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Sll SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD AUGUST 25, 1981 WORK SESSION 9:00 A.M. - The Town Board met with Chief Dan Winters and reviewed his July 1981 Police Department Report. Also discussed: Illegal farm stands - Building Inspector George Fisher will prepare for distribution by .the Police Department the section of the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to farm stands. Dog incident between Southold Town and Riverhead Town. Possible traffic signal-at intersection of Main Road and Bay Avenue, Mattituck - Chief Winters said the State Traffic Division will conduct a survey. Traffic signal at intersection of Mai'n Road and Bo'is~eau Avenue, Southold - Councilman Nickles requested a survey of that intersection. 9:35 A.M. - James McMahon, Youth Services, met with the Town Board to discuss the Community Servi'ces Program which is working out very week for the youths in the program as well as the Town, and the County is. very pleased with this Town program. Mr. McMahon gave the Board a copy of a letter he is sending to the local school districts concerning a program of working within the School system in the early identification and assistance to troubled youth and their parents. Vandalism az the Senior/Youth Center was discussed and Mr. McMahon said 'adequate supervision' ' is the answer and plans to correct the problems have been implemented. Mr. McMahon asked permission to move his office from the lunchroom area of the west wing of the Town Hall to the Councilman room in the basement of the east wing. Permission was granted. 10:00 A.M. - The Board began reviewing the agenda. 11:00 A.M. - The Board met with Town Engineer Lawrence Tu'thil~ to discuss the Flood Insurance Rate Maps. EXECUTI%~ SESSION 11:10 A.M. - Discussion with Charles Graves concerning CSEA and PBA negotiations. 11:30 A.M. - Discussion with Lawrence Tuthill concerning Goldsmith Inlet Jetty Reporz. 12:15 P.M. - Recess for lunch. 1:45 P.M. Reconvened work session and continued reviewing agenda. 2:25 P.M. Meeting with Thomas Madden, President of the Suffolk County Restaurant Association, Mike Esposito and Chester Hans who wished the Town Board to reconsider the stand they have zaken concerning a proposal to close the bars at 2:00 A.M. rather than the p~esent 4:00 A.M. closing. They cited economic losses; the people would go to Queens to do business; Suffolk and Nassau Police Commissioners opposition to the 6hange. Councilman Murdock said the Association should give consideration to amending the licensing law. Closing the bars az 2:00 A.M. would not stop people from getting all the beer they want at a 7-1.1 Store, or delicatessen~ that are open after normal business hours.--Supervisor Pell stated the To~ Board meets again in two weeks and in the meantime they will reconsider their decision. 3:50 P.M. - Meeting with Don Sioss of Holzmacher, McLendon and Murrell concerning the New Suffolk Avenue project costs. 312 AUGUST 25, 1981 ~ re~Ula~ m~e%~hg ef the ~l.ithNt2 TO~2 BO~ was held on Tu~ay~ August 25, 1981 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southo±a, New York. Supervisor Pell opened the meeting at 3:00 P.M. with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Present: 'Supervisor William R. Pell, III Councilman Henry W. Drum Councilman John J. Sickles Councilman Lawrence Murdock, Jr. Councilman Francis J. Murphy * * * Town Clerk Judith T. Terry Town Attorney Robert W. Tasker On motion of Councilman Nicktes, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was. RESOLVED that the minutes of the Town Board meetings of August 4, 1981 and August 12, 198t be and hereby are approved. Vote of the To~ Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the next regular meeting of the Southold Town Board will be held at 7:30 P.M., Tuesday,~-September 8, 1981 at the Southold Town Hall, Main Road~ Southold, New York. Vote of~the To~ Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared d~ly adopted. I. REPORTS - SUPERVISOR PELL: These reports are on file in the Town Clerk's Office. Anybody wishing to review them can do so at that office. 1. Judge Rich m~nthly report (July 1981). 2. North Fork Apimal League (July 1981). 3. Long Island Cablevision monthly report as to the ~mber of complaints they had and services they render. (July 1981), 4. Police Department's monthly report (July 1981). 5. Monthly report from the Assessors (July 1981). Grievance Day was held during the last;month and we had a ~ery light turnout in the number of grievances that were h~re in compared, to other towns and compared to last year. 6. Report from Councilmen. Councilman Murdock. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Thank you, Bill. First I would like to read a letter that I am sending to each individual legislator of the Suffolk County Legislature. "I am writing to you in hopes that I can express an opinion to you about the extreme importance of the projecv to rebuild the Railroad Dock in Greenport has for the Town of Southotd. Unanimously, the Suffolk County Legislature approved Resolution No. 1492 in 1981 to appropriate $1,000,000.00 towards mhis project, This $1,000,000.i00, if it were able to be related to an impact on the more populous western towns would probably have the effect of a $15,000,000.00 project on the eoconomy. I believe this project is of the extreme importance to the Village of Greenport and also to the Town of Southold. I am particularly upset with a letter from Legislator Rosso to Legislator Wehrenberg dated August 13, 1981 saying that the project is effectively killed on the basis of a communication between an attorney, Stanley Corwin and Legislator Rosso discussing the Railroad project. This letter was written on-the Village of Greenport stationery. I contacted the Mayor to ~sk him if this were an official position of the Village of Gr~enport. He informed me by telephone tha~ at a Village Board meeting on the evening of August 24, 198I, a resolution was passed to write a letter ~o each of the legislators reaffirming the importance of the dock to the commercial interests of the Village of Greenpor~. I hope that the receipt of that letter from the Village of Greenport will clarify any misunderstanding about the interest of the project and I ask you to exercise the same diligence of thought that you applied to your vote on Resolution 1492 and continuously support this project because of its extreme importance to the North Fork. Sincerely yours,--" I've been contacted by people in Greenport and in looking into reaffirming my support of .that projec~ I ran into this letter from Legislator Rosso to Legislator Wehrenberg and it was dated August 13th and he says,-- apparently he must be hoping to kill this project because he says effectively it is killed. I would hope that does not become a fact. The million dollar project is very important to the Village S AUGUST 25, 1981 of Greenport. It wi~'-'do a lo~'~ar,~%h'e ~:bfi-~ of the Town of Southold in general and certainly the Village of Greenport in particular. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anything else, Larry? COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Yes. Last Wednesday--you will have to forgive me I am a little vague today, I had a death in the family and I haven't got my notes together. Last Wednesday the Town Attorney and I went To a conference id SyracUse' on municipal Solid waste.. It was a very comprehensive conference on all of the companies who are currently in the field burning municipal solid waste and hopefully generating electricity for the purpose of cutting down the cost'of burning municipal solid waste. It was very informative session. Both the Town Attorney and I felt very strongly about. At the present time that's all, Bill. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Councilman Drum. COUNCIL~N DRUM: My favorite topic - ~own dredging - I would say the county engineer said that they would pu~ the small dredge in Hall's Creek and East Creek or as we know it officially as Mud Creek_ in Cutchogue and Little Creek at present, and this will complete all of the projects that we had requested from the county. I know they have done a good.job and we have gotten more.than our share. I will say this, also in the emergency' pr'ep'a'r'edness I have looked into our area, Southold To~vn, and discussed it with the police chief and police headquarters and I feel we have a need in the basement for a very minor emergency cen~er. .When I say minor, it would require very little additional expense, such as a large map of our township, tables chairs, telephone extension. There has been one additional item which is not a small item, which I think.we should consider in our budget nex~ year ~nd that is a ~new g'enera'tor. I believe all the members on the Town Board recall our former police chief has requested for several years that we obtain a new generator. The one we have I think is about thirty or forty years old and a secondhand surplus at that particular time, we received from the Army or whatever. This would provide us with power in case we do have an emergency such as happened in Laurel and this was about t~ree weeks ago that we had~the tornado that w~nt through Jamesport and hit this home in Laurel, the Herroros home. At that particular time I was well aware that our Supervisor was out of town; our Deputy could not be reached and = unfortunately the Supervisor's Office did not notify any member of our Town Board. One of the Councilmen heard it on the radio and called me as the Deputy Emergency Officer and I immediately called Police Headquarters and they had sent someone up there. I called the Supervisor's Office and they had seen fit to notify me and had not not~ified anyone I guess. But I think this is an area £hat~.we have got to look at to make sure we have a--as we used to call it in military--chain of command, where someone is notified to go down. The Chief of Police had taken care of it, had a guard there. We went ahead and kept a policeman there through most of the night to insure that there was no vandalism. They were very fortunate that Mr. Herroros is a member of the Air National Guard and they'did go over and the Air National Guard gave them all the help they needed. We offered them help from the Highway Department and they did not need any help from the Highway Department at that particular time. But I think we must look towards the future. Not to spend a great deal of money in an emergency center .... our police headquarters as such is emergency center completely equipped, but should tornados or hurricane forces---I do feel that we should look and spend a little money and put it down in the basement in case we do get hit and look at our chain of command to ensure that ail of our people, when our Supervisor is gone and our Deputy is gone, to be sure that we are covered. SUPERVISOR PELL: This would also include a bad fire. COUNCILMAN DRUM: Anything. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anything else? (Nothing.) We have public hearings to-be held at 3:30 this afternoon. We will move to the agenda at this time and then come back to where we leave off. Public Hearings, Item No. IV. We need a recess at this time for the amount of time that it takes to conduct the-scheduled public hearings. 313 314 AUGUST 25, 1981 On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that a recess be called at this time 3:30 P.M. for conduct the following public hearings: 3:30 P.M., wetland application of Fred Melin 3:35 B.M., wetland application of Enconsults, Inc. for Howard 3:40 P.M., wetland application of Agnes Pagnozzi Petersen 3:45 P.M. wetland application of Suffolk Co. Dept. of Public Works. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. Meeting reconvened at 4k00 P.M. SUPERVISOR PELL: We left off under Councilmen's reports. time we will move on to Councilman Nicktes. (No report.) Murphy. At this Councilman COUNCIL~LiN MURPHY: Yes, I would like to reply--I'm sorry I was late coming in, I had some business with the Park District. As the Deputy Supervisor I was at the 'scene ~f the tornado and I would like to report that ~he Police Department did a fantastic job and the Mattituck Fire Department did a fantastic job. The friends of Mr. Herroros from the Air National Guard, Mr. Endres, they're both members, d~d a fantastic job coming over and helping. I wenv and contacted the lady to see if there was anything more the Town could do s'nd the results I don't think the Town really could have done any more. On Tuesday night a week from tonight there's going to be an Informational Meeting in the Town Hall here. I think that_ it's of great concern and interest to a tremendous amount of people concerning seed clam~ing. We have gotten press releases our to the papers and different radio stations for this. Anyone interested in learning about this and seeing if they would like the Town to participate are welcome to attend. This man Paul Flaacke the scientist who lives over in East Hampton ~ill come and make the presentation, ~Dlaining the whole program and tell how we could participate. BasicalLy what it is is taking tiny clams--four of them Mou could probably put on the pinkie, the small nail df your finger,-and in the period of time from April to October they'll grow ~arger than you~r thumb nail and this is like two and a half years growth on a clam, plus it's to a size where ~he fish and the crabs and the natural predators won't be bothering it. You get a survival rate of over 90% and it really seems a heck of a lot better way to go into try to improve an industry that is so very important out here. It used r~ be ~. very big industry and that seems vo be dying out and this is a very good potential of really helping it and anyone interested is welcome to attend. Thank you, Bill. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Supervisor's reporv. The only two things I would like to commenv on is we met with our county executive this past last week-'and he said that the federal aid from ~he federal government and the state government--his budget income will be cut by approximately $50,000.00.* Therefore, tell the Towns to be prepared to be cut and therefore I tell the department heads in .the Town to make their pencil sharp when~they make their budget. The other things is I will be having lunch one day this week with the chairman of the Assembly Committee on DEC. Marty Lang, Supervisor of Southampton Town and myself will be having lunch with him and I hope we gev into a discussion--big talk discussion about the marine life out here and also-we expect t~ discuss landfill problems with the DEC. That will be an interesting meeting and I will repor~ babk to the Board the next time we meem. COUN©ILMAN MURDOCK: When you said $50,000.00 will be cut from ~he counvy budgev. Is that $50,000.00 or $50,000,000.00? SUPERVISOR PELL: $50,000,000.00.* When we first heard it, the supervisors, we said, "What?"~-and the county exec said, "That's right." His tentative income is going to be down by totaI revenues from the state and federal government by $50,000,000.00 which he has vo make up. He said the supervisors asked him vo share the sales tax with us. He said, !'Do you want the sales tax when I have to face this deficit?" He sort of said no way. Those are the two things I have to report on. We move on to Public Notices, Councilman Nickles. II. PUBLIC NOTICES - COUNCILMAN NICKLES: i. From General Services Administration, Region 2 to the Town Clerk. "General Services Administration has prepared an environmental AUGUST 25, 1981 assessment and a fin~ing of no~ cant.~i~m~act for the proposed transfer of the Plum'~'[Stand Li~h'~~ ~t~0n/ Southotd, Suffolk County,- New York---to the U. S. Department of Agriculture for an addition to its Plum Island Animal Research Center. The property consists of approximately 3 acres, with improvements thereon. Interested parties may review the assessment by contacting Mr~ John P. Byrnes, Director, Real Property Division, Federal Property Resources Service, General Services Administration, 26 Federal Plaza, New York, New York." A copy of this is on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board. We discussed this earlier in the day. The three acres we are discussing is on Plum Island and it would be just a transfer basically from one federal agency to another. 315 III. COMMUNICATIONS - SUPERVISOR PELL: 1. A letter saying what a fine Police Department we have. We hear so many complaints about things that are wrong. When we ge~ one that is nice it is really nice to pass it on to the Chief of Police saying what a fine job him and his staff are doing for the residents. (From Gertrude & Pat Fiellan, Bayshore Road, Greenport.) 2. From Mrs. Kenneth Godfrey talking about the yard sale permits and the fees that they are charged and everything about tha~. Her viewpoints. 3. Something that will be put on the agenda September 8th in resolution form. Refers to the office of Town Clerk, the records that they keep, birth-and death records that are kept here in Town Hall. There is a movement to make them kept only in the county which we oppose, (From Huntington Town Supervisor Kenneth C. Butterfield.) 4. Review of the Flood Insurance Maps. Our Town Engineer Mr. Tuthill is working with them and keeping us informed on that. Our maps have not be~n released yet. They should be very soon. (From Federal Emergency Management,Agency.) 5. I see a gmou~ of people i~ the back of the room who turned in a letter--petition regards ~o the train service that is being bus- rail cut and trains put on. They wrote the Town Board a letter. We did discuss it today. Basically we are going to try to help you folks out. I know you ~urned the petition in ~o Councilman Murdock. Larry, who did you distribute that to? (#5 letter from Robert Lehmann.) COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: John Behan, Senator LaValle. To a man by the name of Cronin who is Dick Strang's replacement in the Department of Transportation in New York and to--I forget his name--for the Long Island Railroad--Superintendent of Transportation. Those four& Mr. Dixon. SUPERVISOR PELL: What I will attempt to do and instructed my office to try to do within the next week is get the members of the MTA Advisory. Board--contact them--ask them to come ou~ here an~ sit~down in my office with myself and if any of you people are here, leave your name with my secretary on your way out and when they agree to come ou~ I will give you a telephone call and have you people come in and we will sit down and see what we can work out with the advisors of the MTA Board. After the Board met today at noontime I told her to try to get ~hold of them and see if she could get through to them before 3:00 o'Clock today but she has not got back to me yet so I presume she has not got through to them. But as soon as I can get through To them I will let the Town Board know and you people know and invite you to come in here and sit down and talk to them and make them sure they are aware of what the problem is. 6. A series of meetings being held on SEQR law. The closest one to us will be October 14th in Farmingdale at Farmingdate School. Somebody from Town will probably attend it. (Letter from William K. S~nford, Executive Secretary, Association of Towns of the State of New York, Robert F. Flacke, Commissioner, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation, Gordon C. Perry, Executive Director, NYS Conference of Mayors and Other Municipal Officials, and Edwin L. Crawford, Executive Director, NYS Association of Counties.) 7. From Pontinos (John, Joseph..Martha) making the Town..Board aware that the~e are violations on roadside farm-s~nds and portable . wagons. This will be turned over to the Building Department who enforces these rules. ..... 8.-- I~ reierence to Fishers Island trip and letter they sent ~o us sometime ago about certain things they would like to have done there. We are looking into this and I will respond to them. (Fishers Island School.) Some of the things they would like to have done I don't think are permissable To do. They might have to have some bad news coming to them 316 AUGUST 25, 1981 9. A letter saying the A'.'A.U,W. would like to 'use 'the R'ecke'a~t:iOn Hall up there a couple of nig~--~'-~ek for some purpose. (From L. Robertson.) IV. HEARINGS & DECISIONS Hearings we went through. RE SOLUT IONS We will move on to resolutions. SUPERVISOR PELL: Resolutions. -The first one is from the Mat'tituck Senior Citizen group, a request for bus trip to West Point. On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman .Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the Senior Citizens Club of Sou-thold Township, Ma'ttit'uck Unit be and hereby is granted permission to' hire one bus at a cost of $495.00 to transport their group to West Point and the Hudson Valley Winery. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly a'dop't'ed. SUPERVISOR PELL: Number 2, the appointment from September 1 through November 30th of Marian Goubeaud as a part-time Clerk-Typist. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold appo'int' Marian Goubeaud as a part-time Clerk-Typist in the Town Clerk's Office effective September 1, 1981 through November 30, 1981, 30 hours per week at $~.50 per hour. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PEL~: Number 3, approval of a bond for Bayview .Farms, Orient. On motion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold approve the amoun~ of $140,000.00 for a bcnd for the roads and improvements -in the subdivision known as "Bayview Fgrms" at Orient, New York, as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board and Town Engineer Lawrence M. Tuthill. Vote of the To~m Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman _ Murdock,:~Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly ~dOpted. On motion of Councilman Murdock, .seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOL\~D that the Town Board of the Town of Southold set the fee charged by the Southold Town Clerk for a Certificate of Marriage Registration at S5.00 effective June 1, 1981. Vote of the To~ Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold approve the application of Florence Steiner for the renewal of her trailer permit application for trailer located on right-of-way off of the southeast side of Main Road, Mattituck, New York, for a six month period. Vote of the To~n Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This Yesolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman'Murd©ck, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that Margaret Terry, New Suffolk School, and Lucius Ware, Principal, Laurel School be and hereby are appointed Attendance Officers, subject zo the ~itten approval of rhe District Superintendent of Schools, throughout the Town of Southold except such schools as are otherwise provided for by Section 3213 of the Education Law, and be it further RESOLVED Lhat the compensation for each Attendance Officer be fixed at $5.00 per hour, when working in this capacity, they to pay their own expenses, and be it further RESOL¥~D that the To~ Clerk be and she is hereby instructed to notify Margaret Terry and Principal Lucius Ware and the District Superintendent of Schools of the appointments. AUGU,RT 25, 1981 317 10. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I~ll offer that resolution but I think the public' should know we got involved in this--there is a state law that requires us to have Attendance Officers in certain school districts and we were paying an Attendance Officer an annual salary of $1,200.00 a year and as far as anybody on this Board knows--I'm not saying she was never used, but certainly in the four years that all of us have been involved at no time has she ever been called upon To act as'an Attendance Officer. So we looked around for other ways and these two people are both employees of the schools in question and feel that they are on duty anyway and if they are needed they will be glad to go out on a per use basis, so hopefully it will save the To~m the $1,200.00 a year that we were paying for an Attendance Officer to stand by. I offer that resolution. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: I wrote a letter when I mailed the pay check out last fall after I called the school and they never heard of her; I called BOCES and they didn'T know anything about her, so I wrote a letter to please stop in my office and tell me what you do. She stopped in and said she had the job for four years and you're the first one who ever questioned me. "What do I do? Nothingl I haven't been called in four years." I said, "Who had the job before you? What did he do?" She said the same as she did, just cash his check. I said,' "Lady the day of wine and roses ends when this budget ends." So we ended it just today. 7. Moved by Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nickles, WHEREAS, a petition was received from William Tsigakos and Peter Brountzas requesting a change of zone on certain property at Greenport, New York, said petition for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricmltural District to "B" Light Business District, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold be and she hereby is directed to. transmit this application to the Planning Board in accordance with Article XV, Section lO0-150(B) of the Code of the Town of Southold. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: -Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. 8. Moved by Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, WHEREAS/~a petition was received from Anthony J. DeMaula and ~' Dorothy A. DeMaula requesting a change of zone on certain property at Mattituck, New York, said petition for a change of zone from "A" Residential and Agricultural District to "C" Light Industrial Dis RES~ her~ Boa Cod~ Vo t, Mur~ Thi: SUP[ dis~ haw ins~ ins] p roi and to we age pro] ;rict, now, therefore, be it )LVED that the Town Clerk of the Town of Southold be and she ~by is directed to transmit this application to the Planning in accordance with Article XV, Section 100-150(b) of the of the Town of Southold. of the To~ Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman ock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. resolution was declared duly adopted. RVISOR PELL: Number 9 we crossed off the agenda after we ~ussed it today at Board and with our Town Attorney. What we instructed to do is we are going to send a letter out to all ~rance agen%s in Town and ask them for proposals on the Town ~rance. If I can try to explain th~s, this way if we have ~sals we can select the carrier that we want to use to a degree put everybSdy in semi-quote 'competitive bid form'. If we go ~id we might have a carrier from Ohio come in here and we feel ~o~ld like to have the flexibility of trying to select a local ~t in Town and have it go locally. So, we are going to ask for ~osals on this. ~otion of Councilman Murdock, seconded by Councilman Drum, it was )LVED that the Towh Board of the Town of Southold approves the .ication of Frank J. McBride for the renewal of his trailer On RES app application for farm worker trailer located on the north side gon Road, Cutchogue, New York, for a six month period. ~ot~ of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murmock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. Thi~ resolution was declared duly adopted. 318 ll. 12. AUGUST 25, 1981 On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that Supervisor William R. Pell, III be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execuze a contract between the County of Suffolk and the Town of Southold for the Year VII Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $220,526.00. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. SUPERVISOR PELL: That is for $220,526.00 To come into this Town. That one wasn't cut. It's supposed to be for two years and we get the same thing next year. On motion of Councilm~n Murphy, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that consent is hereby given to Raymond C. Dean, Superintenden~__~ of Highways of the Town of Southold to abandon Seventh Street, extend- ing from the southerly line of Corwin Street southerly to land of the 13. Long Island Railroad Co., said highway has noz been traveled or used as a highway for six and mor~ years prior to the date hereof and is hereby declared abandoned pursuant to Section 205 of the Highway Law as a highway and a public right of way. Said abandoned highway is described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Corwin Street on the extension southerly of the westerly line of Seventh Street; running thence along said southerly line of Corwin Street, South 88 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds East 50.'26 feet to a point on the extension southerly of the easterly line of Seventh Street; thence along the extension southerly of said easterly line of Seventh Street, South 7 degrees 09 minutes West 63.03 feet to land of Long Island Railroad Co.; thence along said land, South 84 degrees 11 minutes 4b seconds West 51.31 feet to the extension southerly of said westerly line of Seventh Street; thence along said exvension, North 7 degrees 09 minutes East 69.46 feet to the point of beginning. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman N~ickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman M~r~y,~it was RESOLVED that consent is'hereby given to Raymond Ci Dean S~p~tender~ of Highways of the Town of South01d to abandon Eighth Street[~ extend- ing from the southerly line of Corwin S%reet southerly ~O l~nd of:the Long Island Railroad Co., said highway has not been travete~ or used 14. 15. as a highway for six and more years prior to the date hereof and is hereby declared abandoned pursuant.to Section 205 of the Highway La~ as a highway and a public right of way. Said abandoned highway is described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Corwin Street on the extension southerly of the westerly line of Eighth Street; running thence along said southerly line of Corwin Street, South 88 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds East 50.21 feet to a point on the extension southerly of the easterly line of Eighth Street; ~hence along the extension southerly of said easterly line of Eighth Street, South 6 degrees 36 minutes 40 seconds West 100.61 feet to land of Long Island Railroad Co.; thence along said land, South 84 degrees ll minutes 40 seconds West 51.20 feet to a point on the extension southerly of said westerly line of Eighth Street; thence along said extension, North 6 degrees 36 minutes 40 seconds East 197.03 feet to the p~!~ of beginning. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman ~urphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Petl. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Cbuncilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby declares their willingness to participate in the Suffolk Count'y Farmland Preservation Program, Phase It. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Drum, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the Suffolk County Legislature to consider inclu'ding ~dd'i~'i'onal properties in the Town of Sbuthold in the Phase II Farmland Preservation Plan, whereas the Town of Riverhead is not participating in the Program. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared du~y adopted. 16. 17. 18. 20. AUGUST 25, 1981 319 On motion of mouncl±man MurdOd~, ~e~oflded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby nominates Thomas Shalvey Sr. as Southold Town's representative on the Suffolk County Farmland Committee. Vote of the Town Baard: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Superviscr Pell. This resolution was declared duly ~dopt'ed. On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Nickles, it was RESOLVED that the So~tho'ld Town Board declares itself'lead agency in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act' in the matter of the application of Agnes ~agnozzi for a Wetland permit on certain property located off south side Jockey Creek Drive on Jockey Creek Southold, New York. ' ' Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopte~. Moved by Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, WHEREAS, on or about August 10, 1981, M/V Munn'atawket suffered an engineering casualty when the clutch-reduction gear assembly on the port main engine failed, arid WHEREAS, M/V Munnatawkez requires the services of both main engines for optimum performance and safe navigation of the vessel, and WHEREAS, Thames Shipy~r'd and Repair Co. of New London, Connecticut is available to make timely and expeditious repairs, and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District declares that emergency repairs are required for purposes oZ safety, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold approves the action of the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry D~strmct in engaging the services of Thames Shipyard and Repair Co. of New London, Coanecticut to ~ke emergency repairs on M/V Munnatawket. Vove of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Drum!, seconded by Counci%man Nickles, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes the expenditure of $798.08 from General Fund Whole Town, Engineer Fees A1440.4 ~o pay Holzmacher, McLendon and Murrell, P.C. billing for preparing applications for federal funding of highway improvements on Depot and Aldrich Lane under the Federal Rural Secondary Roads Program. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. On motion of Councilman Murdock; seconded by Councilman Drum, it was RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes the refund of $15.00 to Gordon Miller for payment of a Yard Sale Permit erroneously issued to Mr. Miller, a resident of the Incorporated Village of Greenport. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared duly adopted. ~ SUPERVISOR PELL: That concludes the prepared agenda. At this time I would like tb ask the Councilmen if there is anything I left out or omitted or they would like to add? Councilman Murdock. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I would like to discuss the 'Southold To~n 'Youth Projection a little. They had a yard 'sale 'a's':g ~und raiser. They accepted donations from quite a few people in Town. The proceeds of the yard sale amounted to $1,041.00. It was what I would consider to be a unqualified success. It was also a lot of hard work by the people involved and it's been a pleasure for me to see the Southold Town Youth Projection grow. Probably the hardest area ~o establish a program is in the area of serving youth. Their ideas change very quickly. Their attention span changes very quickly. It's frustrating for senior members to put up with the foibles of youth and it is a very had task and Southold Tdwn Youth Projection has been in existence now for a little over a year and looks like it's a growing and healthy child and I'm very happy that they're organized to the point where they man effectively go into fund raising and help themselves and 320 AUGUST 25, 1981 I'm sure that given the same support that we've been giving them and the same effort they're putting in it wi!lh~ ~ ~d via~!~ i~ti~wme~t ~o~ ~h£~ To~n. Thank you ver~- ~uoh. SUPERVISOR PELL: Councilman Drum? (Nothing.) Councilman NickleS? (Nothing.) Councilman Murphy? COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Yes, there was one thing. We were late this afternoon and I did want to bring up one more item and I would like even to make it in the form of a resolution concerning the lgn'dfi'll. I do think I would like to authorize the--a resolution authorizing the Supervisor to start finding members of an advisory' C'ommi'ttee to help us out to get so we can plan properly so that we could get other feelings. We're going along very very fast with this .engineering firm. They have a system that I feel is good and it has very good potential for the Town. The Town water is in a very critical situation and whatever we could do and the faster we could do it the better we'd be and I would like to have the resolution offered so that the Supervisor can start putting people on the committee and forming a committee to where we could actively help the Town Board make these decisions. Some of the people would be the Superintendent of Highways, people that use the dump the most, the carters, interested scientists, interested people in the community, environmentalists and that. I would like to offer that resolution. SUPERVISOR PELL: May I add in there, Frank, if you are going to offer that I cannot appoint. Tell the people to submit their resumes to my office. I do not have the power to appoint. This Board appoints. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: But I think we should have a committee started so that you can start getting resumes. SUPERVISOR PELL: ResUmes. I think you can direct you want a committee set up but have people send resumes in to my office and then I can distribute them to the Board and then the Board will appoint the committee as a unit. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Larry, would you Want to say-anythSng on it before .... COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Yes, I would, Frank. COUNCILMAN Mb~PHY: Larry and I both serve on the committee together. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: If the people in the audience notice, on the Work Session agenda a~ 10:00 A.M. there was a company called the Lovisa Construction Company. Unfortunately we had two deaths in the area that impacted our Town Board and last night at a meeting I was az I got notified that my brother-in-law had died, several people there suggested that we call Lovisa because we would not have a quorum of Board members available this morning at 10:00 A.M. to properly hear their presentation,that we asked them to postpone it. Lovisa we~ have been working with. The Disposal Area Committee. at that time consisted of Frank Murphy and John Nickles and myself. Fran~ Murphy was unavailable the day that we had an appointment with - a man by the name of Dick Storrs last December. He has been approx- imately six months gathering data and making a proposal which is also along the same general lines as the proposal given to the Town by Energy Development Corporation. I don't know what they're going ~o suggest as a complete alternative. I know that they feel that there are other places that we could establish a facility to burn municipal soli~ waste and I'm sorry that we didn't get to mee~ with them today. Also, as a result of going up to ~his conference in Syracuse with the Town Attorney the one conclusion that the sponsors of the seminar and the New York State D.E.C. agree on--the field is very very limited in ~erms of reliability or length of time. There are only fifteen years of existing of burning municipal solid waste as opposed zo the old days where we just incinerated and allowed everything to go up the flue. There are only fifteen years span of history. It was also the ge'neral'6~nclusion, and this happened to be an engineering firm who put the presentation together, that one of the faults of engineering firms is that. they go to the guy in Town who's doing business now ~ype of syndrome that if you built one you can build two and if you build ~wo you could build four and it doesn't necessarily reflect that the person who built the first one is also the person who's best. If we accept this seminar as a decent read- AUGUST 25, 1981 321 ing of the situation.~involvin~~sol~ waste, it appears that we have a very narrow scope of people to consul~ with mn the first p±ace and I really feel that az this point, while I welcome any kind of Town participation, public participation, we've had our o~en meetings, we've had the North Fork Environmental Council sir in. At every Board session where we discussed our work with Energy Development Corporation they are open meetings and interested citizens are there and allowed vo be there. I really feel that going through the technicalities of appointing a committee, getting them educated to the point that we!re at so that they can effectively deal with the recon~endations of both companies would probably delay us six months to a year. We've working on this thing for a year now and while I can appreciate having citizen advisory committees, I think the time to have had one is when we began the discussions rather than a~ the point we are probably seventy-five to eighty percent along the line of having to make a decision which way we're going to go and I think it would be unfair to the two engineering firms who have e~ended quite a lot of money on behalf of Southold Town to assess our problems and show us ways that they're available to help us. I'm only one person. At this point I'm not in favor of adding a citizens advisory committee. I'm quite satisfied that the Town of Southold has acted expediently and expeditiously and I think if we continue along the way we're going we will be in a position ~o effectively make a determination. I think anything else would only delay us six months to a year. SUPERVISOR PELL: Anybody else wish to commen~? COUNCIL~N MURPHY: Bill, I think it's most important. SUPERVISOR FELL: This was not discussed before 'til jus~ now. I do think I am in favor of an advisory committee. We had one on Robins Island,'it was effective. We have one working on the Mattituck Park District--Matti%uck Inlet Dis~rict--I feel it has been effective. Larry-~ you are part of that one. I feel perhaps--I know this advisory committee was brought up in passing more than once. We never acted upon it. It was always brought up and we never did anything. If Councilman Murphy feels it's time now to have resumes submitted in to review it-- Yes, you're right, we meet during the daytime, the public always is invited at our meeting. Frank Bear is generally~ there with us representing the North Fork Environmental Council. I feel we have perhaps some of the best brains around with people that work in Brookhaven Lab, are on Plum Island, ~there are retired peopl~ out here. Maybe we were lax in not getting this cormnittee set up a year ago. Maybe we should have got it sev up six months ago, I don't know whether we were lax in not getting it set up but I do feel ~hat it is time. If we were lax in getting it set up six months ago it's our fault as a whole Town Board. I do feel now that it is brought up by C6~ncilman Murphy and I am not objecting to it, in ~act i~ the motion reads to have resumes submitted for consideration to be appointed to an advisory committee I will second that motion. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Let me just make some comments. I think it is mos~ important. I don't think anybody knows the problems of Southold Town better than the people who live in Southold Town. I would much prefer to find out for once what our problem really are concerning the landfill and wa~er. There are an awfully lot of very knowledgable people in the Town an'd I personally would trust them much more than an engineering firm that really doesn't really care thav much abou~ Southold Town and this is why I think it is most important to get started on thins and that we get some people sending their resumes in who are interested~ I think it is a very important step befo~e~the Town-Board makes a big decision on what type of engineering firm. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: I will only make one comment about engineering firms who don't have the concern of Southold Town. Southold Town in conjunction with the other four east end towns and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation enlisted a engineering firm who provided a study that recommended that we join in a Five Town Resource Recovery Plant. It was going to cost $78,000,000.00. It was going to cost the Town of Southold $15,000,000.00 in capital costs jusv to participate as well as maybe altogether if you figured interest costs, capital costs, operating costs $3,000,000.00 a year to participate in burning municipal solid waste. So far at this time these ~wo concerns who are uncaring for Southold Town are both prepared mo spend their own four and a half ~o five million doltar~ to build their own plant and put up all of their own money as well as hire all o£ their own people to burn municipal solid wasve. Their 322 AUGUST 25, 1981 interest in the Town of Southold, while to them may be will allow them to make a profit, at the time they are making a profit they are also saving us $15,000,000.00 in capital costs and we're not even sure yet if we'll accept it but they are prepared to invest that money in Southold Town for Southold Town. I think it's very unfair of you to categorize them as uncaring about Southold Town and their people. Because I haven't seen anybody in any of the firms that we ever delt with that have offered to come up with five cents for Southold Town and I don't want to see either of them categorized as uncaring. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Larry. Councilman Nickles. COUNOILMAN NICKLES: One, I would like to say .that to some extent I agree with Mr. Murphy that we're being rushed along on this and I'.don't know who's doing the pushing but certainly it is not internal forces and external forces. A lot of the pressure that has to do with our waste disposal area does not come from necessarily problems that exist at this moment. This comes from regulations that have been passed by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and all the rain, so to speak, by their regulations falls equally on New York State. What they're trying to do is preclude having problems. We do not have a problem. Nevertheless, come 1985 everybody is going to have to be all in the same step. Either having a liner under our waste disposal area and capping ~t or going to incineration as you heard Mr. Murdock talk about. I have no objections to public input. If I were to criticize this Board for one thing, it seems that when there's a tough decision to be made we run out and create an advisory committee. I am not, at this point, ready to give'my responsibility over for making-decisions or put the burden over on somebody else. I think that's what-we were elected for. I think it's premazure at this time to have an advisory committee. I think there's a proper time for citizens input and perhaps an advisory committee. Secondly,~ I feel that the motion is out of order. This Board has a gentleman's agreement that if you have a resolution it is submitted to the Supervisor on Friday. That not being the case, by the general consent of the Board on the day of the meeting it can then be added to the agenda and I realize Frank we were rushed today with funerals and so on and so forth but nevertheless it is still out of order. If you call the motion I-'will abstain. SUPERVISOR PELL: Judy, call the roll. TOWN CLERK TERRY: I would like-to know how you are going zo wo~d this motion, Mr. Pell. SUPERVISOR PELL: The mozion~is~-Frank? COUNCILMAN MURPHY: Supervisor to solicit resumes I think for the formation of an advisory .committee concerning the landfill. TOWN CLERK TERRY: Are you calling for the establishment of a committee ? COUNCILMAN MURPHY: I think that is what we should do first. TOWN CLERK TERRY: How many members would you have on this committee?' COUNCILMAN MURPHY: I think that would be up to the Town Board ~o decide and really who is to go on it. That's a Town Board decision. I agree with J~hn that this is very short notice but I'm just interested in trying to get this thing started. It's going to be sevemaI months before resumes are in and before something is done on it and I would like to gez moving. COUNCILMAN DRUM: Are we talking about two members, three members, zen, twenzy? How many? On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Supervisor Pell, it was RESO~D that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby establishes a Landfill Advisory Committee and Supervisor William R. Pell.. III be and he hereby is authorized and directed to solicit resumes for member of this committee. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Supervisor Pell. No: Councilman Murdock. Abstain: Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum. This resolution was declared lost. AUGUST 25, 1981 323 SUPERVISOR PELL: Th~ motion ~o~.~',We 'need ~our votes to pass anything in the Town. COUNCIL~N MURDOCK: Bill, I'd like to make one other comment to the people. If t had known Mr. Murphy were going to bring up that subject, in the meeting room I left my briefcase. I have a brief- case that is entirely full of nothing but letters, proposals, engineering designs~ brochures'from manufacturing concerns and basically it is manufacturing concerns who make the components to burn municipal solid waste--of nothing but municipal solid waste and how to burn it. I think, and I am very sincere about it, I think if we were to have a citizens advisory committee they should certainly read every page of every one of these brochumes as has been done and. it is a tremendous amount of work been don~ over a year and I very honestly feel that whoever you bring onboard at this time you're saddling them with a tremendous responsibility to cazch up. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thaak you. There are three bills being considered today and I tried to ge~ the results of them but they haven't been vo~ed on yet in the County Legislature. One is for a public water supply system study for Riverhegd Township and Southold Township in the tune of $105,000.00. The Legislature is supposed to vote on it today and the last telephone call I had fr~m Greg Blass is that he does not have the required ten votes mo pass it and he.might ask to table it. They were going to go in debate on it this afternoon and if he thought he had the ten he would call for the vote. Thesecond one is to acquire land on the North Road up here on Youngs Avenue where the drainage is. A public hearing was held here for the county to acquire a piece of land. That was up for vote today. The last thing up for vote that affects Southold Town today is the money for additional dredging in Southold Town. I think that one will pass. He was sure that one ~outd pass. ~s Councilman Drum said before, SouthoId has been most fortunate~this year working with John Guldi and all our things we have asked to have dredged out this year have been dredged or will be dredged in the very near future. We are one of the few ~owns who can say that. It is a lot of work on your Totem Board's part, especially Hank and ~he Department of Public Wprks. We are going in for projects that have to be done, not just saying we want this done, but be able to justify when we make a request it is a bonafide legitimate request and we can justify what we are seeking. So many people cry "wolf" when they don't need it, but with the Department of Public Works we have built a rapport and we hope that this rapport will continue. When we make a request they listen to us. We try to have them come out, take them and show them the areas. The Trustees--Mrs. Hataier went around with Councilman Drum with these folks a year ago. When did you go around, last December, January? Several ~imes to show them. This why we need it dredged a~d th~ agreed and we have been fortunate. At this time I would like to ask the audience here if there is anything you would like to address the Board? MRS. DOROTHY ARMBRUST: I am from the Mattituck Senior Citizens and I don't know whether I am out of place or not, but I would like to know have you done anything on the heating system in the building because after all it is almost September and we were frozen out of there last year and we had to make other plans of having our meetings elsewhere and I am just wondering if anything when you plan on starting. You have set $~0,000.00 towards a new plant and I was wondering when that would be started. SUPEgVISOR PELL: We have been working on that one. Board meeting I made a report to the Board on it. Nickles,fill me in--help me out on that one. At the last Councilman COUNCILMAN NICKLES: Not the last Board meeting at Fishers Island, but the last Board meeting in the Town Hall here we had a report from an engineering outfit, Pan Tech I believe it is, who came in with an energy audit report which we had ordered back earlier in the summer and they had'indicaled to us, based on their survey, that due to lack of insulation in various areas and air leaks, we were losing more BTU's per hour than our furnaces could put out. They claim our furnaces are perfectly adequate for handling the area of that building but the ~roubte is the furnace puts out 200,000 BTU's per hour--these are not the exact figures-zthe heat loss is~300,000. So we're running a deficit every hour. This 324 AUGUST 25, 1981 consequently makes the building cold, this runs .our utility bill up. I think there is one area where there are steel supports going up the walls that weren'T properly insulated--they go right up into the ceiling area, the cold air of the ceiling drops down these boxed-in areas, and of course it hits the floor and you young ladies on the feet and makes you cold. If we do this work and the estimate is somewhere around $12,000.00, we can recapture our capital invest- ment, according to the engineer, at least 50% the first year just on heating costs alone. He did not take into consideration what we recapture on the air conditioning process in the summertime because we don't have that whole history for them to examine yet, because as you know the Senior Citizens/Youth Activities only started operation in maybe late Augus~ or early September last year. I think that's where the Town Board is going with this heating problem up there. I don't know that we have given a final resolve to supplemenzary heaters. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: By mid-fall. The plans and specs are being drawn up right now. SUPERVISOR PELL: LILCO came out and examined the heaters that we have there and LILCO said last winter when we had the problem that the heaters are adequate. Then we had this engineering firm come in and as John says ~ell us where we're losing our heat. They also said The heat pumps are adequate, more so than we need ~o do the job, but the h~at loss as John .says is terrific. We have to correc~ the heat loss, and this is what we are going to do. It will cost us between nine and vwelve thousand dollars and that is being drawn up now and should be done early fall. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: While we are on that subject, as you heard we didn't have time today to go into a general discussion. 'I have been in contact with a ceiling fan company and planned to talk to the Town Board today rela-tive to installing eight fans in the ceiling with 52 inch blades. They' have a reverse pitch on them w~!~h in the wintertime will give the effect--as you know'heat ri~es-~these blades will take that heat and force it back down to the f!~or. It will redistribute the heat and it also will help with the ~ir conditioning in the summer in redistributing the colder g~r. We have not had a-chance to discuss.at.the Town. Board but it~ one of the recommendation's I' was going to make"t'o the Board ~i when- ever we ge~ together again I will make it to them but we B~ve not had a chance to sit down today and discuss it. MRS. ARMBRUST: These alone will never do it. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: Oh, no, they won't only do'it, but they will help to distribute~some of the heat that we have instead of it being warm ~wo feet above your head, if we can push it down to at least get ~o your earlobes it will help. MR. ROBERT LEHMANN: I live on Yennecott Drive in Southold and I want to thank the Board for the opportunity given to me today in regard to the discontinuance of bus service. I had a fully prepared statement but in lieu, of Supervisor Pell's remarks about his efforts to obtain a hearing with the railroad that I'll forgo that and keep the remarks brief. SUPERVISOR PELL: Let me make something short. It's the advisory members of MTA. Board. I met one of them already in Riverhead the other day. ~ MR. EEHMANN: The one thing that~we've come up against is in all of our efforts to make contact with the railroad, the railroad has really given us a smoke screen. The railroad has attempted to discredit our petitions. It was stated in ~he papers that they know who is riding the railroad and who's not riding. They said they've taken surveys for nine months. I~ve ridden it for two years and in two years time they've taken one singl'e' ~r'it'ten survey. Mr. Murdock has had a copy of our petitions and I~m sure that the Board can see from that petition that the names that are signed on there do infact come from the North Fork, not as the railroad states not come from the North Fork. SUPERVISOR PELL: The Town Board has never received the petitions. MR. LEHMANN: I requested Mr. Murdock vo--- AUGUST 25-, 1981 325 COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: ~,~,~I have th,e~D~e,ti~t~ions cDpied but today we just never got a. chance to get into' o~r d~scuss~on session. MR. LEH~NN: Because that petition will show that the names signed there were sigfled by residents of the North Fork. The names that were signed were signed in fact on the bus itself by people who were riding the bus. The railroad has stated that the reason, that they put this into effect was that a group of people in Ridge, I believe it was Ronald Fields in Ridge, goz together a petition with some 300 names and they requested improved service for the Brookhaven area. I think it's a commendable effort that the railroad attempted to do something for them, but they completely disregarded the North Fork. We can'z get to the city on time. If you are going on the Island itself, you don't meat with cross island bus connections. The trains that go westbound in the morning stop at stops that are no~ stops return. The railroad has attempted to claim that that's nov so. Along with my statement I'll give you copies of the schedules that show that in fact it ~s so. In fact it affects myself. The only bus connection that I can get would be from Bethpage to the South Shore and coming back az night the train doesn't stop at Bethpage, and the schedule shows it. In my statement I' have seven basic questions that I ask that the Board seek answers to, or at least get us the opportunity to seek those answers of someone at a public hearing. I urge that you attempt to convene that hearing nexz week because September 4th is very very close. There are some people--myself, yes, I can get back in my car and I can drive to Massapequa if I have zo. There are people that are riding that bus today that are riding it on a regular daily basis that don't have that opportunity. People thaz will lose their jobs if we don't have that public trans- portation. I again want to say thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: Can I ask you a question? Would it be better if we could get it some evening for you people to come out to? MR. LEH~NN: Very definitely. W~ had hoped that todays meeting was going to be an evening meeting. We could have gotten the entire group of regular riders ouz. Ag it turns ouz we've got about half of us regular riders that ride every single day. SUPERVISOR PELL: Before yo~ all go hom~ stop in-and give Chris your name and telephone numbers. She'll call you because it will be on the spur of the moment thing. I can contac~ the Board members and she could contact you. Thank you. ~ MR. JOHN SISINO: I live in Indian Neck in Peconic and I'm also a regular bus rider on the Road and Rail and I would just like to elaborave something that appears in Mr. Lehmann's statement to the Board and is in reference to statements made by Long Island Railroad that this extension of rail service to the North Fork was~Rn r~'sponse to a 300 name petition made by people from the Ridge area. The last ~wo days I've ridden the train into the Central Islip area and on Monday the train szopped a~ the Yaphank station which I would imagine would be the s~ation that would service the people from the Ridge area. No one boarded the train in Yaphank and this morning I rode the train in to Central Islip also and the train didn't even stop in Yaphank because there wasn't anybody in Yaphank. I'd just like to, along with what Mr. Lehmann says in his statement, I'd like to elaborate on that myself. COUNCILMAN MURPHY: What stops does it make? MR. LEHMANN: The 6:01 train or it's actually t~vo trains. The train start~ in Greenport and makes stops in Southold, Cutchogue, Mattituck, J~mesport, Riverhead and then the next stop is to be Yaphank. That was the station that was to service the "300 names submitted". A total of 23 stops from Greenport ~o Penn Station. I'd just like to point ou~ that this they claim is an improvement to the rail services on the North Fork. MR. GENE McELROY: I'm from Southold. There are several things. We were in con~ac~ with the railroad this morning and talked to one of their representatives, Alexandra Zettin. They haven't done their homework because when Bob's train makes the run in, when it ~comes back it doesn't stop. She also said that the present train is re- placing the rail and bus service; the train gets in a~ 9:01 and the former service arrived at New York City at 9:34. There is no such arrival time. The arrival time is 8:16 based on the present 326 AUGUST 25, 1981 schedule. Another thing that floored me was tha% I've been riding this bus for ten years. She also talked to someone this morning-- that there is a bus running from Greenport to Babylon at the present time. I don't know where she's getting this information. I don't know of any bus that goes from Greenport to Babylon except the Long Island Railroad bus which they will discontinue; She also confirmed the fact of their survey that they have been surveying the bus. She said that their survey showed that there are thirteen riders on this bus throughout the day, I think they are averaging it out. Bob and Clem here and John have spoken to the person that's doing the survey form them and they're averaging people who are using the bus per day. She also stated that this survey was being conducted by members of the Long Island Railroad, their personnel. Further checkings-it is being done by an outside consulting firm. These are the things they are going to present To you. That's why we would like to be there. It's amazing, mind boggling th~ things that they say. It's un- believable. And even on cost, how can they justify the cost? SUPERVISOR PELL: You and I have spoken~and Bob and I spoke. MR. McELROY: And you can see some of the statements made in the Suffolk Times where they don't react to petitions. When they took this train they reacted to a petition from Ridge. Thank you. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: The bus they are referring to, Bob, is the one that Bob Brown runs mostly in conjunction with the weekend people--- MR, McELROY: I'm sorry, that's not it. COUNCILMAN MURDOCK: That's not the one he's referring to? MR. McELROY: From Greenport to Babylon. COUNCILMAN ~RDOCK: 4 did contact Bob Brown to ask him ~or some way he could institute a service to go from Greenport to Babyloa when September 4th ends and he said he's interested in talking ~ people about it. But he will need much more ridership than is a~ailable. MR. McELROY: Also, I also called another time and spoke ~o--and they give you ~he runaround~-a Mr. Br~an'Malone. I asked a simple question that the train is fine, but what time do most ~e~ple start work ~nd the answer was, "I don't know". C~UNCILMAN MURDOCK: The other thing again is they are re~erring to taking a bus off--they said it is an economy move. They wil~ be able to move much better and if they can find out--one of th~ things that upsets me is where somebody in another governmental ~rganization will tell me that in the basis of economy they're taking ~ bus with one driver and replacing that with two engines and five employees and that is much more economical than one bus driver. Frankly I get upset when people think that I'm that dumb that I can't do enough mathematics that if I pay five people instead of one person it's got to cost me money. But they come out with this rationalization and say this is our opinion, this is wha~ we say and you must accept it. We can't change their opinion but that doesn'm mean we have to accept it. MR. LEHMANN: On the cost. ~. Murdock said that they talked of cost. I can't dispute the railroad's cost figures but Don Malone, spokesman for ,the railroad did make the claim in one of the local papers that their fare receipts from this are $195,000,00 per year. Now, _I was not mathematic major but it does not take heavy mathematics to sit down and figure out the 87 buses that they have in a week and the twenty-five riders that the outside consultant says he's getting an average of twenty-five to thirty and multiply that by the 87 by 52 weeks in the year and by the $5.00 one-way fare and you come out with $526,000.00, not $195,000.00 and I say if they are understating their fares, then are they overstating their costs and I also--the county at this point in time is taking up the issue of the station maintenance and as I ~as brought to understand this morning, the bill for that station maintenance ~o Suffolk County is $5,720,000.00 and I say that we deserve some service on the North .Fork for that. Thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: Mr. Frank Bear. AUGUST 25, 1981 327 MR. FRANK BEAR: I jUSt would li~e ~ comment on some of the comments that were made on this proposed citizens advisory committee. One, Councilman Nickles said it's up to the Town Board to make the decision and there is no disputing that. The advisory committee is just that as we have been told many times on the Mattituck Inlet Advisory Committee that we're advisors and not decision makers and that was the case with the Robins Island Advisory Committee, so .the advantage of course of an advisory committee is that you get more input and are given an opportunity to make your decisions based on more information and more input. I'd like also to point out that as it has been mentioned there has been some citizen participation in regard to the matter of the solid waste disposal proposed plant. I was able one time to go to a demonstration because we were riding in Councilman Murphy's car, it wasn't a Town car and as a non-Town employee or advisory committee m~mber I'm not allowed to go anyplace else and therefore not able to participate as much as possibly I would have otherwise. Not only myself but some other people a whole lot more better qualified than I am in this area, to be helpful and I think that an advisory commitlee certainly could serve a purpose even through maybe it should have been-appointed six months or a year ago. I hope that there will not be a continued expression of concern and fear of an advisory committee in this matter. Thank you. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you, Mr. Bear. Councilman Drum would like to say one more thing before we close the meeting today. Councilman Drum. COUNCILMAN DRUM: I wish to pay tribute to George Penny III who died last Friday. He was a lifelong friend of mine. He's been a local resident his whole life. Outstanding community leader. He served in World War II as a Captain overseas, he was a devoted supporter of the Boy Scouts of America. He contributed a great deal of his time to the Lions Club, a m~mber for forty years of the Mattituck Fire Department, was 'a Commander in the American Legion and he's a firm believer in local government. His death is a great loss to our community. SUPERVISOR PELL: Thank you. Motion is'in order to adjourn. On motion of Councilman Nickles, seconded by Councilman Murdock, it was RESOLVED that there being no further business to come before this Town Board meeting adjournment be called at 5:00 P.M. Vote of the Town Board: Ayes: Councilman Murphy, Councilman Murdock, Councilman Nickles, Councilman Drum, Supervisor Pell. This resolution was declared drily adopted. Town Clerk