HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorazzini, Richard W. JrJOSHUA Y. I:IoRTON Supe~sor Town Hall Annex, 64375 l~oute 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telepb-one (631) 766-1939 Facsimile (631) 765-6639 OFFICE OF TYrE TO~V.N ATTORNEY TOWN O~ SOUTHOLD September 13, 2004 William C. Goggins, Esq. P.O. Box 65 13105 Main Road (Route 25) Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Land Swap between Town of Southold and Richard W. Corazzini, Jr. Dear Mr. Goggins: Enclosed please find a fully ex,.~;cuted agreement between Mr. Corazzini and the Town relative to the "land swap" of property on Cox Lane. Additionally, please be advised that the Town has agreed to reimburse the costs necessary to relocate water service to Mr. Corazzini's property, including the SCWA tap and meter fees. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. ery truly yourc, r fown Attorney PAF/Ik CC: Frank A. Isler, Esq. (w/end.) Members of the Town Board (w/encl.) Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk (w/encl.)t,,.~ W. Corazzini, Jr., residing at Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue, New York, (hereinafter called Corazz±ni) , and the Southold Town Solid Waste Management District, a municipal improvement district duly created under the laws of the State of I~ew York, having its principal office at 53095 Route 25, Southold, New York, hereinaft.er called 'the District. WEEREAS Corazzini owns property commonly known as Cox Lane, Cutchogue, 14ew York, which property is bordered on the north and west by property owned by the District; and WHEREAS the parties hereto are desirous to swap strips of land having equivalent square foota_qe and value. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and provisions herein and other good and valuable considera.?io~, the parties agree as follows: 1. Within thirty (30) days of the date of the Supervisor of the Town executes this agreement, the District shall convey fee title to Corazzini to its property shown on the annexed su~vey as Parcel 1 and. more fully described in Schedule A attached hereto. 2. Simultaneously with the District's transfer of ~ee title to Corazzini of Parcel 1, Corazzini shall convey fee title to the District to that portion of his property shown on the annexed survey as Parcel 2 and more fully described in Schedule B attached hereto. 3. Within fifteen (15) days from the date the- Corazzini signs this agreement, shall remove all debris, equipment, tank(s), trailer(s) and other items of personal property from Parcel 2 and shall grade property as necessary to support vehicular ingress and egress across the length of Parcel 2. 4. Upon Corazzini's timely and..satis~actory performance of the items described in paragraph 3 above, the Town shall pay klm the sum of $ 30,950 to reimburse him for re~ocation of water, includin~.tke vault for water, and electrical service to his property and for the cost of performing the work specified in paragraph 3 above. 5. In the event that Corazzini fails to complete the work described in paraqr~ph 3 above, the District shall perform the work and shall offset its costs to do so from the $ 30,950 otherwise due 'Corazzini under paragraph 4 above. 6. Corazzlni affirmatively represents that no hazardous, toxic or contaminated materials have been disposed on or in Parcel 2 and agress to hold the District harmless in the event of any breach of this representation. The District affirmatively represents that ~no official, employee or agent of the Town has caused to have hazardous, toxic or contaminated materials disposed on or in Parcel 1 and agrees to hold Corazzini harmless in the event of any breach of this representation. 2 7. The District agrees to install at its sole cost and expense a si~ (6) foot chain link fence along the length of the northern boundary of Parcel 1 and similarly along the length of the northerly boundary of Parcel 2_ Any landscaping, hedges, and other type of fences and screening devises shall not exceed six (6) feet in height without the written approval cf Corazzini, which approval wilt not be unreasonably withheld. ZZINI, Supervisor JR, L. lq:. McLeanAssociates, P.C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Description of Property To be Conveyed to Richard Corazzini, Jr. By the Town of Southold April 2, 2003 ALL tha, t pi,ace or. parcel of land situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of 8dutl)6lr~7.C;obhty.of. Suff~l~,; State of New York shown as Parco I on a survey prepared by LK...McLe~n.C~sSocfa[es~ P.C,'~tated April 2, 2003 under Project No. 03012:000, and being more pa~cu, larly bouhded and i:lesCribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on 'the s~uthef ! ~OundaW of Cox',s .Lane where it is intersected by the d,i,.'isiph']ine betweed th'e lar~ds ~ [l'~e q-OWn of'Sou;~hold on the west and the lafld¢ of-,Richard- .. . eorazTJn[~,, Jr.. o~1 ~/Jl~':!~'St'i girl ¢0iht ~being 742,22 feet Westerly along the at;, ,.-rr, e, ,r,on,~d .=ot,mer[' t~o~oh/b~ ~X,'s Lahe ~ror~.the northwesterly term nus Of the af,:,remem;on,_~d SC, ull',erh §bUndai'y 6~ o~ L~he~ having a' r'4diUs of 71.52feet and. an THE;NCE ~otAhe[ and westery, ,.. ,.....1~ along the ~ist mentioned division line the following two (P) cbuifse,.and distances: 1. S. 39°11't0~'W., ,598.55 feet to a point and 2. N. 4'4 02, 00 W., 4~1.40 feet to a point, THBt~IG~ N~'25'~42'5;4-v W. through the land of the Town of Southo d 36.17 feet to a point, ou'.athe, Siws~on. hne between~the and of the Town of Southo d on the East and the lands now or formerly' of'Btast Holding LLC. on the west. TIqEN~E J~f.:.'39~t?l'~[q)" E., along the last mentioned division line, 565.36 feet to a point on th~, 55f~m~r~tdned southery boundary of Cox's Lane marked by a concrete m~r~e'nt THENCE B.~ 60°45'4g" E., along the last[ mentioned boundary, 75,00 feet to the point or pla(~e,~f beBmnm§. Thee abov~ d~scribed parcei contains 43,221 square feet or 0.992 acres more or less and is:also ~bown on the County of Suffolk Real Property TaX Maps as District 1000, Section 09~.00~ Block 01.00 and a portion of Lot 017.003. p\03-012 Corrazn Lhnd Swap\Text\CorazzJni Dascdoc L. K. McLeanAssociates, PC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Description of Property To be Conveyed to the Town of Southold By Richard Corazzini, Jr. April 2, 2003 ALL tt]a~ p{~;e or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, Town of So'fith6tdLO~unty of Suffoik,. State of'New Ybrk. shown as Parcel 2 on a surVey prepared b¥',.L.K: MbLi~an ;~gsoeiates,' P.C. dated April 2,. 2003 under Project No. 0301 Z000, and b~ing more par~ieularly bounded and described as,follows: BE¢INNI. NO at a.poi0t on. the southe~ly boundary of Cox'e Lane where it is intersected by.the divjsi~li lirf,e .be~eet~ the lar~d~ of R Chard Corazz rtL, Jr. on the west and the lands ;noW;ar f0rh-[erly O~f on-fha eas~ on the east, said poiht being 369_00 feet westerly along tSe'~iforementi6d~d S0uth~rlY:bou~darY b[ Co~'S ~ne,ffom the n0r[hwestedy~terminus of the, curve connecting the We~rl~':'§~.u?e~ ~of C,R, 48, Middle Roa~ with the · aforemer{tioned Southerly boU~a~0f C~X!~ L~ne hay nga ~[bS of 7i;52 feet and an arclen{~tfi of 122 80 fe~t ~ ' :THENOF_S:;2~ ."38'~'~ W., along the last mentioned division line, 704.03 feet to a point on~ the ~d vislo~ Jne be~V~een the Lands 'of R cha[d 'corazzini, Jr. on the north and the land,~ o~ the To~n of. Southold on the south. TI-~NCE N. 57 3,I 1~, ~., along the la~ mentioned division line, 61.60 fee[ to a point. THENCE. N .2.9038'08" E througE ~the lands of. Richard Coraz-zini, Jr., 700.97 feet to · pofnt on.theiaf~rementi~ned sauther y boundary of Cox's Lane '[I-~N.10B S. 60°21~5~' E., along the' last mention'ed I3oundary, 61.52 feet to the point or place of be9~nmng. T~b~. a~ove ,deScr~be~d parcel contains 43,221 square feet or 0.992 acres more or ess fifi~ s a'~o,~l~ ~r~ oh ,the County of Suffolk Rea Property Tax Maps as D stdct 1000 S~ction 884:,0g, B, Jock 03.00 and a portion of Lot 062.002. . P:\03-012 Corrazini L~nd Swap\Text\C~razzlni Desc.doc LORl HULSE MONTEFUSCO ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY lorLmontefusco@town.southold.ny.us SCOTT A. RUSSELL Supervisor PATRICIA A. FINNEGAN TOWN ATTORNEY patricia.finnegan@town.southold.ny.us KIERAN M. CORCORAN ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY kieran.corcoran@town.southold.ny.us Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971.0959 Telephone (631) 765-1939 Facsimile (631) 765-6639 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTH OLD March 22, 2007 Mr. Richard Corazzini, Jr. Corazzini Asphalt, Inc. P.O. Box 1281 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Dear Mr. Corazzini: Pursuant to your conversations with Jim Bunchuck, I write to confirm your agreement that payment by the Town of Southold to you in the amount of $8,000, shall satisfy in full the Town's obligations with respect to construction of the fence as contemplated in Paragraph 7 of the Agreement between the Town of Southold and you dated September 3, 2004. Please countersign and return to my office one of the enclosed copies of this letter. You should keep the other for your records. c\ KMC/lk Enclosure cc: Members of the Town Board Ms. Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Mr. James Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator AGREED AND ACCEPTED By: Richard Corazzini, Jr. Date: