1971 "t tJ ¡ ù ~..-.,-,...",......",... I ~ 'f' 1/ ::J :J :J P('Stm3r~ I-Iere -, .....j ......j I .~ U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic MaJ/ Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) ru ..D tTl .... U] .JJ ocr .., Postag~ $ 0 ,! -J UNIT ID: 0940 C&rt\i,~Fee-1 I 2.1') RetlJrtt Receipt Fae I~ ] ¡Endorsement Requlreal 1.50 R~!;Trlcted Dell"eryFi:!e I I 1 I.Ettaorsen'"lem RequlreC!1 L-___--J CJ.E~rk: KFOI-I3V Total Postage & Fees ! $ 3.94 !00/05/01 Po:>tll1arl<: He~ ru CJ tI CJ CJ ~ FñtTõ o -si(~i:~ or PO B Robert Bruce&Robert Hughes 1221 Main Street Greenport, NY I J 944 2;.~ - ,-)I, (c, ') -1 "'1 ""1 .. .... t::) -c,tr.-SrË tI r'- .. .m., _.__,._.._.. CERT!FJED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Maíl Only; No Insurance Coverage "idedj - o ~ 1 I U ,c_--'c ·cc::". J..:-""T~--'--'---------'-----' ,",),- I'f .; o D . D J. I ~ :: !:-,,'..,: .___"----'----=---___1 ,Id ' ~ '- I _ _.....;~-_J .~,~ L__,~__J 1·..',"< --, .";,~I,,-...ir- u , , , l'cT,,,-.-, 1 Er,~" 1 ~.",,-, 1,,"',1 11';',,0. RF,'f,-,:¡,'-.I D.o,I _'. f'C,-- ,[r;j-r.;c"", "'c-__,,"'_' I I ,. ~ :~, ;--¡~J, -. F.:j·' TOI.II P , ~ i c;~,,,,;;; ; ~r:: J b.. Scott rvIc1ntire & Lori Hollander ~2 Sound Road ~reenport, N/ 11944 Y- .. U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) TF,'IO~~, 2"::~7;= . ¡-- c',.:,tL!,,o.~1 F~ I _J 1 U:'1T :Ii: ,)94(: r·. It; PG5¡m.:;r~ Here R",",CR","P'F"'t= IEJldûfS2rren¡ R,,"qIJJ~OI 1 ~': Reslnned Dtih_er, hoe EndorsemenT P':1quredl Total"'u'~ a r-_n Œ' ~~'.lyr I:F/;-'5,"~;1 B.Moore & M. hujawsh I S,ot T S.Conklin C/O M. Moore ~.~,',':,..~s. 110 Beav;r St. Tyron, NC 28782 r~ ~-~-'-'?;::) . Glt?d':: ~.FC~C/. =l ~ U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) r r U '" '" . ",,,.,.., - ,. n J .. D P(,SI3'Je ~ ().J.~; I U.~~IT In: ¡}9~0 ':,,,,nIToE,J FE;t': [ Re¡umRE;ce,¡,:,¡Ft':'Õ- ~ 2.E'-1 U iEnaorseman¡ Rt':':¡,Nl';dl 1.5(1 I :J Pesl"ctea Oelr.5"_ Fe", I ;: IEnIj,Jrs~rr,elH R"q~,r",a¡ I I Cl'~;d·.: KFOH3l.) :J Tot-'''-_·_~~Q.O::...... r:;;-~-l["-'i.--,r::;'·11 ...;. !'i /~!, \}.J! ... ~ r:'" William 1. & Evelyn M. Heins . , '," Trustees P () Box 23) 5(r¡ '. . _ ~ f·D" Orient, NY 1] 957 '~ P()~¡mal~, H~',3 3Ç-\_r~ ..l ~ U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Man Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) " n n ~ " " J .. [] Paslage ~~----º...]LJUNIT ID: 0940 CerM,ed Fed I f ,.... '(> PQstmar~ RerU"l Rece,p'! Fee ....... ~ Hera ¡Endorsement Requlredl __ 1.50 I Restricted Delivery Fee Îr.\- _I' ¡'FCIJ"¡ (EndorsememRequin~d, !--___~'"' ~tr:.._ 1\ I,.JV Total P,..,..tM" A 1=....'" ! ¢. 3.94 Ifj0/0S./l)1. U :J :J :J :J U n :J Sem 7i. Maria Regina 785 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 3 j. 5~ 4-- -sr;eet'- orPO¡ c.r¡: 51 ~ :J :J . ru ", ru .-'I ---,:.'-=----~ --~'I- _....----""'='~- -- u, J ~ ' l '-' . '" J] :r dJ --. ~~. '1_' C71"-' -- 1 , I' ,- --, ." ru o o o "_,- o ru rro o If)t,I,;:'J" Ly¡meCarlson' 18 Sound Road Greenpo11.. NY 119-14 .-'I 0, 0, I"- ' ... U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) .-* ~' " , - -...,.-' ,.-- ~7 CI ~ L=:[-'.:'·L~"~::" :~ll 1:',1-; I >",:'::'~:: Ir--~-ju ,'''' !': .J':',j 1-~-1 'c·"m", P,,¡um HaCe'p[ F",= lido:' iEndQrõ"'rr,"r,¡ Rc'qLJIJaw, ~-----I Re~t'.C!ea e'el,,¿,r, F~'õ r- 1,-" ---, ¡(F:)\<?/} 'En,'jQlsernel·,tRe'1\lIrH1¡ ~___I·--'¿t:"r,. ~ Total Po<;Ì:lO" & Fees l't . , I ,~,t:':,),S,\I~ ......J '" ..n I dJ ru o CI CI CI ru rro CI Bobbi LaMonte 432 I Hempstead Tpke Bethpage, NY 11714-5798 --¡ J 5E"¡ ¡:;- 'StrfÆ;t:-;: ûrPú B ..-'! ~ I-t-.¡_~-~;¡a 1"-_ U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) 35 _ '_ ''2 \ '" J] :r dJ "1:[~.:"";":T. 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RetLJrr R&:ept Fat' Here 'E'OP"'m:"::~:~,:::,1 ~.50-..J RestJlcto:-dDelM'r, Fe", ~ Iq~r~' KftJH~l., IEndor5ementRequlred)~ I'"'· Total PostaQe & Fee;; I $ 3.94 109/05/01 ru o o o o ru m o =1 """"j ... 5" Mary Jane Groll 5'" 665 Sutton Place .-:'I {jrf CI '0;" Greenport, NY 11944 ~_____n-c:/ ~i>~~;,~~,T 'orovided) ~- ru o c"" ..., --- ---- --.¡:..:-::--......--:--~-:- --r--~-7"""'--~-----r--- - '! . I, 1.- _____ ------'-'---=: ------, ----~-- -----.-- Ul J1 =r <D r-'-,_,'> i--- 'Ir.. -, c ~ " ...., J 1>-__ __~_~__ -- 1 H~rc' ~'c_ :" ,¡-.- __________' J , ru o o o ,t-,-"", ,,""- -, , F,"':' '~-" J -, -.- , I)~' - O'l T:;t .' o ru ,.., , o h;,-.". ~" . Henry Hulse ,,)50 Tasker Lane P.O. Box ]55 Greenport. NY 11944 ----- .-=I I~' ç, 0·----· i,;';. 01 £-fŒ U.š."postãïService CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage provided) ~~-L\_ ~'?-- "¡¡-,tI'áÍ""'''I~ "'I n :r l "" ~,~ .~ . , ~.' I. I-::-::-~ ---~--~------~ ;- f 1:'!: r;'_:~/' I-""'~!;'f' i~______-.:.L...':'L_¡ , (",/1,T,,,,:1 FiE, I I Ib_"j~~~~~~:~r;r"~:~~~~"F;~~ t-----h-7.t--l Heft" n D ,.. " ~';"lr¡,~r', U :J :J :J -------~-~ " _____________J :~ ~ ",(!-. ~. r:r~;¡~.}¡) r--- "'ç,l"'~IH11;¡e" '"'-I F.;·~ I f",.~r)'':'Ò'l'",r'" R,;.]u,·",J' I~_.___ , . ,/11')1. Toll :J ~ fS5ñt" :;J 1,.... I srrC'@ :::¡ or PC :1 ~·ti¡\: , 1 -. U.S. postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only: No Insurance Coverage Provided) ..... Galantis Realty. LLC 28-1935'" St Astoria. NY 11103 -:, ~ ~ ~ - t.-- \ I 1 '1 I ··..·1 ... , L "", ',-,c·' --'-"- .....,-.. --=>'C~"' I ....~, I Pn5t3~~ ~-=-____-----'l~_j' NI¡" Hi: 0%') '~t"rtl"",J ~;:,'" i ., .;, i ~----~-" RelUrn Re.::e,pt Fe,," II _.&~) IEnoOr5sPrisnt R.,qtNea, ______1.50---.1 PestrJ.-t",o D~".¡;r:· Fa.;, ) : ;"'1., I.... 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J Ul J1 =r <D , I '1 o ~ (Sefl(T0 c::J l..... n_._.·__· S(ffiI?(. .4pr. tv. .--"I I :Jr?DBcx!'¡':' 1::1 ·r:;;r\:-.¡'-'-,i¡Ê-:z.-'Î o¡ ["'- ~R.IIIII_II' ', Carol Mavity 350 Bleeker Street New York, NY 10014 r 3~. --! _~';' . 8" '; -I i .j I .. U.S. Postal Ser~ice CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT ~~~~s~~ ~~iI Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) ,·r, I IT' ,.., .... :.-.' ¡lCn.. t'.!t IHJ:: , , POSI:¡9'" ¡'_'iu ~).~.' 'L' T _ _ _ I 1m IIi: ()940 CartJi,¡;o F¡;-e ¡ ¡ i :2 "f' i Rdurn Race.pl Fòe I------- ....¡ ru d:nd.)rSemenrRequ.reJr ¡ 1.50 ~ c::J P.;:.s:r-(~~!.:! CJel.',el', Fe" r :; rEndcrsamlõ.nt R"':¡'l,r~,jl ,Cler k: KFI)HJV CJ Total .- I¢--- 3"~~!.f-lo:VÛ5/!)1 M.J rs;:c, Theophani<; & nrp K k ,.., , '" ara ostas ~ 1'.;.',.;'.::.'.2 16°1-02 ('~and Central Pkwy a Ie,,>, a~Ja, NY 11432 r- r 53 - 4 -? ð ; ~ .., ..D or <D Postman.' H'2r.¿ -J ¡ .j I .. . GREGORY F. YAKABOSKI TOWN ATTORNEY . JEAN W. COCHRAN Supervisor MARY C. WILSON ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY Town Hall, 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1889 Fax (631) 765-1823 E-mail: to\\'nattorney@southold.org OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORADUM FROM: ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK GREGORY F. YAKABOSKl, ESQ., TOWN ATTORNEY ø '\ MARY C. WILSON, ESQ., ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY ~ OCTOBER 1, 2001 TO: DATE: RE: MA TINE PETITION FOR CHANGE OF ZONE (revised application) I have reviewed the application packet you forwarded and it appears that the petitioner has included all necessary documents. However, I can not comment as to whether substantive information is corrects such as property description or directionals. Thank you, . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS l\l-\RRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION O~'FICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 11 79 SouthoJd, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RE: Gregory F. Yakaboski, Town Attorney Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Cler~ Ma Tine Inc. request for Change-~: affordable housing TO: FROM: DATE: 9/20/01 Greg: This application of Ma Tine Inc. was received today for the second time after being returned for incomplete and inaccurate notification to adjoining property owners. Please review this application and advise me if all documents are in proper form and order and whether or not the application is suitable for acceptance. Thank you. Cc: Supervisor & Town Board - PIOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE . NAME ADDRESS J...-L-L ,~ rr-:- .. é ~~ STATE OF NEW YORK; COUNTY OF SUFFOLK; 55.: " l i1arLe..·l~-~-e r)~tehl~ residingar \..2- (n,il t"¡~'o-uJ k t::" rr¡'-'(L'~Ie-';, 'V 'I . being duly sworn, deposes and 53ys rha( on (he 1"1 J:', of S '~T.......ru.>- «----- , ~.2.", 0 ¡ ,deponent moiled' ¡'ue copy of the No¡ice set forth on the re,e[Se si:1e her~of, directed to each of the abov -named persons at the adôresses set opposite their respective names; that rile Jùuresses set opposite the nJmes of said persons are (he .1iJdresses of said persons as sho'^n on toe .,;-ur- rent Jssessment fO!! of the Town of SüuttlOid; that SJjj ,'-.JO[ICeS were mailed Jt ~he United SCJtes Post Offìc~ .1: f;·.L/Y-i-- (YL~ rl~ I that SJld j''>/v(lces were ma¡]ed [0 eJch c.( 5.110 persons by Ice~[lfìeù (registèfçj mail. 1J1~~'d S......orn [~ ~c: {Itis Ja ',' 0 f~.af , ól 0 IU<.- , t<r~O..t lty~--Q ~r~ r"-iotJrv Public LINDA J. COOPER Public State 01 New Vorl:. ~~.'k22563. Suf¡olk.~~!~.)¿,o 2---' Term El<pi'O$ DecemD"' ,,1. - " ~ . TOWN BOARD. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of MATINE, INC., NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS to the Town Board of the Town of Southold. TO: YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of South old to request a change of zone from Low Density Residential R-40 District to .l'(ffordable Housing (AHD) District. .and is des- of North hers; 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is loc.ated adjacent to your cribed as follows: 69 0 R te 48 Green 0 t NY CTM 1000-35-1- Road (Count Route 48); East of Dobler; u1. of the Town of Southo1d West of Sound Road and others. :S '5 c.. h 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: Low Density Residential R-40 Districc 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned ",iii request tnat the above-described property be placed in the following zone district classification: Affordable Housinq:. (AHD) District 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the South old Town Oerk's Office <It Main Road, Southold, New York al\d you may then and there examine the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on· the mattel' by the Town Board; that a notke of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times or in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of southold and designated for the publiC3tion of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: ¡¡ va, ),3 OJ 2001 MA TINE, INC. BY:~P/t.hM Petitioner Christine C. Hurtado, Pres. Contract Vendee of Catherine E. Tasker Post Office Address: P.O. Box 1925 Southold, New York 11971 · . e=ATHERlNE MESIANO, INCe Licensed Real Estate Broker Real Estate Consultant 'Y September 5, 2001 Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Request for Change of Zone SCTM #1000-35-01-04 5.7 A. n/s North Road Greenport, NY Applicant: MaTine, Inc. Box 1925 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Ms. Neville: I am the agent for Ma Tine. Inc. the applicant and contract vendee of the above referenced property. The applicant is seeking a change of zone from the present zoning, R-40, to Affordable Housing (AHD) District. The purpose of the proposed change of zone is to enable the applicant to develop the site as an affordable housing project. The need for affordable housing on the North Fork has been well documented. The site is well situated to meet the criteria set forth in the Zoning Code for the AHD District, as it is located approximately Y. mile from the boundary of the Village of Greenport. The area in which the property is located consists of lots containing as little as 5500 square feet to 22,000 square feet. The density allowed under the proposed change of zone would result in the creation of twenty-four 10,000 square foot lots. It is the intention of the developer to limit the yield to 10 lots of approximately 15,000 square feet each and create a natural buffer of 1.5 acres. Ten of the lots are to be offered under the provisions of the Town of Southold Affordable Housing Program and the three remaining lots are to be retained by the developer. Enclosed please find the following: 1. Application. 2. Petition. 3. Application fee in the amount of $1000.00. 4. Six copies of a radius map dated Aug. 1, 2001 prepared by Fox Land Surveying. 5. Owner's consent. 6. Transactional disclosure. 7. Certified mail receipts and mailing list. iI· 5,. cop'..... "f p"I"",,,,,,, Ple>-t Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, ~~ Catherine Mesiano, President Enclosures 12 Mill Pond Lane. East Moriches, New York 11940 . 631.878.8951 .' . , ~OOF OF MAILING OF NOTIC. NAME ADDRESS 'S......A- ~ STATE OF NEW YORK: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: ss.: rllffie.v-L~-€... Mesl(.uU) residing at t~ m,ll Pv>u.\ l.... E·lY1on(1..~, 1'0 'I . being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the 5 day of S ~É ~-">- ... , ~,.2o C> ,deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth on the reverse side hereof, directed to each of the abov·.-named persons at the addresses set opposite their respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the addresses of said persons as shown on the cur- rent assessment roll of the Town of Southoid; that said Notices were mailed at the United States POst Office at f'.A.,J-. (Yl~ , t1~ ; that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by (certified) (registered) mail. (7 . . IìJ. 7~~' ~ Sworn to me this é/v day of ~ ' ~-2=(. ~"'=(ì ~17,lA.-/ , Notary Public UNDA J. COOPER Notary Public. State of Naw Yodc No. 4e22563, Suffolk.~I~l1!Yc.I-= L.-- Torm EKpilG& December" 1. ~~ ~' . T:.l):\' N l'.Q '\.~Q,.~o \~.ii.QLSQ1ŒJ:!.QJ D In the ~1.l[[er of the Petition of !.\~". "I" un: , fNC. I NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS tº.'l',,19.W!Lflº-i!!:£.QLthe Town of Southùld. TO: YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: I. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of SùutJ¡olJ [[J reql ~~' <l .__,~.rl.1ngë of~~~ £rom~s..w Density Residential R-40 Distr~~¥!;f~:·ordõ'þll::'..J.~.~_:!_l:..~_. ~..JJ~l.L'.l_ .1.~}_~.LF i Sl.:-.._____ __~______._.__.______. .. _____ .._."_ 'L 'D,at the property which is the subject of the Petition is loc.ned adjacent to your p-rpP'¢\W.¡u¡c! is des- cribed a\ follows: 69125 COllll!;Y Route 48, Greenport, NL- SC'I'M fflOOO-35'1"l~.~t;...gJ:....!~,c':.L''-_ ~~~ ~-.lS~:'~E~;2~.~ 48J.L.. East of Dobler i S ouT-H- of the Town of Sout.hold nd ÿt~he r::; ~_~.M'._._____~ ~~~~::._>.J .?_~~l_lx¿Y_'2.~~Land _others. ~~ 5 c... 'ht:.cl~ le" h" -..~,--J..,---..____________.o_,__o_.____':_ '3. TIJat the property which is the stlbject of stich Pelition is located in the following zoning district: __!"~',~:J.. D'::n~;i¥SY_ Rcsidenc.ial R-40 District ___~_____'__.o__~~_ _0._- ~, That by such Petition, the undersigned wdl request mat the above-<Jescribed property be placed in ¡he follc)'.\ in;; l.üne district classitìcJtion: Affordable HOtlsinq. (AHD) (JistJ:ict ..._.__.____.._.._._.__.....__.____ 0_._ oh__ _. .__o._.______~~_ __._____.~____.o.'" _00"__0 __ _0_ S. Th;u within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relicf specified above ....ill be fii,,¡ ill the SOllthold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, South old, New York and YOLl may then and ¡¡,ete examille the same during regular office hours. 6, That before the relief sought may be granted, a public heJring must be held on the matter by the Town [3oJrd; that a notioe of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior t[) the date of SUc:h h"",ing in the Suffolk Times 0'- in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Sùuthold alld designated for the publication of such notices; that you or your representa¡jve have the right (0 ap' pear ~nd be /1card at such hearing. D.Hed:_ .iJy.¡c. ;1.3 _.........1.- 2001 MA TJNE, INC. By: ~P/ {h~___.___._ Petitioner Christine C. Hurtado. Pres. Contract Vendee of Catht~:n.rt~ I~. l'...'iskcr Post Office Address: P.O. Box 1925 -__._~__'.__O"o~_.~___'_~~ Southo1d, New York 11971 ____.__o_~_~.__ . . SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being near Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York and bounded and described as follows: ~ BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of the North Road which point of beginning is the southwesterly corner of the premises herein described and the southeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of Elizabeth T. Albertson and others; running thence northerly ~long the easterly line of lands now or formerly of Elizabeth T, Albertson and others to the southerly line of lands now or formerly of Dorothy Barstow; thence easterly along the southerly line of lands last mentioned and lands now or formerly of Herbert Fordham to the westerly line of Sound Road or Avenue; thence southerly along the westerly line of Sound Road to lands now or formerly of Whitney; thence westerly and again southerly along the aforementioned lands to lands now or formerly of Kszyminski; thence westerly and again southerly along lands last mentioned to the northerly line of the North Road; thence westerly along the northerly line of North Road to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by deed dated December 11, 1989 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on April 10, 1990 in Liber 11049 Page 59. David W. Campbell 1121 Main Street Greenport, NY 11944 Nelia C. Purnhagen 1055 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 Maria Regina 785 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 George E. Cottral 315 Sutton Place P.O.Box 15 Greenport, NY 11944 Jean Misuraca 68835 CR 48 Greenport, NY 11944 Timothy Mueller 515 W. 20th St. Second Floor New York, NY 10011-2830 John Voiklis 1150 McCann Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Vicent & Lara Liquori III 39 River Street Sayville, Ny 11782 Alexandros Alexandrou 330 Victor Lane Woodbury, NY 11797 Gregory A&Kristen Rishe 130 Tasker Lane Greenport, NY 11944 . Jordon's Partners & ANO 801 Motor Parkway Hauppauge, NY 11788 Nelia C. Javierre & As Trts. 1055 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 Mary Jane Groll 665 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 Henry Paul 236 North Road P.O. Box S Greenport, NY 11944 Patrica Kohl & Sarah Costello 415 Wiggins Road Greenport, New York 11944 Galantis Realty. LLC 28-19 35th St Astoria, NY 11103 Mike G & Marika M Papas 700 McCann Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Theophanis & WF Karakostas 160-02 Grand Central Pkwy Jarnacia, NY 11432 Henry Hulse 450 Tasker Lane P.O. Box 155 Greenport, NY 11944 Michael & WfKourouklis 70 Tasker Lane P.O.Box 281 Greenport, NY 11944 . Sue Ann Krieling Box 211 236 North Rd. Greenport, NY 11944 Thomas R. Watkins, Sf. 895 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 Andreas Lios & wf 992 Ailie Road N. Massapequa, NY 11758 I Eleftherios & Ors Pappas 30-22 34th Street Astoria, NY 11103 Durwood & Patricia Browne Jr. 4 Middleton Road Greenport, NY 11944 John & Victoria Helinski 9 Madison St. Greenport, NY 11944 Bonnie M.Scott 10523 E. 43'd. St. #743 Kansas City, MO 64133 George & Katherine Figetakis 4407 Newtown Road Astoria" NY 11103 Peter A. Verdirame & wf 7 Reid Ave Port Washington, NY 11050 Tyner Loving Trust 3 1 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Marion Saccone 9 Sutton Place Greenport, N.Y. 11944 Charles V. & W.F. Raynor 17 Sound Road Greenport,NY 11944 Theodore & Maria Petikas 225 Stewart Avenue Bethpage, NY 11714 Joseph D & WF Verity 32 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 Francis & Jean Bubb 2064 Alamanda Dr. #25 Naples, Fl 34102 Lynne Carlson 18 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 B.Moore & M. Kujawski S.Conklin C/O M. Moore 110 Beaver St. Tyron, NC 28782 Harvey B. Sinuta 755 North Road Greenport, NY 11944 Gerasimow & WF Moulinas 62-1137'" Avenue Woodside, NY 11377 Robert Bruce&Robert Hughes 1221 Main Street Greenport, NY 11944 . Ronald Pascale 79 Bar Beach Road Port Washington,NY 11050 Antonis & Ellen Natsoulis 15 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 Steve & WF Manouvelos 3053 Crescent St. Long Island City, NY 11102 Jack and Edwina Skrezec 28 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 Scott McIntire & Lori Hollander 22 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 William 1. & Evelyn M. Heins Trustees P.O. Box 232 Orient, NY 11957 Bobbi LaMonte 4321 Hempstead Tpke Bethpage, NY 11714-5798 Jim Realty Co. c/o Kontokosta 43 W. 54th Street New York, NY 10019 Frances Ferguson 66230 North Road P.O. Box 589 Greenport, NY 11944 Robert W. Bruce 2085A Shipyard Lane East Marion, NY 11939-1246 . CatherineE. Tasker 3509 Brandon Way Missoula, MT 59803 Sophie Raynor 17 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 Stephen M. & Frances A. Dorris 301 E. 38th Street Apt.llD New York, NY 10016 Elise S. Webb 26 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 William S. Sinclair III & Jennifer L. Sinclair 20 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 Charles Jr. and wf 14 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 Bobbi Zorn 4321 Hempstead Turnpike Bethpage, NY 11714-5798 John S. Doroski, Jr. 12 Madison Street Greenport, NY 11944 William Heaney 2426 N.E. 141h St.#80 Ocala, Fl 34470 James R. & Judith W. Woodhull 915 Shephard Drive Southold, NY 11971 . Robert & Gail Ghosio, Jr. 135 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Donald Reeves 39 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 John P. Brady 115 Atlantic Avenue Hempstead, NY 11550 Vincent & Edna Quatroche 12 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 Ann Stanilaus 35 Sound Road Greenport, NY 11944 John H. Pedersen P.O. Box 456 Greenport, NY 11944 Carol Mavity 350 Bleeker Street New York, NY 10014 . Richard & Priscilla Horan 35 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Diane Mitchell 4 I Sunset Lane Greenport, New York 11944 ChristopherButterfield & Stacey Pomara 36 Sunset Lane Greenport, New York 11944 George & Mary Sabino 50 Sutton Place Greenport, NY 11944 James & WfDinzio Jr. 39 Sound Avenue Greenport, NY I 1944 Robert & WfKase 6751 2 10th Street Bayside, NY 11364 . Robert & Charlotte Wissmann 715 Gull Pond Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Albert & Maryann Dinizio Trust. 44 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Henry Vanwyck & wf 34 Sunset Lane Greenport, NY 11944 Ann Stanilaus 35 Sound Road Greenport, NY I 1944 Mary Gabriel & Adrianne Greenburg 2476 E. 18th St Brooklyn, NY 11235 Cynthia Harmon 170 West End Avenue New York, NY 10023 . TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD . In the Matter of the Petition of MATINE, INC., I" NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS to the Town Board of rhe Town of Southold. TO: ~h MJd'~;:é 4~/~" Y7~ ~~. I YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to request a chanqe of zone from Low Density Residential R-40 District to Æffordable Housinq (AHD) District. 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is 10C4ted adjacent to your pI cribed as follows: 69 R ute 48 Green ort NY CTM 1000-35-1-4 Road (County Route 48); East of Dobler; 5 o",T~. of the Town of Southold a West of Sound Road and others. :5e.~ Sc..'h.~r}¡J\II" Jitr"- c~\ll!''''' .and is des- o of North others¡ 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petitiol\ is located in the following zoning district: Low Density Residential R-40 District 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned w.1I request tnat the above-described property be placed in the foliowing zone district classification: Affordable Housinq. (AHD) District S. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the South old Town aerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there examine the S4.me during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on, the matter by the Town Board; that a notke of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times or in the Long Island Traveler·Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated for the publiC4tion of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear and be heard at such hearing. Dated: Hvr.l. 23 2001 ~ MA TINE, INC. BY:~P/t.kM Petitioner Christine C. Hurtado, Pres. Contract Vendee of Catherine E. Tasker Post Office Address: P.O. Box 1925 Southold, New York 11971 .' , . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS IVL-\RRlr\GE OFFICER RECORDS IVL-\NAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORl\L-\TlON OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax i63li 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTH OLD TO: Gregory F. Yakaboski, Town Attorney FROM: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk RE: Affordable Housing Change of Zone Application DATE: 7/25/01 Greg: This application was received in my office today. Please review for completeness and advise me in writing. The applicant will come back to my office on Friday, July 27, 2001 with the certified mailing receipts. I would like a reply by Friday, so that I may receipt it when I receive the receipts from the post office. Thank you. Also, what is the story on the two pending change of zone applications? Amerada Corp. and Darrin Skrezec. We told them that we would have an answer for them by the next meeting. cc: Supervisor Cochran & Town Board ! ~ . , . . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS ~l-\RR[AGE OFFICER RECORDS ~l-\NAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORl\l-\.TION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 !\lain Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 22, 200 I Christine Hurtado, President Ma Tine, Inc. Post Office Box 1925 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Hurtado: I am returning your affordable housing application and check no. 1029 in the amount of $1,000.00. It was referred to the Town Attorney the day you left it at my office. It was not receipted because it was incomplete without the receipts from the post office for the notifications to adjacent property owners. The Town Attorney Gregory Yakaboski has advised me this afternoon that the property was not correctly described on the notification form and advised me to return the application to you. Therefore, I am returning everything to you. Mr. Yakaboski advised that any questions that you may have should be directed to him at 765-1939. Very truly yours, {!Y~~ Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enclosures cc: Supervisor & Town Board Town Attorney I .. ~ . RECEIVED JUL 2 5 2001 Southold Town Clerk . r; 7;.2. 5 Il. 1: l' Ý G f2. €:@'//u"- '7 /()óo - ;.)' - 0 1- 00 f MA TINE INC. PAY b~ri~~OF_ 70lL/V _L2..JE. S'eJu/lkJJ--ß {)p/{Š (f(U(/SA-JV~ ' IFOR / ~~~,~~~~"~~,!~~~ C ¡fA ~G- rJ 0 F ::¿.op/(/ lI'OO~02O::¡II' :1:02~i,O~b~'i'I: II' -- 1029 DATE J(,)£.7 ~. e2øzJ 1 50-161/2" J $1 CI::kJ --e:: /"- - '.' .. 2;) DOLLARS trJ :'..'::"" riP !~ . .' " I I w . . TOWN BOARD. TOWN OF SOUTHOlD In the Matter of the Petition of MA TINE, INC., NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS to the Town BOJrd of the Town of southQld. TO: YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of South old to -request a change of zone from Low Density Residemtial R-4Q District to Hamlet Density (HD) ,Residential District. 2. That the property which is the subject of the Petition is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: 69125 county Route 48. Greenport. NY. seTH #1000-35-1-4. South of North Road (County Route 48) ¡ East of Dpbler¡ North of the Town of Southold and others¡ West of Sound Road and others. 3. That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: Low Density Residential R-40 District 4. That by such Petition, the undersigned will request that the above,described property be placed in the following lone district classification: Hamlet Density tHD) S. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the Southold Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold. New York and you may then and there exam.ne the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the matter by the Towl\ Board; that a notice of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such heating in the Suffolk Times or in the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman, newspaþers pUblished In the Town of Southold and designated for the pUblication of such notices; that you or your reþresentative have the right to ap- pear a Id be heard at such hearing. DateJ: June 2001 MA TINE, INC. Bv: Petitioner Christine C. Hurtado, Pres. Contract Vendee of Catherine E. Tasker Post Office Address: P.O. Box 1925 50uthold, ~ew YorK 11971 -~- ,., Neville, Elizabeth . . From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Neville, Elizabeth Monday, August 20, 2001 2:27 PM Yakaboski, Greg Wilson, Mary Affordable Housing Project Greg: July 25, 2001 I received an application for an Affordable Housing Change of Zone application which I forwarded to you for review. To date, I have not heard anything from you. This application has not officially been filed or receipted by my office to date. Initially they did not have the post office receipts for the mailing of notices, they have since brought them in. Residents in the area hav been into my office asking to see the application. One of them brought it to my attention that the notice was incorrectly worded describing the property as located south of North Road (County Route 48). It should be drscribed as bounded and described as follows: North by North Road (County Road 48); East by Dobler; etc. I had several in today and I explained the situation to them, but did not show them the application. I have the entire package and their check in an envelope and I plan to send it back to them. Please contact me regarding this matter. Thank you. Betty 1 .' ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF \'ITAL STATISTICS ~L-\RRJ..\GE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORl\L-\TION OFFICER {fl> ~ 'ìI\\fFOL,f ~ k".~ ::. ::i. ~ ~H 'ð. ~ ·1 ~Q./ . ~'Ið~J; . . . Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) ~65-6I45 Telephone (631) ~65-1800 OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 22, 200 I Christine Hurtado, President Ma Tine, Inc. Post Office Box 1925 Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Hurtado: I am returning your affordable housing application and check no. 1029 in the amount of $1,000.00. It was referred to the Town Attorney the day you left it at my office. It was not receipted because it was incomplete without the receipts from the post office for the notifications to adjacent property owners. The Town Attorney Gregory Yakaboski has advised me this afternoon that the property was not correctly described on the notification form and advised me to return the application to you. Therefore, I am returning everything to you. Mr. Yakaboski advised that any questions that you may have should be directed to him at 765-1939. Very truly yours, e~~ Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enclosures cc: Supervisor & Town &>ard Town Attorney . PAY . to rHE ORDER OF lFOR . RECEIVED JUL 2 5 2001 Southold Town Clerk . r:; 7/.2S- /L r: if Ý G fl~/()Á7 jðòo - "3 ') - 0 1- üc) r- MA TINE INC. 7 (J u,/¿/ iJ ¡:; S'CkJ ,/101... f) , ()¡V¿ rl/uf./SA-¡;./I) ~ ~~~.~~~!"~~~,,:s~~~ c ¡fA P"G (J 0 F ::¿,o,:t./(/ . 11"00 W 2"111" jl:O 2 ~I,O ~b ~71: II" 1029 "'1. '7'~'1 50-161/214 DATE J(./L7 L.~_ r ~ I $í/.~·~~ DOLLARS ß == . _._---~--~ ~ '. . - - 4 TOWN BOARD. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Petition of ¡.¡p. TINE, INC., NOTICE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS to the Town Board of the Town of Southold. TO: YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE: 1. That it is the intention of the undersigned to petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to 'request" change of zone from Low Density Residential R-40 District to Hamlet Density (HD} . Residential District. 2. That the property which Is the subject of the Petition Is located adjacent to your property and is des- cribed as follows: 69125 County Route 48. Greenport. NY _ SCTM #1000-35-1-4. South of North Road (County Route 48); East of Dpbler, North of the Town of Southold and others; West of Sound Road and others. 3, That the property which is the subject of such Petition is located in the following zoning district: Low Densitv Residential R-40 District 4. That by such Petitiol\, the undersigl\ed will request that the above-described property be placed in the following zone district classification: Hamlet Densitv tHD) 5. That within five days from the date hereof, a written Petition requesting the relief specified above will be filed in the South old Town Clerk's Office at Main Road, Southold, New York and you may then and there exam.ne the same during regular office hours. 6. That before the relief sought may be granted, a public hearing must be held on the ",atter by the Town Board; that a notir.e of such hearing must be published at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times or in the Lang Island Traveler·Mattituck Watchman, newspapers published in the Town of Southold and designated far the publication of such notices; that you or your representative have the right to ap- pear a Id be heard at such hearing. DatcJ: June 2001 MA TINE, INC. By: Petitioner Christine C. Hurtado, Pres. COntract Vendee of Catherine E. 'rasker Post Office Address: P.O. Box 1925 Southold, ~ew YorK 11971 - .CATHERINE MESIANO, INC~ Licensed Real Estate Broker Real Estate Consultant ... IlECEIVED July 23, 2001 JUL 2 5 2001 Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Town of Southold 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 ~"'hOIG town Clerk RE: Request for Change of Zone SCTM #1000-35-01-04 5.7 A. n/s North Road Greenport, NY Applicant: MaTine, Inc. Box 1925 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Ms. Neville: I am the agent for Ma Tine, Inc. the applicant and contract vendee of the above referenced property. The applicant is seeking a change of zone from the present zoning, R-40, to Affordable Housing (AHD) District The purpose of the proposed change of zone is to enable the applicant to develop the site as an affordable housing project. The need for affordable housing on the North Fork has been well documented. The site is well situated to meet the criteria set forth in the Zoning Code for the AHD District, as it is located approximately Yo mile from the boundary of the Village of Greenport. The area in which the property is located consists of lots containing as little as 5500 square feet to 22,000 square feet. The density allowed under the proposed change of zone would result in the creation of twenty-four 10,000 square foot lots. It is the intention of the developer to limit the yield to 10 lots of approximately 15,000 square feet each and create a natural buffer of 1.5 acres. Ten of the lots are to be offered under the provisions of the Town of Southold Affordable Housing Program and the three remaining lots are to be retained by the developer. Enclosed please find the following: 1. Application. 2. Petition. 3. Application fee in the amount of $1000.00. 4. Six copies of a survey prepared by Peconic Surveyors, P.C. last dated June 1, 2001. 5. Owner's consent 6. Transactional disclosure. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, Catherine Mesiano, President Enclosures 12 Mill Pond Lane. East Moriches, New York 11940 . 631.878.8951 . . REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICANT/CONTRACT VENDEE: MA TINE INC. CHRISTINE C. HURTADO, PRES. P.O. BOX 1925 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 OWNER: ENGINEER: CATHERINE E. TASKER 3509 BRANDON WAY MISSOULA, MO 59803 PECONlC SURVEYOR, P.C. JOHN METZGER, L.S. P.O. BPX 909 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 JOSEPH FISCHETTI, P.E. P.O. BOX 616 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 ABIGAIL WICKHAM, ESQ. P.O. BOX 1424 MATTlTUCK, NY 11952 SURVEYOR: APPLICANT'S ATTORNEY: APPLICANT'S AGENT: SUBJECT PROPERTY: CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. 12 MILL POND LANE EAST MORlCHES, NY 11940 631-878-8951 5.7-ACRE PARCEL 69125 C.R. 48 GREENPORT, NY a/k/a SCTM # 1000-35-1-4. . . RECEIVED PETITION NO.-....3/ ~ STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF OCT 1 9 2001 PETITION Sourhold rowI a.rt MA TINE INC. contract vendee of CATHERINE E. TASKER FOR A CHANGE, MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, NEW YORK. ............................................... TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: 1. I, CHRISTINE C. HURTADO. PRESIDENT of MA TINE, INC. residing at 10995 NORTH BAYVlEW ROAD,SOUTHOLD Suffolk County, New York, the undersigned, am the contract vendee of certain real property situated at 69125 C.R. 48. GREENPORT NY, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: see SCHEDULE "A" attached 2. I do hereby petition the Town Board of the Town of Southold to change, modify and amend the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, including the Building Zone Maps heretofore made a part thereof, as follows: FROM THE CURRENT ZONING OF LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-40) DISTRICT TO AFFORDABLE HOUSING (AHD) DISTRICT. 3. Such a request is made for the following reasons: APPLICANT WISHES TO SUBDIVIDE THE PREMISES INTO TEN LOTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SOUTHOLD TOWN AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAM. PROPOSED COVENANTS, WHICH WOULD PROVIDE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND SALE OF AFFORDABLE HOMES ON SUCH LOTS ARE PROPOSED. THE THREE REMAINING LOTS WOULD NOT BE WITHIN AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAM, BUT WILL BE RESTRICTED BY DEED COVENANT TO A MAXIMUM LIVABLE AREA OF 2500 SQUARE FEET, IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROPOSED COVENANTS. . . THE NEED FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING ON THE NORTH FORK HAS BEEN WELL DOCUMENTED. THE SITE IS WELL SITUATED TO MEET THE CRITERIA SET FORTH IN THE ZONING CODE FOR THE AHD DISTRICT, AS IT IS LOCATED APPROXIMATELY Y. MILE FROM THE BOUNDARY OF THE VILLAGE OF GREENPORT. THE AREA IN WHICH THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED CONSISTS OF LOTS CONTAINING AS LITTLE AS 5,500 SQUARE FEET TO 22,000 SQUARE FEET. THIS PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CONCEPTS SET FORTH IN THE AHD CRITERIA IN THAT IT'S IMPLEMENTATION WILL CREATE THE OPPORTUNITY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING FOR FAMILIES OF MODERATE INCOME AND PERMIT A MIX OF HOUSING TYPES AND LEVEL OF RESIDENTIAL DENSITY APPROPRIATE TO THE GREEN PORT AREA. THE PROPOSED PROJECT FULFILLS THE STATED PURPOSE OF ARTICLE V OF THE ZONING CODE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. æ,-¡, ;~ ¡/f _.~--... /l ~ ~} . !'/'J///Ay/ (;:-/ ~--eJ by: CHRISTINE C. HURTADO, Pre s. /'f\.'\ liNE, I!\)c. STATE OF NEW YORK) ss: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) CHRISTINE C. HURTADO, BEING DULY SWORN, deposes and says that she is the petitioner in the within action; that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true to her own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believe it to be true. ~.- (J&~ I ~Ùf.iu£ ,'.({~ Sworn to before me O/.L this NI:Þ day of ~' 2001 _. DI1Ui' ItOf,M'II'IMJt. IbIe "'Mew ~orII IiIII. 485UEe. ...... County 7 ~ fllÐl....... ..... 18.......... .,2.--- L_"cu ( CJ Notary Public DONNA M. CHITUK NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Ne. York No. 4851459, Su1foIk County T"r~ ¡;:.."irofl ""~ltllt:t t8.~ ¿....- . . MA TINE INC. This request is for a rezoning approval from the Southold Town Board from Low Density Residential (R-40) District To Affordable Housing (AHD) District. The subject property is a 5.7-acre parcel located at 69125 C.R. 48, Greenport, also know as Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000-35-1-4. The density allowed under the proposed change of zone would result in the creation of twenty-four 10,000 square foot lots. It is the intention of the developer to limit the yield to 10 lots of approximately 15,000 square feet each and create a natural buffer of 1.5 acres. Ten of the lots are to be offered under the provisions of the Town of Southold Affordable Housing Program covenants which would provide for construction and sale of affordable homes on such lots are proposed. The three remaining lots would not be within an affordable housing program, but will be restricted by deed covenant to a maximum livable area of 2500 square feet, in accordance with proposed covenants. The need for affordable housing on the North Fork has been well documented. The site is well situated to meet the criteria set forth in the Zoning Code for the AHD District, as it is located approximately Y. mile from the boundary of the Village of Greenport. The area in which the property is located consists of lots containing as little as 5500 square feet to 22,000 square feet. The Town's Master Plan provides for the creation of Affordable Housing Districts. We believe this project is consistent with the concepts set forth in the AHD criteria in that the opportunity for the development of high-density housing for families of moderate income will be created. The proposed project fulfills the stated purpose of Article V of the Zoning Code of the Town of Southold and will be consistent with the character of the surrounding area. The subject property is located in a mixed-use area. Although the properties adjacent to the site are zoned R-40, most are non-conforming undersized lots, comparable to those proposed. Within close proximity are R-80, Limited Business (LB), Affordable Housing (AHD) District and Residential Office (RO) uses. The subject property is within walking distance to the Village of Greenport downtown area, houses of worship, and public transportation. The area is serviced by the Suffolk County Water Authority and LlPA. No public sewer system is available. On-site septic systems will be designed to conform to Suffolk County Health Department standards. It is anticipated that the traffic generated by this project will not compromise the safety and capacity of the street system in the area. The site plan for the proposed project has not yet been developed. However, these concerns will be addressed in the planning process. It is anticipated that two of the proposed lots will front on Sound Road and have direct access. Access to the remainder of the lots will be from Sutton Place. . . MA TINE INC. The typical home to be offered will have 3 bedrooms and 2 % baths with a total area of approximately 1600-2400 square feet. The homes will be held in fee simple ownership. There are no cooperative interests proposed. The subdivision will be created to Town specifications with dedication of the road upon completion. . . SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being near Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York and bounded and described as follows: w} BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of the North Road which point of beginning is the southwesterly corner of the premises herein described and the southeasterly corner of lands now or formerly of Elizabeth T. Albertson and others; running thence northerly along the easterly line of lands now or formerly of Elizabeth T. Albertson and others to the southerly line of lands now or formerly of Dorothy Barstow; thence easterly along the southerly line of lands last mentioned and lands now or formerly of Herbert Fordham to the westerly line of Sound Road or Avenue; thence southerly along the westerly line of Sound Road to lands now or formerly of Whitney; thence westerly and again southerly along the aforementioned lands to lands now or formerly of Kszyminski; thence westerly and again southerly along lands last mentioned to the northerly line of the North Road; thence westerly along the northerly line of North Road to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by deed dated December 11, 1989 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on April 10, 1990 in Liber 11049 Page 59. . . BEQUEST FOR CHANGE OF ZONE APPLICANT/CONTRACT VENDEE: ENGINEER: MA TINE INC. CHRISTINE C. HURTADO, PRES. P.O. BOX 1925 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 CATHERINE E. TASKER 3509 BRANDON WAY MISSOULA, MO 59803 PECONIC SURVEYOR, P.C. JOHN METZGER, L.S. P.O. BPX 909 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 JOSEPH FISCHETTI, P.E. P.O. BOX 616 SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 ABIGAIL WICKHAM, ESQ. P.O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK, NY 11952 CATHERINE MESIANO, INC. 12 MILL POND LANE EAST MORICHES, NY 11940 631-878-8951 OWNER: SURVEYOR: APPLICANT'S ATTORNEY: APPLICANT'S AGENT: SUBJECT PROPERTY: 5.7-ACRE PARCEL 69125 C.R. 48 GREENPORT NY a/k/a SCTM # 1000-35-1-4. . . CONSENT Re: SCTM# 1000-35-1-4 69125 County Road 48, Greenport, ~ew York I, CATHERINE E. TASKER. the owner of the above referenced property, consent to MA TINE, INC.; John Hurtado; Wickham. Wickham & Bressler. P.C.; Peconic Surveyors, P.C.; Joseph Fischetti; Land l1se Ecological Services, Inc., or any of their representatives and/or agents, to make applications necessary for the approval of a major or minor subdivision of the above property, and/or change of zone to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, TOWIl of Southold Planning Board, Town Board of the Town of Southold, and any other agencies or municipalities having jurisdiction over the p,,,ni~,. 30ch 'l'pJ"oti,œ ,''''' ""'~, "M~';~~ Dated: Jlme/g .2001 UA-,te~ ¡g, - / kh/ Catherine E. Tasker 2 j!consent