HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-06/22/1976SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MIAUJTES June 22, 1976 A regular meeting of the Southold Town Board was held at 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, June 22, 1976 at the town board meeting room, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York. Supervisor Martocchia called the meeting to order with the following .present: Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Councilman James H. Rich, Jr. Councilman James Homan Justice Martin Suter Justice Louis M. Demarest Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Highway Superintendent Raymond C. Dean Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Absent: Justice Francis T. Doyen On motion of Councilman Homan, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the June 8, 1976 meeting of the Southold Town Board be and hereby are approved as submitted. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Supervisor Martocchia reported: 1. Receipt of a letter from the Southold Town Community H3e:alth Council, Lucille Anderson, relative to plans for a tribute to Fannie Behlen. The Town Board is in favor of any such plan. On motion of JustiCe Suter, seconded by Councilman Homan, it w~s RESOLVED that the next meeting of the Southold Town Board will be held at 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 13, 1976 at the ~own board meeting room, 16 South Street~ Greenport, New York. Vote of the ToWn Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Supervisor Martocchia: 2. Receipt of a letter from John Gaillard, President of the Fishers Island Civi~ Association requesting a copy of the leash law and ferry district contract with M~. Bicknell. The information has been supplied. On motion of Councilman Homan, seconded by Justice Demarest, it was RPlqOLVED that the Town of Southold does not object to overhead lines being placed along Route 27, County Roads, by the Long Island Lighting Company. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. ' This resolution was declared duly adopted. Supervisor Martocchia: 3. Receipt of a letter from the Nassau Point Property Owners' Association~q~estioning a certain road in t~ town. The matter has been referred to Highway Superintendent Raymond Dean for study. 4. Letter from Philip Peters, BOCES relative to a request for funds for a d~ug program in Southold Town. There is no money available inrthe town budget; although there was a program in the town for several years, but it has been phased-out. 2 2 976 5. Letter from Hartman & Alpert, attornies, stating they will be representing the Southold Town P.B.A. The Board will keep them posted on any matters that come before them. 6. The~e will be an Influenza Immunization meeting on June 25th at 11:00 A.M., H. Lee Dennison Office Building, Hauppauge. Southold Town will be representedl On motion of Justice Demarest, seconded by Justice Suter, WHEREAS, a proposed form of agreement between the Town of Southold and the State of New York has been received by the Supervisor of the Town, which said agreement provides for the performance of a pavement mark- ing demonstration project with respect to numerous town highways in the Town of Southold in accordance with the New York State and Federal Pavement Marking Demonstration Program pursuant to applicable federal and New York State laws, and WHEREAS, said agreement has been examined and approved by the Town Attorney and by this Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the performance of said project by the Towh of Southold as well as the terms and provisions of said agreement are hereby approved, and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the Town of SoUthold. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Ma~tocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Mr. William Pell III asked how the pavement marking demonstration project will be filed?---Supervisor Martocchia stated Superintendent t of Highways Dean will indicate wha he plans to do on a layout; w~ch has been sent in to the New York State Department of Transportation and accepted.---Mrs. Sherley Katz asked if there is any set amount or does the proposal set the amount?---Supervisor Martocchia stated th~ proposal de~ermines the amount. The amount allowed the Town of $outhold is $22,000.00. Supervisor Martocchia: 7. Contracts have been received from New York State for the matching funds for clam transplants. The town will spend $4,000.00 of which $2,000.00 will be matched by the State. 8. On ~uly 15, 1976 at 2:00 P.M. and 7:30 P.M. the wetlands maps will be on view at the Riverhead County Center and there will be public hearings. On motion of Councilman Roman, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was RESOLVED that Pamela Stair be and hereby is employed by the Town of Southold at $2.50 per hour as a beach attendant at the New Suffolk Beach, New Suffolk, New York for the summer season. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Mattocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Roman, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Justice Demarest, seconded by Justice Suter, it was RESOLVED that Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia be and he hereby is authorized to negotiate with the Southold Patrol to engage their services as a summer patrol until 1:00 A.M. in the morning. Vote of the Town Bca rd: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Roman, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Mr. Pell asked why the board did not put the patrol item out to bid, they might bet a ~etter price.---Supervisor. Martocchia stated that the amount does not amount to en©ugh~to ~require a bid. It averages $4.00 per hour and they funish their uniform personnel, radio communication and cars. On motion of Councilman Rich, seconded by Justice Suter, it was RESOLVED that the Town of Southold support the town Little' Leagues in the amount of $1,500.00 to be pro-rated between each league. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: SuperVisor M~rtocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman H0man, Justice Suter~ Justice Demar~st. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Justice Demarest, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was RESOLVED that Professor Richard Minisce be and hereby is engaged by the Town of Southcld as a temporary summer patrolman, with ne compensation, but to be covered by workme~'?~compenSation. ~e of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Counc:~lman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. On motion of Councilman Homan, seconded by Justice Suter, it was RESOLVED that Mary Dawson be and hereby is appointed temP6rari~y, pending polling of the civil service list, as stenographer in-t~e office of the Board of Appeals and Building Department, effectfve June 24, 1976, at a salary of $3.50 per hour. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilm~ Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. -- This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Homan, seconded bY Justice Suter, it wa~ RESOLVED that the Cutchogue Fire Department be granted permiSsfon to use town roads on the afternoon of July 24th, or July 25th '(rain date) for staging areas for a parade at Cutchogue, New York. Vo~e Of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Mar~occhia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Th~s resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Justice Demarest, seconded by Justice Suter, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board accept the amount of $35,000.00 ~ for a proposed bond ~overing roads and'impr0ve~ents in the sub'~ivisionli il known as Peconic Knolls, owned by Steve Tsontakis, at Peconic, New Yor~~ Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich,~ Councilman Hemal, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Supervisor Martocchia reported: 7. Ail ~f~ the equipment~and trucks have arrived for the street lighting program, ah~ two employees have been sent to a ~raining program, and they are now in the process of replacing all of the bulbs that are out and very shortly 250 new fixtures will be installed to replace the 400W mercury vapor lights. For service the pub~ic is to call 765-3~40 or 734-5211. Councilman Homan explained the process of replacing mercury vapor lights, one or 'two of which are not'working at the present time, due to the fixture itself and not the bulb,' however, that will be corrected in the near future. 8. The request of the Cutchogue-Mattituck Senior Citizens to go to Kutschers Country Club, Monticello, November 8th through November 12th, 4 nights and 5 days; transportation for same costing $560.00; is being<held so the supervisDr ~an~further discuss the matter with the organization officials. On motion of Councilman ~oman, seconded by-Councilman Rich,';it iwas RESOLVED that Chief Carl Catald~be~ and he hereby is granted permission to attend the New~York State Association of Chiefs"Conferene~~ the week of July 18th through 22nd at Rochester, New York; and ~he cost of lodging, meals and travel expenses be a legal charge against ~he Town of Southold. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer, Justice Demarest. This re~olution' was declared duly adopted. Supervisor Martocchia: 9. A number o~ changes ~n traffic s~gns have been submitted by the police department; the board will review what has ~een submitted and add some they feel neeessary, then a public hearing will be held for amendment of the Vehicle and Traffic Ordinance of the Code of the On motion of Justice Suter, seconded by Councilman HQman, it was RE~OLVED that Carolyn Grossenbacher, Mattit~c~i~, New York, be and she hereby is appointed Attendance Officer, subject to the written approval of the District Superintendent of Schools, throughout the T6wn of Southold, except such schools as are otherwise provided for by Section 3113 of %he Education Law, and be it further RESOLVED that the compensation of such Attendance Officer be fixed at $i,200.00 per y~ar payable in regular semi-monthly installments, she tO pay her own expenses, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town-Clerk be and she hereby is instructed to notify Carolyn Grossenbacher and the District Superintendent of Schools of the appointment. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. Thi~ resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Justice Suter, seconded by Justice Demarest, it was RESOLVED that the Southold E~nior Citizens be granted permission to hire two buses at $90.00 each for a trip to Westbury on July 14, 1976. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Rich, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED that Southold Town Justices be and they hereby are authorized to attend t~e Justice Conference at St. Lawrence University, ~anton, New York from July 20, 1976 through Ju~y 23, 1976, and that the actual and necessary expenses to travel, meals, and lodging incurred while attending said sessions be a legal charge against the Town of Southold. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich., Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. This resolution was declare~ duly adopted. Mrs. Marie Johnson asked how much money is left Sn the Senior Citizen fund?---Supervisor Martocchia stated they are still solvent.---Mr. William Pell III asked if other groups could use those funds?--- Superviso~ Martocchia stated there are other funds available for youth, little league, etc.---Mr. Pell asked about church groups.--- Supervisor Martocchia said such funds would ha~e to be set up in a new budget if others should make an application for funds. However, it would have to be open to the public, just as the senior citizens are.---Consi~le discussion continued relative to funding senior citizens and other related groups. On motion of Councilman Homan, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was ~ESOLVED that Superintendent of Highways Raymond C. Dean be and he hereby is authorized to purchase radio equipment for the new street lighting truck. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. This resolution was declared duly adopted. ~oved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Councilman Homan, WHEREAS the Beixedon Association has applied to the Town Board for financial assistance in dredging the channel at Hippodrome Creek, Southold, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia be and he hereby is authorized to contribute half of the total cost ~p to but not exceeding the sum of $475.00 toward the cost of dredging Hippodrome Creek, Southold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Justice Demarest. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Justice Suter asked that the Supervisor obtain' a ppice for the cost of publishing the leash law in the local newspapers, as there has been some confusion as to statements m~de in the newspapers on the p~nalties to be imposed. Supervisor Martocchia was asked what he could do about the health center which was to be opened'with funding by the county?---S6@,000.00 was agreed upon and this is in the capital bud~q~, whidh means there is ac~ally no money availaID~e, ahd must be voted into the budget-by the legislators.---It is understood this was done 'today (J~ne 22---- What about the community center for the town?---There is a project under way under the t{UD program and th~ town has been appro~,ed f~r funds for a ~ecreation center for senior Citizens and yoUthJ ~ contract has been entered into for land in Peconid. ~rl Pell asked how the to~n is making out with the house that was constructed on the wrong piece of land in Cutchog~e?---The p~oject has been stopped and the house is being built in the proper place, no~ on Southold Town land. Mr' Pell asked if the s~preme court ~ud~e signed the ~uling ~for 'the R&th property?---Supervisor Martocchia'~stated it was'signed ahd the town' h~s ~aid $10,000:00-for approximately 1/5 acrei er A report for Suffolk Life'reqUested copies Of l~tters f~Om-the Fishers. Island CiviC Association, LILCO, BOCES, etc. Fin~r.e~Aurichio asked what budget included the $5,000.00 for senior citizens?---sUperVisor Martocchia Stated it is in the 19~76 bddget for ~ransp~rtation Only, they pay all of their own o~her expenses. Mrs. Gladys Csajko asked if the budget did not include another item for adult recreation?---SUpervisor Martocch~ stated there is an item for senior citizens, one for youth, and there is another for $12,000.00 for schools which is pro-rated for summer activites.--- Mrs. Csajko asked what item d~es the town use for paying for lights for th~ baseball fields, etc.?---That is ~ncl~ded ih the youth account. On motion of J~stice Suter, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was RESOLVED that the~e being no further bUsiness to come before this town board meeting, adjounrment be ~alled at 4:15 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter, Jus.tice Demarest. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Judith T. Terry~ ........ Town Clerk'