HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-01/11/1977SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD
January 11, 1977
A regular meeting of the Southold Town Board.was-held on Tuesday,
January 11, 1977 at the of£ice of the Supervisor, 16 South Street,
Greenport, New York. Supervisor Martocchia opened th~..meeting at
3:00 P.M. with the following present: ~'~
Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia
Councilman James H. Rich, Jr.
Councilman James Homan
Justice Martin Surer
Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker
Highway Superintendent Raymond C. Dean
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Absent: Justice Louis M. Demarest
Justice Francis T. Doyen
On motion o£ Justice Suter, seconded by Cotmci]man Homan, it was
RF~0LVED that Southold Town B~rd minutes of.January 4, 1977 be
and hereby are approved as submitted.
Vote of the Town~Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Surer,
· his resolution was declared duly adopted~.
0~ motion of Councilm~Homan, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was
RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board
'will be held at 3:00 P.M., Tuesday, January 25, 1977 at the o££ice
o£ the Supervisor, 16 South Street, Greenport, New York.
Vote o£ the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer
On motion off Councilms~ Homart, seconded by Juttice Surer, it was
RESOLVED Ghat the report for the month o£ December 1976 by the
Southold Town Trusvees (receipts of $243.20), and the December
1976 and report for the year 1976 from Justice.Surer be and
hereby are accepted and ordered placed on~£ile.
Vote o£ the Town Board: Ayes: SuPervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, JustiCe Surer.
This resolution wasdeclared.duly adopted.
On motion o£ ~m~)2~ce Surer, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was
RESOLVED tha~i~a following audited bills be and hereby are
ppr0ved for~yment: General Fund bills in the-ameunt of
43,592.40; ~ighway Department bills in the amount of
Fishers Island FerrM District bills in the amount of $24,115.96;
Federal Revenue Sharing bills in the amount of $35.43; and Street
Lighting Installation bills in the amount of $221.63.
V~te of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocahis, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Supervisor Martocchia reported:
1. Requests from several developers-£or their bonds to be
released, however on these bonds, none are released ~ntii every-
thing is acceptable to the Town of Southold. At this.pointthe
final letters have not been receiVed from the Highway Superintendent
or Highway Committee Justice Surer mhd Justice Demarest.
2. Microfilming of the town reeords at the to~a hall is at a
stmnd-still because the fo~er employee doing the microfilming
did not~ have civil service status. At that point the board decided
to discontinue m~y further microfilming until the move into the
new toga hall, the~ the entire, project would be evaluated. At
that time we applied for a refund of the money paid for this service
which was in escrow, in the mmo~nt of $9,000.00 and received
~8;000.00 ef it. There is a consultant firm that has advised us
has been received from one firm. After a discussion of the Board
today, it was felt the board shmuld still wait for the move to the
new building.
3. Guite a bit of time has been spent on reviving the Southold
Town Conservation Advisory Council; .Some of the present t~mms, ha~e
run out, and the board is now ready tomake some appointments today.
There will be two others, one in May .and one in June of this year.
On motion of Councilman Rich, seconded .by Councilman Homan, it ~as
RESOLVED that John F. Mulhall, Southold, New York be and he hereby
is appointed a member of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory
Committee effective January !1, 1977, for a two year term, to expire
January 11, 1979.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On mot~n Of Justice Surer, seconded, by Councilman Homan, it was
RESOLV~that William Ruland Jr., Mattituck, New York'be and he
hereby is appointed a member of the Southold Town Conservation
Advisory Committee effective January ll, 1977~ for a two year term,
to expire January ll, 1979.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia~ Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Homart, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was
RESOLVED that Frank Cichanowicz, Jr., Cutchogue,.New York be-and
he hereby is appointed a member of the Southold Town ConservatiOn
Advisory Committee effective January ll, 1977, for a two year term,
to expire January ll, 1979.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Mart0cchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Suter. ' .......
This resolution was declared' duly adopted.
Supervisor Martocchia:
3a. Mr. Mulhall replaces Charles Meyer, Southold, whose term
expireCh June !, 1975. Mr. Rt~land replaces Terry Harnan.whose
term expired February l, 1976. Mr. Cichanowicz replac'eS'himself
.~ho~e term expired December 31, 1975. The term of John P1OCk Sr.
expires May 6, t977, the'term of Frank Kujawski Jr. expires June 1,
1.977, and the term-of Etlen'DeMaria expires June 1, 1977.
4. On Saturday, January 8, 1977 a public hearing was held on
Fishers Island relative to the purchase of a new ferryboat. -The
Town Board members met. jointly with the commissioners of the Fishers
Island Ferry District for this hearing. There were approximately
100 peop_le at the hearing. It was the 'consensus of the-majority
of the people there that they should purchase the new ferryboat.
It was the opinion of some that one ferryboat should depart from
New London and one from Fishers Island, whereas now the
departs from the New London side. The commissioners agreed to
take this under consideration. Another item was raised as to a
reRRmign of the proposed boat so it could accomodate a cement
mixe. r, tractor-trailer, etc. The Olinda, which is presently being
Used and will continue to be' used can accomodate such heavy equip-
ment. Supervisor Martocchia suggested that they should develop
two sets of~figures for the boats departing from each side S-oI the
PeOple of the District may make thei~ own choice 'based 'on 'the cost.
The Board _must_. now adopt a bonding resolution and a resolution to
increase the, improvement of facilities of' the Fishers IsI.and Ferry
Di stri ct.
Cnuncilman Homan offered the following resolution and .moved .its
WHEREAS; the Board of Commissioners (herein called "Board")
of Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk
County, New York (herein called "District" and "Town", respectively),
has recommended that the facilities of the District be increased
and improved by the acquisition of an additional ferry boat at an
estimated maximum cost o'f $730,000, to' replace the ferry boat
."Mystic ~Isle", presently operated by the District and to .apply'
the 9141,000 expected to be received as trade-in on the "Mystic
Isle", to the purchase price of said new ferry boat, bringing the
actual total purchase price to $589,000, said new ferry boat to
be-used on the authorized routes of the District, and after a
public hearing duly called and held, the Town Board of the Town
determined that it ±s-in the public interest to increase and
improve the facilities of the District, and ordered that such
facilities be increased and improved;
now, therefore, be it
COUNTY OE SUFFOLK, NEW YORK (by the favorable vote of not less
than two-thirds of all the members of said Board) AS FOLLOWS:
Section 1. The Town hereby appropriates the amount of $730,000
for the increase and improvement of facilities of the District by
the purchase of a new ferry boat to replace the ferry boat presently
owned by the District. The estimated maximum'cost of said specific
object or purpose, including preliminary costs and costs incidental
thereto and the financing thereof, is $730,000, including the
amount of $141,000 being the estimated trade:in value of the ferry
boat now owned by the Town hereby authorizedto be applied towards
the payment of said cost, and the plan of financing includes the
issuance of $589,000 serial bonds of the Town, the levy and collection
of a itax on all the taxable real property within the District to
pay the principal of and interest thereon as the same shall become
due and payable. The tax hereinabove referred to shall be raised
upon all the taxable real property of the District, at the same
time, in the ~qs manner and by the same. officers as other Town
Section 2. Serial bonds of the Town are hereby authorized to
be issued in the principal amount of $589,000,. pursuant to the
provisions of the Local Finance Law, constituting Chapter 33-a
of the Consolidated Laws of the State of New York (herein called
"Law"), to finance the balance of said'appropriation.
Section 3. The following additional matters are hereby
determined and stated:
(~) The period, of probable usefulness of the specific object
or purpose for which the bonds authorized by this resolution are
to be issued within the limitations of ~11.00 a.26 of the LaW, is
Twen~--(20)-- Fears.
Current funds are not required by the Law to be provided
prior to the issuance'of the bonds authorized by th~ resolution
or any bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the sale of
such bonds, pursuant to the provisions of $107.00 d. 3 (i) of the
(c) The proposed maturity of the bonds authorized by this
resolution may exceed five (5) years.
Section-4.~ Each~of the bonds~ authorized by this resolution
and any notes in anticipation thereof shall contain the recital
of validity prescribed by S52.00 of the Law and said bonds and any
notes issued in anticipation of said bonds-shall be general
obligations of the Town, payable as to both principal and ~n~erest
by general tax upon all the taxable real property, within the Town
without limi'tation as to rate or amount. The faith and credit of
the Town are hereby irrevocably pledged to the punctual payment of
the principal of and interest on said bonds and pro. vision shall be
made,in the budgets of~ the Town by appropriation for (a)the
amortization and redemption of the bonds to mature in such year
and (b)~.the payment of interest to be due and payable in such year.
Section 5. SUbject-to the provisions of this resolution and of
the Law, pursuant to the provisions of $30.O0'relative to the
authorization of the issuance of bond anticipation notes, or the
renewals of said Notes and of~SS0.O0 and $$56~00-to 60.00 of the
Law, the powers and duties of the Town'Board'relative to authorizing
bond anticipation note's and prescribing the terms, fo'rm and contents
and as t~o t~e~sale 'and i-ssuan'ce of t~e b0~dshere~n aUthorized and
o~i'any~bond anticipation notes issued in anticipation of said bonds,
and t~e're~ewals of s~id notes, are hereby delegated to the Super-
visor, th'e chief £iscal o££icer of the Town.
Section 6. The validity of the bonds authorized by this
resotutko~ and:of any 'bond~.anticipation notes issue~ in anticipation
of bo~ds, may be contested only if:
(a) such obligations are authorized for an object or
purpose for which the Town is not authorized to
expend money-, or
(b.)~ the provisions of law whichshould' be complied with
at the date of the.publiCation of~s~ch resolution,
are not substantially co~plied~ with,
~JR~ I B??
and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity, is
commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or
(c) such obligations are authorized in violation
of the provisions of the-'constitution.
Section 7. This resolution shall be subject to a permissive
The adoption of the foregoing resolution was seconded by Justice
Surer and duly put to a Vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
~¥ES: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Homan, Councilman Rich,
Justice Surer.
NOES:~ None
The resolution was declared unanimously adopted.
Councilman Homart offered the following resolution and moved
its adoption:
Section 1. The Town Clerk shall, within ten (lC) days after
the adoption of the bond resolution referred to in the formof
Notice hereinafter set forth in Section I hereof, cause tO be
published at least once in the "Long Island Traveler-Mattituck
Watchman," a newspaper published in Southold, New York, having a
general~circulation within said Town, and hereby designated as
the official newspaper of said Town, and to be posted on the ~sign
board of the Town maintained to subdivision 6 of Section 30 of
the TownLa~, a Notice in substantially the following form:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on January ll, 1977, the Town Board
.of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York adopted the
bond resolution entitled:
"Bond Resolution'of the Town of Southold, New York, adopted
January il, 1977, appropriating $730,000 for the increase and
improvement of facilities of Fishers Island Ferry District, in
the Town, ~by the purchase of a new ferry boat, authorizing the
application of the estimated $141,000 trade-in value of the ferry
now owned by the Tov~n towards the cost thereof, and authorizing
the issuance of $589,000 serial bonds of the'Tow~ to £inance'the
balance of said appropriation,"
an abstract of which resolution, concisely stating the purpose
and effect thereof, is as follows:
FIRST: RECITING that the Board of Commissioners ("BOard")
of Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold,
("District" and "Town", respectively), New York, has recommended
that the facilities of the District be increased and improved by
the acquisitAon o£~an additional ferryboat at an estimated
maximum cost of $730,000, to repIace the ferry boat "Mystic
Isls", presently operated by the District aud to apply the
$141~,000 expected to be received as trade-in on the "Mystic
Isle", to the purchase price of said new ferry- boat, bringing
the actual total purchase price to $589,000, said new ferry
boat to be used on the authorized routes of the District, and
after a ~ublic hearing duly called and held, the Town Board
of the Town determined that it is in the public interest' to
increase and improve the facilities of the District,and ordered
that such facilities be increased and improved;
SECOND: kPPROPRIATING $730,000 for the increase and improvement
of facilities of the District by the purchase of a new ferry
to replace the ferry boat presently owned by the District; STATING~
the estimated maximum cost thereof, i~ $Y30~000, including the
amount of $141,000 being the estimated trade-in value of the ferry
boat now owned by the Town and AUTHORIZED to be applied towards the
payment of said cost, and the plan of financing includes the
issuance of $589,000 serial bonds of the-Town, and the levy and
collection of a tax on all. the taxable real property'~withinthe
District to pay the principal of and interest thereon as the same
shall become, due. and payable. The tax hereinabove rsferred to-shall
be raised. UPon all the taxable real property of the District, a~ the
same time, in the same manner and by the same officers as other
Town charges;.
THIRD: AUTHORIZING $589,000 serial bonds of the Town to be
issued pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law ("Law"),
to finance the balance of said appropriation;
FOURTH: DETERMINING AND~STATING that the period of probable
usefulness for the specific object or purpose is twenty (20) years;
that current funds are not required by the Law to be provided prior
to the issuance of the bonds.authorized by this resolution or any
bond~anticipation notes in antibipation of the sale of such bonds;
that the DrQposeQ~aturity of the bonds authorized by this resolution
FIFTH: DETERMINING that said. bonds and any no~es issued in'
auticipation thereo£ shall be. Eeneral obligations of theTown
and PLEDGING to their payment!t~e faith and credit of the Town;
SIXTH:' D~.EGATING to the Supervisor the powers and duties as
to the. issuance of said ~bonds and any notes in anticipation thereof,
or the renewals thereof;
SEVENTH: PROVIDING that the resolution is subject to permissive
SectiOn 3. After said bond resolution shall take effect, the
Town Clerk is hereby directed to cause said bond resolution to
be published, in full, in the newspaper hereinabove referred to
in Section 1 hereof, and hereby designated the official newspaper
for .the Town for said publication, together with a Notice in
substantially the form as provided by Section 81.00 of the Local
Finance Law; constituting Chapter 33-a of the Consolidated Laws
of the State of'NewYork.
Section 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
The adOptiOn of the foregoing resolution was seconded by
Justice Surer and duly put to a ~ote on roll aall, which resulted
as follows~
AYES: S~pervisor Martocchia, CoVUacilman-Homan, Councilman
Rich, Justice Surer
NOES: None
The resolution was declared unanimously adopted.
Moved by Councilman Homan, seconded by .Councilman Rich,
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners (herein~aaltad "Board") of
Fishers Island Ferry District, in the Town of Southold, Suffolk
County, New York (herein called "Distric~'and "Town", respectively),
has recommended that the facilities of the District be increased
and improved by the acqnisition of an additional ferry boat at an
estimated maximum cost of.$730,000, tO replace the ferry boat
"Mystic Isle", presently operated by the District and to apply
the $141,000 expected to be received as trade-in on t~e~"Mystic
Isle,,, to the purchase price of said new ferry boat, bringing the
actual total purchase price to $589,000, said new ferry boat to
bemused on the authorized routes of the District, and has caused
~reliminary plans and'specifications for the construction thereof
to be prepared by Blount Marine Corporation, Warren, Rhode Island,
shipbuilders, and licensed naval architects;
WHEREAS, the Board thereafter adopted an Order describing in
general terms ~he proposed increase and improvement of the
facilities,~sDecifying the estimated cost thereof, and stating
that the Board would meet to hear all persons interested in said
ingrease,and improvement of facilities on January 8, 1977, at
l:~O o"clock P.M.(E.S.T.), at the Fishers Island Firehouse, Fishers
Island, New York, in the Town; and
WHEREAS, copies of such Order, certified by the Town Clerk,
were duly published and POSted pursuant to the provisions Of
Article 12 of the Town Law; and
WHEREAS, such public hearing was duly held by the Town Board
on the 8th day of January, 1977, at !:00 o'clock P.M.(EjS.T.),
at~ the_ Fishers. Is!andlFirehouse, Fishers Island, New York, in the
Town, and considerable ~discussion on the matting having been had
and all persons desiring to be heard having been heard, including
those in favor of and those in opposition to said increase and
improvement of the facilities; now, therefore, on the basis of the
information 'given at such hearing, it is hereby
DETERMINED, that it.ds in the public interest to increase and
improve the facilities of the District as hereinabove described
and referred to at the estimated maximum cost of $730,000; and
it is hereby
ORDERED, that the facilities of the District shall be so
increased and improved and that the architects heretofore retained
by the.~oard shall prepare plans and specifications and make a
careful estimate of the expense for said increase and improvement
of the ~acilities a~dwith the assistance of Robert'W. Tasker, ES~.,
prepare a proposed contract Tot the execution of the work, which
plans~ specifications, estimate'and proposed contract shall be
presented to the Board as soon as possible, and it is hereby
FURTHHR ORDERED, that the expense of said increase and improve-
ment of facilities Shall be financed by the issuance of serial
bonds o~the Town, the levy and collection of a tax on all the
· taxable real property within the District to pay the principal of
and' interest thereon as the same shall become due and payable and
the ~applicati0n of $141,000 expected to be received as the trade-
in on the ferry boat "Mystic Isle", now owned by the District.
The tax hereinabove referred to ~haI1 be 'raised.upon all the
taxable real pro~'ertM of. the District, at the same time, in the
same manner and by the same officers as other To,aa charges;-and,
it is hereby
FURTHER ORDERED, that the Town Clerk record a certifiied'copy
of this Resolution and Order After.Public Hearing~in thg office
of the Clerk-of'Suffolk County within ten (10) days after adoption
Vote of the Town. Board: Ayes: SuPervisor Martocchia,. CoUncilman
Rich,~Councilman Homart, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted
'M0~med by Counoilman~.H~man,. se$ond~d, bM. iCsunQilm~n Rich,
WHEREAS,, Suffolk CountyResolution #731-19Y6 proposes that the
Suffolk County.,Legislature ~ha~l ~nform the. Federal Government
of its intent to form an independent suffolk-Nassau Regional
Group and
WHEREAS, th'e Town Board of the Town of Southold is in ComPlete
agreement'that this prdposition is in the'best interest of Suffolk
County'ahd the Tbwn of Sou~h01d fsr the following reasons $ontained
in the Suffolk County Resolution, and
WHEREAS Suffolk County as-a member of.~he~Tri~state Planning
R'egion, and
WHEREAS Suffolk County as a member of the Tri-Stat~ Region is lost
in such a large conglomerate, and
WHEREAS the planning problems of Suffolk County are inherently
different from a metropolitan region, and '
WHEREAS 'funding '£0~ planning and implementation of plans aralost
to a massive metropolitan area, and
WHEREAS Long Island would win millions df d611'ar~ more in additional
Federal A~d] ~as~ an'independent~p!an~ing area,
~fHEREAS it would be in the best interest for the~pe~ple Of Suffolk
to join Nassau to fo~m a~'~indep~nden~ Suffolk-Nassau regiDnal~
planning group, and
WHEREAS Suffolk-Nassau as an. independent planning area would have
better control over how thetwo counties, with problems no~..shared
by the mainland areas, will develop,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED'that the Suffolk County Legislature
in~0rm the Federal Regional council that Suffolk County desires to
form an independent Suffo!k~Nassau Regional Planning Group,.and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the ~Federh~ Office of Management and
Budget declare Suffolk and Nassau a separate region for purposes
of processing Federal Aid appl±cations, and .
BE IT.FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this. resolution be submitted
.to Governor Carey and to all Congressional delegations in Nassau
an.d Suffolk.~and all-New York Legislators in Nassau an~ Suffolk,
all Town. Supervisors in Nassau and Suffolk, the-Nassau and Suffolk
County Executives and the Nassau and Suffolk Boards ofSuperv~sors.
Vote of the Town Board: 'Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, .Councilman Homan, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
SUPervisor Martocchia:
5. _The Supervisor advised that the. foregoing resolution was
adopted after re6ommendati~n of the Southold Town~PIanning Board
and in a .joint effort with the Towns of BrookhaVen, Babylon,
Smi.thtown, Zslip and East Hampton.
6. Some weeks ago the Town joined2~iththe~Village of
Greenport for a waste water study and the firm o£'Holzmacher,
McLendon a~dMurrell was retained for an application 'for
grant for ~$98,1000.00, out of which $73,000.00 would be the
grant and .the balance woul6 ~be absorbed between the Town of
Southold and the Village of Greenport. The application for the
grant has been received.
7. Receipt of:a letter from:Southold Town Businessmen~s'
Association, Inc. stating Mr. Corwin Grathwohl will be repr'esenting
that-organization ~atall future?meetings.
8. Receipt of a cluster concept subdivision from John
Fellinger-Ihar and.01ivia~Fe!linger, Ihar. This proposed cluster
should have. been pr. esented to the Planning Board prior ~to being
presented to the Town Board. .The. m'ap is being returned to the
Planning Board.
9. Receipt of aletter from Frank Cartin, Mattituck, ~Uggesting
the present ?~Low Clearance" sign at the overpass in Laurel~be
moved further west o£his.'~driveway so ~rucks will have ample time
to. stop and would be able to utilize the secondary road by the
town park. This request has been referred to Chief Cataldo for
10. Request from one of the little league teams in Southol~
Town for £~ds. ~This matter will be considered at the proper time
as there are several temas and the'money must be appropriated
correctly. This letter is from the Southold Little Leagae
Association, Henry F. Santacroce, President.
!1o Receipt of a petition containing 46 signatures requesting
funding for-theSitzmark Ski Club under the guidance o£ Mr. & Mrs.
Oscar Bush of GreenpOrt.
O~ mOtion of Councilman Rich, seconded by Justice Surer, it was
RESOLVED that the Sitzmark Ski Club be granted funding in the
amount of $5.00 per person, not to exceed $200.00 total, toward
aplanned ski trip, provided this trip-is made available to anyone
in-Southold Town who wishes to go, and further provided adequate
insurance be secured to hold the Town of Southold harmless.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justioe Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
(Before a vote was taken on the above resolution, Councilman Homan
asked if there was anyone present representing the club?---Mrs.
Patricia Sepnoski and Mrs. Grigonis stated they are members of the
parent,s group.---Councilman Homan a~ked what area of the' town the
group represents?---Mrs. Sepnoski stated it is her understanding
that the group is organized and formed in Greenport under .~Wlr. & Mrs.
Oscar Bush and the Greenporters sign up first, and the remaining
available space is opened to everyone else.---Councilman Homan
aSked if the club is open to everyone in Southold Town?-~-Mrs. Sepnoski
stated she believes so.---Mr. Homart asked how many members there are
in this club?~--Mrs. S~Pnnski stated she knows there is a Southolder
going on the trip.---Mr. Homan asked the cost per individual?---Mrs.
Grigonis stated it is $67.00 not including the lift tickets.q-Justice
Surer asked if the Club is-incorporated?---Mrs. Grigonis did not think
so.---Justice Surer asked if there is insurance?---Mrs. Sepnoski and
Mrs. Grigonis were certain there was.) "
On motion of Councilman Rich, seconded by Councilman Homart, it was
RESOLVED that a recess be taken for l0 to 20 minutes for the purpose
of holding a public hearing upon the application of Leo Kwasneski
for a wetland permit. Hearing scheduled for 3:30 P~M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Homan, Councilman Rich, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
(Meeting reconvened at 4:10 P.M.)
Moved by Councilman Rich, seconded by Councilman Homan,
WHEREAS Henry J. Smith applied to the Southold Town Board for a
permit under the provisions of the WetlandOrdinance of the Town
of Southold, application dated October 5, 1976, and
WHEREAS the said application was referred to the Southold Town
Trustees and the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council
for their findings and recommendations, and
WHEREAS~a public hearing was held by the Town Board with respect
to said application on the 21st day of December 1976, at which time
all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Henry J. Smith, Robinson
ROad, Peconic, New York, be granted permission under the provisions
~f the Wetland Ordi~auce of the Town of Southold for the installation
of a drainage ring and attached outlet pipe to run into the south-
west branch of Corey Creek, Southold, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Coundilman Homan, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion~ of Councilman Homan, seconded by Justice Surer, 'it was
RESOLVED that SUpervisor~Albert M. Martocchia be and he hereby is
authorizedto readvertise for bids for a'contract for the preparation
of the tax rolls and tax bills for the Town of Southold.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
RiCh, Councilman Homart, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adOpted.
Moved byJustice Suter, seconded by Councilman Rich,
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold on the 1st day' of
October, 1976, duly adopted a local law entitled "Law Local Law to
Permit Games of Chance in the Town of Southold", after a public hearing
duly held and
WHEREAS, Article 9-A of the General Municipal Law provides that
such Looal Law shall not become effective until it. shall have been
approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the TOwn voting
on a proposition therefor submitted at a general or special election
held within said Town,~
NOW, THEREFORE,.BE IT RESOLVED that a special election be held in
said Town on the 2nd day'of February, 1977, With the poles tO be
open between the hours of 12 Noon and 8 o'clock P.M.E.S.T.; that
the voting place at which the qualified voters of Election District
No. 1 in said Town shall vote shall be the Fishers Island Firehouse,
Fishers Island, New York, and.the votingplace at whichthe qualified
voters of all other election districts in said town shall.vote~shall
be the Eouthold Fire HoUse, Main Road, Southold, SuffolkCounty,
New York; that such election shall be for the purpose of.~voting
upon the following proposition, to wit: '
Shall Games of Chance be permitted within the territorial
limits of the Town of South01d, in accordance with the
provisions of Article 1, Section % of the Constitution of ~
the State of New York as amended; the provisions of Article
9-A of the General Municipal Law; the Rules and Regulations
of the New York Racing and Wagering Board; and in accordance
With the provisions of a Local Law enacted by the Town Board
entitled "A Local Law in relation to permitting games of chance
in the Town of Southold".
BE' IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk cause notice of said
soecial election, specifying the time when and the place where such
e~ection will be held, the hours during which the polls will remain
open and setting forth in .full the proposition to be voted upon to
be published in the official newspaper of said Town and that-the
Town-Clerk cause copies of suchnoticeto be po~ted in five
conspicuous places in said Town at least 10 days prior to such
election, said publication and posting tocomply in all respects
with the applicable provisions of Law.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that voting be by paper ballot.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly
PUt ~o a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman Rich, Councilman Homan,
Justice Surer. Noes: None.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Mrs. Gladys Csajko inquired as to whether another hearing would
have to be held on the proposed Local Law?---Supervisor Martocchia
stated the hearing was held; the only error was that 60 days did
not elapse between the hearing on the Local Law and the referendum
vote which was hsld at the general election on November 2nd, 1976.
(Mr. Pell made the same inquiry.)
Supervisor Mart0cchia:
12. Item 20 on the agenda pertains to the third year cooperative
agreement between the County of Suffolk and Town of Southold .for the
purpose ofhaving a recreation center in Peconic for the rsenior
citizens and youth of the community. The agreement to be-signed
at this time is for the third year funding. The first year funding
which has been received was in the amount of $23,760.00,~and the
property in Peconic was purchased for that price. The secQnd funding
was in the amount of $52,000.00 which should be received ih late
January or early February. The third funding should be about three
times the first year allotment or a total of. about $70,000.00. The
total of the fhree years is about $140,000.00.
Moved by Councilman Homan, seconded by Councilman Rich, ,
WHEREAS, under Title I of the Housing and Community Developmen~
Act of 1974, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is
authorized to make grants to States and units of general local
government to help finance.Community Development Programs; and
WHEREAS, there is sufficient Statutory authority under the laws of
New York State for the units of general local government, namely,
the County of Suffolk, its towns and villages, to undertake by'means
of cooperative agreements, every form of community development urban
renewal and housing assistance referred to in the Act as "Eligible
Activities;" and
WHEREAS~ it is desirable and in the public interest.that the County
~f Suffolk make application for Community Development' Block Grant
funds as an Urban County:
1. Since the municipality may be more certain
of receiving benefits from the Act through
the County that it could by applying as an
-individual community in competition with
others; and
2. Since the municipality would be spared the
expense of. application preparation and man-
agement of the-program; and
3. The County may~have certain planning and
other professional skills required of the
program with the municipality maynot in-
trinsically possess; and
WHEREAS, it is ~recognized that participation by the County of
Suffolk, as an Urban County, in'~the~Community Development Program
requires the cooperation of the municipalities, being~the towns
and villages within the County,. to undertake essential community
development and housing assistance activities including urban
renewal and publicly assisted housing;
1. That this body will cooperate with the County
of Suffolk in undertaking the essential Commu-
nity Development and Housing Assistance activi-
ties during the third year of Federal funding
of the program and continuing in effect there-
after unless terminated in writing by the
municipality upon ninety (90) days' advance
2. That this body and the County of Suffolk agree
to work together in a timely manner in the plan-
ning, preparation of application, and earrying
out or,activities that may result from such
3. That the governing body is fully cognizant
of the obligations and responsibilities that
are imposed by this cooperation agreement,
and that it is the sense of this body that
such obligations can and will be fulfilled.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer.
This resoldtion was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Justice Surer, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was
RESOLVED that $130.03 be and her'~by is transferred from the Contingent
Account to Recreation Account to cover the Town's share of taxation
for the year 1977 for land acqmired at Peconic from Lillian A.
Gozelski for the proposed recreation center.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Councilman Homan, seconded by Justice Surer, it was
RESOLVED that the annual report (1976) of Magdaline Goodrich,
Town Historian, be and hereby is accepted and placed on file.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes:. Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Supervisor Martocchia:
13. Notice has been received from the New York State Department
of Transportation that they have applied for design approval from
the Federal Highway Administration to reconstruct deteriorated
elements of the bridge carrying the highway over the railroad west
of 'Greenport. This also calls for replacement of the bridge riding
surface and guide railing.---Mr. Pell asked if this is the project
they thought would take about 18 months to do and would start in
June-1977?---Supervisor Martocch~a stated that is correct. All of
the maps, drawings, sketches and other information is available for
inspection at the-State Office Building, Hauppauge.---Mr. Pell
indicated that in taking 18 months to do this would tie up the
area for two summers. If they could start after Labor Day it
would tie up only one summer.---Supervisor Mart0cchia stated he
did not have the dates, but would write for details and starting
date.--~Mr. Pell stated he understOOd that they would only tie up
one lane when doing this work, and one lane would still be available.'
14. The Board has had submitted to them a song written about
Southold by Mr. George A. Yoerger, entitled "Grand 01d Southold."
There is an accompanying poem with the same words as the lyrics.
Supervisor Martocchia read the poem which is as follows:
"Hugged by the Sound, caressed by the Bay,
Lively Old Southold enthralls us today.
Just as it gladdened those Puritans'bold
Who founded our town, Our town of~Southold4
Long may the guardians of Southo~d keep bright
Its beacon of fame - its illUstriOus l~ght~'
Grand Old Southoldi
The gem of Long Island's North Fork.
Here in Sixteen and Forty, souls brave and bold~
Founded the~first English town in New York.
-Here's where they-struggled to start~life anew,-
Here's where theFworshipped their God.
Oh, what a privilege for me and for you
Just to gaze on the soil they once trod.
Grand Old Southoldi
Today, as in times long, gone by,
A "Paradise Found" on God's hallowed ground,
A preserve it we must, you and Ii~
Yes, preserve it we must, you~and Iii
--George A. Yoerger
Cutchogue, N.Y.
November 29, 1975
On motion off'Justice Surer, seconded ~y Councilman Homan, it was
RESOLVED that a letter of thanks and-appreciation be sent to Mr.
George A;-Yoerger'for the song "Grand. Old SOuthold" which he
wrote f0r~Southold TOwn and sent to the Town Board.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia,. Councilman
Rich, CouncilmanHoman, Justice Surer.
This resolution was'declared duly adopted.
Onmotion of Councilman Homan, seconded by Csuncilman Rich, it was
RESOLVED that the following proclamation be published announcing
S~ffolk county's Annual Cerebral Palsy Telethon which will be
t~lwised frCm Saturday, January 29, 1977 at iO:O0'.P.M; '%hrough
6:00 P.M., Sunday, January 30, 1977 over local Cablevision stations.
Headquarters for this special event will be the Colonie Hill in
WHEREAS, Cerebral'Palsy-cont~inues to be the natioMs
number one crippler of children,'affecting 75,000 infants
each year; and
WHEREAS, the Suffolk Rehabilitation Center for the Physically
Handicapped, Inc. provides essential medical, educational
and rehabilitation services, thereby helping persons
afflicted to achieve a more fulfilling and productive' life;
WHEREAS, the SuffolkRehabilitation Center will conduct 'its
annual fund raising telethon on January 29 and 30
NOW, THEREFORE, I, AlbertM. Martocchia~, Supervisor Of the
Town of Southold, do hereby pro'claim ~the week 0fJanuary 24 -
January 31, 1977 as
in the Town of Southold and do hereby urge all citizens to
generously support the endeavors of the Suffolk Rehabilitation
Center and its work among those young people whO'so greatly
require' its services.
Vote~of the TownBoard: Ayes: ~Supervisor. Martocchia,~ Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homart, JuStice Suter.
This resolution was de¢lared~du!y adopted~.
On motion' of Councilman Homart, seconded byCouncilmanRich,
WHEREAS the~ Sacred Hear~ R. C.' Church', Cutchogue, New York has'
applie~to the TownClerk for a Bingo License, and
WHEREAS the Town Board .has examined the application, and~ after
investigation, duly made' findings and determinations-as required
by law,
NOW,~THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that theSupervisor be and hehereby
is authorized and'directed to execute on behalf of the' Town Board
t~e findings and determinations as required~by law, and~it is- further
RESOLVED that the Town. Clerk be and she h~reby is ~irected to
issue a Bingo License to the Sacred Heart R. C. Church, Cutchogue,
New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor MartocOhia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Justice Surer, seconded by Councilman Homan, it was
RESOLVED that application of Sophie Saunders dated January 6, 1977
for the renewal of a single trailer on the northwest side of Main
Road, Laurel, New York, be and hereby is renewed for a period of
six (6) Months.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor'Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Justice Surer, seconded by Councilman Rich, it was
RESOLVED that application of William Ruland dated December 24, 1976
for the ~e~ewal of a single trailer on the earner of Route 25 and
Mill Lane, Mattituck, New York, be and hereby is renewed for a
period of six (6) months.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Moved by Supervisor Martocchia, seconded by Councilman Rich,
WHEREAS a petition was received from John J~ Hurter requesting
a change of zone on certain property at Southold, New York,
said petition for a change of zone from "A" ReSidential and
Agricultural District tO "B-l" General Business District; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold be and she
hereby is directed to transmit this application to the Southold
Town Planning Board in accordance with Article XV, Section lO0-15-(B)
of the Code of the Town of Southold.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
On motion of Justice Surer, seconded ~T Councilman Homan, it was
RESOLVED that Barbara C. Dittmann, Justice Court Clerk for Justice
Martin Surer, be ~ndshe hereby is granted a one-year leave of absence
from her position, effective January 31, 1977 through January 31,
1978, all in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Martocchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homart, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
Supervisor Martocchia~
15. There have been several protests from residents along
Long Island Sound; west of the Breakwater at Mattituck. Their
normal erosion along that area in the winter is 8 to l0 ft.
As the season changes it is usually restored; however this
winter as much as 80 ft. has been lost. One particular individual
stated his front porch was 150 ft. from the high water mark, and
now it is under his front porch. Justice Surer and Councilman
Homart have inspected the area. Yesterday Mr. Latham, who does
considerable work on bulkheads and jetties, stated he had spoken
to some of the r~side~s, and the individuals from the D.E.C. and
Corps of Engineers have inspected the site and feel permits
could be secured. There is a figure at $50,000.00 minimum to
restore the area. About 13 or 14 cottages are involved in this
situation. It has been indicated rock could be purchased from
New Jersey and placed in front of the properties and back filled
and jetties erected.---Mr. Terry Latham stated he ~as looked at
the pro,fy and feels if this continues through the entire
spring %u~o of the cottages will no longer be there. It is
beginmi~g to undermine under the foundation. The rocks would
be the cheapest method. Bulkheading would cost twice the amount.
Councilman Homan spoke about drainage problems at Duck Point,
Cutchogue. The Highway Department has been working there today
and there should be a temporary solution to it today, however,
the long range problem must be looked into and will be. Justice
Surer also inspected the site the previous day.
Mrs. Jean Tiedke asked how long the three cottages have been there?---
Supervisor Martocchia stated they have probably been there about
ten years.---Mrs. Tiedke stated that ia an unnatural beach because
of the build-up, from the Mattituck jetty .... Justice Surer stated
the extension to the jetty was put on in 1935.
Mr. Pfeffer asked if it is possible, in the case of an irresponsible
landlord, as i$ done in New York City, could the desired work be
done and the landlord be billed?--Mr. Pfeffer referred specifically
to where a person lives on a private road and in the event of a
~very heavy snowfall, and the person~falts behind in his obligation
to plow the road, and there is emergency help needed, can the Town
come in and plow the road and then bill the person who has been
responsible for plowing? Mr. Pfeffer lives on a private street,
and aside from the risks involved, because of that choice, when
emergency help is needed a tragedy could happen.---Supervisor
Martocchia is aware of the area Mr. Pfeffer is specaking of.~ He
Knew the developer did have a contract for the serv~e of the
road, but due to a verbal misunderstanding between the developer
and bontractor, the snowwas not plowed. Supervisor Martocchia
spoke to the Town Attorney and determined that when there is a
situation where there is an emergency of any kind, the Town will
go in.---Mr.~Pfeffer thanked the Supervisor and spoke on behalf
of everyone in West Creek in thanking the Supervisor for his help
when a resident was in severe need of medication and the drug
store was about to close and the Town equipment did go into the
development and enable the resident to get medication.---Mr.
Pfeffer is still worried about future storms.
On motion of Councilman Homan, seconded by Justice Surer, it was
RESOLVED that there being no further business to come before this
Town Board meeting adjournment be called at 4:40 P.M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Supervisor Mart0cchia, Councilman
Rich, Councilman Homan, Justice Surer.
This resolution was declared duly adopted;
Town Clerk