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July 12, 2004
6:00 p.m.
Present were:
Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson
Richard Caggiano, Member
William J. Cremers, Member
Kenneth L. Edwards, Member
Martin H. Sidor, Member
Valerie Scopaz, Town Planner
Mark Terry, Senior Environmental Planner
Bruno Semon, Senior Site Plan Reviewer
Victor L'Eplattenier, Site Plan Reviewer
Carol Kalin, Secretary
Chairperson Woodhouse: Good evening. I'd like to welcome you to the July 12th
meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board. Our first order of business is to
entertain a motion for the Board to set Monday, August 9, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. at the
Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, as the time and place for the next regular
Planning Board Meeting.
Mr. Cremers: So moved.
Mr. Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Two July 12, 2004
6:00 p.m. - Mill Creek Preserve - This proposal is to subdivide an 79.71 acre parcel
into 6 residential lots where Lot 1 equals 138,177 sq. ft.; Lot 2 equals 87,939 sq. ft.;
Lot 3 equals 111,690 sq. ft.; Lot 4 equals 64,469 sq. ft.; Lot 5 equals 45.58 acres,
inclusive of 44.38 acres upon which Development Rights will be sold, and a 1.19 acre
building envelope; Lot 6 equals 23.61 acres, inclusive of 22.23 acres upon which
Development Rights will be sold, and a 1.37 acre building envelope. The total area of
Development Rights sold to the County of Suffolk equals 50.87 acres. The property is
located n/o SR 25, 430' e/o Laurel Avenue, in Southold. SCTM#1000-56-1-11.1
Is there anyone here who would like to address the Board on this matter?
Patricia Moore, Esq., 51020 Main Road, Southold: Good evening, Board. We want to,
on behalf of my clients and myself, I want to thank Mr. Ernst for his efforts at
incorporating some language into the covenants - I know there has been some
contention between the property owners with respect to Old Mill Path, the use of that
roadway. We appreciate the Board's efforts at mediating the use of this road. For the
record, this is an old road that, at this point, dead ends. At the end is the Town property
that the Town has just acquired and it serves, at this point, just three lots - three
parcels that are my client's, the three property owners that were concerned about the
use of the road. It does have to bisect a railroad and the use of that roadway is
legitimately a concern for the Planning Board as well as the use of it by the owners. I
got a copy of the covenants that were recorded that modified slightly the language of
the previous covenant. We just want to say thank you to everyone for working with us
to try to use some common sense and try to limit this right-of-way to the use for the
residences. It is intended to be used for just agricultural purposes for the Ernst property
and we hope that the future owners of the Ernst property will appreciate that. Thank
Chairperson Woodhouse: I just want to note that the limits to the access over Old Mill
Path, except for agricultural use, is the result of a self-imposed restriction that the
owners put on this property. The Planning Board, itself, will not grant or deny any
access over a railroad crossing for any purposes. That's not within our authority so this
is done solely at the contribution of the owners of the property.
I'll entertain a motion to close the hearing.
Mr. Cremers: So move.
Mr. Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Now, would you please read the resolution? Thank you.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Three July 12, 2004
Mr. Edwards: I'd like to entertain the following motion:
WHEREAS, this proposal to subdivide a 79.71 acre parcel into 6 residential lots has
been amended; and
WHEREAS, the revised proposal is to subdivide a 79.71 acre parcel into 6 residential
lots where Lot 1 equals 138,177 sq. ft.; Lot 2 equals 87,939 sq. ft.; Lot 3 equals
111,690 sq. ft.; Lot 4 equals 64,469 sq. ft.; Lot 5 equals 45.58 acres, inclusive of 44.38
acres upon which Development Rights will be sold, and a 1.19 acre building envelope;
Lot 6 equals 23.61 acres, inclusive of 22.23 acres upon which Development Rights will
be sold, and a 1.37 acre building envelope. The total area of Development Rights sold
to the County of Suffolk equals 50.87 acres; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Fire District has agreed to the 14 ft. x 14 ft. clearance
between the two large existing trees at the end of Long Creek Drive provided that the
height clearance is maintained at 16 feet; and
WHEREAS, the 14 foot width and 14 foot height of the proposed access is not in
compliance with Section 100-235 Access Requirements which require access to be at
least 15 feet in width and 15 feet in height; and
WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a SPDES General Permit (NYR-10H057) for
Storm Water Discharges (General Permit Number GP-02-01) from the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation for the construction activities; and
WHEREAS, the applicant has filed a Covenant and Restriction for the property with the
Clerk of Suffolk County, Liber D00012329, Page 581, and has provided the reference
upon the plat; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant conditional final approval on
the plat, dated as revised July 8, 2004.
The following items remain outstanding and must be submitted in order to proceed to
final approval:
The Planning Board has reviewed the property and has decided that it is
inadequate for a reservation of land for park and playground use. Therefore,
a cash payment in lieu of land reservation will be required. The amount to be
deposited with the Town Board shall be $25,000. ($5,000. per vacant lot in
the subdivision). Payment is required prior to the final endorsement of the
In a letter, dated May 27, 2004, the Planning Board required that the
reference to "West crossing closed except for agricultural use" be removed.
The change has not been made. Please amend the final map.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Four July 12, 2004
3. The submission of a performance guarantee for improvements in the amount
of $26,075.00 and administrative fee in the amount of $1,564.50 to this office.
Submission of a variance from Section 100-235 Access Requirements clause
C of the Town of Southold Town Code governing minimum access for
required emergency vehicles.
5. Submission of 3 mylar and 8 paper plats with Suffolk County Department of
Health approval stamp.
Mr. Cremers: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Chairperson Woodhouse: 6:05 p.m. - CVS Pharmacy - This proposed site plan is for
an alteration of a 14,467 sq. ft. building to retail pharmacy space on a 1.78 acre parcel
in the B and R-40 Zones located on NYS Road 25, between Sigsbee Road and
Marlene Lane, in Mattituck. Original SCTM#s1000-143-2-1, 2, 4, 27.1, & 28 and new
merged SCTM#s1000-143-2-2, 4, 27.1, 28.1 & 30.1
Is there anyone here who would like to address the Board on this matter? Would you -
I'm sorry - I just asked this - I didn't see you in time.
Keith Archer, Esq.: Oh. O.K.
Ms. Woodhouse: Would you please kindly state your name and address for the Board?
Mary Sin.qleton, 2135 Marlene Lane: I met with Mr. Semon one day and he showed me
the plat plans. Those questions that I had that day that were not answered, he
suggested I bring to this meeting and very specifically, I think, they reflect the concerns
of my neighbors and that is what is the traffic pattern into and out of CVS, specifically,
in regard to the trucks. We know that there is a loading platform on our side of CVS.
There is a dumpster there. It feels like all of the commercial activity is on the Marlene
Lane side of the street. So, my question to you, specifically, is what is the traffic pattern
for the trucks?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Do you want to look at the map? I think we have some maps
here that also - a site map that could answer some of those questions.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Five July 12, 2004
Bruno Semon: They're out on the window. They're actually on the front there and it
does indicate how the commercial traffic is going to come in and out but maybe
somebody from CVS can address that. Mr. Archer?
Keith Archer, Esq., Morton Weber & Associates: Yes, I think Mike Junghans, who is a
professional engineer with VHB - the CVS Site Engineer - can address that issue.
Michael Jun.qhans, Vanasse Han.qen Brustlin, Inc: Would you mind re-phrasing the
Ms. Woodhouse: Yes, the question was about the traffic pattern from the access of the
trucks and I wonder if you would be able to turn it so the audience can see it? You will
be able to come and take a look if you cannot see the maps here in the back. Would
you explain it, please?
Michael Jun.qhans: The proposed parking access will be off of Marlene. Trucks will pull
in the exit on the north end of Marlene closest to Route 25, swing in along the building,
unload along the side of the building. The existing concrete dock that's in the rear of
the building has been removed in this case and unloading has been moved to the side
of the building so any activities that currently occur in the back of the building have
been removed due to the buffer has been increased in the back. All the parking then
will be placed on the back corner of the building on the side. The truck unloads - and
CVS generally gets about one delivery a week - the truck then leaves, moving up
Marlene to the north and then out to 25.
Unidentified Speaker: If you move that over a little bit, then we could all see it, please.
Mr. Jun,qhans: How's that?
Unidentified Speaker: Over.
Mr. Jun,qhans: Oh, this way?
Unidentified Speaker: Then you must be aware that there is no traffic signal at Marlene
and, if you live out here - do you live out here, by the way?
Mr. Jun,qhans: I don't live this far out.
Unidentified Speaker: But you know a left-hand turn from Marlene to 25, going west, is
near impossible -
Unidentified Speaker: A nightmare.
Undentified Speaker: - let alone a tractor trailer. There's no traffic signal there. These
trucks are going to sit there and decide the easiest way is to go down Marlene and not
sit there, trying to make a left-hand turn. I do not think that's doable nor is it even safe.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Six July 12, 2004
Michael Jun,qhans: I'm going to let our traffic engineer speak to that.
Mr. Archer: Is that alright?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Ron Hill, who is a professional engineer with Dunn
Engineering Associates, who prepared the traffic documents for this application, can
respond to that.
Ronald Hill, Dunn En,qineerinq Associates: We've had some discussions with the State
about the intersection of 25 and Marlene and we feel that it will operate. That one
tractor trailer a week, we feel, will be able to get out. They will schedule their delivery
so it will minimize - they won't do it at high-peak times. But, that one truck a week will
be able to get out - he may have to wait a while to find ... (inaudible) but he's going to
benefit from the traffic signal to the west and he's going to be able to make that move.
The Transportation Committee has asked us to also stripe Marlene off for a separate
left thru and right, the same way we're proposing on Factory and Sigsbee, to help the
operation of the traffic signal. And we'll do that, if you so desire.
Unidentified Inaudible Speaker:
Ms. Woodhouse: I don't think they heard you. Could you just repeat that?
Unidentified Speaker: I don't understand ... (inaudible).
Ms. Woodhouse: Could you just -
Ronald Hill: The pavement markings or-
Inaudible Unidentified Speaker:
Chairperson Woodhouse: From the left- would you -
Mr. Hill: Trucks will basically arrive, coming from the west, turning here, and back into
the loading dock. There's also a compactor that actually operates the reverse way.
They'll come in from ... (inaudible) and then back in this way here and come out here.
We believe that they will be able to make that left turn - those occasional trucks. There
are currently trucks that service the neighborhood - oil trucks, garbage trucks - they
come down - they have to make those turns out.
Unidentified Speaker: The garbage truck is just a small one. The garbage truck is only
a pick-up truck .... (inaudible)
Mr. Hill: You still have oil trucks that are large. There are service vehicles that come
and we believe that they'll be able to make that turn.
Unidentified Speaker: Why is all the traffic diverted onto Marlene Lane -
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Seven July 12, 2004
Chairperson Woodhouse: Could I just -
Unidentified Speaker: as opposed to Sigsbee?
Ronald Hill: Most of the traffic, we believe, is going to come in and out of Sigsbee
because of the signal.
Unidentified Inaudible Speaker:
Mr. Hill: This is where the truck traffic is being handled but the bulk of the traffic, we
feel, is going to ... (simultaneous discussion & background noise).
Chairperson Woodhouse: I think what we'll do is, if you don't mind - I'd like to have
other people have an opportunity to ask questions, specifically, that we can respond to.
So, if there is someone else who would like to ask a question, I'd like to hear - wait a
minute - and if you would like to address the Board, would you kindly come up to the
microphone and state your name and your address for our records?
Edward Herrmann, 1000 Marlene Lane, Mattituck: There's a light, currently, at Sigsbee
and 25. What's going to happen is the trucks have to come down past that and get up
to Marlene Lane and take a right. Why don't they come in on Sigsbee where there's a
traffic light? Take a right in there, go into the back of the property and handle it that
way. And, who's to guarantee that there's only one delivery a week coming in there?
We're getting the short end of the stick again on Marlene Lane with all the heavy traffic.
Mr. Hill: CVS, generally, takes only one delivery a week. There are going to be
sanitation trucks that ... (inaudible)
Mr. Herrmann: Generally.
Mr. Hill: A truck can't make this move - we actually did talk about having something in
the back here -
Mr. Herrmann: Good.
Mr. Hill: - but then that reduces the buffer to the residential properties.
Mr. Herrmann:Then they should ... (inaudible) the building or move it forward. If they
can't make the turn there, how are they going to make - it's a sharper turn up at
Marlene to get in there then it is to get in on Sigsbee. Sigsbee is a much easier turn,
even with a heavy truck. It's an easier turn going in on Sigsbee then it is coming up and
taking that turn on Marlene.
Chairperson Woodhouse: The gentleman in the - yes.
Tom O'Neill, 2470 Si,qsbee Road: You say there is only going to be one CVS truck a
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Ei,qht July 12, 2004
Mr. Hill: That's one deliver-
Mr. O'Neill: There are no vendor trucks involved here?
Keith Archer, Esq.: There may be some small-
Mr. O'Neill: There may be some like Pepsi Cola, Coca Cola, drug companies? We're
not talking one truck, are we?
Mr. Archer: We're talking - in terms of the CVS deliveries -
Mr. O'Neill: We're talking one CVS truck.
Mr. Archer: One CVS truck and then there's -
Mr. O'Neill: You don't have vendors?
Mr. Archer: There will be-
Mr. O'Neill: There will be vendors and there will be more then one truck a week.
Mr. Archer: - trucks such as a Coca Cola truck.
Mr. O'Neill: Thank you.
Mr. Archer: But those are much smaller trucks. Those are like step trucks.
Chairperson Woodhouse: For the record, would you give your name, please?
Mr. O'Neill: They may be smaller but they are trucks and they do create traffic.
Mr. Archer: My name is Keith Archer. I am the attorney for the applicant.
Ms. Woodhouse: O.K. Thank you. This gentleman over here had his hand up next.
Thomas Noone, 210 Si,qsbee Road: I want to know why big trucks cannot come in
where you have the bowling alley now? The bowling alley has been there for thirty or
forty years; people have been going in and out. I don't see why they have to go in on
Marlene or Sigsbee Road? It's been thirty years now with that bowling alley. There's
got to be one hundred cars and small trucks in there. They're all leaving and entering in
Ronald Hill: The access to Route 25 is closed at the specific request of the State.
Unidentified Speaker: What was closed?
Unidentified Speaker: Can we get a copy of that request, please?
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Nine July 12, 2004
Mr. Hill: Sure.
Mr. Archer: The Board has it.
Ms. Woodhouse: We do have a copy of the recommendation from the Department of
Transportation, correct.
Mr. Noone(?): There's also, I think, on record where they had proposed to make
Marlene one way down and Sigsbee Road one way up?
Mr. Archer(?): No.
Mr. Noone(?): That was in the plans I read about three weeks ago?
Mr. Archer(?): No.
Mr. Hill(?): No.
Mr. Noone(?): Has that been removed off-
Mr. Hill: To my knowledge, it was never part of anything -
Mr. Archer: It may be helpful if l make my presentation. I did prepare some remarks
which give some details of the plan. If the Board finds that may be helpful in clarifying
some of these issues, I'd be happy to do it.
Mr. Noone(?): In the folder, I picked up with this gentleman here about three weeks ago
- two weeks ago - and he was going to ... (inaudible) in that particular folder, there was
a survey where they're going to make Marlene one way heading towards the beach,
and one way coming out on Sigsbee Road, up to 25. Mr. Conner(?) was there a couple
of days later; it wasn't in the file.
Mr. Archer: That was never proposed by us.
Ms. Woodhouse: I think - Mr. Cremers, did you want to make a comment at this point?
William Cremers: A comment as far as the trucks - if you're going to make a left turn
out, you can't go underneath the bridge in Laurel. There's a truck route. You have to go
up to Route 48 and then go down Laurel, back again. So, maybe the better thing is to
make a right turn when you come out and go up to Wickham Avenue and then up to 48
and around. So, that's a thought that maybe your traffic engineer can look at as to
where the commercial traffic should go.
Mr. Archer: Well, you know, to the extent that the truck may have a problem making a
left turn, that's probably exactly what they would do. The path of least resistance, so to
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Ten July 12, 2004
Mr. Cremers: You can't get under the bridge - the LIRR trestle - with a tractor trailer so
that's why they have a truck route going around.
Mr. Archer: O.K. So, they may find it a necessity to have to do it.
Mr. Cremers: It may be our recommendation that you do it that way, too.
Unidentified Speaker: That would be helpful.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Yes, I think you're next.
Joseph Fizzaro(sp.?), 2240 Marlene Lane: I've been hearing CVS saying about one
truck. Now, the size of that store - being in retailing all of my life, I know what tractor
trailers and trucks have to come in and my store was no where near the size of this
store. Anybody on this Board that believes that one truck is going to fill that store -
wrong. You have to take a serious concern about that and then get your traffic pattern. I
think it's very dangerous. We have small children going down to the beach, walking
every day, on both streets. To have that heavy traffic going there - very dangerous.
And the responsibility of the Board to see that it's done properly. Thank you.
Chairperson Woodhouse: You're welcome. I want to make a comment that, included in
the site plan, the applicant has agreed to restrict any commercial traffic from using or
accessing Marlene Lane or Sigsbee Road south of the CVS property. That is already in
the plan. Yes, Sir? Would you please state your name and address?
Nicholas Deeqan, 855 Marlene Lane: I have a twelve-year old son. He has a lot of
buddies on the block. We have new families moving in - a couple of new houses went
up. We have new families with small children. I've seen something like this happen
before in Rockville Center actually in an associated shopping center. The trucks were
supposed to be not out on the road but they actually did because they parked there
waiting to get into the parking lot. I foresee the same thing happening here on a
residential street and I think they're blocking access for any cars that are going up and
down and for these small children who may have to come around or be on the street. I
think it's a dangerous situation and I think it's a travesty that you would even try to put
this access on a residential street. If you've got the highway, put it on the highway. If
you're going to have CVS there, put it on the highway. But, to dump this traffic on to a
residential street which is ultimately going to head down to Peconic Bay Boulevard to
avoid the light or to avoid 25, it's going to be a travesty to our street to have this access
on there and I think you should really look at changing that site plan.
Ms. Woodhouse: Thank you.
Mr. Dee,qan: Thank you.
Ms. Woodhouse: Yes, Sir.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Eleven July 12, 2004
Vince Falco: I live off Peconic Bay Boulevard in Laurel. My concern is exactly what the
gentleman said, that there is not going to be any enforcement. You know, there are
many times up on the main road by the traffic by Waldbaums, by Magic Fountain, down
to the trestle where traffic is backed up due to a fire, whatever, and eventually the men
who drive these trucks - the Coca Cola trucks, the CVS trucks - are going to realize
that it's a lot quicker to get into Riverhead by making a right turn onto Marlene, going
down to Peconic Bay Boulevard and taking Peconic Bay Boulevard all the way into
Riverhead like many of us do when we're heading into Riverhead. So, unless there is
some type of no commercial traffic or no right turns for commercial traffic, that's the
point of least resistance; that's the most efficient way to get into Riverhead at many
times of the day and that's the way these trucks are going to go. And that's my concern
and that's the concern of a lot of people who live on Marlene. There's no way to enforce
it. The police are not going to enforce it unless you absolutely put up a sign that there
is no right turn for commercial traffic out of the CVS Shopping Center.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Thank you. The gentleman -
Phi Boulier(sp.?), 1295 Si,qsbee Road: Apropos to what this gentleman is saying, when
you come east on 25 and you want to make a left turn into the first entrance of
Waldbaums, it's restricted now and you can't make a left turn in. I've counted about
twenty cars that come into that crossed area - the police are sitting in the shopping
area - and they make their left turn; nobody bothers them. I'm concerned about policing
these trucks going down Marlene or Sigsbee Road and doing it without being disturbed.
Ms. Woodhouse: Thank you. Yes, Madam?
Mar,qaret Noone, 210 Si,qsbee Road: The entrance or the exit for the cars coming out of
the parking lot at this proposed CVS, where is it exactly coming out on to Sigsbee?
Ms. Woodhouse: Would you like to step forward? Can you see it?
Ms. Noone: I can see that. Now, where is that? How many feet off of that - are you into
the residential Lot 141 of Mattituck Park's property? Because that is exactly across the
street from my home and I certainly don't want people coming in and out. Also, we have
across the street, a boat yard which has boats all over Sigsbee Road constantly in my
driveway, in front of my home and now we're going to have trucks and people coming in
and out of CVS. First of all, we don't even need the damn store - we have the store
across the street that's huge. How much bigger a drugstore do we need? It's ridiculous.
Why? Why can't I understand - CVS owns Eckert. Is that right?
Keith Archer, Esq.: Just certain stores.
Ms. Noone: So why do you need -
Mr. Archer: No, not up here. The CVS acquisition was of Eckerts in the South.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Twelve July 12, 2004
Ms. Noone: Well, why do you - we don't need you. We really don't. We don't want to
be another Riverhead.
Ms. Woodhouse: Excuse me, Madam. I'd like to ask you to please address your
comments to the Board.
Ms. Noone: I'm sorry. I'm very emotional. I've lived on Sigsbee Road my whole life and
now they're ruining the whole atmosphere. We don't need a CVS. We don't need to be
a Riverhead. Look what they've done with that damn CVS in Riverhead. They didn't
need to re-build the CVS. They had a huge store right in the parking lot there and now
they're building this big monster. We don't need it. Why do we need two huge
pharmacies right across the street from one another. And then we have the little guy in
Mattituck. What are you trying to do everybody out of business? All they're doing is
building these stores all over the country. They don't care about us. All they care about
is CVS and I'm tired of it and I think this is a beautiful place to live and why can't we live
in peace? It's ridiculous and I do not want - that's a residential lot - 141 of Mattituck
Park's property directly across the street from my home and I certainly don't want
... (inaudible) commercial. And I don't know why we need it in the first place. We've
taken away that little lot in front, too, that belongs to the Town? There's like a little park
there in front of the bowling alley - is that going to be a parking lot?
Mr. Hill(?): That will remain. As a matter of fact, that will be improved.
Chairperson Woodhouse: According to the plan, that would remain.
Ms. Noone: Well, why do we need this store? Will you tell me? We didn't let
McDonald's in and, when they finally did get in, they had to be way off the road and
made it look beautiful. Thank God that happened. Why do we need this big, ugly
building in Mattituck? Try another town - how about a little more east, if you want to do
it. They're always picking on Mattituck. It's not right.
Ms. Woodhouse: I just need to make a comment. (applause) I'll do that later. Yes, Sir?
Unidentified Speaker: I introduced myself before but I'd just like to bring to the attention
of the Board that you have only -
Ms. Woodhouse: Please, could you just state your name again. We have a transcript -
Unidentified Speaker: Tom O'Neill, Sigsbee Road.
Ms. Woodhouse: Thank you, Sir.
Mr. O'Neill: I'd just like to inform the Board that you only have a small portion of the
people from Sigsbee Road and Marlene here tonight but I'm sure that it's unanimous,
from speaking to the people on the block and some of the people on Marlene, nobody
is in favor of this and we're all afraid it's going to have a terrible impact on our lives.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Thirteen July 12, 2004
Ms. Woodhouse: Thank you, Sir. Yes?
John Condin, 1755 Si.qsbee Road: I have a little problem with the way the site plan is
layed out for the traffic lanes at the top of Sigsbee Road. Right now, there is a proposal
to have two north-bound lanes: one is going to be a left-hand turn lane onto the Main
Road and then another lane on the right to make right turns and go straight. According
to the site plan, that's posted outside, they are going to encroach on the existing
southbound lane in order to make this center turning lane. One of the things that's very
characteristic at the top of Sigsbee Road - there are a couple of things - Number One:
As can be seen quite clearly on this particular site plan as pertains to Marlene, is that
you have to make a right-hand turn from the Main Road onto Sigsbee Road, you're
making a very sharp turn. There is no turning radius associated with the turn; it's an
acute angle and it's very difficult to stay in the lane as it's currently constructed, even
when there's no traffic there. However, there is a gentleman who runs a business on
the corner up there that has a boat business and, during the spring and fall when the
boats are being serviced to be put back into the water or taken out of the water, he
brings the boats from his boatyard that's across the street, down onto Sigsbee Road;
he parks the boats right across on that area close to the corner; he pulls currently into
the parking lot that's associated with Morchel's that's going to be the in and out located
that's designated for CVS and then backs the boats into his boatyard for servicing.
When his boats are parked that way, it's almost impossible to make a right-hand turn
without almost pulling over to the lane that's going to be designated as the right lane
turning lane going onto Route 25 and I can imagine that, once this gets put in place,
people will be coming out, making left-hand turns onto the Main Road and it's going to
be impossible in the fall or the spring to be able to make a right-hand turn onto Sigsbee
Road, given this gentleman's business.
The other thing that complicates the matter, is that at that intersection on the Main
Road, there's a left-hand turning lane going east and a straight lane. There's no
provision there for a right turning lane. As a result, if the traffic goes as I see it will go,
you can see backing up the traffic on Route 25, just waiting for the light to change so
that the people can make left-hand turns from Sigsbee onto the Main Road before
people on the Main Road can make a right-hand turn onto Sigsbee. So, I think that - I
saw the proposed plan for trying to align Sigsbee Road with Factory Avenue to the
north. I can appreciate the fact that that didn't fly because there was some
encroachment on the CVS property. However, the current site plan, as it is with regard
to the roads, the width of the lanes, the fact that we have a business that's been there
for many, many years - longer than I've been on Sigsbee Road - that's not going to
change and what is going to change, unfortunately, is going to be back-ups on the Main
Road and a lot of grief for people that have to make right-hand turns onto Sigsbee
Road. So, I ask the Board to take another look at that particular plan in light of the fact
of that business up at the top of the road. Thank you.
Ms. Woodhouse: Thank you. Yes, Madam?
Ms. Noone: Nobody answered me. Lot 141, across the street from my home - it's a
residential lot. Is that the entrance?
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Fourteen July 12, 2004
Mr. Jun,qhans: ...(inaudible).
Ms. Noone: That's not going to be enough room for anybody to go on or off Sigsbee
Road. If people are coming out of there, the boats are on the other side of the street.
It's going to be a zoo.
Ms. Woodhouse: Mr. Archer?
Ms. Noone: Is 141 still residential or have you tried to change that?
Mr. Jun,qhans(?): There have been no changes in the zone.
Ms. Noone: And what's going to happen with 1417 What are you doing with that lot?
Mr. Archer(?): Nothing.
Unidentified Speaker: Nothing.
Mr. Archer: It's on the other side of Sigsbee, correct?
Ms. Noone: What do you mean on the other side?
Mr. Archer: Adjacent - we're not doing anything to it.
Unidentified Speaker: It must be the next one down.
Unidentified Speaker: Is it a house now?
Ms. Noone: No, it's an empty lot.
(Brief discussion on where the lot was located.)
Mr. Archer: It's a buffer area. Landscaped.
Ms. Noone: Is it definitely coming - this building?
Chairperson Woodhouse: We're having a hearing on this tonight.
Ms. Noone: We don't need this building; we don't need CVS.
Keith Archer, Esq.: Madame Chairman, can I make some brief remarks?
Ms. Woodhouse: Yes, you may.
Mr. Archer: O.K.
Ms. Woodhouse: Please, again, state your name for the record.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Fifteen July 12, 2004
Mr. Archer: Surely. It's Keith Archer and I represent the applicant in this application.
First off, you should understand that what we are talking about is the existing building.
It is not a new building; it's the existing building - the existing bowling alley building
that's been there for quite some time. The proposal is actually to demolish the other
building, the plumbing supply building, as part of this application. As the Board
Members are aware, this use that CVS is proposing is a permitted use in this district so
that it's not something that - I know this lady was saying are you going to allow them to
do it but it is a permitted use in this zoning district. As I mentioned, the applicant is
proposing to demolish the plumbing supply building and to convert the existing bowling
alley into a CVS Pharmacy. The initial proposal to the Board, to the Architectural
Review Committee - I want to try and move this along a little bit and then I'm going to
ask Ron Hill to just respond to some of the comments, if you would permit, that were
raised on traffic issues - so, the original proposal of CVS was for a prototypical CVS.
Everybody knows what it looks like - like a pylon sign. After many meetings with the
Town's Planning Board and the Architectural Review Committee, CVS created a design
for the pharmacy and signage which is consistent with the Colonial architecture of
Mattituck and the surrounding areas. As a matter of fact, you'll see those in a couple
moments because I'd like Mr. Hill to respond to some of the issues raised by the
residents and then I would ask that John Montalto, who is a principal of MMA
Architects, who is the architect that actually prepared the elevations which you haven't
seen yet, make a brief presentation to the Board.
Now, in addition to the architecture that you'll see in a moment, CVS intends to install
significant landscaping. As everybody knows, the site, right now, is bereft of
landscaping. It's an old building. We all know that. It's a tired site with no real
landscaping. There is what is referred to as "the park" which is actually within the DOT
right-of-way and CVS has offered to put in supplemental landscaping, really, depending
upon what the community wants and, I believe, whoever actually controls that property
right now, CVS has offered to put in landscaping to supplement it - to make it look
nicer than what it is today.
During the application process, at the request of the New York Department of
Transportation, the applicant agreed to significant changes on the road surrounding the
site and Ron Hill touched on them but let me just touch on them for the benefit of
everybody. The existing in-out curb cut driveway on Route 25 in front of the site - the
State requested that it be closed off as consistent with the State's Management
Program where they endeavor to close curb cuts on the main roads. At the present
time, Marlene Lane and Sigsbee Road are, in essence, long curb cuts allowing ingress
and egress along the full length of each of those roads. And as was earlier pointed out,
access will now be limited to two curb cuts on Marlene and one on Sigsbee. Now, in
addition, we proposed certain other roadway improvements that Ron Hill touched upon
and that is, besides some modifications to traffic signal, to re-stripe the northbound
Sigsbee approach to 25 and also the southbound Factory approach to, in essence,
create a turning land - an additional lane. Right now, there is one lane in each
direction - one on the northbound approach, one on the southbound approach. The
proposal, which has been approved by both the Town's Traffic Consultant and the
State, is to create two lanes out of that which is currently one lane because there is
sufficient right-
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Sixteen July 12, 2004
of-way to do that. As a result, it will increase the safety, capacity and efficiency of, not
only the traffic signal, but of Sigsbee and Marlene - I'm sorry, but of Sigsbee. The site
will be provided with curbing and sidewalks to enhance pedestrian safety - something
that it doesn't have now. In addition, the existing undesirable head-in parking along
Sigsbee will be eliminated and replaced with that signal single-access point along
Now, what I'd like to do is - I think everybody is aware of the plan. I'd like Ron Hill, with
the Board's permission, to respond to some of the comments that were made by the
area residents regarding traffic issues, and then, if the Board will allow John Montalto
of MMA Architects, to show what the proposed elevation is that was approved by the
Architectural Review Committee. May I?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Yes, Mr. Hill?
Ronald Hill, Dunn En.qineerinq Associates: As you are aware, we did a Traffic Impact
Study for this site. It was reviewed by the Town's Traffic Consultant. It was also
reviewed by the State. We, initially, had proposed access to 25. The State, as part of
their Access Management Plan, has as Mr. Archer said, requested that we close it and
utilize, primarily, the access on Sigsbee because it benefits from the traffic signal. The
State, and also the Traffic Consultant, suggested the two-lane approach putting into
two lanes northbound, approaching 25 and, also, two lanes southbound approaching
25 from Factory Avenue to make that signal work more efficiently and, in fact, it will
work better with those extra lanes than it currently does even with the CVS there. The
driveway on Sigsbee is placed down further south, but north of the buffer, so that it is
far enough away from the traffic signal so the cued traffic wouldn't be blocked. With the
two lanes, that will move that cuing up. It won't be as long as it might be with a single
lane. The gentleman did talk about the tightness of that road. We're widening Sigsbee
by a little bit and we're also removing that perpendicular parking. If you see this, there's
actually quite a bit of new pavement going in on our side of Sigsbee. We're also
making some repairs on the other side of Sigsbee that make sure that we have a wide
enough road to have a good lane in and out. He's correct that that corner is tight.
There's probably some encroachment from the boatyard that forces that corner to be
tight and you will not be able to allow parking where those two lanes are put in. It won't
fit so we'll have to deal with that. We can't have anybody in that area if we're going to
have the two lanes and, again, that was a recommendation of your traffic people.
To go back to Marlene, that, again, is where our trucks are. We don't feel - because
the traffic signal, we think, most people who want to make a left out, will go out via
Sigsbee. It's a natural flow of the site. If you go in that direction, you will go that way
and exit via the traffic signal. It's just a lot easier. So, Sigsbee will take the bulk of the
traffic where the traffic signal is and can help them. But, we have to provide truck
access via Marlene. We provided sidewalks so that people don't have to be in the
street where those trucks and some vehicles are coming in and out. Do you have any
Unidentified Speaker: Just going back to that truck that you described. Is that the one
truck -
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Seventeen July 12, 2004
Mr. Hill: That's the one tractor trailer. As Mr. Archer said, there are several step vans.
The smaller truck should be able to get in the regular entrance - a Fed. Ex. Truck or a
Parcel Post Truck, making those kinds of deliveries, can get in that regular entrance on
Sigsbee. I would suppose they would but, if you are talking about vendor trucks also, if
they are coming out from the west, they are probably going to continue east and make
other deliveries and not go back.
Unidentified Speaker: You don't know that.
Chairperson Woodhouse: O.K. Thank you. Would you like to hear from the other
person from CVS about the design and then we'll continue to hear your comments so
that you have more information to comment on?
Keith Archer, Esq.: O.K. With the Board's permission, John Montalto from MMA
Architects, has an elevation that was approved by the Architectural Review Committee.
Ms. Woodhouse: We will get to your questions. Could you hold on to your questions?
Could you hold on to them just for a moment?
Unidentified Speaker: Why can't we answer the questions that were just brought up
instead of waiting until later?
Ms. Woodhouse: If you would like to do that. You can approach the microphone.
Unidentified Speaker: You're talking about making two lanes both ways on Sigsbee. Ed
Hermann. That's what you just said. Ed Hermann from Marlene Lane.
Ms. Woodhouse: Would you please clarify Mr. Hermann's question about the two
Mr. Hill: Two lanes are northbound; one lane is southbound. They've asked us to also
do it on Factory Avenue, two lanes southbound and one lane northbound to increase
the efficiency of the traffic signal.
Mr. Hermann: You now have on Sigsbee a 50-foot right-of-way with two sidewalk areas
of 10 feet apiece. There's a road there - they're going to make three lanes. Where is
the sidewalk area going to be? There won't be any with the boat traffic over there. It
even costs the Town more unless you're going to put the sidewalk back on CVS
property. Where are you going to find room to put the sidewalk area?
Mr. Hill: You have the sidewalk in here. It shows a 5-foot sidewalk. The sidewalk on the
other side of the street, not touching the curb there, runs up north to about within 50
feet of 25, Main Road, and then it stops and then there's stuff in the road that
encroaches where the sidewalk ends.
Ms. Woodhouse: That side is not being touched.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Ei,qhteen July 12, 2004
Mr. Hermann: I'm sorry to disagree but the sidewalk area does not go up there and
discontinue when it gets close to 25. The sidewalk area continues right up to 25. The
fact that there isn't a paved sidewalk in there doesn't mean anything. The property is
still there. That's all you have. And, also, with this whole building, you can't hide an
elephant by putting a couple of bushes in.
Ms. Woodhouse: Thank you, Sir. Yes? Go ahead.
Mr. Hill: The area that's public property, public right-of-way, where the sidewalk would
normally go, is there. There are guide rails; there are some planters and some other
things associated with the boatyard that are on that property.
Ms. Woodhouse: Yes, Sir.
Vince Falco: I would still like to voice my concern which I know is going to happen.
Since there are no other CVS east of Mattituck, the only direction that that CVS truck is
going to go is to continue back to Riverhead. He'd make another delivery into the
Riverhead CVS or to head back west on the LIE. And when he sticks his head out of
Marlene and looks to the left and sees that traffic backed up from the traffic light, he's
going to say, you know what, I'm going to take Peconic Bay Boulevard back to
Riverhead and there's nothing to prevent him or the Coca Cola trucks or any other
vehicles from making that right turn on Marlene, going down to Peconic Bay Boulevard
and taking - because you know that's the best way into Riverhead. It's not a secret.
We've been driving that way for years and they're going to eventually find out and
you're going to find truck after truck after truck driving down Marlene and heading west
on Peconic Bay Boulevard into Riverhead.
Ms. Woodhouse: Yes, Sir, in the back and then this woman here.
Phil Boulier(sp.?), Si.qsbee Road: If anybody tries to cross Main Road, along side that
ice cream parlor, maybe you'll count fast three cars can make it. I don't see where all
that other traffic is going to improve crossing that street. Also, the patrons of the ice
cream - they can't get in and out easily. I can't get in and out easily with the current
traffic and there's lots of kids there, too and I agree the trucks will find a way - because
I used to be in the trucking business. The word gets out - the easy route and you're
going to have to have triple your police force if you want to police it, if it's going to be
policed. One other question - if this whole plan goes through, what recourse do we
have, as residents, if things go wrong and all our problems that we're voicing, do
happen. Do we have any recourse or is it a fete accomple? They're in and they're done.
I come from Brooklyn originally and I know about sidewalks. I don't want them. That's
why I'm out here. I came out here in my retirement to enjoy what life is out here. I don't
want a CVS. Apartment houses kept me out of Brooklyn. I have a brownstone that
somebody bought for nothing and now is selling for millions. Why? We want our life as
it is - not CVS. The man doesn't even want to admit that he's representing CVS. He's
calling it "the applicant". Is he ashamed of them?
Mr. Archer: Not at all.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Nineteen July 12, 2004
Mr. Boulier(sp.?): O.K. Alright. Just a point. I'm a Brooklyn kid; I'm a city kid. I know the
action and it doesn't ring true out here. So, please - you've got one in Riverhead. We
drive there and we go. No problem. We don't need another one. Thank you.
Ms. Woodhouse: Yes, Madam?
Mary Singleton: Quite frankly, I'm a little in dismay with our Town Officials. Looking at
this whole issue of yes, you can make a left-hand turn. It's such a big issue that the
Suffolk Times, last year, did a whole article "Trying to Make a Left-Hand Turn in
Season"? Everyone knows it's near impossible and extremely dangerous and I would
just hope that these men with their grand plans would drive these local streets, try to
make the left-hand turns, and really understand what this is like, especially in season.
I'm a little disappointed that more thought has not been given to this and that you're
encouraging a volatile kind of situation that will result in a tragedy when someone tries
to make a quite left-hand turn out of there. I hope you give this a lot of thought.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Thank you. Yes, the man in the back there?
Tom O'Neill, Si.qsbee Road: It just seems kind of strange to me that CVS is willing to
spend this kind of money to utilize one truck a week. Doesn't seem like it's enough to
do business. When they told us one truck a week, there was no mention of vendor's
trucks and it's very possible that there will be more than one truck. Otherwise, why
would they be here? It just doesn't make sense to me. I don't believe one truck a week
will support that store.
Ms. Woodhouse: Thank you. Yes, Madame? State your name again.
Margaret Noone, Si.qsbee Road: They say that they can't enter from 25. Why is it that
only CVS can't enter from 25? Every other business on 25 is entered by 25 - all the
stores. I can't mention one - why are they picking on us again? That isn't right.
Ms. Woodhouse: This is a decision, a determination from the New York State
Department of Transportation which -
Ms. Noone: But just for CVS -
Ms. Woodhouse: I don't believe it's just for CVS. I believe it's for any new applicant that
is proposing to do something along 25. Perhaps our Planner might comment on that?
Valerie Scopaz: Just go give you some background as to the thinking behind the State
Department of Transportation - the Town of Southold has made it very clear that we're
not interested in having our two-lane State Route 25 be widened to four lanes, as it has
been in Riverhead and other parts up west. One of the things that the Town has to do -
has to be willing to do - the businesses along 25 have to be willing to, in order for the
State Department of Transportation not to widen the road, is to do what they call reduce
the number of access points onto State Route 25. The more exits and entrances you
have, the more congested the road becomes and the less well that road carries the
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Twenty July 12, 2004
traffic. So, what the State is attempting to do is channel all the entrance and exit points
onto the State Road to the fewest number possible and, as a result, through the years,
one of the things that the State has been doing - and the Town has worked with them
in this because people in the Town have said we would like to keep the two-lane road a
two-lane road and this is one of the down-sides of it - is that, for instance, when a new
gas station is built or when it is renovated, we try to close one of the two curb cuts on
the road in an attempt to force the traffic out onto the existing intersection. If you go up
west, you'll notice, like in parts of Coram, where there is just wall-to-wall entrances and
exits onto the road. When you have a situation like that, the traffic becomes - it just
totally snarles everything so they just add another lane. So, this is one of the reasons
why the State, when they looked at this particular site, they said that, because of the
retail traffic in and out, that they would prefer that it went out to one or both of the
existing streets which, unfortunately for you, is either Marlene or/and Sigsbee.
Ms. Noone: Absolutely unfortunate. We've been paying our taxes, my family, for over
sixty years to have it ruined - the property value of my home go down the tubes
because CVS wants another store. Do they care about the way we live out here?
Absolutely not. They just care about CVS and I'm tired of it. We're the little guy. We're
the ones that make up this community. Not them. They just come and put their big sign
up and leave and it isn't right and we don't need it. We have an Eckert that's a huge
store. Just as big as the one they're proposing and it's just been refurbished. It's huge.
We've got plenty of drugs in that store to take take care of everybody in town and
plenty of Mickey Mouse other stuff that they're selling. We don't need another one. It's
And, another question that came to my mind, they have that little park that was on the
other side of the Main Road many years ago - they also have the road-way that was
the original 25 in that parking lot. Is that part of the park or is that going to be part of
Mr. Archer: It's not part of CVS. It's a State right-of-way, it's not part of CVS.
Ms. Woodhouse: Valerie?
Ms. Scopaz: When the State straightened State Route 25 many years ago, the part of
State Route 25 that was in front of the bowling alley, that land was given to the bowling
alley and the piece that was in front of the realtor, further down where the hair stylist is,
Celic Realty - you know, there's a lot of grass in front of their parking lot - that piece
was also given to that property owner. The piece in front of Morchel's parking lot also
was supposed to have been given to Morchel's. So, effectively, the State gave up the
ownership of that old part of the road when they built the new road. So, that's what
happened to that land.
Ms. Noone: So now the road is going to be part of their parking lot?
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Twenty-One July 12, 2004
Ms. Scopaz: It's essentially part of their property right now. They bought or they're in
contract to buy all of the pieces so they own all of it. The part where the little park is
right now- I believe it's owned -
Bruno Semon: It's New York State DOT that owns that.
Ms. Scopaz: Yes, because that's on the shoulder of the road and they've offered to
maintain it because it's contiguous to the existing landscaping. Does that answer your
Ms. Noone: I have another question. We have run-off from the Main Road - water
coming down; the road slopes. Are they taking care of that or are we going to be
flooded out? The Town came in and put two sump pumps - sumps - in front of our
home a couple of years ago. It's caused nothing but more water every time we have a
rain storm. We've called countless times to the Town of Southold and the water keeps
coming and it's now about four inches to a foot away from my foundation. And the Town
has done nothing about it. And we call and we call. We've never had - my family own
the property for sixty years. Until they put in those sumps - as soon as they put them
in, we have water; we have Lake Noone in front of my home.
Michael Jun,qhans: I think I can answer that question. You are correct. The existing site
doesn't have anything ... (inaudible)
Unidentified Speaker: We can't hear you.
Mr. Jun,qhans: The proposed improvements will actually drastically improve the
stormwater condition along both Sigsbee and Marlene. In the existing condition, water
comes off the pavement and flows down Sigsbee and Marlene into front yards. Under
the proposed conditions, we are adding, I believe, it's fifteen dry wells to the site. These
dry wells will take up to a two-inch twenty-four hour rain storm and significantly reduces
any off-site flow. It's actually going to dry up key areas that presently flow off site. In
addition, we're adding French drains to the rear access points to pick up any stray flow
that comes off the site. There will be no significant off-site flow which you have today
and it's all going to be eliminated after ... (inaudible). So, this should drastically help
those conditions because we did hear from the engineer that those problems existed
and, working with his talents, we came up with this plan to do that ... (inaudible).
Ms. Noone: Is that a guarantee?
Mr. Jun,qhans: This is designed within the Township's standard which I can say is very
stringent. I have no ... (inaudible).
Ms. Woodhouse: I'd like, at this moment - is there a question specifically on this issue?
(There were none.) Then I'd like to hear the presentation about the building and then
we'll go on to some further questions and comments. Would you, please, Sir, come up
and state your name and address?
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Twenty-Two July 12, 2004
John Montalto, MMA Architects, Neptune, NJ: I would like to start out by first giving a
description of what we are dealing with as far as the building and the interior of the
Unidentified Speaker: We can't hear you back here.
Ms. Woodhouse: Could you move that a little closer to the microphone so that you
could stand by the microphone perhaps? And then you could move the microphone a
little bit forward.
Mr. Montalto: The existing - proposed - building is, obviously, the existing structure
and, in order to accommodate what they want to do, we need to vastly improve upon
the structure because the building is considerably run down with some very Iow
ceilings. So, the building itself is going to pretty much get a complete renovation. All the
exterior materials will be stripped and receive all new finishes. This here is the
rendering of the proposed building. Basically, what we are doing is providing clapboard
siding at the base elevation with a brick wainscoting on the front and sides of the
building. The building actually is going to have two elevations. The front is going to be
at a lower elevation, and then, set back about 25 feet or so, it rises up to give a much
more Colonial, residential feel then your typical, box prototype retail building. This
building has gone through many changes with the Architectural Review Board. They
were very pleased with the progress we made. We went with a typical prototype
renovation project that we've been doing with CVS for many years and, unfortunately, I
don't have that and I would have showed you that you could really see the amount of
cooperation and compromise that CVS has made. This building is much more detailed
than most ... (inaudible) buildings and also their new buildings that they've developed.
As you can see, this area here is the Iow roof. This area here is also a Iow roof. This
part here steps back from the front and sides so it's not one very tall flat elevation. It
really gives you almost a Victorian bed and breakfast feel. Other than the small signs
on the front, it really could be several different types of buildings, not your standard
Unidentified Speaker: Excuse me. Is there a second floor, an upstairs?
Mr. Montalto: No, there is not a second floor. Basically, we have ... (inaudible) and tiers
on the building. We have an asphalt-shingled roof. We have ... (inaudible) windows that
give it a much more residential feel and there's going to be - from the site presentation,
there's quite a bit of landscaping all the way around the building. We feel CVS has
been very, very cooperative in trying to provide an elevation that people will be happy
with. I brought the existing condition photos but I think everybody is already familiar
with the building. We also have a photo here which is the same angle as the rendering
so it kind of gives you an idea of this is what you are looking at today and that's what
you're looking - the same later on. The build of the building does not increase as far as
the footprint. It's no bigger than what's there now. We're actually deceasing by
elimination of the other building. I think, from this particular corner, there's going to be a
much more open feeling because you are eliminating the building on the corner which
happens to be a fairly tall building.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Twenty-Three July 12, 2004
Unidentified Speaker: How many parking spaces ... (inaudible)?
Mr. Jun,qhans: The ... (inaudible) over the parking.
Ms. Noon: Where are the parking spaces?
Mr. Jun,qhans: On three sides of the building, with the majority of it in the vicinity of
... (inaudible) on this corner.
Unidentified Speaker: Is that all compact cars or are there large cars in there?
Mr. Jun,qhans: They are all standard-sized spaces. No compact spaces.
Unidentified Speaker: Is there exterior lighting on the site?
Mr. Jun,qhans: Yes .... (inaudible). What we're proposing on the site is what's called
enclosed source light, otherwise known as shoebox light. You've probably seen them.
They're very typical. Looks kind of like a shoebox. The element is up inside of it. That
kind of fixture hides the source from the surrounding properties and projects straight
down. This reduces the glare off the site and reduces any stray light from getting into
the surrounding properties. We're proposing perimeter lighting around the proposed
parking field - the proposed building. These numbers you see on here are just the
footcandle levels which just, basically, tells you what the intensity of the lighting is in
different areas and then we're proposing lighting that is actually mounted up on the
socket and projects down. These are building-mounted lights but they project to the
pavement. They're not the kind you see with like a clear lens with the light shooting out.
These actually project down as with the parking lot lights, you do not see the source.
So, we are re-lighting the entire parking lot up to an average off three four-foot candles
which is what is typically acceptable in any shopping center you go to. We are placing
the lights far enough apart that the residential to the rear, that the light will go down to
zero by the time you hit the property line. And these light levels that we project here
don't even take into consideration the landscaping. On top of that, if you add the
landscaping, you're not getting anything across the residential properties as far as
lighting is concerned. All lighting is concentrated in the parking lot area and does not
stray off the site and, generally, can be very Iow glare and very attractive lighting for
the site.
Unidentified Speaker: Does the exterior lighting stay on all night?
Mr. Jun,qhans: I don't know what the hours of operation on the lights are. I assume they
are going to - it's something they have to work out with Southold. I don't know what the
Code requires as far as turning the lights off in the evening. Whatever the requirements
are, we will abide by them.
Unidentified Speaker: Do you have a rendering of the loading dock - what it's going to
look like on Marlene Lane?
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Twenty-Four July 12, 2004
Mr. Montalto: I don't have a rendering but we do have an elevation -
Unidentified Speaker: Well, I'm using your terms -
Mr. Montalto, MMA Architects: This is a two-dimensional drawing ... (inaudible). The
back of the building is shown here. The whole rear will be cleaned up. The loading
dock is back here and it's just going to be simply two doors with a ramp coming up to it.
But the whole rear of the building is cleaned up. There are decorative piers wrapping
around from the two sides of the building so we're not just leaving it the way it is right
now. We are actually addressing all four sides.
Ms. Noone: Why couldn't the loading dock be in the back. Why did it have to be on the
side - is there a reason for that?
Mr. Jun.qhans: I think part of that can be seen here also. There's a question on the
landscaping plan. One thing that we were very sensitive to was to maintain a good
buffer here to the residential. Presently, we show an asphalt line here which, basically,
extends to the back of the building. On the existing site, the asphalt comes down to
almost the residential property next door. We thought it was important to keep a nice
buffer here to give a transition area between the business use and then the adjacent
residential use.
Ms. Noone: Is that 50 feet?
Mr. Jun.qhans: I believe it's 45 feet. It's within the requirements. It's actually well within
the requirements considerably and, by putting any kind of a lane through here, would
eliminate that. And in the landscaping, particularly along the back, we're maintaining all
the existing trees because, on the west side, there are some existing trees. All of those
are being maintained and are being supplemented with additional trees to fill it in.
We're we're supplementing on the west side and we're ... (inaudible) with trees on the
east side. In addition, we're adding some increased buffer along Sigsbee and Marlene.
The buffer along Sigsbee is, essentially, the front parking area for what is now the
plumbing supply. We're adding about a 20 foot buffer there. We're landscaping it with a
mix of deciduous which are ash trees with some small pine and then some ground
cover like some jute, some variety of different plants to give it a nice look. And there's
also some cherry trees mixed in there for color. Also, along Marlene, what is presently
just an open graveled area, is going to be curbed into a nice landscaped island which
will be landscaped in the same way. Along 25, the parking line runs just above the
proposed parking spaces. In this area here, we've added a significant amount of new
trees and shrubs to compliment that existing parking. In addition, as mentioned before,
we will work with the Township to do some more improvements in the park area just to
make it even nicer than it is today. As you might have noticed, the proposed sidewalk is
actually going to move toward that existing brick path that exists in the park now,
making easier access for the people to use the benches that are there today.
Unidentified Speaker: May I come up and take a look?
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Twenty-Five July 12, 2004
Mr. Jun,qhans: Sure, please. This is the same plan that was in the set, just a different
Unidentified Speaker: The lights from these cars are going to come right up the
driveway, right in the living room of my house.
Mr. Jun,qhans: This is the existing limit of the curb cut for the parking lot.
Unidentified Speaker: It's going to light up my house when they come out.
Mr. Jun,qhans: This is yours?
Unidentified Speaker: Directly across the street.
Unidentified Speaker: Mr. Montalto, you've done a very nice job. The building is very
attractive. The landscaping is very attractive. I think, basically, you're getting away from
the big problem and that's the traffic and, now, how are you going to do that - are you
going to make lanes that are not there? It's impossible to do and the safety factor - I've
lived there for twenty years - I cannot make a left-hand turn to get out of Marlene Lane.
I don't see how a tractor trailer is going to do that. Let's go back to your statement -
one tractor trailer which I don't see can ... (inaudible)
Mr. Jun,qhans: I think it was noted earlier that because of ... (inaudible) and practicality,
they might have to make a right anyway to be able to get away from the site.
Unidentified Speaker: And if you put no right turns signs, then these truck drivers are
going to abide by it. We had a no left turn into the Waldbaum's shopping center. That
thing disappeared mysteriously. The lanes are in there painted that you cannot make a
left hand turn but all traffic is going left. They are not residents; they are visitors. We
welcome visitors but they don't know because they took down the sign and nobody is
enforcing that. And that's a dangerous situation. Now, you're going to go back to Jersey
and you're going to go back to Brooklyn, whatever - and we're going to be here and
you're going to have to solve the ... (inaudible) problem. It's as simple as that. And the
Board has to decide whether they can give you permission to do what you want to do if
you can't solve that problem. And I have faith in the Board. Somebody elected them;
somebody put them there. It was the people around here. So, let's hope that they do
the right thing.
Mr. Archer(?): We've been working for CVS now since 1997. We've been involved in
many developments just like this, very sensitive towns - ... (inaudible), New Jersey
which is a very historical, small town similar to yourself and everybody has the same
concerns. You directed that question to me. I'm just the architect. I refer it back to -
Unidentified Speaker: You're just the driver -
Mr. Archer(?): We have an existing use there already and it's generating a certain
amount of traffic already and, if CVS doesn't develop it, somebody else is going to
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Twenty-Six July 12, 2004
come in there and generate the traffic. There's always going to be traffic generating.
We're removing a building. The next person may come in and leave that building and
develop the existing building and you'll have two buildings that will be generating traffic.
We understand ... (coughing) business in keeping those buildings operating. They are
not going to go and develop a building if they haven't studied it to develop it to help the
community to generate jobs. If they don't sell their products, they're going to close the
doors. They are sensitive to the community and, if everybody expresses the same
concerns that you have, they do tend to try and really work with the Town and try to
help and satisfy the needs.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Thank you very much. We are going to move on. We are not
going to close the hearing this evening. There are some other issues that we need to
take a look at. Unless you have a question on a new topic that hasn't been brought up
or you haven't had a chance to speak - I see one woman who hasn't had a chance to
speak - we are going to be moving on. If you haven't spoken and would like to, I see
one, two new people - we'll take your comments, then we are going to hold this hearing
open. There are a number of issues that we will be looking into as a result of your
comments this evening and we certainly your coming and sharing your views with the
Planning Board. Would you please state your name and address.
Diane Stern, 210 Si.qsbee Road: And that's exactly the question I have to ask. You've
heard the input from the people here. The majority of the input has been bottom line.
What is the Town Board going to do about the traffic congestion that will result the way
it is now done. We've expressed our complaints; we expressed our views; we
expressed our protests. Now, what do you do?
Ms. Woodhouse: All we do is we take your input, we go back and look at the issues
concerning traffic that you've raised and certainly in terms of drainage. We can review
with the Superintendent of Highways the possibility of posting signs on Sigsbee which
would be no parking, no standing signs. We certainly can ask the Town Board to post a
sign on Peconic Bay Boulevard that will deny commercial traffic. We could post a
tonnage limit. There are a number of things that we can take a look at. We also could
talk about discussing the enforcement issues with the Town. Some of you have raised
concerns that, even if there are signs posted or there are no turning, that they still need
to be enforced and we agree with that.
Ms. Stern: When will we know about this?
Ms. Woodhouse: We will have a - it will be on the agenda for another hearing - a
subsequent hearing - and that will be -
Ms. Stern: And these protests and this input will be responded to at that time?
Ms. Woodhouse: We will take all of these into consideration and we will respond to
them in one way or another, yes.
Ms. Stern: O.K.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Twenty-Seven July 12, 2004
Unidentified Speaker: Can I make one more request?
Unidentified Speaker: He's a previous speaker.
Ms. Woodhouse: You are a previous speaker. There's one other woman who hasn't
said something. Did you want to make your - I hope you understand. We do need to
move on because we have a full agenda for the rest of the evening.
Maureen Deeqan, Marlene Lane: My two shy children are over here with me - Ammen
and his friend Justin. I have been a resident for Marlene Lane since 1966 and, when
my husband and I got married and we started to have children, we decided to become
all year round residents in 1990. As you can imagine, there's been many changes since
1966. We know we can't stop progress but the one trade-off that we really wanted when
we moved out here all year round was the quality of life. We understand for the kids
some people say there's not as much activities as there up the island, but most of my
friends would agree that that's a trade-off that we are very willing to accept and that we
feel the quality of our life for our children is much more beneficial than traffic and other
One of the main activities that these children partake in is bike riding. They ride down
to the beach; they ride down to Peconic Bay Boulevard to see their friends. I am just
terribly fearful for children on our block to be riding bikes if something like this plan
comes into existence. I've seen many changes on our block and on Sigsbee, too, since
1966. We've had many cyclical changes. One of the things that a lot of the older
residents in the last six years, I would say, often will come up to us and say we're so
glad to see so many children moving onto the block. It's a really good thing for our
block. There's so many new kids. These are the kids that are riding bikes; these are the
kids that are on scooters and skateboards; these are the kids that are walking down to
the beach and to the lovely, improved Veteran's Park.
I really implore our elected officials and our appointed officials to really think long and
hard before approving any kind of plan that has entrance and egress onto either
Marlene Lane or Sigsbee Road. Thank you.
Ms. Woodhouse: Thank you. Final comment?
Keith Archer, Esq.: Just a procedural request, Madame Chairman, and that is that we
have prepared a traffic study - Dunn Engineering - and we just ask that that be
incorporated, if it hasn't, into the record of the hearing as well as all the
correspondence. It probably is already. Bruno would know best but, if we can
incorporate it in, I would appreciate it into the record of the hearing.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Yes, we have that and we do have some letters that we have
received that are also part of the file. I'm not going to read those letters but they are
here and they are available as a matter of public record. If there are no new comments,
at this point, I'll entertain a motion to hold this hearing open.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Twenty-Ei,qht July 12, 2004
Mr. Cremers: So move.
Mr. Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries. This hearing will be held
open. Thank you very much.
Hearings Held Over From Previous Meetings:
Chairperson Woodhouse: Silver Nail Vineyards - This proposed site plan is for a new
winery building of 5,477 sq. ft. on a 21.5019 acre parcel in the A-C Zone located on the
n\s\o New York State Route 25 approximately 3,612' e\o Peconic Lane, in Southold.
SCTM#(s)1000-75-2-15.1 & 15.2
Mr. Edwards:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby holds the public
hearing for Silver Nail Vineyards open.
Mr. Cremers: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Perino, Joseph - This proposed major subdivision is for 7
lots on 20.8211 acres. The property is located on the south side of Main Road, 150'
west of Sigsbee Road, in Mattituck. SCTM#1000-122-7-9.
Mr. Cremers:
WHEREAS, the above application is a major subdivision without an executed
conservation component; and
WHEREAS, the applicant has requested a waiver from Local Law Number 3; and
WHEREAS, the request was denied by the Town Board; be it therefore
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Twenty-Nine July 12, 2004
RESOLVED that Local Law Number 3 was adopted at the regular meeting of the
Southold Town Board on August 13, 2002 entitled "Local Law in relation to a
Temporary Moratorium on Processing, Review of, and making decisions on
applications for Major Subdivisions, Minor Subdivisions and Special Use Permits
containing Dwelling Units in the Town of Southold" and therefore no comment can be
accepted or action can be made on this application.
Mr. Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Final Determinations:
Chairperson Woodhouse: East Marion Fire District - This proposal is for a cluster set-
off of a 0.6887 acre parcel from an existing 3.747 acre parcel. The property is located
on the n/s/o New York State Route 25, approximately 367 feet w/o Stars Road, known
as 9395 Main Road, in East Marion. SCTM#1000-31-3-11
WHEREAS, this proposal is for a cluster set-off of a 30,000 square foot parcel from an
existing 163,229 square foot parcel located on the north side of New York State Route
25, approximately 367 feet west of Stars Road, known as 9395 Main Road, in East
Marion, SCTM#1000-31-3-11; and
WHEREAS, following the transfer, Lot 1 will equal 133,229 square feet and Lot 2 will
equal 30,000 square feet, pursuant to Article XVlll Cluster Development (100-180) of
the Town of Southold Town Code, whereby the additional 10,000 square feet normally
required for Lot 2 is being left with Lot 1; and
WHEREAS, on May 12, 2003 the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the
State Environmental Quality Review Act, performed an uncoordinated review of this
Unlisted Action. The Planning Board established itself as lead agency, and as lead
agency, made a determination of non-significance and granted a Negative Declaration;
WHEREAS, on June 23, 2003 the East Marion Fire District responded to the Planning
Board that no fire well is required; and
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Thirty July 12, 2004
WHEREAS, the applicant sought to extend the conditional sketch plan approval two
times and the Planning Board granted the extension for six months each time; and
WHEREAS, the final map was revised to include the proper size of Lot 1 & Lot 2 to
reflect the covenant and restriction that, in the event of future subdivision of Lot 1, the
yield calculation of Lot 1 must deduct 10,000 square feet of Lot 2 permanent cluster
open space; and
WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services, on April 8, 2004, issued
a permit number R10-04-0022 for a four bedroom house on the survey prepared by
John Metzger, dated December 9, 2003; and
WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Department of Health Services approved the
subdivision on May 9, 2004; and
WHEREAS, the applicant recorded the above-referenced covenant and restriction,
dated May 18, 2004, with the Suffolk County Clerk Records Office on May 19, 2004,
liber 12320, page 36; and
WHEREAS, the applicant received approval from the New York State Department of
Transportation for the curb cut permit number 10-04-0178 on July 8,2004; therefore, be
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant final approval of the map,
dated May 9, 2003 and last revised May 21, 2003, and authorize the Chairperson to
endorse the final map, subject to the following requirements:
The 2 story framed house structure located on Lot 1 be moved within six (6)
months of the date of this resolution unless an extension of time is requested by
the applicant and granted by the Planning Board. The new location of the
structure must be within the building envelope of Lot 2 and conform to all
applicable setbacks as defined by Section 100-31 as required by the Town Code
of the Town of Southold. If East Marion Fire District fails to adhere to these
requirements within the prescribed time periods, this approval shall become null
and void.
Mr. Cremers: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Final Extensions:
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Thirty-One July 12, 2004
Chairperson Woodhouse: Mendoza, Amelia - This proposal is to set off a 7.04 acre
(Lot 1) from a 26.69 acre parcel (Lot 2). The property is located n/o Main Road, 450'
east of Greenway East, in Orient. SCTM#1000-15-2-15.1
Mr. Cremers: I'll offer the following:
WHEREAS, Amelia Mendoza is the owner of the property known and designated as
SCTM#1000-15-2-15.1, located n/o Main Road, Orient; and
WHEREAS, this proposal is to set off a 7.04 acre parcel (Lot 1) from a 26.69 acre
parcel (Lot 2)in Orient; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board granted conditional final approval on
the maps, dated as revised October 7, 2003, on February 10, 2004; be it therefore
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a six-month extension of
conditional final approval from August 10, 2004 to February 10, 2005.
Mr. Edwards: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Chairperson Woodhouse: An.qelson, Mark & Marilyn - This proposal is for a lot line
change between SCTM#1000-73-6-1, known as Lot 1, and SCTM#1000-73-6-2, known
as Lot 2, whereas, before the change, Lot 1 is 1.202 acres and Lot 2 is 8.704 acres
and, after the change, Lot 1 will equal 4.65 acres and Lot 2 will equal 5.256 acres in the
AC and R-80 Zoning Districts. The property is located in Peconic, approximately 2,205'
east of Bridge Lane, on the north side of County Road 48.
Would you offer a resolution, please, Mr. Caggiano?
Mr. Ca.q.qiano:
WHEREAS, on June 27, 2003, a formal application for approval of this lot line change
was submitted; and
WHEREAS, the proposed lot line change between SCTM#1000-73-6-1 (known as Lot
1) and SCTM#1000-73-6-2 (known as Lot 2) and prior to the lot line change, Lot 1 is
1.202 acres and Lot 2 is 8.704 acres; and
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Thirty-Two July 12, 2004
WHEREAS, following the lot line change, Lot 1 will equal 4.65 acres and Lot 2 will
equal 5.256 acres; and
WHEREAS, Marilyn F. Angelson is the owner of the property known and designated as Lot
1 and Mark A. Angelson is the owner of the property known and designated as Lot 2; and
WHEREAS, on December 19, 1985, the Southold Town Planning Board approved a
minor subdivision on a portion of the subject property known as the John Simon Estate
at Peconic; and
WHEREAS, there was litigation involving the property within this subdivision plat; and
WHEREAS, on February 9, 2001, the Honorable Alfred Robbins, a Judicial Hearing
Officer of the Court, rendered his decision in writing as shown on the survey by John C.
Ehlers Land Surveyor, dated December 22, 2000; and
WHEREAS, this decision had the effect of negating the minor subdivision plat of the
John Simon Estate at Peconic by creating two different lots as shown on the subject
plat; and
WHEREAS, the applicants wish to change the court-ordered layout, and further, wish to
file covenants and restrictions barring further subdivision of either parcel; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Chapter 58, Notice of
Public Hearing, has received affidavits that the applicant has complied with the
notification provisions; and
WHEREAS, all the requirements of the Lot Line Regulations of the Town of Southold
have been met; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental
Quality Review Act, performed an uncoordinated review of this Unlisted Action. The
Planning Board established itself as lead agency, and as lead agency, made a
determination of non-significance and granted a Negative Declaration; and
WHEREAS, on February 10, 2004, the Southold Town Planning Board granted
conditional final approval on the surveys, prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor,
dated June 9, 2003 and last revised December 10, 2003; and
WHEREAS, the applicant sought to extend the February 10, 2004 conditional final
approval on the surveys for an additional six months; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant a six-month extension from
the date of this resolution on the conditional approval of the surveys, dated June 9,
2003 and last revised December 13, 2003, and authorize the Chairperson to endorse
the final surveys after fulfillment of the following conditions. The conditions must be
met within six (6) months of the resolution:
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Thirty-Three July 12, 2004
1. The filing of new deeds with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk pertaining to
the amendment of the lot line and, upon filing, submittal of a copy to this office.
2. The filing of covenants and restrictions barring further subdivision of Lot 1 and
Lot 2 with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk pertaining to the amendment of
the lot line and, upon filing, submittal of a copy to this office. The Liber and page
# of this filing shall be placed on the final plat.
3. Submission of a right-of-way agreement over the lands of Marilyn P. Angelson,
Lot 1, for access to Lot 2 as required per 280A of New York State Town Law.
Mr. Edwards: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Setting of Final Hearings:
Chairperson Woodhouse: Papson, Vick¥ - This proposal is to set off a 2.29 acre lot (1)
from a 5.43 acre parcel (Lot 2) in the R-40 Zoning District. The property is located on
the south side of Main Rd, +/- 400' east of Kayleigh's Court, in East Marion.
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, August 9, 2004, at
6:00 p.m. for a final public hearing.
Mr. Ca,q,qiano: So moved.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Aves: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Scott, John & Sandra - This proposal is to subdivide a
43.25 acre parcel into 2 parcels where SCTM#`1000-96-5-'13 equals 23.08 acres upon
which Development Rights have been sold and SCTM#'1000-'102-2-23.4 which equals
20.'16 acres, inclusive of an '1 '1.'16 acre reserve area and 9 acres upon which
Developments Rights are proposed to be sold to the Town of Southold. The property is
located at 3'1025 Main Road, Cutchogue.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Thirty-Four July 12, 2004
Mr. Cremers: I'll offer the following:
WHEREAS, this proposed minor subdivision will subdivide a 43.25 acre parcel into 2
parcels, where SCTM#1000-96-5-13 equals 23.08 acres upon which Development
Rights have been sold and SCTM#1000-102-2-23.4 equals 20.16 acres, inclusive of a
11.16 acre reserve area and 9 acres upon which Developments Rights are proposed to
be sold to the Town of Southold; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State
Environmental Quality Review Act, do an uncoordinated review of this Unlisted Action.
The Planning Board establishes itself as lead agency, and as lead agency, makes a
determination of non-significance and grants a Negative Declaration.
Ms. Woodhouse: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries. Please continue.
Mr. Cremers:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board grant
conditional sketch plan approval on the maps, dated February 18, 2004, subject to the
following condition:
1. Parcels SCTM#1000-96-5-13 and SCTM#1000-102-2-23.4 must be
separated by a solid line.
Mr. Edwards: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries. Please continue.
Mr. Cremers:
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set
Monday, August 9, 2004, at 6:05 p.m. for a final public hearing.
Mr. Edwards: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Thirty-Five July 12, 2004
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Chairperson Woodhouse: McFeely, John - This proposed major subdivision is for 6
lots on a 30.785 acre parcel where Lot 1 equals 1.67 acres; Lot 2, 2.31 acres; Lot 3,
2.09 acres and Lot 4, 2.09 acres. The Town of Southold and the County of Suffolk will
acquire fee title to Lot 5 equal to 11.39 acres and Lot 6 equal to 11.39 acres for open
space purposes. The project is located n/o NYS Route 25 and the LIRR easement in
Laurel. SCTM#1000-125-1-14
Mr. Edwards: I'd like to entertain the following motion:
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, August 9, 2004, at
6:10 p.m. for a final public hearing.
Mr. Cremers: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Duffy, Estate of Alice G. - This proposal is to set off a .93
acre lot from an 8.15 acre parcel. In addition, a lot line change is proposed to transfer
.09 acres from SCTM#1000-63-2-6 to SCTM#1000-63-2-5. Following the transfer,
SCTM# 1000-63-2-5 will equal .502 acres. The parcel is located on the east side of
Railroad Avenue, 365.25 north of Hummel Avenue, in Southold.
Mr. Cremers: I'll offer the following:
RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, August 9, 2004, at
6:15 p.m. for a final public hearing.
Mr. Edwards: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Thirty-Six July 12, 2004
Set Hearings:
Chairperson Woodhouse: Bill Fox Grounds Maintenance - This site plan is for
conversion and alteration of an existing residence to 351 sq. ft. of office on the 1st floor
and a 2nd floor apartment on a 0.24 acre parcel in the HB Zone located approximately
725' s/o County Road 48, on the w/s/o Peconic Lane, known as 2595 Peconic Lane, in
Peconic. SCTM#1000-74-5-4.1
Mr. Edwards: I'll entertain the following:
WHEREAS, this site plan is for conversion and alteration of an existing residence to a
351 sq. ft. office on the 1st floor and a 2nd floor apartment on a 0.24 acre parcel in the
HB Zone located approximately 725' s/o County Road 48, on the w/s/o Peconic Lane,
known as 2595 Peconic Lane, in Peconic, SCTM#1000-74-5-4.1; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board set Monday, August 9, 2004, at
6:20 p.m. for a final public hearing on the site plan, dated May 18, 2004.
Ms. Woodhouse: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Lead Agency Coordination:
Chairperson Woodhouse: Bedell Cellars - This amended site plan is for expansion
and addition of 4,602 sq. ft. to an existing winery on a 49.32 acre parcel in the A-C
Zone located on the n/s/o NYS Route 25, approximately 566' e/o Bridge Lane on NYS
Route 25, known as 36225 Main Road, in Cutchogue. SCTM#(s)1000-85-2-10.2,10.3 &
WHEREAS, the applicant proposes an expansion and addition of 4,602 sq. ft. to an
existing winery on a 49.32 acre parcel in the A-C Zone, located on the n/s/o NYS Route
25, approximately 566' e/o Bridge Lane on NYS Route 25, a.k.a. 36225 Main Road in
Cutchogue, SCTM(s)1000-85-10.2, 10.3, and 97-1-25.1; therefore, be it
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Thirty-Seven July 12, 2004
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to Part 617, Article 6, of
the Environmental Conservation Law acting under the State Environmental Quality
Review Act, initiates the SEQRA lead agency coordination process for this unlisted
Mr. Cremers: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Southold Floor Coverinq - This proposed site plan is for a
new 7,165 sq. ft. building with 2,823 sq. ft. of warehouse, 200 sq. ft. of office, 64 sq. ft.
of bathroom and 4,066 sq. ft. of retail on a 0.63 acre parcel in the B Zone located on
the n/s/o County Road 48, approximately 420' e/o Youngs Avenue, known as 46255
County Road 48, in Southold. SCTM#1000-55-2-18.1
Would someone offer the resolution, please?
Mr. Ca,q,qiano:
WHEREAS, the proposed action involves a new 7,165 sq. ft. building with 2,823 sq. ft.
of warehouse, 200 sq. ft. of office, 64 sq. ft. of a bathroom and 4,066 sq. ft. of retail on
a 0.63 acre parcel in the B Zone located on the n/s/o County Road 48, approximately
420' e/o Young's Avenue, known as 46255 County Road 48, in Southold, SCTM#1000-
55-2-18; and
WHEREAS, on December 4, 2004, a formal site plan application was submitted for
approval; and
WHEREAS, on June 15, 2004, the Southold Town Planning Board started the lead
agency coordination process on this Unlisted Action; and
WHEREAS, on June 25, 2004, the Suffolk County Department of Public Works
responded with comments that a permit will be required; and
WHEREAS, as of July 12, 2004, the Planning Board has not received any other
comments or objections to the proposed action; therefore, be it
RESOLVED that, on July 12, 2004, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under
the State Environmental Quality Review Act, performed a coordinated review of
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa,qe Thirty-Ei,qht July 12, 2004
this Unlisted Action. The Planning Board establishes itself as lead agency, and as lead
agency, makes a determination of non-significance and grants a Negative Declaration.
Mr. Cremers: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Maria Reqina/J. Ann Piqnato - SCTM#1000-18-6-24.3.
Mr. Ca,q,qiano:
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has reviewed the request to re-locate the right-of-way
from the location shown on the Planning Board approved plat known as Minor
Subdivision of Howard L. Young Property, dated April 18, 1985; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board has determined that the re-located right-of-way is an
improvement to the filed plat and benefits all affected parties; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Planning Board approves the re-location of the right-of-way to the
location as shown on the Peconic Surveyors' survey, dated August 31, 1987.
Mr. Cremers: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
Mr. Ca,q,qiano:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the re-located right-of-way must be shown upon an
amended plat and filed with this office.
Mr. Cremers: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Southold Town Planninq Board Pa.qe Thirty-Nine July 12, 2004
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries.
I'll entertain a motion to close the meeting.
Mr. Edwards: So move.
Mr. Cremers: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Motion made and seconded. All those in favor?
Ayes: Ms. Woodhouse, Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Cremers, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Sidor
Chairperson Woodhouse: Opposed? The motion carries. The meeting is adjourned.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned
at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol Kalin
Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson