HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPD-02/28/1956improvements that have been made on the highways.
Adjournment was at 5 P.M.
Ralph P. Bodh
Town Clerk
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The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nickles.
Mr. Nickles was elected chairman of the meeting.
Chairman appointed Eo~ L. Donahue~ Secretary of the meeting.
Call of the meeting was read by the Sgcretsry.
Secretary read the mitres of Annual Meeting for 1955 held Feb. 28~ 1955.
Chairman Appointed Fred Prin~e~and'Dr. Robohm tellers of the meeting.
Tellers were sworn in by Lester M. Albertson.
Chester Jankowski was nominated and seconded for Commissioner for
three years.
The vote on CommissiOner was ~hester Jankowski 19votes.
The Chairmah declare4 Chester JanXowski elected Commissioner for
three years.
Thevote on 'a proposed appropriation of $6,000.00 for ~he maintenance
of the park properties for the year 1957 was as follows:
Yes --- 27 No --- O
Chairman declared the appropriation csrried.
Motion msde~ ~nd seconded that the Park Commission go on record
and aSk~theStste Highways Department to expadite the planting, of
trees to replace those removed in Southold Village during~the
constru6tto4 WOrk on Route 2%.
Motion was carried.
Motion was made and seconded~that CommiSsion meet a committee of
the American Legion to discuss matter of expenses incurred by them
if any in a'stUdy Of plans for a Community Hall project during
Motion was carried.
Motion was made that stickers of identification be issued free for
automobiles of park district residents f~z use of park proper~y
at Founders Landing-and ~ charge of One Dollar be collected from
summer renters using Founders Landing.
Motion was made to adjourn.
Motion carried.
E. Lo D,nahue~
Sec. of Meeting.
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