HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-07/28/1958 ~TiNG OF JL~Y 28~ 19~8.
A public hearing was held by the Southold Town Board at the office of
Supervisor Norman E.~ ~lip~ at Greenport~ on Mond~y~ July 28~
with t~e following present: Supervisor Kiipp~ Councilmen Aiber~som and
Demarest~ Ju~tic~ Cmsr~ Tovm Attorney T~sker and Town Clerk Bo~h~
~his hearing was in ~he matter of the ~ ~ ~
a~op~mo~ of a bingo ordinance
for the ~own of Southold.
The Supervisor op~ned the ' ~ '
n~rmng at 7:30 P.~. end read the call of
the meeting. He then c~Ize,~ upon any person present who wished to
speak either in favor or in ~ ~
~ppos=tion ~o tee matter of the adoption
of a bingo ordinance. There was no response in the negative.
· h~.~. ~ following were in favor of the adoption of a bingo ordinance~
Joseph J. Ficuriili~ Chief of t_~ Greenpor2 Fire Depsrtment~
~alter Kseiin~ member of the C~ehogue Fire Department
John Haas~ representing the Mattituck Fire Departmen~
Edward Gra~~,~ ~ ~ ~ ·
~u~:~ ~ouuho~d Town Fire Chme~ Council
John Ti!liaghsst~ Tax payer
The following communications were received in ~avor o~ ~ae adoption
o'f ah= n~n~,o Ordinance-
:~aymona Cleaves Post No. 861
Cutchogue Fire Department
Greenport Fire D~psrtment
The hearing was ~tosed at 7.40, ~ _P.v~. ~or~ fu_-~,~_ deliberation o~ the Bo~6
pending s resolution vote.
Moved by Justice C=ar~ seconded by Councilman ~.!ber~son~
~'~,, _~_~.,=~ ~ the Town Board of the Town_ of Southold has been requeste~
by several organizations within the Town to legalize bingo in the
~ma~ a public hearing was duly h~!d by said Town Board on the
28thm=y-~f- oz~ Juiy~ !9~8~ on-the mat~..r~= of tae~ adoption of a bingo
NOW~ ~H~REFOR~ BE IT RESOLVED &ND ORDAINED that it sha~__ be lawful
for any authorized organization~ as defined in Section 476 ~
~ Article
i4~G of the n
,=eneraz Municipal Law upon obtaining the ~=~
~ ~:um= ~d license
to conduct the game of bingo within the t -~ ~w'~ ~ ~
,er.=t~_~== limits o~ ~he
To-~,m of Southotd~ subject to the provisions of this ordinance~ Article
~=en~r~_ Municio$i Law. and ir~ic!e ~ ~9-B of the Executive
Law~ and the following restrict~ons:-
1~ No person~ firm~ association~ corporation or orgsnization~ other
than sn ~uo.~=zed organization t~ce~.sem una=r the provisions of ~
14~S of the Gen~a! Municipal Law shall be permitted to conduct such
games ~
2. No bingo game shall be he!d~ operated or conducted on or within any
leased premises if ~en~sl under ~ ' ¢* wholly or
..... ~uon lease is to be p=.~d~
partiy~ on the basis of a perqentage of the receipts or net profits
derived from the operCtion of such game~
3. The entire proceeds of any game shall be exclusively devoted to
the lawful purpose of the organization ~ermitted to conduct 4-'~
~. No~=~n~ie_~ p~ize shall excee~ the sum o~ value o~ two 'nund~e~ _~uye~
~. No series of prizes on any one occasion shall aggregate more ~han
one thousand dollars.
6 No person exceuta bona ' = m~mbe~
· f~me of any such organization
........ ~ s~atl
participate in the management or operation of such
7. The unauthorized conduct of a b~ngo game and any willful violation
of any provision of ~' · ·
~,~ms ordinance shs!! constitute and be punmsnabie
as a m!~deme~nor~
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly
~o a zoue on ro=m caii~ w .... h resulted ss
Ayes-~u~S~viso~ K!ipp; ~oun~=ime~ Aibertson anS~ Demarest~ Justica~
............... Cia ~k,
The resolution ~ss theraupon m~c!area du_y sdop~ed~
Mis. Florence Ziegter appeared before the Board requesting change
z~ne fro~ "~': Residential and Agriculture! District to ~ s of
M" Multiple
Resident District. She state~ they would like to !ceaSe 3 duplex units
in addition to the three trailers no~ located on their trailer camp
property in East Marion. She ~ave the Board the dimensions of the plot?
~he Board informed her that the plot was too small to i~cate the three
t~lle_s~ a~m ~ had to be either
duplex u~ ~n aoo~t_on to the
the three t~er~ or the three duplex units. Mrs, ~ieg!er said that she
would take the matter up with her husband and report back to the
Moved by Councilman Aibertson; seconded by Councilman Demarest:
BESOLS~D: That the regular monthly audit meeting of this Board will be
held at the office of Supervisor Norman E~ Kiipp,at Greenport~ on
i9~o: a~ ~v
Tuesday~ August i2~ ~o t ~o~a ~ ~
~ote of Town Board~ AM~s~uperv~sor ~!~pp~ Councilmen &!bertson aris
Demarest$ ~u~t~ce
Moved by Councilman Demarest~ seconded by Justice Clark:
~W~REA~ .... the ~oa~a of Trustees of the Town of Southoid ~as_ received
~~~me_o~s complaints concerning the mooring of boats in town waters~ and
~na~ the Town ~oar8 enact
)~R~S~ the Board of Trustees has requested ~' *
an ordinance regulating the mooring of boats in town waters~
~0~,~ ~H~,R~_o~ BE mmou~, that a public hearing be held by the
Tow~ 'Board of the Town of Southold at the Super~isor~s Office~ 16 South
Street~ Greenport~ N~Y. on the !2th day of August~ 19~8~ at 2:00
o~clock P.M. of that day upon the question of the enactment of the follow~
lng Ordinance~ to wit:~
Section !~ No person shall place ~ay piles~ stakes~ buoys~ piers~ docks
or other objects inoor on any to~,~ waters or oubiic lands under or
adjacent to town waters in the Tow~ of Southo~d without first obtaining
a permit therefor from the Board Of Trustees of the Town of Southoid~
Section 2~ No person shall moor~ anchor or place any boat on ar~y public
lands at the end of a~y town highway in the Town of Southold for a longer
period than 24 hours.
Section 3. The Board of Trustees of the Tom~ of Southo!d is hereby
authorized and empowered tc issue revocable permits for the placing of
piies~ stakes, buoys piers~ docks or other objects in or on any town
waters or pubiic lands under or adjacent to town waters~ provided that
the same do not obstruct or interfere with navigation or the public
use of said waters or lands.
Section 4. A~ly violation of the provisions of this 0ra~_n~nce shall
const_~ute an off~n~e and shall be punishable ~y a fine of not more
Section ~, This 0rdlnsnce shall take effect immediately.
BE iT FURTP~R RESOLVED~ That the Town Clerk cause a notice of said hear-
lng containing a copy of the proposed 0rdinance: to be published in
the Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watchman: the official newspaper
of said Town in the issue thereof to be published on or about the 3ist
day of July~ i9~8.
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp$ Councilmen gibertson and
Demsrest and Justice Clark.
(The above proposed Ordinance was unanimously adopted at the regular
meeting of the Southo~d Town Trustees held at the ~o~tho!d To~ Clerk's
Office on July 28~ 19~8. Aivah B. Goldsmith~ Clerk)
Moved by Justice C!ark; seco~.ded by Councilman Aibertson~
~Y~EREAS~ the m[mbers o~ the Southoid Planning Board decided on a change
of S~ctmon !0!~ of the Building Zone Ordinance regarding pen~m~mes
end voted a change from a misdemeanor to an offense~ and it was the
determination of the Pla~ing Board to recommend the above change to
the Town Board f~ approval~
NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE iT RESOLVED: That a public hearing will be held by
the Southold Tom% Board at the Supervisor~s Office in Greenport~ on
~ue~aay~-~ August 12~ 19~8~ .... at 2:00 P.M~ on.tbe~ ~._.a~oresaid. matter.~
Vote of Town Board: Ayes~Supervmsor Klmpp~ ~ouncmlmen Alb~z~son and
Demarest~ ~u.~ice ~arK.
Moved by Councilman Aibert§on$ seconded by Justice Clark:
~g~EREAS~ the Southo!d Town Planning Bo~ra has prepared an official
report and racommendation upon the petition of Frar£< B. Rogers~ Jr. and
._ E1 ~ and Ho~ton~ ~o, a change of zone from."&" Residential and Agric-
ultural District to "B" Business District on certain real property
situate at Peconic~ Town of $outhold~
NCW~ THE EFORE~ BE iT RESOLVED: That a public hearing will be held by
the Southold Town Board at the Super?isor's Office in Greenport, on
Tuesdey~ ~ugust 12~ 19N$~ at 2 o'clock P.M~ on the above me[tic,ed
Vote of Town Board: Ayes-Supervisor Klipp$ Councilmen Albertson and
D~marest~ Justice Clark,
Moved by Councilman A!bertson$ seconded by Justice Clark:
W~REAS~ the Southo!d To~m Planning Board has p~epared an official
report and recommendation upon the petition of Athanasios Spinthourakas
and Hezen opznthou..akas for a change of zone from ~A" Residential and
A~ricultural District to ~'M" Multiple R sident District on certain real
property situate at East Harion~ Town of Southold~ N~Y.
NOW~ THE_ EFORE., BE IT RESOL~D:. That~ . a .~o~blic .... heawing will be
the Southold Town Board at the Amermcan Legion Hall in Soutbold~ on
Tuesday: ~ugust 12~ 1918~ et 7:30 P.M~ on the aforesaid petition~
Vote of Town~m~Board: ~ ~ e~
ayeo-~pervzsor Kzipp~ Councilmen ~lbertson and
Dema~est and Justice Cl~rk.
Moved by Councilman Demarest$ seconded by Justice C!ark:
~v~e~noKsao~ the Southo!d Totem Planning Board has prepared an official
report upon ~he petition of Edna A. Bro~ for ~ change of zone from
~g~Residentiai and Agric. District to '~B" Business District on certain
real'property situate at Peconic~ Town of Southoid~ N~
NOW~ THEREFORE~ BE iT RESOLVED: That a public hearing will be held by
the Son~ho!d Town Board at the American Legion Hall in Southoid~ on
Tuesd~y~ August i2~ !9~8~ at 7:30
Vote of Town Bo~rd~ Ayes~Super~_sor Klipp$ Councilmen Albertson and
Dem~rest and Justice C!ark.
Me,ed by Justice Clark$ seconded by Councilman Albertson:
WHEREAS~ the Southold Town Planning Board has prepared an official
report ~nd recommendation upon the petition of Angelo G. Petrucci and
'Geor~etteo Petrucci for a change of zone from '~A" Resmaentma~ ..... and AGric.
District to ~'M~ Multiple Resident District on certain real property
situate at Nassau Fsrms~ Peconic~ Town of Southo!~ N~Y~
N0W~ THEREFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED: That a public hearing will be held by
the Southold Town Board at the American Legion Hall in Southold~ on
^~ ~ ~2 19~87 at 7:30 P.M~
.Tuesday~ ,,uous~ _ ~
Vote of Town Board: Ayes~Superv±sor K~ipp~ Councilmen Albertson and
~emarest and'Jus%ice Clark,
Adjourr~ment ws~ at 9:4[ P~.~.
Ralph P, Boo
~o~n Clerk