HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-10/04/1956338 Meeting of October ~ 1956 The Southold Town'Board met at the office ef .Supervisor Norma~E. EiiPp at GreenPort o~ Thurdayi~ 0c~0b&r~,.i956. ~ ~The meeting iwas Called to orde~ at~71:30 P.M~ With th& follgwing present:SuPervisor Elipp; Councilman Albertson; Justices Tuthill, Clark~nd Demarest; ~upt. of Highways Rrice; Town Attorney Terry and TownlClerk~oeth. be held at Elmire RESOLVED: That"~ ion'is a Justices Tuthilt, 0ctober!O, 1956, thor expenses incurred.while said ins~ the Town. Klipp'; Councilman..Al~ertson:;~ 10 - 12 ply truck tires. Vol -~ rd.. Klipp; Councilmam Al~b~rtson; JuStices TuthiI~, 0emares~ . Mo~ved by. Justice Tuthilt$ seconded by ~SOL~. That Fred, Mmr~elI be and he hereby is TrafficOfficer to direct traffic at the So~thol a~ ofi~ f~r each hour worked, as ? ~te ~,~es-~upervisor Klipp; Councilman Alb~rtson; , and Demarest. t to.S~e~ion 1~1 and. 267: e of the Town Law'be_ be .... That one copy be delivered to the Supervisor for ~t by him to the Board of Supervisors. ~m BOard.~Ayes-Supervisor~ Klipp$ Councilman Aiberts~n; ~uStiees TuthiI1, Clark and De,rest. Noved by Justice Clark; seconded by Councilman ~lbertScn: iE[.0LVED: ~hat the regular monthly audit meeting of this ~oard ]i~:[Be held:iiat the office of S~pervisor Gr~nport on'Tuesday October~16 1956 at 1-30 P.M. Uote~of Town B~ard: ~¥es-Superv~sor Klipp$ Councilman Albertson; ~ustices Tuthill, Clark.and Demarest. RESOLUTION OF TOWN BOARD· APPROVING PRELIMINARY BUDGET AND .:~CALLING PUBLIC N~RING THEREON ' RESOLVED: That this TowaBoard does hereby preparea~d approve as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiScal. Year beginning on the 1st day of'January, 195~, the itemized' statement of estimated revenues and' ~xpenditures'here2o attached anti mad~ a part of this resolution, and be i% FURTHER RESOLVED: That such prelimimary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable ~ours~ and be it FURTHER RESOLVED: That this ~eard shall meet at 2 o'clock p.m. on the 8th day of NOvember~ 19%6~ for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon such preliminary budget,land ~e_it FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk give notice~o$ Such public hearing in the manner provided inSection 113 of the"ToWnLaw, and that such notice be published in substantially the following form:. NOTICE OF HE~RING UPON PRELIMINARY BUDGET Notice is hereby given that the Preliminary budget of the Towm of $0u~hold for the fiscal year begim~lng J~nuary 1st, 195?,'has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk at So~theld, H~w"York, where it is available for inspection by any i~erest~ed_. person at all reasonable hours. l~urther notice is hereby given that the Tow~ BOard of the Town of Southoldlwtll'meet 'and review said preliminary budget and hold a public i thereon, at The Office of the SUpervisor, Qreenport, Nb~YOrk'~ ! o'clock p.m. on the 8th day of NoVember, 1956 and ~hat at hearing ar~v person may be heard in favor Of Or: against . . budget as compiled or for or against any item or items thereincontaine~. · Purs~antto Section ll~ of the Town Eaw, the proposed salaries of the folle~ing town officers are hereby specified as ~fellows:- S~per~isor J~stices of the Peace (3@$2,800.00) ~' J~stiee.of the Peace -Fishers Island Councilman Town Clerk ~ Town S~Perintendent TowmAittermey $ 6,500.00 8 ,~00. O0 2 ,~00.00 1,800. O0 3,000. O0 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD Town Olerk Dated:~ctober ~, 1956 PRELIMINARY'TOWN BUDGET FOR 19%? HIGHWAY .FUND (Item#l) E~i~tedExPenditures General Repairs $ 128,18~.81 ': Payment Of Budget Note and Interest EstimatedRevenues State ~id UneXpended Balance ~1 (Item #2) ~enditures EstimatedRevenues UnexpendedBalance MACHINERY. FUND (Item #3) Estimated:Expenditures Payment & Interes~ on Bonds PuPchase of Nachinery Repairs tO Machinery EstimatedlR~VenUes Unexpended Balance MISCELLANEOUS FUND Estimated Expenditures Saew Removal Weeds & Brush Salary,Supt. of Hways. Exp.~mpt.lofHways. Other M~sc. Expenses ~stimated Revenues U~expended Balance ,317. °°1 2,501.81 688 .'25 2~000.00 6,688.25 6,652.00 ~.6~2,00 135,813.56 2~000.00 30,100.00 (Item #)+) . 1,000.00. 10,000.00 6,000.00 6,600.00 5oo.oo 8~000~00 :.31,10~0.00/ , 68.78 I8~000,00 ~8,000...00 ,ooo.oo 840 .... P ubliCEibraries Memor: ~Da 0bser~ances Legioz Publicl Supervisor Tow~C1~rE Registrar TownCounsel Fixed Salaries:- ~,0~,00 1,oOo~oe 3,000.00 2 .OO 15,000.00 200.00 1 200.00 10 O0 ~oun¢ilman issessors (6~$2~ C~hairman $1~00) Receiver of Taxes Attendan¢e.0ffieer Constables Clerk for~u~erv$~or ~lerks for Tax Book(Bowden & Winters$3,800) General Clerk Town H istori~n School Traffic &B~eciat Officers Salaries-Clerks for ReCeiver of Taxes Salaries~Xdditional Part Time Clerks Building Tnspector. Janitor's SerVices-~ustice of Peace Welfare Offices Life Guards - Town Beach Town DUmpAtt6ndants Town Trustees'- Salaries & Expenses Care & Disposal of Unlicensed Dogs Capital Note & Interest(Purchase of Town Clerk PropertY) Planning &Zoning , Rent for SupervisOr s Office Rent for Greenpor~ Jail Printimg 0ffiee EXpenseS & Highway Office - Stationery, EtC. ~u~ ~ Receiver of Taxes PremiSS on ~t~f H~ghways Office and ether ExpenSes~ As~essorS Office and other Expenses - Justices of Peace Office and other Expenses - Councilman Rent, Heat~ Light, T~lephone,Et¢-Justice of Peace and Welfare Office Expenses - Receiver of Taxes Insuran~e~'-:"¢ompensAtion, PUblic Liability,Traffic Lights, HighWay,Town Beaches and Parks Office Expenses - Constables Police Department Equipment & Operation Expenses Fees to Physicians Parks, Beae~s& Recreation Office Equipment, for General Town Use Maintenance of Town Dump Use of Gre~nport Dump Tax Maps State Retirement System .Association of Towns,Membership Fees 1 69 ;i~?.'3 3,8bO.~ 1 1 ~; .00 2~ 8~+. O0 ).00 '~ t~+9,896.36 300.oo , O0 1,200;O0 800,00 - 1;Ooo.oo t2~,00 ~00.00 n ,?oo.oo 25.00 2, ~'00 :,00 i, ~oO. o0 2,5'00.00 2,000. ~0 2,000.00 15, 5'00.o0 202.00 5o.oo Long Island AsSociation, Dues Building E~paT%ment ExPMileage,Postage~ Shade Tree Fu~d Heat,Light, Water - ToWn Clerk~'s office Office Expense-Town Clerk's Office~Telephone Suppli~es, etc. Janitor's~Service§ ~ Town Clerk's Office Nainten&n~e~& Improvement,Town Clerk's Building Tile Floor & Painting Rdvertisi~gFumd : ' Expenses ~'~TOwnHistorian Street Sign Fm~d Inland Waterways improvement Support for Historical Purposes Light for Traffic~Circle ,Printing etc. 800,~00 1,000.00 650.00 650.00 800.00 ~o.oo 1,000.00 2~000.00 ~oo.oo 100.00 841 . Peconic Lane Traffic Light ContingentFund ESTIMATED RECEIPTS_ Per Capita"ASsistance for the Support of Local G'~vernment Fees (Town Trustees) Tax Penalties Fees ( Inspector) r&icens~ Villa2 Use of Radio Station Fines-~ ces of the Peace) ~oncessiom, Town Beach Rent, WelfareOffice Town's Share Dog Tax Money from County , Licenses etc. Fees Orient Fire ~'- Orient Light Orient East EastM~riOn=!~ight Fishers Fishers Fi Sou Southold Light Southol~! P~r~ ~ISTRICTS Light and Fire )orr Fire Water $~800.00 sessed Val. @2.60 per M ~l/1/%? to 12/~1/%?) Peconic. Ligh$ . ~tchogUe Fi~e ~Utchog~e Light ~ Nattitu~k'Pi~e : Nattitu~ BoUlevard Light #2 Nattitm~Park($2,000~ paymentof bonds plus $48. Interest) Fishers Island Ferry District West Greenport Light District Fishers IsTand Refuse & Garbage District SCHOOL DISTRICTS No. 2 Oriel% 3 East Marion ~ Fishers Island %SoUthOl~ $ S°mthold ? Peconic 8 East C~tchogue 1~ Mattituck Greenport 11 Laurel 1~ Cutchogue l~Mattituck (Oregon) 15 Ne~ Suffolk ~djournment was at 9 P.M. ?~;0o .000,00 80.972,00 k~,306.92 ~1,293,60 200.00 2,800.00 200.00 k2%oo 1,500.00 1;2o0;oo 1,900.00 600.O0 110 ' 1500'00 ,'500.~00 1, ~J+. ioo 375.00 O0 92,637.60 1 2 10 O0 ~00 O0 O0 ~,66~,36 2t'~ki9~22 3,3k2; OO 6,300.00 1,956;00 .3,736.oo ~, 500.00 630.00 12,8~0.00 27;8~3,'00 _~336,oe --'"]~~76~391.18 55, 31, 71, 17, .__ 33 12_5 2O_5 22 ~8 700~00 892.00 922~00 190.00 369.o0 OOO.O0 ~3o.oo 00.00 ,000.00 ,07k.92 i ~93. O0 21,000.00 ~ 882,307.92 Ralph P. Booth Town Clerk