HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-03/30/1999SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MARCH 30. 1999 WORK SESSION: Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran, Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie, Justice Louisa P. Evans, Councilman William D. Moore, Councilman John M. Romanelli, Councilman Brian G. Murphy, Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Attorney Gregory F. Yakaboski. 9:12 A.M. - The Town Board reviewed IV. For Discussion Items. IV. 1. Additional Space, Town Hall. The majority of the Town Board was of the opinion that the best solution would be to renovate and add on to the present Town Hall. Justice Evans asked about the Peconic School. Supervisor Cochran advised that she has already inquired and that it is not available. The school district does not wish to sell it. Councilwoman Hussie was of the opinion that as a temporary measure, while the renovation and expansion of Town Hall is taking place, office space should be rented at Feather Hill. The cost would be $1.00 per square foot, $700.00 a month for the unit on Traveler Street (formerly Ink Spot Printing). Councilman Romanelli suggested hiring an architect. Councilman Murphy said that the Space Study from 1996 recommended engaging the services of an architect to determine the best possible options of expansion. Requests for proposals for the expansion of Town Hall will be sought in the near future. IV. 2. Limit of five (5) hours per week for committee work. Councilman suggested paying a annual flat fee for committee work regardless of the number of hours worked. The Board did not think the union would approve of that. The Board will conduct a data gathering on the number of committees and boards and secretaries, number of meetings and hours worked and make a policy decision Tn the future. In the interim a resolution will be adopted making an exception in order to pay Joyce Wilkins, the Secretary of the Land Preservation Committee, for hours worked in January and February. (See Resolution No. 26). IV. 3. Skateboarding Ramp on Fishers Island. The Town Board gave their approval to use Town Property for a Skateboarding ramp on Fishers Island. IV. ~. Request of Steve Jones for information outreach. The Town Board engaged the services of the Suffolk County Department of Planning to give them a report for a fee. The Town Board will not give their approval for any public information meetings, until such time as the plan is formally presented to them first. IV. 5, Proposal to reduce the price of grass clippings at the landfill. Councilwoman Hussie advised that the DEC has given their approval to add it to the composting. It will give a better end product. (See Resolution No. 27). IV. 6. Downs Farm Preserve/Fort Corchau9 Advisory Committee. Supervisor Cochran advised that the "Friends of Fort Corchaug' have asked Jim Grathwohl to chair their committee. This would be an advisory committee and a fund raising group. One trail has been completed and they are working on the second one. The building will be made an information center and restrooms. Supervisor Cochran will call Tim Caufield to come back to give a report, and she will talk to Jim Grathwohl to see where they are going with the committee. IV. 7. Salary Structure, Data Processing Entry Operator. This will be discussed later on in Executive Session. IV. 8. HVAC Report for Town Hall. Specifications were not yet prepared for the Town Hall. However, they were ready for the records vault and storage rooms. The Town Board authorized the Town Clerk to go to bid, subject to the approval of the specificatlons by the Town Engineer. IV. 9 Mandate Reform. Letter was received from the Business Mandate Reform. An inquiry was made to the New York State Association of Towns regarding this item. Mr. Crawford returned the call and said that this letter is merely a press release and that it does not necessitate a resolution at this time. He suggested sending a letter of support and asking them to keep us informed. IV. 10..Application for alcqhollc beverage retail license. Stirllng Harbor Marina has apphed for a liquor li~:ense to serve 8 MARCH 30~ 1999 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD drinks by their pool The Town Board has no objections. IV. 11. East-West Fire Protection District contract. This matter will be discussed in Executive Session later on. Supervisor Cochran advised that the Southold Fire Department is seeking permission to use the Whitaker/Thompson house next door for "Search and Rescue Training"...They will invite the other fire departments to take part in it. They promise no water or other damage of any type and will provide the Town with proof of insurance. 10:05 A.M. The Town Board reviewed resolution numbers I through 25 to be voted upon at the 7:30 P.M. regular meeting. A SEQR review was added to precede resolution number 13. (See Resolutions 13A & 13B.) Supervisor Cochran advised that the New York State Department of Transportation will be doing a lot of highway work on Route 25 over the three year period. They will be notifying the business as to what will be going on in the near future. There will be a public hearing on May 12, 1999 to present the plan to the businesses. On motion by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold enter into Executive Session at 10:30 A.M. for the purpose of discussing litigation, contract negotiations, property acquisition, and personnel. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Moore, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Murphy, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. Also present: Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville, Town Attorney Gregory Yakaboski. A short recess was called at this time. 10:50 P.M. - Assessors Scott Russell and Robert Scott appeared before the Town Board to talk about a problem they are having with the Suffolk County Legislature. Last year they passed a law called the "Truth in Accuracy and Clarification of Tax Bills". This law says that the town must break out the charge back on the bill. However, the New York State Department of Equalization and Taxation says that we don't have the authority to do this. The Assessors said that they would be happy to list the information on the tax rate sheet, but the county says that they want it on the bill. The county has informed them that they are planning to withhold all Farmland monies, if the Town of Southold doesn't print this information on the tax bill, and that they also will pursue action for litigation. Supervisor Cochran said that she will call Frank Petrone, Head of the Ten Town Supervisors Association and ask him to call a meeting with regard to this. A resolution calling for the abolition of the County Legislature has been proposed. Assessor Scott Russell will be attending a meeting next Thursday at 9:30 A.M. at the Riverhead Best Western on this matter of the tax bill charge backs, and report back to the Board in the future. 11:25 P.M. the Town Board entered into the Executive Session as called for in the previous resolution. This Executive Session ended at 1:25 P.M. 1:30 P.M. - Appointment with members of the Mattituck Chamber of Commerce asking the Town Board for help in applying for grant funds to the County, State, or Federal government. Last year this group came to the Town and submitted a request for $15,000.00 of Community Development Block Grant funds, but they were turned down because Mattituck was too affluent a community to qualify for this type of funding. The Town Board advised them that tee T21 Proposal deadline has been extended to 7/1/99 and that they will assist their group in applying for funding through Grant Administrator Jim McMahon. The Chamber group was recently advised by Senator LaValle's office that they will be receiving $8,000.00 in funding for a new basketball court at the Veterans Beach Park off Peconic Bayi Boulevard, Mattituck. Councilwoman Hussie asked the group if they have applied for BID I.mprovement District funding. Eric Crook said that they had not yet, but will probably in the future. They are going to need upkeep and maintenance funding in the future. They were advised that matching in-kind services can be used as leverage for funding in matching grants. They questioned how to apply for Main Street U.S.A. Grant funding. Supervisor Cochran advised them that she thinks their efforts an~ enthusiasm is wonderful and the Town will try to'.help them all they can. Air, hough, it may not necessarily be in money, perhaps in in-kind services. On motion by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Murphy it was SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold enter into Executive Sessio~ Moore, Hussie Town Work at 2:30 P.M. for the purpose of discussing litigation. Ayes: Councilman Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Murphy, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Supervisor Cochran. Also present: Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville and ~,ttorney 'Gregory ,Yakaboskl. ;esslon and Executive Session ended at 3:35. 0. MARCH 30, 1999 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD REGULAR MEETING A Re~lular Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held on March 30, 1999, at the Sou. thold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Supervisor Cochran Opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. -with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Supervisor Jean W. Cochran Councilwoman Alice J. Hussie Justice Louisa P. Evans Councilman William D. Moore Councilman John M. Romanelli Councilman Brian G. Murphy Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville Town Attorney Gregory F. Yakaboski SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: May I have a motion to approve the audit of bills of March 30, 19997 Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the following bills be and hereby are ordered paid: General Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of $65,376.10; General Fund Part. Town bills in the amount of $1.,223.01; Highway Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of $12,328.4L~; Highway Fund Part Town bills in the amount of $3,133.31; Capital Projects Account bills in the amount of $2,250.36; Ag Land Development Rights bills in the amount of $337,831.51; Landfill Cap and Closure bills in the amount of $15,20LL25; Open Space Capital Fund bills in the amount of $306.72; Computer System Upgrade bills in the amount of $8,765.90; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the amount of $45,689.29;Refuse & Garbage District bills in the amount of $18,688.71; Southold Wastewater District bills in the amount of $513.76; Fishers Island Ferry District bills in the amount of $167.98. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Board meeting. Approval of the minutes of March 16, 1999, Town Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the March 16, 1999, Town Board meeting be and hereby are approved. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Murphy, Councilman Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: To set the date of the next Town Board meeting for Tuesday, April 13, 1999, at kt:30 P.M. Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the next meeting of the Southold Town Board will be held at Lb30 P.M., Tuesday, April 13, 1999, at the Southold Town Hall, Southold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelll, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MARCH 30, 1999 9 1 I. REPORTS. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: As you know each month we receive reports from the different departments, and the different committees, and this month's report include the Island Group Administration Claim Lag Report, Building Department, Personnel Leave Summary, Island Group Administration, North Fork Animal Welfare League, and Justice Court from Evan. These are on file with the Town Clerk. It is public information, so if anyone would like any.of this information, please, feel free to come into the Town Clerk's Office, and it will be made available to you. 1. Island Group Administration, Inc. Claim Lag Report for March 1998 through February 1999. 2. SoUthold Town Building Department Monthly Report for February, 1999. 3. Personnel Leave Summary for February, 1999. ~. Island Group Administration, Inc. Procedure Frequency Report for January, 1999. 5. North Fork Animal Welfare League Shelter Report for February, 1999. II. PUBLIC NOTICES. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Under Public Notices, we have the notice of the Spring Leaf and Brush Clean-up, April 19 to the 23. If you have any questions you can call 765-31~0. The times and the areas are listed in the local newspapers, and things are under way in that area. We, also, got a application from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in relation to an application by Matt-A-Mar Marina in Mattituck. Also, the US Corp of Engineers have received an application to install a swim raft in Orient. 1. Southold Town Highway Department Notice of Spring Leaf and Brush Clean-Up on April 19 - April 23, 1999. 2. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Notice of Complete Application of Matt-A-Marr marina ~o construct bulkhead seaward of existing bulkhead and backfill with sand at Mattituck Inlet, Wickham Avenue, Town of Southold. Written comments to be received by April 16, 1999 III. COMMUNICATIONS. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: As far as communications are concerned, we had a thank you note from Our Lady of Mercy School, their fourth grade, and also, a letter from Jeffrey Haber, who is the Executive Director of the Association of Towns. 1. Our Lady of Mercy School ~th Grade Class complimenting the landfill employees. 2. G. Jeffry Haber, the Association of Town, thanking Supervisor Cochran for acting as presiding officer and moderator at 1999 Training School and Annual Meeting. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS. None. V. RESOLUTIONS. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: As you know the Town Board has a policy that we invite you to address any of the resolutions before they are passed upon. If you have any other Town business, that does not relate to resolutions we would be very happy to entertain your comments at the end of the meeting. At this time is there anyone that would like to address any of the resolutions on for action this evening? (No response.) Anyone like to address the Town ,Board in relation to the resolutions? If not, number one. MARCH 30~ 1999 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD 1.-Moved by, Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund Part Town 1999 budget as follows: To: B.3620.L[.600.100 R~dlo Airtime From: B. 1990.4.100. 100 Contingency 1. - Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. $ 975.00 $ 975.00 Councilman Murphy; Councilman Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, 2.-Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund Part Town 1999 Budget as follows: To: B.3620.4.200. 100 Radio Equipment From: B.1990.LL 100. 100 Contingency 2.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. $ 1,074.00 $ 1,074.00 Councilman Murphy, Councilman Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, 3.-Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville to advertise for Beach Attendants, Beach Manager, Lifeguards, Water Safety Instructors, and Playground Instructors. 3.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 4.-Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute an agreement with Rosemary Martilotta for Yoga Classes for the Spring 1999 Recreation Programs at a cost of $50.00 per class, all ~n accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. 4.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. S.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby RESCINDS RESOLUTIONS NO. 15 OF THE MARCH 16, 1999 Southold Town Board Meeting, which resolution reads as follows: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town 'of Southold hereby appoints Ann Kudlinski as a Senior Aide under the Suffolk County Senior Employment Title V Program, to work 20 hours per week, at a salary of $5.15 per hour, effective April 5, 1999. 5.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 6.-Moved by Councilman Romanelll, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of.. Southold hereby sponsors Ann Kudlinskl as a Senior Aide under the Suffolk County Senior Employment Title V Program, tO be paid throu, gh the Suffolk County Office for the Aging, effective April 5, 1999; 6. - Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli,- Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 7.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussle, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund Part Town 1998 budget as follows: To: B.8010.4.600.300 Miscellaneous, Travel $ 60.00 From: ~ Personal Services, Part-Time $ 60.00 7.-Vote of the Town .Board: Ayes: Councilman . Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, .Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This'resolUtion' was duly ADOPTED. 8.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Justi~ce Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission tot he Southold Village Merchants Group to use the Municipal Parking Field on the south side of New York State Route 25, Southold for their /~th Annual Craft Fair, on Saturday, May 29, 1999, from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., provided they file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollar Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured. 8.-Vote of' the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli~ Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, CouncilwOman Hussie, SuperVisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 9.-Moved bY Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RE$OLVI~D that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of H.O. Penn Machinery Company, Inc. for One (1) Used Articulated Of.f-Road Truck, at a price of $128,801.00, all in accordance with big'specifications and the approval of the Town Attorney. 9.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, 'Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 10.-Moved by Cbuncilwoman Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLV~ED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the establishment of the following Capital Project in the in the 1998 Cal~ital Budget: ~ Capital Project Name: Vault Environmental Improvements Financing Method: Transfer from the General Fund and a New York State Grant Budget: 10.- Vote of the Town Board: Romanelli, Councilman Supervisor Cochran. I~evenues H,3089.30 State Aid $ 2~,,200 H.5031.20 Transfers from Other Funds 2~,,200 Appropriations H.1620.2.300.100 Buildings & Grounds Capital Outlay Contracted Services Vault Improvements Ayes: Justice $ 48, [~00 Councilman Murphy, Councilman Moore, Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 11.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Romanelli, it was RESOLVED that pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the town Board of the Town of Southold requests the enactment of Senate Bill No.S.2760 and Assembly Bill No. A.4883, entitled "AN ACT to amend Chapter 2L~6 of the laws of 1916 relating to the extermination of mosquitoes and establishment of :district therefore, in 'relation to authorization for the amount of the annual appropriation by the Town of Southold for the Orient Mosquito District." It is hereby declared that a necessity exists for the enactment of such legislation, whereas the Town Board does not have the power to enact such legislation by local law. 11 .- Vote of ~ the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. MARCH 30, 1999 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD 12A.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby agrees to participate in the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation, 1996 Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act~ Program cai ed the Financial Assistance to Business .(FAB) Dry Cleaner Program; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute any and all necessary documents in relation to the application to the New York State Environmental Facilities CorPoration "Financial Assistance to Business Dry Cleaner Program'". 12A. ~Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy~ Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie~ Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 12B.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Murphy, RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO BUSINESS PROGRAM AND THE FILING'OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE NEW YORK STATE ENVIRONMENTAL FACILITIES CORPORATION. WHEREAS, pURSUANT TO THE Clean Water/Clean Air Bond Act of 1996, being Chapter 413 of the Laws of New York of 1996, the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (the "Corporatlon") through the Financial AssiStance to Business Program (the "FAB Program) is authorized to provide state assistance to villages, towns, and cities with a population of less than one million, for small business environmental compliance assistance projects which enhance the qua ity of the air or waters of the State through comp ,ance w,th environmental laws and regulations, or to remedy or prevent environmental deficiencies; and WHEREAS, the governing body 'of the Town of Southold (hereinafter, the "Municipality"), after due consideration, has determined that participation in the FAB Program is desirable and in the public interest: NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE MUNICIPALITY'A~S FOLLOWS: 1. The filing of an application, or applications, with the Corporation for financial assistance under the FAB Program in the form required by the Corporation is hereby authorized, including all understandings and assurances contained in said application. 2. The individual holding the following office is directed and authorized as the official representative of the Municipality to identify entities that will participate in the FAB Program, to execute and deliver said application(s), to execute and deliver any other documents necessary for participation in the FAB Program, to provided such additional information as may be required, and to take all actions on behalf of the Municipality as may be required in order to effectuate the intent and purpose of this resolution: James McMahon, Executive Assistant. 3. The Corporation is hereby author, ized, on behalf of the Municipality to deliver payments made pursuant to the FAB Program direct y ~o the entities identified above, or such further entities as may from time to time be named by the individual identified in paragraph 2 above. A certified copy of this resolution shall be prepared and delivered to the Corporation as part of said application. This resolution shall take effect immediately. Councilman Murphy, Councilman Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, 12 B.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED~ 13A.-Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Moore, WHEREAS, -the Town Board is considering entering into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, as part of the Mar:rtooka Lake Wildlife Habitat incentives Program; therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby declares this to be a Type II Action pursuant to the SEQRA Rules and Regulations set forth in 6NYCRR, Section 617.5 (c)(6) and Chapter Ll~ of the Town Code of the Town of Southold. 13A.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duJy ADOPTED. 13B.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute an agreement with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service, as part of.. the Marratooka Lake Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program. 13B. - Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. " This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 14.-Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute agreements between the Town of Southold and Lighthouse Security, Inc. for the Annual Service COntract and Annual Station Monitoring Contract, effective April 23, 1999 to April 23, 2000, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. 14.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman R0manelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 15.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the 1998 Employee Health Plan budget as follows: To: Revenues MS.5990 Appropriated Fund Balance Appropriations: MS.9060.8.000.000 Medical Benefits 15.- VOte of the Town Board: Ayes: R~manelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Evans, $ 75,000.00 $ 75,000.00 Murphy, Councilman Councilwoman Hussie, 16.- Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund Whole town 1999 budget as follows: To: A.1010.4.600.700 A.1640.4.~00.650 From: A.1990.4.100.100 Town Board, C.E. Miscellaneous Transportation Committee Central Garage, C.E. Contracted Services Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs 16.- Vote of the Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Contingent, C.E. Unallocated Contingencies Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Evans, $ 1,000.00 2,300.00 $ 3,300.00 Murphy, Councilman Councilwoman Hussie, 17.-Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund Whole Town 1999 budget as follows: To: Revenues: A. 2680 Appropriations: A.3120.tt.~00.650 17.- Vote of the Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Iqsurance Recoveries Vehicle Maintenance & Repairs Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Evans,.. $ 1,583.18 $ 1,583.18 Murphy, Councilman Councilwoman Hussie, 6 MARCH 30, 1999 SOUTHOLD TOV~N BOARD 18.-Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes a Capital ReServe Fund for the 2% Land Transfer Tax authorized by Chapter 6 by the Town Code of the Town of Southold entitled Community Preservation Fund and approved by the voters of the Town in November of 1998. 18.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 19.-Moved by Councilman Moore, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and ~dlrects Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute an agreement between the Town of Southold and Sidney B. Bowne & son LLP, Consulting Engi:neers to provide assistance to the Town for construction phase services for the Peconic Landing Project. 19.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, CoUncilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 20.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville to attend the New York State Town Clerks Association at Syracuse, New York on April 2~4-28, 1999, and the necessary expenses for registration, transportati~on, meals and shall be a legal charge to the Town Clerk's budget. 20. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 21.-Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Moore, WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District wishes to engage the services of an addition part-time deckhand; and WHEREAS, Charles M. LaCour, 60 Shore Road, Waterford, Connecticut 06385 has made application and is known to be an experienced seaman and vessel operator; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Charles M. LaCour as a part-time deckhand for the Fishers Island Ferry District, at a salary' of $8.50 per hour, effective March 25, 1999. 21 .-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 22.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District wishes to adjust the salary and/or wage rates of full-time personnel for the 1999 calendar year; therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby increases the salary and/or wage rate of the following employees of the Fishers Island Ferry District by 3%, effectively January 1, 1999: Frederick Barrett Charles Burgess Stephen Burke Mark Easter Paul Foley Richard Hoch Timothy Keating 22. -Vote of the Town Board: Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Supervisor Cochran. Robert Knauff Jesse Marshall Kevin Moroney lone Norton Sean O'Meara Victoria Orr Kenneth Ricker Aye. s: Councilman Justice Evans, This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Murphy, Councilman Councilwoman Hussie, SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MARCH 30, 1999 23.-Moved by Justice Evans, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Jean W. Cochran to execute an EISEP contract extension between the County of Suffolk, Office for the Aging for a one (1) month period from April 1, 1999 to-April 30, 1999. 23.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelll, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 24.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Moore, WHEREAS, Bill No. A33 provides for legislation which would expand the scope of items included under the Municipal Prior Written Notice Provision; and WHEREAS, it is vitally important to municipalities such as the Town of Southold that Prior Notice Laws be expanded to include all types of municipal-owned Property; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED .that the Town Board of the Town of SouthOld hereby requests that Senator Kenneth LaValle and Assemblywoman Patricia Acampora join with Assemblyman William L. Parment as a sponsor for this bill. 24.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, JustiCe Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Su pervlsor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 25.-Moved bY Coulncilmao Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby modifies the General Fund Whole town 1999 budget as follows: To A.9901.9.000.100 Transfers to Other Funds Transfers to Capital Fund From: A.9710.6.000. 000 Serial Bond Principal A.9710.7.000.00 Serial Bond Interest 25.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Justice Evans, Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. $ 100,000.00 $ 80,000.00 20,000.00 Murphy, CouncHman Councilwoman Hussie, 26.-Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby makes an exception in the limitation of committee work hours for Joyce Wilklns allowing her to work more than five (5) hours per week for the Land Preservation Committee during the months of January and February 1999. 26.- Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice . Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 27.-Moved-by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Councilman Moore, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby waives the fee for loose grass clippings taken into the Southold Town Disposal Area by both residents and contractors, effective immediately. Bagged grass clippings will continue to be accepted at three and a half cents $.035 per pound. COUNCILMAN HUSSIE: Let me give you an explanation of this. At the last Solid Waste Task Force meeting it was suggested that the addition of grass clippings to our Ag-Bag compost maki'ng system would improve the quality of the product? the end product. The DEC has given us permission to do that. The amount of grass clippings that we ordinarily take in is just about the right ratio to be mixed the leaves and brush, so we decided that we would ~1o this. It would be a good thing. I sound like Martha Stewart. 27. - Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Evans, Murphy, Councilman Councilwoman Hussie. 8 MARCH 30, 1999 SOUTHOLD TOWN BO~ 28.-Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville to advertise for bids for the improvements to the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning in the Records Vault a. nd Storage rooms in the Office of the Town Clerk. 28.-Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 29.-Moved by Councilwoman Hussie, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to the Southold Fire Department to use the Whltaker/Thompson House located next door at 52875 Main road, Southold, fOr "Search and Rescue Training" provided there is no water or other damage to the building, and that they file with the Town Clerk a Certificate of Liability Insurance in;the amount of One Million Dollars. 29. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelll, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. 30.-Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilwoman Hussie, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby grants permission to Personnel Assistant Barbara Rudder and Senior Citizen Program Supervisor Karen McLaughlin to attend the 1999 Regional Loss Control Conference on Tuesday, April 6, 1999 at the Milleridge Inn, Jericho, New York. 30. -Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelll, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussle, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I would like to present the next resolution. 31.-Moved by Supervisor Cochran, seconded by Councilman Moore, WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Legislature has adopted Resolution No. 256-1999 entitle "ADOPTING A LOCAL LAW TO IMPLEMENT THE COUNTY'S TRUTH AND ACCURACY IN PROPERTY TAX BILLING POLICY" and WHEREAS, this County law, if enacted, makes any Town in Suffolk County ineligible for receipt of any form of financial aid or assistance from the County including the transfers of real property; and WHEREAS, this Local Law is before Suffolk County Executive Gaffney for signing; and WHEREAS, Robert J. Gaffney vetoed a similar resolution #256-1998 last April because of I~nown legal defects; WHEREAS, the known legal defects have not been corrected; and WHEREAS, if enacted this defective LoCal Law would severely impact the County a~d Town's Open Space and Farmland Development Rights Program; WHEREAS, the Town of Southold recognizes that the Suffolk County Executive strongly supports the County and Town's Open Space and Farmland Development Rights Programs; now, therefore be it RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that the Town hereby requests Suffolk County Executive Robert J. Gaff ney to veto resolution #256-1999. COUNCILMAN MOORE: The County doeS some ddmb things, and this is one of those, the Legislature. We have been peppered with a mailbox full of dump ideas, and this is just one of them, so I vote, yes, wholeheartedly on this. ~ SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: It is ridiculous. It is blackmail. COUNCILMAN MOORE: This is actually too ~omplicated to explain. If they pass the !aw, it is an illegal law according to the New York State, and have never changed, and they are proceeding along their merry way with now trying t~. enforce this illegal law against us, and hopefully County Executive Gaffney will stand up-,' and tell them they are wrong ~bout this. It is a dumb idea. SOUTHoLD TOWN BOARD MARCH 30,1999 9 9 31'. -Vote of the Town Boa rd: Ayes: Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Councilman Evans, Murphy, Councilman Councilwoman Hussie, 32.-Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Justice Evans, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby appoints Mary C. Wilson to the position of Assistant Town Attorney, at an annual salary of. $/~0,000.00, effective April 12, 199!~, she to hold such office at the pleasure and will of the Town Board. 32. -Vote of the TOwn Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, SuPerviSOr Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. SUPERVISOI There are no there questions this' :time. That is the end of our planned resolutions. this evening, so we will go into session. If would llke to share any information, or ask any we would be very happy to entertain it at DONNA; DZUGAS-SMITH: I six on .I ha~. Ph 5th. site cat is Jain1 it ii there of the list. Donna Dzugas, 27u,5 Tuckers Lane in Southold. to be part of my building process. I have worked May .last year to build this small winery. One one one 16 square feet, I consider that small. I have done I have jumped through hoops. I have done this professionals, where I have had to pay them, you have engineers and things like that. I stamp approval. I have the final Site Plan from the scheduled for the 22nd. It was on their agenda. I ock meeting. I was not notified that there was no led due to the fact that only two Planning Board far as a resolution on my site plan, no. That is ~ppened that day, but I do have in my possession Board stating that they are okay, final site plan of logistics, not getting everyone at the · upped their meeting from April 12th to April ~ant5 were there that day. So I really do have final out to you today, that I don't but I do. You when they have done everything, and the Town ibligation when they have a meeting scheduled for ~s~, whatever. There has got to be another way that but they said, this should suffice me, that this p~rt in the Building Department. I am not going to of this. A lot of it was already put in Review Committee, how we went back and da da da da. We don't need to go are at is my application went to the Building It was not a complete application, because it approval, it didn't h~ave the final Site ling holding that up was the health stamp. reason why we came at that point was, you Department said they had a eight week backlog. me, ha~.d it in, wait their eight week back. I go in lere:is ~my application? What number am I? Oh, here ry, I don't know her name, comes out, and says, assigned number, oh good, you are on the top and we are ready to help you out. Great. I mily for a week, come back, fight with the Health thank God .f.or the Watershed meeting, a from Hauppauge~ Hauppauge got Riverhead p. SUiPERVISORi COCH;RAN: When did you get that, Donna? DONNA DZiUGAS"SMliTH: February. The e~act date is on my survey. According to Bob Kassner, he said, no problem. They were getting one copy back. I will photostat it. I will get it to the Building Department. They know what you are going through. They know all you need is a building department approval. In February this was. I said, Mr. For~ester, ire we i~eady to go on this? I will get back to you. I will MARCH 30, 1999 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD' call you. Can I talk tomorrow, we are kind of busy today? Yeah, okay, sure, sure. Wait the weekend, that was Friday. Talked to them on Monday. I didn't get back to you, because we can't find the application. Can't find the application. My stamped building., the engineer has to stamp these plans. The eng.ineer only stamps the three sets that go to the Building Department.' He gives me the engineer plan that don't have stamps. Every time someone stamps your thing it is dollars. Okay? I can't run my household or business, because someone else wants me to pay for another stamp. So, I said, you. know, Mr. Forrester, you do me a favor, and you do yourself a 'favor, you call my engineer, and tell him. You get your copy, because I had an unstamped copy in the house. Fine, you start your application, We will loOk arc'the Unstamped cOPy. Okay,; I W~.ll get the sur~e~ from the Planning DeP~rtment. Okay, this'. 'is gr~at He said, it is all downhill from here, Donna,. come on in, we will get this going. I go in, sign a new application, go down to the Clerk's Office, re-notarize. I am being very polite. I am not losing my cool yet. Mr. Forrester says, better~ get tills 'done before the moratorium ~ on log homes goes up. I just chuckled along. He was tryingi to. make light of it, too, and I chuckled along, and he said, 'he.y, you got.. a good attitude for this=. I said, you know, I have learned afte~' all this, a~s long as y~ are trying, that is the most I can expect. So, the application therefore is moving along again, I am told. Okay, I have this on calendars, notes that I am taking. From that da working day, Uonda¥'=thrOugh Friday, Department, or did not personally visit the Bu where is my application? Where is it going? One' ! was treated..maybe i~he was having '~ ba-d'.: In the department ansWered the phone~ =and said, Mrs. Dzugas-Smith, well, we fl you. I said, you did? When did you what we have in our ,records. I said, around that time or ~ight after that top of the list. Not~ing was handed .to me. ~2200 North Road. ii said, what? It is~ 27~ there? You must havre given us that address. they punch it up on ~(heir computer. don't have a p~rmit for, i dOn't ha Okay. As long as you move this new appli be penalized for it, let's just keep going. He said, okay. I was. assigned to Mike Every day I go through this, Comments, on it. Oh, half of the people are out too. Now, how come when cai about my p Mike Verity, but he can do other people's on that one. We are down to the Wire through three weeks of visiting every day talking to Mike, or 'talking to Mr. Forrester, c change} Last Thursday he told me, a day, Building to find out .,. calls I got, female workers who was, she ~t, we mailed it to January 6th, that is teresting, because I saw you ~as up at the mail it? · Who lives did, so iding that I exist. don't have to was very nice· move along. 'ow, I am working their work, to talk to tie confused after going day~ either both (tape Donna your foundation permit tomorrow, I am rea ly golng to do this ,r You. C~II me= first, and I will have it readyi sol/ call. ~)h, he is Out rtO I~unC~. Fin~ when will he be back? I will be picl~ing up those Bu'.ilding ~permits. T~ere is nOt. hing in the finished box, and that takes awhile. Okay, tell him I':will see him right after lunch. I will be there 1:30, 2:00 o'clock. I get there about 2:00 o'clock. Mr. Forrester wasn't here. Mike Verity came down, and said, hi, what's up or something7 I said, I would like tO know where my building permit is. Well, you know, I had the application for three weeks, a new application for three weeks, they just 'discovered a problem that day. That Friday af~e~rnoon after lunch, I had t~lked to,~the e~gineer, the floor plans of baseme~ has a stairway going down to I~ere o~e~- here, it needs to be handicaRPed .acceSsible. kJo, the ta~ting ro~m is upstairs. I have a handicapped ;S,pace, a ~ramp to thee doo~, I ha~e a handicapped bathroom. Everything ~ is one level. Why d° they need t~ go down to the basement? It is not open to the pub lc. NO, .this building is out. You tell me what the Disability Act says about ~ business, then maybe you can tell the Buildi~ng Departmeht what the Disability Act. says about a business. You tell me how many basements in this town that businesses have, that their employees have excess only to a stairway, no elevator, no ramp, none of this. All of sudden a new Code applies to Donna Dzugas-Smith. So, Ed says, I am sorry I promised you. I was wrong. I was out of orders. I got to listen to Mike. He is the Building Inspector. He said, well, you know..somethlng is fishy here. Something is not working out. I sald, SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MARCH 30~ 19~9 something else is really bugging somebody here. I said, because I should have at least a foundation permit in hand, and then, oh, but you could sue the town if we give you a permit, and it doesn't fit your..da, da, da. I said, you know, guys, come on, tell me what my engineer has to do, and let's move on with this, talk to us Monday. I call Monday, Mike was very nice. He seemed very agreeable, like all the other days, 21 days that went through, whether it was Mike or Mr. Forrester, oh yeah, you know I think we can get this done by tomorrow, which is Tuesday. I think you can get the foundation permit. I can't give you the whole permit. If you prefer to do the whole permit there are a few corrections. Do you think the engineer can do it? Yeah. I will get back to you today~ He calls my engineer, .who made himself availhble the whole day, working, he was probably at his home, but .he made sure he was available for my particular project. The Building Department said, I will call you back before noon. He never called me yesterday. He called down in the morning. I will call you back before noon. ~They never called him. I called this~ m0rn~ing, and I said to ~y engineer, why don't you call him? Because I have; 0~ther .projects pendin.g. In 'that dle?ar, tment, and I cant, just because of yours, I can't jeopardize any relationship. I may have to remain with them, So, he is not going to 'r°ck the with this, a though something was promised, because he Now, he is now today Ired. Mr. Romanelli hz left permit i d made that. becau se us out, got a myself. I ything they permit. The the bathroom Mr. Verity, Mr. not completely satisfied with )romise, and get that found Ir engineer makes this change on ~e s~ize, okays it, checks it, corrects on the thing, and I told him, you know what? It would look good for you, it wou,ld look ,good for every if I came to this meeting today with a I don't know how much clearer I could have SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Do you have it now? I understand you got that today. DONNA DZUGAS-SMITH: I didn't finish my story. At 2:30 I show up at the Building Department. I got it, I got it, okay, give me the permit, see, this is what you wanted, right? Yeah, but I am leaving at 3:00 today, I can't do this now. Before I left, and ran around, first with one kid, then she gets off the bus, then with two kids, running back and forth, Mattituck, Southold, Mattituck, Southold. I asked him what his time frame was. He Said, I am skipping lunch today. I am going around. He goes out to grab a sandwich. Okay, he goes out to grab a sandwich. I call at 12:45, he is out to lunch. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Who is he, Ed? DONNA DZUGAS-SMITH: Mike Verity. Alright the guy is hungry. Fine. But, then when I show up at 2:30, because he held us up now for the forty-five minutes to an hour. We did finally get through to him. He did spend fifteen minutes on the phone with my engineer. We did approve it all. I drove it back, and then it was like, I am leaving at 3:00 o'clock. I have an appointment today. When I asked what his time frame was he did not throw that in, and this is what I have gone through the last twenty-one days. Every time I walk in there, oh, your doors need to open out. Okay, so we will open out. Big difference, you know that is not a big planning difference. There is a lot of little things here, but the big issue they are trying to make now is, I ach a C2 building. That is what my engineer marked me as according to St~ate. Building Code, C2. C2 business bUilding. It comes under Merkentile. This group includes, but not limited to, auto sales rooms, display rooms, gasoline stations without maintenance or repaii- facilities,, markets, .and supermarkets, and stores merch.andising products, or a product, except paint stores with handling f~cilibes. Okay,~ that is what he felt C2 was, and obviously that is what t~e Health Department felt it was, too, because the Health Department, dpn't forget, stamped this with the one bathroom. All of a sudden the Building Department ~s saying I need two. bathrooms. Why? I said, don't get into that part, just get me my cement permit. We will do that part later. He said, no, '1 want to know why they are saying two bathrooms, because according to this C2, if you have 20 emplbyees or less, you need one bathroom, and you have to have your service area handicapped accessible. I need those. Well, they want me to be in C5. C5 is places of assembly. Just tell me if I fit int~o any of these, okay, or if this is what you want for a winery. Remember, too, there are different levels of wineries. The Town Code has not addressed that, the State has. The State has addressed small family wineries. They have addressed family wineries, and they have addressed commercial wineries. COUNCILMAN MOORE: In the State Building Code? DONNA DZUCAS-SMITH: In the State Liquor Code, okay? So, your volume really determines it. Okay? We are the smallest possible thing you could be, but this is What the Building'Department decided I am. Under C5, C5 classification divided into groups based 'on the number of persons, which I can see 5.1, because it is 300 or 'i~eSs people. It certainly wouldn't be 3,000: or more than a 1,000 peop e. It says, these are the people ~that~ c~~ ' ' ~me .~n C5, amusement, armories, art galleries, assembly halls, auditoriUms, bathhouseS,: bowling alleys, clUbhouS~J~;~' E01iseums~ court'rooms, dance halls, exhibition halls, grandsta:nds, gymnasiums, tennis courts with seating for :speCtators, lecture halls, libraries, lodge halls, museums, nightclubs, restaurants, recreation ~centers, hall's, skating rinks, tents, and similar shelter~, and theatres. The following groups are included, if you want to go~ tO the next group you should also ~nclude synagogues, churches, etc; :Now, What I understOod the Town, 'as far your winery, right now at.thiS I~rtiCular point, you.don't want ~r~si~au'rants,' don't Drefer roi have cater~ihg,"'don,t prefer to have 'loud' n0ise~ weli;; you know wha't, B5 that is what"'~the¥~'are encouraging. That is What ' are ling: My engineer spent ~tWenty minutes on the Phone lying, ju why,' tell my ~vhy ~Ou want a little over 1;000 .. to be all are butting our rheads tOgether, this is the a we butted is together in the Building Department, not one person assigned to my case, and we decided that is what the winery shoUl So, I am ticked. You ask what the other wineries are. You ask what they got their CO~'s on. You find out if they got C5, or C3, or C2. There iS something else going on here. I don't know. Because I am a woman, am I being discriminated against? I have no idea what is going on. All I know is s0m. etimes ~they will say, Donna, everyone goes through this. I will tell you,I ~f all the citizens in Southold are ~oing through this, why do'you live her~? This is ridiculous. Who would want to live in a town like this; that doesn't lister~ to it's citizens. I had this talk with Mr. Romanelli. When pay my taxes in January, or I pay in May, I Can't go and negotiate with them, and say, I am only paying this percent, I~ am only going to g~ve you this half, because you only did this much. Okay? The~e shouldn't be ~n¥ negotlat.ons m bul d ng permit. You have a State Code Book. Every time I asked, do you know what I was told? I don't have time to do it now, I will have to give it to you Monday. Every time they gave me a new thing, how does that pertain to my building? There is something here, and I am inviting you, all of you, who ever wants to be with me, go through the process with me, find out how your departments are working. I know how it is working. Now, there are good things to be said, Mike Verity is very polite. You definitely sent him to the school of etiquette very well. They really know how to keep telling you, yes, see you tomorrow, yeah, come back, we are going to do this, but I told them When I left today, he said, you are going to get it tomorrow. I said, I have heard ~his before. This is day 25. Come on, I said, you are going to go to sleep on it, you are going to look at my thing, and you are going .to say, you know what? I discovered another problem, da da da da da. We can't do this. You can't do it to a person. Do you know what I don't want this to lead up to? Now, it is happening, and it is the Town, and you are representing our town. Okay? There is no reason for a.B,uilding Per'nit to conform to a Planning Board, afte~ you have 'gotten Healt~h Del~artm~nt approval; after you done all this. There is no reason at this point ~o no longer know what is going on. Okay? :They know it. We ~ ' ' ' ' know it, and ~there is definitely fricti~on within that department~. Ed tells you. one thing, then Mike :comes back and changes it. Someone also said, that I wasn't appreciatlng that Mike was trying to help me. I want that on record. I am appreciative of how he i~ trying to help me, but I am a woman,, and 'they think I don~t understand what is going on. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Were you supposed to come in tomorrow? SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD DONNA DZUGAS-SMITH: The way this is they prefer that I call, and don't waste their time, because it takes more time up at .the window. Okay, I will be considerate, I will call, but very often it is hard to get through. But now the latest is that supposedly since we did do everything Forrester was supposed to stay' late, and type it up, but he can't sign it. Mike Verity has to sign, so he is supposed to come in tomorrow and sign it, and then it does take paperwork, because they have to do whatever legally has to be done, and I should be able to pick up the permit. I just don't 'want weird things thrown in my face tomorrow morning, and then we have three weeks to get a real permit to get those logs on there. Keep in mind, I have a Southold family, trying to keep my family here, trying to start a little business that has very little environmental impact, if anything it is adding to :the environment. Here, this is our piece of land. We have all these houses along here. This is 28.3 acres. See that little tiny thing on this map? That iS the building. See that bigger thing next door? That is the parking lot. See all this? That is producing farmland. You don't realize what you are doing, you are discouraging people from staying in farming, and from keeping families here, and being self-peoductive. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Okay, Donna, I am going to bring this down, but let me say, when you call tomorrow, and they are not ready for you, please, give me a call. Give me a call either way. DONNA DZUGAS-SMITH: I just want to let you know. that we did check with the post office, I got the thing from the post office saying that they traced it~ and {hey said, please know that the address given:, q2200 North Road, does not get delivery, and therefore, the mail wou~ld have been returned to the town. It' was not then certifies, return receipt, and these are surveys, and these are building things, and we don't send that certified .retUrn, receipt? Do you know how much money the~e things are? Everyone must know. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Donna, may I have your phone number? DONNA DZUGAS-SMITH: Sure, everyone wants it. 765-3692. COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: Donna, I am not normally one to defend the Building Department, but I will come to their defense slightly. I mean, you have a bit of a runaround, but your plans, I mean, today we had to make changes .on them, so we could get the permit processed. The fault of the B~qlding Department is approximately they should have looked at those plans three weeks ago, and told you to have those changes made, because they couldn't actually process the permit the way the plans were written, but:they should have notified you of that three weeks ago. The reason he had to go to the engineer today, to run around to Mattituck back and forth to get it done, because it was not up to Code. DONNA ~DZUGAS-SMITH: Now, hold on a minute, they are still claiming that is not a handicapped bathroom because of the door. You open it the other way. We wouldn't have had to enlarge the bathroom, but you know what? W9 gave in, and said, we will spend another $100.00 in cement to have them stamp this thing, and give us a permit~ But, to tell you the truth if ,you really see that you use the handicapped thing, and he showed me. He even faxed something over the fax, and we fit it into my bathroom. COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: Like they told you, turn the door the other way, but the way it was drawn it wasn't, and in defense of that department they couldn't approve it the way it was. They should have told you that weeks ago. DONNA DZUCAS-SMITH: That's right, and ~hey also shouldn't say get it all today, and we will' give you a permit today, and then show up at 2:30, and we don't have time now. You heard them. SUPERVI~R COCHRAN: Donna, please call me in the morning. We will try to get this straightened out. Are you going to speak next, Mr. Carlin? FRANK CARLIN: Frank Carlln. You can relax now. are you making out with the bids on the weigh scale? some bids on that? One question, how Aren't you getting .L COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: That was the subject of the last Solid Waste meeting, bids to be discussed, different options for different scales. FRANK CARLIN: This is not really my main subject. Madam Supervisor, I am going to have br.eak this up into two phases, because someone else might want to speak. I am Frank Carlin from Laurel. Back in 1959 our Zoning Code consisted of one page. In 1966 it was six pages. In 198~t it went to 59 pages. In 199~7 by last count it was 184 pages. If you read through this Zoning Code there are a lot of duplications. You have to be a Philadelphia lawyer to figure it out. I said it once before, I said it in my newspaper articles, it ~should be completely revised and updated~ a lot of duplications in it. I wanted to ;say to this young lad;y~ the Building Department sald to you~ ~you needed a ha.ndicapped stairwa cellar, ' should have to the Building about · ' cellar? have. one, go!rig down in the DONNA DZUCAS-SMITH: I didn't want to get personal. FRANK CARLIN: Well, I am. That is how I work. A good example, practice what you preach. A good example of this, back in 1990 when Charlie Zahra was trying to open the Coffee Pot restaurant by the railroad station. In 1990 they had to take them to court. In 1990 the court ruled in his favor, that he could have a coffee shop, and an apartment upstairs. The Building Department said, no, nonconforming, so he couldn't have his apartment upstairs. Even if the court said so still it was no. Four years this gentleman put up with this, and finally gave up. That is one of the reasons Why it was vacant over several years before somebody moved in. At the last Board meeting, I was here, but this gentleman made a statement saying the reason why you have empty stores is because business people don't know how to run them. Well, that is ludicrous. There is a man, where the store is empty, so we should say that he didn't have the knowledge to run his business. He never even had a chance to open it up. Another example, the Entemann company, a big nationwide bakery, they open up a store in Bayshore back in the 30's. It was a little store. They moved out to increase their business, and moved to Fifth Avenue. Should we ~say because that store is empty they didn't know how to run their business? I don't think so. They-were growing and they moved~ so let's not say because we see stores empty that the people don't know how to run their business. Mr. Cold said it, and I wish he were here tonight. He said it at the last Board meeting. I meant to say that before I made the statement. I am talking to him, and he is not here tonight, and I don~t like to do that. That was ludicrous. I agree with Co~nCilman Romanelli. I agree with Joe Lizewski, and my good friend, Tom Samuels about the building and site plans, and all this. We never had that years ago. I don~t understand what is going on here. A good example, the winery over here on Main Road, Peconic. Over two years before the guy could put up a building. He started with the [~00 foot setback, and ended up being ;225, because the architect was arguing back and forth with the Planning Board, and they couldn't decide which way they wented it. This lady's ~og cabin there, I believe she started out with the 22d' foot setback, end up with 130 feet, because the architect couldn't figure it out between the Planning Board and the Architectural Review Board how far back. Then they say, we want it this style, and we want the bathroom not facing east~ but we want it facing west. What's the difference what style you want to build something~ everyone has their own opinions of what they want to do. Unbelievable. I have said this before, and I will say it again. I said it once to the Town Board, and I said it once last week in the newspaper, and I will say it again, ban the Architectural Review Board. Don't all of you say if you don't :agree with me, because some of you I know do. We got along ,/ears ago without it. We can get alOng without it now. Too much gridlock. It orlginall¥~started out to be an '~dlvisor¥ committee. It ended up being more than that. Let me ask~ you a question, anyone on the Council. I am going to ask you one that. Any one of these members on this committee a member of the AIA? Do you know what AIA means? American ,Institute of Architects, certified by New York State. Is anyone of this Board, or Committee, have an engineering background. COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: On the Architectural Review, two local architects on that. SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD MARCH 30, 19991.0 5 FRANK CARLIN: Engineering background. COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: That I couldn't tell you. They are practicing architects in the town. FRANK CARLIN: Practicing? Design background? To me, I don't know why we need this. Cot along without it all these years, and we survived. Too many hands in the stew spoils it. Talk about business people here..I am going to combine everything, and get it over with. Talk about what Mr. Gold said, I am sorry he is not here, again, about not knowing enough about a business, that is why the stores are vacant. Anyone on this Town Board tell me, you come into Southold Town, you can go to any place in Southold Town now outside of Rothman's here, and go have a complete appliance store, where you can select whatever you want, is there any facility in this town like that? You have to go to P.C. Richards or some place llke that. That is competition. A clothing store for children, men's store, K-Mart, I remember years back, and Madame Supervisor, you remember. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Thanks, Frank. Today they told me I traveled in a horse and carriage years ago. FRANK CARLIN: I remember years ago back in the fifties there was hardware store right on the corner here where John's restaurant was. Now it is an ice cream parlor. There was a hardware store there then. I went in there to buy paint, when I was painting Jimmy Norris's house in Nassau Point. There is no more there now. That is the reason why the stores are empty, too much competition. People see what is going on~ like this lady here, what they are going through. You yourself, John, had to wait eight, or nine months before you got an extension on your building. I know your story. So, they see all this. They see the confusion. They see the technicalities. They say, I may or may not end up in court, and then they give up, I am not going to bother. I can't improve my business so why should I even open up a store or business. So, that's the problem. Another thing, when you try to improve your business, rVlullen is an example, with their parking lot here. Trees were being sawed down, and all that, there was a comment made that he should move his business out, because it is not the right place. He should move it someplace else. A man has been there for seventy-five years, you expect a man to move a business after seventy-five years, because you don't want a few trees coming down. Some people are leaving this town. We were up to almost 21,;000 people. We are getting down there.' We are down to 19,600 now. I know you don't like to listen to this. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: No, I don't think we population, Frank, but go ahead. FRANK CARLIN: I say it the way it is. I am sorry. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: that. have decreased in I have no problem with that, Frank, you know FRANK CARLIN: That is the way it is. You come up here, and you speak what is on your mind. this is what I am saying, but anyway, that is the problem, delays. This lady I feel sorry with all this going around in circles. It is uncalled for. Something is wrong. Something is wrong here. I am going into this deeper. I wasn't going to say this now, but I say what's on my mind. Somebody came up to me the other night, and said, Frank, why don't you run for Supervisor. We would vote for you. You wouldn't want me as Supervisor, I would make changes in this town all in one day, that would make smoke come out of the window. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Go ahead, Franl~. Then you have to deal with unions and other things, but you do it in one day. Thank you very much, Frank. BERNARD HEINISCH: My name is Bernard Helnlsch. I live on the North Road. I would like to comment on what Mr. Carlin had said. and also. Donna. Mr. Carlln is 100% right. I have attended many of the Architectural Review Board meetings. I have attended their meetings at the site. as well as the Planning Board. All I would hear from the 1,0 6 30, 999 souT. oL. TOWN Architectural Review Board, Mr. Carlin wasn't there, but move it back, move it back, turn it this way, turn it that way, and so on and so forth. They even met there on Donna's property without even notifying her that they were going to be there, no notification whatsoever. Her particular winery is probably the smallest in the State of New York. To hear what this Building Inspector. ( tape change) SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Building ~Department. You have ongoing education all the time for BERNARD HEINISCH: I understand he doesn't have certification at this time. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: If you would like to come in we could show them to you, Bernie. BERNARD HEINISCH: In any particular case your Planning Board meeting of March 22nd was cancelled because you didn't have a quorum~ Yesterday's work session was scheduled for [[:00 P.M. At 12:00 noon I was there to receive a copy of the agenda, yesterday. They didn't have one at 12:00 noon. Many times the day of the hearing I would stop at the Planning Board, and ask for a copy of the agenda. It's not ready yet. Come around around 3:00 o'clock, the meeting is at [[:00, maybe we will have the agenda. The meeting was scheduled at L~:00 o'clock yesterday. There were several people waiting at [[:00 o'clock, including myself. You~r Town Planning Board Chairman arrives in the parking lot at [[f15. Another member of your Planning Board in the parking lot at [[:20. The meeting finally starts around [[:30. Another member of your Planning Board arrives at L~:[[0. The meeting was supposed to be at [[:00 o'clock. Perhaps you should look at these people. They seem to lack one big thing, organization skills. They don't have any. If they know they are not going to be able to have a meeting at [[:00 o'clock, make it at 5:00. Maybe they will be on time. Very few of you ever attend one of these meetings. I know Mrs. Hussie has at one time. I doubt if anyone ever attends the workshop meeting of your Architectural Review Board just to listen to see what they go through. I would hope you could do something about your Planning Board. They can't work their own plans let alone the town. I see there is eight people sitting on the dais. You have five microphones. In your budget you have allotted approximately 1.2 million dollars for improvements, or additions to this building. '!At your work sessions you can not hear anything. You make no attempt to amplify any of the work sessions, make no attempt. Sitting here no one can hear. They sit on the edge of the seat, even if they are siting in the front row. I happen to have a hearing problem. If you modify your PA system everyone could hear. One microphone for everyone sitting, is the Town that broke? To say you share microphones, that is nonsense. A mike should be placed in front of everyone sitting on the dais. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Bernie, you know we are working on this. You were invited to come in. We are working on trying to have a hearing... BERNARD HEINISCH: impaired. You are working on something for the hearing SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: And you agreed to this, that we would hold the hearing impaired part, we are working on, because we are also working on the PA system at the same time, and Betty has been handling that. BERNARD HEINISCH: But just to satisfy me, or several people that are in the same position as I am with '-a hearing problem, and just to satisfy these few people, you could satisfy everyone by putting in a good PA system. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: By the time we' 'get finished we should satisfy everyone, Bernie. You complained to the .. BERNARD HEINISCH: I complained to the Federal Disability. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Yes, and they were the ones that called, and the woman in going through solving your complaint~ we have to satisfy you, as the complainant. BERNARD HEINISGH~ $o~ you have to matilfy me~ as t,,he oemlalalr~an% by doing something to the whole ~ystem, and you will. satisfy the complainant. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We are working on it. Thank you. Any one else like to address the Town Board? JACK WILLIAMS: Jack Williams from East Marion. Are we to assume by your silence that ther. e are no reportable developments with regard to the electric company, or the Cross Sound Ferry, or the moratorium? SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Greg, will you fill in where we are, and what we are waiting for, the opinions that we sent for? TOWN ATTORNEY YAKABOSKI: Regarding the probation of the public utilities agency, there was some questions, and by Board resolution there was an opinion sought from the Federal Regulatory Commission on a State level from both the Attorney Generalls Office, and the State Comptroller's Office. Those letters went out. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We are waiting for responses. JACK WILLIAMS: And the moratorium? SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Bill? COUNCILMAN MOORE: We had a little problem with our consultant, or I should say, he had a problem, which became our problem, and that was his hard drive on his computer crashed, and he called me last week, because he had the problem. I got E-mail over the weekend from him, and thank goodness, he was able to get the thing out for repairs, and I will speak with him tomorrow as far as when we expect his report, but he got sent back to the woodshed with last week's news. He was scared to death, and rTghtly so, because he knew I was quite angry with the kind of report, but he sent the hard drive out, and they have got it resurrected, and hopefully quite soon we will have his report for the Town Board, get him back on schedule. JACK WILLIAMS: Sounds like the kind of guy that could do an efficiency study on the Building Department, and Cross Sound Ferry. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: It is still in litigation. JACK WILLIAMS: May I make a suggestion? When you do budget modifications one after another, if you could attach a dollar figure to the budget modification it would help us to know what was consequential, and what was inconsequential. SUPERVISOR .COCHRAN: Okay. we can certainly do that. like to address that Town Board? Ronnie Wacker? Anyone else RONNIE WACKER: My name is Ronnie Wacker from Cutchogue, and I have a copy of the agenda, and I wasn't able to make the Work Session this morning, but I see there was a discussion of Fort Corchaug. Well, I' was Co-Chair of the Management Committee, although it was official disbanded in January, and I am still interested in what is happening to my baby. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Your baby is doing fine, but at this point I am going to be meeting with Tim Grathwohl in relation, to the Friends of Fort Corchaug, and in addition to that Tim Caufield when he was hear several weeks ago, is doing a report on the management, and he will be coming in. He said he would have it finished in the next couple days, so we will schedule it for the next meeting, so we will hear what he has to say, also. RONNIE WACKER: I would like to know have Peconic Land Trust, and Milner, who is scheduled to work with them on the plan come up with any kind of plan, because they have come up with a request for money, but they havi~n't yet said, this is what we envision for the whole area, and Alice Hussie has said a couple to times, if you are going to come up asking us for money, tell us what you plan to do there, and this is what we are wondering about. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We have taken no direction as far as hiring ~lilner, you know, for $75,000 to develop a plan. We will talk with Tim, and we will schedule it on the next meeting when Tim is here, and we here that side of it. Then we can put things together. RONNIE WACKER: You are going to comprehensive plan they are thinking of? been going on for quite awhile. ask them about what kind of We were just wondering, it has SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Yes, it has. It took a long time to buy it. It took us years to get it. We would like to move as much as you would, Ronnie. Thank you. Anyone else like to address the Board? JOHANNA NORTHANI: My name is 3ohanna Northam, Southold. Number 10 resolution authorize the establishment of the vault environmental capital project, what is that? JUSTICE EVANS: It is putting dehumidifiers in the vault. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Betty's department received a grant, and we have down cellar, what you would call a morgue, and we are very concerned with the way the records are maintained, because we don't want to lose anything, so Betty, if you would like to explain. JOHANNA NORTHANI: I understand. Another thing, I am on the Board of the North Fork Environmental Council, and we are planning a program April 214th. You all will get an invitation. We are going to have Steve Jones. We are going to have Benny Orlowski, and we are encompassing Riverhead, so they don't get left out, and we are inviting people from the business community, so we need the word to get out. I see here number 14, request of Steve Jones for informational outreach. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Under discussion items, we received a letter from Steve, and he is interested in getting out a brochure explaining what he is presenting. He spoke with Mike LaGrande when the $75;000 grant came in, and Mike said he saw no problem with some of those funds being used for this brochure. It was my feeling that it' was premature until we get the written draft, and we can all digest it before he goes out, and begins to develop a brochure telling people what it is all about. So, that is what this is about. It is premature. We haven't gotten it written yet. We are anxiously waiting. BERNARD HEINISCH: My name is Bernard Heinisch, again, North Road. There is one item I forgot to mention. Very seldom does the Town Board take any recommendations to my knowledge from any of the audience, except that one time approximately I made a recommendation on some signs for the Board of Appeals, and so on and so forth. To this day I don't see any signs. Now, there is an old saying, retiring from the school district we always say a minister never makes any bad decisions, because they never make any. What happened to the signs? COUNCILMAN ROIVIANELLI: Bernie, they were approved, and I believe it was the end of last year, it had to wait for next year's budget, so this year's budget came around, and we approved the signs, and I have just, through all my other things going on in llfe, I have not had the signs made. I had to wait for this year's budget to come out, because we couldn't do in the '98 budget, because there is not enough money in each department to make them, so it is in my lap, and I just have not done it, although we did approve them. BERNARD HEINISCH:_ This really sounds '~]ike the Building Department now. It certainly does.. SUPERVIS~OR COCHRAN: Thank you for your reminder. We will see that they are printed. Mr. Carlin? FRANK CARLIN: I just had a few short remarks. With Charlie Zahra, I didn't quite finish, I was in a hurry. I tried to push it through about the upstairs apartment, and the Building Department after the Court said, go ahead with the upstair, s., and the restaurant, the Building Department said, no way, it is non-conforming. But, I could take you right around the corner in the village of a store that has an apartment above it. I could take you right through Southold. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: There are lots of them. FRANK CARLIN: Back to the question that John had. What I said about being qualified, are they qualified in the electrical codes, and everything, like how many inches from the floor. COUNCILMAN ROMANELLI: That falls into the Building Department. That is the Building Department qualification. FRANK CARLIN: From the good old days, I can't forget the good old days. Madame Supervisor, I think you will agree with me. Back in 1968 we had an area in Mattltuck, where we needed three street lights. Judge Tuthill, do you remember old Judge Tuthill, he was a member of the Board? Passed away. God bless him. I call him up, and said, Judge, we are having a problem here with some people here in Mattituck need three street lights put up here. Would you be kind enough to look into it? He said, I will, Frank. Low and behold, the next day he sent a man down. He looked it over, and the day after, he said, if it isn't enough let me know. Those were the good old days. You got things done. There was no hassle and dance around the bush. I don't think we will ever see them again. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Yes, ma'am? JOHANNA NORTHAM: I just want to add something to what was said about Fort Corchaug. You know there is talk about structures, or whatever, money is going into it. I have walked there. It is absolutely beautiful, and I don't think it really needs much. I think most of the things should be left in it's natural state. Thank you. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Donna? Anyone else like .~o address the Board? Yes, DONNA DZUGAS-SMITH: I promised her if she behaved she could speak. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: If she can stop giggling. Tell us, Brittany. BRITTANY DZUCAS-SMITH: Can you help my family make a winery? DONNA DZUCAS-SMITH: Can you help my family make a winery? said, why don't you just ask them that? She SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We will try. If there is no one else who would like to address the Board I will call on Board reports. COUNCILWOMAN HUSSIE: The only thing I have to say is that I went to the Ferry Symposium, you were there too, of course, and I must say I was absolutely stunned by the number of agencies, and everything else that get involved in this. I couldn't believe it. There were fifteen different places that you had little grooves that you had to put a little slot in. Unbelievable. Will we ever solve the problem? SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: We are working on it. Nothing has a guarantee in life, but I felt it was a very successful conference, because we had the Mayor of Glen Cove. We had people all the~ way up and down. No matter what you read in the paper everyone was invited. We had four people from the Cross Sound Ferry. We had the Mayor of Greenport, New Haven, we had people along the side of Connecticut, and it was a regional conference on ferry service, and I was very pleased. We had people from Safe Roads attend, and I was very pleased, because it kept on a level of looking at the transportation needs in a regional area, and it didn't examine just a local problem. The ferry people were impressed. The roads people were impressed, and the Secretary of State was with us, and he was impressed, and I would like to thank Valerie Scopaz, and the Planning Department for the job that they did, and Neb Brashick, they all worked together on it, and the Secretary of State was very pleased. Alice, do you have anything else to report? COUNCILWOMAN HUssIE: The only thing I wanted to add to continue was that Valerie did a marvelous job of coordinator. She really should be complimented. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: Brian? COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Nothing at this time. JUSTICE EVANS: Nothing. SUPERVISOR COCHRAN: I have some things but I am trying to hold, also, along with Bill, but I will tell you. I had word about three weeks ago, and then the Chamber mentioned it again this morning, but it sounds like, and I hope I am not announcing this, and then we are disappointed. It is the State has approved finally a traffic light by the Mattituck A&P. So, that is good news, and I think each Town Board over the last fifteen years have been trying to get a traffic light up there for the safety of people. The only thing I would like to say at this point was as you heard earlier we passed a resolution in reference to the old house next door for search and rescue. ~This is requested by the Southold Fire Department. They will be inviting the other departments, be it Mattituck, be it Creenport. It is going to be ongoing for as long as they need it, training. There will be no damage to the building. There will be no water used. There will be no holes poked in the wall, but it will help them to develop their skills in their search and rescue, so that heaven forbid it doesn't, but if they ever had a fire with children in a bedroom upstairs, or so forth, they could handle to the best of their ability, because of their training, so we are quite pleased we are able to share this. At this time I will entertain a motion to adjourn. Moved by Councilman Romanelli, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that this Town Board meeting be and hereby is adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Cou ncilma, n Murphy, Councilman Romanelli, Councilman Moore, Justice Evans, Councilwoman Hussie, Supervisor Cochran. This resolution was duly ADOPTED. Southold Town Clerk