HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/17/1867 "" .. · ~; . ~ , ? ~ ! ; ¥, ' r,.. ' . ~_. '~,. : 1~: ! '~ · ~ '~" ."~t,f,~-P~ A~'N,;~ ' Onrlitflo~b~r~a f?'tW~,_ . I. 7° .... '~ ._ ~ ~' ~;~',P ~ m~la~.~o, thamptou. ,rrime, pp,,lS8, t92. ~o~-la.~torfromthis Stste 8ihderlaUd erL fir pa a iu~a~e~'~,oo ff ~,~ ~ ~he ,expiration o I With qua~t ~d cn~a,...go~ and ~lue. I ~o oe ~e Ola~ ~ow~ oI ~oog lSl~afl. · ~ I eib, ~ ~0, ~ 14 ...... ~,_a ~ ~ ,~ ' , · ~ .,P i "' a,~rearag6s are' m~' In the corner n y leady soa-chc~ s~ds - ·. · · . ~_ . , e penter, bcd ht land m Hashamommuck. an : .,.,,..,. au~ at aa earner aay~ wne~tnenlawucatrac{~ Stadia&' ~ fl~ ~ · ' ' '= ..... . ' ........ ' ~ ' e 0th of Au us~ m the same ' ' ~/ ¢~:~ .' n¢:a~.'. /. p e mo~_c, n~]~ .I~in~o~memorrows~uese~songs. Ivailabtefor use sa it is mos~ ti~-~- ,-.~ ,-~1 ..... ~'- s ...... ~ . , ~ose a/aommucl to '~nomas ~eatherby; and this ~ r'"]~g',~q~.=?r,~esS,' ' ' - ~ ',~s~,hon .:.. :.' ' ..... ".~.gg'{ 'q have pmmres,' love,, she says, '%at gle~[ to break it now~ afar many ofTt~';';e~-;n~ { ~ff~Y&~ ~ffff~g~'tO~;?Y~e~_ ff~'., · ~,-~ ,~ nun ~s- t, tle ?o~ Jac~sq~ ya~ be t~c~d 9n }he p~bi~ I . u ;.. ',,; three" " ~ 0O I' ~om a*roablea easel~last night's Steam. I that w~e ia the h~M-s o~ t~' ~dlm' histori: lana ~;rh tn,. =.h~ h .... n,-E....... . im ecoras sown ;o tm~ any. It !.$ plato, ~e~ · , - - _ - ................. · .u ut me sala lslana fore. trom written [ ~ ~': -" four" '. ' 2.s~ } ~ shin ashere on a .... 1 ~ [ aris have perished. Wha c% 'verify~ for in- from sea to sea * g'~ .... ,~ ..... ] _'. kaqcu e tarye idenea F mo ~ ~ i~'ee months ....... " --- , , ~ ' ~.. ~uwara now- mis carpenter, ~ichard J%kson sold :-. ro~o~ n ' ~aawomnw~'i~ herh~as~ · f stance) ma ol t.heatatemea~.of Mr Thom . ell ' - ......... ; ~ [ One,~a.~c, or less, 3 momhs ........ 5.00.I ~ne ~eeis m pray~; ~ wh~mg Wae~l eie. h at,lt~t.ln, nf man,,aar'nt.. ,,,h;..h I.~ ---a-9 .., k . . 1~ Cqnsmt~ a~op.s.{ fi .ally m that part of this Town called '" F,~'~-/a ~ .... tbs-each ,naif t OroWs out of the d~dshio~snlaakana~l· '~W'-7 ............. 7 ...... ~"7 ...... 7,,=~,,~, tu, s grant was mane m se; zortu ia these . .~no ~quare, or ica, o mon~s ....... 8.0~ } Tm~e rose in her cheek Ms lost its ~. .qL'-6~ ..... ~ ,5~ ,~k 5~'&-- -:=~ --..q~:~tn, -.yin item ~?.pmcq yt}ere mey were by me plant- Thus there are several Jude endent a~ $'rom atom mont~, each shat- I ~ . - ~ , ; - 7 "~ "~ ....... 222 elC'--.~Y~;? ~m-,~amhon ed ~o thou' great damage." ~ow it was more l eminently cumulati,e, nroofs · w~ch sunnort tonal inserfiom ' ' . ~0 I ~r ~es~ni~g zorn is ~ng~ to ~. swan m pages ~--~t ct ms~tstorv v Could thnn ~lowm~ ~nn+h~ ~g+~, +t: ...... ~ , 5- · . r , echo squ~e, 12 mouths; .:'..... .... i0o. ' I ~et the hungers s/male nc'et ia all. ' the volume befound, whened khesd~tracts,~,~_., _~_, ..... -=,',, mane tae, r ou,ersq~uVY'waoir"u'~?aa'eimeramrmffh°mps°n:" ' ~rim~or im, that South- ava (For each cha%e of matter, 50-cents exh~) I k weea-~o~ =a k~ps ~mp~y were taken, it would be wortS, its weight in incursion amon~ the Dutch at Schoat's Ba .... k ......... . ~,. P Y:. . ' From ] s-'u~e to 1 2 column, 25 -~ cent les ' ~ ....- .. -. .... . , . ,. m. · ....a ~ , ' ~ J-om lS the Olttesn town. -[ nese writers examl~ a _ ~ . . s ~ · / w~m a ~nt.o~ona mamas sea · purest gem. -~'ne pom~ is tn~: ~ecause we 'lhus it would seem that the drivi ~ · 5;has ae aboverates ~ora smg~e siuare, ~'rom l-~O 1 ..... haw nat all th~ ~.;a....; .... ~.: ~h .t-' ~u ............ p= ~ff and ed, explored, and even collected masses of ftc I ~lumn one inse trion, ac per cent less. ~ ~w ap;as woman's thought to build, .:_' ~_.~: j_. ..... 2 ....... ~7 .... .. ~,uer me aamage causes oy rue mltCn tans men- documents: but they did nat hnrd.n · · ' - where a Var 'n dream a · hmtvrl~ua .ased thmr statemett;s, we are not tioned in the ate a · ' ~ --- '7 One-half column 8 mq~ths, .......... $3o 00. t ' · ~ g m y darken or gild. .~.~e ............. ~ ....... 5; ;. ........ ; .- . p .nt of June l~th, 16~9) myst pages w, th references to them. Indeed some ,; ti12 t - . ~_ ......... ~0. g0, .~ ' · Ii, . ~,~tc~ul~.~u s,ppu]e tuat.tue=~'o ...... yn,~.ar= nave oeen a prewons attempt to settle within of these authors Thomnson for'instance seem mu , ' ' ' [ A aN'6urchina uain[~d blue ' . all-devourino time h~s not de~t[0yed. Trum- which we have no account, and the consequent But there is enough extant to'show on · -~ ~W:~)~?~_ ~ g ' q ' ' bull and Wood ann ~hompsoq_~nd Prime are rant of the South branch of ~n lqan ' - Z ~~ ~ ~ ~D ~~ ~ ~ C~ ' ' ' ~ ' -- ' ' r~'~ · ,ii territory,and chose for their purpose aplace earlier than the Southampton Church, though ~o'5. James~- 81i,;'_ r~ 'foot ~ew Ohambers St .... ~ y "Tell. low,, I ...... Dray. of the sNn.. on the reeE. , truthfulness of these old w~lcrs; but they on the North side of the island in the present though both- were gathmed' m' the autumn oof a~n And the ~ oman ~'mgmg her hands m grief: 1640 ~or. Ca~nberla~td SI. :~d ~ul~ Av~ Brool~ly~ Of the spi~er whose white re'ms, changed to 3. That the settlement of Southold was so ~0~ &; ~V~, - .~oo]~ ..... , . / f~r ~dv~nced, that ~ sale w~s m~de of - ' ~a u~e n~germg splncue ma~ ne er gre~v lull. ' JTTO~EYS · COUdWgELLORS AT LAI~ ' least one dwelling house and the landson ~o~ s-. and s,~ ~ro~a~a-' ~ew York There are tears impri~one~ within her eyes, - which it was built before the organization of ...... '. .................... ~ .... Woman will dream, and man will b~d ' · · I ,, . . . . 4. Soathold was a town of thc New Haven . · . . , ,, was settled m 16~8 and soon a~*er acqmredthe of New ~etherlands forthwith w~thout fad · ~ ~..~ ~ [z o~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~r o ~ ~d each will have pro,hemes unfalanea - · ~.~ ~. ~ . 0olony eat-her th~n Southampton became ~ a u al ~.~.. .~ a ta.a~ ax ~ . _ - · . t, tte to some part ct the east end of,Long Ia- on pain of bemg punished as perverse usurp- Town of the Connecticut C-lony ~ HE suhsc, lh'e, h'as ;dSt received nn assortmen~ o WORK AWAY D~ ~HI~ ~nLKS, land in the iimtts of the preset ~owns el ers not only in the Dutch but in all other x ..... ;~; .... taln tlm~. hath ~n ~. ~,,,~oN~s.-~a~¢n ;.,~e ~ug~;~ ,~ ~,t tn~ Work awn a~r~e fores . ~a~ ~.~ve;~e~.m&~;ly S?~e of~co~rt~ m ?~..word. See Holland Documents astical organization and i. i~ complete civil " · . .' ' '. - y , , p p ' ~ remaence~omniat mstory, pp. 144~150. ' ..... :_~.:~ a.....~.qa i~ ~a~. %a~ ~ou'h ' ' Saddle ann Hnrn~ss M.iker Fron~ s~~or ~ ti~s you hah ae cause at their South ~old i8 no~ ,m~ow~ v. ___ I ~ . ........ ~v~anm~tun~ ouu~a~ ~ = ~ ~ . - . . .- . , -- ~. .. z~ may~ in wew o~ these mc~s. we may assent ~o am~ton It is ~er~ likeb, therefore that it ~ , , ~ py~elow Puepie's M~rket. We niggers and Ben holders have been in 1638, or 1639, & 1640 It is lto Pdme's sta~ments 'that the arrival of the ..~ ..4 .... ~ -. ~' - --- ' ' ' " .............. ' I ' 0n rtl nt ~ 1 a - · ' ........ ~a nsten to my sro~ ......... ~U-'e.t ~t,~ c s~. cmc. ~t '~ nnecock, or [ Southampton set}ters ' w~ later m the sea- ~ Nathaniel S Prime: "Southold was the first rU ~,Y' ~ Y~IKT~ Or we -ire-ou ~i~te trash ....i ~0uth uola, was tar enough a~anccd for the{son than the settlement of 5outhold ' ]. ..... t+.l.~ on L~n~ Island" Prime's His . ~x. ~LLLI' 1' ll~ ~, For ae whirs nmn~a in na hm,a... ; orgamzaUon of the Church on ~e 21st 0f Oc- I It may be remembered that Thompson a- I ..... , a, ' I..~,~a~l~ ~ ~ ~ , . j la,ded at their ~air Haven, o~t their New{fresh supply of people that settled Long Is- lun[~-~tant - but there are some w~ ..... .~ ~, ~. ~. ~ey re eo~ng, redder ~beram, ~ ' h of ' ' d wa erect d · , ~ r . ~ ' .. . . Ha.en on the 1St AT, rd, . See tke]l~ . ~heres. e town caked outh- . ,, ,, · · - · , · , - Seberal mfl ion fools ~ , · ~ ............ ..-:-- . .... , .... ~ .... , - [t~ deswa sett ment of thru uestm- ....... - i..a~ ..... ~,.m~,a...,+~,., ~the~.stChurch for 1867. But tt was not tdl~ New Haven, to h seJu 1 dctonSou~h- ;+ ~R2E~VER JztMES PRYER & C ) , the 4th of June 1639 that ate s were taken old belch ed. Ihts fresh su 1 of Lon ' - ' So, sing away, ye darkies, ] , , P ' ~ { · ' g PP Y gl Au ust 5, 186~ '~ a ~ ~ ' ' t the ermanent'ot ~anization of the 0and settlers did not nnite with the first at o · 0" : e apry ys come-- fo' 'p .... g ' murch, Isl' '] ' r ~n~O~ ~.nn~ cf ~ ~ ' . De hberty s got de tugger, ~ anti tt'.s or~amzaUon was nut completed un- [ Southold, then, and jmn the New Haven gev- j ~ ~ON PAC~IO R~ROAD ....... ~?~7~.--].U ..... ~ut aenigger'sgotno nome~ }til the 21st ufAagust, 1639. The~cordsoflernmen;; but they ~ade another settlementJ --- n~- .... ~-~. a-o~ _~a~.~ ~ ' ~Speeml attentma g~ve to the s e~ ' Den work away d~ white ~as~ ~ J the 5hliord Chm'ch say, The Charch of~'a,d town, ann even at the expense of a dis-I..... ; .._ · : ' ~ · , ' ' - A few wee~ since we noticea me opting oz ~~~ ~ ~ We ve got you ~ our clamps, ~Ohrmt at Mdford was first garbled at New~rupt~on, joined the Conncchcut. government. ~ ~ ......... -- , ' ' , r '.... ] You'lln0wsheHout ae s~mpsl ]er's Ma~notia says it and the ~ew Haven]H0dge's History of the Presbyterian Church, [~ ~ow Cre~ a-~int ~ ~1~ f~her t~EI'ERTO Tile FolI~WiN~ ~ENTLEM~ '-- ~ 8ol(~r~' ~ ~y ~ ~ ~ . . ~ ~o~ ~ ~ ~ ." ~..~/., ' ' . ..'~ ~ _ _ ~Y . ., }~hurch w~e amerea m two &ys, onetbl-~p '85 ;.Gillett s, vol. 1, p. 40. Of the first~ngatota~of4~5~es. M~ ~ kMUEL W (~hEEN'. - ....Sayv]tn./ ann sport ue wooaen leg, ~. .. -, . t-, ~ ~r . .- '"" ' ' ' ~ .... , - ' . . - : . ~owing upon ;ac ~mer. rne ~outhold ChurcblSouthampton minister, ~v. Dr. ~prague in ladditlonaregradeave~yfor the~o~ ~d ~ere~ M,.ssrs. PS?( a (.~{.?.~ ~:;.: .... ~',']~Y?~; I ~'0~l~sf~2~L~-, /was ;lso gathered in New Haven; and ca the Ih is Annals vol, 1, pp. 116, 117, says; Mr. ~no aoubt ct the compleaon of .the road t~t? ' ~' "~'-,"' ~-'c { - . {supposition that a year elapsed between the{Pim'son agreed with Jonn Davenportm w,sh-{of the Roc~ ~%un~sy~ly ~ t~e ,~u; 'an ~ t,~,ie.s. I~ ~''~' ~ } 'De nigge~'sgot de b~or, ] ~,,ttl~h,,,',,t nf'tha nlaca and[hafull....... ;~a ];.~ ~ ~o~t all civil as well as ecclesiastical {Comply are eo~aen;t~;me WhOm ~e ;o me a ~ -~ a~~ ~ . ~ahasgotae~ae~ack, ~" "-' ....h :..,_ .... ~ I ...... h and to allow none butIPac~cw~lbe°penf°rbu~ess 7. · e - - ,--,, I ' ~'h'~'~=Lh~3e~'gn~qZ%a'2{~'"s ~I Haven and Milford, the settlement of the South { 0hul'ch members to act in the choicc of the'] t~Z~t~rZ~ wh~J~re many h~e~ ~Hes ~ advance ~ ~ ~~ ~ en n~desm m '~ ~ ] Hold musthave been madeasearl as 1639 officmsof the' ovetnment, otto be eligible[ k butthe have a wholesome f~ofme ~ ~ · .' D ~te ' g' g... ' . y . " g ' o~the wot ; y ~ ' fi: :.~ ', q ~ .~. / 'And aa you white fol~ want me to, } that some of tlie men at least were ou the ] the little colony at Southampton should become {~a~s run without ~terruP~0m ' ~US[0~ ~ ~g~t~-H%~E. ~0Li'Lt~{ ' I'll j:ump on your back and ride ~r ' ' She 'i ct. that Town ibaror five.......................... ~dntha ~e .... { ......... ted with New Havan ' as Southo]d had I The b~ness of the 0ompany has been most, flat- - o ........ · - ' : ' , ' ' · ter~ The ea~gs forthe qua~er ~mng Aug- · ....... ~'~ ....... Ha-m'e,'cl, iers Hoslerv, m~gs ~ ..... [the tormatmn o~ thmr Church at Lynn, Mass-~ been, (was) and was d~saaUsaed w~th the a- ~ . .~: ........................... "st~2Q:i:ses. Brushes. Kniv~, O~:s, iterffm_{ ~z Ta=~.--Yon are a "RantS". ~ genuine ] achusetts, in N o~embeF, 1640--~ month late,' {g,'eemnt, in 1604,- to come nnder the juris-. }~ ~?, ~[[~ ~o~~t 0~e~~ .-y.c ', , . ' ,. · ~ ~ ,.,' ' -.~ ~ crabs Beef ~hoes, l'ubb~ r t, ooas,~c Repubhcan Te~ ns ~ ~u~ x~u ~ ~a , .. . ' ~ ~. .... · -, than the organization uf the Sou~h01d0hurch.{diction of 0onnectiout. He therefor remco- {exact ~on cannot be wen The~'eam~gs S 0 U 'f H5 r l~ E ~. l, ~oo ~ow ac you restore me ~mon'~ ,~' ' ' ~',~ ~' · ,, W bstm's 3' : ' ' Opposite Pier 8. . ~ · , o ] How have -,o. benefited the ne"ro~ {meuts lead to the sameconchls]Unwhich thet 'lnese .msmmc ' ' { 350 ~les of r~d, ann atter ~ g p g ~ s. · ~ ' '- . '_ _Z __ ~ ....... { Who was benefited by the war~ [hinter,aris m Ioog succesmon have expressed]with theearher set},e~ent ?f ~oathol~; - ' ~ ........ / ~owmuchbet;eroff isthe poor man now than l in poski~estatements, namely, ~hat "South-/0gilvy'sseemsto~ean'ect;Ym the race o~'tobl~auonso~me~ompa~onme~o~p~y°naa - ~ ~0~ , the can ~ssue on that instance xt snores ce re :" S~UIRE & L~ ~ ~he was bcfore~ hold wa~ ~hc first'Io~n settled bn Long Is ~the supposition that Southampton was settled ' y. ~ ....... ~i. ~ . ~ ~- . - ~ ~o. ,~ Futtea s~., ~ Do yea believe in equal taxation ~. ~ [and" Prime , 131 ~ ~ m'im: to New Haven's South ~old. 'And at ~emDe~? ~n~ mm resum m ~om a~y~ ~ s~w ~o~. J.. Wh~ot~e~tt~epoorwork~gmenasweHas Of the Kw. ~otm Youngs, ~whose tomb-~[hisp0iht it may be proper to .. ] me rich uonanoiaers ~ . ~ - ~ ...... ,, ~. - ..... r :.0~g for s,,e DLa~om,,. 18 carat ~o~.~ W~'c-~:~. ~ Which benefited this county the most--Democ-: st,;~e s,~,:~Nm~ m~,,?~uv~.c~l? h,m on: ~rst/tt~ ~ st?nge] S.~ff~ti~.~ ~.~ [~,]~.~ ]fo~ow ~e ope~ of t~e w~ole line to Ca~s. and a l kindsel jS~ZLRy-v~NGLI~I4 D'l'~t,,~- ~ racy wNch made, or Republica~sm which destroy-~ ~;uer, x,,.mpson says mat u~ came m ~ew/o~ oouu,ampum ,na~ e~ '~ c~ ~ ~u~ un- IThe success oI ;ne ent~me see~ w,oe mur- i~ ~S~s.v~:awau~:. :,t a sm:; t ~er.ceutag~ ,mow ~ t- i ed it ? ' Haveu.iu 1638, f'om whence hc rem,,ved with / itm of Southold with New Haven. ' He says oughly ass~d, and we ~n see no reason why .u-at ~tAa~aC'rUR~N~ COp3'. {U.:~_ ] Why tax the so~aier who fought for his count~, { a part of the mend,ers of his Chm'ch tu this[it followed in 1644. But on the other hand, {Fkst ~ortgage Bqnds ar~ot~n?le~ ~0 rank am- , , ,, on ~e be~t sec~es The omi sines ~~---~:~ ..... '~ ..... ~ ~ and exempt ~om ~ taxation the bondholder who~ ToWn iu L640. Thumpst,n, p.c.250. Accor-{ the historians generally state, ]n substance, ~- g - ~ ' · ' . . Y._ ....... ~ ~aramer ~ ~u~n, ~ at home and stole ~om hts eountr ~ ~ lar e ~at the ~ompany atreaay en~am '.'~<~. .... ~ ~ ~ [ staid ' ' Y ~ dimd~ he a,d some el' his people ma~ liave/th~t Southold was a New tlaven South Hold i g , .~.~ . ; _ · 6m~ the otHce ever since, mourns, as In ;ne case o~ oout~ampwn, ltl o.a in ~ua~ or o. ann tua~ ~.u rupr~uu~a~,vu~ {eunuch ~ ~.--- .~ -, . - ~ .. ~ ........ :-~~~ } The:famlue a~ths ~ Or~s~ hdia, have ~en} does act,take many hours W stol,across: the}of 8outhold were subsequently members pre- ~ The ~aa~auqn ?~fl. ~. %~a~r~ ~k<~~ ~ ~0~ '. ' -' ' ~ .... +h-n a00 00b Sound from New Haven rte SOHt ~0td and the/ seat ia the New .Haven Genera[ 0curt h)r the / of Pro~ect ~esuytermn ennrc~ 5~)na ~o~ ~ - . . .... .~e ~. ~ , '' ' ' , we~ ' ' ' '1 I~u" until' Now Haven and Connecu" · took place ou We~esday, J~e om, a~e~uiy to ; ~~~ ¢ / ~ adgentulou8 aS tlimr WOlLh ae~endants ar cut Wele Do,Il lng ~0o lil [ae Otlal~er, WII1Gll 1~ .,.a~/ f~ ~ ;-,. :.';".:'~(~s .shores of Lake Micron, import~g the clams all ' ' ' .Y ': ' "e{ '.; . ' , , .' '.'~ , sembla~e l~ffea6a Ml"~e services exee amg y iu- r {~;:;i""''i~a~'~' "' ~m"'~n ,Tn~IH~;S thewaykom~fass~ehusetts. ' nuw; and the people of New Ha~en ha~ng}Wi,Lth,'ops,,dexter0us'y'ootameam)m Char-{ter~ ~r~nwasprea&e~me~n~itu- :~:-, k [l:Haalilllr The ~IcCormic~, of C~cago w~l t~n out{ uurchased the South Hold territory,' .thevJ}esll, &pril 30, 1662. Thereupo0 ~outhold{donm.~saonsdropo~aea, unaanex~em~ge and mowers this season. [ aoubtlesa visited itand made a s~ttle!~ent u~.:[ became a part vf Connecticut. See the New'];iven~y Rev. ~hn 8. Bee~, qf '[testings, C0ttoaaaes, ants ann aps,--Jucge Bmmard has aeciaea that a telegraph{ :on it' ' -.. m: . ]Haven Records; alsoThompaon, p. 242 ;'and ~and a ju~cious and impr~sive cnargo;2, me~a- ~ ~co~panycou~anot~eco~pe]~eato.~wu~geiaeo~tI 0~ the arrival of "the a,a rtakers" a~]Ne~ American Cyclopedia, vol, ~, p. 0SS w. oru~c ~5,~ e, LOA~rh'r~S'~Xs~ ZO O~E?e~a private message ' ' · Soathamptun Prime says: It was later iu{Howel(% Southampton, p. 60 ;J }rime, p. 131. people gave me........ .. .: ..- ¥ ~b ~tLU~4:Y:Z~? ro ~zz; ;. __Waasworthcautionea a stuaious*ienaa~inst the season than the settlement~ Southold. {Perhaps the ge~ords witt show that Tutl, iU{s oLw'tht~%g]~2 ~'~e~'~i;six_ _ IlKE~ED L. L, J,}ty s, ~¢,. _ .' _--~_ {"growing double," but the g?s trunk it is the bestI which lind be~a co,,,a, eooed the ,same Year '; } e.,n.iission made him a magistrate of Yenny- {.5[°~22 22~t~-~[;~g%];; ;f Pe0fiaY '~' re. on :-~', .~ ,' ~ ~~F. ~ · ~ } t ' g ' Y . ' - .. _. Accordino to a document given by floweli, }~,,tt, fi,i' this was a name of 8outhd{d as late- i~ exceea~Iv pic~esq~e. "The. gi'eat.b~!gty of ~i ~- ~&~ ~ ~' { The New Jersey muraeress, ~nage;~gan,{th,,~o,,nnd,~rtako,.g,~ ,undo an a~,.o~n,~',.~~'..[I .... l~oh.narv 16i4 I h'~ve not seen the ,k ...... +~.a t~e cons0icuoas posi~o~ of the ~L~fa~a~ Agents mp0r ¢ a. naDealprsm ~wi~be executed onthe 3om of Augast. The co~; tt~e~trans~ortatien o~ ~oods th'e~'tin,~ ;- ,~.-~w Haven R,ecords wt~fin the present year, ~church eaiaee g~vethe ch~ch~ na~e' : - a'~'/~;3~E~ICAN AND FOi~E~G~V /ofPm'aonshasrelasedt°c°mmutehersentence' { ..... -h~t~,~o. "th; '~,,w,,a of L~,~5~,;"~]~]{{~.]5, ....... be mistaken ou thi~ unimnortant~ Thecon~egatoals composes ofmtem~ent A bo dies in Huntingdon, Penn.; a few days~ :~Z' "TA ....... . -[.[}. - ,, ~f,-:-~ ,,,u .... Y. "'": ~ substantia(f~ers. Every' seat ~ the no~e :.';)'//~5~.~~~ ~ } -- Y ..... u.~ ~ .... , .... thew Intended Pla,,tacon. ~lh,sa~'ree-[pomt. { .......... rovlded There ~e four .~. "~'~~ ~ ~~$ {since, in cons~qu~nq~ o~ ~w ....... ~: .... ' ...... ment was made March 10th, la 9. Bd the/ · There is-another and thoroughly independ-i~°l~, ~s~o~&~e~ with t~e ~d~ w~le eau ]g the frm[ I ~, ,1 ~aDDat . :)"~''' _ ' ] -" -' ~;~. e .... a.place'of theIntended Plautg~on is un-{Cut class 0f facts to support the atatements'{~,,~,.~eM~sionschools. Aparsonagatogem- ., .,. NO.. WARRE STREET, ~ first En Itoh Temperance S ..... , ....... , ~ ' , .... ; ' - ......... ena been -..'g~e~aC .treu...... ...... · r.~, .... ~laee,P ~ ~ . ~.- ...... frlnk'..~.' ~ ~l.~_ named and seems tu havu been u~kuown' ~he {a ,d tl~e m,p lcatltms ct tl~e h~sto~ inns gener- {ar ;v'~th thi~V acres of land has rec y. p . - - ' ...................... " ' ' 1517 allowea it mcmocr~ ~ .......... J -- b--~ ~ ..... · . - ' ; ' ,-" , -- - ~tor T~e field of Ohms- ,~: }~a:~ .~::.- ~ n~ v~ D l~ m ~. , -.~ . ,setLlcmcut at ~outhalnpton ~corclln~ to{al v, that ~,,utl~ld was.the fi~st, lowo settled chased for the use of the ~ '. _ :~>-a~i~t{ ~.xx'~t~ Co ~s S~x~r~S { · ' ........... ~d in ~a~le Tenn { Prime whom in the nmln ~o~ell follows, { on Lm~g' Island. -. · t ,ttan usefuln~ .. g ......... : .... ::, ~: ......... . .... :_..__ _ {. q~oc~mg-o~ru ......... 'i was made in virtue '0f a pateI, t~rom [~'al'reg} On tile 18th of June 1639,_Matthew Strider- {mat reeler9 w~?[~?'~?l~?2T~d&~ r ';'?:' ? ~{ '~' 2 TT O ' ' {Ior~zu~. .. ~ ....... a a~. went over aenaee'dated April 1~, 1040,_authorizi,~ the .,,nders/~,d,,f- t~o~ton, ,,,~,,i,,~, boug~,t a tract of land ;of t~s people ;x ~;n nm p .... ~].-~ - · - ~ i / O ' ]~wg iNewIouau~uu, w ,, , N I has a base Dali ClUD ev6~ mere ~ "~-~?~ ' ~A ~. ...... a ma,~'the descent ~ safety~ takers u,. Sit down ~here it be~l.iketh them'{.cal ed Ht,st,amommuck-x euk. After his death --Ottawa. n , , . ; _. _'.. __ . - =:> :~I .' - ' . ' FMls the other any, ~ ..... ~ - -~ - , ' ' ' ~ ' ' ~ hi~ wet-ns over two nunarea pounas '"""writa~teua" - ~' ~' ~ t~en~' 9- ,' ~No," ' x' g-u-'sc it isn't worth wDim ' vveu, { mans, ann setMe tnereupon,a w{t{{ a8I'fl{la~ {old. AiI~r ~1' ~a~ l O' mou~ fl]~i'r]e~ el' {--~therCmOda y The' structure was careiully~ remo~ ~handi~. HO~ Real E~t&te, Mcr- ]_. - '--- --:-hr let ~e go and bare a tooth puUed,, fi'fie hberty, both in Church orqe,- and civil [Ho~t,m, and after Saline,, s de~th his widow ~t~e o _ .. y. . ...... ' ' ~; Cutch~gu~; tfSS { I nevc~ go anywhere }" .... { gover~mmnt, ~ the plantations 6f Massacha- {married Juhn 0uuklin, whusc descendant~ are e , ' .'