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August 12, 2003
8:05 P.M.
Present: Supervisor Joshua Y. HOlton
Councilman William D. Moore
Councilman Craig A. Richter
Councilman John M. Romanelli
Councilman Thomas H. Wickham
* * * *
Town Clerk Elizabeth A. Neville
Town Attorney Gregory F. Yakaboski
* * * *
Absent: Justice Louisa P. Evans
COUNCILMAN WICKHMI: The remaining seven hearings tonight are hearings for the acquisition of
development rights or open space on properties that have been oftèred by various landowners to the
Town. And I think on behalf of the Board, it is a pleasure for me and other Board members to
compliment those land owners that have come forward and also the Town's office which is responsible
for bringing these projects to a conclusion here.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 59 (Open Space
Preservation) and Chapter 6 (2% Co=unity Preservation Fund) of the Town Code, the To\Vll Board
of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesdav. AUl!:ust 12, 2003. at 8:05 p.rn., Southold Town Hall.
53095 Main Road. SouthoId. New York as the time and place for a public hearinl!: for the
purchase of a portion of the property owned bv Zonrnas Contractinl!: Corp. Said property is
identified as SCTM #1000-79-4-17.17. The property is located on the northerly side of North Bayview
Road in Southold. The proposed acquisition is for approximately 32.3 acres (subject to survey) of the
approximately 47.4 acre parcel.
I have a certification that it has appeared on the Town Clerk's bulletin board. It has also appeared as a
public hearing among the newspapers. I have no further official correspondence and I will turn it over
to our Land Preservation Coordinator.
Land Preservation Coordinator for the Town. I would just like to mention before I start that there are
seven hearings tonight and there is a map outside that shows the location for all seven, if you want to
try to figure out where they are within the Town. As noted in the public hearing notice, this is a fee
title acquisition. The notice noted that the Town will be acquiring approximately 32 acres. The
preservation area is actually slightly larger than that, and I believe will end up being approximately 36
acres. The property is located within the Agricultural-Conservation Zoning District, othenvise known
Southold Town Board-Public h'~iring 2
August 12, 2003
as A-C. It is on our Commurdty Preservation Plan as property that should be preserved and the
purchase will be thnded by thc Community Preservation Fund. As most of you know, this property
was before the Plamfing Board for a full density subdivision of 20 plus lots. The Planning Board was
undergoing the environmental review of this project and several others in the vicin/ty, when the Town
Board adopted the subdivision moratorium_ Severai months ago, the landowner approached the town
with a new proposal for limited development comhined with preservation. The proposal is to sell fee
title to approximately 36 acres as shown in green on the sur~,ey in front, mid to go before the Planning
Board for approval of a limited development of 5 lots in the approximate area shown in black hatch.
The proposal preserves at least 75% of the property, thus the proposal is exempt from the subdivision
moratorium. The landoxxmer will be able to go be±brc the Planning Board once the Town Board passes
a resolution to proceed with the preservation purchase and the contract is signed by the Supervisor. It is
likely that the preservation purchase will not close until final approval for the limited development is
obtained from the Planning Board, but the town is prepared to close sooner should the landoxvner wish
to do so. It is expected that the preservation contract will be signed tomorrow, and the Planning Board
plans to hold a special meeting next week in order to expedite the subdivision component of this
preservation project. As noted, the town will be acquiring the fee title to the land. ~lttere are existing
trails on the property, and the intent is to maintain and establish a passive recreational trail system, and
to eventually link the trails to other preserved properties. The Land Preservation Committee is
working with the owner of the property to the west, known as Forestbrook, and I expect to be before
you in a few weeks for a siunlar public hear/ng on that property_ The purchase price of $38,000 per
acre, is supported by an appraisal, and the Land Preservation Committee is in support of this project.
Both the Conmaittee and I recommend that the Town Board proceed with this acquisition_ Thank you.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thm~ you, Ms. Spiro. Would anyone care to address the Board on this
public hearing? Yes, sir_
CHRISTOPHER CONLAN: My name is Chi-istopher Conlan and I live on Clipper Drive. The only
question that I have about this and I notice in the legal, it had said that there would be parking areas
set. All the blocks in the Harbor Lights development are all owned by the Homeowners Association
and I wotfld like to 'know where they plan on putting the parking area and how many cars xvould it
MS. SPIRO: I can answer that. We haven't really done a full-blown management plan for this
property. We are waiting to see which properties come in. There may be a trail-system as I said, so
there may be a separate trail-system_ It doesn't necessarily mean that there will be parking on this
particular piece. If there is parking, it will be a very limited parking area and obviously cannot be off
the private roads so it would have to be offone of the public roads. If you go to any of the other nature
preserves that the Town has acquh-ed, they are unpa,,ed three or four car lot paved lots lhnctioning as a
trail head. I can't answer that question exactly where it would be and it depends on ....
MR_ CONLAN: When would we be able to find out about it? Would this most likely corne off of
North Bayview?
MS_ SPIRO: Well, right now that is the only place that it could come offof. There aren't any other,
unless Clipper Drive tunis into a public road; there can't be public access from a private road.
Southold Town Board-Public kiehring 3 '~
August 12, 2003
SUPERVISOR HORTON: What we aim for, sir, is with the trail-systems, take for example the most
recent acquisition or the most recent opening of a trail system that is similar to this t~q?e of acquisition_
Dam Pond in East Marion, on the eastern edge of the causeway_ The trail system and the property has
a ve~' small self-contained parking, gravel lot. I don't know the exact number of cars but it is small,
self-conta~ned, essentially passive recreational venue.
MR. CONLAN: And this would be for the residents of Southold, alone_
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Absolutely. It xvould be a public park.
MR. CONL~kN: Okay', also on the trail system because there are a large number of trails in the
development, motor vehicles_ .amy driven motor vehicles because..._totally out?
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Those are not allowed on any of our current trails_
MR. CONLAN: Okay, thank you.
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you, sLr. Are there other comments from the pubhc on this public
ED SCHWINDT: Ed Schwindt, Southold. I am just curious-how many lots would there be and how
big would they be, in the area o f development?
MS_ SPIRO: The proposal before the Pimming Board which meets the 75% moratorium is for five lots
within the general area of where that black is.
MR. SCHWINN: And they would all be together?
MS. SPIRO: They are all together_ You can go to the Planning Board office, they haYe a proposal
plan there. I hnd of ch-ew over mine so but they' have that. It has not been approved because of the
xvay that the moratorium is worded, as we just heard from the hearing before the applicant is not
allowed to go before the Planning Board prior to a signing ora contract. So, he hasn't been able to go
before them for a fore, al reviexv_ But there will be the xvhole re~lar subdivision process with public
hearings and everything on the proposed subdivision part of this.
MR. SCHWINDT: But you are planning on five ....
MS. SPIRO: That is what they are allowed, that is what they are plmming on ....
MR. SCI-BVINDT: 'And how big are the lots?
MS. SPIRO: Where the lots that were proposed based on the two acre zoning could be two acre-they
won't be any larger than two acres. They may' be closer, down smaller_ I am not sure. Pdght now I
think they are proposed at just around 80,000 square feet, I think.
MR. SCHWINDT: Thm~s, Melissa.
Southold Town Board-Public Bl~ar/ng 4
August 12, 2003
SUPERVISOR HORTON: Thank you, sir. Would anyone else care to address the Board? (No
response) Comments 15om the Board? (No response) We xvill dose this heating.
Elizabeth A. Neville
Southold Town Clerk
~:,:~mvig~as of Chaptev 59 (~n COL~TY OF SUFFOLK
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[1o~ 4i' ;Somhol&~r~by ~ Coordinator, of ~e Traveler ~Zatch~nan,
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NOTARY PUBLIC, S~te of New York
~5~ No. 01HA5059984
3 ~ Qualified in Su~lk Coun~
Commission expires May 06, 2006
~:' Feather:
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. LX 8,7 03
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pm-suant to the pro;4sions of Chapter 59 (Open
Space Preservation) and Chapter 6 (2% Community Preservation Fund) of the Town
Code, the To;;n Board of the Town of Sonthold hereby sets Tuesday, August 12, 2003,
at 8:05 p.m., Southold Town Hall, S3095 Main Road, Southold, New York as the
time and place for a public hearin~ for the purchase of a portion of the property
owned by Zoumas Contracting Corp. Said property is identified as SCTM #1000-79-4-
17.17. The propex~r is located on the northerly side of North Bayview Road in Sonthold.
The proposed acquisition is for approximately 32.3 acres (subject to survey) of the
approximately 47.4 acre parcel.
Dated: July 29, 2003 BY ORDER OF TI-~ TOWN BOARD
Elizabeth Neville
Tox~m Clerk
BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971.
Copies to the following:
Traveler Watchman Tox~m Board Members
Mehssa Spiro Tox~m Attorney
Tox~m Clerk's Bulletin Board Zoumas Contracting Corp.
ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Tox~m Clerk of the Town of Southold, Ne;v York being
dtdy sworn, says that on the ._~ day of ~ ,2003, she affixed a
of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial mauner, in
a most public place in the Town of Sonthold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town
Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York.
NOT[CE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD ON: 8:05 pm August 12, 2003
Southold Tozm Clerk
Sworn before me this
._~ day of ~,2003_
Ndtary Public
NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Near
No. 01B06020932
Qualified itl Suffolk Coun[~
Term Expires March 8, 2n,,~[..~,.