HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-09/14/2004 Hearing 1 ~ L . 3 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 1G 17 1,Q 1 SI 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 TCMN OF SOUTHOLO COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ZONING BOÞ.RO OF þ,PPEÞ.LS STATE OF NEI^I YORK - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - x. T 0 I^I 1'1 SOUTHC)LD o F Z 0 N I N G o F Þ.PPEP,LS BOA R D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ Southold Town Hall 53095 r'lain Road Southold, New York September 14, 2004 St:30 a.m. Board Members Present : RUTH OLIVA, Chairwoman VINCENT ORLANDO, Vice Chairman GERARD P. GOEHRINGER, Board Member JAMES OINIZIO, Board Member KIERAN CORCORAN, Assistant Town Attorney LINDA KOI^IALSKI, Board Secretary Absent: LYDIA TORTORA, Board Member , ORIGINAL COURT REPORTING AND TRANSCRIPTION SERVICE i 631'i 878·-8047 . e . 2 1 2 CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: I'd like to call the regularly scheduled meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals of September 14th to order. I need a resolution declaring the following applications as T,'pe 2 actions. B,C'l,RD MEf1BER GOEHRINGER: I'll secGld, if '-'GU make the resGlution. CHA.IRI^IOMAN ,C,LIVA.: 1'11 make the res,:::,luticI1. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Second. (See minutes for resolution. I ~ 4 ::, 6 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ''? CHI-\.IRI^I0!1M,¡ OLIVA: Our first hearing lS f,~r James Gemmill on Smith Road in Peconic. He wants to make a small addition to his house. Mr. Fitzgerald, I think that's yours. f'IR. FITZGERALD: Yes, }c,od mornlng, I'm ,Jim Fitz-::¡erald for [VIr. Gemmill. As you say, it is a small addition. He would like to expand the existing footprint of the house by about 100 square feet, and of that 100 square feet, about 10 square feet will be closer to the architectural side property line, which is technically a front ~'ard because of the existence of a pedestrian right of way. Only 10 feet will t,e closer to the propert~· line than the existing nonconforming setback. And it will be about one f,,,::,ct closer. I have a larger photograph of the area which you ha~le a smaller one {handing I . CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Yes. So it would onl,' c,~me out this far. 9 11~1 11 12 1< 14 15 lh 17 18 HR. FITZGERALD: This stake marks the ,:::'crner. 1 SI CHAIRI^IOMAN OLI\~~: Is that gOlng one 20 st,'::)l"Y or two? ¡·1R. FITZGERA.LO: One story. BOARD HEMBER ORLANDO: Just extendin-::¡ ehe 21 porch. ..., ~, LL MR. FITZGERALD: Ie's an extension of the porch, but it will not be a porch. It will be enclosed and will be a mud room. BDARD !1EMBER ORLANDO: Þ.nd the porch sta::s 23 àS lS:' 24 MR. FITZGERALD: Essentially. ':::¡L~IRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Jerr,', did \':',1.1 see the - c ¿~ picture? BDARD f~EMBER GOEHRINGEP.: I saw thE' September 1~, 2004 3 1 . 3 picture, and I was at the property last week. I wanted to Bta)" because it was a magnificent afternoon and evening, truly, Mr. Fitzgerald, a magnificent piece of property, and we can see because the sagging of the decks and all the rest of the house, it has some significant fllnctional ,.:,bs(:Jlesr.:::ence I and I can see why the present property owners want to do what they want to do. CHAIRWOfJIAN OLIVA: "\lincent I do ycyu h3.ve ~n~' other questions? BC,ARD MEMBER ORLANDO: No further ':::ruestions. CHAIRW0I'1AN OLIVA: Jim. BOÞ.RD MEMBER DINIZIO: I was lo,oking at the notice of disapproval from July 6th; it says ~'()U f re nDt going to increase thé; setbacY:. mere than 12.1 feet; is that correct? ~IP.. FITZGERALD: It's not going to be increased. It's going to be decreased by a foot. BOARD MEMBER DINIZF): You're n,::,t going an~r closer to the prGpert~· line? MR. FITZGERALD: One foot closer. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: So you're }oin-:.=¡ to be at 11.1 feet? 1'1R. FITZGERALD: No, it's goin} to be at 12; the existing is at 13. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: The notice of ,iisappro'tal says existing single-famil,' dwellimJ has a front yard setback of 12.1; is that LL}ht? MR. FITZGERALD: I don't think so. B'OÞ.RD MEMBER [,INIZIO: I'm looking at what he disapproved. I assume he saw that somewhere alld he wrote that down. If that's the caSE then I don't know why -- [VIR. FITZGERALD: It's going to r:,e here ,indicating'! . CHAIRvlOMAN OLIVÞ.: I see 12.1. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: This is the porch that's there right now. MR. FITZGERALD: It goes to this porch. BOARD IVIEf1BER DINIZIO: That is how far 2 4 c ~ I:) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 ]1::; 17 18 19 20 21 22 away? 23 ["IR. FITZGERALD: This is 14. This ie 12. \'l~ think we're going to say it f s 13. BOARD MEr1BER DINIZIO: That would be ::,c,ur '.tJorst '::ase right now. ûkay. I don't haT.''::; an"/ further questions. CHAIRI^I':)~1AN DLIVÞ.: Tlnnk you, ,Jim. Is 24 . 25 September 14, 2004 4 1 · 3 there allyone else in the audience that wishes to speak to this application? If not, I'll make a motic,n to close the hearing and reserving de,:ision until later. \See minutes for resolution.) 2 'I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: next application lS for Gordon and Diane Tyrer 011 Oriole Dri'le in Southold. That is for a garage that is supposed to be in the rear yard but is now in the side ...'ard. Is there someone that wishes to speak t,=, this application? BOARD MEI'1BER ORLANDO: I had sp)ken to the homeowner, and I think Craig was coming to represent them. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGEP.: I'll make the motion to adjourn the hearing until 11:15. (See minutes for resolution.) 5 6 7 8 10 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24 CHAIRI^IOJ1AN OLIVA: Next hearing is Ke,'in Hiller on l^Iunneweta Road in Cutchogue. Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? ¡'1r. f1cCarth'.(, would ,'au 1 ike to speak to this application? MR. MCCARTHY: Yes. BOARD MEr~BEp. '::;OEHRINGER: Mr. M=Carth,/, IJ~fore you speak, I need to mentioIl something to the Board and to the Chairperson. This is a \rery nice piece of property, but it unfortunatel~' needs ,~280A. Unfortunately, I tried to come up it from the Broadwaters CO~Te side, thank God I nixed that the-ught. So I came back the following time and went down from tIle extension of Wunneweta. It needs a 2,80A. CHÞ.IRl^lm~AN OLIV./\.: It "JaS badl:; gutted. I wouldn't take the car. I walked dowD te- wher~ I thou-::¡ht the ,garage miqht be. The road '"as in terrible, terrible shape. r·IR. r;ICCARTHY: I was there this tTLorning, I a}ree with you from the southernly side. MR. FLEMING: May I ask what a 280A is? CHÞ~IEWOMAN OL IV A : Þ.~n access to ~/c.ur pre-perty. You have to have some sort cf road and there haT/e tc) be specific qualifications that haT\,re tr~ be met to make it a 280A access. BOARD SECt. KO\'iALSKI: I have t:o ask that anyone who speaks to please state your name fcr 12 13 · 14 15 16 17 is 1'::1 2D 21 22 2? · 25 September 14, 2004 0, 1 8 the re,:oord. f~R. FLEMING: ['1y name is Xavier Fleming. ¡.1R. t1Cc."RTHY: I did bring SDm'o photDs that I would like to submit for the record ! handing i. As you can tell by looking at the s11rve~' and looking at the site, the reason wh~r we're here is there's some practice difficulty lD building on the site. The owner, Mr. Kevin r~iller, has asked us to come here tGda~' and ~epresent him. I'd like to go Gver some facts on the topography of the site. The t.opographJ', if l",:JU look at the sur~.·"'ey in the northwest corner is an ele\'ation ':0D. It increases to elevation 130 to 132 in the cellter of the house. It's 40 feet difference in elevation. I^Ihat Mr. Miller is proposing is to put his gara-::¡e ct1>proximately two-thirds of the l¡.Jay ba,=k from his house to the street and kind of split the difference there, and it's really because of the difficulty of topo-::¡raphy and elevation. The issue of where the -::¡arage could be s,~l~Jed if the house was moved closer to thE street. It's not the location of the garage t~latfs the problem, it's perhaps the location of the house. So if we leap frog the house VJer the garage the garage could stay exactly th~ way it is be¡:ause it would be code compliant. We're about 450 percent of the setback of the hOUSE of what is reall~r code required. We're setback qUlte a wa~rs fram Wunneweta Road and the purpose of putting the house where it is is to reall~· get on top of the hill to get the most flat topogl'aphy So the ,'ard EUl-rounding the house as usable. I f we WEre to bring the house closer to the street we'd ha~Te a tremendous problem with gradin-::¡, with water coming int~ thE back side of the house. CHAIRI'IOI1Þ.N OLIVA: The next door nei-::¡hbor had the same problem he built on top of the -- ¡·1R. t1CCARTHY: Exactl". And there are ~r~rlOUS similar situations throughout ~Jassau ~oinc, which I believe we have submitted pictures for the record so that the application would not be somethin-::¡ that would stand cut in the neighborhood. It was ver~' similar to other applications and other properties alF2ady existing within Nassau Point. I think that the location of chs house on the top of che hill is gcing tc" be less of an impact to any of the neighbors than " L · 3 4 5 iJ 9 1C) 11 12 13 · u 15 16 17 18 L, 20 21 22 2j 24 · 25 September 14, 200.. 6 1 s perhaps bringing it forward into another compliant position and leaving the garage where it is. So the request for relief is because it's E,al difficulty in building the lot, that's wh,' Wi?:' re in front of you tClday. I I d be happy to answer any questions. CHAIR~¡OI"l¡m OLIVÞ.: Jerr:,'. BOARD !"lEI"lBER GOEHRINGER: The nature of these applications, Mr. McCarchy, for these }arages in the front yard really need some slgnificant screening. So in the past, alld the 1íLC,st recent one we did on Broadwaters I we did a significant screening request as a condition, and I chink we should leave it up to the option of you at this time as being the agent for the applicant to come up with some screening for this garage and w~'ll either enhance it or de-enhance it based upon on whate'ler you come up with? ¡'1R. I1CCARTHY: l^Ie' d be happy to do that and at the same time, it's not the applicant's position to clear cut the entire hill. They're going to leave a lot of the native vegetation and ~'tS :'ou look at the dri ~.reway lit I s kind Dt an II S II design; it's not straight at the }arage. It will be meandering through woods that will remain. If 'j'ou're standing on Wunneweta Road, you '.'.Jonl t ha.T/e dlrect view directly up the dri'.'ewa)' to the gara-::¡e. It will meander around and a lot of that natural buffer will stay. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: The concern 11sually is the propert)' owner that is most exposed, and that is going to be the property :JWl1er while standing in front of the propert~r will be on the left-hand side or southeast side, and he or she may be here, we're not sure, it appears he is here. lmd so was the case Wl th the Broadwaters Co~!e situation, which we recently did. So, please gi'Je us a landscape f,lan on chat and tell us how high the -::¡arage is and all that. 2 . o o 4 5, f~ 7 9 10 11 1-, L 13 . 14 15 1 i; 17 LS 1 '~1 20 21 . 25 ['''IE. r';¡CCARTHY; \fer1' good. CHÞ.IRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Vincent? BOARD I"lEI'IBER ORLANDO: I 'Nouldn' t sa..' it's c,'pical in Nassau Point this scenario, but I \.¡ould say it's common in this area. putting the }arage further down the slope just makes it a hazard for the person walking up to the house, and. I wGuldn't wallt to do that. I did drive up the neighbor's 22 23 24 September 14, 2004 7 1 . 3 dri'!ewa~r to access this instead of hikirlg through the woods, made it a lot easier. I see the 1ifficulty. I don't have a problem witll it as long as che screening comes and also che 280A. I had a Jeep, and I almost got stuck in chat one LunafE. L 4 5 HR. MCCARTHY: I underscand. vle'll deal 9 ',lith that. CHÞ.IRI^IOr1þJ' OLIVA: I think this happened in the past. l^Ie had another applicant jusc the llsY.:t house down I but the road \ÞJas in bet tel' condition. I -::¡uess all the rains that we've had it just completel:,' eroded out. I was able to -::¡et down to the other one but not this time. MR. MCCARTHY: I'm sure Mr. Miller lS -::¡oin-::¡ to want something that's safe for he and his famil:,'. 6 ~ , 8 10 CHAIPJ'¡OJ'1AN C,L IVA: He's gOln-::¡ to have co. 11 LJirn:' 2-1 BOARD MEMBER DItJIZIO: I don't ha'!e any ,=,bj eet ion. I think whate\rer r,:::;ad or pathwa'{ or whatever }oes to it is fine. The landscaping ching, I just I don't see it. This place is goin-::¡ ro be a good 200 percent beyond the principal setback ,:,f any buildable lot and to for,:e this ~pplicant into any kind of major screellillg I think '.'Ie should probably temper thac a little bit. The f =tet that it is a wooded lot f ma'/be if 'd~ ask them t.::. l1Dt t~ke down toc mani' trees I that shDuld be the extent of it. Certainly that's onl:," m:," opinion, but again he being tear down his house ~nd build it a good 75 feet closer to thE road right now and he could have two story, -15 foot hi}h building there; of course, I wouldn't like to see it, and I'm sure the neighbors wouldn't like tc see it. I think some consideration as far as lanjscaping, I would hope that the Board would not }J¿ too stringent on tllat requiring expenSl~.re landscaping due co the fact that the lot exiscs, and there is a house there already, and the IJuilding he's going to put there is not ill all~r wa',' ill a nonconforming location other than the fact t.hat th.=.::re' s not. a house there. So I just a.:3}: the ¡"l.::::mbers of the Board to take that in c,::,nsiderati,:,n with this landscape plan, and perhaps, Tom, you could also hopefully take some comfort in the fact t.hat som.<:::one's up h.<:::re not requiring you to h3-T.re '~1,Ü(IÜ trees. 12 13 e u 15 16 17 18 19 2D 21 L.L. 23 . 25 September 14, 2004 8 1 2 · 4 " ,) " , .~ ~I 10 11 1 -. L 1"1 · 14 15 16 17 1° u 19 2D 21 ¿¿ 7"" ~- 2-l · 25 BC,ARD r1EHBER GOEHRINGER: more thin}? CH.ZUR~10!1AN OLIVA: Ye",. BOARD f1EHBER GOEHRINGER: will the garage include, just the e.lectric? [·'JR. MCCARTHY: ax this point. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Can I sa',' c,ne ¡,hat utility utilit,' of He ma'/ ha'..,e water in there You ha"e t,:) let us know. [,'!P.. r~CCAp.THY: Is there a diffçrçnce,' BOARD r~EMBER GOEHRINGER: Yes, th,= garage is for an accessory use. I hate to keep mirrorlng ~he application on Broadwaters Cove, but we said we ha~e no problem with an outside water spigot¡ but we would like to know why a person 11Eeds to add water to their garage internally. Is there going to be a potting shed? MR. MCCARTHY: With all due resPçct, i"'n't that a building code question for the building illspector, what's going to be in there? CHL~IPJ^lOMAN OLIVA: No, it's ours. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Accesscr:, building. CHAIR\^IOMAN OLIVA: vie can set the conditions for what should be in there ~nd not. [1R. ~ICCARTHY: I will supplement thç ~pplication with a letter as to what's to bç there. BOARD MEMBER r;C'EHRINGER: And in no wa.y am I personall~r going, am I as one Board member ']OlIlg, to put aD)' extensive screelling on this ~,i~ce because of the nature of where it's going Gack, but I do have neighbors concerned based upon thesç buildings that are bein-::¡ built forward of the house. So in anSí:Jer to f'-1ember Dinizi,:), nothing to the extent that the ather application \'/as. MR. MCCARTHY: Your concern with water would be what, if there was water withill the Luilding'" CHÞ.IR\^I0!1AN OLIVA: ,Just for a hose? BOA.RD f·1Er"IBER <30EHRI'NGER: The cr.)ncern, t,:) ~llswer your question is, that people haole been using these buildings for habitablç purposçs. vJçekend habitable bunk house." and that i.s a sitl1ation that I myself do not condone. That 18 an accesse·ry building used cust·=,maril:,' and Septçmber 14, 2004 9 1 , incidental to the main dwelling. r1p.. MCCARTHY: I a-::¡ree. So whatever he's allowed, if he happened to have a sink in there, if it was a potting shed, or if he was werking on tlle ~T8hicles to get cleaned up G':er the summer BOARD MEMBER GDEHRIN':;EP.: That's the '~luestion, tell us what it is, vle'11 supplement the application with a letter. Clearly it's not his intention to make it a second house on ttle pre-perty. CHÞ~IRWOr.jJ:¡'\j'J C)LIVÞ+: Is there an~,rbGdy elsE:: in the audience that would like to speak an this application? I"IR. FLEMING: Xa':ier Flemming, I own a hr::nlse at 555 ~^lunneweta Road. I'd like tCi hand 1"OU a expanded site plan here, plot plan ¡handing'. 0n that map I just handed you, my house is located on Lot 201, which is hi-::¡h on the hill on the right -hand side as ,'ou go do'"m \'lunnevJeta P.oad from Vans ton Road, directl)' across from the applicant's lot, Number 297. I'd like to speak to ::;.=;u and represent myself as owner or ine'.:itable c,wner of the three lots owned in red. r-],' late brother and I jointly owned Lot 200, which is slngle anJ separate and not built on. My late IJrother GWI1S Lot 202, which contains a sin-::¡le-family dwellin-::¡ down further on the dirt l"~)3.d closer to Broadwaters Cove. Some ,:::la'/ LGt 200 ma...· be de,..reloped, I ha'le a ri'::Jht to put a lv=:·use 0n it if I chose to, it's a singl~ and separate liJt. I'm concerned of the view of seeing a garage aut of a potential buildin-::¡ on Lot 200. I think ic will have a negative affect aestheticall~T, and it will depreciate 01,' property 'lalue there. 1"1,/ Lot 201, which contains my house now, has a small d~ck in front. I don't know if you carl see It from the road or not and that's the beauty of m,' 11QUSe, it's rather hidden, it's the tan Cape Cod up on the hill, and I ha',re a ba-:.,- windo',¡Il lI1 1Tl':.; living room, which looks directly out an Lot 297; anj an out building such as a garage, again, I believe will have a negative effect on tile a~sthetiC' appeal ,:;.f m~r ~,riew and cGnsequentl'}', d ne,;:rati'.-e ':alue on my propert~/. Lot 202, which contains my late brother's hause, has a full width elevated porch, that is alsiJ going to look dOflln on this garage, that is relatively close to the road. The applicants 2 · 3 4 5 6 8 j 10 11 12 13 · LIe 15 1'; 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~., LJ 24, · 25 Sept~nlber 14, 2004 10 1 c, represented that the erection of a garage in the trGnt of the property is commonplace, and I take issue with him with one exception on Nassau ~Gint, and. the Gl1e exception would be '",¡aterfront hc,mes where the:,' really dc,n't ha':e a front yard. The water is their front 'lard and tIle garages arE in their street side, if iTOU will. The other homes on ~\funneweta Road built to ~ccommodate the terrain, this is not the onl)' llouse that's on a hill there, Mr. Asciutto, the applicants's next door neighbor, his home contains a garage under the house on the side. Joe Dec]cer, who is one house farther to tIlE south, 1138 a garage under the house. ['1:,- brother Joe's he,use on 2 <:1 1 buil t a garage under the house. A.nd m,' point is tl12se other homes recognize the topography problems, and they built houses that conformed with the code that didn't require the erection of out buildings down hill from cheir properties. It's my position that ~~ and tell me if I'm wrong -- when you come before a 20111ng Board meet ing, :,'ou' re supposed to display a hardship to ha'.'e :,'our application considered? CHAIRI'iOMAN OLIVÞ.: '{es. MR. FLEMING: My position is that the applicant has created his own hardship by putting a house plan that would be greac for a more level lot, on a lot that WOI1't accepc che sCrllcCure chat he vJ3-nts to put up, and by doing so, I beliec.re that he's putting a llardship on me, his Ileighbor, Clnd I su-::¡-::¡est that the Board recommend thaC he ~mend his plans to be consistent with the buildings on che road, and I encourage ~rou to reject this application. CHAIRWOMAN OLIíJÞ~: Thank yc,u, S lr. NR. FLEJVIING: Thank you. '-::HAIRl^lmLl'J'J OLIVA: Sir? J.1R. ASCIUTTO: f1y name is Basil Þ.sciutto, ~-S-C-I-U-T-T-O, I live at 620 Wunneweta. I'nt the n~ighbor directly adjacent to this piece of property and on the left side. Since there is not a house on the right side, I'm at lot 2~S on ~r,~ur map. This house is m~l primayJc residenc~. I spend more than half the ~7ear here alld I plan on ~~tiring next year and be here full time. As Mr. Fleming said, all the hOllses on ~'Junneweta are built with the same topogra.ph,:/ ·::lnd mest of them ha\re the garage und8rnea.th the 2 · 3 4 5 6 ~ 9 10 11 1~ L L' · 14 15 1f) 17 18 19 2ú 21 L¿ 23 24 · 25 September 14, 2004 11 1 8 building. The owner of this property, Mr. Miller, is a builder, so he knows full well exactly the topo-::¡raphy and what can be built and what can't be built. vJhen I look out my sliding doors in my liT,ring room, 2û feet away from rny property line will be the back of this -::¡arage. I don't see a h3l'dship on the part of the new buyers r,f this piece of property because the)' can put the garage ill the rear. There's no problem, it/s a new ~QIlstruction. These are ver~7 narrow pieces of prc,perty; the,·'re 100 feet wide b1' 350 feet deep. We're all kind of built along the same path, so we (ie,nlt really see each other's house. Wll~re h~ plans to put the house way up in the back, I dGI1't think conforms to the other houses that are there, ,~f course he has the right to do so, but if h~fS 3skin) for an exception for the garage fer the front, I would have a problem with that. So I would ask you to reject their ~pplication for a variance. I think there is a T.cr3xiance rtSquired because therel s a reason \\,'h1' ;..,rou want the garage in the rear. There's ne·t an ezistin-::¡ structure where he can't build the garage in the rear if that's what he chooses. BOARD rv1EMBER ORLANDCI; Cine quick: question? CHAIR¡'10I1AN OLIVA: Yes. EOARD MEr1EER ORLMJDO: Tint's ',¡hy ~lember 1::;<Y~_hringer and ITlj"self kind of r;-::commendcd some landscaping with screening, would that help if the~7 camouflaged the garage with dense l='tndscaping? 1'1R. .,^SCIUTTG: I don't understand why -- would it help? It would help a little I guess, but I have natural woods there right now. In the ,,..Tinter time you're not going tc, screen anything unless 'loU put in 50 foot pine trees in therE:, then I won't see it. Other t1lan that I don't see the ¡::.urpc,se of putting the -::¡arac¡e in the front, H¿ can put the garage under the house, 112 c~n put the }arage in the rear. He's a builder. He knows ','fhat h,,=: h"Jught. I don't see why he ne,=:,js tc. do tilis, personally. BOARD fJIEMBER DINIZIO: Let me ask '{OU another question, please? CHAIRWDr1MJ OLIVA: Go EOARD MEMEER DINIZIO: ahead, Jim. I t sounds t'J me ¿ · 3 4 5 o 7 - 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 1- ~ 17 18 1 ~I 20 21 22 23 24 · ~c ~~ like it's more aesthetics than an)rthiIlg else. dOI1't want to look at this thing? T{i:'U September 14, 2004 12 1 ':, r~R. .I'..SCIUTTO: I'm like e'ler,' other peraciD. '(ou get spoiled, you ha......e beautiful surroundings I and th~ guy next door buy"s the [Jle.::::e iJf propert)', and he wants to build a house on it; we all ha~e a right to do that. But if there is a ,~·..:>,je which basically says the garage sh.:Juld be in the rear and someone is asking f,~r an exceptioTI because there's a hardship, there's no topography hardship that he couldn't put the garage under the house so 'I'es, would it bother ms? Absolutel,-/. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: If he put the house tllere it would be much worse. HR. ASCIUTTO: I'd rather see the house. J'.1P.. FLE~lING: Just a comment to the gentleman on the end here, aesthetics is clearly a pl-imar'!' concern, but I think that ha"l"Jin0 a garage close to the street within full view as I ;iescribed the houses has a property vallie ,~Gnsideration too that has to be considered. Thank '/DU. 2 e 3 4 5 l: : s 11') 11 1 ;ì CHAIR1t]Or....1AN OL I'iA: Beard Hembers? BOARD r~Ef1BER GOEHRIH-::;ER: Yes, I want tc add one thing to the record. I think we're failin-::¡ to look here that there is practical jifficulty. The practical difficulty is that exists here is if he puts the garage u~jer the house, he's either going to significantly alter that ?er:,' nice plateau area that r1r" Orlando '''as L~ferring to to cut tile drivewa~' down ellough to get up that hill, and I happen to live on a hill and I ha~:e to tell ~TOU it's not a fun tIling itl the Wiltter, I realize there's a great deal Gf tIlat t,:::,pograph'/ in this immediate area, so there is some degree of practical difficulty in this ,~pplicati0n. And I'm just throwing that {Jut. D~~snft nlean I'm in favor of it or not in fa'!or of it, as you know we vote as a Board, Mad3ffi ~'hairman . Than}:: you. Any c1ther 12 13 e 14 15 10 1: 12. 20 21 e 2::- '::HA.IRvIOMMI OLIVA: Does an:,'body else wish t·':, speak on this application? TGm, did '/f~)U ha':e anything more to say? HR. ["'ICCARTHY: I just Vlould like to reiterate the fact of the difficulty that's created of coming in and out of the winter time would be quite difficult, and the further you push the other building back, the longer the driveway 1)2comes and it becomes more costly as well. And I ~') L~ 23 24: September 14, 2004 13 1 8 l'espect both these gentlemen's opinion, if he brou-::¡ht his house close to the street, h~ could, in fact, leave the garage exactly where it 15. So this gentleman who lives next door would be looking at the same thing if Mr. Miller decided to hopscotch the house over the garage, the gara-::¡e w()uld remain in the same location, and it could be conforming if he chose to bring his house closer t,~ tIle street. Although I can understand exactl~' wllat he's saying he doesn't want to loo]{ at it, perhaps if the house were closer to the street, the garage would be in the rear yard, it would still have the same effect on this gentleman and his view. I just wanted to add that to the ree'Jrd. 2 · 3 4 5 6 ~ , 9 23 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I want to go over that, that's what I wrote down when I first saw this thing. The setback you're asking for is 118 feet and required on that lot is 40 feet. I'1R. r1CCÞ.RTHY: The front ~'ard i", 40 feet and to the house is 194 feet BDARD MEr1BER DINIZIO: The house, lea'te that out. You could take the house and build it withln that 70, 80 feet of space, build it ri-::¡ht l_lP to 40 feet and not even ask us for a T,rariance. ¡'¡R. rVICCARTHY: That's right, and I feel that would have a bigger impact ,:on the neighbors ,~lld across the street and what have ~rou because tile house would be directly on the road and would tl~~.re a big impact on Wunneweta. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: How gara}e being set off from the side MR. MCCARTHY: 20 feet. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: That's n:ot ~ccesscr~' setback, it's principal. /iIR. I1CCARTHY: Princ ipal. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: How high lS the ';r,3.rage g':Jing to be, lS iL single sLory, 15 f~~L, =ü feeL? I"¡R. MCCARTHY: I bel ie\'e the ce,de maximum lS 18 feet, so within that. BOARD MEr1BER DHJIZIO: Two car -::¡arage? IvJR. f1CCARTHY: Two car gara}e. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Then the doors are far is yard? the 10 11 12 13 · l-± 15 1~ o 17 18 19 20 21 ~,~ LL 24 ,:']C,enin-::¡ · ~c L~ MR. MCCARTHY: The doors are opening Co ehe north, away from this gentleman's house. BC·ARD ~1EJ'.1BER DINIZIC': From the street September 14, 2004 14 1 , ~ou're going to see the side of the gar~ge. ['¡IE. MCCARTHY: Yeu' re gc,ing to S~~ the side of the -::¡arage. BOARD r1Er~BER DINIZIO: Þ.nd you'll dri'.'e in and ha\.re a turn. r/lR. rJ1CCA_RTHY: From the: street it may e\~2n look like the two are connected because that'8 what you're going to see in the foreground is the ",ide of the garage and the house behind it. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: What is the distance between the house arId tlle garage? [',1R. f1CCARTHY: I \IIGuld sa,' at this point it's approximately 50 to 60 feet between the front steps and the back side of the -::¡arage. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Thank you, Torn. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Are there all,' c,ther fUl'ther comments? MR. ASCIUTTO: Yes. I think the question aparcment · 3 4 c; G 7 8 9 lCi 17 was there's not going to be an accessor~' al:>'J\re this? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: It's not allowed. r::HAIRWOf1AN OLIVA: Onl,' eleccri,= and may be just water for a potting shed. MR. ASCIUTTO: As far as aesthetics are ,:ol1cerned, all the houses are in a row, I would be much more comfortable having a house pret t1' mu,,:'h placed where all the other houses are, and looking at a bacJcyard without an oversized house sitting 150 feet to my view in the rear. So as far as a¿sthetics are concerned, it de,es make a difference to me. 11 12 13 · 14 15 16 · 25 CHAIRI^IDMMJ OLIVA.: No one else~' Then I'll mak~ a motion to close the hearing and reser'le decision until later. BOARD f1E[VIBER GOEHRIN,::;ER: Before" I say second, we are going to receive this inf,~rmation from r"1r. f\1cCarthy. And r-1r. rJ1cCarth~/ is gOlng to ~ddress in that letter the 28CiA aspect? CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Right. The 280A, landscaping, the height of the garage, electric, ".JJateL, if an~l. BD.,^RD ~IE['~BER '.::;OEHRIIJGEE: And the rehabilitation of the road in front. BDAED MEMBER DINIZIO: Hold on chen, maybe we could discuss that right new on the record. Tom, the 280.?¿ I assume you're gl.:;.ing t·') 113ve to go into the Building Department again; 18 that what your understanding is? 18 1 SI 20 21 LL. 23 24 September l~, :004 15 1 2 · :3, 4 5 " 8 SI 10 11 12 13 · 14 1::, 16 1'7 18 19 20 21 L.L 2:? 24 · 25 MR. MCCARTHY: The 2801'. is a surprise to me because we enjoy a building permit for the tlGUSe already_ That's been issued by tlle Building Department without the need for a 280A. BDARD I'1E~1BER GDEHRINGER: Well, I will not -:¡rant anything and I will suggest to this Board t.hat not.hing be granted, Tom, unless tha.t driT.r,<:;:wa,!' is done because an emplo~ree on that house could ~fst hurt and I assure '/c'lt 'i'ou ','iill never iJet ..::in ~mbulance into that property. ¡'¡R. f1CCARTHY: I don't di sagree 'Ñi t h ';ou. I'm stating for the record the fact that the 280A is ~ surprise to me at this point because tIle Building Department did grant a building permit that the applicant currently enjoys on that road for the h,=,use. CHAIRWOMM" OLIVA: ,~ertain conditions. The ZBA can make BO./\RD SECY. KO\'iALSKI: lS the garage. I·m. r~CCARTHY: Ce, address the issue. safet~r iSSUE, we will sãtisfaction of -- For the housE', this For the house. l^Ie're happy I recognize there is a deal with that tc the CHAIRI'¡Or1AN OLIVA: there, Tc,rn. MR. MCCARTHY: I understand. BOARD MEf1BER CORLA.NDO: It's not ,',=ur fault, Tom. The Building Department I don't l,~lie'le goes out and (ioes a visllal inspectioll on ~T.r~r~· permit before the~' issue, they see a survey, they see a dedicated road. I·m. r1CC1'.RTHY: I belie__e it's improved up t,~ this gentleman's property, then it becomes ~ ~ut just be~'ond it in front of c,urs. B,C,ARc- 11EMBER GOEHRINGER: 'de don't ",'-'en A car cannot get dc,wn kn~w if that meets standards to be honest with ~..(:;u . MR. MCCARTHY: It looks like this g~ntleman or his predecessor improved it ill order t,=, get access to their propert~r. It's incumbent up,:,n us tc, do the same and we í...¡ill do tl1~ same. CH."IRv¡O~1AN OLIVA: Thank you, T)!11. BOARD ¡'lEt-1BER DINIZID: I'm not going to let that go. The 2801'. is a requirement that has to corne tG us through the building inspector, and this Board, alth'Jugh we can en;=:umber an applicant ,,'.rich certain restrictions, I d.::,n't think: we can Septemb~r 1~, 2004 16 1 e - require him to have a 2BOA. B']ARD MEMBER '.:;OEHRINGER: can, 150 percent, Jim. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: l^Ie certainl,' L I don't. belieT.'e "' that that. is our purview. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: That lS our rnaln , pur\riew. BOARD r1EMBEp. DINIZIO: If the buildin3' 1Dspect.or finds during the course of t.he inspection that this Ileeds a 280A, then lle's going tG tell us; then the proper course of a~tion will happen, which is, the applicant will be required t ~ submit the paperwork to file for a 230A aIld ¡neet those requirements. If that hasn't. been done for past applicants, that's a sin that this applicant is probably going to h~ve to pay for. Slit I mean, to make our ruling contingent on a ;'.SOA, I'm sorry, don't see us haTJing tc de. that. _~~nd if the bui Iding inspector, the persc,n whc,' s in :harge, the person who makes decisions based on the code requires a 280A, then weill be more than !lapp,' to require that of the applicant. Be,'ond that. I I don't. understand any reasoning behind this Board'g decision not to grant him sometlling because he hasn't been disapproved for it yet. BOARD ~ŒMBER GOEHRINGEP.: ~¡e didn't sa,' 5 ') 3 9 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 that. 24 BOARD f1EMBER DINIZIO: I heard ,'ou say that. You said ~rou're not gOillg to grant this man a variance unless he has a 280A. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRIN:;EP.: I said unless his road is brought up to standards. I said nothing about him having to lla\r~ the 280A at tlllS nloment. At the moment that the house is ;:ompleted, since he has a building perm1t, and whate,'er the traumatices we go through and the decision that's rendered by this Board, and before a CO is granted on that gara-::¡e, regardless if it's in the house, out of the house, in front cf the hc,use, below the hill I it doesn't make any difference, he's got to have a 280A. In other wards, the road in front of the house has got to !TI~st 280;'~ specifications. Þ~nd ths..t is what I'm rë:ferring to. [,~1R. r~1CCARTHY: ~·\le' re sa-:,/ing it has te, me¿t specifications wit.hout gOlng for an official 2S0A ~equest. from this Board? BOARD ME~1BER GOEHRINGER: As lang as the 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 . 25 September 14, 2004 17 1 L e 3 4 5 " Euildin-::¡ Department's happy with that, ~nd that's basically the issue. And that is the only concern that I ha~e. Because I tell ~'GU one thing, c;omebod," s going to get killed ':¡c,ing dcvm that ~oad at night. I tried to do it, and I want to tell ::ou that is just earth shatterin-::¡. I am presently not driving my car today for that ~é:ason. [',11' car is in the shop because ·.=-,f that rc)ad. ~I BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: My concern is the Jray area you're creating, Jerr~·. I want the ~f'plicant to be clear as to what his course of ~ctlon 18. So he's not three months from now still tr~ring to get a variance f·~r the ga~age in the front ~'ard, which is what tiley came to us criginall~r for. I can give hint some directioll, l~t's tell him he's got to go back, write a letter tc the building inspector, whate'ler has to be .J.cne S0 this applicant doesn't have to guess what his llext course of action is. CHAIR~¡OMMJ OLIVA: I would like tc make a motion adjourning this llearing until we receive ~ll the information we have requested until :=,C'tr-=.,ber 21st. r~1R. fv1CCARTHY: ~^lhat you are requestin'} is ttlat the road in front of this parcel cGntinuing past this gentleman's parcel is brought up tc the standard that you're lookin-::¡ for, CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: A reasonable statE of .S 1D 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 L·epalr. 1"7 EOARD SECY. KO¡'iALSKI: It's usuall,' 15 foot wide, filling pot holes and puttin-::¡ some bank rlll1 or gravel, it depends 011 what's there and wllat ~]u would like to offer first. ¡·m. f'ICCARTHY: We will offer tc, ,'=,u in a letter that we will do those improvements to-::¡ether wlth the type of screening, we'll give ~rou the height of the gara-::¡e and offer to you what the utilities will be within the building. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I think that's 18 1 SI 2Ü 21 22 r;-::asonable. BOARD MEf~BER GOEHRINGER: Yes, it is. HR. r·1CCARTHY: I'll offer that ln a l~tter, and if you want to make that a /:ondition. CHAIR\'iOMAN OLIVA: I wculd prefer t,e, adjourn the hearing until we receive all the information until October 21st at 9:30. EOARD [VIE~1BEP. GOEHRINGER: Second. 23 24 . ~. c::: ¿~ September 14, 2004 13 1 · 3 CHAIRW0I1)\.N OLIVA: .,,11 in fa'lor~ BOARD ME!1BER GOEHRINGER: A,/'ò . BOA.RD I'1El"IBER ORL)\.NDO: F,,'e . CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Aye. 80."RD MEMBER DINIZIO: ['Ja.y. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIV.": Thank you. 2 4 ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 CHAIRI'JOI'1AN OLIVA: next heariwJ is fe,r Alec Smith for a lot line change on Maill Road in ('utchogue. [';JR. SMITH: I'Iy name is Randy Smith, I'm Diane's husband, and \."Ie lNould like to change the property line on the lot in question. l^Ie'd like to square it off with the [';Jain Road and all the surrounding properties. We would like t!J basically eliminate the flag pare of the lot that runs behind the lot that our home is en. We'd like to do this for a couple reasons. I guess the main reason being if we ever find it necessar~' to have to sell this property, that flag 0n that property is reall~r not large en,~ugll to do much with other than possibly unsightl'./ storage en: s()mething along those lines. Alld we'd 1i]ce to run the property line along the crest of th'ò hill which is really the natural break in that property. It looks like that's where that propert~· line should be, and in the meantime, ~ight now, we don't find it necessary to 11a':e tn sell this property, and what we would lik'ò to do is 11a'fe a horse fence and turn it into 3 horse p3sture and have a permanent fence put 3round it wieh:JUt having to jog the fenc'ò all the way d,:)wn tG the pond and around. Basically that's it. CHAIRI'JOl"IAN OLIVÞ.: You want to put thE horse tence -- MR. SMITH: On that lot. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIV.": Lot 1 or Lot 2? ["!P. SrVIITH: [Joe on the lc,e that the residence is on, the ~acant one. '.::- 7 8 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 I,S 17 18 19 ¿I) 21 CH."IRI~Ol"lJ'."N C,LIVA: Okay, to the east. ~~ L~ "Jlncent? 23 BDARD 11Ef1BER ORLÞ.NDO: County eax map .5ho'''''8 onÇ lot, but you're sayinq it's two lots n::)\-I;- 2.,1 MR. SMITH: It's bEen subdivided. r'Js. KCM)\,LSKI: The,' had prior ','arian,=es ~nd the~' haven't finalized wit}l the Plal111ing Board ~'et and are now back to change the variance to · 25 September 1~, 2004 19 1 J alter the lot line again before they finalize the planning; is that correct? r"1R. SI'HTH: I believe s,:,. CHAIRvIOMA_N OLIVA: Jim? BO!\.RD ME!1BER DINIZI,C,: It looks like j'OU got two 80,000, 88,000 square foot lots. Tlle~"re .cdd shaped? MR. SMITH: Aesthetically it doesn't ~~ke à lot of sense. 2 · -3 4 5 -:' B':)Þ.RD MEMBER DINIZIO: wouldn't either. MR. SMITH: Right. Because there is a crest ri}ht there alon-::¡ that property line. The land falls away quite a bit dO\vn to the pond, and it's kind of silly. BOARD r1EJVlBER DINIZID: I'm not much f,c,r placing conditions, but I ullderstand your '\rgument, and I think it wouldn't hurt the town just to divide it the way it is. But ~~u will be creating a much larger lot on that other side 106,000 square feet instead of 88,000, 311d I was ",¡::mdering how you would feel - - '¡,au would be allowed to fill up 20 percent of that lot now, PO,üDü square feet, I don't know what that comes t>~'f .:1,000 square feet, something like that. I tla',re to write this decision, and I was chillkillg that if we didn't allow you to go any more thaIl the 20 percent of 80,000 square feet in filling ln that lar}er lot of building space, would that be acceptable to you? CHAIR\^IOMMJ OLIV!\.: There are a lc,t of buildings on that. BOARD f1Er1BER c-INIZIO: There lS, I agree. It doesn't look to me that it gGes \~\rer 20 percent now, doesn/t come close really, ~nd It's Jc,ing to get lar-::¡er. I was just hoping that ,'ou would agree to at least not being able to increase It an~' mere than what you would be allowed tG increase it now without corning b~ck for a Land-wise it ~ , 8 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 -.cariance. ~. ~ LL 1'1R. srv[ITH: '{ou're putt in,} me in kind of c; · 2 =. BOARD [v[Er-ŒER c-INIZID: Do you ha'.'e plans, tell me, if you have plans. If you have plans -- r'1R. SMITH: I ha\'e no plans for it. BDARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I just hate to see ,~ huge horse barn on that. ~ c LO 24 HR. SMITH: We're not gOiIlg to put a horse September 14, 2004 20 1 · 3 b~rn. We were going to make it a pasture. w~ lla','e stables on our other property, we were going tG use the current stables. It would be nice some day, if we could turn the barn -- my wife's a professional artist. She would eventuall~' like to turn that into a studio, and she didn't want to look back and see the back of the barn, look aut onto where this potential junk yard might be. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I agree with all of t_hat. ¡-'1y point is that by incr~asing the siz~ of that lot, )'OU increase the size of the amount ,~f buildin-::¡s that can go on there also, fc~ lot '~"-=¡"',"'erage . MR. SMITH: You're talking about the lot with the buildings on it? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: The lar-::¡er lot, it's going to be a lot larger. HP.. SMITH: vie certainly would ne'fer put r~n'.:thing there. There's no wa'./ we would put ?tn,:,thing on there. I mean, if we had t·::" if I had t,-=:, cGmpre,mise with ye,u, I would do it because I d\~ll't like the wa~' it's set up IlGW, I would ~ln\ost r~ther stipulate on the deed that nothing be built back there, if that could be done. BOARD r1EI~BEP. DHnZIC,: 110 further buildings back there? MR. SMITH: No further buildings back there, cause tllat's [lot -- B(::'ARD r1EMBEp. DINIZIO: I, ,':) , I don't want ·:o,u to -::¡o that far. ¡,hat I don't want to find that ~',~u made this lot larger -- this is not ~'OUI 11m not accusing you of anything -- HR. SMITH: I know property chan-::¡es hands. BC,ARD ~Œr1BER OHnZIO: ¡'Ihat I d,:,n't w~nt is to find later on I drive by ,"JU made this lot lar}er and you made the other one smaller so that you could do something that required a larger lot. That was my thought, and again, this Beard will tell you, it's not normal I)' my way of thinking, but I am coming to the conclusion that sometimes, f,·.rhen 'IoU look at a piece of paper, thin'3s aren't ~lwa~Ts what thE~' seem to be, and 20 percellt ,~f SO,OOO square feet, wllatever that iSI tllat would l.:-:,~ the allowable lot cO',Tera':Je t.h3.t yeu '.'.'c,uld be able co have at 1061000 square feet and that is d.u¿ to the fact that ,¡'ou got a ':ariance, actuall·::l a Ilumber of variances 011 this prGperty. Would that be something that you could consider? 2 4 5 ", 7 8 'J 10 11 1~· ¿ 13 · 14 1::, 1 ,~ 17 1:3 19 20 21 ~ " ~- 23 24 · 25 Sept~mber 14, 2004 21 1 . , MR. SMITH: Yes, I guess so. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: You could still come back to this Board for a T:ariance, say ~·ou were going to go 21 percent Dr 25 percent of the lot co~rerage at 80,000 square feet, you could come back to this Board and get a variance for that. I'm not guaranteeing you a ~ariance, but that's part of that process. But as a condition to this, nri preference would be that some way f '/'=-'u f re gOlng to have two two acre lots that the amount of IJuilding that goes on there, still be consistent with two two acre lots. I'm just throwing that ,~ut there. If you didn/t agree with itl it \/\I'Guldn f t change ill"¡" mind ,::)ne way ()y the ,-:::;.ther. ¡'!P.. SMITH: It's a little fo-::¡g::. I'm nc,t sure that I got what ~rGu/re sa~~ing. Ars ~/':)u saying thac the property line would still -- che side loc would still be flagged? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: The propert,' Ilne l/v'(juld be what you want it, which is that nice straight line back on the lot to, whac, the east? MR. SMITH: Yes. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: The smaller lot. Then that lot's going to be reduced to 60,000 square feet. And the other lot, which is a~ather ,~,8fÜOO square feet, whate"ver it is, is IlOW gOlng to ¡lave a nice little square off there ill the }Jack where the barn iSI and that lalld is going to belong to you now, you Ii \re on that, and you can sell the other lot or whatever; and what I would like to see is that the amount of lot c0':erage that is required there or ~rou are allow~d to have tllere remain the same as if you had the two lots, and they '''ere two equal lots. So if ,'ou had -- itls 80,000 square feet and 10 percent of that is S,OOO -- so 161000 square feet of lot c\~':erag~, ~'0u're allowed to hal:e that right now, and at the e~j of chis you'll scill be allowed to have che 1~,000 instead of 20,000. ¡,w. SMITH: That would be fine. \'Je're not JOl11g to be building, in fact, WElre going to be takin'J. BC'."P.D f'1E[vIBER DINIZIO: I don't Chink ""au i::',:,uld, he,nestly, I tried to figure it Gut. '~{,-=-,u ~~e well underl I believe about 10 percent lot cCTrera'3e, maybe a little more than that. MR. SMITH: We're actuall}' considering taking down some of those old buildings. .2 4 s 6 7 8 s' 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 E 17 12. 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 September 14, 2004 22 1 5 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I wouldn't make tllat a condition of this. Just my thought was I didn't want you to be able to haTfE lot :~o~.rerage fer 1001000 square feet. MR. SMITH: That's perfectly oka~'. BOA_RD r1EMBEp. DINIZIO: Then I'm '::ioing tc, put that in as a condition. CHþ..IRWOr~'[þ_.N OLIVA: Did Jerry ha~-l~ anything? Is there anybody in the audiEnce that wishes to speak to this application? H~aring Done, then I make a motion to (:l,~se the hearing and reserve decision until later. ISee minutes for resolution.) 2 e 3 4 ., 7 8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Next hearing is Eugene 3nd Georgene Bozzo down on Camp Mineola Road in [.]attituck. f'/IR. BDZZO: r'I~.: wife Georgene an,:::l I are here this morning to ask this Eoard to review alld 11nderstand our request for adding decks to the rear of cur prOp2rt~r. We live in a private c:'c,mmunity that reall"J' was founded about 60 ~"¿3.rs èt':::..jc, as really a summer communi ti", has eT.r''Jl T.r~d C',rer th~ years into half the families li'.'ing there ,'ear l'.:)und. And my lot i8 a "';}ery narrow, lcng let, as most of the lots are in there. While we enjoy li~ring on the water and living an a waterfront piece of propert}r, there are some disadT:antages, Cilthough some might not think so, but thETe are some disadvantages to living on the water and there are some hardships that we really encountered in the last number of years since we have both retired. A.nd I'd 1 ike to re\'iew them for the Board this morning. One is that we have a direct adjacency to a beach right next to our home that is used by 12 f~milies in the communit)r, those famili~s that are net directly en the water have access t(J tIlis bèètch, and since more and more people are mOT,ring there permanentl~', it gets quite crowded on tIlis beach. The other is the difficulty with the size \Jf our lot. It is long, narrow and reall~' it lIas an angular shape. The other one is that waterfront exposure while great, we ha~'e a direct southern exposure, which we get a lot of wind in ch¿ afternoon and direct sun, which makes it ver~" difficult out there to enjoy sitting out and ç::lting, and it also does not glT/e us an...: prlT/3-c,/ 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 .,~ ~L 23 24 . ~. ~ Lo September 14, 2004 23 1 5 because the beach is right next to us. The other tiling is that since 1988 when we initiall~' rellGVated the house and did this, our total lot area has been reduced to the high water by about 235 square feet, therefore increasing a lot. We are not asking to expand our home. ¡'Ie will lea':e our home alone. w~ are just asking to put a deck on the back which is 360 square feet, and we would hope that the Board would consider that this morning. CHAIRv-JOMAN OLIVA: Thank you. ~.Jincent, dc· you have any questions? BC,ARD MEMBER ':)RLANDû: ,L,::cording to this notice of disapproval in 1986 ~'ou were gl\'en a -.'.3Tiance not to exceed 2-:l percent of lot c'o~:erage. MR. BOZZO: That is correct. BOARD f'1E~1BER ORLANDO: .'\pparent 1 '" now you have 28.5 percent lot co~erage. MR. BOZZO: Rart of that, Mr. Orlando, is that one, as I mentioned, we lost total property to the high water mark. When the sur,.TeiT was done in 1988 we had approximately 7,900 feet. New the 2urve~' that was done recently shows us to be 7,G55, so that accounts for a difference in t~rms r.::,f a percentage. BOARD MEMBER DRLANDO: No expansion, jllst less of propert~'? f'!P.. BOZZO: to the property at Creek there. There has been nothin3 changed all. We're right near James 2 e 3 4 I) '7 .s 0' 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 there. CHAIRI^IOMMJ OLIVÞ_: Yc,u",'e had bad erosion I did some work with Mr. l^Iombach. MR. BOZZO: It just flows right into the and they ha\re to dredge the creek e'..ery so 17 18 19 "-.::'reek, ·)ften. 20 CHAIR\lIOr' AN OLIVA: But the,' ha':en' t put tile spoil back on your side at all. J·W. BOZZO: The,' did this ,'ear. The'; put tile spoils up front, but this sur\'ey was done in Crscember, and the spoils were l1Dt done 3.t that time. 21 "~ LL LC BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I was down at clle p~operty, sir, I find this an extrEmel~r tight [HeCe of property. Þ.nd I just have a pL·c,blem wi th ~ncrGaching more into that area between the frame garage and the house, the existing hous~ as it's })een t.uilt for man~r, nlany years. I apologizE¡ but I just think it's tee tight, I really, re311,' de. 24 . ~. C L~ September 14, 2004 24 1 ~ MR. BOZZO: Every piece of property down there really is tight. If you were down there and looked at it, and I have pictures of it if you would like, what we/re asking f'Jr I think is l'easonable, it's onl}·' 12 feet cc,min'J fr,.:::;,m th~ house. And while j'OU maj' think it is tl-'jht, it lS ~ llardshlP for us because we can't enjG~' sitcing ,Jut front and after 2:00, forget it, you can't ~nj,:)·,./ any meal out there, you ':::,a.n' t sit C)ut there, Ch2 Willd just comes up. And we reall}' llave no pl·l~Iac:.·, 3.nd to us it's an issue. And ',·.'hilE:: it may - - I can't chan-'je the pie"e of my pr'OpelTj', I can't adjust that, I wish I ,~',~uld but I 'Can't, a.nd I've asked for what I think is a reasonable deck, vlloich is only 12 feet, and I would hope that j'OU would COl1sider that. BOARD MEMBER GOEHR UlGER: I'll '}O back and l'elook at it, I'll do another ph/sical inspeotion. =In~ of the areas, as being past captain of the rescue squad in Mattituck Fire Departm211t, is that ~=trea I we can 't ev-en turn an ambulance L=tround down there, that's how tight it is, and of course this cleck is not going to impaot that in any waj~. MR. BOZZO: No, not at all. BOARD r1EMBER GOEHRINGER: Howe\'é'r, I have to tell you that the percentages of lot coverage far exceed n~ estimations of what they ShOllld be, ü,='·t ,=,nl'../ cn your piec~ of propel't'/, again, whi(:h is a 'fer'i nice piece, b,,/ the \!Ja~' and a ..Ter~T ]:,eautiful lot, but on manj' of them down thé're. I have expressed that to many people down there, in,~lLlding the gentleman at thé' end who just rebuilt Marcie Allen's house, Mr. Tufar10, and that's just m~r opinion. MR. BOZZO: I^Ihile I recognize that the lot (=overage is high and it's more than is allowed, I think you have to recognize that it's a piece of ~ropert~T that has existed that way, and it's 3 Ilome that's been built over 70 ~rears ag'~. We are llot changing the character of tll>:> home. ~"¡e ha"l.'e n,:.·,t ,=han,ged that even when \ve renov"ate it VIe didn't, and when we renovated back in 1086, we moved the house back from the bulkhead and bought the house and raisé'd it up to mc,,-'e that. ,'Ie ,iidn't touch the garage except for changing thE 2ntrance on one side. We have tried to comply with everything. While, yes, there is ijifficulty -·-=:.ming down the street, that has nothill'.j to do :2 tit l 4 s ~ r, .~ 9 10 11 12 13 tit 14 15 16 17 1.8 1 S' 2ù 21 ')" L..':' 2 ~~ 24 . --;.c: ¿~ September 14, 2004 25 1 9 with the deck. The deck is going to be off the back of the house. I don't see it as an issue and if it is, and you would like us to conslder possibly reducing it slightly, I would agree to that, if that would help in helping you agree with us in that we have a hardship. BC,ARD ME[vIBER GDEHRINGER: The 01111' thing I r:all see you do is making a ground level deck 0n the back of the hcJUs,~ wi th an avming o':e1' the top ~f it, and not all extensive second stor~' deck Gver the first story of the deck. ¡'Ihen I sa,' ground le'fel, I realize it's going to })e raised a little bit above the ground, but it's going to be s'~mething ver}r close to the ground for ~'0U to utilize and the ability to keep the shade off would be one of those retractable awnings, tll~t type situation that's the only thin-::¡ that I could possiblj' see. MR. BOZZO: The issue I would have with that, and I tllank you for considering tl1at, is that the design we have used and the plans all show the deck upstairs and show everything. I would ha'.'e to change my complete plan f,C)r what I want to do, and I think that's a hardshlP havln-::¡ spent a considerable amount of mone)' to develop the plan and everything. I do have a building permit, as you know, to add the room upstairs alld j.-:, some modifications. [vIy purpose here today is to ask for relief and get decks that I need ln the bacJe. , L e 3 4 5 '::. 7 3 10 11 12 13 . H 15 16 17 BOÞ.RD MEMBER DRLANDO: fle,or deck. MR. BOZZO: That's correct. BOARD MEr,mER ORLANDD: And for the record, wh~t is Gur maximum lot coverage we ha~¿ -- iS11't it 28. S, maximum Zoning Boar'd has apprc'.'ed. BOARD SECY. KOWÞ.LSKI: E'.'ery nelghborhood 15 a little different. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Sig5bee Rcad First an:i second 1.3 19 2ù 21 22 .:lppl~oximately BC,ARD MEMBER ORLANDO: í',PPloximate11' 28 23 percent. BCARD MEr'1BER GOEHRINGER: 28.5. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? BCJ¡\RD MElv[BER DINIZIO: [think It' 5 a little high too myself, the lot coverag~. Ycu knGw, you c'ould get a',vay with a patio out frc:,nt, some awnings or sometlling. I'm looking at tIle 24 . ~h LJ September 14, 2004 26 1 9 front of the house now, if j'GU feel likè '{OU ha~.re tc sit you out there I that I s c2rtainlJ¡~ a wa-.,' to 'Jet around that, and it wouldn I t cost y":',u an,!' more to redo the plans than it does now because you just wouldn't have to build what you require. If ~"~:>u could find some way of cut t ing it back a lu:tle bit -- MR. BOZZO: Cut back the plans to mo~e the dec:k ill, both of them you mean;' BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I honestly don't coee aD',' rea.son fc,r it. Þ.gain, if you feel ~'cu wa11t it, tllaC'S fine, but the clling is it's prett~r l1igh lot coverage, and you know you could de other things; you have other avenues to pursue, and Glle of them is just to put cement blocks down on the ground, whatever, cement pad, and cover it up in the summer when you have that sun glaring on it. MR. BOZZO: If you don't agree with nle on it, and ~'GU don't agree with me reducing it ba2k, and I did go ahead and put let's say a deck down below, that would have to be even with the ground; i2 that \·¡hat :,'ou're referring, it would have to be flush? ¿ e 3 4 5 '0 7 8 10 11 12 13 19 BOARD ~IEMBER DIlUZIO: If you put che deck and didn't have the second story orl it, I probably wouldn't have a problem with it whatsoe~rer, if that looked like a porch. MR. BOZZO: If you did thac and on the top I put just a balcony, in ocher words, I did an alternate plan just in case I would ha1;e an issue I did aD alternate plan just showing a balcony up the deck, would I be allowed to do that' That should not hinder anything becau2e that does not change the footprint of the house. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: You're not going to Ie 14 15 16 17 18 . 25 ~o~rer tIle second stor~r deck? MR. BOZZO: I would just have c'oming out from the second stor·~·. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Llke a HR. BOZZO: I could show you, te, see it. BDARD r1E~1BER DINIZIC): C'ka~'. MR. BOZZO: In other words, you would just ha':e up here on the top and there would be no change in the bottom. That way I wouldn't have to chaIlge thE architecture and the way I designed the 'l.Jindo\\ls and the wal' I designed that. It \·,rc,uld not ~hange the footprint at all. a balc'c,n~~ 20 21 l'ailin-::¡. if ~"ou \,..rant 22 23 24 Septemb~r 1~, 2004 e Ie . 27 1 L BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Change the 3 footprint of the house. MR. BOZZO: Then I could do mentioned, I could go ahead and put '}l·c,und le'.'el in there. BLIA.RD MENBER ,::;OEHRINGER: Keep those windows high enough that you could put an awnln-::¡ "=,~,:er I if you need to put an awning over. BOARD MENBER DINIZIO: That would be better than what you're askin} f,~,r. MR. BOZZO: I would like to. BOARD r1Er1BER GOEHRINGER: Depending upon the size of the deck. BC'.'\RD f1ENBER ORLANDo]: that deck? HR. ']0 the full 17. what Jerr:: somEthing 4 =, !) '7 J What is the Slze of '9 10 BOZZO: length Four by 17, of the other because it doesn't .-:::;ne. It's fi'.'e bv 11 DGes this overhang 12 B().Z\RD MENBER DIIJIZIO: Lhe area? J"1R. BOZZO: Yes. BOARD MEMBER DIlJIZIO: B,' how much? MR. BOZZO: B~' fi\re feet and in the frent ,:::,f my house I ha\re a small, similar little deck like that overhanging over the front deck I have. It looks like when there's a deck below it, but 13 14 15 './·::::,u know. MS. BOZZO: In due respect to what Jerry says, with the awning, that would be a possibilit~r, but for me personally, cosmeticall~r, I Just don't think that would look cosmetically as dorng the charm of the house, the look of the llOUSE, the aesthetics of the house, I think we have an awning in the front and to put 3Hother quite large awning in the back aesthetically would nc,t look - - and the other thin'} I would like ,',:u to take into consideration in the front because tll~ beach adjacent to us has grown, families llave 'Jrowl1, people are li,.ring there all year long, "!irtuall~' no privacy in front, the wind factor is ".r.-?J_"':/, ~le.r'/ large, and we could not put any dense landscaping there, because we' érf; tried that, it would ne~rer last to give some pri~'ac~' itl tlle past. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: YCM're talking about che water side of the house. MS. BOZZO: l^Ie'd like to entertain -- BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I understand what ~'ou're saying, but you're also asking fc,r a SeCGlld 16 17 18 19 2ù 21 22 ¿..:', 24 ~" ¿J September l~, 2004 28 1 ~,! sc,=,r,' to that. We're denying people de:::ks just c·ut of hand decks because of that, and ~~.:)U' rc asking for a lot higher, I'm looking to perhaps ,]i'.T<2 you what you need, I,...¡hich is '{aU want seme p~otection from the weather, which would be that .~wnlng, and a place to sit in the front, which you could do with patio blocks, and it could be raised ..=t foot or so, if yc,u want- to put the aÍo^]lling ':Jut-, it would look okay. I think that plan is a nic2 plan and you obviousl~' pilt some thought llltO it. MR. BOZZO: I would like what I o~iginally asked for, but I also realize that the lot ,::e"lerage is high, and I wanted to ha'.'e an alterllative to tr~' to accommodate what we would like to have. This doesn't completely do it ~xcept I put a patio on the bottom, and I could put one down on the bottom. We have to run all ~wlling under this coming out. MS. BOZZO: See the upper deck does also \~ive you screening from the sun. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: If it' s ~ 12 f·.~ot j~,::k, the awnings's going to gi ,:.re you seven feet, which is not something this Bc,ard disapproves honestly. That's all B'JARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: will you submit that plan to us, MR. BOZZO: If you would like it I'll appro"es or I ha\'2. The question IvIr. Bozzo? is, 2 e j 4 5 " '7 8 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 1~ submit it todaj'. BC,ARD SECY. KOHALSKI: I note that it is plan 8 '6 amended 11,'7.'03 b)' architect's llame lS [¡aT.rid Berz. MR. BOZZO: If you want me to submit this tcday, I will. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Please. CHAIRI^IOI~AN OLIVA: Thank you 'lery much. Is there anyone else in the audience that wislles tc, speak to this appl icat ion;' I f not, I'll m'!ke a mc;tion c:lGsing the hearing res.::~r'.,"'ing decisi'':)I1 until later. (See minutes for resolution. 16 17 IS :: û ~: 1 ~. LL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~, -- ~~ Hr=·C..'anc~ porch. CHAIR~"lOMÞ.N OLIVA: Our next hearing is for on Fishers Island on Cottage Place for tl1e We did see chat when we went over there. 24 BDARD MEMBER GOEHRINGEF.: Fox A.'/enue has IJecome a very popular area for our applications. '~:HAIR\'IOMMJ OLIVA: !1r. Lark. row. LÞ.RK: Richard Lark, Main R'cad, . 25 September 14, 2004 29 1 8 ,=utchogue, New 'íork, for the applicant. So' the Eoard has seen the properc::? CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Yee. ¡^Ie measured it all off, ~nd saw there were porches on the other pieces of property on that etreet too. They just wallted to re-do what was there originall~·. MR. LARK: I think the application that ':'''::::'U ha'/e before you is pretty self-explanatc'Yi'. I submitted the architectural drawings showin-::¡ the increases, what's being proposed as well as the s11rveyor situation. Basicall~7 to refresh ':'OU, they're just really extending the kitchen and laundry room area. ~r..~s shown on the survey the laundry room footprint is 34.7 feet westerly from the legal right of wa)', whereas the proposed extensiorl to tile closest point is where the exteIlsion its~lf 15 going to be it will be 59.8 feet from the ri-::¡ht of W3','. The building inspector determines that the Light of W3.',/ f not. the pr,::;pert....' 1 ine, is vlhere ~rou 1lave to measure it from. This is a paper 50 feot requirement because, as ~·ou see, if you llave IJeen t·~ the property, most of the right of way that's ,~n the applicant's property is a parking area for the applicant, whereas the dri~eway itself is only Dine to 10 feet wide as it meanders on the ~asterl~' side to get access to one lot tG the lk,rth. Þ.s ~'ou see on the photo-::¡raphs, what th~~"re proposing will have absolutel)' no impact .Jll the right of wa~' area or muc}l less the ne ighbors . As 'J'cu see in the sur"';;rey, the closeE't as it exists today is 111.1 feet from the property line. So the impact is reall:: rninirnus. How.::'!el-, zoning does require the 70 foot rear yard, and he h3.8 interpreted you ha..'"e to measure it from the ,~: IG8est point on ths right of vJay, but as I sa~/, the pictures clearly demonstrate that this addition will be seamless. The sur'feyor shows the nevi footprint r,,\lill \).:: 88 square feet increase; the architect shows it ~t 81.22 on the first floor and 92.79 c,n the secolld floor for a total increase of 17~.Ol, and llSillg the existing house of 38-11, according to tile surveyor, you get .04 and 3.¡:cording to th.:: ~rchitect if you do a calculation, you get .045 lI1CreaSe in the living area. So it is YI,inimal. I tllink the pictures shaw )'DU rllat the second stor~r impact will ha~,re virtuall~/ nothing, althe,ugh the ..c e 3 4 " j , " 9 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 Ie 17 1,:'< -' 19 21J 21 ~-, ¿¿ ~ -, L.._' 24 . 2 ~~ September 1~, 2004 30 1 5 work is being done in the area of the 75 feet, so it does require the variance. The roof line, by pushin-::¡ the dormer out, the roof line wlll basicall~r sta}' the same arId I think that one photO';jraph that was taken from the dri ....reway vJhere the existing house is with the existing laundry roam and kitchen and what the proposed is, ~~u can Bee that the change is basicall,' seamless. So I respectfull)' move for the reasons in the application, that the \rariance be granted to increase this footprint by 80 some-odd square f~et. L · 3 4 r ,:,:" ..., 9 If there are any questions, I'll be glad to answer. Otherwise I'll just b2 belaboring it. CHAIRI^IGr1AN ()LIVA: I don't have an', (1Uestions, vincent? BC'.Z\RD MEMBER Nc, questions. BOÞ.RD f1EMBER ~3lte. ORLÞ.NDO : ~^Ie all saw the DINIZIO: It has a beautiful s 10 11 T.rlew. 16 MR. LARK: Yes, it does. BOARD r1Er~BER DINIZIO: They ha\'e a bee f,roblem too. I have no questiollS. CHAIR~¡OMAN OLIVA: Jerr,''? BOARD r·1EMBER GOEHRINGER: I ha':e no abjection. This is one of those modest applications that we see when yC)U' re tr~rin'J t,-:, ta.ke something that was more summer)' and make it part of the house. It's a magnificent piece of property and probably in addition it's -::¡oing to ~nhance the property immensely. MR. LARK: Make it more efficient. CHAIR\~OMAN OLIV.Z\: Is there an,'body ln the room that would like to speak on this ~pplication? If not, I'll make a motion to close tile hearing and reserve decision until later. ¡See minutes for resolution.) 1-· L 13 · 14 15 17 18 1 'J 20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 23 CHAIR~¡OMM;¡ OLIVA: Next hearing is for John and Marion Brand,,'old, which is on Ba~" Shore Read in Greenport. J·'IS. KRAMER: Hi, I'm ~leryl Kramer, I'm the architect for the homeowner. Basically this is a beach bun-::¡alow that the owner wants to reno\'3.te and make additions to. The existing construction is very substandard. In order to bring the building up to code, ensr}y (~·~de, structural cedes, we made a decisioll to 21 ~, ~, LL 24 · 25 September 1-1, 2004 31 1 c rebuild the entire house. The owner is trying to stay within the existing setback 'Jiolations, ',vhich is 13.5 and nine feet, so we're just t~~ping to Bcrai}hten ouc and -::¡o parallel to the property lines to maximize the square footage. So the deck ·=:tnd the t\'IO side yards we're nc,t encroa.:hing an'/ farther than the property already is as it stands now. ~ e 3 4 o ~\Je ha\re designed the house so tha.t th~ second floor consists of dormers so as to minimize th,,=: height on the side 'lard so we ha"l"le a nine foot plate height on this first floor, then the roof slopes up and the second floor spaces are just dormers sitting on that, so ~·ou don't h~ve a full twc.-story wall anywhere along the side. CHAIRI^IOMMJ OLIVA: 'íou' re not demolishing the house? 1'1S. KRAMER: \^le're keeping the foundation as much as possible, but anything that can be sa~ed will, but a lot of times the contractor will, b~' the time the~"re finished takillg down what's not needed, 'd'cu might as well sta.rt u"pF-r 3-gain. t::. ..., R 10 11 1~' L 13 . 14 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jerr,'? BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I have been to the site, I understand what ~'ou're doing, I really Jon't know how to evaluate this cne. I llave to tell you again, this is not a sarcastic statement, but I think again, we're gOil1g to have to requirE l.-¿nde1.'ings of these paper rnache models because we 31.'e just unable to visualize, Meryl, tIle impact of what these houses are gcing to do on these lots, particularly these smaller lots. Either that or some sort of physical ','iew, either done b:.: camera ::omputer, because it is very, very difficult to imagine what this house looks like; I know what it looks like now, but in its future sense. I do c"-pplaud the fact that ,'ou're nct changin-::¡ the f"=,.:=:.tprint of the house in any WElT/, but the impact, ~nd I do appreciate the dormer aspect ratller than raising the roof to a full tWG and a half stories, ~CI to spe~k, but the impact is '/er~' difficult tc "pisualiz~ . ¡,IS. KRA11ER: posing a problem in ,~llmensi,::)ns? Is it the hip roofs terms of visualizing that are 15 1,; 17 18 19 20 21 ¿¿ 23 24 in three . 25 BC'ARD t1Er1BER GOEHRINGEP.: ability tG see what the hei}ht on I think it's the exi2tin'9 the Septccrnber 14, 2004 32 1 7 structure is going to look like, and how it may impact not only the two neighbors on either side but '.'isual impact from the road. This appears to J::a a relatively modest plan that you're doing from the outset, but I'm certainly going to go back -3..£ ter YDU I "T<2 done it, and ....'eu I '..FE; done many of tllese plans, and we kid around with )'OU calling ~·cu the Bay Shore Road Gal, well, architect, l~'er..::.'ause you are the Bay Shore R,-.::-,ad gal, ther~ I s no question about it, but in general, it's difficult t~, show the impact. It reall:: is. ["IS. KRAf1ER: Okay. B'JARD 11Er·1BER ,:;OEHRINGER: That's not a criticism of you or ~rour work. HS. KRAMER: I understand it's complicated with the idea of the hip roof and then addin-::¡ dormers to that in order to minimize the impact. BOARD ME!1BER GOEHRINGER: E'len a roof line cut down would be interesting to see because then we would be able to notice that. 2 e - '" 5 6 8 ::' 10 11 12 1'JS. KRAMER: seetie-TIs? BOARD f1EMBER GOEHRINGEP.: Do you mean buildin'3 13 No. From a e 14 cardboard rendering? HS. KRAr'1ER: r"Je can do either a modEl or rna~~e a little 3-D. I don't know how to do a 3-D l-endering I but the woman who works with me does. So I'll talk to her and see if we can get that, so one or the other. CHAIRWOI1AN OLIVA: difficult to imagine what like. I dc, agree it's it's going to look 15 16 17 18 19 BOARD ME11BER GOEHRINGER: vie sit here ln a rc,om a.nd super implant in our mind what we had seen, and it's a ver~' nice piece of propert)r. It's not a terribly large piece of propert~r, but ttl~t's the nature of that area, there's no ¡~'Jestion about it, but it's just very difficult. !'IS. KRAMER: Okay. I think we can do tllat. And maybe what I could also do is look around at some other similar roof configurations ill the areas because it is a basic hip witll some iGrmers on top, so I'll take some pictur~s so that mi'3ht help you too to visualizE that from the r~Ja.d . 20 21 22 23 24 . 2= B'C'ARD HEMBER GOEHRINGER: ¡'Ie had a tremendous problem with a similar application 2zcept the roof line appeared to be much higher on Sept~mber 14, 2004 33 1 9 Euc.'h Lane, and we had some great, great !.Jpposition (=,n that one, and it was unfortunate, we llad nffered an alternate plan and the people actually l~ecame so upset with the neighbors' con,:erns tll~t they withdrew the application and that is not the intent, my intent. !'IS. KRAf1ER: ¡'Ie still ha'.'e a letter from ,~rle of the adjacent prGpert~r owners in fa~ror of the project. EOARD !"iEMEER GOEHRINGER: That's ne'.'er been my intent to do that, to discourage. It's c,rll~' been to add or possibly lessen the impact. But in this particular case, it's difficult to '."isualize it. Again, it's no reflection on Y01_1Y ',-iclrk because you do \r,<:;:ry, TJer'/ nice things. It's just the inability to perceive it on how it's 30in9 to look. r'IS. KRAMER: Okay. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Vincent? B(jARD r1Er1EER ORLANDO: This construction full basement, half basement, crawl space~ i"IS. KRA!'IER: Full basement I belie/e. ~JR. ERANDVOLD: I have a full basement down and the elevation's sufficient to keep tile basement. !'IS. KRAMER: We're at 11 feet. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: It's a full demo. ¡-1S. KRAMER: ¡ve're lea'.'ing the existing IJasement, then where there's new foundation, we'll jllst put ill a crawl space where we're gOlng to adjust the an-::¡les of the footprint. EOARD MEI1BER ORLANDO: It's a block f,,::::,undation now? MS. KRAMER: Yes. BOARD MEI'1BER ORLMJDO: ¡,¡hat is the hei-::¡ht to the ridge, approximately 28 feet? It doesn't seem tllat high, 28, 27? f'IS. KRAMER: I believe that's what it is to the ridge, 28. BOÞ.RD MEHBER ORL.'',.NDO: The house adj acent tc y~u, that's quite tall? J'·1S. KRM1ER: You're ver,' tall. BDARD r·1EMBER IJRL~zu.JDO: They're t he ones that -::¡ave the letter it's okay, right? ['-13. KRAMER: e,f course. '-::HÞ.IRI1or'IAN OLIVA: Jim,' EOARD i"IEMBER DINIZIO: How wide is this I have 27.9? he,use? ~ ¿ e .' 4 5 I) 7 8 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 1t:' 17 18 19 20 .21 ~~ LL 23 24 . " C L~ Sept~mber 14, 2004 34 1 2 · , 4 5 I'; 8 f.1S. KRAMER: Let me grab the SLtl":ey tc, make sure. Yes, 27.9. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: You have like a striped area, it looks like a deck? r-I:3. KRAMER: The striped area lS the area to be added onto the existing footprint, 80 the Jashed lille is the existing footprint of the h'2,use, then the solid line is the new and the dashed area is the area that's proposed to be 10 addition to the old footprint. BOARD I1EMBER DINIZIO: It says proposed ,:ieck, stairs and additions. MS. KRAMER: Proposed deck and stairs addition, yes, because that area is not part of the hc,use, if '-"OU will. It I S not a structure I it's the deck, I was trying to distinguish between the deck and the house. BOARD r1E~!BER DHJIZIO: On what side we,uld 9 10 11 that be? 14 MS. KRM1ER: The water BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: there's a distance that looks deck is g':Jing to be new? MS. KRAÞIER: Yes. BOARD I1EMBER DINIZIO: h~ larger than a porch, right? HS. KRAf1ER: '{es. It's basicall,· an side, north. On the side 'l'ard like a deck, that 12 13 · l'~nd it's 'Joing to 15 1'; entrance to the house. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: It's not covered? r'1S. KRM1ER: It's not cO':ered by the second floor, we just have a shed roof to project 17 ~'(~)U . 13 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: What is the (jlfference between that and the lot line? HS. KRAHER: It's 9.5, that sid"" and that 15 the 9.5 that we're maintaining where the existing deck is. vIe' re not going be'/ond. BGARD MEMBER DINIZIO: You're lK:tO)'e,ing l=-,~,":rc,nd that? 1-' 20 21 HS. KRAMER: ~"¡e' re not going be'."rc·nd the 24 9.5 that's already existing. CHAIR\~Of1Af'¡ OLIVA: You're just makin) the hC',use a 1 i t t le larger though? HS. KRM~ER: Yes. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: That's all I have. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: For the record, I j ust. ~J.lant. t.a mention that, cf course, I kn()I:¡ that. it's 3.n existing footprint from the F,oint of ~, ., L~ ..:..~ · .25 September 14, 2004 35 1 L "clew of side to side and you I rÇ squarin3 the h,=,use :,f f ' . ~ [',IS. KRAMER: But vie are expanding tc.',¡ard the r'Jad. BOARD MEr-ŒER GOEHRINGER: Toward the road, right. So in effect, it reall~' is not the same footprint because you're filling in where th~t an,~le effect is? ['~1S. KRAMER: ~'Je I re not maintaining the same footprint. We/re just maintaining the side ,'ard setbacks. BOARD MEJVJBER GOEHRINGER: Thank ,,'OU. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVi',: Is there an,'bod',( else who would like to speak on this application? ¡'1R. BRANDVOLD: I would. I'm John Brand'lc,ld, and Meryl has worked with me very much, and I just thought since I came to see you, having SE:r"'l,"ed ten years on a zoning appeals beard in my village in Manhasset, Plandome Manor, I appreciate ,,11 the work you people do, and I know these 11earings take longer than you thought. I am ahlaYs appalled at how much time it dc,E's take to -::¡o through and how diligent you all are. I just wanted to comment. You commented about how the house might look, and I'll have I'Jler'll d,::) a small model of Lhe house, and ':3eorge Braun, my next door neighbor who wrote the letter, llis house, he received a variance I think about four ~'ears ago and if you '.risited the lot that ','er)r, very tall house, and I don't know who approved that, but that's kind of strange, but I,ve' re ~,'ery, "l"lery close friends, I'm ·::lose friends "'lith all the nei-::¡hbors. I tried tc minimize the plan working with Mer,'l, and Vie' rE' lool:in-:¡ f~,r a cottage design. We're hoping to eventually move '~,ut here permanent l}' and we wanted to ha'.'E' E'nGugh spdce so the grandchildren can come out. It's been a hardship. I looked at trying to build onto the existing structure, and I'm in construction. The construction that was used ill the '40s, all of the timber is undersized. The floor joists are undersized; there's nothing in the hous-s that '=·~uld support any addition going up the second f lcor; that was what brought mE' back. I had originall~' wanted 30 feet across and realized after speaking to the Building DeòpartmE'nt, I sald the easiest way is to just lea~e the setbacks the wa\' che)r are, which was only asking for ~ foot and 4 5 " e. ~I lC) 11 12 13 e 14 15 1;; 17 18 19 20 21 22 c· -::¡ LJ 24 . "":' ¡::;; L~ September 14, 2004 36 1 . 3 a l1alf on the south side and one foot on the north side. So I I m tr~ring to comply as much as I can tc ¡nake this an eas)' situation for ~rou to hopefull~' appro~e, but I'll ha~e Meryl do the little box plan. But I was going to mention that there is a house on Ba~r Shore Road that just sold llot teo long ago. It's 1385 Bay Shore PJJad. If J'ou dri~,"e :j'~wn Ea~' Shore Road and look at 1385, it is nearl~r the identical plan that we chose. We didn't chose it -- I happened to notice after we did our work that this house is almost identical. So that house is very representative of having a garage on th~ left and dormers on the south and the nc,rth slde, and the width of the house is the same as mlne would be with the exception that the -::¡ara}e lS offset. So it gives the appearance of a slightly wider house. But it -::¡ives the same ~ppearance in terms of the hip roof, th~re is a little hip dormer facing the road, and there is a small dormer on both sides north and south. .".nd I thought I'd mention, if you drl\'e down that's a brick house, I'm not goin-::¡ to build brick. It's ~lmost identical in the design, and it's a house that you can see angular, you can see it from both sides. So ~rou can kind of see how those dormers ':¡,:;uld lc"c,k. CHAIR\10MAN OLIVÞ.: Is there an,"one else that ,,,ould like to speak? Iv1S. PECORARO: rvry name is Louise PeC'Oral"c. I ',,¡as just curious, is there a height requirement chat is allowable? CHÞ.IR\^lor~AN OLIVA: Yes, maximum height is 35 to the ridge when it meets code. BOA.P.D f1Ef1BER ,C,RLANDO: f·laximum h'òi-::¡ht is t:::> the ffisan. 2 4 c ~ b ~ :3 ~ 1D 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 1 '~I ~ 0 L~ B,C,A.RD ME~1BER DINIZIO: It's 35 teet tD the mean hei-::¡ht of the rid-::¡e. So ic could be 40 feet high if the peak -- BOl'.P.D SECY. KO\^/ALSKI: BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: way going to be that. CH.".IRI^IOMAIJ OLIVA: make a motion to close the 0scision until later, with ~ecei~re the model. 'See minutes more resolution.! This is This 13 net 35. 2 C¡ 21 net In any ¿¿ This is about 28. hearing reser'ling the condition that I we 24 . 2= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Next hearing is fcr September 14, 2004 37 1 ~, Ellen McNeilly on Vincent Street in Orient. r1S. ¡-1CNEILLY: Good morning, I'm quite flwnmoxed. I don't have a building plan wlth me. I'm quite surprised, I had no idea that I needed -- I don/t have it. Ie n\ay be with the 8uilding Department a.pplication that YCJLl ha~vre C>='pV28 of. B,C,ARD 11EMEEF. ORLMJDO: \~e do ha.":e copies. CHAIRI^IO~IAN OLIVA: Would you like to cell us what 2TOU want to do? ¡'IS . MCNEILLY: Yes. A.galn, being one of the people who seems to delightfully spend much mere time out here than I have in the f,a.st ha'o"'ing retired as well, but also being ?ery occupied out here. The house f while it was 'lery amenable for a weekend house essentially is not as accommodating f,~r more full-time use, and my partner is doing considerably more work out llere than had been done previously; and we find that the upsta.irs second bedroom has turned into a draftin::¡ studi::J, the downstairs living room has turned into a computer 3r~a, and we don't ha'.re the room to exiEt. The jownstairs of the house is 954 square feet, which is smaller than man':, of the houses eTJen in the nei}hborhood per se. So we wanted to put an addition onto it that would be a slightly larger li"Jing room and a dining room and something that functioned almost as a screened in porctl but, 111 fact, was a dining area with man~r windows on it chat allowed us to catch the light and the breeze, ::ì.Ed th~n turned the existin'3 li,.ring room into an ~ffecti~'e den and work space because we are both Trer~' acti~'e and need the space to do that and not to have the dining room table turned inco meetings and plans and conferences and things like that, 20 that is what we intended to do, but ',.;e didn't want to encroach on the garden to make it not niable. \~e didn't want to turn the entire propert,' into any kind of building spacêo. So m:.' partner's brother who is an architect had set it kind of -- the existing house goes this way, the addition would -::¡o this way, but part of it is coc}~ed so that it doesn't impinge tOG mi~ch on the setlJack; there's only a corner of it matches the ezisting setback, which turns out to be 5.8 feet ~f the rest of the house. So tllat was our illtent was to minimize the existing grape arbOl" ther~ chat we would be hopin-::¡ to save part of. I think 2 e ~ -± 5 I; 7 3 1û 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 LL 23 2..J: . 25 SeptEmber 14, 2004 38 1 9 ~rDU, r~1r. Ch-lando, were looking a.t that to see we may be able to take some sprigs and brin'j it ar':::Yllnd to the cocked area, so that it nests in there. It's a hundred years old and I really don't want to demolish that if I can a~oid that. But the addition would basically replace the footprillt of the existing arboy, ~nd tlleD come into the side yard toward the existing 'jara}e, about at the 1e'1e1 of the existing deck en the front of the house. So it wouldn't exceed the overall coverage in the property, it barely skims under at 19 and a half percent. I would prefer to answer questions if I could rather than -- CHAIRI^I0I1Þ.N OLIV.!".: I think ,'ou explained it. I think we have all been tllere, and I ullderstand it's going to take place in the arbor, but you want to save part of that grape arbor if '..:c::-·u can, but your extension VJill be in that aLea. MS. MCNEILLY: Yes, it will be replacing it. It's a 443 foot or slightly larger than that 3dditioTI, and the existing arbor is about 200 square feet. So it would be doubling that by ,~:'c,ming into the yard between the garage and the h·:)use sli'3ht1y more than the arbor does, but it wouldn't substantiall~' increase the going into the backyard much further than the arbor itself c'urrent 1-:/ does. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Jerry? BOARD JVJEMBER GOEHRINGER: I was just wondering since you have a significant degree of nonconformity on the one side, why you didn't really want to pull that addition back 3 little farther from that? MS. MCNEILLY: Because it would limlt its livabilit~T and where basically ~rou have a earlIer 0nly of the addition that we're propos in-::¡ , that hits that existing setback because it actually ~ces at an angle so that there is like a basically 70 square feet of the addition itself would be at that setback point and the balance of it goes further back. BOARD ]\ Er1BER GOEHRINGER: I was jus t wondering is that an open porcll which is in Letween that that you're filling in there'?, It looks to me it's an enclosed porch. MS. MCNEILLY: Where are ~·ou referring? BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I'm referring to 2 e 3 4 5 IS 7 .s 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 13 19 2ù 21 22 23 2-1 . ~, c ¿~ September 14, 2004 39 1 , the part in the rear of the house that's being filled in basically between there and the neVi "ddi t i,::m. J·1S. f'1CNEILLY: The addition would be buttin} up against to the existing house and replacing an arbor that is currently -- BOARD !1EMBER GOEHRINGER: But that lrttle jog there, what is that? J',1S. f'1CNEILLY: That will be a .-k,Grwa~' goin} out to the wood pile. So it would have a little platform to bring it level with the floor I~f the addition and the existing house and to step dGwn two steps to be able to get down to the ground level, and to enable us to have light -::¡oin} In that bathroom window, which is on the east side of the house. Bc.ARD r1Ef1BER GOEHRUJGER: In effect, that '~(Jrner that we're referring to, which lS significantly nonconforming, could be clipped. Yeu could give us more relief on that side -- this lS not a sarcastic statement, it was meant to be t:-,ragmatic. You could clip that corner, Sln,~e ..,'(JU haT/~ some rather unique design 'In this already f to give us a little more footage between there and th~ propert~r line. CHAIRI'iOMMJ OLIVA: She's got f::,ur fc,ot to the existing an~~ay, 5.8. Bc.Þ.RD f1EMBER GOEHRINGER: It's st i 11 too 2 · 3 4 " ') o ~I 10 11 12 I" -' · 14 15 liS c:l,,,:,se. 17 CHAIRWc.¡·1A1J OLIVÞ.: I kn,c,w. BOARD ~1Ef'IBER GOEHRUJGER: It's a big h·:,use. 13 [',IS. MCNEILLY: Bi,} house? BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: It's a tall 19 house? 21 CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: It's not bi-::¡ Dr tall. f'1S. ~1CNEILLY: Tall house? BOARD !1EMBER GOEHRINGER: The wa'! I' rn looking at it, it looked tall to me. I was there Ss..turday. 20 22 r,1S. ¡'1CNEILLY: It's a story and a half húuse. 2-l EC,Þ.RD J'·1EHBER ,:;c.EHRINGEF.: But it's f'All' fe8t from the property line. MS. MCNEILLY: No, it's not, it's 5.8, BOARD f1EMBER GOEHRINGER: Fb'e f'Got is the greatest and four foot on the back of the house. I'm just trying not to increase the degree of 23 · 25 September 14, 2004 40 1 9 llOl1c::onformi ty. MS. MCNEILLY: I brou-::¡ht the 5'2" is ~xactly at the end of the existing house. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRIN3ER: That's correct. MS. MCNEILLY: And I mean at back end of the existing house, nc,t the frollt end, the back ~lld, may I point that out to ~'ou? BOARD MEf1BER '3GEHRIN,3ER: No, I am aware of that. I appreciate it, thank you. MS. MCNEILLY: So, if we did that, it would chan-::¡e the shape of that room terrifically. Right now it 's two rectangles, one /:,f which have been offset. This is the corner, only that one corner that basically I think it comes back seven feet because we did drop it IJack 31ready in order to nc,t get it to be too close. That is where a fireplace would be; that is where lt would significantly alter how we use that -- BOA.RD f1Ef1BEE GOEHRINGER: I waSl1' t referrin-::¡ to the fireplace wall in toto. I was referring to that particular point where those two pieces go together. That could be clipped, that cc,uld be a diagonal between t}10se corners so ~s to create a greater distance between there and the p"·opert" line. CHAIEI^IOf1!'1' OLIVA: In other we,:eds, a diagonal instead of a square. [·JS. J"iCNEILLY: But that diagonal would ha~e to be right into the fireplace. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Absolutely not. Three feet on both sides with a diagonal in between. 2 . 3 4 5 2 ~ 9 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 22 MS. MCNEILLY: I'm sorry. BOARD MEMBER ':;OEHEINGER: Come up here. I'm referring to this little diagonal here could be clipped right across here, ',,¡hich would gi'.'e ,'eM :=i ;Jreat.::::r distancÇ: in the back. You could eTJ-.sn put a \JJindcw in there to make it look me-,re d~sthetic, either a floor to ceiling window, that would gi~e you a greater distance to the prGpert~r 1 i ne . 18 1'9 20 21 24 ¡"IS. I1CNEILLY: Yes, this is the 5' 8" right here now I and this has been bre,ught back to be lTIatching that particular corner or exceeding it. So I wouldn't be increasing the nonconformances. B.:J.r"RD MEr,mER GOEHRINGER: You aLe now, ber:::3use 1TOU' re addin;r onto it at the sam.:::: ,::li.3tan,::e. If you clipped this a.nd ga'Ie us th~ 23 . 25 September 14, 2004 41 1 . - difference of what this would be, whatever the r]:c~ater amount would be you also ha'.'e more room to Jet in, but the same token the degree at nonconformance would not be increased to the point of what the existing house would be, it would be lessened to that effect. 2 4 e. I"1S. I1CNEILLY: BOARD I1EI'IBEP. lipping out there? Bc.A.RD MElVIBER ~2ction right here. dlstance and give you said, this nice lady, th<2re. It's pcssible. ORLÞ.~NDO: ~"Jhat ar~ you 5 t) 7 GOEHRINGER: This little Which would then add to this a littl,,=: more roc,rn. ;~s I you could put a window ill 9 MS. MCNEILLY: l^Ie're referring to that as che cozy end, and this other end is the li}ht end. I guess to me it's a difference between if ':v2' re not taking it all the way back tc, the setback, we're talking about 70 square feet, which is the 36 square feet of the porch and about another 35 square feet of the room itself, alId we IB.,j hoped that b1 ha':ing that particulal' ,=o:cner be the only point of impact on the existing property lil12, that it wouldn't be a sufficient 111CreaSe in 110nconformance to be problematic. Whetl1~r or not chat is the case is something you all will have to :l"='termine, I can't, but that was the re3-soning v.,r~ ,,11 had when we did that was to make an absolute lnlnimum impa,::t on the degree of nonconf::.rmance ~elative to setback, whether that is satisfactor~r is another issue. Whether we can accommodate that Hl"=::W, it's hard for me to imagine qUitE what that would look like at this point without referring back to the architect to see ~ow he would deal with that. I can understand where you're going '-'lith it, I can see it's a pcssil:.ilitjr. C>b"flic¡usly we would prefer not to do it if it isn't a l"o':Juirement, but if it becomes somethin-::¡ that is oontin-::¡ent upon that, I suppose we could fi-::¡ure it r-=--·ut in some way that is meaningful. But we attempted, as I said, just to keep an aLsclute f'Qll1t of nonconformance rather tllan a mass of llc.TIconformance. BQ.Z'RD MEf1BER C:OEHRINGER: \'Ie apprec ia ce chat. I just wanted to tell ,'ou that if I didn't ha':e that thought, it would be unkind of me llOt to Inentiol1 it to you because if it came out ll1 a jç·.,::'isic·n -- 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 September 14, 2004 42 1 L ¡'Œ. ~jCNEILLY: I understand what vou're e saYlng. 9 CHÞ.IRI^IC'lv[AN OLIVÞ.: Jim,' BOA.RD r~EMBER DINIZIO: The c¡arage, did you 11a'le a variance for tllat? MS. MCNEILLY: In terms of what, it havi~c¡ L,2eI1 built? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIG: It's -::¡oinc¡ to be In a side yard? [viS. 1'1CNEILLY: No, it v¡asn't requested. It was a pre-existing condition when I bought the house in 1987. I didn't know that I would have to ge, for -- are you -- BCiARD [V]EI"lBER ORLAND,C,: The additi::m ',vould put the garage in a side yard. BOARD ME[vIBER DINIZIG: Just inquirinc¡, chat's all. Just I foresee that that nla~' be a problem for you when you '30 to ':Jet your CO. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: If so then ,'ou'll ha'.'e to come back for another variance. BOARD SECY. KDWÞ.LSKI: It's up to the Buildinc¡ Department also. MS. MCNEILLY: Right. And the Buildinc¡ Department, we asked about that at the Buildin-::¡ Department and the)" said because the arbor was there, that the arber was considered by them c,n s,=,me 1e\"¿1 to be a structure and that there vIas already the nonconformance with the hundred 'i"ear old arbor and the 40 year old }arage, it was already placed that way. So since we/~e Dot ~hangin} that, I think that they left it, because we did raise the issue with Damen at tIle Building [,epartment and there was no request to -::¡o an,' further with that. BOARD JVIElI'lBER DUJIZIC,: Thank YOLl. 3. 4 5 6 ~ v 10 11 1~ L 13 e 14 15 16 17 13 1 Sr 21 CHAI RI^IOHÞ.N OL I VA. : Is In the audience that wishes to .~ppl icat ion? BOARD MEI"lBER ':)RLl'J'JDC,: there anybod~/ els~ speak on this 21) Is there a dwellinc¡ 2.,1 above the garage? [,'IS. ~1CNEILLY: No. There's a w,~'rking studio that has a bathroom, but it's nGt a d~pJ¿lling per se. ~t>J;:: haT.re used it for guests, and then the)T schlep across to eat, but it's not a dwelling per se. It's quite comfortable, but it's nct a dwellinc¡. CHAIRI^I0I1AIJ OLIVÞ.: r'lake a moti,~n tCe) cl'Jse the hearing and reser~e decision until later. ~ ~. ¿¿ 23 . 25 Sept~mber 14, 2004 43 1 · 3 (See minutes for resolucion.) Il^Ihereupon, the public hearing was adjourned for 20 minutes. See minutes for res,)lution. ) L 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Next hearing is E'.'an hkselrad at 1355 Shore Drive in Greenport. ¡-1:3. r1ESIANO: Katherine 1'1esiane, on behalf i~,f the applicant. Good marnin,} I I am y'?:presenting ETran Akselrad, who is a COlltr-act vendee in the purchase of the property located 1355 Shore Dri~e in Greenport. MS. KOI^IALSKI: You had submitted some éleTJation maps? i"IS. [V[ES IANO: Yes. I submi t ted e leva t ions and a survey depicting the project as proposed. The subject site is a .3 acre waterfront lot located at the south side of Shore Drive in Greenport. The property is zoned R40. Itls a vacant waterfront parcel, bulkheaded, upon which the applicant proposes to construct a 30 by 62 t',.¡o-st:ory, single-famil,' dwelling and attached -::¡arage, an approximately 504 foot square deck, perVlOUS driveway and on-site sewage disposal s,'stem. The proposed setback fr,C)m the existing bulkhead at its nearest point is 48 feet. The septic s~'stem is setback 100 f~et from th~ bulkhead, which is also the hi-::¡h water mark. The proposed structure is placed in such a wa)" that it ,~onforms to all other parameters except the bulkhead setback. The septic fleld requires the ,;3-rea and the front yard that is proposed. I \'Jould add though, we plan to put the septic s~·stem in the opposite corner because the only trees on the propert~r are in the area where the sur~eyor proposed the septic s~"stem. We're attempting to save those trees, so the septic s~rstem will be equidistant from the bulkhead, however, in the left, the northeast corner of the property. But I den't think that has any bearing on our proposal. The proposed structure would be in line with the existing dwellings on either side. I h~'fe a couple of statistics that I can give }-()u. Sllore Road is comprised of 19 lots, 17 of which 'Ire improved with single-family dwellings, all of the lots have approximately 100 foot frontage. There are nine waterfront lots on Shar"=:: Road, S¿T.ren are improved. One appears tc be ,::::,wned 1::',,/ an 5 ~ 7 :J 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 If) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 · 25 September 14, 2004 44 1 5 adjoining lot owner. And the approved waterfront lets appear to have similar setbacks to the bltlkhead as is our proposal. I have onl~' one copy, I'm afraid, of an aerial photograph that shows a section of Shore Road with all of the imprc"';....ements, and 'l0u can seE that the setbacks are similar to that which we propose. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: This house lS a mits bigger than most of the other ones thou-::¡h, I would ¿ · 3 4 I: say. 9 r'~2. r1ESIANO: It lS somewhat. It takes on th~ appearance because of it's configuration. However, there will be no basement in tile heuse, tl1erefore having yourlg children, Mr. Akselrad is jesigning the house in such a wa~r that he has ~d¿quatE recreation area for the children above ground. We're not exceeding the lot cG~!erage. The house is inclusive of the -::¡arage, so while the mass may appear to be lar-::¡e, kesp in mind that thers is an attached garage within the confi-::¡uration of the houss. The house is only 30 feet deep, that is not an exceptionally oversized lot for the property. A houss much shallower than ttl~t really becomes a functional problem. Mr. Akselrad is here. Mr. Akselrad is an architect. He can speak bettsr to the desi-::¡n than I. The house has been designed for the lot. ¡'Ie're maintaining the appropriate side ~'ard setback, as well as the technical information I",'e gl~ren ~·OU. I ha'le letters from the nei'3hbors, who, Linda, I think they were in that envelope. I have a letter from each adjoinin-::¡ neighbor. BC,ARD SECY. KCMALSKI: There's only certified receipts in the envelope and affidavits. MS. MESIA1,0: Then I will read these letters. The first letter is from Barbara B. Dye at 1465 Shore Drive, I believe tllis would be the house to the right of the subject property. "I"Ii husband Joseph Dye and I are the nei}hbors of the property of 1355 Shore Drive. '_'ut" pl'operty adj Gins the propert'"/ under appea.l c,n the west side, and we are full~' aware of Mr. Akselrad's application in front of the Zoning Beard. We support Mr. Akselrad's application and llrqe the Beard to appro~.re it as applied for. !I And the neighbor to th~ left, JGhn Schatt, III a letter dated September 9th, writes, !fTc, the E'c)?trd cf Þ~ppeals: [\'1'{ wife [Vlary and I ::ire adj acent 8 10 11 12 13 · 14 1= lé l' 18 19 20 21 -, .-., L.L. 23 24 · 25 Ssptsmber l~, 2004 45 1 9 neighbors of the property designated as 1355 Shore Dr17e. Our property is contiguous with arId ~irectly to the east of the property under appeal. We are fully aware of Mr. Akselrad/s application before the Zoning Board. l^Ie support Mr. Akselrad's application as a fittin-::¡ use of the property and urge the Board to approve ,~pplication.!' Signed John G. Schatt. So I think the people who might be most affected by a house that one mi-::¡ht think is oversized, don't have a problem with this. They ~re fully aware of the application. Mr. Akselrad has met with them, shown them his house plans, He's holdin} his side yard setback appropriately, ~nd he's designed a house for the site. If you have queseions regarding ehe siee, the siting of the house, the design, I would \:ereainly defer to Mr. Akselrad. Are ehere other ~uestiGns from the Board? CHAIRWOUIAN OLI'iIA: 'Vincent? BC,ARD MEMBER DRL.2'J'JDD: He, particular '~luestions, just comments. Yes, I belie"le you can only build a small cottage if ~'ou applied to the 75 foot setback and the septic. So I mean, I think he's pushed it back as far as he could toward Shore Road. L · 3 4 5 ,- 7 8 10 11 1.2 13 · 14 15 r·IS. f.1ESIANO: Even if we built a small 1 Sf ,'::'ot tage. B,C,ARD r"lE~IBER ORLANDO: I also c::;ncur that witllout a basement you lose a lot of storage, I h?:tT"re a let of storage in my basement, f,,:::,,r children, my wife. The only thing I will ask for a little bit, though, it looks like the back deck is about 12 feet; can we put that at 10 feet and --±5.77 1·; 17 18 22 ['·jS. f1ESIANO: Yes. BC,ARD MEMBER ORLMJDO: Otherwise, I think it's a }ood job. I was there where these trees w~re. I parked right in there. Those are nice, mature trees. I don / t blame you for tr1'ing t_c, "33.\re them. HS. f'v1ESIÞl,JO: t'lhen we saw the sur\re'./or' S placement, I immediately called him and said, DO, we call'e do chat. That's the only place we ha",e a cree. 2D 21 23 24 · ~c L~ BOA.RD r1EI'IBER ORLANDO: And the bulkhead looks in great shape. [·1S. r1ESIÞl-!O: Yes. The bulkhead is in September 14, 2004 46 1 . 3 -::¡ood condition. The adjoining pr'::>perti'::>wners, è~.~eryone there is ver~' close, thei' use the property to visit back and forth. Mr. Akselrad lS -::¡oing to put a walking path so that they can r~-",~-=.;ntinue to do that in the back yard. It's a nlce situation, and he's looking to meld inta the nei-::¡hborhood. BOARD MEI·1BER C)RLANDD: Ho ~IS. MESIANO: But \'es, we willing to reduce the size of the will make a difference. BO,Z\,RD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: other questicns. certalnl,:' are deck, if that L 4 5 " 7 So that will '::1 lDcrease the setback to 45'71'? BOARD MEr·1BER uRLANDO: Correct. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Deck is to l'~main open to the sk::? MS. MESIANO: Yes. BOARD MEMBER DRL.ZiliDO: ND, it's co'cered. HS. !,1ESLZiliO: It's an open porch. BOARD MEMBER '::WL.ZiliDO: NDt to be enclosed? ¡,m. AKSELRAD: Just on the right side where it says proposed deck, that's 10 feet by 16 feet, and that's a screen porch, but the rear part that's open, but it does ha\'e an D~vrerhan'3. r·IS. MESIANO: The elevations that I provided you will demonstrate that. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: The part that's facing the bay is -::¡Ding to have a roof over it? ~1R. AKSELRAD: That's correct. It will haT/e an o\'erhang which will come out te., the edge of the deck, so if the deck was cut back to 10 feet, then the o\'erhang will come back as well. BOARD f-\EMBER GOEHRINGER: The deck on the west side is going to be an open deck? ['·m. AKSELRAD: Tha t 's a screen porch. BOA.RD MEMBER GOEHRIN'3EP.: But that's ':Gnforming so we're not interested in that, I mean, we're interested but it's IlOt part of tile application? HS. f'1ESIANO: Ccrrect. Yes. The rear elE~/ation indicates that that porch on the side lS screened, and if you study the rear eleT!ation, 'l~u'll see that the deck does have a roof iY/~erhang . CHÞ.IRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Jim,' BOARD !1EMBER DINIZIO: No questiDns. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Jerr,', an1'Chin-::¡ else? BOA.RD f1EMBER GOEHRUJGER: No, 8 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 1,3 19 20 21 =2 , . 24 . ~, C L~ September 14, 2004 47 1 e 3 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Is there an,'body else in the audience that would like to comment on this application? If not, I'll make a motion to close the hearing and reserve decision until later. ISee minutes for resolution. ¡ ~. L 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '. CHAIRI^IGMÞJJ OLIVA: Next hearing is Mr. Tapp and t'1r. Ellis on West Road in Cutchogue f,:,r two principal dwellin-::¡s on one piece of property. t·jS. ¡V¡OORE: Good afte:cn,-e,::m. I ha'.'e Mr, Tapp, Bob Tapp here with me, I also have Tom Samuels, and I would actuall~' defer mainl~' to Tom Samuels because most of the reason for the ~pplication the way its been submitted is because (Jf the condition of the house as it presentl~- ~zists. You have in your file the CO c,r the pre ·:X, for the house. It was issued in Jul,' of 1~'78 probably during one of the transfers of title, but the house itself was built in 1902. So -::¡iven the condition of the structure, it's lasted a -::¡ood long time, but it is in need of significant repair 'Jr replacement. It seemed whell we were reviewing the application that to repair this house in its present condition ma~' not be the wisest of alternatives. We would certainly need a varlance from this Board if we went larger, even if we kept it to the same, I don't know what the Building [repartment would ha~~"-e done. Certainly V]E would have needed to repair it. The location of the house to the bluff is only at best a foot off the top of the bank. The property is bulkheaded and it's very stable. As you can tell from the vegetation on the bank, there is no erosion. It's been here for a ~er~' 1,:)ng tim~ and in T,'er~r good condition. ThE- ownErs ha~e carefully maintained the property, vegetated the property, really do a very }ood job with the pl'opert1', and that reflects in the letter ,'Oll ha\'e lTI your file from Mr. Frost, who is the neighbor tG the west. He gave a little blt of a histor,' as well in his letter because his family had been the ,~rigina1 owners of this property, the T~pp l=,r:::,perty, and he recalled, and he's a ll13..ture illdividual now, probabl~r in his 50s, 60s and recalls the existence of this house and the fact tl1at there have been two houses on this propert~·, maintained two houses on this property witll T.·~rio11s tenants and various occupants. 5 f: 7 8 1D 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 19 21] 21 22 23 24 . ~. " LJ September 14, 2004 48 1 " What I'd like to do ie get right to the stru,::::tu:cal because I I m sure you ha"\}e questions about that. I'm sure ~·ou have questiollS, I'~r~ Ji "'(.~en ':'ou a lot of written material alr~ady. I I d like to have Tom Samuels come to the dals. 0riginally we had put in writin-::¡ the need far the recommendation to have a new basement c,r foundation put on this propert...·. Ma~rbe ~rou could¡ 3enerall~' the condition of the house as it is arId wtlat would need to be done, then what Gur proposal 15, as far as the square footage goes, just tlle Blight difference in the square footage, which le based on state building code standards and the need for appropriate space. ['1R. SAMUELS: The condi t ion of the house as ~/ou saw, it's 100 'I'ears old. It's a cottage. It was always a little cottage. It's sittin-::¡ on plers. It probably could be renovated, but it would be almost a reconstruction given what it is, ~,}hi,.:::h would probably require the T~·arian.:.'e an'{v/ay. Ic'e in pretty tough shape, and also I Chink our clients were looking for a certain amount of additional square footage as well, and we wanted t,~, mO',:e it back from the bluff 3. little bit, 15 feet to decrease that nonconformity and alse· because it seemed better to be b3.ck a little bit, ~nd unless there's specific questions about the tlouse, it's in tough shape, you saw that. It lIas 110 foundation to speak of, ther~'s open stud work lDside, and there's water infiltration and illsect issues. . 3. 4 5 ¡) 7 ;j " 10 11 1~' ~ 13 tit u 15 16 17 ~, J CHAIRI^IOMM, OLIVA: Bird issues. ["JR. SAMUELS: Yes, all kinds of lSSLles. MS. MOORE: We pointed aut that there's some electrical code issues, the water heater is not ventilated properl~r, and these were things that we noticed right away and we're not experts, buc you would notice just by looking at it. The water heater is right there as ~'ou come in and chere are wires and exposed elements that just ;:reates a condition that what the client wants to 10 is improve upon that and make it safe. The '::;~~luare footage, it's sli'3htly larger. It's a (jifference of 194 square feet b~tween the existing h.:::-"use and the proposed. house i ,:'an you c: lar if:/ \.lI/h..... thE need for this slightly larger square footage? roIR. SAMUELS: Basicall,' usC lockinc¡ fGr a cll~ee bedroom house. We tried f rst off to build, IS 1 ,:) 20 21 ~ ~. ¿¿ 24 . 25 September 14, 2004 49 1 Sf fulfill their programmatic requirements within that footprint, and it just meant rooms that were impossibly small. It simply needed to be big,ger III order to be the minimum that they were looking fer, and like I say, we were trying to k,,=ep it as ti-::¡ht as we could. MS. MOORE: I think the stairway ['·m. SAMUELS: Yes, well, it doesn't meet current code an:./way. The e\'es ·-:ome down \'er~' low. It's just altogether insufficient as a stand alone ~esidence. l^Ie tried to make it ~s small as possible. That difference in square foota}e lS the best we could do under the circumstances. CHAIRI^IOMÞ~ OLIVA: Mr. Tapp and Mr. Ellis ,ga'.'e me a tour of both the buildings, ~nd I do a~ree that that building is near the edge, it's a ,~harming lit.tle cottage and \,hat ha,-'e ,',:u, but I think a big wind will blow it down. The main ;~oncern of this Board is that there/s two principal dwellin-::¡s on one lot. I will ask if my friends here ha\'e some questions first. MS. MOORE: I want to clarify, with ~espect to the house that's alon-::¡ the front, there '.'ias a garage placed on it, howe'ler the lE)use itself was not changing in its size, it's a one IJedroom, three room cottage. So practicall~', it's ~Eally an opposite. You ha~!e the frent house being a \'ery small one bedroom house, and ,'ou' 11 have the rear house, which is presently three IJedreoms, continue to be three bedrooms and clle l"eallocation of space. Yes, you ha"TJe tí,\lO dwellings on one property, they are legal in that t.hey are pre-existing and there al:e COs for those structures. We want to preser~e what is therE. CHAIRI^IO~JMJ OLIVA: Vincent? Beaut iful spot I mi}ht add. BOARD ['1EMEER DRLANDO: I '.'isited the site ,:'tS T,.¡ell, there was no ()ne home at the tIme. I h~ve to say the cotta}e is absolutely adorable. pictured myself sitting on the back deck having c0ttee, But that's the only good thing I had to sa','. It's pre-existing, nonconforming and ence ~'ou remove the building, we all know now, it's nonconferming anymore. You are bu.ilding it larger than it is. Yes, it is a contractor's nighcmare. There's prDbably not one leìrel piece of I".¡c!od in that h,,,:,use. I haT,'e no other questions, buc t.he :'ode was put there for a reason. It scops cwo 2 · 3 "' ". '0 8 10 11 1~ L 13 · 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2.:± · ~c L~ SeptEmber 14, 2004 50 1 S' famil~' dwellings on one lot, and it's supposed to eliminate them as they come about. MS. MOORE: I understand. But the reason f,:¡r a ~,Tariance before ye,u demolish is to preser~le that non-conformity. l^Ie're not demolishin-::¡ -- BOARD MEMBER ()RL.I\NDC': I commend ,'c,u f::or that. Most people would ask for permission later. ["~IS. MOORE: vie don't want to dc, that. l^Ie ~ant to preserve it. The reality 1S, you ~çç the kind of the wink and the nod that goes on with takin-::¡ one wall at a time, that's kind of a ridiculous way of proceeding through zoning. B'JARD [1EMBER ORL.I\NDO: That's why I "=:~mmend ~'()u and your applicant for coming f.:;rward. 2 · 3 4 :;, 6 ..., 8 24 f·18. MOORE: vie are also reducinq the nûnconformity in the sense that '..rou do ha?e llon-conformity as to the use but the location of the structure, it made sense that if we're gGing t,~ do the renovations here, push the new building back, and we're imprc\ring on a nonconformit....·. BOARD MEMBER ORLA~DO: Took one and gave ~nother, )'ou made it larger but moved it back. J"IS. rV[OORE: Larger by 1 ~'4 square feet. Tllat's less than -- BOARD r1EMBER iJRLMm,c,: Larger lS larger, smaller is smaller, it's either right or wrong. lTo other questions. r'IR. TAPP: Ma,' I say sc,mething" r-1:,' name lS Eob Tapp. I'm a homeowner here. We haile 1 i "'.red there for six years. We used to live across the street and swapped properties ~ctuall)' with the ()Wller then. We were the ones who took this property out of a two-family circulation. There had been tenants in the one bedroom cottage, which is the one b)r the road for 20 plus years, then they rented the house that we're proposing to ,:ll~nge for summer after summer, and there were at man~' times that was a famil~r of four cn the water, ~nd it was a famil)r of three in the one bedrGom ,::ot tage by the road with two large dogs. Sc, we ha'le really reduced the population on that particular parcel, and we have [10 plans to rent t.hé cottage by the road. The ,:)nl1' garage en the propert~· is attached to that cottage. We would IV)t want to give up that gara.ge. ~'Je w,.=,uld use it as a guest cottage and an office perhaps, but the f,opulation, because of us, on tllat piece of 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 16 17 18 1 ~1 20 21 22 ¿j · 25 September 14, 2004 51 1 L prGpert~· is now much lower. B,C'ARD MEMBER ORLANDO: So if the Board was e 3 lTI fa\"or of tllis, you wouldll't mind a cGndition 11C,t to be rented? 4 I1R. TAPP: If it were worded in suell a :) wa~', bllt I wouldn't want to gi\"2 up future riglltB. ~lE ma~r rent it to an ill parent or something. MS. MOORE: We can make it as an acceSSGr~r to the main house. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Because ,'ou weren't "::-r',Jlng to rent it I now 'leu might rent it. MR. TAPP: l^Ie have no plans to rent it. MS. MOORE: He volunteered that without talkin-::¡ to counsel. Two dwellings on the propercy is his legal right, you would be exchan-::¡ing sDmething that really was not -- he would be givin-::¡ up something that he's really ru~t legally chligated to do. He stated for the record that he h~s reduced the interlsity of tlle use. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Jim? BOARD MEMBER DUnZIO: No questions. CHAIRWO¡VJAN OLIVA: Jerry? BOARD IVJEMBER GOEHRINGER: No quesci-ons. CHAIRI^IO¡VJAN OLIVA: Is thel-e an,'bod,' ln t.he audience that wishes to CGmment on this application? Yes, ma'am? r·IS. BURNS: 'Jood aftern'Jol1, my name lS E'/elyn Burns. I Ii v"e on Pequash Avenue. I would like to say that Bob and Nick, the owners of this ~,roperty, are an asset to tllis communit~·. Using their landscaping talents, chey have voluntarily beautified the Peconic Beach and the pequash Beach and the Pec-onic Bay surroundin} the bluff. Their t~lents in landscaping the nortll fork golf courSE on Route 25 and the Cutchogue Presbyterian Cllurch, ()f which Bob is a trustee, are also noteworth~·. They are always there to help their neighbors and I sincerely hope that this Board will -::¡rant cheir application. Thank you. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Does aw/bod,' else ,,¡ish to speak on behalf of this application? HS. WICKHAM: Go-od afternoon, Tn,' name lS Abigail Wickham, and I'm here representing the Pequash Recreation Club, which owns the property tG the east. Walter Krupski, Junior, who is one )f the ~'ounger members by far Gf the club was here, he had to leave, I don't know if he'll be back, so I hope to make the statements that he had 5 6 7 " 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 SeptembEL 14, 2D04 52 1 9 intended. pequash Club is a very modest 2lubhouse. It's been there since 1890, which 13 Wr211 o'/er a hundred j'ears, and we just ,...rant to [n~ke a few comments about the project. Original 1)' the CO for the propert)' in question was a cottage .~Dd a seasonal one and a half star)' cottage with no heat, and that I don't think the increased ,jensit,!, 11'::::)W will be for tv.¡o ,!'ear round houses and that was not at all reflected to the notice to the ~djoining owners. Nonetheless, we really think that wllat you decide we're going to leave that ~ntirel~' to ~rour determinatioll ~nd not take a pcsition ,::m it. The reason the club asked me to come today is that their only concern is that this new and increased usage not impact on the contirluation of the clubhouse or the 'Cxpense the clubhc,use has to JJear in order to operate because it is (Jl1 a \'ery [ninimal budget. So we ask that ~'our decision in this matter reflect and sp'Ccify just a few factual simple circumstances. First, that this is a pri\'ate recreation :lub adjcining this property, and that there are pa~ties and recreational activities regularl:.' c'cnducted at the club by the members indi':iduall,' 3S well as club events. BecausE: when :"\)U increase your densit'.1' and usage, we don't want that co become a factor for future complaints of future owners. These gentlemen are ~TEr~' familiar with ttle club, and they know what the activities are, but I.,lJe want to make SULe that down the road when ':'ou h2,....e two families there tha.t that hlGuld be something that owners would be aware of. Second of all, it is a signific311t relief th'Cy're requestin), and we would ask that if the club should ever upgrade that they be given the same considerations and that any relief 112re be caosid'Cr'Cd a precedent as far as what the club migllt want to do later on. Thirdly, ther'C are sam'C Health Department ·~·Gncerns we ha'le, and obT.'iousl~./ ha~le to be worked ']13t with their Health Department appro~'21. Fourthly, and I believe l^Ialter Krupski has iiscussed this with the owners, there is a large tree between the two properties in tIle 3rea wllere the house would be, and we would just like tc make sure that that is protected, and we think that they vFJuld do th3-t, but we'd like that to be a ¿ e 3 4 5 G 8 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 13 1 ~j 20 21 ¿¿ ." ¿~ 24 . 25 S'Cptember 14, 2004 c., ~~ 1 9 pa~t of your decision. r~R. TAPP: May I say somsthing'? CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Yss. r"IR. TAPP: From our perspective, our l'slationship with pequash Club has alwa,'s teen ','sc/, '"'er,' nsighborly. ¡'1S. \^lICKHAM: That's true. r·1R. TAPP: ~ve know seme úf the rn~mbers personall)', I/ve been to the meetings, Borne of the tnsmbers store their kayaks on the beach in front (jf our house, which is fine with us, they asked before, and indeed, we feel it's ill the neighborly 8pirit in which we both live. CHAIRVlOMAN OLIVA: Thank ,'ou. An:,'one else wish to comment on this application? If not, I'll make a motion to close the hearing and reserve decision until later. ¡See minutes for details. i 2 . :;, 4 5 " 8 10 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 CHAIR\^lOMAN OLIVA: Next applicatiGn is for Michael Pisacano on Cox Neck Road in Mattituc](. Pat, tllere's some information that I think we have requested and not received? NS. r·100RE: "¡hy don't j'OU tell me what that is. BOARD SECY. r:OI^lALSKI: I called ,'our ,=,ffice and asked if you could please c,=,mplete the file by confirming what the nature of ,TIur appeal lS I and we ha"l".le not received "'./Dur papervlork t,,:, cc'rnplete the file. Right now it's still incomplete. {'ITS. MDûRE: The request was whethel- or not we amended our application to reflect the notice ~f disapproval, if I understood the request correctly. Our appeal was based on 277 af the Town Law which is an application to cre~te an undersized lot, which is a direct appeal. What we CQuld not get was a notice of disappro~ral f~om t1le Building Department. The final ve~siGn tllat was ~orrect today, which you got today as well, is the one where it says a proposed construction is llot permitted pursuant to -- BOARD SECY. KOI^IALSKI: l^Ie haven't re,:e i'led that from you, though, tC) confirm that that's ít,¡hat ,',:,u're appealing. MS. MOORE: I 11ave it based on ,~ne lS the ~77 which is the area variance on a lot creation from the Planning Board. 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 September 14, 2004 54 1 L BOARD SECY. KOI^IALSKI: That's the only one · 3 \ûe. ha'le right now. MS. MOORE: I can't appeal something that I don't know what the notice of disapproval is "bout. The notice of disappro\'al says that the required lot size, it's an area ~.rariance for the lot size, which is what the 277 is about, it's ,:reating a lot that is undersized, and that's the ~rea ~.rariance. CHA.IRI^IOMAN OLIVÞ.: The question is, I'Ü-s. ~¡Gore, is it a lot? MS. MOORE: I believe it's a lot. Þ.SST. TOI^IN ATTY. CORCORÞ,!, : I think we need tG be clear that while you did take appeal under 277 I think it's probably the best move to take the appeal from the notice of disapproval as well, because I think there is a question as to whether 277 actually grants the Zoning Board jurisdiction h07re inasmuch as this is not technicall',/ from a subdivision. So I think it would be safer to be sure that the ZBA had jurisdictlon to at least state for the record and include in your ~pplication the notice of disapproval. In sum and substance it's the same thing, '.;ou're seeking an area 'Jariance based on lot size, for us all tG be :~onfident that the ZBA has jurisdiction, 'lOll act ,~n the notice of disapproval as well. t:IS. f,¡IODRE: That's fine. vIe wi 11 amend ,~ur application to reflect that area variance as well. The notice, the appeal process is identical; both of them are based on an area '.'arlance. If the Planning Board takes the [,osition that their action does not result in a lot, I would strongly disagr'ee with that position. You llave the variance as of toda~r, the notice of disapproval that reflects it's all area 'Tariance far the parcel that is in existence that is undersized. BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: If you could clarif~' that in writing for us e~en aft~r the hearing, something for the file. MS. MOORE: That's fine. I'll follow-up witll it in writing. EOÞJ~D SECY. KOWALSKI: hlsG, there ",¡ere cwo disapprovals, we need to know which ~'ou are appealing or if you are appealin-::¡ both of them? r·1S. r-100RE: :No, I only have one jisappro~al, which is the notice of disappro\ral 4 =, 6 7 8 9 1(1 11 1-· L 13 · 14 lS 16 17 13 1 S' .20 =1 ¿¿ 23 24 · 25 September 14, 2004 55 1 · 3 last amended September 14th, today. BD.l\.RD SECY. KOWALSKI: '{au ma'.! want to ~heck with the Building Department. MS. MOORE: I spoke with them t0day. BOARD SECY. KOI^IALSKI: There's two dates ')n that, right? MS. MOORE: They ori-::¡inally had September 2l1d that raised two other issues, which we ha~re clarified. One of the issues was whether or llot we had access over the northerl~' right of way that goes along Hilliker to the north. l^Ie gave them a letter which says the northerly right of wa~- 1S not ours, we don't have access G~!er th¿ n·:=,)rth. Let me give ì"GU Inì" pac'ket of papers. BDARD SECY. KOWALSKI: T.1."OU' re familiar with the first Oll~, ì'ou're not familiar with the .3c,=ond one;, " L " 5 6 '7 8 Sr 10 11 ¡'is. MOORE: September 14th, the :,f. It's the amended Olle, the final verS1·~n that I'm aware 12 13 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: There was a questiDn before we get started, Linda noticed on the CCUllty tax map that you do not own the right of way or from the road to the rear of that property. MS. MOORE: That's incorrect. We own fee title from Cox Neck Road, the 50 foot flag is our fee title. It goes from there to the balance of the 125 by 200-some parcel. ¡-Ie a,=tuall:: own, m': ~lient is the owner of that. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: You ha'.'e the deed to · 14 15 16 17 that " 18 MS. MOORE: Yes. It actually is reflecti","'e in my tax map bo,:=.k, I have the current book that shows it not as a dashed line but as part of the other. But for the record, we are t r1.11:.' the owner. Let me get these pap~rs distributed first. BDARD I'1EMBER GOEHRINGER: r·1ay I make m,' statement now? 19 20 21 22 CHÞ.IRI^IOMMJ OLIVA: Yes. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: In the past for the people that are aware, I did recuse myself on tile prior application that was IJefore us in this gelltleman's name. And the purpose of th~t was ~hat I have held a broker's license in the state ,=,f n,=w York since 1975, and in and about 1986 I T!01untarily took it upon myself not to s~ll propert)" in Southold town for the sole purpose of 23 2{ · ~, C L~ September 14, 2004 56 1 9 ~D~~ conflicts that might exist with my pcsiti,~n on the Zonin-::¡ Board, which I have held since L'80. It was the office that was holdinq m:; license, I still contend that I do not sell real estate in Southold town as either bein-::¡ a salesperson or a broker; I am not a sal~sperson, I am a brcker. Since then, I ha~le switched cf f ices. I am no longer licensed b~' that office as an associate broker, and discussing this with the tc.wn attorney yesterday, not tll.::: assistant tc:,\¡Jn ~ttcrney sitting next to me but the town attorney, Olll~' because you weren't in. ASST. TO\^JN ATTY. CORCORÞ.N: I'm awaLe of the Eituation. BOÞ.RD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I don't honestly belieTre that there is an)' conflict anymore. I did mention to the town attorney that I would very simpl~' lay it out to e~'er)'one present and sa~' that If an1,Tbody thinks that there is a confli:~t c,r if t tlere' s a.ny reason why I should not sit ()n this particular hearing, please ?oice your opinion now, ~nj I will recuse myself at this particular point. S,:, I'm throwing it out to an,'bod,' on tiE' Board, anybody in the audience, and I am presently licensed by Suzanne Hahn. Tile broker's license h~s not come back to date. It was sent ()I1 August =Oth to the state, as an~' broker's lic211se renewal is up on August 31, 2004. And that's where It r,resentl~' sits. We have not recei'Jed it back a.'3ain, however, [vírs. Hahn's n,="w corporation, clf which she is a part of / is ment ioned en rflY 1 icense .nd not the prior license that was held by a gentleman and a good friend of mine in Mattituck, for many, many years, Mr. Robert Celic. 2 e 3 4 5 'J 7 8 10 11 12 13 e 14 IS 1G 17 18 19 CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Does the Board ha~e . 2. 5 :=tny problem? BOARD f'1Ef1BER ORLANDe,: I ha'Je no problem wlth Jerry participating in it. CHAIRWOM~B OLIVA: Jim? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: No. CH;'~IR1¡.70MhN OLI\lA: AnJ'one in the audi.:::nce? I ';Jue82 not. ]"~SST. TOWN ,L.~TTY. CORCORh.N: So ,"-:ell clarify, ~'ou have no relationship with any part~' ~r entity that has a financial lnterest in the outcome of this appeal? BOARD [v[EJ'1BER GOEHRINGER: No. lIe'fer did ,~nd never will. It was just t112 same office at 20 21 22 ","":,--:¡ ~~ 24 SeptembeL 14, 200-1 ~~ - I 1 8 that time. CHAIR\iIOMAN OLIVA: Go ¿¡head, [',1rs. ¡·1oore. ~1S. r1GORE: Thank you. I'Ihat I ,c:lid was I started off with the tax map to put an overall -- I know you're very familiar with this property, so to the extent that some of it will be repetitive, I apolûgize. So now we're addressing the ar~a ~ariance. I'Ihat I started off with the tax map is to show )"OU the overall development of the area which I have included as part of the packet just some of the property cards for the parcels that are in tax map areas 113 block 10, that shows the s~ze. It's actuall)r parcels that to some extent, se·me are still remaining single and separate, 'Jcllers have merged b\lt the parcel size is there; we're about 50 feet in width and -- well, they -:3r~r but 200 to 50 feet in widtll. That is dlrectly across the street from the subject property. Then to the south you have parcels that are approximately an acre ill size. ThE~r are down r~"":::·x Neck to the south, and to the north you ha~,Te additional parcels that appear to have been :reated approximately the same time that the adjoinin,g parcels to the pisacano piece ma~r h3..'..-e been created and these lcts tend to be about a quarte~ acre in size approximately 100 f~et in width b~' 150 feet in depth. So ~·ou can see that the development of this area to the extent that the,' were lots created through later date or ~arlier, preexisting lots, as well as lots tllat ll~·.re been probably created ill the '80s, down to the south, one acre lots, those are certainl~' smaller than the proposed lot that Mr. pisacano " L e 3 4 5 6 ~ , St 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 .yûns. =3 I also want to put on the record that :~~eation of this lot, becausE agaln, there is a !Üstor,· '.,¡ith respect to the size cf this parcel, ::lnd an understanding that we ha~:e a piece - - and this is where I differ with the Planning Board's position -- Chudiak, the prior owner, Chudiak ~wnedl and what I did I took one of the sur·.reys 'i.nd I hi,}hlighted what Chudiak owned pri,or to the l~t line changes that occurred ill '85. Mr. Chudiak at one peint in tim~ set afE, all properly with the Planning Board's In·,·ol?ement, the r~1iloski propert~{, whic:h is along tile southwest, it's the adjacent prGpert~' to ths southwest and along the fla} portion. That 1 ~1 :2 r~1 21 LL 24 . 25 September 14, 2004 58 1 7 Mileski propert~· ended up needing a variance from tllis Board with respect to 280A area access, because they used the southerl~' portion of the flag as their access, and this Board granted the 280A for that piece. That piece Chudiak developed a two acre piece of property. He left behind from that set off a parcel that was approximatel~' 120,000 square feet in size. The wa~' I came to that conclusion is by taking the existin-::¡ property and adding to it the square footage that was granted in the lot line change to l^Iells, which lS about 15,000 square feet that was added to the ~djacent piece and about 32,000 square feet added to the Wanat piece. I^Ihen I look at what the Planning Board -- had Chudiak at the time, this is obviousl~' before Pisacano, because none of thlS is a record of covenant, so Mr. Pisacano bought the property, Chudiak sold the property; tlv:::re were no =:o\renants en this property that put any limitation en this property that is before '''ou toda,' on the development of this property. But we are going back in time and treatin-::¡ this property as if, had Chudiak presented himself to the Plannin-::¡ Beard in 1985 ~nd said, Wanat and Wells are the only ones that are participating, which is what ultimately happened, had l^Ianat and l^Iells came before the Planning Board at the time would the Planning P...)ard ha..'e found that reducin-::¡ the size ,::,f the Cl111diak piece, that was two and-a-half acres in Slze, would be appropriate to reduce the sizE of the Chudiak piece in order to make the l^Ianat and ¡'Jells piece more conforming. I think the answer to that would have been yes, and we don't know the thou}hts and the Planning Board keeps raisin-::¡ the intent. The intent in a sense is irrel-2vant because unfortunately properties transfEr title. L:;~}ain, there is no document on record tCj disclc.se to a good faith purchaser of what the illtent was, Jf the intent to sterilize this propert~'. BeC3use essentially what the Planning Board keeps sending as far as memos go is that the intentic,n was to srerilize b}' creating lot line changes ~nd made the adjacent propErties larger. I^Ihile that intent, while well-intentioned as it was, l~ltimatel~' didn't take place. So if we were to CGm2 toda~r, pretend tllat '85 never happened alld Wells and Wanat came before the Board alld said we 2 · 3 4 =, ') 8 'j 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 1G 17 18 1 Si 2D 21 22 ¿j 24 · 25 September 14, 2004 59 1 s! h3.~,T~ 3. quarter acre piece of pr0perty, a piece 100 b~f 200, our piece is very small, we would like to take some of the two and a half acres that C'hudiak owns and sell it to us and lot line chan}es, I think that all of us would a}ree that gi'len what we see as far as lot line changes }listoricall~f in this town, it would mak~ sense to make those two developed properties along Cox Neck a little more conforming, both for Health D~partment reasons because Health Department requires the size of a property at least an acre -- just made all the general policies of this to.::',\·Jn would ha~,re been met, again, if we 'vvere to ,~ome today and autllorize what is toda)' before this Board. So that's 1985 or today had none of this ,..:.,C'curred. The size of this property coday is COllsistent even with the subdivision precesses that occurred in '85 and then back in Foster's subdi~!ision in '97. This is interesting. I put It on the record because one, the Planning BC.-,3.rd In '85 approved properties of similar size to the piece before )"ou. The piece to the north, arId I'll -::¡o back to the Cax map because it's a little odd in its shape. The parcel that was originally tIle Simchik's piece included 19.17, 19.15 and r-","=,mbination of 19.27, 19.28 and 19.29 as well 3-S the Hilliker piece adJacent to ours of 19.10, so ~',-=-,u can see it's a ~!ery odd shaped parcel. ¡',-.:::rain, it's 19.10, the combination of the total of 10.27, 19.28 and 19.29 and then 19.15 and 19.17, all of ellese parcels ha~!e a 50 foot flag, or right of \,.'a-:/, that runs, I'll show you, we have êi. right c,f wa}' that runs as the access for all these parcels all the W3}' to Cox Neck. What GCCllrred during the Simchi]( subdivision, and I ha~le, even thougll it 'v'Jas in ~four original two ~rear age. file I I put the 2ubdi~.rision in your file so ~fOU would have It. In 1985 the Planning Board approved a four lDt division of this property and put a condition that co~.renants and restrictions would be recorded that rF~' further subdivision of this propert~; ~'·Jas t,::, take place. I want you to remember that because it's important. I don't know whether a co~enant was filed or it wasn't, but in 1997, m0st of tIle l~()ard members were still there, Mr. Foster, comes in to the Planning Board and asks co take those ,'=:ombined parcels 19.2:, 19.23 and 19.2::', he e,..)mes 2 · 3 4 5 G ~ 3 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 1(:' 17 18 IS' 2 i] 21 ~~ LL ~ " .::....) 24 · 25 September 14, 2004 60 1 ~ L · 3 4 5 i::, 8 S' 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2~ ¿ 23 24 · 25 before the Planning Board and asks to subdivide that property to essentially two lots and the piece along Cox Neck to be dedic'ated te the T':,wn 3-S a drainage area. Again, the lots were undersized or the resulting lots that F'.:oster would ¡:reate would be undersized -- it's not a flag lot like ours, remember we own th~ fee titl~ to Cox ] ec·k. They had the prc'perty that had the rlght ,:,f way that bisects the property and what results is tll~t one of the parcels, the center onE, lIas to =0m~ before this Board for a ~.r3riance for a substandard lot depth and width accordin-::¡ to the Planning Board resolution and Ullfortunatel~' the .='Gmputers were down, so I couldn't pull .'1pplication of your records Appeal 4423 on (J,::tober 17, 1996. That appeal, so the Board at that time in 1996, for a subdivision approved in '97, ~pproved an undersized lot very similarly d~signed to the Pisacano piece to what's left of the Chudiak piece, and here the Planning Board sa~rs, Willk and a nod, despite the co~'enants, wtlether they're recorded or not., we kn.::)ItJ of som~thing that is not of record is not binding on a purchaser. \'.)2 know that from the Ianu case that w~nt tc the Appellate Division that the Planning Beard now recognizes or should recognize as binding law, certainly that the)' should be operating under th~t law, and that case is actually cited ill zoning p~riodicals that we get and it's gocd law. It has not been overturned, certainly. That the interesting -- again, on the F,~ster subdivision is that wilEn I chec]':ed, because what concerned me is that I didn't see 19.29 as Hi~ntified as owned by the tcwn, and when I ':llecked with the assessor's office, the assessor's effic~ said Foster seld the prcp~rty, including '>'Ihat \V3S tG be dedicated to the town on Cox Heck fcr a drainage area, this was raised last time this Board saw the application or saw the owner tllere were concerns about drainage. Well let me tell ~'ou that the concerns about drainage C0l1ld easil~' be satisfied if the tOWIl took the draitlage ~r~a that they acquired or the~r Ilegotiaced as COIlsideration for creation of the second lot Oil a lc)t that was never to be subdi T,Tided. 'so we're being tr~ated in such a way that the Planning Soard is saying Gur intent, Gur intent, Gur intent ô11nF)st blaming the owner, the 3-r....plicant, 2T,Te1''.>,rbod-:l September 14, 2004 61 1 9 ~xcept themselves for why we are here toda~'f the creation of a lot that is undersized, based on what they claim they ne~:er knew ~bout c,r would llever have approved it. I find that to be offensive, and I know I''le been very passionate about this all througllout because it seems ver~r unfair gi;ren the llistary of the development in tllis area. I asked the assessors for a cop~r of the property card because when we didn't find the tax [nap number in their assessment r~cords, the~9 had to research a little further, ~nd they found that Fobert and Denise Na~arra are the current owners of the parcel that is 19.29. It does s~y split for minor subdivision of '97, atld says includes .48 acres, 19.29, to be deeded to the t0wn. But that ne"T,rer took place. I just want you to ha~J'e that in your file. BC'ARD MEMBER ORLANDO: 19 . 29 is a jeTfeloped lot, is wllat you/re S3)ring? CHAIRlvOMAN OLIVA: It is a de'_'elopable lot, but it hasn't been developed. I"'1S. MOORE: Here f s another one '.'¡here ':,¡~' 1-e going Co have, I hope chat che owners took the tlme to go looking at the Planning Board files because that certainl~r that's not an obligation, that's not part of a title search, nobody thinks to go looking at the Planning Board files because ,'ou presume that the l,::>t you're buying is what the recDrds show. ¿ · 3 4 5 6 ~ , :3 10 11 12 13 · H 15 1r) 22 BOARD SECY. Y:C-I^IALSKI: tlere it says 19.28 is the lot 19.29; is that the same lot? MS. MOORE: The assessors records 11a'¡e two separate tax map numbers, 19.28 and 19.29. The owner of both of those -- BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: This one sa~'s 2.8. MS. MOORE: They don't have a card for 19.29. The only have that card that reflects 19.29 to be dedicated to the town. So again, this lS our town records that are creatin9 3. histor..: that down the line, I hope that that individual knows enough that to not sell off that prcpercy and think it's a buildin} lot because the 3ssessor's records seem co impl)" that that ShCllld be ~ property that could be developed. CHAIRWO~IAN OLIVA: This propert,' card is really fcr 19.28, but with the conditioll in there Excuse me, Pat, number an,j j~C'U said 17 1" 'J 19 20 21 23 LA · 25 September 14, 2004 62 1 9 that 19.29 is to be deeded to the Town. MS. MOORE: Ri-::¡ht. But minor subdivislons ~re IICt filed with the count~r center. I donlt kllOW how this 19.29 is identified as something that vv'Guld put somebody en notice that they'r-= 'Joing to be putting a house in a drainage are,~, I llope that's not the case, but it gives ~·ou an idea '~-=',f how ,:;u~- record keeping is in this tC'...¡l1 and he,w, ,~gain, the consideration on ALtie Foster getting the subdi"{,~ision was the dedication of th3-t piece tc the TCMn. It nevel' happened. Second point whicll I wish to stLess is the Planning Board in their recommendation to this Eoard talked about drainage well, that's a-::¡ain a false issue because the Town planned fer taking ,:ar2 of the drainage problems in this area b~r 19.29. It's there, it could be developed, there's n,:::, ceason to make my client 's propert:,' a na.tural ,jrainage swale for the communit:./ when the property tc the north was developed just for that purpose. So I am in a sense responding to some of the issues that I know you haven't dealt with but c:.:)m~s by wa~r of recommendations through Planning. _l..SST. TO~"¡N ATTY. CORC(::'RAN: Just to clarif)', the lot recognition issue will not be deal t b:,' this Board. vie' re here today for the ,:'<Te3. ;Iariance issue. I understand you'Le L2sponding to the memo of the Planning Board and 8C' it is in some sense rele\rant and ~'OU feel tIle tl~~d to discuss it, but what we really need to spend the time on today are the issues for the i:riteria for area variance. MS. MOORE: I understand. I have given ,TIU the tax map that shows the development of the 3rea, the character of tIle area. You knew tllat fr·::,m '.:our inspection, the houses that arC'; designed ~round this are relatively modest homes. TIle proposed house is a modest home. The houses along Cox Neck Road and the property is essentiall:,' facing their backyards. I',,"'e ':JiT.:en you the Simchik subdivision that has a lot that is similarly developed with an area varian~e or Trariances from this BC1ard to grant relief fe,r the creation of an undersized lot, and the Board is ,:ertainly aware of the communit~r. The~- kllOW that I personally live on a propert~r that's .~ half acre in Slze. I'~lost of you, if you c'ol1sider the siz·.'::' of the properties that '{C'U live c,n may be ~nY\AJher.= 2 e ~ 4 5 6 .., 8 10 11 12 13 e 14 1:: 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2·± e 25 September 1~, 2004 63 1 7 from an acre but certainly under cwo acres ill size. This piece of property, if you include the fee title to the fla} is just about two ~cres, jl~st llnder two acres. Þ.SST. TOHN ATTY. CORCORl\.N: Can you t:Ük any specific acreage? How big is it if ~'ou include the right of way, exactly? HS. f~OORE: if ,'ou include the right of ',ß,', it is 1. 7. ASST. TOI^IN ATTY. CORCC:-Rl\.N: I f ~'ou dolCe' t include the right of way? MS. HOORE: If you don't include the right ]f wa~r, it/s 125 by 300, and we have a proposed building envelope that meets zoning. ."-SST. TOI^IN ATTY. CORCORÞ.N: ."-bout 3 6, ]7,000 square feet. MS. MOORE: 37,000 square feet. l^Ie also have a proposed building envelope that needs no variances, and we have a Health Department approval for this property that's been }ranted. ASST. TO¡'iN ."-TTY. CORCORMJ: l^Ias this parcel the exact same size when Mr. Pisacano purchased it? ¡'¡S. ~100RE: Yes. ASST. TOI^IN ATTY. Ce'RCORAN: So it was substandard in size when he bought it? MS. MOORE: It was the size that it lS. But again, we're going back to tile creation of this lot. It's a pre-existing lot. It was llOt .:::reated b~/ Mr. Pisacano. It was created by, ~gain, the Planning Board's lot line change. ASST. TOWN ATTY. CC:'ROJR1ÜJ: ~'Je' re here t.oda1' because you need a ~Iarian,=e. Sc, m~/ question is was a ~rariance required wheIl this was purchased? And I think the answer is yes. MS. MOORE: It was not raised as an lssue. Þ.SST. TQ\'iN ATTY. CORCe'RA.N: Nothing has changed in the size of this lot since it was pUI-chased. HS. MOORE: Right. The questic'" is whetller or not an area variance was neted. Eemember, two years ago an area ':arlanc;-:: was n=,t the direction that the Buildillg Departn\ent sent us In. So keep in mind it's up to the Building Department and the Building Department (jetermilled whether or not an area variance was requiyed and that was Dot even an issue after -- ¿ e 3 .. 5 12, .s 9 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 1,:) 17 1,g 19 20 21 22 ¿j 2.. . ":'L-: ~J Þ.SST. TOI^IN Þ.TTY. CORCDRAN: l^Iell, the SeptEmber 14, 2004 64 1 ~I ,-:-:c)urt said you need an area '/ariance at the very léast, S0 we're here. MS. MOORE: So we're here. But I don't '.'lant it to be used against my client fer bu~.-in'3 a property with an area variance that was required wIlen, in fact, he wasn't aware that an area Trariance would have been required. ASST. TOlvN ATTY. CORCC'Rl'>!'!: That's his law'/er's job. ¡~IS. r~OORE: That's ric¡ht. I would ask to refer back to the other file that had his title report OIl it, which had no co~:enants, no ccnditions on this property, so you know for the record that there were no limitations, no conditions on this lot when he purchased. So as far as whether an area variance was reqllired for the creation of this lot, giverl the fact that nc,bod"'/ expected this lot to ever ha1.re b;::en challen-::¡ed in its creation, I think that Mr. pisacano -- he was represented by Mr. Caminiti, Mr. Caminiti reviewed thE record alId there was no indication that this was g0ing t,~ lleed an area variance. I~SST. TOI'IN Þ.TTY. CORCORAN: The issue of lot recognition and lot size are somewllat segregable. Ie's clear that it was less than S(],OOO square feet when he bougllt it and in Grder te, build on a lot less than 80,000 square feet, ~-Cl.l need an area \rariance. f'vIS. fvIOORE: Ne·. ~{ou need a single and separate search, a single and separate search was ::bne and it was found that the propert:.: was single and separate, so to chat extent he had everything from the record to reflect that he should be able to get a building permit. And, in fact, until he :losed, the Building Department, just after closing is when the Health Department and the E11ilding Department started raising issues because of comments thac were made from staff people from ~~"ther departments, phone calls that wer~ made. Otherwise, the owner, Mr. Pisacano, cert3.inl~· the sellers had no idea that other agencies were -::¡oing tc accept the positicrl of the pl~nner. And thE planner was the onl~r one to my knowledge at the tlme who was making an issue of the lot and tllat, f,~~ the record, the planner attacres a memo that was sent to, I believe it was sent to tll~ Building Departmerlt and to the Town attGrne~r at the ¿ · ~ "' 'õ f; 8 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 16 17 12 19 2ù 21 22 ~. ..., ..:.,.) 24 · 25 September 14, 2004 65 1 9 time. The planrler knew that Mr. Pisacano was represented b~r an attorney certainl~' th~ planner kn.:::\¡¡ that rvlr. Chudiak was represented b~' an attGrne~'; no one received a cop~p of the -- I'm s,:)rry, August 13, 2001, there was a memo by Valerie Scopaz that went to the Buildin-::¡ Department, Planning Department and Town attorney's office, none of which forwarded that l1lemO to anyone who had interest in that propert~', ~ither as contract vendee or as seller. So the issues that were raised were kept in-house and only came to light after Mr. Pisacano had already closed on the title. So, again that goes to the good faich purchaser. We'll try to answer any questions. It's a shame that it has to go before this Board, and my position's always been that the Planning Board should have cleaned this up long ago, but it keeps ~oming back to this Board. I hope that this time we lla\re submitted an applicatioll that ~-ou will find in our favor. BOARD SECY. KOWALSI<':I: Excuse me, we need the written application as to what appealing so we can include it in the still 2 · 3 4 " ~ o 7 8 10 11 1- L 13 · \,Iye'l-e 14 tile. ¡'¡S. MOORE: Can ~pou explain to me what · 25 ~:<actl-:/ yc,u want? B':)Þ.RD SECY. KOHALSKI: He don't have an 3.pplication for your area "pariance based upon your n:x ice of disapprO'.'al bj' the building inspect,c,r. MS. ~¡OORE: I ha'le to look at my application and see. I know it was under 277 because that was a direct appeal. BOARD SEC'!. K()WALSYI: That's nct the application we're talking about. You'~~ asking for an area variance based on disappro~~l, and that we don't have. H2. MOORE: I'm asking under two theories. BOARD SECY. Km~ALSKI: Right, but we don't ha'/e the second. ,Just letting you kn,:)\'/ '.,¡e need se~len setback of that, please, then thE original will be made part of the record. MS. MOORE: Given that the application is identical it's just an amendlnent to the application already before the Board. BDARú SECY. K,:'WALSKI: That's l'lght. It's just something that we need in writin-::¡. MS. MOORE: I don't want to crêate paper 15 16 17 18- 19 20 21 22 23 24 Sept~mber 14, 2004 66 1 ~ L that's unnecessary. ASST. TCMN ATTY. CORCORAN: She's saying . ~ it's ne,::essary. BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: It's necessary. MS. MOORE: You're telling me that a whole 11ew application as if none had been submitted -- BOARD SECY. KOI^IALSKI: Right nc,\V we ha\"e ~n application only on the first theory. l^Ie do not ha\rE: :/our second application. You don't h3-'Ie tc pa~r a new fee, get a new file number, all we're 3.skin'J you to do is supplement ~/our file so that we can close it and seal it and make a decisiGll. l-lithout :¡our paperwork, hDw is the B-::>ard -::¡oin-=¡ to render a decision? MS. MOORE: That's fine. BC'ARD SECY. I~OWALSKI: Easy e110LHjh. MS. MOORE: I don't know whether it's by wa~ of a letter or a full application form. BOARD SECY. KQ\vALSKI: You're all at v,rne,". MS. MOORE: So you'll accept whatever I 3 4 5 " 8 o 10 11 12 submit. . 25 BOARD MEf1BER ORLANDO: Quick little question for- ~1iss Moore. f'·1S. ~100RE: Fee tit le, \·¡hen ,'au ,~,"m a piece of property, you own propert}' in fee, fee title is ~/ou own the underlying propert~'. ~L"':)U can have rights over someone else's propert~r as a 1"i'3ht Df wa'/, that means you dr")n't own the underlying title. So you can ha"f.re righc ,::)f p?tssage and '{OU can ha\re both right of [:·assag-s a,=tuall~/ they merge, when you ol.,'/n the underlying title and you have ri-::¡ht of passage, they merge as ,::.'·ne, so Chat's why I saj", wr:: own as if the property were road frontage, pretend that the propert~r faces the road, we actuall~r own co Cox N~ck. And \Ve own by \Vay of a fla-::¡. It's a fla-::¡ lot. l^Ie do flag lots in this town all the tlme, wllich, racher than through a right of wa~', whicll cr~ates all kinds of separate issues, ~rc,u actuall~' GW~ a strip to a larger piece. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: ¡'Iouldn't the'~ther lots in the back have the same fee citle? ['IS, ~100RE: No. The only one chat has d right of \Vay is the ,- BDÞ.RD 11Ef1BER ORLANDD: 19 . 10 and 1". 12, , wouldn'c the}' have fee titles? ."-.SST. TOIcJN ATTY. CGP.CDRÞ.N: Not 11e~essarily, they might have a rigllt tc use ic or 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2'--:!: September 14, 2004 67 1 ~ ¿ r ig'ht to access it but tlvòf d,::m' t necessar i l~' owtl It. . ! r~1S. rJIOORE: The only on~ to my kn':)í.\rledge that has a right to use it, that's the Mileski property, that's 19.18, which you have granted a .2.30A. The reason \\111....' {vIiloski needed a 280A lS Lecause the)' own to a road. They relied on a'~cess through a right of way. Then lt looks like there's a little aptlY that gOES to 19.23, I can't tell if that's a right of way or not because it has road frontage, so whether or llot on the SOUtll end, it shows a little -- our deed doesn't reflect the piece to the south, but it doesn't seem llecessar~r or because it's a 37 acre piece tllac fronts Cox Neck. To our knowledge the only one that has is Miloski. Remember Hilliker got jeveloped through the Simcllik subdivision to the DGrell. That right of way, Hilliker right of way, lS strictl~' Hilliker, Simchik, those set of properties that were the northerl'I development I kind of an odd-shaped piece. BO.~.P.D r1Er1BER GOEHP.HV::ER: f;!rs. ["J,:::ore, I hate to differ with you but I belie'.'e tlut 1~ .18 C\nd 19.1S< bc,th have ri-::¡ht of wac' over this ri-::¡ht of way, and the reason I know that is because I re\riewed that, actually, when I was sitting outside at the last hearing. MS. MOORE: After drivitl-::¡ it, I'm sure ,,',::u're right. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: He is right. MS. MOORE: If you researched it, the i-cason I didn f t think so is because thE"'./ ha'/s road frontage but the back yards of those properties CGuld essentially use that passage. Be'Ap.D MEMBER OP.LÞJ'JDO: :';,C, they ha'.-e rÜ¡ht of way but not fee title. B.:JARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: uIlderstanding that three people, and l^Iells all have rights of way It was my Mi loski, ¡vanat O~,rer that right 3 4 5 '0 8 9 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 1,5 17 18 19 2C) 21 :"f wa,'. 22 I"IS. ~100RE: That may be the case, ",'es. EOAP.D ME~1BER DINIZIO: v,lho granted the 23 ri9ht of way? ¡'IS. MOORE: Chudiak would ha\re l)een the 24 r=--'ül'Jr one. Be,ARD MEHBEP. DINIZIO: Give me the tax number ,:of the property owner that granted that riqht of \vay. . 25 September 14, 2004 68 1 9 [',IS. MOORE: Remember Ch\ldiak owned ~~rerything at one time. So if 19.18 -- I nlean the lot line changes that were done, they w\Juldn't have had a ri}ht of way until that lot line chan-::¡e ~ccurred, so I didn't see in their lot line chan}es a right of way to the back, and I could r,ull those deeds, I have it in here, I'll double check, but when Chudiak split off the portion of land from his piece to the adj oining pieces, I'll have to check and see if that also granted them a r-i'Jht of way. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Let me ask it this wa~r: 8~~' Mr. pisacano wants to put a fence arGund 11is property, the property he owns, a chain link fence with no -::¡ate, does he interfere with these r-e'~ple' s ri:Jht of way? MS. MOORE: GIlly if the~' ha1Te 3 right f)f ~, ~ · 3 4 5 ') 7 2- 10 '.'la,!' . 13 BOARD r~EMBER DINIZIO: l"lght of way? HS. MOORE: I'm trying to answer it. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Is it Hr. Pisacano's property that supplies that right I^Iho granted that 11 12 · ,~-=',f way;' 15 J'IS. IVJOORE: Yes. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: he .:Jwns it, he doesn't need a his. It's right his property, of 'v'vay it's 14 24 MS. MOORE: That's what I said. It's as if you had this property right on Cox Neck. Imagine instead of the flag, the full width of the property being to Coy. Neck. B'='ARD r,mNBER DINIZIO: property is such that it's 1.9 whether this was shaped like a it's shaped like it is now. MS. MOORE: You could have a Mlckey House shaped face and 'lOll would still own the whole Fleee. In addition, I think v·,rhat the .l<..ssistant Town Attorney is trying to point out is what is the balance exclusive of the fl~:J is still large ~nough to develop, and that's the point I was trying to make before, which is, even if we exclude the flag, that the parcel still has in some areas 175 in width, but to the north 125 in width at its smallest point and 300 in depth. So tllat area has been, because that was sometlling Mr. pisacano when he bought was concerlled abcut Sc, the shape cf acres of lõmd teddy be~r or if the 16 17 18 1 Sf 20 21 22 23 · - h LJ September 14, 2004 ;:;9 1 " "' and he did put a building envelc,pe, and he got health departmen~, and he wanted to be sure th~t he ,,¡asn't creating a l,~,t that he wouldn't be able tc }Juild on. You can ha\'e overlapping front )7ard, rear ,'ard, side yard, :,.'ou get them all the time wllere ~rou end up with a propert~r that gi~res yeu no l'oom to put a house wit.hout a \~ariancei that's why the notice of disapproval took so long to -::¡et tD a final version because the Building Department kept raising e\rerything, what are our potential problems llere. It was our job to answer back Wh~7 it wouldn't apply, and our final answer was who has these right of wa:,'s and ,,¡here is tiE lot width and depth and so on. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I'm asking that question because it seems to me that there's some concern chat this is an undersized lot chat's gi:·ing to h3\'e a house on it eventuall)' if ¿ver~·thing goes well. Yet 200 feet to the north, the people who have ri-erhts of way on their property, they own that property yet they have to -errant ri-erht of way to the next lot, that ri-::¡ht of way was included in their lot size. r'IS. NOORE: E\'en thou}h it's excluded. It's actually more encumbering than ours. Whether r~r not a ~ariance for the construction of a ,jwelling on that -- I don't knDw the Building Department at that time didn't think it was IH=-,~essary . BOARD MENBER DINIZIO: Let me ask you this, the lot itself is just slightly undersized for the zone; am I correct? It's two acre zonES, It's 1.79 acres, whatever square footage that is, :~rtainl~' if it was a square piece of propert~' 011 '-:0,:-:: Neck Lane, this would not be befDre us, it I,\,,-=,',uld not need a variance, because you c·,::;.uld Pllrchase a lot one acre in a two acre zone and build a house on it if you meet the setback. Is there anything in the record an:..,TI¡,¡here that sa-::'s this is nDt a buildable lot? HS. r·jOORE: No. The onl,' issue, the planner r81ies on a memo that is an interllal memG tllac nOile of us could ha~!e kll0wn about. .' · ~ 't 5 , ') ~ , :) 10 11 12 13 · 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 240 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: record today? NS. MOORE: They attached i~ to their recommendation, that's the onl~r reason I raise it and respond to it because in Chè memorandum that Is that part of the · :25 September 14, 2004 70 1 s ::'ime to this Board from Jerry ¡'Joodhouse, the,., go chrough the background and intent, and again that intent well-intentioned as it ma~r be is not of record as far as a title record here. Then they '~-'::::" on and c,n and on. But they attach a memo and they refer back to it August 13, 2001. And that's thE:: onl,/ memo -- and again, it's not of record IJe,:ause an internal memo ma~' not be sut,ject to FOIL. III particularly where it goes to the town 3ttorney. BOÞ,RD MEr1BER DINIZIO: ['·1y concern is that if it's done in an orderly fashion, when a person goes to purchase that piece of propert~·, the~r stlould be able to go to the COUllty or where~rer and \~et all the information that pertains to that piece of property. MS. MOORE: That's precisely what the Ll;.ppellate Di~,Tision said on the (:ase tvhere a CG~enant was filed by the Planning Board to llr~ further subdivision, where we presented that tllere (..,ras clear title, no issue of it and the Þ~ppellate Givision recited what is kind of real property law, which is unless a document or restriction appears in a chain of title, it's not binding on a good faith purchaser. Th'it's the point here today is the same point. There was ne,thing DE rt:::cc,rd arld, in fact, there was a single and separate 8earch. Everything led e~.rerYGne to belie~.~e that it was buildable. Ever~~ne had lawyers, l^Ie all looked at it, and went, it's a 1.7 acre piece, what do you mean it's noC a lot? That's why I Vhsnt back, and I hate to repeat myself, but I wEnt b'ick to Chudiak, what he owned when the lot line :_:"h?tnge was made. He owned tltlG and a half acri?S, ür:;, doubt met zoning, and not doubt that he was -::¡ain-::¡ to put one house on that property. The fact that neighbors benefited from lot line changes shculdn't -- everybod:'T won. If the applicêttic,n were done today, it would still be a win-win. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: So get this back and forth about two applications and the Article ~77 which deals more with Plannin-::¡ Board, ri-::¡ht? CHAIRvl,C,MAN OLIVA: RighC. MS. MOORE: Right, we -::¡o back to pretend ttllS doesn't exist. How on do we make lt exist? It has to be by looking at what Chudiak awned before a lot line change was done, and tlle)' told 1~8 that was a suggestion on how to proceed with 2 . 2 4 5 '5 7 9 10 11 12 12 . 14 15 1\'; 17 18 1 '=' 20 21 22 23 24 . 25· Sepcember 14, 2004 71 1 2 . 3 4 S I:: this. We paid $250 application fee tG 2ssentiall~r 8 9 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 1;; 17 18 19 2D 21 ~. ~ LL -, J LJ 240 . ~" ¿--" approve two out of the four lot line changes !)ecause the other two ne~ler got done and now nr.... client owns the property. So we're resubdividing, and Valerie makes a point it was resubdi'lided, well, ~'eahf it was resubdi~ided in '85 ~nd tllis is 'Jhat's left. B.:JÞ.RL- MEMBER DINIZIO: That's one. MS. MOORE: ArId an area 'lariance for us to build on the lot that's undersized. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I don't know wh:J answers this question, but can we consider an area ',rariance on this lot; do we ha~Je to consider the ¿77? ¡,IS. MOORE: I'll defer to )'our Town attorney. "'.SST. TOI^IN ATTY. COP.CORAN: ['1:, ~ecommendation would be to deal with it directl~' with a notice of disapproval. I think it's tl1e .~leanest way and the most protectable wa~·. So that's m-:l recommendation, you know. Ob~.Tiousl...·, you know and the applicant knows that they still need to get Planning Board approval for the lot L~cognition issue. MS. MOORE: I guess that's where I'm '>2,nfused. Þ..SS.T. TO\^JN ATTY. CORC.:JRAN: Why are you ~onfused if you made an application Co che Flanning Board? MS.. MOORE: I made an applicatiDn to the I?lanning Board. The Planning Bc)ard says we can' C COllsider chis application because ic's all undersized loco I'm here for tile area ~rariance for the undersized lot. I go back to the Plannin-::¡ Pe,ard and say, Planning Board, now the lot is le-::¡al in size, approve it. Þ.SST. TO\^JN ATTY. COF.COF.Þl'J: P.ight and they will make their decision. fvIS. rvrooRE: ~"¡hat you're asking me t.r:) dc, is ,~ppeal in che notice of disappr0val. Tlle rlGcice of disapproval says, regardless of what the f'lanning Board says, that this loc can be builc ~D. Should the Building Departnlent, if that's -- th~ only nocice of disapproval the~r've givEn me is thac if you grant this area variance, does it mean that the Building Department will give me a l:,uildin9 permit? _~SST. TOl,-JN ATTY. CDRCORAN: No, they will September 14, 2004 72 1 2 nc,L. Because I as they did t\vC years age, whic:h 9 resulted in litigation, the)' said itls not a L2cognized lot, as you well know. So until that decisioIl is overturned MS. MOORE: So I guess that's why I was '-:'onfused ,:m why am I appeal in,} a notice of ,J.isappro\'al .;;SST. TmlN ATTY. CORCe,RAN: It's the necessary step because the court said the Planning Board cannot create a lot that's undersized, so ,'GU need this. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: But we can. ['.'IS. MOORE: ~{GU can? BC,ARD MEI1BER DINIZIO: Yes. Sa> we're }oing with this one that's amended September 14th. That's the one that we'll write the decision -- MS. MOORE: No, please refer to both. CHlo.IRI^IOf1AN OLIVA: Under the =77, I really have a problem that we jurisdiction under that because that applies to a subdivision and a plat. l^Ie do not have a plat in this application. It is not a recognized plat as far as the Planning Board is concerned. MS. MOORE: That's where I disagree. You have Chudiak, Miloski got subdivided from what Chudiak 'Jwned. CHAIRI^I0I1AN OLIVA: I know. MS. MOORE: Chudiak owned all of this. So what they're saying, if the lot line ch3.nge and our codes says a lot line change is a lesser tilan a subdivision, but fine we'll call it a subdivision because the Health Department and .-:':'ler,¡,"bod'/ these days calls it a subdivision. l,.¡hs..t the Planning Board did is split off land from a larger tract, larger plot. Isn't that a subdivision or resubdivision? CHAIRI'¡OMAN OLIVA: There's that ·:)ne plece l~ft over that was not included. MS. MOORE: I^Ihat piece? CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: The one we're talking · ~, 4 5 6 7 e. lCI 11 12 13 · 14 15 1'; 17 18 19 20 21 22 about. 23 A.SST. TOI^IN talking about. ~JS. I"100RE: ATTY. CORCORAN: The one we're You have to own sorn,=,thing tG · 2=. gi'!e it awa~r, don't ~rou? CHAIRI^IDMAN OLIVJ..: It existed but not in th;:; way the Planning Board [·,JS. r~OORE: No. You ha".'e land, it's the 24 September 14, 2004 73 1 2 intent. =1 CHAIRI^IO!1AN OLIVA: I know. ASST. TO\~N ATTY. CORCORAJ,: I dc,n' t think WE need to get into today. Ma~' I clarif~r? r~s. MOORE: Yes. .r",SST. TO\~N Þ.TTY. CORCOPÞ1'J: I think it's ,:ertainl~· arguable and you ha'Je made tile argument chat that 1985 decision could be construed as a subdivision, a resubdivision, what have ~·ou. The f,rcblem is what is ~'our application before the Plannin-::¡ Board today? It's for an approval. It's not really subdividing and or changing anything. So, to be clear and correct with the ZEA's jurisdiction, I think it's most prudent that they act according to the notice of disapproval. The~' c,~n consider ~rour application under 277, but I think the ZBA would be most comfortable, unless I l~ear otherwise, that they base their jurisdiction on the notice of disapproval. Quite frankl~'t I thillk that's the safest course for the ~pplicallt àS well. e ~ 4 5 " 7 8 10 11 12 17 HS. !100RE: I ha..'e no problem with that. ¡'¡hat Jimmy just asked me is we're onl,' apprc"iing it under the one notice of disapproval, and I said 110, please don/t do that, under both scenarios because if the Planning Board says no, I'm going to be in an Article 78 on both issues because '.'1;::::' re starting with a property that somebody owned ?end then resubdivided, and the pl3-nner s.:tys so in her memo she says it was resubdivided. I^Ihether it's resubdivided in four lot changes C~ twe lot line changes, what's left behind is owned by somebody. ASST. TOI^IN from this Board is ATTY. CORCORÞ.N: to consider ~/our vJhat "'/GU need 13 e 14 15 16 18 19 relief for the ;3lze. 20 HS. r100RE: Consider m,' relief f=,r the size of the property that is less than two 21 .::teres. 24 CHAIR1¡IJOl'v1AN OLIVA: JeLL""', d,:::) l"''JU ha'lç 3.nything? BOARD !1EHBER GOEHP.INGER: No. I'm =Join=¡ to reserve at tile elld here. But we do need to get this proper application going from Mrs. Hoore re-::¡arding this notice of disapproval. MS. MOORE: I'll go back this afternoon. BOARD !1EHBER GOEHRINGEP.: I VJould su}gest ,.'it thie time to adjourn this, :;'tnd let her come 22 23 . 25 September 14, 2004 74 1 9 back with the application so we have it, and let's ~lear the rest of the two other persons that are 11ere, then we/II reconvene in all hour or so. Let's -::¡et it done ri-::¡ht. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Mr. and Mrs. l^Iells are here, I'm sure they have comments. fJIr. ~'\lells. ~1R. I^IELLS: ['1',' wi fe is going to present this to you. This goes to the Chairperson. This goes in the file, which is all our deeds with the right of ways in there from Chudiak. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Thank you. MRS. WELLS: On December 16, 1985 the Planning Board approved four separate applications by l^Iilliam Chudiak for lot line changes to in effect subdivide a 2.39 acre parcel so that the majority of the parcel would be merged into and become part of a four exist in} lots and the remaining portion would be a deeded right of way. The applicant was to sell 8,800 square feet tc:. the Wannats, 12,500 square feet to us, 12,=.00 square feet to the Beckers and 25/000 Zibicki, now ]':nown as Siderakis, leaving a right of wa)p ,:()ntaining 35,474 square feet. A condition of the lot line approvals was that the existing lots with houses WGuld merge with the new propert~r to be added by the lot line change, and that only one residence would be permitted on the newl~r created merged lots. Therefore, Chudiak sold 8,800 square feet to my mom and dad, 12,500 to us, but as I understand it, he refused to sell the 12,500 square feet to Becker and the 25,000 square fee to Zibicki, also now would be siderakis. Althou-::¡h b~"th Becker and Zibicki I,Siderakis wer.=:: rea.dy to buy the land and complete the lot 1 ine ,~han-::¡e on ."-.ugust 27, 2002, Chudiak sold this land to the applicant for $81,000. I believe both Chudiak's completion of the lot line chan}es with the l^Ianats alld us, combined wittl his failure to cGmplete the lot line changes with Becker and Zibicki, lS an illegal subdivision of land, that the entire parcel that applicant now owns is an illegally created lot. I also believe the effect of the ~lanning Board approl:als fer Zoning purposes was to create four new lots. So e':en though Chudiak did not sell to Becker or Zibicki, for zoning purposes, the land owned by Becker and Zibicki merged with the land owned b,' Chudiak. For Zoning purposes I believe the Town ~ L · 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~ LL 23 2-l · 25 September 14, 2004 ~h I ~ 1 ~J should only recognize as buildin-::¡ lots the ~xisting parcel owned by Becker together with the 12,500 square feet owned by the applicant that was to be sold to Becker and the existing parcel cWlled b~r Zibicki (Siderakis) together with the 25,000 square feet owned by the applicant that ',vas to be sold to Zibicki and Siderakis. The remainin-::¡ part of the ~pplicant's land is a d~eded right of way th~t cannot be bui 1 t on. To m,' knowledc¡e, Chudiak n~ver applied to the Planning Board to unmer-::¡e the newl~ created lots or to annul the prior appro~rals therefore I believe the propert~· owned b~' the applicant is not a lot recogniz~d by th~ Town auj c~nnot be built on, period. The Buildiu3 Department was correct in refusing to issue a buildin} permit. The applicant needs the Planning Board to create a legal lot ~nd he should be before them and not you. Now, as I understand it, this Board reacred the same conclusion in ttle prior application by the applicant. When he sued, the Supreme Court agreed with this Board dismisslng his lawsuit. So I'm actually wondering how or why the applicant is back here seeking a variance for a lot that is not recognized by the Town. I just don't think the Zoniu3 Board can grant the -.-ariance requested. The Zoning Board cannot legaliz¿ this lot L-.'.: granting an area ;.Tariance. However, assuming for argument's sake that the applicant did have a lot recognized by the Town and this Board could -::¡rant a variance, the applicant is not ~ntitl~d to a variance an}~ay. I have reviewed the application submitted by the applicant. He indicated that the Town law requires th~ Zonin-::¡ Board to consider certain factors in reviewing this application. I will re',iew these factors \J;rith ,¡,()u. The Board must consider whether the r~lief L"e'1uested is substantial. ThE; applicant says no claiming that the so-called lot has 72,974 square f~et and therefore the applicant only needs a -,cariance of 7,026 square feet, or about 10 percent relief. However, of the 72,974 square feet, j5,474 square feet compromises ä 50 foot wide deeded right of way which appears cn tllE tax map. Tlle town code defines lot area ~s that area of a lot less an~r portion within a public or ~ L · 3 4 " ~ " 7 8 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 · -, " L _' Sept~mber 14, 2004 76 1 2 · ., 4 5 ,- 8 9 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 1; 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 · ~. C L~ private right of way. Therefore, the applicant lS ~ctually seeking a lot variance for a lot with 37/500 square feet, that means the applicant is s~eking a ~ariance of 42,500 square feet or a relief c'[ o~\;'"er 50 percent. In nr:/ opini!:,n the ~ctual relief the applicant needs is quite substantial. The Board must also consider whether the ~.~3riance will ha"fJe an adverse imimpact ,::,n the physical or environmental conditions lnneighborhood or be a detriment to nearb~r properties. The subject property is well below the grade of the property it adjoins. In order to be de-:eloped it would require that a kettle hole be filled and the right of way leading to the propert~r be raised. Currentl~r, the natural ·:ontours of the land surrounding the subject's property results in water runoff all leading to the below grade portions of the subject property. ~;ranting the variance permitting construction on the substandard lot will result in terrible flooding for all adjoining property owners. The Board must also consider wh~ther the f::enefits sought by the applicant can be achie-/ed l~~r some feasible method other than a varlance. The applicant says no, claiming that the property is left over land from a Planning Board action ill 1985 and that the applicant purchased the buildable lot, that he paid a lot for it and ~~w suffering financially because he cannot build on it. This factor shouldn't be 9i~/en an...: weight by chis Board. Contrary to the applicant's misrepresentation, this propert~T is not a l~gal buildable lot. \^Iould or should this Board gi-:e a lot area variance to someone WilD purchased an ille}ally created substandard lot? I think the answer is no. The Board must also consider whether the alleged difficulty is self-created. The applicant says no, stating that the property was purchased with clean title and a pending approval for -:JTIstructioTI. He also falsel~' states that the lot was created by the Planning Be,ard. He goes on to state that no one knew or believed that this lot was not an appro-,-ed lot when we bought it. This property was not a lot created by the Plannin} Board, and therefore the propert~· was n0t a legal lot when the applicant bought it. SEptEmber l~, 2004 ..,~ , I 1 3 Now, as I understand it, the applicant and his family are land speculators ~nd are è'xperienced in buying propert,' and then de'.'eloping them or flipping them. Therefore, I believe he knew or should ha'~re known that the lot ~/,ras not buildable. Now I also understand he bought it for ~SI,OOO, half of what the building lots were sellin} for at the time. Pè'rhaps he was taking a calculated risk that he could get a building permit. It is also 01,' understanding that it lS (~lJstGmary to make vacant land sales CGlltracts conditional upon the buyer obtaining a buildin) permit prior to closing. Obviously, he did not r~btain one. Regardless of whether the applicallt sambled, was duped or did not do his homework or had an inexperienced attorne-:{ represent him, he purchased property he could not build on, and therefore the hardship was self-created. The applicant also states that the ':ariancE requested is the minimum variance practicable because the onl~r way he call request less relief would be to bu,' additional land to make the lot bigger, and that my mom and us would not sell the land back to him. First, the ~pplicant has never asked to buy the land back; and second, he would need approval from the ~lannin-::¡ Board to undo the original lot line :~:h::tnge or to do a new lot line change. The applicant further stated in his application that ~'ou must perform a balancing test, balancing the benefit to the applicant against the detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the oommunity. The relief requested is substantial. The development will result in floodin-::¡ to adjoining properties and the hardship was self-created. I believe that these factors lead to the conclusion that the detriment to the health, safet~' and welfare to the community outweighs the L~nEfit to the applicant. Tile ~~riance should therefore be denied. I completed the lot line change process wi th ¡'Ir. Chudiak because I thouc¡ht I was bu~'in} both additional land and security of knowing that 110 homes would ever be built on that propert~·. I relied in good faith that Mr. Chudiak would fulfill his promise b:,' completing the l,:,t line change with Becker and Zibicki, now Sid~rakis_ The town should be mindful of this. I l-emind ..../GU 2 e 3 4 5 " 7 9 IC) 11 12 13 e 14 15 1;) 17 18 13 2Ü 21 ~ ~, ¿¿ ~~ 24 . 2~, Sept~mb.;:;:r 14, 2004 78 1 SI chat I will remind the Plannin-::¡ Board should the applicant seek relief there. III conclusion, tile subject property is not a le-::¡ally recognized lot by the Town. The ~pplicant, however, is asking this Board to grant this lot le-::¡al status by granting an area ~arlance. Only the Planning Board can do that and therefore, the applicant must -::¡o to the Planning Board for that relief. Then and only then can the applicant return to this Board to seek a lot area ~ariance. It is then and only then that this B(Jard can consider tile area ~rariance SOUgllt llere. I,m. vJELLS: I ha\,e just a comment. Þ.rtie FGster's name was brought up, and on that propErt~T, the reason why they let 11im build, what he did was, with Simchik, he made a deal with 8imchik. When it was broke off to five two acre lots for a mini subdivision with a private road, .;rtie Foster made a deal that ~...]hate~ler properties were left, he would take it for the price of building the road all the way in and around. He did it. He took two acres on that property, He bllilt his own house on it. When he got ccmpletel~' r:1r::¡ne, he decided, well, me let me see if I can <'jO l,ack and dupe the town. So he promised tile Town chat hole if they give him a building permit for another piece of property alon} side the one he just built, and he built it, and he sold that. That's how that came about, that little piece down in there. And that hole is on the other side of lÎudeck, as far as drainage. It' s completel~' \Va,' ~wa'l from this one. This is wa)' on the other side of this piece of property. So that's how that ;~ame about. Because I remember Artie F,~ster ,::oming and doing that. The other last one I wallt to saT,' is wh~n he broke off the property Chudiak did, when Kevin Miloski wanted one acre, he come back, the Town :'3.3-'/8 no, you haTJe two acres, t'\:JG acre z,=..ning, that's what Chudiak broke it off, two acres, he llad to create a right of wa~' frrJm Kevin; it was not only in from Cox Neck Road to his hr:::;.use, but alsG ran along his propert~' of two acres all th~ t,ack to Hilliker's house, where it 18 now. H~ has tile right to use that rigllt of wa~' all the wa~r to Hllliker's house to the end of his property, but ~0 d,:) I and SD does m1' mother-in-law, and yc,u'll see it in that paperwork because we wi~ld it off. " L e 3 4 5 G 8 10 11 12 13 . 14 1':· 16 17 18 19 20 21 "~ LL 23 24 . 2S September 14, 2004 79 1 . 3 Chudiak give it to me because he knew I had a trailer and when I came in the back I'd have to ~ull all the way down and back back-up. I'd have to use part of that ri-::¡ht of way to get that 36 foot trailer in there. That's the reason that ~ight of wa~' was created for him. The property then, I was using it, Chudiak let me use it, and I purchased it, it w~s onl~r a strip of 125 feet by 500 feet long, that's all that was left. That's when he went to the Planning Board and the Planning Board said you have to do lot line changes. You cannot sell it f :::,r another house, we don f t want any more houses tack there, because it's two acre zoning and we ,J':ìl1 f t want them on top of one another. That's how all that little strip was left, and, of course, what happened on the end, happened on the end, that's all. Thank you ver-:/ much. CH.^,IRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Thank j'OU, i'Ir. l^Ie lls . Thank you, Mrs. l^Iells. MS. MOORE: For the record, because a lot was said in that presentation. To begin with for the record, I reported Chudiak famil~' CD this property. I started a process of the permit process. Then Mr. pisacano came along and he took ,:,::,',rer the permit proc2ss, but nc',^¡here during any c,f the time that the property was either on the market before it went to contract with Chudiak Dr during the time that Mr. pisacano was in contract till the present have we ever been appr(Jacred })~. B~cker or zibicki's predecessor in title; no one has E'ler offered to ':::>:Jmplete Lhe lot lin.:::: changes that were approved in '85. In fact, when I first met the Chudiaks we had an option with proceeding finishing up the lot line changes and the onl'.-,· way ,!'Oll could do that '.'Jas b'l doing deeds and confirmation deeds. E,.rer:,' lot line change application says this lot llne change is not effecLi':e unLil a deed and a l~onfirmaLion deed is recorded. That is a final step in a lot line change. Those thin}s were llE\'er done because obviousl~' Becker and Zibicki didn't proceed with the sale. Whether it was '~~hudiaJ.:: who didn I L sell to Becker and Zibicki or Z ibicki and Becker, \ve don I t know. To my J~nowledge, Chudiak never said LC me, I refuse to ~~ll to those people. He just said, arId, in facL1 I think Gne of the past hearings somebc>d~/ admitLed 2 4 5 ,- 7 8 ':; 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 IS 19 2 I~I 21 22 23 24 e -, I::: L J Sept~mber 14, 2004 80 1 ~1 that Becker didn't have the tc', complete that purchase. it doesll't occur. So, for the record, tllere have never been any offers, and in fact, the Planning BGard hearsay was that the lot line changes could still cake place. I would say that none of us have ever been extended an offer, ffiç to ffij- client ,")r the client directly. So I want to dissuade the Board from thinkin-::¡ that that is an option As far as the price of $81,000, that was the fair market value in 2001 for a developable propert~·. This was not bought or sold at a discount. So, let me assure '..:ou, because prDperty ~r~lues are certainl)' much greater now and you and I all know that the values of property are probably significantly increased at this point. $81,000 was, in fact, the fair market 'Jalue. This was not bought as a property on speculatiDn in any W~~', as far as, oh, we'll take our chances, I get what I get, tllat was not the case. CHAIRWOMM" OLIVA: Mr. l^Iells? ¡"!P.. \~ELLS: I ha<,,'e a rebuttal. If ,',:::u g:::, back in ,¿'our record in the other file, you're 90ing to find letters in there in 1988 tllat was sent Cc, Chudiak and his law,'er to bu,' that property for lot line changes. It's in there, }]lack and white because I've seen it. So as far a8 saying there was nobody wanting to buy it, p~ople still ask me, the reason why it wasn't sold because when the time came somebody Cjot iœ,'ol':ed ~"'tnd says we want a lot more money. ~'¡¡hen it was ,~riginall~r purchased it was $10,000 an acre, that was }oing rate in 1985 for property. He broke it off and that's what we paid. We paid full price, \'Ie didn't get an'y' cheaper, but now when sCimeh::Jd'y' else was handling it, as far as Chudiak was (~oncerned, the~' wanted a lot more mone~·. It atarted off that piece of property at $285,000, chat's what that property went to market f,c,r by tlle rçal estate when Chudiak was trying tc sell it, not him, Chudiak. MS. MOORE: I am the attorne~', tilat was n~~rer a number that was ever contemplated at the wherewithal to finish, So for whatever reason " L e 3 4 5 6 7 s 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ", ¿ -' 24 time. . 25 ["!P.. PISACANO: .".bout the draina'Je pl'c',blem, I don't plan on changing any contours of the land. Tile foundation goes in, it's gOlng to get September 14, 2004 81 1 " backfilled. The drainage isn't going to go ~nywhere different from where it I s going. I L'S not goin-::¡ to be a problem as far as that goes. CHAIRI^IOMÞ,]\ OLIVÞ.: How Cêln it nc,t? rJIR. FISACA.NO: I don f t know. Thev 're sal~in::J it goes down to this h':Jl~. I' m not I]uilding on the hole. So tllE water's g,~ing to go where~'er it's going it's going to contillue to go. rIh,' v¡ould there be an,' more draina-::¡e if I built a house on it? CHÞ_IRI^IOMAN OLIVA: That's fine, but ,'au might experience erosion becaus~ I was dOWIl at Mr. l"Jells I house and e~,ren since the previou:= rain 'lOll cI:,uld see the gullies coming down from the south rEall~' or the west, it just runs down. Tile natural slope of the land is this way. HR. PISACANO: The Health Department asked me to get contours done on the land, and I did. The house is going to be built up on the hi-::¡her lanj, and I just don't see it being a problem. The....' said if I were going to take the trees down, I mean, that can happen any wa,', whether I build C·Il it or not, the trees not necessaril~' ha7e to stay there. I don't see that being a problem. CHAIRI^IOMÞ~ OLIVA: What is the Board's [)leasure? B-:jARD I"lEJ>1BER GOEHP.INGER: Only che paint r~f view to make the application whole, that's it. HS. MOORE: ~Jhat time do you want tc, 2 e 3 4 5 '0 ~ 'S 10 11 12 13 e 14 1 ~, 11) re:c:on~lene ? 17 CHAIR\^IOT'vIA],\T OLIVA: Half an hour. .i;djeurn lt 2:30. I'll make a motion to adjourn the h~aring until approximatelj~ 20 minutes to 3: ¡JI]. (See minutes for resolution.) 18 is' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e 25 I Whereupon, a brief recess was taken. CHÞ.IRWOf1A.N OLIVÞ.: Next applicat ion, I de. believe, is Mr. Schultheis. f.1P.. BRESSLER: Up,::m a review cf the minutes e¡f the last proceeding f this matter '"Jas adjourned and kept open for the Board gain-::¡ down ~o the parcel, making observations, re~!lewing our last submission arId putting questions to the ,~pplicant, to paraphrase the last several li11es of the minutes. Therefore, we stand read",: tí') address ?tE"/ concerns you ha',re or to answer any questirJn:::: which may ha':e arisen as a result of your e):aminatiorl of the documents and the prGpert~r. 2(1 21 22 23 24 September 1~, 2004 82 1 ~. L · 3 4 5 6 C'HAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: ¡·1r. ':;oehrin:¡er? B(~ARD ~1E[1BER GOEHRINGEP.: I ha"e tG sa", chat we had a very nice inspection of tile property. I^Ihat Mr. and Mrs. Schultheis put together in reference to their conforming location was initially narrow, I don't mean the~r are narrow I I mean the location was narrow, the~' were '/e.r"/ nlce. 8 ') 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 16 17 18 19 2ú 21 22 23 24 · ~c L~ I want to reflect back, I have to tell ,'eu, I could keep this hearing goin-::¡ for the ne>:t four hours; based on what we did today, I don't think that is going to happen. I just want to reflect back on the ch~racter of the nei-::¡hborhood. l^Ie know that there lS an old boat yard next to them. l^Ie also know that there was extensive work done in reference to tWG-stor~r houses in the immediate area and so Oil and so forth. I was actually going te -::¡o back block by bL~ck, house by house and mark them out on the ~ntire tax map, but I can tell ~·ou from my knowled}e of New Suffolk, and the peried of tlme that I had spent, which is from 1971 to present in real estate in the town, not in reference to selling real estate from 1986 te present, but that two-thirds to three-quarters of the houses in New Suffolk are nonconforming. They were built prier to zoning. So regardless if the~r are one-story, tí,'JC1-story, whate'Jer the case mi'3ht be, and why j0es that have merit, not to be offensi~!e to the .s,~:'hul theises who, b~.: the wa"1', are very nice people, it ~:ery simpl~' tells me that their hOUSE is not nonconforming because it was a bait shop prior to zoning, and it was actual11r reconstructed cr constructed after zoning. I still stand that it is on a peninsula, a ':er)" fragile piece of property, and I do understand Mr. Schultheis's ~xamination of the bulkhead and the construction Jf the bulkhead as it exists today, which is substantial. I am very simply gDing tc say that had I been more aware of the fact that I think this Board should hold the application in abe~rance, and I realize this is another ~eaffirmation application as opposed te. a brand n~w application, and allow them to go back to tile Trustees, thereb,' fillin-::¡ in their h-:)Us~ where their open deck is, and building the necessar)r ~QQms that they need to support fami11r mEmbers, September 14, 2004 83 1 9 rtnd taking that spoil area in the front, and reconstructing a new deck with Trustee approval, arId an)' other variances the)' need, I thirlk tllat's what the Board should do, and I think that's what che applicant should do. I llave no objection to them raising roof lines. My entire objection to this application was basicall~' the construction Gf a second stery. I ha~lE: no offense to them in an'/ way, !1l::tnner en." form. I construe them to be very, very nice people, I'll reiterate that a}ain. But chat's my suggestion, that they should fill in their ~xisting deck area which faces the Pecollic Ba~', make that house, raise any roof lines that thEY S'J rh~se to do, so they don't have different ~levations of roof lines, but again, still to make t.h-=: hc,use a one - star:: home and thereby adding on to it in that spoil area of the remaining lot that chey purchased across the front of thelr property, an -=:xisting deck, a modest existing deck attaclled to the house with the necessary support pilings that you have to put in into that spoil area, and awa~' from that drain area that the~' have, which was delineated bj Mr. Schultheis. That's what I think they should do. And I can saj that, as l,eing a past chairperson of the this B03.rd, that I 1Gn't think they have necessaril~' exhausted their legal right in that benefit, and I think that's an rtrea that would have great merit. And their house w,~uld be almost square or rectangular, whatever cr=,nformit,/ you would choose it to be, rather than a little more riLl! shaped, as it is llOW, and tllat would be my suggestion. That is the maximum I'm 9,-:;··ing tc say today unless there are an...· r=,ther lssues and we go frc,m there. C'HAIRWO~J-"'.N OLIVA: Jim? BOARD MEr1BEP. DINIZIO: I don't hrt"}e any '1uestions. I kind of wonder wh...: we're still here, but I think that it's not unreasonable what the appl icant' s asking for. I mean, I did not take part in the first part of this applicatlon, so I Jidn' C get the whole nuance of the whole thin,}, buc I did -::¡o down there and take a look ~c ic, }o b....· it on the boat. I don' t think it stands out ~n....· more than any other house in the area, an(j it won't when it's done, that's my opinion, I'm one rnember. ::; e 3 4 5 6 8 1C) 11 1~ L 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 1:1 20 21 22 23 2-:1: . 25 CHAIRWOMM, OLIVA: 'Jinc~nt ? Sepcember 1~, 2004 84 1 :;; BOARD r~Er1BER ORLANDO: Just toclarif,', it wasn't putting a second story, just two dormers Jll, correct, two dormers on the existing dwelling? BOARD ME["IBER GOEHRUIGEP.: It's ¿In ~xtremely shallow roof line. BOARD r1EMBER ORLANDO: Yes. MR. SCHULTHEIS: Specifically it's ralsi~J the wall with about a four foot high knee wall with a new roof on top. BOARD ME!1BER ORL.1'iliDO: Reduce the pitch. I don't believe the ridge chan-::¡ed. MR. SCHULTHEIS: There would be a new roof put on. It wouldn't be a full ei-::¡ht foot wall for tIle second floor, just a four foot knee wall with a new roof and dormers in the front and the rear. B,C,ARD !1EMBER ORLANDO: That expanded the 2 e 3 4 5 ,:; 7 8 10 height? J'·1P.. SCHULTHEIS: The h~i-::¡ht of the house e 25 (pJ,:::;uld increase. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Okay. .'-.ny response lJack to Mr. Goehringer's suggestion? f'lE. BRESSLER: I think I would 1 ike to address them in the first instance, if that COllstitutes the substance of tIle members' concern. We have been through the approval process. W~ are at the end of the line, I think it probably -::¡oes without saying but since we're making a record, I will say it anyway, we don't want to st~rt agaill. What the suggestion is as a practical matter lS that we have to go back, we have to reapproacll the Trustees; we have to reapproach the Department of En'lironmental Conservation; we ha'le to reapproach ~~,,~eryone and then come back here again \'Ili th allother plan after, from an ell~iranmental point of Vlew, these things have been approved. That's the first problem I see with that particular approach. SecGndl~r, it was our intention to design this project in such a manner that it minimize the slr:.rironrnental impacts. And quite franklT/, I don't think that the su-::¡-::¡estion of enga-::¡in) in ,:'onstruction, which in some way 13 going to m0;re us closer to the water and encroach further on tIle wetlands, is something that is desirable, let ~lGne wllether DEC and whether the Trustees are ~C.·en going to entertain such an application when 3D environmentall~r sounder alternati'TE tlas already l.)een approved. Now, with regard to the second floor 11 12 13 e 14 15 IG 17 18 19 2 [I 21 .~. ...., L¿ ~ ~ 24 September 14, 2004 85 1 c itself, I think that there is no dispute regardless of when the second story dwellings in the New Suffolk area arose, this is not illconsistent with the character of the n'Cighborhood. I think that if we also were to expand toward the water on the first floor, we'd be }Jack to you with further ·variance applications because of the location of the lot lines. The Board is ~ware there are two separate lots there, and I tllink chat as between the two alternatives, I think adding the four foot knee wall, chan}ing the height in a m:>dest fashion is the sound'Cst ';13.,', IJllt I leave, obviousl~r members of the B(Jard have tlleir oWll approach to this, I think whell you consider all of the factors that are in701ved here ~nd the fact that the applicant's request is modest overall, I think th~t the method by which the applicant has chasen to proceed and the approvals he's gotten to date militate in favor of this particular application, the way it's structured. We don't want to go closer to the wetlands. So I also could be here until 6:00, Jerry and I could argue until 6:00, but Ileither of us wants to do rllat, and we could debate this ad infinitum. I think the issues are fairly clearly :jrawl1, Board Member Goehringer has made hi8. position ~rer~r clear about what Ilis objection is, and I think that we have mentioned the fact that we can militate and hopefully overcome, in the minds of at least the remainin-::¡ Board Members. BOÞ.RD MEMBER GOEHRIIJGER: You certainl,' ~~e much more articulate than I am. How¿\'er, I just want to say to that 'IoU th~ environmental lssues, as -:"ou know, from the DEC are I=,ret t....r much ca]~en care of because ~'ou ha\'e a substalltial bulkhead, that's Number 1. The situation in reference to the Health Department are pretty much taken care of with the DEC and the Health Department because there is no change in the cesspool,'septic tank issue because they're bein-::¡ untouched; and Number 3, if the Army Cc,rps c,f Engineers is in'lolved, we're talking al.:,,':,ut squarin-::¡ off the house, that's what I'm talking ar:,c,;ut, taking the HL!I out of the house and maklng that part of the house. The onl~' issue is for tl1e Town Trustees are sinking a couple pilings into that spoil area = · 3 4 ~ 7 8 Sf 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 l' Q 17 I,Q lS1 2.0 =1 ¿¿ 23 24 · 25 September 14, 2004 86 1 c in tile front, you're absolutel~' correct¡ but for all intents and purposes, really within the lot line of the existing house and not proceeding into that property in the front, which is in a separate lot areas, which really has no significallce b~cause it's in the same name. I have to tell l'GU that I feel so badly about the way I worked and dlscussed this application with the Schultheises on the first hearing, that I would be willin-::¡ to '3c to the Trustees with 'lOll, and go dO'II\t'l1 tCi the property with them and explain to them after Mr. and Mrs. Schultheis came up with an a}reeable plan because I don't normally like to do those things, however, I was extremely upset b~· Cllat statement which said that we were discriminating ~gainst either parent that was going to live ill the house with them, because, again, this Board '-k,es n,:)t discriminate and I just want ,'ou to be aware, that I feel badly about that, badly that I attacked these nice people. And, of course, I ~pologized in doing so. MR. SCHULTHEIS: You did. We appreciate " L . 3 4 t~1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 it. 11; BO,Z>,.RD f1EMBER GOEHRINGER: I 'Ñould e·:en '}o to the Trustees with them and with you to approach them and say this is what we really need; this is wllat we will like to have and after mue}1 field -,-isie and review of tllis application. So Chatls lust my opinion, and I have to tell you that cllat's the way I feel about ie. MR. BRESSLER: l^Ie respect that. But we ask the Board. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: ['Ie h3.\'e one member missing, but I think I'd like to close the hearing and have us discuss it at our October 7th hearing. MR. BRESSLER: Before ~~u close the hearing, I think the applicant would llke to make a statement. MR. SCHULTHEIS: As far as the su-::¡-::¡estion to square off the house. It's something that was lODked at and it creates some ','eri' unwield,' situations. It's a square with \rer)r little -- with access to light only 011 tile outsid¿. It makes for not a pleasant living experiellce 1n a square. And that's based on the layout of the house now, where the kitchen is, where the ottler rooms are. The other part of that is that 1ncreaslng the deck out further tGwards the water, e 14 15 17 1.'3 1 SI 2û 21 2:2 23 2-1 . 25 September 14, 2004 87 1 7 I'm sure Hr. Hartung, who 1 i ves to the north, lS not -::¡oing to be happy with the view that he is gOillg to have as he looks to the south now, and I'm sure Mr. Gonzalez who lives to the south, when he looks to the north is going to lose his view of a big part of Cutchogue. I appreciate the su-::¡}estion. M¡ personal feeling is that it's an unwieldy situation. There are, in addition, there are old cesspools under the deck which were never accounted for in any of the material I gave you, I can refer to Artie Foster, who put the new cesspools in, and you can ask him about the cave-ins that he's experienced in putting them lilt and we do know that there are other cesspools in that area which we prefer just to leave alone. It's a very fragile area under that main portion under the deck. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: ¡'Ie will t.ake your comments into consideration. MR. SCHULTHEIS: I had brought up the fact that in some of my prev"ious material Lhat one of the things that we considered doing was basicall¡ looking for some additional living area for -::¡uests and family when they come visit. CHAIRI^IOMMJ OLIVA: Understood. MR. SCHULTHEIS: One of the things that was considered was basically raising the garage and making some bedroom area up there but we were precluded from doing that because when the Cremminses that owned the house before us, the~r had to get a variance to build that garage and it was for storage only. So that was considered as an alternative, couldn't do that. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: That was the reason, Mr. Schultheis, why I suggested adding on to the house to the -::¡arage, that was my first su-::¡gestion for that particular reason. Because now it becomes part of the garage, and ,'ou could ask this Board to waive that particular option. J\.gain I assuming the garage doesn't become outlandishl¡ large. That was the main reason for that. MR. SCHULTHEIS: One of the options we ~onsidered was taking the existing garage -- BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: You can't do that because it stands alone from the house. It has to be attached to the hOUSE, that was the reason I made that suggestion of adding it to the 2 e 3 4 " ~ !o 8 9 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 e 25 September 14, 2004 88 1 2 house. 7 r'IR. SCHULTHEIS: Attached via BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Via a room, a heated part of the house. MR. SCHULTHEIS: l^Iith the closeness to the ',\rater in the rear f one of the things I layed out where the Trustees have that 75 foot jurisdiction, one of the things I laid out for you was where all those 75 foot lines were. BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: I understand. I understand that and, of course, you have bulkhead In that side also, some of which you just replaced, but having bulkhead and havin} open beach is a little different when Trustees look at applications of this nature. There are certainly houses down there that are extremely close -- as well as the back of ,'our house - - when I say the back, the part where you keep your boat -- I understand, but that was the purpose of m~' saying to you let/s add a room on from there to the garage. I don't know how this Board would feel in reference to the waiver of that condition. MR. SCHULTHEIS: I go back to the challenge we had when we had to put the cesspools ln, and the material was given. l^Ie got feedback from both the DEC and the Trustees. And the Trustees basically drew their 75 foot line, and where the cesspools were put in were beyond the 75 feet from the beach, they were beyond the 75 feet from School House Creek itself, and their feeling was it wasn't within 75 feet of that creek but that was a location that they felt more crnnfortable with for the cesspools. BOARD ~1EMBER ,::;OEHRINGEP.: I understand that, but I want 1'OU to be aware of the fact that just as there is a new chairperson for the ~lanning Board, so is there a new Trustee organization from the time you had gotten those Trustee permits. And whatever you chose to do, I ,:lid not feel the impact of ancther story on top of ~'our existing home was a benefit, when you talk about -- from my point of view, aka}' -- wllen )'DU talk about other people not having proper water "lews, I would counter that by sayin} if they den' t ha~vre a scenic easement O~ler '/our propertj'~, I realize you want to be a good nei-::¡hbor but that's ,Jut the window, unless a person has a scenic easement over your property, that's the wa~' it is. e :3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 If) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . -, c ¿~ September 14, 2004 89 1 · 3 Certainly they can come to a meeting and express their opinion, as other people you've seen toda~', and I said that a hundred times, unless "lTOU ha\re a s,':enic easement. 2 7 I don't want to debate 11nderstand your situation, and 2xplaining the property to us. MR. SCHULTHEIS: Just one last comment, taking that approach, I take a nonconforming situation now, and basically I make it more nonconforming. this anymore. I do thank you I 4 for 5 ,; BOARD MEMBER GOEHRINGER: Yes, -:.;ou' re 9 actually correct. MR. SCHULTHEIS: I'm trying to minimlze this, and I feel that the alternative of basically adding that minimal second floor, reducing the impact of changing the lot lines, et cetera. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Thank you. I'll ma.ke a motion to close the hearing and reserve decision until later. ISee minutes for resolution.) 8 10 11 1~· L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - 13 17 CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Next hearin-::¡ is Carol I^Iltschiebein and Janet Larsen. [··1S. RIVERA: This is the existin,:¡ sucre:/ ,~n Larsen.'·Witschiebein, and these are photos of just some of the homes on Sound Beach Drive to-::¡ether with the photos I previously -::¡ave you. I ask that you look at proposal number one, ,,¡hich lS the six foot setback for the 53 feet; I marked it ',\,i th Roman Number I up in the corner. As 'loU requested, I gave you se;reral proposals, but I would really like to concentrate on Proposal Number 1. I reduced the overall length of the eztension by 20 feet. The extension now is 53 feet in length, and I drew it back further from the coastal erosion line. By reducing lt by the 20 feet in length and reducing it by the width, reducing the overall square footage of 240 by a third, almost 1,000 square feet overall, and when I frame this house, I'm going to have to frame it in two by six. For obvious reasons, by framing two by six, I put the foam insulation first and put R13 -::¡iving me R2'; on the walls and on the water there we really, really do need it, desperately need it. So by reducing the house ln che width and the two by six framing, it's giving me approximate I}' 15 feet of internal space, and · 14 1::. 16 18 19 20 21 ~~ LL )0 ~~ 24 · ~c L~ September 14, 2004 90 1 2 · 3 4 5 '5 :j 9 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 rJ 21 22 23 24 · 25 then 11m further going to have to elevate this space to be flood compliant; so I'm goin-::¡ to have ~pproximately four risers going into chs space, so that's additional three feet I'm going to lose ln internal space. And even if I split the difference and put two stairs in the existing space and two more, it's still reducing the space. Then I have to add a stairwell in order to go to the second story, and the stairway's going to have t~ be approximately three and a half feet in width. So the reason for the chree and a half foot width stairway is I have to be able to put a handicapped chair rail mechanism to get to the second story because one of the Larsen women is handicapped. So we lleed to have a stairway that ·:an accommodate this chair lift and not haTJe too many landings and turns for ob...rious reasons. So I oan't really reduce the width of this eztension any more than I'm asking for, the siz f,~ot setback. The house is on a waterfront piece of property, as you well know, and if I were to put :=in accessory garage or accessor~/ building up there, I would only be required to have a five foot setback in the side yard and not be restricted on the length except to meet a 40 foot setback and I'm now about 74 feet back with a six foot setback. So what I'm askin-::¡ for is certainly not out of character of certainly George Cala'3"eris to the east because he has an addition almost ldencical Co what we're doing except his is hi}her because it's on pi 1 in-::¡s, and checking with the DEC, I would not have to be on pilings. Also the internal space is important because I h3-T.re to make it ADA compliant and also handicap-friendly as far ~s placement of furniture and being able to maneuver in the space. Sa I really can't reduce it much more because I'm usin-::¡ three and a half feet of internal space for a stairway. I'm using anywhere between 18 inches and three feet for the ¿levation change from the old to the new. So I l-eally can't reduce it by much more than I'm askin-::¡ from this Board. If you look at the existing survey I just gaìle ~/ou now, 'lOU' 11 see there's a shed there and a stairway there, which is preexisting, which is much closer to che property line than the extension. I'm further back than those structures September 14, 2004 91 1 o as they are now. I also ha','e worked on nine of the 19 homes on the waterfront property there, and tllere's a total of 25 homes on Sound Beach Drive, Gut Gf the those 25 home only fi'le, mine being included, llave m·::,re of alleywa:,', so to speak, lack of a bet ter term, between the houses. Right now if you grant the six foot setback the distance between the i:alageris' residence and Larsen residence would be 26 feet between the structures. There 3re onl~' five other homes on the entire block that has a minimum of 20 feet, all the rest have less than that. l~.nd you can see h'/ the pictures I gaT,.re 'Irau, I didn't take pictures of everything but onl~r five ha\'e more of an alleyway than the 20 feet and ','Ie're asking for a 26 foot alleyway between the two structures. I addressed ¡'our issues about perhaps mOiling some to the other side. Again, that would be elevating two buildings two set foundations and there's no transition from the bedroom space tG the ¡inaudible) space. And I'm trying to be sensitive to the Cypress people to the west because I don't want to obstruct their Vlew, and by doing it to the east, I'm really conforming witl! the Calageris residence as it stands IlGW. I think I addressed your concerns. I didn't put any overhangs. I drew it back and cut it by a third, and I don't think I can do much more than that. Any questions: CHÞ.IRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Jim, any questi,:)ns,' BOARD MEMBER DINIZIG: Doesn't lc.c,k as drastic as I thought it was goin-::¡ to look. It's a little better. ~ L · 3 4 5 '0 7 8 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 16 17 18 20 that's MS. RIVERA: BOARD IVJEMBER acceptable? J·'1S. RIVERA: BOARD MEMBER téllking j. A third is a lot better, Jim. DINIZIO: Plan 3 is the one 19 21 No, Plan 1. ORLANDO: Jim and I were 24 BOARD MEMBER DHnZIG: ¡'¡h,' we didn't '30 through 2 and 3. Plan 3 looks pretty '3oc.d to me. HS. RIVERA: Giving me an eight foot setback? And then I ha'Je an internal space of maybe 10 feet. Then I have to put the stairway in and then the elevation, I'd have six feet of li~ing space. I can't possibl~T have six foot of liT.~ing space. 22 23 · 25 September 1~, 2004 92 1 8 BDARD MEMBER DINIZIO: ¡-¡hy can't :(OU make it wider towards the house? MS. RIVERA: Then I will be encroaching on the entrances both to the beach and to the front. See where that stoop is, I would literally be cO'lering the front entrance there, and I can't build over that structure as perhaps maybe one of ~ou had suggested because that structure was built in 1950s and it's only on a slab and structurall~' the engineer was here before, but, of course, he had to leave, but he said there's no waj," we could build over that structure, and if I were to build over that structure, I would literally ha~e to knock it down and build a new foundation. And right now there are pipes underneath that slap for heating and for water for the addition that ',,¡e were contemplating putting to the east. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: The total length of this building now? MS. RIVERA: Is 58 feet. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: 58 feet. MS. RIVERA: As opposed to 78. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I'm lookin-::¡ at the pictures, and I don't see any buildings that look like they're 58 feet. MS. RIVERA: The Calageris residence, ri}ht next door, which this would be almost mirror, I built that so I know that it is very close to that, I mean. BOARD I"lEMBER DINIZIO: That's 20 feet from the property line? I1S. RIVERA: They're 20 feet fr,om the propert,' line, right. And the o'<'erall side ,'ard setback that we're asking would be a total of 31.8/ when onl~r 35 is required, so the total side 'lard setback I'm asking for is three feet. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: But you're asking f'Jr six feet. MS. RIVERA: Yes, six feet on one side but the total side yard setback is 31.8. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: But the total is not rele'lant of this, it's not a subject of this T.r3..riance. L e 3 4 5 I: ~ , 9 10 11 1~· L 13 e 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 '. ¿~ . 25 ¡'1S. RIVERA: I realize that. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: l^Ie're talkin-::¡ about ~rou wanting to add another two-star}' building six feet away from the property line. MS. RIVERA: Right. As I said, the 24 September 14, 2004 93 1 5 Calageris' to the west, have a two-story buildi~J much higher because he has more pilings because of his garage. BOÞ.RD MEMBER DINIZIO: But the'/' re Hj feet (Jr 20 feet away from the property line. filS. RIVERA: But if I '''ere to -::¡c, on the ,~ther side, which I can't really do bec~use of cesspools and water main and no access, remember I have to have access and elevation to go to 13.6, which I cannot do from that side, I really can't. 2 e 3 4 b 7 St BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: We'll have to have the discussion. You're not going to discuss 3, ri}ht, we don't need to discuss that? MS. RIVERA: You can't expect internal space of five, six feet because it will be -- you can't even put a sofa and cocktail table there. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: Plan 3 can onl:: qi~'e you seven, eight feet? MS. RIVERA: Internal space. BOARD SECY. KOI^IALSKI: It's 15 feet wlde altogether, right, the new area? ¡·IS. RIVERA: Right now it's approximately 16 feet wide with a six foot setback, approximately 16 from foundation to foundation. So if you want to take another two feet of that, tll~t's 14; then you take another foot, that's 13 of internal space; then ~rou take three alld a llalf feet for the stairway, another three feet for the stairwa~' to get to the elevation, I'm taking six feet awa)' of internal space, and there's just no r,,·/a'.." you can maneU~ler a wheelchair with furniture and e'.'en contemplate getting up to the second stor~' with maneuvering. BOPd<,D MEMBER ORLANDO: ¡'lith six feet? ['-1S. RIVERA: No. BOARD MEMBER ORLANDO: But you can do it with eight feet? There's only a two foot difference, six foot as opposed to eight foct internal. MS. RIVERA: It gives me a lot more spacE, two feet is two feet as far as setback 15 cOllcerned. If two feet doesn't make a difference lllternall~', why would it make a difference on the ~xternal side? Look at it both ways. BC,ARD MEMBER DRLANDO: It's als,::, 250 square feet more, two stories, two feet b~" ,S 0, ¿=t[J!?yoximately. 8 10 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 12, 1'] 2û 21 22 23 24 e 2 =, September 14, 2004 94 1 " L HS. RIVERA: But you're maneuvering it by · 3 ~ story at a time. BOARD SECY. KOI^IALSKI: staircase inside this? MS. RIVERA: The staircase has to be in such a position as t.o not have too many turns. So we're thinking of putting it on the back wall, so we can be an easy transition. When I say back (,..'all, I mean side wall, the Calageris side. BOARD SECY. KOWALSKI: Being on the road Chris, where is the 4 5 6 ~) sld,,, of it? f"JS. RIVER.2',.: No. On the easterly side. Because in 1992 I had to put a stairway in my house, one of those chairs for m~' mom, and I llad a tudor, it was straight up, and in those days, it :ost me $10,000 then, and that was just a straight l-un, and e"';:(~ry time you turn or the risers change, it makes a drastic difference in the pricing of the chair lift. So the easiest way for maneU'!erability and a,-::cess would probabl~l be con that easterly wall. BOARD SECY. KOI^IALSKI: Thank !,ou. CHAIRWOMAN OLIVA: Vincent? LL...re you finished, Jim? BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I'm not really finished. You have a certain amount of square footage right now on this lot; how much is that? I^Ihat is your current lot coverage? HS. RIVERA: Part of the old space lS coming dawn, and I'm building right on top of chat. 7 8 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 16 17 1-8 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: ,'¡hat lS ,'our current lot coverage right now? BOARD MEHBER GOEHRINGER: If she can't answer it now, she can submit it. You could submit it, Chris, you don't have to do it right nc,w. 1 ::1 20 22 BOARD SECY. KOI^IALSKI: It be might be on the disapproval too. MS. RIVERA: A lot less than the 20 21 23 per,=ent. BOARD r'IEf~BER DINIZIO: the tvlO. I want to compare 2-1 r~s. RIVERA: Don't forget, Jiml there1s · 25 this 10 by la, 10 by 11 space I'm going to incorporate that BOARD HEHBER DINIZIO: that's ezistillg now, 111 the new space. r see that on ~'our Septembe~ 14, 2004 95 1 ~ plan, but when I write the decision, approval or disapproval, I'm going to want to be able to justif~r, or whatever I do, the reasons wh~r the additional space has to go into this nonconfGrming area. There has to be some reasons for that. I know the house has this much square footage I ''!'¡hen we're done we're going to ha\,re t.his much. ~'Jhat is that going to be? [,IS. RIVERA: It's goim:¡ to be '" li'Jing and dining room downstairs. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: That I know. Square footage wise, how much are you g,~ing to gain that you don't have now? You can give it to me later but if you want, we could probably vote on this next week if we have the information. HS. RIVERA: 16 by 58, that's 928 square feet of the footprint, lESS about 110 that's existing now that I'll bE utilizing that, is about 318. 2 . 3 4 5 ,~ 7 ,3 10 11 . 25 BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: So we're }oing to t- adding 818 additional square feet to the ,- MS. RIVERA: To the existing footprint. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: -- footprint. I'1S. RIVERA: You also ha'Je to understand that because of the fact that this is waterfront property and I'm restricted b~r the coastal erosion line to the north, I did pull it back. I'm still 75 feet set back from the road, and I still h",ve t:J accommodate the flood compliance of the ¿levation to go to 13-6, floor joists, so no matter how I do it, whether to the east or to the west, 1/11 still have those restrictions upon me. So even if I were to go on to the other side, I'm still nonconforming because it's ri-::¡ht now only 11-2 on that side. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I agree with you on that. Just what I see here on this plan is a single, an existing one-story r-esidence, well within limits of zoning, meeting all the setbacks. Now I ha'le an applicant that sa,'s, I want t,:) build a two-story, six feet away from my prop~rty line. Il^Ihereupon, Board Member Orlanda left the hearin9 room.! ¡'JS. RIVERA: You ha're to understand, being GD the flood zone we don't have the luxury of going over the existing space. There's no wa~r you can go over the existing space in the flood zone. Tlle~' force you to go outside the existing 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 September 14, 2004 96 1 · , parameters of )"our hGme. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: I don't understand. Is this thing, one-story home jOU couldn't tear tllat down and put up another house, twe stori~s? I'1S. RIVERA: No. Then the whole ent ire structure has to be on pilings. Please, I know I was the first one that got ilrl()l"'\,~ed in that r..=..\ne. I actually was the first home to be built because ori}inally I was just going to put an extension on ITI~: home. Then they wanted me to con'lert thE: (:Jld elev~tion to meet the new because it was more than that SO percent formula. You just cann0t. bUlld o~er the existing structures in the flcrod zone. BOARD MEMBEP, DINIZIO: The nev, ,:::cnst.ruction doesn't need to be built on pilings, L 4 5 ç 7 8 9 (."¡hy? 23 MS. RIVERA: It depends. This has co be ~le?ated but based on my conversations with the DEC, I have to elevate it with a flow throu-::¡h foundation. I will not probably have to put it on pilings because the formula is that the existin-::¡ structure has the kitchen and the bathrooms in it now, and that's where the so-called money -- BOARD [v[EI1BER DINIZIO: Right, utilicies ,3Te there. MS. RIVERA: Rigllt. But that comes into the formula, the 50 percent rule, and it has a 'falue of money or something. So they told me I would have to elevate the space because it has to be flood compliant, and I can do that with a fl,=,w-through foundati,::m. When ,'ou put a garage as I did in Calageris, the garage has to bE on pilings. This jusc has to be elevaced to che 1~.~, and when you build over an existillg structure, that structure has to be thEIl elevated also. So I have to knock down and then elevate it ~n pilings. But I still have to have the transition from the old to the new. EOARD MEI1BER DINIZIO: From grade right l1'.)V.J, you' T,~e get to go 13 feet? MS. RIVERA: The first floor elevation as th~ house exists now is 10-7. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: You have co -::¡o cwo a.nd a half? HS. RIVERA: I have to go 3 0 In,~hes. BOARD MEHBER DINIZIO: QuestioE of a couple two b)r six's, it's a question of a f'Jundatiùn? 10 11 1~ L 13 · 14 IS 16 17 18 1 Sf 20 21 22 24 · 25 September 14, 2004 97 1 s NS. RIVERA: foundation. BOARD NEMBER DINIZIO: Then you'll co":er that up, and from there that's floor le~el? MS. RIVERA: That's floor level. Yes. BOARD MEMBER DINIZIO: Then you're gOln-::¡ up two stories, 20 some-odd feet for tlle wall, 22 feet just the wall that someone will be looking Right. I ha"Je to put a 2 . o 4 G ::it. 9 MS. RIVERA: Right. As opposed to Calageris' where I had to go up higher. BOARD NEMBER DINIZIO: Okay, I saw it. MS. RIVERA: I try to be sensitive not onl~' to tilE area but also to both their neighbors because right now the Cypresses, he built out on his side that's to the west; so we have held back for ob~!ious reasons building on that side because 'Jlle we have a Bilco door to the existillg foundation¡ septic line there arId the S~wers there ~lld the water's there. So to the east was really the anI)' feasible Wd}r to do this. It also is characteristic of the Calageris' right next door, and I ga',e you pictures of that from before. And i-oU also ha"l".re the survey with the new fe.otpr int of the Calageris' on there. CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Jerry? BOARD MEMBER GOEHRIN,.JER: I ha\'e no 7 g 11) 11 12 13 e 14 15 :=:úmment. 1(; ¡'1S. RIVERA: Do we need to wait for th~ 17 October 7th meeting? CHAIRI^IOJVlAN OLIVA: Yes. Make a moti,::m to close the hearing and reserve decision until latE:::r. 18 ISee minutes for details.) 19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ~, C ¿J CHAIRI^IOMMJ OLIVA: I'd 1 ike to lTIake a motion to reopen the hearing for Michael Pisacano. (See minutes for resolution.) CHÞ.IRI^IONAN OLIVA: f1rs. [V[oore. I'1S. MOORE: ¡,hat I did was I toc,k the application, amended the application, included ln the notice of disapproval, included notice of jisapproval, put a little extra writing to reflect scm,= '.Jf the things that \'Jere discussed hére t.oda1'. I g,:rle ~/ou a hand-out today in my hearing, h~ndwritten but nonetheless all the calculatiGns and everything. If you could lTIake it also part of the record, I didn't redo e'.r"::r1Tthing, the other 20 21 22 23 24 September 14, 2004 98 1 5 subdi"f/~isions . CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: Make a motion closing the hearing reserving decision until later. ISee minutes for resolution.) CHAIRI^IOMAN OLIVA: J·1ake a motic,n to ~djourn the Tyrer hearing until October 21st. (See resolution for details.) 2 e j 4 " 7 8 ~I 1Ü 11 12 13 e 14 15 16 17 1,8 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 2", September 14, 2004 99 1 2 · 3 4 5 " c 7 8 ~I 10 11 12 13 · 14 15 16 17 18 1 Si 2ú 21 22 23 24 · 25 C E R T I F I CAT ION I, Florence V. Wiles, Notary Public for the State of New York, do hereb'/ certify: THAT the within transcript is a trus reccrd of the testimony given. I further certify that I am not related by blood or marriage, to any of the parties to this 3-ction; and THAT I am In no way interested in the outcome c;f this matter. IN I^IITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 14th day of September, 2004. n I ' l ' '4/ {)w-' (/!rJ!& / Flcrence V. \'Ii les '- Septsmber 14, 2004