HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-11/10/1981408 SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD NOVEMBER t0, 1981 WORK SESSION 9:45 A.M. - Chief H. Daniel W~nters met.with the Board ..... Chief Winters reported on an a~t'omob'il'e a'ce'fdent..'i~'.-which~.'O,''John Charters was involved. He also discussed bid' for o'ne ne$ 1982 police car for ~he detective squad.' The.bid of' Hall'an with airconditioning~'is higher than that of Mu'l'l'e'n' Mot'ors, although the bid of Mullen did not specify airconditioning was included in his bid.--Later in the day Chief Winters obtained a release from Ballan, and a resolution was placed on the agenda, to award the bid to Mullen ..... 10:00 A.M. - Planning Board Chairman Henry E.' RaynOr,' Jr. met with the Board to discuss his' propos'a'I fOr~'the~ &'d'op~ion of aSouthold Town Road Map. The Town does not have an official road map and this would provide a working tool for each department of the Town. Mr. Raynor presented a design for a paper road extension of Sound- view Avenue from Mattituck to Henry's Lane, Peconic. If such a proposal is adopted, the Planning Board would rework the cluster development plan for the Town to provide developmen~ in the area of the proposed Soundview Avenue Extension, leaving a greenbelt area southerly to Route 48. Mr. Raynor stated that East Hampton and Southampton have both gone to mandatory cluster.--To further pursue this proposal, the Town Board will meet with the Planning Board au 8:30 A.M., December l, 1981. 10:35 A~.M. - Town Engineer Lawrence Tuthill met with the Board to discuss the flood plain map and reviewed the preliminary Wave Height Study recently received by the Town. 11:00 A.M. - Robert Brown of Sunrise Coach Lines, Inc. spoke to the Town Board relative to an order received by his company, from the New York Sta~e Department of Transportation, to cease bus service from Southold Town to New York City. He said this service was started when the Long Island Railroad Bus service was cut back and it has been very successful. Mr. Brown would like a letter from the Town Board supporting the service.--A resolution was placed on the agenda in support of the Town of Southotd to New York City service provided by the Sunrise Coach Lines, Inc. 11:05 A.M. - ~im McMahon and Gina Bucci, Southold Town Delinquency Diversion and Prevention Program, met with the Town Board. Mr. McMahon updated the Board on the Community Service Sentencing Program. They have currently passed the 1000 hour mark and have had eight youthful offenderS and four adults in the program. Mr. NcMahon advised the Board they should look at the possibility of expanding the recreational facilities and development of a Recreational Department in the Town of Southold. He suggested a committee of the Town Board look into the feasibility of explanding the facilities and appointing a recreational director. Mr. McMahon would be willing to look into funding from sources other than the Town. 11:30 A.M. - Paul Fink of.~P~n Tech Management Corp. and Brian Clare of Pan Tech Energy Systems met with the Board to discuss the bids for weatherization of the Senior/Youth Center. On November 9th, at the bid opening, only. one bid was received for #1001-01-R - foamed in place wall insulation. No bids were received for #1001-02-R - fiberglass ceiling insulation - rearrangement and addition to, or #1001-03-R - weatherstripping, caulking, insulated window shades. The Board plans to award the bid to Jolt Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Federal Conservation Group for #1001-01-R. Mr. Fink stated he has obtained an unofficial quote from Robert Johnsen on #02 in the amount of $1850.00 and #03 for $4800.00. He has an NOVEMBER 10, 1981 409 original bid from J. P. Hunter Co. for #02 in the amount of $3600.00. Mr. Fink also advised the Board that Pan Tech had originally quoted a price of $1800.00 for installation of ceiling fans, however.,?,now ~he figure has increased to $3,000.00. He will meet-with someone else later in the day to discuss their price for ceiling fans. The Board'decided to accept the bid of J. P. Hunter Co. for ~he ceiling insulation in the amount of $3600.00. However, Councilman Murdock expressed his anger with the highly increased costs for each part of the weatherization job. He said he will withdraw his vote for all'of the work. The original quote by Pan Tech for the entire job was to be approximately $9,000.00. Now the cost has risen to approximately $17,000.00; Mr. Fink was instructed to look into the costs further and report back to the Board later in the afternoon. Councilman Nickles instructed Mr. Fink to give Southold Town top priority and resolve all problems concerning the project this week. The Town..had be~n promised by Pan Tech that the entire project would be completed bF'November 30th. Mr. Fink also discussed a proposed resolution for today's agenda, authorizihg Supervisor Pell to execute an agreement with Suffolk County and European American Bank and Trust Company, which wilt provide for an initial deposit of $14,720.00 of the Town's fiscal year 1981Commufiity Development Funds into an account with that bank. * * * *3:50 P.M. - Mr. Fink, Mr. Clare, and Mr. David Graham~ President of Pan Tech Management Corp., as well as Mr. Lyle Meredith, Clerk of the Works for the weatherization project, met with the Board. Mr. Graham stated they have found the firm of Contemporary Energy Systems of St. James to install the ceiling fans at the Center for $1950.OO and the work will be accomplished by NoVember 20th.--Councilman~Mu~dock restated his dissatisfaction with what has been accomplished to date by Pan Teeh.--Mr. Graham recommended that the Board accept the bid of Jolt Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Federal Conservation Group for the foam insulation in the wall cavities and "I" beam cavities. He recommended J. P. Hunter Co. for the insulation - rearrangement and addition to - in the ceiling. He recommended that the weatherstripping, caulking and window quilts be split between three separate contractors. He is not satisfied with the quotation of $4800.00 from Robert Johnsen. Supervisor Pell request Mr. Meredith to contact Ed Bunce, Cutchogue for a quotation to do the caulking and weatherstripping. Pan Tech will contact Frank.Kujawski for the window quilt portion of the job. Mr. Grant advised the Board he would like to talk to the general contract of the senior/youth building, Strathmore, to endeavor to have roof, which leaks, repaired. At the present time Pan Tech is having difficulty contacting Strathmore, and perhaps it will be necessary to have a letter sent directly from the Supervisor. 12:40 P.M. - Recess for lunch. 1:55 P.M. - Work Session reconvene~, and the Board began reviewing the agenda. EXECUTIVE SESSION 2:20 P.M. - Discussed Southold Town Youth Projection, Inc. and the Senior/Youth Recreation Center. WORK SESSION 2:45 P.M. - Continued reviewing the agenda. 3:15 P.M. - Building Inspector George Fisher and Henry Moisa, Secretary, Southold Town Fire District Officers Association were requested to meet with the Board to discuss the Assistant Inspectors under the Southold Town Fire Code. Councilman Nickles said he was under the impression the Building Department had set up a system whereby the Assistant Inspectors wo.uld survey a building and the Building, ~Department. would make a determination of what is wrong and get compliance and the Inspectors can re:inspect to see that they remain in compliance. Mr. Fisher stated h~ has not given 410 NOVEMBER 10, 1981 all the necessary papers to a couple of the fire districts, but the ones he has given the necessary papers to havenot turned in reports. The Board found it curious that it would be necessary for Mr, Fisher to submit floor plans ofall the public assembly buildings in each fire district to the Inspectors. They should be able to prepare a drawing of their own, and know which buildings are used for public assembly without being told by the Building Department.--Mr. Fisher was instructed to obtain copies of the Public Assembly portion of the Fire Code for the Assistant Inspectors and call a meeting with Councilman Nickles and Councilman Drum as soon as possible. 3:30 P.M. - The Board resumed reviewing the agenda. Discussion was held relative to 1982 projections for various departments. The Board would like to start with a meeting with the Board of Assessors in early December to discuss their 1982 projections. (Meeting with P~n Tech Management at 3:50 P.M. - noted earlier in the work session.) 4:40 P.M. - Supervisor Pell a~ked the Board if they are ready to adopt the Preliminary Budget? Councilman Nickles and Murphy said they were. Councilman Drum said he would recommend that due to the fact the workload of the Councilmen has increased since Supervisor Pell has been Supervisor, and the Councilmen hav'e not received a salary increase, the salary of the Supervisor should be cut by $5,000.00 and $2:,000.00 of that amount be put in1 the Contingency Account.---Councilman Murdock said he could not agree to such a cut in the salary 0f the Supervisor. If the Town is ever going to get younger people interested in Town government, the salaries must be in .comparison to private industry. Councilman Murdock did state he would like to See $2i000.00 put into Contingency Account. (The Contingencv Acc6~nt was:n~t increased. Councilman Drum said he would make his statement concernin:g the SUpervisor's Salary at the publicmeeting.) Councilman'Murdock stated that two years ag~'!the~'~w~S ~iscussion relative to an exercise room in the basemen~!~f;~'P~lf~e- Headquarters for the PBA. He would like to see it instituted~ now thcS.the 1981 budget is in surplus, with Perhaps matching funds by the DBA.--- Councilman Nickles advised that the Police Commi%tee did give,it consideration at the time, but it was not recommended. 5:05 P.M. - Work Session adjourned. * * A regular meeting of the Southold Town Board was held on Tuesday, November 10, 1981 at the S0uthold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Supervisor Pell opened the meeting at 7:30 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: Supervisor William R. Pell, III Councilman Henry W. Drum Councilman John J. Nickles Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman Francis J. Murphy * * * Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker Absent: Justice Francis T. Doyen On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Nicktes, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the October 20, 1981 Regular ~e~ting of the Southold Town Board, and'October 23, 1981, October 27, 1981 and November 5, 1981 Speciai Meetings of t~e Southold Town Board be and hereby are approved as submitted. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy~ Councilm~n Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded, by Councilman Drum, it w~s RESOLVED that the following audited bills be and hereby are approved General Fund Whole Town bills in the amount of 741.10; General Fund Part Town bills in the amount of $16, ; .... ills in the amount of $26,033.37 NOVEMBER 10, 1981 411 ment medicare reimbnrsement ~b~~he, o~nt of $2,324.96, Fishers Island Ferry Distr~t bills in the amount of $2t,915.14; F~shers Island Capitol Project bills in the amount of $1,000.00; G~neral Fund Whole Town medicare reimbursement bills in the amount of $2,657.60; General Fund Part Town medicare reimbursement bills in the amount of $1,164.20; Federal Revenue Sharing Fund bills in the amount of $$1,652.08; New Suffolk Avenue Improvement Program bills in the amount of $85.17; Delinquency Diversion and Prevention Program bills in the amount of $362.30. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board will be held at 3:00 P.M., November 24, 1981 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road~ Southold, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolutions, was declared duly adopted. I. REPORTS - SUPERVISOR PELL: These reports will be placed on file in ihe Town Clerk's Office for anybody wishing to read them can do so at the Town Clerk's Office. We will accept these reports at this time. 1. Supervisor's monthly report (October 1981). 2. Town Clerk's monthly report (October 1981). 3. Building Department's monthly report (October 1981). 4. North Fork Animal League's monthly report (October 1981). 5. Board of Trustee's monthly report (October 1981). 6. Assessor's monthly report (October 1981). 7. Fishers Island Ferry District.'s monthly report (October 1981). 8. Highway Department's, Mr. Dean's monthly report (October 1981). 9. Town Justice .Tedeschi's;monthty report (October 1981). 10. Police Department's monthly report (October 1981). 11. Councilmen report, Any Councilmen have anything they would like to report. CounCilman Murdock? COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: As you know, Bill, we had a combined meeting with Riverhead Town Board relative to our landfill. We have a Draft Environmental Impact Statement in Stony Brook and we are attempting to set up a meeting with the Greenport Village Board pertaining to bringing waste water down to our facility in Cutchogue. These two meetings and the Draft Environmental Impact Statement I think are going to go a long way towards helping us solve our problem and next Tuesdayis a seminar on capping landfills and I intend to go and I was out of the room when I discussed it this morning so I don't know if anybody else plans to go. I certainly recommend that seminar to anybody on the Board who can come. Thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: Larry, as we said this morning, hope the meeting between H2M, Greenport ~nd Southold Town will be sometime next week. We have a suggested date, I just have to. have it cleared with HtM. Councilman Drum? (I have nothing to report.) Councilman Nickles? (Nothing.) Councilman Murphy? COUNCILMAN MURPHY: I will go to that meeting and just on the Street Light Committee. we've had bids go out and Councilman Drum and myself would like to sit down and analyze and discuss some potential problems that we'd like to avoid on the bid before we accept them. That's it. SUPERVISOR PELL: The Supervisor has nothing exciting to report at this time, except I did receive a phone call yesterday from the Long Island Railroad and they had tentatively agreed and were supposed to call back today. I forget the lady's name that called, I-have it inside, saying that they are willing to come out to Southotd and hold an information meeting here and explain the whys and wherefores. She had to get two other people to clear the date with so three of them would be coming out here very soon. She did not call today, So I presume she will call at the end of the week. So that is in progress. ~412 NOVEMBER 10, 1981 II. PUBLIC NOTICES - COUNCILMAN NICKLES: We have four notices tonight. 1. From the New York State Department of Conservation. It is a hearing on the application of Rudolph DeHaan to subdivide 74,800 sq. ft. parcel into two lots. This is located in the Cedar Beach area and the hearing is to be held at t0:00 A.M. December 2nd at the Town Hall. ' 2. From the New York State Department of Conservation. Applica- tion of Matt-A-Mar Marina to install 4 floating docks with tees. Public hearings to be held 10:00 A.M., December 3rd at the Town Hall. 3. From the New York District, Corps of Engineers. Applica- tion by the-Suffolk County DePartment of Public Works to construct dock, bulkhead and dredge with beach disposal and repair an existing bulkhead in the Greenport Harbor, which ~s the Railroad Dock. Written comments by November 30th. 4. Also f~om the Corps of Engineers. Application of Stephen Shilowitz to excavate, place fill and install floating piers , new bulkhead and re~lace an existing bulkhead. Comments bv November 27th. All four of these notices are with the Town Clerk. ..III. COmmUNICATIONS - SUPERVISOR FELL: 1. The first one is a reply to one we sent in regards to Grumman being taken-over by LTV. Our Congressman (William Carney) saying that he supports the Town Board in trying to prevent the take-over. 2. & 3. Both from the Southotd Town Baymen's ASsociation_ in relation to the activities of the Bay and seed claming program. 4. The North Fork Animal League was inspected~ who run the Pound for the Town of Sou, hold under a contract. ~' The ~ate come out and went through the Town and their record k~8~i~ng ~ they got very good marks all the~ way. through.:' On t0~that ~ey came to the ~own Hall and visited t~e Town I believe she got a--if possible--Il0%. She said~ she got 100% in it but we kidder her today, is that all she got? ~She got a .~erfect score. I think both departments deserve well dGne. The~rth Fork Animal League and our Town Clerk. COUNCIL~N DRUM: Well done, Judy. 5. From the' D'i's'tr'ict Attorney's Office commending some of the individuals in our police force in the work they did on the sinking of the Karen E. As you most know, our police of:ficers did assist in the search for the boat. Our Sou, hold Town Police Boast was on television one night along with a couple of our officers. ~The letter will be passed on to the police personnel. 6. From CooperatiVe' Extension of CornblI Un~iVe'rsit;~ They are having an AdvisOry 'Committee formed to work on ~he' ~ter problems out here and they ask somebody to attend the meeting °n ~o~vem~er 18th and Councilman Murphy has volunteered to attend it. So he will represent the Town and I will so inform them. IV. HEARINGS We have none tonight. V. RESOLUTIONS On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Sou, hold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the. project, which is unlisted, will not have a significant effect~ on the environment. Description of Action: Southold Town project for the rePair'and extension of bulkhead and dredging at Gull Pond, Greenport, New York. The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment for'the following reasons: An environmental assessment has been submitted which indicated that no significant adverse effect to the environment are tikely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, it is assumed Shat there is no objection nor comments by that agency. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Petl resolution was declared duly adopted. ' NOVEMBER 10, 1981 413 On motion of Counc~man Murph~/,-s~o~nded by Councilman Ntckles, it was RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 'of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project, which is unlisted, will not have a S~gn'ificant effect On the environment. Description of Action: Application of Char'les DeLuc~ NO. 75 for a wetland permit for permission to construct catwalk, ramp, and floats on his property located at east side of Wells Road, Richmond Creek, Peconic, New York. The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: An environmental assessment has been submitted which indicated that no significant adverse effect to the environment are likely to occur should th? project be implemented as planned. - Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, it is assumed that there is no objection nor comments by that agency. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: COuncilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nicktes, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality 'Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, as lead agency for the action described below has determined that the project, which is unlisted, Will 'nO't' have a signifiC'ant effeC~ On the environment. Description of Action: Application of Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of Fred Cowan for a wetland permit for permission to construct an open piling dock, ramp, floating dock, catwalk ramp at Fox Hollow Road, Mapes Creek off Mattituck Creek, Mattituck, New York. ~ The project has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment for the following reasons: An environmental assessment has been submitted which indicated that no significant adverse effect to the environment are likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, it is assumed that there, is no objection nor comments by that agency. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdo~k, it was RESOLVED that pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law State Environmental Quality Review and 6NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.10 and Chapter 44 of the Code of the Town of Southold, notice is hereby given that the Southold Town Board, as lead agency for the action described below, has determined that the project, which is unlisted, will not 'have a significant effect on the environment. Description of Action: Application of Richard W. Seelig,no. 74 for a wetland permit for permission to construct 94 fee~ of bulkhead along the eastern edge of his property located at east side of Stillwater Avenue, on East Creek, Cutchogue, New York. The projec~ has been determined not to have a significant effect on the environmen~ for the following reasons: An environmental assessment has been submitted which indicated that no significant adverse effect on the environment are likely to occur should the project be implemented as planned. Because there has been no response in the allotted time from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, it is assumed that there is no objection nor comments by that agency. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilm~n Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 5. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of M. S. Levison for a wetland permit on certain property located on private canal off Southold Bay at Abacore Drive, Southotd Shores, Southold, New York. ~ ,, Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman ~ '~/~Murdock, Councilman Nickle~, Councilman Drum, ~u~rvisOr Pell '3~ ~?lThlS resolution was declared duly adooted. NOVEMBER 10, 1981 On motion of Councitman.Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the sale of scrap metal and paper from the Southold Town Landfill Site a~ Cuichogue,' New York. Bid opening at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York at 10:00 A.M., Friday, November 27, 1981. Specifications and form of proposal may be obtained from the Southold Town Clerk. Bids will be accepted for one year, with alternate of three years. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 7. On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Petl, III be and he hereby is authorized and directed To execute a lease agreement between Agnes Reinhart and the Town of Southotd for the lease of a forty foot by forty foot concrete block building, 1000 feet east to Peconic Lane, in~ Peconic, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, on State Route 25, ~or storage of Highway equipment, for the term of December 1, 1981 through November 30, '1982, at the annual rent of $2,400,00 to be paid quarterly as follows: $600.00 on the execution of the lease, $600.00 on the first days of March, June and September,. 1982. ~ Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 10. ll. 12. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold transfer the sum of $1,825.00 from General Fund Whole Town A9901.9 - Transfer to Other Funds, to A7320.3 - Joint Youth, Contractual, ~o appropriate monies for the Town of Southold Division of Youth. Projeq~ion, 'Inc. Vote of the Town BOard: Ayes: Councilman Murphy/:Coun~i~man'- Murdock, Councilman Nickles,.Councilman Drum, SuPerVisor ~el&~ This resolution w~s declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR DELL: Number 9 we crossed off the ~ do not need it at this time. Move for a two year term. ~ On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by cilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold reeon~ne'nds to Ronald Buckingham, Director of Fire Safety. for the county of Suffolk, the names of William CoUlter, Greenp0rt, N.Y., George Lessard, Mattituck, N.Y., A. John Gada, Jr., Fishers Is!a~d,~New York, Leander Glover, Jr., Cutchobue, N.Y., and James Wa!l, Fishers Island, N.Y. as De'DutY Fire' Coordinators for the' 8-~h Division in the Town of Southold, 'as recommended by the Southold Town Ff~e Chiefs Council. Two (2) year appointment commencing January 1,' i982. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anybody care to explain that to the people? These Fire Coordinators will work when there is mutual aid, when like Greenport calls Southold down to help ~hem or Cutchogue comes down and covers Southold, that is when they work, on a mutual aid fire, when more than one department calls in outside help. They coordinate the rest of the Town and in the fire itself. On motion of Councilman Murphy~ seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Board declare itself lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Strong's Marine Center for a wetland permit on certain property located off Camp Mineola Road, on James Creek, Mattituck, New York. Vote of the Town Boardl Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, SUpervisor Dell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED-that the Town Board of the Town of Southold grants William P. Ruland a renewal permit for location of a si'ngte family trai~er for one farm laborer at his proper~y on the corner Df Route 25 and Mill Lane, Mattituck, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman ~k, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll. n was declared duly adopted. NOVEMBER 10, 1981 ~. 415 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, WHEREAS, a petition was received from Stephen Shilowitz requesting a change of zone on certain property at Greenport, New York, said petition for a change of zone from "C" Light Industrial District to "M" Light MultiPle Residence Distrcz, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold be and sh~ hereby is directed to transmit this applicatio~'tO the Planninl Board in accordance with Article XV, Section 100-150 (b) of th, Code of the Town of Southold. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Abstain: "~Superv Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: I am going to abstain on these two. This gentleman is a yery close and personal friend, family friend, mine. I will aUstain. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, : RESOLVED that the S°uthold Town Board' declare 'itself' lea'd age'm in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of 'the application' of' Stephen ShiloWitz 'for a Change of zone from "C" Light Industrial District to "M" Light Multiple Residence District on certain property located on the west sic of Sixth Street, on Peconic Bay, Greenporz, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum. Abstain: Superx Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion o4 Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold appoint J~ Dors as a p~rt-time Clerk Typist in the Building Department, e: November 5, 1981 through February 5, 1982, 30 hours per week, $4.50 per hour. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On mozion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold appoint J. L. Richter to the position of Senior Account Clerk, from the S 18. Counzy Department of Civil Service Eligible List, effective i~ at her present salary. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, ~upervis0r P~l. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Drum, i RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby gr George A. McCarthy a renewal permit for location of a single f trailer on his property on private road off south side Main Ro Laurel, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, RESOLVED that the SoUthOld Town Board declaEe itself Iead age] in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act in the matter of the application of Enconsultants, Inc., 'for SaI McCa for a wetland permit on certain property located at Fox Hollow on Mattituck Creek, Mattituck, New York. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 19(a) is out. We do not have to tran funds. So we will do 19(b). 19. On motion ~f Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy (b) RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold~hereby authorizes the paymenv of voucher in the amount of $500.00 for Raymond Cleaves Post #861, American Legion, Mattituck, New Yor for Memorial Day parade expenses. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Poll. ;ion was declared duly adopted. sor ~f .t was ~Y [sor it was ~an ~fective ~t .t was )an ~ffo lk aed iat el y, was ~nts ~mily ~d, it was zy rthy Road, sfer it was /~4;~:.~::,-.~?/~i~~ . -. 416 NOVEMBER 10, 1981 20. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by CounCilman Dr~m, WHEREAS, Frank Frankola applied to the SOuthold Town Board for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated September 15, 1981, and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the.Southold Town Trustees and the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the Town Board with respect to said application on the 5th day of November, 1981, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard,. now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that Frank Frankola be GRANTED permission under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold to construct 212 feet of timber bulkhead and backfill with no more than 150 yards of bankrun sand from upland source at his property on Glenn Road, within the dredged boat basin off Goose Creek, Southold, New Y~rk. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Counci-tman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Fell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 21. On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nickles, WHEREAS, Richard W. Seelig applied to the South0td Town Board for a permit under the provisions of the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated September 25. 1981, and WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Trustees and Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council for their findings and recommendations, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was hetd by the Town Board with respect to said application on the 5th day of November, 1981, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that Richard W. Seelig be GRANTED permisSiOn Un'~er tha provisions of the Wetland O'rdin'ance of the ToWn of' 'South~ to construct 94 feet of bulkheading along the eastern edge of his property located at the east. side of Stitlwater Avenue, o~ East Creek, Cutchogue, New York. ~-~. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Counc!~n Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Fell ....... This resolution was declared duly adopted. ~ 22. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the 'tranSfer 'of 'the 'following fUnds within the 1981 Fishers Island Ferry Dis'trict Budget: From: NYS Retirement ....... $460.78 To: Hospitalization ...... $460.78 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Petl. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 23. (a) On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the establishment of a Capital Projects Fund in the Fishers Island Ferry District 1981 Budget for the New York State Department of Transportation Grant for dock repairs at Fishers Island. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 23. (b) On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the following transfer within the Fishers Island Ferry District 1981 Budget: From: Airport ............ $10,000.00 To: Capital Project .... $10,000.00 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 24 is out. We are not ready to act upon it at this time. Number 25 (out) the Town Board has decided, to wait two-weeks before making the appointment. We hope to make it in two weeks, the next time we meet. NOVEMBER 10, 1981 417 26. 27. On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the following individuals be and hereby are reap~oointed Assistant Inspectors under the Southold Town Fire Code, effect'ive September 9, 1981 through September 9, 1982: Elbert E. Luce, Jr. - Orient Fire Department Joseph Vandernoth - East Marion Fire Department Fred J. Rempe, Jr. - Greenport Fire Department Frederick E. Weber - Southold Fire Department James R. Fogarty - Cutchogue Fire Department John C. Harrison - Mattituck Fire Department Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman MUrdoek, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Petl. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy, WHEREAS, Willia~ Tsigakos and Peter Brountzas, by application dated August 18, 1981~;petitioned the Town Board of the Town of Southotd for a change of zone on certain property situated at Greenport, New York, from "A" .Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business District, and WHEREAS, the said petition was referred to the Southold Town Plan- ning Board and Suffolk County Department of Planning for official recommendation and report, a~d WHEREAS, the Town Board, pursuant to due notice, held a public hear:ing thereon on the 5th day of November, 1981, at 8:00 P.M., at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that William Tsigakos and Peter Brountzas be and hereby are DENIED a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "B" Light Business ~:istrict on their property situated at Greenport, New York, and more particularly bounded and described a s follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of the North Road at a locust post and running thence along the southerly side of the said North Road North 78° 06' 30" East 73.50 feet to the monument at a pointowhere the North Road intersects Main Street; thence Sbuth 57 57' 20" East 46.27 feet to a granite marker on the westerly side of Main Street; at the northeasterly corner of land of Carl Hencket; thence, South 67° 40' 20" West 101.85 feet along land of Carl Henckel to a concrete marker and land of Herbert Fordham; thence along land of said Herbert Fordham North 19° 23' 30" West 50.99 feet to the point or place of beginning. Said relief demanded in said petition is denied for the following reasons as set forth by the Suffolk County Department of Planning and Southold Town Planning Board, to wit: ~- Suffolk County Department of Planning: 1. It constitutes the unwarranted further perpetuation of strip business zoning along North Road and Main Street. 2. It would tend to establish a precedent for further downzonings along North Road and Main Street. 3. There appears to be ample available business zoned land in the locale. 4. It would tend to impede vehicular circulation patterns at the intersection of the adjoining roadways adversely affecting the safety and traffic c~rrying capacity of said facilities. 5. Premises does not comply with the lot area requirement in the "B" Business District. 6. It is inconsistent with the Town of Southold Development Plan which designates this area for wetland purposes. Southold Town Planning Board: 1. The lot is severely under the required use ~or the property zoning change. It is less than 20% of the required area. 2. It would be hazardous for the business operations in regard to traffic flow. 3. The configuration does not comply with good zoning practices because it is too small. 4. This Board is very doubtful that the New York State or Suffolk County would give cub cuts for ingress or egress, as it would cause severe traffic hazards at the intersection. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Petl. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 28 we are going to place on the agenda again. We are not ready to act upon it. It will be put on 11/24 agenda. 418 NOVEMBER 10, 1981 29. 30. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman ~rdock,: it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the bid of Mullen Motors, Inc.i for one 1982 Plymouth Gran FUry four sedan, with Trade-in of three Town owned vehicles (less special equipment on said cars such as shortwave radios, electronic PA/Siren units, fire extinguishers, etc.) at a price of $7540.00. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Moved by Councilman Murdock, secon'ded by' Councilman Murphy', WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold, New York has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearings on the preliminary budget and intended use of federal revenue sharing funds for the fiscal year beginning on January. l, 198'2, - and he~rd all pgrs°ns desiring'to be heard thereon, now, therefore, be it ~ ' RESOLVED that t~e Town Board of lhe Town of Southotd does hereby adopt such pretXminary budget as the annual budget of this Town fo~the fiscal'year beginning On the 1st day of January, 1982, a~; that such budget as so adopted by this Board be entered in detail in the minute~ of the proceedings of-this TowmBoard, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold shall prepare and certify, in duplicate, copies of said annual budget as adopted by the Tow~ Board of the T°wn 0f Southold, together with the estimates, if any, adopted pursuant, to Secti°n 202a, Subdivision 4 of the Town Law, and deliver two copies thereof to the SuperviSor of this Town to be presented by him to the County Legislature of the County of Suffolk. TOWN BUDGET FOR 1982 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD IN COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Villages Within or Partly Within Town - CODE DR DB FUND APPROPRIATIONS LESS EST.IMATED REVENUES LESS UNEXPENDED A~OUNT TO BE~ BALANCE RAISED BYTAX General $1,436,231.00 $397,250.00 $95,000.00 $943,9~t.00 General Outside Village $1,841,113.00 $234,250[00 $135,000.00 $!,471,863.00 Highway Repairs & Improvements $858,674.00' $I26,974.00 $65,000.00 $666,700.00 Bridges $2,518.44 $2,518.44 DM Machinery DS Snow & Misc. CD C~mmu~ity ' ~eveiopment CF Federal Revenue Sharing $3~0;625.00 ~ $32,500.00 $20,000.00 ~ $268,125.00 $t56,800.00 $17,500.00 . $50',000.00 $89,300.00 $220,526.00 $220~526.00 $139,000.00. $125,000.0Q $14,000.00 ' S SPECIAL DISTRICTS Fishers Island Ferry District $~01,g05.00 $506,500.00 Southold Park Dist. Cutchogue-NewSuffolk Park District $24,200.00 ~ Mattituck Park Dist. $79,780.00 ~ O ~ie~t-East Marion FaPE D~s~ric~ $11,700.00 Fishers Island Garbage&Refuse Dist.$80,900.O0 Orient Mosquito Dist.$10,000.00 Greenpo~t West Water ~istrict $21,046.00 Greenport East-Wes~ · Fire DistriCt ~ $52,370.00 BaYside Terrace_Road_ noaa-imp:rovemn~D~st.$1,967.20 $354,405.00 $t55,000:00 $37,500.~0 $9,~379.77 $14,820.23 $2/080.00 $77;700.00 $~1,700.00 $5,000.00 $ 5,90o: 00 $1Q, ooo.oo $2~,046~00 $~80.00 $51,590.00 $1,96y~20 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET Bq~GET ADOPTED & ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET~ 1980 1981 1982 1982 TOWN BOARD Personal Services Al010.1 $34,281.91 $34,500.00 $34,500.00 $34,500.00 Equipment Al010.2 $590.50 -0- Contractual Exp. A1010.4 ~12,075.60 7,000.00 $9,000.00 $7,000.00 TOTAL $46,948.01 $41,500.00 $43 500.00 $41,5'00.00 JUSTICES ' Personal Services Alll0.1 Equipment All10.2 Contractual Exp. AtI10.4 TOTAL SUPERVISOR ~ Personal Services Al~20.1 Equipment . A1220.2 C6ntractual Exp. A1220.4 TOTAL INDEPENDENT AUDITING AND ACCOUN'£1a~+ A1320.4 TAX COLLECTION Personal Services A1330.1 Equipmen~ A1330.2 Contractual Exp. A1330.4 TOTAL ASSESSORS Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL ~ TOWN CLERK ~eI-~ol~a± ~rvices Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL ATTORNEY Personal Services A1420.1 Contractual Exp. A1420.'4 TOTAL $4I~528.tl $787.50 $7,385.61 $~9,701.22 $47,260.00 $50.000.00 $50.000.00 $800.00 $800.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $6,000.00 $51,260.00 $54,800.00 $56,800.00 - ~ $58.686.33 $62,000.00 $74;000.00 $74,000.00 ~' $593,55 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $6,177.14 $5,000.00 $5,000~00 $5,000.00 $65,457.02 $68,000.00 $80,000.00 $80,000.00 $2,362.50 $3,550.00 $4,000.00 $20,698.58 $22,600.00 500.00 $11,773.57 $12,600.00 $32,472.15 $35,700.00 $22,600.00 $1,000.00 $13,400.00 $37,000.00 A1355.1 $82,644.82 $88.700.00 $97.300.00 A1355.2 $67.58 $500.00 $500.00 A1355.4 $5,369.88 $7,000.00 $18,150.00 $88,082.28 $96 $4,000.00 $23,700.00 $1,500.00 13,400.00 $38,600.00 $102,~60.00 $5OO.00 $20,150.00 ,200.00 $115,950.00 $123,110.00 Al410.1 $30,092.16 $32,000.00 A1410.2 $556~81 141,000.00 Al410.4 $3,703.22 ,000.00 $34,352.19 $37,000.00 $21,499.92 $22,800.00 $20,442.62 $22,240.00 $41,942.54 $45,040.00 ENGINEER Contractual Exp. A1440.4 $1,378.00 $2,500.00 $39,500.00 $41,830.00 $1 ooo.oo $1,ooo.oo $51ooo.oo $5,ooo oo $45,500.00 $47,830.00 PUBLIC WORKS ADM±~±~TRA'£ION A1490.1 TOTAL BUILDINGS Personal Services A1620.1 Equipment A1620.2 Contractual Exp. A1620.4 TOTAL $22,800.00 $25,155.00 $22,240.00 $19,250.00 $45,040.00 $44,405.00 CENTRAL DATA · PROCESSING -~contractual Exp. TOTAL $2,500.00 $:2-; 500. 00 $3~000.00 $3,000.00 $12,936.58 $83,163.57 $96,100.15 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $21,400.00 $25,500.00 $37,500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $82,000.00 $85,000.00 $85,000.00 $103,900.00 $t11.~O00.00 $123,000.00 A1680.4 $11,040.30 $13,000.00 $7,000.00 $11,040.30 $13,000.00 $7,000.00 SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Ins. At910.4 Municipal Assn. Due~1920.4 Contingent Acct. A1990.4 TOTAL TOTAL GENERAL GOVT. SUPPORT A1999.0 $7,000.00 $7,0O0.O0 $54,616.97 $400.00 $55,016.97 $65,000.00 $60,000.00 $400.00 $9,894.42 $75,294.42 $575,944.42 $60,000.00 $600.00 $600.00 $50,000.00 $10,000.00 $110,600.00 $70,600.00 $659,890.00 $642,345.00 420 NOVEMBER 10, 1981 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED & ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET 1980 1981 1982 1982 PUBLIC SAFETY. ADMINISTRATION Contractual Exp. ' A3OlO.4 Communications A3020.4 PUBLIC SAFETY $950.00 $950.oo i . POLICE AND CONSTABLE Personal Services A3120.1 Contractual Exp. A3120.4 TOTAL A3120.4 TRAFFIC CONTROL ~ Contractual Exp. A33!0~4 TOTAL ~. CONTROL OF DOGS ~ Personal Services A35i0.1 Equipment A3510.2 Contractual Exp. A3510.4 TOTAL EXAMINING BOARDS Contrac~ua~ Exp. TOTAL CIVIL DEFENSE Contractual Exp. TOTAL $35,239.00 $37,000.00 -$37,000.00 $37,000.00 457.13 600.00 600.00 600.00 $35,696.33 $37,600.00 $37,600.00 $37,600.00 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE O~'~'tCER Personal Services TOTAL $7,869.51 $7,869.51 $6~432.02 $18,820.41 $25,252.43 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY $6,OO0.OO $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.'00 $6,000.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $29,50.0.00 $32,000.00532,000.00 $30,000.00 $32,500.00 $32,500.00 A36t0.4 $!,500.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $100.86 $400.00 $100.86 $400.00 A3660.1 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 $400.00 1,200.00 $1,200.00 600.00 $600.00 1,200.00 $1:,200.00 $600.00 $600.00 $71,619.13 $78,t50.00 $791 00.00 79,1.00..00 PUBLIC HEALTH,OTHER Contractual Exp. TOTAL NARCOTIC GUIDANCE 'COU~Ci~ Contractual Exp. TOTAL A4050.4 A4210.4 HEALTK $2,750.00 $2,750.00 $375~00 $375.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,OOO.O0 TOTAL HEALTH $3,125.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS Personal Services TOTAL STREET LIGHTING DFF STREET PARKING Personal Services Contractual Exp, TOTAL i tOTAL TRANSPORTATION 3ETA (TITLE 2) Personal Services Fringe Benefits TOTAL TRANSPORTATION A5010.1 $59,834.64 $64,000.00 $67,600.00 $72,050.00 $59,834.64 $64,000.00 $67,600.00 $72,050.00 A5182.4 $74,520.26 $70,000.00 $75,000.00 $80,000.00 A5650.1 A5650.4 $7,700.00 $8,000.00 $2,271~53 $1,500.00 $9,971:53 $9,500.00 $144,326.43 $143,500.00 $8,;000.00 $8,000.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $9,500.00 $9,500~00 $152,1oo. oo $161,55o. oo ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY A6220.1 $4,054.94 $6,000.00 ~1,900.00 A6~0.8 $4,054..94 7,900.00 ?UBLICITY 2ont ractual A6410.4 $2,000.00 $3,600.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 ¢~TERANS SER ~ICES 2ontractual Exp. A6510.4 $600.00 $1,200.00 $I,200.00 $1,200.00 NOVEMBER 10, 1981 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET L~ST AS YEAR AMENDED 1980 1981 PROGRAMS FOR AGING Personal Services A6772.1 Equipment A6772.2 Contractual Exp. A6772.4 TOTAL TOTAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY $2,625.00 $2,303.94 $4,928.94 $4,625.00 $tl,000.00 $2,5OO.0O $18,125.00 $11,583.88 $30,825.00 CULTURE 'i RECREATION RECREATION AND -ADMINISTRATION Contractual Exp. TOTAL ~ PARKS Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL BEACH AND POOL Personal Services A7230.1 Equipment A7230.2 Contractual Exp. A7230.4 TOTAL JOINT YOUTH PROJECT Contractual Exp. A7320.4 LIBRARY Contractual Exp? A7020.4512,000.00 $15,000.00 A711o.1 A7t10.2 A7110.4 $10,OO0.00 $12.000.00 $199.95 $600.00 $3,308.10 $4,000.00 $13,508.05 $16,600.00 $28,884.09 $38,000.00 $1,000.00 $9,56?.70 $10,000.00 $38,451.79 $49',000.00 $5,486.13~ $8,000.00 A7410.4 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 BUDGET OFFICERS TENTATIyE BUDGET 1982 $18,800.00 $4;8oo.oo $23,600.00 $28,800.00 $12,000..00 $15,000..00 . $60O.00 '$4,000.00 $t9,600.00 $38,000.00 $1,000.00 12,000.00 51,000.00 $9,000.00 $50,000.00 421 ADOPTED & PRE~ LIMINARY BUDGET '1982' $18,800.00 $4,800.00 $23,600;00 $28,800..00 $12,000.00 · $15,000.00 , $600,00 . $4,000.00 $19,600.00 $35,000.00 Sz,ooo.oo 12,000.00 48,000.00 $11,000.00 $50,000.00 HISTORIAN Personal Services Equipment Contractual Exp. TOTAL A7510.1 $2,700.00 A7510,2 A7510.4 $5,599.33 $8,299.33 $2,900.00 $5,6O0.00 $8,5O0.O0 $2,900.00 $400.00 $5,600..00 $8,900.00 $3,200.00 $400.00 $9,700.OO $13,300.00 HISTORICAL PROPERTY Contractual Exp. A7520,4 $1,000.00 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 $t,200.00 CELEBRATIONS Contractual Exp. A7550.4 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 ADULT RECREATION Contractual Exp. A7620.4 $6,442.31 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 ~5,500.00 TOTAL CULTURE - RECREATION $130,687.61 $151,300.00 $159,700.00 $161,100.00 HOME AND COMMUNITY SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL Personal Services A8090.1 Equipment A8090.2 Contractual Exp. A8090,4 TOTAL REFUSE AND GARBAGE Personal Services - A8160.1 $75,759.81 Contractual Exp. A8160.4 $44,225.38 TOTAL $119,985.19 $12,202.05 $16,490.00 $14,000.00'$15,530.00 $100.00 $125.00 $125.00 $365.93 $600.00 i $675.00 $675.00 $12,385.95 $17,100.00 $14,800.00 $16,330.00 $82,000.00 $82,000.00 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 $117,000.00 $117,000.00 $70,000.00 $35~000.00 $105,000.00 DRAINAGE Contractual Exp. A8540.4 $781.54 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 SHAFE TREES Flgod.& Erosion uonZrol CEMETERIES Contractual Exp. SHELLFISH Contractual Exp. A8745.4 $4,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 A8810.0 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 A8830.4 $2,000.00 $6;000.00 $6,000_00 06.00 $5,000.00 $6. oo $6,000.00 " $132,836.O0 NOVEMBER 10. 1981 ACCOUNTS CODE ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED& LAST THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE~ YEAR AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY 1980 AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET 1981 1982 1982 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement Social Security Workmen Comp. A9010.8 $78,665.15 $80,455.00 A9030.8 $33,446.72 $42,000.00 A9040.8 $12,660.35 517,500.00 Unemployment Ins. A9050.8 $2,100.60 $4,000.00 Csea A9059.8 $5,229.61 $6,000.00 Hospital &Med. Ins. A9060.8 $38,724.09 $60,000.00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE ;$170,837.52 $209,955.00 BENEFITS ~ INTEREST ~ Debt Pay ~ublie :' AuthoriTy A9980? $14,000.00 $10,000.0Q- $76,000.00 $76,000:00 $46,000.00 $46,000.00 $19,ooo.oo $19,ooo:oo $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 $73,000.00 $73,000.00 $224,000.00 $224,000.00 INTERFUND TRANSFERS Transfer to other funds A9901.9 ~OTAL APPROPRIATIONS ANDi PROVISION FOR OTHER USES $4,466.89 $4,800.58 $1,353,206.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 $1,453.396.00 $1,436,231.00 LOCAL SOURCES OTHER TAX ITEMS Interest and Penalties on Real Property Taxes Al090 $8,700.93 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Clerk Fees A1255 DQg Control Fees A1550 Program for Aging A1972 Park and Recreation Charges A2001 Recreation Concessions A2023 Tax and Assessment Services for Other Government A2210 $800.00 $700..00 $800.00 $2~232.00 $4,197.26 $2,500.00 $17,200.00 $10,620.00 $8,500.00 $11,000.00 500.00 ' $1,000.00 eoo. oo $t7,200.00 $!!,ooo.oo $1,000.00 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY . .. .Interest and Earnings A2401 $58,968.77 $45,000.00 $65,000.00 $70,000.00 Rental of Equipment A2440 $645.00 $600.00 $600.00 Commissions A2450 $129.75 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 LICENSES AND PERMITS Bingo License A2540 Dog Licenses . A2544 Permits, other A2590 $2-~847.40 $2/500.00 $15,487.64 $16,000.00 $5,185.80 $3,000.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $16,000.00 $16,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000;00 FINES AND FORFEITURES Fines and Forfeited Bail A2610 Fines and Pen. Dog 'Cases A2611 $11,007.50 $9,000.00 $549.00 $500,00 $12,000.00 $500.00 $12,000.00 $500.00 SALES OF PROPERTY AND .COMPENSATION FOR~LOSS Sales of Scrap and Excess Materials A2650 Insurance Recoveries A2680 MISCELLANEOUS Refunds of prior ~nses A2701 6 A2766 $8,505.75 $8,000.00 $10,000:00 $I0,000.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 $5oo.oo $ oo.oo $2,891.06 $9,4 NOVEMBER 10, 1981 423 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET OFFICERS~ ACTUAL THIS YEAR TENTATIVE LAST AS BUDGET YEAR AMENDED 1980 1981 1982 Social Security Refund A2770 $299.45 TOS DD & PP 2774 $3,500.00 INTERFUND REVENUES A2801 134,118.31 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM LOCAL SOURCES ~2999 Per Capita A31~0 Mortgage Tax A3005 Div. of Youth A3089 Shellfish A3350 Rec. for ElderlyA3801 $113,850.00 $151',750.00 STATE AID $I28,515.00 $80,111.91 $10,887.00 $2,OO0.0O $128,~00.00 $128,500.00 $80,000.00 ~-$90,000.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM STATE AID A3999 $221,513.91 $219,500.00 $230,500.00 FEDERAL AID TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES-GENERAL FUND A5000 $355,632.22 $333,350.00 $382,250.00 ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated General Fund Unexpended Balance ADOPTED & PRE- LIMINARY- BUDGET 1982 $3,500.00 $156,750.00 $128,500.00 $100,000.00 $6,0O0.00 $4,O0O.0O $2,000.00 $=40,500.00 $397,250.OO $128,267.24 $110,000.00 $150,000.00 $95,000.00 GENERAL SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Ins. B1910.4 Contingent Acct. B1990.4 /TQTAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT $55,516.66 $55,516.66 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE PersOnal Services B3120.1 Equipment B3120.2 Contractual Exp. B3120.4 TOTAL SAFETY INSPECTION Personal Services B3620.1 Equipment B3620.2 Contractual Exp. B362014 TOTAL BAY CONSTABLE Personal Services B3130.1 Equipment B3130.2 Contractual Exp.3130.4 $61,500.00 $65,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $91,500.00 $95,000.00 $77i,555.41 $2,909.00 $117,936.07 $892,400.48 $803,000.00 $903,000.00 $4,100.00 .$7,745..00 $121,500.00- $~58,371.00 $928,600.00 $1,0'69,116.00 $45,740.58 $389.85 $3,498.30 $49,628.73 $53,000.00 $6,000.00 $4,O0O.OO $63,0O0.00 $60,000.00 '$6,OOO.OO $4,OOO.OO $70,000.00 $11,597.76 $65O.OO $19,985.13 $16,650.00 $9,100.00 $37,400.00 $17,534.00 $12,176.00 $41,935.00 HEALTH REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Personal Services B4020.1 Equipment B4020.2 Contractual Exp. B4020.4 TOTAL $3,000:00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $50O.0O $3,500.00 $3,000.00 $500.00 $3,500.00 63,000.00 15,000.00 $78,000.00 $903,000.00 $7,745.O0 $t58..371.00- $1,069.,116.00 $80,000.00 $1,000.00 $16,000.00 $97,000.00 $17,534.00 $12,176.00 $41,435.00 $3,000.00 $65O.OO $5oo.oo $4,150.00 424 NOVEMBER 10, 1981 ACCOUNTS CODE ZONING ~-e-~sonal Services BS010.1 ~quipment B8010.2 ontractual Exp. B8010.4 TOTAL PLANNING Personal Services B8020.1 Equipment B8020.2 Contractual Exp. B8020.4 TOTAL .I EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ; State Retirement B9010:8 Fire and Police : Retirement B9015.8 Social Security B9030.8 Workmen's Comp~ B9040..8 UnemploymentIns. B9050.8 GHI Dental B9058.8 CSEA Benefit Fund B9059.8 Hospital & Medical Insurance B9060.8 TOTAL BENEFITS T. OTAL GENERAL FUND TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGE- APPROPRIATIONS AND BUDGETARY PROVISIONS FOR OTHER USES GENERAL FUND NON-PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION BY COUNTY Police Fees B1520 Health Fess B1601 Zoning Fees , B2110 Planning B~;Fees B2115 Interest & Earnings B240t Permits B2540 Sale of Scrap B2650 Insurance Rev. B2650 Cable P. Radio Refund of Prior Yr. B2701 TOTAL Per Capita B3001 Navigation Aid B3315. Revenues from State Aid B3999 BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED & ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET 1980 1981 1982 1982 $25,510~33 $12,382.20 $37.892.53 $28~00.00 50.00 $11,600.00 $40,650.00 $33,702.00 $550.O0 $14,320.00 $48,572.00 $34.,422.'00 $550.00 $14,320.00 $49,292.00 $26,561.43 $31.900.00 $29,000.00 $500.00 $500.~00 $4,400.00 $11,555.00 $11,555.00 $31,001.84 $43,955.00 $41,055.00 UNDISTRIBUTED $29,720.00 $500.00 $6,000.00 $36~220.00 $31,000.00 $31,000.00 $226 771.00 $247,100.00 53 '482.05 $64,000.00 171139.08 $19,000.00 $1,598.00 $3,500.00 $2,625~23 $45,572.25 $378,187.61 $25,000.00 $25,00.0.00 $253,400-00 $253,400.00 $74,000.00 $74,000~00 $21',000.00 $21,000.00 $1,500.00 7,500.00 . $8,500.00 4,500.00 $4,500.00 $68,000.00 $78~000.00 $444,600.00 $465,900~00 $1,500.00 $8,5OO.OO $4,500.00 $78,000.00 $465,9OO.OO $1,467,612.98 $1,653,205.00 $1,835,078~00 $%,841,113.0 ESTIMATED REVENUES TOWN OUTSIDE VILL~'GE LOCAL SOURCES $524.75 $1,152.00 $25,593.08 $2,465.00 $82,568.59 $60,000.00 $635.00 $50.00 $200.00 $5O0-.00 $9,491.18-$12,000.00 $7,000.00 $15,000.00 $1,505.38 $131-,434.48 $122,750.00 '''STATE ~ID $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $800.00 $800.00 $800.00 $25,000.00 $17,000.00 $20,000.0.0 $9,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $110,000.00 $110,000.00 ~5o. oo $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $12,000.00 $12,000.O0 ' $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $63,255.00 $60,000.00 $407.00 $500.00 $63,662.00 $60,500.00 $170~ 750.00 $173,750.00 $60,000.00 $500.00 $6o,5oo.oo $60,000.00 $500.00 $60,500.00 FEDER'AL AID TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES~ GENERALFUND-TONW OUTSIDE VILLAGES $195,096.98. $183,250.00 EST'IM~TE~ UNEXPENDED''B'ALANCE ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE ~ GENERAL FUND- . TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES $79,550.81 :$20,000.00 $130,000.00 $135,000.00 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS ( ITEM I) GENERAL 10.1 ~,317. $231',250.00 $234,250.00 NOVEMBER 10, 198I 425 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET " .... ~'?~T~.~:~:-'YEAR~:,J,~FF~:~S ADOPTED &. ACTUAL AS TENTATIVE PRE- LAST AMENDED BUDGET LIMINARY YEAR BUDGET 1980 1981 1982 1982 Contractual Exp. DR 5110.4 $283,060.44 $300,000.00 $300,000.00 -~300,000.00 TOTAL $566,378.03 $639,000.00 $650.000.00 $640,000.00 IMPROVEMENTS Contraczual Exp~ DR5112.4 Consolidated Local Street & Highway Improvement Program $76,974.00 $76,974.00 UNDISTRI'BUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ~ ,-. State RetirementDR9~10.8 $51,861.90 $60,000.00 Social Security DRg0~0.8 $17,374.89 $23,000.00 Workmen's Comp~ DRg0A0,8 ~t5,454.95 $17,000.00 CSEA DR9059~8 $5,177.48 $6,600.00 Hospital and Medical Ins~ DR9060.8 $22,708.31 $28,000.00 $~I,000.00 $41,000.00 TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: $112,397.53 $134,600.00 $141,700.00 $141,700.00 T~LB~~A~8~SION$ FOR OT ER USES 678 775.56 $773,6OO.OO $868,674.OO 858,674.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $24,500.00 $24,500.00 $18,700.00 $18,700.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 BRIDGES Contractual Exp. DB5120.4 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND BUDGETARY PROVISIONS FOR OTHER USES HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS BRIDGES ( ITEM 2) $2,518.44 $2,518.44 $2,518.44 -0- $2,518.44 $2,518.44 $2,518.44 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS MACHINERY (ITEM 3) MACHINERY Personal Services DM5130.1 $95,302.69'$106,000.00 Equipment DM5!30.2 $62,181.08 $70,000.00 Contractual Exp. DM5t30.4 $45,651.49 $55,000.00 TOTAL $120,000.00 $120..000.00 $70,000.00 $70,000.00 $65,000.00 $65,000.00 $203,135.26 $231,000.00 $255,000.00 $255,000.00 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DMgOt0.8 $12,824.28 $16,500.00 $16,500.00 $16,500.00 Social Security DM9030.8 $5,585.53 $7,500.00 $8,400.00 $8,400.00 Workmen's Comp. CSEA ~qsDita~ nd Me~lca± ~s. TO kE OYEE INTERFUND TRANSFERS T~ansfers to: Ca~it~t Project tuna DM9950.9 DM904O., '$2,029.71 $3,800.00 $4~200.00 $4,200.00 DM9059.8 $1~604.30 $1,650.00 $2,100.00 $2,100.00 DM9060.8 $5,969.41 $8,700.00 $12,'000.00 $t2,000.00 TOTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS DEBT SERVICE Bond Anticipation . . Notes $28,013.23 $38,150.00 $43,200.00 $43~200.00 UNDISTRIBUTED DM9730.6 INTEREST Bondao~esAnticipation DM9730.7 $22,425.00 -0- $22,425.00 -0- TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND BUDGETARY PROVISIONS FOR $15,600.00 $6,825.00 148.49 $320,625..00 $320,625[00 426 ACCOUNTS NOVEMBER 10, 1981 BUDGET BUDGET OFFICERS ADOPTED ACTUAL THIS YEAR TENTATIVE PRE- LAST AS BUDGET LIMINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET CODE 1980 1981 1982 1982 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State ReTirement Sociai Security Workmens Comp. CSEA H~s~ital ~nd Meaical ins. MISCELLANEOUS (BRUSH & WEEDS) Personal Services DS5140.1 $15,977.72 $18,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 Contractual Exp. DS5140.4 $18,207.87 $21,000.00 $21,000.00 $29,000.00 TOTAL $34,185.59 $39,000;00 $41,000~.00 $41,000.00 SNOW REMOVAL (Town Highways') Person;al Services DS5142.1 $27,020.13 $62,000.00 $52,000.00 $52,000.00 Contractual Exp. DS5142.4 $31,052;01 $41,578.21 $33,000~00 $33,000.00 TOTAL $92 2 ' , 57.735103,578.21 $85,000.00 $85,000.00- UNDISTRIBUTED DS9016.8 $4,184.39 .$7,638.13 $16 000.00 $16,000.00 DS9030.8 $2,786.99 $5,000.00 $51100.00 $5,100.00 DS9040.8 $2,130.36 $5,500.00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 DS905~.8 $342.62 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 DS9060.8 $1,196.80 $1,700.00 $2,200.00 $2,200.00 $10,663.16 $21,338.13 $30,800.00 $30,800.00 TOTAL 'APPROPRI'ATIONS $102, 20.89 $163, 16. 4 S156,800.00 $156,800.00 HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS (ITEM I ) LOCAL-SOURCES Interest.and Earnings Repairs in GeneralDR2770 $347.84 Interfund TransferoR5031~ STATE AID Mileage and Valuation Aid DR3507 $13,077.68 $13,4t6.75 DR2401 $56,932.31 $40,000.00 $50,000,00 $50,000.00 $76, ,974.00. TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $70,357.83 $43,416.75 $126,974.00 $126,974.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE $75,000.00 $50,000.00 $65,000.00 HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPER~ED BALANCE Bridges (ITEM 2) TOTAL ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE $2,518.44 $2,518.44 $2,518;44 HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE MACHINERY (ITEM 3 ) LOCAL SOURCES Interest and Earnings Interfund Revenues TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES TOTAL ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE DM2401 $18;977.39 $!5,000.00 $17,500.00 $22,500.00 DM2770 $15,628.92 $12,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $34,606.31 $27,000.00 $27,500.00 $32,500.00 $25,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000;00' HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES ANDESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS (ITEM 4) DS2401 $18,977.39 $12,000.00 $17,500.00 $17,500~00 $18,977.39 $121000.00 $17,500.00 $17,500.00 LOCAL SOURCES I~terest.and ~arnlngs ~OTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 16.34 $35,000.00 $~ ~00.00 IMATED 427 NOVEMBER i0, 1981 ;~ ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS LAST · AS TENTATIVE YEAR AMENDED BUDGET 1980 1981 198'2 ADOPTED & PRE- LIMINARY BUDGET 1982 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND APPROPRIATIONS POLICE AND OFFICIAL VEHICLES Equipment CF9000.2 WASTE MANAGEMENT 'Contractual Exp. CF~02.4 BULK HEADING & DRAINAGE Contractual Exp. CF9005.,4 N~p~{~TROAD Contractual Exp. CF9007.4 TRANSFER TO.OTHER FUNDS B.A.N. CF9901.9 Land Acquisition CF9006.4 Highway Safety CF9008.4 Town Hall Sprinkler System cFg010 4 Street Lighting CF9100[4 SYC Equipment CF9012.2 Village-Greenport CF9013.4 ~ighwgy,$qBipment CF9014.2 Generator CF9015.2 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS ARorqpEigted ~una malance INTEREST AND ~ EARNINGS ~e~un~ea Prier Year Federal Revenue Sharing State Aid ESTIMATED $40,000.00 $3,135.00 $407.99 $3,103.26 $3,113.28 $3,103.89 $4,653.29 $57,516.71 REVENUES $41,000.00 $45,000.00 $78,000.00 $40,000.00 $26,092.01 $10,000.00 $45,000.00 $40,000.00 $1o,ooo.oo $54,872.85 $11,000.00 $20,000.00 15]639.00 $12,000.00 .11,061.00 $~I,549-14 ,886.72 ,ooo.oo $10,287'.11 10,000.00 44,104.33 $315,492.16 ~ND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE $169,320.72 CF2401 $15,184.48 $9,267.11 CF2701 $437.30 $20,000.00 $12,000.00 $4,000.00 $'8,000.00 $8,000.00 $139,000.00 $139,000.00 CF4001 CF3089 $124,798.00 $126,936.00 $125,000.00 $9,968.33 $125,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $140,419.78 $315,492.16 ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND APPROPRIATIONS $125,000.00 $125,000.00 $14,000.00 $14,000.00 ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY CAPITAL OUTLAY CD8660.3 P~C WOP¥a FACILITIES Ii~iP~OVEMENTS CAPITAL OUTLAY CD8662.3 SPECIAL PROJECTS FOR ELDERLY AND HANDICAPPED(LIBRARIES) CAPITAL OUTLAY CD8670.3 COMPLETION OF URBAN RENEWAL PROJECTS C D8680.3 ~DMINISTRATION Contractual Exp. CDA CONTINGENCIES TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATIONS CD9900.0 CD8685.4 CD8690.4 COMMUNITY DEVELOPltENT Community Development. Grant f~om County CD2763 Federal Aid CD4910 CDSOOO $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $5,510.76 $50,000.00 $50,000,00 $44,489.24 $50,000.00 $50,O00.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $526.00 $526.00 $5,510.76 $44,489.24 $220,526.00 $~20,526.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES $7,500.00 $42,500.00 $220,526.OO $220,5~6.00 $220,526.00 $220,526.00 428 NOVEMBER 10, 1981 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED & ACTUAL TH!~ YEAR OFFICERS PRE - LAST AS TENTATIVE LIMIANRY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET 1980 1981 . 1982 1982 WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS GREENPORT-WEST WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Contractual Exp. SW8310.4 $24,134.00 $22,627..00 $21,046.00 EAST-WEST GREENPORT FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT REcoRDED IN-AGENCY AND TRUST · : ~'~PPROPRIATIONS FIRE PROTECTION DISTRIC~ ~ Pa~s on Fire aczs SF-1'/ $46,340.00 Contractual Exp. 3410.~ $39,590.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES $52,370.00 $21,046'.00 $52~370.00 TOTAL $40,365.85 $45,510.00 $51,590.00 $15,590.00 r~~O~I~sT. UNEXPENDED BALANCE UNEXPENDED BALANCE $831.92 $830.00 $780.00 $780~00 BAYSIDE TERRACE ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL APPROPRIATIONS Bond Anticipation Notes SM9730.6 $1,600.00 INTEREST Bond~.Anticipation ~o~es SM9730.7 $428.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS AND BUDGETARY PROVI~IONS FOR OTHER USES TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES $1,600.00 $576.00 $2,028.00 $2,176.00 $2,028.00 $2,176.00 $1,600.00 $367.20 $1,967.20 $1,967.20 $367.20 $1,967.20 $1,967.20 SCHEDULE OF SALARIES'OF ELECTED TOWN OFFICERS (ARTICLE 8 OF THE TOWN LAW) OFFICER Supervisor Supt. of Highways Town Clerk 2 @ $12,285.00 Justices 1 @ $7,500.00 Councilmen 4 @ $8,500.00 Receiver of Taxes SALARY $3O,OOO.OO $29,250.00 $22,230.00 $32, O7O.0O $34,000.00 $~1,700.00 COUNCILMAN DRUM: I would like zo make a comment, and recommendation. It is ~ very fine budget and we'Ve spent a great deal of time on the budgez. We've worked hard on the budget. However, I feel there is one area I would like to make a recommendation that there be a change. I had spent four years,-Mr~ Pell and I ca. me on the Board az the same times as Town Board members, In my four years I have noticed, and I'm sure our Supervisor will agree, that-the Town Board member's work load has increased. In particular, since Mr~ Pell has been Supervisor our work load has increased considerably, I have nejoyed this work load and I feel that in looking az ~t, !'realize our Town Board members, iz is a part-time job and we are all fortunate ha~ing other jobs. in the four year~ that I have been on the Town Board, o~ly Town Board members have not received a pay raise, in the four years,~ I don't believe there is any Other office in this Town--I don't believe there is anyone else in Sour'hold Town government zhat has not had a paY riase, I feel, with the womk load increase, that they are entitled .to a pay riase. However, be what it is, I recognize the constraints,'but inasmuch as~we all a~e fortunate ha~ing outsf~e J0bs. relYing on, as I say, outside ~uding our Supervisor, Who is fortunate in hsving an outside o the austerity that we have, as a result of our Supervisor 429 NOVEMBER lO, 1981 ~. SUPERVISOR PELL: change? COUNCILMAN DRUM: Is that in the form of a motion or a recommended I will make that in the form of a motion. SUPERVISOR PELL: You so move? COUNCILMAN DRIR~: I so move. SUPERVISOR PELL: Is there a second to it? COUNCIL~N NICKLES: We already have a motion on the floor. SUPERVISOR PELL: So the motion is out of order? COUNCILMAN DRUM: record. SUPERVISOR PELL: budge t ? All right, I will submit my comments for the Thank you. Anybody else wish to comment on the MR. JAMES LOUGHLIN: Yes, I would like to. It's very difficult to comment on the budget because it is not a line budget. You can't tell, everything is lumped together. For instance, the police - $775,950.00. In other words, that is increase in salaries, increase in personnel, what it is? May I ask what is the reason? S~ERVISOR PELL: We are under a PBA contract. Yes, a good part of that is increase in salaries, increase in administration costs, increase in contractual costs. During the budget hearing that was, line by line, was discussed at the hearing. MR. LOUGHLIN: I'm sorry I missed that. SUPERVISOR PELL: Yes, I know, you picked the'budget up late when I saw you that one day. MR. LOUGHLIN: Because that means an increase in salary then? SUPERVISOR PELL: Under the present PBA contract. MR. LOUGHLIN: For a police officer to get more than they do in the City of New York? SUPERVISOR PELL: I don't know the comparison figures. MR. LOUGHLIN: And we have more Sergeants and supervisory control than they do in the City of New York. I believe it is three for one in the City of New York and Southold. COUNCIL~N DRUM: And I might say, sir, that this PBA is a negotiated contract and we, unfortunately, in the Town Board do not have control of it. But, they will get, when the negotiations are completed, they will get back pay to January of 1981. MR. LOUGHLIN: The point is it seems to be an unnecessarily large increase. If they are going to get more than they do in the City of New York. ~-' COUNCILMAN DRUM: Until the State Law is changed. SUPERVISOR PELL: There are more personnel in there, so we do have a detective squad now which we did not have last year. The Seventh Squad pulled out and we have our own squad of detectives now. So there is more personnel and there is an increase all the way through. MR. LOUGHLIN: That's true of all the Town employees, isn't it? SUPERVISOR PELL: CSEA also are under contract. MR. LOUGHLIN: But we negotiate the contract. SUPERVISOR PELL: Yes, we do. MR. LOUGHLIN: Why should we givcin? 430' NOVEMBER I0. 1981 31. COUNCILMAN DRUM: No, we negotiate with the Civil Service, so to speak. That is within our control. Binding arbitration in the police is not. MR. LOUGHLIN: But this wasn't binding arbitration was it? COUNCILMAN DRUM: Well, we haven't reached that point yet. MR. LOUGHLIN: I recommend that we be a little bit more severe in our negotiations. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you for your thoughts. Councilman' Murdock. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Unfortunately, Mr. Loughtin, the position we get put into when we negotiate with the PBA contract, we had gone to the steps of binding arbitration. We negotiated the last two days before the arbitrator was appointed and it was on the advice of counsel who had reviewed all of the budgetary processes and unfortunately the Town of Southampton had a $9,000,000.00 increase 'in assessed valuation. They became very generous and had given their people, I believe a five year patrolman reaches a maximum salary of $27,000.00 over there. That became the standard for binding arbitration. One community entered into binding arbitration with the PBA and the award was a little less than $27,000.00, but a little more than what we settled with our PBA and the ruling of the arbitrator was that it was a like situation and the like situations prevail in all of these negotiati6ns and we felt at the time we had no where to go but to cost ourselves more money that we had already agreed to. MR. LOUGHLIN: I object, to binding arbitration. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: So do we, but that's the position we're in and we don't have any real choice about it. W~'?did~negotia~e several savings in our contract over the others~pertaining to duty chart, amount of service that our patrolmen put in in Total days work for the year, which amounted to, I think we saved~ in total, two men for the entire year. If we had agreed to the contract that the Town of Southampton did, and what they call the duty chart, we would have had to hire two men to give the same coverage we did--- SUPERVISOR PELL: I sort of would like to end this converation we have. The contract is not signed yet. It is agreed upon but I have not signed it and I don't want to get into too much more discussion. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I thought it was signed already, Bill.' SUPERVISOR PELL: We discussed it today at Board and it is not signed yet. MR. LOUGHLIN: -One final comment I'll make. We here this argument all the time. X.Y. gets a salary and that becomes the standard all over. It happens with teachers and every other occupation. SUPERVISOR PELL: We know what you're saying, but as I said, the contract is not signed. We'are not going to discuss it any more at this point. I ask the Town Board to call the roll for the acceptance of the Town Budget for 1982. ROLL CALL FORADOPTION OF THE PREI.IMINARY BUDGET AS THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THIS TOWN FOR THE FISCAL.YEAR BEGINNING ON THE 1ST DAY OF JANUARY, 1982: Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Supervisor Pell. Abstain: Councilman Drum. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold transfer $3,360.00 from General Fund Whole Town A1680.4 - Central Data To: A1330.4 Tax Receiver, Contractual. -$2,400.00 NOVEMBER 10, 1981 ~ 431 32. A1920.4 Municipal Dues ........ $ '200.00 A3120.4 School Crossing Guards, Contractual ......... $ 150.~00 A3310.4 Traffic Control, Contractual ................ $.- 500.00 A3510.4 Dog Warden, Contractual .................... '-$ llU.'00 $3,360.00 Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor This resolution was declared duly 'adOpted. On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman. Nickles, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold ~ran~fer $500..00 from General Fund Part Town B3620.2 - Building Inspector, Equipment, to: B3620.4 - Building Inspector, Contractual. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly 'adoPted. 33. 35. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of SouthoId transfer the following funds from the Federal Revenue Sharing Account: From:CF9009.4 - Bond Anticipation Note-Street Lighting .... $205.11 CF9014.2 - Highway Equipment $325.23 $530.34 To: CF9005.4 - Bulkheading ............................... $530.34. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman.Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: I'd like to make this one, Bill, and make one comment. I think this is one of~the finest examples of the Town spending money on a bus trip, that we have made, and the senior citizens should be commended for it, and if there were more things like this, I think there would(be less of a hassel on the amount of money for bus trips. On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold grants permission to the Southold Senior Citizens Club to contract for one 49 passenger coach bus au a cost of $250.00 to transport their group to the County Home at Yaphank, New York on November 17, 1981 to entertain the patients. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, WHEREAS, the Southold Town Board, by resolution dated October 27, 1981, authorized Pan Tech Energy Systems to prepare specifications for weatherization measures at the Senior/Youth Center, Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York,-~nd the Town Clerk to advertise for bids for same, bid opening 10:30 A.M., November 9, 1981, and WHEREAS, on November 9, 1981 at 10:30 A.M. one bid was received, (Bid # 1001-01 R) for the installation of Tripotymer foam insulation in entire wall cavities and "I" beam cavities, from Jolt Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Federal Conservation Group, Richmond Hill, New York, in the amount of $8750.00, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold accept the bid of Jolt Enterprises, Inc.', d/b/a Federal Conservation Group for Bid # 1001-01R - Installation of Tripolymer foam insulation in entire wall cavities and "I" beam cavities, and be it further RESOLVED that SuPervisor William R. Pell, III be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute a contract with Jolt Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a Federal Conservation Group, to accomplish said work under Bid # 1001-0I R. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 36. ~ved by Cou~cilma~--Mur~, seconded by Councilman Nick!es, WHEREAS. the Town of Southold has joined with lhe Suffolk County Consortium in order to apply for Community Development Funding; and WHEREAS, the Town of Southold has $14,720.00 of Fiscal Year Grant money available for the operation of a rehiabilitation loan program for~credit worthy applicants, and 432 NOVEMBER 10, ~981 WHEREAS, the Suffolk County Community Development Office has contacted every commercial bank in Suffolk County and found that European American Bank and Trust Company offered the lowest interest rate and most favorable terms for operation of the various municipal rehabilitation programs for credit worthy applicants, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Petl, III be and he hereby is authorized to execute an agreement with Suffolk County ;tad EUropean American Bank and Trust Company, which will provide ~or an initial deposit of $14,720.0'0 O£ the.Town's Fiscal Year t981 Community D~velopment Funds i'nto an account with that bank. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: . Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopte~. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 37 and 38 came up at the Board today and we felt important enough to have put on the agenda for tonight. 37. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold is.aware of the need for sched~Ie~ b~S tra'n'sporta'tion'from ~'he''To'w~ 'of 'Sou~hold to New York City on a dail'y basis, and WHEREAS, 'Sun'ris~ Coach Li'ne's, Inc. has instituted such scheduled bus transportation, which has been found to be extremely necessary for those residents of Southold Town who con~nute daily to employment in New York City, now, therefore, be it tLESOL~rED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby go on record as fully and wholeheartedly supporting Sunrise Coach Lines, Inc. in maintaining daily scheduled, bus transportation from the Town of Southold to New York City. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman NiCktes, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Dell. This resolution 'was declared duly' ad'opt'ed 38. On motion of Councilman Murdock, s~conded byc~unciiman n?um, it was RESOLVED that Supervisor ~illiam R. Pell, I'~I he,and.he, h~y is authorized and directed to '~xecu~'~ 'a~'~n~r~c~f::~ith 'J. P.,'Hun't'er Co. for insular'ion.- rearrangemenz and addition, t0~ in ~he' C-e'iI'ing of the Senior~Yo~th R'ecrea't'iOn' Cent'er (re: Bid # ~001-02-R), at'a cost not to exceed $3600.00. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman. Drum, Supervisor Dell. This resolution was declared duly adopt'ed. 39. SUPERVISOR PELL: That ends the prepared agenda we have for today. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Bill,. I've got one I forgot to discuss. The election is just about a week over and my daughter recei%~ed, in the mail a few days before the election was over, a brochure asking hermsupport for their candidate and it's addressed on how the G.O.P. works for you. One of the things that was mentioned was it sponsors the seed clam program, so evidentially there must be a mistake. I would like to reoffer the resolution that I had offered on October 6th concerning the seed clam program. On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Supervisor Pell, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes the Supervisor to execute an agreement between the ToWn of Southold and Paul J. Flagg', Shellfish Consultant; for th~ institution 'of a Program for the. Raft Culture of Seed Clams in the Town of Southold at a cost of $t,200.00 per year; 50% upon signing the agreement with Mr. Ftagg and 50% upon completion of the program. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: There were two letters also in the correspondence from the Baymen and from Jarvis Verity supporting this program and I would like to see it adopted~ COUNCILMAN NICKLES: I think the resolution is out of order. One, I would point out that the seed clam program was started in the past, part of this you are aware of, Frank, and two, I thought we had a gentlemen's agreement on this Board that if we desired to enter a resolution it is entered in the work session, which you did not do. Therefore, I call it be tabled. We're not going to be in a position of voting on this until such time.as the Board members have answered all the questions to their satisfaction. NOVEMBER 10, 1981 433 40. SUPERVISOR PELL: Is there a second to the motion to table? COUNC IL~N MURDOCK: Yes. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the resolution (No. 39) offered by Councilman Murphy and seconded by Supervisor Pell, concerning the Program for the Raft Culture of Seed Clams be tabled. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum. No: Councilman Murphy, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared lost. (VOTE OF THE BOARD ON RESOLUTION NO. 39 - Program for the Raft Culture of Seed Clams:) Vote of the Town Board: .Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Supervisor Pell. No: Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum. This resolution was declared lost. SUPERVISOR PELL: Now I will go to my usual routine. Councilman Murdock? COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I would just like to make the comment that we had plenty of time today for Mr. Murphy to discuss this seed clam program. I do feel it is a matter the Town Board should discuss first. The $1,200.00 that he recommended, if we were to go only into that program, would only hire Paul J. Flagg. It is not the true cost of the program. Mr. Murphy still has yet to tell this Board the total cost of tLe monies that he wants appropriated. We haven't discussed it and I think it's-- I don't want to say it's unfair,-.~ut I think it's unwise for Mr. Murphy to continually wait until bring it up in a public forum rather than discuss it in the Work Session so that all the Board members have the opportunity to understand the program. SUPERVISOR PELL: Councilman Drum. Anything I left out or omitted? COUNCILMAN DRUM: No, I think it's very unfortunate that Frank brought up the past election. What's past is past and we've had a gentlemen's agreement, it has always been an understanding, we don't refer to political--perhaps Frank hasn't been on the Board as long as you and I have, Bill, but that has been our gentlemen's agreement. We don't discuss politics basically on this podium. SUPERVISOR PELL: Councilman Nickles. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Not much left to say. I would say that you're making politics out of clams. I guess I'll read in the paper again that the Republicans turned down the clam program again, but we're really not voting against the clam program. We'll wait to get the information so everybody is satisfied. It's not that critical at this particular moment. SUPERVISOR PELL: I make a living out of clams, John. COUNCIL~N NICKLES: Some people don't eat them, might as well give the money to Pell's Fish Market. SUPERVISOR PELL: Councilman Murphy, anything I left out or omitted? COUNCILMAN MURPHY: No, I think this program is very important and I would like to see it adopted and I'm sure we will see it. I was joshing a little tonight and I hope that in the near future we can have this done, because I really think it is most imporvant to the Town. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. As I said before, Bob (Lehmann), you came in late, I had a telephone call ~rom the railroad yesterday, Alexandra Zettler, she called the Town to say she would be willing to come out and hold a public meeting here in Town. She had to gez two other gentlemen who she would bring with her on the date set. A date when all three would come here. I asked her to call me today so I could announce the meeting tonight, but I didn't get the call today so I presume now tomorrow, we'll probably be closed (Veteran's Day) and I might call her on Thursday and I hope to 434 NOVEMBER 10, 1981 be with you Thursday night at the meeting up west with the rail- road and I Will dig out with the Town Clerk, the resolutions passed by this Board and some of the minutes we have on the railroad meeting. I know you want to speak about it. Councilman Murdock wants to say something. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I think we're dealing a little bit in semantics There is in existence a clam transplant program, which. is for th~ purpose of establishing seed beds in the Town of Southold. I think everybody will agree that that program is in existence and has been in ~xistence for ~ while. SUPERVISOR PELL: May we get off of semantics and go to the man in the back of the room? Bob, please. MR. ROBERT LEHMANN, Yennecott Drive, Southold: I appreciate the information on the potential meeting; I hope this time it comes to pass. I have some factual information that I dug up on the timings, the number of trains and buses that have fone from 101 down to 69 in Town. Schedule comparisons of the old and new and information on some of the connecting buses cross island. Just an example, the train arrives at 7:48 at Deer Park, the bus has already left at 7:35. The next one does'nt come for an hour after at.8:40. I just wanted to present this to-you, but then I know you're interested in the meeting on Thursday. I thought it might be of value to you in reviewing this report before. SUPERVISOR PELL: Would you also tell the BOard of the meeting that was held down west last week. A meeting was held with the MTA and Advisory Board. I did not get an invitation to it. MR. LEHMANN: Gene McElroy has some information onthat. In addition to that there was a meeting hast week on Tuesday. The League of Women Voters had a panel discussion and I talked before that group. They are concerned about, not only Lthe~transportation that the railroad has dropped off; but they are'concerned also about the freight. 'They a~e concerned about~-~he~sunrise ~oach transportation, which from your resolution You h~v~atready heard that %he railroad, or MTA, ~as gotten an injuncti'on'and S~rise Coach had to cancel that run and that!s already been cancelled. COUNCILMAN DRUM: That's the purpose of our resolution. ~e met with Mr. Brown. MR. LEHMANN: I would like to make a recommendation to the Board, the importance of the establishment of a Southold Tyansportat!on Committee. A group that, perhaps, made up of Bob Brown from Sunrise Coach, perhaps Jim Rich who is directly involved with the freight end of it and who also, I believe, is a member of the Nassau-Suffolk Freight Council, and whoever the Board felt might be appointed. I think that the railroad and MTA has completely disregarded al/ aspects of transportation to the east end. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Gene, you want to fill the Board in on the meeting that was held last week? MR. GENE McELROY, Topsail Lane', Southold: In essence~ what happened, we have, through the members of the Board, Mr. Pell and other members, Mr. Murdock, we cooperated with, we had a meeting with Mr. Behan~ our Assemblyman, and also ~r. Bl~ss who contacted the county attorney's office, Cohalan's office, and Mr. Behan has initiated, or is going to initiate legislation to separate the MTA from the--Long Island Railroad from the MTA. As a result of this, other people up west have jumped on the band - wagon and they had a meeting on Friday with the legislators and assemblymen and they jumped all over the MTA regarding our problems and their problems with the trains and everything else and there was qu~[te a fuss over it. This was in Saturday's Newsday. It explains the whole situation where they really gave them hell up there and I think they're starting to respond to the people. As Mr. Pell said, Atexandra Zettlin called after this. We would like to again thank you very much for your help. We really appreciate it. SUPERVISOR PELL: It is a worthwhile cause, believe me. Anybody else wish to a~dress the Board? Mrs. Ruth Oliva. NOVEMBER 10, 1981 ~ ~ ' 'i;~:~ · ~ 435 MRS. RUTH OLIVA, President, No~th Fork Environmental Council: I would like to the attention of the Board a matter down in Cedar Beach Park that encompasses three of the things we have been talking a'bout, last night and today, water quality, proper planning and zoning and flo. od plain maps. I just want to take one lot and work into a scenari, o there. Cedar Beach Park was subdivided back in 1927 and these lots are mostly half acre or under. Naturally that it was zoned back in 1927, it is exempt from our present zoning laws. Now we have just one lot in question, which is lot number .151. The lot's dimensions are approximately 120 by 135. .... The people decided to build. The contractor came in and started to grade. The DEC officer happened to be in the neighborhood and saw this grading and inquired about a building permit and DEC .... permit. There were building permits but the DEC permits had expired. Now, to my understanding, he contacted someone here in Town Hall and the Town Hall contacted the officials in Stony Brook and his DEC permit was renewed very very quickly. He has an okay from the County Board of Health as of April 1980, his water was good. Of course, before he gets his C.O. he will have to have a water test again. The house adjacent to this lot has salt water. Now, the people right across the street from him, Mrs. Pappas who is here tonight, is concerned about her water problems. It is on the border line now of having salt and to start digging into that pool of water, what is her well water going to be like say in a few months from now or a year from now? They also have a problem with Temik down there. The reason it came ~o everybody's attention was just because they needed a variance because of the flood plain. They're elevation is high and they would have to build it up higher and they wanted to build it down lower and that was no problem because nobody down there really cares about that. The whole problem is water and it's a problem to the whole area down there. And I think the people would ~ik~ to know what the Board suggests on what they can do, because .it was basically just a marshy area, most of it, an awful lot of it, with little creeks coming in. These creeks, a lot of them, were dredged out many years ago when no one .... knew the difference and they probably dug into the water table then. The homes were allowed to be built, they are drawing on that water table. There is just going to be nothing but pure salt down there · · and these people are wondering what happens to their land values or what are they going to do for water, they like living there and I think they wanted to bring this to the Board's attention. There are two ladies here, Mrs. Conte who is president of the Cedar Beach Park Association and Mrs. Pappas who is a property owner right across the street from the lot. I'd like to let them speak to you. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Mrs. Pappas, Mrs. Conte. ~S. PAPPAS: We are very concerned. Several wells have had to have been drilled for several people. There are a couple of houses that have only salt Water coming into their homes. The man that owns the property states that he doesn't care whether he has salt water or not and he is going to build, and the builder who owns lots says he is going to develop them no matter what. So I want to know what the Town Board fathers are going to do if our wells run dry? SUPERVISOR PELL: Good question. MRS. LEE CONTE: I have a letter which I sent to the Board last week. (Addressed to the Board of A~peals) "Gentlemen: I am President of the Cedar Beach Park Association composed of approx- imately fifty property owners in the area known as Cedar Beach along the roads and tributaries of Cedar Point Drive East and Cedar Point Drive WeSt. Our comments concern the appli~ktion of Ronald Roberts for a building permit on the south side of Cedar Point Drive East. It has never been the policy of our Association to oppose residential construction just to maintain a selfish status quo, and that is not our policy now. We do, however, know by actual living experience that this area has an extremely fragile environment. It is, therefore, imperative that this building permit be examined not only from the point of view of flood damage, but from ail established norms of health and environmental standards. We look to the various Town Administrators to carefully evaluate the health implications of this application, 436 NOVEMBER 10, 1981 and be sure to make prudent decisions to protect the living standards of the existing residents; Respectfully yours,. Cedar Beach Park Association, Inc., Lee Conte, President." And I have a letter from Mrs..Mario Mucciolo whe owns the property next t~ the one involved. "November 1, 1981.. To Whom it may concern: I am Mrs. Mario Mucciolo of 5 Cedar Point Drive, Southold, N.Y. I have been informed that a house is being constructed next door east'of my home. I would like to enlighten you as-to some of the problems with the water. The builder had to sink three (3) wells before one was marginally acceptable. The reason being the high content of sald and nitrates in the water. I am a summer resident now for three years. The~water table must have changed. The salt content is too high; therefore for health reasons my physician has advised me not to drink the water. The well was also contaminated by Temik (chemical used to kill the potatoe bug). I now have to bring in all my water for cooking and drinking. I don't know if there is a solution to the problem. Besides being expensive, I don't know if there is any place on my property to put a fourth welI where the water would be more acceptable. Because of the fragile nature of the water I now feel that my house should not have been built there. Yours truly, Mrs. Mario Mucci01o." SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Mrs. Conte. Mrs. Oliva. MRS. OLIVA: I don't know whether I made it clear enough, but there are many lots down there that have not been developed as yet. Now, after checking the tax map, a lot of these lots have been checker boarded. In other words, two lots are in the husband's name and you have a little tiny lot in the wife's name and what have you. I don't know if there is any solution to this, being that it has been already subdivided, but something maybe should warn the people that they're going to get nothing b'ut salt water and t'hey are really going to have problems later on. I don't know~ But it,s a shame for the people down here. SUPERVISOR PELL: This is something the Board will. have to look into and thank you for~b~inging it to our attention. We had-- two years ago, Bob, didn't we.have a condominium go down there or want to? COUNCILMAN DRUM: General Wayne, it went down. TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: Cedar Beach Inn. COUNCILMAN DRUM: Which weturned down. This is really not within our province, as you well understand. TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: Concerning the water supply, that is within the province of the County of Suffolk. Not the Town of Southold. MRS. OLIVA: Yes, but it's because of the original subidivision -allowing just less than half acre lots. I know it was done--- TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: And that happens to be the law too, that we have to live with and that was forty years ago. MRS. OLIVA: But it does present a problem for the people that are here. What do they do? TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: They create the problem of water supply. And the answer is to form a water district. MRS. OLIVA: And they have Temik coming in, Bob, from up the road, so they've really got a problem. TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: Well, you'd have to form a water district and pipe the water in. COUNCILMAN DRUM: With Temik filters. MRS. PAl)PAS: Can the Town do that? TOWN ATTORNEY TASKER: No, you pay for it. We'll create the district, but you people will have to pay for it. MRS. PAPPAS: We are being penalized because of the zoning? ';, :, 437 NOVEMBER 10, 598"1.' . · .......... :.-'., !~:.. TOWN ATTORNEY TASTER: You a~e, I~uess, because you built a house in a place whe~'there~s~:"s~f~clent potable water. SUPERVISOR PELL: Councilman Nickles wants to address the problem. COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Ruth was here last night, and I think Lee, you were here last night, so you are well aware that the alternative is we are going to go forward in this study that Mr. Blass has proposed and this is what I think that's important about the proposal he made this time that is so different from these other water studies. It is going to address, I see RUth shaking her head, It's my understanding it is going to address these particular problems where we have these pocket ~roblems either because of salt water intrusion or Temik, coming up ~ith a solution, other than a water district as the To~rn Attorney said and that is an expensive proposition. They are going to be looking into some other solutions that would be applicable to the circumstance that exists in the Cedar Beach area and a couple of other areas. YLRS. PAPPAS: Can they keep building on small lots? COUNCILMAN NICKLES: As I understand it, if a person owns a piece of property and the Board of Health will give them a permit for their wells and cesspools, unless somebody is prepared to buy that property, I don't know how you can stop them from building on their property. If there is a way I am not aware of it. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anybody else wish to address the Board at this time? Mrs. Oliva again. MRS. OLIVA: I just received a letter today and I think you people will want it to really answer. "Dear Mrs. Ruth Oliva: On or about September 4th 1981 the Town Board of Trustees met at Horton Street in Mattituck in Southotd Town andZvoted verbally to restore the now diverted Horton's Creek to its original manner of behavior. Today is November 1st and nothing has been done. No action has been taken for the restoration of said creek. Isn't it time to act? Sincerely, Sally F. Ward." SUPERVISOR PELL: That is addressed to who? MRS. OLIVA: It is addressed to me but-- COUNCILMAN DRUM: Who said they would do it? MRS. OLIVA: It is dbwn at Husing's Pond. Frank Murphy-- COUNCILMAN DRUM: I am well aware of where it is, and Frank Murphy sure knows where it is. I won't make any further comments. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Anybody else wish to address the Board? (No response.) If not, motion is in order. On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that there being no further business ~o come before this Town Board meeting adjournment be called at 8:45 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Coun6ilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Town Clerk