HomeMy WebLinkAboutFamily Service League ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN Cr REGISTRAR OF ~FITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF IN-FORIVIATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Mahn Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldiown.nor t hfork_uet OFFICE OF ~ TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 24, 2004 Family Service of Suffolk County 790 Park Avenue Huntington. New York 11743 Dear Sirs: Enclosed please fully executed copies of the agreements between the Town of Southold and the Family Service League of Suffolk County for the following "Child Bay Care Programs": Pro]eet# 1028-03M-02 Project # 1055-03M-03 Project # 105501-03M-04 Very truly yours, ' Southold Town Clerk Enclosures cc: Town Attorney J_ McMahon ELIZABETH A. NEVH.LE TOWN CLERK I~EGISTRA~ OF ~ITAL STATISTICS M~RK~GE OFFICER 'RECORDS i~AG~T OFFICER ~F~EEDOM OF 1NFOR~J~TIOI~ OFFICER Town Hail, 53095 Msiu Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 F~x (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northf~rk.net OFFICE OF TIlE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TInS IS TO CERTn~Y ~HAT Tlt~. FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 530 OF 2004 WAS.:ADOPTI~ AT ~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JULY 13, 2004: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby antberizes and directs Supervisor Joshua Y. ltortoa to sign Agreement{s) between the Town of $outbeld and the Fa mily Service League of Suffolk County. as part of the Family Service League/Child Day Care Program, at the Laurel School, for the following programs, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney: Project # 1028-03M-02 Project # 1055-03M-03 Project # 105501-03M-04 Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk ;I~E.S OL'¥ED' that'the Town Boai'd o£ the Town of South01d l~ereby anthonzes Supervt~or Horton to sign Agreement(s) bet~.een the To~n of Southold and the Family SeN,ice League of Suffolk Cotmty, as part of the Family Service League/Child Day Program. at the Latuce[ School, .subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. NOTE: This project is funded, in full, by grants from the Community Development Block Grant Program (FY 2002, FY 2003, FY 2004) TOWN BO.~RD 5'[EETING OF: July 13, 2004 If you have any questions on the above, please contact Jim McMahon. AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, madethe [e-~ dayof ~ c~l'~f~/ by aud between the Town ofSunthold, a municipal corporation havin~ its princip~ office and place of bttsin~ss at 530~5 Main Road, Southold, New York 1 t971 (hereinafter referred to as the 'WiLrNICIPAL1TY"), and Famil~ Service League of Sttffolk Cotmty, with offices at 790 Park Aveni~e, Huntington, New York t 1743 (hereinafter referred to as the "AGENCY"). WlTNESSETH: WI-I~REAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold by resolution authorized the execution of an agreement with the AGENCY for the serv/¢es of.conducting a child day care facility serv/ng low/middle income families NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and betxveen the AGENCY and the MUNICIPALITY as follows: I. The following exlfibits are attached to this agreement and made a part hereof: Exlfibit "A" - Program Description and Budget In consideration of the payment by the MUNICIPALITY to the sum of Forty Two Thousand, Six Hundred Twenty Seven ($42,627) Dollars FY 2004 the AGENCY a~ees to conduct the ~o/llowifi~g pr/o~ams and provide services,~s follgws ,for tlie period of ~-/t//Z/t) ~t~. to [o'erS,! /0~ funded untd~r thet Commtmity Development Block'Grant l*rogram. The AGENCY agrees to provide serdces as described in Exh~it "A". The MUNICIPALiTY may approve modification of said services such as are appropriate to the carrying out of the purpose oftlus agreement. IH. The AGENCY shall provide the MUNICII~ALITY with reports on program activities, development and finances (audit upon request) and statistical data and such reports as the MUNICIPALITY, Suffolk Co~mty, or Federal Government shall deem necessary. The AGENCY agrees to retm]~ all program income to the MUNICIPAI_ITY_ The MUNICIPALITY shall designate the specific activities to be undertaken with program income. All provisions of this agreement shall apply to any program income assigned by the VI_ MUNIC~ALITY to the AGENCY. All program income shall be substantially disbursed for agreed upon activities before the MUNICIPALITY shall request additional cash withdrawals for the same activities. Any real property under the AGENCY'S control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with Community Development funds in excess of $25,000 shall either: Be useel to meet one of the nationat objec~ves for at least seven years after exeenti~n of this agreement, of such longer period of time as determined appropriate by SuffoIk Count)g, or Disposed of in a manner that results in the MUNICIPALITY being reimbursed in the mount of the current fair market value of the property less may portion attributed to expenditures of non- Community Development funds for acclnisition of; or improvement to, the property. The AGENCY agrees to comply with the following taws, rules and regulations: ~rof£t 0rgauizations) and A-122 (Cost P££nc£pa~s £o~ ~84) known as ~he ~aiz Housing A~, vhich prohibits ~ Cas ameu4efl) re~ui~in~ chac no person be e~cl~ded' (CD FUB gE~V tl/92) Section 401(b) of the Lead Base Paint Yoisouing ~. 24 C~R Pa~t $?0.200(~) ~h~ch prescribes ~ha use ~ for religiou~ purposes or vh£ch ~II1 otherwise promote religious interests, ~hls limitation inclu&es the acquisition of property (CD PUB SEXY 11/92) The MU~CWALITY shah have the responsibility and the anthority to evaluate the program covered by this agreement mad to take whatever action it deems necessary to insure the satisfactory fulfillment of thi.~ contract. This agreement may be terminated for default, inabihty or failur; to perform_ If, through any cause, the AGENCY fail.~ to perform in a limely m~nnor its obligation herewith, theMIJNICIPALITY shall have the fight to terminate ttds agreement by ~ sixty (60) day~ notice, by register, e~(or certified mail to the other part,y, o£such cungellation, Should the M/JlXrlCIPALITY canceI, in accordance with this proviaion herein, Community Development B~oek Grant funds on hand or accounts r~c. eiv. abl~ at ~he time of termination shallbe returned to the MUi~AL1TY within 00)'ch~yg of/l~ notice of termination. Under this agreement, no Federal appropriged funds shal~ be paid by or on behalf of the AGENCY, to any. person for influencing,or attempting to infl~tence an 6ffieer or employee Of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of , Congress in connection with the awarding of any Fede/al contract, the nraking of any Federal loan, tho entm~g into of any cooperation agreemem and the extension, continuafipn, renewal, ame~ament, or modification of agy Fee. leral contrfict, grant, loa~. or coop~emlSve agreement If any~ funds other thafl Federal ,ap. prolx/ated:,fands have been paid or vdll h. paid to any person f0r influeg, ciag or attempting to b)fluenee anofficer or pmplos~e qf'~agy agegey, a Meinb ,er of Congress, an officer or::emp~oy~e of'Congress, p~ an empt0y~e ~f a Mdmber of Congress in coau,ection with. th~ Fi ederal coIr~ract, gra~t, loan. or coopm-afive agreemant~ tko AGENCY· shalI,mml~le/0 un~,zubmit Standard Form:LLL, "Disclosure F°rm t~ R~port Lobbing/'/n accordance with its The AGENCY shall indemnify and hold harmless the MUNICIPALITY and SIlFFOLK COUNTY from alt claims, costs, damages, jud~mnant liens, or injuries to persons or property of whatsoever kind or nature arising qut of the performance required under this agreement. It is understood that this instrument represents the entire agreement of the parties hereto and all previous understanding are merged hereto. EXHIBIT A Program Description & Budget Project# /~O"~fO/- 0.5/'~--0/c~ The Family Service' League (North Fork Early Learning Cenmr) will provide child day care services for low and middle-income clientele. The clientele will meet the cmrent eligt~bility llm~t, as fotmd in Suffolk CounIy I-IUD Income Limits IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto laave executed tiffs a~eement by their respective signatures the day and year las~ written below / 'Supervisor, Tov~n of Southo--~Td~-- ' .Family Service Lea~/ Date: AGREEMENT Project TI-IlS AGREEMENT, made the _~o~day of *,J alTO ~:Z,vg¢ by and between the Town of Southold, a municipar~o~oration having its principal office :md place of business at 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 (hereinafter refen:ed to as the 'WtUNICIPALITY"), and Family 8orvico League of Suffolk County, with offices at 790 Park Avenue, Huntington, New York 11743 (hereinafter referred to as'the "AGENCY"). WlTNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Town Board of thc Town of Southold by redolution authorized thc execution of an agreement with the AGENCY for the services of conducting a cb/Id day care facility serviug low/middle income families NOW, TI-~REFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between thc AGENCY and the MUNICIPALITY as follows: L The following exhibits are atlached to this agreement and made a part hereof: Exhibit"A" - Program Description and Budget In consideration of the payment by the MUNICIPALITY to the sum of Fifty Two Thousand, Five Hundred ($52,500) Dollars FY 2003, the AGENCY agrees to conduct the fo)t_ow~'~g,programs and provide services as follow~ for the period of I/~-'[O~q-'. to 1,2~/~//0~ fu~de(~ t~n~er the Community Development Block ~xradt P~ogram. The AGENCY agrees to provide services as described in Exhibit "A". The MUNICIPALITY may approve modification of said services such as are appropriate to the can35ng out of the purpose of tb/s agreement. The AGENCY shall provide the MUNICI/)ALITY with reports on program activities, development and finances (audit upon request) and statistical data and such reports as the MUNICIPALITY, Suffolk County, or Federal Government shall deem necessary. The AGENCY agrees to return all program income to the MUNICI?ALITY. The MUNICIPALITY shall designate the specific activities to be undertaken with program income. Ali provisions of this agreement shall apply to any program income assigned bythe MUNICIPAI,ITY to the AGENCY. All program income shall be substantially disbursed for agreed upon activities before the MUNICIPALITY shall request additional cash withdrawals for the same activities. Any real property under the AGENCY'S control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with Comm~lity Development funds i~ excess of $25,000 shall either: Be used to meet one of the national objectives for at least seven years after execution of this agreement, or such longer period of time as determined appropriate by Suffolk County; or Disposed of in a mann er that results m the MUNICIPALITY being reimbursed in the amount of the current fair market value of the property less any portion attributed to expendittrres ofnon- Cornm~lllity Development funds for acquisition of, or improvement to, the property. The AGENCY agrees to comply with the following laws, rules and regulation~s: A. Th~ requirements au~ standards ~ Federal Circular numbers A-110 and A-13$,-'(Addtt Kequtrements for.NouL B. TlCle VI of the Ctvll ~tghks &cc'of 1951 (~L 88-352) C- Ezecutive O~de~ 11246 vhich provides than no p'ersou Act of 197.& (as ameuded) re~uiring t~at no persuu be e~cluded' Acquisit~on Policies Act of 1970 I, Executive O~der 11Z46 vhtch prohibits discrimination ia employment and Section 3 of the Housing~n~ Orban Development Act oi 1966 rega~ding tee ptovisiou of euploym~nt to 1or income J. Section 40[(b) o£ the Lead Base Faint Poisoning CFR Fa~t 2& p~ohibfCiu~.the use o[ ~ebar~ed, - derived. emp~gyee o~ applicant for employmeut on the basis of ~eiigiou and The MUNICIPALITY shall have the responsibility and the authority to evaluate the program covered by th/s agreement and to take whatever action it deems necessary to iimure the satisfactory fulfillment of this contract. TI~ agreement may be terminated for default, inability or · failure to perform, lJ~ through anycause, the AGBNCY.fails to perform in a timely manner its obligation herewith, the/VIUNICIPALITY shall have the tight to terminate this agreement by.giving sixty (60) days notice, by registered or certified mail to the other party, of such cancellation Should the IvlUNICIPALIT¥ cancel in aeeorrlance vdth this provision herein, Comm~mity Development Block Grant funds on hand or accounts recp. ivable at the time ofterminafiun ~hall be returned to the MUNICIPALITY within 00} days of the notice of termination. Under this agreement; no~Federal approp~iateclfimds shpll ..be paid by.or on :behalf of the AGENCY, to any person for inl]uoncing or attempting to ihfl~lOllCe alt oflS~er or employee of any agency, a 1V~mber of Congress, an officex or employee of CongresS, or.an.employee of a,Member of Congr0ss in connection v¢ith thei~warrfiing of any Federal contract, the wslring of any Federal lo_an, the entering, into of any. cooperation agreement and ~ extel, ion, co~nuatio~ renewa[, amendment, or modif~cation of any Federal cOntrfa,c~, g~t~ loan, or 'cooperative agreement. If any fund~ other ~al:.approp~ated funds have been paid or will be paid to ;andy persoil[~r'or ~xf!uencing or ~-~emp~ng to inftuen6e an o.fflc, er or e, rnploy-e~ Ofa~7 agency, a ~bar of Congress, an officer 0~ employee of Congress, or amemploye, of~B/fember of Congress.in connection ~ thins ~.F~derat contract, grart, t, loan, or cooperative,agreement, ~e AGI~C¥ shale-complete, and.submit Standard Form-LloL, '~)i~closuze FOrm ;to ~or~'lObbing,~' in, .accordance with its ixlstmction~. The AGENCY shall indemnify and hold harmless the MUNIC2ALITY and SUFFOLK COUNTY fi:om all claims, costs, damages, judgment hens, or injuries to pemons or property of whatsoever kind or nature arising o. ut of the performance required under this agreement. ~t is undemtood that this insmunent re~resents the entire agreement of the parties hereto and all previous understanding are merged hereto_ EXHIBIT A Program Description ~ Budget Project# 1o5-~'- ~ 5,07-0~ The Family Service League (North Fork Early Learning Center) will provide child day care services for low and middle-income clientele. The clientele will meet the current eligibility limits as found in Suffolk County HUD Income Limits IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed th/s agtecment by their respective signatures the day and year last written be_low /~upet-~risorj Town of 8o~ ~F~rrnily Service ~ Date: AGREEMENT ]'HIS AGREEMENT, madethe r-~, a" day of ~J,,'~O. ~OOt-t/' by and between the Town of Southold, a municipal corporation having its principal office and place of business at 53095Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 (hereinafter referred to as the "MUNrICI~ALITY''), and Family Service League of Suffolk County, With offices at 790 Park Aveuue, Hunfin~on, New York 11743 (hereinaf[er referred to as the "AGENCY"). W1TNESSETH: x3FHEREAS, the Town-of the Town of Southold by resolution authorized the execution of an agreement with the AGENCY for the services of conducting a child day care facil/ty serving low/middle income famibes NOW, THEREFORE, it is mutual!y agreed by and between the AGENCY and the MUNICIPALITY as follows: I. The following exhibits are attached to this agreement and made a part hereefi Exhibit "A" - Program Description mad Budget In consideration oftbe payment by the MUNICIPALITY to the sum of Sixty Six Thousand, Two Hundred Fifty ($66,250) Dollars FY 2002, the AGENCY agrees to conduct the ,follo~/ngprograms and provide services fo hiws for the period of _ to ID. rS t//> t~ ~unde(t mlder the Commmfity Development Bto~l/Gra(nt Pr~ogram. The AGENCY agrees to provide services as described ha Exhibit "A". The MUNICI/)ALITY may approve modification of said services such as are appropriate to the carrying out of the purpose of this agreement_ The AGENCY shall provide the MUNICIPALITY x~dth reports on program activities, development and finances (audit upon request) and statistical data and such reports as the MUNICIPALITY, Suffolk Count5,, or Federal Government shall deem necessary. The AGENCY agrees to return all program income to the MUNICIPALITY. The MUNICIPALITY shall designate the specific acfivites to be undertaken with program income_ All provisions of this agreement shall apply to any program income assigned by the VI_ MUNIC~ALITY to the AGENCY. All program income shall be substantially disbursed for agreed upon activities before the IVlUNICI~ALITY shall request additional cash withdrawals for the sa.me activities. Any real property under the AGENCY'S control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with Community Development funds in excess of $25,000 shall either: Be used to meet one of the national objectives for at least seven years after execution of this agreement, or such longer period of time as determined appropriate by Suffolk County; or Disposed of in a manngr that results in the MUNICIPALITY being reimbursed in the mount of the current fair market value.of the property less any portion attributed to expenditures of non- Comm~lnity Development funds for acquisition of, or improvement to, the property. The AGENCY agrees to comply with the following laws, rules and regulations: Cl~culac uu~h~s k-ll0 and A-133,-~(Audit ~equtce~ents foc.ffou~ Title VI of the Civil ~t~hta &ct-of 1964 (Pt 88-352) of 1973. H. The Uniform ~elonatiou Assistance and ~eal Property Aequ~sition ~olic~es Ac£ of 1970 (42 Executive Order 11246 which prohibits disc=imiua~on employmen~ and Section 3 oE the Hous[n~ ~u~'Urban De¥~lopmen~ J. Section 401(b) of =h~ Lead Base Pain~ Poison~ug K. ~& CFR Part 2& prohibiting.the use of gebarred, suspended o~ ~neligible con~racC~s o~ sub-~scipisnts. L. 24 CFR Par~ ~?0-~11 r~tula~i~ns prohibitin~ pe~sona ~. 24 CFR Part ~0.200(~) which prescribes the use of ~. Community Development funds shall be used for employee or appl~can~ fo~ emp[oymea~ on the bas£~ of eelt~iou and The MUNICIpALITY'shall have the responsibility and the authority to evMnnt~ the pro,re'nm enVm-~rl b_y~r~*~aa~g-~gto-take what~wr' , action it deems necessary to insure the satisfactory fulfillment ofthi.q co~ntrect. Thi~.agreemunt may be terr~_~n~ted for default, iaab/lity or · faiture~o peffo~m.:g~,,41xrough any-catme, the AGENCY fails to perform in a fii~ely mannew, its.~obligation herewith, the MUNICIpALITY shall have the fight to terminate this agreemeixt.-by g~ving sixty (60) days notice, by registered or certified marl.to the other party, of such cancellation. Should the MUNICIPALITY'canc¢t i~.accordance with this provision herein, Comm~lnity'Development Block Grant fund~ on hand or acoormts receivabI¢:atlt~.~..,rime.0ftorminagon, shall be retume~ to the Under this agreement, no Federal appropriated funds sh.,afl be pa/d by or onbehaJf of~t~e AGENCY, to anY~erson for influend/~ or attempting to im2uen~e anofficer or employee bf any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in comaection with tho awarding of any Federal contract, the m~!c~ng ofany Federal loa~, the entering~into of any cooperation agreement~andlthe extension. ¢or~Snnafion, renewal~ amendment, or m,odificafi, om.,of any Federat contract, grant, loan, or coo~crative agreement., ,If.any fimds ,other than Federal'appropri:ited Y unds. have been p~jd'~ will'.bcpaid to a~y pcrson.~for inftu~,acing~or attempting to in~hienc~ aa o~fficer, .or emp~yee Of any ageOey, a Me..bet of Congress, an officer or employee of Congtess~ oran employee of a Member of Congre~ ',m con~ecfion with,thi~ederal contract, grant, loan. or coo erafive agreement, the AGElgCY shall ~omplete an.4 submit Standard Fonn-LLL, '~Diselosure Form to Report Lobbing," in accordance with its instructions. The AGENCY shall indem~nify and hold harmless the MUNICIpALITY and SUFFOLK COUNTY from ali claims, costs, damages, judgment lien% or injuries to persons or property of whatsoever kind or nature arising o. ut of the pefforrnxnce required under this agreement. It is understood that this instrument represents the entire agreement of the parties hereto and all previou~.tmderstancling are merged hereto. EXHIBIT A Program Description ~ Budget Project# Tho Family Service League (North Fork Early Learning Center) will provide child day care services for low and middle-income chentele. The clientele will meet tho current eligibility limits a.s found in Suffolk County HUD Income I.imits IN WITNESS WI-IEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed tiffs agreement by their respective signatures the day and year la.st written'bellow / / S~pervi~0r~Town *f Southold ~ Family Sen:vice ~