HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-08/12/1958MEETING OF AUGUST 12~ 1958.
The Southold Town Board met St~the office of Supervisor Norman E~ Klipp
at Greenport, on Tuesday~ August 12~ 1958~ Th~ meeting was called to
order at l:BO P.M. witch the following present. SuperviSor KliPp; Council-
m~rA Albertson and Demarest.; Justices Tuthill and Clark; Superintendent
of Highways Price~ Town Attorney Tasker and Town Clerk Booth.
The Board sat at once as a committee on audit to examine claims sgaiast
the Town concluding the audit work at 2:00 P.M.
Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Justice Clark:
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of July 22~a~nd July 29, 1958
be and hereby are duly approved as read°
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Kl~p~ouncilmen Albertson and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark.
Moved by Justice Clark; seconded by Justice Tuthill:
RESOLVED: That the Town Board make its official visit to Fishers Island
on Tuesday~ August 19, 1958. The meeting will he c~lled to order at
1:30 P.M.. The Supervisor is hereby authorized to provide transportat-
ion. The boat will leave Preston's Dock in Greenport at 9:00 A.M.
Vote of Town Boar~: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Councilmen AlbertSon and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark.
Moved by Councilman Albertson; seconded by Justice Tuthill:
WHEREAS, on the recommendation Of the Planning Board, the fee ef $25.00
be returned Eot the petition o~ Frank B. Rogers, Jr. and Midgley & Horton~
NOW~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That Supervisor Norman E. KliPp be and
he hereby is a~thorized and directed to return to Frank B. R°gers~ Jr.
and Midgley & H~r~n the fee of $25.OOwh~ch accompanied the petition.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-SuperVisor Klipp$ Councilmen Atbertson and
~ Demmrest~ JUstices Tuthill and Clark.
Movec by Jus~ce
RESOLVED: That'Supervi~o~ N0~man E. ~[lipp be. and he hereby is authorized
to purchase from Crabtree-0'Keefe One 19~ Ford Panel Truck, purchase
orice~$570~O for the use of the Mattituck Civil Defense Squad.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; ~ouncilmen Albe~tson and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and~Clark.
M~ved by Justice Clark; seconded by Councilmen Demarest:
RESOLVED: That the report of Howard M. Terry, Building-Inspector~ for
the month of J~ly~ 19585 be accepted by the Town Bo~.rd and placed on file.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Councilmen Albertson and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark.
Moved by Councilman Demarest; seconded by Justice Tuthill:
WHEREAS, the Su~fold County Civil Service Commission Elegibility List
for Police Patrolman #297, Town of Southold, established Amgust 20~ 1957,
for one year, is about to expire, and
WHEREASs it is the desire of the Southold Town Board tha~ this list
should he continued in full force and effect for a longer period,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That Supervisor Norman ~E. Klipp be,
and he hereby is instructed to request the Suffold County Civil Service
Commission to continue the eligib~iity list for Police Patrolmen, Town
of Southold, N.Y.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Councilmen Al~ertson amd
Demarest; Justices Tuthill ar~ Clark.
Moved by Comucilman Albertson; seconded by Councilman Demarest:
RESOLVED: That General Bills im the amount of $6,317.~26; Lighting
District Bills in the amount of $1.809.80; Fishers Island Ferry District
Bills in the amount of $16,351.23,'be and the same are hereby ordered
~ote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Councilmen Albertson and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark. ~
Moved by Councilman Alhertson; seconded by Justice Clark:
RESOLVED: That Bond No. SM178i88-3, issued by the American Motorists
Insurance. Company, on behalf of Harry W. Smith, in the sum of Five
Hundred Dollars ($5OO.OO) be and the same is hereby approved as to its
form~ m~nner of execution and sufficiency of sureties therein.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Councilmen Al~ertson and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark.
Moved by. Justice Tuthill;~ s~¢onded by Justice Clark:
RESOLVED: That Bond No. 7,1822, issued by the Glens Falls Insurance Co.
on behalf of TheodzreB. Howard~ in the sum of Four Thousand Dollars
($~000~00) be'and the same is hereby approved as to its manner of
execution and form, and sufficiency of sureties therein.
VOte_of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Councilmen Albertson and
I~amarest, Justices Tuthill and Clark.
Demarest; seconded by Justice Clark':
the Police Report for the month of July be accepted by
wn Board and placed on file.
2own Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Councilmen Albertson and
De~arest, Justices Tuthill and Clark.
Councilman Albertson; seconded by Councilman Demarest:
S, a petition was received from GEORGE W. SMITH& SONS, INC.
BE IT~RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk of the Tow~ of
~d be a~d he h~eby is directed to transmit this application to
accordance with Section 901~ Subdivision C of
1X,of Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold.
AYes'Supervisor Klipp; Councilmen Albertson and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark.
Moved,~byCouncilman Alber~son; seconded by Justice T~thill:
WHEREAS, a petition was received from VALENTINE RUCHiIV, relative to
C ZOne ~
, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town ~erk of the Town of
S~ be and he hereby is directed to transmit this application to
the Board~in accordance with Section 901, Subdivision C of ~
the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold.
VOte Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Councilmen Albertson and
Demarest; Justices TuthiII and Clark.
by Councilman Demarest; seconded hy Justice Clark:
S, a petition was received from IRVING LATEAM~ relative to change
~ BE IT RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk of ~he Town of
he hereby is directed to transmit this application to
Board in accordance with S~ction 901~ Subdivision C of
the ~uilding~Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold.
~f Town Board. Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Councilmen Albertson and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark.
M~ved bY Councilman Albertson; seconded by Justice Tuthill:
RESOLVED: That the proposed zoning ordinance amendments of the Tow~n of
Southold be transmitted te the Planning Board in accordance with Section
901~SUbdivision C of Article 1X of the Building Zone Ordinance ef~the
T0W~ of SoUthold.
Vote~f T own Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Councilmen Albertson and
Demarest; Jusi$ces Tuthill and Clark.
The Public Hearing upon the question of the enactment of the Southold
Town0rdinance regulating the mooring of boats and the placing of
obstruCtiOn in and on Town Waters and public lands~ and upon the
of Fr~.nkB. Rogers and Midgley and Horton for a change of' zone
~sidential and AGricultural District to "B" Business District
~rtain real property~situate at Peconic, N.Y. and S-ction lO12 of
the Building Zone Ordinance~ was held.
SUPerVisor Klipp Opened the hearing at 2:00 o'clock P.M. The minutes of
thCs'hearing were recorded by George Lederle.
Moved~by Councilman Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark:
WHEREAS, a petition was heretofore filed with the Town Board ~f the
Towno~f Southold by Frank B. Rogers, Jr, and Midgley and Horton request-
ing a change~ modificationand amendment of the Building Zone Ordinance
including ~h~ Building Zone Maps made a ~rt thereof by changin~ from
"A" Res. &~Agric. District to "B" Business District the property described
i~ said petition, and
w~__eas~ said pe%ition was duly referred to the Planni Board for its
nv~s't~gation~ recommendation and report, and its report having been
filed with?the Town BOard~ and thereafter~ a public hearing in relation
to said petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the 12th day
of August, 1958, and due deliberation having been had thereon
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the relief demanded in said petition,
be and it hereby is granted.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-SNpervisor Klipp; CouneilmenAlbertson and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark. ~
Moved by Councilman Albertson:
of the Ld to follows:
'SECTION lO12 - PENALTIES - For ~my and every violation of the
~of this ordinance, ~he Owner, general agent, or, contractor
~ or premises, where such violations have been committed or~ shall
and the general agent, archi, tect,~ builder, contractor or
who knowingly commits, takes Part or'assiSts in any such~
maintains'any building or premises in which any such violation shall exist,
shall be guilty of an off&nsc. Each week's continued violation shmll con-
stitute a separate additional violation. Such fines or.penalties, shall be
collected aslike fines are now collected'by law.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp; Co~uncilmen AlbertsOn and
Demarest, Justices TUthill and
Moved by Councilman Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark:
RESOLED: That this meeting be recessed at 6:00 P.M. and be reco~Vened
at the American Legion Hall in Southold at 7:30 P~M.
A Public hearing on the petition of EDNA A. BROWN for a change of zone
from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "~" Business District
on certain real property situate at Peconic, and on petition of ANHANASIOS
and HELEN SPINTHONRAKIS for a change of zone fro~ "A" Reside~t~aland
Agricultural District to "M" Multiple ReSident Distrlc~ on C~rtain real
propertz situate at East Marion, and the the n of
GEORGETTE PETRUCCI for a change of zone f~om .
Districlt to "M" Multiple ResidentDistrict on certa~nreal p
Nassau Farms~ Peconi% N.Y. was held. ~his last Pe~i~tion~w~'withdrawn~
The Supervis6r opened the hearing at 7:30 P.Mo. The minutes of this hearing
were recorded by George T. Lederle.
Mc.red by Justice Tuthitl; seconded by Cotuucilm~n Demeres~l:
~EAS,,a petition was ~eretofore filed with the TownBcard of the T~wn
of S0uth~!d. ~yATHANASiOS ~nd HELEN SPINTHOURAKISm~e~ues'~ a change~
m~difi~atiOn, and amendment of the Building Zone 0r~inance ~the~
Building ~one.Maps made~a part.thereof by chang
District to "M" Multiple Res. District the propert~
petition~ and
WHEREAS~said petition was duly referred to the Planning Board for its
investigation, recomme~dation and report, and its report ha'
filed with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public ~earing elation
to .said petition having been duly heTd by the
day of August, 19%8~' and due ?eliberation
NOW, THEREFOR~ BE IT~SOLVED: Tha~ the relief tition
be, a~d it hereby is granted.
'Vote of Town~Board: Ayes-Supervisor' Klipp; Councilmen Albertso~ and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark.
~o~!iby~ seconded by Justice Tuthill:
WHERE~S, a petition was re filed with the Town Board of the Tow~
of Sou~holdby Plannimg Noard & Board nge,
modification and amendment of the the
Building gone maps made a part thereof by ~le ~, 1012
~I~HEREAS, said petition was duly referred to' the Board for i~s
investigation, recommendation and report, and its rep been filed
with the Town Board, and thereafter, a public hearing in relation to said
petition having been duly held by the Town Board on the 12th day of August
1958, and due deliberation hav~ng been bad-thereon ~ ' '
NOW, iTH~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED.~ That the relief demanded in said~p'eti~ion
be, and ~t hereby ~s granted. ~ . ~
Vo~ of TOwn Board: A~es-SNpervisor Klipp, Councilmen Albertson 'and
Demarest; Justices Tuthill and Clark.
AdJournmen~ was at 8:30 P.M.
Ralph P. Booth
Town Clerk
Notice is hereby given that after a public hearing held pursuant to the
requirements 9f law, the Building Zone Ordinance (including the Build-
lng Zone Maps) of the Tow~ of Southold, Suffolk County, New York was
duly amended at a regular meeting of the Southold Town Board on August
12, 1958, as follows:
Io BY changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to
Business District, the following described property:-
ALL that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at
?econici-n ~he Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New
York ~nd more pert£cularly bounded and described as' follows:-
Beginning ~t a point on the southerly line of Main Road at the north-
westerly corner of land of Albert Richmond, being ebout 95 fee~ westerl~
~alOng said line from the westerly line of BayAvenue; running along said
~a~d of'~mAtbert Richmond, South 33 degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds East
~121.32 feet; thence along l~nd of William Midgley, Jr., and along land
of Midgley and Horton~ South 62 degrees 29 minutes lO seconds West 150.0
fe~t; thence still along'land of Midgley and Horton, North 33 degrees
29 minuteS30 seconds West 93.35 feet to sai~ southerly line of Main
Read; thence along said southerly line, North 51 degrees ~7 minutes lO
seconds East 150.0 feet to the point of beginning.
2. By chmn~ing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B"
Business District, the following described property:-
ALL that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being at
Peconic in theTown of Southold, County of Suffolk and Sta%e of New
York, and more particularly bounded and described as follows:-
BEGINNING at a cased post set on the southerly line of Main Road at the
northeasterly corner of land of George Bailey and running along said
southerly line of Main Road, North 55 degrees 5?+minutes $0 seconds East
157o20 feet to a pipe set at the northwesterly corner of land conveyed
to Frank Rogers, Jr. and wife; thence along said conveyed land two courses:-
(1) South ~ degrees 29 minutes ~0 seconds East 93.55 feet to ~ pipe;~
(2) North 62 degrees 29 minutes l0 seconds East 51.72 fee~ to s concrete
monument set at the northwesterly corner of land of William Midgley, Jr.;
Thence ~lonE said land of William Midgley~ Jr., South l0 degrees B3 minutes
l0 seconds East 75.80 feet to a concrete monument set st the northwesterly
corner of land of Adelaide Sayre; thence along said land of Adelaide
Ssyre, South 7 degrees 08 minutes ~0 seconds East lO0.O0 feet to a concrete
monument set at the northwesterly corner of land of William Richmond;
thence p~rtly ~long said land of William Richmond and partly ~long land
of Isabel Ross, South 13 degrees 19 minutes l0 seconds East 123.0 fee~
to a pipe set ~t the southwesterly corner of land of Isabel Ross; thence
~long land of Adam Dorski, Sro south 87 degrees ~ minutes 30 seconds
West 215.15 feet to a concrete monument set at the southwesterly corner
of the premises herein described; thence along~l~d of Walter Silleck,
north 27 degrees 02 minutes O0 seconds West 98.52 feet to ~ pipe set at
the southwesterly corner of said land of George Bailey; thence along
said land of George Bailey, two courses, as follows;
(1) North 56 degrees 52 minutes ~0 seconds East 6~o5~ feet to a pipe;
thence (2) North 27 degrees $6 minutes ~0 second, West ~6~.~:b feet to
the point of beginning
Containing !~S15~ecres~ by survey of Otto W~ VanTuyl & Son, dated March
3o, 19 .
(3) By amending Article X, Section 1012 of the Building Zone Ordinance
of.the Town of Southold to read as follows:-
SECTION lO12- PENALTIES ~ For any and every violation of the provisions
-of this ordinance, the owner, general agent, or contractor of a build-
ing or premises, where such violations have been committed or shall exist,
and the general agent, architect, 'builder, contractor or ~ny other
per~en who knowingly commits, takes part or assists in shy suc~ violation
or who m~int~ins any building or premises in which ~ny such violation
sh~ll exist, shall be guilty of sn offense.-Each week's continued violation
sh~ll constitute a separate additional violation. Such fines or penalties
shall be collected as like fines are now collected by law.
$~ By changing from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "M"
Multiple R sidence District'the following described property:-
ALL those tracts or parcels of land, situate, lying ~nd being at
East Marion, in the Town of Southold, CoUnty of Suffolk, and~Sta~e of
New York, hounded and described as follows:-
Parcel I Northerly by the Main Road (Route 25); easterly by land of
Downs~ southerly partly by other l~nd formerly of Charles T. Brooks
and partly by land of Wayland C. Brown, formerly of Henry~mGardiner~
westerly by land of Reginald Peterson, formerly of William M~nch.
Parcel ll Beginning at a point om the south li~e of the land formerly
of Charles T. Brooks, which point is the northeast co~ner
Wayland C. Brown, formerly of Henry Gardiner and the nerJ~St~.corner
of the land hereby described; running thence north 55 deg2ees 25 minutes
east 133 feet to land of Ceasar Tedeschi; running~the~ce along land
of C?asar~Tedeschi south SO degrees 15 minutes east 149~ 2ee~more or
less; thence s~uth 51+ degrees 25 minutes ~est I more-or leSs'
to land~oE Wayland C. Brown, formerly of Henry G~ ;~thence along
land las~ mentioned north BO degrees west 159 ~ess to .the
point o~ place of beginning.
Dated: August 13, 1958.
By order of the Southold Town Board
Ralph Po ~ooth
Town Clerk