Meeting of August 20, 1975
A regular meeting of the Southold Town Board-was held on
Wednesday~ August:20, t~975, at the Fishers Island School, Fishers
Island, New York. ~ Supervisor Martocchia called'the meeting to
order at l:O0 p.m. with the following ~resent:
Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia
Councilman James H. Rich, Jr.
Counc&lman~James F. Homan
Justice Martin Surer
Justice Louis M. Demarest
Jus$ice Francis T:. Doyen:
Highway Superintendent Raymond C. Dean
Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker
Towa Clerk Judith T. Boken
Supervisor Martocchia expressed the Town Board's pleasure to
be holding this meeting on Fishers Island, and for the kind
reception extended by the residents of Fishers Island.
On motion of Councilman Rich, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was
RESOLVED that the minutes of the August 12, 1975 meeting of
the Southold Town Board be approved as submitted by the Town
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest,
Justice Doyen.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion b~ Councilman Homart, seconded by Justice Surer, it was
RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town
Board will be held at 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 26, 1975 at
the Town Board meeting room, 16 South Street, Greenport, New
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer, Justice Demarest,
Jusvice Doyen.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Supervisor Martocchia reported the following:
1. Receipt of a letter from the Fishers Island Utility
Company stating there will be an increase in their street
lighting ra~es for 1976; their budget for 1976 will be $3,920.00,
whereas the 1975 figure was $3,050.00.
2. Receipt of a letter from Workmen's Compensation (Stat~
Insurance Fund) stating there will be a 4% increase.
3. Letter from Suffolk County Executive Klein relative
to the HUD program. The town plans to use their allocated
funds to construct a building for the senior citizens and youth.
The town will receive $23,760.00 on the first grant, and the
second and third grants will be larger. It is projected that
the Town of Southo!d, if qualified, will receive a total of
approximately $140,000.00.
4. A letter from John P. Gaillard, President of the
Fishers Island Civic Association containing questions for the
town and county officials. Supervisor Martocchia introduced
Mr. Gaillard who made his presentation as follows:
Mr. Gaillard welcomed the arrival of the Town Board members
and various guests and officials who traveled to Fishers Island
on the 01inda, and he expressed his thanks to Capt. Bicknell
for providing the boat for the trip.
Mr. Gaillard reported the following:
in The need for a new ferry boat, for which the Fishers
Island Ferry District Commissioners are~seeking a federal grant
for assistance; s
2. The Civic Association's effort to prevent dumping of
poisonous Sludge~from the Thames River dredging midway between
the Connecticut shore and Fishers Island. They do not want to
prevent the dredging, but want an alternative dumping site
chosen, Through the Natural Resources Defense Council, a suit
was filed in opposition to the dumping site. The suit was lost,
but an-pppeal was filed. The hearing was held in June, and
they are awaiting a decision. Mr. Gaillard wished-to thank
the town board for putting the Town of Southold on record as
supporting Fishers Island's opposition to the dumping site.
3. Fishers Island's concern about the Coast Guard's
proposal to seasonalize their station and shift to a New London
base due to the economu of operating the new 21 foot radar
equipped boat. The Coast Guard insists that service will be
more efficient. The proposed move also concerns two voluntary
tasks the Coast Guard has been performing for Fishers Island:
the .24 hour watch for the fire and ambulance and alarm systems;
and the evacuation of emergency hospital cases to the mainland.
The future is uncertain but Fishers Island is searching for
alternative methods. Mr. Gaillard asks that the Town Board
consider taking some action to support the request that the
Coast Guard station be maintained on Fishers Island.
Reply to #3
Supervisor Martocchia reported that he and Town Attorney
Tasker have begun work on this problem, and have made numerous
telephone calls to various authorities. The Town Board is
deeply concerned about the possible withdrawal of the Coast
Guard and will continue to pursue the matter.
(Mr. Gaillard continued)
-&. ~he probSem of the deletion of funds from the New York
State budget for construction of dolphins at the entrance to
Silver Eel ~ond to make safer the approach of boats, especially
in the winter, had~been of great concern. However, Ferry District
Commissioner Doyen has reported that~the funds in the amount of
$112,000.00 have been restored to the budget sothe planning
arrangements~are going ahead.
Reply to #4
Mr. Austin Emory, New York State Regional Director of
Transportation stated tha~ for the past~year he has been actively
involved in trying to improve ~the~approach to the Silver Eel
Cove harbor for the ferry. The money was set Upmsome years
ago under the jurisdiction of theMetropolital Transit Authority.
Last year it was transferred to the State Department of Trans-
port&tion and the restrictive language that allowed only Orient
Point as the place for it to be:~used was removed. Mr. Emory
immediately thought of Fishers Island and worked out a plan
whereby some of the $300,00G.00 grant would be used to make a
safe all-weather approachl~ Theyrequeste~ the Oorps of Army
Engineers to remove the old ferry racks,~ but they have inspected
it anddisclaimed any responsibility to remove the racks,
however, Mr. Emory has written to them stating that although
they object, they will agree to remove the racks'themselves,
if the Corps of Engineers will approve the application quickly
so they can get on with the work and it will be done with State
funds and the work, hopefully, will begin later in the fall.
Mr. Emory explained that for a while the money for this project
had been lost, that in the Governor's executive budget the
money was not pulled over into the current budget. However,
through Assemblyman Perry Duryea"s office they worked hard to
get the money into the supplemental budget and it is now avail-
(Mr. Gaillard continued)
5. The question of ferry~ rates cause Fishers ISland
residents great concern. They argue the ferry is for them the
equivalent of town and county roads, therefore, they feel some
subsidy should be appropriated for the running ~flthis inter-
state ferry. .
Reply to #5
Supervisor Martocchia stated that although the suggastion
was made that revenue sharing funds could be'used toward the
purchase of a new ferry boat, that would not be legal, nor can
the-town contribute revenue sharing funds to the ferry district
nor any other district. However, the town board will pursue
the mat~er of obtaining a'possible federal grant for~an inter-
state-ferry operation-.
Suffolk County_Executive_John V. N. Klein offered to
explore the possible use of Metropolitan Transit Operating
Assistance State Aide f~nds which the county receives for surface
motorvehicta transportation in the county, i.e.-buses; whether
some of these funds could be used for~other than surface trans-
portation, or whereas the nature of th±s service being inter-
state wouldhave any implications.
Mr. Emory further supported County Executive Xlein~s
suggestion. He believes there might be opportunities'under
New York State's Operating Assistance for Public Transportation.
Recently, the City of New York applied to the state for a new
Staten Island ferry. Mr. Emory does not know, what the outcome
will be, but they.wilt be looking into it carefully, and the
outcome may affect Fishers Island~
Mr. Emory also stated that with regard, also, to the
Ferry District, .he has been approached by Jack Evans to see-if
they~cOuld get the-l~aw changed to allow amortization of a new
vessel over a longer period of tim~. The municipal law allows
ten years, but since the ferry's life is longer than that,
they will see if they can get that changed.
Mr. Emory was also approached with regard to the airport,
and it needs an overlay badly. The F.A.A. law expiredon the
1st of July, and the legislature has not passed the new bill
for federal funds. They have asked the Ferry District to give
an estimate that can be put in the state budget to seek matching
funds for next year or the year after.
Mr. Emory stated that there is a plan which has been going
for five years for aid to town roads. The formula has been
changed so that now all of the east-end towns will be eligible
for some money. It would amount to about $14,400.00 on an
arnaual basis to the Town of.Southold. This could be used on two
miles of road being repaired by the town personnel or under
contract, or improving a bridge, etc. There is another new
federal proEram, also for about the same amount of money,
eligible for federal aid on town and county roads.
(Mr. Gailtard continued)
6. The matter of the August 12 annual election of'Fishers
Island Ferry District Commissioners, whereby taxpaying residents
on the-assessment rolls this year were denied the right to vote,
which had been exercised in the past. Inquiry of Mr. John Gada,
Sr., who was one of those instrumental in creating the Ferry
District, indicated that the intent of the law provides that
eligible vo~ers at a Fishers Island Ferry District election
consists of two categories: residents qualified to vote at the
preceding local election, and by exception to the usual r01e,
owners of real estate assessed at the last preceding assessment
rol~. Mr. Gaillard reported that Town Attorney Tasker has
informed him that both those categories are entitled to vote
and will be able to dO so in the future.
7. The question of'dogs running loose, and what legislation
can be passed to stop this problem. There was further support
from the'audience for the bontrol of dogs on Fishers Island.
Reply to #7
Supervisor Martocchia advised that the Southol~ Town Board
has attacked the dog problem many times. About three months
ago the board was about to ask the to~n attorney to put together
an ordinance that would be satisfactory for Southold Town, when
a group of youths came before a.Town Board meeting with a lengthy
petition asking the Town Board not to enact a leash ordinance
as it would be cruel to the dogs. The Board is presently
uncertain whether to adopt a leash ordinance or not.
(Mr. Gaillard continued)
8. The question of water quality at the beaches which was
brought up last year. Mr. Gaillard reported that the water has
been tested and Fishers Island has no worry, as the water
quality is safe at the town beaches and Hay Harbor side.
9. Last year it was mentionedthe town was to receive
$333,000.00 ~nRevenue Sharing Funds, and~whereas the town voters
have since voted down a proposal for the funds to be expended
for a new town hall, for what purposes will those f~nds be
Supervisor Martocchia then introduced the following officials:
Suffolk County Executive John V. N. Klein
Suffolk County Police Chief Inspector Paul Eckardt
Suffolk County District Attorney Frank Rhinow
Suffolk County Director of Probation Ronald Edeen
Commissioner of Elections Everett McN~b
Gerald Berger - From~the Board of Elections
Suffolk County Treasurer Jean Tuthill
Bu~olk County Deputy Treasurer Eugene Lester
Deputy Commissioner of Health Services Dean Maris
Special Assistant to Dr. McLaughlin - Mr. Rudd
Suffolk 'County Health Department - Robert Villa
Suffolk County Clerk Lester Mi Albertson
Deputy County Clerk Arthur Felice
From Suffolk County Buildings & Grounds Henry Elark, Jr.
Program for the Aged - Betty Tatte & Photographer Don'Parker
Commissioner of Public Works - Rudolph M. Kammerer
~puty Commissioner of Public Works Barney Evans
From~Waterways Department Carl Eisenschmeid
Suffolk County Commissioner of Consumer Affairs James J. Lack
Director of Suffolk County Dept.~ of Weights & Measure~ John Kerbs
Suffol~k County Legislator, 1st Leg. District - Norton Daniels
Suffolk Uounty Legislator, 2nd Leg. District - H. Beecher Halsey
Legislative Aide Chester Melot
Suffolk County Personnel Officer Teresa Keyes
Director of Suffolk County Fire Safety Ronald Buckingham
From Suffolk Co.unty'Eire Advisory Board - Anthony BladOs
Deputy Comm. of Suffolk Cry. Eire Sa£ety Richard Olmsted
N.Y.S. Regional Dir. of Transportation Austin Emory
N.Y,S. Environmental Conservation - John Lopato
Suffolk County Airport Commissioner - Lt.~ Col. Robert Rosasco
Dist. Supt. of Schools, 1st Sup. District, Suffolk Cty. Philip Peter~
Mattituck-Cutchogue District Principal Roger Burns
Southold School District Principal Walter Cain
Suffolk County Parks Commissioner John D. Chester
Southold Towu_Justice Francis T~oyen
Southold Town Justice Martin Surer
Southold Town Justice .Louis M. Demarest
Southold Town Councilman James H. Rioh, Jr.
Southold Town Councilman James F. Homam~
Southold Town Clerk Judith T. Boken
Southold Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker
Southold Town Highway.SuDerintendent Raymond C. Dean
Southold Town Chairman of Board of Assessors Edward W. Fox
Former Southold Town Clerk Albert W. Richmond
Southold Town Plarnaing Board members:
_~ HenryMoisa, Henry Raynor, Frank Coyle, Fred Grebe
Secretary, Muriel Brush
Southold Town Board of Appeals members':
Robert W. Gillispie, Chairman,
~Charles G~igonis~ Jr., Serge~Doyen; Jr.
Southmld Town Board:of Town Trustees - Alvah B. Goldsmith, Ch.
Sonthol~d Town BuiZding Inspectors Howard Terry & George Fisher
SouthoI~ Town Engineer Edward Bage
Southold Town Chief o£ Police Carl Cataldo
Southold Town Auditor Theodore Heuser
South01d Town Board oi~HousingAppeals member Kenneth Tabor
Cutchogue ~ire Chief Vincent Wieczorek
Greenport Fire Chief Joseph Heauey
Southold Fire Chie~ Paul Grattan
East Marion Fire Chief Daniel Dzenkowski
Greenport Village Mayor Joseph Townsend
Greenport Village Attorney John Munzel
Greenport Village Trustee Samuel Katz
Suffolk County Planning Commission member E~ward Wood
Supervisor Martocchia asked if anyone wished to address the board.
Mrs. John Evans, Fishers Island, stressed that it is absolutely
essential that the Coast Guard remain year-round on Fishers
Island.~ Superviso~ Martocchia.-assuredMrs. Evans that the Town
Board will pursue the matter further._
Mr. Walter Hedge questioned the legality of Connecticutlobster-
men obtaining New York licenses. He feels the law should be
changed, they are taring lobsters with ~illegal-licenses.
Justice Doyen state~ that Assemblyman--Duryea'~soffice. has been
advised o£ this problem aud-~was submitted a complete outline
and updating of, the Lobster law,-~including_stricter requimements
to qualify as a resident. Assemblyman Duryea has expressed a
great deal of interest in this problem, and has been in communi-
cation with the Fishers Island Lobstermen's Association on
this matter and a solution of the problem looks hopeful.
Mr. A. John Gada questioned the-legality of vehicles riding on
the beaches. .Supervisor Martocchia stated there is not:a
town ordinance controlling this, however, .a call to thepolice
should be a solutionnto the problem. Vehicles should not be
above highwater mark, which is considered private property.
Supervisor Martocchia ~hanked Mr; Gaillard and the Civic .Assoc-
iation for their preparation for~this meeting. He.then stated
that if the senior citizens of Fishers Island wished to organize,
the necessary equipment is on Fishers ~sZand this date. ~ He
stated there are some benefits if you are a member of the senior
citizen organization. Thereis a budget item where the .town
helps subsidize certain items such as bus trips, tours, etc.
On motion m~dGouncilman Rich, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was
RESOLVED that this town board meeting be recessed at 2:15 p.m.
to reconvene at 5:00 ~m.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes.: Supervisor-Martocchia, Councilman
Rich., Councilman Homan, Justice Surer, Justice Demarest,
Justice Doyen.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Meeting reconvened at 5:00 p.m. with the following present:
Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia
Councilman James H. Rich; Jr.
Councilman James F. Homan.
Justice Martin Surer
Justice Louis M. Demarest
Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker
Highway Superintendent Raymond C. Dean
Town Clerk-Judith T. Boken
Absent: Justice Francis T. Doyen
Supervisor Martocchia read a letter from Mr. Joseph J. Sullivan,
Jr. of the Peconic Bay Broadcasting Corp~. ad, sing-that on
August 8, 1975 the Federal Communications~Commission in Wash-
ington, D. C. Approved an F.M. Frequency for Southold. The
F.C.C. after due .consideration, conclud~ed ~that Southold is an
under-served community from a broadc~i~g standpoint. He
hopes to have the Southold station'on the ~air next summer. He
extended his appreciation to the Town. Board for their past
On motion o-f Councilman Rich, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board hereby authorizes payment
of Long Island Lighting Company street lighting bills which
were presented at the July 8, 1975 meeting in the amount of
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer. No: Justice Demarest
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Justice Surer, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was
RESOLVED that there being no further business to come before
this Town Board meeting that adjournment be called at 5:20 p.m.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer, Justice Demarest.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
~ -~ ' -: To~n' Clerk