HomeMy WebLinkAboutAG-10/19/2004FINAL AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD October 19, 2004 4:30 P.M. POLICY: At scheduled Town Board meetings, the attending public is encouraged to briefly address the Town Board relating to agenda resolutions prior to their enactment; the public will also be given time at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled business agenda to address the Board on any given topic. Call to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of the Audit of Bills of October 19, 2004 Approval of the Minutes of the October 5, 2004 Town Board Meeting. Town Board Work Session October 26, 2004. Next Regular Town Board Meeting: Thursday, November 4, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. Budget Hearings: Thursday, November 4, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. i. REPORTS 1. Recreation Department - September 2004 2. Program £or the Disabled - September 2004 3. Southold Town Justice Court, Price - September 2004 4. Southold Town Justice Court, Evans - September 2004 5. Southold Town Justice Court, Bmer - September 2004 ii. PUBLIC NOTICES Southold Town Board of Trustees notice of opening dates of scallop season: October 18, 2004 from sunrise to sunset through November 1, 2004, scalp net only. All scallop harvesting to close as of sunset November 1, 2004. Southold Town Highway Department, Public Notice of 2004 Fall Leaf and Brush Cleanup. iii. COMMUNICATIONS None Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 19, 2004 Page 2 IV. FOR DISCUSSION 1. Policy issues for L.W.R.P (10:00 a.m.) 2. Housing Summit Update 3. S.C.D.P.W. Meeting Report 4. Transfer Station Renovation V. RESOLUTIONS Special Note: At the start of the Town Board Meeting the Supervisor will invite the public to speak on the following resolutions. 746. Determine that improvements to the Solid Waste facility in Cutchogue will not significantly effect the environment and adopt a Negative Declaration, pursuant to SEQRA. 747. Authorize modification to the General Fund Whole Town 2004 budget for miscellaneous expenditures, Town Trustees. 748. Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for supplying the Town with miscellaneous items for supplying the 2005 calendar year 749. Determine that the purchase of a development rights easement on property of Edward C. Booth, et al, SCTM #1000-51-2-7 and 51-2-8, is an Unlisted Action pursuant to SEQRA and will have no significant impact on the environment. 750. Grant permission to Southold PTA to use Town Roads Sunday, October 31, 2004 for the Halloween Parade. 751. Authorize modification to the General Fund Whole Town 2004 budget for Buildings and Grounds. 752. Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for the delivery, installation, training and technical support for a new server, along with data migration to new server, at the Police Department. 753. Grant permission to Cutchogue Fire Department to use Town Roads Sunday, October 31, 2004 for the Halloween Parade. 754. Grant permission to Assessor Darline J. Duffy to attend a seminar on Hotel Valuation on November 5, 2004 in Fishkill, New York. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 19, 2004 Page 3 V. RESOLUTIONS- Cont. 755. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 763. 764. 765. 766. 767. 768. Authorize modification to the General Fund Whole Town 2004 budget for Programs for the Aging, Program Supplies & Materials. Set 7:00 p.m., November 15, 2004, Southold Town Hall, as the time and place for a public hearing on the "Increase and Improvement of Facilities of the Southold Solid Waste Management District, in the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk, New York pursuant to Section 202-b of the Town Law". Appoint Jeffery S. Biggs to the position of part-time Public Safety Dispatcher. Declare all of the items at the Police Department that were not bid on October 14, 2004 unusable and destroyed. Appoint Mary C. Wilson, Esq. as hearing officer in the disciplinary charges brought against a Town employee and suspend the employee without pay for not more than thirty days pending the determination of the charges. Authorize and direct the Town Attorney's office to retain the services of The Pimlico Group for printing and mass mailing of the public hearing notice re a proposed bond for the Solid Waste District. Authorize and direct Supervisor Horton to retain the services of L.K. McLean Associates, Inc. to provide engineering services relating to the Scavenger Waste Plant. Authorize modification to the Highway Fund Part Town 2004 budget for various repairs and equipment. Award bid items from the Police Department. Grant permission to Det. Beth Dzenkowski to attend the NYS Juvenile Officers Association Quarterly Board meeting December 2-4, 2004 in Binghamton. Grant permission to Eric Weiskott to use Town roads in Greenport to hold a Dr. Claire Memorial 5K running race on November 6, 2004. Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to advertise for resumes to fill the vacancies on Town Committees and Boards. Appoint Tathiana Lema to the position of Home Health Aide on Fishers Island. Accept the resignation ofMadeline Brisotti from her position a Student Member of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 19, 2004 Page 4 V. RESOLUTIONS- Cont. 769. 770. 771. 772. 773. 774. 775. 776. Authorize and direct Supervisor Horton to execute an agreement with the Fishers Island Telephone Company for the 2004-2005 monitoring of Alarm Data. In accepting a $500,000 donation from The Nature Conservancy for the acquisition of the Reese Parcel or other Peconic Estuary land, mutually agreed to by TNC and the Town, commit to and authorize the Land Preservation Department, in partnership with TNC, to prepare a Pipe's Cove/Arshamomaque Park Plan. Authorize and direct the Town Clerk to advertise for the Housing Summit to be held at the Southold High School on November 3, 2004. Set revised fees for the Solid Waste District, effective with the issuance of the 2005 permits. Request that the Town Board of Trustees reconsider the "Resolution in relation to scallop season" dated October 15, 20004 at their public meeting on October 20, 2004. Determine that "A Local Law in relation to Cluster Development in the Southold Town Code" is a Type H action and not subject to further review, pursuant to SEQRA. Enact on "A Local Law in relation to Cluster Development in the Southold Town Code". Approve the purchase of a development rights easement on the property of Booth et al, SCTM #1000-51-2-7 and 1000-51-2-8. VI. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5:00 p.m. - Hearing on "A Local Law in relation to Cluster Development in the Southold Town Code". 5:05 p.m. - Hearing on the purchase of a development rights easement on property of Booth, et al, SCTM #1000-51-2-7 and 1000-51-2-8. Southold Town Board Meeting Agenda - October 19, 2004 Page 5 Southold Town Board Work Session 9:00 a.m. TOWN BOARD APPOINTMENTS 9:00 a.m. - Chris Dwyer, L.K. McLean Associates, P.C. (EXECUTIVE SESSION) 10:00 a.m. - Valerie Scopaz re L.W.R.P. (IV-l) 11:00 a.m. - Randy Parsons, Kevin McDonald, Paul Rabinovich, The Nature Conservancy 1:00 p.m. - Melissa Spiro (EXECUTIVE SESSION) EXEC[ITIVE SESSION Contract, Property Acquisition, Personnel