HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-12/29/1981479 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD DECEMBER 29, 1981 WORK SESSION 9:40 A.M. - Mr. and Nfs. Barry Vreela'nd and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wills, residents of property west of 'cen'tral I)r'fve,' 'Captain Kfdd ~-~es, Nattituck, met with the Board to discuss improving Central Drive for access to their property. Highway Superintendent Dean and Councilman Drum made an inspection of the property and deter- mined the road could be improved for access to the Vreeland and Wills property. During the winter months these residents must use an unsatisfactory, sometimes impassable road to the south .for access. The problem of access occurred when the owner of the property on the southerly corner of Central Drive and Linda Road, M~. Katos, planted a vegetable garden and shurbs in the right-of-way. He was asked by the adjoining property owners to cease, but has continued to use the public area for a garden over the past three years. Mr. Katos will be notified in writing that he has been encroaching on public property and to discontinue doing so. After notification, a snow fence will be erected by the Highway Department to delineate Town knd private prop- er~y.--The Vreelands and Wills were satisfied with the solution to their problem. 9:50 A.M. - Supervisor Pell discussed a letter fro~ Energy De~el'op- -ment Corp. advising they must withdraw their offer of December 8, 1981, as they passed the deadline for financial backing and would, in the future, have to put to~ether another financial package. Supervison PelI will reply to Energy Development Corp. advising them that there will be two new members on the Town Board as of January 1, 1982 and the new Board will take into consideration various proposals which have been made to the Town over the past year, and a firm decision made in 1982. 10:00 A.M. - The Board met with Chairman of the Board of Assessors Henry E. Moisa to discuss the goals of his department for 1982. Mr. Moisa advised the Board his primary objective is to implement the ALRM System. He said that information from other towns in the ALRM System indicates it-will correct many problems that have faced the Town in the past. Pending legislation, increase'in the number of new building permits over the past six months, was also discussed. Mr. Murdock Stated he has spoken to elected officials from two towns who are dissatisfied wi~h the System.--Supervisor Pell asked ~. Moisa whether he has a program of assessment review for each year. He said he did, however, it would take approximately l0 years to reassess the entire Town, since there are a little under 16,000 taxable parcels, and a total of 16,400 parcels including exempt.-- Mr. Pell questioned the need for three Assessors to be out assessing together, and why more time can't be spent on the road. Mr. Moisa stated that at least t~o Assessors should be together, since they are entering private propenty. The need to remain in the office at this time of year is very important, since there are many questions from the public concerning their tax bills; they are instituting the ALRM System; and there are a large number of apportionments.--Mr. Pell asked why all three Assessors must a~tend the monthly County AsseSsor's meeting.--Mr. Moisa replied that the meetings are very educational, and as elected officials they set their own time off.-- Councilman Nickles advised the Board that from his observation, the Assessors spend considerable time on the road, but the bulk of the work is done in the office after the inspection of property, taking the necessary pictures and dimensions. Preparation of reports for the state and county have increased over the years and require much more Time.--Mr. Moisa explained the procedure of on-site assessing. H~.further advised the Board that due to instituting the ALRM System and his concern for the program, he has not taken a vacation this year. 480 DECEMBER 29, 1981 10:30 A.M. - The Board met with C~ief Winters. to discuss a proposal for amending P.B.A. contrac.t to include provisions forLthe work schedule of the DeteCt'ire'Squad. The following proposal was approved by the Town Board for submission to the P.B.A~ - "Effective January l, 1982--Personnel assigned to the detective squad who work under the present schedule for four (4) days on duty and two (2) days off will work one extra day per month for eleven (ll) months Ur have eight (8) hours of compensatory time deduced each month for el~-~en months from their accumulated time in each calendar year. Detectives will be compensated for time "on-call" at the rate of one (1) hour for every eight (8) hours on call. EXECUTIVE SESSION ~ 10:55 A.M. - The Board discussed with Chief Winters his salary for 1982 and proposal for a one year contract for' the Chief Of Police. WORK SESSION 11:05 A~M. - The Board began reviewing the agenda. Board members made verbal, and submitied written reports as Chairmen of Town Board Committees for 198t. Reports on Parks & Beaches, Councilman Nickles, Police, Supervisor Pell, Taxation & Finance, :Councilman Murdock, Disposal Area, CouncilmanMurdock, were reviewed before running out of time. 11:25 A.M. U The Board audited the outstanding bills for December. 'SPECI'ALNEETING A~ Special .Meeting of the Scut'hold Town Board was held on Tuesday, December 29, 1981 at the Southold Town Hall~ Main Road, Southotd, New York. SuperviSor Pell Opened the meeting at 1'1:3'0 ~.N. Present: Supervisor William R. Pell, III Councilman Henry W. Drum Councilman John J. Nicktes Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman Francis J. Murphy * * * Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Highway Superintendent Raymond C. Dean Absent: Justice Francis T. Doyen On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the audit of the following outstanding obligations of the Town be and hereby are ordered paid: General Fund Whole Town ~ bills in the amount of $775.28; General Fund Part To~n bills in the !~ amount of $2,105.16; Federal Revenue Sharing bill in the amount of ~ $62.00; and Division of Youth bill in the amount o~ $35.88. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly' adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: The purpose of this meeting is to approve the final audit of the Town for 1981, we have just done that and ~e accept all reports and recommendations from the various ~Committees that perform duties on behalf of the Town of Southold for 1981. We will start with Parks and Beaches Connnittee, Councilman Nickles-- DECEMBER 29, 1981 BEACH &PARK COMMITTEE - final~b~2 191;t c 'cdundilman NickIes: Two major Problems in 1981. 1. Vandalism at Town proper~y at Laurel Lake~ Committee recommends thgt through the assistance of the Public Works Department that the Town property at Laurel Lake be cleaned up along with parking area; allow only pedestrian traffic down to Lake area; allow use of an area adjacent to the Lake for passive or scenic use, (no swimming). 2. Erosion at Kenny's Beach. a. After consulting with Sea Grant - implemented a Nature Assisted Beach Enhancement Program in Spring of 1981 which resulted in partial restoration of beach so that beach could be open for public use during the Summer. b. After a series of sever storms in Fall which resulted in the complete wash-out of beach and undercutting of parking area - hired private contractors to install concrete rip rap at foot of parking lot above the MHW line - purpose to break up waves and lessen their impact on the remaining beach and bank of parking lot. The committee does not consider this the final solution to the erosion problem, but the best avaitzble one considering the constraints that we musr operate under at this time. c. Committee recommends that a 10 year permit be obtained for beach nourishment using one of the following methods: dragline and or bulldozer or sand sucker. Finished two year program of installing safety swim ropes at beaches (1980-McCabes, 198t-New Suffolk). At recommendation of Bob Muir recommended tc Board that surf boards be used for life saving procedures instead of small rowboats. Mr. MUir has purchased boards. Resolved telephone communications problem at beaches with assistance of Chief Winters. Installed telephones with modular hook-up as opposed to pay phones or land-line or radio. Resolved problems with snackbar .at Jack's Shack Beach - sold concession building to highest bidder and set up reserved parking area for licensed vendors. Department of Public Works assisted in the problem of hot- rodding in parking field at Kenny's Beach; divided off parking field. with guard rail - proved effective. Drafted a Local Law for Beaches, resolving the problem of motor vehicles driving on private property using Town property as access ~o same. Town. Board passed this law after public hearing. I would recommend that in 1982 a Beach and Park Committee review the Beach Parking Fees and make a recommendation to the Town Board. ~ SUPERVISOR PELL: POLICE COMMITTEE - The Chief of Police was in and made recommendations to draw a contract up for him for the year 1982 and it will be p~epared for the Board to approve on January 5, 1982. We did discuss the new Detective Squad and the stand-by, and we will see whzt can be worked out with them. TAXATION & FINANCE COMMITTEE - final report - 1981 - Councilman Murdock: As I outlined in the verbal report (work session), on the Taxation there was nothing to be considered. Our tax structure seems to be stable and the finance part I discussed the finalization of our insurance contracts for 1982. Insurance bids - a compromise was reached between Stype Agency and McMann-Price Agency which saved the Town $4,000.00 over the low bid. DISPOSAL AREA - final repor~ - 1981 - Councilman Murdock: On ~he Disposal Area I commented on six items which will be put in outline form with the Town Clerk. The most important items of public note will be that I proposed a meeting on Friday, January 15th at 10:00 A.M. for an all'day meeting of the Town Board so we can work out our problems with municipal solid waste, and ~hat meeting will be finalized at our January 5th meeting. 1. This has been a long active year. All proposals from MSW representatives were made directly to the Town Board rather than the committee, thus giving the Town Board an opportunity to ask questio.ns directly. 2. Lovis~vs. Energy Development Corp. 3. Open Dump - serious consequences. 4. Septi~ Sludge - 201 Study & Waste water pipe. 5. Recommend that the Town cease the sale of sand at the Disposal Area. 6. Proposed meeting on MSW with entire Town Board on Friday, January 15, 1982, I0:00 A.M. 482'-' DECEMBER 29, 1981 SUPERVISOR PELL: If the Board does not object, we can~ stay .in regular Town Board meeting, discuss the rest of the reports and I will instruct the Town Clerk to pick just the highlights out and put the highlights in the Town Board minutes and not do th~m verbatim. (This was agreeable to the Town Board~) STREET LIGHT COMMITTEE-final report-1981- Councilman Murphy: A 'complete Sdrvey of town lights was done by the enti~e committee. The following recommendations wore given to Highway Superin- tendent Raymond Dean for his-action: 1. Removal of 225 lights. 2. Change 296 lights from 92 watts to 50 watts high pressure 'i~. sodium. 3; Add 134 new 50 watt HPS on new locations as funds become available. 4. Establish policy for future light requirements. POLICY 1. Remove lights that serve no purpose, as per tally sheet and survey. 2. Install lights at all dangerous turns. 3. Ail road intersections for identification and safety purposes. 4. Public places, schools, churches, fire houses, etc. 5. Chango fixtures from 90W to 50W HPS at the above locations as available. 6. Conserve energy.-(Recommend~tion of Councilman Nickles) Accept Superintendent Deans recommendations on standardization. Before any changes and savings to the Town can come about an additional person has to be employed by the Department of Public Works to do the applications. The Board discussed the stan~ lighting fixtures for the Town of Southold by th~ General Electric'Company street lighting fixtures (Town ReSolution of March 22, 19~7). Highway Superintendent Dean stated ~e b~dder, IT ' - ~ T doesnt exactly meet the G.E. b~d, but they~czn~adap~ :t'he parts and ~ill stock the needed material. Councilman;i~rdocki?~d ~Council-~ man Drum and Councilman Nickles stated they felt ~h~ st resolution should be adhered to. SuperviSor Pel~as~ed Murphy to have a recommendation for the Board at. the Jan~ry 5th meeting concerning the bids that have been received for street lights. Supervisor Pell also expressed his desire to szay with the standard- ization. COMME~CE~_IN~.~STRY COmmiTTEE-final report-1981-Councilman Murphy: · The three ChamberS.0f Commerce were contacted in Janu~r~ and February for their imput. Basic concern was ~o help improve local business. Improved ferry service most important. Mr. Campbell, New York State Department of Transportation Planning Director was contacted and a special public information meeting was held in March at the Southold Town Hall. Approxim~tely 50 business people expressed the need for improved service· The final results of this meeting was the reconmnendation to the Governor to commit funds for this project which hopefully will be implemented in 1982. Ii. PROJECT SEED CLA3~ PROGRAM. The Town Trustees, Highway Superintendent and Bay Constable inspected East Hampton program and surveyed Southotd Town waters. A public information meeting was held to explain program to Baymen, business people, school and 4-H personnel and~all interested citiZens. It is recommended that the Town Board establish this program in t982. HIGHWAY COMMITTEE-finalreport_1981_Councilman Nickles: The Highway Committee inspected and made recommendations to the Town Board! as required of road improvemea~s in various sub- divisions that related to release, of improvement bo~dS and'dedication of subdivision roads to the Town· The Committee also reviewed and made recommendations on various subdivisions where the bonds had exceeded three years and the developer had not started or completed the improvements as required by the Town Planning Board, the Highway Specifications and Highway Superintendent. WAGE & POLICY COMMITTEE-final repori-1981-Councilman Drum: This past year it has been established whereby on the~anniversary day of people who are on~ six month probationary peripd receive three 10. DECEMBER 29, 1981 483 step salary increases. AlsO,"th~Bo~ard assigned the' Supervisor the responsibility of advising new.personnel'of their benefits. Councilman Drum submitted his Wage & Policy file to the Town Clerk to be handed to the new 1982 Chairman. C.S.E.A.-finaI report-1981-Supervisor Petl: Only minor problems over the year, most of which have been resolved. BUILDING, ZONING~ PLANNING COmMITTEE-final report-1981'~'CounC'i'lman Drum: Administration of Building InspecTors--- A review of alt aspects of the Building Inspectors' current responsibilities, administration procedures and applicable regulations has been completed. It is recommended that a Building Administrator be employed with duties and responsibilities as .set forth in attached enclosure (on file with the Town Clerk). The Building Administrator's responsibilitie as liaison, in particular, with the Planning Board and Zoning Board are considered essential to the functioning of the Building Department. While the establishment of a Building Department is reco~mnended, it is not necessary prior to the employment of a Building Administrator. Councilman Drum~-commented that there is a great, deal mor-e that needs to be done in reviewing the Building Zone Ordinance, and enact- ing amendments thereto. Councilman Drum submitted his Building, Zoning, Planning file to the Town Clerk to be handed to the new 1982 Chairman. Councilman Drum commented that the Building Department has been handed, over the past several years, several new enforcement regula- tions which take considerable time to enforce. 11. INLAND WATERWAYS-final report-1981-Councilman Drum: This year Suffolk County dredged the Bay Inlets, by contract, of Cedar Beach, Corey and Mill. The County small dredge completed New Suffolk Ramp entrance, Brushes, Wickham and'Little. Due to the reduction of County funds early in the year, East Creek Inlet was not dredged. Halls Inlet also was not dredged due to prior schedul- ing of the County dredge. Richmond Creek, in urgent need of dredging, was not scheduled in 1981 due to lack of permits. The necessary permits have been obtained and the County has completed the necessary survey of Richmond Creek Inlet. Therefore, I recommend Richmond Inlet be placed at the top of Southold Town priority list for contract dredg- ing in 1982. East Creek Inlet should also be placed on the priority list for contract dredging. Halls Creek Inlet and the annual dredging of New Suffolk Ramp Inlet should be dredged in the early Spring of 1982 by the County small dredge. The Suffolk County representative in charge of dredging projects, John Gutdi, P.E., L.S. has been most cooperative and helpful to Southold Town. I recommend Mr. Guldi be contacted in the near future to arrange an inspection of our Town Bay Inlets and establish a priority list for this coming year. Councilman Drum feels it is essential for the Chairman of the Inland Waterways Committee to work closely with the Trustees and have them accompany him on the inspection for dredging projects. Councilman Drum submitted his Inland Waterways ~iles to the Town Clerk to be handed to the new 1982 Chairman. 12. YOUTH PROJECTION, INC.-final report-1981-CoUnc'ilman Murdock: Councilman Murdock feels that Southold Town Youth Projection, Inc. is undergoing steady growth. There have been a few personality problems, few resignations from the Board's directors for various reasons and he certainly hopes that that has reached a level and will proceed upward. The atmosphere of the people involved is good. They are looking forward to many more programs. They still have a problem involving insurance. Nobody is able to tell them what kind of insurance coverage is available and who is providing it. In terms of trying to go on field trips it turns out that apparently there is no coverage through either the County or Town covering the liabilities involved in going on a field trip. They are still trying to get a copy of the County policy so they can review it. The moneys that the Town has just appropriated for the Youth Projection will help a great deal because all of the funding th~_~_ _ 'they opera~e'un~er, the funds have to go for labor and there are no funds left over to do anything in terms of equipmgnt. Council- man Murdock thinks that if things continue the way they are, within six months the Town will start hearing a lot more favorable reports DECEMBER 29, 1981 out of Youth Projection. The rock hard growing pains are over and there will start being real steady progress. Supervisor Pell commented that he has written two letters to the President of $.T.Y.p. asking for a copy of the by-laws which are not on £ile~in the Town Hall, as well as a list of the Directors. A copy has not been received as yet. 13. MATTITUCK INLET ADVISORY COMMITTEE-final report-1981-Councilman Nurdock: Councilman Murdock stated he feels there has been strong pro+g~ss in g~thering information. It is a difficult task for most committccs.. 14. one of the important factors that everybody is tending to overlook about Mattituck Inlet Advisory Committee is that it has allayed the fears of the citizens of the Town that they do not have any right of input. The COmmittee and its work seems to be well acce~ted by the citizens of the Town. Although the original intent has not been accomplished yet, the Committee is working in a way that bodes well for the future of the Inlet and the future of the area. Councilman Drum commented that the Inland Waterways Committee is responsible for the Mattituck Inlet being kept open. It took quite some time to get the emergency funds from the Department of Engineers--took about 18 months of hard work--to get that dredged, and is something that should be looked at every Spring, keeping in mind the long lead time. DOG SERVICES-NORTH FORE ANIMAL LEAGUE-final report-198t~Councitman ~ickles: Mr. Pell and Mr. Nick] .fare League representatives, Mrs. Tej n~gotiated for the operation of the pound and doe .n a contract for the second year with the League July t, 1981 through June 30, 1982 in the 'amount of $30,500.00. The League has submitted monthly reports which are on file with-- the Town Clerk. . It has been my observation that the League has performed~i~ services to the Town well; issuing summons for unregistered dbgs, and collecting late registrant fees for the Town. The oae problem that exists is the enforcement of the local leash law and other dog disturbances, which are difficult to enforce without the help~of the public-. This is a problem that we experienced prior to engaging the services of the North Fork Animal Welfare League and I don't know how some of these difficulties can be resolved, but that is one problem that has been brought to my attention through nm~ny phone calls through- out the year by constituents in certain areas of our Town. SUPERVISOR PELL: Any other Commit:tee reports that I omitted? Now lets go to Resolutions. RESOLUTIONS 1. On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that $204.43 be and hereby is 'transferred from Highway~ Item I, DRg010.8 NYS Retirement to Highway, Item I DR9060.8 Hospitalization & MedicaI~ Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman ~urphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell-. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: I would like to do #3 and #4 and then go back to '! il 3. On motion of Councilman Murdock~ seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was- RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the following transfers within the Whole ToWn General Fund: From: A1420~4 -Town Attorney, Contractual ........ $ 70.00 A3310.4 - Traffic Control, Contractual ...... $ 30.00 Total ..... $100.00 Into: A1410.4 - Town Clerk, Contractual ........... $ 68.00 A3120.4 - Police, Contractual ..... $ 28.00 A7510J4 - Historian, Contractual .... ~ ....... $ 4.00 Total ..... $I00.00 DECEMBER 29, 1981 485 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Counc. i..l~n.,Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby author- izes the following transfers within the Part Town General Fund: From: B3130.4 -'BAY Constable, Contrac~ual-'~--$1~385-0d B80t0.2 - Zoning, Equipment ............. ~$ 120.00 Total ....... $1,5050.00 Into: B3120.4 - Police, Contractual ............ 5.0Q' B8010.4 - Zoning, Contractual ............ Total. Vote of the Town BOard: Ayes: Councilman Mttrphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Supervisor Pell explained that he is trying to set some type of Centralized Purchasing to a degree--having everying cleared through his office up to X amount. SUPERVISOR PELL: In Riverhead, Southampton, East Hampton Townships everything over--in two of the three towns--one town is $50.00, the~ other ~wo is $100.00. Everything under that, with certain stipulations, the departmen~ head can go out and purchase. There must be purchase orders here. If you read your audit repor~ (from N.Y.S.), it was mentioned about how the billing system is done within out Town. I talked about Centralized Purchasing with Allan Cohen, the auditor, when he was here and he felt we were just on the verge. We could use it--we were just a borderline case. The more I thought about this the more I would like to see it somehow set up.-(Supervisor PeI1 cited several cases which brought this decision to a head~) The way it is set up right now, after January 1 every department head can go out and spend exactly what is in their budget without authorization from this office. I feel I have to know what is going on. (Discussion of legal advertisement placed only in the L. I. Traveler-Watchman by the Receiver of Taxes. After a discussion betWeen Mr. Meltas and Supervisor Pell, the advertisement was placed in the Suffolk Times. He will be advertising~in both newspapers a total of five times, although it is not required by law. The cost of each add is over $100.00.)---After January 1st I will be asking the Town Board ~o set a policy on how many times legals appear in the papers.--I feel I have no control over' the funds of the Town and I'm asking the Board to appoint the office of Supervisor, I sit here now, but whoever ms here, he is responsible for the funds of the Town, to give him some hold on the expenditure of these funds. Case in point: if somebody comes in here and says, "I want to buy a radar." It's under the quote for bid. I think this Board should have a say on whether it Wants Brand A, Brand B or Brand C. Somebody might have heard of Brand E which might be a better brand yet. You're spending $2800.00. Just because we approve it in the budget, I think sizable expenditures should be discussed at this Board so ~hey can ask questions. Somehow I want to get the control back to the Town Board or into my office - combination. What is why I am trying to bring this up. (Supervisor Pell discussed purchases which could be made in bulk, which could result in considerable savings to the Town.) COUNCILMAN MURPHY: I think it is the way to go. (Cited purchases which could be made in bulk.) S~ITPERVISOR PELL: We did this with--at one time the Police Depart- ment was buying paper towels, soap, etc. Then we started to buy it up at the Rec Center, and we were buying it here. I said, "No, sir, we buy it all through this Town Hall here." We buy it and we stock it downstairs. The fluid we use for the copy machine, it's all charged to buildings, it all comes in here. We buy it instead of each one buying so many bottles of it, we buy cases and we get the better price because we buy it here. That stuff I have got under control to a degree, but I want to continue. I can't. continue if I don't have the backing of the Board because they can say the budget is approved and that's it. If you ~ant to set a dollar amount, fine, set a fig.ute of $100.00, fine. I~m easy to get along with as long as I don't feel the Town Board is being taken. 48,6 DECEMBER 29, 1981 COUNCILMAN MURDOCK:~ What you're saying is, if we give you~this authority, Ray Dean can't buy parts. SUPERVISOR PELL~ No, that's a different thing. .COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Why is it a different thing. You're eiiher- the chief purchasing agent and everything is done-- SUPERVISOR PELL: Explain, Bob, the law on the Highway Department~. TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: You already authorize theHighwaySuper- intendent to purchase up to $1500.00. COD~CILMAN N~CKLES: I don't think it's enough t6 say'that yon are going to have a $50~00 limit or a $100.00 limit. I think you have got to set a policy. You have to have a policy that all paper goods, all stationery, all envelopes, and maybe a millio~ other things too-- typewriter ribbons, copy paper, be purchased in a central way. But I would say that the Town Board should be the body that oversees it. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Policy on most major items, in terms--let's talk about the radar--normally is included in a budget proposal. The Chief of Police isn't going to come along and say he's going to buy a $2800.00 radar for the Bay Constable's boat and take it out of his personnel expenses. He's going to buy a $2800.00, he's going to list that as we do in the budget every year. We go over those items. The other part of Bill's problem is tha~ he wanzs control over when that money is taken out for purposes of raising interest and I don't think that should be a department head's make $1,000.00 in interest and I'm going to be ~ nice guy and I'it wai~ until December 3tst." Because if he doesn't need t~e un, it until December 31st, it shouldn't be in the budget that year anyway. I firmly believe that if any department head is asking for:a requisition of any equipment and this Town Board says, '"~es," that on January 1st it's in'the budget and that's his operating budget, if he wants to buy it January 1st, that should be his prerogative~ not somebody elses. The Supervisor shouldn~'t have to sit there and say, "I can make X amount of dollars in interest," COUNCIL~N MURPHY: It could be $10,000 in Say three months, on buying the engines and the radar. I don't know what the figure is but $10,000 and through an oversight on the man's part, he didn't realize it. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I don't understand how that occurred, because we had committed ourselves through the Police Committee to an automobile, the Regency Radios and a decision was made whether to put it into '82's budget or take it out of contingency funds or surplus in 1981. So I don't know where he went astrky. SUPERVISOR PELL: We left the radar in "82 budget, John. CO~CILMAN NICKLES: Secondly, how come they didn't have to go out to bids on that~ stuff? SUPERVISOR PELL: $3,000.00. It's under $3,000.00. The radar is is under COUNCILMAN NICKLES: The outboard sure couldn't be under $3,000.00. SUPERVISOR PELL: He's learning. (Discussion concerning the'radar, outboards and purchase limi'ts before bids are required.) SUPERVISOR PELL: · Well, if you gentlemen want to give it to me, fine~ if you don't, it's fine too. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I think we have to have a policy. SUPERVISOR PELL: Like what, John? DECEMBER 29, 1981 .... 48~ COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Like I just suggested. I don't see any difference whether the Supervisor or the Town Board are'buying stationery piece-meal or the department head is buying it piece- 't meal. :I don care whether the~ are-buying it from X Company or.Y Company, If you are going to get the advantage of central purchasing you have to have a coordinated program between all your departments. Let's just say on stationery, there it is, or detergents, or whatever it is you're buying--for the buildings and grounds or whatever. J-dst like Rinky orders his oil or salt. He.doesn't buy a little bit at a time, he ant:icipates what he is going.to have for the following year and he orders it all at.once. SUPERVISOR PELL: This is what I hope to do. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Right. I think that is what we have to do and decide what--make a policy. You can't just say this particular person is going to be in charge of it without the policy. COUNCILMAN DRUM: John is right. You probably need a committee or whatever to lay out the policy, Bill. SUPERVISOR PELL: John Nickles and I will be a committee to lay one out for you. COUNCILMAN DRUM: Specify items, specify departments. Is the Public Works going to be included on their soaps anddetergents and what have you. Those are all considerations. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Henry's point is well taken because there may be certain items that the Highway Department is buying as a separate entity that should be incorporated into the policy. SUPERVISOR PELL: I'tl come up with a policy on this and work with John and see if we can't work something out. One fact I feel real strong, we should sort of control it a little bit. (The Board discussed fencing the sump on Boisseau Avenue, Southold.) (Councilman Murdock spoke to Highway Superintendent Dean relative to repair of the fence around a sump on Depot Lane, Cutchogue.) On motion of Supervisor Pelt, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that a recess be called at this time 12:45 P.M., for the purpose of discussing the Grievance Hearing of Julia E: King. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly a~Opt'ed. * * * EXECUTI~VE SESSION 12:46 P.M. - The Board discussed the pending decision in the matter of the Grievance of Julia E. King. Meeting reconvened at 12:55 P.M. On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that the following Decision be and hereby is rendered by the Town Board o'f the Town of Southotd In the Matter of the Grievance of Julia E. King, Grievant: This is a Grievance filed by Julia E. King, an enptoyee in the Assessor's Office of the Town of Southold, pursuant to ChapTer A 105 of the Southold Town Code. The Grievance was initially presented to the Chairman of the Board of Assessors, the immediate supervisor, who apparently decided that the Grievance should be decided by the Town Board and not him. The Grievance was placed before this Board and a hearing was duly held by the Town Board on December 22, 1981, at which hearing the Grievant appeared in person and by her representative, Curtis W. Horton, an officer of ~he Civil Service Employee Association. It appears from Grievant's written Grievance that the nature of the Grievance is that she contends that her "Longevity has been · ~ figured on my base salary and not my true yearly salary as the 486 DECEMBER 29, 1981 contract calls for". The remedy sought is "a review of my payroll records for the fifteen years of my employment with the Town of Southold in regard to an adjustment and compensation due me". Article VII, Section 5 of the present CSEA Contract provides for additional compensation based upon length of service of full- time Town employees. Subdivision (a) provides that employees with at least lO years but less than 15 years of service shall-receive a salary increase of 4%. SubdiviSion (b) provides that employees with at least 15 years but tess than twenty years of service shall receive a salary increase of 5%. This prevision has been ia~ all. CSEA contracts since 1969. Grievant con~nenced~employment ~ith the Town of Southold on June l, 1966, and therefore completed 10 years of service on June t, 1976 and 15 years of service on June 1, 1981. Between Grievant's lOth and 15th years of service, ~he has received a salary increase of 4%, and from her 15th year of service she has received a salary increase of 5%. The Supervisor's Office has compiled a written analysis of Grievant's salary from 1974 to June 1, 1981, which shows all salary increases paid to Grievant by virtue of the provisions of the CSEA contract, including salary raises as well as longevity payments. An examination of this analysis indicates that the method used in determining Grievant's salary is as follows: The employees salary, together with any raises (under the CSEA Contract) is first determined and to this figure is added the applicable percentage of longevity pay. Thus, on June 1, 1976 (when Grievant ffrst became entitled to longevity pay) Grievant's salary was $9,326.00 to which was added 4% or $373.04, making her total salary $9,699.04. In 1977, a salary raise of $468.00 was provided for in' the CSEA Contract. Therefore, Grievant's former salary of $9,326.00 was raised to $9,794.00 and to this was added 4% longevity pay. This method has been consistently age of longevity pay being compounded each year. This would result in an increase in pay (solely for longevity pay) over a ~ve year period (between the lOth and I5th year) of over 22 perce~nt, not the 4% specified in the Contract. A reading of the Contract provisions applicable to longevity pay in their entirety clearly indicates an intention to grant only an annual increase in salary of 4%, not an increasing percentage every year. This interoretation is further supported by the fact that the longevity clau~e was'first demanded by CSEA in its negotiations for the 1969 CSEA Contract; it first appeared in the 1969 Contract; and the method of computing longevity pay has never been questionedby CSEA for more than the 12 years of its presence in the Contract. For the above reasons, this Board determines that the Grievance is without merit and is, accordingly, dismissed. · If the Grievance were not dismissed for the reasons set forth above, the same would be required to be rejected since the subject matter of the Grievance is not a subject for Grievance since it is specifically excluded in the definition of a "Grievance" under Section A 105-1 of Chapter A 105 of the Town Code, which provides "that such term (Grievance) shall not include any matter invol~ing any employee's rate of compensation .... " Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman ~iurd0ck, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopt'ed. Supervisor Pell advised the Board he has written to the Bureau of Municipal Affairs Examinations, Office of the New York State Comptroller concerning the examination of the Town of. Southold records for the period beginning on January t, 1975 and ending on December 31, 1980, and invited their representative to come back to the Town in four months to go over what has been done to correct any of the things mentioned in the report tha~ should be corrected. He has scheduled a meeting on January 8th with the deparmment heads and will hit on the audit report with the individual~ that are mentioned in it. Hit lightly with them, and then go into a one to one basis in depth with them~ how corrections can be made, and what their recommendations are for correction. The first meeting will be January 8th at 9:00 A.M. DECEMBER 29, 1981 SUPERVISOR PELL: Anybody else have anything to bring up before we¢lose today? There is only the Town Board here but I would personally like to comment on Councilman Drum leaving us. Him and I came onboard four years ago, had a lot of-good times, a lot of heart aches together and I personally enjoyed the friendship. I never knew Hank until we got on the Board, campaign trail, we first met in Mattituck parking lot. The first time I actually shook Hank's hand. Him and I came out that election as the best two out of four. We set here for two years and the last two years having him on my right hand (on the dais), eve. fy once in a while he'd give me a nudge and sa.y, "You forEot this or forgot that". It's been a pleasure, Hank, and on behalf of the Board and the people of Southold Town, especially myself, it's been a pleasure to work with you. 489 COUNCILMAN DRU~I: Thank you, Bill, and I appreciate your comments and as I have said, it has been a privilege for me to serve on the Town Board. I've enjoyed it tremendously. I well know the responsibility that the Town Board and good luck to you. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that there being no further business to come before this Town Board meeting, adjournment be called at 1:00 P.M. Vote'of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adOpt'ed. h T. Terry Town Clerk