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NOVEMBER 5, 1981
A Special Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held at 2:00 P.M.,
Thursday, November 5, 1981 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road,
Southold, New York.
Supervisor William R. Pell, III
Councilman Henry W. Drum
Councilman John J. Nickles
Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr.
Councilman Francis J. Murphy
Town Attorney Robert W~ Tasker
Town Clerk Judith T. Terry
Justice Francis T. Doyen
The Board met with Assessor Chairman Henry Moisa and Mrs. Judy King
concerning the numerous errors by Sandsport Data Services Inc. in preparing
the final tax ~o11. Mrs. King stated that 30 of the errors in question were
caused by the Assessor's Office. Mr. Freund of Sandspor~ delivered the final
roll and it contained only two errors.
Mr. Freund, Sandsport Data Services, Inc. spoke with the Board, explaining
that he feels if his firm could do a dry run with the tax bills many problems
could be solved in advance. Mrs. King said that would not be necessary. Mr.
Freund wilI meet with Mrs. King concerning rates, preparation and extension
of the tax bills.
The Board discussed a contract for the proposed purchase of a parking
field in Mattituck.
On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Supervisor Pell,
WHEREAS, Burton Potter Post #i85, Greenport Amercian Legion,
Greenport, New York, has applied to the Town Clerk for a Bingo
License, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board has examined the application and after
investigation, duly made findings and determinations as required
by law,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized and directed To execute on behalf of the Town Board
of the Town of Southold the findings and determinations as required
by law, and it is further
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby is-directed to
issue and Bingo License to Burton Potter Post #185, Greenport American
Legion, Greenport, New York.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
The Board discussed the request of the Town Trustees to declare them-
selves lead agency in the matter of the wetland application df Enconsultants,
Inc. for Wunneweta Lagoon Association. Town Attorney Tasker advised that the
Town Trustees may not take lead agency with regard to an application before
the Town Board. If there is an application by the Lagoon Association before
Trustees they may declare themselves lead agency with regard to that appli-
On motion of Supervisor Pell, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that a recess be called at 3:00 P.M., for the purpose of holding
public hearings on the Preliminary 1982 Budget and five wetland applications.
Meeting will reconvene following the public hearings on the Preliminary
1982 Budget and two change of zone applications in the evening.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolutidn was declared duly adopted.
This Spacial Meeting of the Southold Town Board reconvened at 8:30 P.M.
NOVEMBER 5, 1981 407
On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was
RESOLVED that there being no further bus~ness-to come before this
Town Board meeting adjournment be called at 8:30 P.M.
Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman
Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell.
This resolution was declared duly adopted.
ith T~ Terry
Town Clerk